BIMITZI:ES. Anecdote of the War. gr. Ell. '11.23 El LL EC circrems. ...------_ MONTI TICE COST 1101381, Its better to carve yearr name an A few days after the evacuation of hearts than marble. Richmond by the Confederate forces, -, • --Zifercuks go- of ' —Mythological festivity—Bercules go- I Colonel Y., of the 990th Ohio 'Volunteers, I lag ta divae with his club. while in command of a small detachment ; was on a scout in that portion, of the . —A man may live justly by avoiding vineyard known as East Tennessee, and I what he blames in others. not tar from the home of Andrew John -Vie only persons who really enjoy . son. being some distance from camp, bad health ere the doctors. and not knowing the country, the Colon -When is an Ox not au ox ? When it el halloed at a hig-hat on the opposite side of the river, from the chlmney of is turned into a meadow. which the smoke was curling, indicating —Prise inquirer s— internal revenue as- it to be inhabited. In response to the sessors and census enumerators. hail, a thorough-bred, mossy-backed --Pllp_ the flue," is Californian for mountaineer, evidently a nabob, counting "where themoodbine twineth." his wealth by the number of hounds that yelped at his heels,.appeared. and through —What is it that nobody wants, yet no- the mingled howls and barks he managed body likes to lose ? A lawsuit. to hear him say: —Lawyer's months are like turnpike " What der yer want ?" gates—never open except for pay. " Have you heard," said Colonel Y., "that Richmond is taken ?" —Bakers, in one respect at least, follow The mossy to mountaineer replied Natara—they rise in the y-east. not, seeming to be dumfounded at the —Patsy Murphy calls the vehicle in announcement. which he carts mud a wheel-ociixde. " Don't you know," continued the gory —The wa for le to win golden Ohio chieftain, "that the Yankees have opinions is to y have p p len eop ty of brass. taken Richmond at last ?" The mossy-backed answered that he —What part of speech is kissing—a "hadn't hearn nuthin'." conjunction. " Well," said the Colonel, "they have. —lt is hard to remember the poor on a Can't you give three cheers for the old full stomach. tlag ?" "0, my Lord, Mister Yank:" replied —Ugly features in Congress—the noes i Mot isV -backed resident of the cot, -we (nose) in both houses. 1 -.. layn t got but three cheers in , the house, —A farmer gathers what he sows,while and one o' them's a stale !" I . a seams -sews what she gathers. Nu "hooray" to be had there. —Some girls are like old muskets they use a good deal of powder to catch very small game. —lt does not follow because a book is curtailed that it should also ha dog-eared. F —Grand trunk railroads—all the rail roads is the country during the Saratoga season. —Why is a pig with a twisted tail like the ghost of Hamlet ? Because it could a tale nnfold. —ln pocket-picking, as in everything else, a man never succeeds until he gets his hand. in. , —ln a game of cards a good deal de pends on good playing, and good playing on a good deaL —The Boston reporters talk of getting up a new badge, and sonic one suggests a pump in active motion. —ln Bates county, Mo., on Tuesday last, John Hitt was married to Mary Miss. A palpable bit. —ls there any good reason why a man who never pays his bootmakcr should be culled " s free-booter ? —A bald caded man may always ex pect to find a friend and sympathizer in a manufacturer of wigs. —The proverb that stolen kisses are sweet, is enforced by the fact that they generally come from lasses. —Young women often keep their lor era by tears. " Yes," says Grumwig. " love, like beef, is best preserved with brine." —An old toper being refinest: d to de-' fine hard drinking, said, "it was sitting on a rock and sipping cold water." —The contemplated transit across the East River is like a llibernian offer of marriage ; it is a proposal to bridge it. —lt is not likely that a set of Chinese gardeners would be able to mind at the same time both their Peas and their Queus. —Grant says Le don't care anything about the party of the future ; all he cares about is the party of the present— the one that presents him cigars, &c. —The only thing farmers need be afraid of 'running into the ground"—the ploughshare. —Mr. Richmond's little boy in Goshen tried to shoot a cat, but brought down a younger sister instead. Unfe HO youth. —lt is nearly as impossibleito get mon ey out of a miser as it would be for a bachelor to get lamb chop from a batter ing ram. —Under the head of "crimes and cas ualties," a rural paper mentions the fact that a rival editor has just published a book. —lt was said of one who remembered everything that he lent bnt nothing that he borrowed, that he has lost half his memory. —The miscalled Century plant is said to bloom when it is thirty years old. Hence it should be calked the thirty per century plant. —Why should a common soldier who has been in the ranks a long time be afraid to meet an excise officer ? Because he's a private still e of the religious papers has a con demnation of those popularity-seeking preachers who gives a " hogshead of words to every pint of sense." —Josh Billings says that "one ov the hardest things for a man tew is to fall down on the ice when it is wet, and then git up and praze the Lord." —The neat thing in dog robes this fall is to have the family monogram in gilt upon the blanket. ~clog without a mon ogram blanket is of no account —After all there is not much difference between the followers and opponents of Dr. Jenner. The one are vaccinators and the others are vaccine-haters. —To make a woman scold, give her a husband who comes home drunk. —The New Orleans ladies have eleva ted their spinal columns because they don't have a separate entrance at the post office. —Experience in Virginia has demon- I strated that it takes a negr, o juryman just four minutes to go to sleep after he has taken his seat in the box. —A Lafayette (Ind.) newspaper says, that theatreets and alleys of that city are in such a sad eonditiou of filth that the street commissioner has to wear a clothes pin on his nose when he goes his rounds. --Japan has sent en observation corn pany'of nineteen officials of high rank. including an imperial prince, to the seat of war in Europe. Orin Berlin they are estimating the expenses of the war already. The cost of the military action of Germany is set down at"l2o million francs, direct losses 1230 millions, indirect losses 2340 Ina iioDlL War compensation ftir the recon quered territory, Alsace and Lorraine, especially Strasbourg, 200 millions. To tal, 4930 millions of francs. Milking with Dry Hand'. A writer on this subject says: I believe that much of the milk gets tainted with noxious or bad odors before it reaches the pail. Some persons and hired help es pecially, have a habit of wetting their lingers with milk once in a while, and wetting the row's teats, as they say to make them milk easier. Now this wet ting process causes much foul matter to drop from their hands, or the teats, into the pail, while milking. This isall wrong. Cows can be milked as easy with dry hands as wet ones. I have been in the habit of milking cows, and although I have met with some hard milkers that require their teats to be softened in order to draw their milk, I have generally found it both easier and pleasanter to milk with dry hands. If the teats are dirty, the udder should be washed with tepid water and allowed to dry before milking, and if the teats are very hard and tough to draw, the cow had better be turned into beef, or kept to raise calfs from. Crime Not Forgotten SeN 011 rears ago a Loudon bank was robbed of 01,00 by a fellow named Janes, and so well had he laid his plans that he made hood his escape with his booty. But the police of London never forgot his great crime. The robber's familv wits placed under surveillance, and when, trusting that time had effaced the recollection of the robbery from the pub.: lic mind, they ventured, two weeks ago, to sail to Canada to meet the silty hus band and father, from whom they had been so long separated, the sleuth hounds of justice accompanied them. On Thurs day was a happy family meeting in To ronto—the sorrow of seven years' sepera- Lion was swept away in blissful reunion— when the tender setae was lankly inter rupted by several u n poet ieal policemen, who took the crestfallen Jones into custo dj to answer fur his apparently'-forgotten crimes. The following anecdote of Beecher i has been made public: It seems he has observed. the injustice i i of obliging men to work on Snndays, and ' preached a sermon on it. Next day he entered into conversation with a car driv er. while riding down to Fulton Ferry, and asked if he did not think some plan might be adopted to dispense with the need of running the cars all day Sunday. The driver being in entire ignorance of the name and nature of the interrogative friend. made a frank reply: " Yes, sir, I think they might; but there's no hope of it, so long as they keep 1 that d— lieecher's theatre open in Brooklyn. The cars have to run to accommodate that." It Was hardly necessary to add that the driver's remark was a 