fountg giiintoo girectiq. row Una in this Directory, one year, $1.50 oath additional line, 50 eta. NEW MILFORD O. BAWLIY. Alont for Emsdre Sawing Idarbtoc, and American Mule flurtang Stove, Main Street., W. L loss &CO , Dealent In Dry Goods. lbws. Cape. Boots mid Shoe*, and General Merchandise. on Main street, sewed door below the Epireopal Church. • LINTON HOTEL, kept by WILLIAM SMITH, an Main street, near rbe Depot —• NICIIOLAS SROBAIAKER. Agent for Lefb,l'e Turbine. Best water trboil In use. butirfattion guaranteed.• NI. S. MEAD. Foundry. and dealer to Moo, and other utensils. one door from Phlnnerd llarl. Muin St. IC P. KIIITIER. Carriage Voter and Undortakar. on Vale Strati, two doors below Marley's Store. • MaCOLLITY BROTHERS. Dealers in Groceries And Procisiono, on Yalu *Met.* n, d. SON. Desk?* in Flour. Fecd. Meal. Salt. Ups; C.eaterd, GroCaliCs And Pnnisluns on Yea Sireet.tippoilta he Aiwa. IWITIEE, itinlitilOnters of Cigars and Wholefaile dealers In Yankos Notions and Fancy Clood . t;66*lin Went: balms Episcopal Chunk • 11110811411 , IMAP, Leathre Untinfeetureis end - dealt-re In *queen Findings. de.. nest Bpieenpel Church. • AMY- A IThYDEN, Dealerein Drnea and Medicine... saitliarigracturera of Cigars, as Main Street, near thaDepot - W. ITSIMENEI. Worse Shock:mend dram) Repairing on Wein Street. south of the brk ge. J. DI SRN/og. JD.. Dealer In general mrrcltindlo, and Matas, Met Store, on Main Street. WITIPPLE i ILIAD, Dnalens In gcneral Blerchandi.e Ss Male Strcal. • GREAT BEND 8. LIENFIRIII. Sfanntaeforyr of T.cather. and dealer If geortal Mlrchandi•o, on Main Klrt et • U. P. DORAN, MerelOinttor and dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries , and Proclaim., Mala UtraeLe LENOXVILLF HIRAM WHITE. Manntaetnrer °rand dealer in surd K Plow. and Cutlugs. GIBSON. ,ZDWARD 4 t DIITANT. Minureetarers of WagODO and tllet=ht, hoar the Invite' Stare. MONTROSE. MULL TIIIIRELL Dealer In Prom Medicine,. LI gams, Paints, 0110, Dye Staff.. (traceries. Jearlry otlans, ate. %fp, D. '7O Weft 4 OHRE, Nevus oMce. and dealers in Grocer le. sint Provisions, Crockery. etc., Public Avenue. JAMS X. CAR3IALT, Attorney at Odle, one floor below Tart.ll Honor, Public A venue. • WIC II COOPER .t CO.. Ranter.. "ell rt.tri,nn V. mg* Tick is and Drafts on England, Ireland and Rog W!P J. R. IPI.KTCHER'S '}Stint Saloon I. the Plan• to rt.l lee Cree e. Oymerp and Clams, lo ever} oLy t. Ltu Main lamed! wrnoun a BROWN. I:er oral Fttr arr - Lira tn.or ae. Arm. ; al.. sell Railroad and Accident Tirket• to Naar York and rb ce one Jour rapt fthe Rank. Y. N. CHANDLER. General Inoiraare mad Scswing ?lor. chine Agra. Pahl lc Arrnae.• BURNS /It NICHOLS, the place to get Hews and M.-di clues. Clrere. TobAcco, Pipe., Pocket-Souk., Specte els*. Tankre Notions, to.. Public Avenue. WY. L. COL alarm"e maker and dealer in all article* usually kept by the trade, ummtite liatik. • W. B. BOYD R CO.. Dealer. In Staves. llnrdwarr. sod YnaaGctal,..•f Tin and Sheetirun ware, turner of Yalu acid 'romplke •tract. S. M. 111 , MVIE., Morchant Tailor and Anal, In meth., TrimsolnZ, mind rnialli 31: i;ooda. and Atm,. Nr :anal nr Machine, on Math Streat, Vardham A. N. BULLARD. Dealer to (7rore•lee, PrnOrlon, }10.14, Btallonerp and Yankee Notione, at head of Public Avenue.. T. maim a CO., De,l r t, Stvtre•. 113rdsrarr. ltatai Implements, Floor and Go- rocvr.cs, opp = theft Mims it.trrsironr , & ITITMIEI.. Livery and Excbancr tcsable. In rear of Rant building. • J. R. DzWrrr 8 VO,. Dealers In by Gond., Hard wave saki :sacral umerrbandise, corner, ncar Llvirk Mock.* goat ..ntelligcnot. iVotice. The Susquehanna County Agiicultunil Socie ty will hold their Annual Meeting at the Court House in 3lontrose, on Tuesday evening Jan. 10th, 1871. All bills against said Society must be presented at once. C. T LLB., See y Montrose, Doe. 21, 1870.—td Rather Porky. Idr. J. I). Wilber, of Liberty township this county informs us that December 19th he killed six hogs that weighed conscentively when dress ed 52, 548, 547, 545 and 541 pounds, making in the a=regate from the sit, 3,486 pounds of pork. That is more porky than anything we have yet heard from. Mug be Windy Will not 'tome "" tr >t the editor of the Republican a short time. the poor little boy must hare wind on his stomach? If that will not stop his crying about the DEMOCRAT, when we haven liUle spare time we will again see what we can do for him. We certainly hope be will not injure himself A Gambler. A Wilkes-Barre correcpondent of the Scran ton 7Tatessays that S. N. Bradford, late provost marshal, has been convicted of being; a common gambler, the penalty for which is imprisonment Fla the Penitentiary, not exceeding five years, land aOw not excredingssoo. The indictment ender which he was convicted, contained, also, two other counts of thtfsamc character. Ruler. Irise trial of Hula' comes of at the Broome County Cireult which commences on the 2d of JlMtlarr Judge ilogebooin, of Hudson, is to bald the clault. Judge Boardman holding the thiter County Circuit the succeeding week. pbtriet Attorney Hopkins states that new and direct evidence against linloff has been discov ered within a few days, so direct and gointed, ludeed, as to render his conviction almost a cer tainty. Attorney General C hemplein is-to assist District Attorney Hopkins in the plosecution. cos The Strike.' The strike of the freight brakemen on the Susquehanna and Western Divisions of the Erie Road, which occurred last week, was oc caskmed by an order from Superintendent Rucker, reducing the pay from $2 to $1.75 per day. The strike greatly interfered with the transportation of freight, and a serious riot was at one time feared at Romellseille, where the brakemen had centered. The trouble was Ocudly happily settled, by a . compromise which divides the difference, and gives the brakemen $1,87 1.2 per day. This road can well be called the "Erie of Trouble." , Moo to Preserve Leather. Take half a pint of linseed oil, and half a pint seats' foot oil and boil them together. Haire the boots dry, and free from dirt, rub them well with this mixture before the fire, until completely saturated, set them by for two or three days after oiling the rust time, and after using, wash them clean front diet, and oil when dry, or upon the feet, before going out. The soles of deem boots may be studs impereipus to wet cr suite, by the same mixture, Teachers , Institutes. An Inatitnte will be held at Forest Lake Cen tre School House, on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 6th and 7th, 1671. Also, One at City School Howe, Clifford, on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 20th and 21st, 1871. Each Institute to Commence at 10 o'clock.a. m. of Friday and closing at 1 o'clock p. m., of Saturday. . A short lecture on Educational Interests Friday evening, and class exercises or discus sions. . . Teachers in adjoining towns will be expected for the whole session. W. C. TILDEN, CO. Supt. Forest Lake Centre, Dec., 25th, 1870.—td. An Old Stove. The oldest stove probably in the United States, is the ono which warms the hull of I Virginia's capitol, Richmond. It was made in England and brought to Richmond In 1770, and warmed the House of Burgesses r sixty years before it was removed to its present loco cation, where it has been for thirty years. It has survived three British monarchs; has been contemporaneoys with three monarchies, two republics and two Imperial governments of France. The great republic of America has been torn by Interred strife, the breaches partly healed, and still the old stove.remnins unmoved in the midst of all. Remarkable Colncidences. Mr. John .Moore,Ex-Sheriff of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, recently died in the town of Mercer. in his sixty-filth year. He had tilled the office of Sheriff of Itlemur county during two terms. Ile was married twice and it seems re markable that the prominent events of his life took place in the month of November. Ile was burn in November, married his first wile and buried her in November, was married a second time In November, was sworn into office for both terms in November, buried four child ren in the month of November, of different years, and finally died in November, 1970, leav ing a widow and ten children. I-Wouderfal Freak of Nature The wife of James Hawley, who lives near Whitney's Crossing, gave birth about a week ago to a female child having neither arms nor legs! Dr. Dotson, who has seen this "Insus natures;' says that the child is living and aims to he doing well. Two slight projections, like toes, frotn.thc abdomen or right side are the orgy traces of limbs which the child has.— ilortteittriik Timex. The sail Wen. ED. DIASOCILAT - -A few statistics In your ar ticle respecting the Snsquehanna Salt Works do not tally exactly with the record made, over forty pairs ago, In the Susquehanna Regittter. Anxious to be exact in preserving, for perma nent use, accounts of the early enterprises of the county, I. copy for present publication and criticism a few items which seem to contradict your own, without reference, now, to various other Salt Works not included in your state ment. F.. C. B. Under date of 21vr. 28, the Editor of the Register writes: Some fifteen years ago, a Salt Spring was discovered 'about six nolio in 31 northeast direc tion from Montrose. It had been covered over, probably by Indians, end on removing the coy . er n we are told a wooden ladle was found lying in the Spring. As there was not enotqh water in the Spring to render the malting of salt froof it on object of importance, BALTRASAR Pe MEAT built a cabin and took up his abode in I the wilderness, and, assisted by his brother, sunk a well about twenty feet, when they came . to a rock. Then they commenced sinking a : shaft into the rock, but his brother died, and ! Judge De !Inert was left without much nligis tance and with limited means. lie continued with a perseverance worthy of better sucems, progressing but slowly, until he intitterl n 11,IM ; ± , e-rtl: capitalists to engage is the work with hits. About five years ago—January 1824--after sinking a shaft to the depth of WO feet, it was -,uppo:ed they had struck a fissure that would yield an abundance of sslt water; but it prov j ed a delusion. Judge Dc linen soon after left the country, and the project was wholly aban- doned." Previous to the erection of the mills by a New York Company in 1865-6, the well, then 2 5 feet in depth, had not been tested, and af terwards the flow of salt water was found to be intermittent—once in three hours after two hours' pumping. The quality of the salt was good, and perhaps 200 bbia. in all. Acre mann fictured. After experimenting a whale summer, without a yield in paying quantities, the work was once more abandoned. The Company's original aim was to find Petroleum. Abinoam Hinds and Isaac Pee:dna. Illa!dieser Dc }lnert settled at Chenango Point (Binghamton) as early as 1801, possibly earlier. •• He was from the City of New York, had bezel bred to the law, and had been in some manner connected in its practice with Alexan der Hamilton. Ile had by some means become poor, if he had been ever otherwise, and proba bly retired here, not so much to mend his for tune, as to escape from the mortification he might have anticipated, in remaining among his former associates. He was originally front Now Jersey, where he obtained the title ofindge His talents though respectable, were not offa high order, as might be supposed from his having been associated with so great a man as Hamil ton."—[ Wilkinson's Annals of Binghamton. He was for several years a Deputy Clerk of Swaps Co, Courts. " Lonnie." One by one the weeks pass, Oh how slowly away, so filled with grief, and suffering, they seem like years. The house is so still, so dmrt late, the little empty chair and crib, the play things lying untouched, mock us with visions of the bright little face of our dear lost baby. 0, dreary life. Listening all day for the patter of tiny feet that we know can never come again, for the gleeful, bird-like voice that filled our homes with music, our hearts with Jty and gladness. Over and over In our dreams we are calling the sweet pet name Lonnie, Lonnie, we kiss again the soft loving lips,ttlid clasp clakly to our hearts the precious little form, and then-0 sadness unutterable—we wake to find nought but the drear, dark night arouna us, our antis clasping vacaney. We are glad that the glory of the autumn days,—up' n which we have gazed with such Intense, rapt delight., has Laded away from Held, and wood, and sky, they had no longer any charms for uannd oven God's beautiful sunshine fails to penetrate the gloom of our inner lives The years last hours suit us better, filled as they are with the rustling of dry, withered lest-es, and with mournful voices, sobbing and mourn ing of buried. opes, and breaking hearts. But 0, our Father, keep us from o tter despair, from grieving as those who have no hopes; for we know that what is our bitter loss Is his glorious gain. And though the grave seemed so cold, so dark, yet we know that lie la not:there, and we will strive through all our pain, through ail the blinding rain of tears, to look up with faith and hope, beyond the deep dark river, to the beautiful meadows of years, where safe and happy in the fbld of the Good Shepherd who loveth him even more tenderly than we, our little One waits fur our earning. And may we, through all • earth's struggles and trials, and temptations; be able, with constant striving, to keep our hearts, onr sotllq pyre, so that anti a few more years shall base worn away, and we shall be summoned to go down into the shadowy valley, for us too may the eryst i l gates Wars). - oamtete.mult-.. wo _-: • -- . . '' • may clasp our lost darling to our head,' again; "t . .. . . never more 03 know the agony of parting. Montrose, Dec. 17th, 1870. ---....-..--....------- Susquehanna Co. Medical Society. The Susquehanna County Medical Society , will hold their next Semi-annual meeting at the, office of Dr. Gardner, in Montrose on Vitednesd'y i January 4th, 1870. A general invitation is ex tende4l to all regular pracxitkinenx A Clink- ....-- . will be held at 2 o'clock r. 11:, when all CO} that may be presented will be treated free ps., WEDNESDAY JAN. 4, charge by the Society. A full attendance is sired, Persons suffering from chronic li . i will Audit much to their advantage to b I cat. E. L. 41111 GAnincEn, Secrete 0.- - crat Jury List—January Term 1871. GRAND JCRORIL Mownioss Auburn—George Stebbins, Thos. F. Fi r Ararat—Sam'l C. Avery. Bridgewater—Frederick A. Fessenden. T. Brooklyn—Geo. M. Ely, Charles J. Francis Fish. Dimock—lsanc B. Woodhouse. Franklin—Omer 11. Summers, Edward C. Park. Great Bend Boro.—Henry Ackert. Great Bend tn.—Ebenezer Gill. Harfortl—EN. C. Harding, Amos V. Tiffany Jessup—Daniel Pickett. liberty—Nicholas L. Austin. Montrose—Samttel 11. Sayre.. Middletown—Thos. Williams. Now 3lilford Boro.—Albert Moss, Jr. New Milford tp.—lra D. Foot. Rush—John L Moore. Robert Giffin. Silver L akc—Joseph Ward. T RA VERSE JURORS-ISt week. Auburn—Daniel Seeley. Ararat—Lewin Tuber, Cle,irge Avery. Brookivn —Frederick B. Jewett, A. Dewitt Titsworth, Ellslm G. Williams, Jan. W. Adams, Clifiord—Letup B. Lewis. Frienfisrille—Hirsm Hosford. Franklin—Chas. 11. Follett. Forest Lake—Joel Turrell, Hiram Bail. Gibson—Joseph Brundage, Wm. W. Barnes, Freeman Brundage, Seth Abel. Great Bend tp.—Wm. Great Rend Bom.—Bradley Wakeman. Harfonl—Robert Alexander, Alvah M. Adams, Harmony—Silas Winters, James Sparks, Win. V. Norton. lierrick—Enos W. Cory. Jackson—John Stearns. Jessup—John Bedell. Liberty—John W. Fisk, Garry Law. Montrose—Orin S. Beebe, Wallace W. Lyons. New Milford tp.—Geo. W. Squires, Oliver Lathrop. Oakland—James Tillman,. Edward Doyle, James H. Rogers. Silver Lake—Lawrence Day, Truman . H. Gage, Phillip (34e. Springville—lsrael B. Lathrop. Thompsott--Frank.M. TRAVEME aunons-2d week. Auburn—El.%ha Lyman, Miner C. Tubbs. Ararat—Horace Barnes. Bridgewater—Zebina Sprout, George Prink, Horace Brewster. Brooklyn—Lyman B. Tiffany. Clifford—Phillip Burdick. . Choeonut—Samuel T. Lee. Dinmek—Geo. Stevens, Charles Risley. Frlendsvilk—Martln C. Sutton. Forest Lake—Chauncey W. Pecking, Samuel D. Cannel, ?diion Birchard. Great Bend Boro.—Geo. H. White, Cyrus W. Decker. Great Bend tp.—Enos Stoddard. liarmony —Henry ('. Bross. I larford—Geo. Lamb, James H. Hotchkiss. hlerrick—Payson Burritt.. Jarks•at—Ebenezer Dix. Jesup—R aketuan liandrick, James B. Mc eeliy. Lrilox—Samuel 11. R. Grow. out se—Samuel B. Rogers,. •1,11,-town—George L. Wells. New Nillford Rom. William T. Ward, Joel Lamb. New Milford tp.—Henry C. Manley, Orrin Barrett, Elliott Aldrich, Dennis Shiy. Springville—James Basson, Edward S. Broad mail. Susrja Depot—Timothy' Boyle, Wm. C. Frith. Thompson—Merrick T. Whitney, George W. Winters. TRA V EnsE JUILORS-341 week. Auburn—John F. Carlin, Daniel 0. Cooley, Charles Gay, Lafayette Safford. Brooklyn—Wm Pitt Bailey. Bridgewater—Wm. D. Fluicher, Carter Smith. Chtwonut—Lewis Chamberlin, jr., AMC* Ileath. Clifford—Arnold Green. Hiram Stevens, Olney Rounds. Wm. H. Hasbrook, Jacob B. Stevens. Dimock—Hiram C. Conklin, Matt. Shay. l)undaff—John Rivenhurg. Franklin—Aaron Sbekholm. Forest Like—Wilson J. Terrell, Wm. A. Southwelt. Great Bend Boro.—Eli Wilcox. . Great Bend tp.—Francis S. Barnes. Herrick—Chas. A, Giddings. Harmony—Wm. Woodward. Harford—James C. Edwards. Jessup—Wm. Wheelock. Jackson—Truman W. Clinton, Franklin Bry ant. Liberty—Joseph W. Howard. Lenox—Jonathan Hartley. New Milford—Horace Little, Homer Tingley, Chas. A. Summers. Oaklond—Bcolaman C. kidder- Silver Lake—Wm. J. Meeker, Win. IL Gage. Springville—Charles M. Brooks. Susy'a Depot—Ephraim J. Carr, Leroy 3i. Ly on, David A. Lyons. - • --- GLORIOUS ' DEMOCRATIC VIC TORY. COL. DECHERT 'ELECTED. IllS MAJORITY 1,406. THESTATESENATE DEMOCRATIC PA I L A DELPH 11, Dec. 20. —The Senator ial election held in the First District to day resulted in 1,406 majority for Colonel Robert I'. Deehert, the Democratic can didate. This is a brilliant and substan tial victory. It gives the democrats a majority in the Senate for the first time iu many years' and thus defeats, the dis honest gerrymander which was made in the apportionment cf 1862. With the control of the Senate, the Democrats will be able now to secure the just and fair distribution of representatives among the people of the State which is contemplated by the constitttion. •At this time imposii Wei to estiinate the many salutary results which will flow front this victory of the Democracy of the First. district. It deserves to be hailed as the Commence ment of u new and brighter era in the po litical history of Pennsylvania. Death or a Well-known Citizen. Patrick Ward, Esq.. died last evening aged 6/ of general debility, at his resi dence, No. 331 S. Broad street. Mr. Ward was a native of EdgeriorthsiOwn, County of Longford, Ireland, and, came to this country in 1834. lie resided for d year in Carbon county, Pa., and removed to Philadelphia, where he was employed at the old Indian Queen Hotel; from there he went to Congress Hall, thence to the United States Hotel, thence to the Girard House, and in 1856 he became the princi pal proprietor of the Iu Pierre House, in partnership with his younger brother, Michael. The reputation which the ha tel enjoyed became national, and in 1806 he retired with a large income, the fruits of his industry and ability as a hotel keeper. He was favorably known by it very large circle of friends throughout the United States.—Phiindriphia inquir er, Dec. 14. ,—Gold on Saturday was dull but • Very dead) , arranging betwepa 110/ and 1101, closing attilDf, the same as before. 'Mei? ding e3change, 117.144211. gtioctlitintono. A Californian In the South African Diamand Fields. DIAMOND FIELDS OF SOUTH AFRICA, t August 4, 1870, Immediately after sending you my last letter, I organized a company, purchased an outfit, and started for the Diamond u cimag bu l, t‘ i gt h t- p m u ' 4 Fields. Our company consists of thrn ß 'te men. and will employ six negroes, The Ate shilling per day each, and gr eu ‘'Nieni. Our outfit cost 41.50. We side 1356 m t rc lie lms tea ed m a ll • I • I Sc d o a tch spr c i a n r g t pie agatnatbe in , 'se,,American carts for haul- Ther oxen at £4 each, to thecoming 1 :1 had a long-tom made result en is rt b h u g t urt Cr k‘ the next l'itritlenttat °framers at the foot of it. was riaade with perforated The o 1 d in f l a t h. P e amendment nnsy v w u tui n are three of them. contrary to the wishes one-half inch holes •, question been eubmitb one-eighth of an i nc h here, it would have besottom salve has one-six ly that another atteno holes. Diamonds that tens would neveriugh the bottom salvo are proof is needed reve extra trouble to obtain have been, call fila purchased a force pump We very large ction hose and 50 feet of oth- Gen. e G w purchased tools and frm col; provisions were to be had aa ra n n e t In ' a e a Grant'smodance at the mines, so we did not Tendon it inch with us. We left Oolesbur ' , expresso .)) Ist of Jury, and arrived at the lets of the Diamond Fields on the Wen, ate The ' (200 miles.) We found plenty of grass einzet la bush for the animals, but water was -farce, and at several farms, we had to I fe n u t T, / ay one shilling for water for ourselves and stock ; this water had been collected t I in a kind of hole formed by damming up a ravine or depression in. the plain ; the n dams arc filled during the rainy seasons and last througit.the dry season. The fairroad is excellent all the way from Coles : ntekaurg to the Diamond Fields. if it Arrived at the Diamond Fields, a Cell i , askTornian scene of early days presented it . rear...elf. The river was lined with rockers by tents, and miners of all kinds, color, sex voiced size, for a mile on both sides. At neweast 800 miners were at work, whole the tunnies, men, women and children, hay- Thel left their homes either in the Trans winter 'Republic, Orange Tree State, or Cape f orge d emy: The men;were picking, shovel exemakind washing the dirt, while the worn the vote 1d children were sitting around ta new Const ) d sorting the pebbles that have have taken t!elied, for diamonds. Before cross of the State 1 Vaal River we applied to Mr. teresting co „gg,, the missionary, for permiss lain it, which an the Pruel Farm, but he re matter teen deluwere strangers to hlm. lie amendment by our leg,: •oce. whom he knows to e, and he makes them r It Wray beaked te- Y, of the proceeds of new Constitution. I an were about two Linn they had a hard job on estate when we amy -1 t h e ea" „ far C onven t!_} found on an average, stitution, and if they diamonds a day of from ed ' anufner C 'e nfi niell: no large diamonds I and still another, this estate „p to the Constitution was not ;al, but several have been State In debt half a teqc of 10 carats, one of 17 of a Convention, and g 43 carats the people a tax more. river on the sth, of Ju now existing. Then for the night near the by popular vote. tt. On the lith we sign- The truth is, the Mies and picked out our been virtually disfrancktlare for each partner. of the negroquestion, lit on the third capie, or vote or voice In the tn•i'ivr ; Ulu first capie is riously now realize t and King Williamstown Lion of "popular sovert72 diamonds from a tri es advocated by Stephmbout fifty paces in eir nullified, and a Democra Mm six inches to twen ted, t h ey r eel that that it depth. Other parties a pans, as hundreds ha .,, 150 diamonds from ands more will do, whic on the same capie. The its action, and join one tha -oved rich since, and by the wishes.of the peopie lad been taken out had just been o c rthe o goy "m ein or le " nt credl or tie th tr e aci t ? , State had - been of Witham . Shannon, .pmprietar of - the town of Shannon, situated on the Riudno tualiNitsissippi Railroad, was the Democrstienaminas for State Senator this fall ;, he is a most senility man, as yogi may know by his strong run. Every influ ence that could be stirred up, was set in motion to defeat him, fearing if he was elected that the Senate would have a Democratic majority, and thus secure a Democratic United States Senator. He reduced the Radical vote in this district 2,. When Illinois again calls n vote for President of the United States, it will be given undoubted ly for the Democracy. The losses in different parts of the State to the Radicals, in the popular vote, shows strong sym toms of recuperation and reform, as also they do In Pennsylvania ; and it is to tic hoped that both States will increase in honesty and Intelli• gence as rapidly as they have in population. The weather is beautiful, but money Is scares and times hard. Yours, dz., or Poverty is Bad, but the worst kind of poverty is poverty of the blood; this makes a man "poor indeed," for it take away his strength, courage and energy; but enrich the blood with its vital element, Iron, by taking the Peruvian Syrup (a pro toxide of iron.)and you will feel rich and "as good as anybody" Try it. IuejLIVIR.IB.GI.2II23. TIPTANT —TIIO3IISON — On Wednesday, Dee. 21st, at Chensugu Forks, N. Y., by Rev. I. M. Ely, Sir. I. A. Tiffsay, of Brooklyn, and Miss Ell= A. Thompson, origurnitllgo Forks. OLtvan—S7EnLevo—ln Tunkhannock,Dee. 15, by Rev. S. F. BMW°, Mr. Robert A. Oliver, of Laceyrille, and Miss Mary C. Sterling, of Au burn. Rwrzroun—SlETlM.—Dee; Mk et the resi dence of Mrs. E. L u ilan;its, by Rev. L. B. Ford, Mr. A. W. Beyi:uddisnd Miss Olive M. Steven, Montiese.' El,4lolst.Ez—Lirrm—Dee. 27, at the rea d:l4l;o Oa E. br Rev, L. B. guild, =yen Z plakeslee Esq, of the dm} of Linke k Bhdunrkie, and Miss Mary,E,Little, • - all oniontrose. ilrßomeof.those little fancy sashes many of our ladies around. their waists-cost flom 45 to $l5, and yet " the poor ye have with youlbettYL Einfever go to chtuch with such a bad cough that. you dic.tuFlut the " met" of . the con gregation, POW AoY e 4 konle iie.your 14b0: tained a 1* carat diamoned, slightly off colored, but good shaped and nearly round, valued at XS. We worked this claim oat and "got nothing innie. We tried our several other claims on that side of the river with - no snceest,although:dia ' moods were found all around us. We worked three weeks on that side of the river without further success, and then having obtained permission from Mr. K., the missionary, to mine on the Pruel farm, we moved over here. and on the first day's washing we found two beauties of ¢ and carats. I also discovered a se cret in diamond mining on this side of the river, that I shall divulge only to the company that is being raised in New York to work a certain diamond form by a wholesale system. lam quite satisfied with this side of the river and this claim that I have. All that I need now is a "sorting machine," that will "sort as fast as I can put the " cassalho" through the washer. I shall try my hand at inventing one. MARS TWAIN'S POLITICAL EX A few months ago I was nominated for Governor of the great State of New York, to run against Stewart L Woodford and John T. Hoffman, on the independent ticket. I somehow felt that I had one prominent advantage ovel• these gentle men, and that was, good character. It was easy to see by the newspapers, that if ever they had known what it was to bear a good name, that time had gone by. It was plain that in these latter years they had become familiar with all manner of shameful crimes. But at the very mo ment that I was exalting my advantage and joying in it in secrect, there was a muddy undercurrent of discomfort "ril ing" the deeps of my happiness—and that was, the having to hear my name bandied about in familiar connection with those of such people. I grew more - and more disturbed. Finally I wrote my grandmother about it. Her answer came quick and sharp. She said : " You have never done one single thing in all you life to be ashamed of—not one. Look at the newspapers—look at them and comprehend what sort of characters Woodford and Hoffman are, and then see if you are willing to I..wer yourself to their level and enter a public canvass with them." It was my very thought ! I did not sleep a single moment that night. But after all, I could not recede. I was fully committed and must go ou with the tight. As I was looking listlessly over the papers at breakfast, I come across this parapraph, and I may truly say I never was so con founded before: " Pv.n.rrev.—Perhaps now that Mr. Mark Twain is before the people as a can didate for Governor, he will condescend to explain how be eame to be convicted of perjury by thirty-four witnesses, in Wakawak, Cochin, China, in 1863, the intent of which perjury was to rob a p?or native widow and her helpless family of a meagre plantain patch, their only stay and support in their bereaverne6t and their desolation. Mr. Twain owes it to himself, as well as to the great people whose suffrages he asks, to clear this mat-1 ter up. Will he do it ?" I thought I should burst with amaze ment! Such a cruel, heartless chr I had never seen Cochin China! laTI never heard of Wakawak! I didn't know a plantain patch from a kangaroo! I did not know what to do. I was cmzed and helpless. I let the day slip away not doing anything at all. The next morning the same paper had this—nothing more : " SioNIFIcANT.—Mr. Twain, it will be obserbed, is suggestively silent about the Cochin China perjury?' ['AM—During the rest of,,,the pawn this paper never“." -- ti - any other _wav WINTER TERM, 1871, Will commence Tuesday, Jan. 3d, 18.1, and continue fifteen weeks. A. R. BERLIN, Principal Regulations and rates of tuition same as at Fall Term. By order of the Board. B. THATCHER, Sec'y. Montrose, Dec.2B, 1870-1 t LICENSE PETITIONS. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of the act of Assembly, the following named persons have filed their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Susquehanna, for License to keep Taverns, Eating Houses, and to sell liquor by measure In said County, for which they will apply at January Sessions, 1871 : M. B. Porten, Tavern, Clifford. Philip Ryan, " FricndsrlUe. Boffarn,.by measure, " -. Asa Day; Gibson. W. IL Cullum, Eating House, Gibson. lobn 11. Lockwood, Tavern, Ilarford. _Charles Kirk, " Harmony. Cornelius Borland, Eating House, Harmony. Mumma Daughan, eating house, Gt. Bend bora Catharine Kirby, Richard Stack, by measure, 411 Delos Roberts, tavern, Jackson. Peter Ten Eyck, eating house, New Milford bo. Joseph Allen, " Susquehanna Depot. E. FL Abbott, Tavern, Susquehanna Depot.. ' - John Tierney, by measure, Maurice Myers, " • Henry Perrin, eating houso, Adolph Zorn, P. O'Donnell, Eliza McGrnw, M. J. Hartley, 14 Achillo Trecco, by measure, . " J. IL Brown, eating house, Great Bend twp. Wm. N. Bennett, tavern, Auburn. Lauren Mclnerny, tavern, Choconnt. James Lott St Charles L. Low, tavern, Auburn. L N. Bullard, eating house, Montrose. G. B. ELDRED, Clerk. Montrose, Dec. 10,1840. Ilzurroxs. DISSOLUTION. •:- -- - ..- -- rho pastnariblp heretofore osistftsg under Bar tame of J. L. "denim= 4b- Bon luta Omit , - Oti ilmitstieni. The ootos and accounts due add are idtho- hands of die subscriber for collection, whe will also satisfy all debts owing try LIM firm ; mid it is very d , u-frable 010, pay meats should-be made before the istofJanuary, ISM -•-- I 4 MEMILS , jrs°llTilleckvi4lllnlX,-§ ... 1871. PERIENCE. VOLUME XXVIII, 'UMBER 1. breaking furniture and windows in their righteous indignation as they came, and taking off such property as they could carry when they went. And yet I. can lay my hand upon the Book and say that I never slandered Governor lloirman's grandfather. More—l -had never even heard of him or mentioned him, up to that day and date. state, in passing, that the jour nal above quoted front always referred to me afterward as "Twain, the Body Snatch- . er."l The next newspaper article that at tracted my attention was the following: " A SWEPT CANDI DATE.--3fark Twain.. who was to make such a blighting speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last night, didn't come to time ! A tele- gram from his physician stated: that' he had been knocked down bra runaway team and his leg broken in two places— sufferer lying in great agony, and so forth and so forth, and a lot more bosh of the same sort. And the Independents tried hard to swallow the wretched subterfuge and pretended they did not know what was the real reason of the absence of the abandoned Creature whom they denomi nate their standard-bearer. A certain man was seen to reel into Mr. Twain's hotel last night in a state of beastly intox ication. It is the imperative duty of the Independents to prove that this besotted brute was not Mark Twain himst-lf. We have them at last ! This is the ease that admits of no shirking. The vc,iee of the people demands in thunder-tones: -WHO WAS THAT MAN r'. It was incredible, ahsolntelv incredible, fora moment, that-it Wits really my name that was coupled with this disgraceful suspicion. Three long years had passed over my head since had tasted ale, beer wine, or liquor of any kind. [lt shows what effect the times were having on me when I say that I saw my self confidently dubbed "Mr. Delerium Tremens Twain" in the uext issue of that journal without a pang—notwith standing I knew that with ulimotons fidelity the papers would gu on calling me so to the very end.) By this time anoymous letters were get , ting to be an important part of my mail matter. This form was common : " How about that old woman yon kiked off your premisers which was beging: Pot. Puy." And this: " There is things which you hare done which is unbeknowens to anybody but me. You better trot out a few dole, to yours truly or you'll hear thro' the papers from HANPI(,2O DT." That is abont Abe Idea. I .e 94 0 ,1 tiime them till the reader wts surfeited if desirable. • Shortly the rincipal Republican jour nal "convicted' of wholesale bribery. and the leading Democratic paper 'nailed' an aggravated case of blackmailing to me. [ln this way I acquired two additional names; "Twain the Filthy Corruplion ist," and "Twain, the Loathsome Eut bracer."l By this time there had grown to •be such a clamor for an'"iinswer" to all the dreadful charges that were laid- to me, that the editors and leaders of my party said it would be political ruin for the to remain silent any longer. As if to make their appeal more imperative, the follow ing appeared in one of the !rapers the very next day. "BEHOLD THE MAN !—Tlic Independ ent candidate still maintain; silence. Be cause he dare not speak. 'Every accusa tion- against hint has been amply proved, andthey are endorsed and re-endorsed by his own eloquent • silence; till tit this day he stands forever convicted. Look npon your candidate,. lndeuLiulttnts. : with a general assortment of Hats and Cam, Boots ...&,fiboes.. _Mlle And_ Paints,. Grocerici. Crockery, Hardwire, Stoves, Iron, Amish ings superior opportunity for selections, and I will be state the most favorable terns, by S. MITTEILMII.X7C"I". Now Milford. Nor. 30th. 18:0 AOBITS WANTED FOR THE LIIIRARY OW rots= AND SONO. tbo totadeoutest and cheapest work natant. It has some thing In It of the heat tar every one.—fee the old, the ntlddle egtd and the )(tang— and must become 'Miser. Gan. popular. Sampling the Bible. this will be the book most loved and the picot frequently referred to In the fatally, Every page has passed under the Mitleal eye of thegreat poet. WM. CULLER HYBANT. Itarechante rot Un MORS. The only boot of Ito kind over sold by substsiption. Send at ones tor elicit Into, &c., CM& litACLltta. Publisher, dee.ll-4w Bensons St., PtallkkiPlak WARTED—AGENTS—To mall au nen Inartrated Book of Travels . ‘O4tRLAND THROUGH- .. ASIA. - - ~ --- - -- • By Cal. Thomas W.Knax. A eon ' At.:.and rah 46 ,. cable euwasltlan of the manta albute. China and Darla as they are Wiling oar Itlehardaon's " Beyond Ike SUM ppl."q Ind Ilart Twalree"loneeenis abroad" In Style. &a- Send for ericnbus and see ear extra terms. Ail:Truk Ala LRICANTIIIILLSBIBO CO„ Bullard, Conn. Dee. 21.-4. w , , mnerr4 vira.3lP volt FREEIOVE: ITS ; VOTARIES. . _ Pr Da. ro. sun.. Urge Selee, Imineuse Pratte. Iftpradatre revetettcree intheartling dlselaenee. ' The whole irobJees WM bare mull Ito !Meatiness exposed to pelmet! eteastlon. Weems Orfila meneters 07 Cnuntritar. eau- Plume Xnzurre, Snide tor thymus and terms.. co.. 411 Broome B.4reet,New rastL. , w A DMINISTRATORW 13.111.0.' The undersigned, edthinletraters of the estate of Raymond Smith late of Pantile town ship, deed, will sell at public sale, on the prem ises,ottTitut tlyDoe, V94br- al the following reel mate Rounded- on • the north by lands of Jared Harsh add EL D. TREK salt %Intel JolinWle south by land of LIS. 'Deakin and Reny Smith and met by land of , EderavaDslie; allotted bi sakftownship, could:dug HO Meant land, WC dwelling louse, two Waf e r atelunet TER3I&--$lOO dawn, on confirmation of sale,:and Lbebalince bi yireqUal annual pay ments, inteseetio be paid snnualtf.tat. Ritmo% remaining unpaid. J. L. NERRIMAN, WC- Dee. 1,117W/-4 . 'Maas. A.Tralling Error.• An editor in New Artier bad a little nephew'only'six Months old, and the lit tle nephew Some of the editor's frlenda considered that' it would he a good thing to g;vo th e. ; afflicted Uncle a substantial erpression of 'their sympathy, so thereentracted with a local sculptor fur'a gravestone. - The design consisted of an angel carrying the little orie in her arms and flying away, while a woman sat weeping on - the ground. 7ft was executed horribly. The tombstone seas sent to the editor, with'the simple request that be would accept it* As ha "'was absent the Innior o,4tor . determined to acknowledge it, although he hadn't the - slightest like what itmeant. So the next day be burst ed out with the ' follciwing remarks : "Art News,—We have received from the hands of our eminent sculptor, Fehl 3lullens, a comic has relief designed f an ornamental fire-board. It represei. ts an Irishman in his night-shirt, running away with the little Gesl Cupid while tii.. Irishman's sweetheart hides her head in differently in the corner. Every tri, , work of art tells it own story; and we understand, as soon as we glance at this that our Irish friend has been coquetted with by the fair one, and is pretending to transfer his love to other - quarters.-- There is clucking smileon the Irishman's lips, which expresses his mischeviouo in tentions perfectly. We think it would have been better, however, to have cloth ed him in something else than a night shirt, and to have smoothed down his hair. We have placed this chef sfaurre be neath our parlor mantel piece, where it I wilt surely be admired by our friends ! when they call. We are glad to encour i age such progress in local art." This was paintilL A committee called on the editor when he returned, and ex plained the tombstone to him; and that night an assistant editor was seen coming down stairs six steps at a time and flying up street without coat or hat. TUE Cost OF Diumallo.—A philan thropic individual estimates the cost of an "occasional drunk" in the following un igne 'manner t For -three drinks per day at ten cents for one year, $169,50. Fut twenty-five years, compound interest at 10 per cent., $11,845,19. And genuine in terest hereafter. The coat would be the same if an "occasional smoke" or a chance game of billiards were indulged in for the same number of Years. This Calculation it worthy the consideration of those of • on: readers addicted to either one of theibol ish and expensive habits. VARIETIES. —What is it that wo think at festivo times, though it is somet4nes a woman and sometimes a man ? 4. toast. —Sambo, why am dat nigger down dar in de hole ob do boat like a chicken in de I egg? I gibe um up. Becanie he coulti I not get out but for de hatch. —A bog,ns Odd Fellow has been zoing for the Portlaud brethren's sympathy and, names lately. lie left a good many I. O. 12s with the 1. 0. F's. i. iica. just now, are anxious about the trimming of their bonnets; but it ' won't do to trim them any closer or there will he nothing left. —ft is said that some babies are so small that they can creep into a quart ni :tome. hut the way some adults can walk into such moasares'is astonishing. —Luis Napolenn recently in a severe tit of the gout. told his physician that he suffered all the horrors of the damned. The doctor only answered," what, alrea dy." "EELS, tlint Oats, D,O.3I.ESTICS,:ac.Aq. 7:ffomratx. lairisia .Setter. IN MILLINERY 000D5 -, Trrienured and untrimmed Ldtei' and Child'. flare, Froarrya/ Feathers, tdaalrandcolured tralsga,Libbone, Se. Le. never more bandaoma. . . , TN Ladles' and Children's nivaidatia'ailoixt, Blnrts, Corset", Moves, Handkerchiefs, Cava *sal Cara, Merino Wrappers, Baku and 1411 Goods, cheaper than for rtes Wl tea yeas. CLOTHING CLOTHINe Far Mao. Toutas, oat &Tr, a full aadeomplete •;acir- Mcn . • roll sutra Frog' VOW VIF: • OVERCOATS 1 OVERCOATS t . mactritp Of ell the different grades, and ai arl Weis:: lAA,VER/I s Akc, ccir-clistout ClOlllB, c . . . We take rreasares and get. upganneata in arch - to good style, and wasnust good %dug and tatbdanttn7 nosit. . • .. • , • . . _ MOTS' ITURNISM2I4I '"G900: Ingle sad Mad Sbati,Srafta Wh_Plaesa w• as. lisadiaratals, Mom. Laical ad Papa tk Mao a Saaaaders. Glaa. I.l.o6tyllas..Usia4 WAIL els In pea allay: • • ." • • ' RAIN AND CAPS., •'• • - its Stes rut Days,ol Oro teat styli-salt bissti• • EIE C:M•Silot i T n ta Oilett;li Witglite. 111414.jrn ton oh , gi V: ES ettellx" ease Rein SOUPS pa cann: :Li* wears as mai wr n stony cost as soy PM Of -101 WO. .e. t." Ix promise you soot balp . ins. sal lAD Ililiept k. - 31,10`..iMeist {0 dell 'opt .ses. •., '• , ~ r • ' —AU WS kit I/ I. est, emmilnialeni: ' offer 00. 'l sail osapsomon Istpsleet. ~... z , f. ~....".... , ~‘ ![..S• Dinar trt IN=II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers