• 1871, t 1871. 1- - await Mit Palm "fitifiliikluttallnti• • THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. - a • a' 2 : X ; caribe following tams kg: lirreastng Aitheitlactituallr 113'71 : • _ One f - one year, litlitirillsend thtfljeinactsi• and the Arintitein Ste& NnitnrOnti - and the: Lady's 'plaid one 7esil6Al9 d 0; tind 4 9titei i'eriotliells. In , the We will new subscri h.n da dldoa 'l.l4ol4' . nnineY iniariably , mpitioi the of ert'43“4ool6,wing terms Scopana W one warm, One year . each $1 75 10 " 13 " 11,,t.'•!:.111 1 /zf' TAT - I PS Attogreant Matto one getting up the alb of twmtT kftighWibeircniati tiillsXotitar. • INIAWLET. altiottmme 4111. 1,187 E• • aktsoldrosc gimorrat /1-.l4tr z mr, EDITOR 1111ON1ROSII. PENNI% I lIIXIIKRIDA V. JAU.II. 11ITI. :- , .hemhment and Reform. TheAforilitib -DerriOcrat goods to ob jeettiatuiving Republicans advocate econ omy rOrenchuirnt *minion!). Perhaps Alt Datocnitio party of New York State attArAity hate' got n patent .for those thugs—lnt we don't propose to infringe on their papewt tie leasp—Monirose Republ4toi. . ••• • . , We only o b ject ; to ,thetr hypocrisy in ndvocating one th i ng for power and do ing another tir persnital interest. Whet!, by rcti••-c, ef:lll2l,itary . po'wer and the deeP est )iid plots of corruption that tin it leaders coubtlinitink• -they find that the people aro; detennintd to , rt , scite frein - Ttadieaf t3ranny, and place it upon ittiprithitive foundation, and Dem ocrat ie principkg, 'Atte convicted' liyp& critegicii__:`eccnamy, retrenchment and reform:" trob -orr Itto min of, the guilty. thetvoula leaders, but charge the people with•-thet - retcpouSibility of their Tite people I te ,heurd them crying '- re form".„ „for Uie 6st d while they have been plundering the nation and rubbing her of t -stinte,okher v tacred riil,ts The .ohjectiOn we make is, that the erl; of refottn".titrioui the Radical lead, the Rallieal inay_ j•fst'y compared ;ae of pi 4 pockets," among, thieves, which is fur the par,),.* . the. attention of p,o; - 1 • while they are pilfering from than ta, ii rights.- --Hats aretern' when on li:iard Erik a r e ready to mount the first plant Oat May be preceiiled fo•tli'ern, which ofas pres ervition of their lives. So it is witb,tholtiohcalt4itors and rul ers, but they , like the villainous rats, alien sae upon Lind again, will attack the graneri : ol,grit hentzihetocwitli re newtai righr. fn praof of onr assertion, and as a clear specimen. of the hypocrisy of drowning Rsdic.sl rAtsparhiti.are tryingla • get upon any of the,. Democratic plsiiks I,r 8.4- preserratioll,l=l the folk wing from the Montrose Rephblican of this, week : " The Iticome Tax is again receiving c•'ndetunationi from nearly every firat class journal in theennittry. Our citizens. after waiting.hopefully form long period, last winter •were compelled - to gtt'e up ail Hope of the - abolition of the tax for the time at least. The prospect of the revival of the queitieiti earietthe tkreieutleision has canard-.a partial resnsitution of the opinions a year ago so strongly expressed, and the burden seems as heavy and une qual as ever." Also, we would refer esti readersio that Nit of Gor..Geary's message which refers to the " presence of Federal troops at. the Philadelphia election." Democnownteml its I - molest, ...against such tyranny at a time when ac tion on the part of the State executives would have brim of some importanee„ but coming from such a sonice, at this late date, it sitcom too much of the condition of drowning' reit, The people mast not assist in rescuing or aiding them, if they - 4o tbev, gill again he committing their tillainousdep reciations upontlittlintionnteurn-crib. The people hate had entitle* of advoca ting A" economy, ; retrenchment mid re form." They proposeto places party in penrerirturarillract: trpoir-theirmistnes;---- The extreme length of the Got ereaes Sfeii4i3 prec)ndti much wirer tastier this seek: - . ••••,,•7 Mr' The PCintsylVaiitt tegialoto re convened col , TcesdaYYJallii2l73. ' The Senatc-elected,Witi.4l4.- IValhice Phil sdelphis. Speaker, .and Jacob- 'Zeigler chief' clerk both Democrat& ' The Acme -.elected Jan= Webb of Bradfciid coilaty.Neatteifaud AFtialegi:so. f fridge, clerk: 112:Aridt. of - 11ontrasc, has beetisppoiuteda,ssiespt Eergeant.at• IMAYI64I‘II metres.: —flurophrey W. Lord-of ilialliropgilly notice of an auction January 24th. rrgt. of .Ilosh . advertises stock for sale at stitatian, Wednesday Jan. —Sea notice dissalfti9ti, SA P -Supervisors Sitter Lake' announce, road letting Jan. 20th. —Jay Cooke it Co; advertise 1-30 - gold loan. Baldw . ti inforois ' tbeblifla of 141 &gruel' fie' tiff,iiale4r - a - F; , „Prowkes, Young Amirican , —C. C. ll!liltsiVrj.."lkitooek:oT Mtn- , oak "issue.bail( bini - f*tilicki , ide;ith Satattlij - Jan.:list. , goad suitopuq., IVelgee.' 