A,coulldence Horse Thief. .. A young scoundrel by the name of Wm. , Henry Georgie, sought employment at the hotel of Ira ! 11. Smith, in Great Bend village, sonic lit tle time since, and by his activity and attentive i application to his duties, won the confidence of 1 Mr. Smith and also of Mr. N. K. Hatch who is stopping there. On Sunday morning January Vith he asked Mr. Batch for his horse and bug gy to drive out a little way, and in as much as he hail been taking care of the horse and had I proved himself a good careful hand, Mr. 11. readily agreed, and the young man started off but forgot to return until Yr. pursued and arrested him near Cooperstown Otsego county, N. Y. and on Thor stay Jan inth lodged him in Montrose jail. How remarkaldc that ever' ; ltor-: that is taken from this set tion goes direct ly on the same route toward the "Loomis tract." We are a little curious to know what our calms will do with this case. When such a band of vilkanorts oiiilaws as Is organized through that section of country, with their legal advisers to biatruct them how to keep within the pale of technical law, who are prepared with menials to proNsonything, and when our courts a ill lean on the site of technical law instead of filet. , and ; unquestionable circumstances of guilt, and /ow these villains to escape the penalties of crimes, we eau guaranty no safety of life or property. If our aunts cannot protect, the people must take the matter in their own hands and administer snmmary justiee. Divorce Decision On and niter Mondny,Dec. DM. Trains will learc The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, has been Binghamton at the folk. Mg hours, II.: called upon to decide, if a man gains a wife by falsely representing himself to be rich, shall be n.m . Exd G° Z u NI:I7Z . devorced, the wife elaiming that a marriage l a: a2ti n. .k.,S,,renss;mthcbi y e - n and Dunkirk, udido, eontract through such tame pretenses, is nllll and YoA Of course the divorce cannot , 7,LiTnny7 , .l A rrrr°l,7.: d in,l",7 Sand a rr c?P". granted. because, in eases of false pretence:. VI'""" M 3 ' l . '''"^d 4 f. 7 . e r 7 F ic ted. In obtain Money, it was the lady's' duty to an- 1:113p: Eu : il4, l, c7n i FYLTV,; rulTtr - v. d. r . st. certain, before parting with herself, flint the GuINN (1 1 , f i llt n, R . gri , ..., sonar racepted. repr , entations were correctly founded. The case is a remarkable illustration ,>f how fir din- e ' l u e l !'o v t " t7 "Pt'Al. ,nontented married people will go, in these free- sif 2 , I. 7, B " qu ' "n " . ca. Lightning Hapress, . 1" lose clays, to procure there liberation from the suo m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. marriage thrill. As well might a husband slue .11AGUAGE CHECKED TB Mr a divorce on the ground of having been d tier - A rorlped and complete '• Pocket Tin:y Tabir" of IL-eoodceeired - av, ig, or by padded dresses, or by a twe ha g .7eTZtl7l...e ' TiTtit E di r ,t i d { 7 t e l L 'Y ealn i e ' liT:XT g row of false teeth. plieatiun in the th het Ageld u( the Curlipall). L. D. DUCKER Wit It. BARD Dec. :4. Gent S u 1.114'1 Agt. Wild Cuts A correspondent at Equinunk, writing under' i IELA WA RE, LACKAWANNA and Il.ttr , of Jan. 3111 to the Wayne "Citizyn" says : 1 A- f WESTERN RAILROAD. Winter Arrungcruent 1 1n the morning of the 4th, our tonally quiet 01 l' '' e g` e. lie " elle" Nev. '''' ''''''' ‘ Mat:, at as thrown into anuneonnu in state of TRAINS LEAVE e \ eitement by the an n in:we:mlt that a list , WESTWARD. wild oat had been killed in the place during the { ' !V I II. P' t;u n t ' T I . STATIONS. I pno ions night. riton inquiry it was fottill A. M. A. M. that •otch wau indeed the ease. A wild cat. 7 11 i ' lli I 1 .'..:ew Y tr ".... New _ampton. . as !tile 1,1y111:: a nocturnal Vkil to the hen-holl•C ;7: i I t lV . 1 1 t.l 4 ,: n l r e. (. ... h . Di wa k. i)t . lice )Ir. Keogan. was killed by Mr Keteg.an t. 5.51 ' 11.151 Smarten tool Mr. E. S Budd. • The animal measured F . 4 ,1, 5 1 I f.. 11; , 11 1 „'pt„',°:;- '''''' • U,ir:t th,• in,.!,,, in length, and s tood twenty- 5. 1 - ..7 IM 1 ~,M.'ut„, r i rc A oa • ittcht, high. Owing: to tho appirhens;on ill : 6 ' . 1 .5 ' V.lib — iiii. ° „,; - --- . ,:.,;:.,-.ny e‘cited by this occurence, our str e et., Z., P.M. P. 311 .F. 4 of Lib.rlY.l• W. P. UOL Sr' entirely di.;:t•rt(Ai after dark, espet.ially by nor 21 General Plin, and NC ant -n anti tAtiltirtat Intere MI; to Servantn. A ilei•is,ion was recently !riven lie one of tin lon, r coitris of New JoNey, that a Onny,ti c ,L i n.." 1 . i"7 1 3 . 1 .. c .., in ~ ni xervittit wno was justifiably iii-inissisl for t o ol. now, a:,, •• Tow.oolti 9 311 •• knee and a wilful di , obeilience of I.:w fill priers I. IC .‘ „1 . 1. 11. Li •• wit.. not wille•taibling . . tintithl to rocover of In r :••Lluot•r, E'y 1037 .. Itte-honie•it it ni •• i•niployer wage. pro rata for the tune .lii. had '.