'home thrust,' and was considered so good that Beecher told of it himself. A Fair Hit. Two wags passing out of town on the GalTeston road, says the Kansas Tribune, were struck with the beauties of Lawrence. " Whose place is that F" said one of them. "That is the lordly residence of Major George A. Rey°lds. Cost thirty thousand dollars." " \\ - hat is his business ?" " Indian Agent." "What is has salary, and how long has he held his office ?" "Two years, at fifteen hundred dollars a Tear." "Lord, what did the honest fellow do with the rest of his salary ?" " Started his brother and two other honest men in the newspaper business to denounce corruption." A humorous young man was driving a horse, which was in the habit of stop ping at every house on the road side Passing a country tavern where were col lected together some dozen countrymen, he stopped, in spite of the young man, who applied his whip with all his might to drive the vicious horse on, the men on the porch commenced to laugh, and some inquirigl if he would sell that horse. "Yes," said the young man, "but I cannot recommend him, he once • belonged to a butcher, and stops whenever he hears any calf bleat." The crowd retired to the bar room in silence. -.Ow The ye" has succeeded the "Dip" New York's favored dance. The extinction of the buffalo in twenty years is predicted. Nilssou's five concerts in Philadelphia brought Str.skosch $20,000 gross receipts. Syracuse is jubilant over a second crop of grapes. Columbus Walker, of Belleville, Ind., has married the famous "bearded lady." One of our popular preachers says : I have great hope of a wicked man slender hope of a mean one. A wicked man may be converted and become a presemient saint. A mean man ought to be converted six or seven times, one right after the other, to give him a fair start sad put him on an equality with a bold wick ed mad. MONTROSE, PEN:VA. JOHN S. TABEIELL, Proprietor. Eight Stares lease this House daily connecting with the D. L. & W., the Ede, and the igh Valley LiaiL ways. [Jelly Leh6* CALL AT ROBINSON'S SOUTHERN TIER FIZI - FL IV - IrIvCT RE E~iPOIItM, 88 Washington Street, Binghamton, N. V. Where you will find The Largest Stork, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. B.—All Goods sold warranted as represen ted. Binghamton, Aug. 23, 1870.—1 y HARDING & HAYDEN, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCIIA:CTS IF BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, POEL- TRY, GARR, am• 325 Washington Street New York. REFERENCE& Irving National Bank, New York. S. Hutchinson & Co., I hi & 117 Worth St. N.Y Roberta, Smith & Co., (12 White St. Wagner & Kellam, 76 Murray Street, Mulford & Sprague, Ki Chambers St. 44 C. B. Williams & Co. 2 & 270 Canal St., July 18, D ENTISTRY. C. A. sAcKErrs Dental Booms, Nei. Milford, Pa. Partientar attention giVell to all operations on the Into rot tenth. Artificial - Teeth inserted to all the rations style. now In use. Perfect satisfaction guarantied to all. Come and see me. and satisfy yourserrea. Ctn. hours. hours each day. Jan. 6, 1,2611-17 ALL RIGHT FOR 1870. 3317N1=1:10" gQRRTPT lain constant receipt of NEW GOODS, by which tut assortment it rendered more and more complete and attractive for all his usual varieties of trade for lag. New Dry Goods, New Groceries, New, and New Slows lens, lledidsei , faluto , Oils, Bads d Shoe s, Wall Paper, Window Shades Rats d Gape, Buffalo Robes, Ladles Fors, hoop whiny will all be sad on the most favorable terms. New Milford, Jan. 1870. PEBBLE SPECTACLES—aIso com mon Spectacles. a new supply, for rale by liontrose, Nes. 10, MEL ABEL TUII2E:L. NEW WALL PAPER, Jost arrived. and selling fleapit? Montrofa, April SO, 1619. ABEL TUMULI-L. A. IRE! EIRE! FIRE!—Your house may born next. Seek refuge at once, either In the ABORTS. 000.0)0 00 1.000.000 00 825401 M 750.000 OD 503.000 00 600,000 CO Eeentity, N. Y., - Manhattan, - North American, • Hanover, Girard. Philadelphia, Enterprise, - Or Norwich, Conn.. chartered May.lBo3, the oldest Stock Co.. fn Comiectieut. Alt of the above are old established. drat class Companies. sum and reliable, having been tried and proven. Unit out for little new wild cat com panies vplinglng up all over the country Ind to make money. Call or send - your applicationr, and 1 oil see that you are fairly dealt with. HENRY C. 'ITLER. Fire. Life and Accident bamance Agent, at the WS= of W. D. Look, EN., Montrere. February 1, 1810.-IL TATE NORMAL SCHOOL, English and Classical courses. Terms begin September 7th, December 12th, and March 27th. State appropriations for student& Students ad- mitted at any time. Apply to CHAS. H. VERRILL, A. M., Mansfield, Pa. Aug. 31, itno.