1.. P. Porter wig Pfeci4Aspiriilicr ' ec , thothird Sunday (Jai. liftli)in-tan... at the aatp al boars By order of the MissiOilaiy . tolia Medical 11114 Celling• n - Tha annual meapugof the'lluscjitelaanna Co. Atedlcal &xtety was held at ,2duntrose ,un the 4th inst. ' ' The meCting 411 yell thipt phllnatilnlttest: Marge I?tpTL dints attended the Goole, who were examined and prescribed for-free of charge. Two DM members were e r i $j J . e Treasurer re ported tlbTrtnifitaaF ,, , t;p4tit :,.!;tsp Society highly , Ptitiititgl*. t .,:;24"7:"-,....' The 91iViAcioitic **,Nr;freek untult% moallt ra 4, l* - #, 7 0114-thiz:43(4 atitAtiec 444ted to roeet,ikt- , , , Bftk;krov***t - MpbeAy of JonottpxV An tiftltijtC 114; he,la. aKft . :/$44 itouse, cuff9rtiiiiirantl,qpiiitit4 o :taii,goii and 21st, tErn. <224:44zefititku:!Pkiti 116064:111 10 o'cloclets.)ls;iriptl44 # theitl'A . :ikeloek p. m. of Sittiitd4;} A short )iieture":"ein t 'rducaticiiSal. interests Friday evening, and class exercisss for alone. Teachers in adjoining towns will be expected for the whole session. W. C. TILDE.N, CO. Supt Forest Lake Centre, Dec., 25th, 1870.—ttl. Donation. The friends of Rev. A. Miller will make Lam a donation visit on Tuesday, January 17th' 1871. Afternoon-anti erening. By . order of Com, 11446tia 1871;-2 . 1r. Donation. The friends of Rev. H. Rcrttkhton will make him a donation visit at his resigence . .in . 'grout:- lyn, Pa., on Wednesday, Fobrirsty Ist, 1871. By order of Chmmittee. Brooklyn, Jan 91871 Weather Report,, , From observations made wt nontrost , , Pa.,for the week ending Jan. 7, 1871: ';ime of oh- - Memo- - Direeitiod Remarks scrvation, of wind. Sundae Ist. 7 a. in. 26 cloudy. 12 ui : 32 west fair. 9 p. in. 28 west cloudy 3loudny. 7a. tn. 30 smith west. cloudy 12 m. . itill F ,, 11 I b WYSL. fair 9 p m. 28 northwest. scow ink Tit, •day. 7 21 in. Iti Cl. nr 12 in. 27t watt. cb•nr 9r to. 19 con h a ~-st. c loody W eti11, , ,i3 V. 7a. in. 1 . - clear 12 in 14 northwest. cigar. 9p. In. 11 .. nort.nwwt. cloar Thur'day. - , a. M. - 23 RiliabpSt.. C/M141; 12 in. : - ..9 stnitlwat. ' 'cloudy 0 p m. ZS southeast. Frida). '?e. m. I*.! 4 toutlicast., cloudy weSt. cloudt 28 northwest. cloud J p. S itUttilV 7 a nt 13 tiorll , lr est. ,14 ni,rtb west.- clear. Title Salt Spring,. Films° Hstrts•T see in the Itsl timber of the Democrat that informations is desired in rela tion to the early operations at the Salt Spring. While I do not pretend 1 0 s full k".'="":".B° o f the subject, I think the article quoted from the Susquehanna Register ern-miaow in some partic ulars. Ido not think the Spring was first dis covered ithotit ISO (nrllitertii years in-el-ions to Nov. IS2SI, or thatit wet; then unsureredand wooden ladle found. - - . I have en indialinet reenfloctiott of a report that a Salt Spring was found many year ago, near the head of Nartba'a creek, and the direo- tion and distance from 'Montrose, (six milts nortlmast s ) given. lu the article from the Regis- - ter,leads me to think the editor may nave con founded that with the Silverthek Spring. There was a tradition from the time of the first settlement of the county that there was a Salt Spring there, and had been destroyed by the Indians by turning the creek over it. It i■ certain that previous to the operations of Dellacrt,Fall Creek as it leit the gorge follow ed the base of the blutton the South side of the South side of the flat, pait‘iog and wits changed by Dennert to its present channieL • I had auppersill that tie:Meer . 'operations were at an earlier date than would appear by the article from the Register, and thatheiell . the country before Mr. Biddle cothmeneed opera tions, but I may have been mistakert- Ea' quire DeHacrt died at the hotse of the late Rufus Lines, Esq., or Lawsville, (now Franklin). Rufus and Joseph Lines, of Brooklyn, would probably remember the date otliti operatiorsullklwin.the winter of 1824, I srror at the - SpHngfw 11328 There were then lire men it work Theron . Barnum, Israel Young, ThenW Peckeni and ,E,ll workeil the milli Mid Alfred ,. tkteptletts th e blocksmlthing. ' ' - - • Dario Matthev,rs 11TO birinislnoilionse: ( th e one built by Delineet,l slut boarded tbe men. Tam ghd to learn that operiiion; nie to be omattaad by a Corectinylbatrivili ve3t a thcro' lest, and live they will receive n rich reward. Ariel, Pa., Jam 2, 1871. Ii T. X.A . L.63E18 . ., Rionsx-6Tsrion—ln Lathr-R, Sattlxl.lB7l,l7 E.ll Drown, Esq., Mr. Leander 3L Brown` of 'Nicholson, and Miss Ellert:royl9; gellib- Garrr!—Batztri-.4.n Efartsitl.ist the Presbyte rian Parsonage, fit lice .I.3llllein the itli nit_ john P: Dimoek, and Teti Sa -41;21).4. tlial4,:44 l i o i• . Wruscrs—Lorr—ln lanifbia,7sitite'PiisstrYbs. rian Parsonage. by Rey. A. Miner, on the Ist • inst.. Blehard 11. Willson- and - Miss Mary p t Lou. Bnazur,Wat.uns...latz-iis -41Fon and Pte, gall ti grati and' ll>isa SaraL. d, W [liven. a of Lel:Lox ." ; B r imatai&--Aimccer—AtAbr 3 P. Pacacmge in Brooklyn, on the 8d inst. by Rev. Mr. Hol brook, Mr. Benjamin 4 1 31, 13 ff, b49f.Piguld.4-- - , ItOGLIt — ln BrpßlArn.pcc. p 8,4370, 23 ** itf , gers, witaitalgolligeters. itieelet years. o N the s • ckelpf)2o earn-In-lair, 8. '' Pedd '7,- fi t 41375 ROT• 4• 11 :5 ^ B A j87:1,',?"1; • e s; 41Y:43 e • .., - • ' WATSaraitaitigir, fladjaca o ns e ng l y#os l i.?k , Arltk-' rrusit, ' 44- - - w. mown: ,-; - s.;jif h, V307i0114t ,-AUOIO4 The .Imb:wars haying sold #is farm, will nellnt hitOsidence. In T.Othrop_ township, on Triestiay, inn. 24th,, commencing 10 o'clock, 4: 4 tn.; tnt-tbilowing property; ictirtv: • :o,ne span of team Horses, 2 yoke of „woiltine Oxen, I pairof Stags, 2 Cows, 4 Yearling Heir. ers,ll Calvego Shoats, 8 skins of bees, 15 tons of Hay In the barti,,avutntity of Oat Straw, 1001:roshelsof Oats, d quantity of Mover, otke set of new double Harness, 2 0-Yokes, 8 Chains. IPhatr, t Cultisittor t „l narrow, I 04-6liti, I to g boat, I sett newidobt.2ftett of rtameri for Bobs; 1 lumber Wagon, I Fanning XIII, 1 Corn Sheller,. I bark rack.l., Crowbar, rStoop, 5 Forks, 4 Hakes,:l-Drawing Knife, 8. Augurs, 1•Plow, 1 Half-bushel, - Plow, and other -arti cles not mentioned. - .., ..,. , ^ . TERb(B.—AII; sum' oris Or tinder,_Cash ; oier $5, one gene's credit, Wkiii'lpteres ; mil sir protrd security. -,, • - • ' - ' , ntreirimsf W. LORD. , . Amr Et,y,, Aucitonecr. Lathrop, Jan. 11, 18711—ts• AUCTION 1 'The subscriber win offer M public sale at his realtienee in Tesstp (known as - We' Stewart ferti4WednesdayJan,2fitkat 10 O'clock..A, m. trio following property, to wit."l : • sOne -Mare (with foal), 10 COM, 4 Yearling Gel*la, and 8 Calves. T) R3IS.—AII sums of $ or less, Cash ; over nue 'ytar's eretzlit, w ith intercal autlapProved security. GEO. 11.- HARVEY. „Jessup, 1871. DISSOLUTION The firm of A. & D. ft Lathrop h (Resolved b? mutual consent. The besiness will be con tinued' by A. Lathr(m, and tin accounts settled by cither.ol the undersigned. A. LATHROP, • D. R. LiTIIROP. Montrose, Jan 1, 1871-11ei8 11.- 7 The undersigned will give hiaspecial attention to the settlement of accounts. D. H. LATAROP. ROA.D UTnNG The Supervisors of Silver Luke township. will meet lathe house of Ellen Phelan Januay 20th 1571, for the purpose of letting the building of a road from the uld Factory lirldge to the Cran berry road. TIIOS. PATTON, J. .1).0W, I.IOGAS, Silva- Sam, Jan. 11' ISl'/. iSupen-isors. New 7-30 Gold Loan Northern Pacific RAILRO A D COMP'I. &cured by Firqt Morlmo on Railroad and SAFE ! PROFITABLE I PERMANENT Jay Cooke & Co: Otter for •ale at par and accent.] littereet the First Mortgage Laud tiraut Bald /Wade of the Siorthere ?seine ttallreadt-wmpany. Thr7 are free from exalted Naito Tea. lied are tr•u.11.4 the f.,llo‘elng denote l• Coupona $11.9,4 0 :40, and p.m; ltegtalerctt jur) jt.uuU , E. 5,0111 and 0.00). alto the eittoecond.loace with which we eatooleald• ed Lioveraoteat band'. at Capitalists owl 4ow. after the tulteet. raeortlutPod I tieße artbera raelfie Railroad bon!. to oar mends and . the general ' -" tioLD Y.& MENT.—Doth priereir.l and totert4tirre pay•ble in American mold cnfn,at the office of Jay ( ha:the & priaciplea• tbte end at :id year*, Mud the hitestra.ht trf eirrou and Cure to liver cent_per annum). ba4S=oy, And of iiennary end Jo ,r , Ph: D: ItYCl' SAFETY —The Donde • ire are noes Pell. inte.line ...cared by aCa and only mortpXo bh al! the property and r , ghte of the Northern l'aettle Railroad Company. stitch grill embrace on the. eumpletinti of the r. or• . I,tever Teo Thonsand Utley of Ravi. with rolling Stuck. notldisiga, and all other elulprneti la. 2. Liver 1 iSrPly-flrlr /11003 . 4 ' 41 , 14 . . tree of Land to every of flinfehee rood. This food, agriathuni! ti mbered and mini ral,nmoyu Iry to all to ROM: than rity VIII ion Acres, consoita or alternate sections. reaching treaty to forty uillesem tech ode °Rim ustitAnd ea bending In a broad Pride bat from tf' t -cousin through the riches, port lona of Inenesots. Dakota. leantam, Idaho, Ori-goo. and W.Laill4l.lll . S JP .1 %%low the tiorettunent does not directly guarantee the boo.. of the Flood, it thus amply pro.. Woe for their fall PUG pal went by en rutronter, ed grant of laud r ttre must velunble ever conferred upon a grad hatninal improvement. TILE attnati a t Olf.—Thc•Tcrartaas ander the -coon. gage. are Dean Jay Cooke of - ctisiladelphis. 'end J; Caner Thumpalm. Prarbleu t al the Pen sorynann (-entre! Itallroart Company They wilt dtrectlr and pernia• octal repre.eot the interests or the tint Mon;a•ie bond hunters, aud are required to tee that tbe resea. a.(land rale. are need in pa albino and cane. ling the Wade of the Company - 1i they "can be Orme‘hf he fore materityet not more than 10 per feet. premium . otberwiiee the Ilwatinaii ars' to finest the - tranoteda of land vale. Vuittal States Itund• ur Real Estate Mort Mao f .r tin further Security of Northern Parley bond• bolder., Mao, that tliey hare at all tan. In their con trot, as atenrity,* itti4osl9 moo 'or enrage Itpd to weer, sltOtitiotouloonntling nest mortzage iacoda, be. sides the railroad itscltnerri ad itserripmente-aud frau closes, titoFlTADLEZTE 4 9.—Ofcchirse notbritgltinbe'rafee than the bonds of the Doha! ?Staters but as the "Garth • erateent is Di) longer a borrow e, and ea the `Nation! present work is mat that of preserving ft, rtlatenea; bat that of Drammen° A norttanarr, ice remind those' trbo dinitre to Increase weir Ineuinn dad obtain stun* peel:anent Inireetiseat:while cull bar/Jig' ',Weedy reliable arm:lly, that: Callon etates4-raTs at their average p - euslum gl. Id the ptsamt - parinascr les. than 5l portent, gold lister. est. Should they be redeemed In new year,, and spoon' pa)rrient*tie trenched, they arunid really , pay only 4% p.r Crnt.. or Ifin DIM yearn, rods Ilk pa cent aa &tic. preheat premium would meanwhile be sunk. Northern 7-311*. *clang at per le currency yield the lurcatot i &no per cent. guntlotere•tatotiedately thirty yetra, tree from United Fan. • tax. .$l.OO entree— cy Lu•ened now in t. oiled nude" 15-2tr* w:II yield per year In gold, any pn.l,te 41.000.clinency Invunqa now in Nun beta Pantile 1.30's will yield per year In :old. iten so. Here is a da•rence 4 / 1 ,5 1 401111,1[104.90 ne•rly one third; id. • elltiennice oft to. t 0 per tcttf. lit - prineiple, *ben both classes of redefined, Til nitlltd it NOW IMILDING,AIIoik was bean tn . July tan aline eanerit portion of the line, in 'the money provided; the eale'to atuelthulth.re et nine lax mllitou•or the Compete* bohth, to; build' End evelpreheTtrranatilatkebhprtleinteruntittnneltkilletp, the lien [Pei:74o4bn North..23Viollen , The Vadimyr oft tht. divbivr innow Veil ads:aced, the. Jowl. be. ' rapidly he Itl:*eventl itten.and -411:11 11.at,erinkvia. the Luc. and shout the. den otitoplen. mat thibAllePot taut •retion or, he mad.wlll bent toltopention. In the ttimiullois order* Lusenbeen .et.t to the , Q.twtic coon fat thii-owerrrencerneyrt of *he work on, ittelresna`t i .end'ut early bprt and thereafter the wrok"trilL prniii.p, nob heatenird cud w•stwand: lipeutr 'On", may be eonel•tero with eulwcd widie ...' ne 0 u 01 : 1 1: ItECEIVAULndrUI ninf iiii&Npond. well be at all Ilmea,,before Matianty.. receivable it , 4.1010 pay, meet fortbetnunplinr.e - Nada, theirionbet' eachpuce.SUNOS EXCaIit'IIOBAIILE, ripiatereel bond, on be punaqvilatany tune for coupon*. the etnopinte : Curceguatord„nod bah theme cattirsi-eznhaniii*.lls/1r others,payable r prine,po eLcreit,s,a,,,,Lt z at , principle linanclal =maul jittrope,. in ttincoinet the : TatiOWIXIM _ , _ , 1100/ TOnET iiitatca Bedlam jinni ' a ATllJimpply theee bonds if, nu— Cc.kreaamptin. • • •.... 'earl ;ended dcanminitione, l'itainte Wishing tti change etocka or other/tenth, for „Mon, cab do an •• Loy otottligelite who 'oll4ollonrEpF,fti *"hest 04kt.Pan Werra all tnarketabli sectirittea, Then Uyln3 talocoltio Moon, froin bout iiti amid Women 4:ironer; bondoi. eglpently to a, Jj a l egpreiss, and we will send hack NOrthnlyi &Mctn at our own rlak. and without cost to th•leyertor, For farther Infortnatlon. phallaphirti. map., etc., cat no or address - the anderalgned. e'en, ofthe Lizaltiorllnnr• - eni employed to cell thin loan. , . u. pobr*n os co: • - itontrm"Pav cOSTRESS WATER. Tritrazim , f2dlS. 4 , 1 e 1 FiI4:ANCI AL 12T11723 31:111*. O. 31". 23 MILCOVITZT•IiI YOUNG AMERICAN ZAINII4SENT. 1 / 2 l ' Ais%g4 rotO I,t h , In . e , is we do la full canddence, that it must srip.lcede nit °there now la use, al an internal remedy, for the care of all diseases ID the reach of that class of tuedir.inea, we can safely assert, without the least fear of contmdletlon, that it steed. no. rivah d in the list of medical Compounds externally are plied An the core of disease, Peadimotherefbre that tt Is unnetwary to puff ti remedy au eminently wonderful In its effects. so mysteriously inbillible In Its powers a relief, causing the deaf to bear, the blind to see, the Der. colic drawn and crippled rheumatic to walk erect and re. jolcr again in the power and vigorof manhood, this pm. paralion is offered to the public on he own merius, and claims no volcanic oflfftu Or essential elle of the Arabi. no deserts ; but on the contrary is what Its Import a. and