" - irdiffeffiel'Elitilller olll3lll ; The following is thereturn by counties, of the septeatilel enumeration for all the counties except Fulton IP fp r . oOttrtrils. g a• ; : Adams, 7,051.8 2 Lwarence 0,269 1 8 A11egbeny,65,995 - - Lebanon, 8,021 7 5 Armstrong 9,355 16 10 Lehigh, 16,682 7 7 r Heaver 7,943 - - LUrerne, 43,022 28 36 Bedford, 6,772 15 9 Lycoming 11,196 22 22 WAS,- 25,003 - - McKean. 2A5 Blair,, 8,613 16 11 Mercer, 12,599 - - Bradford,"-13,059 7 12 MlHiin ' • 4.216 10 11 Bucks, 16,293 20 30-Monroe, 4,609 - - Butler 9424 - -IMantgorn- Cambrja,.7,os3 14 14 , ery, • 24126 25 35 Camortin, 1,038 2 1 31ountour, 3,454 - - Carbon, . Nort.hatap- Centre.B;3Bl .1 0 9 , -.15,472 - - Chester,- 19,500 Notthum-?. Clarion 4,714`10 B___berland,; 9,362 - - Cleardeld, .6496 14 9 Pent . 0,973 7 - Clinten t • Coltinabriv7,lB3 -phis, 158,1= 88276 Craw- . „ Pike, -, 1,983 3 4 ford, . a 17,853 Potter,- -• 2,138 - Cumber. • - SchtiylkM 25,142 11 33 land, '11,649 14" 7 Snyder, 3,772 15 11 Dauphin, 14,921 23 18 Somerset, 6,253 - - Delaware, 8,410 .5 8 Sullivan 1,459 - - Elk, . 1.940 2 2 Sustmeh'a, 9,090 10 11 Erie, , 16,031 - - Tioga, 9,603 - - Fayette, 10,135 15 30 Union, 4,583 - - Forest, 749 - - Yenango, 10,855 - - Franklin, 10,624 4 7-Warren, 6,017 3 2 Fulton, . -- - Washing- Greene, 6,467 - - 'on, 12.787 - - Hunting- Wayne, 7,521 14 15 ton, 7,395 It 11 t Westmorc• Indiana, 10,793 15 9 land, 14,861 910 Jefferson, 5664 7 1 Wyoming, 3,311 - - Juniata, 3,550 - - York, 18,139 83 42 Lancaster 28,523 39 341 COUNTERS. Weather Reptiet,EendlngFeb. 11, '7l DAY. TIME. DEG. WIND. WEATHER. 7 14 N. w. 12 4 N. w. • 9 *. 8 N..w. Moitiday, 710 12 5 x. w. 9 a Tuesday, 7 2 above zero. 12 23 9 24 • Wednesday, 7 22 12 34 9 30 Thursday, 7 28 12 38 9 82 Friday, 7 16 19 29 9 15 Saturday, 7 10 19 29 " 9 19 " Mohammed's Garden of Paradise When the Day of Judgment c,mes, all men will have to cross a 'bridge called Al Si rat, which is frailer than hair, and sharper than the edge of Damascus blade. This bridge is laid over the infernal re gions; and, however dangerous and diffi cult this transit may appear, the righteous upheld and guided by the Prophet, will easily accomplish it; but the wicked, de prived of such assiitance, will slip and fall into the abyss below, which is gap;l g to rocejve them. After having passed the first stage. the "right-hand men," as the Koran ca Is them, will refresh themselves by drink ing at the pond of Al Cawthor. the waters of which are whiter than milk or siker. and more odoriferous than musk. They will find there as many drinking cups as there are stairs .in the firmament, and their thirst will be quenched firever. They at last w.ll penetrate into Paradise. which is situated in the seventh 11,m.y, n, under the throne of God. The ground of this enchanting place is composed of pure wheaten flour, mixed with musk and saffron; its stones are pearls and hyacinths; and its palaces built of gold and silxvr. hi the centre stands the marvellous tree called tuba, which is so large that a man mounted 'on the fleetest horse could not ride mind its branches in one hund red years,. This tree not only affiirds the most grateful shade orer the whole extent of Paradise, but its bonghs are loaded with delicious fruits of a size and taste: unknown to mortals, and bend them selves at the wish of the inhabitants of this happy abode. Of all the attractions of these realms of bliss, none will equal their fair inhabitants —the black-eyed bonris—w ho will wel come the brace to their bowers, waving perfumed scarfs before them. and repay ing with smiles and blandishments all their trials and fatigues. These beautiful nymphs will be perfection itself in every sense; they will not be eteated of our own mortal eltiy, but of pure musk. —A wife who had been lecturing her husband fur coming borne intoxicated came incensed at his indifference, and exclaimed, "Oh, that I could wring tears of anguish from your eyes r To whieh the hardened wretch hiccuped. ",Tai— 'tait —no use, old woman to ho—lici—=bore for water here!" DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA and WESTERN RAILROAD Winter Arrangement of plunger lines effect Nov. 21, ISTd. WESTWARD. I EAETIVAED. Malll Pamingr I I Mail I Pit.itmer train. train. !STATIONS. I train. train. A. et. Pi. IA- 1111 I Ir. 1,1 P. 19 .11 Mao' • New York.. ..... WV 1.1.4r,1 ! New Hampton I 1.35 1-2 OW lltailmaka Chunk... 112.40 T I 11:I; I I ... I 12.=1 O :1I S ,20 I t,15 . 1 f 15 7.05 4.1 . :011:,5.5 Nicholson ....,.. FAD 4,5? 01 I 5.11. L 4! I kts P.M P. M I lioptottom. ..... Montroge New IHrifofd !Great Rend........ . I *loot of Liberty-L.4- w. F. HO General Paos. au NEW YOUR paoiarcz MARKETS Corrected weekly by Williarn EfotAdon, 231 Fulton St., Nen' York. Week ending Jan. 28, 1871. .44 to 18 .14 to 17 .12 to 15 .10 to 20 Turkeys. per lb.. Chickens " Geese Ducks ti Butter, pail Cheese, dairy, per lb " factory , ".. Egp, per dos Flour, per barrel... Corn mvtl, 100 DA.. W 111414. per bushe3. Bye Oats Corll- " Hops, cro of 1870. Beet Bid per lb .. Hogs, Potatoes, per bbL . Tallow " AGERI'S WANTED FOR TIIEUDRA Hy OF POETRY AND SONG tiM handsomest and cheapest work eztant It has some thing in It of the beat for every one.—for the old. the middle aged and the young—and mart become univert call popular. Ereepting, the Bible. this will be the booktuoat loved and.the moat frequently referred to In the family, Every page has paseedunder thecritical eye of thegreat poet. Wit. CITLLEN BYBANT. Iterecbsace tor MIT Atomise. Ttio only book of its kind oversold by subicription. Send at once for circa. We, do., to GM MACLEAN. PubHebei: dcc.2l-4. 119 Bansout,' tit.liabidelppl, Pa fount Ptointoo TWO tines in this Dir e Cory, one ,ynir, $1.30 eaeh additionia tine, 50 ' - , CAI4OA PLATTER.—NICI I OLAS kIOEMARER Dealer In genuine Cams Plaster. Iwo ground, 0. M. IIAWLEY. Arent for Empire Sewing lietblne and American Base Burning Stove, Main Stmt. W. T: MOSS &CO , Teuton In DriOondo.tfutc,Capi, Boole and Shoot, land Genera , blerctindhte, on Main istroct, second dotrettelow"theEphtropal Church. • UNION 110TEL.,‘- kept by .wiukrAm 8.11:1T11, on Main Avon, near rho Depot—_o, ' W. B. MEAD, Foundry, and dealer in Plow. and other 'Amalie, one dna from Ptdaney'e li o•ci, Main ht. N. F. Klllllll3ll. Carriage. Wskter and 1.; ndertnket. on Main hued, two dobra pclow Ilowlere st.re. • bicCOLLI.' 31. BROTHERS. :Dealers.= . Groceries and Provisions On Man !Street.. 11. 0 BOrr..Deniera itt Flom. remit. Mei" , !init. Lime, Cement; Groceries and Provisions on Main Street, opposite the Depot. T.IIAYDEN. Manufacturers of Cigar. and Whole.ale dealers lu Yankee Notion.. and Fancy Goods. on Moto Street, below 6placopal Chorea. • MOSS Ss KNAP. Leather Maorifacinrcrs and doalcr• in Morocco Finding.. 6c, near Episcopal Church • AINEY DAY DEN, Dealers In Drug,. nun ateutewee. and Manufacturers of Cigars, on Main Street, near the Depot - - -- gTRPIII , L4QA, fferee Shoeinz end general Repairing on Main Street, math of the briege. J. DICKEItaI AN. Jet- Dottier lo generd toerOluuldise and Clothing, Mick Store, on Nein Street. & MEAD, Dealers In general Merctutodl.e on Main Street. L S. LINIIELNI, Manufacturer of Lether, and denier In tenexal Merchandlse, on Main Street.. R. P. DORAN, Merchant 'Pallor and dealer in Mnady Motin Clothing, Du Goods, Groceries and Provision', Main Street.• HIRAM WIITTA, alanntacturcr otand dealer In surri or Plows and Castings. GIBSO. EDWARDe it BRYANT, Minofeetnrere or Wegoo♦ nod Sleigh*, ricer the Ingelhe Store. Al EL TURRELL, Dealer in Druze, Medicines, I. genes, Paints, 0115, Dye Stuff., Groceries. Jewelry Notion', Kt. Carp, 21, •'M WEBB & GERI:, News 001 co. and dealers in Grocer ten and Proclaions,Crockery etc.. Public Avenne.. JAMES E. CA EM ALT. Attorney at law. Office one door below Tarimll Ileu•c, Public Avenue. • WM. II COOPER & CO.. Ilmakero, e•l' Forrirm Pan ne Tick h udl)rafte on England, ircland and Scot .1. IL FLETCHER'S Eating Salonia I• the place to get Ire errsm, Oysters and Cl. me, In every myle. On Main et reet.• STROUD & BROWN. Ocretal Fire arti"Life n•nr• arice Monte ; Railroad and Accident Ticket. to New Yo-k and Ptiladelpitia. Office. our door cast oldie Rank. P. R. CIIANDLICR, General Insurauce and Neu log Ma china Agvut. Public Aeenu. • BURNS .t N1C1101..4. the pl.tee to get Pre: . - 111 llecit T..h torn, Peeket-1t5..0k,, Spect3 fine. Vallee. Not loo*, Sc.. Vehlie A venee. ‘I M. I. COX. llarbt•p ranker and drnb•r in all Art.eb, uo3n11) kept by the tr,d.•, opvw-lte the ltn..k. • r.oy n A (Tau nr ilrr. Inttnvr.• II trduare t lld Mantanctort•ra or Ttn and Shertirnn wttre, corner of Main and Torupiktr street S A. M 1R 4 6, T.olor and ilo.i', in A ;:t . tlt , CWIIIS' MACh• Ile, on Main • Mrent. F Irlham A N DULLARD. In •Foatinnery and Yankee Nu:lt/v. , , at Lead of ro lon C AVOlnr.• T SPORE It CO, Dnalt in srn,‘ e n, ii, n d, enne . A.Trlenluar.O trnidements, Flour an.l Oniter en, oppEn riic '1 n n4ell RAI - N.-worm .t NtIT'cIIKL So.itOr w n•ar of Rank build r .1 n. n,\rrrr Dellera in Iry 4;,u,d., !Jere. mare and general rnercham,liae, corner, near 1S irk lE' na new era bl rg ument —17...tahl lobed facts are silent ari.in men la which to lthi r pen nor tonirns can shake, and it is upon estiblisited filets that the rennin lion of Iloetetter'a Stomach Bitters, as a health-pre serving oilier, and a wholesome and powerful remedy. in based. When witucases come forward in crowds., year after year, and reit rate the same statements In •elation to the beneficial elt.cts of a medicine van themxstnes. thstielief in its efficacy I• Ws re. imprqui- Ole . The credentiabiof this nnegnalled tonic and alte ration, extending over a period of nearly iwenty ymoss, Include lodivldnal• of every class, and resident. ',revery clime, an 1 rlfcr to tie most preralout among. the com plaints, which afflict and harms, the barman family, Either a malutnde of people, strangers to each other, have annually been seized with an Insane and motiveless desire io deceive the public. or li n et e tter . r. Bitter, far no lees than a fifth of a century. hire been affording such relief to sufferers from Indigestion, fever and attue, bil lions, general debility, and nervous disorders. a+ no nth. el . :preparation has ever imported. To-day, while the eyes of the reader are upon these lines, tens of (hon. sands of persons of both sexes are relying upon The Bitters as a sure defence ngulnnt the ailments which the present season engenders., and their confidence is not misplaced. The local potions which Interested dealer, sometimes endeavor to foist upon tae sick lu its stead, are rierywhere meeting the fate that bulue to fraud and imposture. while the demand for the great vegetalde specific is constantly incres•ing. 112 ,— Get tin= I , l.larrlell.—Fiernya for picot; Mrn.on the dellgto of home. nIA the propro•ly or ine, ,, ropriety of grit Ina married. with minicar, help for in°, oho feel mint led or matrimonial ha PIA omt. Sem. free. in waled envelope.. Adaniee, HOWARD ASSOCIATION Lox P., Philadelphia. Ha. rW - Bloom.barg State Normal School. 3041 Lcrr.naur & Cotannur.ut. IN.TITCTE —The Faculty of thle Inatitntbm aim to be very thoronzh in their In. gronion, and to leok carefully after the health, man non and moral. of the atuttenta, _ . . . . . App , y for Catalogue to HENRY CARTER. A.M. Sept. Principal cup Atbartiocultuto. A untro 'vs NOTICE.—The under. appointed an Auditor by the Orphans' Court al Sustpanttanna ennuty, ElprM emeeptione m the final amount of the administration of D. W.Smith admin istrator of the estate of idalioda Deana deceased mill attend to the duties of his appointment at his office— u,Diontrose. on Saturday the let day of April, A. D.„ 1871 at 1 o'clork p. M. D. W. SEARLE. Stontro.e.. Feb. IS, 1871. 4 , fr Auditor. 1G..54 4:1 r 5 G. 85 I A.. 8.1 LWEL d Tick • A TOl'lON.—The subscriber. wishes to . 7 3 - dispose of the following propeity at public sale, on Wednesday, February 22, 1871, at the liarford. S. O. School, liarford, Pa. Sale to corn mem e at 9 o'clock, a. u'r. One yoke of oxen, year old horse, very valuable ; span of mules, 25 cows, 14 two year oh/ heifers ;16 calves, 10 brood sows, 1 Chester boar, G shoats, Ilubbard mow ing machine, wheel rake, ox cart, 2 lumber wag ons, 2 market wagons, market sleigh, 2 pair bobs, sett light harnest, sett beady harness, me • chine for churning, a large quantity of dairy fix tuns, such as pans, pails, churns, dec., &se., suf ficient for a dairy of 45 cows; also, a large quantity of farm tools, ineludin„,,c . piows, chains, drags, hoes, shovels; forks,-&e..-&c. &DWI& 1341.1 140,15 21V(428 4 75@6.45 2.2(ktf,.2.30 ...... , 1.21q41.50 95(41.00 41.03 - .50 8.34.9 D IW,. 10G14 9G 12 2.0603.90 9G.10 Tiftma.—On all sums exceeding . $4, nine mouth credit, with approved amurit}•, and under, e - WEENA TED. ' Harford. Febivary 15, 1871. 3w A 17CTION. The subscriber being 1 about to ehange hisbusiness willsell at his residence, in Forest Lake, on Saturday the 4th of March neat, at 10 o'clock, a. na., the }allow ing property one yoke of four old oxen, 3 cows, 2 two teat old heirers, 8 cakes,- buggy wagon, single Larne , -;s, ox cart, ox sled, stone Lost, car pentefs'boring machine, crowbar, cutting boa, bureau, sewing machine, stands, tables, &c., &c. Tutus.—All sums - under $3., cash, Fraud ,orer, nine months' approved - notes, or four per tent. off for cash down. L N. AU:TIN. Forest Lake, Feb. 15, 4w. • 1). Bitr-wertn. Auetionter. , keAR MLR ' S iikati 4 l6R, Shows how to double the profits of the PALM; and l hotf farmers and their eons can each make 'sloo per month_ In Winter. 10,000 comes will he mailed the to Faint ers. Bred nameand addleee to ZEIGLER & IacCUR bY, Phillidelehle, Pc , 414—pee NEW KII,FORD GREAT BEND LENOXVILLE. 3IONTROSE. ;Alciticco. ANNUAL - STATEMENT OF TIM RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, FOR 1870. Made and published In pursuance clan act of Assembly of the Into of April, A. I)., 1834. nollance of Collectors Accounts for Auburn. Ararat. Bridgewater. Choconut,... Dintock Dupont' . Franklin..... Forest Lake.. Friendsville. Gibson. G rtxtt Bend.. Gr't He'd born Ilitrrnott . Harford. Itereek Jackson Jessup. Lathrop Lenox L. Meadows.. Liberty. Montrose.... New Milford. " Milfrd b'ro Oakland Rush Silver Lake.. Susy'a Boro.. Springville... Thomson.... 13M13.57;478.86j, NANIF.S. Ilcrrick J Klehbanali Jackson N L. French Jessup Lnclus Nnsith 4360.60 AND COL]. muel Ricei MINI= Reyn oblnj Lenox Clifford Es Choconut. .11Ic S. Lewl LltL a Mendowg. J. Berne) eel MurrayiLlberty Daniel Dewlpy B Bruoh•lll4.ldlctown T. I/101111ml MMME=I rial=l3lllM M Word Uora,N.Rutterdeld I=ffEMl Gu bhin- Ont.land M2MtEll BM==l . , Orem Bond .. R. N. Ise's Siher Lake . Donis. Usent Bond Rom,R.Whitner:hossja. Bon) L. M. Lyons Harmony . I) irsyldi Spring...Mc A. P. Br ow ILarfurn .C. Ilardinz Thomson.... U. L. Lewis Total amount of Duplicates, tP2360 60 To amount paid by Collect- $30293 57 To amount of Percentage to 1588 17 To amount exonerated to Collectors, 478 86 SCSIVEHANNA COUNT EXrENSES. I'._l S. Shore, Uln Commi..inner 211 .1 1-.1.1+, L'untuilv•loner . . . 401 (11/ P !lin&. 4:31 11111 H. L. Iterlye . 1 5 , 0 1o) 'n,tnl,lr9. . 5111 11 1514110 Jurorn. Grand and Tr-, cow 3t , Court liontte and Jett! t " ' Fuel and I.lght4 343 Court Ilotoot Incintilot: Rep! . r. on ronrt Room :11.25 l 9 I ;enemal. Ton nip and pronl F.lnctiuun 715 Town (Inc. trt to W1111:1:11 T Mox Sberaf F. lan,. late .lteriti . . William T Moxl. y... 1 .al ..Inilor and .Tail 9....1 14 Staltruu.ry.inclu Inc now Index fur YrotsoOlc, 531 , I. 5044.. Creek Brulgr . 31 , 0 OU l'..intinz49l T.l ... 1n9..r....t.. .. . . 1461 41. . . . fn,unier.• ( r.r.on.(tn. f rier MtMA.i'rirr e.l flr, ‘‘.‘{ t liw ln . ht , Trtru.tirer- -State T ai. IMiJ 11,1 MEM . .. - . . 1. , r-1n",.., and li..ronoe Starapo Wtif! eat li.tunt Ir. W A Cm...mon. ( lert . 1311110211=1 , 14-I,llll,rui :••••wi.ly t.. R El 1,4 hoe Pmthonotary 3.27 71i MMIMI2=II F B chandler. rt nl7, t ounty Auditor County Line Sarvey Four Refunding Orden, By Goonty Orders Rot:ovmeti from :f n. 1 to NO WI 111.111+j. e Tre•leurer's Perevtdads. Four Herunding Orders SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY DOC; TAXES. STATEMENT OF COLLECTORS ACCOUNTS. Exon pxi(i era te(L Apolaron. Arart? Brkh.rewater 8r00k1yn....... Clifford. ..... Choconu. t I /hooch Bundaff Franklin........ Forest Lake Priendsville. Gibson Gt Bend township la Bend norm... harmony . Ilarford Herrick ..... Jackson Jessup Lathrop Lenox.. Little Meadows.. Liberty Middletown Nlontrose New Milford twp. New Milford bona hikland Rush Silver Lake Susq'a Borg) Springville Thomson Total Amount of Duplicates, To amount paid by Collector, $12413 74 To amount Exonerated, 12J 50 To Collector's Percentage' 64 7G PPATEIIUIST OP 1)00 ACCOUNT FOR 1870. Benjamin Glidden, Treas. Cr. 1)r. In Account with Dog Taxes. To amount of DbpreeiTtes'll37o, To amount received from 11. N. 'liello-g, of Auburn, Ex oncrated6tax, Toantount inTreasurer'sbawrr3 as per last /waltz)" Report, Be E conerat ions to Collectors, $ 121 50 By percentage to Collectors. 69 76 - Be Orders redeemed Iron No. 1 to No. 53 inclusive, 1343 78 By Treasnrea comininion on receipts of $1233 74, at 2 per cent,. 24 67 By TreasitiFgaCammisAians oh expenditures $13.13 78 , at 2 per cent. 23 87 By arebbut Tteasurers'a hand, to balance; 24n 76 $1785 34 BENSAIIN GLIDDEN. TREASURER, OF SUSQ. CO., IN ACCOUNT CCIEWEXT Wllll PAID oorwrr. December, 31. 1811 Dr. To amount received from IL V. Kennedy late County Treasurer ......... . $ 71`M 32 Toamont of Duplientes, Mr 18 ; f6 =0 60 To amount received rn:rar Unseated Lands, 1866 nod 1869 1103 Crl To several amounts of Loans, fur 1870 1532 Oft To amounts revolved from Supervisors of For est Lake—Commonwealth vs. D. Kane.. .. 339 62 ,To amount received from additional Assessment of Tax4s 1.33 21 To amount received homWm. T. Mosley, Sher iff—Jury Fces To =glint OcH ku Wetn' Goamtonwealtb en Wilson • • • ao To amount received nom . 6/4 , ,l e of Poor Montrose and Bridgewater, cootothrual m es. 31. Degnan 63 IX To.aMonot treeeliettfrgilkNO; tl7l, April Term, 1869, (third - week, Anout Term) Mu 58 To amount received from J. IL Crocker, Collect or of Dlmock—Retain Tax 195 To amount received from L. Lott, Collector ' Anborn—asturu Tax 19 93 To amount received from Commonwealth, vs. James Rays 2D 50 To amount received nom Commonwealth, ins. D. C. Roberta LIS 36 To (=dant received from Commonwealth, VS. E. T. Bennett 13 17 To amount received from Btumnehanna County, vs. James'and Joseph Pnrmeter • 41 .X., To amount received from B. L. Bench, Collector of Ihmock—Additional Tax 4 46 To amount received from Michael Murray, Col lector of Choconat—noturis Tax.... ... 4 00 Der4mber Ct. ma. Cr. By Umorrent .. . ... • . 6 100 By mooned of fouramlandlniOrders.... . . .... 115 Mt By amoont of County Orders redeemed. from No. 1 to No, 661. inclusive 81061 69 smant of exonemtlerodoCollector.s 47s 86 By =want of pc:teatime to Collcctom, 18.s* 17 • $ 4067 08 1.50 TIM 00 14.50 .11 ?:.00 15 00 By amount of Troolgureee per cent. on Receipt.,elliti24,32, two per cent.... Ca 4 48 By amount of Treasurer'. per cora. on Expenditure.. 8 3,01 : 11 ttt, 2 per et. BI 2 3 .8 11113 71 By amount to Troroturcft hands to bat mu, $ 83 STATES ESIT OP W 1. T. MOXLET, SUERIFF, IN ACCOUNT WITU JURY rran son 1370. December 31. Dr. To arionnt of Jury feen an per certificate of the clerk of onarter beeeion ..... ..$ 31 00 Cr. By amount paid Ti cam's r, as per receipt.... $ 31 0.4 By 3 per cent. retained for 90 BENJAMIN GLIDDEN. COUNTY TREASURER, IN ACCOVNT NITS/ TIM COMMONWEALTH ON rarmerLs , ♦N I♦ December 31, 1810, Dr, To amount of State tax levied and aaacesed on National Bank stocks as per certificate of the Molitor tienemi $ 150 00 By 5 per cent. ■flowed C011ect0r...... , $ 7 50 By Tmasnrer'x Commtesla/..1 $143.0.0 at leper 1 41 By amount due the Comm. . 141 00 STATEMENT OF 'TREASURER'S ACCOUNT, IN RELATION TO ROAD, SCHOOL, AND DOUNTT TAILS ON ,UNSZLIED LAND, IN6S ♦IND WU. ROAD TAXE. ROAD TAXES EMI= 016=111 To =mord or Road By Aral wad town. Wamtnts for the ehip 933 40 scarstZ..S laws, 1003 Wiz Treeeurer's . Per . • $ teutage at 3 per et. 50 Mi=Bl/1 It=ElZttl SIOOS 68 SCHOOL TAXES. SCHOOL TAXES, To amount of neh Hy paid town ool W..rrunta Sr $12.19 71 the year, 186 b an' fly Troseureec per -1569 $ 1315 61 eentage at 6 per -- cent CZ, 77 Samuel Smith $1315 51 BOUNTY TAXES. BOUNTY TAXES. To stnonnt of Bonn. By snit paid town ty tax laded foe "hips . $ 54:1 15 the year. 16115 end By Tret.sureee per. 50051 . .q ltl i 0 ceutage At 5 per ct. 25 55 W. W. WATSON.'W.6 EWPEIONTENDENT IN ACCOUNT •14113USfier.IIANNA COUNTT. - December 31, 18i0. Dr. To amount received rpm-MN. Kennedy Conn• tygreasarer, oo By paid expensee of County institute for 1668 $ 143 G 7 By baLtuer refunded ',44 Coma) Tmeeurer I u Dec. 1e1L) . 67 37 . . STATEMENT 0? SUS4L'ERAN NA CO. TREASURER, January Ist, A. 0..1671. Available funds In the Treueurp . $ 11.140 85 Available Note., 1,011 at Uncnerent money of pme ions years . „ fidd 00 Sty eral amounts of notes. bonds. Judge ments de, es per Oat auditors Report ... 500 00 We certify the toryelog tone a correct Statement. .1 1. 1 . 1!1 : 1) 1 14 - S conntr I i Attest, W. A. Coosa C LstikErskE, Commissioners AUDITORS' REPORT SCAQUETIANNI COCVT, PA: Wothousulassigtursedlinstrin and forthe County of Buitictununa mat to pursuance of nor dull°. nt the Adn tOr'• Wilco In ontrose on Monday January 2d. A. 11..11 . n. And did Andlt Adjont end settle the several accounts of the Comulsononers and Treasurer of said Cuunty„all of which sputa a thorough erhmlnltlon We And to be correct. We find in the hands of Beni train Glidden Treasurer of Si I d County Amount of Comity Pads Amount of State Prod% Amount of Dog Fonds TRACY HAYDEN. t H. AI, JONES. ; County Auditors Ant* NICHOLS, .Auditors . Janttary 3, ISM PLASTER, PLASTER—We keep on hand an ample supply of Fresh Ground Cayuga Plaster, fur sale at Montrose Depot, by TIFFANY A: CIWIF.R. 'Montrose Depot Feb„ 11, '7l. 032190 1:2 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The under _ aigned. an auditor appointed by tts Orphan's Court otSusquehaum County, to distribote the fonds In the hands of the. sdattnlstator of the estate of W. K. Creenwood, dcpcm.4o. will attend to the duties of his appointnwnt at h4F dice In Moetrose, on Thursday. March. 9th, '7l at I olloek. P. M.. at which time and place ail persona Intereiled wilt present their claims or be forever debarred nom claiming any of said fund. • -vs, W. W. WATSON, Auditor. Montrose, Febroary,K. 1871. - 4w 87 0. 1 56 53, 11 10,' 50 351 47 O.; 59 38 31 8 4 51 781 2 n DISSOLUTION.—The copartnershi p -11—.• heretoforexisting between W. H. Boyd. J. It. 2 Corwin and & 11:1' .Crary, under the firm name of W. H. ; BoydCa_ is dlieudyed , mutual consent, on the first 7. I day of January 1871. Mr. b lhaq retiring from the firm. J I The hooks and notes are in t e hands of W. 11 Bad & .1. H. Corwin, who unduly authoriceri to settle the same. Montrose, February 7. 1811. W. H. BOYD &. CO. 5 F ARM. FOR SALE. By the Subscriber, immediately, and cheap. Situated in Forest Lake ToWnship, Susim. Pa. Containing 132 acres ' 95 improved, good timber, two barns, and if house, horse barn and new milk house, two orchards, and plenty of never failing water. Joins A. Tildcn's farm. Price $30.30 per acre. First come first served. ID 2 45 1 91 1 55 1 40 2 90 4 50 450 1 50 2 50 G. J. HANDRICK Forest Lake, Feb. Ist. 1871. • 2 20 3 07 1 30 2 40 COLTiTS OF APPEAL The Commissioners of Susquehanna County have fixed upon the Aillekving days, dates, apd places, respectively, for hearing appeals from the assessments for the year IR7I : Frienclsville anq Choconut, at the house of Lawrence' ItClnertir, u on Tuesday Feb. 7th, 1871. e . f 1 45 4 45 27 2 ,2 2 47 Apolacon and Little Meadows borough, at the house of 31.1Cewman, in Little Meadows boro on Wednesday Feb. Bth, 1871. Middletown, at the house of Wm. H. Sher wood, rir Mali, oft Thursilify'reb: 9th, 1871. Rush, at the house of Wm, IL Sherwood, in Rush, on Friday Feb. 10th, 1871. Springeßle and Dim&ck, at the house of Dr. P. B. Brush, in Springville, on Feb. 13, 1871. 1.21 50 64 76 $1420 00 --$1420 00 Auburn. at the house of Dr. P. E. Brush, in Springville, on Tuesday Feb. 14th, 1871. Brooklyn, and Lathrop at the house of James 0. Biluard, in Brooklyn, on Wednesday Peb.l.sth, 1871. ; el 420 00 Lenox, at the house OA_ F. Buover, in Lenox on Thursday Feb. 111114 1871. Clifford and ,Dundaff, at_the house of Leroy B. Lewis; at Clifford Corners, on Friday Feb. 17 1871. New Milford township abd boinugh; at the house of P. Phinney, in Nect , Milford borough, on Monday Feb. 20th, 1871. Harford, at the house r of Wm. Packer, in liar ford village, on Tuesday Feb. 21st, 1571. Herrick and Gibson,. at the house of Samuel Holmes, in - Suiiley,on Wednesday Feb 22r1,1871. Jackson aril knout, LI the house of Widow Geary, in Jackson:on Thursday Feb. 23d, 1871: Sa4ptebanna boroblit and Oakland, at the house of W.. W. flotakwa, in Susquehanna De pot, on Friday Feb. 21th, 1871. Harmony and Thom-kon,at the home of W.W. Hotchkiss, in Susquehanna Depot, on Saturday Feb. 28th, 1871. SI;,SS 34 Great Bend twr ushiP and borough, nt the house of John Gfern, In Great Bend borough, on Monday, Feb. 27th, 1871. Silver Lake and Liberty,' at the houseof Bela Jokes; in Liberty; on Tuesday Feb. 28th, 1871. Forest Lake and Jessup, at the Commiswn era' office in Montrose, on Wednesday March lst, 1 . 871. Montrose and Franklin, at the Cotninission: ere' office, in Mntroose, on Thursday March 2d, 1871. Bridgewater, at the Comtniksloners' office. in Montrose, on Friday March Bd, 1871. By order of the tkommlssionent W. A. CROSSMON, Cotnm'rs Oilier, Montrasert Jan. lt1;1871—td FOR SALE Or EXCHANGE for Real Estate Stocks or Merchandise—The Patent Right of a No 1 Plow, for Susquehanna Co., or a of the State& of Penna. Address B. T. HAUPT. Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa. Feb. Ist. 1871.-4 w " PUBLIC NOTICE. IWould respectfully state to my former Cuatonat ra and the public generally that I am again tatcryltag on the TAILORING BUSINESS, IN MONTROSP., and propoea to do all WORE In Rug Line. In a FASIIIONABLF., NEAT, SUBSTANTIAL 2SANNER, Awl at Satinfactory Prices. Particular attention even to sad SPECIAL CARE bred to have the work Plain fur the person who puts It together. Shep on the went aide or " Public Avenue. - over Burns & Nichols' Drug More, &Quitting the office (f Dr, lielney. P. LINKS. Muorto.e, February 7, 1811, tt FOR SALE., THE HOTEL . Property, located at Mato& Corners , and look and lavorably known as the:Lauf! Hotel. connected with wbich are !bon Twenty Acme of Valuable Land. For particulars addrese or call on C. C. MILLS, Timock, Pa, Jan. Z, 1811. if. Executor. FARE FOR SALE. ONACCOUNT of poor health, the subscriber offers his feral for sale, situated about three miles west of Montrose. between_ the old Owego and Chenango Turnpikes. adjoining land of GAGilibis• containing about 121 acres of land, 05 acres improved, the residue well timbered, emfortable buildings, a duke orchard of about 101 l trees, and well watered with never fa, swings and creeks. per Terms easy. Enquire of the subscriber, on the (Arm, or of J. Urittlis, at Read Urffie & Co.'s store, liontross, 'MILTON GRIFFIS. Drid,gmwater, Januail S, 1571. Ow. A. B. TARBOX, WA.TCHMAKERANDJEWELER Susquehanna Depot., Pa., Dealer in Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Vic. Re pairing promptly done and warranted. FINE SILVER GOODS! made a speciality; Silver Detached Levers fin. $l2 00. American Watches, at Companies re duced prices. 'Goods ordered for parties, from t, Nen. York, at less profits than if kept constantly on hand. Solid 18 caret Rings for $1 75 per penny weight. A. B..TARBOX. Susquehanna Depot, Jan. 23, 1871. tf. FINANCIAL New 7-30 Gold Loan SAFE! PROFITABLE! PERMANENT! Jay Cooke & Co. Offer fur Sale at Par and Accrued Interest, the FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT 6111:6 KINDS OF 1 n THE . . , ,,..Northern Pacific RAILROAD.. : C.OXFY, • - 'THESE BONDS are sccilred, first, by First Mammy. nit the Railroad J. self, ftr roiling stock and all equipmentn. second, by a First 31nrtgage on Ito entire Land Grant. being' mare than Twenty-Two Thousand Acres of Land to each mile of road. 910 111 IV4 203 ;fi The Bonds are free from United States Tax; the Prin cipal and Interest are payable In Gold—the Principal at the end of Thirty years, and the interest Semi-aroma/ at the rate of Seven and Three.tenths per cent_ per annum. They are tosned In denominations of $lOO, rtVD, $lOOO $5.000 nod slo,oo. The Truateert under the Mortgage are Siefert. J. Cooke. of Phllattel?hia. and J. Edgar Thomas, Pre.(dent of the Yennaylvenet Central! Railroad Company. These Northern Pacific I'4lo Bonds will at all times he. fore maturity, be receivable at ten per cent Premium (or 1,1(1), In exchange for the Company's Lands at their low est cash price. In addition to their absolute safety, there !Sonde yield an Income Itrger, we believe, than any oilier First Class security. Pemons holding Unites States Five-Twenties ma, by convening them Into Northern Pacifies, Increase their yearly income onc.third and still hare a perfectly reliable investment. IIOW TO GET Your nearest Bank or Banker will supply these Bonds In any desired admunt , and of any needed denomination. Persons wishing to exchange Stocks or other Bonds for these. can do so with any of our Agents, who will allow the highest current price for all Marketable Securities. Those dying in localities remote from Banks. may send money, or other Bonds; directly to us by express, and we Will send hark Northern Pacific Bonds at one own risk. and without cost to the investor, For farther informa tion, pamphlets, maps, etc., call on or address the under signed.or any of the Banks or Bankers employed to sell this Loan. For sale be WM. H. COOPED & CO. Montrose, Pa. Jannary 1871. 4w.alt. ONLY ONE DOLLAR! SEE WHAT YOL: CAN GET FOR IT. 1 lb. Ten—black, green, Japan, gun powder or English breakfast. 2 gallons Molasses, or 3 lbs. prime Coffee, roasted, or 4 lbs. green Coffee, or 5 lbs. Tapioca ofMaceeroiii, or 6 lbs. cut loaf. granulated or pulverized Sugar,or lbs extra nice Sugar, or 6 lbs. yellow Supv, or 0 lbs common Sugar, or 10 lbs. brown Sugar, or 11 lbs. Crackers, or bars..Boap, or 131b01014 :Veal, or 14 Ills Samp, or 15 lbs. Homminy, or 20 lbs. pastry Flour, or 25 lbs. XX Flour, or 50 lbs. and. more of Salt, or 100 cents worth of any of the 1,000 other things too numerous to mention. Bring on the Dollars. ' 41 ." Perfect fits" and sat isfaction guaranteed, and no grumbling. LYONS, DRAKE Sc CO. Montrose, Jan. 18, 1871-4 ABEL TURRELL KEEPS constantly on hand one of the most nomer one collections of DRUGS & NIEDICINES In the nountry, and bestows especial attention to re. letting and baying' articles in thin dep.trtment that arc pure and genuine. Ile also keeps a great eartney of LIQUORS AND WINES, bought either direct from the distiller, or importer, and warranted strictly pure. Also. a full assortment Or Paints: Oils, Varnishes, Broth's, Lubricating tills and Dye Stuffs. Urocertes, Well Paper. °lnas, Nerosebn, Violins, Pistols, Guns and ammutation. A due railefy of Gold and other JEWELRY, Peifam ery, Yaultee NOTIONS, &c., and other goods too nu meroua to mention. During several yearlf past pistona have been In the . habit ta Conning clobs.and eendtng to the Great Amevi. m er e , Compadv, New York, for their supplies of Tea and Coffee, fur familLuse. Abel Terrell is now eupplying the OCT% with tbeee Teas and Coffees, at ids sturekluatroaa, at the name prices that these dabs and ooher venous pay at the store of the Company In New York. Thus, parch's." will Pave the express charge, trouble of dabbing and risk of sending, by baying of - ESTATE NOTICES; I?STATE OF PETER M. TILLMAN, lato of Sameapcpcit, gisia co. deed. Letters et administratiork upon the minim of the Abort named decedent basing been granted to the undersigned. nottee to hereb7 given-that eh persons indebted to the same are muestod to mate Immediate payment, and those having dikes upon the same wii)pteseut them dn. 17 authenticated tot settlement. J. M. TILLMAN, Adair. Sristja Depet, Jen. IS. 18M.. CZX'. EI CrIVITD7Ifiii ILJ x 1v• . In offering W. Lintrient, to the =idle, as wo do In fall confidence, that it most sujiweede all other° now in tute, as an Internal retnet'y, for the cure of all ill«cases in the reach of that CUL.. of media .es, we can safely a- sea, without th e least fearer cootraatetton, that it stands ore Tivoli:din the lint of rowlical compounds externally lit IS for the cereal disease, Feeling therefore that it Is unnecessary to pall • remedy so eminently wonderfhl in Its effects, so mysterinuely • Infallible in it,, powers of relief, causing the deaf to hear, the blind to se', the ner nous, drawn and crippled rheumatic to walk erect and re joice again In the power A 11.1 vigor of manhood, this pre ' 'stratum is offered to the public on Pe own nitrite. and claims on soli:mule origin or essential oils of the Arabi an deserts ; but on t-.o contrary% what Its inverts, and Is a rare Combination of the powers of North Amerl- Can products. it l'lrw 'fork, Dec. 14, 1070. Ms notice Is to inform all [letters in proprietary medicines; that ore bore established a Depot in hptgott. Panne county at Montroaa. Pa., for the tale of Dr. C. F. Hrtran't 'Thong American Liniment. and that Mr. A. 11.3a.DW IN la ooragrot.for that porpoto. WMtD. SOL:UREMIA .AND & CO., 190 William Sneed. Neer Turk Agencies will noon he eatahllaSca at central places In every tawny:tip, end pub... Lad to Jte b.o v. Imo :natty to rarnlah It at hlsoledaid,ttite tidag...ts. Pott ers and cire.t.slars sent free .npau appiltetiOn to the eats acriber. ' The Llnlwrint le now for rate at retail by the follow' Inc synate, to n It: Barna& Nlc,hole, MontrQeC. A. TarrelL. • • F. L. Adams. Auburn 4 mers. William White.Cen t re,tr Noah Baldwin, South Auburn. Waltman A Vuebufg.iaktnner's Eddy. 11,deler A Vaughn. Wyalumng. IR C. d. F H. Fordhatu, Franklln. Dr. V. Hornet, Camplown, J. Burrows d Sons. Steven...4lo. L M, Sherwood, Rushville. B. T. Elenadzlek, William Thayer. Dimoek. E. B. Beardalen, Little Meadows. • Robert Wieldy.. Friendsvitio. M. 1.. Ball, Blrchardville. D. A. d. 1 Haworth. Brook': stEPs. 1.. B. Hinds. Fartor)ville, W, B. Curtis, Halley Hollow. R. M. Tiffany, 11. VIM tom. J. B. Very, Montrose Deyrot. Any persons In townilalpat not above named, dr.alr' fir, an agency, may ohm. it by addresaing A. BALDWIN, O ns% me A,gen.. Jan.ll, o._ erotic, Pa. `IRE: EIRE! FIRE:—Tour house may barn next. Seek refuge at once, either in Ilro AUSTT3 taa,,touo uo ,N.APAJUU Uv VJu.uliV 114 buV.VIN 0.1 Security, N. Y Manhattan, Nunn American . Hanover, iairard, huterprise, • Or Norwich. Conn., chartered Ilay.180:1, the oldest lat,k Co., lu Coutwetwul. ALI ul we du...re are u/d tire. class Companies, stug, and renolde, having [wet, tiled mud proven. Look ont jut little new cud cat ctm panics springing up an ON. the UAW try )(I.t. in MAYO Looney. Can Or rend your applicatiuus, u.tt l will sus that yun are fairly clean. ,s HENRY C. TYLER. Fire, Life and Accident lesaruncs Agent. at tut tittles of it. 1.1. Lusk, Esq., Liman's°. Yebruary 1, lo• U.-if. FARM FOR SALE, Of One Elandred and Sevanty-five Acres, sit uated between Silver Lake and Mud Lake, 100 acres improved, and nearly all the remainder in heavy hemlock timber ; having thereon a good house, barn, shed, granary, etc., orchard of .150 apple, cherry, and plum trees ; watered by never tailing springs and creeks. 3'ritee,,Vs-persern-iloosooPorliiels Can remain on mortgnge. ALLEN J. SHELDO:s.i, Jan. 4-3 w 1 wem Silver Lake, Pa. F ARM FOR SALE, Containing one hundred and fifty acres, one hundred under improvement—With good build ings, orchard, &-e. &e. Price tow, and terms made racy. Inquire of Montrose, Jan- 4, 1871-41 ft Y C. A. SACKETT'S Dental Doom., Sew Maori, rn Peirticalsr attention given to an nits-Miens on tin rate rol teeth. Art: dot retie Inserted In ell the earioas yles inn to use. Perfect satisfiction guise .el to iii. Gino and se., inn, and satisfy root ecavt.a. Oilice bean. • ottr• each day. Watt. 5. 1351 —l7 F URNITURE ESTABLISHMENT OF WILLIAM IV. SMITIL PL6IIII Tows Norma: The extensive Farnii ere Estanillshincrit or Witiom W. Smith. having Leen refitted and greatly improved. the proprietor respect fully announces to the citizens of Montro-e and awl ni ty, that be Is constantly fnaklbg, end keeps on band the largest and best a assortmthi t f M 11 1:71R. 1 4 :3 1C9P117 3E130 to be found nnywber this side of New York City. Desks. Divans. Towelrecks, Lounges, Footstools ite. Center Card, Pier. Toilet. Dining. Kitchen and exten•ion tables. Cc yule —Como and Worelwat Parker. , Cane, Flag sod Wood/eats of every variety end style. SofasamtTeten tetes. fitrniehed on short notice.— Cane seat dint I's resented. SPRING BEDS. A large assortmerit—cbeopest end beat In the market Cane Seat Chairs. am now enabled ts 2 snpplr toy customers with n new otbstant tolerate seat their. of home m an ofacto re. which wtli hr found greatly superior to those formerly In market, and yet arc sold et a less price. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATED. ..or - needy made cofiln• on band or (nrritrbed at abort notice. Hearse elwr es in reediress If desired. I employ none hot corerni and eziperienced workmen. I Intend to do my work well, and sell it as low as can be afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITH. Ifontrose,Feb 19,;1N5. NEW WALL PAPER, Jotl7 arrived. and Otllluz rhea T 7 Muntrota. April 20. 1612. ABEL r UTCRELL. DOWN TOWN NEWS MINER AND COATS, 31.10 Street, I door• below Bayd'r Corner. Montrose FLOUR, GnOCEIDES, AND PROVISIONS. We are cruet-11111y rvc %vinyl rd now have unhand, a rrevh rtock nt (Joule In our IL r, whkh a ea Wadi CHEAP! CHrA} ! CHEAP ! (of emelt ,or eubs•ge orproduce. GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, • MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED, &e We,have renttedand made additions to our Stork o Palls, and era now reedyto forward Batter to the belt Commission holutea in New Yorh.lree of charge, and trinket lberaladvancementa on consignments. Canoed examtneonrStock before purchasing else where. andconvlnce yourselves °filo , . GOOD QIALITY tb LOW 'PRICES of our Goode. C. G. MINER. - Montrose. Apr 1116.1860 PEBBLE SPECT.ACLES—aIso latfilzol t rour: .upplamaisu ABEL TERRELL. Montrose. re YOUN'O AMERICA".I L. F. FITCH, or G. V. BENTLEY t.a.coATs ',,:%!(1111 - 8 " •'. t.AYQA;;P-11 ; - ---` • • - - . L'lf 1840 1170 • , TEC GIIEAT FAMILY Mt:I%MT , TAKES LITERNALLY, It earn trodden Colds, Coughs, an., and WEakatdreach, !inning sore libretti, Canket. Litior Complaint, hispepela or lodlgestion, Cramp or Pain la the stomadt, Bowel Complaint, Painters' Colic, Asiatic Cholitra, Diorama and Dpentery. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, Cores FLlrme, Rolls end Old sor.s. BeTeriilltanta, Seel& etas. Breleee and hpraine, Swelltng or the Joints, Itirz. Worm and Tepee. Broken ISro,rts, Frosted Yeti and Rheumatism. It Te a lure remedy for Agile; Callls aim Fever. PAIN 8111E71, Taken internally, should be ndolteruted with tillk water, or inane into • syrup with missies. Pore Cough a too do o, on sugar, eaten, wUI he more el:hairs than twining cl•c. Ktrlhreetlons accompany earl bottle. Pagel, 25cte. GOOta. and 131..00 per Bottle Sold by all Dlediclee Dealer. (Feb. I—lro NEW FIRM; NEW GOODEI • • Tho mbrenbers an Dow eoCeMng from ?ark new and frcata idea Of . GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, width will lw told at a low illgtue (or atsb. Lam; fir ausaeroas =Wes may be found /Tour, !rams, Dried Beef, EloLtd EatiZut, Oat fall, Mackerel, dx. Vas, Coffee, eizirs, Mee. !dace, Worstereldre. Sums Canned Pesehm*, Pears, Plie Appics,Sweetcorn. 'ran toes, Quinces, and Plume. Cocoa, Patina, Extract Lemon, cte. ate. An midi, of SPICES, Citron, ()hinge Peel, eta. MOCKERY a GLASSWARE, A No 1 Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, etc. Al) of which pa be aleurantett le Ant clan goods, sail cheny. In addition to the Grocery trade, wo have ntrebased Geo. C. Hill's News 011 Ice, where you on End a good selection of Stationery. Books. . Weekly and Monthly Papers, Magazines. papers not Ca tied a 11l be ordered and turni don rt notice wilt• out extra char‘v.. Special esre given to orders. No Ind• hi t to show goods—to drop In and boo for youreelvea. girGoode delivered Without extra charge. 11. J. Warn, I. C'. m. (Ace. Elontrosa, May 18, 'aro GROCERIES Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Salawns, Crackers, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Raisins, Zan,. to Currants. Tapioca, Starch, Vinegar, Soaps, Cream of Tartar, Soda, Cream Yeast, Corn? Surd), Farina, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Cassaba Bude,•Chocolate, and the bat Molasses In the weed, at the store of ABEL =Tama& Montrose, Doc. 28, 1870. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR 113.17XtIVE1 de I§7l.4o33CCiZatilli DRUGGISTSi Would rnepectittlty my to the putila, that In addition I their usual aeaortatest of PARE _DRUGS A:ID LIEDICINESi Wet. have Mena arid Oils. Varnish. Dred3inhia,Whaltil and Licinors, Patent Medicines, Spectacles, E' tilivecs. Pocket Ituireti, Panora. Violin GuitarStringv. Al.o.just received • Ibl3 lot of Revolver, Ginn Caps. Gun Wadding... Cartridges, Pre keep alwerp on hand and for :ask. BlaKldg 'Powder. Gun Powder, Rifle Powder. Tobacco ar4 agars of a en. pertor qtudity, anda general assortment of Yankee No• tous. arR ern ember tLe CIIRAP CARR DRUG ETOR Gunn k Nicholl. Montrose, Dee. 14,1810 FLOUT ! noun ! From this day forward, wo ahsll aell Pktol retail at WIIOLESALE PRICES We hang out no filo colon, but mean just vhat wo say. Wbilo making Flour a opedalty, our stock of FEED, MEAL,• SALT, LIME CEMENT, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, tit. Will be kept full and sofd at very small prodo. H. GARRATT & 13M New Milford, March 2,1870.—1 y $20,000 Worth of Goods in store for the opening of the tall Trade of 1870, in a full and general araortmant of Ladles cm d Cod Dress. and Firrnisbhg,andremey GOOdS In Emmen Coll►, Perna, Merinos; PedlL% Claw, awls, Coesegs,embosserl Felt,. Witt Hoop Skirb &Siloam! Gaga Aar. Btralonobis,Fetnry Lap Robes, oral worriment of COW, Catelltilli. Ladles'Cloas, F:erMidA, Balay4 DandEct Cbtaniroft, #4. with a . general assortment of Hats and Cans, Boots -¢o Shoes, Qiis and Paints, Grazer's% Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, &c„, famish., in a superior opportunity for selections, and will be sold on the mbst favorable terms, by mt. milx,r,rd Ri(1010114, Pr% Seb Irg% MIMI a =or. A. MAU B. S b MisAii. A IMS, _ .