. -- - - - --. 1 i 4 lontinee front Page highly prejudicial to the public interests ; and I il7 exceeds the capacity of the cases now In the ; beneficent protection only for the corree- rd, with success, in providing the means AGRICULTURAL cottflor.. - d . therefore enniestly recommend its immediate I library for their accommodation. Manv thous- lion of the errors of criminal jurisprud- necessary to establish a first-cruse line of repeal, or-al least so touch of it as relates to Ilse J ands of volumes, of greasteclitiel - rfife - neierearily enee . ,ll . l . e_rel_iel of those . who may have American iron steamships to run between This institution appeart In he treadmill' ac bOIIIIS. .., i stored away la„sueb arnanner ailito render them i. implishing the objects for_whieli it bay 'been _,.,-- ..-...... ...._, ..b, w.macAtitt ants ,tr.i,ls ItiIIIGADEL ::: 1 inazees4ble anirconsequently usciess. I, there- beets.= c rroly ' prlrescessiyely'-punisbett, tlitit qty and EprOpeati ports. The -Leg ., I. a-rally endowed byiilteState:' It 141.5 shout e , , , : '-', - The qm.....sthin of th ';' , l -In rion f the. on. , -,,... -.. , five, recommend thflid.lie Legislature authorize I and Ilmsediround whom' . cluster mitigu- islature . will, no doubt" grant . litter* s• , xi: students who are lastructe.l, noeinnly in 6 . '' B. .! u S' h . Ki•, l r i•C •thel constitietien of* mfficlen,Mlumber of al- I none atttlitMelt fa trot the telegraph lane,.an ter: _ rte ;kg Of 'i eni-rig Circumstances. • franchises to effect a result that:twill place a ‘.. 'ordinary branches of literature and 'science. Doves, to akofthwittstbe archittnrel arrange- I The n uniber of appliOtions fib r par:. . Int' Commimwealtb '/In ad vanfie of nll hit in all the field operations ness# l 7 for a ek nil/r "'t "" P '! ntes, ' )Vitil, th F bt •S te 13 • V til l ,ment ottbe blinding. 't.ghese citil be. completed I , one, Government. was Tuirtially consider!. , , door during the past year wits twerve I others, in the construction mid, tiae4af 'swoulth accrietileffrul eddsition. _..:: theict , ginlature at its last sty lou t and is note at . derma cost,. Which - USW be more than coin '. The txp r e'rimiaiTil Farms, estararAW4l diallller'llS ; pensuted for in the safe keeping o f th e b oo k s , hundred and forty, of which sixty-two, or . such vessels fur ocean navigation. With the supervision of the officer+, have thus far reeding ronsidentble attention. Regarding , and in their accessibility and general useful- five per cent., aveiv grunted. 1 the aid acid facilities which the National the stititt4n as tine of vast importance, involving new smovered their exonitations. The experiments The commutation of sentences for ;and State Governments may find it their therein - are - careenre - receriled -,' 'every incident the sovereign power of the State. 11 1 , i nt ,, rest , STAMM& ..,,good behavinr ,in ,prisnit in accordance i duty and interest to„ extend, it is hoped ~i. cultivation, the nature of the see d conlm i L . of corporations that are eufranehised by it, anal t_s_.-• 7 .. ‘ ,. d to 1 h ut ,i mit i mittil iac t.pr on 4 4w Ah,f , p rr i gr ,%., of our citizens who have tnvemments In stocks , Permit men) renew Tay ''rettommenilailons wit/I'4lle la* of IStin; hitieffi.:eteal 'fuvom- i this enterprise will he successful. The and results, togetherwith the Conducing causes. and amounting to many millions of dollom, 1 Fomenting the collection . and _pr . operly me_ odrd- ble results in the conduct of prisoners, ' construction and maintenance. of steam h..,ing, areucately noted. The publication of most earnestly invite youir serious _exantina , tinn ..l, au tom Th . - 61? - . 1wejterilfriltritif gittliratrxiliary 1 crirsnitablet-for the- pn a - indicated- , oases obsiersttlifier,iwfole . in"ililihrfrit'paris - of ' ofdr;and yetwearly-actiont thereort--- - . rolt o-f " " rll l illgT ll4 ol n k la GTAG 7 L a. :4o 9 it g et ig eeitTeettS 'amt. ,of the Comtramwealth, Such recent! are an al- in ntanitallitfig andauleSunin prison disci- I would consume large amounts of our the State, with varioosslimatra and soil, under GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. • ' ' titidllpeatiltateiindessit'.'flie.ian't et them tlts ben .fiMit" I effect will doubtless 1 great staples— . iron, steel, alai and lumber the viillaneenf sittlied' egrieutturnists, will ice- : a :e.liable gooloen. e; altandminemlngienl4M-rey ' Is nic's a sourceof constant - leaky and arm y * line.. t --"-- --- lie manifest in the conduct of those who , —and also part calnablticits•antis for The benefit of the give employment to thousands' would be of inealetihrble Taint! to the State. lance-to alithe-Eitatentheem, !male others ; in- are felea.sed from prison because of its re- I of our 'mechanics and citizens, and vastly Practical farina . ..and. doubtless, he the means of . Without it we hum indefinite idess , orsior vast 1 , eluding UptuadStates .p nebula and irpriaenta eatablishletn"Sciptoo-of A,griculture," baying, undevelopcsi traineral wealth. and. this expense influences, and it is believed I benefit all branches of trade and indus llA foundaliblx; l 4-t om of "Perlexim" attending it would be utterly insignificant when t firma offoreln flattens, who havetusinesswith rotwatery . that fewer convicts discharged under it i try. I the different t 'deparnaierits of the State The report'ef - the - ttristeg fitrnishes a hill 40- COMpSted with the beneficial results. We are, ment. These statistics might he c-atheg v a er t n- All good citizens will rejoice when the acription of tfieteddeationet and hnanelal I eoo- lat present, wlthont even a reliable map to In- • „ A • ••• . 4 will return to criminal pursuits than tan- I en intelligent clerk np- , . , „ .. , din.° of thecifilege, together with the progress ' theme the locality, character and , resources of I. m '" e r a t eer Pens" , 4 .Y he books at iall der flit (-m-l-ststem- ; )ast disg,teeable vestiges of the recent and results of:thel, , sperituental Farms during mineral regions. And as good maps ate the ' P ointe d fo r that Ir i rres a nda . urnes_keptopen tor naptetiwni in the office of i , civil war shall have been obliterated. • the yearJU3t ended." . • basis of all useful riswarch in every deartment (the GENERAL REMARKS. , e Secretary of the Com °alveoli& as Since the cessation of open hostilities, the , Mil.rcAßS.. _ .. of science and the arts, especially m the practi- I - -tit The cheerful aspect of national niftirs ' - Your attention iillniffe fel, the aceninpany- cal sciences of geoitaKv and metallurgy, the first LAND DEDADTDENr. u subject for congratulation. ' A prn- I l t • nation has set the whole world a noble ing roporrof-thetAdjat ant General, for ilic de- step toward geological survey is to obtain as The report of the t urveyor General furnishes example by ifs unprecedented magna ' den t and atricu le dmii istrat ionl p a i . has • mils of the trausationa.of bbdepattmenrduring corm. t a map as possible, if not nf she entire a detailed account of th e Land Office. b uring - totality in forgiving the offences and re the past :year. _The • Dectesity of:a military State. at least of such parts thereof as are of the past fiscal yetr 11,580 patents wer e ' slic er given to the country the substantial frui- storing to citizenship the great mass of power -in tite,Shile, subordinate and auxiliary to : the most MMOrtanel. to be studied geologically. coverings37,Macres, being more than one-dif . - toil] of the victories obtained in the late those whwarred •t ' o agams Its peace and the-civil authorities bizt. so fully discussed. This will be a work of labor and time, and can i ty-sixtts part of the area of the State. The great , strugg le for freedom *.and , the Republic. st fII Inthis regard, we have been as and so . nifty emitteda, &::: to render any ar- , only be secomplishyd meressfidly by triangtslat- amount ,of work in this department requires , Theisscrered Stares have been restored a ' -.. precut oaths subject elan:* inipertiumm It ing, each county separately, and from thecounty ; several additional clerks. The insecurity of the ! , ~ . . , generous in peace as we have been in vinci- Ls admitted; ; Mt all pand a, -iliht a thorrughly • maps thus acquired, coustructing_a complete and buildings renders necessary additional iron cases Ito the a. mon ; peare reigns tritimpnunt 1 rile in tear ; and now but comparatively organized; and -well disciplined *military force accurate map of the whole State. 11 is neither or safes for the protection of the muniments of I through all our dominions; the national few of those who sotorlit to dissever the contributtlii"eakazillaillY to the, maintenance of wise nor just policy to delay this work because title and otherpnbliedeamments. The expenses I credit as established beyond the possibility 1 . 7 - • the peace and gOod order of society, arid to the it may he mot! perfectly effected at some future ,of the office, including improvements, was tad, j o r tmecessfo i as, mon remain ;18 aliens and strangers to sanit, and returning pros- security of. Ms perSoM3 and property of citizens. time- There is far it a- present necessity, and I 400, whilst the receipts, from fees alone, amount- • its government. The supremacy of the I It bas . beep; my desire amt.:dm to constitute , the rime never will conic when such a work can led to 04,703 61: 1 pertly abounds ill every State and depart- I l aws h as b een ma i nto • m d and tie , their pow- Fetch a force, to aid the eivi auth-rities,shotrid be rendered perfect. There can lie no such I . I molt of the government. MINUS. ,eris no longer disputed. The passions' an emergency arian, in the suppression of public thing as a final geological report. New develop- I I The doctrine of free trade so beneficial , I that excited and irotracted dead! •stri f e tumult or disorder. - This has.been effected - more merits in mineral resources, ns well as' addition- I herewith is submitted the re , . . . . ... . - . ... anocesnfully than wag lit :II tin . anttipatel In IMO, them:Wee bitt eight olunteer companies in the State.;, at the .ciest of Itto - 9. there were one hundred and eighty-four; to which number one hundred - add Eft.t -tight eompanic, acre ad ded last fear In the meantime, thirty hare been diAbande.iiieseing three bundre I n n tfelecen organized and attire military companies. now recogi4ed by act of the Legi,.latitre, as the 'National Gclayti of Pennmicatiii." From the co:ninny' oteiniztthias fourteen regiments andtfice-battalioncchare been formed. Whilst isn't= ttivosed to encourage regiment- al orga:nizations of cavalry or artillery, they be ing utuaccessatily lark and expensive, I rcgtrd sepratC' isrleni troop vd hattr-' -4" . . . aapentt,... .ms ,ant. ant. Intteries of 's• ~..og many millions of dollars in • last, spreading terror throng!' that neigh these baSiebes . of -the service, attached to : value. Then, many of the hack counties were , brigadat ordtvisions, as highly important. I comparatively unsettled, and Fwarrely any open - oorhood, and ettusing seriurts alarm iu The.nuota of arms due Pennsylvannia has • zags were made in our mineral districts, except Philadelphia. The disease assumed its been drakti from the General Government. 'in the anthracite coal halos and around Pitts - worse type. and the percentage of mortal- This imcianied to .forty-five hundred breach- 1, burg. Now, the State is full of trial shafts qud itv was extremely large. It was brought lotidint iitlte-musk and accoutrement; with ' private explorations ; extensive forests have apr portion to supply of the, proper ammuni. 1 been cleared; made penetrate what were In- to the litzaretto, from Jamaica, by the ~ tion... , Tttesehave ncenxiistribnted, as penal led ; accessible regions ; milways traveree whole brig ui Homy, whose Captain died during by the fifty-seventh section of art of 11, 41 ,, d, ' counties with instrumental field work ; mane the voy:rge. The vessel wasdetained by 1864, in.sachmasuncr as ht my judgment "will I thonsanthi of oil sad salt wells have been bored; order of tile Lazaretto ' Physician, Who, m6st effeettiqffy aub;ervc the military interests . valuable mines put in working order; the popubt- I with the e 5,.,. mine !ifitib - r and other and neititfes-of the Commonwealth... tine has 11f1V71(1F1n1 in intelhgence and gmwo As . heretofore stated, all the State milit a ry moo' observant rind en terprising, and the skill of vahlable attachea of the elation, fell v ie. departments-created durine the war have been , the Ecologist, metallurgist and surveyor has time to the . pestilence. . 'rite second mute merged icamilist of the Aziprant General.. That ' reached a higher degree of perfection. - and pilot of the brig, in violations of or departinent is now the depository of all our' i'osterity has its claims upon its; and it tiers to the contrary, and elio or the rtilllipat.' -Tecoriift, tho impo-ta - nre and %%tile M ! should be emsidered that whatever is done for whichltrevenstantly indit-i'ed 1•v the dap , . 11 ,. , lir- present ilmienition is so munch accomplished health regulation, went to the city, where pacaumutorisaletalsot the Gaster. s al anti clitf.asatt am tficzazerations that maw follow. One lee - they both died ; and it has been inferred States gofernmenu,, or a - ,:rue , au I szent t ' .—.,...-.• , ‘---' l -..• or ... r—i-.e5" 4 —..--‘..r 6 .. that the death's Which subsequently oe of soklient themselve : ‘, or th-ir re i ae.ent i tiv.. preserve knowledge for tatare use Science Is varied there are partly attr i butable to for Certifieate3 and exemplitic, t ion', T...• k i cirmilat iv-, and its nth-num; arc slow. It must , eir imprudence. jiitant'Oeneral tsliso the rearsonai'dc e.....Jsliati j collect saint facts before it arrives at tree con- their of alt the milltiry proportr helmmine to the , :lu,ions. For it ant of a proper bureau of Upon the death of the Lazaretto Phy- Coraduinentaith- •1, therrforriirivomio - iid that ' .it ilistica, an.l a corps of observation anti publl• aiciati and the Quarrantine Master, I ap his department receive Ito favumble con•ii lera. cation to collate and relate the facts of __,our pointed two pit rsichrus, both of whom Lion of the begislature, and Me c , i , lnti.tion ~: ecology and mineralogy AS they have appeared, were known tolince had mach experience such tippropriatlons as may he rv i an .I for its the State luta already suffered severely. Much . lit yellow fever. They volnnteered their efficienttidmbilstration. valuable inforinat ion has been lust, never to be . ' '' - 'irrtrritrr nts - rhay. - ri •overeil ; cud but little certain knowledge servic•.: . s at a time whenit was difficult, to . . l otinT aCienti . le o perations,, obtain 1 ,1 p ism rmaing, an, • 1 0... persons properly qnalifled. The The'liegislatilre . , in 1861, passed an act wort 'ets been miring, to govern anti assist the rearill'a proved the propriety of these ap ortairtgthei Governor "to ' appoint 1 ,, 1111e I.oni- futon , enziaccr The srioner, therefore, in my j --- 'Ctocitan ;to:prepare a military history or opinion, a geolocit al survey is authorized, the ' poi ntm en ts. Soon after they etterod tip oy:19116 Wahtuteers and militia, " ari.o had 1 berer will it be t c :m the prospective interests of ' on' the performance of their duties, the been ortniglit thereafter be in the field during the `,. tate, as well a, fur its prent necessities. , disease was eradicated and the station re theArti'rtif the rebellion. In 'ebnfunnity there- , with, rny predeeessor appointed Samuel P 110.1 RD OF rratic ( - natal - int ' stored to its tisnallv healthy condition. Barzte.,.Earta.to •perfOrm this diffic u lt. and re- , ratter the reguireimmts of an am, approved ! Some changes Cm em necessary for the spentsible ~undertaking. M e commenced t h e Ap r il 24, NO, I appOinted fir,,, commissioners proper rminagemeot of the rinarrantii,e. task with zeal and industry, and has prosecuted to , Thstitate a ilaard of Public Charities, who, I my opinion the Otiarran tin , it wfth ihilltv. and work has proved to be far at all tiniest, have full power to look into nod ' i n ' - - ' t . should by law required to bee medical more extensive, and required a much greater examine the condition of all !heritable, retorm- amount-of labor and research than was at first story or corree: ima I institutions within th e man, trialified to act as an assistant to opritcaroated. Four large rival ovule" volumes, state. and . at bast one , ' in every year visit all he , lAtztiret to Physician. and to perform handsoinely printed and sub-gar:Gaily bound. such Jo, are recta, me latati. aid, to examine ' Ilit. duties of that officer, in case of his have -been, produced, and the fifth, and last everything conncc:ed pith their management, . yealtrete; will be completed before the tirat of and csperiallr to ascertain whether tha rona. t . absence, eieknezis or trcatl4... Raul . it.t..,' 'neer! talc case n nen the tate physician . June next.. The book, itself, affords the Im , t, ,an inass...'--- ' ''''' '"'"' "'e economically ant catmnentaryor.e e tri c t,,,•,,_____ „, , ru kt, iii,li,ii 'Li-1y eapend..d. The requisite number , died, the iteceaaity for calling a ssi stance quit author has discharged his duties. It puts in of gentlemen, pce,sessin ;; the roe, - . frotn 'without Would have been obviated, ! concise form andperpetuates the mast import- t...M4, have generousl consented to serve on and the sjcls tie‘s, suffering' mortality les- 1 ant portion of our history, n hich otherwise this 14, ar I. widcli is now fullv organized. and winiktintre been forever lost Hereafter it lint the objects omtuniplatect art being accomplish. ' stencil. n- salary of tt,is officer, as well be invaluable to the Commonwealth. cd. Earl- ,luring the session their first annual ,as that of the Lataret to Phi - gird:in, should - RIGHTS OA ranwrr CFII7IER'S. report t, :ii ', , t, paslailed fo r your consideration, , Inc materially inereits. ml. in order to retain which-wry EIFP a ridi account of the e x te n t and competent and r, sponallile men fi ir these By the seventh. article of a Consular Pon- hn b e lt ,- theirphilanthronic transactions ' vend® between France and the United States , in g elt , ti , of uji, , tj ,, ommouvre , tit i i. , important itositiottiS. 'Flo• salaries now signed Februry 28 1833, it was stipulated -that . paid wt. - re them! tnany tear! ago, and are the citizens of the reapeetita countries should RATTLF: OF GETTITSICRO. mutually have the Same rights to hold real and lam informed the pietarce tat t, iettai l n tio fitr the risks or the Battle of J an m'ailer l " nil i _ .. personal estate„lind In enjoy and transmit the ' Get t t abarg, painted by corder of the Legialatnre, j and serviees n quire. same. My attention has been invited to this' leas been competed. As this valuable produc-, Grateful ackliticili•ilgments are duet() subject - by a letter, from Linn. Itaini'ion Fish, non is the properly of the State, I deem it the members of the 11third of Ifealth for Secretary o f 841 e of th e ynitei St a te s , d ate d , important that von Mnth] :ippoipt a ennimittee,l their excellent sanitary treedutions and May 8, 1870,1nelosing a copy of a corm-ninth:a- , with 1 , 110111 1 shall be: pleased to co-operate, to i Lion from the Minister of France to the United ' take it in charge and prepare a place Suitable ; personal services during the prevalence of 1 States, resident at Washington. That letter' for if. accommodation. This should be made' the epitli - inic. anti also to the attaches of ' secompanined by sev en th a r ti c l e , an d a ropy t sulibiently capacious, and so arranged as to the Quarantine Station for their fretless of my reply thereto, (marked A and 11.1 here- ! afford an epportrinity for the display of the devotion to dart- in the time of danger, withsubzunted to the Legislature for jnf o rm a . flags and other Mies of interest to the citizens and etch constant und . self-sacrificing ra tion, and with Ate recommendation th a t th e of the State, and to the numerous visitors at stittlect becarethilly considered. and anal:action the Capital. ' tention to the wants of the sick and dr taken thereon an Will make the eitatlitt-b of Noe' DELAWARE 110C1CDART LIRE. tog. Had it not been for these faithful and efficient services, by which the pro- State uniform- to our obligations under the The Legislature, at its session of 1860, Passed prOvlslons of said couvention. an act, untitled "An Act to settle, det erm i ne gress of (1W ft•ner was arrested, Philadel - • . .sartinc.tz CraLKTERTF.h. , and ineme the. ,, litheru • boundary line of the I Olin mid tit her populous distrcts might On the fast of 'July, 1870, an act of Conaresa Coolliwutaveld'h.” In conformity therewithl have suffered 11 rep Act to establish anti protect National cerneter- etition of the horrors was passed emeatiattiry to the aci, entitled "An commissioners were , appointed to act "in eon- j iteeljoit with Ilk,- eerm.r o ss o nters on the part of j Of ft? rimer years when this dreaded disease iei" approved Februry 22,1870. Th e object e t". the State of Delaware.' That State, however, I matte such frightful ravages. time IaNSIB 1111.0 place trader the National one. haa ralltal, thus, tar, in make the necessary np- I . IN IfE3loillA)f. poinlitiet;ts The wont, consequently, remains , ,-,, eminent the management and preservation of lion Vi 1L1.1.1 m F. rAcssa, ex-G0ver ,,,,,,,,mp1i bed. and the boundary. line is not these cemeteries, and to accure the conseitt of flat s-lreralf_hatts fu which they arc located. This , defini'ely fixed. , nor, died at Williamsport, on the 271.1) of . - consent has already been given as to the eem. toiler ordinary eirennistnnees this might not etery ;eztysburg, by the art upprased April he regarded as important ; but ..-hen it is con 14thi, ISM; and-the, National authorities now sidcred that thee is a material diflerence in ask for the same anion by the State as to the in the pensi codes of the two States, and that ceaeteriis a t Glee w uod. Lebanon, No it m the emir of I /ela ware contain provisions, author .Sltiialblatid Fellows' and Woodland. in Phut, txr, the of punishments repugnant to ,Whia , and also those at Flerrisharg,Pittsbnqr nit the thliells of rennsYlvania, serious eveils and Yortr. may Tome 0:11- arise out of the neglect to de- Copies of-a communiration on this subject, term it tlii, line. It is impossible to tell what frrirri,thE Secretary of War, and of the act of mig,ht transpire. should the State of Delaware duty, I;lB7o,,lmarked C and D,) are herewith *Vile upona citizen and subject him to the di.* trans . m i tteci. „ l ib the . m . rmirium d at i n , that the ' graceful and abhorrent punishment of the comma of die State be given, in compliance pillocr and tile whipping post, who, upon sub , yip the laws of the United States. wont-t! investigation, was ascertained to have The objectionalicretoforeexisting the ply- his residence in Pennsylvania. The injured .neat - of the appropriation fur the, thc , party would have a right to demand, and we Aattentin cemetery having been rumored, the would be compelled to grant him satigaction sum tppmpriated lass been paid over to- thr for the wrong lie suffered. This, and ocher trammel% reason; might be urged fur the ituniediate.set, 131311.Ga.ATIO'S. , gement of this questiein. Pennsylvania 'does - .-_ ant desire, awl cannot afford, to come into in. . t tayjrnaue e with a rerptest to that effect.' collision with the State of Delaware. I fglibnatt, for your considemtion. n ...opt of lite • -t.r EI NektiPntil bliPigrati.ollll3.l/1 '11...) which was • caliedby the Governors of the Western States, The Sepreine Cant has decidesl that the law reiptiring the owners of dams in the Smignehan ana 'Wits largely Attended, at Indianapolis, lu oirritilleecir,oorrittribee 2.lliicoonfvenn.tiw6enn,tibter.,lll7,tn..m7,l,laesnut,hihe rover to make fish-ways the same, at least in eases where they had purchased their worka front the State. is trout - institutional and void. a tb d e op aa tion r.r of at tni sta,t elt ea res of ol ih nt e iori nio as n. i to nbr i li mport t e, j u ne t From this decision it tines-not appear -that the Gcni;tess to enact Mich laws as would} Wined Stutt-catutel have much ways -I ""estruetett at. its immigrants, while "in tmniitu" 'from other -own exPenat;- until - concurrent legbilation can be obtained pro rlds, a ter4 tulnpon thew ivu ' againstthe abases a rival in to wi b t at is itbe3 otui v t a n n c : 4 ‘ ,., 4 i tty 3f4i t yL i era- jruji suor loidinzLoth hailka . now.dattorrausly subjected. .the cansitirar. Su 'luel'anna liver at its month Tad` fni meet in , aii ,„, :atioa, of a useful eliz4 , 4tor, as many miles- above. The subject • has been alwa y rii-freen tare • approved policy of rate grit- bro ugh t P . 14 " ittlt i l tiee'efahulteed: the: beg re.„,.nraed islature of which State. AL iia last ~session, pass.. r-dr.,,ix;:wwrz.g.c.iii;mr-r , dime provi,litsg fur the appointment of core- y of fisheries, to report at its next vire touvr r. •. Kim. which willnot occur. until next winter. 'About the -