‘lvhoit,..tay II : 4 .1 " Tank', ot I: It !.:1 - sur - v , -ti. An appeal frinn t lit. ileci 4 ion 11•3•• taken 1... 1 B Jut, - I'l ',. r 171 l'it•ton 1 , , tite ••iitrente wart of New Jersey, wide!! N 1 :1L... Barre I 17. •' tribunal entirely rev. rued the Ell , i,illll. TI/1 . 11 . IIIII• U 11,41 1 , .1 •• Wi 11 , I,t,k .1 ..!,1 •• eapretue court held that a servant ‘t Ito- • wito, A 11,,,r.0. 5 :. 4. - , •• on' (1',1.‘ ant 11a.t1,1, periodically, is ti.iirtcrly, . It, i.i. to•iii I. in •• 4 1 il tn. maul lily or weekly, refuses to ser v e in the inan- ?into!. intiia , .2 - r •• vier cintrat hid for, or i= right lid iv tibsehargied at Ar ";'''''''' 1" ''' 25 - ..,z,.... I'l' TO 'LISS' any int•ivetity; period, between thedays l.,-„7.-N,-,, 1-.lrk ,-, ::p m. at lit'n hi., witze , are dile, hr r.in recover not!' hir. t i ..iindeiptila 7 0 •• 1..-1,.., I • iti - fir that portion of time M. hich he i n•Ls• iserviiil 'till. , ham 1,1 . n. - bite, hi- 101 perevlial paym••fit of w , A ',rill ,IL 1 , 11 •• . ..;•,,, ti'. iictotiiti lit INO M. WP•le ll•t'n 1 'II p In I t:li, It.Cr 2.:41 - Pit,..t.,11 :I VI '• 1... A. ll..Tnn. 331 .. TIOICOock. -t 21 '' Tut: PI: % •in %I. Refloat—This ?Telt :pr. , Nlt•lirmpatty 4 :I. - tic :It oral mom hly of 24 1,3•Z1:s 1,1,..1 n•rnber, )I•r1.41;n2•• F.. :.15en 4 :,7 •• r• Iln11. 1 .•••.•11101V printed :tie] well ill,i.tnited, is Skin., Lac. 111, r, I, •• rt•••tal:llvn.iant to farmers everywhere. and es. To•trenda i. 71 , •• pen mitt I'ri tcy It nab EttlllOrs. its a Vait,l:lhi, *lSt - it. 720 .• nild reliable agricultural journtl .fir it W,JI rrly el, it kit a large num. . 1"'.11"" ' F:* I'. Iv. 7 17 ' " II i• very ably condact 1 , ,r Or hest 'cal cont ri 11 In ors anti N, rile ri, and y. r4T - 0.... , N r 0 ,,, c ,. 11 „ .17 . ,, , , f_ . • of nrl between Srrsinn .131, New Ire..il: of live stern in all their varieties, diseases N o , ' 3 , 18 , 71 ,, .. Sc "" loU "" rbil4d ' i r h "" t.f :ini:nalr., 21aia grow ing. the dairy, on - hard, •••••••• vezetahle out market pink:ling. rearing and , fatouting stock s farm building+, 'cull iegular . ,k_UCTION: AUCTION 'art i, In , on limp-chi , Id and miseellane.m. matter. -'- Ii is 1 , 01,1i-41,1 iii l'hiladcliflni.. liv l'a.schall Mutt - - The subscriber havir• sold his farm will offer ri. A: 1'.,, 1. North 13th SL, at the low price of ' fir stilt' lit his residen ' re in Sumniersville, on ;,,; - 1.10 per nnattm. I TilOrPriay, FeltrliatT 9th, commencing at 10 Tar. AMERICAN STOCK JOUR toss for January I o'clock a. m., the following property to wit : N in an entire new suit of type. is befilre us filled One pair hones, one colt coming 4 years old, ' one pair colts coming 3 years old, one pair colts With choice original matter, and illustrat ed with Engral ittp of tine stork, yummy 2 years old. one colt canning 1 year ill di - awn and engraved expressly for this seven cows, one pair of 'corking oxen, one two :Magazine. The live proreeding volumes have year old mesa, sic yearling Mt-11 . s, one yearling I wen con.lncli•cl With -nth skill, that it DOW heifer, one deacon imll, one durham hull, three has an imnumse circulation, %%hid' is constantly calve, A quantity of hay, one mowing mach• ine, one horse rake, one horse hay fork, one inrreasing. The enterprising Publishers, N. P. corn planter, one cultivator, two phi tglis, Iwo IltrYEn tf.: Co., Of l'arkt•SlMr!,, Pit., appear deter setts double harness, one sett sim r ,it• harness, mined to place a colic in the hands of every per one buffalo robe, one coon skin robe, and mane son connected with Panning or Stock Breeding.. by of to send a AiXel s ittell ropy free to all artiels not mentioned. TEII3IS:—AII sinus under tri, cash, ilsS and who apple, also show bills, and sulatcription. ' ii,„ to tuft nlm w i AL w 1. ,,, t up oohs for any o r over. nine months credit with. interest and ap proved security'. an the my valuable Pre nose no offered. __ MAGAZINE NOTICES was a shade firmer on Kat i. tirrlay lait. The fluctuations of the day sceis• lii!tween IIUQot Hoi. There is a husiness demand fur cash gold, :Mipiiirters !king engag,ed in paying cus tom duties to a large amount on foreign In-rehamlise passing through the custom house tutu the market_ c§prcial 'loticro. — Spread the Trirrh.—Seme medie_nl men in. ,roits that it is undignified to advertise a reinedj ver yaltialtle it nifty lee. ljueer reasoning this. It Is like ing that an article tt hurt the world !Wed!' s hoe Id In. bid in a corner —tbut benefits and blessings mai be too o idely direused— that I 1,C1111,111. of prolect lag and restoring. health should be a clove monopoly. and not acre-nible to all. The argittnimt le bad. It it stn .e than that It is inhuman. Suppose llostettere Bitters—am 1110kohlte SpefiliC for dy.ttcpeh. biliousness and nervous debility-44 never been known beyond the repertoire of the faeulty. what a oniti ft haie been the consequence • Instead of curing nod itiv4mra /sling milliont, the good etTecto of the preparation would hare been omen.' to a comparative few. There Is the ibigheat authority for raying that tight ahanid not be hid under a ha ; that whateeer excellent thould be placed ae a wry ono hill. where'll men can take crr_nl rdt-c Ofit. I:in upon this principle that the Bitters ben strilertired and continue to be ad, crlised In seri 11 wspaper of any proniinence • in the tent )I..trA,k,acrig. and that the epoutnneona itriticuonials in far , rhave htl..tntran.lated Jinn all written langtiagcee Thee-.mils enjoy perfect health today elm would be 1.4” . 1111,11 . 111Z 011 bed* pf sickness if the gen simpers lid not spread the truth with recant to thin unetittaled °rant mid corrective tat and wide, :Suppose pyollt hue liven reaped ftewn thle pnblicity. le that any aent 11tinSt It • If the public health ha. been protected rgum If ,71 es hate been raved ; if the feeble have been etrenvh enea and the ritk rearms]. great goal h. been UCCIOUI I.ll4ted mad whom, !LIMO eln to grudge to exertions thus directed Weir fair reward j Vir7Those who aro alek. or Aftlicted with ony chronic dinicuSy..bould without delay write fur Dr. lintuiltou'e New Treatire_ sent true to nos address It. LEONIDAS I/AMILTON. M. P. 0. Box 4,9:4. New York L'lty,• Dec. 21.-4 w trrGertlng Nlagrled.—Eeisays for young Men.on the deligntz vi Dome. and the propriety or trogropriety ~ 1 eeiting married, with Naultary help for thoee woo feel onutted fur crotrlmonlal haYplneett, Sent free. In ruled envelopes. Addreen, ILO WAND ASSOCIATION Lox P., Philadelphia. Ha. Ur - Bloomsburg State Normal School, noel LITeIIAELY & (femmeneut. Itrirrerz.—The Faculty ~fake iutdataeu elm t.O 10 7zf7 themeta tacit Ire Atructem.ant) to lot mreltPy after the health, ma lam and niuraWer the Itadelat. APP I 7 to , Catalogue to gEN.ILY C4ltrEit. Evie.l.t -17 Crawly*. —Thanks to skill, _seituce., penaeser,. ance and energy, that the man,, still lives who incepted J. Monroe Tijir'n Cream Yeast Baking Powder; one trial will con vince the most skeptical. , DA V ISllNBrooklyn, Dec. 21, 1870, nt the M. E. Mu-nonage, by Rev. P. Holbrook, Mr. Jemute Davison and Miss Sarah C. McMullen, all of Bridgewater. Roincurs.—Ci.uvntes..—ln Jackson, Pa., at the house of the bride's father, January 22d, by tlio Rev. Gen. Forsyth, Mr. Frederick Roberts of Oakville, Otsego Co., N. Y., to Miss Ellen M. Clinton, of the former place. TII3BTIXI9. \Lu.Fs—lnDltnotk,on the Bth inst., Mr. John 31iles, aged 47 years. SEA Itl.l-:S. —ln Otsego, Tina Co., 'S. Y. Dee. 10th 1870, M.n. Emily H. Searles, daughter of Amos Heath Chocoant this county, demised, aged 43 years, 0 months and' 0 days. trAmc Zablco.' ERIE RAILWAY 11AS) miles under nue minnzement —Min miles with. nut Nun e rinichmi. Broad enn.ze, double tmek note to nil points weer. north•weet and eiiiith cent. New: mproved Colehiss nre run thrum:li without clusime to Um:hurter, Buffalo, Dunkirk, e)c.eland,.andClucfn nntl. I HUGH VALLEY RAILROAD. IAI (1n n•ld nfter Svpt. Z11.1(Y(11 : trains on On Lchigh Ailcy Itai:r...td 1,10 run lir Ito: : New Milford, Jan. 16 1871 COURTS OF APPEAL The t'omibissioners of Susquehanna County hare fixed upon the following days, dates, and placer,. respectively, for hearing appeals from the assmsments (Or the year 1871 : Friendsville and Choorunit, at the house of . Lawrence Mclncrny, in Chotonut, on Tuesday Feb. 701.18.71. A polacon and Little Meadows borough, at the house of M. New man, in Lit tie Meadows bore on Wednesday Feb. Bth, 1871. Middletown, at the house of Wm. IL Sher wod. in Rush, on Thursday Feb. 9th, 1871. Rush, at the hoar& of Wm, IL Sherwood, it, Rush, on Friday Feb. 111th, 1871. Sprin , ' , ville and 'hillock, at the house of Dr. P. L. Brush, in Springville, on Monday Feb. 1:1, 1871. Auburn. at the house of Dr. P. E. Brush, in Springville, on Tuesday Feb. 14th, 1871. Brooklyn. and I...nthrop at the horse of James 0. Blluard, in I3rooldyn, on Welt:lmlay Fel.k.lsth, 1871. Lenox. at the house of A. F. Snover, lu Lenox on Thursday Feb. 10th, 1871. Clifford and Dundaff, ut the house of Leroy B. Lewis, at Clifford Corners, on Friday Feb. 17 1871. New Milford township and borough, at the i house of P. Phinney. in New Milford boromd, I e on Monday Feb. 20th, 1871. liarford, at the Louse of Wm. Picker, in Ilar. ford village, on Tuesday Feb. 21st, 1871. Herrick and Gibson, at the house of Samuel Holmes, in Suilley,on Wedluday Feb 22d,1871. Jackson and Ararat, the house of Widow Geary, in Jackson, on Thursday Feb. M, 1871. Sus lu eletnnu bomugh and Oakland, at the house of W. W. Hotehktas, In Susquehanna Do. pot, on Friday Feb. 24th, 1871. Harmony and Tlunuson,at,the house of W.W. Hotchkiss, in Susquehanna Depot, on Saturday Feb. 25th. 1811. Great Bend township and borough, at the house of John Green, in Great Bend borough, on Monday, Feb. 27th, 1871. Silver Lake and Liberty, at the house of Bela I Jung in Liberty, on Tuesday Feb. 28th, 1871. Forest Lake and Jessup, at the Commisson elm' office in Montrose, on Wednesday March Ist, 1871. Montrose and Fyar . tkli.n, at the C4gerejasion ers' office, in Montrose, on Thursday Ihirel i 2d, 187 L Bridgewater, at the Commissional'' , office. in Montrose, Qn Friday March .Id, 1871. By order of the Commissioners. W. A. 43R088.M9X epric • - Contm'rs Office Montrose, 1 Jan. lti, tail-td -gkirertisemento; THE HOTEL Property, located at 111mmItc Corner*, and long and 'favorably known am the Lewis Hotel. eonnected with which are about Twenty Acre, of Valuable Land. For pa rtletthau addre,a or call on Dltuork, Pa„ Jan. 53, 1871. ROAD LETTING. ,z,„l/frAtulbtfrdsopipqspiir L‘lo - wnship will meet nt the house of Ellen Phelan, February 4th, 1871, for the purpose of letting the building of a road from John Mahony's to the Snow Hollow road. M. HOGAN, 2w. Silver Lake, Jan. 25, 1871. Supervinorn. ROAD LET TING The Supervisors of Bridgewater will meet at the house Of Chartist Sprout, on Saturday, Feb ruary 4th, at 10 o'eltwk A al., for the purpose of letting the making of a road from his house to a road leading from Montrose, past Myron Bald win's, one mile and ten rods in length. 11. BREWSTER, 13ridgewater, Jan. 2.5, 1871 ,t DMINISTRATOICS SALE.—WiII he sold nt auction, on the prenthien, late or Samuel itabert. ' dress a. In Jemmy townehlp. nn Wednesday, the Ithllday of February next. commencing at 10 o'clock, A. 11. Line span of young borers, eight cows. thme year .ln whet. el tin Wee of bees, one lumber sleigh. One fanning mill, one two hum barons, a quantly of hay. wheat, oats, rye, corn, farming utcnelle, hous ehold flarnlture, dc.. &c. Terse. All some under 65 00, each, over that amount. nine mosaic . credit, with interest and approved security C. F. READ, Administrator. Jes Kip, January 25, 1871. 3w N ACCOUNT of poor health, the ordweriber °front Ma farm for male, altnated about three r 011... m e.t of Maumee. between the old Owego .d t'henano Turnplkon, adjoining land of D.M4IIIrIo. rontalnlng about IN acre. of land. 10 area Impulsed. the mildac well timbered, nnfortahle buildings. a choice on - hard of 01,1112 t tOd t n 0,.. and well watered with never and crvrkt. UV - Trma on.r. Enquire of the enhocrlbrr. on the firm, or of J. driftlia, at Read Grflla k Co.'s .tore, .11ontrofte, MILTON (Minh. Ilrldga,;ster, January 23, 1271 Agricultural College, cf Pennsylvania. Tnis INsTiTurioN M ill reopen for the SPRING TERM OF 24 WEEKS, On Friday, February to, 1871. For t. fecal circular, catalogue and other in formation, Addre,s, TILOS. H. BURROWS, Pmddent, Agricultural College, I'. 0., Jan. 25, IS7o.—tf. Centre Co., Pa. IVATCHNIAKER ANDJEWELER, Susquehanna Depot., Pa., Dealer in Watches, (necks Jewelry, ste. Re• pairing promptly done and warranted. EASTWARD. Mall . Pzu•accr train. train. P.M P.M. 14. hi I ; 14.341, I lb 7.41.5 7 . I 6.1.13.%2 I t . 7 .158 1 . ??11 t 1 .5 I 1. 1 C.F.-I I $, 45 fi.:1.3 A.t. I 1,,„ I A-11 1 . ..11 U, .W Tick. FINE SILVER GOODS! ' made o speciality ; Silrcr Detached Levers cm (02 00. .\ merican Watches, at Companies re ! daced prices. C2f - (kakis ordered for parties, from New i York, at less profits than if kept constantly on hand. Solid 18 cant Rind for $1 75 per penny weight. A. 13. TARBOX. SiiNquelianna Depot, Jan. Z, 1871. New 7-30 Gold Loan SAFE! WITA ISLE ! PERMANENT! (ff. r 11. r at Par and Accrued Interest, the FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT GOLD RAILROAD COMFY, rrIIESE BONDS are scetirtNl, first, by a rrrt Mortzage on the Itallrond knelt. Ito roping .:tick and all equipment.. oectind. by a Find Mortgage on Ito rinire Land Gran% bobig more than Ttreuty•Ttro Thon.and Acre, of I.nd to each mile of raid. The liond, are free from United Sta., Tax: the Pria• rlpal mid tot-real are payable In Goki—:he Principal at the cod of Thirty year., and the Intereat Semi annually. at the rate of r•ct en and Three-tenth, per cent. per 6111.111. 4 4 to 5 IT h.l:, h . 0.1., TI re are lreued In denomination,. of $lOO. 1.-14>#1000 t..."1.14X.1 and flu The Trmdcw mad, the Mortzt.an am Mere.re .1 Cooke, of Phan&!ph.. and J EfErar Thomao. l`raddnut at the l'rnon Cenral Railroad Company. Th-se Northern PoeMr o at all time. bo r., Mal V. be r.•rrrvu Mt. at I.•ti per C,lt l'rentiont tor I.ltit. Inc:change for the Company s Lauds at their low. est cash price. In achlttlon to their absolute safety. theft Bond. yield an income Isrt,r, we belle., than say other Fire* base security. Persons holding Coltett States FivetTorentles ran, lt) convertiug them lett Northern Portliest, increase r carly ine.tote one-third. and .till h.° s perfectly reliable investment. Your nenr,it Rank or Banker will supply these Bonds In an. de-fired amount. nod of any needed denomination. Vernon. wi-king to eicham , :ii Mod. or other Goode for these, an do so with any or our Amints, who will allow the hicheat current price for all Marketable Securities. T no-e living In Immli.lea remote from Banks. mar rend money. m other Ronde, directly to II Y. by exprees, and we wend bark Northern Pacific Bonds at our own risk, and without coat to the imeitor. For further Informa tion,reimphleta, maps, etc.. can on or address the under alizined.or any of the Hanks or Beakers employed to sell ILIr i.,oan For MIA° icy Wm. H. COOPER & co. Mont now, N. January Z. MI. 0 SLY ONE. DOLLAR! DAVID 51.31.11E115. SEE WHAT YOI: CAN GET FOR IT. 1 lb. Tea—lblack, green, Japan, gaic powder or English break thst. 2 gallons Molasses, or 3 lb, prime Coffee, roasted, or 4 lbs. grevn Coffee, or .5 lbs. Tapioca or Maceeroni. or 0 lbs. cut loaf, granulated or pulverized Sugar,or ; Ihs extra nice Sugar, or lbs. yellow Sugar, or 9 lhs common Sugar, or 10 IL.. brown .Sugar, or 11 lbs. Crackers., or 12 bars Soap, or 13 lbs. Oat Meal, or 14 lbs. Samp, or 1•i lbs. Ilomminy, or 20 lbs. pastry Flour, or 2.5 lbs. XX Flour, or 90 lbs. and more of Salt, or 100 cents worth of anti• of the 1,000 other tliingi uw numerous to mention. Bring on the Dollars. " Perfect fits" and sat isfaction guaranteed. and no grumbling. ,LtY?:4 8, BilaktiVi4:9ll. Montrose, STROUD & BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, irtEcratrcoase, 4gymp39 Home I nsumace Co. Of N. T., Capital and harphisll , oo o,oto , , 'manatee Co. of North America, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, 1,000,000 Franklin Fire luourance Co., Plaits, Pa., Capital and Surplus,. ' 1,600,000 Lyeotaing Counts` Mutual Insurance Coot Money. Pena a, Capital apd Surplus, 4,000,000 Connecticut Mutual Life In suraace Co. of Hartford. COWL, Capital, 00,000.000 American Lite Insurance Co., Philadel phia. Capital. 1,000,030 Travelers' lusarance Co. Hartford, Conn., Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, 700,000 Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Hart ford. Conn., Capital and Burping, 11000,000 business entrusted to uur care will he attend: ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. 1 - 61 — Office first door east from Banking 001ce of W. 11. Cooper S Co., Turnpike at. Montrose, Pa. STROUD & BROWN, Agents. X. C. Surto". sag, Friend's:We, Solicitor. CUM./ ;(04k /lordeose, do *- 14,1.3.41 as ftraoro. i:94FfrPP 0,54 Y• Alt"+"'", l'p.- 0 4. 4" /6.4: FOR SALE. C. C. MILLS, If. Itzecator. THOS. PATTON, J. DOW, M. K. BUSH, JAMES CALM, SuperviAors. FARM FOR SALE. A. B. TARBOX, FI\.I\CIAL Jay Cooke & Co. Northern Pacific HOW TO GET THEM! OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. COUNTY OFFICERS. Pre.!dent Judge—Hon. F. B. Streeter. Associate Jadgee—A. Baldwin, R. T. Ashley. Prothonotary and Oak of Coate—J. F. Shoemdknr. Register, Recorder. /re--lemma R. Lyons. District Attorney—D. W. Searht. T r ,...„ T ei.43s!,iamln Glidden. : Sheri -Wm. T. RoxlnYs Deputy Sheriff—E. B. Reline, Surseyor—lames W. Chapman. commissdemern—liam'l titterer, J. T. Ellis, Preserved Rinds. Commtvelorier,' Clerk—Wm. A. Crewman. Jury Commiolettmenk—F. It. !tweeter, cc Otero, Daniel Bretrator, Wm. A Crosomon. Anditors—F. B. Chandler, Tracy Ilayllan, Coroner—Dr. C. C. Halsey. OFFICERS OF AGRICULTURAL socisry Wm. 11. Jettettp, Prdeidint ; 11, M. Jones, James Ras .0., Vic. Prv.idents; Geo.S, Jessup, Correepondlng mecretary; Henry C. Tyler, Recording Secretary ; C . Rere, Treasurer; n. Ilarriugton, A. Baldwin, R. 11. ittinner, lixecntlee Committee. MONTROSE .t DIUDGEWATER ASYLUM. Drtirrrinut.--Jahn Trumbull, W.L.Cox,B. Landau. ; Trartscrer—D. Thatcher. Secretory—llenj. L. Baldwin. litewerd—Duvid Martin. Pliyalciun—Dr. J. D. Vail. sonovon OFFICERS N. Orr'. Connell—W. A..Croramon W. W, Warron. A. J. Uerrirson, Wm. U. Jessup, C. If Crandall, J. F, shormaker, D. Drevater,D. F. U. A. Dram. Constable—John C. Howell nigh Conetable—Charter J. Whip*. Etehnol Direct nra—Wm. 11. J.anp, J. IL DeWitt, W W, Watson, D. Thatcher, D. F. Amain, C. C. Halsey. MINISTERS.. Prel.bytcrian--Rec. Jacob 11. Miller E11104.1/MI —Rev. K. A. Warrlncr. Raptiet —Rev. L. R. Furd. Methodlvt —Rev. KInK &t w o'. Catholic—Rev . ..l. Slattery. ASSOCIATIONS Warren ebnpter. No. too, meets at Movable Dap on Tharnday of each mouth on or before:Ml moon. Warren Lodge, No. 240, A. Y. SI, meets al Maseak ITO) the firrt glednerday of each month on or before fall moon, and the second Wcdnerday thereafter. Montrose Lodge. No. 151. t. O. of 0. F., meets at Odd Fellow. 11.11 every Tuesday evening. St. John's En.mpm.nt., No. 50. meets at Odd Fel low,' Hall the ed and 4th Friday each =MIL Rebecca Degree Ledge. No. 7, meets et Odd Fellows Hail the dret and third Friday each month. Montrose Lodge, 1. G. of G. T. meets st Good Temp lar. Hall every Monday evening. Good Sorneritsi Temple of Honor, No. 16 meets st Good Templars 11011 the3d Friday' of each month. ESTATE NOTICES. I;STATE OF PETER M. TILLMAN, late of dog's Depot, Su 'a ro. deed. Letter.. of admlot•tratlun upon the estate of the •bona named decedent haring been granted to the undendgned. notice In hereby given that all pennon. Indebted to the dame are reganted to make Immediate payment, and the., having claim.. upon the .time will present them di ly authenticated for nettlement. J. M. TILLMAN, Adair. Susn'a Depct, Jan. Fl. The Montrose Democrat o WODIEVIHAT MORNING, AT MONIIIOIII SUSQUEHANNA COUNTT, PA., By D. 8. $3...91410177-• 31111"2", AT $2 Pin ANN V*IN ADT•NCI--011 $2% AT SAD O/ num Bate, of AdvertWog Three.foarthr loch of space, or !ells, makes sonar*. One square. 3 weeks or leas. $l.OO ; 1 MO. 011.21; 3 mo. 01.313; mo. 84.30; 1 year Qt, - 00e-eizhtb col., 1 mu, $2.50; 3 mo. ftlyOnt; IBIDON IP/LON . 1 )et?. tocup. elle-rinuater col„ I M. $0.3013 mo. $1 2 .0"): Saw. $2O; o.S . ear, $l3. lisle column, I mo. MOO; 3 mo. $2.3.00,1/ ay& / 3 5.03: ty.v. 00. 'One column. t M.. X 533.00: 3 rue, $3O Yr r 0 0, n3. WM: I Year. $10()Mtl. Auditor's Notices. $3 511 ; Executors and Administra tors' Notices. s.o.oti. All cannatmitrtions of limited or Individual interest. 10 eta. o.r flue. tibituary Notices, ctn. per lioe. Marriage and Death Notices free. Jab Printing executed neatly and Marty at lab pr' Deed. . Mortlngep, Note,. Jti-Stlett% 3411001 and ether blanksfor sale. • Goods Selling Off AT COST! AT Mn!=iBI7ILLE The undersigned hating exchanged part of his goods with Ihirid Summers for los hsrm,will sell the balance of his goods at cost, and many nt less than cost for cash, or six months credit with interest. Please call and examine my Stock. Now is the time for GREAT BARGAINS, AS THE GOODS WILL BE SOLD! The undersigned having served the public in the mercantile business at Summers Ville about forty years, and has been well patronized ;by the public , for which he is thankful, and he now asks his friends and the public for one more kft, and nn the first day of March he will retire from the mermntile business and lenim it in younger hands that will serve them better. The stock is still large, and consists of the fol lowing : Winter Drs Goods, Black Alpaccas, a large Summer Drs Goods. stock, Shawhi,single & double, Light dlpaecas, Breakfast Shawls, Light it dark Detains, Ready Made Clothing, Moods in great variety, Hats and Caps, Cloths & Cassimeres, Shoes and Gaiters, A large Stock, An. dar. &c.. R. L'atrrrimi Femme:rine, Jan. 18. 1871741 DR. R. THAYER, KIX cTIC & BURGEON, Offers his professional cervices to the citizens of Hams and arboluinz counties. Office at his milder:me. Me shoppen. Pa. Wlllbe 0 , MgAtr 3 ls. Friday of each week- Sperint attention givep to the treatment of Chront. Diseases, More tugyiug Ltdled ti* get relief from the treatment ofpl other Physicians are mpecially invitee to giro me a tflaL Since my lffrailifft to this vicinity.' have troatell saceessfully some of gm weirs* limns of Consumption, Female Wealtnettli Dyspepsia, Cancer* St Vitus Pwilev, de• rtmilf• token to baud on ressonbk tonna. ervinen and their Wales trCAte4B l 4B447FullY, No ehorgo fur consultailon• i?.ooppen. Nov. 10.1H70.—Sans 1 - 19NEMERS WA TER. a t TURRELVEL ABEL TURBELL, Has J clot renamed from Irmo York 111 line lie (Wiwi to his usual stork of OkOIC2 good,, Houtrotc ND) , 24 FA7 ! / ~i~l~ , - :' , l OFFICE! Dr. O. Jr. MEJEL CS VP SAT' a YOIPSG AMERICAN I INT I Mir. AN T In offering thla Liniment to the public, as an do In full confidence, that It must supercede all other. , now In non. or an internal remedy, for the cure of all diseases In the reach of that clays of medicines, we can safely usert, without the leant fear of contradiction. that It Funds en riveted in the ltd of medical compounds externally ap piled for the care of disease, Fonling therefore that It I. unnecessary to puff a remedy ro eminently wonderful In Its effects. so mysteriously Infallible In Its powers of relief. coming the deaf to hear, the blind to see. the Der as. drawn and.crippled rheumatic to walk erect and re Joke again In the tamer and rigorof manhood. this pre pantlton I. offered to the public on Os own merits, and claims no volcanic origin or essential oils of the Arabi an deserts ; but on the contrary Is what Ito Impute. and Is a rare combination of the powers of North Ameri can product., Nair Yorm, Dec. 14 1870. Mi. MUM to Inform all deatent to proprietary medicine, that tre have cotabli.thed o Itepot In Hogue. banns manly at Montropo. Pa.. fur the rale of Dr. C. F. Ontwo•• Young Amvrtvtn Lintmeti, and that Mr. A. BALDWIN id oar agent Tor that porpoae. WARD. : , OUTIIFIRLAND A CO., 13) Villllatu 14treet, New York Ageneim atll soon be established at reotral plans In °very township, mat published in the list below. I not ready to famish It of mimic:ale prices to agents. Post on and dm:dam root fee opuu applitatirm to tho rob scriber. The Liniment la now for relent retail by tho Wow ing agents, to wit: Earns & Nichols, Montrose. A. Terrell, N. L. Adams, Auburn s Corners. William Whits. Auburn Centre, Noah Baldwin. Swath Auburn. Waltman & Vusburg, Skinner** Eddy. Keeler & Vaugim. Wyalosing. R. C. & F_ll. Fordham. 7roukllu. Dr. V. Donut, Damprown. J. BorMartt a-Sons, Stesousellie. L. M, Sherwood. Rushville. K. T. IladOtWitAllaring`iliu." • , , 11rilltaha Thayer... Dimagt. It.',ll`, Beudale.,7.lttir Nbsdears. lithhert . .Wintets, Fdcndatllle. • M. L: Vitt. filrehardrille. p.l A. A....Thargrorth. Brpahlyti, Ps. • Aarper.orta to - township* 11000 above attired, desiring an ageury,rnay obtain it to addrrming BALDWIN, General kriat, Jut. 11, ISTl—am Montrose, FEREI EIRE! FIRE:4.I'6Or house may burn unit.' Seek refuge atones, epee In the 11.101,44. P, V-. - • - =t swum uu Atinhattan. 7 - • • - m I,6Uuuu UU Ndrth Atm:ltem, • 77 •. ,1315,011 alattswer - • '; IbUmuo 00 ititeurd, PrrUadelphia, - . . !ARIAN/ Oil 41, Swirl*, Conn., chartered Slay, 1013, the oldeetStock Qunnecticut. uf the above art Did rettidnishru . and elan Cianyttulto, oure, and rullable, h*Tjfl been triertAitd prutvtnt, Luok out for In tie. uvw wild sat com panies Portaging, nit all over the country just to make rouney. etilforeeud your appllchtbute, and , lice .thilitruillut fairly dealt HENRY C. TTLEII. Tire, Lifeand Accident Anennansu leent, at tbo ofiko o w, 3dootnoto. Febrturft, tete.-et pun! .vort Of One Hondred - and Seventy-five Acres, sh unted between Silver Lake and lied Lake, 100 acree , lmprotred, and nearly all the remainder in heavy hemlock timber ; having thereon a goal house, barn, shed, gr.mary. etc, orchard of 150 apple, cherry, and plutnirces ; watered by never failing springs and creeks. • Prire,42.l per acre, some of-which can remain on' mortgage. - ALLEN J. SHELDON, Jan. 4-31 v 1 went Silver Lake, Pa. FAR3f. KOR SALE, . Containing one Bundred end fitly neva, one hundred under improvement—with pond orchard, Sc .t e. Price low, and terms made easy. Inquire of L. F. FITCH, or G. V. BENTLEY. 3Lunirose, ABEL TURRELL Tr REPS ennetnerity on hard one attic stoat 1:111111eT 11 ow eanceakaneee DREGS & 31E1310L1 E In the amittry. and 'besteme esperial attention to re. lecting and buying acadnn in thin department that are pure and genuine. Le also ktxma a great variety of LIQUORS AYR WINES, bought either direct from the dletiller, or Importer, and warranted atrietly pare. AhLO, a full aesurtment of Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Brushed, Lubrkating Otis and Ore Stud's. tiruceries, Wall Paper., Waal, Kerneene, %lullne, Pistols, Glom and ammunition. A doe variety of Gold and other JEWELRY, redneck try. Yankee to 4peatlost.NOTlONS, And other goods too nu- Inwood Daring several years past persons have been In the habit offoratingclobs,and lending lathe Brent Anseri ow Tea Company, New York, for their supplies of Tea end Coffee„ for faionhase. Abel Terrell la now arrsplyin,g the people with these Teas snd Coffees, et hi• store In kfontroke, at the same prices that these clubs and other pursues pay at the store el the Company In New York. Thus, perctussen will save the express ctuartm, trouble oef.c.inhhing and risk of sending, Ity bitying ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa GOLD JEWELRY A New and large aupply, Yontrase, Nwv. g - t.. /80. L TI7I RS DENTISTRY. C. A. SACKETT'S Dental Rooms, New Milford, Pa Particular attention OP= to an operations on the nate nil teeth. Artte Teeth inmrted all the variou• yin* now In ass. Perfect vatignetlan gtuinntiedlo ell. Cm° and see se. and satisfy yourselves. Orrice hours. ours each day. Mao. 5, 1870 —ll DISSOLUTION. The firm of A. & D. It Lathrop is dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be con tinued by A. Lathrop, and the amounts settled by either of the undersigned _ A. LATHROP, D. R LATIIROP. Montrose, Jan 1, 1871-11w3 N. B.—The undersigned will give'his special attention to the .fietutzueut of atxxiunts. D. R LATIIROP. DOWN TOWN NEWS. MINER AND COATS, gain Street.. 5 Pisani tioyd's Corner. lioutroge FLOUR, Gurocif,N.igs, AND PRO VISIONS. Weare ecnistontly rco lying, nd now bale enttend, strain mock of Quads In onwili e,wnjelh we wfilsell WIMP CHFAI 1 CHEAP lor cash ,or exam , go prp.rodsms. GOOD TEAS, COFFER, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER ds TIMOTHY SEED, du er a more refitted end made addlttons to our alckelli Palls. "aid ere new ready_to garnet Better to the beet commission houses In New York.lree,ol charge, and metal tberaledvancetnente on eonetgtunenta. • Call and eramtneoar Stock before purchasing else whare.indconirtece Tour/eaves o (the GOOD QUALITY & LOW PRICES of our Goode. • • • W. IL VOATS C. G. MINER Mpplrote, Aprll 16, 116 p, -. 7 ---- ----- CO klI/ip' , 4 .- . , - -- , - .. , 41'y Q . . . A . •Z• ' •:-. 6-7C . • • . . •. . . / ' Z.. 18 40 . - -- , i. _....•___ 4,..4. -1870 ..- 4 ~,, Pain Is supposetZto be the lot of as poor mortal., art Inevitable a. death Merritt:ld liable at any time to cocoa should be at ILtU k trio i l i s, t u=on a i n thal ergen d c i V a iga " a the Dentinal principle lodged in the System 'hell * duce! • ape Itself. and we feel the exeruclating agor les of pain, or the depressing enoa of disease. 'duet a remedial agent exists - Im the P•rx Unman. hose feu, has made the circuit of the globe. Amid ' the etenial lees of the polar regions or beneath the Intolerable sect burning POD of the tropics its virtues attar bow .pyre elated, Under all latitudes. from the one extreme to ta.• other. suffering humanity has found relleffroto non". of Its ills he its use. The wide, and broad any seer which this medicine has spread, attest. Its potency, From n email bminnlng. the Pain Allier bar pushed gradually along, making Its own highway, solely by h.. virtues. Such unexampled success and popularity has brought others into the holds, wino hum attnmided, under sin; i stity of name. to usurp the conffd,cuon of Ina people and turn It to their own ecifiehnee• and dlsbanostf hut their efforts have proved fruitless, while the Pain Killer La still growing In public 01• Or. farDisections accompaey each bottle. Peter &Ores. and per IBottle Bold by ell Medicine Doalere. [Jan. l —ire NEW FIRM, EW GOOD. The •ebsrrlbcn are noir recciring twig rew York oew and 'boob stuck of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, .itch will be sold at a low azure fur caab. Amon tb • auniamoe artiales may be found Pour, Huns, Dried Bay', Smoked Ribbed, CA fish, Mantercl, de. Teas. Coffee, filaysza, Wce, Mace, Worgentalro Sane,r Car.ned Peacbes, Pears, Pine Apples, Swoct Corn, Toms toes, Wl:Mee, and Ptirma, Cocos, Pasha, Extract Lcmon, etc. etc. All Mods of SPICES. Clime, Orange Peel, ate. CEOCKEITr & GLASSWAUE. A Co 1 Chewing:sad Smoking Tobacco, etc. Al! of which cut Do irartantod as tint class goods, and shay. In addition So Ma Gnocery trade, we have purchased Oro. C. 11111'. Nears °MCC, Plum lon can Boil a good videctlon of Stationery.. liteoks, it', Weekly and Monthly Papers, Magazirtea. Bupic• and papers nut on hand will be ordired and furnished on short notice with cat extra charge. Special career= to otters. No tr,u ble to show goods—so drop in and ce (or yourselves. W .- Goods delivered without extra charge, H. J. Wenn, C. M. Grain, y Montrose, Mv 14. grA. GROCERIES. Tea, Coffee. Sugar, Rice, Salentos, Crackers, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Raisins, Zan. to Currants. Taplom, 'Starch, Vinesar, Soaps, Cream of Tartar, Soda, Cream S east, Corn- Starch, Farina, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Caswin Blida, Chocolate, and the beat 31olosses in :La world, at the atom of Montrose, Dec ,43, ism ABEL TURRELL SIGN OF THE RH)LDER )11ORTAli 33 1 17 - EILIVEII db NXO.IIEILACP.I-e r DRUGGISTS, Would reopeethilly my to the publla, that inaellitcau their usual naaortment of Plar.epauris AND MEDICINES hey bare Paßrits and ,DM. Varnish, Dye-Stun s Wiliam and Clarnors, rstnat Median., Spectachrs, Rye Glasses, Pocket Knives, Razors, Violin & Guitar Strings. Alan, just rreelvq aline Jot of Revolver.. Gem Caps, Gun Wadding, Carlz.ldgre, We Seep always on band and for :sale,SSafetinglPorrdar, Gun Powder, Ride Powder, Tobacco and Ogg. of s Su. pert.or quality, end . general ameortment of Yanks. No. Sous. tiMeotr. td Nlchthe CHEAP CASH DRUG STORE A. R. BURNS. Montrose, Dcc 14, IE/0. ADIOS NICEIGLS. FLOLT..! FLOES: From 'axis <lay forme, WA alkali son Flour at retail et WHOLESALE PRICES. We hang out no &bomb" bpi pip= pet what ;many, While making Roar a epocial!y. oar Mack la FEED, MEAL, SALT, LINE CEMENT, GROG:SWF-9. PROVISIONS, Ate. Will Lto kept full and sold at very small ,profila. IL GARRATT A BON. New Milford, Hatch 2,1870.-1 y 02.0,000 - Wortk of GaAs fit store for the opening of U Fall Trade of 1870, in aMI and general assortment of Ladies and Oise MVO, and Farrnishtvg, and Fang' Good. ,to Bmpria Cons, Drams, Merinos, /Wine. Micas, Matti& Corsa., ankresal liWta. and Map Skirl s Ladin, and Qat'. Pun. Bleak Raba. Piny Lap Rube, af'& assortareng of CLAD, Caitiowvc Ladiceaoths, nowt/. flostery, Dcfnatio Colton*, Qv, dr. with a general assortment of Hats and Caps, Boots a Shoes, 011 s and Paints, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, &c., IU/cash ing a superior opportunity for selections, and Wall be sold on the moat favorable tonne, by S. xruzza.zarerar. Ncw MO. 3014. 1670 WEB as GERE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers