The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 28, 1870, Image 2
1871. Ji imtrat pemscrli, The Oi* Democratic raper In sow quelusaisa County. 0 • ;wt s Re offer the toll Owing terms for Increasing Itaditnlation in 1871 ; One copy, all Months, One copy, one year, We will send the Dinrocatv and the Amerkan Stock Journal one year for $2 O. The Ilmrocrue and the Lady's- bierni one year for $3 50; and other Periodicals in the same proportion. We will club the DEMOCRAT to new sUbeeli- Nile, on condition that the money Invariably accompaMee the order, on the following terms 5 copies to one addbees, one year r eadi $1 5 10 " " ••• 120 25 4. • - 125 AN maul Settiel- one getting up the dab of twegrave. Let akin* to circulate tin; DEtroclmv. . E. It. MIAWLEW. Montroati, Jan. 1, 18:1 54 Watrost Pmenat E. B. 11AWLEY, EDITOR norrrnoss. 'rentroa IWIMNEZDA V. DEC. 28, £l7O. A Word to our rrlefids. With this number doses volume XXVII of the Montrose DEUOCIUT, and also the first fall volume during our connection with it, as editor and proprietor, and bc fare the issue of another paper the old year of 1870 will have been severed by the scythe of Time ; and with all its joys and sorrows, successes and failures, will be garnered among the many ripened sheaves of the past. While we would pronounce the caste s, mart' benediction, of wishing you all a "Happy New Year," we cannot hope to reap more happiness in the year to come, Gibe crowned with greater success, than has attended our every effort during the eventful year that is just passing, except by improving on its lessons. Themany old years that are passed are to ns of vast import, as they have been furnishing us with beacon lights for our i future life voyage, that, if heeded, will en- able us to steer our bark or happiness en tirely Clear from the wrecking shoals up on which too many times it has been stranded:;: and whether it be a happy or a sorrowritl year will depend wholly upon ourselves,in cultivating the proper desires and oimumscribing them with manly and virtuous notions. It is our privilege to gpaff the fullest draughts of human hap pisiessitwe wilt, and the Present is the only time tcr secure it, as neither the Past or Future is with us. Before entering upon another volume, we deem it a fit time,= to, express our thanks and due appreciation of the many kind words, complimentary expressions, and the generous patronage which we hare received at the hands of our friends. It is now about seventeen months since we placed our name at the head of the edit orial columns of the DEMOCRAT, and dur ing that time our most sanguine hopes have been more than realized, as our sob ecription list has nearly doubled, and job work and other patronage largely in creased ; and with our highest hopes for the year to come, we cannot expeet great er mast We have labored under the disathanta, ges of inexperience, brit onr generous pat rons have winked at our imperfections, and scanned only our marked improve ments ; and we are proud to be able to announce that we have met their univer sal approbation, and many thanks are due them for their kind words, fitly spoken. Our paper ever has, and so long as our name stands at the mast head ever will contain our moral and political princi ples, frankly and fearlessly expressed, tempered with candor and our best judg ment, and will ever strive for the suprem acy of Del:doer:ale principles, nport , the sole belief and unavoidable- co n is'itton that it was upon those prineiplenibit this gOsertiment in its parity was folnided.and that by a strict adherence to them it must stand,:without which, destruc`iou awaits it. We propose tocontinne improving the Manama? iri ail its departments to meet th 6 wants colour paining, and make it not only as it DOW is, to any Of its co. temporaries, but torscel them. This is an honorable strife, and with the assist same of those who should be interested, may be a fact realized. Shall our subscription list be doubted in the yearslB7l-2 ? Let the 4,000 Demo :A*4 yam of Susquehanna county an --ore,And those who base not, subscribe at end di aid in inc.:using its num- A word to advertisers : We hare re tailed wook , foreign-adrertiaiug-which we -satght haiolotroduced into our cOlaskos daring trio past year to funliel room for local advertisers, if they Ate** to be ac , commodated.- We prefer eer later for our own town,- - and hotnir . linterestiti slither than for for,eign eeetfott!t, end strangers, ye do not wish any and to glyons an ad. Vertisement to accommodate us, vir we can 611 our advertising columns with all we have room for, but they are the per sons who should feel obligated for the ac commodation, that they have County pa ma -for- a medium- to .greatly • advance their business interests., We do not wish to 'monopolise, or advise any one to trans fer advertising from any of onr cotempo raries, but wish to say; that 1,500 families reached by our paper and in the immedi ate vicinity where trade must come from, is of as much importance as 1,500 by any other journal. 1871. Three hundred families who receive our paper at Montrose P. 0. are import ant customers to the business men of this borough, as they .are the parties from whom they receive rapport. The same may be said of every borough in the tionnth and these are (most of them) fam ilies that are not 'reached by any other county paper. Businesi men of this county do not re ceive their patronage from Lucerne, Wayne, or Bradford, hence a circulation in those counties is of no importance to them. If large circulation alone is im portant in local advertising, the World or Tranne would meet the end. We present these facts fur the consider ation of our business men, and if they choose to take advantage of our columns it will be a pleasure to present them to the We ask a careful perrasul of our Pros , pectus in another column, and the ex tended co-operation of friends in circula ting the DEMOCRAT. In conclusion we propose to spare no efforts on our part in main taining and improving the DEMOCRAT, and we ask all our friends to assist us by 'helping to increase its circulation. With many thanks for well timed favors, we hope to wish you all increased happiness in many years yet to come. w rhe Gerrymander and our More. Below we copy from the Clearfield Re publican an exellent review of the recent Speech of the Hon. Willian A. Wallace, in Philadelphia, on the apportionment. Al though the special election which =ldled forth the speech of Mr.