iht #0414 Vii, itOde. iialie'fbi• Fat* lijork:- Were is a - growing' interest among.,far merain the northern, states on the •;sub ject of substituting mules for horsek for the farm and road.: •it seems Vol* uni versally conceeded that they are mud' less subject to disease and better able to withstand theextremes of beat and cold than• holies are:_ Their feet and legs are especially tough, and a lame•Antile is ' .a rarity. Another idea common about them; but which is erroneous, is that they -,re qhire only_scant rations of poor food and that they need but little care. It is true that they will keep alive_ on wonderfully little food; nod then grooming is less im portant than for the noblei animals ; but not even dmulocan make brick without straw. With them as well as with horses; muscular action involves a destruction of muscular tissue, and the loss must be sup plied by the products of digestion. We have known a mule to eat a spoke out of the<wheel of an•army :wagon and to make up for the want of forage by a diet of fence-mils , but he dida't grow fat on it and was very likely, after a few days of such regimen, to find his last resting place in a ditch heside the road. If any farmer thinks to circumvent the laws of nature by getting a mule to do bard work on a - diet of bulrushes and rye straw, he will miss his calculation. But if, on the contrary, be will deal out corn with a liberal hand, he can get an astonishing amount of bard work done six days in the week, fifty-two weeks in the year, for more years than he is likely to follow farming; and a vigorous and frequent application of the curry-comb and brush will yrodnce the good result that a clean skin and a brisk circulation of the blood effect in all domestic ani- teals. There is a wide-spread belief that mules are stubborn and vicious, and our agricultural friend, Josh Billings, has al most immortalized every bad quality that a mule can have. Probably these long eared friends have rather more capacity in the direction of "mulishness and viciousness than have most of our other domestic•animals; but it is a capacity on ly, and these bad qualities are in all cases the results of brutal and igt, lomat treat ment The writer has bad to do with hundreds of mules, and is convinced that they are naturally more intelligent, more affectionate and more docile than horses. But their docility will not withstand abuse ; their affection is by no means be stowed on those who abuse them ; and their intelligence is often chiefly exercised in divining means of worrying those who worry them. Well fed, well groomed, and gently treated, a mule is a perfect farm la borer: but starved, neglected and beaten, he has about as much badness and worth lessness as it is possible for his four legs to carry.—Agricrllurist. Feed the Colts and Calves Well. It is 11 generally accepted maxim in all stock feeding that, with growing animals. excessive nourishment is the most profit able. It takes a certain quantity of food to keep the machine running ; so much to supply the waste through the lungs; so much for the waste of the muscles ; so much to replace the discarded material of the bones; so much to keep the digestive organs disteeded. The consumption—the practical destruction—of this amount of food occurs 111 all cases , as well when the animal remains stationary . as to growth as when it was increasing in weight from day to day. It is from the assimilated fixid in excess of this waste that all profit comes. The rule is as good for colts as for beef cattle. If they are insufficiently fed, all that is taken up by the digestive organs goes to sustain the vital functions of the animal—it is used up for "running expenses." Every ounce beyond this tells on its growth, and the more ounces it can be made to take up in a day beyond that . which the natural wastes of the body de mand, the more rapid will be its growth and developement; for if the food be eft TO $lO PER, DAY. the right kind, and the animal be living ate wolum wbo enrage in our new boatnera mate under suitable conditions as to exercise, I from ift sto 810 per day in their own locaiittea, sunlight and fresh air. developement will vf,,l7,l l 7 st 4 in ' t gt i Man'o fr .ge t ,.7 , a= keep pace with growth. address at 6w t3zonot Snouts a CO.. Portland, Janine. way of illustration, we will assume that a horse, five years old, has eaten the equivalent of five tons of hay, ana one • hundred bushels of oats, and that his presence - weight is about one-twentieth part the weight of his food. This weight represents all that has been actually saved from a vast amount of food. Of the re mainder, all that has been assimilated by the animals has gone for "running ex- penses." The. ten hundred and odd ' pounds are all the profit that the mill has made- Obviously, if by supplying the material faster we can accumulate the same amount of profit in a shorter time, shall save the "running expenses" for so long. If it were possible to accumulate the whole weight of body in three years instead of five years, we should save two fifths of the cost of supporting the ani mal's life while it is devoloping to a use ful condition. That it is possible to do this, the wonderful races ran by two horses two years old sufficiently prove. Such immense results as these counot be hoped for in the case of cold-blooded horses, - with whom early maturity has not i hitherto been an especial desideratum ; but enough van be gained to add greatly to the profit of feeding; and, after all, boos raising is only another means for converting the produce ,ef the soil into a more Saleable form. It is within bounds to say. (and the statement is sustained by my own observation) that common horses may be grown as large, as strong, and as enduring at the age of three years as they generally are at five.—Am. Agriculturist. —A farmer. near London, Canada West, has am thonsand,rabbit tin a war ren five acres' itiOxtent. The mist of and attention to be paid to these animals in volve Au, expense of twenty-five cents for each tibbit, and the net °profits on the whole warren: amount, to" $5OOO a year. The - annual average increase is twenty five rabbits for each pair. The males, when a year old,'are killed- and sent in barrels 65 - market at MontreaL • ' has become -quite an article of commerce in Minnesota. A Minneap - pas paper states that the article has been ' purchased quite liberally of farmers in : that regiOn, by dyers and dealers, The gugnus paid was twelve dollars per load, tinfl how much wised consiste• is mg stated natural produce of wheat in our cotintry, under careless cultviation, is about sixteen grains toone; the unusu al produce; under the highest order of garden culture, has gone as high as seven thousand four luudted -'and forty-five grains teem. advntionnuto.. WA lUM WATtll $. MITE Extensive Rai l wayese 'watches for the last and T teen years by Conductors, Engineer* and Expreumee, the most exacting of waieb.weirers, has thoroughly demonstrated the strength, steadiness, der. abilltymudaccarnyof-the-Waltham Watch, aPo sotto. fy that class to all these respects, is to decide the ques tion as to the real value of thew timekeepers. More than 600,000 of these wa tt are now speak them therniellealitthillolfern e Peonle•Mrruf and a guarantee of their auperlorlty over all others. I The superior organization and great extent of the I Company Works at Waltham, enablesthem to prance watches at b on yewlli rendersanapetition rattle, and. thcwe whotoy other WstcArnetely pa, front IS to - 50per cent. more for their watches than le necessan . . These, tirnoplectwombine evetyleprovement that a long experience hes proredef roalpreetleal nee. ,Malr• lei had the radial el' =Sy everyloventlnt watelia making originating In this connoy or in Europe, only these were finally adopted which egrere testing by the most 'WIWI artisans in our works, and long use on the partend of the public, demonstrated to be easel:Mai to tor enduring time•kee • - • Among the puny improvemenping. to we would partici testae: The Ininaittort and use of a centrespinton of peculiar construction, to prevent damage to the train •by the breakage of a tratinsprings. !imaginal with the Arnett can Watch Company, who. having bad the refusal of all other coned anew, adopted Fogg's patent pinion as be• log the best and faultless. Hardened and tempered bait-spring% now rottversally admitted by Wttlimakers to be the beat, are end In all grades 6i Waltham Watotors. • All Waltham Wahine have dust-proof cape, Voice. tag the movement frcnn dust, and lessening thenecesuri• ty of the frequent cleaning neeessarylp other watches. Our new patent stratirnnder, or IteNleas watch is al. ready I decided success, and a corns Improvement an any stemminding watch In the American m aWt.,and by far the cheapest watch of its quality now •I•red to the public. To these thin In proportion s of the Oen , . tad States where Watchmakers do not abound, watches with the above mentioned Improvements which tend to ensure athinsacyelea arability and convenience. mast prove invalaable._ • Too trademarks of th e .veriests styles made by the Compley are as follows t • • ~.. American Watch Co.„ Melernig,lafass. Ann. Watch Co , Waltham, Mass. American Watch Co.; Crescent St„ Waltham Mass. Appleton, Tracy & Co'. Welthaus,_llass American Watch Co., Adams lit...Walttuun, Waltham Watch Co„ Waltham, Urns. P. S. Bartlett. Wantons. Maar, Wm. Ell ry. Walther:Olean Hom• Watch Co., Boston Mass. • • • Ens nine the spelling of tip" e names carehdly Were buying, Any variation even of a single letter,tudicutes a counterfeit. For sale by all leading }swains. No wattheiretalled by the Company. An illustrated history of watch•making, containing much upend Information to watchmen= Ilerat to any address L n application. - • • - Bobbins & Appleton, Eictifral Arista for MIMIC:CLI Watch Co.. 183 Brood way. New York. .0 ,/ / // "V // 4 MBE Otdest and beet conduettd Mercantile College T the Country. For circulars, write to P, DUFF & MONS. Pittsburgh. Pa. HARPERS' EDITION OP L urrs BoOKKEEPLNO (CO pp N a tio nal os comprebausive work published. Con tains Bank. Railroad 13ookkeeging. &e. UNCLE JOSH'S Trunk Full of Fun. rstiT.FoitLl?ig.fltre=traioWtioaLd Humor., eon- Side 13plItteng Jokes, Humorous Poctry.chiatilt Parodies, Parlwo Sermons New Connondmms and Mirth-Pro voking Speeches ever published. Interspersed with cu rious puzzles. antusnm card tricks, Feat. of Parlor Dag lc, and nearly EC Fanny kingraviugs. Illustrated Cov er. Price lb cts. Sent by mail, posuige paid, to any part of the Culled States, ou reeetpt of once. DICKENS a FITZGERALD, Publishers, IS Ann St., N. Y. DM S. S. FITCIES Family physician; 00 pages; matt by mall free. Teaches huts to care l m . di.. of the pear n ; skin. hair, eyeaxempleston. writ2l4 llroadtray, o le. York. • BLOOMINGTON. (ILL) NURSERY. 1 9 T , El crt Y m ea e. r i 600 1l Azz I? : Linn to beze Lie . pet Would ;ion know what, when, how to plant► Fruit, shade, evergreen pees, root,. grafts, seedlings, o"age plant', apple seed. early Boee potatoes. ahrube, roses. gretubonsei find garden plants, 4te FLOWSR and VEGED.LBLESEEDS I guest, best collection-40Ge and quality. bend 10 cents for New, Blustnated De*erlptlve Catalogue-9 3 pages. Send stamp, cich for Catalogues of Seeds with direetton"-64 pages Bedding and Garden Planta-33 page". and Whole.le Price et-24 pages. Address F. K. PLICENLX, Bloomington, AGREAT OFFER.—Horace Waters 481 Broadway, N. Y., will dispose of One Hundred Pianos Melodeons, and Organs of fix first-class :ulster,. including Waters', at Extremely Low Priam For Cash, liming win Month, or will take a part cash and balance in monthly or qtuirterly enstailmonts. For Seven Dollars Per line, we Will I INSERT AN ADVERTISEMENT ONE MONTH In One Hundred and r dtty-Fire Fleet Linn Peiasylvania Newspapers, Including EL3ccn Dallies. We refer to the pnbllah er of this paper, to whom oar reeponsibillty to well known. List Stoat Fro©. Address GEORGE P,Adve rt ising Agents. Nos. 40 and al York Row, New York. AR . milipuiDEßT imam, IN I'CIoT7EIL MiLCOMorr.73 l 6l 1 AN a be made ins quiet way ny ten tbst'are capable C of keeping the secret. Adams JAMES GOODWIN, tfi Exchange Placa, Near York. 1826 porsivV.l.El v ri G ENll , lB7o old rtandard moody for Wages, Colds, uousutoo. tion. ••NotAlog Better," etrnsu BUM, at. Co., LiDAUM TO TOE worawso CLASS.—We are now prepand to furnish all dams with constant employment at home, the whole or the time or (or the spare moments. Business new, light. and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from foe. to $5 per eventing, and a pro portional sum by devoting their whoie.time to the busineso. Boys and girl. ea n nearly as much as men. That all who sea this notice may send their address, and test the busineso, we make the tinparalled offer: o such as are not well satisfied. we will send $1 to pay for the tronble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to commence work on. and a copy of The People's Literary Cbmparikm— one of the hared and best family newspapers ever published-1111 sent free by mail. Reader, If you ant permanent, prutito , bin work, address B. C. AI LMI 4 CO., Augusta Matta. Miziarolaymaeia.t "JEAcor I'lll. a t r u rteges. ter trte *3 f a c D i t rY so p t e ll our mur k ' Addre++ H . WEFT I ' M, Marshal?, Mich. scu es. A VOID victim of early indiscretion, eanstog 'arrests debility, premature decay. de, twin: tried every advertised remedy. has s simple means of self-care. whirl he will rend free totals tellow aulfererl. Address .J. 11. TUTTL treetE. T 3 Nassau New S, York. Feb. Ist. STROUD & BROWN'S Page l Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Ziao 33 -tiraINSOY 'AlEfibe CAPITAL nEntEssmai, ova . TioranlaransuccCo7of N.T.,Capilal dud . • Surplus. $4.000.0L0 Insitrance C0..0f North America, Plant. • . Capital sold Samba, 2.1100,000 Franklin Piro Insurance Co., Pills, Ps:, • capital and Sarnia'. . 2,M10,030 Lyemosingeounty Watnallsonrunce co t of Conn,Palut'a.pitsi sad Surplus, 4,010,000 or:tic:4lomM Lift Insurance t.v. of • ilartfoni. Conn., Capital, . 5C,000.000 American LifeIASIIMPI Co., Mittel. phis. Capital; - 1,060,000 Ttsvaders'lninntreeCo. llartfard,Conn Inanringagalastaßklada of =Mena - Capital,. - ' MMAMI 'Etartforti Vire Intorno. Ottlittiwil nut; ford. Cmin.. Capital and Stoploa, . 111,030 - ,000 lOrdiltitudneasetitrantato oar Cue JiM be Men& ed to on tatr term. altdaillosseapsomptly artJustetl. IffrOfticelirstdoor east frogs BanicinEMPlCa of W. M. Cooper &Co.,Tranpike et. STROUD Baovnsr, Agents. C. Sorrow. ZSQ., Pricadirrille, Solicitor. Cilia. Et. Marna, Montrose do IDumas Sutoon, Cilium L. ULM, Montrose, Pa. An. U. Urn. ALL 'AT ILOBINSONdS SOUTHERN TIER ..::.....4 ~ ~:: i .. ~•T?RNI'~.ZT~ ~3 EMP ORIUM, 88 Washington Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Where you will find The Largest Stock, the Best Assortment, awl the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. B.—AB Goods sold warranted as repnmen ted. • Binghamton, /Log. 24, 1870.-1 y Ayer's Cathartic Pills, lar all the purposes of s Islatative Zedichis. . . ...., , csaed rethat t p ri s e n ym o con bcir e medi a -. ' chic le so universidiF to ~" a cathartic, nor was aver any before so tuaiversal. '". --------,4,—'4 ly adopted Into nee, In I dif . \ ,I ZeZasserWlits ZIA '; :l. / but cincMnt purgative ' / PM. The obvious res. - son Is, that it ts a more re. .' - --L---- - liable and tar more term. Mal remedy than any -4' other. Those who have trift it, know that It must them' those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and Mends, and a ll know tint what It does once It does alwayi —that It never falls through any fault or neglecter its composition. We have ousands upon t. Bands of certificates of their r th emarkable cares o f the following complaints, but such cures are known em. In every neighborhood, and we need not publish th Adapted to all ages and conditions in it climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with salbty by anybody. Their sugar ceating presents Demmer fresh and makes them pleasant Masks, while Wolf Pare/ vegetable no harm can arias (Mai their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful induces" on the Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate It Into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restor i ng their. Irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange. meets as are the and origin edits:am. Monte directions are given In the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Pala rapidly Tor Dyspepsia or Isidisseetiera, Lassieaso Lasignor and Leas of Appetite, they I X2d be taken moderately to stimulate the atom sett and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and Its various symp toms, Bilious Headache, Oink ileadssebe. Zatuadiee or Drama Sickness, Dillon* Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should be Jul. diciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which canoe It. For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For Illieuiaatiam, Dont, Gravel, Paint cation of she Hears, Pain In the Side, Dank and Loins, they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With each change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical tisreitings they should be taken In large and frequent doses to pro. duce the effect of a drastic pnrws,. . For Suppression a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Dinner PiLl i talro ono or two PiUs to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dosestimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it Is often ad. vantageons where no sbrions derangement exists. One who feels tolerably ll often finds that a do. of these Pills makes him fe e l decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. DR. J. q, AYER if CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. .11-.188., 17. 8. Al. Bold by Abel Turrell, and Burns & Nichols. 3.loutrose, and all druggists and dealers every where. [Dec. 21, 1870--y 'Guttenberg, Rosenbaum d 'Cc Wttild rerpectfulty call your attention to their FEW STOCK OF F all and Winter Goods which for •artety of Styles never has bee• e acel:ed It this place. Oar assortment of DRESS GOODS, SRAWIS, CLOAKS CLOAKING MATERIALS, FLAN NELS, WHITE GOODS, DOMESTICS,;.&c. &c. Macasrer Wows 3El4.ttibr IN MILLINERY GOODS Trimmed sod untrimmed isdies* snit Child Iles, Flowers. Feathers. Alsek sod colored Veltman, itatone tte. de. never more handsome. 12 5 1 Ladies' and Children's FrRICISHING 1100Dia. Skirts. Cotten.. Glove,. Handkerchief.. Cranes and Cnff... Merlon Wnnper.. Itaelery and Hutt Goods, cheaper than for the last ten yearn. CLOTHING! CLOTHING For Men, Youths, and Dom s fall end complete stock. Men's full unite from $lO to tku. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS t OVERCOATS Of all the different grade., and at all prices CLOVIS, CASISIKERES. BEAVERS, de. for Custom NVO take warms and get up garments to order to good style, and warzaut good gluing and ssurfactory work. GENTS• rumnsurao GOODS WNW and Flannel Warts, Merino Wrappers rk Mom ere. Handkerchiefs. Bonn, Men and Paper c.ilars COD, Suspenders. Gloves, Umbrellas. Trunks 6 Satch els in great variety. OXICOO.= BATS AND CAPS. Nen sad Boys, of the latest style and great In tog no •.• - • Our Ito& ha s been selected with are, gml ss we but our goods to large ertutotttles ire frequently nos from ginto no per ma. In buying. As we ark as email a mar. gi above rest a s aoy.desterenn or will take. we ma jusfig promise Toe good beigaina, and will make it fur you Intend. to dell with us. - All We ask i. a all, examination of oar stock. and comparison avian& andme. Oetllllo.o faitroad %hug ERIE RAILWAY. I.soomllee under one nennegenventSBD Miles witte mart ‘n •e of coaches. Broad gone, doable Os& route to all points west. noth-west sad south•sest. Now tod mproved Conches are run through without change to trocheeter, Sadao, punthit, Cleveland, and Oincim.. natl. On and after Monday. Dee, 14,1870. Trains winless . ° Innemmton at the fallowing hours, • 001110 WEST bid CM.m. . NiNight ght Exd Express, res (Mondays (Mondays excepted) IhMS . 6:31 a. 03. Mall 'Drain. Sundays excepted, for Buffalo .and Dunkirk. s.3a p. tn. g,m.ra Aceommodation.Bund ay excepted, 6:14 p. in:Day trapresa.nandsyr excepiew. tit In. S=prees Mad, Sundays excepted. taa p. in. Way Freight. timulays excepted. l:O p. Emigtant Trate. daily far tois welt. 00t1111 &W. 3.10 a. in. Night itxpreas, Sundal's ibicepted. 7:28 n. Cincinnati Express. Niitidigni excepted. p. m. DuY EilDres..hundays except d. 'CCU a. or ACV .muunbition Train. dully ir Buognetuintn. th p. m. New York Rail, Sundays excepted. W Llglat Ding Express, nally. iti lo a. 0 /. Way Freight. mandays excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. rerisxd and complete rocket Time Table" of Passenger Trains on the lisle Rallininy find 6innecting tt.tr recently been published. and ma be had on a t. 1.. the ticket Agent of the Company. L D. ROCKER IV M. R. BARR. Gen'l tien'i Pass's Agt. Dee. 14, 18.70. VALLEY RAILROAD. On and after Dee. En, IMO, trains on the Lehigh Valley Railroad will ran es follows : DOWN TRAINS. Leave Waverly June. ion E. IL W. 6.35 a. tn. 11M p. m. 6.40 p.m. Athens 645 " 8.83 650 ••• Towanda 7.23 " 4.16 " 7.80 Locayrine 883 " 6.39 " Skinner's Ey 6.40 " 641 " Beshoppen 9.00 " Mehoupany 9 ~ 6.10 . 4 Tunlerock 981 " 6.40 `• L. St D. June. 10 30 " 740 " pm pion 10 40 " 1.10 Wilkes Barre II 00 " 8.13 " White Boren 12.32 4 .• k eb Allentown 1.117 44 Bethlehem 2.50 " Easton 817 " Philadelphia 5.03 .4 Ar. at New lurk 6.25 " EP TRAINS. LeaveNen, Tork 6.00 a. tn. Po lladelphls7.3s Easton 903 " Bethlehem 985 " Allenttwn 9.49 " Beeh Chunk 10.55 " White lla'n 12.16 p. In. Wllkee-Ba'e LIM " Pittston 1.50 " L. ID. Jun. 200 " Tunk'nock 2.54 •` liehoopany 3.51 Ideshopnen 357 " Skinner's E. 3.45 " Laceyrille 819 " Towanda 4.59 " Athens 686 4 4 or at Wa•erly Junction. E. 11. W. 543 " gir - No ctutnge of cars between Meranton and N York. or krikr , k grrkulok and Philadelphia :camber 'M. 1870. IN Office, 72 0 .0.& Gih'b Chestnut Silent sStreet, EWING MACHINE ehi,la delph za " I give my hearty preference to the Rillcoz ‘ll Gibbs Silent Sewing Maclaine." FANNY' PERN. " The weight of reliable evidence being overwhelming for that of theWilicox &Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upon it, procured it, and am more than satisfied." GRACE GREENWOOD. " I have the Wheeler & Wilson. the Grover & Baker, and the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machines in my family. I use the Wilcox & Gibbs most frequently, thinking it far superior to M either of the otbens." a& BERRY WARD BEECHES. " My wife would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patent as a gift, if she most receive it on condition of giving up the Willcox & Gibbs." „ nay. vLITER Casita, Carbondale, Pa. " The Willcox & Gibbs is the only Sewing Machine whose working is so sure and simple that I could venture to introduce it into Syria." Rev. A. T. PRATT, MiniOnity AlaCtriClik Board. " We have used various Sewing Machines within our family, but it is the unanimous opinion of the household, that the Willcox & Gibbs is the beat of them al Rsv. J. E. Homier, Brooklyn. i(S. "For simplicity and mechanical accuracy of conatrnetton, I have seen no Sewing Machine equal to the Willcox & Gibbe." groat Of the Pesumtvacia Li Meti B. fl. A correspondence on the sisbjeet of Sewing - Machines is rupee:lut st' so/idled. D. 8. EIf7:IVG, 720 Cheataut Street, Philadelphia Dec. 28, le.B—ima PURE LIQUORS. exEcrs NATIVE GRAPE BRANDY, diatMed strictly pure : and a variety of other Brandies. Inclading Cherry Brandy, Cider Brandy. Cc. Nearly all the differ. sent kinds of Bum. Holland Gin, old Rye and Bourbon Whiskey. Alcohol : Pare Spirit. Bay Brim..tc..., constant• ly on hand and for wile by Montrose, March 24th, 1562. T. 451.. PIM ELL 23 C:0171333 MONTROSE, RENN'6. SOUR f. TAURIELL, Proprietor. • Mehl Stages lave this !louse dilly, connecting with the I). L. W., the Me, and the Lehlntl V al l e y flan" ways. Valyll,ln7k—tt ALECTURE TO TOtaifi MEN Just Publiskat, its d Bead Envelope. !Ka Nm train. A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Radio! Core of SpermatoredooL, or dentinal Weakness, notary Sintselotte. Sexual Debility, and l,apedimenta to %tentage greenfly; Nersousucas. Coneumption„ EFlleFer and Fits ; Mental andsysical Incapacity. re setting front SeitAbase, 11.01.18 RT J. 0.11, VBRWEL.I., D,. An bor , of the " Green Book." dtc. The worldeenownrd author, to thleadmirable Lect. me, clearly proves from his own experience that gibe. movedeenteonenets Abase rosy be effeetttally re, moved without medicines sad without dangerous sun steel oorretions. boners, Inruntnento, rings, or cm dial,. wanting mita mode Mane at once certain and effectualby which every sufferer. no matter Whit bin condition truly be, may cow bimPelf en e aaP elvmei ß and radical. TB Snell:Mß WILL PR A. 800 TO TBOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. sent under seal. to anf aaraaa• la a pits sea l ed e n' /dope. OD the receipt a( six etas, or two postage eta. pa. Alen, palverwell's "idarringe prices cents. Address the Publihers. CHAS. J.V. KUNZ Jk CO. 171 Bowery, New York, Post Odica Hon/,686 —Deo. 14. U. El. DENIM:M. .101.111110LK CON?Otilrflitil EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Park—Fluid Extract Rhcu - barb and Fluid Extract Oataw 12.00 In 1.45 p m 3 4 " 8.45 " 8.88 " 8.15 " 8.85 " 8.45 " ABEL TIIRRELL. 0170eITZ TIM corlT norez, !!!!!I==i= ba Grape Jukat -- - lEllOi3 Liver Complaint...Ml=4lm. Billions Affectio n s. r rick or Berson* licadscbr.Costlven. - ss, etc. Parsl ly Vegeta •le,, maintain no Mercury, Iffinentis or Dal eterious Dirttp. These Offs are the most delightfully pleasent pumes tire, supersesbig castor oil, salts, magnesia, rte. Tb re la nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, and cause neither nausla nor griping pains. They are composed of the Guest ingretileuts Ater a lee days tor of them, such an Invigoration of the entire system takes place as to appear mitsetdoes, to the weak and enervated, whether arising from Imprudence 01.41, cue. B. T. Heimbold's Compound Fluid Extract Ca• taw ba Grape Pills are not sugar mated. from the tact that sugar orated Pills do not dimples, but pass through the stomach without dlasuirlog L consequently do not produce the desired effect. TUB CATA ABA GRAPE PILLS, being pleasant In taste anti odor, do not netts. sitate their being sugar cra.ed. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PEA BOIL HENRY T. lIELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUIO EXTRA:T SARSAPARILLA wtn radically exterminate from the vyytem Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Soros, Ulcers, Soro Eyre. nore Legs. Sure Mouth. sore Head Brunctilti, tvLui DS». me. Solt Rheum- Cancers, Bumflnca nom the Par, Whirs Svve ills, Tumors, Cam:emus Stfecituoa, Node.. Mr GIutHAWS , SweION?, Night alumna, Kerb Tetter, Hu mors of Muds, chronic Rhemetiam, Dropeorta, aud ill dlacales that have Deco earabllrMeri to toe *poem for years, Being prepared expressly for the above compla' iflood-purilytng properties arc greater than all Bier pretirumtion of Sarsaparilla, It gives the complexion a clear mid healthy color. and restores the patient to a state of health and parity. for purifying the blood. re: moving all chronic eonsiltational dieters ad-leg from an impure state of the blood. and the oily reliable and effectual known remedy for the core of pains and swell log of the booms. Ulceration. of the throat and legs. Blotches, Pimple. on he Face. Eryalpelas and all eruption. of the akin . and beautilyi g COLOVICIIOIi. Price $1 50 per bottle. HENRY T. HELMS CONCENTRATED WlLuicl. Mstros,cM 3EII , az. THE GREAT DIURETIC • Ilan cured every case of Diabetes In whit. Int been given, Irritation of the Neck of the Efiadd Intlam- M al ionn of the Kidneys. Ulceration of the Bladder, Retention of Urine. Di.enses of 1 rstr n t o i d e Oland. Stone in the Bladder. Calculus Gra k duct Depo.it, and Ructions or Milky di-thargeor en A IV fetbled and delicate constitutions ot borh or ec attend ell wl , h the foliowing symptoms : lull- n to en ertlon, lost of pow e , . lo.s of trentnry ' It, of breathing, weak net"... trembling. ho ilkence wskefoloess• dimness of vision. pain in the bac .. hoi hands. ducking of the body, dryness of the •Lln. eruption on the fare. pulLid conntettance. DUI V.3114.ii b•situde of the mnecotar rystern. etc Used by perwne (rim the age. of . leiter° to twenty ave, and from thirty-lice to flity•tive or in the /let line or change of life; after CialliOCllll,l or labor pains; bed wetting In chtldren. BelemWe Extreet Bache, in Dinrele snit Mond Pu rifying. and cure. , all dinvanen fr ,m habits .4 din. nifoution and ~xem•nen and imprudence. in lift, impn of the blood, etc.. 'moo. ceding consibu in aft ctiont for which it I. need, and hyphildir no die- Mace tined in connection v. ith Bose Want. io catny affections pernitar to ladles. tie E-•trot Bu. Niche i. uttequalled by soy other T eine dy as in Chloro sir or Retention. Irrem, tiarits. rdnfelnia“ or rnppres•bm or rostomat7 evacuatlans. ulcerated OT Sc htra. suite uf the Uterus, Locorrbrea or Whites. siert thy. and for nil complaints incident to the sex, whether sri-litt) from in diseretion habits of dissipation. It is prescriued es tensively by the most eminent physicians And midwives. for enfeebled asd delicate amstetntions. of both sexes sod all ewes (attended with any of the abuse diseases or symptoms). R. T. BEV/MOLD'S EXTRACT BUcHU Cures dls. aloes SfildOC from imprudence. habits of dis sipation, etc., in all their stagra. at little .apt,...,. little or no change In diet. no inerativenicmce, and no exposure. It canoeist frequent desire. and gives strength to urinate thereby ramifying obstructions, preventing and code;; strictures of the Urethra. allaying pain and intimmation. en frequent in this class of dlyeare, and expelling ell poisonous matter. Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent persons; and who bare paid heavy fees to be cured In a short time. hove foetid they hare been dec. Iced. and that the " poison" has, by the use of " powerful on rings-Ma." been deed op In the andern, to break out in a more ag gravated form. and p. limps after marrlyge USE lIELMBOLIPS IsXTRACT BUCHU . for all Miec. thins and diSraft. of theUrinaryOrialle, whether existing In Male or Female. from whatever muse originnting. and no matter of howl mg standing. Price, One trailer and Filly Ceuta per Bottle. HENRY T. HEIHIOLDII IMPROVED ROSE WASH, cannot be warp eased as Face Wash, and will be found the only specific remedy In every species of Cutaneous Affection It speedily reanimate Poupies, npots, net...butte Dryness, Induration of the Cutaneous Mem brane, etc., dispels iteduess as d incipient Inflammation, Rives. Rash, Roth Patches, Dryness of scalp or blurt, Prost s, and all purposes (sk in h Selves or (nits mots era used; restores the to state of parity end softness, and futures continued he.ilthy action to it- vessels, on which depends the agreeable cleeness and view by of complexion so much snaglit and ad mired. Hut however valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin, .11 T. iletuocriVs nun Wash h long sustained tto prinelpie claim to uubounsied pwtron age, by possessing qUslitleS whien render it inlet np pendsge of the most Ituperiative atm congenial Ceara. ter, emnbintug in an elegant formula prominent re quisites, safety and efficacy—the luvsrisbie aa.tualp..lll - of its use as a preservative and Iteirestier or the complexion. It man excellent Lotion for mimeses ol a Mintiatirlyti eOr gan s,- i a r tf i d s nasg fence ee to 1 ,, 1 1 ( . 0 od; silo .utfi used to convection with the extracts Buena. nist.afni ri la nod citawba Grape la mien diseases commended, cannot In surpassed. Price, Due DuLar Per Bottle. Pull and explicit direction, accompany the medicine". Evidence of the must responolhle and reliable char acter famished on application, with tuxedo do of thou. tondo of living witneeses. sod upward of UM) unso- licited certificates and recommendatory lettero, many of wtoch are from the highest sources. including emi. vent Physicians. clergymen. Statesmen, etc. The pro prietor has never resort to their publication in tbe pewemspers ;he does no d ot his from the fact 'that , Ms erticles FOOL ashtnodard , Prepsratlons, and do not need to be proppeop llcrtlficate*, Henry T. 'Helmbold'a Genuin.e Preparation. D. ..Illernserod to soy address. Secure from Absecon.% Establl.bed upward of Twenty Yore. Bold by Lop tine eserywhere. Address lettere for :nformation. la tithdldence toMINBY T. 111314130LD'8, Drundstand (Amadei. Only flepots:—B. T. Berstoottee Drag and, chemical Warehouse, No CM EtroaawaY,.. NO ,. Toth.' or T p h sticsolcie Medical Depot, Ise Booth Tenth Strove, ' - tltetVO4 COViTERFEITS Ant' kW ginner T nowsert.Ve sake co other • - GNU MEDICAL DISCOV Jim:J.ll=llA Dr. W ks . EGA.II, BITTERS • g Hundreds of Thousands •a 4 tßr...tattatotsyto nett Wonder fal Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY? Lc ; • ••• g u C' 1. B A`' Is • a g es a Es ' P A era • g„ u n. 1.1 1 CY r g a ll 82 t s • • 14 14 .7 t 37 gi 0.. 0F g THEY ABE. NOT A VILE `hee.FANCV DRINK 1 5 0.4. of Poor Dam, Whiskey, Prowl' Splrlia nod Dan= Mothers doctored.?=teed =ld meat. cued to please tho taste, celled" onles„ . "Lppces. era." " P.csto ,"so., that lead the typist en to rrunkennen but cm a true Medicine, un.C. o Boon U3O Saliva sod Unto of California, Crete from nil Alcoholic Stimulants. 'They ore do GREAT BLOOD PUIIIF 1211 and A Lira GIVING TIIINCIPLE a perfect renovator sad Invigorator of the System, carrying off all polsonons tauter and restoring tho blood to a healthy congitsca. So person can taho these Bitters according to direc- tion and :nude long =welt 111410 bo give. for= Inetrrable asc. Provided the bones aro not destroyed by miaerel poison or other means, sad the Tllal or: won= beyond the point of reran. For lollanuastors and Chroni Iu c thcomm. Gm and Gout. Distietailu. Dillon* Remittent nod tuteraduess revers Diseases of the Blood. Lives. Widnes*. and Diaduer. them Flitter. La= been roost =west All, Dods Discuses nre canted ty Vitiated flood. which is goacrallj produced by dcrangcment Ulla Digestive Organ. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. reed ache, Pain to the Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the 0,4.4, Du:lmm. Sour Eregtallons of the etOIXLICS. Fad taste In the Month, 11111 one Attach., Depgatlea of the ikon, regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are Use offspringsof Dyspepsia. y invigorate the Stomach sad stimulato Oho tor rid liver and bowels. which tender them oftenegnalled efficacy in cleansing tho blood of oil imparities, wed Importing new life and vigor to the whole aystam. FOIL SKIN DIOLASES. Eruptions, TOUT. Salt Munn, Siotehcs. Spots. pimples, rutulcs.lioN. C.J.• Smelts, Bing-Worms. Badadlcad„ of Eyes, trystp. el itch, Scarfs, Dlsediorations of Me Erin, Manors and Matsu of tho =in, of WheteVer =2O or ratrsc, aro ifferally dng cp toulaintod otd, of tho spinet la a abort limo by the nse of Obese Mena Ono bottle la such eases will convince the most Merniziora of thole utrativo ofeeeL Clam= the Vitiated Mood whenever you fled itt impurities bursting ',rough thoeido In Pimples. trap lions or Berea i deans° 11 when you hod tt =tuna= and doggish in WO feint Cleat= it when it is Cod, and your fooling. will toll you whoa. Seep the blood pun and the health of thespian will follow. FIN, TAPE sad otter worms. kaki= in Mc opt= of so many thousands. are effectually destroy ed so= removed. For fall .directions, road carnfegy the .4014 =am= each belle. print= So four ler guogapVaglish,Gerrani, French and Spanish. J. WALKED. Proprietor. IL 11. ItIeDONALD A CO., Dnuslato and Oen. Agents, Ban Francistro, aad CI and SI Commerce Street, Sew Tort. GOLD DT ALL putroaisra AND LILAL=I. 00.. 46-p sly!vOc. • T EA! Every kind orrea In market.jus. arrlved.cnot for .aI.• At New Y..rk wholeanle price . Moo a tine no nt of COFYEE. Buy of me nod •nve express. ri•n ABEL TUBNELL. Montrose, Pa— A prll4o IE7O. COUNTY OFFICERS. Pert'lent Judge—lion F. U. Streeter. A•ooCtrltr Judger,—A Raidw in. It. I. Anhley. Prof honotary and Clerk of Con ri• - J F. Shournaker. Iteuri•ter. Recorder, c —Jerome It. Lyon*. I itetrict Aitorni.y—D. W. S,nrie. Gl.ilden. Sheriff—Wm. T. Itioaley. Depnly sheriff—M. B Demo. Stirveyer—Je met W 01. Commiaslo. era—Sam • l sin.rer, J. T. Ellie, Preeerketl Cominixidoners' Clerk—Wm. A. Crorarnen, Jury Commlealonem—F. 11. Streeter, exegete, Daniel Brewetor, Win. A. Criniemen AUd ~,,, Y. B. Ch iittlier.Tmcy Ilayden, ll.M.Jonea. tUtUtter—Dr. C. C. OFFICERS VF AGi•ICELTURAL SOCIETT. ~ . Wm. 11. Jevoup. PreAdent ; 11.1111. Joner, James K. All Moee in want of faleeZeeth or other dental work V Iry Preetoente ; Wu A. Jeerup. Corr.rpoecling should Cal at the alley of the eubseribeal e Who are pre- Secrtory ; Henry C. Tyler. Recto-tong S. A. .C. pared to do all kind, of work in their Knew abort notice. et. Ger". Tree- lir. ; It. 11. Harrington, Baldwin, Panlenist attention paid to making plate : partial • 11. oklnner, Executive C.11.13111t, eel. of tooth on gold. elle., or aluminum : al. an 1 Weston': met crenpneitlon ; the two latterreferable to any of thecheaner nabalances now used ma ulental plate". Teeth oryoung person. regulated, ande togrow In natant ' , hap.. The advantage of having work done by permanently lo oted and maponetble parties. mast be appurent to all. All wart wow-Jilted. Pleases call an examine epeci mens repute work at our °MCC, over Boyd t Co'. hard- TUC' store. W. W. SMITH & BROTHER. MONTROSE & BRIDGEW ATEn ASYLUM. nuarcrons.—John Trnmholl, W.L.Cos,S. Langdon. Tra.eervr —B. Thatch , r. Seervt..r7—iirrj. V ILtidorin. Steward—Dnvid Martin Physician—Dr. J. D. Volt. tozers—C. 31. Grre. Council—W. A. Croremon, W. W. Wsreon. A. J. Orrritsoo, tt m. IL •Irerrip, C. M. Creed X. J. F. otioeMalter, D. Drowstar, D. F. Austin, IL A. Deane. l'onriebic—John C. Unwell. II igh Courtable—Charles J. Whipple. School Directors—Wm. H. t in J. R. DeWitt, W. W. Watson, B. Thatcher, D. F. Aari, C. C. liaise,. ASSOCIATIONS. Warren Chapter, No. on meets at Mourinic Ha on Thursday of each month on or before full moon. Warren Lodge, No. 240. A. Y. M., meet. al Masonic Hall the tlr.t Wednesday of each month on orb...lore full moon, and the poem.' Wednesday thorealti r. Montrose Lodge. No. 151, I. F., meets at Odd Fellow. nail ev ery reenntly evening. 24. John's Encampment. No rfa. meet. at Ood Fel low. Hall the Yd and 4th Friday each raohth. DANK,It Degree Ledge, No. 7, meets at Odd Fellows Hall the drat mid third Priday each month. Montrove Lodge, I. 0. of U. T. meets at Good Temp lar* Hull every Monday evening. Good Samerita • Temple of Honor, No. 16 await at Good Templar.' Liao the 3d Friday of each mouth. The Montrose Democrat ?ems Iso WSSITISIIIIDAT Monvinto, ar Mormon EILMAICESANIIA COUNTY. PA., sr Zit. S. MICZLVcrimiCEI ►T $2 rinz Aartium cN airrmicz—on $2 AT armor 'mail D . EMEii OFFICIAL DIRECTORY BOROCOU OFFICERS MINISTERS Prechyterion—Rer. Jacob CI. Miller Eplooopat—itcy. E A. Worriner. Raptlet—Rwr. LAI Ford. Methodic*. -Rev. King Elwell. thdhohe—lter. J. tqattvry. MUMS of Advertising. • --,--- Three-fourths lea of space, orlees, meta a equate One square, 3 weekaor lees. $l.OO ; Imo. $1.25; 3 mo. $2.60; limo. $4.150; I year. $B, • One-eleith col., 1 mo, $2.50; 3 mo. $6,50; 0 mo. $12.00, I year, $20.00. One-quarter col„ I mo. $6.50; 3 mo. $1.2.00; 0 mo. $2O; I year, $3O. Half column. I mo. $12.00; 3 mo. $25.00 ; 6 mr. $35.03; I year, $55.00. One column. 1 m 0.526.00; 3 mo. S3E 13; 0 mo, 160,00; year. $lOO.OO. Auditor's Notices, $2 50 ; Execute& and Admitastni. tone NOtiCee, $3.00. ,&11 cunminaiertione of ilmited or Individual interest.l o et.. perline. Obituary Notices.. Ms. per line.. Marriage and Death:goatee free. Job poisons executed neatly and promptly. tab .pd •es., . • s tr ai t monpies—Notio. Jwitlces', Constable'. gclual Otheftliipke for c r OLD , , JEWELRY. 11-. A Frew and tante ply; ABE L rOIMILL. _- Maitre", Nov. SC MOS .eCsl'.f~N'~i~: ~-~,;3t.'- - w+fifff:'at+7R.•rJ~T: Y-k%.=~'rJ.'cC;~C.w. Atf titißkAti 'Booo o t s' -pIIANSPIELD.II Englbh and ClissApal tours* Terms b_elbt September 7th, Decembeenth, and Marchl72. State appmpiations :ktritodenta. Steudenp,sit• 'pitted at any dine. Apedi to -- .4 , " CHAS. H: VERRILL, A. 31., Mansfield Pa. Aug. 81, 1870.-17 HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI. ATION, For the Rellefead care of the Efringend Uttlitt - Principles of Quietism PollantbroM, • BeetTe on the Emilio! Towhead the leMes ef le retatton to !tentage and Bode Bath with Whit std for the efOletaL • Sent free. In tented IMlri • , Ames lIOWARD ASSOCIATION. Boa P. March 16, 1870.-7 TALBOT & STAMP, GROCERIES & PROIMOIS Flour, Salt, Batter, Pork, Lard, Ham, Salt Ptah, Tallow, Candles, Crackers, Cheese, Coffee, Spices, Choice Teas, Sugars, Rice, Dried and Canned Pixtit, Tobacco, C► pn,..5na4 „.,.,,,,,,,_.. and all other articles Inurelly kept in a first elan , and Provision Store. We still mark our Goods as low as we nl„ and •ell forcaah, ur exchange fur produce, • PATI ONAGE.2.OI.ICI7XD Montrose. Sept. 92, 18%I.—if ,‘ . llE - L TII ram LL, • DRUGGIST, MONTROSE, PA. 1. , contlunally reedirlog NEW GOODS And keeps con•tantl7 on band s toll and desirable as *taunt:La ul genuine DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIIERICALS, LIQUORS, Paints, 01le, D7e-Stalin, Teas. Spice., and other Ors lerlea. Slime Kure, Nall mod N u LWOW Pepe), Ulmer wale, Fruit Jar, kitrmrs. Lamps. Chita:tele, NeTO re..r, 011, Twkitert,' Oil. Neu hoot Ott. lie lord Whale Oil, Sperm Oil. Ohlie 01 Spirlte Turpen tine, Vnrairaee. (:yuts r 3 Sevd :Cmckwr Pt.tat.h. COI" en, e Ash tgrease. Trucrew. Supporters, lw.trament... Shoulder Braces, %VW, Gaol, Pirtols, Cartrolgro, Powder, Stott, Level. unn cap, roe der and Pune, V iolius. Stria .Bows. etc. Plc it. Fatt•e sic Hoot, clot Ltnew.likr and Toilet Soap., Helr Oils. Hole Rewtotere. Maul Hale Dye. Broelitn, Pocket Kni TO- . Pleted Spuout,Fulkel Knives. &c. Deatlitt Articles, a gederal aosenniebt 01 FANCY QOODS. JEWELRY, and PERPEUBI All theloodlng and boot kind, of PATEN'T )lEDICI:CES In abort. nearly every thing to rettore the *irk, r. pleaee the taste. to delight toe eye, to gratify the fane,. and-aleo to conduce in the real and aubitautial comfort. or Ilk e . EllllMrfalinD ie inipraci la able, as it lei/WOW a netvapaper. Call at the Drag and Variety Store of ABEL TURILILLL lifontroise,ana.6, DENTISTRY llontroso. Avg. 18, 1669.-11 ATTENTION I WE'LL GIVE YOU "FITS." T. D. TAYLOR, so long known in Bingham ton as one of the most popular Cutters, and fashionable Tailors in this section of country has formed a co-partnershlp,widt E. F. New comb, of Montrose, and they are now prepared to furnish men's wearing apparel of allkinds. and in style and workmanship superior to any establishment in this section of country. We GtrAlt ANTEE SATISFACTION o all who may favor us with their patronage. Shop at Post's old corner, on Public Avenue. Montrose, Oct, 19, 1870.—1 L CONGRESS WATER. - • at TURRELIIEL ABEL .TURRELT4 • t rettarred frogs Nett Torts writs a large ad &fon to bit must stott of choice .goods. Montrose. Nsv;SS, MOM DR R. TI LAY E R, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN 'Ai. SIMOSON. . . Offen him professional garden to the dittoing of Mom'. and adJoinnnycorrotint. WM. at blir ohoppmit A. Will ho at illontrmariday of each wrair• Spetlar snention ;mit Oiled trestment of Chin'. Mown. - Thom -baring tct Ert teinf ham Ms treatment °fall other Physicians are especially WM to glee me airfoil Sinn my location In. this Adult', I ham treated incensfoily some of the worst fonos of _ t'onsomptlon. Female ef eakness, - tiyipperts, cane; Bt. Vitnialance, Ate. , Patiently anon to boini on restonablo terms. Ciervreen and their familleaitiettsdQat q~to 'Mebane for connitstiOn.. Illesholipen, Nan. 15,1010.—Em• TALIIIOT a STAMP T. D.,TATIOR,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers