The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 15, 1871, Image 1

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Arrmentrit AT L.W.-0112ms 111 , '► the stele of Wm
ZWaltWorim MAW Mann, Moutmw. P..
W: OWsowimit. IL L. Ilawrumr.
mounreipsotach lern.
5.D. VAIL,.
restimiumuttonnacus Lin Screams. Iles permanently
lade! himself In ISlontrow% Ps where ha will pmmot.
Is POW bull addle bts profession seth which be may
Iss krona Ones end radiance west of the Conn
MK^ WNW Mat d Watson'. °Mee.
Montrose. February 8.1871.
)1114T90,1. Atto troee.Pe.rneys Law. at the old office
ot Setae' a Witch. Nron
L. t. Fuel (Jan. it, "Il.(
Dealer IN Ennis and Sacks. Mita and Caps. Leather and
mew. Main Street. Ist doer below ilt,yd's store.
Warta to ant e' . and repairing done neatly.
ioatnos MO.
Attertteret met ehteneenere et La.. Otte the ene
•+etsollne oevaptell by U.D. a O. P. Little, on Me lo
Often. Vinnurose, Pe.
R. S. LIMA. eiO.T. LTITLZ. tI. 111.k111:111.23.
mamma. C. C. Portnoy, W. H. McCain.
Delon In Dry Goods. Clothing, Ladies and /Homo
Inn fib
nell Moo, agent, far the mat Amerienn
Tea and Coffee Company. [Montrooo.Ca . op 1,'70,
Ship In the new /poodles hnndtna, where be win
be manila ready to attend all who may want enrhlng
WI& line. Montrose. Pa On. 111. twn.
AIICTIONSEM—SeIIaDre Goods, and Item Moire-ohm
attmtda at Vendueo Alt olden left at my bones will
meta prompt attention. pet. 1, telln-tf
O. IN. 111AWLEV,
Rudware. Rats, Caps. Root... Shoes. Ready Made Cloth
Um, Pants, Of., etc., New Mliferd. Pa. Sept. 8. '69.
• DR. S. W. DAYTON,,
TSITtiTeTAISI a grIZGEOI. I . tenders his aereieet to
tee ettleens of fires , flood and vi• trite Otilre at his
residence. npnoeite Barnum Haase, O't Bend village.
Sept. tat, IBM.- tt
CTLAVIIVALIN & !IcCOI I.UM. Attorroie and Conn
gleans at Law. Oa:Lenin the 11-4sk Hlork nfrr ta•
Bank. .
. [Montros l %ez MCC oi 4. Var
• .11 .
DEALERS in Dry Goods. Groceries.
=watery and elz..arare, table anA pneket
TRIM., oil.. dee tenth. Pat.. hont• and -hivoma,
leathpx. PrTfamery Le. Drink Flinch. adj..laing the
Rank. Montrose. I Avan.t 11. lan) - If
A. LAMM?. • - • D. R. L AMMO?.
ATTORNILT . LAW. Bounty, Peet Pla•. Penalon
sad - Even Claim. attended tn. elnee d'
One helew Boydi Store. tlentrove P. [An. 1. 'G9
Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent,
sal CV Prteadrville. Pa.
.426:110t10 33 .e0c1.
Great fiend, Ps
v. EI.
*art Hi,
Aur. 1, Ma. Addrev., Braeslye, P.
ionic GROVES,
FASHIONABLE Tail JEL Montrove. Pa. tibop over
Cbandleea Store- AP order* eltvd 111 erat-rate atydr.
• I int Itroe on short oak.. and orarrAnted to fir.
ef Mate slice{, Dootrose. Pa. lan:. 1. 181E9.
osst.imin Staple aud Barmy Dry (ood. Crocker)
lefas'aleo. Iron.Stovea, Dru go. 011e.and Pointe
Bootoaad Rat, & Cpe. Toro. Buffalo Robe,
Ororenieo.Provielono. a
Nes Milfor. pa.
DR. E. P. 1111CF.S,
Us. permanently located at Priendevltie for tar par
pose of practicing medicine and surgery In all He
brunelms. Ile may be Could t wee Jackson noose.
Mee boars from sa. to., to p. m.
!imit:mine. Pa,. Aug. 1. Isim •
bastues* stianded to Drvalp , D. on Diu tenon. Ogles
snit 4,..0r north ul • linutzcos mum. vldr
PubllerAirenue. 'tantrum, Pa. [Aug. 1,1869.
DaLirtu.S StUotID. • - L'DalUss L. BIICi.II.
ATTOWSZT AT LAW, X °larvae, Pa, (Mee appo.
site the Terball Muse, near the Court !toast.
An. 1. teen. -0
DILICITIST. Booms over
d Corwin's Bard
worst Start. OM= boars rota 9 a. m. to 4 p. m
Xostroar, Aog. I. teta—ti
13:1•ALICR in Linos, Patent Blaticine, Chemicals
Liquors, Painha,olls,Lips Varnishe,Win
Glass Grucnes, Glass Wm, Wail and Wi',doss Pa,
pac,itone-ware, Lamps. Kerosene, hiachincry Oils.
i.-asses. Gans, Ammunition, Knives, cpectaeles
Washes. Pansy Goods. Ju1".117. Porfa • • ax. —
balm: sone of Um most numerous. xtensiee. and
valuable collo:11mm of Goods In Stassmehanns Co.—
Zatablished In 1848. [Montrose, Ps.
ATTOWNICT AT LAW. ottlee over the Store of A.
Lettuce, In the Brick Block. Montrose. Pa. Laura)
Pinatotas , a ttllt
GISON. tenders his protesslons
sersiees dic citizens of Montrose and vicinity.—
Math at his residence, on the corner east of ay, a
Woe. roundt7. • (Aug. 1. S
PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Montrose. Pa. Glace
especial attention to diseases of the Heart and
pangs and all Snrelestalleciera. Ocoee over W. B.
Deane Wards at nestles Hotel. [Aug. 1. liti3.
In Drams Medicines, 4i:brash:al*.
et-ea, Paints. Ms, Varnish. Liquors, sliders. Fancy
.4r: tom Patent Medicine. Perrnmen7 and Toilet M.
Unice. rinernanliptlons tarctudy conmponiannel.—
Pun& Avenue, above nearle's Hotel. IA ontruse, Ps
A. d. BMWs. • Altos Fitcruou.
c. t, 180.
PaTSICL&N a 613ittit011, reapm•dall, sanders bi
prataaatattal services to the *Waco of Friendsrille
*ad altiatty. glrflialca lathe office of Dr. Lee ,
nausea at J. llootord**. An. 1.169.
Ihe Iterl Barber. swam* tam thanks for the kted pat.
reMikw that tea elahl 4 blotto get the beet rest-.La I
haVnt than co tell the whole story, but come
sad am TafirecTas arat. the Old Stead. No load
. bhghing snowed la the shop.
• • (April It MO.
'lamb • Betel Deolovis
sum gatt„coußizaisu.arx T /1.41/ABPLER,
sld ArLea. imams 4So
• name. wild. YADLII4DIJI
• . IRON& lIODA.D.PoNfLo.
otoclD3 . one DIES. WILLOWS
eisetns. *web IC _
Aideimaral Comp. of peansybankt.
fritn rt uTION iirM reopen Aft the
' SPRitia MN OF 24 -VirEMS,
ea !kr ia =elCiseger. caullogue and ewer In
' THOS. IL SlllllloWl3.Pitaidein.
allege. P. 0„
Ai IS, *sire Ov., Ps.
Notro ionter‘
The Guardian Angels.
White curtains drape the window-pane;
The wind Is up with furious rout,
And trim the trees with awful strain,
And twists the golden vane about,
White storm is on the flag without,
Behind the pane the lamp burns clear;
A voice is singing, low and sweet,
A fireside sung, sweet to love's ear.
Oh, busy hands and dancing feet!
Be thankful for such safe retreat
From the foul storm, and dangerous sleet.
Shut in by curtains warm and white,
That seem like some dear, heavenly orate,
Are warmth and peace and love and light,
Where truth and wifely duty wait,
A red fire glharners in the grate;
A flame shoots up, but quickly dies;—
It showes the mingled doubt and pain
In the sweet face and tender eyes
That peer with long and anxious strain
Beyond the curtain window-pane,
Into the night and frozen rain•
Oh, loving eyes! shine clear and bright,
And watch the wayward feet that roam
Across the dark waste of.the night,
And light them safely, surely home.
The snow heaps high with crust and foam.
Shine brighter yet, dear watching eyes,
While wind and tempest writhe and rack
Where the night's hidden danger lies.
Dear eyes, no sweet allurement lack,
But guide the wanderer safely back
Home by the white snow's spotless track.
Without the Children.
O the weary, solemn silence
Of a house without the children I
0 the strange, oppressive stillness
Where the children come no more
Oh the longing of the sleepless
Forthe soft arms of the children,
Ah I the longing for the faces
Peeping through the opening door—
Facet gone forevermore I
Strange it Ls to wake at midnight,
And not hear the children breathing,
Nothing but the old clock ticking,
Ticking. ticking, by the door.
Strange to see the little
Banging up there all In the morni c ng
And the gaiters—ah! that patter,
We will hear it never more
On our hearth forsaken thior.
east is horn. without the children?
'Tis the earth without its verdure,
And the sky without the sunshine,
Life is withered to the core !
wait leave Ull3 unary °mem
And we'll follow the Giod Shepherd
To the greener pastures vernal,
Whet c the Lambs have" gone before"
With the Shepherd evermore
4111 Er
The Husband% Complaint.
A few short months ago, my dear,
Before we two were one,
You vowed to do so many things,
That now ate never done.
Yon said, when home from daily toil
I mule with aching brow,
Your hand alone should saothe Its pains—
It never soothes it now.
You salit you would no burden be,
And dress as means allow;
But what with silks. and rings and things—
Yon do not do so now.
Yon used to saeritice yourself,
And to my wishes bow,
Allowing me to tome my way—
You never do so now.
You used to sing and play and smile,
And gush, I can't tell how ;
You won my heart, I grieve to say—
You never gush so now.
I mind the moonlight nights when I
Was moved to hear your vow
A joy 'twould be to die for me—
Why don't you do so now
-- T . -
rtrattro anti Witiciomo.
Realities of lite—" Real estate, real
money, and a real good dinner, none of
which can be realized without real hard
—There are fifteen newly-married coup
les residing on one street in Peoria. It
now bears the sobriquet of "Turtle Dore
" Poor Lucinda took that circum
stance much to heart." `•Did she, indeed
The poor girl! I wish I waithatcircum
—A . Boston lady having been asked if
she was an admirer of Tro novels,
replied. "Yes, I have always been a Tod
Frank Bird maintains that the
phrases to "sit down" and "sit up" are
proper. He says be used to "sit up" with
a gal thirty years ago.
—under the head of "Lost Races of
America," a gentleman is getting . up a list
of the most celebrated horses winch have
been beaten.
A poor author is much like a worn
ont printing press. He may strive hard
and use much ink, but he will never make
a good impression.
A policeman was recently discharged
for coming off his beat on a rainy night
with a dry overcoat. The circumshutce
was deemed suspicion&
A Grand Rapids doctor dismissed
bis servant girl for sprinkling. ashes on a
slippery place, in front of his residence,
to the detriukent of business.
What should a man carry with him
when calling upon his affianced?,.Affec
tion in his heart, perfection in hist:taper,
and Confections in his pockets,
Why r.iwe.oos used as 'one coarse at
6 banortlet, id thus made 1113 a Rikestat by
Kate Iluunibee : "The butyric; catwalk:,
add other acids,ao .digesticgt.,
almanp„ is sdrertisod "iOod for
tbree hundred 'pare- If 'any,taluriber
using, it 'that length Of times isnot IWO
ed 'wttb it ; cut: Iwo money
"I think it must be almost time for
him to come now r'
Gertrude Fisher glanced up at the clock,
a tiny mother-of-pearl dial, resting in a
tangled muss of gilded wheat and ivy
leaves, beneath an elaborate glass shade ;
the hour hand was fast verging on the
figure eight when Gertrude sighed softly
to herself, and no more took up the bit
of delicate needle work with which she
was occupying herself.
Gertrude was a tall. noble loolieng girl,
with jet black hair brushed plainly back
from her clear, pale face, and features
pure and emotionless as those of a classic
statue. Her dress was of rich wine dared
silk, but very simple; and the garnet or
naments that she wore, set -4n heavy
Etruscan geld, seemed peculiarly aduptea
to her style of beiuty. •
All the fittings and appointments of
' the room around hei were elegant and
luxurious. betokening the refinements of
wealth. The carpet was of a soft pearl
gray, with white buds strewn over it, deli
cately shaded into crimson, the walls were
gray, panueled with gold ; and the furni
ture was of darkly veined rosewood, up
holstered with grey velvet; while the
pictures, hanging from a glided rod which
run around the inner edge of the cornice,
the stutuetts on their carved brackets, and
the alabaster vases, filled with rare trail
ing ferns and hothouse blossoms, were se
lected with the utmost taste and care.
For Gertrude Fisher was an heiress, and
she had learned the best and truest way
of enjoying . wealth.
The time seemed to pass away very
slowly as she sat there, hattmitg, to the
silver tick of Oa cluck, and au occasional
fall of a glowing cider from the gate into
the polished fender below, and waiting
auriously for her engaged lover to make
ins appearance.
"He is not often so late, as this,"
thought Gertrude, drawing out her little
jeweled watch, and compairing it with
the clock, with a sort of an acknowledged
hope that the mother-of•p.•arl dial was
too fast. But no; the two timepieces
tallied exactly, and Gertrude had no re.
Inge bat to ingiit again, andsblame her
self fur being too particular. "Of course
I walnut expect him to measure time by
the second,' she said. But nevertheless
she did feel a little disappointed. "I
wonder where Cecile is," mused Gertrude,
"Even her merry, unreasoning cilia would
be better than this dead silence and loneli
ness. I suppose she has gone up to her
room for the iiight.".
But Cecile Moore had not gone up to
her room, as her cousin supposed. She
was in Use little Ache down titaire • and
George Tracy was with her—the ree'ream.
tar whose coming sweet Gertrude sighed
in vein.
Cecile was as different from Gertrude
us a glancing tire-fly is from the steady
glow of a star, or a babbling, sparkling
stream from the silver surface of a lake.
She was small, and perfectly shaped and
piquaut with golden hair and a transpa
rent skin, and those peculiar turquoise
blue eyes, which so often accompany a
blonde style of beauty. She had came to
London, at Gertrude's invitation, to spend-I
the winter with her; and Gertrude's gen
erosity had supplied the soft. blue merino
which she wore, with its sapphire velvet
trim gs, and even the set of pink coral
which relieved her waxen skin with its
deep ruse tint. Gertrude had grown very
fond of Cecile, whom she regarded as a
sort of plaything—a live doll, or a tiny
i white kitten—and Cecile found her cous
in's luxurious home a pleasant contrast
to the dreary farm-house, where her uncle
and his second wife barely tolerated her
as a nurse, seamstress, and general drudge
to their many children.
" Answer me, Cecile," persisted George
Tracy, holding both her small white hands
in his, and looking directly into the tur
quoise-blue eyes.
Cecile struggled to escape.
"George, how can you ? What would
Gertrude say ?"
" I don't Lure two straws what Gertrude
says! I am only interested in you. my
darling. Tell me—do you love me?"
" George?"
" For I love you, little pet, better than
all the world besides. There, it's out
now, and 1 don't care who knows it."
Cecile put her hand on his lips, with
an apprehensive glance toward the door."
" Why is this?" he asked.
" She must nottnow, George. I should
be sent home to-morrow I"
"Then you will try and love me, dear
est ?" he pleaded.
She gave him a glance from beneath
her lung, curled eyelashes—a glance, half
tender, half cuquetish, and entirely be
wildering. George Tracy had been wav
ering and uncertain before; now he lust
his self-possession entirely. And while
Gertrude sat waiting and wondering in
the drawintroum above. George and
Cecile arranged the treacherous plan
which was to wreck her Inipp.ness forever.
with calm, smiling faces, and voices which
never faltered once.
"• Sarah go up stairs and call Miss
Moore to the breakfast table," said Ger
trude the next morning, to the parlor
maid, who bad brought in the hissing
urn. "She is later than usual."
Sarah went accordingly, but presently
returned with a scared face.
"She's not in her room, ma'am, and
the bed's nut beaslept in."
And that was the last Gertrude Fisher
beard of her cousin Cecile and her be
trothed husband, George Tracy, for long
sad years.
What did she do? What do people
generally do when the weight of a great
misfortune falls upon them, crushing the
eery life and vigor' out of their hearts?
They suffer and endure, and live on. Ger
trude did this; and after the first , bitter
ness had died.out of. her nature-..-0, hitt&
ly;and azener?us one—she even learned
think; forgisitigly of George and the
little. bliiikko. girf she had so loved and
lila *DIU* her first youth
=',suer, sod- she iettlettlescefally
r d iuto_s. softeoltediteuder-sytut -old
uttidilar Oednaltetainuanot quest those
kola natures which CO graft a DEW
on to an old disappointment, and be hap
py, after all has come and gone.
It was toward the close of a log ring
day in December that Miss Fisher's carri
age closely shut., and cushioned with vel
vet, drew tip in front of one of those fash
ion emporiums where ladies delight in
edngregating. Madame D'Anhri herself
came forward to greet the rich heiress.
" Is my dross finished, madame?" in
quired Gertrude.
Madame would inquire. Would Miss
Fisher be seated? Presently she return
ed, in a fit of French gesticulating de
"It was through no fault of hers, but
Miss Bliss, the forewoman, had allowed
the seamstress to take it home to finish,
as she had a sick husband whom she could
not leave, and they were starving—abso-
Niemen! starving," cried Madame D'Au
bri, with a fluttering motion of her flexile
augers. "But it should be sent for im
mediately, the robe of solo grix and it
was the last, the verylust time that a
dress should ever be allowed to go out of
the establishm t. "
" Never mind, madame," said Miss
Fisher, good-hunioredly ; "it is really a
mutter of no great moment. Fortunate
ly, I have other dresses, so you need not
h urr A y."
nd she re-entered her carriage, fol
lowed by Madame; apologizing all the
Gertrude had nearly reached her home,'
when she pulled the check-string, and I
told the driver to go back to Madame
"I suppose it is foolish," she thought
within herself, "but I can't help thinking
of that pour seamstress with her sick hus
Mudame D'Aubri was astonished by
the eeciaid appearance of Miss Fisher.
"The address? I will obtain it of
Miss Bliss," she said, "if you will kindly
Presently she came rustling behind
the counter, with a bit of paper, which
she gave to Gertrude with a low curtsey.
Gertrude glanced at it.
" A bud neighborhood, I should judge,"
she remarked, casually.
" Oh, opprobioud, indeed !" assented
Madame, who was a little uncertain in
the use of English adjectives.
Gertrude gave the paper to her coach
man, with directions to him to proceed
directly thither.
It was nearly dark when she reached
the number indicated—a melancholy
looking house, in a miserable neighbor
"Fourth floor, back room," said an old
woman on the ground fluor ;and gathering
her silken skirts closely around her, Miss
Fisher mounted the steep stairs, where,
to judge from appearances, brooms and
soapsuds were alike iguured.
se ee k e t e ebeet ...rte at. the door of the
'tom Indicated. A hollow-eyed little
child, scantly dressed, opened it just far
enough to peep through. Gertrude could
see tile murky glimmer of a lamp on tee
table, and the A ullen glow of an I asutlici
eat tire in a miserable grate. The room
was small, and exceedingly elude, and bore
I the aspect of tile wretchedest peverty.
" I have come here, in search of a searn
trees, who works fur Madame Celeste
DAtibr," said Gertrude.
" Mamma 1" said the little child, doubt
fully; but ohs opened the doer a fraction
wider, and Gertrude entered.
A woman was sewing on the identical
rule de ewe grin with intent eyes and dy
ing fingers. A man stretched motionless
on the bed, with a sheet pulled up over 1
his face.
" You are inl trouble," said Gertrude,
gently, trying to accustom her eyes to the
dim, uncertain light.
The woman made a fretful motion of
her elbow, but never looked up.
" Dont disturb me r' she said, petulant
ly. .‘l am free at last; but I can't bury
him until. Pee done this work, and got the
"Cecile ! Cecile Moore I"
The woman looked up, at length, push
ing back the flaxen hair, that hung in
wild die irder over her eyes.
" Who is it that knows me by my old
name ?" she demanded. .
" I am your cousin Gertrude!" replied'
her kind vistor. 1
There was something in her voice and
manner that made Cecile drop her work,
and rise hurriedly to her feet. The next
moment she was sobbing convulsively in
Gertrude's gentle arms.
"Oh Gertrude!" she wailed, "I wrong
ed you cruelly, but I was cruelly punished.
If you but, knew how miserable, how
poverty-stricken I have been! And be,'
—with a shudder—"be beat me, and
drank, and gambled, and squandered my
wr,ched earning; but lie is dead, now
thank heaven,
be is dead !"
" When did he die ?" asked Gertrude,
inexpressibly shocked."
" Half au hour ago."
Gertrude went to the side of the couch, 1
and leoked at the face of her dead lover—
the maw she had so worshiped years ago.
It was old and haggard now, with - sunken
features and strange set lines round the
mouth and brow. And as she stood
shuddering there, the last spark of the
love she had eherusied for so many years
died out forever. She had forgiven him
once—now she forgave his memory.
"Cecile . " she said, turning to her cons
in —alas! how wan and wretched she
was; with not a relic of her old beauty
remaining—"you must come home with
me, you and yont child."
"With you, Gertrude?" exclaimed Ce
cile, in amazement
" With me. Nay, don't shrink away ;
I have forgiven von.'
And she bent to press a kiss upon the
brow that had been so waxen fair once;
while'the little one, taught by a child's
unerring instinct, clung close to her skirts.
" Oh; Gertrude," sobbed Cecile, "I
think you must be like the angeles in
' heaven I.'"'
' ; •In - all the pain and bitterness of her
first bereavement, Gertrude Fisher bad
never wished for revenge, but she had it
now; full and complete.. - l• -
George Tracy lay dead before.ber. eyes,
and Cecile 'wept upon her breast!
41,soquftte la arose-bush ppm which
each beau picas a karau4._ the• thorns
41 re left for th e husband.
Richard Adams Loam, the Author
of the Great ••Moon Hoax.
Richard Adams Loche, who threw the
country into a terrible excitement about
thirty-live years ago by the perpetration
of the celebrated " Moon Hoax," died.
yesterday at his residence on Staten Island;
at the age of seventy-one. In 1835 Moses
Y. Beach moved to New York and pur-
chased the Sun of its original proprietors.
The Sun had been established a short
time previous, but it had lingered along
upon the verge of a collapse until Mr.
Beach took it in hand and placed it fair
ly on the road to success. He engaged as
editor Mr. Loche, then a young man of
literary tastes, but unknown to fame. For
a few months after Loche took charge of ,
the paper, it failed tocreate any marked
sensation, and in all probability would
have proved as unsuccessful in the end
under its new management as under the
old, if Loche had not forced it upon the
universal notice of the public by the moat
ingenious and successful hoax ever perpe
' trated. One day in August, 1835, the first
step towards placing the gigantic fraud
before the public was taken. A prefatory
article appeared in the editorial columns
of the sun, announcing that the eminent
English astronomer, Sir John Herschel,
had recently made some remarkable as
trouomical discoveries by means of a
monster telescope, at the Cape of Good
Hope the information of the Sun being
derived from an advance copy of the Ed-
in burgh Journal of Science. This prepar
atory announcement answered the in
trialt-d purpose, and served to attract the
attention of the public, to whom none of
the rfPurvellous details had yet been given.
Expectation was on tip-toe, and when a
few days after, the republication of the
bogus article from the Edinburgh J',urnol
of Science was commenced, the wonder
ful story was devoured with the greatest
eagerness. The hoax bore the following
head :---
The hoax was admirably introduced by
a dissertation upon the labors of the Her
, solids, father and son, and by an elabor
ate description of an immense telescope
erected by the latter at the Cape of Good
Hope, the marvellous magnifying powers
of which were commented upon in such
a manner as to prepare the mind of the
reader for what was to follow. There
was also a somewhat elaborate and grave
ly written dissertation upon the iuvesti-
g and discoveries of the astronomers
with regard to the moon, which was like
the rest of the hoax. sufficiently scientific
in its style to throw the unwary off their
The supposed wonderful discoveries in
the 1110011-4,,LIMICtIV,Ca U.. ........ -- , .. k....... —C.
Jan .....ry 10. 1.815, about half-past 9
o'clock. Basaltic rock of a greenish hue
was first area, and as the field of vision
changed formations similar to those of
the island's of Statfa came into view, cov
ered in some places with gorgeous red
flowers. A lunar forest next appeared,
many of the trees being unlike any ever
seen on earth, with the exceptions of a
few which resembled English-yews. Then
followed vat-ions landscapes, all of which
Mr. Lucile described with much minute-
'less, keeping sufficiently near to earth
nature nut to excite the suspicions of his
readers and at the same tune stimulating
their curiosity by narrating a variety of
wonders such as our earth dues not pos-1
sess. A few lunar animals were said to
have been seen oi. the first night of their
observations, but the greatest wonders
were reserved fur subsequent investiga
tions. On the night of January -13, which
the hoaxer described as one of "pearly
purity and loveliness," the astronomer
and his assistants determined to devote
themselves to an investigation of a com
paratively limited area of the moon's sur
face. The landscape features of this area
were described by the hoaxer with much
minutenessi and various animals resem
bling the bison, reindeer, moose, and the
earth ; but with sufficient variations to
make them remarkable, were reported as
having been seen, together with a good
many which resembled nothing existing
anywhere but in the vivid imagination of
Mr. Lucile. The most interesting of all
the supposed discoveries, however, was
that of creatures resembling human be
ings. They were said to be about four
feet in height, and were covered, except!
their face, with short and glossy copper
colored hair. They had wings composed
of thin membrane, without hair. which
lay snugly upon their backs, from the top
of the shoulders to the calves of their'
legs. Their faces wen, scribed as of a
yellowish flesh color, atn ' as resembling
ourang•outangs soewhq in expression, !
but more-open and intell ent„ and with
greater expansion of forehead. The mouth
was prominent, though somewhat reliev
ed by a thick beard on the lower jaw, and
by lips distinctly human. These erect
appeared to the astronomers as being
engaged in conversation, and their gesti- !
cuiations were impassioned and rapid, I
and all their actions gave indications 0 1
intelligence. The domestic habits of these
lunar men were described with much mi
nuteness. Another wonder was a mug- I
inficient temple of polished sapphire, and
roofed with yellow metal, Wherein the lu
nar people worshipped, and this was' de
in such a manner us to excite eft-,
rions speculations as to the nature of the
-religion professed in the moon. The im-
ugination of the-hoaxer expanded us he
got well into his subject, and the latter
part of hie dissertation is a narrative of 1
wonders which would have found little
credence had it not been for the ingen
ious manner in which they were intro
duced. '
The full details of Sir John Herschel's
marvellous discoveries were not complet
ed in the columns Of the Sun for some
time, the instalments of• the stupendous
jest being very adroitly run tlirough INT,
eral numbers, to keep the excitement tip;
and not being completed until some time
in September. There were persons who
doubted the whole . thing ; from the,Start,
it is true, but the mass Of, the people
swallowed • the' story, mass_
. ifue,stiop,
These were the dais ‘ of 'the . 01-lisellioned
sailing *huts, . sOlifi . ;oppliii!niO4,icon
with Europe was irregular atlitneertait ;
and it would of course take considerable
time for scientific men and doubters to
discover whether or not the Edingbnrgh
Journal of Science bad published a sup
plement, and if such were the fact, to
ascertain whether or not it had given to
the world any such' marvellous story as
was being detailed in the columns of the
Sun. An amusing and somewhat acri
monious dispute was carried on for some
time between the credulous and skeptical
concerning the pretended discoveries, but
the general verdict of the people and the
' press was in favor of accepting them as
truth. Some learned professors in our
colleges even went so fur as to write to
the Edingburgh Journal of Science for
fuller details. The whole story was told
with such wonderful minuteness and
such downright candor as to disarm the
incredulons for the time, It is true•that
the hoax, read at the present day, appears
so full of crudities, contradictions, and
impossibilities that, in the light of our
present knowledge, it would be picked to
pieces by a school boy. , Lochs, indeed,
carried his joke to the most extreme lim
its, and imposed on the carelessness of the
public in the most reckless way. In one
place he stated that the lens of Sir John
He chefs monstrous telescope would not
render perceptible objects less than eigh
teen inches in diameter, and immediately
after referred to the astonomer detecting
the shope and color of the eyes of small
birds. People were too completely absurb
ed in the startling picture as a whole to
notice at once such a trifling ddect in one
of its details. The wonderful man-bats
I and the hairy veils by which the eyes of
the bisons were protected from . the glare
of the sun were too entertaining to allow
the mind to wander to less interesting
So the hoax was a complete success for
the time, and the few who doubted were
to be found principally in The ranks of
the ignorant, among those who knew lit
tle or nothing about astronomy, and
jioubted simply bceause they would accept
no evidence of the truth. For wally years
the "Moon Hoax" was out of print, at/a
could be found only in the scrap-books of
curiosity-mongers, but in 1839 it was is-,
sued in aphamphlet form by William
Gowaus, at New York, and even at that
late day had a wide circulation.
The "moon hoax" established' the Sun
upon a firm basis, and by the time the
joke was fully exposed, and the people re
alized how completely they had been
duped, the system of cheap newspapers
was so completely successful that it has
remained to this day a feature of Ameri
can journalism.
In 1836 Mr. Loche dissolved his con
nection with the Sun, and at once estab
lished in New York a political daily pa
per of his own, entitled The New Era,
which he conducted for some time :with
consideriffieinegess, But he very nu
vw incv ll:petit: - Lac-- ___
Hoax" in the columns of his new journal,
and as might have been anticipated, fail
ed Of success. He pretended to have come,
by some accident, into - possession of the
lost manuscripts of Mango Park, the cel
ebrated African explorer, and from them
dished up the finale of his adventures,
which were flavored with all the vagaries
of an imagination that did not recognize
the bonds of reason or the limits of prob
ability. No one, however, appeared to be
deceived by this trick, and the adventur
ous career of Mungo Park was never
brought to an end. Mr. Loche afterwards
created some little sensation by getting up
in connection with a Dr. Sherwood, a
practitioner of magnetic remedies, a book
on Magnetism as the moving power or
vital force of the universe, the more lin
mediate object of which was to sot, forth
a new magnetic method of ascertaining
the longitude. The subject was brought
to attention of Congress, but finally es
caped the public view, and the author
likewise retired ou the laurels he had ob
tained as perpetrator of the stapondous
"Moon Hoax."
A Universalist minister, troubled with
dyspepsia, usually found relief by the free I
utte of cayenne pep} er as a table condi
ment. Traveling West, and fearing that
he might not find the article there, he
took a supply with him. A western man,
observing him use it, said:
" Stranger I'm kind of curus about that
'ere red salt of your,n. I'd like to try it."
He was told that to was welcome, but
that he must be careful if lie were not ac
customed to it, as it was very powerful.
But ho "could swallow chain lightning,"
or some other Westering impossibility,
and he peppered his food so freely that he
was half strangled, and- every one arose
to his assistance. As soon as he was able
to speak, he turned to the minister, and
said - :
"Stranger! ain't yori what they call a
Vorsalist 9"
The minister said he belonged to that
"And do yon think it consithnt with
your sakrid clan' to go about with hell
fire in your breeches pocket ?"
Whistling Girls.
There is a proverb that
" NY hist 11 lag girls and crowing bens
Always come to some bad ends."
But, notwithstanding the old proverb,
a writer steps forward to defend the
whistling girls in their independence
"Show me the girl who has the hardihood
to whistle in these days, when every thing
natural, area to the ve ry .. hair of your
bead, is at a discount, and I'll show you
a girl who can be depended upon, one
who will not fill you in time of need, and
will give you the true hearty grasp, the
cordial hand-shake, the warm, genuine
welcome; no tip of' the kid glove, and a
cold how-do-you-do ; who can brave dan
ger, look toil in the face without shrink
ing, laugh with those that weep, as well as
whistle with those that whistle; who can,
iii short, take the world as she finds it,
rough and ragged, not to go through life
as though she ivelie walking. on eggs, and
afraid of - cracking u shell orb° deals, in
substance, not shadow" •
Manhood in tbiehrlstiaU'lifeis a bet.:
ter . tbing`tbaa'boyhood, , because it is`g - 6
per thing; and 'old ;age **ea' to - a
bright*, aud's more serene able than
What Trite Love h.
From "Pink and Virtiito Tyranny," by Mrs. IL
B. Stou•e.
Many women suppose that they love
their husbands, when, unfortunately, they
have not the beginning'of an idea, what
love is. Let me explain to you .my dear
lady. Loving to be admired by a man,
loving to be petted by him, and„loving to
be praised by him, is not loving a man.
All these may . be when a woman bas no
power of losing at all—they may all he
simply because she lovhs herself, and loves
to be flattered, praised, caressed, &razed;
as a cat likes to be coaxed and stroked,
and fed with cream, and have a *arts
Brit all this is not love. It may exist,
to be sure, where there is loco; it general
ly does. But it may also exist where
there is no love. Love, my dear ladies is
SELP-SACRIFICE; it is a life out of self
and in another. Its very essence is-the
preferring of the comfort, the ease, the
wishes of another to one's own,. -son - Th
LOVE we bear them. Love is wing and
not receiving. Love is not a sheet of
blotting paper or a sponge, sucking . in
everything to itself; it is an out-springing
fountain, giving from itself. Love's mot
to has been dropped in this world as a
chance gem of great price by the loveliest,
the fairest, the purest, the strongest lovers
that ever trod-this mortal earth, of whom
it is recorded that ho said : "It is more
blessed to give than to receive." "Now,
in love, there are ten receivers to ono giv
-1 er. There are ten persons in this world
who like to be loved and love not, where
there ii one who known how to love.
That, oh -my dear ladies, is a nobler at
tainment than all your French musio
and dancing. You may lose the very
power of 'it by smothering it under a load
of self indulgence. By living just as
you are all wanting to live r —living to bo
petted, to be flattered, to ho admired, to
be praised, to have your own way, and to
I do only that which is easy andrble,
..... y Lou thia OILS Menial
! andself-sacritic; you may lose t e power
of loving nobly and worthily, and be
' come a mere sheet of blotting paper all
your life.
Searching for the Site of Bing Sol-
omen's Temple.
The lion. Richard Faux, Past R. W.
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania, A. Y. M., in his valedictory
address, stated that "during the past few
years a scientific association in London
has voluntarily undertaken to institute
discoveries on the site of King Solomon's
Temple, for the purpose of ascertaining
what yet remains of the foundation and
superstructure of that wonderful edific.
It is beyond doubt that enough has been
sacred and prt. 4 ftine history of tligtnto
is corroborated. When we hear from an
eye witeem that the atones of the founda
tion, which have been brought to light,
are each designated by a significant mark,
cut into each stone, which hasdefied the
learning of the philologist and archieolog
ists, we are animated with a joy in which
only the Masons can participate. Every
effort should be made to continue these
explorations. Freemasons have a most
direct interest in the result. I, therefore,
invite my brethren, the Grand Masters of
the Grand Lodges of the United States,
to take such action as will supply with
material aid these explorers, since the
craft will be rewarded by evidence thus
grasped from the destroying power of
time, confirmatory of many of our eso
teric teacitin , s. Might it not be well for
those Past Grand" Masters who take an
interest. in this subject, to unite iW.secrir
ino• means to effect this mot desirable
object. The symbology of Masonry is a
Ines interesting study. The truths which
are hidden under theie symbolii may yet
receive renewed life in a restirrectaon
which would confirm the faith of the
fraternity. I would earnestly invite for
this subject the early and
. practical con
sideration of the distinginshed brethren
to whom I now appeal for effort to this
Good Roles.
We have somewhere met with•the fel
lowiva rules which are worthy of being
printed in every newspaper, and engrav
ed on the heart of every young man :
1. Make few proniises.
2. Always speak the truth.
3. Keep good company or none.
4. Never speak evil of any one. •
5. Live up to your engagement.
G. Be just before yon are generous.
7. Never play at any game of chance.
8. Drink no kind of intoxicating
9. Good character is above all things
10. Keep your own secrets if you . have
11. Never borrow if you can possibly
help it.
12. Do not marry till you are able to
support a wife.
13. Keep yourself innocent if you would
ho happy.
14. When you speak to a person look
him in the face.
15. Make no baste to be rich. if you
would prosper.
10. Ever live within your means.
17. Save when yen arc young to spend
when you are old.
18. Avoid temptation, through fear you
may not withstand it.
19. Never run into debtunless you see
your way out again. •
20. Small and steady gains give compe
tency, with a tranquil mind.
21. Good company and good conversa
tion are sinews of virtue. •
22. Your character, cannot be essentially
injured except by your own ogle.
23. If any one apealis evil of you let
our life lie such ttitt none will believe
„ . .
24. When fon retire to bed think over
what you have been doing during the
2LS. "Never .be Ma,. when your hands
can't be usifnlly employed, attend to the
cultivation of your mind.
Out the above , maims out of this xa
per, paste the same in your .heat book.
whero you pan at all tithes read audiguat
- by them.