Is • rare combination of the powers of North timed• can products. New Smut, Dec. 14, ura MI. notice Is to Inform .4 dellere In proprietary medicine., that we have r.tabli.nect a Depot ilaqtte• bum county at Mootro,'e. P.. for the dale of Dr. C. F. Droon•• Young American Liniment, and that Mr. A. LIALDNYLI Id unr agent ha Om? pu Tow. ARD, SOUH TEICLAND & CO., 13) 4lian4 Street, New York ""1. Atm:idea will sona bo eatntillabad at ph,. b a nett. , towltahlp. tal pttbflLLdtllttts ttst below. lam ready to tntni.h it at %Melanie ;Men to - towel: Pott ers aud circulars .eat tree upon application to the ant. scriber. The Llntactit to now (of salsa rstail•try. tha. Adair• log agent., to wit: - Barooa Nichols, Slontrose. -A. Tomah ' " • . , B. L Adams. Anuotts - 4 (Amen. William White,-suborn Centre, - Noah Bahlwln, Booth Auburn. , Waltman d Vostm rg, Skinner's Eddy.. Badge a Vattern; Wyesattm, . • D. C. a F, jL Forams. Praolum,.. Dr, V. Homet, Comptowo. • • J. Sorrows a Soos.rstesattsrWo. • L. SI, Shimmed. Roaltrille. • It. T. liandrick, Sprtogvalle • William Thayer, Ell:nook. R. B. Beardsley, Little Meadows. Robert Winton. IYrieudavllls. ht. L. Ball. Blachardrille. Any persons In _townships not above named, dedilok , an agency, , mar obtain it by addressing - p. BALDWIN, Remit Arent. Jan. 11, tan —Bo BoAtroge, Pa. i i i TTENTION WE'LL GIVE YOU "FITS." T. D TAYLOR, so long known in Bingham ton as one Or the - most -popular- Cutters ; , and fashionable Tailors in this section of country, has fortned'4'cO-partnership.,lt4th E. F. New. comb, of 31ontosse, and the.y_afo note pre acrd to firrnish metes •wearing apparel at all kinds. and in style and workmanship sapertor to any establishment is this section Of country. W o . 111 tir C R ANI 4 ET: SATTVACTION in nll who no favor 0.5 with their patironage. Shop at Po't's old corner, on Public Avenue. T D. TAYLOR. E. F. NEWCOMB,. Montrrse. Oct. 19. 19, 1970.—tt SALES.-13y virtue of writs is ,ied by the Court of (.'uninuirs fleas of Sus , plellallnn County and to me directed, I will expose to sale by public vendue. at the Court House hi .Nlontn.se, on Friday, January, 1.1. Im7l. at des• eribed rileetse. - ornareetinf hind, to wit ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the village of Springville, in the crumre of SuseptErramiti. imri• etMe of Pennsyl vania: holinded on the north :h}' lands of D. J. Owens, on the east b lic high trAg.,_ moths ',veep oy terms of L It. Lathrop, and on the west by lands of 0, J. Owens, containing one half acre of land, be . the same mare, oil with the appartenancei,l frame house, 1 frame barn, 1 carriage shop and all improved. (Tat. en in execution at the suit of A. Ekmrdsley vs. E. 11. Culver.] W. T. 110XLEY, Sheriff SherifreOffier,ll.lautram, Dec 19;18/11 T AST CALL-SAVE COSTS. I . The Book Account-I_3.nd Note i of Baldwin, Allen & 31eCalti:not pardbefike January Cotirt (Jan. (lth), will..be..93llected,without further 4e• lay. R L. WEEKS, .11K4Igteein'J. EL McCain. Montrw, Jan. 4;11373-2 , F A Rll FO R SA LE, or one hundred and Serentrfire Acres, sit uated between Silver Like mid hind Lake, 100 acntsimprwredond nearly ail the remainder in heavy LeniToett, timblf; baking pietetni gml houne..barn.ishad,g.ranaty, etc., °fait - dot 150 apple, cherry,a4d plunrutta; watered by never failing. prinp and creeks. Price, r 5 per acre, some of which can remain on mortgege. '. • . - • • . ALLEN J. SRELDON, - Jan. 4-41allyem • • Silver Lake, P. FARM FOR SALE, Containiug one hundred and fitly acres, one hundred under improvement—with good build ofelmrdt au. &e. Priee tow, and terms made easy. Inquire Of L. F. FITCH, or G. V. BENTLEY. Montrose, Jan. 4, 1871—tf TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN Ail-perm' We've hetretrynotltled not to takr.an 'Assignment of a judgment note given by ns to C. C. :lithe., on or about the VA day or Dec. 1870, for the sum of 8.015, as we will not pay the same, haring given the note to said Mills under deceitful representations made by him to us. JA3IES O. MALLEY, n =MC CrN31331NG24 ABEL TURRELL jr EF.P3 r-nnatantly on hand °neat tile moat =rater- Alb ! ?. 4 f! l l l . t lttf l d -. • DRUGS & MEDICINES In the country. and bestows taunt.' a tten;lnn t. ,r. lectlnc and buying articles la Ole department aut. are p rtiala so gallir ao p sikeegreat variety or LIQUORS AND WINES, bow:melt:Eft guairaUgGiorimpartaromek verraated mialy par,. - 4, - a Al. a. • fall areortment of Paints. OM, Vanishes. Broahca, la-brieacing utla and Ile Maas. ltrocerles, Wall Paper, Wank, Kerosene, %loans. Mob, Gum end ammu Dictum. " A no Turht7 of Gold and other JEWELRY. Pert= 7. Yankee NOTIONS, Et., and other gouda too On tricroue to mention. ) During seviinl venrs past - ffelliwrre hi" G XM le the hoot of forming elolicend eendlog to the t Muni. Ain Tea Company, New York, for their sapplica of Tea and Coffee. fur famlly.o.e. Abel Terrell le Dow eopplyhts the people with thee* Tate and Coffees, at his store In Montero!, et the tette prices that these clubs and other person. pay at the store al the Cumpauy In New York. Thus. purchasers dui 0074b0,0/Pr9IO.S4OMAEFF6/9eciSPAP/iraliql4 i_rtaktilainAip,M2l.:loWW% 11::. • ABEL Ttranam, •-„, • • Mout/nem, Pa. GCW:WELFIX. • New and lime enzarrj. gozaroa*, Nor. TrIISELL ' • , ‘s•,\ . hi 1 - • • ( ' . 1840 1870 pain is 'apposed. tole the loin? as poor morials. as lsusaltable netimtb itselfsnd liable.* any timeto come IrD.A,"libatTllLlsninzgar:Lnaziew__ q ediallilZais the seminal principle ledge" In the apt:arom a i'devel. ope. Itself. and we _feel the excruciating agar by of orthe depreyaing mancnce of disease. gulch a remedial trent ezblin In the Pain Kum= whose fame has made, the cirenit of the globe. Amid the 'terns' Ices 6fthe polar regionssir beneath the Intolerable and ' burning sun of the tropics Its virtnet are now spore. elated. Cutler all latitudes. from the one extreme to the *other, agreeing humanity has 'baud relief from many of Its tilt by tuna.. The wide, and broad atya over which this tnefiltine has spread. attests its overuse. Foam asuta.l brginnlng.-the Path Killer has pushed gradually alougomaUtwita own highway, solely - by its vtrtzirs. • •81teh unruatupktd unmet. end popularity bas brought others Into the 120 his, who harentlaupted. antler *than lathy afnaltl64o usurp the cockade ace of tho poopla sa'd tarn it tothcir otni eelliotmcss and dishonwty, bat their effort's hive proved ft-olden, while the Palo Killer Is still growing to pablictscur. irirDitectioas accompany each WO.. Pane 3ieNt. 50e1e. and $l.OO per Bottle. "So.lby ell Mediate Dealer*. Van. 'NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS The anbacriliers are now receiving from Now York a Dew and trod, crock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, which will be wild at a law noire for rash. Among the hittnenytis inhales may be found riper, llama, Dried Beef, Smohzt Halibut, Coe fish, Mackerel, &c. Teas, Caere, Sugars, Rice, Slue, Waraterehlre Sauce Cagned Peaches, Pram, Pine Apples, Sweet Corn, Toms toes, Quinces, and Plums, Cocoa. Falk* Extract Lemon. etc. etc. Alfkinds Of SPICES, Chen, Orange Peel, eta. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. A No I Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, etc. AU of which can be warranted as first class goods, and dinar• in addition to the Grocery trade, we have purchased Goo. Q LBW* News Odke, where you can and good selection of Stationery. Books. Daily. Weekly and Notably Papers. alagnsines. Books and papers not on hand will he ordered and fund/111rd on short notice with out extra charge. Special Pm given to orders. No trou t:data show goods—so drop in and sea for yourselves. UV - Goods delivered without extra charge. J. rem t • e. 31. llama, I WEBB GERE. Manual°, May 18, T 370. GROCFRIPS Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Saleratus, Crackers, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Raisins, Zan teCorrants. Taploot, Starch, Vin gar, Soaps, Omm of Tartar, Soda, Cream least, Corn- Starch, M Farina, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Caassla Suds, Chocolate, and the beat olaascal In the world, at the store of ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Dec. 28„ 1870. F LOUR I FLOUR 1 From this day forward, we shall sell Flour at retail WROLES.ALE PRICES We ban' , out no false colors, but mean Just Irnat We 13y. While making Flout n specialty. our stock of FEED, MEAL, BALT, LIME CEMENT, GROCERIES, PRO VISIOSB, dr. Will be kept full and sold at very small profits. H. ARRATT & SON. New Milford; March 2,1870.—1 y SIGN OP THE GOLDEN !MORTAR 33171=L2ffEl tel 240.X.COECCOXan, DRUGGISTS, Weak! rerpeetttaly al to the publia, that In addition to their usual eseortznant of P1.11.8780GS AND MEDICINES tlteriormihdeas On.. Vernier, Dyr•Snang. - Winer and Llgnors, Patent Medicines, Spectacles, Eye Glasse.. Pocket Knivedt, Razors. Violin Guitar Striuv. Alen, prat recelved sane lot of Revolver,. Gan - 7•1 ' , Caps; Con Wadding. ' Cartridges., 4c. Irkictep on hand and tor)mle.Maellng Powder. I man Ponder. nine Ponder. Tobacco and Omits of • sn .verillr quality. and • general assortment of Tad= Pio tiona.„ FitPlteatetaber the CHEAP CAM DM; STORE all Etama-5,515,40b4, A. 11. BURNS. Nontme.Dee. It IMO. AMOS NICIRILS 520,000 Worth of Goods in store for the opening of the Fall Trade of 18W, Jn.a Midland general assortment of Lake mut Par Dram_ and porniding. aid Jitney Gkods Is Aspniga Metz. Draw. Merinos. ftpllni. Catear.lawsts, Carves, ambxatel Ihlh. and hoop Zaatoithar Goth Par: Breda Robar..Fanep Lap idea. aftill alizartasent of Oath. Castinusgs. • Isidlitraoths, Flaffntis, !totem, PCTAfti,ftittons. 44e. 4x. with,a-onerst assortment algal. and Cala. Itmaa:4l3ltoon,; 0111 and 4Aidalia• - - 19tom . Crockery, ilardware,Stoves, kon,dl4o, ihrobb jean superior opporttmity itrf, mleetions, and wit baaold on the moat (sec:4)lo4o3A by 8. 31317211.19.1.01" T. New 111.llord, Nor. 110t1. CALL AT ROBINSON'S 1301:MIEtt TIER FIDIELNI'TMII-s,ZEI E3LP 01t11;31, iN Washington Streets Binghamton, N. T. Where you rill dud The Largest Stock, the rh•st Agsortutent, and the Lowest Pricev of any bowie In the city. N. Goods sold warranted wireivewil ted. Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality Und Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or grgy hair is soon Mara to it, original color with the , gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. Bat such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its neeesionel n o Trtll prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be fond so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich gluey lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. 1: C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL Asp ANALITICA!. CantrlN4 LOWELLy MASS. mo u Sold by Abel Tamil, anu burro' & Nichols 31ontrose, and all drugglata and dealers every whore• f Chic 21, 1870--y •Gultentery, ii'osenbaum c if Cc 'Fonld reapeeUu➢7 cull your attention to their NEW STOCK or Fall and Winter G oodk which tot valet) ni Style's neves Is. bow- excelle4 II tali place. Out soliorttoeut of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS CLOAKING MATERIALS, FLAN NELS, WHITE 'GOODS, • , 2Crerirera , Wabas -13ottenr. IN MILLINERY GOODS Trimmed and 'untrimmed Ladim' and Child Her, Flowers, ;Miller., bl.nrk and rninred Velvet., inbmnr, in. de. never Mote !iaodeople.. IN Ladles' and Mtldretes Ft - ILVldnetu skirts, Corsets, Mores, Ilandkercblefs, Cothus sod Callra. Moolan Wrlppers. !holm and 'Kurt Goods. cheaper than fur the hod ten years. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! For Men, Veutho, and Buy.. Linn awl eluOlticte IWO. Sfun's full sulfa (rum CU to pOl. OVERCOATS OVERCOATS i CVERCOATs Of an the different grades, and at all.prieis eLOTHS, CASSIMAItES. 11EATtg!5,4t.. ror Castel Work. • Karate alefantai 'advt apliaddiddi tnardeT tD goad style, and warrant gaud aMatand saualactory =WIG orsrt."'mmstri.4ll . c(xfbs: Mate sad rtanael Shinr, - Mettoo Wrappers L ra ay. thszutkent 144 DOW,. Liam tad I! spa v. Ilatri .t. ends, Barpcndrrs. Okrvcs % thatmrilo, Trunks is Ithite4ro Ws In grass variety. VATS AND CA'S For Zealand Boys. of tlielitrat Of itO iiieVeat to 'ad t • CI). Our Stork bos Seri Waded with are. arittioire our Pods tv bobs 41rootttioo 'ont Ovelliestly one ihmt -10 to lo peso:to, lobelia& 'ta.4. vs ark aava4loribst' OD above root oo abylovaordiss or WO Oil lastly promblit Mt good sailidluomktive . your talus& to doe vttb at. All We sok tr a as% vitarataattos of viiiitiotiCliti comprloos of Wm. • -• • • • • itteibtigt . ' MosisoNt. 0111. 5, MO. ar_t rtt eineats. BAua~gt.a~ oO.: _ ~.._ 1 WAS CCM D or DE1.1.0 c 1 1 ihrur a. A 141115 • 1 , 7 A .Imp tin:loy and wilt tend Mitt' rnelpt MRS. N.V.L=GlTT...laseiClly, Alapiaa,VirAliTip /OZ. .4. ; !.. backuung Ms , islod.-WOmalbssSElsadr their matic *erase, Len. Ds lows. power. Re.. by Prot.% 6 - rosier. t.to for Circe,* snd opeeiceensi m 'es: diem N.4. - fIuNALITDLISUING.OO.,PIDDSids t kre Dec. 14.-4 • }Prat reiViptml Itendievsll ettirr "'ten 21711 C $ I) nittags _AND IdASTIAR," WelTurk 11 Atith.r.a happle.Pe style. d eqppaeolog Lia 1114rmer *ark+, latch hi+ vs sold by - the 11:0.0011. - Wfl Urliatral dtr.t EPF.rsilngs (tom deirol_gas by , (21: trtlY 1 abu Am pot 3 , ..sira inblu Lands. Tag tall .od Pres• lte. !nod In ;MAP. M , Rilte sia ric ruom7 tepidly. F . „11.. TAW b .Co.„rob's Barr yt t. Y. Lk, 14. r. - PACNEY. , QUICKLY:* MACE dud wkraea rettloy inblettpitititit for ti,. Immt relle..us'.nd Muzzy— artily Titi - . . . utsmiri•lflith atteniit. • ''- nnfine In It/ toil of bcml ribmars ths sbiertta it;itt thr L mt. A rltsratipir rerial *tory hi the world toned* toh-r,... r t krto Omni," put begun. Evert entmerilier 11.11 MtetVlll% the toper br- eIIAS and the preele Lo.rite3lattlitstesWionuingerr. (alag n worth 4' 1 .) r.ree Tbfd new Add unetinAMO comb/antler Istahinglike Wild lire. Al! are doing Rea. Witty tusk, Itt from 3:14.• OM A .t. Sums the Intrecrt.tletr.,set , tirtioly enlekty. Th•le ffi poovety nothing [hit will pry yews,' wrell, Coppof ;ova: ehenten 01 , 1 0 1 $ end tare term , aildrero t. A. IL UtIBRATLIA AtAltbrelnut !Used, Pbutdopa • iIL D..... lA.- Dec. 14-4 w pais Is-:iu avainco t ' 0 , --..., By grading 47*J g Catits. WU' mo. telubs, Mai of erNs mut hair, you wilt reeelte, b to tal mall, • comet pictine at your anus bstabbad Or wit. with name and due of matiOge. Addpuu W. FOX. P. 0. briiwri Sit. 21 , Puitoswithr. N.Y. c 0tY14.11 LIVE AGENTS WANTED FOR WOMEN OF NEW YORK OFt.OOIAL LIFE IN THE OItEAT CITF, Woodreul develo.miente etnoem arlit—seciry. Mat rled women repowel. te. YAM $5.13, ne.. Wrt book lo im1,1141.4. Too best tams lo_A_ffinteirrer en Add 1...., N. Y. Book Co:14.1 Names it. N. Y. 1444 A GETS WANTED FOR THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. (*ash:tins Epetavdoira" LLeot Chtiat," and -/' Vara of the Apoidltuo. linage:tars and Mama, Doddr:dge• Evldrncra of Chrutlentry ," Illato of the "Jess." by Samephuo; ^ Iliptary of a ll Hell 01111 Denontlna, Son.." 1171 th frmtl.4 and table. Met us to arcnt}-Eon neetrA With Bible Minty. ermtatning saa ire n. graving*. The aI:KA furallng • complete _or Viarl,tlan knoni,l2,. W. FLIRT. is S. Seventh SL, Philadelphia: 142 a TENOTT V? CLIIB3. • . GREAT SAVING TO GONIONEMI, Pnetl.-. Infinite bow to np dub., Our wwwb; drnd Wr nice 1.1.1.. =4 • Cintt twat qW 114COMPtifiti with Tull dlnetlnus—mating I Urge 414ingtb4bisjale own and I emunernilverto Club orkbaseta. • • • TIIE• ni and at VBsET STREET, P.O. 11.3 s Snit NEW YORE, Claw-1444 $6O A WERK pad salmi b s uelne . maker at fames. floss ZZI n Cs I n -s Iroise. /50 capital ry toured- Address NOViLlif CO. SaCO. Salesmen Wanted. . Durinear honor:44o. Fo catapalt leo. nett pity pm: S. W. KENNEDY. BS. 4th St• Mirk dee.ll-.,i 010 MBE 18010 60 OEM. Someattnig wrgeritly worded by everybody; Clin4llB jelNi amine. a , euttpler rent kw tor Wu:Ws tteleetalk sadly Yee sa • IC L. Welton. dent 4-4 1441 Cbathaia49lllll4l44,Keltnik: 100,000 Agents Wanted For .1 ilow Women SASS Money. , Awl other best Books Its the market. McKurcrr a Dtesertx, nos cn.t.ct St. Pht7',a, FARMER'S HELPER .4t.osew hoar 1.. d"oble the prollt Lithe FARIf, and how . W ssies. •t.EI halt MAIO tea Mal CD , LICO • s‘oo per month to Wlntvr. I taX) corn wilt Da mailed Erte to /tribe nr. Need spat and addnsu to riCZULER 4 StaPTSII LOC. Philadelphia, Pe. dee.l4l-4. c=s • & bt , 5 - coma, = 1 ansm4 - 5 . •'1 Wells' Carbolic Tablets. for all Dionealsl Cughs, Vold., Asthma, Dipthselli. Voneee of air 7 hroiii Windpipe. and all Catarrhal disease& The aronderful minden discorso of Cantata. &hi& ha destitsed to htwome one of the reetest"blestrings tome, kind In its applies' ion to .dbcasas of the thicest; and WO vest coast ice q :With:4ln all isfrectlinnk of Os Cheil.pia4 Long. Dr. Wells' Carbolic 'tablets ; hes_ hire the great Remedial a:rest. G`arbollba ti le cosh. talneother Ingredients universally teccolunendlikivhfeh chemically combine. producing •Tablet snort highly)ste: dleaul end betteradneted for dive see of the throat Visa, enTurrparettan ever heifers offered to the public. Ton couans COLDS DE. WELL-5 CARBOLIC TeDLETIL ••• Sie a enre cue. Thy Timm. , • 'Ow DT DRUGGISTS. Detl4-4 e OZETS NV rrFrn FOR Las, THE. WBtte NY OF POETRY AND SONG. bo band ot.t.cat and chespeq work extant. ft !ma some thing. hs It of the beat for even Deg.-1m the , old. tU middle aged and the ,tmng—and mast beeome.it~oolyer wll nepater. 'Excepting the Bible, Ws .111 be the hook moat toyed end the mo. t heetterety reerradto tor be [...1011y. ISM cry ',age ba• parted under the critiqii cla of Liman:at poet. WM. cri.t.EN BTBANT. , , • . ItalreitMCC for RCS? AGIENTS. Tho only book of ft. kind ever enki Ay tobserlptluo. 'Head at once for circa. lora, &a., to -.- ... - - - OEO;'MACLEAN, Pnbllshq. 719 sltumn Si., Pidladelftla, ts. dec-M—lo We,.vrr.D—AGENT.S.,To 641 cur . caw • Msestrateot Boot ofTravei. OVERLAND THROUGH ASIA:' Dy 001. ftbkimat drcomprebeailve .14 rib nabi.exp..ttion of Om costottias of. ettoirts, China' end lrtoorta es Mil ate to-d4y Slice illehatdeue's "Beyond theVlishappl. l, ml - matt Twaln'e Innocents abroad" to ,Eltylt,te,. Oda SOW 'tried:aro and s.O em worn terms. Abfrea ' .• _AMIEBICIAN PUOU6M3O COic 4, COL Dpc. 9t. w , •. • , _ ' /1130P7WW6VTED TOR - ' • • • lir` '•• • - EY' APP . ITL.VOTARIES - •- ,-, by Ing.aso.-II:.BLUI1,;. liskiK,lmmeuso Itottir: benpeldoAs wild lop. 022 -Tie T. 'bolo •objecol4kl bars ft. hiaDOWlnll4:*_•l4 waiver's) aseeratlon. - . Wityrnm nrTIM mi . • Ctruttaierm - .Ctonlawirr asp Mize ORAVIT. ad* COT CI and tenah. U.; B.' rilbitOMM PC . 04 itipreour trset, Tprlc l • u f -a w p t itilklo/1-.SALE " ITO Inkuribsuimltemon Ws . Polk *mu ta tba cut put otpxyr.lfuti tru , pip. a:IRMO. ;.. 'O3I:CMM=t iissereilto watarba t t orpethii.stitail . rosn -- mu m, Them aril two keen. an cm Aid tbrostioni4 - au AA other asibuallti" sad Wooed Itinirs4 vet Ispnimpl ts hong, timberall. , Taw itill• arc Per Ault" Mb= win &Sews tiambedbarar Nor =MC • Vc... to, ma.—cf JACOD ~ =~.