-1 y gm 4dvationunts. DAIICHEY & CO, $6O .A.r. ElE nnar nt c . ust i r la i or a temale. b r i c a capital roluircd. Addrcu M I OTICILIT Co. &co. Ma e : 11-o4 Salesmen Wanted. Dnathere honorable. No competition, liberal pay given. 8, W. }MINIM, BS. 4th 84 Mrs. (nor B--4 Axr ANTED—Aramemnree too:swam kw John B. C. did:Kati9 forthea book, Pursue Awn rut Pat woo , Prirenew Wen." live subko fora wide awake cannuem. Addreee A. IL BIIBBXLL Baotou, ]teen. De7rlll-4 FREE TO BOOR AGENTS. We will send a handsome Prospectus of ow New B• Mluitcd Family Bible to any Bonk Agent. free of charge. Addrest NATIOLLL PvaustErno Co..Phlladel phis. Pa. [nov.9-4 $lO MADE FROM 50 CENTS. Sontetbinfargently needed by everybody. Collard ex amine, or samples lent free for 60 eents that retail eerily for $lO. It. L. Woncorr. nov.9-4 ISt Chatham Square, New Tort. 100,000 Agents Wanted For now Women CAN MAKE Money. And other best Books to the market. XcKIWXIT at MJIKtn. 150 . 9 ehesiont St. Phil's. 9nov4 FARMER'S HELPER Show' , how to double the profits oldie FARM, and bow timers apd their BOW MI each make $lOO per month In Winter. 10,000 copies will be mailed tree to Farm ers. Mend name and addrass to ZEIULER & RECUR.. Ut. Philadelphia, Pe. nor 9-4 A GENTS WANTED FOR THE /1 LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Containing Fleetwood's" Li,e of Christ," and " Lives of the Apostles, Evangelst's and Martyrs, Doddridge•• •• Evidences of Uhrtstlenity," •• of all Rell ous Denomina- Fe llisto i g of the Jews," by Sissephus; • . History tines," With trestias and tables Fetal ng to events eon• sleeted with Bible History, containing many fine en gravings. The a hole forming a complete Treasury of Christian knowledge. W. FLIRT, 2S S. Seventh St., Philadelphia. %a 4 %WEI On Wye Years air.g Wild Wises f. Plains. Facts from ledo to 18:0. Exciting as a Romance, new, fresh, spirited. Author's experience on the War Path, In Iferasio fleets. Indian Oddities, Legends, Sports. Ate. Re. MIL•110ST edition Icady, price very low, Sells fast, will exceed any book out. First chapter, tam. pie illustrations, and terms lent free. A. B. FIUBBARD, Publisher, 100 Chestnut Bt., $l,OOO to $2,000 Salary We Guarantee to Pay to 001( AGENTFI of experience ; or a larger commie commieetnnn than to offered by any other Publishers, Agents ammaking fr4mA2o . to tar) per week. canvassing for our new 111.trated B oo ks. We guarantee *Villa a rotary or a large commlesion, with a choice of two new and popular books and exclusive territory, We offer a rare chance to overt, gle men or women to make money. Secure your agency direct from the publishers. nor 9-1 3. B. Being CO., Hartford, Conn. , CI:CRA2 2 up RI. da:be -41,X"""we"."".1 1 Cosozo. Paln 0...1!,14012:13111' I/ ~,,Int .s olea , . 7i 0 ,.. .., 0 .4 ..: tr r ii,.,, , _ eo c osi. 1..r.0. li w m";',„ . ; rib 5t....v I=l MIST STORY PAPER IN TUE _ NIVERSE. A it 6 Prise to ctr ., ry rtubnriber. Send *lamp "for WES TER 'rice circular J. li. ELLIOT, 'ohneher, Bovrox, MAI... . .. _ Oct. 26-4 ... • - - Grert Forteme Leiter, 50ets. Courtship made easy. 2t ete. Correct itticpiette, 25eti. Bridal Etiquette. 2.scte. Bow to to a Sweetheart or Lover, 50ete. 500 Passlet, 12:10 Conaadrums,lsoete. Correct Letter Writ r, Zeta. Arnoteur Theatricals, 50eta. Book or Wysteroue Disclosures, 50cte. Guide to Beauty. Nine. Comic Speeches, 50 eta. How Gamblers Win. .50ct s, Boxing and Wreet'ing Made Eay, riet•. True Marriage Gnide and Book of Nature, 50 cis. 0. Bonk+ sent postage __paid i z i , r e zt4t o ra rk mall. Addre W. Courtney. 3 Astor Place. G. S. TIARDTNG. L. ILkYDEN MASON k HAMM CABINET ORGANS. Great Improvements. Patented June Mt, and August WS. ISO. REDUCTION OF POI= The Mason ft Hamlin Organ Co. have the pleasure of announcing important improvement Weir Cabinet Organs, fur which patents were gran June and August last- Th ese are not merely mittickrus at tachments, but enhance the eubdantial excellence of the instruments. They net also enabled by increased belittles for man facture, to make, from this date, a further reductfon of prices on several leading styles. Having complod and added to their former facilities large new mennfectory, they hope hereafter to 'apply all orders promptly. The Cabinet Organs made by this Company are of pooh universal reputation, not only throughout Ameri , cs but al. In Europe, that few will need assurance of their superiority. They non offer Poor Octave Cabinet Organs. in quite plain cares, hot eq.] according to their capacity toany thing they make, for PO each. The same, Double Reed for RAS. Five Octave Don ble Reed Organ., five stops, with knee Ewell and treat- Want, in elegant easels, trite seem) of the Mason R Hamlin Improvements, gIIS. The name extra, with non Eltenane, Automatic Swell, etc, Von Five Octctaves. three ac ts Reeds, Seven Stops with Siphoule,a frit:mild instrument. $ . 443. A new Illustrated catalogue, with frill information, and !vented prices, is now ready, and win be sent free. with a testimonial circular, presenting • great mass of evidence as the superiority of these 'parapet:its, to any one sending hie address to the MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN 154 Tremont St.., Boston ; 596 Itedw l y, New C0.. 0rk., Oct. AA GENTS WANTED-4M A MONTHI tby th,. AMERICAN KNrrTING MACHINE CO., BOSTON, MISS, or ST. LOUIE. Sept, 21 , A GENTS W &WAD TOrdiaLi LAW BOOK FOR BUSINESS MEN 711.8 BEET BrBSC,RIPTIO:4 BOOK OUT, Addre.s, 0. D, CABE & CO„ BADMau , Cows. Elept.ll.,—.lm WANTED—ACE:NTS, (f2 ll per day) to 'ell the eelobrated BOMA SHUTTLE HEWING MA MINE. Mae the ender-feed, makes the " lock stitch" (alike on both .Ides,)) and Is tally Hennaed. The best and ebeepert Hewing Machine lo the market. Address .101INSOV, CLAIM it. CO. Bolton. Mats, Plttalmrgh l'a., Chlatgo, 111., or Pt Loot', Mo. Sept-11,-4m. Cm , bueinda.. , filt; !M.'. Ofta r : eh al, °actual:l,o, .. 4 r W " .".....- tl. C.,aza mak- , O .S._ 9 , !'r_ -------- \\ .• r•s •f all a v 1 i 0 .7 .1 = aM: .....t:i ltal ... fa .m otr i 0D...... bt p ot fe 1 00 r e; 1a .....tiv. • a L I i. aaamithantlasla 'A % 0 1.4.... Emi hams. vita their imam, aalanni acr 121 . who'll.- mant to athan lave gra tavatanata Voss adrr diaall ma ba cieL Foe sadar corals...oa arsdarmasabam - ' Sept 2l,—?3ci FORTUNES ear red to live men. Bate Chance. Send Stamp. DhuntmdliL Co., Wllmingtcat. DeL Sept. 11,-em THE MIGIC COMB will dunce lady col. oral Mgr or beanl to a permanent black or brown. It contains D A I=o• Any mum Itte4. a n .: , =T4 11 Ito SI. ang. 81--am ENTS WARRED vim UAL WM, ILA G IMARD'S GRAND TOUR of MEXICO Adventure and Sl,ght•sechas In - " Our Stater Ilapublla." TIOGA CO- PA Ia a work of ran merit. profanely frinstrated. Bead for circulars to Colombian Hook Company, Hartford, Ct. a FRUIT JARS for sale by A. TUREELL BELIJEN The Wia ChlJ BOORS TOSVIT EVERYBODY .:-: 8 3:: l a i 1 ° S!) I=2 0 li so C'D i hi ==. 0 ..1 r-r 1 MLR SEASON OP nno—n LOUMFLOURI Frani tide day foTward, we dun sell Flour at retail at We hang out no fidse colon, but mean Just what we say. making Floor a specialty, our stocit of PEED, PEAL, SALT, LIEN CEMENT, GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, the. Will be kept firll and sold at very email pmfits. H. OARRATT & BON. New Milford, March 2, 1e70.-17 BURNS & NICHOLS DRUGGISTS & APOTIIECARIES, Karp regularly' 'applied With lIIIADISLTEIIATID Drugs and Medicines. Chemiesla, Dye Stu ff s. Winos Liquors, Paints, Oils and:Vartsh, Perfumery, Finney Soaps, Yabiter3Notioim, &e. Fresh from New York City. All the most popular PATENT MEDICINES sold In this section, among which may be found Arre's and Jayne's Penally Medicines, Ilentbnid's Ho ehn Sebenek's Palmerile Syrup and Sea Weed Tonle, Driponeo'• and Cheeeernen'• Fe male Pills. t oogh Finielun, Wishart's Pine Tree Kornis'. now. Hal, }kneeler, Ring', Ambrosia. Kennedy's Med teal Discovery. Hootiand's German Bitters, Hostetter 's litomach Bitters, And many other Medan! rani value ar.d merit. In fact MU Stock embraces • line assortment of everything usu ally kept In well regulated Drug Stores. rarrmeriptiona receive particular attention, and e earofolly and promptly compounded. a • Store formerly occupied by J. Etheridge- - A. B. BURNS. Montrose, Ilareb Idl, WU. AbIUS N NEW FIRM, "NEW GOODS The wthscrlbrrs •ro now roceiring from N•w York • new •nd fresh stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, which will be sold - at a krw figure for curb. Among the numerous ertliden may b found Flour, Hams, Dried Reef, Smoked Halibut, Cod- futh, Mnektrel, d-e T. Coffee, Sagan., Rice, Mace, Worsterehiro :Leer Canned Peaehea, Pears. Ptne Apples. avre...t Corn, Toms toes, Quinces, and Plum , . Cocoa, Fa,lna, );strati Lemon, etc. ate. All kinds of SPICES, Citron, Orange Peel, etc CROCKS:UT 2 GLASSWARE. A No 1 Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, eta An of whirl ean be warranted as Itnet elms good., sad cheat. To addition to the Gowery trade, we been purchased Geo. C. HllT's News Office, where you can finds good eelection of Stationery, Books, Daily, Weekly and Monthly Pepers, Magazines. Docks and papers not on hand will be ordered and furnished on short notice with out extract:Large, Special cue OW= to orders. No trou ble to Dhow goods--so drop in loot see for youreelves. tir^Good. delivered without eaten charge. H. J. wills, I C. 111. Grua, 111181 • GER& Montrose, May 18, SRO. PI:TRE WINES, We have Prat received an assortment of Lake and Wound Vineyard Wines. from Meyers. Morrow Chanbertin. New York, which foe richnessand darer they ray are nnanrrppaa~~sod and that ppalebaeerw can rely upon their panty—Leiuß ftee from adulterations of any kfad. The trade mark of the Slat appears upon every bottle, both on label and seal. BURNS B NiCHOLS.M Montrose,Feb. 5,1861.—y SCRANTON STEAM COFFEE & SPICE MILLS. All kinds of Pure Spices. C. W. KIRKPATRICK & CO. Wholesale Dealers in TEAS, COFFEES, SPECIES, IRESTAIIID. CREAM TARTAR, &c. No. 517 Lackawanna Avenue, a few doors east of the Wyoming House. We arind all our Spices and Coffee. Coffee roasted and MATO to order, at the shortest no• tice, and as chimp as in any city. C. W. KIRKPATRICK, IL B. SEARLE. Scranton, Sept. 21, 1870.-3 m deist3l[ po n blish i X W a neor Wr e:dlgon oW of il Da. • ATlty B1•411•Y on the radical run ffwith. out medicine) d SesnIIATOILMIMA, or Becalm:a Weak ness , involuntary Seminal Losses. 1111.01711 CT. Nankai and Physical lucapacity. Impedimenis to Marriage. etc. : also, Oosmomptiou. Epilepsy. and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. TM — Price. In • sealed envelope. onlya cents. The celebrated author. in Oita admirable essay, clear ly demonetrotea from thirty years' successful pract ice, that the 011112111 ff consequences of self-abase may radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; by means of which every sufferer. no matter what his condition may hea p :l4 l one himself cheaply. privately, and rodicorly. is Lecture should be lo the lands of every ponth and man in the land. Sent. under salt, in • plain envelope, to soy addrees p ostpaid on soceipt et six coots, or two poet Mumps. Also, Dr. Colverweirs "Marriage Guide," price eS Cents. Address the Publishers. CIIAB. J. C. KLINE & CO., 117 Bowery, New York, Poet Mess Box 4,888. Aug. 81, 1870.-1 y Wells' Carbolic Tablets. An entailing , remedy for Ast hma . l Difficulties, Cotts, Colds, Hoarseness, Mother* [lmmo of the Monet or Windpipe and all Catarrhal disarms. The wonderftd modem discovery of Carbolic Acid. Is destined to become one - of the greatest biesalllgS SUS/Mal, kind In its applkatics to diseases of the throat, and Its = mi asmal . re qindltics to all affections of the Chem. and Dr. Wells' Carbolic Tablets bentdes the great itetnedtal agent, Carbone Add coa ted= other Ingredients unlvervally recommended, which eoultdne, goodoetne • blot twee b &w ain = better adapted for Osman of public .. any peeparstlon ever hefts offered to the. • TOR COUGHS IN COWS DB •SPELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. era I sus eon. TRY THEM. BOLD ST DBUOQUII3. TO PHYSICIANS. Haw Tom. August 15th, IN& Allow Ea to e tll sour attention to my Prepanttion of COMPOUND EXTRACT of BUCHU The component parts are Beebe, Long Leaf, Cubebs, Juniper Burin. Hone or PRISPAIIATION,—Ituchn. in vacua Juniper Beiries, by dimillation, to term • fine gin. Cabes ex• trotted by disphscement with spirits obtained from proportions ; very little sugar Is used. and a small propo of spirit. It more palatable than any now to 1360. Beebe. an prepared by Droguinto. Is of a dark color. It Iv a plant that emits its fragrance ; the action of a Came destroys this (Its active principle). leaving a dark end glatlnons decoction. Mine Is the color of In • gredients. The Hoehn in my preparation predomin• Mee; the samilest quantity of the other Ingredients are added, to prevent fermentation ; upon Inspection. It will be found not to be • Tincture, as mode In Phar inamtprea. nor Is it a Syrnp—and therefore ran be need in cases whem fever or Inflammation exist. In this you hove the kn owledge of the Ingredients and the mode of preparati Hoping that you will favor or with a Welland that upon lospection It will meet with your approbation. With a feeli of confidence. am very respectfully. IL T. 116L311101.H, Chemist and Druggist of 16 years experience. [From the largest Ilisnefse•forine Chemists in the Worid.) Boycotts's 4'.1554. •• 1 am sevinsinted with Mr. U. T. Ilel mbold ; he espied Ow Drvie-titore opposite m. residence , an oc d was successful In conductive the bovines. , when, others had not been eqoally se before him. I have been favora bly Impreswed with hit rherarter and rntarprio," WILLIAM WEBBITM AN. Fin. of Powers & eightmen. 31anufarlaring Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets. Philadel phia. TIRLSIBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUt FL, for weakness teleing from indiscretion The ex an. - td powers of Natere wnich ate accompanied by no ma. ny alarming symptom•, among whiehosiil Ir funnel im disposition to Exertion,°Memory, Wakefulness. Ilersor of Disease, Of Fercbodings of Evil—in fact, Unisertal Lassitude. Prostration, and inability to oh. ter into the todnyment• orsociety. • The Como llntion, once affected with Otganic Weak neve requires the aid of 'Medicine to strengthen and in ',figurate the, which lIELMIIOLDII EXTRACT DUCIIU Invariably dees. If no treatment is submitted to, Con gumption or insanity ensure Ilnuannt.P's rt.rtn F.rrnse? or Unity. In affections peeollar to Female.. Iv no ailed by any othirr prepn. ration, e• in Chloroapi. or Retention. Pelnfulnete or Poporeaelon el enstomary evarnatlone, Ulcerated or Achim State of the Uterua, arid ;nod complaints inci dent to the sea., or the decline or change of life. fleimbold's Extract Burhtt and Improred Rose Wash mill radically exterm loot e from the rratem dleenace art sing from habits of dlikolpntion. at llct,e exprm.e, little or no rhunde In diet, no Inconrenienre or espnoure completely •uper•edlng thoee unplemoint and dunger. on. remadteu, Copes& and Mercury, In .11 there disci.- Use Tlelmhold'n Fluid Extrnet of Ilnehn In nil dines*. ee of these organs. whether VIIPitnC in male or female, from whateeer canoe "whew,' mg. and no matter of how long standing. It is pleonaot in tante nod odor, • • Im mediate— In •erion, and morn strengthening than any preparations of Bark or Irun. Those varmint.. from broken down or delicate COlifiti tutlunr, procure the remedy at mice. The reader moot he estrum that, however Flight may be the attack of the above powers la censors to •t. feet the bodily health and [modal. ►ll the above diseases require the aid of a Diuretic, NEWBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Oreat Meat Diuretic. SOLD Dr DRUGGISTS EVERTWIIERE Price, $1.26 per Bottle-0 Bottles $0.30 Delivered to say address. Describe symptoms In all commanication*. Address IT. T. TIELWBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 891 Broadway, N. Y. ilrYdone wite Wen done up tu steel entree , od oloPPer. oo4lmlla of my Chemical Warehouse and signed Jowl, 1410.-17. U. T. BILKDOLD ABEL nTIUMJ., DBUGGZST, N021171305E, PA. Le centhically nxelving D'IlW GOODS And keeps constantly on band a tell and desiseble ea sortnient el genuine DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIIRIDCALS,.LIQUORS, Paints, Oil., Dye-Stntrs, Teas, Spices, and other Ono. aeries, Stone Ware, • Wall and Window Paper, Glass. , ware, hut. Jars, 111mna, Lampe. Cbbosom ters MO. O Waebletcry Oil, Tenuous' OIL Restsfoot 014 Bar fined Whale OIL Unary, 011 es Oil, Spirits Turpen tine. Ventilates, wed. Vinegar. Potash. tested Lye . Lye. Aube Grease., Trusses. Supportees,Nettled Instruments, Shoulder Braces, Whips, Guns. Pistols, Cartridges. Powder, Shot, Lead. Gun Caps, Muting Powder and Prise., V rutin*. Strings. Bows . etc. Flares , Fires. etc., Fish Hooks and Lines. Bar and Toilet Soaps, Bur Oil. Hair Restorers. and Hair Dyes. Brushes, Pocket gam , . Speciades,Bllrer Meted. Spoono,Porks, Halves. tc. Ankles, a general assortment at FANCY GOODS, JEWBLUY, and PRILFUNERT All the learns end beat kinds of PATNNT MEDICINES, In short, nearly aver) thing to restore the sick, Id piss.. the tome, to del ht the eye, to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to e real and substantial comfbrte of Diu. Enumeration Is impracticable as it would ID a newspaper. Call at the Drag and Variety Morn of Montrose, Jan. 6, Ina. FIULAI FOR SALE! The schscriber offers for We hi. Varna situate in the east part of New Milford township, containing ONE HUNDRED A-ND SEVENTY.TIMEE ACM 123 aura improved, well watered by %brines, and a man Mek. There are two borne.. one new. ind three hones. one new. awl tdber ontboildinv. and tooimal orchard.. The land not Improved ia heavily timbe red. Term, made easy. For thriller informotion call on Sr address the imberther at New Milford. Sneifa Co. Pa. Nov. 10, MI:O.—U JACOB WATNAIf. STROUD At BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 711Lcsamtincimico, 3P, CAPITAL REPRESENT®, over Dome Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, 000.0t0 Insurance Co. of North America, Phll'a, Capital and Surplus, 2,000,000 Franklin Fire Insurance CO., Phila, Pa., Capital and Slirpine, musics Lyconaing County Mutual Insurance Co.of Money, Penn's, Capital and Surplets, Farmer's hi utuall nsurance Co. York, Pa_, Capita' and Surplus, 700,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Inarinince Co. of Dartford. Coon., paying 60 The notes given (or half the premium la never to be paid nodose any circumstances. he policy will always be paid in full, and the notes given op. Capital. 17,000,000 American Lite Insurance Co., Philadel phia. Capital, 1,000,100 Travelers'lnsuranee Co. Dartford, Conn., Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, Dartford Fire Insurance Company. Hart ford. Conn., Capital and Snrpiri•, 20,12:0,002 Putnam Fire Insumnee Co., LlanfOrd, Ct., ! Capital. 1 Dartford Live Stock Insurance Company. Insurance on all kinds el Live Stock, seal sat then and death irom any canoe. Capital, . $17.000,000 Lir All business entrusted to our care will be attrad , ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. Filr'nflice Outdoor east from Banking_ Ofilo• of W. H. Cooper i Co., Turn pike et. Montrose, Pa. STBOUD EL BROWN, Agents. M. C. SUTTON, seq., Friemisville, Solicitor. Cuts. H. lin ITU, Montrose, de flrt.t.trios Stamen, Ceisaras L. Dan... i Montrone, sp 1. 1567. DOWN TOWN NEWS. MINER AND COATS, Aldo Street, 6 doom below Boyd'• Comer, Nlootrosa FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. We are constantly sec nd now bars •8, head, afresh stock 01 Goode In oar'', c, which we wlllssn CHEAP ! CHVAI ! . CHEAP for caob ,or exerts •go or prodses. GOOD T 45.4.5, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER é TIMOTHY SEED, Arc Vre:hare refitted sod made additions to our Stock et Pall, and ere now ready to forward Butter to the bort commission hones. In New York, free of charge. sail make! iheraladsancement• on consignment • . Call and examine onr Stock before purchasing alas whet, ander...since vmmeires rattle GOOD QUALTTY & LOW PRICKS of oar Goods ffflX:ol Montrose, Aprll IS, ISGO HUNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON, PA • Wholesale t Retell Dealers la HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, MINE RAI ILROAL. COUNTERD d S MINING SUPPLIER.UNK & T RAIL SPINES RA CARRIAGE SPRING. S, AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES. BOLTS. NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. HUBS. SPREES. FELLORS, SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS, ,be. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS. II AMBERS. SLEDGES. PILES. /Lc. &c. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, SILTING. rA ennui' TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. HAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. urlangn • FINDINGS FAIRBAN K'S SCALES, Setiinton, March IR. 1933. 17 F URNITURE ESTABLISHMENT • OF WILLIAM W. SMITH. Pxassx Ysta None': The extensive Furniture Establishment of William W. Smith, having biros refitted and greatly improved, the proprietor respect - folly announces to the citizens of Montrose and vivial ty, that he is constantly making and keeps on baud Inv largest and best asssortment of 39 .2 1:7 . ..LNTITT.7Ft.333 to be found anywher this side of New York City. Desks, Divan*. Tovretraclre Lounges, Footstools ke. Center Lard, Pier. Toilet. Dining. Kitchen and extension tables. Cnoma —Cane and Woodseat Rockers, Cane. rag and Wood•ents of every variety sad vtyle, Itofasand Tetevyteteo, furnished on short notice.— Cane seat chairs resealed. SPRING BERR- A large assortment--cheapest and best In the market Cane Seat Chairs. I am now enabledto supply my customers with a sew sobstant MI cane seat chair, of home manufacture, which will be found greatly superior to those formerly In market, and yet are sold at a less pries. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATED. LAIr Ready made comes on hand or furnished at short notice. Deane stomps In readiness If desired. I employnone botcareful and experienced workmea. I intend to do my work well, and sell It as low as can be afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITH. Yontrose,Vati a 8; IBGB. p lIRE LIQUORS. eimrs NATIVE GRAPE MANDY, (Baffled strictly pure and a wart:VW other Bandies, Inehtding Cherry ltrendy, Cidenralrandy Cc. Nearly al i the &fer ment kinds of Rum. Holland din, old Rye and Bourbon Whiakey. Alcohol, Pare Spirit, Bay Hain, an., CODS4IIIV ly on hand and for sale by ABEL SORRELL. Mention, Much nib, UM CONGRESS WATER,` TORIILLLS ABEL TURRELL. $60.000,000 W. R. COATS