The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 08, 1871, Image 1

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E. B. HAWLEY, Proprietor.
gusinto eat*.
Pact! & WATSON, Attorneys at Law, at the old office
of Bentley it Fitch, Montrose. Pa.
r. rtriv. • Pan.ll; "04
',beater to Boots li rid Shots, liats and Calm /Amain' and
radttigs. Mala Street. Ist door below Sarin; Store.
ark =de tto orde r and Makin done mai".
Youttoso, Jut. 1, Ina
•Lrrnmes & BLAKESLEE,
Attorneys and Conn.ellore et Law. °Mee the ewe
heretofore oectipied iy B. S. & G. P. Little, on Main
street. Montrone. Pa. [April SD.
050. Y. LIME. Z. L. 131.&111:15LEE.
M. McKm's.. C. C. FA171101 . , W. 11. MCCLLIC.
Dealers In Dry Goods, Clothing,
Ladles and Misses
tine Shoes. Alio, agents for the great, ArneriesB
Tea and Corse Company, [Montrose, Pa.,ll,p4sltc
shop In the neW Pontgfiles.brilldind, where his'irto
he found ready to attend all who may want anythloil
In line. Montrone, Pa. Oct-. 13, 181;1.
PreTIONEER—SellsDrs Goods, and ilerchaniz—also
attends at Vendnes. All orders
l eft at my %lOU, win
metre prompt attention. (Oct. 1, I.Bo—tt
0. ➢I. ITAWLEIk',
Hardware. Rats. Cape,Bootr.Shoet, Ready Mtich, Cloth
tog. Palate, 01le, eta., NaeS Milford, Pa. ISept. S.
PIITSTCIAN d BUItGEOII, tenders his 11 , CrViCe! to
I o citizens of GreaStend and VII lofty. ()give at Ida
tvvideace. opposite Ifartam "Muse, Sad village.
Sept. Ist, I&Z.—tf
CEIAMBERLr.cI & VeCOLLUM. Anemia and Cann
...Hon at Law. Orden In the thick Block aver the
Bank. [Montroee Aug. 4. ISSa.
A. . - J. B. AlcCo3..aan.
DEALERS in Dry Goods. Omerries.
crockery and glattnrnre, table and pneket cutlery.
Paha., oil.. dye *tuff... Ilato. boats 11111 i OhneA. 141 e
leather. Perfnmery an. llrlek Block. roßnining the
Bank. Montrone.. [AuguPclt.lira.—tr
A. Larfluor, - • D. R. L...t.nnor.
ATTORNEY A: LAW. Bounty, Rack Pay. Penrlon
and Reern on Claims attended to. (Wee B•
oor below - Boyd's Store, Idotatrore.Pa. [.'u. 1, '69
Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent,
sat Oa Prteadsvllle, Pa.
Great. Dead, Pe
'cr. ts.
Aug] G9t f
LT. 13, .B.A.a.oticrra.coor.
Aug. 1, ISG9. Address, I.l.ruusilyn,
TAU. DR, Montroge. Pa. Shop over
Chandler'. Store. AP onion. Gih din t➢ret-ratr #tyle.
wt tiug done on short notice, and warranted to tn.
of Molotov:et., Idontfum, Pa. Aug. 1. Ha.
DEALS'S In Staple and Fancy Dry lsondr, Crocker)
lianlytrare, Iron, Stoves, Dru ge, OHr. and Paint.
Dootsand Shoe,. Hata & Caps. For", Duftn lo Itubut
Groceries,Prorlatona,t.:d., Nevi Milford. Pa.
Du. E. P. HINES,
nag permanently located at Friendsel lie for tbe per
pose ofpracticing medicine and surgery in nil lir
branches. He may be found etthe Jackson House.
°ince boars trams a. m., to S. p. m.
Prlendasille, Pa., Aug, 1 . 1369.
bnalnere attended to prucnpi ly, on fair tonne. (Mee
(trot door north of • Montrone Rotel," weal. vide o•
•Pnblle Avenue, Montrose, PL. [Ang.I.IWI.
Btu-tans STr.otrn. • - CIIIIIILZI L. Buoys.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, ISlontrowe. Pa. °Mee oppo.
•Ite the Torhell Hone., near the Court Lions,
DENTIST. Booms brer Boyd b Corwlo'v ford
ware Store. Ohre tulore from a. m. to 4p. m.
Montrose, Any., 1, 181;0.—tf
DEAL= to Drags. atcnt Medicines, Chemicals
Liquor's. Paints., Otts,tlye Muffs. Varnisher. Win a
Giese. Groceries, Glass Ware, Wall and Window Po,
per, Stone•vare, Lampe. Kerosene ' Dlachinery
Trusses, Gans, Ammunition, Kn ives. SpectaCle.
Brushes, Fancy Goode, Jewelry, Perfa jue..—
being !One of the most numerous. ..xtelasiVe. and
valuable collections of Goode in Susquehanna Co.—
Established in 1848. [Montrose, Pa.
A'TTOTtltillY AT LAW. office over the Store of A.
Lathrop, in the Brick Block, Montrose, Pa. taut'i7
PriTSICIAN & lIITROECOZ. tendern his profesolores
services to the citizen* of liforitxxem 1113 d
• Office at his residence., ou the corner east of Baer• &
Bros. Fouudry. bang. 1, 15119.
PLIPSICIAN and SURGEON, Montrose. Pa. Gives
especial attention to diseases of the Beast and
Lung, and all Surgical diseases. Office over W. B.
Deane Boards at Searle's Hotel. fang. 1. 16t,.
03-1, a. 114 is Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye
..tls, Paints, 011 s, Varnish, Liquors, Spices. Fancy
art (tea, Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Ar
ticles. larPrescripttons carefully compounded.—
l'nolle Avenue, above Searle' e diotel. Montrose. Po
X, t. Bonss, 14..x0s Nicnots.
Aug,. 1, ISO.
ririsiczaN k. Stlftoßoll, respeetfony tenders hi
'professional aervites to the citizen of Isriendsrilie
and vicinity. PrOffice lathe office of Dr. Lest
Boards at J. Raeford's. Aug.], 18L9.
lite IWO Barber, reining hie
for the kind pat
!wimp that has enabled him to get the beet rest—ha I
ha I 1 hav'ut time to tell the whole story, bet come
And tee tor „yourperes ritrat the Old Stand. No loud
taughtng allowed in the shop. tApril IS, kV.
Whoteal° & Rotel Dealers in
Cristod. 111arelta1, tam ly
tufo tam
The following eiquisite verses were written'
by Charles Dickens:
When the lessons and tasks are all ended,
And the school for the day is dismissed,
And the little ones gather around me,
To bid me good night and be kissed ;
Oh I the little white arms that encircle
My neck in a tender embrace!
Oh I the mines that aro halos of heaven,
Shedding sunshine of love on my face!
And when they are gone, I sit dreaming
Of my childhood too lovely to last ;
Of lova that , my heart -will remember,
When itent4li to. the pulse of the past,
Ely.i.thpltotidindlliwickedneas made use
.. , ;.4..„ pattnerolf ettgiow and sin,
`A r tattelltrepiDrOf God was about me,.
- r.:AAltnttl .gtetnr - Of gladness within.
. ... .—.. ,
'Ohl Wm t grows weak as a woman's,
is' s . d.**utain of feeling vriAlly a ,
Whili . f i t** the paths steep Mlillpiony
Wl.lf* feet of the dear.ones must go;
Of thS4foirlitains of sin hanging o'er them,
of : i,„,,,.. sat of/ate blowing wild:
Oh f; 15... .• . . earth half so holy
As the inn, en :^!: of a child!
They arc idols*
~.'''' and of households :
They arc ang* 4,1!41.(l in disguise;
Ills sunlight still deiris in their tresses,
.5 , lis glory still gleams in their eyes;
Oh! thess truants from home and from heaven,
They have mad? me more manly and mild;
And I know bow Jesus could liken
The kingdom of God to a child.
I ask not a life for the dear ones,
AU radiant, as others have dune,
But that life may have just enough shadow
To temper the glare of the sun;
I would pray God to guard them front evil,
But my•prayer would bound back to myself
AI! a seraph may pray for a sinner,
But a sinner must pray fur himself.
The twig is so easily bended; •
I hare banished the rule and the rod;
I have taught them the goodness of Itnowledge,
They hare taught me the goodness of God.
My heart is a dungeon of darknms,
Where I shut tlMm from breakin,g4 rule;
My frown is sufficient correction,
My lore is the law of the school.
I shall leave the old house in autumn,
To traverse its threshold no more,
Ah! how shall I sigh for the dear ones,
That meet me each morn at the door!
I shall miss the good nights and the kisses,
And the gush of their innocent glee,
The group on the green, and the flowers
That are brought every morning to me.
I shall miss them at morn and at ere,
Their 8011 g, in the school and the street;
I shall miss the low• htrut of their voices,
And the tramp of their &Aimee feet.
When the i(T530:19 and tasks are all ended,
And death says, ' 4 The school is dismissed 7
!day the little ones gather around me,
To bid me good-night and be kissed.
ritritico and Ariticismo.
"JEST the thing—A )Oak.
The man who, owed something to his
eonntry did not pay his taxes.
'Faro Itonrishes in Chicago, despite its
maoy checks, says the Times.
In Kansas several vigilance committees
are reported to be "doing a good and ef
ficient work."
Estey thinks his wife must be a good
calculator—she makes such an excellent
Connecticut has ou "Elastic Frog Com
pany." What's a frog good fur if he isn't
The Galveston News F:rty that while
Cotton was once King, "Railroad is now
Emperor—he is the coming despot."
The Indian Territory wants to become
one of the United States. It is in a state.
of nature now, and doesn't like it.
The Stepney Lycerinvis trying its teeth
on the problem: " Which is the oldest
battle cry, 'Erin go brah, or Indi go
blue!' "
In a bookseller's catalogue appears the
following article: " Memoirs of Charles
L, with a head capitally executed."
A Philadelphia paper announces to its
readers that "the breath of winter chills
the air." No other paper has the news.
A Somersett, Massachusetts, farmer has
now in stole four thousand gallons of ap
ple-butter, which is what he knows of
Why is a baby like a "sheaf of wheat?
Because it is first cradled, and then thrash
ed, and finally becomes the. flower of the
A young lady of Osage was found "sit
ting on the style," the other evening. She
sat downon a gentleman's hat. The hat
didn't fit her, and is ruined forever.
A Georgia editor, who didn't have a
free ticket, says it's comical and enter
taining to stand on the outside of the cir
cus tent at night and watch the shadows
on the canvas.
At Louisville, 'Ky., the fines collected
for drunkeness are placed in the school
funds, and many of the prominent men
get drunk every week, just to contribute
to the e.ittse of education.
The Germans are about to furnish the
Parisians with a new drink—cannon-ode.
It is composed of power violatilized by
the explosion of a • friction match, and
served up on a half shell..
Two rather suggestiro lines appear in
juxtaposition in announcing a Sunday
school hook:
"3t is more blessed to give than receive."
The school boys think so, too!
A Clergyman of New York writes a
communication to the Slar of that city,
in which he discredits the story that Ne
ro played the fiddle while Rome was burn*,
lag. ' Ohm; believed ourselves that it
was theirembone the rascal was wiwblinit
Dickens' Poetry.
Wedding Etiquette.
If the wedding takes place in the church
it is customary to reserve the front seats
in the body of the church for the relatives
or the youn,g couple.
It is the height of rudeness for any
one, whether clerwman, bridegroom, or
any member of the bridal train, to keep
the bride waiting. The clergyman,
should be within the rails, the bridegroom
and groomsmen should be in the vestry
room, by the time the bride is due at the
church. The bridesmaids may receive
the bride in the vestibule, or may accom
pany her to the church.
The bridal party should meet in the
vestry-room. Then the bride, leaning
on the arm of her father, heads the pro
cession ; the bridegroom, with the bride's
mother upon his arm, follows : the grooms
man and - bridsmaids in couples follow.
At the altar, the bridegroom receives
the brit* and the ceremony begins. The
groomsnien stand behind the bride. The
bride and bridegroom remove their right
hand glove in some churches; in others
it is deemed not necessary. The bride
stands on the left of the groom.
When the wedding takes place at the
house of the Lride, it is customary to
divide the room either by folding doors or
a curtain, and allow the bridal party to
be grooped before their friends see theni.
If, however, this is not convenient, they
enter in the same order as in church. rt
is somewhat customary of late for the
bride and groom to walk arm-in-arm to
the altar; but it is against established
etiquette ; the bride should walk with her
father, or, if orphaned with whoever takes
the hither's place on the occasion.
Where a ring is used, it is the duty of
the bridesmaid to remove the bride's left
hand glove.
After the ceremony, the parents of the
bride speak to her first; then the parents
of the bridegroom , before the other
Aft.'r the ceremony, the bride and
groom go in the same carriage from the
church to. the house, or from the house to
the railway depot. If there is breakfast
or supper, the bride does not change her
dress until she assumes her traveling
If parties are given to the bride and
groom the bridesmaids and groomsmen
must also be inNited, and, if they perfer,
all may wear the dress worn at the wed
ding. This is, however, optional.
During the fortnight following the
wedding, friends of the family should call
upon the mother of the bride.
It is contrary to etiquette
. to wear
mourning at a wedding. Even in the
ease of n widowed mother to either of the
happy pair, it is Customary to wear gray,
or some neutral tint, 'upon the wedding
Tctl if ti.c tkvt+...Ct issue
somed afterwards.
It is not etivette, at a wedding or
wedding reception. to congratulate the
bride; it is the bridegroom who receives
congratulation ; the bride wishes for her
future happiness. A gentleman. or lady
who is acquainted with both bride and
groom must speak first to the bride; but
if a stranger to either, may first speak to
the one with whom he is already acquaint
ed who will then introduce the other. If
a stranger to bath bride and groom, the
first g,roomsman must make the introduc
tion.-!--13li-Lnws of ..-Imerican, Society.
A Japunese Girl's Toilet.
"Russell," who is traveling around the
world for the Boston " Traveler," is now
in Japan. Here is something reliable
from one of his letters: "Having watch
ed the man, we now turned to the ' bar
beress.' She had a lady customer, whose
face and form showed considerable per
sonal beauty. She was unmarried, fur
her teeth were glistening white. Neither
of the ladies took other notice of us than
to glance at us once, sidewise. The _cus
tomer, after leaving her clog sandals at
the egde of the platform, which is the
floor of the open Japanese house, and ad
vancing barefooted to the middle of the
room, made a low bow to the barberess,'
and told her how she wished to be dressed.
The barbress' placed a mat upon the
floor, then removing the robe from her
shoulders, began to work upon her hair ;
first, until it was softened, sufficiently to
admit a comb. When the combing was
done, all the hair was gathered back from
the face to the crown; and tied there.
then the long tail' was waved and oiled
until it was stiff It was next flattened
out with the hands near the head, and
the end gathered aropud this flat piece
in curious curls and fantastic braids, the
end fastened with a pin, and the face and
neck wiped dry with a towel. Then be
gan a process for which I was wholly un
prepared. I bad not supposed the Jap
anese to be so near civilized. The'‘ bar
bress' took up a little box, with a fine
bamboo scive in the end, and, after telling
the customer to shut her eyes, began to
throw, or sift, the fine rice flour, or dust,
npon the young lady's face and shoulders.
Very soon the skin that was natural
ly copper colored was artificially white.
That portion of the flour which did not
stick was brushed off with a feather brush,
after which a piece of bark of some kind
was rubbed on her cheeks until 'red as a
rose 'was she."fhen, fur the first time, a
polished piece of iron or steel,''serving for
a mirror, was held up before the young
lady, 'who smiled her approval, rose to her
feet, gathered up her dress, and marched
proudly off, leaving the 'barberess' to
await another customer.
nY SNAKESe7.-Ala English paper says:—
"A St. Patrick is evidently wanted in In
dia as much as he was ever wanted in
Ireland. During the year 1869 no. less
than 11,416 persons in Bengal Presidency
died from the effect of snake bites. The
return giving us this information has been
carefully compiled; all the merely sick
and wounded have been omitted, as• well
as those sudden deaths whlch are 9fteu
attributed to snake bites by . heirs to prop
erty unduly eager for their inheritance. It
is fA sUrimaing fact that this destvue
tlon of human - Bic goes.ot year by year,.
and that n.o`efficatiout means are talattett
to cheek its ravages, •
To See Down -a Will.
It is not generally known how easy a
matter it is to explore the bottom of a
well, cistern, or pond of water, by the use
of a common mirror. When the sun is
shinning brightly, hold a mirror so that
I the reflected rays of light will fall into the
I water. A bright-spot will be' seen at the
bottom, so light as to show the smallest
object very plainly. By this means we
have examined the bottom of wells fifty
feet deep, when half full or more of water.
The smallest straw or other small objects
can be perfectly seen from the surface. In
the bottom of ponds and rivers, if the wa
ter be somewhat clear, and not agitated
by winds or rapid motion. If a well or
, cistern be under cover, or shaded by
buildings, so that the sun-light will not
fall near the opening, it is only necessary
to employ two mirrors, using one to re
flect the light from the opening, and
soother to send it down perpendicularly
into the water. Light must be thrown
fiftror a hundred yards to...the precise
spot desired, and then downward. We
have used the mirror- with success, to re
fleet light around the house, to a shaded
well, and also to carry it from a south
window through two rooms, and then in
to a cistern under the north side of the
house. Half a dozen reflections of light
may be made, though each mirror dimin
ishes the brilliancy of light. Let any our
not familiar with the method, try it, and
he will not only find it useful, but a pleas
ant experiment. it will perhaps reveal a
mass of sediment at the bottom of a well
that has been little thought of, but which
may have been a frightful source of dis
ease, by its aecay in the water.
A Great Surprise
A great many years ago we remelnber
to have read a thrilling story about a gen
tleman of elegant leisure, who was trav
elling for the fun of it in the tropics.
Disporting himself on the banks of a riv
er, be amused himself by trying to turn
over and roll into the stream, for the sake
of hearing it splash, what he supposed
was a black walnut log.
Before he succeeded in turning it over,
one end of the log—which happened,
strangely enough to be the tail of an
gator—flopped round and knocked him
over ; there was a sort of splitting open at
the other end, a flash of white teeth in
the simshino, a quiet advertisement of "
go o d opening for a man of means"—the
lazy winking of a black eve that looked
like a knot in the log, and the gentleman
of leisure had dippeared, leaving in his
wake the litter of procession of brass but
tons, and just a taste of verdigris and lin
en in the roof of the alligator's mouth ;
and, the alligator resumed his slumbers.
And the gentleman left on record noth
ing to indicate his feelings. We only
know that it most, in the nature of the
evelit, have been a great surprise to him.
High-heeled foots.
An English journal says: One of the
must detestable, injurious, and generally
abominable fashions now in vogue among
ladies, is unquestionably, the wearing of
high-heeled boots. The consequences
necessarly resulting from a constant use
of boots made on such a principle, are of
the gravest and most serious descrip
The representative Briton's foot is de
formed sufficiently iu numerous other
ways; to see a foot now-a-days properly
formed, and retaining to adolescence its
original and natural state, is to see the
rarest of curiosities; and, this being an
incontrovetible truth, it will easily be con
ceived that we ought not systematically
to set ourselves to work to distort our feet
by any means more adventitious than
can be helped, or by the wearing of that
which can be most mechanically and
comfortably dispensed with.
'Yet this is precisely what fashionable
ladies have been and are doing. Nothing
but boots with the highest possibiktheels,
and the greatest possible Contractions
elsewhere, can be worn by those of the
female sex who consider themselves and
wish to be considered fashionable;
lag could be more deleterious in every
Of course a grabual carriage and walk
are rendered totally impossible ; the execr
able assumption of the peculiar "bend,"
classically called the "Grecian," becomes
no longer an assumption, but a necessity;
and no small amount of personal discom
and pain is inevitably caused to the
probably fair, but certainly mistaken
wearers of these shockingly made boots.
The shape of the foot is soon destroyed,
and the improper and unnatural elevation
of the heel, of necessity, causes the other
parts of the foot—for instance, the instep,
the arch, (to avoid technicalities), and
the approacbes to the toes—to suffer great
distortion, and diminishes their natural .
strength and working powers.- "
And the mischief does not. stop here.
Those bones of the feet which act con
junctively with tae higher parts of the
leg, which run up to the calf, &c., stiffer;
and it would be well if the votaries of
these high-heeled boots would bear in re
membrance that, while they are priding
themselves on the graceful attitude in
which they aro, launched into the air,
they are also wearing away and destroy
ing that elegant contour of the ankle,
that inComparabiy-Mounted gracefulness
of 'calf, whichproperly . they ought to
prize tier can prize too highly.. And the
mischief does not,stop even here. Their
whole figure, theircomplete "tout ensem
ble" of appearanci3, is, to a greater or leas
extent, marred, Roiled and obliterated.
New Use for Bo!loons.
Mr. Ferguson (if Front street goes home
"drunk for the fortienth time, and his wife
holds up her hands with vexation and in
'Don' ea'er word, 'Liza (hie)--don'
sa'or word! Pm going to buy a balloon
Chic, ) b'loon.
,`ll"hat on earth art you going to buy a
balloon for Dlr. FergMott ?"-
",II tell you .(hic), , "see they've
g.ussomany (hid), got o'niany rum shops
long Montgomery Street, a feller can't
get-home without gc.tite drunk, I eau
get away with ballon i (hie,). you 1110%
YOU can come to the stom an" blow it up,
an' then you won't Mve to blots , um up.'
Ytscltid :Mnflueuiutloa.
The Earth is inhabited by about 1,380
millions of inhabitants, via:
380,000,000 of the Caucasian race;
580,000,000 of the Mongolian: 200.000;-
000 of the Ethiopian ; 220,000 of the
Malay race, and 1,000,000 of the Ameri
can Indians. All these respectively speak
3,064 languages, and possesses 1,000 dif
ferent religions.
The amount of deaths per annum is
33,333,333, or 91,954 per day, 8,730 per
hour, 60 per minute, or one per second.
This loss is compensated by ut least au
equal number of births.
The average duration of life through
out the globe is thirty-three years. One-,
fourth of its population dies before the
seventeenth. Out of 10,000 persons
only one reaches his hundredth year;
only one in 500 his eighteith year; and
only ode in 100 his sixty-fifth year.
Married people live longer than un
married ones, and a tall man is likely to
live longer than a short one. Until the
fiftieth year, woman have a better chance
of life than men; but beyond that period
the chances are equal.
Sixty-five persons out of one thousand
The number of men able to bear inns
is but one eighth of the population.
The population of the world is relig
iously distributed very nearly in the fol
lowing proportions:
Christains, 388,600,000; Buddhists,
360,000,000; Other Asiatic Religions,
260,000,000; Pagans, 200,000,000; Mo
hammedans, 10,000,000; Jews, 7,000,-
In Europe, America, Australia, and
many of the Polynesian Islands, Chris
tianity is the prevailing creed of every
State. In Africa, the only independent
Christian States are Abyssinia and Li
beria, while Christianity prevails in sever
al of the European Colonies. The larg
est empire of Asia—Russia--is also a
Christian country. India, the third
country in extent, is under the rule of a
Christian government, and so is a large
portion of Farther India.
The Mohammedan countries in Asia
Lire Turkey, Persia, Atighanistan and the
Khanates of Central Asia; in Africa—
Morocco, the dependencies 'of Turkey
(Egypt, Tunis, Tripoli,) and a number of
interior States. •
Buddhism prevails iu India, Farther
India, in many parts of China, and in
Japan. The governments of Japan,
Burmab, and Siam are Buddhist ; the
government of China adheres to the re
ligion of Confucius.
Measure 209 feet on each side, and you
will have a squre acre, within au inch.
144 square inches
9 square feet..
304 square yards.
40 square rods.
5 square roods.
640 square acres..
A mile is 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards in
A fathom is 6 feet.
A league is 3 miles.
A "Sabbath-day's journey" is 1,155
yards—(this is 18 yards less than two
thirds of a mile.)
A "day's journey" is 334 miles.
A cubit is 2 feet.
A great cubit is 11 feet.
A band (horse measure) is 4 inches.
A palm is 3 inches.
A span is 10 7-8 inches.
A pace is 3 feet.
A barrel of flour weighs 190 pounds.
A barrel of pork, 200 pounds.
A barrel of rice, 240 pounds.
A keg of powder, 25 pounds.
A firkin of butter, 100 pounds.
A tub of butter, 50 pounds.
A keg of butter, GO pounds.
The following are sold by weight per
Wheat, beans, potatoes and clowerseed,
60 pounds to the bushel.
Corn, rye and flaxseed, 56 pounds.
Buckwheat, 52 pounds.
Barley4B popnds.
Oats, 32 pounds.
Brand, 20 pounds.
Timothy-seed, 45 pounds.
Coarse salt, 85 pounds.
A ton of coal is 2,240 po . unds; but. the
retailers give only 2000.
A ton of round timber is 40 feet; of
Squared timber, 54 cubic feel'
A commercial bale of cotton is 400
A pack of wool is 240 pounds.
A section of Government land is 640
acres (1 mile.)
A liquid ton is 252 gallons.
A box 16 by 16} inches, and 8 inches
deep, contains 1 bushel.
For finding the interest ou any princip
al for any number of days. The Answer
in each case being in cents, separate the
two right band figures of answer to ex-.
press in dollars and cents;
Four Per Cent—Multiply the princi
pal by the number of days to. run ; sep
arate right hand figure from product, and
divide by 9.
Five Per Cent-Multiply by number of
days, and divide by_ 72.
Six Per Cent—Multiply by nninbei of
days; separate right - hand . figure and
divide by 0,
Eight Per cent—Multiply by number
of days, and divide by 45.
Niue Per Cent—Multiply by of naive.
ber days ; separate rightAaad figure, gad
divide by 4.
Ten Per Cent—nultlplityiinttiber of
days, and.divide by 36.:
Tviclie Per Cerit-;-,Multirlybl wag'
of days; ;separate rigbt-hand figure and
divide by 3. - .• ':- '
Fifteen Per Cent—Multiply by num
ber of days, and divide by 24.
Eighteen Per Cent—Multiply by num
ber of days; searate -right-hand figure
and divide by 2.
Twenty Per Cent—Multiply by num
ber of days, and divide by 18.
Twenty-Four Per Cent=-Multiply by.
number of days, and divide hy.1.5.
When gold is quoted at $l.lO, u paper
dollar is worth 91 cents nearly.
When gold is quoted at 81.15, a paper
dollar is worth 87 cents. •
- When gold is quoted at 81.20, paper
dollar is worth 8.3 i cents.
When gold is quoted at 81.25, a paper
dollar is worth 80 cents.
When gold is quoted attBl.3o, a paper
dollar is worth 77 cents nearly.
When gold is quoted at e1:35, a paper
dollar is worth 74 cents.
What gold is quoted at 81.40, a. paper
dollar is worth 71 cents.
When gold is quoted at $1.45, a paper
dollar is worth G 9 cents.
When gold is quoted at $1.50, a paper
dollar is worth 6tifi cents.
Interesting Experiments 'With Biite.
A scientific observer of the habits of
bats has been making some experiments
with them, showing that they possess
what he terms"somnambnlistie" faculties.
One of his experiments was with bats
which had been completely blindfolded,
but which fact did not impede their mo
tions in the slightest degree. They flew
1 about by night and by day with their
- wonted rapidity, avoiding all obstacles
which lay, or were tntentionally placed
in their way. as dexterously as if in full
possession of their sight. They turned
around at the right time when they ap
proached a wall, and rested in a conven
ient situation when fatigued. In one ex
periment, a room was filled with thin
twigs; in another, silken threads were
suspended from the ceiling and preserved
in the same position at the same distance
from each other, by small weights at
tached to them. In these rooms, the bat,
though deprived of its eyes, flew through
the interval of the threads, as well as of
the twigs, without touching them ; and
whenever the intervals were very small,
it drew its wings closely together. In
I another room a net was placed, having
occasional irregular spaces for the bat to
fly through, the net being so arranged as
to form a small labyrinth ; but the blind
bat was not to be deceived. In proportion
as the difficulties were increased, the dex
terity of the insect was augmented.
When fliti,gued by its high flights, it flew I
rapidly along the floor, among the chairs
and tables, yet avoided touching anything
with its wings. In every place it was
put, its flight was as prompt, easy and
secure as that of its associates who had
the use or nun c‘et.
1 square foot.
1 square yard.
1 square rod.
1 square rood.
1 square acre.
1 square mile.
What Becomes of the coin
Iu the reign of Durius, gold was thir
teen times more valuable, weight for
weight, than silver. In the time of Plato,
it was twelve times as valuable. In that
of Julius Caesar, gold was only nine times
more valuable, owing, perhaps, to the
enormous quantities of gold seized by him
in his wars, It is a natural question to
ask. what has became of the gold and sil
ver ? A paper read before the Polytech
nic Association, by Dr. Stephens, recent
ly, is calculated to meet this inquiry. He
says, of our annual gold product, fully tif- ,
teen per cent, is melted down for menu- ,
facture ; thirty-five per cent. goes to Ent.-,
ope ; twenty-five per cent, to Cuba ; fif
teen per cent. to Brazil; five per cent. di
rect to Japan, China and the Indies ;
leaving, bat tire per cent: for circulation in ;
this country. Of that which goes to Cu
ba, the West Indies, Brazil, fully fifty per
cent finds its way to Europe, where, utter ,
deducting a large percentage used in
manufacturing, four-fifths of the remain
der is exported to India. Here the trim;
sit of the precious metal is at an end.
Here the supply, however vast, is absorb
eb, and never returns to the civilized
The Orientals consume but little, 'while
their productions have ever been in de
mand among the Western nations. As
mere recipients, therefore, these nations
have acquired the desire of accumulation
and hoarding, a passion common alike to
all classes among the Egyptians, Indians,
Chinese and Persians. A French econo
mist states that in his opinion, the form
er nation alone hide away t,20,000,000 of
mild and silver annually,, and the-present
of Morocco, is reported as so ad
dicted to this avaricious mania, that he
has filled seventeen chambers with the
precious metals. The passion of princes.
tt is not surprising that the same spirit is
shared by their subjects, and it is in this
predilection that we discover the solution
of the problem as to the ultimate disposi
tion of the precious metals. This absorp
tion by the Eastern tuitions, has been un
interruptedly going on since the most re
mote historical period: According to
Pliny, as ranch as 8100,000,000 in gold
was, in his day, annually exported to the
East. The balance Of trade in favor of
those nations is noW given as 90,000,-
People who are always innocently
cheerful and good-natured am very useful
in the world. They maintain peace nod
happiness, and spread a thankful temper
around them. it been well said that
"we have ho MOM right to fling an un
necessaryshadow over the spirits of those
whom we may casually meet, than we
'have to fling a stone and break their win
"A lady went into a dry goods store
in a neighboring city,. and_ inquired for
"-bleached cloth,"' Several pieces.. of
sbeeting . were offered for inspection,, bat
failed to, suit, - - .".Perhaps,'! said the lady,
"if I should tell you what I want it for,
you WOuld:kliow, better what to give me.
It in to bC Used fcir . .Opseing robas,7 ...The
man •threw . Own Another. iiiece,f' : hastily
anOther ittid rapidly_
lavished in the dista.n.ce. • • •
Marne* or Spanish Women.
- - The very nemes.of the Spanish women
are a constant reminder of their worship
They are all named out of the calendai
of saints and virgin martyrs. A. large
I majority are christened Mary; but as thir
I sacred name by much use, has lost all dis
tinctive meaning, some, attribute, sem •
especial invocation of the Virgin, Is a:
Iways coupled with it. The names of D'
lores, Mercedes, lililagros., recalled Our"
Lady of the Sorrows, of the Gifts, of a.:
Miracles. I knew-a hoydenish little gyp
-1 say, who bore the tearful name of Lagri -
mas.)The most appropriate name I hear...,
for tl se large-eyed, soft-voiced beantiei,
was eligros, Our Lady of Dangers. Whi.,
could resist the comforting assurance of
" Consuelo ?" "Blessed,"says my Lon!
Lytton, "is a woman who consoles."
What an image of maiden purity goes
, with the name of sieves, the Virgin ot
! the Snow I From a single cotillon of Cas
' titian girls, you can construct. the whoa.
history of Oar' Lady. Conception, AL -
nnunaiation, Sorrows, Solicitude, As
surnption: A; young ladies; are never
called by their family names; but alway
I. by their baptismal appellations, you Can
! not pass an evening in a Spanish tertulia.
' without being reminded of everystag,e a,
the life of the Immaculate Mother; from
Bethlehem to Calvary and beyond.- : —.41-
/untie Monthly. ,
Susur Ilefining.
The raw sugar is placed in a large cop
per vat, called a pan, containing about a
ton, and a given quantity of water.
wash the sugar thoronghly,stem power
used agitate the whole, and it becomes
boiling mass.. In order to remove all tht
grosser impurities about two gallons
bullock's blood are poured in, and th _
dross very quickly swims on the top, t
the depth of some inches. When suifici
ent time has been allowed for the blood b
become thoroughly mixed with the sugar
so as to separate the impurities from tbe
liquid sugar, and ascend in the form or
dross to the top, the sugar is drained of,
leaving behind a mass of refuse; whica
forms very valuable manure. This the
most economical way of refining sugar,'
notwithstanding at first sight soreptilsivi
Yet, on inquiry, it is found that not only
dues all the Mtn of the sugar remain
the refuse, but also the impure particles
of the blood. The albumen in the blood
having an afflinity for fife impurities, the•
blood which was poured in comes out , a
solid mass of refuse. It has the same
effect as the white of an egg in other re
fining purposes. The liquid sugar than
passes through other stages of refilling
but the bulk of the impurity is left cling
ing to the blood.
Here we have an illustration to open
up a Bible truth ; the natural fact con
firmed; that blood does cleanse, that there
is in the blood of bollocks especially that
which has an atlinity far these impurities.
!le Knew How It Was.
A youngster in Walcottvllle was conk
down cellar, for a glass of eider, and fell
into an uncovered well. Tired of waiting,.
the lltther went down to see what was tLu
matter, found the boy just climbing oat
of the well, soaked through, but bolding
fast to the tumbler. " Why didn't you
drop the tumbler and call for help?" said
the father. "Because," replied theyoung
ster, shaking himself of the water like :.
Newfoundland dog, "I knew you. woui:
send me back for it l" .
—"I nyuess you mean to bring .up
'ere one'to be pretty sharp at the bargain. '
itid a fellow to a woman who was rock -
ing and singing with all her might to
little reeputisibility. 'Why ?" "Because
you keep bawling 'by low, - baby, by low,
baby,' into his ears all the time."
—A begger had been a' long time be
sieging an old, gouty, testy gentleman,
who had refused his mite with mull ir
ritability•; upon which the mendicant
said : please your honor's honor, I
wish God had made your heart as tender
as your toes."
—A traveler says he goes prepared for
escape from burning hotels by earring
in his satchel a coil of half,inett rope, torty
or fifty feet long, knotted every two-feet
t 9 give a better bold. On two. occasions
he has found it serviceable. No (Inc
knows at what time an emergency re
quiring the use Of an escape may occur.
Like many of the things purchased at
auction by Mrs. Toodles, it is "bandy to
have in the house."
—A Boston man has brought. snit
against his wife for divorce, on the gren d
of extravagance,that she-we:tit
to a cliairty latiar and - squandered tive
cents on a pair of scales, to h a d out flu)*
much the weighed. Ile claimed that .it
didn't make a particle...a 'difference hoW
much she weighed. : •
—"Sam, you's learned, in 'de . ;" can
you say if °ie.Lncifer was. to lose Mai tail. '
what would lie go to find .anodor one
"Wily, to do tanern oh course , you, ignov •
sums—dot's de only place I ii.:110W8
where dey re-tail badspirits."
—Parties were recently ftnea - 85 D eaell
in Meadville for explin c ,ff venison for saes
after the expiration - of the Jima es per
game laws, although the deer liad bee.,
killed previous to the expiratioa of salt,
—A Western paper says that the editor
of its rival sheet was skating recently and
broke through the iee., Ile went up ..t:
his ears, but the - hol was not
enough to let hint through. While lit
was waiting fur some •Orto to takelitu out
his ears froze, and the have `seance been
amputated and used -for .door.
mats. •, •, .
—. , lady write to tho . Jackon (03
Standard,: sir, can always tell Sun r.
day, or - Sabbath, em day other day •in
tho week, by the number of men
and boys, old - and young, - with" guns and
navolrcra making for tho - woods and peo
ple'a farm,-- 1 • - -
—"Never," -, says a: henpecked man
"marry a woman worth morn than thou
act: Whin I married my wife I wasworth
sixty"two cents; and•when any difference.
°COM betVieektAl.4 l ? ) * oll :4. It° t4P*4.