The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 22, 1871, Image 4

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    `:Sht to ond tiroidt•
VmCheck RC
There is one infallible proof, COhetaitt;.
1 9 to be:idititin r edetf the cruelty otthe use
of the cheok-reimatid of its inintiOlts ef
fects; though vve - believe very few persons
are aware of it. Whenever a horse has
been worked with a tight check-rein, the
corners of his mouth become raw,inflame,
fester and eventually, the mouth becomes
enlarged on each sule, in some eases to
the extent of two inches. Even before
the bit has produced these visible effects,
if the corner of the month under the bit
he touched, the animal will flinch as if,
from hot iron. let this he the sign with
every master and servant. To what nre
these enlargements attributable ? What
causes them? Nothing but the friction
of the bit in the efforts of the horse tO,get
np to work. Hot dreadful to see a horse
heavy laden—his neck bent into a perfect
curve—his month open—his eyes ready to
start out of their sockets. The ignorant,
though, perhalis, not cruelly-isposed
driver, looks on with admiration to see
how "handsome" his horse appears, and
imagines that the tossing head, open
mouth, and gnashing teeth, are signs of
game and strength ; whilst, on the contra
ry, they are the most unequivocal eviden
ces of distress and agony. Let any one
test the truth of this by loosing thy check
rein, and he will immediately find the
horse go faster, keep his month shut, and
his head in one steady horizontal position.
Draught-horses frequently exhibit the
most painful examples oi r the cruelty of
using a tight check-rein. Whether at
work or standing they will often be found
in continual torment—tossing their heads,
or resting the weight of them ou the bit,
and so drawing back the corners of their
mouths as nearly to split the ligatures.
At work, instead of going on stemliir
they "bob" their heads, leeling the check
at every step they take. A short titi.e
since, the writer storp sl a wagon to look
at the mouth of the shaft horse—he found
the month actua: y cat open by the bit at
least two inches on each side, the wagon
er said "we knou'd it sure; 'twas the fair
wear of the l" The man was open to
conviction, and upt.n the cause of this
dreadful punishment being shown, lie al
tered the rein.
The propensity to hack, if not actually
caused, is much inereas.ed by the check
rein. In aseendin; a hill the freest finis('
may be compelled to stop and refuse to
exert himself. knowing that he can put
no more strength until the head is loose.
A short time smce the writer saw a crowd
collected looking at a coal cart, fully load
ed, drawn by an immense horse. The
street is of a moderate ascent, and tile
horse had stopped just below the top of
the hill; the driver turned the bor.°
round down the hill, then up, and a iih
his helpmate very humanely assisted by
pushing. The horse, IN itliout being flogg
or spoken to, wont on steadily with
his heavy load, to about the place he be
stopped at. and n:ain
_gave up; he
was sweating met). atilt appeared to he a
good game horse. The writer went. up to
the driver and advised him to unhook the
ebeck-re:n. The man said - It's no use,
have turned him round three tim....." !
The writer said " must he 3 good
horse to take the load. three times - -and
pressed him to unhook the rein. The tutu
replied "He will fall down." The writer
coaxed hint to try. The rein was un'took
rd, and imtnednitAy the L irse took the
load from the spot a here lie stood. The
man said, " Well, I would not hare to-
Loved that." It is not uncommon for
considerate drivers to their horses
at the foot of a hill. which isa very stronz
proof of the folly of using the rein at al!.
It has been, and may be mdcanty,l
as a rim for its retontion. that a horse.
after haring been used to the rein, will
miss it, and so be liable t..) fa:l if he trps
after it is taken off. A trial will p t -ne
that this is not the result. A cheek-rein
is fixed to the falling. horse and falls with
him—it cannot save him : it keeps a horse
from seeing and avoiding stones and °tri
er impediments: it is a linedrance. not a
help; an injury, nut a benetii„ It cannot
he supposed ltiat a horse stumbles will
ingly; therefore, to punish him for it. as
is too often done, is wrong, and only adds
to his fear.
To the ladies we appeal e ith earnest
ness, knowing full wed how paiiied they
would be were they e inscions of ti.c
horse's agony which causes that unceas
ing motion of the head which they have,
doubtless, at times observed. Could these
speechless suffereis answer the inquirhs
—Why do you continually toss yonr
heads while standing in harness? Why
do you stretch open your months, shake
your heads, and gnash your teeth Why
do you turn your heads back towards
your sides,'as if you were looking at the
carriage?—they would answer: An. all
this isdone to get relief from the agony
we are enduring by having our heads
kept erect and our necks bent by tight
check-reins—Our Dumb Animals.
Kindness Cared a Vicious [force
A horse in Framintthan, former!y driv
en in a n ,at cart, was bought by his
present on uer, for a very low price, be
cause repute' icious. He would bite,
rear, kick, run away, was utterly uncon
Soon after changing' masters, the peo
ple who had called the purchase a foolish
one, we're surprised at the difference in
the horse's conduct. Ile would go fast
or slow, as desired: stop instantly at whoa!
follow hit master, come at his call, and
rub his head on his shoulder. What had
made the change ? No force; the poor
horse had been beaten, kicked, and starv
ed before, and grown more and more
stubborn. No; but he was well fed, well
bedded, well watered: not, overdriven or
overloaded ; never whipped, kicked or
scolded. Find words were given him,
and now and then an apple or lump of
sugar. No gentler, safer, more faithful
horse went on the road.
But, Indian fashion, he forgot neither
benefit nor injury. Occasionally, when
in harness, he saw his former master.
Then, invariably, all the fire of his na
ture aroused. His eye rolled, he champ
ed hie bit, and showed an intense desire
to get hold of his former enemy. Only
the voice and caressing hand of his kind
owner could geiet him. What a power is
kindness.—the power that even the Al
mighty loves best to use !—Our Dumb
—The experiment of making beet sug
ar; thou gh successful in Germany and
France, i s likely to be a failure in Califor.
Irishmen bare just erecterla simpfe
but pretty Enntnnent to the memory of
Sainnel Lover in St. Patrick's cathedral,
, getif
wonvaxo CUM.—ST*I4o now repared
to lernieh all chimes with tonrtant employment at
home. the whole of Ma time or for the spate .baomenta
Drollness new, light, and profitable. Person...of either
eel molly earn from Me. to per ermine', end a pro
portlonal sum. by slemllng their atholo limo to the
boom-ea. Hoye and Mae ea a manly as meth as men.
That all who eta this notion may coed their address,
and tent the business, we make the enparalled offer:
0 sorb as are not well satisfied, we will 'tend $1 to pay`
fir the trouble of writing.. Full partienlars. a valuable
sample whleh will do tommrumeo rrerlr. on. ands eery
of 'TM' Parostei Weritry-ecaspessions—ohe oVtiot largest
and best &Mir newspapers ever publlshed—all sent
free by mail. Reader, if you want pormanant, profita
ble work, address
1V... C. /ALUM CO..lingurts Malnt
1" . 16o New Torte Dry Book.—THE CHAD
- FtWiti-of Mira tiopnetrotey•Agstost the World
Pirt.t.oliss Oght pagrDEDMA.TIC
estehliebed In IMP. tS - per . year. $t for six montlie.
Subecribo for L. For Specimen addreeo
"DAY BOOS, Nam York City."
TAIL 8. 8. FITCH'S Fatally Physician; 90
1./ ogee; rant by mall free. Tesehens how to cure
ell diernee,of the per on ; den. hair, oyes,complexion.
Write to 71.1 Vroadway, New York,
C. llown.x. & Co., 40 l'ark Row, N. Y.
33NL1C313-Eil 321X1.00191
Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue,
For 1671.
Wattle ready lot mailing t,y the middle of January
notwithstanding our great loss of typo, Payer. cughtv•
togs. ac., by fire. which destroyed th e Job Printing
Ogice of .he Roche-ter Drmxeral and CArcmicte..lgth
December. RIM. It trill be rioted on a most elevut
tom.tlitted pnper,nnd tllastrotial with nearly
Fleet Hundred Original llogruitne"
And too finely executed Colored Plates—specimens for
all of srilk'y Wer, gri,n by oornelvel the pit PenvOn
from our stock of heed-. In the originllity, execation
and cot of the en4ravirip It I, unlike and eminently
rUperlof toll., other likaidozne or “FlortlGuido" ex.
The Catslegne will consist of lid Pages, and as soon
as pnbll•hed will be sent free to all who ordered Stock.
town ns by mall the season. To others n chnege of
lb cent, per copy will age made, which It not the value of
thn Colornet Plates. We asenre our friends that the
inducements we Offer to purchasers of Seeds, ns to
quality nod extent of Stork., Din-aunts and Premiums,
:are neeneonseed. Meseta send orders for. Cataloncs
nithout delay.
Our colored thromo For 1811.
U',ll he randy to send on/ to January. The Chromo
Brill represent Forty two Varieties of showing and
Isopolar Flowers of natural sloe and color. We design
nt notice it the hret Nate of 'lowers ever issued. S no
Insl4 inches. The retail talon would be least Two
Dollar.; we shall, however. tarnish It to customer, at
costs per copy, and offer It as a Premium upon order,
for Seeds. See Catalogue when oat.
Briggs & Brother, Rochester, ti..l
IS '4.6 rF( . :.'t L I I'.."viTSIT.4., - 1.870
The coo •rend+rd rs•mllly for Congh , .. Conetnnp
- Nuthi,2 eurtut Itnoz,t Co., Horton.
11Tpham'■ Depilatory powder. remom
ll eup.rtiuoc• hair in we 'Mantes, witbont lnjory to
the •km. Sent ter mall for $1.254
ID'pharres Asthma Cure
Ttelf., - e. moat violent paroxysms In Ilvo mantes and
cfrect,l to tpvedy cure. Price gt Ay mall.
Th 3 Japanese Hair Stain
C.,inr. the ohlrLer. and Mir a benntlful BLACK nt
N It eoloo-te of only one pr. partition. 11 ,
Couis h 3 toad Atitire.• C. (TB %)1, N 0.711 Jayne.
tttrert. Plobtdeti.hta, t. trs eent fret. Sold
by all
The SC,FICTI of the .sth rthool year Ist I begin
; 34011 try Inh. Thore droirtng hoarding, tarnished room,
a-bisiz an.: tall ton In a flrrtrtaa• Boarding School for
',ln or tome:, SIX months, stfri. Please send for ■
rtrcular to a Acthada, l'a.
t What Is It I Send for
' the Soo . In The W..vt. einctunati A Lame pigs
I. It meet. all the wnatAni
family; $.‘21;0 to, rear, $1.2.5 eta months. Try it
sl , ..crin, , n* free. Addreta ft ILLIA:drAYS A CA.NT•
WELL. Cincinnati.
H USTI A N Ni trerts and
ana Primitive Chriatianitir, Re.t and
rhenii al Rrmgl W rel I, : S pap:, ;AS e l lmun , Edited
b. Eliterr. roam- awl .1 S. I.AM tR Indl f 2 a
year t . Teci al. na trea. R. W, CA ICH ULL Pubs..
.rl. 0:11.1
GETS Porto," to ft...cast:llly c0n54.2,44. for Prom!.
utn• cre nil,. and roe ;,- e ‘v*lt h
watch for y..11,4-ff. ..k.idr 4.13 "
Poy.on. 0.
prasmore. NORITWAT„ OATS,
ti and A LSI K E PLOVER, :-,:arnri c rack
-. P.,. free I. all F.,rav al., env at the
A r STOCK L. hy e. to
N. I' tioT CR S Co , UllcAter en
NT% :—E, rr Agcnt snd all %rho F' C
thor atilt mu nod as WISP. Adore FS. Full. r,
Fri'llzher, Sp: in.rficlrl, .Ikln•r. Will pay.
VISIV 1011 K Safety Steam power Co.
nronrr. ,vn h sr Inoot nnt-.4r, and Dec
ull Sir ty Steont Imilt In go , r-titt, by .p..
cmf m tuhin.•ry. neod for drool tr. Cortho 1 rt. 1 1 / 4 Y
FOR 187.1.
Tnt EDIT:gN nr 07E iirSILITMD AND FlTri
T 11.4 , •!.1, Ilsontrnied cat
clogue nod Floral Guide., In puhli-hod *nu
r:any to •eud out p Igoe, an tnzrnring of almost
riory de.irahle Flow or and Vegtahle. It it
elegratoly printed on One tinted pnp..r. illuFornted
rtw Three lluudred flue Wood En,gravtuga and Taro
• Colored Plates.
The mot heantlfal and the meet inetructlve Yleral
C./tilde pobll•licd. A AN EDITION published.,
in al , co her re-peels A 1 ,11,1.11.10 Pie Eogh.h,
tent hoe to all my en-t.trnort of 18111, ISP rapidly
a• tensible, withent al piication. Se t all 'oilers
oho order thorn for TEN CENTS., which is nut half the
curt. Adth,..
Rochester. N. V
$.l TO $lO PER DAY.
MEN. WOMEN. who ent Ice in onr new bn•lneFe mkt
f.m. $.5 to st.o per day in their own lot-niftier,
Foll I.ll.ifirniarr ntid Ine.iructiont. rent free by mall,
Thane in need of p,rnuneut. profitable work. nhonkt
sldier., at 'once.
Gronar SrycFmc Z. Co.. Fortino& linlnv,
mixiopicys-223,522.1t 752.c.x•
lary per creek. and expmwee. rnlti
0" Agents. In ran our new and n-ctul diet-cm-nen.
Addre.• .r...Scrtvr 4. CO., Karat:Lail. Mich.
`Vlt rE
rl 7 l.: l l:Lnrrd 4 e T xptGnse - a — ro B r!rloSwAai j lrZ c 'C o F nun e r :kr E r ß i
to 101 l our nen and arrnadrrfal ftivamiloua, Address N.
WAGNER k, Mkt,.
IDISVCIIOII2ACT.—Any 1 idy or gentleman cin
1 make si,larl a month. secure their MITI hvppiners
and Independence, be obtaining' PSYCHO h ANCY.
cloth, ran instructions to n,.0 nhl power over Men or
animate at veil!. bow to Afesinerme, become Trance or
Writing Medlnuas, Divinatin, VMS, itrwirm, Alchemy,
Phnoropliy of Omens and Dreams, Brigham Young e
Harem, Grade to stnrrlago, .ibr .nll e .ninlocß 1n talf
book; 100,000 sold; price by mall, 112 cloth $1,23, paper
coders $l. No - rms.—Any person willing to act as
stgent ullt recei re a sample copy free. As no Capital fs
rvoutved, all deairlon• of general employment ehoold
semi for the hook, enduring 10 eta. (or postage, to T.
W. EVANS & 41 South sth St.. Philedeiphia.
The - MArrio4 Ladles rsirate Companion" cantatas
the desired infortnstion. Sent (rev for tssteamps.. Ad
dress Mrs. FL St ErzEtt., theover
Feb. Ist. 1371.-4 a.
Fire, Life, and Accident
Hornell:oll=yr Co. of N. Y., Capital and
Surplus. $4.000,00
Insaranee Co. of North America, Phil'',
Capital anieSurpitus. 2.000,000
Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Phila., pa.,
Capital and Surplus. 2600.000
LycomingCoanty Hama InstEraate Co.of
Nancy, Penn's. thipttal and Surplus, 4,000.000
Conn ecticat klaznal Life lnaurance Co. of
Hartford. Conn.. Capital, MOOO,OOO
American Life Insoranee Co., Mandel. •
phi*, Capital, 1,000,900
Trarclers'lnsarance Co. Hartford, Conn.. •
Insuring against all kinds of accidents
Capital. ':00,000
Hartford Fire lnaaraure Company. Hart
, Lord. Conn.. Capital and Surplus. 12,000.000
OrgrAllbusineva entrottedto our care will be attend
ed coon fair terms, andall lOsses promptly adjusted.
IgrOflice firstdoor east from Rankin:: Oaten of W.
H. C oo l Per & Co.,Tuniplite et. Mosdrose;Pts.
STROUD it BROWN, Agents.
M. C. Soros. cap., P , tendrytlle, Solicitor.
Cana. H. Stara, Xcmaroae.
Etw.ncos stwrea. •exua l ues L. )s.cow*
Montrose, Pa. ,Jan. 21. left.
FT.,' EL IV' rrivEr Xt. 331
• • •
88 Washington Street,
Binghamton, N. Y.
Where rou will find
The Largest Stock, the Bast Assortment, and
the Lowest Prices of any house in the city.
N. 8.—A.11 Goods sold warranted as represen
ted. •
Binghamton, Aug. 23, 1870.-4 y
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
The reputation this ex
cellent medicine =Joys.
ir' Is derived from Its cures, li): many of which are truly
.24. 7 S marr s
el e l , us. itil n ius ete rs.
ease, where the system
' seemed saturated with
.1". corruption, have been
purified an di cured by it.
. ...:.. &croft:Lions affections and
. - .1 - -• cllsorders,whichwere eg.
z ... , ,, .1.,..
_:..1.. gravated by the gamin
lons cont.mirstion until
they were ?elan/Iyafflicting, have been radically
• cured in such great numbers in almost every emo
tion of the &mobil, that the public scarcely need to
be Wormed of Its virtues or UM.
Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive
enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt
tenant of the organism undermines the constitution,
and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases,
without exciting a stumitelogg i it t spresence. Again,
It seems to breed Infection out the body, and
then, on 602110 favorable cocas rapidly develop
Into one or other of its hideous for ms,i either on the
surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tuber
cles may be suddenly deposited In the lungs or
heart, or tumors formed In the liver, or it shows
~ Its presence by eruptions on the akin, or foul ulcer
: ations on some part of the body. Hence the tear
atonal use of a bottle of this Sureapagtto is ad.
vlsable, even when no active ryreptormeof disease
appear. Persons afflicted with the followtng com
plaints generally find immediate
E relief, and, at
Inrth,etura,. .by the use of th is SAIISAPALBII,
. 8 r Anthony's Fire, Hose or ErWelPelas.
Tetter,liali Ehnen*, Scold Head, Ringseorns,
Sore yes Sore Ears, and other eruptions or
visible form si of Scrofulous disease. Also in the
more concealed forms, asitSPCPSia t
Heart Disease, Fits, E lepsy, A eurc X4 =4
and the various rkerous ecuorus of the muscu
lar and nervous systems.
Syphilis or Tenerea/ and Mercurial Diseases
are cured by it, though a long time is required for
subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine.
But long continued use of this medicine will cure
the complaint. Lammers. Urn or Whites, Uterine
Ulcerations, and reveals Diseases, are com
monly_ soon relieved and ultimately cured by Its
purifyMg and invigorating effect. laterite Direr,
lions for each case are found to our Almanac. imp
plied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when
caused by accumulations of extraneous matters
in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver
Complaints, torpidity, Congestion or Inflam
mation of the Liver, and Jaundice, when arising,
as they often do, from the rankling poisons In the
blood. This BARSAPARIZZAI is a great re
storer for the strength and vigor of the system.
Those who are Lunensid and Listless, Despon
dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Perrous Ap
pre/tow:on* or Fears, or any of the affections
syefilomatic of Weakness, will end immediate
relief and convincing evidence. of 113 restorative
power upon trial.
Dr. 3. C. AYES ik CO., 'Lowell, Dams.,
Practica/ and Analytical Chemists
Sold by Abel Turra. and Burns S Nichols
Montrose. and a,ll druggists and dealers cvery
when , . f Dec. 21, IS7O--y
.6"-tilicnbery, Rescnbaian d .Cc
Would rcypccl!ur3 call }our Eteation to t' et'at
Fall and Winter Gocds
whirl fJr rariety of Style* nerd ha, bee- e xe.A.Ped it
ail- pl.see. Oar a.sortmimt of
DOMESTICS,:&c. &c.
IV .3 ce or• •W A. 33 c tto x- .
Trimmed 'lnd untrimmed L+dler' and Mildlir,
Mover., nether.. blitek anti colored Velvet,.. lobons
de. de. never more handsome.
TN Ladies' and Children's F , RNlSnrcr; GOODn.
Sklrts. Corsets, Pnres. Tfandkerelllefd. f ngnn and
Cnf•. Merino Wesnper, ll, , siery and Krill Goods.
encapnr than fur the lasi ten 7 ears.
For llcn. Youths, and Boy., a fall atol complete stock.
]fears full suit. from $lO to tat).
Of all the different grader. and at all pricer
We take uren and get up gnrmentn to order In
good elyte, sod wrornat good fitting nud eattrinctol,
'hite and Flannel Shirts, Merino Wra_ppers & Draw
ers. Illtrikercbiefs. Bows, Linen and Paper yentas &
Cuffs, Suspenders. Gloves, Umbrellas, Trunks d &reb
els In great variety.
Men and Bole • of the latest et yle and vent In earl
Our Stork bat been seleeted with tare. and as we buy
oursoods in large quantities we frequently save from
10 to 'M per cent. In baying. .0s we ask as small a inv
ert above costal' any dealer tan or will take, we can
jurtly promise you good btagains, and will make it for
your Intent to deal with us.
6/I We ask is a call, examination clout stock, and
compardoost of prices.
Nostrove, 00.1.570 by
43coulnes final:tone tossiorroent.-1360 mitt*
ant CUD t 0 Of conchae: Broad gone; double trick Mite
to all tioints vast north-watt nod *Whitest, Bew
end mproved Boson are run thrmtgb without change
to Roc:better, BUBO°, Dunkirk, Cleveland, and Cincin•
On and after MondaT,Den. 14.1M0. Train' alit leave
'Binghamton at the fallowing boort, viz :
RIBS a.m . Night Exdreas, (Mondays excepted]
ihZ a. in. Night Express. dairy.
6;2i4 a. in. Mail Train. Sundays excepted, fur Buffalo
and Danklrlt.
d:3O p. m. Elmira Accommodation, Stand ay excepted,
6:04 p. m. Day EWOrassaltindays excepted.
0:12 p. m. Express 3tatl,Bandays excepted.
t 56 p. m. Wry Freight, Sundays excepted.
p. an. Etnigtant 'Frain. daily !nettle weal.
SCIS a. tn. Night raven. Sundays excepted.
ap m..Clucinnatt Express, Itandays excepted.
1:51 p. M. Day Eqprese.handers excepted.
leto a. er.AcearnmodetionTreln.dhily fnceticquebancx
ki3 p. m. Lightning Dail, Sundays excepted.
10:20p. to. Expreee,
*lO a. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted.
Pr/. revised and complete Pocket Thee Table” of
?wenn. Trains clitthe Erie Railway and connectmg
lines has recently been puldirbed, and can be bad on ap
pitestiontelthe Ticket Agra% of the Cempaay.
Heel dupl. 1 /In . ,' Agt.
Dcc. le, ISM.
On and after Dec. SO, iirtO, trains ou the Lehigh
Valley Railroad will ron as follows :
12esre Waverly Jane.
tton B. R. W. G. 33 a. m. 3 2.1 p. 6.40 p. m
Athena 60 •• 8.85 - 650
Towanda 7.25 " 4.10 " 7.30 ••
Litesyslllo 0.35 5 . 86 ••
Irktriner's El , 6.40 " 841 "
Meshoppen 9.00 •• 863 "
Mehoopany 908 " 5.10 .• •
Tunk•noek 981 " 640 ••
1...5 B. June. 10.30 •• 7.40 ••
Pittston 1040 •• 'TAO ••
Wilkes Barre 1106 •• 615 "
White haven 1262 "
Chunk 1.40 ••
Allentown 2.37 "
Bethlehem 2.50 "
Easton 3.17 "
Philadel ph In 5.05 ••
Ar. nt New I ork 6.5 "
a TEEM moon.
Leave Neer York &no a. in.
Pidladelphla 7.33 " 15.00 m
Easton 9 113 " 1.0 p m
Bethlehem 036 " 355
Allenttom 0.49 .. 4.00 "
Bch Cheek 10.35 " 190 "
White 11en191.111 p. m. 6.43 "
Wilkee Ba'e 1.30 " 8.68 "
Pittston 1.50 " 813 "
L.. 5 B. Jnn. 900 - A. 31 "
Tunk'nock 2.54 " 3.46 "
Mehoopany 133 "
Meahopnen $57 "
hianner s a E. 3.45 " "
Lamivilla 3'43 " "
Towanda 4.0 "
Athens 536 " .
Ar. at Waverly
Jenetion. E. 11. W. 5 45 " "
r45 , N n change of carp between Scranton and New
.rk. or between Scranton and Philadelphia.
INOffice, 720
mcoza Gibb
" I give my hearty preference to the
Wilcox & Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine."
The weight of reliable evidence being
overwhelming for that of the Willcox & Gibin
Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upon it,
procured it, and am more aan satisfied."
4 I have the Wheeler & Wilson. the Grover
& Baker, and the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing
Machines in my family. I use the Willcox
& Gibbs most frequently, thinking it far
superior to either of the others."
Mus. limy= WA= BEwnku.
My wife would not accept a Sewing
Machine of any other patent as a FA if she
must receive it on condition of giving up the
Willcox & Gibbs."
Carbondale, Pa.
" The Wilcox & Gibbs is the only Sewing
Machine whose working is so sure and simple
that I could venture to introduce it into
Syria." Rev. A. T. PaArr,
Missionary dmerlan Board
We hare used various Sewing Machines
within our family, but it is the unanimous
opinion of the household, that the Wilcox
St Gibbs iii the best of them all."
"For simplicity and mechanical accuracy
of coustruction, I have seen no Sewing
Machine equal to the Willora dr. Gibbs."
Of the Pennsylvania Central It IL
A correspondence on the subject
of Sewing Machines is respectful
ly solicited.
no Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Dec 29, 1870-3 m
ctrietly pure; and a variety.,! other Brandies. Including
Cherry Brandy, Cider Brandy, Cr. Nearly *lithe differ
sent hinds of hum. Holland Gin. old Bye and Bourbon
Whichey. A leoll6l. Pere Spirit, tiny Row. Le., constant
ly on hand and for sale by
Montrose.. March Roth,
T. RS El LL MC CI , 1719 M.
Elea Stacey leave this Rowe Vie, mnnectlng with
the D. L.& W.. the Erie. and the Lihieh Valle,' Rail
ways. • [July 641 M —if
Just Pubtidied, in a Scaled Ebiceop. Price tics =at.
A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Radial]
CurrepiSpermatornices, or Seminal Weaknees,
unta Emieelons, Sexual Debility, arid Impediments
to Minim° generally: Nersonences. CourtmAption ,
Epilepsy' end - Pits /fetal aid In lP" lt t re.
eulting 111,3111 Self-Abuse, ac.—fly ROBED J. ITL.
VEGWELL, Au of the ' Green Book." ebe.
The world-rennin:lrd author, in thleadmirable Lect.
are. clearly proves from hie own experience that the
awful amsemiences dgelf Abuse may be effectually re
moved without medicines, mid without dangerous cur,
glen] operations, bouxics, instrnMents, rings, or eor•
ntale. Pointing oat a mode armrest once certain end
effectual by which every sufnawr. no matter whet his
condition Mal_be, may two himself cheaply, privately,
Feat under seal. to any ddress. in a Wit seated en
reloPe, on the receipt of eit cents,
_or two postage
stamp*. Also, Dr. Ctiverwell's ./Larriage Guide,"
price 25 cents. Address the Publishers.
cm's. c. KLINE G CO.
127 Bolter,. New Turk, Post Odic* BoxILASS —Dee 14,
failroad time Zablo.
Etirmr FERN
REV. J. S.
orronvz 111 C Carla LIOUSE
Nirw Teas, August I.ltlt, 1868.
Allow ma to t tll your attention to my Preparatlot of
The com_p onent parte aro Bachn. Long Leg, Cuban
doniper uries.
Mont Of PABTATIATION,—Burhts. In vriClln Juniper
Berries, by distillation. to Wm a fine gin. Cubes. ex•
trotted by displacement with spirits obtained from
JUhiper Berries; very ante singer Is aced, and n small
proportion of spirit. It Is more palatable than any
now to use.
Hoehn, as prepared by IThiggista, Is of a dark color,
It is a plant that emits Its fragrance • the action of a
Mime destroye this Ms active principle), leaving a
dark and gleam:in. decocti.m. WI Inc is the color of tn•
%meditate. The Socha In my preparation predomin•
ales the smallest quantity of the other Ingredients
are added, to prevent fermentation ; upon Inepection.
It will he fonod not fo be a Thactore. a, =de in Mar
macoprea. nor le it a Syrup—sod therefere can be need
In cases whet, lover or Inflammation Print. In thin
o 0 hove the knowledge of the Ingredients and the
mode of preparation.
'loping that you will favor na with a trial,*iind Mat
upon inspection It will meet with your approbation,
With a feeling of emilidenee.
lam, very respertfnit•,
Chemist and Drnlat of 16 years experience.
(From the lancet Manofortortrg Chemists m the
•• 1 am acrinalnled with Mr. It T. Fleinitmld ; he 00
,npled the Druz St On nppnatte my teridenco. and woe
eneceaeful In conduct ir ttre bust never where other, had
not equally se halo, him. I have been ta ram-
Impressed with his character and entarnripe "
Plan of Power, & Reightnann. Mannt.rinring
Cherrthte,Ntnth and Brown Strontr, PI/Undo'.
for weakness ari•ing from Inn iecretion 'The ei:haneb
ed p wars tf Sal lire wi nrh sic accomplnted try porno
II) slarmmg eyroptotra•, among which nlil be tonna In
ot,position to Exertion, Lo-e of . .. Memory. Woltetn loess
['error of Disense, r , r Ferchodzogn 1,1 Evil —ln fact
roircrettl In•-itode, Pro-anttlon, and inability to oh
te4,, , the enjoyments of .ocloy.
e ConetiFntlon, once affected with Otcsnle Weak
new requires the aid of Ileancine. to strengthen and lm
rip ratcthc, n hielt
Invariably derv. If nn trrstsnent Is submitted to. Con
sUillptiOU Or Ineardly ell 03..
Fhrtn Ermter or lirctir. la affectione
peculiar to remitter, la unconalled by any other preps•
ration, an in Ctilormilii, nr Retention. Pattiftilnee• or
sup•rreeton of 0.1401111311 evacuations, Ulcerated nr
Fichl rut, State of the Uterty. and .arl complaint. foci•
dert to the sax, or the decline or change of life.
&Inflater's Extract Buchu and Improved
Rase Wash
will radically exterminate frenl the system diseases art.
sing from babas of dissipation. at litt,e expense. little
or no chance In diet. no Inconvenient, or expoenre :
entirpletely change
those unpleasant and danger.
ons remedies, Caption and Mercury, In all these dleess-
Lee Ilelmhnld'e Fluid Extraet of ilnehn In all diseas
ec of there organs. whether existing In male or female,
from whatever truce orlenating, and nn matter of how
longataud log. It le pfearant 4o tro•te and odor. • • im•
mediate" In action, and more etrengtheniug than any
preparations of Bark or Iron.
Those starring. from broken down or delicate conntl
Latium., procure the remedy at once.
The reader 'mist be aware that. however slight may
be the attack of the above dlemora. It certain to at
feet the bodily health and manta' powers.
AD the above dioceses require theald of a Diuretic.
Is the Great Dicta' Diuretic.
Price, 81.25 per Bottle-6 'Jetties 8640.
Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms In an
Address H. T. HBLIABOLD, Drug arid Chemical
Warehouse, &94 Broadway, N. Y.
rirlione see trenidnenniess done op In steel en gem , :
e me nd si ',ragppe rned, with teentadle of my ClienstestWarebonte
Jane 1, 1010.—Iy. 11. T. usual:our.
, I ti oar MEIN*. DiSWUM
a t
llondras of Thai:inn ds '2F,„
Dear testimony to theft' Wonder. grd
Dieurative Erects.
g g. 4 WHAT ARE THEY? fcP
e,- ;
cot ob p
I E;.
;g g
1%1 cit,l
D. .2 1 7 , ! C
o 4
M 9 2
d .
-h 3
ri 7
0 7, g 3 ;
tlt '1 sea ARE NOT A VILZ
ib tia of Poor Rasa, Whisker, rya./ Spirits
sod Itsfeato ,Liquors doctored, spired end stix.a
rood to please tios taste, called Tonica,".• Appeur.
mu," Rcstorers, - ae., that Iced the tlpplcr cn to
drunkenness and ran, but ere a moo I.Ted:cloc, mod*
from the le etloo Room and Rabe of Colltomta, free
from nil Alcoholic Stimulants. Stacy are It.
olviNG PRINCIPLE perfect lienorater and
Invizorstor of We Elyittm, carrying off ell poisonous
matter and restoring the blood to • healthy =DOR=
Ito person can WO Moto Bitters secordtug to Gree
t:on and remain lora novel].
BUM willbo given form inearablo mom, provided
the too. ero not destroyed by rainer--1 polsoa or
other mean., and tho vital cram= wasted beyond tho
point of root!,
For Inflommuterzy nod Chronic Ithetone.-
Om nod Gout, Deevepsin, or Indigestion,
Remittent and lotermittent Fever.
Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidney', nod
Bladder, them Bitters have been most race.,
SaL Such Diseases aro earned by Vitiated
Blood, c tileh to generally produced by derangemect
of the Digestive Organ.
Seim, P►la]o the Siusaldern, COughs,DOUICI3 of the
Uteri, Diszlexsa. Soar r.ractatlona of the Stomach,
Dad testa to t h e Month, BUM. Attacks, Palpitation
of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs. Pain to the
regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful
symptoms, are the cLaprlngs of Dyspepsia.
They Invigorate% the Stomach and stimulate Cie tor
pid liver and bowels, which render Lb= of ancenallid
cc:Loney In cleansing the blood of c.ll impurities, and
imparting new life and rigor to the whole tyetem.
FOIL SKIN DISEASES. Ereptions, Tether. Celt.
thence, Blotches, Spots, Elrnplce. rut tolce, Bolls, Cats
bunnies, Itlng•Worres, Staid-Bend, or Eyes, Erystr
ams. itch, Scarfs, Dlscdteratious of the Ehln, Rut-ors
end Diseases of the Lklu, of whatever acme or =tura,
ere literally dug up and carried out of the cyatern In a
short time by the use of these titters. 000 bottle IA
such cases will convince the moot Incredulous of the's
iterative erect. the Vltlated tlood whensever you Cad Its
Impurities bursting hremr:h the skin In rlmPlm. rze? -
tons or Botts; cleanse It when you Bud It oh...true:4ll
4.4 eleClTlth in the TCIII.II I cleanse It when it I.
and your feelings will tall you when. r-ce, the blood
pure and the health of the system will follow.
PIN. TAPE and other WORMS, lurking In thr
,pricer..( so many thousand... are el/cute-ally deatx;•
cd and removed. For fall directions, rand earri;L:'.y
the circular around each bottle, printed fn furs
ous. ra--Engllah,German, French. and Spardah.
J. WALLER, rroprietor. IL 11. IIcDON .11D L ( 0.,
DraZ...lsi3 UM/ Gen. At-ents. tee Te7.nctere.
And LI: and I:lCunlnurce StriA.l, Neer Toe-.
C?' ,:OLD DT ALL Dra.. - CG:S7D ..•-•71)
Ott. 9.11—y Fmrctc
Fr.. , kind of Tro In Mal kvt Jo•t arrived ant
for *al" at Nen York NV bo v,i,lt p , to . Alton fine no
.oriment of COFFY.E. But of me and .nve z Iron
3lvotrooc, Pa., Aprll2o
OFFICIAL ntitutrrom"
Freeldeal Judge-110n. F. R. Strocter.
AsoLoct.tte Judges—A. Baldwio. R. T. A•hley.
Prothonotary and Clerk of 4:ourto—J. g, Shoemaker.
Rrgi.tcr, Recorder, ervonin R. Lyobil.
I .t•trict Attorney—D. W. Searle.
Tremotrer—Ren)•miu (Thdden.
Sheriff—Wm. 1. Moxley.
Deputy Sheriff—M. B
Son eyor—James W. Chamn-m.
Commls,lo..era—S•ml Sto.rer, J. T. Rine, Prcserred
Commts..innen , Clerk—Win. A. Cro•emon
Jury Cononlowionem—F. B. Streeter, ex 4/1,-io. Daniel
Brewrtnr, Wm. A. Crorrmon
Auditor"—l' B. chlndier. Tracy Ilyrden, 11.M.Jonc,
Coroner—Dr. C, C. Halsey. •
Wm. 11. Jea•np, Pre,ident; 11.51. Jones. Jnmer , Ran
.on. Vice Preeidenta; Geo A. Jepvitp, Corresponding
Secretary; Henry C. Tyler, Recording Seert err ;
I. tiere. Tresourer; H. ti. Harrington, A. Baldwin,
H. H. Skinner, Execn:ire Committee.
DITITCPORI.—JohnTrumbnII, W.L.Cox,S. Langdoh. ;
Treaserrr-13. Thatch,.
Secretory—Bartj. 1.. Italthrln.
Steward—Darad Martin—Dr. J. D. Veal.
Burge”—C. M. Clem: Connell—W. A. Crorrmon.
W. W. Watson, A. J, Orritsrm. Wm. 11. Jesaup, C. 31.
Crandall, J. F. bro.:maker, D. Brewster,D. F. Auarin. ;
IL A. Dann.,
Coostahle—John C. Dowell.
Diet Coo.table —Charles J. Whipple.
School Directors—WM. 11. Jes•np, J. B. DeWitt. W.
W. Watson, B. Thatcher. D. F. Auetin, C. C.
Pre,brterian —Rev. Jacob G. Miller
EplAoopal—ltry. E. A. Warrincr,
Sept ist —Rev. L B. Ford.
llcthodlet —Hey. King FAsvell.
Catholic—lto, J. blattcry.
Warren Chapter, No. 180, meets at Masonic Ball on
Thursday of each month on or before full moon.
Warren Lodge, No. 240. A. Y. M., meets at Masonic
Ball the drat Wednesday of each month on or before
full moon, and the second Wednesday thereafts r.
Montrose Lodge, No. 151, 1. 0. of 0. F., meet, at Odd
Fellows Hall every 'Tuesday evening.
Sc. John's Encampment, No. 50. meets at Odd Fel
low. Hall the 2tl and 4th Friday each mohth.
Rebecca Degree Ledge, No. 7, meets at Odd Fellows
Qsll the drat and third Friday each month.
Mantras° Lodge, 1. 0. at ti. T. meetaat Good Temp
lar. Hall every 3londay evenlug.
Good Sarnerltat Temple of Honor. No. 16 meet. at
Good Templar.' Halt the3d Friday of each month.
The Montrose Democrat
E. B. 17.09. PL 3:1"1",
Rates of Advertlalna
Three-fourths inch of space, or less, make a square.
One square,' weeks or less, $l.OO ; I mo. $1.33; 3 mu.
$2.50; fine $4.50; I year..sB,
One-eighth col., 1 mo, $3.50; 3 me. $6,50 ; 8 too. $12.00;
1 year, WAD.
Clne-quarter col„ I mo. $0.50 ; 3 mo. $12.03; 8 mo. SZ3;
1 year, $ll
Half column, l mo. $ 12 . 00 : 3 mo. v 2 5. 00 ; 6 me. e 35.00;
I year, $55.00.
One column, 1 m 0.525.00: a mo. $3B 96 ; 6 mo. 860.00;
1 year $lOO.OO.
Auditor's Notices, §0 ; Executors' and Administra-
tors' Notices, $3.00. All eimmtmicrtions of limited or
individual interest, 10 eta. perdue. Obituary Notices,
eta. per line. tlarriageund Death Notices free.
Job Printing exeented neatly and promptly at
fall pd mt.
"Medal Moduzes, Note?. Jutted'', Constables'
School and other bbotlus tor sale.
A New and lenve_enPpli,
Moutrovs, Nov. It,l ABEL MULL
1.. • • ' • MANSFIELD, TIOGA CO- PA.
English and Classical courses. Terms begin
September 7th, December.l2th ? and March427th.
State appropriatlona for students. Students ad
mitted at .iiny time. Apply to
Mansfield, Pa. Aug. 51,1870.-1 y
For the Relief and rare orthe Erin and Unfortnaate,on
Principles ofCbristlan Philanthropy.
Essays on the &ran or Tooth and the Follies otAge,
In relation to Marriage and Social Evils. wither sattitat7
aid for the afflicted. Rent free. in sealed envelop:s. Ad
dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box. P. MO. , ' !Adz.
March 16, 1870.—y
Flour, Salt, Better. Pork. Lam, Morn. Salt Fish, Tallow,
Candlas, Crackers, Choose. Coffee, Spices, Choke
Taut, Sngars, Rice, Dried and Canned
Fruit. Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff,
and all other articles usually kept in a Oral class Grocery
and Provision Store.
We will !nark nut Goode Re low as we can afford, and
sell for cAs6l3, or exclmuge fur produce,
Montrose, Sept. 29, 1670.—tt
,il.. BEL runitELL,
te ccoci,tc:
And keeps rongantly on hand a full and dcelrable as
summont at genuine
Paints, 01lr. Pre-St nil's, Teas, Spices, ar.d other Gro
ceries, Slone Ware, Wall and %\rudow Psper, Wass
v. are. Fruit Jars, Mirror, Lumps. Cl:lrnrie)s.
, Milt 111,0 0,1, Turin. in . Oil., Ne. 1 0 1 100( Oil. Re.
(lord Whale Oil. Sperur Oil, olive Or , Spirits Turpen
tine. V.:rnisnrs. t.yrorry Seed V r Potavb. Conren
,r.oed Lt e. Aiir crease. Trusser.. rid ppocirrs. Medical
lo•oraniente. Shotthfcr Brace, 11511-, Gen., Pi,4.),
'sro,dges, Poo d• r. Slnd, Lt ad. Gun cans. Watling
l'os der and Fr:4v, Vlulln.. Strun:rs. Rosa 1 . 1, F'lu'es,
F. fen etc , Stvli Ono), and Liars. Be r and Toilet Snaps,
0.111 . Oils, Mar it,lorels. and Flair 1,, BrU.iivs,
Pucker. Brune-. Speetaeles,S:iver titled hprions,rot kn,
Knives. Ae. Dualist Artie:vs, a general ausottmeLt of
All the leading and beet Uncle of
In short, nearly every thing to tetitore the etch, to
pleas the tuete, to delight toe eye, to gratify the fancy,
' end to coodatee to the real and sulpsteottol comforts
t of life. En nmerat lon if tin pearl ii as it would Cll
a newspaper. Lail at the Drug and Variety Store of
Montmee,Jan.3, 16:0
All those to want of false Teeth or other dental work
should call at the Mike of the subscribers, who are pre
pared to do all kinds of work In their line on short notice.
Particular attention paid to making full and partial
setts of teeth on gold. allrer, or aluminum plate ; also on
Weston's east comp:4l[ton ; the two latter preferable to
any of thecheaper subsiances now acrd for dental plates.
Teeth ayoungpersons regulated, and made togrow in
natural shape.
The advantage of her Mg work done try permanently lo
cated and roaponelble parties. must be apparent to OIL
All troth' warranted. Please call anti examine !peel
m., of plate work at our office, over Boyd d CO'. hard
ware store.
)1 , 8 - ntrage. Aug. 11. 1861.—tf
T. D. TAYLOR, so long, known In Bingham
ton as one of the most popular Cutters, and
fashionable Tailors in this section of. country,
has formed a co-partnership with E. F. New
comb, of Montrose, and they are now prepared
to furnish men's wearing apparel of all kinds,
and in style and workmanship superior to any
establishment in this section of country. We
to all who may favor ns with their patronage.
Shop at Post's old corner, on Public Avenue
3lontrose, Oct. 19, 19, 1.970.—tf.
_ • e , TURRELL'S.
flag jn't rettorned from SPNV York with a large ad
dlttoo to tits nasal stock of choice goods.
Idontroae, Nov. 24, IEC,2.
Offers his professional services to the citizens Of Son's
and adjoining counties. Deice at his residence, Met
'happen. Ps. Will best MontroseFridsy °teach week-
Special attention given to the treatment of Omni,
Diseases. Those haring failed to' get relief from the
treatment of all other Physicians are especially invitee
to give me atrial. Since my location in this vicinity, I
hare treated successfully some of the emit Puma of
Consumption, Fermate. Weakness. Dyspepsia, Cancer,
Si. VitasDance, &c , •
Patients taken to board on reasonable tents.
Clergymen and their families treatedgratuitously,'
leo erge for consultation. • . -
xedloppck NOT. le, taro.-fie
ABEL T1:1:113LL