-Wallace has result ed in a splended victory to the democrats, the suggestions of the Republican in re gard to reform of the conititntion are timely and fitting, and we,tberefore,invite the attention of the reader to them: "We print this week the speech of Sen ator Wallace, delivered on Monday evening 12th inst.. in Philadelphia, to the people of the first senatoral district. It is an ex haustive argument, upon the canvass in that district, and of the need of energetic action to elect Colonel Dechert to the sen ate. No more powerful reason can be given why the democracy should carry that district than the facts and the figures given in this speech. Tbey hove everyth inp to gain in so doing, and we justly add, nothing to lose. With the legislature and the governor against us, we will have a repetition of the infamy of 1.864 and of the practical result shown by the figures of this speech. In a word,disfranebisetuent and outrage for us, and double representa tion for radicalism. With success in that election, we have the senate and will con trol its organization, and be able to com mand a Fair bill and an honest apportion ment of the state. So, too, in regard to a constitutiopal convention, with one branch of the legislature we will have our fasr proportion of the delegates and our just share of representation therein. That reform in many matters of state government is imperatively necessary, can scarcely be controverted; the election of state treasuror by the people; the re lief of an overburdened Supreme bench; a check to special legislation by some such provision us Senator Wallace offer ! ed in his amendment offered in the senate I last session; the necessity to check the abuses and corruption always accompany ing the election of a United States sena ! tor, as well asstliese surrounding the at mosphere of every bill affecting large in terests, are each of them matters of grave moment and, in our judgment demand the calm consideration that should be given them by a convention __honestly composed of each shade of political sent. went. It will not do for the democracy longer to halt and drawback from the advocacy of reforms the •necessity for which is self-evident. We must be in the ran of healthy progress,'not lagging in the train of ill-digested radical reform. We must recognise existing evils and, ap ply the remedy. We must be true to the past and ready to guide the events of the future._ ./hlung 'no RIM. backward, We must appreciate at the full worth the evidences of disruption and disintegration shown by our antagonists and culminating policy upon the questions of the present and immediate future,from, the great doctrine that "that people is best govern ed which is least governed" and re-enun ciating the great bud marks of our time honored principles, wean move forward a harmonious and united party, whose ranks will be swollen at every step by the ' accession of thousands of our recent foes. We are not the party of antiquated dogmas or conservative retrogression, nor are we the party of of ideal;" and ex perimental "God and morality" reforms, but we are the party of healthful progress, in the light of established facts, in the channel of the rights of the people, and ander the ssfe guidance of the cardinal doctrines of free government, ever our pride and our boast. Can such an organ,- =ton idly fold its hands when every member of ,it recognizes the truth of. the chargesaf iniquitous special legislation; of the sale and barter of seats in high places, and of conuption in legislative halls by those who govern . us, and shallit hesitate to apply the remedy ? With suc cess in the first district we will be in a position '0 mom with power; without it, we most k. ,ually,ke felt. - If we are ger rymandered for the convention, and raj- Whim shall attempt therein to fasten its yoke npoans, theleelforbi will be futile, for no constitution that Ads to obtain the hearty endorsee** of the deemersey will haves ilhPothf i n ";cluusee 'at the polls It our number:lire fairly rePitisenied in the convention there need be no fear of otYf isjitty ttefo, for when wad it ever known in a representative body in Penn- Ostia that we did not outweigh them in the ability of our representation. The amendments, too, can be submitted serer ately, so that at the polls we can cast our united rote for certain 'propositions and against others, and here is the answer to very many of our cotemporaries who sec in a convention the single idea of the negro. Were this and this all, we would be content with the existing condition, but many reforms have become a vital necessity, and we will be recreant to out selves and to our mission longer to delay them. An -Honest apportionment, constitu tional reform and the .administration of the government in accordance with the tenets of the democratic faith are the key notes to success, and will be the evidence of vitality in a harmonious, progressive and victorious democracy. CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. SENATE, Dee. 19th.—The Home Joint Resolution to correct an error in the en rollment of the law in relation to the mode of drawing Grand and Petit jurors, palmed. The House bill amendatory of the Revenue act of last session to remove ambiguity in the classification of sugars, was consiGered and finally laid over. The resolution re lating to the printing of the Patent Office report,was discussed for several hours, and finally passed. At 2:45 P.M., the business of the morning hour was resumed and a number of bills were introduced and refer- red. Mr. Williams made an ineffectual effort to get np his joint resolution for a Joint Committee to take ch arge o fall Ocean Telegraph bills. Mr. Schurz:a Amnesty resolution was referred to the 4 Committee on Disabilities. At 3;15 P.m., the Senate resumed consideration of the question of goverment liability fur the appropriation of private property to public uses during the war, as presented by the bill for the relief of J. Milton Best, of Paducah, Ken tucky, for the destruction of his house by Federal troops during an attack made by the Confederates. Messrs. Bayard, Howe, Davis and Pratt advocated the measure, and Messrs, Howard, Chandler and Sher man opposed it. Pending a motion to postpone, the Senate at 4 P.M. went into Executive session, and soon after adjourn ed. Iforiss—ln the House a large number of bills were introduced and referred. Mr. Kellog offerd a joint resolution instructing the Committee on Ways and Means to in quire into the expediency of the immediate repeal of the income tax. The house re fused to second the question by a vote of 64 to 71, and the resolution went over. The Postoflice Appropriation bill was re ported. It appropriates $20,161,698. - Mr. Jones offerd preamble and resolution set ting forth that, as the right of secession ' was from the beginning debatable and the right of revolution affirmed in the Declara tion of Independence, it was the duty of Congress to grant a free and unqualified amnesty for all political offenses; rejected, yeas 14, naysl42, several Democrats voting In the negative. Mr. Cox asked unanimous consent to offer the same resolution with out the preamble, but Mr. Jones objected.l A bill appropriating 630,000 for the re-1 moval of the Apache Indians from New • Mexico and Arizona to a reservation pass ed. A bill giving soldiers of the war of 1812 and of the Mexican war a right to enter tinder the homestead law, 160 acres of land, passed. At 3 P. M., the house went into Committee of the Whole on the Pension Appropriation bill The bill was i passed. Mr. Conner, ofTexas, made a per sonal explanation. Branching out on to I the snhj,et of revenue reform, Mr. Dawes objected to his continuing. The House again went into Committee of the Whole, and took. up the Legislative, Executive and Judical Appropriation bilL It appro priates 618,635,480. At 4:30 the Com mittee rose and the House adjourned. SENATE Dee 20th.--Mr. Sherman pre sented a bill to authorize the issue of 6300,-1 000,000 additional five per cent. bonds, authorized by the funding act of last ses sion; objection being made, it went over. l Mr. Morton moved to take up the resolu tion for the appointment of a commission to visit San Domingo. This =.-motion was discussed till the expirailotreiltlntrurn- ing hoar. A motion to proceed with the Sia Domingo business was carried—yeas, 30, nays,23. Mr. Sumner was awarded the 'floor, tint yielded to allow the bill, amen datory of the Revenue act in relation to the classification of sugar,to be considered. It was soon laid aside, and the Dominican qUestions . 'was again under consideration. Mi. Sumner proceeded to address the Senate, after which, Mr. Morton's motion i was agreed to—yeas, 36; nays, 17. The resolution was tben read. Mr.. Morton briefly advocated it. Mr. Schurz opposed it. Mr. Thurman also opposed sending the commission, making a very able argn mint. The discussion was continued by Messrs. Scott, Patterson'‘ , „ and others. Without acting the Senate, at 4:15 P. it., adjourned. Hovsr--The report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, on our relations with Paraguay, was made the special order for January 5. Mr. Ingersoll made a per -1 sonal explanation in. reference to an at , tack made upon him by the New York Evening Post. At one o'clock, the House resumed consideration of Mr. Butler's Amnesty bill. Messrs. Degener and Man fling made short speeches in favor of gen eral amnesty. Mr. Bingham then ad dressed the House in favor of his amend ment. He stated that the exceptions nu der his substitute, would not number ov er two hundred, while it would relieve from their disabilities about twenty thousand men. Mr. Fitch followed in fa vor of universal amnesty. Messrs. Shel don, Shober, Dnke end Tillman, made arguments on the same side. Mr. Posser, also, expressed similar views. Mr. Me , Bee favored amnesty. ' Mr. Mercur op posed Mr. Butler's bill on account of its depriving citizens of their right of redress in the Courts. At 3:30 P. as. Mr. Butler moved the previous question, which was seconded—yeas, 21; nays, 84. Mr. Butler, being entitled to close the debate, yielded aportion of his time to Messrs. Cobb and Hoge. Without action, at 4:10 P. at, the House adjourned. Srsaxe--Dee. 21. Mr. Sunier, obtaining permission to make a personal explanation, sent to the Secretary, and had nig an article in the Daily Patriot, of Washington, stating that an attempt had bean. made by mutual friends to bring about a reconciliation between the Presi dent and Mr. Sumner; that the President utterly refused to be persuaded that the difference could be reconciled, and de clared that; like were not President, be would bold Mi. Sumner personally re sponsible, and . demand satisfaction ; Gen eral Babcock also stated that if he- were not connected with. the Exeenttve; • he rould subject Mr. Sumner to personal vi olence. Mr. Sumner denied the charge General Grant. bad made that be had Executive session and on his Western tour, disparaged the President. A number of important bills were introduced and referred. A long debate occurred as to the order of business. Finally the debate on Mr. Morton's resolution, authorizing the President to send an investigating commission to San Domingo, was resum ed. Mr. Bayard, in along and able argu ment, oppoied it. Mr. Sumner followed in a speech reviewing the whole Domini can question, severely criticising the course of the administration. General Babcock; whoconducted, the private an nexation negotiations, signing himself "Aid-de-Camp to General Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States of America,', came in for a share of the Sen ator's sharp words. Upon the conclusion of Mr. Sumner's speech, the House bill, correcting au ambiguity in the revenue law relating to sugar, was taken up. Mr. Cusserly submitted an amendment repeal log the income tax; rejected, yeas, 12, nays, 48. The bill was then passed, and at 4:40 P. M., the Senate took a recess. In the evening session, Mr. Morton replied to Mr. Sumner. HotmE.—ln the House, the Owen Tel egraph bill, was reported and recommit ted. Mr. Stiles sent to the Clerk's desk and bad read a dispatch from Hon. Sam uel J. Randall, announcing the election of Col. Dechert to the Pennsylvania Sen ate. On Mr. Butler's motion, the vote seconding the previous lineation on the Amnesty bill was reconsidered, and the further consideration of the bill postpon ed to January 11, 1871. Several resolu tions instructing committees were adopt ed. The Ohio contested election case of Eggleston, Radical, against Strader, Dem °end, was decided in favor of Mr. Strader, the sitting member. A bill relating to Territorial Penitentiaries passed; also a bill for the relief of inhabitants of cities and towns on lands obtained from the Great and Little Osage Indians in Kan sas. Mr. Jones made a personal explana tion in regard to the amnesty resolution he introduced a few days ago. He stated that he had always opposed secession. A bill passed, extending to aliens serving in the navy, the same right of naturalisation as is provided for aliens serving in the army. The death of William Smyth, late Represtitative from lowa, was announced, and appropriate eulogies pronounced, af ter which the House adjourned. SENATE—Dec. 22.—At six A. as yes terday, the Senate, which had been in session all night, passed, by a vote of 31 to 9, the -posoluttow introduced by Mr. Morton, providing for the appointment of a Commission to go to San Domingo, and investigate affairs in connection with the project of annexation. The Senate at 6:45 adjourned. Upon reassembling at noon, the Senate went into Executive session. I At one o'clock the doors were opened, and I the House bill relieving certain citizens of Virginia from political disabilities, was taken up. Mr. Trumbell moved as an amendment, and advocated the Amnesty bill reported last session. Messrs. Lewis and Boreman explained their views, after which the bill was laid aside. A message was received from the House announcing the death of Hon. William Smyth, late representative front lowa. After a eulogy by Mr. Harian, and the adoption of the customary resolutions, the Senate ad jonrniAl until January 4. ilorsE.— The llonse met as in Com mittee of the NV 12‘,k fvr "aro 1 alot.ato the President's message. Speeches on the Amnesty question were made by Messrs. Jones. Porter, Bird, Booker and Barri. At 2:30 P. xi. the nous° adjourned till January 4,1871. A Stsrprbare,7 Romance. Many years ago, a man in Hartsville, became attached to a young, and a beautiful damsel, who (lied before their intended marriage could be consum mated_ He then married the mother of the deceased, who was some twenty years his senior, but with whom he lived quite happily until she was eighty and he was sixty years of age. As the wife had by this time become decrepit they adopted a maid of some thirty summers, who had lived with them a year and a half when the old lady died. gefin*AllPtitne appointed for the fu neral, thic,,durli himself was takan sick, on which account the funeial services were potponed for four weeks. °But in less than two weeks he sent fora justice of the peace and was married to the maid he had adopted. The next day the couple applied to the town for support. and a week later the man himself died, his funeral being attended before that of his wife, and the woman he had so recently married being the only mourner. Human folly is "vast and illimitable." Enemies. Have you enemies? Go straight on and mind them not, If they block up your path walk around them. and do your du ty regardless of their spite. A man who has got no enemies is seldem good for anything—he is made of that kind of ma terial so easily worked that every one has his hand in it, A sterling char acter, one who .thinks for himself, and speaks what he thinks; is-always sure -to have enemies. They are as necessary to him as fresh air; they keep him alive and active. A celebrated character' who was surrounded with enerniesmsed the remark, "They are sparks which, if you do not blow, will gr, out themselves." Let this be your feeling while endeavoring to live down the scandal of those who are bitter against you. If you stop to dispute, you do as they brit desire, and open the way for more abuse. Let the poor fellow talk; there will be a reaction, if you perform your duty, and hundreds who were at once alienated from you will flock to you and acknowledge their error. Important to Landlords. As this is the time of the year when landlords are thinking of. sending notices to their tenants; it will be well to remem ber that Judge Pearson, of Harrisburg, has recently decided that a landlord no tice to a tenant- forpossession of property is not legalif dated on theletofJanuary. It must be dates:l'lot later than the 31st of December: —Another terrible calamity, caused by an attempt to kindle a fire by the use of kerosene oil, comes from Baltimore. The brl who made the attempt had her eyes urned from their sockets; the face was torn oft in pitches in several plates, the hair was burnt from her forehead, and from her throat to her waist her flesh was lacerated most feartally. Will not such a terrThle fate prevent other people trout folloWing her example ? Sligittlen BALIa-r-Ily virtue of writs I.s. sued by the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County sad to me directed, I will expose to sale by public vendus, et the Witt House in Montrose, on Friday, January, lit 1871, at two o'clOelt, r. st,, the following des} abed pieces or parcels of land,: to wit ; 411 that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the toernahlp of Dlmock, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bound ' ed and described as follows, to wit: On the north b hinds of Jetties A. Bunnell, on the east by land s of Israel Reynolds and H. E. Burch on the south by lands of Wilson Burch, Albert Hazleton, and Marquis Hinsley, and on the west by lands of E. T. Tiffany and Peter Struppler, containing about 03 acres of land, be the same more or less with the appurtenances, 2 dwelling houses, 2 barns, I blacksmith's shop, 1 orchard and about 75 acres improved. [Taken in execu tion at the suit of Solomon McKeeby, use of Wm. McKeeby, V& E. E. Moore.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate its the village of Springville. is the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded on the north by lands of D. J. Owens, on the east by public highway, on the south by lands of L R. Lathrop, and on the west by lands of D. J. Owens, containing one half acre of land, be the same more of less, with the apparteuances, 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, 1 carriage shop anti all improved. [Tak en in execution at the suit of A. Beardsley vs. E. H. Culver.] ALSO—AII the interest of Theadore Doyle in that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Ararat in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described es foliews, to wit : On the north by lands of Justin L. Doyle on the east by lands of Justin L. Doyle on the south by lands of Silas Baldwin, and on the west by landsof Horace Barnes and Justin L. Doyle, containing 25 acres of land be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 frame house, 1 poor barn, some fruit trees, and about 20 acres improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Oscar Washburn, adminstrator of D. M. Smiley deceased, vs, Theodore Doyle and Angeline Doyle,) ALSO—AiI that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Ararat, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at is post and stones, the west corner hereof and the north corner of lot 194; thence by lands of A. C. Davis & Ell L Avery north ; 4 . 711 degrees east 112 perches to a post and stones corner; thence by lands of W.O.Bloxhaut south 424 dagrers east 71 and 4-10ths perches; thence by lands of V. 0. Lake south 4734 de of Jo s. grecs wen 112 percher to a post ; thence by l t and s. D. Dries r north 42,N, - degrees wes 71 and 4-lOths perches to the place of beginning; containing 60 acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, one log house. ALSO—AiI that certain other piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Ararat, in the county of Susquehanna and'State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post, the west corner of lot No 191 of Drinker's Tunkinumock tract, the north corner of No 192 and east corner of No. 189, being also the west corner hereof; ' thence north 4711 degrees east by Land of Thomas Doyle 53 and 8 lOtiss perches to a post, the west cor, of laud this day conveyed to Ed mond L. North ; thence by said North's south wast line of land this day conveyed to Lydia Ann Doyle, being also said North's south corner, thence by said line of said land of Lydia Ann Doyle south 4734 degrees west 55 perches to a post in a line of land of Silas Baldwin, north ; 42% degrees west 116 perches to place of begin- ; Ring; containing 39 acres and 70 perches of land, be the same more or less, and being part of said lot Na 191; with the appurtenances, ' 1 small frame house, 1 small frame barn, 2 shan ties, some fruit trees, and about 80 acres improv ed. [Taken in execution at the suit of Lydia Ann W. Doyle vs. William Basket.] W. T. MOXLEY, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Montrose, Dec. 10,1870. SHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of writs is sued by the Court of Common Pleas of Sus quehanna county and to me directed, I will ex pose to sale by public vendae, at the Court House in Montrose. on Saturday, Jan. 7th, 1871, to one o'clock r. u., the following &wogßm.-LI ptecce ot parches of land, to wit : All that certain piece or paNtl of land situate in the township of Great Bend in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, known as the Elijah Skinner farm, lately deeded by said Elijah Skinner to George W. Scranton, and ny caul tieorge W. Scranton to Elias T. Young and Edgar Thomas and now in posses sion of (Niter Reed, bounded nn the north by lands of Nimes Brown, on the east by lands known as the Young, Skinner and Thomas tracts, on the south by lands of A. T. Trow bridge and John Blanding and on the west by by lands of A. T. Trowbridge, David Thomas, and the Late Jabcz McCreary, deceased, contain ing 400 acres, be the same more or less, and all the right, title, interest, and claim of said E. T. Young and Edgar Thomas in the saw mill for merly occupied by the said Elijah Skinner, and the water and mill privilege appertaining thereto, and in about flee acres of land on which said mill stands, under and by virtue of a lease made and executed by Masco Brown to George W. Scranton for said privilege and said live acres of land, being the same farm and tract of land, saw-mill and privilege which John Young, Esq., High Sheriff of Susquehanna : county, aforesaid, conveyed to the said Benjam in S. Bentley. bearing date the 16th day of ! January, 1860 which said Bentley and wife; conveyed to said Isaac G. Read, with the ap purtences, 8 dwelling houses, 4 barns, I saw- I mill, outer buildings, orchards and about 200 acres improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of G. V. Bentley vs. Isaac, 0. Reed and Marshall Frink ; Ernest Zlemar,—Osterh out, and H. J. Preston, Terre Tenants.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of laud situate in the township of Bridgewater in the county of Susquehanna and State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to ' wit: Beginning at a post, the nort-east corner of slot of land now or late of Daniel Searle: thence along the line of said Searle lot south 89 degrees and 80 minutes west, 94 perches to a post ; thence north 80 minutes west 8:134 perches to a post; thence north 89 degrees and 80 min utes east 194 perches to a post; thence south 80 minutes east, .5% perches to the place of beginning containing 97 acres, with allowance, be the same more or less, with the appurtenan ces,l frame house, 1 frame barn , 1 wagon house, 1 ofchard, and about 75 acres improved. [Tak en in execution at the suit of Jackson Baldwin va. Alfred Baldwin.] ALSO—AII those two pieces or parcels of land situate in the township of Bush, In the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl: Tania, the first thereof bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at an ironwood in the original east line of the Robert Carson warrantee; thence north 20 degrees west 32 perches to a beech; thence north 34 degrees east. along the line of said Carson survey to the cor ner of Peleg Hoadley's land; thence east to a post in a range with the line of land known as the Francis tract (being the Hannah Humply warrantcq thence south still in the range of the west Bee of the Francis tract to the south east corner hereof being the south-cast corner of the Justice Frank's warrantee ; thence west along the south line of the said Justice Frank's tract to the beginning, containing 100 acres, be the same more or less The second piece or parcel thereof adjoining the above described ar follows, to wit : Beginning at a hemlock tree corner a corner of land of Peleg Headley (now deceased); thence east 140 parches to a post, another corner of said Hondley land ; thence south 84 degrees west 42 perches to a post; thence south 20 degrees east 82 pereches to ft past ; thence south 80 perches to a hemlock tree, the southeast corner of theoriginal survey; thence west 168 perches to a post, the south east corner of the original survey ; thence north 17 degrees east, 149 perches to the beginning, containing 130 acres and 120 perches strict measure. be the same more or less; excepting and reserving out of the last above described land to the use of the school house' where it now stands, being half an acre which Ow. Little deeded to the school directors of Rush township, for the site for a school house and no other purpose, and also the privilege of keei hag up a milldam as it stood erected on the 2d day of. April, 1840, and taking lite water as deeded to Lyman B. Carter by the said Gee. Little for the aforesaid purpose and no other, with the appurtenances, 1 Dame house s 1, home barn, and other out buildtags, 1 *reboot and about 100 acresimproved. [Taken in execution at the snit of R, G. Moore vs. John L. Moore.] ALSO—AII tbat certain piece or parcel of land minion, In the townshleof Lathrop, in the county of Hasqueltanno and State of Pena zix=kbounded cm the southwest by Muds of Wright, on the northwest by the road lendinto maple grove, on the east and south. cut lands of F.. Bell, coniehitng one-half acre ei hind'lni the same morebr less, with the appurtenances, 1 Maine house, soinokult trees` andsb improved. (Taken in execution at the suit of F. W. Griggs, assigned to B. W. Smith and C. G. Tiffany, assigned to E. Bell, sit or parcel Bar lowALT:rt.] • Aft that certain piece 4 land situate in the village of itopbottom, in the township of Lathrop, in the county of Susque. henna and State of Pennsylvania bounded' and described*. follows, to wit: Beginithlg al a stake, the southeast corner of AustinA'hontsies ' lot ; thence south 10i. degrees east of4Ofeet to stake and stones; thence south 77% degrees west 6 rods, 11 fiat, and 10 Inches, to stake and I stones; thence north 29 degrees west to stake and stones, the southwest corner of Cyrus Jackson's lot thence along the same, north 775.4 degrees east 10 rods and eight feet to the place of beginning, containing 25 square. rods and 94 feet of land, be the same more or less, with the apctenences 1 frame house, and all ro Impved. Taken In execution at the suit of D. A. &A. itsworth vs. C. W. Kittle.] ALSO—AII tout certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Liberty, In the county of Susquehanna and State of -Pennsyl vania, bounded and as follows, to wit Beginning in the centre of the Abington Waterford Turnpike, in the lino of lands con tracted to Samuel West; thence 2 1 4 degrees cast of north a distance of 28 rods to a stake and stones; thence south 90 degrees east 14 rods to the centre of the pike 86 degrees east to the place of beginning, containing one acre of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances one flame house and all Improv ed. [Taken In execution at the suit of RK en yon, jr.,t assigned to F. W. Boyle and assigned to L,..ithmp & Boyle, assignees of R Kenyon, jr., vs. Charles W. Barry.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parrot of land situate in the borough of Great Bend, In the county of Susquehanna tend State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a point in the easterly side of Main Street in said Borough, at the junction of Water Lane with said Main Street • thence easterly along the southerly side of sai d Water Lane 12 feet to land contranced to Cyrus Deck er ; thence along Decker's line southerly 31 feet to land contracted to A. W. Larrubee ; thence alone said Lambee's line westerly 121 feet to said Main Street; thence norther!) , along said Main Street 81 feet to the place of be gin ning. containing 3720 square feet of land, be thesame more or less, with the appurtenances, one frame dwelling house, and all improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Geo. Buck vs. N. W. Deyoe and Welter Paintain, in assigned to I. J. Stratton, vs. Newton W. Deyoel W3I. T. MONLEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Nov. 12, 1.70. WOffice, 720 illco.a„, Gibb Chestnut Silent 3 Street, EWING MACHINE Philadelphia. " I give my hearty preference to the Willcox & Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine." "The weight of reliable evidence toeing overwhelming for that of theW ilicox 8 Gib Silent Sewing Machine, I decided n on it, Procured it, and am more Mon sotivied." G RAO , : &RSA:MOOD. "I have the Wheeler h Wihon, the Graver & Baker, sad the Willcox h Gibbs Peeing Machines in my family. Ime the Willcox & Gibbs most frequently, thinking it far superior to either of the others." lies Hesee Wean BEECHER. " M 7 wife would not accept a Sewing Machine usher racent as a WI, 3t the mnu receive it on condition of giving op the Willcox 41 Gibbet." _ atxv. 01.1rElt CRAX7, Carboasdalr, Pa. " The Wilcox & Gibbs i. the may Sewing Machine whose working is so sure and pimple that I could ventore to introduce it into Syria." Rev. A. T. Purr, bilmionary American Board. " We have need various Sewing 'Machines within onr family, but it is the tmanimows opinion of the household, that the Willcox St Gibbs is the best of them all." REV. J. S. Ernixn, Brooklyn, KY "For simplicity and mechanical accuracy of comornction, I have seen ne Sewing Machine equal to the Willcox & Gribbe." racoon LEWIS, Of the PennerbanLa Central IL B. A correspondence on the subject of Sewing Machines is respectful ly solicited. D. S. ETV - JIM, 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphhi, Dec. 29, 1870-3 m DR IL THAYER, ECLECTIC PEITSICIAN S BVEGROIR, Offers his nmfessional amino to the citizens of Nose's and adjoining , ennntles. Office at his residence, Mr shapprn. Pa. Will be at Montrose Friday of neh week. Special attention even to the treatment of Chrnnit Diseases. Those heeler failed to' 01 miler f. nos the treatment of ail nther Physicians are especially invited to eve men trial Since my location In this* vicinity, I have treated successfully some of the wont form, or Consumption. Female Weakness, Dyspepsia, Cancer, St. Vitas Dance. tar, Patirmtn taken to board on rearonable tome. einITY. men and their estnineh treated grarohm.ty Nn charge for conltaltatinn. Me•hoppen, Nor, 16:1810::—Ina• 'X'49,.. 1=11.33, MCI LILA MX C1017E310. OPPOSITE TUE COMP UOVIZ _ •-. • , f f 't"-; t 7 'Tr . . • • « s 4--• _ ,744-4‘,7i MONTROSE. PENN'A. JOHN S. T.1.1111111.L, Proprietor. Melt Btogee leave thlo Douse daily, connecting with the D. L. a IV., the Erie, and the Lehigh Valley Dail orayo. [July 8, ISW—tf HARDING & HAYDEN, PRODUCE COMMISSION MEECIIANTS, IN OVITION CIIEESE, EGA., !Ott& TRY, GAZEIS, ksi Bss Wailtbgtoa Street. Now York. Itunncncsa. Irving Nations/ Bank, Now York. 8. Hutchinson & C 0.,, 11114 117 Worth ht. N.Y Roberts, Smith & Co., OS White Wegner it sefam, 76 Murray Street, Mulford &prague, os Chambersl3l. C. IL WMiatus - 4 Co, 2.: & 270 Calltd Bt., " Jul; 13, 1821—tt TEWELRY A. TURRELL 4 , NSW YORK PAOSCOIt MAIBIENIII. Corrected weekly by 11/fillant 'Hods:lon, 23/ Fulton Si., New York. Week ending Dec. 24, 1870 • Turkeys, per lb. .......• .4. 18 to 10 Cblekens " .....-. ....... ..... i.. 15 to IS Heeds ••.. ........ ........12 to 16 16 to 20 Butter, per .... ... . ....... .... ...... 4066413. " firkin 804g611 Cheese, daThy, per lb - 184814 Eggs factoozry 144415 , per d - - 304184 Fleittr, per barrel ' - - 4.7508.46 Corn meal, 100 lbs. 22066180 Wheat, per bushel 1.204e11.150 Rye 0011.00 Oats ~ .......... ......... . 4111.2 Corn 51 Hops, crop of 1870 104980 • 10Q14 Beef, aides, per lb . . ... , .. flogs, • 941112 Potatoes, per bbL • 2 .004518.90 Tallow " ........ .......... . ... 94b10 flr Ttiose who are sick. or Mot** lath soy Otranto dittlenhy. should *Mama 'delay write Are Dr. Hoodlum's Now Treviso. soot free to Any Addeo**, R. LEONIDAS UASIILTON. M. D. a NowP. O. Sox 4,il No reek M . O,* Des SE-4w , Profs:more Itionezez Ma of *be loo= 1 win UlltursitY. vs maths wonderful ono ,4( of Canons, Tomo= out Maus by nub .., • now ittexrro7: 4 . Wats= gradmillt• " soC, no caustic ban:Lbw. vz: ?he toot VI lIIIIITZ. ~,, atue effect GAN GER lof talc ': tanbunat t; tt it poi. = redo the elements of ancootte s. von= ta trict th l ey ihrteed,Lhe and f taw t. mcl2eiratcall not moo n . Thseaszu*Down , Ihdrersity; or :Id ' nun No 634 Pine Street, Med. N0v.16, 1870—lemac glirGettlem !Married —Seeepa titer:mar Ilea.ea the delights os home. and U. propriety wr ltogropriety or ggetting o mauled, with sanltab , help (..r those who feel onOtted or zostritnoigarhaPpinwit., Rent tree. la eagles) chrchopew Adam**, LIOWARD ASSOCIATION Coe P.. Philadelphia, 11.. PrlElloomsborg State Normal Be'bean end LITETWIT CoXILIMILL Fitralry of this Insaftuttnn aim to be lorry Ibmnotb In ilietr In struction, And to leok cureforly idler the bertha, matt nets and morals of the students, , Apply for Catalogue to 11.62411 Y CAR • 411111- N.. Sept. 2S-1, !WWI*. EIT"The Great Pictorial Anittata tees United States Almanac for '7& - t:: for dhatributioe, grads, throughout the Untied States, and an dratted countriee of the Wcetern Thetatophere, will be published about the flea of January, and all who Ina to•nader stand the treephikeepeeref battle , .herald: readaattpea der the valuable ma5..41.12. lb ormtrinek in adaltb's t. an "dmitable medical brcatfite on the atuerta..Purzellikla and care prevent tarietytof dfacatat,lt ' , abeam a Large arosenet ef information Interesting to the autichiat the nesterade_ the mlnen, the. Wawa .the-phustea.and prate...donel roue; and the cadent stlcass have Veen mad• for meets meridian. and latitudes as are meet suitable fa e COrreCl 11114 eOIIIpreSEHIVe CASIMIAII erriNSUIEL The nature, twesowill astasurdluarviacriberys easels oP ileaCetter'r Sumaaalallidtemlhavetaide Wok.. Am) Ewa. , the of ow erPhale b U the-Clughelsa world-. Are tally eat forth In Ifs piwa. whits are alwa interalwirsed.with.plo e tonal Illizacculowa, valuable reaelps for !lb lumrebolL and farm Iltravoroa• ancedatee, and Iliber Inatacathro and are oefog ileadlog =seer, orlebeil tmis ilatetled_ o ulong the annacribto appear with fba opevain.o of Mo. year. lb& will benne orthe moot usettd, nod mR/blvAutt. for the o"Ris . p. The proprtetors, Messrs. Hostetter /11 math_ ona receipt Lela two eclat stamp. will torwaall a. copy be mail to any peraaw who canuis procure one ha Ha a. igliborbood. Tim Bitters are sold In riery loam Lod 'tibiae. and are eztenaively, cutd thtougholattil• sa tire civilized - F.A.11.1Y Fens. INSOLVENT'S NOME. You are hereby notified that ihamtrttratre .rf final tiol3 to the C'ourt ofrAinution Priatkof Sus quehanna county for the beinditiolt tnsttl vent In Wa of the (..'ommontre.llll ofFennatiran it, and that the same will be heard on 3ronday the oth day ofJanuary,l42l4, at°, ci!eloct, a. Ea- Dee, 14, 1870. DANID ICENRY. I NSOLVEN T'S NOTIOR- You are hereby notifietl Mat If I:trees-matte ap plical ion to the court °Minna:ran Pleas of Sta. quelmnna county for the benefit of the Insolvent laws of the Commonwealth of Ptimsybants, and that the same will be beard ntallamikg the oth clay ofJanuary, 18:1, at 10 °Week, at. tm Dec. 14, 1 / 5 70. RICHARD FUE3I.IIC. 4 ITDITOWS NO77CE. • The naderehreed en auditor appointed' it the of Common Plea. todietrihnto the Of s et Irma the Elborlfr • oaleof the real estate Of reter Al; height vetll attend to the duties of AM appointment RC ht• office fa llonenwe. on Tboroday the 51b clay of :en 1871. et 1 o'clock. p. m.. at Whitt litelelind piece ell per eons luteteated are notified to attend. Montrose, Dec. 14, 1810,1810,P. A. CAST..:Acid4cenc. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undeirsi. an auditor appointed. by. t/ie Court Comm o n Picas of dominating* Vacuity to Mated:into the rondo. in the baud* of, S. L. Weeks. a.. LV - orrtf„ J. tet c)„4, ;',..;7l;.tatc`PiZa4nlaliird';': the duties 6147 appolptntentor hts, Mince as r05e..12 Dec. an. 1070, at one o'clock. at which time all persona foie:tided' are nodded to attend. D. W. swami; Analtor• Montrone, Dee.:. liVak. UDITOR'S NOTIC'E.—The under- A .hoed, tippnlnted an Auditor by *be Orphan.' Cobra of susquebannn eubbq. nprn erreepticebs to the account arctic admialatrator of Abel bbennso deed, and to :rake died ributleo or the fluids lb the bands ur said actibinbas.toru. bill attend to the duties of said ap poi:amour at his officu in illouiroaa ' on Wednesday Ids 2,3 th af Deo. itrzo, at one o'clock. p. nr. A. CHAMBERLIN Auditor. Ifoatrore, Dec. T. 11170. AUDITOR'S NOTICE The undersigned an murk,» appointed by Dm Court of COMOOII Pikes 00 SugaptNigiaa' ep.sty, to divittbate the fond In the hando - of Wit latafiliarlaine froodthe ode of the rem estate of .7nntesr. Pit and James Petry ortod,rlll attend to.the•dittlas ollnaVel appointment at his Mace In Dontrose. -06 grlutZttAA nith day of Dec. 1870, at ono o'clock p. . A. D. lkfcCOALUil Andiron.. Montrose, Dce. 7, IMO. AUDITOR'S NAVE. . . The dents:wed. an achtithr:apirikhodbz th4, On phau'e Cnart of Susquehanna County. ttaclleAribute tha the fend in the hand of the. idtnfolitatot4 of the tenth. of. C. 1).• Bennett. dimmed, will at tend to the duller of bit appotntfuent at Meagan In. Mot tome. an Wodnestley. Jan. 4. "it at 1 o'cloek. e.*3 which time end place all persona Interested etllltiretiente their datum or be•forerer debarred from chthatur of aid fund. • E. W. 1331111, AtliLlies s Montrose, A lIIILTOR'S NOTICE., The undersigned,. an auditor annohited by the Mere of Common Press of Susquehanna enmity to Os tribute the fund In the heeds • a. , th e tbrrid arldua frovn.thosale of seal estnteredGethldt: Stebbins, alit attend to the duties of his appoinftdenessideofeee is bluntrose,.os Tuesday. Dec. Sink IBllLatone o'clock P. us. D. 0.-Aultr, anditor. Roz. a!1.,. IMO. STATE of EtISTIA o nrcotlOANAuvaP.Co...Rn,dorAwd,,,„, Letters testamentstre upon the estate or the shorn named decedent heeling been granted to the andarsiza ed. notice Is hereby glean that all pinion Indebted to, the came will make I reMMIIeM pannenit. lelee J r . bar-- lea demands will prusealithensforsottlemaut sallann. &reigned, J. 6111irv18. cat. Timm Lake, Nor, 30, IBM • • 7 lierla .llgKentoss. • , :• ESTATE OF JOHN I VALWORTH. 'lnto of Now Milford towaairly , ,, Nowea trk.,Aeo'd, Letters of adatiototradon arias itocertita `of- lite shoos named Oaredeat hallos bernparatod to the modorotawod, nutted to heoeby Oren that au powwow bdobteir fain* alma are noqualad to maks Impodlowa r t im pariu, sad Owe furring elabm.apou Nor sartiowtil um— du tatretilement. •A. • ALDRICH. Aliter. Now Milford, solr,lo4r . , •., O. R. RARDINO MIN. L. worwis, NEW,- WALL PAPER; Jot arthed: 1401%0*, Apfllsl,lB7s, 74.1614 MENU. - potirro. ESTATE NOTICES.