The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 01, 1871, Image 1
7 t--. . '', _ • . ,1;i5 , J•• , 1 ,- '3 , ...,,, _ . ' , • - ,--, . ....., , . ~ i ' . ^ r t. 7 ~... ' Z ... -, ~ '''''' , :s f 4 ,t, A - .4. 1 * %'', • S •e . d '-: ; V - ' ' ' . ' ' - 4 1 0 ' E. B. HAWLEY, Proprietor. Tuoincoo Cat*. LAW OFFICE , FITCH & WATSON, Attorneys at Law, at the old attire or Bentley & Vita, Montrose, Pa. r. rrrca. gran.ll, W. w. wars on. CUARLES N. STODDARD, Dealer In Boots And Shots. Rats And Caps; Leather And Findings. lists Street. tst door below Boyd's Store. Wont made to Order. and repairing done neatly. Idoutinsit, Jan.-1, Lrrnms & BLAKESLEE, Attorney, and Conn,.Bora nt Law. Office the one heretofore °templed by B. B. Little. on Male street. Montrose, Pa. rAprilea. ft. E. LITTLE. GEO. P. LITTLE. C. L. sixEstsuct. IdcKestxtz. C. C. Perrot. W. D. MCCAIN. FAIIROT .3g. CO. Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies and 'Misses fine Shoes. klso, agents for the great American Tea and Coffee Company. Olontroae:PA, LEWIS KNOLL, SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSMO. Shop in the new Portenlce 'heading, where he will ronnd ready to attend ell who may Want anything IA hie line. Slontroce, Ds. Oct- 13, RP. P. REYNOLDS, AUCTIONEER - Sellonry Goods, and Merrhantte--al.o attends at Vendues. All orders left at my house will receive prompt attention. [Oct. 1, leW.i—tf 0. M. HAWLEY, DE LER In DRS GOODS, GROCERIES. CROCKERY Iltrdwars, Mate. Caps, ftoots.Shoes. R,dc Made Cloth lag, Paints, Oils, etc., New Milford, Pa. 'Sept_ 8, 'O. DR. S. W. DATTON, PHYSICIAN' S SURGEON. tenders his PerOCCs in tlr citizens or Great Bend end vicinity. Office at his residence. opposite Barnum Rome, GI,. Bend village. Sept. Ist, ISG3.—tt LAW OFFICE ell ANIBMILIN A McCOLLUM, A ttorneye and Conn. ealtore at Law. Office in the Brick Week met. the Bank. [Montrori• A. eau entritrue. J. B. Nea•ot.Lr Y . A. Zic D. R. LATHROP, DEALERS in Dry Co(,(15. Groceries, crockery and clmnwarc, table and pocket cutlery. 'Manta, oils, dye at Oro. Bain. boot% and Whore. r-oie la ether. Perfumery kc. Brick Block, adjoining the Bank, Montrone. Auguat 71. lar.h.—lf A. LATII3.IOP, - D. 11. Latmcor. A. 0. YVARIEEN, ATTORNEY A . LAW. Bounty. Hock Poe. ren,ton :and Event Cialrue attended to. CriVre t nor below pnyd's Store. 31 mann., Pn. [Att..l, '69 M. C. SIIITTON, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, aul 63t: Frlendsville, Pa. C. S. G I LBERT, ALILMOti.O3I.O 4 O2'. Great. Bead, Pa - U. 9. an] f9l f Allll ELT, 17. S. .A.i.acticbicooax - . A. 1, ItGll. Ltr,.slyn, Pa 30117 GiZOTTrZA, F 1.111I(ENA111,E T OR, •Mectroee, Pa. Shnp neer elan udicie Store. .A.:!‘ orrice: , 11.1. din find •rnte et, le. •./Clog 1.1021 C on ,hort notice. and tad:Tented to tit. W. W. S3IITII, c ‘BIIsIET AND eIIAIR MANUI.ACTI - 11RES.-I ^ co . Mainstrect, Bluramme. Pa.. ...outz. 1. 1:51.71. 11. lIVr.TRITT, DSALBiIIn Staple and ran Dr) Goodo. rrnrker Hardware. iron. Stoveti,Dru ge. toiir.and Patel, nootsand Shoes. flats& Cap...l'llr., Brlnalap e Grocerles,Provitions.c.c., 'New Milford. Pn. DILL L. P. HINES, Iln• permanently located at Ptienducific for the par p..ue orpracticlng medicine and rargery In all Its munches. lie max he retold at the Jucteon boon from aa. m.. ton p. m. Friendseille, Pa., Aug. 1. 18139. STI4OIISD a: BRolliti, FIT:11 AND t.IFS EZ47.IANCR ACE!•:TS, Al' hsoincrto attended to Innyntio ly, on fair termr. Office trot door north of Montro•n. wrot ride 0 , Public Avenue, Montron,e, I'o. [Ang.l.lB6t. VituAnos STIZOVD, - CFI AIMI-E! L. 13.0.11. • WM. D. LUSK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Montrose. Ea. OMes oppo site the Tubell Rouse, near i.el Court Roars. Aug. 1. 180.—tf DR. W. W. SMITH, DENTIST'. Rooms over Boyd Corwin's Hard ware Store. Office hours from 9 0. m. to 4p. m. Montrose. Ang. 1. 1509.—tf ABEL Tt—r7bl7.ELL, D:ZALER :In Limo., Patent Dleclictres, Cbcruicul. Liquors. Paints. 011s,trye stuff.. Varniohe., Win • ST Malts. Groceries, lilacs Ware. Wall and Window Pa, per, Stone-ware. Larup..KeLOPCD , litachincry CM, busses. Gana, Ammunition, Enfce.. Spectacle. licusrie., Fancy Goods. Jewelry. Peeve • rv. ht— b,•inr 'one of tbe must onnirton.: at,nriee. and rnioatde eollectlonii of Goode in Co.— Established in 1048. pkont min, Pa. D. W. SEARLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. office ever the Store or A. Lathrop, In the Brick Clock, 'Montrose, Pn. [InIIZI DR. 'W. L. RICHARDSON, PHYSICIAN .t 'II•R.GCON. tendert his professions services to the citizens of Montrose and vicinity.— ()Mee a A im restdcneu, On the corner east of Snyre a Bros. F ndry. [Aug. 1, ISG9. DR. E. L. GARDNER, • PrITSICIAIN. I and SURGEON. Montrose. ra. Gives especial aUentlen to diseases of the Heart and Lams and all Sac:Jell diseases. Ufnee over W. R. Deans Boards at Searle's Hotel. [Ant:. I. 164 P. BURNS d. NICROLS, In Drag , . Medicines. Chemicals. Dye trt -rim. Paints, Olis, Varnish. Liquors, Spices. Panty sr: ties. Patent Medicines. Perrnmery and Toilet Ar ticles. Or Prescriptions carefully compounded.