. , ..5 .~ .. ~ r 'T: ~. ..: ZJ V A ~:t r _ E. B. HAWLEFI, Proprietor. guointoo gad o. CHARLES N. STODDARD, Deader M Boots and Shots, Hata and Capt. Leather and Flndlop, Main . Street. Ist door below Boyd's Store. Work made to order. and 'repairing done neatly. L11(114E61; 01 7 sidwgiEsLEE, Attorney. and Conneaut. at LW. 'Mike the one beretbfore occupied by U:B. &O. P. Little, on Male street. lifouttuacy-Pa.. - • . [April4d. R. Z. urns. GLO.P. ISMS . 10. L ISIAZIALILL. E. /Micron. C. C. PACROT:, W. M. McCam. IOcKENZIF. FACE:COT -& CO. Dolan; DFraggAs, Cio . tblng, ladles., Lad Kipper ItactAnaii. Mao , ciiteata' for the great American Tes and Cotee Commay. Montrose, Pa., ap. 1;70, LEWIS KNOLL, • SHAPING Ant MAUL ARESSMet. Shop to the mew Piegtotheelldlog, where ho tetP betound ready to attend ell echo cony want anything to hip line. • Elontrose. Pa. Oct. 13, 13G3. P. REYNOLDS, . - ALTTIONSKR—SeIIs Dry Goods.. and Merehontzo—elan attend', at Veadnes.. All orders left at m 3 noose will reeelse prompt attontion, Oct, I, lab?—tr 0. 32. TIAWI.EY, DEALER in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY Hardware, Hata, Cap► Boot&Slim, Ready Made Cloth Ins, !afoul, Oila, etc., New Milford, Pa. IScid. DR. S. W. DAYTON, PHIGGCIAB @ sumotax, tenders his services to Mu citizenly! Great Bend and vicinity. Office at ht. residence. opposite Barnum Ronne, Grz, Bend village. Sept. Ist, taiti.—tf LAW OFFI-ICE. CMANIDERLIN McCOLLUM. Attorneys and Conn senors at Law. OM., In the [trick Block over the Rank. [Montrose A ng. 4. 1, , ;n. A. CILLMSZAirs. . J. Is. McCoaLcat. A. & D. R. LATHROP, DEALERS in Dry Goods. Groceries. croaker, and glassware, table and pocket cutlery. oil•, dye kind.. Bat, 1,4,44 aad • rule leather. Perfumery fte.lch Bloch, najothlng the Bank. liontruae. (Attract 181:9—If A. Laranor, - U. It. LALIIIIOP. A. 0. WARREN, ATTORNEY A. LAW. Snooty, Back Pay. Pensioa and Elven CT Olata■ 'attended to. Odic 11- oor below Boyd's Store. koritro et . [Au. 1, `ll9. W. W. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mantra., Pa. Office with L P. Flute. ploutrose, Ang. L. IS&9. M. C. SEFI'ON, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, aaaligLl- • PrlendsvUle, C. S. GILBERT, 81.2.4oticazackor. Great Heald, Pa 17. El. mug] GDIf A3IIELT, 77. ES. 41.1acrtlanonc.o.r. Aug. 1, MIL .C,C6l , enn, Brooklyn, Bs JOHN GROVES, P %14RIONABLE TAU 311, Moutrore. Pa. Run, ovev Chandler's Store. A!' order,. 1111( fin.t•nt: c ni) utiluz done on short notice. and aurrauted to fit. W. W. 8.33 I 71-1, c LSI:CET AND Ant MANI2I , ACTFIIRIIS - of Naha strott, Now.: osc, Ira. ;pug. I. 180. U. BURRITT, DIkLILItta Staple and Facie3 Dry hoods, Crocker) hardware, trek. Store., Dra iv, Oil., and Point. Idootaand Shoe., Ilat• rt, Cap.. FnrP utrn 0 Robca Groceries,Provisiona. c.c., Neu- Milford, Pa. DR. E. P. MNES, nee permanently located a Feleoderl helot the pnr pulse orpractlcing medicine and nurgety In nil n• branches. le rimy be bnand el the Jackson Owes boars from Ba. m„ toe p.m. Prieudevlller, Pa, Aug, 1. MIS. STROUD & BROWN, FIRM AND 141 , 13. r.i93.IANCE AC Ill'dT . Al' • bosiners attended to promptly., on fair terms. ()face I. rst door north of ' Montrose fetal." west eldr .... MleAvenne, Montrose, F. [And. I. IS.OI. na_ntes &rum% • , • ensniss L. I3nowr. WM. D. Ursa., ATTORNEY AT 'LAW, Nontroar. Pa. Offlee orpo. site the Tarhell Fionee, near the Court Limey. Wag. 1. 1869.—tf DB. W. W. SMITH, DENTIST. Rooms over Boyd t Corwin'a [lard ware Store. Oftlea hours (romp a. m. to I p. m. Dosterose. Aug, 1, laG9.—t( ABEL TUURF.LI, DIALER "In Drugs, Fat of Idedirinvs, Chemira , , Liquors, Paints, Oils,Dye Stuffs. Varnivi , ea, N le Glass, Groctertem, Glass Ware, Wall and Window Pa, pen. Stone-ware, Lamps• Kerosene, alacliina-ry Trusses, Guns, Ammunition, Knives, int:cinch-a Brasher, Penny Goode, Jewelry, Perin ev, being lone of the moat nomerons, stensivr, and minable eollecticrnit of Goods in Surnorimuts Co.— Established to 1648. [:Montrose, Pa. D. W. SEARLE, ATTOfINEY AT LAW. office over Store of A. Lathrop, lo the Brick Block, ldootrooc., DR. W. L. RICHARDSON, PHYSICIAN IC SURGEON, Imam his prates/time] services to the citizens of Mantra.o end vicinity.— Oahe at Ws residence, ou the corner met of Sem & pros. Foundry. [Aug. 1, larh. DR. E. L. GARDNER, PIITSICIAN and BURGEON. Montrone. Pm. Giver especial attention to Mimeses of the Heart and Lents and all tPargiell diseases. er over W. B. Mau.. Beards St Searle's Rotel. [no:. BLUNTS & NICHOLS, DEA sIIB in Drags. 31edleines. Chemicals. Dye at .0.. Paints. Oils, Varnish. Liquor.. Spices. Fancy cm, Patent I/edit:lute. Perfumery :n al Toilet A'- Octet. rir Prescriptions carefully compounded. knoll. *venue, above hcarlc's llotel. Montrt.e, Ps A. 1.1. 10atas. • Amos liitcuaLs. Azg. 1. 