The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 25, 1871, Image 2
EMiNIMCMII THE LEGISLATURE. I Be ii rf,oleol by the ,senate aml lonsv ff I then went into Committee of the Whole t het should (1, vide on mak i lig e l he 4 . l.lontroor gl emotra t . - i representeltres-of-the - rommotyrrentth - trltn - the - Postante alppiopriation bill. Af - each one pay for the sunlight in that , ___=._, _____ ____ _ ... _ ___ __._ Penney/mum, That our senators are ter action by the Committee, it was re war ?- I THE br.SONrr- F.. It. HAWLEY, EDITOR. Mos:Day, Junnary 16. 1871. I hereby instructed and representatives re- ported to the House and passed. Mr. Do you wonder why glass shoo!,} be so 1 ' gm-steel to make an earnest and united Bingham, from the Select Committee oft _ the Brooks.llustings case, reported a res e( itly ? It ea, Ileed I 1 ..1. tees MON-MORE. PENN9A 1, The Senate Wet at doyen o'clock a. In.. toorton B,:curet,,he . 0.....g.„01 , 5uid4,,it..i. I knew hoe/ to ill do o. and they did not Reiacederhatill9 - pot ern* be requea- oltition, that Mr. Hastings haying refused - e st pursuant to adjounimeAl, 1...1 - wake! Vi al- , like to teach Other:, f. '. fear of getting . to WEDNESDAY. JAN. 24 :141.71.,C lace in the chair. e • 1 , • of thiS preliuthle to tesify, Mr. 13r0d,S is fully exoneniteil, much of it in the in ii H. and lowenng - , Traver wake , . add oloatin to eh of Alm setiatelti The resedutiort 'owes adonted, aud this " ' '" '• offered by the chaplain,' tell •Venant-titi the price. But men ny t, r train anything" important so Taiga ) - 02., 4; R,„. , Dri..r. Jieteelinsos, }rand Ftt-s-i-Inhoks or,don,glep e s eo ,.& 3- 'L 11.u.e, , at 3:o*. u., adjourni4l. in them!, by beinf so AN IL lilary An important decisio,ta°• to Jo4-Ayer_o„, Illie lenernal If. Friday was read and sI‘TEFNTII AitEN DM ENT. 4 Sevyr ie January 19.- A bill was persons west to trn. ii,g experimeuts iu or- , and owners of Got ernment bonds, bas der to find out how the beautiful, slim- agreed to. A monber of petitions were presented I Mr. Turner called up senate bill, "An , passed to abolish the offices of Admiral in •-, brittle stuff was made, and more just been mode by the Supreme Court. and referred to the appropriate commit- act to authorize the choice of female do and Vice-Admiral, whenever 11 1 /Wenn' than one tartght himself the tray, for there T. B. Babbitt, of New York city, the sa me tees. I lectors of ,cerniern fellools." ; i• The this shall occur. • Mr, Morton's fur the up are few things so hard to, do that real" man, was last year the fortunate I Bills were intrOdneeff es foliftws. nod Pm'. OA •that - fennoe tlik-payers of this I poinlment of a special committee of the thittklnfs", 'men- and new"' enlinnt de' possessor o f e 342.000 nor th o f tax a ble referred to the appropriate committees: ; commonwealtht i over tleeettge of twelety- t t9 investigate charg e s o r v i o l ence an d re ., them. .t -13 y Mro•Brookeleint 'regal - 160n ffxin - gton - e"'"Wrl,Vho - sliffriny e reirrea 51 any sistance to the laws in the South, was agreed to. At 1:4.5 e. M., adjourned. ~.... While the rest of the world eats, sleeps, ' PrepertY and *250,000 - or - govethment Thursday, the 23t1 of March next, as the school district for more then one year trades aud grumbles, these thisokers go I bonds not taxable. He was also unfortn pointment to `d a y of tipal adjournment of the legisht- i shall be eligible therein for election or op.; lloosE.-Mr. Danes introduced a bill hard at work till they can guess out, or 1 nate enough to owe canons creditors the , tam • the "thee of director of aid in the canstrnctiork of twenty or study out a way to give the people what sum of R 3•56,000, and therefore claimed i By Mr. Allen, an act to prevent e 1 commou schools. Laid over on third - A i . "OM' utb ,- elltSS Iroll steamships together lointing of deer u ith dogs in the County ;reading. the .f "e e l I went to tell y e " " Wilt °Be ' that he was insolyent so far as taxes waswith of these thinkers. of Warren. REFoRUFH VOTI No. 1 Randall introdnced a bill to give time About three hundred and thirty-ooe , concernesl. The Commissioners of Tax-1 RESOLCTIONs. Mr. %chicly veined rip a bill entitled Coninussioners for the acknowledgment years ago, a little family moved into a es aml Assessment failed to perceive the Mr. Nagle offered the following, which "An act to authorize reformed voting in lof legal papers appointed by the Supreme town in France, and, oddly enongli tl e point and taxed him for $230,000 claim- I was adopted. the elechen of directors of common Court of Pennsylvania, like powers as are folks of the town were angry about it. mg that the non-taxable property w as I Resolved (if the house of representatiy es schools." The hill provides that in future , now exercised by the Commissioners ap- They did 110 t slant strangers among thee ; liable for the share of the lx•lits. Mr. , concur.) 