- '-re".-..- , 4 . ; 1 . 0 , ; , .. ~. .. , . Jung,: . , insg, 4e,,, uusquettanue. Cotddr, A •••_ , - • . ,••A A "-' - -• • - - A , takanottee that la pursdatles of the: seeeratararot4a. scattily' Of this Commauttealth to protide-rtuauud to t .: " . 0 #. g . ig . ,,,ea fr i4**• . iic 00..... meet thadeulands.upon the Teuteury aud tot other par. Mem the undattgaed . Appretter or. Mementlie tares A r t icji r : ...:: . I . # . „ :11 . 1t . t . 44 .. 'ir l ' ; . ,-,•_ ' : •: - ,A r A • • forieatdcatudy,A has peurraddlist otkllidthena,llld tetfigialtl?lnin7i:etrillit ral i tqlr blit ' 4l" :6l the acre atecothlt tuldt: '• * • 1 IL Adams . . . ....... WI. c. Both i h tt te11..., . .: .. un. W• H 4 Lou. 43 T u t i.2. 1ce 4 Blether—. AMMO'' ' . C 4 - IVoith ....,,. IPI,TMI 4 Idozaam..., ..INEWASEILFORDO . . . CAItrak.FLUMM--. 2 SICHOLd.9 SHOEII ARE g Desier In genuine Cigna Plaster. Fresh ground. lIIKAMP.pst lAzifittor visi • *of* law* and American Bun Sap INOtoro, Suva; 111.1tAtatt" a to; Daiders in myth:x.ll4w'. cm& "800. dualSboei, sod Chttaria Werchsaidisa:. Maid Athirlomogooadootaidewuse Eidscosal asureb• •• panOTE‘. knit nt bY W*Lptit Surma' man -ant - po,:-• $ 13.*Eiti.raiuldrnuld dolt: to rows Nodothor Ptilauleri thgel, Main St. viptiami,Underuka, on ••-:Mata ...tla#PSl 4l6 3"--14 1 ./Eri S trv• • 31000 4 1 41 111 00t gnd P r "WIP A n a al Rtkrt:t."' z tralttoNtr: — "Xteo 4 o Moot. n ao l.° Comsot,,!lirooorkokaod o on • —I r oppogio.qta,RoPtit": •q, lfpg- Nr r'Xiiiitsotisiariroe,V mud 6 ' "1 . -Notions , 0 1(7 t 'rotiltaio,otyrbt., btiloy!gpiscopakeb, : - NOSE' 6 , 1 Pit•tP:l•estbreli.maracturpmancritenier. - • 3t. i , •• crletidtfiradWousr_RplearoalPb*/".. . • • • • , • AlSe4X:lo4llots4-Deilaidito-OinniVilune. and lOugantn, tniat,otViggida,,,o/1 *act t, near • the Rep:thin on Kal."4;neet, smut' of the brit J:DICKERMAN. JR.. Dealer In general merchandise nod Clothing. Mick Store. on Stain Street. WUIPPLE & MEND, Dealers In general Merebanillae ma NNW Street. • GREAT BEND LENnetm, Menem:tam - of Leather. and dealer kunnenat r yleFnhan thee. on Main Buret.• 4 thlithlt,'"Sietebirit Sailor and dealer . In Deady ifsole Clothing, Dry Ottuds,Grocerles and Pros Won*, Moist Street• LENOXVILLE. *lii* * *iii4sctuFer 'lager ip par azillC* . GIBSON EDWARD. St nrivort Mtnureetatees of Wagons sad Slitgbe; bur the Ingelle Stara. - - 31ONTROSE. . MMELL. Dealer In nrCIP. Medicines. Li nts, Oils, Dye Stnff. Groceries. Jewelry, [sop, 21, "111 . . WEBB & GERE., 'Seers Office, and dealers In Grocer lea and Provisions, Crockery. etc., Public Avenue. JAMBS E. CAI/MALT, Altornee at Law. Office one daerbelosrTarbell Hoo•e, Public Avenue. • WM. II COOPER d. CO.. Utnkero. *eV Puretrn Pao• 'ace Tick to and Deans on &Wand, Ireland and Scat . . J. ItriIIiSTCHERII Eating Saloon la the plug-10 gat Intent:Tana, Qyaiegaand gains, In email/tee. On Main atniet:b • arBOUII a . BROWN. General' Fire and - Lila anerillaanta ; alao.arn Railroad and Aqp/dent Tirket• to Saw 'fork and Philadelphia. Olt= one dour nit radio Book. F. B. CHANG:AM. General Insurance and Sewing Ha chits Arent. 'Public Avenue" nunsrsea NICHOLS, the place to get Drage and 11.41- Ciggaarsn.. Tobacco, Pipes, rockct-Rooks, Spccl+- the. Iffy VOlitlP*, &c.. Public Avroac. WM. L. COX, Harness tanker and dealer in all articles usually kept lb; their de, opposite the Bank. • BOYD a COIIWIN. Dealers In Stones, Hardware, and Menufnetnrera of Tin and Sheetlron ware, corner of Mein and Toroplte street. 5. R. MOR.IR, Merchant Tailor and dealer in Cloths; Trimmings, and Furnishing Goods. and Acosta for Mincer &mint Machine. on Main Suva. Tordharu building. A. N. OCit.A.Atin. Dealer In Groce•lea. Novi.lan.. nook,. Stationery and Yankee Notions,. at bead of Public Avenue.• T. SPORE . R. CO., Dnalnt. In Sitwell. Ilardtrarn. Agricultural implements, Flour and Gruccr.ca, oppo. rite Tutbadi Donte. 1t1T.V31013.13 111trensi. Livery and Szelance Suably!, inyvtir of Bank 'mildly:. • 1 0. DiWITT d CO.. Dealers In Dry Goods, Hard ware and general merchandise, corner, near uaa Black.a REV YORK PRODOCE !MARKET& Corrected weekly by William llodsdon, 231 Fulton St., New York. Week ending March 8, 1871 Turkeys, per 117 L 14 to 22 Chickens " 14 to al Geese " 12 to 14 Ducksl6 be 18 Butter, pall 37640 Migsai Cheese, dairy, per lb 13616 " factory ........ ... ~....... 14012 Ezra, per dez 276 28 Flour, per barrel 4.7560.45 Corn tonal, 100 lbs. 2.2062.30 Wbeal, per bu5he1........ 1.2061.50 Rye " 9561.00 Oats " 51635 Corn " ........ .......... 89690 flora, ercip . or 1870 i96r,0 Brief, sides,.perlb ........ ........ .... 10614 I lo„ ... 9612 Potatoes, peiibbl. ... . ......2.0003.40 Titiow 9010 ct paint Voticco. Charing Vuts far the Bilious.—gvers dx delm- Btr.t." mom clearly that fleet" enntplaitit, in all, its dia. t ressing forma, me be controlled and cored ultbont amity or tnconventente. It is an obstinatedisease.trat It. obstinacy-Matte proof against the pertinaelcua, rem. offal and restorative, operation of nosleter's Stomach Bitten. That genial corrective compels the organ to do it• .erdy. If - Mud secrete regmarly and healthfully ander the intkieuce of the Bitters. Their action brings it trek from a state of rebellion into perfect harmony with the laws of health. If there Is costiveneu, ft di. •Pp-ers: If there is side-ache or back ache, It ceases: If the chin and the whites of the ryes are tinged with reverences bile, they recover their natural hoe; If the 'petite is gone, It returns; if the dietto.lou I. Impaired; n u restored ; In brief, whateser the symptoms of the complaint may be. and whatever the phase It has es ...med. a erre is certata . Such are the uctiforos effects or this pleperiqatvwbeve felons disease bats been ett• .ready developed; but hi mum where there is merely a. rountutionsal tmcdeney to liver compl.lot, it may be prevented thrombein life by the regular nee, In snail quantities. of Ole palatable antidote. .These are pros .. feels, and should be rreriouslY pondered—err, rather. acteo epos—bp all moons of Ildlious 'habits. girTieuthag, Wardell —‘Essays for yrtati:Nchele the delights of home. sand the pmprietr or lothropriely of eetting tharritd, -with sanitary help for those Who fry unlined or tooleirsonts7 happiness Rent free. In sealed enveloper Address. I.IOWAILD ASSOCIATION Buz P.. Philadeiphte.'Pa. Orlllloonailimim Stain • lacrimal Illebafrol. and Lritaaar et,Coaracactai Inairront.