1882. DR. E. L. .DANDEICIL, miracles & SIIEMEON. -respectfally tender. bi• professional services to the citizen of Friends - eine and vicinity. orOfflcs Intheodice of Dr. Lea , Boards at J. nosford's. Ang.l.lBo). PROF. MORRIS, The Hayti Barber, returns his thanks for the kind pat. tonne that has =RIM him to eet the best rest—ha! ha 1 I hasolit time to tell the whole story. bet come sod aeolor_yoursem orat the Old Bland. No loud laushitur %Lowed In the shop. (April IS. ino. HUNT BROTHERS, sclawros. Wholesale 1 Retail Deslento HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, - SHOVELS, BUILDER'S lIAREIWARE, . &WS BAIL, COlthrzmims r BAIL BPleBs RAILB OAD d X/N/NO UPPLIEB, . CABRUGS BPRINIM. AZLBB, BKERFS. dirk BOZEB. BOLTS. N 117,9 and . MORE= TED BARDS. MALLEABLZ HVB.g.spoirss. razzon.llB47 SPIIVDLES;OII73,4e. ANVILS, vftw, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS BAXIIIIIA, SLEDGES. PILES. Ac. Ae. • AND lausaws,BsLTlNG-PA=io TACKLE BLOCKS. PLASTER 'PARIS 01IMEITS: WALES. GRINDSTONES. Funou WIDOW 00:LIATI4 - 19XDF1318 M Arastol:4 Xarcb 24. 2861 27 rot* Comer; -- struck Down at Dec Pan. [A French paper relates a touching incident of the campaign. While a Sister of Charity was ministering to a dying soldier on the field of battle, a cannon ball struck her and killed her on the spot.] Dead on the corpse -strewn battle plain Where war's dread work Is done, Sbe lies amid the heaps of slain, The pure and holy Non. She saw the strlekeu soldier fall, And,c'er the strife was o'er, She rushed, unheeding blade or ball, To staunch his flowing gore ; To gently raise his clroopinghead, To cool his lips of flame— To whiver, ere bis spirit ilex], The Saviour's holy name ; And on from one to one to pass, Midst those who, living yet, Lay groaning on the crimsoned grass Their streaming blood bad wet : With saintly love and tenderness Their suffering hearts to aid, Whate'er the color of the dress Through which the wounds were made. And—ia whatever form ofspeecla. They prayed to God above— Unto their dying lips to reach • The emblem of His love. But oh! the battle's thundering swell . Had rolled not far away, And still the murderous missiles fell Where dead and dying lay. Bullets, ill-sped, came whistling by, Huge shot tore up the ground— *And like meteors &am on Lief, Spread fruit destruction round. Sliellb3ched got while they hurtled past, or iurned her head aside ; when thedeath wounds came at last, Sh'e bowed her head and died. Notnaustand 1 hare been out to Nomnnsland, Which lies beyond the sea, From whence some day will come a ship To bring rare things to me. And whom did you meet in Nomanalandt I met King Arthur Oleic, The nut-brown maid and Sbeherezade, And Bess with golden hair. H., aid thoy p.. 41 In N05...J...4_2 They scareeiy opened their eyes ; But Robinson Crusoestured awhile In very faint surprise. And what do they do in Nornansland They do not even play, But lie and dream the whole night long, And sit and dram all day. Du they ever die in Nomanaland Alive they always stay, An•l there they will remain until The dawn ofjudg - tuent (lay. A lovely place is Nomanstand ; The skit% are always clear ; The hills arc blue, the valleys green, And spring -time all the year. They do not eat in Nomarrsland They drink no water there ; They feed on fancy all the time— No banquet half so rare_ 0. carry me back to Nornansland, Which lies beyond the sea; There, with the bards and knights of old, Forever let me be. BREVITIES —Why is an omnibus strap like the conscience ? Because its an inward signal to the outalird man. —What is that tu , hialrls a del-ct in a ship, but at. tichniralilettittility in a lorcly woman ? Missing stays. , —Why is a philanthropic effort like a l,low alined at a man's face? Because it intends to humanise. —The White louse, under Grant's ad ministration; has become u sort of Dro t al shop. Schurz has been showing his teeth to them. —When do appearances lead you to suppose that a man runs therisk of being burned to death ? When he sznoke.". —That story about a cat tlyi!ig broken hearted on her master's grace is tillhosh. Shell lively these frosty nights.- -- - Vhy_ebouldion always choose white cows? Because it is of no use milking those that are dun before you Wert; —Tbe first question asked of each pro minent visitor to 'Washington now, is, " Have you declined the mission to Eng land ?" —Women dentists are announced as the latest novelty. It is unpleasant at all times to see women looking down iu the mouth. —A veteran shopkeeper says that ?al though his clerks are very talkative der-. ing the day, they are always ready to shut up at night. --A French barber's signboard reade thus: "To-morrow the public will be grituitonsly." Of course it is bl naps , —A devout Mormon's wives quarreled as to precedence in the funeral process ion, atid.follosredlheif.ckkaeaSsd lurch re mains twentzabrfa.4. -What is the difference between the tables being turned upon a trickster and the bite of a sour apple? One is the bi ter bit, the other is the.bitter bite. —Punch says; Diogdnes roiled bis tub at a time of excitement. Englishmen feel that.they Might to do something just now, Why not smash China. • —A Jasper county, Indiana, female was struck dumb the other eight while singing in a choir. If it was some we.are glad of it . - . . . . . . . . . . . , • . ..... r ... .. „ , . . , ... , . ' .... ' . -H. • ~. , ;• • e * 77,,. , • ' -.., 1 'C. ,:. -- .: - _ -- .,i .7 i . f!.:'Z , v.. . _ - . 1., ,-.:: ~., --• . ' . . , , D . . . . ~ ,:..,.... ... 1.,,..... r li .. „ ......,..., to..A. . .. ..,_. ~ THE BROKEN ENGAGEMENT. "I'm so glad he's gone," said Mabel Delmont, with a long breath, as she came dancing into the room whore her mother sat picking plumbs, with an eve to the peserve kettle, which Dorcas Nun, the hired help. was then hoisticg on the fire, at the kitchen at the end of the long passage. " ou ought to be ashamed of yourself, Mabel," said Mrs. Delmont, reprovingly, and von engaged to he his Wife." " AG, that's all at an end," said Mabel standing close to a glass to refasten the blue ribbon how at her throat. and half smiling at the dimpled little apple blos som of a face that the old fashioned mir ror reflected. "What do you mean, Mabel ?" asked Mr& Delmont, stopping abruptly in her work. " I mean' I have broken, the egage ment ?" " Mabel!" " I have, mamma, sure and certain !" asserted the little beauty, nodding her head until the blue violets she had twisted into her hair fell out in a little fragrant shotri•r. " And for what reason?" gravely deman ded her mother. " Oh, I don't know, I believe I was get ting tired of him. He's so prosy, you know—go wearvsomelv sensible ?" . . . " I understand," said her mother, dryly. "Since Mr. Fernandez came to town you girls have all been bewitched otter his foreign airs and gi acts." Mabel blushed to a vivid scarlet, but she tried to laugh unconcernedly. "Well, mamma, he is delightful," she owned, "and of course, one likes a little style in one's gentleman attandent. He has written such exquisite gems for my al bum ; and Sarah Prey and Helen Daleson both say they never read such poetry us he writes." Mrs. Delmont shouk her sage, mother 1v head. " M deur," she said warmly, "yon had better not let this picnieing, waltzing and album twitting go too far; remember you don't even know wha this Fernandez is` 'lndeed, mamma, but I do !" cried Mabel. triumphantly. "He is the only s in of St. George Fenandez, of the West Indies; who owns nobody knows' how many slays, and plantations, and silver mines; and, mamma; you won't be vexed now, will you ? but he has sent me the loveliest little diamond cross in the world. And the little 'curinette drew the spark m - n - mc - ut fn la her husum. " You mu4seud it back at once," said Mrs. Delmonfr resnlutely. " Oh, mamma, please let me keep it." pleaded Mabil, almost crying. "It woul,l be so rude to send it back, and it was only a philopena present after I've nearly worked a pair of slippers to send to him by way of acknowlegment of his politeness. Oh, mamma, dear, darling mamma, don't compel me to.rettirn Mrs. Delmont's maternal lieart melted at the sight of the pretty little creature's distress. "Well, then," she said, almost gondg ingly, "it must be the last gift you accept from a stranger like this." And Mabel promised anything and everything, except to summon buck her dismissed lover, Wvlde Emerson. " said Mrs. Delmont, "you du not know what a treasure you are Bend ing away front you. Wylde Emerson is worth a score of sweet-toungued fur eigmers." "But, mamma. lie is so uncultivated, and he never wrote a line of poetry in his life," punted Mabel. " Poetry won't make the pot toil, Ma bel." " No, mamma, but silver mines and rosewood plantations will," Mabel an swered gleefully, as she ran away up stairs to get the slippers.. Nor did she deem it necessary to confess, this blue-eyed little flirt, that they were the identical slippers she had commenced three months ago for Wylde Emerson, before the Star of St. George Fernandez had dawned on the tillage horizon. Mr. Fernandez was the lion in Eskdale society that winter. Tho marriageable girls raved about him ; the widows plum ed themselves for fresh conquests, ano the gentlemen all pronounced him a "con founded humbug," a very sure sign of popularity in the feminine world. And Mabel, as the prettiest of all the pretty. girls in Eekdale, dreamed of a wedding ring, hosts of black servitors, and rustic arbors, constructed under the spice trees of far-off isles in the west. Meanwhile the slippers progressed with laudable rapidity. "Of course, I must have them made up," Mabel said to Sarah Prav, as she dis played the gorgeous rose-buds of the em broidery, "and how on earth shall I get the right Biz: "Ask him what number be Wears!" suggested Sarah. That would be an end of all secresy.' exchtimed Mabel. 'No, that would never do." " I'll tell you how you can manage it." cried Sarah,who. being herself on the very brink f matrimony with u thriving young lawyer of Eskdale, had no twinges of jealousy on the subject, q knO Mrs. Vernom, the landlady of the hotel—and we can wait till he goes ont to-morrow morning, and then slip in at the back door, and she will let us go to his room and we eau measure his slippers fur our selves." "Would that be proper?' hesitated Mabel, a little 4lubiouslr, ' "Of course it would; where would be the impropriety, I'd like to know,". said Sarah, authoritatively. "I'm as good as married, and I think I ought to be a judge in that case." "To be sure," said Mabel. "But 're member it is a great secret." "Oh, of course," said Sarah, and the small conspiracy was settled. Notwithstanding Mies fray irm - so positive on the subject, Mabel could pot help kali% somewhat timid-,and remorse-. ,fol, aslllre. Vernon, the landlady, admit teil them to Mr. Yer,naud9s4.'griplent, 4bout 14 the next daY. FEMMIZE MONTROSE, PA., WEDNESDAY DEC. 28, 1870. Poiliturrono, , Coin along," saia:samh;:oveg box friend's wrist a pull; "there .is no harm in it?" "No harm in the • world,. Miss, Pm sure," said Mrs.Yernon, courtesy-jug and smoothing down . pier white apron. And thus encouraged Mabel ventured to glance doubtfully around. The room ‘-as very dirty, and smelt very strong of stale tobacco smoke, while a flat, black bottle on the table, labelled "Holland Gin," suggested anything rath er than the rebnecraccomplishments of a gen tletn an 'l3 Find v-table. " Why l" cried ;_laraii, "there's your al bum, Mabel." " Yes." said Mabel; slyly ; "I asked him for another of his sweet poems, and he promised it to me to-night, so—it is half finished." , The open album lay on the desk, and close beside it was the pen, while the half-finishethpoem was still incomplete, and a volume of "Selections from Eng lish Poetry" lay beside it. " How beautiful !" murmured Mabel, reading the musical verses. " Yes," said Sarah Pray; "bat how funny here's the same thing exactly— this book, with Lord Byrtesname signed to it. Mabel, he has copied it out!" "So he has," admitted Mabel, indig nantly; "and here is the poetry he wrote for Alice Sinyth—and the little thing about 'Twilight' that we admired so much in Helen Daleson's album. "Oh, Sarah, how he has deceived us." "And I suspect that isn't the worst of it," said Sarah, shrewdly. "Look here, Mabel." She pointea toward a letter which lay open beyond— a dunning epistle from some unfortunate tradesman, ending with these words: `•I am tired waiting for the money, and I don't believe a word about your marrying rich down in Eskdale ; and if the funds are not immediately forthcom ing, I shall come down there myself, and let the people know that you are no wealthy West Indiaman, but mere Hig ginson Jones, with nothing to fall back upon but your own comsurnmate stock of impudence. Your other creditors, too, are getting out of patience, and if sonic arrangement isn't made at once, I will not answer for the consequences." Mabel looked at Sarah, and Sarah look ed at Mabel—both bewildered and indig nant. Well, .upon my word, if he hasn't hoodwinked us all beautifully?" cried Sarah Pray. "And we never would have found out his hypocrisy if it hadn't been fur your.slippers, Mabel" " Let as leave this place," said Mabel. who bad grown pale and resolute. "I feel as if every breath I draw polluted my lungs." She stopped at a jeweler's on her way home. - What are here for, Ma bel?" queti.ined tiarsh Prat . . lint mabet, tnstean of antwering her. walked straight np to the counter, and threw down the little sparkling cross. " ArE• these diamonds'?" she asked of the matt behind the counter. Ile took mit miignil'ying glass, and examined them closely. " Mere paste !"' he amid with a contempt lions sm il e . -Not worth carrying home:" But Mabel took up the trinket again, notwithstanding. "I shall send it back to him," she said, quietly. "Oh, Sarah, what idiotic fools we hare been—and I was all but engaged to him." "A lucky escape for you," said Sarah, laughing. "What will Wylde Emerson say ?" " ft would serve me right if he never spoke to me again," said Mabel, dejected ly. The next day the village of F.,skdale was ringing with the new& ,titat Mr._ St. George Fernandez bad been, arrested for debt by a gentleman from' :New York; and tbns ended that hero's brief career. While Diable owned that she had been wrong so frankly, that Wylde Emerson took courage to ask her to renew the broken engagement once more—and she is to he married just as soon as Wylde has furnished the gothic cottage on the bill to suit their mutual tastes. And so the wayward little bark of her heart avoided the perils of a final ship wreck. A Neu" York Lawyer's Divorce A few days ago Lucius Bulkier. sixteen years of age, appeared before Judge Stan ley, of the County Conrt, on application to have his name changed to that of Francis Ward Redfield. The young man, as stated, gave us his reason for wishing to change his name that his father had not contributed to his support, and that, therefore, he desired to aasume the fami ly name of his mother. Why the appli cant had so bitter an antipathy towards his father's name did not appear, and tit seemed somewhat singular that he should make such an application for so (seeming- Iv) trivial a cause. "Thereon bangs a May 17, 1452, witnessed the marriage I of L E. Bnlkley to Miss Frances W. Red field, a beautiful and accomplished young i lady. Bulkley was a young lawyer, of -tine personal appearance, who prided him ! self, as he has ever since done, on the h.- ! resistabk powers of fiiscination which he ! possessed over aiti .fair sex. Lie opened !an office fur the, practice. of hit in the '' • I city o f New York, and l' ived happily with I hie wife fur over four years; during which time a son was born, whom they named after his father. The fund wife loved her husband with devotion amounting almost to worship, and- never dreamed that he I wO tiring of her whom he had sworn to love and protect. But such was the case, and the • unfaithful spouse bethought ! himself of how he could become legally free from his irksomematrimonial chains. i No stain could ho discover.,on the charac -1 ter of his loving Fife, No reaseti why a ! divorce should ba-g moment ranW.lured-d could bef cOn iwhich he could for a sustain • ui a court of law, if opposed by her whom he had; sword to - love. At last he hatched 11. sLhetltc unparalleled fur its diabolical ,shrewdness, According to the prilOtica of tins New IrOrkepegte 01 law 4 the plintitreAtoraey , .r,..,..,.. ~..._. ..w,+ww.....-..-+~'a.car~'^ i"^^crl'+yseY.~4'vK'f~+w.Y^ti.~~ . „ .--. iti - a;o6ceeding makes -service trf 7 tiuml '• • - OTIEFAMP:I4NC, 4I 2I4%I. i': • Mone;iipon return of which, duly verill- -'-' - ' ,- ',--- -: .'',-,--. -: :!! , ..‘r ,, fifira'..£4 What John IL sfirratt &e ; .4bouf . the ed by oath, subsequent proceedings are had. Bulkley persuaded his wife that Affair Maven Ann. she needed a voyage for the benefit of her health. Her mother was residing in John IL Stirred, whose name is Smil ed Permission to visit her. On the 6th Lincoln plotin 1865,-is now lectnringitud Sacramento, Cal., and she joyfully accept. jar as having been connected 'with the , . day of October, 1859, ho accompanied her telling all he knows about it,. on board the steamship Illinois about to IN - rnooutinoN TO DOOTII. . sail for California,-and remained .with-her In the fall of 1804, says Surratt, I was conversing . atrectioi)itely until the bell introduced to John Wills 13.0.1,; who, I rang for all but passengers to leave. He was given to understand; wished to knoW then; with unparalleled hypocrisy, his something about the-main ayenn'es• lea. eyes glistening with crocodile tears, em- ing from Washington to the ' Potomac. braced her aud kieSed her a farewell. The. We met several times, but as he seemed loving wife was quiteovercome by thepain to be very reticent withregard to his pur of parting,-spasmodically he tore himself poses, and very anxious to get all th in from her embrace, and handed her a fin formation but of the he could, I - refused box. which he said contained a 'present to tell him anything at all. 'At last 1 for her mother. He charged her to be said to him,. "It is useless - for you, lir. careful of it and to deliver it safely. She Booth, to seek any information - from me received it with pleasure, as an adilitional , until I know w boson are and what tk're proof of his affection. As lie left the your intentions." . He hesitated : some boat she sought the deck and' remained time, but finally said he" would make 'there waving her handkerchief until the known his views to me provided I would form of her loved but unworthy bus- promise secrecy, I reidied, "I will do band faded iii lhe diitniiie. - _ , nothing of the, kind: - You kr .11 I She then sought her state room, and soon her woman's curiousity urged her to see what ;welcome present the tin box contained for her dear mother. She tore off the sealed covering, but instead of her token of love wpich slie had been led to look for, the box contained a summons notifying her to defend a suit for divorce within twenty days- Here she was on board a ship, a hundred miles from home, friendless, comfortless, with no possible way to return. For the first time in her life did she suspect that her husband did not love her. She could not realize the terrible sit nation. She showed the paper to an acquain tance, whose reply only added to the poignancy of her grief. It was, alas ! too true. Her husband, whom she loved, loved another, wished to be legally free from her, and had taken this underhand ed and cowardly manlier of obtaining his freedom. Before she could return to New York he would have attained his object. She sank under this overwhelm ing blow, and was obliged to take her bed. Her misfortune raised up for her quick friends and ready sympathies. When the vessel arrived at Aspinwall she strong ly desired to return to New York, lint so weak was she that her friends would not allow it. She could not return within the necessary time, her ticket was paid through to ban Francisco ; so there was no other alternative but for her to pro ceed. She arrived in Sacramento, and poured a tale of woe into her mother's ear, by whose advice she returned to New York in January, 1857. She sought out her husband, who kindly furnished her with a copy of the decree of divorce. She pleaded with him for permission to see her little Lucius, their only child, but he refused it. She remained three months, endeavoring to see her child, but in vain. The unfeeling wretch was unmoved by her importunities, but he must quiet them, fur they were likely to lead to unpleasant disclosures. So, quite in keeping with his true charac ter, he made two infamous propositions, one of which was that if she would keep secret his rascality, and would raise him $5,000, he would give her the custody of the child. This she indignantly rehist:d. He then said that if she would raise him $1,500 he would get from the clerk of the court the original record of the di vorce, and thus obliterate all record of its existence. This likewise met with an in dignant rejection. She then came to California fur aid, and again returning to New York, mov ed the Court to set aside the decree, on the ground of fradulent service of sum mons. In his defence he made no denial of the facts here set forth, except in two unimportant points, one of which was that be kissed heron her departing, and the other was the first of 'the propositions above mentioned. Tho Court readily granted the prayer of the afflicted lady. Bulkley, finding the locality of his residence rather warm for comfort, mi grated to this cost, and practiced law in Virginia City during its palmy days. He succeeded in winning one heavy mining j suit, which be took fur a large contingent , fee, and which enables hint to peranibu late Mungomery street in faultless attire at the present day. Ilis "shingle," as au attorney, is a prominent feature of otif of our principal streets. And this is the person who has been disowned by his own son. It is needless to state that his wife applied for and re ceived a decree of divorce and custody of the child soon after the reversion of the , first decree. She has since married again, ! and is living' happily in Santa Clara coun ty in this state.--San Frawico Chronicle Nov. 1. An Allegory. The old man was toilling through the burden and heat of the day, in cultiva ting his field with his own hands, and de positing the promising seeds in the faith ful lap of yielding earth. Suddenly there stood before him, under the shade of a huge linden, tree, a vision. The old man was struck with amazement. "I am Solomon," spoke the phantom, in a friendly voice. "What.are you do ing here, old man ?" "If you are Solomon," replied the ven erable .laborer, " how can you ask this? In my youth yuu sent mo to the ant I saw its occupation, and learned from that insect to be industProns and to gather. What. I then learued I have followed to this hour" "You have only learned half your led son," replied the spirit. Go again to the ant, and fearn to rest in the _winter of your life, M and to enjoy 'tt . you have gathered up." Two gentleman, of opposito politics meeting, oue inquired the address of some political celebrity, when the other nautly answered— "l am proud to sir, • that I am - wholly' ignorant of it." "0! you, are prond'Ut\your ‘ ignorance eb. sir ?" "Yes I am," replied the beligerenpgen tleman,'"and what then, sire' • '•-• "0 ! nothing, "sir, nothing; only you. have ,gieat deal to'hc:vrtinct of, that's' uri, • ' • • NOLITME XXVII, NUMBEI3 c .-4W, o f' . . eCROW we._ am not a Southern man. If you cannot trust me we will sepemte.' He then said, " I will confide my plans to you, but before doing so I will make known to you the motives that actuate me. In the Northern prisons are many thousands of our men whom the United States Govern went refuses to exchange: You knoit. 11E1 *ell as I the efforts that have been made to bring about that much desired ex change. Aside front the great suffering they are compelled to undergo, we are sadly in need of them as soldiers. We cannot spare one man, whores the Uni ted States Government is willing to let their own soldiers remainin our prisons because she has no need of them. I have a proposition to submit to you which, I think, if we can carry out, will bring about the desired . change." There was a , long ominous silence, which lat last was compelled to break by asking. "Well, sir, what is your proposition i . " Lie, eat quiet for an instant, and then, before answering me, arose and looked under the bed, into I wardrobe, in the doorway and the passage, i and then. said, "We will have to be care -1 ful—, walla have ears." He then drew his chair close to me, and intt whisper said, "I'tis to kid-nap President Lincoln, and carry him off to Richmond!" " ETD:cal. PRESIDENT LINCOLN !" I said. I confess that I stood aghast, at the proposition, and looked upon it as a j fool-hardy undertaking; tothink of suc cessfully seizing Mr. Lincoln in the Cap ital of the United States, surrounded by I thousands of hie soldiers, and earn- hint I off to Richmond, looked to me like a , foolish idea. I told him as numb. He i went on to tell with what facility he could be seized in various places in Washington. I As, for example; in various rides to and ' from the Soldier's Home, his summer res- I idence. He entered into the minute de -1 tails of the proposed capture, and even I the various parts to be performed by the actors in the performance. I was umaz i ell, thunderstruck, and in fact I might lalso say frightened, nt the unparalled and acity of this scheme. After twodays' re- I flection I told him I was willing to try it. I I believed it practicable at . that time, I though I now regard it as a fholhardy un- , ! dertaking. I hope you will not blame me for going thus far. I . honestly thought I an exchange of prisoners could be brought I about could we have once obtained pus-1 session of Mr. Lincoln's person. ' IP WORST 00*E9 TO WORST. Such a thing us the` assassination of Mr. Lincoln I never heard spoken of by tiny of the party. .Never. [Sensation.) Upon one occasion; - I remember we had called a meeting in Washington for the 1 purpose of discussing matters in general, us we had understood that the Govern ment had 'received inforMation that there I was u plot of some kind on hand. They had even commenced to build a stockade and gates on the navy-yard bridge—gates opening towards the Sotitlf;:as though ithey expected danger from within, and not from without. At this meeting I ex , !deified the construetion of the gates, and stated that I was confident the Govern ' ment had wind of our movement, and ' that the best thing we could do would be to throw up the whole job. Every one seemed to coincide in my opinion except Booth, who sat, silent and abstracted. Arising at last, and bringing down his ifist upon the table lie said, 3 . Well; gen tlemen, if the worst comes to the worst, I ,sball know - what to do." Some hard ! words, and even threats, then passed be- I tween him and 80010 'Of the party. Four of tisthen arose, one saying, •It I under- Ettand , you to intimate htiyhting more than the capture of Mr. Lincoln, - I for one 'Will , bid you good •Ity." " Every' one expressed ! the same opinion. We all arose and coin- I meneed putting onr hats on. Booth. per- ceiving probably that lie - hadgtine;too far asked pardon; saying that he laid - drank ' too much cliampeig,ne. After some diffi culty everything was amicably arranged, and we seperuted at 5' o'cleck in the morning. 4.)eys..weeks and months' pass-, ed by without an opportlinity Presenting itself for us"to atterapt . the capture: We seldom aaw one owing to the Many rumors unfelt that a conspiracy of some, kind was belligcondocted in Wash ington. We had' till arrangements' Per fected in 'Washington for the - purpose. Beets wefe in 'readinesSto carry Its. across the river. ' . HOW THEIR FIRST RESTON PAIEED. One day we received information that the Priisident would 'visit' the Seventh street Hospital for• therpnrpose of being preseiit at'an entertainment to be liven for the benclitof the :wounded soldiers The report only reached us shout three quarters of an hour berate`. the pointed, but so perfect was onrcomniunt cation that we wete instantly ifi . our Sad dles on the say to tha hospital;.This' was betty - 00i .2 o'clock to theenfter noon. wtis -- Ciffintentioks 'tct itelte'the• carriage' wit jiff by'n' ' - splend, id pair of horses;:arP,tei 'have 'ent , tneti, mount the ben ditkefirfor Southern Mtityland;: sia "Ilenning's Bridge. We'filt confident _that 411 'the cat - airy in the'city could not tWea'bitil as. Ilre were dll niounted 'on MAR. , b)tnlt'S, be.. ,eidethaving' the , begin tibi4ol,ou • 44,-; the carriage after passing the city limits. 4:l,6lE:the sudienaSsq.pf4htrfilailrAb4 tIW celerity of pur. , inoveluentAvip depended' for success. By the-time the alarm could have been given and horses saddled. we would have been on our way through Southern Maryland toward the Potomac river: To our great, disappointmentylew ever, the President was not there. butone of the Government officials, Mr. Chase. It was our last attempt. We soon atter this became convinced that wo could not re main long . undiscovered, and th at—we meet aban d on our enterprise. .446 - rd.- .ingly, a separation finally tOOk PlaixOtlid t never after saw any of the . party, expeA onb,•afifr that was when I IVO on n..1'1 wa 6onvitiehuton a to Canada on bristilesit of quite a different nature. . - ELTRItATT sysT Taritors TO TrrstitLifra. I left Richmond on' Shttirdity Meriting before the evacuation of that . place ..- aid reached Washington the 'following Mon day at 4 o'clock, p. m., April . 3,"1165. In passing up Seventh street I met 'etre of 'our party, who inquired what, bad 'fie- Come of Booth. I told him where I had been ; that I was then on my way to Canada, and that I had not seen - or heard anything of Booth since our separation. In view $f the fact that Richmond 'had fallen, and that all hopes of the abduc tion of the President had been given up. I advised him to go home and go to vrtirk That was the last time I saw any of the party. I went to a hotel and stopped, over that•night, as a dectative had been to my house inquiring of the servant my whereabouts. In the --early-Arab:v*l3ra. morning (Tuesday, April 4 0 .1865),J, Jeft for Network, and. that Vtrys the last 4ime I ever was in Washington until brought there by the United States Government, a captive in irons, all reports to the cont rary notwithstanding. The United States, es 'yon remember, tried to prove my presence in Washington-on . the 15th of April, the day on which Mr. Lincoln met his death.. Cpon arriving in New ,York, I called ut Buoth's house, and_was tol4_by the servant that he had left that,morning suddenly on the s grountrof - going to Boa ton to fulfill an engagement at the thea ter. In the evening of the same day I took the cars for Montreal, arriving there the next day. I put op at the tit. Lawrence Hotel, registering myself as John garri son ancli"being my first two names. gurnitt was at Elmira, where, at a ho tel, he first heard of the assassination of Lincoln and Seward, and was so astonish ed that he thought it a joke for some time Lie adds that the telegram of the news. then mentioned no names, and Says: 'I. approach-d the telegraph office in the main hall of the hotel for the purpose of ascertaining if J. Wilkes Booth-. was .in New York. I picked up a: blank rand wrote, "J. Wilkes BeothX - giving the number of the house. 'T hes' ..ted'a mo ment and then tore the paper up; - and then wrote one, "3. W. B." with directions, which I was led to do from the fact -that during our whole connectiou rye ,rarely wrote or telegraphed 'under our- ritrr names, but always in- such a mannert at no one could understand but ourselves.: I telegraphed Booth thus: • • "J. W. 8.. in New York : If -you are in NOV York, telegraph me. John Har rison; Elmira, New York:" ' '" The operator, after looking' oiiii' it, said, "It is J. W. B.; to which I -replied "Yes." He evidently - wanted the whole name, and bad scarcely finished telegrap,h itig when a door right near the office, and opening on the street, was pushed open, and I heard some one say, "Yes, Iheretsro three or four brothers of them, John, Junius, Brutus, Edwin, .and-,J Wilkes Booth." The whole truth flashed on ma in an instant,. and I said to rhySelf, "My God, what have I done P The - dispatch was still lying before me, and • I reached over and took it up, for the purpose of destroying it, but the operator stretched forth his hand, and said," "We . must s file all telegrams." My firsmpulse Witeto tear it up; but I pitched it back and4alk vd off. 'The town was in the greatest up roar. Flags at half-mast, bells tolling, &c. Still I did not think I was in dang er, and determined to go immediately to Baltimofe to find out' the' particulars• of the tragedy'. Surratt thew details the way the evidence- of the hotel registers, with his name on to.prove an alibi, were spirited 'away, and says that; instead of going to Baltimore, -he went to 'Calitinda , mita. On Monday, When I was leaving •Canandaig,no, I bonght •serne • New . ..York papers; in looking over them,lny eye,' lit on the ftillowing, paragraph which I have never fOrgoten, and don't Oink I .ever n'ifl It thus: The assisaio of Seeretary'EleivarCil3 &rid to be John If.. Sundt, notorious tieceteionist of tioothern Atryland Hie name, with that of J. Wilkes foreVer lead the imfamon'tt roll of saws aides." '• 1 e nld scarcely believe my senses. - .% gazed upon my 'name, the lettere of , which seemed sometimes to grow, As - Loge as mountains, and then to dwindlotrOwa nothing. So boob for my !enter 'con nection with him,' I thought... - . After fully realizing the state of the CM, I con cluded to chung,e my course, and go i diract to Canada. • ~ . Snrratt then particularizes Mont hiding iu Canada, and his ,difflonity keeping himself posted nbout what was going on, particularly in relation to hia mother. • _ teacher, is laud. turves. What is Your name r" Boy, in a weak voice. " Johnny Wells, sir." " now old are you, John "Twelve years old, sir." „ "Now, John, tell the who made , this grent ituiversci?" '" "Don't know .m, What, twelve, years old,',..aud :know v t .ho made ~ this ,great, , and „noble. Spbera ? go and - get - me a whip." Tho birch was bit:MO.l4od holdover thertrembliq boy; Ia thundering tones yiq : ri id ilhouplinutn domauded; Niirt, -tell, rue 'who, made this. great world 30 . ' Johnny nitwit/red t 1 1' "I did, sir, but I won't do it agaie,'. perisinssHrst ouplO 'of rogiviii ,148'f