1 hat, the senate will meet the elections of directors of common schools , pointed for the State of Pennsyl t ania un hadbut wirer they learned that the man who ; commoi ee•ilth uhenever teo or ; der the. United States house of representatiyes in the hall of the iu th•s i , laws- Referred to brought his mile and children there Babbitt appealed, an d th e General Term was the great Bernard Palissy, who could of the Supreme Court, on , house on Tuesday. January 17th, at three more persons are to be chosen in adistrict the Judicial Committee. The Senate bill re- ; 'clock p. m., fur the purpose of selecting fur the saute term of service, each voter to extent! the time to construct a railroad paint on glass better then env other my, versed the decision of the commissioners, the u committee in the ease of the contested may give his cotes to one or more midi- from Like St. Croix to Lake Superior, was they nett! eery glad, for they 1 t wei g It and held Mr. Babbitt guiltless of taxa- I election of .James Crud, who was retioned dates less in number than the whole nuns-' taken from the Speaker's table. A long peruaps he would paint their church It _. Oen. as an associate judge of the district court tier of pers ons t o b e chosen. in the man- discussion followed, in the course of lows the Palissy dal not know how to make 1 —es. silis is.- far the clay and county of Phil a deiphi o , , ner provided nt the fourth section of the wich Mr. Randall made some excellent - - - g" -- A return to a silver fractional cur- Mr. Connell offered the following joint act to detine the limits and to organize points;gainst his Philadelphia colleagues, glass be painted, but he was most itex- , 'thud c l i t more toner without waiting for specie pay ions to 011_, alit 10 ma ke t . , resolution: I the town of Bloomsburg, approved March showing that they had violated their Wileesovs, By the refusal of the senate 4, 1870, and candidates highest in lutes • pledges, dnring, the recent canvass, to beautiful titan any vet sea n, tio he non ,- meats in full, is ad% ocated by the New to proceed to draw a committee as re- t shall be declared elected, and any np- vot• against all land grants. The pre ed his painting, mid went to working , oy - York Journal if Commerce. It is urged. quired lo law, in the case of R o b er t p. , pointment to till a Nee-ante, in a hoard of emus miestions was moved, lint not sec ( r earth, and to baking it. ( onimon , lot, of gneh a nuilement,„ that gold is Ds 1 • t - I hasb t • te 1 1 • ' d rectors shall 11 henin er practicable, be ended, and the bill went over. At 3:30 P. ic ter ,15 tose seat been eon ts ( )y i glasi, you know, is made of seed mid '" "' but he wanted uncominou glass. potash: ; done far enough to authorize such a the legal number of qualified voters of the made front among the voters of proper M. the House went into Committee on the For twenty years he worked over his muyement, and silver coinage might b e first senatorial district; district who shall hate I cited forthe (h. Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation earth, only stopping now and then to put in circulation man: sn b a basis as to i fad erherenc By th e re p ea t e d post- rectors ti hose place is to ha titled. Laid bill, which appropriates *1,438,000. Mr. o • , ponement of the time in which the pen- cm cr. on third "coding. , Wood moved as an amendment that no earn a. little, NU that Ins family Ellollid not render it entirely safe and practicable, boners could amend the specifications in ' not - , 1.:. ' part of the contingent fund should be starts. Sometimes they were bo poor that , , . .. Find at seem nytt•a of weight as would ef- their petition is about expiring;used in the effort to annex San Domingo. hid Wife mid eloldren woeld ueep told "I The House met at elet en o'clock a. ni. wring their hands, and bee hint to paint feetuallyor ex- _fed telterea. , . "f he allegations made by preterit its being hoarded . , Several bills is yr • appropriately - ' senate k Mr Butler opposed the amendment. Mr. s ft' e - tto shoo (het said petitioners are.ii ic en . . Da NI 1. fll 1 s o (me( on the seine side, and 'WA/ nor they should die of hunger. The ported. The amount issued could he i referred. • s, t the case should be fully and fairly Imes-Myssis Wood and Cox favoring the The senate resolution for a mint con- • .- • neighbors thought he was mixt', to stop Ignited by law, and the coin might be ti t t 01. I - - amendment. Without disposing of the t ention at three p. no, to draw a a oinni,t earning money, and burn out so much mile rtdeetnahle in larger , oit , i currene). 1 ./“. , ,a/ced by Me senate and house of rep- question, the committee rose and the mood. try in" to melt the mixture he „ , tee in the contested judgeship in Plida- I here net er was a lime when a new coin rem-eta/tees, That the petitioners be al- &vita, was read. liaise soon after adjourned. would make. • t lowed until Wednesday next at twelve 0% At last lie began to think he should conMI Swintof I'l ilab•dpl } I moved that hl be' so easily introduced as at 'meson , ~ , n , . . i v. i• , soon find out the secre t lie ea , sear e limg and there never will be a time when such cluck to eme nd th e sPtelbeetnnn3 laude ' it he referred to a select committee of AIM' YORK PRODUCE MARKETS, their petition. file. f.r, when, one day. all his woad was gone. il change will be more welcome. I The Speaker ruled that the resolution I If his tire should go out wee, and leay e Mr. Josephs said that would be revolu - - -....40...- was a bill in place, and referred it to the • tionare. Ins last elperiment unfinished, all his ...,_.,,,, union k.,,, Columbia, I sontn committee on the judiciary general. twenty years of study would be lost. Ile --• The 3li. Marshall moved to postpone the Fall out into the garden, like one out of Carolina contains advertisement aertiseent of the M - r. Connell meted that the commitee I , I. t f whole 1 Mee until Turf...l , i, per lb con-qt int ion 0 the s i t I Ithatthesenater - be disc barged. ant - his senses, age' pulled down all the wood- -list of property in Richmond county, onP ° ele, en a. in. on Friday. ; ceed to the consideration of the resolu- en trellis work. That seen burned out, which taxes hate not been paid for the Mr. Ellis nosed the point that both nu)- 1) „, 1 ,.. 1 „ and then he took the chairs and other , taut]. , tions were ont of order the question be- Both r, pall ... ... years 1867-68 and 69." This list pre- Mr. Randall objected. and the resole- ' furniture down into the cellar n here hts mg 011 emit urren co. " firkin . oven was, and burned them. one by one, sen us three huhdred and thirty-file "par- don went to the commotee.i .. 1 The purtuat and their comysel retired ( Iff'O'`ef.l. l efr . Per lb His poor w ifs, nho was IFelllbllng with eels, lots or tracts of real estate," The i A resolution was aopted referring EU ~aid after cnnsidtation reports,! the for- , per ": l ',',7 much of the governor's message as relat . fear arid sorrow, stiddeelv heard a great aboye is for only one connty. It is verylt mg as the elms , n thirteen : Senatois Flour per barrel ery _n the cellar. and rushed dim ti think- nmell the sat nit' in all other counties to the geological coney of the state to the ; , lien,t Aieltrson, Delamater and (I,a, I- i orn no-/I use Its. committee on mines and nulling. ing her husband teas Indeed orlti. hoot, awl Misers. Flteeter, Fultn, Mist, per bu5he1..,,.. , thromrhout the ••stitte. In Charlestun, it , _ i. to a em,from the COlllmi ee 011 M.• B k 1 • •t.t. There he stood, in antazenn tit, looking oHoopes. M,Olll, NI Jlllll.lll, RA.1110.111, Ili!, ( H ) " at a pieea Cif the most splendid glass et el is said, 1, .. gi vi ng P are allay town , the Dechert case, made a report : 1)111.11, String and M alker. (h ots Corn .. „ • • seen. It glittered with all the colors of limpet 1, rather than pay the tax on it. I AFTERNOON SESSION. I !I q,.,, crop of 1' , 70 the rainbow. The Radical mongrels hat e had complete I The senate reassembled at half past CONGRESSION IL SUMMARY. 11,1, .0,1i.,p. ! lb °II 1 how happy Was the p oor g il " s " tue- control of South Carolina for several ' t hr ee o'clock' p, ny., and resumed the Coll- ii , ,:,, P.1'1:04 • ill r 1,1)1 ker then, and how proud were all his tun- seleration of the ie s•'lotion Pending, ti In n , , 1 . , ~,, , . - tears. It is from such n•sults that the;• , F*NITF, aanuary ,in - 1 Ile ;••i nate mallow Hy, and cream his neighbor , . The King • the senate adjourned. sent for him, mid took him into his great (oiler Southern States am struggling to , Mr. Deelien said, cm the direct rims- c on • l mil authorizing an additional is- y m erred in do•ai nilimut or the 111,04 ~ palace, where he Hied in splendor. free themselves, a liik• Congress and Grant , tiou now before the senate, he desired to to tII Site of t i.liniainii,iitiO of the pi•i tent. hood-. wountm 13u5incoo pirector m . He did not die there, though, fur this are try ing to keep their noses on the explain to Lite members of the senate his 4 . 1 f Ii Deuce • !;reels,Pr -si- I noonow from Olael man del not think as the King did , reasons for the action he intended to, - '— Prindbtone. dent of the Am( next Institute, and thiee ' 1 -,,.,, 1 ,,,,, ,„ th , about religion, and very soon be nits ° take in polling his vote upon this aims. Mr, rtory, one year, $1 50- _ - -.... ea., a.- ---- thou sand other - touchily , tilt I min-4 rail ' r a s h y I ~,,,,1 1,,,,, , as th , draeged off to a terrible proion in Paris, tom. 'I he decease of Mr. Watt, his pre- ,• e, 1 • """" - oxposition in 1876, was receiN Cu ao, to eall'ed tilt l'iastife. h e e aa .. i i h e on o,' I ,„ t oeet."l•h e M i ss o uri legislature hale (It ceseor, found the Hon. Harry II hoe lie. and say he believed what he did not eh e fed Gt. m ral Frank I'. Blair a Unite,' the presiding officer 01 tins two), anti ai poled of public I.IIIIIS 111 k lorida. A labani 1. The King neat to See 11111 i in prison„ Stab's Sc lia for to succeed Charles D. most immediately upon the death of that • , Al , cleo pp. l o on s ome me i A r i s s use s, IA ,1.,, 4' VI( CA i'l I...Frit --‘11.1101. , 18 1•110 FM A KEE hoping to change his mind. but this is Drake, Nino Pas rt blgn, il. , ' del. tied and laid )3% er for e am endments.'e what Bimini Pelisse told him -° commanding the sheriff of the city to „' , „ , ) , e ,o m nye Lhl ,1 -ant for Cum!, Era In Nlnchlne 1•3 the Note • Blair, 102 • • Henderson 51); , Iht uni to incorporate toe oopan , team -You hate bald that ion llre 01.111*711 to • ' 1 • Philadelphia to make hgal and ad( gnat,. ~,,a Atm rh • in 1i...5., darling 5a0..., Mato street, Nty ',mean comienit ILI , 1 tihoti 11 1 ) bit( loot eme in the hands u . f alt (enemis- Benjamin 5. The new senator's term of arrangements for the holdin g of an ere. - :nt - osei at the i_ \ I;icat ion of the inure that is not like a km , . I Will show Nllll sari lea will expire oft th e 4th of March tom in that district. The demon it as ' ' .hour. The Senate resumed the eon that I tun mom a king then vent-self. - fer 1873. held ; was conducted °rib rl . v and legalli. ' nag • , ilder 'lloilo theballgranting to the ~tare I f re 'dor von nor all and Pl" b1"11 byesn resulted in his ieturn to tin N s • ate - ,',,, uNtirs. nom, k, / It b i , WILLIAM SMITH, on Main r of Gino yeiriseuet ion over the go•oluids tie- ctr, el net E h Dl 1,01 -. oblige ina to kneel down anti w ors hip in 6 Tne Ilo6hus Mt Illitettert DIscorERED. '011 11.1 r majority of mot-anis of 1,.• . f • ; cu oied lit the Dti ton Asy hum for Do:g ages. No.I 11 ill die tir-t !.. majoritt via , proportionate to the major, ' , • ',• ANYBNI E 1 ri, Foundry aid draler in Blow, mot other -A con% let in the Auburn state pi-Isom it . the ...i.. _mt. v passed. ruen-lls, one door from Minn..). , ntetl, Main Sr. bo b.. gr e at 111,111, who - to make the mist li -dutiful sass ever ' hlts made a full confession that he is j TI t * 1•• p tia. iit im o men was ix ti et and ni •••,1 , i... ii.i., re» iiid frion the President . B e .a • (e •*, 1 I '- - s N 1. Is IM Be. a earrin g . 'esker and CndertaLer, on 1 totnsmitting additional copies of patios • n tin at - ect tuo d,,ors b., low Ilawley's Store • kllOllll. de d and well tto heat en. That guilty of the Rogers' murder. mine se, al a nd y the people and the press eluting I to ti‘e eAtitellie of ilislioal or eas better than lit mg in a jmalace. - -.... oss •••-• 1 11l llie cite of OM StUtV. 11011 k ~cr 0 galllZatlullii 111 the So iit lc 1•11 e senate ; Pro‘lelon• on Ma th Mreet • The Radicals of North Carolina " distastef i nl litiriss(l,t-etiioit,l miltd l y t • ha . re by . ei t i . I t took up the bill to refund to the Stan. s • -. ti. 6 kRRET it .ON Deolers In Fluor . Pci.d. Meal, have strung(' ideas of disfranchisement. f l - l e ". t. in ty'l l iie l - e l l i coffin i 'l l . o t Cie over%; i t i l l e e It 'l.' illitiL.: the interest and discount on money ad- zi in, : tr lze , , oes:;Ktiltre the in i z i cl o r t s . and Fro done on They chum that the Democrats are trying net even 10.11nled that the result nas "life(' during the war to e q" l " reo p s ' -- • - B'eb'op di-ii singi or if. the ~.1 1:th. went to dlEfFalleillEy them because the latter ae hoovel tilegally or improperly, and it ~ • , ~, o hole.ile dealers In Yankee Notions end Fanny IA ALKING L01:011111'11 F-e..oES ANI 'MERE ~ lilts eut I i e ....1•CO..11, 111111, 4,d , I'. NI.. 111.1- Good., on 11 tin hirect, below Episcopal Church • propose to pass a law to confine elections was ((lily an after consideration, when toe ;,iii ii,ii. es o tioN'r c 1 Lti.. to a single day and punish with proper effects of that s ictory were discos( rid in i Moss ,t, KNAP Leather Mutinfacturene and d i al e r. this chamber that (-M ins were made in Hot sr,-The Natal Appropriation , In Morocco F0011n,...te Ilea Episcopal Church • A locomotaye non loose has been added penalties Illea guilty of repeating,.ft a i ‘rooriates tilt) - . the vitt' of Philadelphia to cheat the pee_ bill was reported. II , i AINEY S. II AYD , E,V, Deel g. er r a . lnDruus and Medicines. to the eatalofeu• of curious intentions by Main Street, neer le of the fruits of this result, chancem 331, 111. A bill exempt ing catial boats szl t r , ,te: ; tesoir rof (1 ,o n Aubure 'lneehauies, lay Dr„ Patricia ;ger•Ex-Senator Henderson, of Misson- ihe matter to the fortunes of n isi from the pay mem of Marine Hospital _ Del ,at - l3reen.l_ w STFPIIF.NN Dors° Shnelnc and general Repairing rim, said that the republicans adherents of, drawing a partizan committee. Th e pe . dues , assert;e also, a jotht resolution al au Main Street, en nth of ima, brit g o. Mr. Breen is a nat le of T ralee. county * • Goy Brenta,are on the rind to the demo- i on fti presented in this case has been de- , nutting . foreign men li an disc unit ing at ' . 1 of Kerry, Ireland. Ile ims brought up in • ' I .staidinformal,andth • , to be thus was tont' sr Jn Dealer in several merchandise any United States port on Deexenber 31, ; J. l 4(Xilar g , artek.,,,,,..,„„ Main direct , the lynch,•cory shop of the celebrated 1)r. critic party, that a short time ago they I t at him the performance of a duty from , IS7O, to the by Ilt. tit of the 20th section of John O'Connell, uncle to the l a t e Daniel were black republicans, and now they are which he could not shrink, and tire re- l or the act of July, 1870, to reduce taxa- gsnera)Mortbmadire, , W c. 1 , 1 1 F:J. ,, E 8 7 i b re ..11 0 E4.1) . , Dealers in 0 . 0 ///noll He earth. to tiffe `"'"" 4. 7 ''' . Bronu republicans, and he don't know •thin The house then resumed considt r Ism), anti to Aninini 111 1831. Though 1 Ttofwhichhelf sponsint v was no mg to • _____ genirally employed upon the N, w York ' what complexion they will assume next. assume. lie felt the responsibility of the town of the bill to secure propt r treat- GREAT BENI). Clen toil railroad and in mu- local nmehill, position, he had reflected upon his course In' . of cattle triyelif. * 011 railroads lit . ,i.., . ' L. S. LENHEIM. Manufacturer of Leather, and dealer shops, he has perhaps beers b: treeknown! Too Good to Keep. Ito this 11 - latter , hehadtaken , itdeliberate- t alit II nos pa....sed. At half-past one the iim g eneral Ikrchandise, on Main efts e 6• as a curer of bliieLiess. Not many days since, nor many miles - Is and far its correctness he would be re- House scut into Committee of the Whole u i• nonce. Merchant TOlor and dealer In i l:rody Be has the credit of ser er,!! in yen tions awe\ , a eau 1 f friends, who Ifni sP"ne• pe o - ;Me to the p u bli c sent i ment on the Legislature, Executive and Judie- Made 4 • luthlug, Dry (roodc, Grocer'. and Pros ions of merit. Fy- ntarly• a year past he h as throti"huut the state, an , d more directly ial Appropriation bill. A hi elv discuss- , nos lorett • empl Nyed his leisure hours in studying dou Y trie ceffects of whiskey d the t o those who had sent him to reoresention ensued on the amendment increasing oat some plan to make a self-supplying, siitlimently to be able to judge how it is them in this chamber. He accordingly d the salaries of circuit judges. The amen ; ted are ahem teal power, to take the place of (Acorn, likely to operate on editors, met at a hotel, ''° - • I ment was rejected, The bill being finish. HIRAM wurrl: Manufacturcr of and dealer In ..res and to make it move a piece of machlnem sod as eustomars use such OeCaslolls, our ' The yens not nays on the question were Cu!, the Coninuttee took up the -Military , or Floor and 1. tot In v . having the motion of a horse, lie claim. as follow• : .leadenly Appripriation bill. hating'ifen= - asked the other to 1 d• k 1 I late anu-, m tere- Y EAS-17. NAYS.—in, COIN/feted 11, the Committee rose and re to have brone,lit that also to a degrec oh perfectivitt which indicates success. Thu I upon both took a -smiler One of the i So the miestion was determined in the I ported both hills to the Ilimii , e, and the' - he hits disco% ered a ?notion tl)V. , •r • 11/ cc r- !tarty proted to he a resident of tinsque.. I aflirmatne. Adjourn e d. ' Military Academy ball was pa , =..a a. The tam alkalies and ac (Is, which luau meter' fIAIIIIU Comity, and the other of Wyoming, , ROL nE. ,i 14 /11 , c,01111 Prue( elled to vote on the ' amendments to the Legislative Execto been brought into practical use for agri- and the subject of tempe -• ft Mr. Strang had senate bill No. 14 p iss mime, as is oen ' tire and .indicts! Appropriation ' bill. The cultural implemeets, there is no doubt/Iv It id t-d t th •/ i " t I - the case, came up; when one asked the cd thet -' .7' ` et ' a ' " l b Ciii 0 amendment repealing the art authorizing Whether he Call make it it ork Ins machilie a state road in Tioga county. horse over soft and uneven ground, seems other shat he' thought of the controversy , N„,,,,rews petitions and memorials the publication of the statutes of Con horse be the only point to be tested. lie alt oress in nen i.ininers acts rejected. At which for a king time has been going on , were presented by various members. as '•'..,, the 'lr. ' ././ P M. , mi.:. adjourned. pears to be Ivry confident himself that it ba n eon the Montrose Republican and the roll of counties was called-most of 4 ' ' , will do so. 'Upon that we express no •Sloe %Tr, Jll.llllllr l I `..-A bill paesed to junk Ilan nock /I • • 1 publiran, to which time them relating to unimportant local affairs. opinion now. We give his d-seription of 1 other Among them were several tu,king for the l oot ide for the redeniption of all capper, the machine as he as furnished it to us i re died: '• I think Erazier and 'nu•kel and other hose metal coinage, 1 pe..4-age of a local option law upon the for public information-not to ad Y erns • Marcy must both keep a private jug, on I subject of the sale of intoxicating liquors. ellen presented in sums of not less than it, but as a matter of netts. , the sly, w bleb they are afraid has beome I Mr. Elliott offered a resolution that (if tuenty dollars. A lengthy dismission The machine Quad not go on wheels, I k nown t o th e public, hence they are try- I the senate concur) the sum of *5OO be ap- sprung up on a motion to refer the pa like an engine, but walks like a horse, on ners aicompan, nig the President's Ines ing to corertheir• - - - •• t•I i . up secret sins by "mi n , plopria a. .o pay postage on mail matter • , ~ ' laffairst a four legs, which rises eight inches au d b • sent to members of the senate and house 'D.' r ' ' lt ' e to ' - '"et ier" ti !hear columns troth long windy sego- a of eighteen at el ery 1 u PSp,•mai Committee. Mr. Cassnly de , and not prepaid; two-thirds of said anus revolution of a centre shaft which %lurks ments, to establish a temperance- repute-nouneed the wino, of the Radical party Ito be Placid to the heeds of the clerk of them. The shaft is teu feet lung e th e tom, which proves to be neither credita. I the house, and one-third to go to the HI keeping, up the animosities of the war, lengthof the machine. The feet are tine , hie to themselves or interesting to the I clerk of the senate. . 1 lie urged that the papers be referred to feet apart, which enablc•s the machine to •fu het . ( al Committee. Mn, Warner replied. , public. Mc n who labor so hard to esta ' , Oe motion of Mr. Elliott it was resole preserve its balance ou une)en grounti. , I Messrs. Murrill and Wilson also spoke on b- ;ed that a committee of thirteen be a)- It is so constructed that it u• ill go up or Had a reputation for temperance involve , pointed oit ns portiottin,, the state into the it idical side, mid Messrs. Bayard and down a heavy grade with the greatest case, ' themseltes in suspicion. Ido not claim senatorial and represeutatives districts. , Thurman on the Democratic. Witlion . t and is calculated to walk and dratv on to be as temperate as I ought to be, but I l Mr. Strang moved to adjourn, which reaching a vote the Semite, at foe ()- soft and tilled land wit!. more ease than acluck, after au Executive session, ad respect a temperance man, and I was ag re ed t " : "' 1 • team of horses. It turns round in its own always never found it necessary for one to blow I length to any point needed. As to speed, SESA TE. l Ifot. sE.-Mr. Porter asked leave to in it will go at any rate from three to fifteen his owl! trum pet, if he was honest, for his ' TUEsDAY, January 17, 1871. I trednee a resolution instructing the miles per hour. The concern can be re- ; owl private and public action will always Mn. Allen called tip the senate joint Committee on Military Affairs to inquire versed. It can be employed fur all the , establish the fact. A reputation that will ' resolution urging upon congress the what legislation is necessary to prevent I A N HTLLARn. Dealer In Groceries, Provision., purposes that it from of hoses are useful, nooks, Stationery nod Yankee Notionn, nt bend of not eland upon its own merits is not worth I speedy passage of bill now before it, IJ. W. Smith, the negro cadet, from bring ' such as plowing, reaping, or, , drawing wag- , . • : "irin" soldiers of the late war, their w id- I ill-treated. Mr. Wood objected. The : Puna " A • • •""• one, street cars aud canal boats. ; possessing. Such continued and labored I "' ^ d l ' m Bruns a CU., Dealers In Stoves, Hard/care, one and orolmus, the right to locate and House then proceeded to vote on the IP. ---........-4,-------- efforts on the part of the two journals to perfect title to 160 acresof government' amendments to the Legislative Therm. site Turbtil Bourn I Agricultural I roplcruco ta, Flour and Groconne, °pp.. --A Friend in Need.-Dr. Iristor'sj.' establish a temperance reputation, tends ; land without occupancy. tire and Judicial Appropriation ' bill. The I re - . YNBF - ORD ..iMITCHEL. Livery and Exchanp Aalsof irtld cherry is a friend in deed. r to m arouse in the minds of thei r rea d ers a The preuble and bill were read as ful- amendment increasing the salaries of the I Lakin, In rear of IVA beadle:Z. Who h as not found it such in euriug 111 a suspicion that they are either private tip- lows ' an d p assed finail y : ' Chief 3 ustice and Associate Justice of thel J. R DEWITT v a tO , Dealers In Dry Good.. nerd diseases of the lungs and throat, coughs, WuostEas, A bill has been presented ' Supreme Court to 88,500 and *B,OOO a re I warn ek a:d gonomercliandlso, c , orner maw Brick COllls, and pulmonary affections, and uh, s ' T" t„ i lira or hopeless monottuunacs . and is now pending in congress , giving to , spectively was agreed to, and the bill i Biu ' no o m d, Consumption ? The sick am I The bystanders seemed to unanimously' each solder, widow and orphans of sold- ; passed . She Scours billnuthoriaing the - I '-- - -- -- - -- - - alaured thae the high standard of exert- endorse the above opinion. iers, who served in the late warl the right sale of certain lands reserved for the use letrce on, W I Which the popularity of this ------.11.-•1111,M-- to locate and perfect title to 160 acres of of the Menomnee Indians was passed ; al- preparation IS baled. will 11.111.11 . Y0 be noun- te - ** A town in lowa bean the ei"nifi- ' government Lotd without occupancy. , so, the bill for the relief of the -Stook- I PEBBLE SPECTACLES-also cola wined by the proprietors. ci,aoM9auppty,foritolo by cant name of Sesta Up. - I he Atlbtlni (IV. T.) A A Curious Invention Corrtketed wvekly by William . llo&don, 231 Fulton St., New York. \Veek ending Jan. 21, 1871 14 to 18 14 to 17 12 to 13 16 to 20 NEW MILFORD W i. 110-ei Dealt., In Dry Goode. lint., Cap, and nnel General Merchnntllne. no Main -t reef. 4reond &.,r brines the Enlecopal ehneeh. • I.F.NOXVILLE GIBSON EDWARD. , dt. DRA'ANT, Inttfaccorere of Wagon! , anti Sleitzho, the Ingallt,' Store. MoNTROSE. ABEL TERRELL, Denier In Drugs, Medicines. LI wows, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff., Groceries, Jess clry NUL)0110. t "a) WKISIS GKRE, Nen:. Office. and dealer' , In Grocer ler and Pro:lrwin.. Crocker 3 . etc., Public Arcane. JAMB' E. CAUMALT. Atturorr at Law. 003ce ono dour below Tarbell noun., hildic Avenue. • WNI I 1 (I),,PEIt 6 CO.. Illokers. sell Foreign Pas. gage Tick. to and Drafts on England. Ireland autl.Peot Itool.l* J li. VI.FITVIrEIES Entity; Saloon ie the pill, toyt lee t'lleon, Oyeterr o.nd Clones, In ovary et7h. Ou Main eureot.• STROUD & BROWN, Germ! Fire and Life in.ur• rthre : ah.o.r,llilrond nod AceldentTlrketo to New York nod Philadelphia. Ofßoo UDC door eart tho Dank. j F. IL CHANDLER. General lanutanco and Bening Ma chine Agvnt, Aveaue.• BURNS k NICHOLS, the place to get Drage and Medi clue e. ri•zare. Tobacco, Pt pee, Pocket-Books, Specto clue, Yankee Notlune, Se., Public Avenue. S 1 M. L. CoX, llarZ K maker and dealer In all cutlet., urnally kept by the trade, opprolte the Dank. • WM. It . 130Y1) A. CO., Dmler., In Stoves, Hardware, and Manufactnrers of Till and Sheatiron ware, corner of Mato and Turnpike street. S. 11. MORSE% Marchant. Tailor and deafer In Cloth., Trimmlngf. and Furniabing Ganda. nod Agent,' for Singer Sewing Machine, on Mulu Strout., Pordbara 1871. Untrue glemocnit The Only Democratic Paper In Sus quehanna County. NOW 2S THE TIME TO 'SUBSCRIBE. We offer the following terms for increasing its circulation in 1871 : One copy, nix months, One copy, one year, We will Rend the DEMOCRAT and the American Stock - Jot:mint - one yaw forff2 50: " " The DEMOCILAT and the Lady's Friend one year for : *3 50; 'and other Periodicals in the MUM proportion. We will club 'the Ditsincnar to new subscri• hers, on condition that the money invariably accornpanic the order, on the following terms : 3 copies to ono address, one year, each $l 75 1 50 1 25 A rope gent free to one getting up the ebb of twenty-tive. Let all help tocirealate the DEMOCRAT. Montrose, Jun. 1, 1871 gond ontelligenct. Railroad Meeting. At an adjourned meceting of the Commis sioners of the 3lontrose Railroad Company, at the Tarbell House, in Montrose, Jan. 17, present lion. 13. Parke, Chairman, B. F. 131akesley, S. 11. Sayre, O. E. Palen, and C. L. Brown. The ob ject of the meeting was stated by the chairman to be receiving reports of the collectors who were appointed at Springville to collect 10 per cent. on subscribed stock. A communication was received from H. C. Tyler, one of the col lectors, stating that he had failed to be able to fulfill the duties of his said appointment, anti had therefore resigned his office. B. F. Blakes ley, collector, reported that he had met with fine success in collecting 10 per cent. on subscrip tions, and had received nearly WOO. On motion C. L. Brown was elected Secret ary, W. 11. Cooper Treasurer, and Daniel Sayre Collector for Montrose and its vicinity. There was manifested great interest in the en. tcrprise at this meeting, and also at the late meeting at Springville; and Collector Blakesley reports that the people along the whole line are in earnest and mean business to the extent of building a railway. Mr. Palen reports that the citizens of Tunk hannock are determined to be in for their share In this good work, and that energy and deter mination only are nece s sary to accomplish our object. 4 75(06.45 , 1 2001 50 9.,Q01 00 . oloy).5 Stiqz,4o . 100, tO .. 104_414 00..4 12 2 00(g :1 (M . 0(1110 Teacher( Inst hate. A Teachers' Institute was held at Forest Lake Centre, January 6th and 7th, 1871. Session opened at 10 o'clock, A.. xt., of Friday, with remarks by "Our Correspondent . ' on Teachers' duties and object of the Institute. followed by an exercise in Spelling and Pro nunciation. An exercise in Intellectual Arith metic was conducted by J. F. Warner. Miss E. O. Wright was chosen Secretary; 3liss Juli ette O'Donnell Critic for afternoon. Allemoon session opened with singing. fol lowed by an exercise in Spelling and sugges tions on Pronunciation—Discussion of the lest method of teaching children to rea , /—an ex ercise in reading by teachers and questions on Emphasis, Inflection, &c., by Superintendent. Recess of fifteen minutes. Questions proposed by J. F. Warner: 'glow Grammer is taught nmeessfully, so that children can readily com prehend the rani , n of Subject, Predicate, and Object." Discussion of Pauses, grammatical and rhetorical, and explanations of the elemen tary principles of Grammar and manner of teaching the snme. Instruction on the Solar System, with use of Chart, followed by general remarks. Report of Critic, noticing false pro nunciation and grannnat icul errors. J. F. Warn er chosen Critic for evening. Evening session opened with singing. Ad dress by Supt. Tilden—subject, "Mutual Rela• tions of the School ROOM. " Questions discuss ed: "Should prizes be awarded in the school room?" "What Is the best method of conduct ing spelling!' "The best method of leading the young pupil to commit thoughts to paper r.' "If every circle is tlividtd into WO degrees. what is the difference between a large and small circle'" Answer illustrated by J. F. Warner. Minutes read and approve. Closed with singing. SATURDAY, 9 o'clock, A. sr.—lnstitute opened with singing . . Reading by class. Reading of Critic's report. Elmer Stewart appointed Critic for remainder of session. Additional instructions on the planetary system and the revolutions of the heavenly bodies by Mr. Tild en. Recess of fifteen minutes. Remarks by the Superintendent on teaching Geography, recommending Map Drawing, &c. Practical Arithmetic exercise. Question of yesterday in regard to case in Grammer answered by Mr. Tilden, also remarks on the study of History. United to request the Montrose papers to pub lish minutes of Institute. Report of Critic, noticing several errors, Institute closed at 1 o'clock, r. M., with advice to teachers and prayer by Superintendent. Estimi E G. haunter , Sec'y. Court Proceedings. SECOND Wass.—Conn appoint Daniel Brew ster and Charles Sprout auditors to settle and audit the amounts of the Montrose and Bridge water Poor House. Commonwealth, es rel. Nelson Wheat vs. William Chamberlin. Habeas Corpus. After hearing Court direct that the custody of the child of the late Israel L. Chamberlin) remain nt present in the hands of tilt respondent, and appoint David Summers her guardian, and di rect that be give bonds in the sum of $lO,OOO. In the mutter of locating a school house in Ararat township. On motion, Court confirm report finally. On petition, Court appoint James V. Potter Treasurer of Jackson Township. A. E. Sweet vs. John Lord. Trespass. 'Ver dict for plantiff for $5. Edmund Baldwin appointed Court Crier. Lanina Room, surviving executrix of J. W. B. Itoosa vs. Robert Roosa. Debt. Verdict fur defendant. Fatal Accident. On the morning of Jan. 14th, Mr. Gco. W. Iloibrooks discovered a team standing near a wagon wrong side up by the side of the road about a mile south of this Village, on the Mon troselurnpike. Upon obtaining assistance ho turned the wagon over and found the dead body of Isaac Nichols underneath, the edge of the wagon box lying across his neck and face. It appears by the inquest that .Nichols left town on the previous evening somewhat intoxicated and was running horses alter crossing the bridge. XL Nichols was about slzty.lve years of ago. Dr. T. S. Armstrong held a Coroner's inquest and•the verdict of. the ! furyruns that "deceased came to his death by being thrown from a wag on while running horses With Lewl4 N. Wade, near Mr. Flimin Shays house, on the Montroaa turnpike."—Oar go Gozetto. 1871. Business Butters. —Supervisors of Silver Lake advertise Read Letting, at the house of Ellen Phaion, Saturday, February 4th. • —Also the Supervisors of Bridgewater, !m -other Road Letting, at the house of Charles Sprout, same date. Read, Administrator, gives notice of onkel( perennial property, estate of Samuel Rob erts, of Jessup, deceased, Wednesday, February 15th. —On account of 111 health Milton Griffis of Bridgewater, offers his farts for ea*. Bee ad vertisement. —By advertisement A: - 11. Tarbot of Sucy'n Depot holds out new Inducements to purchasers of jeweby,:and for repoirins —Rend the annopheetnent of the reopening of the AgTieultural &liege of Pa. —Mere about the 7-30 Gold loan, Jay Cook dt Co. ,—A valuable hotel property at Olmock corn ers fur sale by C. C. Mille. —D. Summers of Summersville announces Cal nable property for sale at auction, Thursday Feb. 9th. E. S. HAWLEY. The Strike. The Pottsville _Vine?, Journal of last week, says "the strike in the Schuylkill region will not be long with the present fueling of the men who have no confidence in the movements of those who are employed by the companies. It will last until the basis of 1871 is thoti, which ought to be arranged in the mune of the ensu ing two weeks. After that is fixed and there is a demand fur coal, we believe the men will go , to work. The Workingmen's Benevolent As sociation have authorized their committee to settle the January wages on the best terms they can. New Fire Engine. The zealous and efficient labors of Rough Ready Fire company No. 1, of this Bore, hare been duly rewarded, by a presentation of a new engine by our etfizens. The engine made its appearance in town on Friday afternoon last. The company gave a reception at their room on the same evening which was well attended, and many were the complimentary remarks made upon the fine appearance of the new "Machine." A cake, manufhetured by Fred. Wonder the baker, so much admired during the evening, was sold to Messrs. Stroud and Brown, for litlo,oo. We are pleased to record so marked a recogni tion of the services of salient No. 1 heretotoni rendered, and we have full confidence that should our property be destroyed by fire, It will not b.., from lack of effort on their part to prevent it. Donation The friends of Rev. J. G. Miller, will make him a visit on Wednesday, Feb. Ist, at the parsonage, afternoon and evening. By order of Cone. Montrose, Jan. 20, 1871 Donal tom The friends of Elder D. Pease, will make him a visit at his residence in West Lenox, on Wed afternoon and evening, February let, ISTI. Sall Worivi. We were informed by some parties who visit ed the Susquehanna Salt Works last week, that the company are pushing toward the work with commendable zeal, having reached the depth of nearly eight hundred fret, and formd a vein of brine of greater richness than any yet reached. The brine is claimed to be of sufficient strength, in its crude state, to preserve meat. The cont. pally ate in the best of spirits, and confident of success. second Quarterly Meeting of the Brilgr i water Baptist Association, is appointed with the Liberty Church, Jan. 28th and 211th, com mencing at 10 I,i oclock, a. in., of Lathrop • Born,. L. B. Ford to preach the Arm sermon. 0 , " There will be services In the Baptist Church in Montrose on Sunday next, morn ing and evening. Illicit Distiller in Irons. On Friday afternoon United States officer oseler, of Luxerne county, passed through liarrhthurg, with Richard Barrett, handcuffed Red shackled, who was-arrestctLa feW years ago for illicit distilling at White haven, but having been balled in the sum of "2,000 ho ran away and managed to elude all puasnit until Thum day, when -he was recaptnred at Ashland, Schuylkill county. This cipture is a very portent one, so far as his bait (.7. T. Walsh) is concerned, at least, for the government had instituted proceeding against him. At the time of his arrest Barrett was working in a mine at Ashland, and the miners made an an effort to rescue him from the officer but were unsucessful. A great amount of money was expended in trying to arrest him, and until officer Rustler took the matter In hand he could not be found. The prisoner arrived ha Pittsburg on Saturday morning. By order of Cony I.,enox, Jan. 14th, 1871 Notice Weather Report, From observations made ti3lontrose, Pa.,foc the week ending Jan. 21, 1871 : Time of ob- Meren- Direction Remarks Sunday. ry. , of wind. Sunday. no B.W. cloudy. S. cloudy. *SO S.E. ruin 39 W. rein 34 N. W. cloudy '22 N. W. cloud• 9 p. m Tuesday 19 N.W. cloudy. N.W: 2U cloudy: 7 a. in. 12 in. 9 p.m. Wedneaday 9 p. m. 18 Thursday. 7. a. ux. 11 12 m. 2U A 24 B. W, clear, 9. p.m Friday. 23 W. CAW. T. 3 e. W. cloudy. 29 SE. show' U p. m. Smun.lay, 7 n. m. 30 12 m. 37 A Lacloin Sight. Ex. Gov. Bigler, was the recipinnt a few days ago, by exprms, of a bOx of California Pears, which, when opened astonished everybody, ex,' cept those who Imd semi California Pears before. The box wait forwarded by his brother, ex-Cov, John Bigler, whu has resided in the Golden State for many years. Sorge of the pears were 7 Inches In length, measured 15 $i ea in dr: cumference and, Weighed ;lbs. 4 ounces. A young urchin of Mr. Weaver's standing by when the box 'ryas opened, ' , remarked that he would certainly be afiwid tgo abate the trees on which the pears grew, tokens) they we* burg s body's head.— Gka rjield Republican. cloudy. cloudyt W. cloudy.