— runlie Avenne,sbure Searle's Motel. Montrose. Pa A. B. BUM.. Amos „Ntnnots. Aug 1, ISM DR. E. L. lIANDRICLC, rirslcuri S SURGEON', respectfully tenders hi professional services to the citizen of rrtendsville and vicinity'. i3-Office !atheist:lee of Dr. Lee , Boards at J. Ilosford's. Ang.l,lErn. PROF. MORRIS, The Hayti Barber, returns his thanks !or the kind poi soner that has enabled him to MI the hest h 3 ! I harnt time to tell the whole story. bet come and wee for yoursevee rlr'at the Old StataL t o loud Manikin allowed to the shop. [April 13, HUNT BROTIIERS, SCRANTON, P.& . Wholesale B Retail Rea!emit' HARDWARE, IRON . , STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE,' BINE BAILSOUNTE.CBCEE et T RAIL SPIKES RAILROAD A itINLWO SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES: BOLTS. NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE - . , HUBS. &POKES. FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS e. 1 . ANVILS. VICES. STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS RANKERS. SLEDGES. FILM de. dc. CIRCULAR &ED iTILL SAWS. EPLTOG. PACKING TACvr P MAXIM PLASTER . PARIS CEMENT. HAIR d GRLVDSTOYES. FRENCIIMMOW GLASILLELTISERaIINDING9 -.P.taItRANK'S SCALES. - • - • -• • cennton ,Xanch IL 286 S. • • - 27 JEWELRY WRITER FOR. THE NEW TORE CLIPPER. Yon didn't beard der news? Vell, Dot's kinder funny, doo, Vy eferypody knows id yed, Don'd you dint id's drue? Yes, yes, dodt'a so, re god a son, My olt roman and me, irnd be's der smardesd leedleshild Yon efer kin see. He corned der very lasd nighd in Mardch, Der sassy leedle moot, Of he'd a voided a leedle vilo He'd peen a Abril fool; Bud dot baby he knowed a ding or dwo, Dey say so he looks like me, Dot's cause I'm peen his farrier, Dot counds for dot, you see. He's god der nicesd . leedle shnood, Lind leecile hands und feet, Und be kin rink mit bead his eyes, Oh! he's goat enuff to cat, Vat's-dint I baed you dot I'm brood, I feels like of I'm vild ! I voodifdshwab him for a farm, No, he's doe nice a shill. Come in der house and saw him conce, Hush now! Don't' cake him üb! lle's god a awful hair of lungs, lle kin shgweel like a bisened hop See, dere he is, now ain't' he nice? lie's tiNlUhe's moud to gm lle cants to suck on sometling, I muss, He's leedle droat dot's dry. Veil i go down sbdairs in der bier saloon .fftil dank a glass of bier To der beald of dot leeJle shmall shild of mine. Dot yas send to me dis year; Und re'll 'lobe, yen be gm's to been a maa, Dot jusd like he's larder he'll been, tod yell 'lobe atimler shild viii come Nexl year IES dime agin. This poem, as well as the one entitled " Little Breeches", is from the pen 'of Col John Ilay, farinerly Private Secretary of President Lincoln, and more recently connected with our Legations at Vienna and Madrid. If these productions are reprded a., not strictly orthodox from a sec tarian point of view, those who are inclined to condemn them as immoral or irreverent on this ;round sin mid first ask themselves whether they are able to estimate the extenuatini qualities of that charity which coyereth a multitude of sins, Well. no! I emit tell where lie Bemuse I don't live, von see; Least ways, he's got out of the habit Of livin' like you and me. Where have you been for the list three years That you havn't heard folks tell Ilan Jimmy Blud,o passed in hits check, The night of the Prairie Iicllc• He weren't no saint—them engineers Is all pretty ranch alike— One wife in Nateluti-underdhe.llill, And another one here in Pike. A keerless man in his talk was dim, And an awkward man in a row— lifit lie never flunked, and be neve: lie I, I reckon he never knowed how. "Ana this was all the ro.igiou he had, To treat his engine well; :Never be passed on the river; To mind the Pilot's bell; And if ever the Prairie Belle took fire— A thousand times he swore, lile'dhold her nozzle again the bank Till the last soul got ashore. All boats has their day on the Mississipp, And her day come at last— The Moraster was a better boat, But the Belle she ennthhi't be passed. And so she came tearin' along that night— The oldest craft on the line, With a nigger squat on her safety valve, And her furnace crammed, rosin and pine. The fire bust out as she cleared the bar, And burnt a hole in the night, And quick as a flash she turned and made For that wilier bank on the right. There was runiti and cu sin' but Jim 3 - ehtt out Over all the infernal roar, " I'll hold her nozzle again the bank Till the last galloot's ashore." Through the hot, black breath of the bmain' boot Jim BluCL4o's coice was heard, And they alllnd trust in his cussislness, And knowLl be would keep his word. And sure's your born they all got off More the Anaokstacks fell—. And Illuds&s ghost went up alone In the smoke of the Prairie Belle lle warn't-no saint—hut at judgment I'd run my chance with Jim, 'Longshle of snowplow gentlemen That wouldn't shook hands with him, He seen his duty—a dead sure thing— And went for it, tbar and then ; And Christ ain't avin • to be too hard On a man that died for men. —The days like model pie -cruet, arO 'hemming very short. —Although the milk-maid has passed away, the made milk hasn't. —Widows weeds are not green. Neith er are widows . , as a rule. Measure for measure—Barter be tween a shoemaker and n tailor. —How to get rid of rats and mice— Read Martin Tnpper to them. —The still 'watches of the night— ly:itches that won't go after dark. • —Episodes of the middle ages—mar riages among the-strong-minded. —The 'nearest the" 'Parisians can now come to inutton il3 fl little raw weather. —Pitched battle*—when tars fall out they invariable pitch into each other. .are like potatAxs—they do not know how soon they may be in hot water. —lt is bard to respect old age when one gets sold on a venerable pair of thick ens. - • - - - —To convert an artless maiden into a heartless one, there - is only - wanting a "he." —Stale bread goes farther than rev Some d eople are w Igig it shall go as far TURRELL Woefo Corner. Our New Shild. Oom Doorry Jim Elude° ÜBEVITIES. MONTROSE, PI., WEDNESDAY FEB. 1,- 1871. MISS W ARMEN. "My last hope rests in von, May." "In me, father?" May Warren made answer in a tone of surprise, raising her sad, anxious eyes to her father's face. rt As if her gaze discomposed him. Mr. Warren turned his head, and his glance wandered restlessly around the apartment. He was an old man, with a tall, spare fig ure, thin, gray-hair, and was sitting in an arm-chair, by a table covered with papers, while his pretty daughter May sat beside him on an ottoman. She repeated her 'words : "In me, father ?" "Yes," he replied, starting from a mo ment's abstraction. "Do y ou remember Col. Leighton, my dear ?" "Col. Leighton ? An old man with a heavy beard, partly gray, and pleasant blue eves. lle dined with us a few weeks ago. 'Yes, I remember him, father." "Not so very old, May, not so old as I am, and one of the finest men living. He is wealthy,—very wealthy, too." He me e t his daughter's questioning ga z e fully now, as if he had wished her to read something in his face. She kept her dark eves fixed searchingly upon his counte nance; the ebb and flow of the soft color upon her cheeks betraying the quick pul sations of her heart. "What do you mean, father ?" she a.%1,- ea, at leutth. " I saw him last night. lle offered to help me-.—save me, if—" "If what, father ?" " If I would give ton to him." The words came hurriedly from Mr. Warren's lips, as if he feard that if he de liberated he should not lie able to utter them at As they fell cn his daugh ter's ear she started to her feet, pushing her hair hack from her pale face, in a be wildered sort of way, as if she w<re half stunned. " Marry me. father ? Col. Leighton ?' she cried in a low vrdee. Mr. Warren took her hand, and drew her down to her seat again. May, Col. I:•ighton kill be a good hus band to you. 1 have known him from boyhood, and understand perfectly welt his character and principles. lie loves you, will be kind to von, and strive in ev ery way to make you happy. And more —and in , re, May, he will save me from Ile paused, hut Ii child, w ith her face bowed hi•r hands. made no reply, nor stirred. The mute di gross that her attitude betokened was hot unnoticed by I do not force you to thi3, May, re memb:l- the matter is left in yonr own choice. lint you k n ow what my own wish is, what the alternative will be if you do not accept the o i ffer." She knew onlF to well. Folly she rra- ! liz,4 now how absolutely neressarr the luxuries to which her father had been ar castorned were to him. Absolute loss of possession did not seem the most dreadful thing in the world to her. bat • She knew what a wreck it would make of him. in her youth and strength the future would still be bright and full of hope to her ~but how conld he, with his ag,..d frame ;and burden ofsixiy years commence life , anew i• The hopelul thought that she could work for litm and supple him with bisaccustotned comforts. aff.irded her but a moment's comfort. To him, with his stubburn, aristocratic id-as this would be the most severe trial of all—his delicately reared petted child laboring for his sup ['Orr. lie would never 1a..• reonciled to it. There was no alternative she saw at a glance. Then with a desperate effort to think calmly, she recalled the form of Cu!. Leighton. She remember, d his bowed head and silvered beard, his dark. deeply-furrowed face, and fifty years. She could get no father. A younger face. with merry azure ey , s, and tossing, sunny hair, sprang up in strong contrast Stretching out her hands to her father, as if for pity, she cried out, I cannot !---oh. I cannot!" The old - man sank back with a groan. " Lost—then lam lost he cried shud dering. There wets no reproaches. only those bitter words and that despairing at titude. White and tearless she sat at his feet, the agony of her heart written on her face. The wild, desperate thought that the sacrifice was possible occurred to her. o " Father, dear father"' Ile raised his head whitened with the frosts of sixty winters, and looked at her with a gleam of hope in his sunken eves She crept into his arms as she had done when a child, and laid her soft cheek against his wrinkled brow. " You know that I love von, father," she said. " I can never remember von but as kind, tender, and forbearing with me. Your heart has been my home all my life. I will work, beg, suffer fur you—l will die for you—oh, how willingly, if need be! But that—oh, father, you do not know what it is that Von ask!" He did not speak, but a moan broke uncontrollably from his lips as he rested his head upon her shoulder. The strug gle in her heart sent dark shadowy waves across her face. Could she—could she. " Father," she whispered hurriedly, "let me go, now. I will see you again— answer you to-morrow." And she left him. lie could not see her face in the. g.,411- ering darkness, only a glimpse of some thing white, but be felt the quivering of her lips as she bent to kiss him, : and reached out his arms to embrace her, but she was gone. " Heaven pity me !" The words came like a wail from her lips. She was alone in the chamber, flung prostrate upon a low conch, with her face hid in the cush ions. The sound of the rustling foliage of the garden, and the chirping of the birds, came in through the open window with the damp evening breeze, and the pale light of the rising moon filled the room with its soft radiance, but she was unconscious of eyerythihg hilt misery. was so quiet that the sound of a foobdep ; cro . Ewing the hall below fell up on her ear l and aroused" her to a mornen-. tart' interest. She heard a door open, the library door, and then a voice uttered a . few words of common place greeting. She I last words. He stepped aside to aIIOW her remembered it well, and sprang to her free passage to the house, but she did not feet with a desperate, insane thought o f : move. flight. But the door closed, the house " You are thinking of your father," lie was still; and she ins calmer. ! said, "Do not be distressed on his cc- : She crossed the room listlesly, and count. Remember me in N•our prayers to drew back the curtain of the window. , night, and sleep sweetjy. 'lt is all I ask." The Scene without was beautiful:l. The lie did not wait to hear her fervent moonlight lay broadly on the garden, ! " God bless you!" or witness her burst of : turning to silver the tops of the trees,' joyful tears but quickly left her. and makine . {s the little lake beyond looked I The morning sunshine streamed boldly like a great white pearl. Gazing earnest; I into the apartment of Mr. Warren, where ly downward she saw a tall, shadowy flg- he lay in the heavy sleep of physical and 1 ore standing beneath the shade of die old mental exhaustion.. The forenoon was elm. With a low cry she sprang from the i far advanced when a servant roused hint, room, and, a moment after, stood beside informing him that Colonel Leighton:: her lover. I waited in the library. Making a hasty "Come, at last, my treasure," cried I toilet, the old man left his chamber and Mark Winchester, folding, her in her arms. I went to join his friend. The gentlemen ! She remained leaniiv , passively against meet cordially, and Col. Leighton immed his breast, while lie t ressed passi o n a t e ! lately requested that May might be sent kisses upon her forhcad, cheeks, and lips. , for. They waited but a few minutes tui "Why, have you made me wait so long, ! fore the aoor swung noislessly open, and darling'?" lie said, softly, mid taking both : wearing a white morning robe, the young her slender hands in one of his, he press- ! girl entered. At a motion from her fath cd.them to his lips. "Why, bow cold ;er she sat down upon a low' seat at his you are! How you trembler' : he contle_. feet, and then glanced up with a confid tied, as she clung to him. " What is the , ing smile at Col. Leighton, who stood matter, May ?" : leaning against the mantle-piece, with an "I waiteA because I dreaded to meet expression of face half-sad, half-admiring. you, Mark." ! "We are waiting for your answer, May," " Why? What do you mean ?" said Mr, Warren. quietly. And brokenly through her tears and " I will leave the matter entirely in Col. sobs she told him all. Fie did not speak Leighton's hand," she said. or stir while she was talking; and when The old man glanced perplexedly from she had finished there was a long silence. her to his old friend. Col. Leighton stepp- She lacked courage to say more, he would ed forward. not ask. She repeated the last words " fly old friend, James Warren," he " And to-morrow I must give him my said, " I met your daughter last night, I answer." Still he did not speak. and talked with her. I discovered with : She looked op at him. In the dim i what feelings she regarded a marriage light she could see his rigid, agonized with me, and cannot allow the sacrifice face, white lips, and gleaming eyes. She she would make fur your sake. 1 will stole her arms about his neck, and drew i never marry her; she is free. And now , his forehead down to her lips. I have to ask your pardon for the unman- : speak to me, Mark; say that you do ly may in which I have taken advantage . not blame mn of your embarrassment, and have come He knew then that she had decided. so near to destroying the happiness of. and what that decision was. , your chill. Every power of 'Mile shall " And you will leave me, May, and be exerted to its utmost to relieve you,l marry that old man ?" and all the reward I ask is, the knowl " Heaven pity me, Mark. for I must. I edge that yon and May do not despise I will become his wife. and I will be true , me. Nav, no thanks, I deserve rather to and faithful to him, for he will be kind to , be scoried for the part I have acted. ,But me. You will hear of me thus. and when I have one favor to ask, old friend.. Will you do, nmember my words, Mark, that allow me to choose a husband for von have my heart." : your daughter?" " I will remember, May, God help us i " von have my full and free permission,' both, for I shall never forget you, TheY replied Mr. Warren, smiling through his shall bury me with this upon my heart?' teats. And he drew a tress of soft brown hair "But, I hope you will lie more success from Lis bosom. ful in your choice than I have been. For a moment more—one little prey - " Never fear," said tT , e colonel, with a ions moment—he held her irainst his , glance at May. Flinging open a door heart, and than kissed her, put her g^. n- that led to :mother apartment, he called, tly from him, and Was one. Now my boy, and Mark Winchester For a moment she stood alone under sprang into the room. the trees. with elapsed hands and face . tutu": !" „said raised to the quiet ;MI. anal men she tarn- Col. Leighton and ere the old man could ed and walked silently toward the house. t comprehend the scene, the young, couple A light from the library window strgam- kiedt for his ble. , ,simz. At a motion from ed down on her, and as she looked up. his friend la gave it willingly ; and ney she saw the shadow of a bowed ligare fad er was there a happier party. across the Cur:air. 'Through the interposition of his friend, Father, you are saved!" she marmer- Mr. Warren was saved from ruin, and his daughter made happy. When May that morning asked for a solution to the prob lem of Cul. Leighton's knowledge of Mark, he replied, " I did not trait a half hour in the garden to no purpose, little one." And she nnderstood that he• had overheard their conversation with her lov er. Through his influence Mark's talents as an artist became known to and a few years afterward he became a popular painter and a wealty man ; and out of gratitude to benefactor be christened his first-born son Edwin Leigh ton Winchester. A hand WaS laid 'Flladenly on her arm, and she started with a low cry. "Good evening, Miss )lay," said Col. Leighton. " I have been seeking you. bowed, and stood silently before him with a calm downcast face. I have been talking with youT,father; lie continued, carelessly pulling a rose from a hush near them. "lie tells me that you have promised to think of my prciposal, and let us know what your de cision is to-nmrrow. Is there anything I call say which will influence you to form that emehision in my favor?" " You cannot say anything which will influence me in the least, Uol. Leighton. As my father has said, you shall have my answer to-morrow?' II e glanced at the young faee, so sad in its calm dignity and looked down at his fingers again, which' were bruised and tearing to pieces the blossom. he held, and allowing flag crimson petals to NB at his feet, as ifithey were the fragments of the heart he Iva; br6kin.g. In the long si lence that followed she glanced up at him once with the thonght of flinging hers.:lf upon his mercy by giving him her confi dence, but the stern tr;pression of his face . repelled her. Miss May." he said suddenly, are averge to thismarriat; - e." lies tine aided in rendering his word.: an assertion. She was start oil, hut re plied quietly. " Ito you think so?" '• I must be-blinded if I could think otherwise," he continued. with sudden energy. May Warren, yon know that von hate me.—that you would die rather than to become my wife, were it nut for your father's sake." Before she realized what she Ml 9 doing. the monos 3 llable "Yes,' slipped from her "And in doing this, do you realize he w yon would wrong us ?" She was silent. " It shall never be. I will never call von my wife, knowing that you do not love me, that your heart is not in my ! keeping. I will not tell you of my hopes,' how I have dreamed that my last days would he my loppiest ones—it would not 1 interest you. Now I have only to say that you are as tree as if I had never seen your 6weet, face. . , Ile paused for a reply, but she Made none. Bewildered by her position, she did nut know what to say. " tknow that I, have myself to re proach," he went on. "My motive in of fering your father my assistance was pure ly a selfish one. - The consequences are ! wily what. I deserve. I had no -thought of the long years during which he had been my true and faithful friend, hut' cruelly took.udvantage of his position to gaM my own cud& Yes, I am properly punished. There was a bitterness in his tone, a despondency in attitude, that greatly changed, his_ accost pied dignified com posnre of manner. tur unconscious - of what she did,-only sensible of • the pity she felt for him, - the young girl put her hand upon his • arras, and ,said. softly,, "Forgive rue." "Forgive me, rather, my child," hesaid, "for the misery I have caused you. I should have . known . that our paths in, life could- never be one. But good night. I will not detain you." She did not shrink from him as he bent down to kisS her forehead, with his Take It Out In Trade A lathy looking fellow entered a down cast restaurant, and ordered a double stew of oysters. The man who kept the res taurant was a small,red-headed evidently very high tempered. He pre pared the stew in quick time, and the lathy fellow sat down to' his repast, and ate with enviable relish after which he selected a first-class cigar, regaled himself. w;th a mug of foaming ale, sitting with 11;6 feet elevated upon the top of the stove. Ile was very deliberate and self-possessed. After the cigar had almost disappeared in he call for his bill. " Sixty-five cents," said the proprietor. " I tow is this?" asked the lath. " Fifty cents for the double stew, and fifteen cents for the cigar." " You forgot the ale," remarked the lath fellow, looking quite serious yes, that is ten cents mure—sev entv-live cents." Well, I am ready to pay it." The red-headed man made no reply, and the fellow kept his seat. " I tell you I am ready to pay the bill." " Well. pay it then," said the proprietor. I ain't gut any money." " Hain% gut any money:" repeated the man of refreshments. " Not a daru'd cent." The red-headed nun opened his eyes. Then how do you expect to pay the Lill?" ' stand about serenty-five cents worth of your jaw—so go ahead." The red-h?aded man wa,s the maddest individual ever seen. He seized the nut cracker, and let it fly at the offender with a will ; but it only hit the chair hack and broke its own handle. The lathy fellow had gone. lie vacat ed h;sseat at the nick of time, and the last seen of him he was walking very leisurely down the street finishing his cigar. —A young gentleman who had just married a little beauty, says: "the would hare been taller, but she is made of such precious materials that Nature couldn't afford it." —A physician said of a quack that" he this such an ignoramusAliat,, if lie could take a lantern and go * down -- inside his patient, lie couldn't Lind out what the matter was. . ' . _ —We pci:eeive that aSE?S" are quoted in Paris at sixteen sons per pound. • 1 - (is cheering, to know that there is one spot in the world where they are not a (hog in the market. —A new crop of teaze may be expected about the time hungry Children retard from school. VOLUME .XX-VIII';'iNIiMUERA' The Sabbath. 'no following testimonies an I experi ences, not of the clergy, but of statesmen, philosophers, and men of wide reputation in legal, medical, literary and commercial life, bearing on a snbject attracting con siderable attention at the - present time, may not be uninteresting to one readers: "If Sunday had not been observed as a day of rest diiring the last three centuries. I have not the smallest doubt that we should have been at this moment a poor er and less civilized people than we urn." [Lord Macaulay.] " There is ho religion without worship, or no worship without the Sabbath." [Count Mon talem bert.] "The. more faithfully I apply myself to the duties of the Lord's day, the more happy and successful busidess dur ing the week." .[Sir Matthew Hale.]:; " A corruption morals usually fol lows a profanation" of the Sabbath." [Blackstone.] " The Sabbath as 3 politi4iinstitution is of, inestimable value, iiidepetidently,Of its claim to divine authority."; [Adam Smith.] "Sunday is a day of account, and a candid account every seVenth day is the best preparation fol. the great day of 'ac count." [Lord Karnes.] "I can truly declare that to rue the Sabbath has been invaluable." [William Wilberforce.] " Give the world half of Sunday, and you will find religion has. no strong hold of the other." [Sir Walter Scotti • " Where there is no Christian Sabbath there is no Christian morality ; and with out this, free institutions cannot long Le sustained," [Justice McLean.] " The longer I live the more highly do I estimate the Christain Sabbath, and the more grateful do I feel toward those who impress its importance on the communi ty." [Daniel Webster.] In a general order, issued November 111, 1862, President Lincoln commanded that "Sunday labor in the arrrhyand navy be reduced to the measure of strict neces sity. The discipline and character of the national forces should not suffer, nor the cause they defend be imperiled, by the profanation of the day or name of the Most nigh." Attorney-General Bates, of the Cabinyt, wore: "The religions character of an in stitution so ancient, so' sacred, s-) lawful and so necessary to the peace, the corn fort and the respectability of society, ought alone to be sufficient for its protec ' tion ; but, that failing, surely the laws of the land made for its account ought to • be as strictly enforced, as the laws tur the protection of person and property. If the Sunday laws be neglected or despised tht laws of person and property will soon share their hite and be equally disregard ed." " The Sabbath must be. observed as a day of rest. This Ido not state as an opinion, but knowing that it has its foundation upon a law in man's nature as fixed as that he must take food or die." [Dr. Willard Parker, of New York City.] "As a day of rest, I view the Sabbath as a day of compensation for the inade quate restorative power of the body under continued labor and excitement. O , ne - day iu seven, by the bounty of Ps vi deuce, is thrown in as a day of compensa tion to perfect by its repose the animal system." [John Richard Farre, M. D.. of r . London, England.] , -- Ia Presse, one of the great secular journals of Paris, has said, "England owes " much of her energy and character to " the religious keeping of Sunday. Why " cannot Fiance follow Lei., as the Sub " bath was made for all men, and we need "sits blessing? The present Lem] Chancellor of Eng lam.] stated at a public ineeting,, "I am "glad to say that,our Sunday in 'London ' "is not yet like a continental, Sunday.', "Looking at the question from the lowest "point of view, it is the eSPccial duty and "interest of working men to discourage "all attempt to interfere with the seventh I " day as a day of rest; for, once let the " Parisian system COW into vogue in this "country, under which the sLiforlds of! " public buildings were as crowded with " workmen as on any other day, and they I " would have to work seven days for the "pay new received for six." "So• far as my observation extends, those who are in the habit of avoiding worldly cares on the Sabbath are those most remarkable for the liiq.fect perfor mauccof their duties durm,g the week. I have a firm belief that such persons are able to do more work, and do it iu a het, ter manner, in six days, than if they worked the whole wen!' [AIM C. War ren, M. D., Professor in the Medical Col lege of Ilarvard University.] "A very prefOuud and wonderful re form has just been begun in Paris. The principal shops—including those Of neav- Iy all the linens . drapers, hosiers, sill mercers, and venders of ready made ap parel—will henceforth be closed on Sun days. The merchants. havd taken this step of their own accord, and the einplev ees appeal to the good will of the public to aid them in making the measure gnu-. eral." New York Times, Jund 8, 18681 " I have long been of the opinion . that it is M the interest 'of the railroad• and steamboat companies to suspend opera i tions on the Sabbath, as. it demoralizes the men and makes ,them reckless, and so. is the cause of many accidents. Ihelieve railroad companies would he much. more prosperious in Stuulay rurininr , teas en tirely suspended.. I suppose tare rite em-, ployed on 'the railways of" the' I.7nited States, on the Salebeth; . .iiiirty thousand men." [S. l. lintiv, Snpenntendent of . the Richmond, Fredericksburg and POtOunto Railroad.] `‘ : 3l:iny years' ex.perienne ,and .ohserya tion more and, more d'ouvitice Me as a railroad man, that' even in an economic: point of view there is tiO - MOre profitable rule for nib) follotvlhait 'remelt , her die Sabbath. day , to keep:'it.lioly." l [Pol. Merrill; Super nteridenr:Of :land and ButlingtOu'Railroad:li , ;; 'Prom'f4perience'l 'know itintlsttiii&, ers,' ineaharnes, manage - 1:s; etiii , Will - 116 'there work; aria do it iliettet;sir es;;:' days than in seven. Faltbr, if we habitually ask oar men .by a desecrittlini of the Sabbath, it will not be long before they, ill break Ills Is*, in other respeett, by 'cietnindiiig, Farley; Superintendent • of the . DUtaigtie and - Sioux City fßailroad.} • - . "In nearly. thirty years'. experience, on testern and Southern Builroads,.:, I . liave never found it ,necessaryto, nip, Sunday rrains,'excePt - where connecting' Or cein peting lines rendered it so. • I think 'Men perform more work-in. Six .dayti; resting every seventh, than when they,work e'er"' day, I also think men are ..more reliable and trust worthy on roads Where the Salo barli is observed, thfin where the dit of rest is: ignored."l [E, 0. Barney; Superiti- I tentlentSelma, Rome and Dalton Mill i road.] • "I do not believe the running ,of day trains is profitable to the company; and that, it is a liesifife - violation .of iris tutu. t3orlreairdeulit" " [ifon.Abram Murder:hi:President of .• 06 , 1dt:dine - end ;Ohio Railroad.] . . " is for:the interest of -the-.enrepeny to allow' orir enipliiers rest of. the Sabbath." [E. B. Phillips; the, the Michigan Southern and Neirthein Indiana itairoad.] " The want of cessation from Inbor 7 on the canals, railroad and steamboat lines '9l* the chap try on the Sabbath'liainntefid they to degrade the tone of miiiiilkicethe com mu n i ty ; ' yet;less censtire' tart - littabh to those men who are comifelleds.tolabor for their daily bread, than' to qwner.a. and employers who 'require the. service- to. ; be Verformed." [J. Dttrand, Generttl"§of)er- Intelident'of the Little Miami, Colrembns :and Zenia.liailmnd.] . '. ' ' .;', •' - • - .. .Bilosissi.Opt Disaster.. , nurnitT, ofche Steamer aIIVEIL, NfruMrts. Tom .., January 10.. 7 :-The steamer Philp Allen parsed the 4freok of the steamer rOill'etwoon yesterday, ar riving .here at midnight. Shmreports the .1114 l burned to the water's edge . tmdl,a portion of the hold and freigho still burn ing. her chimneys, boilers .and They had 'fell into • the bold.. They etkild not•get near enough to 'discoer whether any bodies remained on the wreck on'ac un t of the ,shallow water. 'The .Yeager ! Was still lying below and bud on board several survivors, who will probably arrive here to-night Those known to be lost are Williata Thompkins. captain, M'Farland, clerk. Brown, second engineer; the colored chambermaid, two deck .hadds, white, one deck sweeper, the second' steward, the porter, several pantrymen. Thirteen Mexican porters and pantrvmen were burned :dile in their rooms. The barber. Thomas Evans, died on, board the steam v,r St. Francis after being "rescued.. Woodruff. second clerk, George Aler t ry pilot. and fifty others of the boat's crew I left to-day by rail for St. Louis. Mr. I Woodruff represents the scene of the boat after the fire broke out as one of I N [ASCRIBABLE HORROR Men. women and children were scream ing and rusliiii,,, forward part of the boat, crowding it to such an 'extent that. many were .pushed overboard, while otlß.rs, frantic with fright. jurnped , over board and were drowned. Some, 'Whilst in thu water, clung to the: sides Of 'the boat and became so thormighltchilled that when the ya l tvls. of the .boat were sent to their relief they could not be induced to let ~00 their hold. and make,an effort to save themselves' by reaching the yawls, which could not get close enough to relieve them on account of the intense heat. Sonic ten or filleen.persons were lost in thig way. Others threw overboad' cotton, bales and planks, and pinning in after them tried to reach' the shore, but the wind tiein g strong and the Ambit. emtreme ly cold. they perished. One negro saved himself by clinging to the.tale, of 'a mule, which curried him safely to shore. One white man had clambered on a cotton bail when two negroes seizing it the bale turn and all - three • were drowned. 'Another man was on a bale of cotter! • and was carried by the eddy immediately un . der the guards of the bnriting vessel,whero he was compelled to keep Ilia body under water, tend saved hli head from burning by throwing water over it. One • Oerinan and his wife, cabin passengers stiw their two children fall through the cabin :into the burning mass below, and then!mak ing their way to the 'guard, juMped.. oyer hoard,locked in each otheriarms. Thirteen Mexicans "en route" to Texas;',Were ed in the after partff - the boat while. as leep. The first engineer attempted - to at tach the hose to the.punrps;?but•was.'pre; vented front doing so by the- ; theit made .his' way to .tho safety valve, and nearly blinded by sinolic ,opened,. the valve thereby piev,entin„„ 4 ," . an, explosion. Captain • Sompkinivalthengli implored to learethe burning boat, frenld not do so until he had done ail in his policy to" insure ea,fety 40... the passengers and crew, and Om:tinedon ~board. until the. denies compelled him' to into the .river, where rile Vas undoubtedly drowned. The steamer Yeager;4bieh is said: has several . .survivora- ow., board, whose names have not been, ascertained, has neat -up to this hOur reached ~ William White; ono of the Viet* of the railroad disaster near this city, died to day from ininries received at the littleAit the accident. --Why 7is a solar eclipse the ii inothei. thrashing her. own .ch ild-?-11emuse a hiding of the.suu,._ .. .. has been said that cork Seisms linve;senk more people than cork/jacket* liare'C'ver sera. --1 - When you hear a. man say, filire is but' it -. dream;' 'tread' ,art his comiiii an d, wake; him up. " Life Speaking::cd" mean tonipenthwei,tho washer-Woman - thinks ye i ry,,,spgan when it rains onlionilaye. • • , -Eighty-out dozeni of eggs givsnfo it minister in Illinois at a 'Manama visit" is called "lay-actititY." - Spurgeon-- thinks Sorn4 _ rublisters wqutd mako' , good martyrs-14r - are Tao, ilry they would burn w!IL, • - —Au ugly old bscbelor - suggesti`,thoj births 811901 be.P9blißbi 4 uptkf l ti#, bead of "Newlfusic.' IZUBM