—The Pactlty ornate Instituttsdi aim to be very thornugh In their In struction, and tq tont eareittlly after the health, moo OM and monde cf the students.. - Apply - for adalogne 10,.1.16.11/Y CaIIVER, A. M.. ' Principal. !tw Ntratistintuto. PUBLIC SALEI.—The undersigned will sell by Auction, on the farm known as the I William L Post farm,mear Montrose, on Thurs. day. March 23, 1871,at ten dekick, -A. It; the following pmpertyl - - One pair of Horses, 1 two year-old Colt, 3 Voiss..4 , two-year-olds, 2 yearl; sags, 2 shoats. • linmhey tragort;. -184zy, ktoness. lumber itleigh, whifilefrees, neekyoke: plasm drags, drag teeth, Cultivotor, grain cradle, cider and barrels; luty, and other ,srticles. TERXB :-All sums tattler ss;casli; $5, and over, Y months' --credit,• with interest and ap proved security. • A. REYNOLDS. Montrose, March 8, 1871. 2w. . . , VALUABLE FAR/1 FOR SALE.-;--The subsalbcrefterebis farm-at Silver Lake, Susquehanna Co.; Pa., contains over 130 acres 100 or 10* of which are okayed and undercultbm , Lion the land is-well watered and good for either grain or grass, there twebetticen two and three hundred grafted Apple treason the Place besides peach. plum, and pear trises,-the farm is consent ent for churches and sehnols with good build- Inge; 130 mu south of Quote: lake, the farm is a grad one and,admirably located. Addressorap- . ply to —r — BLWRICE:M. - DONNELL- Ef#7olo/4 ell". CO/ Pa w liairli 8, 71,-liti; Memo* Tingley ' 11 NM Ma • 11 tcar. • Mack. barba irs cu•& Mar } Grow al ...... Wm. F. cols T yJohnmin 11 Plitafck .44 14 ..14' ..14 ..14 I , aortas'. 1 &R o Lyo ' rs A 44 , ..•* . .. .: .. 19 , Webb &Gem. 14 PH Ctiaadlee.—<. --.•-•;, 14 i 1.0 114be1114 t Lions. Linke & Co : 11 i Pam& Co i 14 ' Ram & Nlitoll p ba 4...19 Wni.J 31010:tat ' II A. N Ratiard _. .. ...... .;..t4 smug 'falba. al4 Wm. •Nayd &Co ~ II ON dud - 'l3 .1 4 lad s :..,.'- 14 SUSI :....... ... r. 14 Miner . t. 4.. . .:'.14 IL Dann......t . . . ...14 1 14 1101121- -..:. 1 W W t•bb ~..:.13 C 0 Pordhgua... 1 14 W 5 T1e404-.....'. ... . ;....s 14 S)1 Wi1.04.1;' .. • ~ • :" / 3 i At Tacrcll 4 , It 1 acid; 0 & Co p.m ff.lo ~ camp , Ito.ten-t IE , . ba . ve . Irgrabt d Co:- 11 .111 DcWltt& c 0........) / 2 A 4.3 1 1 1 r 0 P. • —I .e.• e. ,•, ~ I° . 31ZW ,1111100SPi , ' Aloe! & .akydest p La 4..-.14 .1 Dleberautb,jr ' ;10 James MMus' - - 'l4 11 llnnitt p at 1 1., . . : . ;...... 10 Oavt4l tlatanserm V ar 4.. Ali W 1. Maas & Ca. 4;..:.: —ICI Tll47der•e• ..-1 , • .• • • .4 • • *) 14 Moss At K0ap,....., ,14 031 HAWII,I , .19 inba Hams ' 'l4 WWl= 4V1111.111147Li —ll 11 Natratt & &at.— —... rl 1 PS Ter:neck- • ~..;,:... 14 Tl . Manton. ......' ... ',VI Stre.lll ?obey. ; '' ' . .14 1 anat. •• , . .1. 11 Abentratel &Co "'IJ 111 Ontarta.9 al 4 ' II N 11 Powder.. . 6 ,....... q. .. /4 iiirniX4VILLE. Tiltany 6 Cramer..;.'.. J 0 R W &Annoy 0 ivera.... .. Hutt indrtilre...: .. Waal:rim.* .• D A A Tltawortb,., 21 tiloko7 curnorw T Wail. - T 24..13aner... .. ;•.'" P If Gardner .... • II A. William. El Wells A. limunar G Wearer p.m 11. I Ilene/ ... . E r Chambers: A Illettardaon Wm. II Thayer Wilea,RBhermatt - II Mot afir et e +. • 1 Sierra. L0eh0dy........1 tOiltittApt. •- 111 IL. Balt ' D Mims. • •1. D C & F /1 Fordnam 11 .1 E I. rr1 m in... ......... .... 13 1. Blowup., , W 1 tLLL W Weitanrutr..:.. ..... 14 Wm. Bottum p ItokerL. Wismar*, 12/1141" 111p11F: , 'R Mirk .., •• . • • ' • Whltiny A. Preston: , it B:„Clark... . . T Ertabrookp .. S•Linh ....... W A • alai:lL; . W. " ..... ' 1:)11:crqrsl . . „ t rn • Creaaele • 14 Psintln. Wm. Ilaidwio.. n. P Dania 11 A; Crack ... ' Geutte L. W ,0 C Bruungoo... .. ...... Coollo'2ll •utoprly:.,..l. Cwome try. win Jnlrl4:l r Inure & • II TE. 11.4 curs p 21...medy l Sou p m 4. ..14 21,1iikeu & Suallu,2 Wm. T Eymet . H M Tingley - 11 111A1,11014 1 r, n W Drunl m sterens... J Settings, &. 9 A Lyons & Son... S 9 Monson C J Lyons ellSestE W. Potter &CV • ' 14 et Spencer.. , .... — l3 Eurre,Nich.il4 . Cop m 4.13 QUM:MI J C Edwards 0 Mir 0...... T tletay erl 1 ...... ...141 J W White 14 1 Jon es & 'tann T J Cu 11, E 8 Hinds . ..... 11 1 Hibrock & Hestia; 111 Ben ontt 0 Roberts 14 Norris & Preach.... JY Putter. ....... .14 , ;EOM. .; 14 ' Atger A Lowita • • • • 14 OV'Spenc,- 14 RT USA& it'11..... Ai Hunger/out 414.1deserole.:11 Lastlllamerukt . .14 ' Z Barn,* 'l4 srantallaxica. massy , Gillet ikta Paco L 11/ - Minna.. ' - 'll W 8 Beebe pm 4 - t 4 irreinaama a " 14 13 ChM' • ' 14 tioorzeli Crandall 42 1 . 1 4 /e 4ll ‘ti s • 44 4 Tarafruis McDonnla.. 111 13 P . Satattb 44 31 J Pendell's. 5t.... .. . ... 114 John Tierny. ... —.. ..../4 Union Store •asoelatiou.,P` Wsharr RlTher ..... ....: .12 D 8 Lyons il 1 1.1 Lymis. . Levels Freeman • • 14 11 P Doroo 42 Rimy sa Leap m 4. 32 James .Dell.“ 12 WJ Palkenbuly. 14 PII ThArsr.. . ......... 19 MeLhaiiinia I Lento:. : ....11 FD i.,170• II A B Tnr5.x........A..... 14 G L Ad440........1,1 .....1a 8 rs. R Prearath:.. , :.....11 Wm. Ban 4/ T Smith 19 nen 31061z0 14 4uttenlvorr. Ro a e•ra. Co. I ~ haulm at if C &J 11 Cook ..... ....12 7 C Foot ...............111 pA La one ... ..... ... 13 r 1 A Miller 13 at:attar.at .1 11 Cook 111 John Warn, 431.: 14 RI 311111 ••• 14 3 II Ilosentrans p 50......14 Sohn 'l2 (Inborn.. . ...... n lilturr. 31ra R R Forbes 1.1 Joseph Weh.ter ..14 L.O Porten:-n.... H 17 D satanrord 11 • vitria L•ur.. • A Bremen urrUt nisnotri. 1?1:3 Meek, 14 R n Reaol.l, 14 Drool• lalahouy 14 D R Coot Id .... ........ti 11m. 31 Gags 11 LATEIROP. TI101111..1.• 21.11 a Brothers 12 a L Lesarta 14 E 31 Tiffany ti Co ..10;F 31 Gyllot 13 Classitkation of Venders of Merchandise. Safe, I.ass than $3.101 class is $ Loon le.. than $10.041. 19 •• in .mlO " , 13.410• L •• 12 "' 15.00 " ... .. " 91,030 " - 310 $ " 40.0•2/ •• 9 1 411081 •• 50,900 ... ..... •` 61 And Ilarn Jodtte. of the Court of Common Plena of nalileoon, trIII boll ti roar/ of k ppee) .11 the C. , Uri lion,. In thirsty..., In and for naldConnty. on Tuesday. April 101 n NIL at 1 o'ciosk p m.. atbleb time and : place • .0 of thn Merchant. described, de * flord. and anon eli a! nroreAtinl, or their ag Ms or attorney.. may op pa ar and appeal from !Sid 0......,11. If they think prop, F. CUBA ‘E HALL. Jarknon. Marsh i* 18;1.-41ar Mennantaie Apnr.tls.-r. Clles‘roor ea.aselllocotkvy EED, For Sale at Lathmp's btore. March C.:l 1, 1871. avr C. D. LATHROP. AUCTON.—The subscribta• baying rented his farm will sell at public sale, on the premi ses, in Silver Lake., near St. Josephs, on Friday, March 10, 1871, at 9 o'clock, a. m., the following property, viz: Pair of horses, 8 years old; 8 CAWS, yearling short horned bull, yearling heifer, 24 cotswold ewes, which took first premium at County and State Fairs; 5 buck lambs, 2 hogs, 10 grade short horned calves, lumber wagon, democrat wagon, buggy wagon, sett doubleitar 11C-SS, single harness, pair bobs, double sleigh, market sleigh, cutter, horse fork rope and pulleys, vegetable cutter, hand seed drill, dairy and farm• ingimpleraents, and a large number of articles not mentioned. Vir The above named cotswold ewes will be sold in pairs. Tenus.—All sums of $5 and under, cash, over $5, nine months' credit with interest and approv ed security, THOMAS. M. C. BUTTON, Auctioneer. IM. Josephs, Match 1,1871. 2w AIIDITOIIIINOTICE.—Tbe undersigned. an Auditor. appointed by the .int.ow of the Orphans' (bort of :4 1 c:4i:71m: o n; j e a v n r i tztv4 ... to dl n st . ritit m e in food t ft or nm oPt i ti n e g es. i" tat- of dela P..yne, deceased. will attend to thedothel of mid eppointmeut. at hisofilee. in Montrose. the dtb day of April. lull. at I o'clock in the fternoon of that day. at Which time and Voce all persona interested will make known their claluta or be forever debarred from coming In on raid fond. W. A. 1.310.b.511014. Montrose, Marti 1, ISM. 4w Auditor. AUCTION. The eubseliber being about to change his business will sell at his residence, in Forest Lake, on Saturday the 4th of March next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the follow ing property : one yoke of four old oxen, 8 cows, 2 two year old beifrrs, 8 calves, buggy wagon, single harness, 'ox cart, ox sled, stone boat, car penter's boring machine, crowbar, cutting box, bureau, sewing machine, stands, tables, &c,, &c. TM:LIM-All sums under $5, cash, $5 and over, nine months' approved notes, or (oar per cent. off (or cash down. L N. AUSTIN. Forest Lake, Feb. 15, 3w. D, DiurwirrEn, Auctioneer. DDISSOLUTION.--The copartnensh ip heretofore existing Waimea W. 11. Boyd. J. 11. Corwin and d. P. trery , der the firm 'name of W. H. Boyd & Co. I. dis lavedy =anal canasta. on the drat clay of Jamey MI. Mn Crary retiring from the arm. The books and notes in too hands of W. II Lloyd .S. J. 11. Corwin. who dots authorized to nettle the lame. W. B. BOLD a. CO. Montrose. rebran47. ISTI. fir • rsO I IIIIITTSTALE.--Committensaleorreal estate. V Notice Is ti by ;Teen. that in pursuance of an or der of the Coo or Common Pleas of Stisquebanna Ltainty. 1 will ,On Wednesday the 15th day of Mare len, at 10 oyleek, a. m.. upon the premlees. In the town or/Adam- county of Samuel:mune and Male of Pennsylvania; expose the undivided half part or the rationing piece. parcel or lot of land, the estate Or Levi Ram-ti. a lunatic, to public eule. described as follows, to wit: Bounded on the north by lands of Wein Morse, on thesumaby public highway. battler from Melee-tom rr - - New Illiford road. to W, li. Norris' store ; on the south by lands of J, R. Barrett. and west by lands 0(01.- .0 Emmett. eentsildsmetie hiudled arms Of land, be the same more or hos, with the buildings and appurtenanc sm. well Improved; on which is a good brme, two balms. orchard. dc.--,Terrea of sale.-enetiondnall doll note be paid on the land being struck" down" Eye httbdted"dol lore on the contemn on lands and delivery °, deed-and Asthma: in thine equal annual enshilments, with interest ' Lem mate et ale ea all, unpaid amounts sot Tani on giving dead. to be melted otrbond and wesrtmire. or Judgment bond upon the preaches. will also. expose to pablle sale. at same time and place: the follwolug personal property, to wit Tiro. crrons.l two year old .beitent, coming In tats spring; t yearlings, one year old colt, two horse carriage. sett of light two home harnotarberrow, plow, clement saw. grain cradle, two storm and a laree quantity of talif sad other articles not mentioned. February it. 1871. OftEN BLUM, Committee of LEXLMARRETT. Neer Milford Feb. vra. ow a Lunatic. .DR n. 'MAYER, xclsen . cymrsi6oB, girsortosi Often hie girofcaiionil iretiricesto the citizens of Same* and adjoining conntim. °Mee at hie =widener., Mei *happen, Pa, Will be at Montrose Pridsyof emit meek aped*, _Attention given to Hat !rata:pealed , Owen). Diereses. Those haviog haled to' get rella Groin the treatment 'oral! other Mach= are. eriral/ Abe= mem WO. Since my location , In riclulty, I :have treated- - eneeesdoar soine . of the _wont' toots-of uonmunption, Yeaude Meghalaya, - Ilstweswiai Caneer, St. 'MILS Dance, dr • • -- • - - = PaticoN token to board tennt.'_ Ctuarnen and theirilunilloa treated ginultonelp Marge for ownwoltatioa. • Vim, sink-ater -'ANNUAE='"STATEMENT :7 ' l ' alft:a2 M. i F4kE/i)i.MA* or SUg(terstANtiiittinril4 itCat 11/70. 'lade axrd pcbUi edinp awl:ice ohm aet dumbly a k r 7 7,7 A. ilaltalicebietillectOrs 'AcOoiroto for r 7. 7 7 c - 111170.7 . • 4- , • Fi.l• t:..v: ~. y:/ 405.81 1240.136 271.81 1018.81 115069 1181.01 Apo!aeon- Aubnfn... Ararat... Bridgr.water Brooklyn. Clifford. Choconut,.. Dimock 404." 01 1327.701 207.77 841.07 -118.104 1402.02 23245 eas.BB 1255.f0 194.29 Dundatt Franklin.. Forest Lake.. Friendsvilla Great Bard.. oei ile'd bow I Harmony . Harford. Herrick..... 180.86 128220 1020.67 5.00 744.501 1434.69; 765.661 1140.05 78521 71228 1238.50 124 m 1&57.90 / 1096.01 • _4562.45 794.48 1128.95 820.95 Jneksim Jeganp. Lathrop L Maidows.. Liberty ..... Middleto*n.. Montrose.... New Milford. " Miirrd b'ro Oakland Rusk Silver Lake.. Stamen Boro.. Springville... Thomson.... 1=1.43 181.20 881.91 1 8.50121 210230 10.12.39 ittflO7 imam 1538.03 437.56 483.25 1X16.48 797.55 541.08 IOCKILTI 844.75 1040.741 1155.61 820.12 MM1.60 Town] AND coLLEcron's Apo}aeon Samuel Rico Derrick J. liishbangh Auburn..., ~ : .II N. Kellen , Jackson S L. blench Ararat A. C. Davis Jessup Lucius Smith Brithmwater. .. —M. Moil Lothrop 11. B. Wood Brooklyn ...J. L. Reynolds Lenox.,. A. Churchill Clifford —.Ewa S. Lewis Little Meadows...J. Barney Choconnt ...Michael M array Liberty Daniel Dawley Dleauck B L Brush Middletown. ...T. Monahan Dnudell. A. D. MillaMontrove J A. Howell Franklin....... P. A. Smitti;New Miltord.....J. Baldwin Forest Lake. Win. G. Small, • •Miltordßoro,N.Buttertielt 'Vrlendsville Ed'wd Gribbin- 'Oakland ...... J. N. Thomas Gibson P P Wilitney;Rnsh Samuel Smith Great Bend R. N. Ives. Silver Lake .J. DoniYan Great Bend Boro,R.WbitneySusq'a, Bore ...L. N. Lyons Harmony D. Taylor) Sbringville... .A. P. Brown Burford .J. C. Harding Thomson • G. L. Lewis RECAPITULATION Total amount of Doplicate9, To aunt paid by Collect -oi9, $30293 57 " To amount of Percentage to Collectors, To amount exonerated to Collectors, StrSQUEITS.NNA COUNT 'EXPENSS. To Commonwealth Coats ___ ____ - Rand Views ' 1116 .31 .. Rcartl Darner., . I Ito. 09 / Shove. late Commissioner 101 25 7. T. ES* Commissioner ' MD 06 P. Hinds - 437 90 &I 00 Cons 546 II A. 1914 00 Jura Traverse 0639 mi Redl. 814 39 Conn Jail 1 330 i Foul an Cows H lading Repairs o Court Room .2325 03 Genera 1p and Special Elections. 715 70 Town 25 00 Will lay, Sheriff 557 713 S, F. La e Sheriff 479 87 William ry, et aL. Jailor and Jail fkil I I Station Mg, new index fur ProtsOfßee... 511 55 Snake dge 390 00 Petrillo 491 73 Intenst.... .. 1461 .40 Insuran 5:36 80 Cross= 54 00 Baldwin,t 64 00 w. W. 1 .12 Treasurer—State Tax, 180... 3689 77 Lunatic HOF WO 542 30 Postage and Puvenne Stamp. 18 00 Wild Cat Bountits 2 25 n, s W. A. Crosmo Clerk 940 00 . . Justices of ttie Psecc 10 46 Bond, Redeemed 21s'tsrl 79 Arica turn! &misty 10X) 00 ti. OEI Ired. late Prothonotary and Clot ...... 1117 76 F....tern Penitentiary F. B. Chandler. et al., County Auditor,. C..unty Linn tjan,y County U!..< ExperixC; Trenottirreo Percvntage Four Refunding Orders By County Orders Itedeemed In= No. I to No Gat ................. . .......$3lOlll Treasurer's Percentage 1.113 TI Four Itenanding Orders I Is 21 Total Balance SUSQUEHANNA G►U STATEMENT OF COLL • TOWNSHIP& 4200 62 00 12 50 58 50 52 00 Apo!aeon Ararat Bridgewater Brooklyn Chornnu.t Dimock ..... Doodad' ..... Franklin Forest Lake ' Frientisville...- Gibson GLBend township Gt. Bend Eton).— Harmony . Harford Herrick Jackson Jessup Lathrop Lenox.... Little Meadows.. Liberty Middletown Montrose New Milford twp. New Milford hero Oakland Hush Silver Lake; Sustja Elmo Springville' Thonison 33 01:), 'l9 00 9 00 40 00, 29 50 60 50 3 50 47 00 63 00 27 tiO RECAPITULATION Total Amount of Duplicates, $1420 00 To amount paid by Collector, $1233 74 To =punt Exonerated, 121 30 To Collector's Percentage 64 76 eTATEMLni OF DOG ACCOUNT on 1870. Benjamin Glidden, Treas. Cr. Dr. In Amount with Dog Tater& To amount of Dap Beata; 1870, $1420 00 To amount Yen iled from H. N. Kellogg, of Auburn, Ex ,. ()aerated lax, Toamount inTreasures hands as per Last Auditory Report, COMMA. By 'Exoneration!' to Collectorn, $ 121 50 By percentage to Coll(vtonk 64 76 By Orders redeemed faun No. 1 to No. 53 inclusive, By Treasurer's commblun on receipts of sl=3 74, at 2 per Cent, • 24 67 By Tressureneornmlssionsfron expendinms $1343 78, at 21 per cent, 213 87 By amount In Treasurers`. bands, to balance, sus 16 --- $ 17 83 Si DEUAMIr GUDDE2I. Timustrwm. OP 517E4 ta., a aorourr amour wire um coma. Deeember.nt WO. Dr. TOll3lloalit TeCCITOti awl 11. V. Seanedy late Count TT rer .. ~, . ...... ~ ~$ Titl a 1 ToftwourarTa l it . t.iioiiiiiie '-'. ' '.- , WW 60 To amount reeelved e lYto lbw:sled Pula,: 1608 and 1869 . 1308 03 're arena 63220/61t• of Leans. (Or IWOIIII a) Teammate neaten! foam Saperrirorr 'of - For. clef I.Bllo..Ccaelornewerlth TA D: gears CZ 41, To mamas nutted ttomaddltteaaliLesetromeat - 1 of Tezer...' ~ . _..- .. ~.., 1111 St Tox emia aceinrs omeNs..r. woe,. wig*, -- 11f—Jory Fees 1 To amoant rereive4 tom Cogommweakb ea. - -.. • ri_ki - Wl,lOOl jiaGalre .r., li o samint recelerd bon Overseers of Four of Itootroea and Sekkedeekr. C 0010203111031 11 1, W j IT. X Ara. , lat, .• - O Ttrimmirwattilt fiord Zia earn ?MX; - --- - NW. ((third Inch. August-Tenn) 48 To ammnt tettelved flora 0; IL CrOtherktrdWit . , : sl3 aril ttrimack—listmet Tak....,. , ... , , ' .... .. i 92 To *Mont received from L. Lott, Co llector, Anbarn—Jetern Tax - 19 al To amount received from Cormnonwealtb, vs. James Bays • ... .... . ... ... 20 60 .To amount received tram Commonwealth, vs. D. C../totacts., - - 222 34 To 01:1101101 received from Commonwealth.ve. B. T Bennett „ 181 To amount received from 13neqophanna Count,. vs. James and Joseph Parmater 41 03 To amount received from B. L, Bmb, Collector of Dimock—Additionall'ax . , . . . .... ... . 4,0 To amount -melted from luct l2B, ) ltirritY• 9* lootosof ir.;boi . max...lteoam Tax ‘ 400 • SONO 60 . • Cr; Byenturputt Kong , • ......... SOO By ainconatot four 80tand105334114..-. 115 33 By amount or County coders oth/eorned. from No. 1 t 0.730, ON: /nolo** - • AU= CSI By =Dont of ttoortatlovoto Colleotoo.s 47866 By mooning of toutootogo to Collectors, INfil /7 , 2307 03 By amount of Trolootrer'i Poo cent. on RtCtipti. Vlttetsr,twoper cent_ ,s 06,2 48 By amouns oiTtollouee• pot toot. on • Expend tutee. 031031 t 5: per ct., C 32 73 ---- By amount to Trimmer's hands to toil- 21 11313 71 -once 91431 65 $43697 OthitifUT OR WIL T. ArOXLEY, SHEILIFF, • December St. Dr. - To amount of luny feel ne per certlficate or the clerk of glazier tweeters S't CO C . . 137 amount paid Timmur r, as per recelpi......s 81, 01 By 8 per cent. retained by collection 83 ..BENJAMIN GLIDDM COUNTY TFLESSUIt LW 1000UNT RIM TM CON XOXIVIALTH Or p zingnuA m uk Docentbor 81, IVO, Dr. To amount or State tax lerltd and assessed on Nationoi Dank gawks as per rertutrato of Cot Auditor General . ISO CO By 5 per cent. allowed Collector S 7 50 By Tneteurcr'eCloramlselen uo $152,50 kt liver eat 16 By amount due the Commonwealth uu STATEMENT OF TREASURER'S ACCOUNT, IN DILATION TO NOM), SODOM. AND NOUNTV TANTA ON ,UNILATZD LOW, 1838 .*no Igre. BOAD TAPES. ROAD TILYES. Dr. Cr. To' amonot of Road By ain't paid town. Warrants for the ship $ 003 40 yr..aro $ 1015 GSBy Treasurer's per -- ceutage at& per Ct. 50 23 $100353 • SCIWOL TAXES. SEEOOL TAXES, To amount of seb- lly am • t paid tom:t -oe! W•trrants roc atilt,. $1249 71 the years letiS sod 111 Tnetaareec per -113.1 $ 1315 St centage at 5 per -- cent GS 77 $32.1G0 GO $1316 51 BOUM TAXES. Bu 'r IT TAXES. Tom:noon' otitoort. By eral told town '', tan levied fur whit*........... $ 613 19 too years Ind By Tmsurer's per , 1/V1 $ 511 IV conuogent 5 per ct. Vt 58 W. W. WATSON. LATE W . 137firtINTEMDENT, SJt accomer ITY ousoutuairm'A;comciT. , „ ' December Si, UFO. Dr. To acriimejt received from R. T. Kennedy (MUM - 13107,150:t; laWoo ny ptld eztpam , ..f CounlYill.tltulta for 196.•1 9 1 Id G 3 Ili tatlaute mitmlof to vuainy Traunn.., fu -; Dee.-137u . 37 37 STATEMENT O'S' ausqufausluvo. TREASURER, Japusry Ist, A. D., ISTI. Avallaidn funds In the Treleary . $ 9,41083 Available - Notes •"• .• lOW 00 Uncuneat money of prevlcins years I.ki 00 Morrill amounts or boles. bonds, %Judge; - ' carts de.; $n par Utqoodltoro,ltoport .. • • SD 00 iglpeertifY theiforgolngtobe s Correa SLIII. OIO rd, .!-. J. T. ELLIS RlNuk. P. County •,, E. L SEmsg , t Cominlo.louctli •• /Wool, W. A. Coles an, Clerk SrnOVVIANWA COUNT,. Ni W. the andersigned And Mora In and forth° County of Saettabannn met in perms-owe our duties at the Attu:tot'. Ott ee to Montrone on Monday January Rd. A. U.. lit7t. And did Andlt Adjust and ecttlc the auroral accounts of the Commissioners and Treasurer of coutity,,lll or which upon • thuron.th ea tutiottion Wu find to be co-r..ct. We 11nd In the hands of Beni unto Itllddon Treusurer of Paid county : • Amon ut of County Rhode Olin h Mancini of /State Fonds 141 013 Amount of bo Fun& 5:13 70 TRACY HAYDEN.) 11. ht. JOY42S. County Auditors. • AHOY NICHOLS, Auditors' Orme, Jartarr 3.1071. lARGE CLOVER St TIMOTHY A SEED. For Sale by STANLY TUDEELL. sramnit ea CLEAR of DAISES. STANLY TULIRELL, Forest Lake, Feb. 2t. 1671. 4wr. TY DOG TAXES. on's ACCOUNI lExon lerate(L BEST BARGAINS IN , TOWN IN (31010 E F-kIIILY. 111.0CERIES. FLOUR! PllO - Dfled and Nosed Fruit. Vegetables. ste. a• the Head 01 Navigation. A.. N. BULLARD. blontrsee. February atf ACGYTON.—Tbe subscriber will sell at pHnb lic sale, at his Grist Mill, near: banes' Lake; in Bridgewater, on Thursday, 3arett;9, 1871, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the folloWill,g tpm,pthrty, viz Sixteen cows, 4" yearlings, two year old bull, choice brood sow, Chester boar, 3 work mares, colt, coming two years old; sucking c 0142 ber wagons, 2 setts double harmas,,huay• wag on. top wagon, with pole; double, sleigh,2 setts bobs, light sleigh, dog-power churning machine, dairy-I:Islam, plows, cultivator, harrow teeth, horse hay fork, rope and pulleys; horse rake, cutting trax, chains• and mther • armin.g uteBails not mentioned. 31 84 51 78 6 18, 34 681 38 95 4.8 45 1 29 931 1 00 I poi 1 00 ' 600' 2 50 200', TElolB.—All 1011119 of $5 ay . Tinder. cash, Oter $5, and under $5O, nine months credit, with ap proved atienrity. An property must bE settled for on day of sale. . R. 8. SEARLE. D. BREWSTER, Bridgewater, Feb.lB7l. 2w Auctioneer. 14 25 37 53 40 37 05i 29 451 111060, 1 97 245 1 95 15..) 140 s9O 4 501 4 &V 1 50 1 2 SO, AUCTION.—On Thursday, March 9, 1811, the undersigned having sold two of his farms, in Choconut township, will expose at public sale, on the premises of George Baxter, in said township, all the stock, almost entirely improved short horned grades, including a yoke of oxen, 15 cows and young stock, (two year olds anit - yewlings,) said farm and dairy imple ments, 2 two horse wagons, plows, drat, pans, hay, grain, &ie., &c. Ts:Rms.—Ten dollars and under, cash, over $lO eight months' Or approved security. JAMES E. CARMALT. 3 50 41 80 1 58 43 24 70! 12 73 27 55 &I 55 52 73 47 98 47 03 18 531 2w M. C. SUTTON, Choconut, Februasy 22, ISil. Auctioneer. AT pqrsuance or an I: order of the Orphans' Court, in and for Sus quehanna County, I will expose at oldie auc tion, on the premises, at 10- o'clock,• a. m., on Monday the 20th day of March next, all that certain farm or tract of laud, situate in Dimock township, in said County, bounded oir the east by lands formerly owned by John Foster, north Ind west by lands of Hollister and C. J. Hollister, and south by land formerly of J. Morse and Wm, D. Cope, containing Miura; more or less) With thealpurtertanees; a frame dwell • ing house, barn, sW.s., good orchard, with graft ed fruit, being Abe preMiscs of- which Roben Fetter; late orsaid IRmelt township , died seis ed, in blit &Meows as - of fee; _ _. • . ._ • Timm or Staist, , The ifidotriPottibiti there of to bctactmred by bond undrnortga ipterest payable annually to the widow of dent,. Jane Foster, during lief lifetime, trthlettnd, at her death, to Milton 11. and (;wage' E. Foster; one hundred-dollars tcrbolwid st the striking down of the property, one-fourth on exmfirma lion of sale and debsery of deed, balance in one year thereafter, with interest to be secured on the premises. JOHN F. HIINTEII, riOstlntlionioh• JOHN FOSTER, ert Poster,ilfed.- Dinlock, February 22, 187 L 4w $1420 00 441/33 34 e FOR Sr. THE. HOTEL Pro ty, ladled" . at Diana eoforror; and long *slat irOffiblrkobwo the tomb [Mel. coonectol witfrobtage abOritqWenty Acres of Valuable Load. For ponleolars whiten, of WI Os C. C. MM. Mack", dao. t 3, 18th jf. Summon: • FARIS Fa Baia ON ACCOITN'r ot 'poor health ; the sobseflber offers hie fire for aale; Minted shoat three oaks west of Montrose. between tbe old Owego and Olnaniumo Tatipikes, adjoining - bend of 11).*D.Oltode. containing anent Macre* of hind; t 6 oerea finPrbred; the residue well timbered, endbeloblebaditirL, orchard of &boat 100 Mel; aka Welf Wattled with navec wings and mete, "- Term' easy Enetore of the aohnefibef, on th e faim, et . J. , 43;:ithis, et illenk_olo l Coll aOres MGOUUIe • + • • " NitiorOS GUAM% 7 Audity "NMI, • Ilrf Ili 410201X1WIr VIM JOIIT Tip TOD 1870 AUDITORS' DEPORT B.t?tORLG7-ELIZVESI t ATTDrrtotrrivyncrEr . vrie ' IIIIZX signed. an &editor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Susquehanna County, to distribute the fluids in the hands of the. adminletator of the estate or W. Oreenerood, deceased. will attend to the ditties of bit appointment at his othee in Moatrete, on Thursday. March, 9th, '7l at o'clock. r. is., at Which time sad placoall persons loterested will present their claim. Or be forever debarred from claiming any of avid fund. W. W. WATSON, Auditor. Montrose, Pebftutry tail. 1w EISTAT OP 4611:78a1MAALDWIN.: tate of Antral 1:4 townshp, Pennsylvania, deceased. 'Letters testa- Mentary upon the estate of the above =nod decadent having been granted fp the undersigned. notice is given pall persons in 'thaw having claims - PP= the same will gnment them duly au th enticated for no ttlennent. LICOMLInpLOWIN, t • • Lot Ax-a . WIN. 4 821111$CIP. e A q t r e krthnte4f . AlThitareft W. li.- - -Thir andliiiiiii ...alp Ada- • tor, appointed by the Orptlilan'a Coot of Snood& henna moiety. to d hit HIM le the In a d la the blinds of the Admlulairstor of. the mute of .Iptia HAT. deemed. will at'end to the &dies at hlataPpolatment, at the 1 4, office of W. U. Jeatap, Esq., In DI Ont sr. on Tawidty the 28th day of Mar.:h. a. U. 1871.1 t o'clock. p. m.. at which time and piece all persona I ertiriii la mild fund will present their claim, or be refer debarred from coming In own said avid. • 'I ll— ^ :I:4lOPfrifJEST a Montrose, February 2i, 1811. 4e, A fun. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The nnersign'ed. an Aualtor tl. a,ipolnted by the Orptian'a Cuort of Susquetuti Count,, to distvibutoihe mod in Vierbaturs of Elliot - drich, J. W. Cassini:toe and Eli RstnesLExecutore the isst Will and Testament of Wood, d ceased, will attend to the dnttes of his eppolritmeat. at his °face. in the Botoegh of Ron troue„ In raid county. on Moodav the 10th day of April, next. at IN o'clock p. an.. when all persons may present their claims or be for ever barred. JAMES E. CAREIALT" Moutrosc, February 11, LSD. Auditor. A LT urroßis IstOTICR.—The . signed. appointed . au Stu Mos by the Orpha Conn of Susquehanna corset,. upon exceptiona to the Baal account of the administration of E. %%smith admin istrator of the estate oi.bialluld* Duties. deceased mill attend lathe dad.; of his appolotaistilat hi/Oar-C -o Montrose on Saturday the lst /by of April, X. Mai at I o'cloeirp. to. • • D. 19. SHABLE. . Montrose, Feb.l3. 1811. Or Audit - or: a 4'UCTION-1 , -Ttinatutsterther. - -havingsold.bis 11 farta,, will sell at public sale, in Forest Lake, on VifettnesdaycMdrclrAlthapl, 'tete - o'clock; a. ru., thefollowing property, viz : Eleveneowsr span of luirses,lumberwegon„-huggy - wagon. cutter, wood _ bob, 120 bushels pf oats, saddle, sett harness, quantlky ,of Zorn, bay forks, rakes, shovels, churning Machine, dog churn, birrel ehurn,squantity of pank..paiLs, potatoes, grind stone,3 shoats, crow bar,chains;pitehtbrks, cross cut tigg, cutting box, iron kerle; grain cra dle, scytheZ Bustin, bush book, quantity of hay 2 plows, Cultivator, fanning mill, and ()titer-iv+ ' tides not mentioned. TERM—AII sums of $5 oruni3er, easVi(over $5, nine months' credit; with approved siitcitrit • 31. LLOYD.. M. C. BUTTON, AuctithAr. Forest Lake, Feb. 22, 1871. •-• 4 - ..0. w... PUBLIC NOTICE. • IWould respectfully slate to mv • former Custom( es sluktlie pablie gazierany that fam again carrying ou the . TAILORING RUINERS, IN MONTIIONE, and propose to dcrall WORN to tha Line, in a. . FASHIONABLE, NEAT, SUBSTANTIAL BIANNEB, Aneit dittataeihry Piker: reiructilsestfeitlin2 emit to eUTTING rAd 2 , PECIAL CARE oral "to' Itayo:110 work EWA for it'o penult who pats it ucAther. Shrp on the went side of "Public Avenue." over Burn. Zitehobe Drug. Store, adlulning the, t tl i lce Dr. Mass Idonrtoa y- e, February 2,1871, A. B. TARBOX, . WATOIIMAKERANDJEWELER, Snagnehatms•Depet., Pa., Dealer in Watches, Clocks Jewelry, &c. Re pairing promptly done and warranted. _ FINE SILVER GOOPST made a speciality; Silver Detached Levers for $l2 00. American Watches, at Companies re duced prices. Uri:3°odg ordered for parties, &out New York, at less profits than if kept constantly on hand. Solid 18 caret Rings for $1 75 per penny weight. A. B. TARBOX. Susquehanna Depot, Jan. 25, 1871. it FINANCIAL. New 7-30 Gold Loan SAFE! PROFITABLE! PERMANENT Jay Cooke & Co. Offer for Sale at Par and Accrued Interest, the FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT GOLD . BONDS Northern Pacific RAILROAD COMP'Y, THESE BONDS arc secured,.first, .47 M &VI tht Chi tfidlersid itself, its rolling Mock and all equipments . roccmd, by a Firm Mostane on Its entire Land Grant, being mote' than Twenty-Two Thousand Acres of land to chick mile of road. The Bonds srb &re' from Veit-cif States Tax; the Prin cipal and lriterect are payable in Gold—the Principal at the end of Thirty reilint. add Me teterest Beall annua)ty, at the rate of Seven and Three-tenths pelt cent, per annum. They are Isered in denamhutkiniof $lOO, $5OO, - "WOO $5,000 and $lO.OOO. The Truatees under the 31ortpA,m3 she Mews. J. Cooke. of Philadelphia, and J. Edgar Mantas, President of the Pennsylvania Central itaiirnad Company. Theaa Northern Panda 1 , 30 Bonds will at all dmes bca fora maturity, be receivable at try per cent Premium (or I,un, in exchange for the Courpany'el lands at %heir low est cash price. In addition to their abrolute tardy. these Non& yield an income linger, we believe. than any other Fifst Clam security. Perlnns holding Unit' State Five-Tweroloi can, by conceding them into Northern Punic., lncridve their yearly Income onothini. and NW have hales perfectly reliable investment. HOW TO GET THEM! Ina sfennest Dank or Balker will supply these Bonds' In any desired amount, dud of any needed denonelnation. Persons wishing to exchangs Stocks or other Bonds for these, can do so with any of our Agents„ who will allow the highest current price for ail Marketable Securities. Those living In 'mantlee remote from Banks. may seed money, or other Bondi, directly to as by express, and we will send bade Northern Pacific Bonds at oar own fkik. nod edam:nu:Al to the investor. For farther Informa tion. pamphlets, maps, cit., will on or address the under. signed orany of the Banks or Banker* employed to sell thin barn. For sale by Will. H. COOPEII & CO. Montrose, Pa. January 24 ', um, 4w.alt. ABEL TVRRELL KBEI% conetiztly an hand moat:be most name? pus collections of DRUGS & MEDICINES 111 lb: country and bestows especial attention to se. lectla,g and baying articles to this department that are pamandgentnue. Ile also keeps a gat variety of. , LIQUORS AND boughs eliter direct freer tforttlettller, or, tterportor. sae warranted strtetty pure. Alto; a MN usertatent of Paints, Oils, Varnisher,' Brushes, La.bricating: oda and Dye Staffs. throcertes. Wall Paper thus, Kerosene, Violins; Pistols, Own and ammuoitlon. A dna variety of Gkdd and Onte JaKftLIZT. Perfato. OM Yankee NOTIONS, do., and other goods too on. involute mention, Daring revere] years put persons have been In the habit of forming chtba.and sending to the Great Ameri can Tee Company, New York, fur their supplies of Tot aed Coffee:for family.naer Abel Terrell to vow intiplying the people with these Weal and rogeery at Ida store le Montrose, et the same prime that time clubs and wher persons troy at the 'rune of the Company In New York. Thus. purchasers alllarethe'esprelr etuu.ge, trouble el chubbier( and rime of sending, ey buykog of aria T1311114L, - bleutrosed P EtiBLE SPECTACLES—aIso corn- toss :pe si c i i i tcl i tmw aupplyatrectatym •••• s „ I N STA.TE r Of - PETgII-51. TILLMAN, ALA latest eneq's Depot,' Stanq's CO. &Ott. - Letters otsibulaktottos spa the Waft (4. Pae.atiori named deo:dent hating heanarrahteet Mae mitrimped, coact , hltetebY eitin,,titst all - persons - Indebted w tbe smile e tequested ',tomato Immetillte payment, sod those tutting clelmanpon Ate Wee wW preeent , them da. ly aathentlaated tot settlement: 3d. T[LLbtAA, Muer. . Einecen Depet, Jan.lB. mtna • - , =kr. CJ.' 27g.' 231.Tscat7vvirg6 -A 2 TVP , ,Vi I.; 144,1 , Di: ki* e.z. 1 , In offering this Llnintrot a to tl r g e rtile. sawn - din MD eentidimee.thait Hemet ' surpthere now In u m a* an . Infernal remedy, for he certorillotoesottois I the reaeaof that !Waal Mandan.. ra n owileattly arse t. without the lent Parr or mintradleller it dianci ali • rhaled lathe lbw of medical :eon , externall3r Sp' plied - lathe etiniOf disease, Per therefore that it hinanottoury.topeft a.remedy an eintamitly.ercodertal In its effect., so my.terilliody Enthilibleris Its Owen. td :rant enuring *Teri( to hem; the blindjto sahrethe car- WI& dallier and crippled rheumatic to Wilk elletend re- Jal i z again in the power and vigoroj,mah pre. Moo is offermbto the pabile as 11. owls., and je Irmo volcanic origin or essential e Arabi- Ull dant.% bat the coati:aryl* vaie to ports. and la a , .raato. Unmet the pony, ottionh.Anued prit " ' nreTtrar.,Dee..l4, Urn This . ci ta to titoint till deffortila proprietary medleities,lbat.wohase establish.... Depot tn thinque. henna county at Montrose. Pa.et• brisket Dr. U. Is, Brswies Yantis Antedate ,Ifni . ept;daitt gig Mr. A.' BALDWL4 I. one anetithw t,,,.... f ... ~. . . . - - . . . _W.U.D. B s - • ..o. •I , - 44601.• - • ' .. i ;.• to; teen "MiserYerli . c• .• !" • . . , • . •:".....7. . s'lr • '. •i" •1. • "v '...„ I I . Agencies wilkonetabtestablbeied at central pirkeiraln every townents il arni•ptiblishoclin thalist abeam. lam ready to 'brut. tat welffflerak - prioss aregents. Palt ers and eine& mat See utibtetpplication to the sub scriber. • is. ..• . • The I,l4Tootot to tow Ate d milest retail by the Mitt,- I • tag up 9,14,10 %Mt'," .- . ... . Muftis& Nichol., Alonj r P 1. .: „Tee '• ' • - '.- s• . Mama. Anhui% 4 meta • William White, at fbutentre, ti • tle' Baldrrld. Booth tibinn• e. ..> i, Waltman A Vuothwg.Slanner's . nod,. ~ Keck: A Vanitinh:Wlalas= i. ,' ' ` D. C. 4.: F. IL Fonilianta , Dr, V. Bonet, Lnunplown, J,, Borrow. A Sat,. Oterensvlllo. L,M, Sherwood, RusDrilla. IL , T. Ilm: is, w . VI , Spring,ville. William c r. Dimeck. - N. B. ee, Littielleadows. ' Hobert Winters, Prindiville. M.A. Hall, Diretaardrille. • L..(. a. 'Ellsworth. Brooklyn, Ps. . • L. B. Hinds Factoryrllle. • • HI 0. Curtis, Halley Hollow. ' B. AL Tiffany. Hoptiottem. J. IL - tery, Montrose Depot. O. M. Hawley, New Milford.. T. D. Itasteibtook„ Great Send. - Any persons In townships not ribose rowed, deal:tag an agency, may Obtain It by addresaine A. UALDWV.t. Gene* Agent. Jan. 11, 16:1—dm Montrose. Po. `IRE! FIRE:—Your- house -a- may barn hest. Beek reftige at once, either le - the asmirra. Security, N.Y., - - - WOAD en hLanbattml, - - • - I,f/W,U0 1 . 1 9t1 North American, - • • - MOO 1.10 Hanover, - • • ' - 1.10,00 00 Meant Philadelphia, • • AMOCO taf Euterpries, - • • • • • WeNtltS W Or Norwich, Conn., charteted May. 1833, the oldesteluxk Co., to Connecticut. All of the above are old established; firm Class Communes, sure, and reliable ' having been triedood-promes.- Look-out tuzillth: new wild at emu panics sprtoging op all over the country Jost to make money. Cass or seed - otir applications, and I see that you ore fairly de alt wins. ' • ' • • • HENRY C. TYLER, Fire. Life and Accident Insurance Ammti at the waft . of W. D. lurk, Esq., Montrose. Feermarrtittritt-tf. - • FARM FOB SALE, Of One Hundred and Seventylvelteres, sit uated between Silver Lake and Mud Lake, 100 acres Improved, and nearly all the remainder in heavy hemlock timber ; having thereon a good house, barn, shed, granary ; etc., orchard of 150 apple, cherry, and plum trees; watered by - never failing springs and creeks Price, per acre, some of which can remain on mortgage. ALLEN J. SHELDON, Jan. 4-3 w lwcm Silver Lake, Pa. F ARM FOR SALE, Containing onihundred and fittt deice; one hundred under improvement—with good build ings, orchard, &e. &e. Price low, pnd terms in ide ea.y. Incpafe of F. FITCH, or IL It‘ BENTLEY. Ifcretrose, Jan. 4, 1871—ti DENTISTRY: C. A. BACKEIPI3 Deetel Moeitte, Neer Milford, Pa. i • Partleolar attention giTCII to all opereflont me the tete. rat teeth. Ant dal Teeth inserted to all the various ilea tam le Dee. Perfect eati4ietioo.guarantled to all, Ceentod see me, sad cats ty yourselves, Ofdee hotels. • dais each day. taw, a, 1310 —l7 pv.uNrroitE f,sTABLigmANT. pF *ALLEM sAtiril.i PLEABE Tara NOZIMI: The extensive Tamped Establishment of William . W. Ettaith, hoeing been refitted and greatly Improved, the proprietor revpect. fully announce. to the citizen!! of DlOntrbin and vicini ty, that be is constantlY making and keeps od band the largest sad best asssortment of - pricy I=l. AT tort:Tl=l.M to be found 'Dreher this etde of Now Tory City. DeffistsDliatis. Toweirucks, LOWttgers: FOOteloots ao. Center ard, Pier. Toilet. Ditable ning. Kitchen and Piet. s. Cuaras —Caneand Wootheat Hooters, Cane, Flag sod Woodsests of every solely and style. 80fssenol Tete.a.tetes, furnished on short notice.— Cane seat chairs resented. SPRING' BEDS. A late assortment—ebeapent and iced In the reetket Cane Beat Chairs Ism now enatdedto atlYptv gat eltStaftea'SWitba new I sabstantialcode Beet obeli, °thorn° menntiepete.Well ! alit be found gteeiJy superior to theta RAZORS la . 1 market, and yetanc sold st • less price. CANE.SEAT CHAIRS .RE.REATED. Q7' Ready made coffins on band or furnished at short notice. Hearse Marys In readiness if desired.. I employ none bee even) andeeperleeted woekeleit, I Intend to do my work Wets, and tell It as arced be afforded. WILLIAM if. SMITH. mentsese, Feb 18.:I8e8. NEAP awe mired, add sefiinathestOor Montrofe, Apf11.26 , 1879: ABEL TERRELL. DOWN TOWN •NEW 6, MINER AND COATS, itallyinket;Crdisors WM"r BOttreConrailittratrote FLOUR, GROCERIES,_ AND PRO#ISIONS.'"' Wear° conatagtly roe lyitig a pd noirlulvet alikutd. •fresh stock °Mood. fn walla cliatch CHEAP -VHFAI.-I . fiAcjigap for cash ,or e :eft ve oiprodotai. OD • TiMbi - OPFPRICt 81.1t4R,- , • 41014458E8f BPICEB, • PORS I ,F14314...."1•4112p,' ibtars,,DßJED - TUTS.' " CLOVER =tzar': szko,:-&c. We.bsverented gee lesite addiitoo — ot to POt Stock° Pont. sod are now tottlyto totitordßotter to tbs boot toounlaston bombs to Totb.ltooot Amine; And modoeltborstadvaneemooto oo consignments, . am god otambooptut Mock before peschesing elsq trbeto-Vadoontlnt itDonato' °lobo • . GOOD QUALITY & _-.LOW . PRICES. C. G. MUM; • ':Sontrole, Aptil 16;1116.• " • uoLD 4 ‘ 11 74 ,1 44 ° 5r" 17 ' mpibmuni!? I • - , • S 1840 I 1.870 .Tbe Pao dpititilliveffsta ffffhtitalt Wit have wools, eoutetiolt In the 4nts of mettles] porporstiogr. ;Its I tansteut lathe eradladlooatul ettlactinnot ?Ott& pq eM none to lackleat AO the he nue fStz,tlJ sod lb tub solicited written And tettwic taltlinend thitiontipati, to Ste farm, ltto.eNtaL- end ire noun& OM WAYWai* inesto, loopeunciito Of the Paiit Malik littasTestsytendei. Ws ImM:ft LOC - mut, Allhilitflitivulatri watt /Aran rasing,. entail., when used acconftliff to C o = Ta aisle open N ken flues its_ase le malty bt ioesliffes With SlCObta. • ' e This 'Medicine. hr' lll6 044 teeny of the afflictions kettle= to the hunks huntly, ball Dow been factorethopneWeltettitneff Minas sons has faded its way Into altnessenety etituesot the imft and wherever lime bemused. the gush option tact plowed 01 Its medical peeped's'. .11;i4ly ttaCk, where_peermpt swim awn the Immo P the Palo Killer If Intablable. /ts Waal tostainanbeas effect le Relieving Palo, y er. thl sad when, oast secordlng to Etteetitmo, trul ta tree wond Ur name. I PAIN KILLER. MEW FIRM, Thb vabatribene tea sow neelili g hots . 'New Ted saw and fl esh sink of ' • GROCERIES & PROVRIIONSI . wtachintr iota it f lair *tato tit 'teat Anima the numarou, artionaut.be mei o_ • • Etour, Dricri Be4A - 09mated IfffOrd. tit*: fiat Mackerdi Tam VoCreb, Seger* lace, Rite/ *ibiidefeilee Carted Poacher. PEI" Pine Apples. ihriet Coto, ?Od4 tOgig quantesionti Rem, Cocos, 1411121. • Extract Lemon, etc. etc.' Ail ILIA& of moss, Citzon, Oniago Yost. eta, . • CROCKERY A GLARSWAIIa A No 1 Chowtog and Szooklag TObaceo.•b• AU of whlob cat bd. warniatedis Ant din" ea% sal cbay. In addition to the araearj trade,' hoiaCtrohaotat Gee,. C. there Heirs 081ce, where yen am- a good selection of Stationery; Watt . Dolly, Weekly and Monthly Papers, MagnalzuM,BoOka ind pates outlllll baud Will be ordered and thrnlehed on abottnotlea wit* oat extra charge. Special WO Oren CO orders, No 1.1011. , We to 'bow goods—so drop in and wrolbr yamaelyne. tarascsis date/ed . without extra dep. it. J. *Mill, t C. M. Geis, "- Montrose. lay 18, Veltt • Tat ; cieet, Slog, ttice' Itieraus, Cradere t Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cinnamon. Raisirts 2 s Zers,„ to Currants. Tapioca, Starch,' Yin 1 3 0 1li Cream. of Tarter,- Soda; Cream Tema, 'Cons ' Meech, Patina, Nultneipll„llece,Cloves, Casaida-' Buda, Chocolate, and the beat. „Molasses is the world, at the store of . - tututtu . ' montr..., bee. 28,1870. • ', • • • • ;„.. • ,-;;• sag 0? Tat datz l ugli • . altflEtaves ler arscrzccrralb DRUGGISTS,. Would ot!; 11 .re'dra gal e r the pullai4hat bad/Mar Ci their nant rtaus plaroS AND jitakICNIX, Mei fine hams and _dill. Varnida bia-13thea,WIled cad Liquor& Pathrt_Dfdiciites, 'Speriuclo, • , Os. Pocket Kwrer, Eta" Violin & • ! ()altar String. Alm kali rewind aline lot of Revolvers. Gitti Carr. Gun Wadding, r . '! • : Ditritidgea. titc, Ntti heft Witt.* oh band and fetYafe, - Gun Pftdett Ride Powder. Tobacco and Wart tea Ill.! perlor quality, and a general alfaiinneadOt yiffikee lions. • Rehattaher MEM' C. 66111 DWG/MO/LB lit Burns & Mahon , . • SOS BURNS, iXontievit, Dec. 1 4. 1 870 , Nic4411411.,. • FLOUR ! FLOUR I Pt this dsytarttelfd, Nte shalt i'ktur *CT nt WUOLESAtE .PkW We hang out rio , Cabo colors, but mad just winfvo sat, • , Whitt. tentdtg rottt 8 spetialty,out Mb, MEAL, BALT, LINZ CERIUM -GROCERIE4 PROF7BIONB, de, wni be kept fell &EA add at eery steed profit& U. GARRATT sok. 1403* /lilford,,Mareh 2,,1870,-17 Werth 'et Goodi: 'hi stuft Ibt the_omfair , • Abe. Fall Tradeatlt3lo; 4riahnsisd „ gezietalsportmest ot - 7 -1.,‘ • " /*Wad Ave. and ihnttoihrr, and fem44o -• • i • fis /kw= aosis;,imaße_ getha k t 'wok ctska, maw, Cbrasts, vabouset /NW: awl Eipe, Stiris LanahThet GenU Ihnt:/tigfab/Obti,nierldqs lobto,ol/41 asidetand Vadat. Osulaift - • 2 4dkieckaa, Defi" , fig Oahu% 4 ' 4 , 467, Ith gemind assortount,:of Mfg and Ospfi 0 . ..1c9 a Moos, Oils and Palrak Orom- Tlcr ' et Y* thr!lware,Bl o Yos, Iron, 4c., furnish: . Ingo superior opportunity for selocoloosi will . be sold on. the Most Womble" genus, E 7 . 11.CM= New, 3111100. Nqt it Oft N EW, 4'9 0.1r9, IMO li COAL ME= 0 6 0Pi0Ock '''' 'n''''" MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers