"pedal goticto. Vaansweratleazgnments.-:-Zstablisbed fads am silent arguments which neither pen not tongue can shake, and it is upon established facts that the repute• tion of flostetter's Stomach Bitten, as a health-Pro• serving cuter. and a wholesome and powerful remedy, Is based. When witnesses come forward In crowds, year after year, and reit rate the same statement* in relation to the beneficial effects of • medicine uisra thsmselres disbellU in Its efficacy is literally impossi ble. The credentini of this nuequalled tonic and atm mum, tate:nib:i over a period of nearly meaty years, +laElildelndivtdnafsid every class, end residents of every cline, *ad raw to tno moat prev tient among the cum plaints, which afilict and halms the human family. Elther a multlinde of people, strangers to each other, have annually been seized with an insane and motiveless desire to deceive the public, or llostetter's Bitters. for no leas than a fifth of acentory, have been affording such relief. to sufferers from indigestion, fever and agile. bil lions, general deldlity, and nervous disorders, a, no oth er preparation has ever Imparted. Today, while the eyes of thereader are upon these lines, tons of thou sande of persons of both setts arc relying upon :he Bitters as a sure defence against the ailments which the pmcnt season engenders, and their confidence is not misplaced, The local potions which Interested dealers sometimes endeavor to foist upon the sick in its stead. are everywhere meeting the fate that is doe to frond and imposture, while the demand for the great 'vegetable specific is conarno•tiv Increasing. tirAlettling Man led —Eiiisays for yonn: 'demon h • deli:Miro( borne, end propriety or imbroprieiy ot gettltql married. wltttnanitary help for thorn oho feel untattli of matrimonial happiness Seth free, In seated tttnnlopoe Atitirmoi, IIOWARD ASSOCIATION Pox Mtlallelphln, Pa. 11E — Bloomatourg State Normal Sebool, and LITERARY & CONXERCIAL INarrrtrre.—The Faculty of this Inetituti.m aim to be eery thonmeh in their In atructioo, and to look carefully after the health, man net, and morale of the students. CcwNvertionunitS. ARGE CLOVER & TINIOTHI 1-.4 SEEP.. For Salo bJ STANLY TUTIREI.G. warrant ed CLEAK 7 of DAISES. STASIS TFERBI.L, Forest Lake. Fob. M, ISM 4w. lELAMI.C3-421.11V8 : B ESTR BARGAINS IN TOWN IN CHOICE PkIIILY i•OCE,RIES. FLOUR PRO sisione. Dried and Canned Fruit, Vegetsbleo. Sr. Se.. at OM ',lead of Navigation. A. N. DULLARD. liontro-e, Fcbrasry V. AUCTION.—The subscriber wilt sell at pub lic sale, at his Grist Mill, near Jones' Lake, in Bridgewater, on Thursday, March 0, 1871, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following property, viz Sixteen cows, 4 yearlings, two year old bull, choice brood sow, Chester boar, 3 work mares, colt, coming two years old; sucking null., 2 lum ber wagons, 2 setts double harness, buggy wag on, top wagon, with pule; double sleigh, 2 setts bobs, light sleigh, dog-power churning machine, dairy fixtures, plows, cultivator, harrow teeth. horse hay fork, rope and pulleys: horse rake, cutting box, chains and other farming utensils riot mentioned. nail& —All sumo of $5 or under, cash, over $5, and under $5O, nine months credit, with ap proved security. All property mint be settled fur on day of sale. ti. S. SEARLE. D. BREWSTER. nritigew Hier, Feh. 22,1871. 2w Auctioneer. UCTION.—On Thursday, March 9, 1871, A 1. the unders4,med having sol I two of his fauns, in Choconut township, will expose at public sale, on the premise,: of George Baxter, in said township, all the stock, almost entirely improved short horned grades. in( luding a yoke of oxen, 15 cows and young stock, (two year olds and yearlings.) said farm and dairy imply. meats, 2 tv, o horsy wagons, plows, drags,z, churns, pans, hay, grain, &r., Sc Ejtkli, —Ten doll.irs and under. ea.h, over $lO eight mouths' on apprpved security. JAM'Es E. EIRMILT. 2w M. C. SUTTON, CherNmat, Februasy 22, 1871. Aucti.nrer. LIAILM AT ICCTION.—In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court, in and fur Sus tmelumna County, 1 will expo.. at public auc tion, on the premises, at 10 o'clock, a : Monday the 2ith tlo,y of March next, all that certain farm or tracOof laud, situate in Dimock township, In said ('ohnty, bounded on the east by lands formerly ownea by John Foster, north and west by lands of! F. IL liellister and C. j. Hollister, and south Land formerly of J. Morse and Win. 1). Cope, pontaining 1,545 acres, more or less, with the appurtenances; a frame dwell ing house, harn, sheds, good orchard, with graft ed fruit, being the ~Premiss of which Hobert Foster, late of said Dimock township, died seiz ed, in his detimane as of fee. TKIIIIS or Liam—The widow's portion there of to be secured by bond and mortgage, interact payable annually to the widow of said decedent, Jane Foster, during her lifetime, principal, at her death, to Milton 11. and George E. Foster; one hundred dollars to be paid at the striking down of the property, ono-fourth on confirma tion of sale and delivery of deed, balance in one yr= thereafter, with interest to be secured on the premises. JOHN F. HUNTER, t Executors of Rob- JOHN FOSTER, ert Foster, deed. Dimock, February 22, 1871. 4w GOM.MITTEE'S SALE—Committee rale of real estate, Notice l• hereby gesno. th it ID pursuance of an or. der of the Court of Common Pleas of Sitstmehanna Count). I will on Wednesday the 1.78 h diy of Marc 141, at 10,o'cluch. a. m.. upon the premiecs in the town of 3.,ckeon. county of Susquetinii in and Some of Pennsylvania. expose he undivided half part of the followlng piece, parcel or lot of land. the estate of Levi RIETTIt a lunatic. to public fele, described as follow.. to wit : Bounded no the north he Lund, of Calvin Mor,e, on the east hr public bight's/. radior from the Jackson and New Milford rood. to th H. Norris.' store: on the routh by laud: of J. IL Barrett. and west by lands of Or en Burred. contilning one hundred acres of land. be the sense mom or less with the balldiumi and appurtenanc e, well Improved; on which leaved house, two barns. orchard. she. Terms of sale—One hundred doll ire to be bpaid on the land being struck down llve handled dub an or the confirm.' on of rale and delivery of deed and b dance in three eq,ial annual ens/ailments. with Interest from date el sale on all unpaid amounts not paid on giving dead. to be secured ou bond and mortgage, or judgment bond upon the premise.. I will also. expose to piddle sale, at same time and plan, the tollwoino personal property, to wit: Two eoir•. I two year old befen.. coming In thts spring; 1 snarling*,ne year old colt tiro borne carriage, sett of light two ho o rse heroes+, harrow, plow, cruse cot grain cradle. two strives and a large quantity of bay and other articles not mentioned. Penn:lll7 19. 18:1. OREN HAMLETT, Committer of IM!EMIIM2MI A L'DITOR'S NOTICE.—The Ewer:dyed, an Auditor A appointed by the Orphan's Courtof Sinowelutona Count,. to distribute the fond in the hands of Elliot Al drich, .1. W. Cassingion and Ell Barnes: Executors of the mast Will and Testament of William C. Wood, du ceased. will attend to the duties of his appointment. at ht. office. in the Borough of Montrose, In said County. on Monday the 10th day of April, next, at IN o'clock p in.. when ell persons may present their claims or be for e'', haer,4. JAMES E. CAB.M.ALT, Montrose. February Si. 1871. Auditor. MUTATE OF SIIEBAEL BALDWIN, late et Ararat 1:4 township. Pernisylvanla,sdecessed. Letters testa mentary anon the estate of the exert named decedent hpying bees granted to the andersitrned. notice is given jti all persons indebted to this, same to make immediate Payment. awl those having claims upon the same trill )tresent them duly anthentiatted for seta went. LEONARD 0. BALDWIN. ( o_ LYMAN E BALDWIN. e-sccutors, 4-ramt, February 24. 1871 LkUDITOWS NOTICE .— The undersigned . an Audi-. tor, appoluiel by the Orphan's Court of Susque hanua county, to distribute the lurid in the hands of the Athoinla: rotor of the estate of John flays. deceased_ will .tread to the dollen of his apputuLmeta. at the office of W. If. Jessup, Es q., In Montrose. on 7heudny the 29th day of &larch. 3.. L 11171. at 1 o'clock. p. at which time and place all persons interested in said fond will present thiar claims or he forever debarred from Coining In upon said fund. H.COOPEII JESSUP. Montrose. February et. 111:1. •4. Auditor. A (301 COW' , NO ['lCE.—The under .CS. signed, appointed on Auditor by the Orphans' Court ni uusquehanna eimuty. upon exceptions to the Anal account or the aumluistrat ion of S. W-atnith admin istrator of the estate of lialinda Deans, deceaaed will attend to the duties of hie appointment at his office, n Montrose on Saturday the Ist day of A ail, A. D. IS:I at I o'clock p. m D. W. S Montrone, Feb. 13, 1871. 4. • - 15 1ELAW ARE, LACKAAVANNA and WESTERN RALROAD. Winter Arrannemeot o f pleemser lines effect Nos. 21,12 U. TIWAS,L . P,4YIL WESTSVAED Mall I PASIIIIgT . I Nall 1 Pasnger train. train. I STA7IOI4B, train. train. A M. A. 111. P. 211 P. M. 31r g I Pei Nee nia Y n i t ' s °d iti .. .....S .. .. 1 .., ....r: I I I g I lit; OtierarP...,altid... alhav I 1 b ''., 3,20111.16 Seraitan 0.151 1.05 ! ,:, 4,20 12,M Nicholson ,• VS 5,40 c 4.39 1 1,001 uniibottom 'Las 5.13 i S 4.37 5,40 Montrose I 7.13 I 4,131 = f 5.15 I 2,10 , New Milford 5,541 3,45 233 2,30 [Great Bend . I 4.35 11,20 flb a . .. P.M. P. MI *Foot or Liberty-et. i A.M P.M .ra W. F. ttomp. General Para. and Tido GOLD JEWELRY. A New nod lure GOP/7i -meurese, NOT. 24, 1222 Ars4 riaßl4l- NM T. EMUS COMPOUND MID EXTRACT. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. component Parts--Fluid Extract Melt barb aati Fluid Extract Oatme . - ba Grape Juice. 011 Liver Compliint, Jaundice, Billions Affection . .irk or Neriroas Iltvidarte.eclattvenets, etc. Yur4 Iy Vrgoto In , eantalni - itt nu Mercury. Minerals or Dcl tteriuUll Drug.. These plih are the most delightElfly picasent port-a -t lee, superse log castor oil, sails, tuagu.la, etc. Th is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. Theygive tone, and cause neither nanota nor griping pains. They are composed of the finest Ingredients Alter a lew days one of them, inch an tovtgoratiou of the entire system takes place as to appear utiraeulous, to the weak and enervated, whether arising from imprudence or case. H. T. Elelmbold'a Compound Fluid Extract Ca• to wits Grape Fills ore not save comsat. from the tel that sugar coaled title donut din...lvo, but pane through the stomach without dissolving. eonvegueutly do not produce the desired effect. THE CATA dBA IiHAPE PILLS, being pleasant in tante and odor du not neces itate their Letup' sugar etta.ed. PRICE FIFTY CENTS IER BOX, HENRY T. HELAIBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND MMfflffMlNl Wlltradically exterminate from the system *Vole* Syphilis, /fewer bores, Ulcers. Sore Eyes. bore Legs, Sore Month. more Rend, Broodsitio. Sato Diocese, Salt Rheum. Cancenwitusuities irom the Ear, White Swell ings. Tumors, t.htneeroue Affsciious, Nodes. Rickets, thsudular Swellings, Night Sweat*, Moth Tetter, Ru mors of all undo. chronic ithernattsm, Dyspepsia, and ail aline..es that have been established In the system fur 7• Aetna prepared expressly for the above rstmplalnt•. Its blood•purif)tng properties are greater than any other prep tratlon of Sarsaparilla, It gives the complexion a clear and healthy color. and mak... the patient to a state of health and parity, for purifying the blood. re- MOVIIIZ all chronic constitutional dl-antes ari-log from an impure state or the blood, and the only reliable and erfeemal known remedy for the can of pain. and swell ing of the bones. Ulceration* of the thrust and ley.. Blotches, Pimples on the Pace, Erysipelas and alt eruption{ of the akin, and beautifyi g the complextun. Price $1 SO per bottle. HENRY T. lIELMBOLD'S Mtv.okixa.. Ilse cured rem' cal.° of Diabetes In which It has heen n. I rintati 0000 of the !Neck of the Itladdee and Intlam m/won of the Kidney., Ulceration the Kidney. and fthold r. !detention of Urtur, lii.easea of ILc rittetrate Oland, Stone in the Madder. Calculu• Gra% el, Itrick dal Depo-it, 1111(1 ‘T ocuou• or Millo di-charKa. nod for en• fechled and delicate con-tu u ramie of Nob erzesd attend ed with the fd.otrinx gynt MOMS intli-poeh ion to ex ertion, foe, of pone, la+ of mentor:, difficult) of hreat biog. weak nett on. Ire/1341.1g, horro, of dteause tv.lkeitt hi/ of. thrnoree of tltotin. pain In the hack. hot 13110 , 1., flatting of the hotly. decline, of the •kin, erupt 10r1 on the face, pahltl countenance, unit...nil Iseeltude of the macular eyetem. etc riled by pervien• trent the OM,. nr eighteen to twenty t ve. and from thirty-Ave today-rive or in the drrithe or thanAii or life; after condnerneut or labor !mina; bed n citing lu chliciren. flelmhold's Ex - tract Dacha I. Blare'lc and Blood Po. rifying. and cum, all disease. .m haltits of dig. limi lon and.exoemes and Imprudence.. In life !mon Hiles of the blood, etc., supeiceding rooailut in alt. ctions for which it I. used, and Syphilitic afrectiuns--in :brim di« casco nand in connection with Ilelmbo 'tore Wash. LADIES. Ia merry areal°ne parallax to Ladies. tee Extract RI, Bod, uoegualled by any other remedy- an hi Cblorts MP or netetltinD, Irnes v alarity.palialnines. or t oppression of culoomary en eenzttlanv. tilceetted or Schlrn+ state of the Uterus, Locorrhcca or Whites, sterility, and for all complaints it drat whetherarl-Ins from In. diseretion or habits of dissipation. It le ton-scribed ex tensively hy the most eminent physicians end midw inee. for enfeebled and deltcate conotitut'onn, of both punts and all noes tuttentlexi with any of the above iliseasc or symptoms). H. T, LIELMBOLD'S ExrnArr Cares di.- axes arising from imprudence, habits of dis sipation. etc.. in all their stage... at little expense. 11111 e or no change in diet, no lit m yen imam, and noexposnre. It musts a frequent desire, and gives strength to urinate thereby, ran-roving ointructions, pre, eating and caring strictures of the Urethra. altsying pain and Inflammation, so frequent In this ants of disease, and expelling all poisonous matte-. Thousands who have been the victims of Incompetent person., and who have paid heavy fees to be cored In short time, hav e found they have berm der, Ised.and that the poison" has, by the ose of {powerful as ringents." been dined up In the system, to bract out in ■ more ag gravated form, and perhaps after marrlsge. USE 11ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT ECCIII! Gm all affec tions and dtseases of theUriciarythvans, whet her existing In Male or Female. from whatever rause orlgluotlsea, and no matter of how I -eg standing. Pr.ee, One Lollar and Fifty Cent. per Bottle. IIEMRY T. GESIROLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH, cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash. and win be found the only speollic remedy In every species of Cutaneous Alfoction it speedily eradicates Prnapica. Spot, .butler Dryness. Induration, of the Cutaneous Mon brave, ear.. dispels Redo., ar d incipient intLimmarion, Hives. Rash, Roth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skm, Frost Bites. sod all purposes for which &dyes or Otto. meets nee used; restore, the to a Mate of purity and softness. and futures continued healthy action to It • vessels, on which depends the agreeable clecene. s and tie.g fiy of complexion so much sought and ad mired. But flowerer valuable as a remedy for existing defects et the chin, H T. lierubolt's Hose Wash ho. long ,t,ttaturd its principie claim to untamanded patron. agr. ni possessing qualities which reader it a toilet np peudage or the won Ltopertative and cungeutal Clitztrie ter, ea/1321,1mpg in an elegant formula prominent rc quisatas, safety cud efficacy—the invarlaidc acconapanl. mentsof its use as a Preservative and Refresher of the complexion. It lean excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature. led as IL hitlectiun fur diseases of Ha trtnary Organs. arising front habk• of dissipation, used In conrectiou with the extracts Buclui. Sars•pa• ri la and- eatowtra Grape Pills. In such diseases as re. commended, cannot by surpassed. Prier, Our Dolor Per bottle. Full and explicit directions accompany the medicines. Erideoce of the most responsible and reliable char acter famished on application, with hundr ds of thou sands el living wituaems, add upward of 3u.cco unso licited certificates and recommendatory letters. many of winch are from the blithest mauve. Including etni• octal Physicians. clergymen, Statesmen. etc. The pro prietor has never resorted to their publitution in th e cempapers ; be dote not do thin from the fact that Ids articles rank as nteudard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certificates, EASTWARD Henry T. Relmlbold's Genuine Preparation. Del(*.wed to ally addre•a. Secure from ^hees'all 0. E tghll-bedomordor TWoolY YearA. Sold by brnß- Olets lento , Ibulotottoation.to contldenOe to BENUT T. DELUBOLIPS. Droogietaild Chemist. Only Dypots:—ll. T. IlEr.xaotien Orng_and chnnainai Waryhonse. No WI Broodirac. New To*. or T Ibmintot.D'a Medical Depot. 161 South Tenth 6treep Phtlatlelpl34. 166WD 91/ COU9723IFEITAt Apt pi Tipp, T • 4 1 414:4 0 4 4 ! 149 ,P 2 ittfigi CONCENTRATED THE GRE kT DIURETIC ANNUAL STATEMENT OF TICE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OP SUSQUEHANNA COUNT!, FOR 1870. Made and published in pursuance of an aet of Assembly of the ltdu of April, A. b., tail. Ballance of Collectors Accounts for Apolama. Auburn.... Bridgewater Brooklyn... Clifford.... Chneonut,.. Dintock Frankßm.... Forst Lake.. Friendsville . Gibson. Great Bend.. l Get Bed borol Harmony . Herrick Jackson Jesstli Lotlimp Lenox. L. Meadows.. Liberty . Montrose.... New Milford. " 31ilfn,1 b'ro Oakhtnd Rush Silver Lake.. Somfa Dorm. Springville... Thomson.... 60.60150293.371478146 1 TOWNS AND COLLECTOR'S NAMES Apolacan Samnel Rlee Renick .1 K Anborn .7—.11 N. Kellcrialackann ...... .5. I Ararat . A. C. Davis Bridaewater. M. Mott Lathrop Brooklyn ....I. L Reynolds Lenox . k I Clifford __Eters 5. Lesvls Little Meadow,. J Chocunnt ...Michael Murray Liberty . Danis Dimuck B L Brush Middletown .. T. ' Dondaff 1 B. Mills Muntropc . J. A. Franklin F. A. Smith New Milford. .7. Baldwin Forest Lake Wrt.i. O. Small — Milfordßoro.N.Butierflehl Friendsville Rd'srd Oubhins 0ak1and...... J. M. Thomas Gibson ..F. P Whitney Rush .. Smith Orrat Bend R. Ives Silver Lake J. Donlran Oral Bend 80r0 . ,E.A Rnwl'a, Bona.. L. M. Lyons Harmony D Taylor Springville . A. P. Brown Ilarlbrd JC. Harding; Thomson ... 0. L. Lewis RECAPITU LATION Total amount of Duplicattn, To amount paid by Collect ors, f 80203 57 To amount of Percentage to Collectora, 1588 17 To amount exonerated to Collectors, 478 86 -------$32360 GO SITENVEITATNA COCNY7II.NdEII. MUMS k== S. Aberer. Late Commiesloner .... . . . . 354 374 J T. Mlle, Cututnio.louer . . , . ... .. . 44/I Ci) P. lllnd.. 437 130 K. L. Beebe " . 30 OD Con-table.. .... ... . 543 II Juror.. tlratol and Trarerae . . 1.16: ut; Red.trr 814 .3a Court I)oune and Jail / Fuel awl Lizhp. i -• ' ' "'• ' •.. 3:31:4 tid . , Coon House. Including Repairs on Coon Room 3111.5 CO General. Township and Special Elections ... 715 111 Town Cluck 75 Ili William T. MllllCr. Sheriff . . 4 , 7 79 S. F. Lane. late SheritT , 47: 37 William T. Moils. et al.. Jailor and Jail lett 14 Stationery.iiii.ln ink new index for Prot-Cialee. 5111 Stri. Snake Creek Britlite /PO 00 I'rintig49l 73 ===ll ME= =2191M I'mtage and Itevenue Stamp. Wll.l Cat Boanik-n. MCM=2SM EtItE3EM=I EIMMEMIZE] Agrirn tura! Socfrty... . . . . 100 00 tt. Eldred. late Prothonotary and Clrrk. 7; P.avtern Penitentiary . F. it. t "handler. et al., t 'ounty Auditor. county Lina Sunry Ontult . y Llue Expen - Aes. Trra•orer's Prn-t-ntaZe llrrnnj 117 County Orders Rodeemol from No. 1 to No. MI looltudre . . .$31061 Treosuree• Perreatot, . 1:113 71 Four IternudinVirllery 115 EMCEE TY DOG TAXES. 011.'S A CCOUNTIA Ain ' t liEso , paid. leratexl. SUSQUEHANNA CoU Apolaeon. Auburn Ararat Bridgewater C1iff0rd.......... Choennu. t Dimock ..... Dundaff Franklin Forest Lake Friendsvillc. Gibson Gt.Bcnd township Gt. Bend 80r0.... Harmony . Harford ..... .... Herrick ......... Jackson Jessup Lathrop Lenox.. Little Meadows.. Liberty Middletown 31ontrose New Milford twp., New Milford born Oakland. Hush Silver Lake Sustea Boro Springville Thomson ILECAPITVI, Total Amount of Duplicates, $1420 00 To amount paid by Collector, tsl= 74 To amount Exonerated, 121 50 To Collector's Percentage 64 76 $1420 00 FTATFATENT OF DOO ACCOUNT FOR 1870. Benjamin Glidden, Treas. Cr. Dr. In Account with Dog Taxes. To amount of Duplicates 1870, $1420.00 To amount rueivc4 from H. N. Kellogg, of Auburn, Ex onerated tax, 50 Toamount inTreastwer's hands as per last Auditors Report, 36-1 84 CONTRA. By Exoneration% to Collectors, $ 121 50 By percentage to Colltrtors, 64 76 By. Orders redeemed from No. I to No. tl3 Inclusive, 1343 78 By Tostsurer's cAnumision on receipts of $1233 74, at 2 per cent, 24 87 By Treasurer %Com missions on expenditure $1343 78, at 2 per emit, 26 87 By amount in Treasurerten bands, to balance, 203 76 ---$1785 34 BENJAMIN OLIDDEN, TREASURER. OF stag, co., Amor= CVSZENT .1111 WD corarr. December. 31. 16'31 Dr. To amount received from IL V. Kennedy late County Treasurer.. . $ TIEI 39 Toamount of Dunne:des. for ISM. 39.3c0 To amount received from Unmated Laude, PAW and . 13118 Cl To emend amounts of Loans. for UM 1339 CO To amounts received from Supervimrs of For. est Lake--Commonteatith vs. D. Katie Ma 69 To amount received from additional Assesement of Taxes 153 21 To amount- received from Wm. T. Motley. Slice: Iff—Jory. Feen - To amount received from Commonwealth va: Wilson & MaGott' ..e ....... . 11 SO To amount received reom . Oveneera GI Poor of Montose and Srekeraer, Connnewardtt l4. zrivAcz 00 To amount reeelved ("met Ho; 27i. Atoll Term, .1249. (third weelLVAlktnet Term) • • 573 68 To moot= nmelvodnmar. H. Crocker, Collect- or of Dirnock—licturn Tax 185 To amount received from L. Lott, Collector, Auburn—actor:a . 12 33 To amount received from CoMmonwealthOra. J&meant ames Hays. 20 50 To -retain:Cr= cotoloonercaldwrs. D. Cr, Roberta._.. 4.• • .......... 133 go Tri amount received FeciptCommoropiikrai:Vi,"*. • Bennett - r • la 17 To 11118011111, received frotooollourhoaos Comity, re. James and Joseph Yam:later 41 m Toarocacut rucolved ftoro. 11.• 1, Brush, Collector or Dimock—Additional Tax 4 421 To amount recoProi trent Michael ]{array, loctorof Chocorrot—ltetora Tax • 400 • liectabegs4llZ Cr, • fly tlnebrrent Money • $ 100 By amount or Aar. Refunding Ordera. 213 By amount of County Orders redeemed, [cam No. 1 to No, GM. Inclusive • 31051 69 By amont al eatesareaulstO Collector, $ By =mini of intrceolsge 10 Collectors, Mu 17 -6 Ina co By amount of Troasoreei.par cart. qa - Itecetpta.ltetr44,:l7. Of° Per cent....sSß, By amount' ofTreasurees per cent. ott • , - Expeluiltares. $31%)t17, I purer. ~ • tot 131$ 71 By amount in Tremturefirbands to bat- Intro $ PIO Ed e'r2ersme.3er or wx•r. 110XLEY.13LitRIFF, II ACCOUWT WITS 711111 f irm rots IC% December SI. Dr. • To Mount of Jury fees as per certificate of the Verb of wiener S.:sabot $ Si 00 • Cr. By amount paid Tr want r, as per receipt. $ SI 04 By 3 put . coat. rash:Led for Collm - ttott BS BENJAMIN GUDDEN, COUNTY TREASURER, 111 ACCOUNT Writ CO.II.IIONRIAI.Tp OF }IMN3TLT ANIA Decetebet 31, 1870, Dr, To amount of State tax iturltd and assessed ou Nattireithsok stocks les per certificate of t h e Atirditorecueist $ 150 ID By 5 per cent. snowed Collector—. ...... ..$' 750 LtyTreasurer'eComrnisciun.un $14550 . Pper 1 45 By amount due the Comthohlmlth 141 US STATEMENT OF TREASURER'S ACCOUNT, [1( un.Ariox To lIOAD. 601.0 t, AND soiirrr T~SLi ON lehbaugh L Freud] h. Smith B. Wood Churchill J Barney ei Ei u ley Mounhan LOID, /ea AEU 18,31 ROAD TAXES. ROAD TAXES To amount of Road By amt paid town- Warrant* for the ship $ 935 40 yearn 10518 18 , 17 J $ laos 6911 y Treasurer's per. .entagu a 45 per ct. 59 ta SIIIJS GS PvilOOL TAXES. • BCBOOL TAXES. T amount of *c6. By ain't paid Wan t.' W•unkuls fur .hips $124.9 'II thu yearn ISGS and By Tnalaureee per -151Z) $ 1315 51 centage M. 5 per 65 77 e...'3 XI 00 • $1:115 GI 1301.71 , 1 TY TAXES. BUMS - TT TAXES. To amonrt of Bolen- By =I paid town s] tax levied for . ships $ MA 12 I e veern lake and y 1 re...timer'. per t*/ •zn '73 eent/ige at Dper et. $ 371 td W; W. WATSON. LATE CO. SUPERINTENDENT, ' IN *CCOVYT lIC9ql/1{14K1.14 COUIT. December 31, DriU. Dr. Tuentsuut received frnfa U. V. lienu . edy Coun ty Treasurer, Jae. IL IdiSS ...... $ 233 00 By e exponsesof County litatitute for 1963 $ 141 WI fly 11111er rutuntled to County Trous , urer •to • STATEMENT OF SUSQUEMANNA CO. TREASURER. J.l.uttary Ist, A. D..1e71. $ 9.140 85 Aitsi LK) 6.1.1 Available rand to the Treavn ry Available Note. " . ..... Uocurrent Motley of tiro - ions lea n Several amounts of aotee. bond*, Judge,. meats ke., av per bet auditors Report ... SOO 00 We certify tbe furving to be s correct Statement. J. T. ELLIS E. HINDS, ConDly E. L. BEEBE. Commifaiourre. Attest, W. A. Cn issatts. Clerk AUDITORS' REPORT Eluisectrmitr• Coe/err. mg We the uudetelzried Auaifors In and teethe County of Susqehanna met In omen - lune of our omit:, at the Aduttor's Unice in Montrose nn Monday January 2d A D ,ISTI. And did 4nifit Adjnst and settle the several acconnts .of the Commissioners and Trimourer of said County,All of which upon tituroo4li ex tnain-ttion We find to ho correct. 'We audio the hands of Ben) tmin Glidden Trotsoter of said County Amour ~Mon uty Funds Amount of Slate Funds, Amount of Dog Funds MEI TRACY HAYDEN, 11. 31. itANES, ).County Auditors AMOS NICIIOL.9, ) Auditors' Office. Jatianrs d. tern. t IMITOR'S NOTICE. The under signed. an auditor appareled by tha Orphan's Court of Susquelmona County, to divribute the funds in the bands of the, adnilolstator of the rotate of W. K. lOre.tottrani, deceased. trill attend to tho dories of ills appointment at his Alec In Mor. trose. on Thuraday. March. 4th. '7l at i o'tioek. P n.. at Ulel time and blart , all person s interestedarill present their claims or e forever debarred from clainthez our of said fond W. W. WAISON, Auditor. Montrose; Fehrnagr,„A.,lB:ll. hr D DISSOLCTIOIi.—The copartnersli ip heretofore existing between W. H. Boyd. J. IL cortrin and H. P. Crary.tinder tki firm name of W. 11. Boyd & Co., le dis4olved bt mutant consent, on the first day of Jernunry le7l 31r. etni-y retiring fr o m the arm. he books and Dotes ampre heals of W. 11 Boyd &J. 11. Corwin, who ontlogir..l to settle 01010. W. li. BOYD At CO. Montrose, February 7, 1971. ' firs COURTS OF APq,..L!. The Commissioner; of-Susquehanna County have fixed upon tile following days; dates, and places, respectively, for hearing appeals front the assessments for the year Is7l Friendsvilte and Choeonut, at the house of Lawrence Melnerny, in Choconut, on Tuesday Feb. it b,1871. 1 97 2 45 1 9•i 1 .55 1 40 2 90 Apolawn and Little Meadows borough, at the house of M.Sew man, in Little Meadows bon) on Wednesday Feb. dth, 1871. Middletown, at the house of Win. li. Sher wood. in Rush, on Thursday Feb. Nth, ltii 1. Rush, at the house of Win. U. *herwood, in Rush, on Friday Feb. 10th, 1871. Springville anti Ditnock, at the house of Dr. P. E. Brush, in Springville, on Monday Feb. 13, 1871. 4 1 H 4 50 1 50 9 50 2 20 3 07 1 30 2 40 Auburn. at the house of Dr. P. E. Brush, In Springville, on Tuesday Feb. 14th, 1871. Brooklyn, and Latlimp at the house of James 0. Blluanl, in Brooklyn, on Wednesday Feb.lsth, 1871. 1 45 445 2 77 2 52 2 47 . . Lenox, at the house of A. F. Sneer, in Lenox on Thursday Feb. lath, 1871. ~ Clifford and Dundaff, at the house of Leroy B. Lewis, at Clifford Curners, on Friday Feb. 17 11371. . . New Milford township and borough, at the house of P. Fhinney. in New MillOrd borough, on Monday Feb. 20th, 1871. Harford, at the house of Wm. Packer, In liar ford village on Tnesay Feb. 21st, 1871. Herrick .tnd Gibson, at tht house of Samuel Helium, in Siniley,on Wednesday Feb 2241,1871. Jackson and Aramt..4.t.: the house of Widow Geary, In Jackson, on Thursilay Feb. 23d, 1871. Suquehanim borough acid Oakland, at the house of N. W. Hotchkiss, id Susqubhanna De pot, on Friday Fob. 24th, 18th' Harmony . and Tboroson,authe house of W.W. Hotchkiss' In Susquehanna Depot r on Saturday Feb. 25t1L1871. Great Bend township and borough, at the house 0 1.40 in Green, In Great Bend - borough, on Meniday,Feb,27th, 18D. 1 Silver Lake and Liberty, at the house of Bela Jones; in Liberty, on Tuesday Feb. 28th, 1871. Foust Lake and Jessup, at the Conamit.on ers' office in Mootruse, ou ;VV4l4lnaadAy M arc h Ist, 1871. Montrose and Franklin, at the Conmilssion ers' once, is Mntiouse, on Thursday March 241, 1871 . $1783 34 Bridgewater, at the COmirffialionera' office. in Montrose,' on Fridav , ffil; 1871: By order of the eoutallAoders. W. A. 01066310 N, Clerk. Comars Office, Montrose, t Jan. 18,18?;—td A UCTION. The subkeriber about tq change WA Itubitnn willed' at his residence, in Forest Lake, on Saturday the 4th of March next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the follow ing property: one Yoke of four old oxen, 3 cows, 2 two tear old heifers, 3 calves, buggy wagon, single Lamm, qtr, cart, ox sled, stone boat, car: palter's boring machine, crowbar, cutting box, burclu,soWing machine, ,stands, tables, Zec., l'fifins—.4ll gums under 0, cash, 113 and over, nine months' approved notes, br time per' cent. off for cash down. r: N. AUSTIN . . Forest Lake, Feb. 13,. 3w. 1). 13nEwsTril, Auctioneer. . jgwglArg,,-,;:.. ~-,,, i.".•• A AV ;TURRET:IIi FOR SALE Or EXCHANGE for Real Estate Stocks or Merchandise—The Patent Right Of a No 1 Plow, for Susquehanna Co., or all of the State of Penna. Address B. T. HAUPT. Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa. Feb. Ist. 1871.-4 w * PUBLIC NOTICE. IWould respectfully state to my former enema. ra sad the public generally that I am again carrying on the TAILORING BUSINESS, IN MONTROSE, and proposo to do alI WORE In that Line. In a FASUIONABLE, NEAT, SUBSTANTIAL MANNER, Arol at tiniafactory Prices. Funicular attention given to CUTI'INtI wad ttPECIAL CARE ored to bare the work Plain for the person who puts It together. Shep on the west aide of "Public Avenue." over Borne it Nichol.' Drug Stony, adjoining the (Moe cl Dr. Lieber. P. LINES. Monitove, February 1.1811, U - FOR - SALE' • • 1 1 11 E HOTEL Property, limited at Ditnneic Oarnets, and long and tavola* lixifiten as thej.iewls Hotel. connected with wide! ? arc about Twenty Ac ea of Valuable Land. For partici:data address or call on C. C. MILLS. Dlntock, Pa.„ Jan. 24, IKE lL Executor. FAROS FOR SALE. N ACCOUNT. of pair health, the atibeeriber offers his farm for sale, situated about three mitre weal of Montrose. between the old Owego and Chcnango Turnpikes, adJoining land of DM/Blinds. containing about TN acres of land; b acres improved, the residue well timbered, crittfortabla buildings, a choice -orchard of about UV trees, and well watered with never Osiling springs and creeks. Or Terms easy. Enquire of the subscriber, on The farm, or of --J. Wiens, at Read, 'MILTON & Co.'s store, Montrose. MILTON GRIFFIS. Bridgewater, January 43, Wit 610 A. B. TARBOX, WATCHMAKERANDJEWELER, Susquehanna Depot., Pa., Dealer In Watches, Clocks Jewelry, &c. Re pairing promptly done and warranted. FINE SILVER GOODS! made a speciality; Silver Detached Levers fur $l2 00. American Watches, at Companies re duped prices. rE" Goods ordered for parties, from New York, at less profits Ruin if kept constantly on hand. Solid 18 caret Rings for $1 75 per penny 'weight. • A. 13. TAR BOX. Susquehanna Depot, Jan. 25, 1871. tf: FINANCIAL New 7-30 Gold Loan SAFE! PROFITABLE! PERMANENT! Jay Cooke & Co. Offer for Sale at Par and Accrued Interest, the FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT GOLD BONDS Northern Pacific RAILROAD COMFY, THESE BONDS are secured, first, by 1 a Find Mortgage on the liallniad tt cIL Its etoek and all equipmenta . second, by a Find Mort n ..age on ha entire Land Grant, being mom. than Tweuty.Two Thoopand Acre. of Land to each mile of mad. $ 9149 ..171 141 99 204 9 The Bonds are free from United State. Tax; the Prin cipal and Interest are payable In Cold—the Principal at the end of Thirty year., and the Intemt Semiannually, at the rate of Seven and Three-tenth. per cent. per 61100 M. They are homed In denominations of .100, 'SOO, $lOOO $5,0n0 and $lO.OOO. The Trustees under the Mort„Tage are 31e.er5. .0. Cooke. of Philadelphia, and J. Edgar Thomas, President of the Pennaylvania Centre) Railroad Company. Thrtic Northern Pacific 7-30 Bonds will at all times be fore matnrity, be receivable at ten per cent Premium or 1,10), in exchange for tho Company a Lands at their low est culi price. In addition to their absolute Fafety. therm Bonds yield an Income I larger. we In:neve. than any other First Clans security. Penton. holding Fnitco States Fivr-Twentic. can, by converting them Into Northern Paritle., incroute their yearly income one-third. and still hate a perfectly reliable trt HOW TO GET THEM! Toor nearest Bank or Banker will supply these Bonds In au) desired amount, and of any needed denomination. ?crap,a wishing to exellangs Stocks or other 13onda for these, can do ed with any of our Agent., who*will allow the highest current price for all kfarketable Securities. Those living In localities remote from Banks. mac send money, or other Bonds. directly tons by express, and we will send back 'Northern Pacific Bonds at our own rink. and without cost to the Investor. For further Informa tion, pamphlets, maps, etc., call on or address the nuder. signed.or any of the Banks or Bankers employed to .11 this Loan. For sale by IVY'. U. COOPER & CO. Montrose, Pe. .1.13n17 25. 1571 ONLY ONE DOLLAR! !' SEE WHAT YOU CAN GET FOR IT 1 lb. Tea—black, green, Japan, gut powder or English breakfast. 2 gallons Molasses, or 3 lbs. prime Coffee, roasted, or 4 lbs. green Coffee, or 5 lbs. Tapioca or Macceroni, or 6 lbs. cut loaf, granulated or pulverized Sugar,or 7 lbs extra nice Sugar, or 8 lbs. yellow Sugar, or lbs common Sugar, or 10 lbs. brown Sugar, or 11 lbs. Crackers, or 12 bare Soap. or ta lbs. Oat Meal, or 14 lbs. Samp, or 15 lbs. Homminy, or 20 lbs. pastry Flour, or 25 lbs. XX Flour, or 50 lbs. and more of Salt, or 100 cents worth of any of the 1,000 other things too numerous to mention.] Bring.on the Dollars. " Perfect fits" and sat isfaction guaranteed, and no grumbling. LYONS, DRAKE ,1 CO. Montrose, Jan. 18, 1871-4 ABEL TURRELL EEFS constantly on hand ono of the most namer ous colltxtions of I)UUGS 3; M.EDICINES to the country. and bestows especial attention to ec• letting sad buying articles iu this department that are pure and genuine. Ile also keeps a grimt variety of uguolis AND WINES, lulugbt either direct from the dietiller, or importer, and warranted strictly pure. Also, a rail assortment Af Paints, Olin , vdrai.h es Brushes, LI-brit:sting Oils cud Dye !Bugs. Groceries, Wail Paper, Gloss, licruseuo, 'Violins, Pistols, Guns and scuniuultiou. A tine variety of Gold nod other JEWELRY, Perfum ery, Yaultee NOTIONS, Le., and other goods too on merotie iu tueatloo. During sev.•r.il years pant persons have beau In the habit or yerin,lop slubs.aud sending to the Greet Uteri e.to Tea Cuinpenv, New Twit,. fur their supplies of Tea and Coffee. fun faudly.use, • Abel Terrell Is now supplying - the people with these Teas and Coffees, at his store In Iloetrote, at the am° prim*. that these clubs and (O'er persons psy at the store of the Company le New York. Thus.purchasers will save the express charge, trouble of clubbing and risked sending, of VSTATE QF PETER M. TILLMAN, - ate of Save& Depot, Saxe a eo. deed. Letters of adminfstriticra upon the Witte or the above named decedent hating barn minted to the andersluyed. Mims Is hereby gifts' tkat ill" masa hniehted to the Same aquated to make imursdiste 'payment, and those haring claims upon ahe same Will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. J. X. TIT.I.3LAZI, Adler. Busq's Depct, Jett.lB. 1R713. Xfr. 33iitsarlarz•viti MINIM M WM' . In oderlng thin !Ailment to the pnhtk, sa we do In till confidence. that Ramat auperccde all albeie now lo We. as an internal remedy, for the cure of all &souses in the reach of that claps of medicines, we can safely wooert, without the - leapt rear or cantmdletion. that It staods un rivaled In the list of medical _compounds externally ap plied for the cam of disease, Feeling therefore that It I. unneamocuy to pada remedy so eminently wonderful in Its effects, so myaterioarly infelibte In Its powers of relief. causing the deaf to hear, the blind to see, the tier woos, drawn and crippled rheumatic to walk erect and re joice again In the power sod sigma( matibooxi, this Pre paration is offered to the public on Its own meritp. and claims no volcanic origin or eseeutial oilo of the Arabi an deserts; bat on the control to wtat It. Imetts, and Is a rare combination of the power. of NorM doled = prodocts. Ras Tome, Dee. 14, 1870. This notice In to Inform all deniers to proprietary medkines, that we have established a Depot in Suosque. henna county at Mootrow Pa., for the attic of Dr. C, F. Brown's Toting American Liniment, and that Mr. A. 84Lpw1.14 . 13 onr am uTn f a u o r tphat E uatte nD . WARD. & CO.. Agencies will soonbeestablished atcentrd places in every township, and published to the list betow. lam ready to furnish It at wholesale prices to agent*. Post ers sad circulars sent Ire° upon application to the sub scriber. The Liniment Is now for /Weal retail by the follow ing agents, to wit: Burns & Nichols, Montrnm A. Turre/L E. L. Adams, Auburn 4 Comers. William White. Auburn Centre, Noah Baldwin, South Auburn. Waltman M V.burg, Skinner ' s Eddy. Keeler it Vaughn, Wyelusing I). C. J: F. H. Fordhern, Franklin. Dr, V. Hornet, Camptown, J. Barrows & Sons, Stevensville. L. M. Sherwood, Rushville. H. T. Hendrick, Springville. , William Thayer, Dlmock_ N. B. Beanisice, Little Meadows. Hobert Winters, Friendsville. • N. L. Ball, Birchardville. D, A. Jr.. Tltaworth. Brooklyn, R. L. B. Hinds Factoryville. W, LL Curtis, Bailey Hollow. • • E. N. Tiffany, iloptiottom. J. B. Very, Montrose Depot. Any persons In townships not abase named, desiring an awrney, may obtain It by addressing A. BALDWIN, General Agent. Jan.ll,l3G-3m Montrose. Pa. jrittE! EIREI FIRE!--Your house may bum next. Seek refuge at mice, either in the •-va ILTTS. Sectnity, N. Y., - - • Si Unu,ttal W .11axibatten, - • • - - I,sou.tati North American • • • ' U. 25 UUU Crlrard Philadelphia, • • - 410.1,41410 ElAtelptille, • • - - - btsuAlUo 00 Or NorwiCh, Cann., chartered Nay, 7t09, the uldet4 Stuck Co., in Connecticut. All of' the If hove are old established, Ann chugs Companies sure, and reliable, bating been tried and proven. Lo oki out fur little new wild cat com panies Oprloging up all over the country Just to make money. Cali or scud your application, and I will see that yua are fairly dealt with. HENRY C. TYLER. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Agent, at the office of W. 1). Luck, Esq., Nontroae. • February 1, tull).-tf. F ARM FOR SALE, Of One Hundred and Seventyßac .►cres, sit uated between Silver Lake and Mud Like, 100 acres improved, and nearly all the remainder in heavy hemlock timber ; having thereon a good Louse, barn, shed, granary, etc., orchard of 150 apple, cherry, and plum trees ; watered by never failing springs and creeks. Price, V. 5 per acre, some of which can remain on mortgage. ALLEN J. SHELDON, Jan. 9-3 w I wem Silver Lake, Pa. FARM FOR SALE, Containiug one hundredfold tiny acres, one hundred under improvement—with good build ings, orchard, &c. &c. Price late, and terms made easy. Inquire of . L. F. FITCH, or G. Y. BENTLEY. Aontrose, Jan. 4, 1871—tf DENTISTRY. C. A. SACKETT'S Dental Rooms, Few Milford, Pa. Particular attention even to all ope - ation P nn the veto ral teeth. Artificial Teeth Inserted to all the various yles now In use. Perfect satisfaction guarantied to all, ems and see me, and satisfy youraelses.Oflltu oars each day. M. 5 18:0.—ly FURNITURE EiTABLISIIMENT OF WILLIAM W. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The extensive Farnham &tabliahment of Wllilam W. Smith, having been refitted and greatly Improved. the proprietor respect fully announces to the citizens of Montrose and vicini ty, that he Is constantly making and keeps on hand the largest and best asssortment of FT:T.PI- X°1 1 11:71=1.30 to be found anywher this side of New Turk City. Desk., Divans, Towelracks, Lounges, Footstools de. Center Lard, Pier. Toilet. Dining. Kitchen and extension tables. Cuatna —Cane and Wozxlseat Rockers, Cane, Flag and Woodseats of every variety and style. Sofasand Tete-a-tetes. tarnished on short notice.— Cane seat chair' resealed. SPRING BEDS. A large assortment—cheapest and bet; In the market Cane Seat Chairs. I am now enabled to supply my customers wt th a new aubstantialeane seat clutit,of bane manufacture. which will be found greatly superior to those formerly In market, and yetare sold at a tens price. CANE.SEAT CHAIRS RE.SEATED.' or - Ready made coffins on hand or furnished at short notice. Rearsealwsys In readiness if desired. I employ none but careful and experienced workmen, I intend to do my work well, and sell it as low as can be afforded. WILLIAM is r. SMITH, Montrose, Feb 1841868. TEN WAIL PA It IL duet arrived. and selling rhrsp by allontrofe, April 20. 189. AWL TUARELL. DOWN TOWN NEWS, MI E'ER AND COA TS, Main Street, 5 doors below Boyd's Corner. ldoutrore FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PRO VISIONS. We aro coartantly rcc Meg I ad now have ooh•nd, • fresh stock of tiuud• in oar 1 I c ,which we will•etl CHEAP! CHFA ! CHEAP! tor cub ,or nubs .ger orprodaee. G 0 01) TAL'Ab, COFFEE, S U AR, MOLASSES, SPICA'S, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER (L. TIMOTHY SEED, du, Virehave refitted and made additional* our Stock o Pails. and are now ready to tortrerd Bauer to the be. t commission houses In New York,lree of charge, and torkeltberaladvarteemente oo coo eignments Cell and examlneour tock before nurchasing else where.andconvince yourselves or t h GOOD QUALITY A LOW PRICES o{ gar 13°.0d1,1* C. 0. MINE?. . • • coital montrose, April 16.2665. PEBBLE SUCTACLES—nIso mou Speetaclet, a Dew sapply, __ q for tale by lliaatrose, Nov. 10, 1860, O,BZ/0 T 14 Igl f TIIBRELL,' !loan's°, Pa ESTATE NOTICES. YOUNG A3IERICAN - 1 . 10 William Street. New Yoh • ' ,- , ;-,-, r c i ~,.! ZIOXPA , ,----', -- 1),:t ': , - 'Vc-- --- s '.-a -• ±7• 1 18410- .. 'l . lBO ',-;-: ~ _...... ....:—.•., ; ........, - ~.... !•1 4' .. 2:11A OPALT Mani' 11 . 13DXCEirK , TAKEN ISITERNALLY, It cores sodden Colds, Coughs. km., sad We ilk:lmre. Green/ letilim. bore. Motith. estiker..Liver Complaint Dlspewla or ledinesttoo.Cramp or Pain in the Stomach, Dowel Complaint. - Painters' Lytle, Ashs,it Cholent,'Displiona and Dysektil7, APPLIED Etrzumer.ix,' ewes reF, vow and 01480 . ins, Ben : ere tani, Smith, Cuts, Bra eird .Sprefe I, Swelling of the Joints, Itlng Worm an Tettsr,'Dreltell 'Webs's, Frosted Feet and abentaalhigik4,4l auto remedy for Ague, Chills sta. Fever. MAIN KILLER, • Takeo internally, alpeall be k adultarated with milk or water, or made foto ikayrakwith 1110ISSela Pure cough • few drupe on supf,'enteo, will bo Finnt effective, tburi anything elec. • • Dirallana'accampany each bottle. , 2.saltp. blpFts. and $l.OO per Venlig, Boldty all laedlalao Dealer,. Dreb. l—lm NEW FIBUR The subeqdbeno Are Dew iFeithing ;roes IiCrII 'fork at mew mud Irpoh 'dock pf cmoc4ges <is PRPVISIO2iB4,- e :6 IT re w u ll . l: r o u r i tl at •In roc sash. Almon Mt Four, Maim, prig Asf, JSmOrd :Halibut, Q fish, Matkerckift. Tem. Corm Misef W9liteaddre Suice- Cattwd Nekea, Pew, fine Apples, Street Con; Tones toes, quinces, and Plums, Cocoa, Futile, Extrac‘ Lemon, sic. ere. All kinds of SPICES, citron, Orange reel, etc. CHOLICERY A No I Clewing and Seikeklns "Robaeco, etc. MI of whirl can be warranted M find damn geode. LA To addition to the Grocery trade, we hareparrehased Geo. C. 11111's News °glee, when, you can nod a good selection of Btationecy, Books, Billy, WEeklj end Monthly Papers, Magazines. Books and pipers not ou baud will be ordered and furnished on abort notice with: out cam charge. bipedal care given to orders. No trou ble to chow goods—ao drop In and .yo fog yourselves. delivered without extra charge. G. J. Wean, t C. M. Gear, Montrose, May 18, ISM. GROCERIES, , Tea, Coffee, %gar, Mee, Salerntns, Crack Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Raisins, 21.1 to Corr:intl. Tapioca,. Starch, Yinegar,, Soap.; _Cream of Tartar, Soda, Cream Yeast, Corn, Starch, Purina, Nutmegs, Macc, Clorts, Casoiiia Buds, Chocolate, and the best Molasses •in the world, at the store of ' 132=21 ABEL TURRELL Montrose, )ee. 28, 1870. STOW OF THE °OLDEN NOWT !! fi 33171=1,441131 db TOMC7Zi.cp.•6II $ DRUGGISTS, Would respectfully Pay to the public, that Wilda Mon their usual assortment of riritE. DRUGS ♦ND UPDIC4 'F4I. they have Paints and Qua. Varnish. Dye.Stn4Y. Wines and Liquor.. Patent Medicines Spectacles Rye (Agrees Pocket Knives, Razors. Violin ik 'cluiterStforgy. received' .14 tine lot of Revolvers Gan Cap*. Gan Wadding,. cartridge., We keep slime on hand add kw lee, matting Powder. Gnu Powder. Powder. Tobacco and Cigars Of a MA perior quality, and a general iuweffounal of ,kankee. — Remcmb.r We CIIRAP CASH DRUG STORE q Burns S N ichols. A. R. Iltrlll4B. Montryea, Dec. 14, 1571. A 3109 101.3.1(.4.# FLOC/ ! FLOUR From titia day linwejd, we *ill gni Flour 4$ retail 4 ItIIOLESALE PRICES, We hang out no false colinsp Lit Wan PO what we say. 7 While making Flour s specialty, our stock o FEED, MEAL, SALT, LIMB OEMIZIre, anovERIE4 I , PROVISIONS, "&e. Will bo kept full and sold at very await prollta, GARRATT & SON, New MUrord, March 2, 1870:-17 0% 20 , 0 40 Worth of Goode in store for thit_ vpmfailf the Fall Tract° of 1870, ins full awl • general assortment of Unties and Gee Dresa, and Furnishing, and ranyy FOP In Emilia, Coils, Deana, Jfert!yu, Pap/440, Calms, shawls, Oprient i endatifx: Falls, and hoop Skirts , Ladle. and Genii Puri. Steaknobes,Fantit Lap Roles, °full assortment of Cmo o. Onsillieres; Lad a'C2oth, Flannels, Ilodloy, • • •Pmf aic cOtengittvtdtc• with a general assortment of Bats and Caps, Boots 4t, Shoes. Oils and Paints,. Groceries, C.rockerY, Batiste , Stoves , Iron , etc.,fluubit ing a superior opportunity for selections, ang will be 6011.1 CIA the most favorable terms, by ITR 2311:1TILFAXtr04:. rcv ifillord, Rol. 5 4 3ra NEW (10qD8 WIDB s grftli
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers