Wrung Green's Experience as on Editor, "Whooray! "Whooray!" I exclaimed, raahin' into the kitchen door, one morn in' last spring,. and addressing' Mfrs. Greene. "I've been invited to edit the Skeensboro Fish Atom. Fame, madame. awaits your talented pardrier. "Talented Lnnkhcad, you mean," said this interestin' female; "you'd look sweet 'ditto? • noose paper. So would R Ward Beecher dancing 'shoo-Ely' along with Dan Bryant. Don't make a fool of/our self if you known Bathing, Hiram, and respect your family." 'Die &bare conversation was the re lttd'e to my first and last experience hi ed itin, a country paper. The editor of the "Fish Horn" went in a pleasure trip, to e laut a rich ant who liad' Med and left bun some cash. Durin' his absence Prim his paper for him. Seatin' my form ontop of the nail keg, with shears and paste brush I pre pared to show this ore community how to run a noosepaper. . I writ the follerhe squibs and put 'ens issruyendissue.' "If a srrtain life complexion man wouldn't run his hands down into sugar barrels so often, when visitin' groser efores, it would be money in the pocket of Skeenboro merchants." "Query.—Wonder how a farmer in this town, whoes name we will not rite, likes burnin' wood from his nabor's wood pile ?" "We would advise a sertain toothless old made to leave off paintin' her cheeks. and stop slanderin' her nabors. If she does so, she will be a more interestin' fe mail. to• have around." "Stop Thief."—lf that Deekin, who trades at one of our grosery stores, and helps himself to ten cents worth of tobac ker while buyiu' one cent worth of pipes. will divide up his custom, it would be do ing the square thing by the man who has kept him in tobacker for several years." These articles were like the bustin' of a lot of bombshells in this usually quiet born. The farmers met at Simminses store. After tryin' on the garment about steelin wood, it was hard to decide who the coat filt the best, but each one made up his mind to pay off an old grude and "pitch into the Imit Gustise." All the old mades met together in the village milliner shop, where the Sore-eye siss society held meetin' once a week, and their false teeth trembled like a rattle snake's tail, when they read my artickel about old made. • It was finally resolved by this anshient tlot of milker to "stir up old Green." Headed by Sary Youmans, the crossest old made in the 11. S., and all armed with broom-sticks and darnin'needles, the door of my editorial offis was bursted open. and' the whole caboodle of wimmen, fam ishire for my top hair, entered. They foamed at the mouth like a pack of dissappinted Orpheus—C—Kerrs, as they brandished their wepins over my old bead. "Squire Green," sed a maskaline lookin specimen of time caliker, holdin' a copy of the Fish Horn in her bony fingers, "did you rite that 'ere ?" "Wall," sed I, feelin' somewhat Tilled at the sassy crowd, "s'posen I did or didn't what on it ?" "We are goiu' to visit the wrath of a down-trodden rase upon your fronti9 piece, that's what we is, dye hear, old Pilgarlick?" said the exasperated 16th Amendmentes, as she brought down her gingham umbrella over my shoulder. At this they all rushed for me. With paste brush and shears I kept them off, until somebody pushed me over a woman who had got tripped up, when the army of infuriated Amazons piled onto my ag ed form,. This round didn't last more'n two min utes, for as soon as they got me down they all stuck their confounded needle into me, and they left me lookin, more file a porkupine than a hnnum bein.' I hadent more'n had time to pnll out a few quarts of needles, before in walk two big strappin' farmers. "Old man, we've come for you," said one of 'em. "We'll larn you to slander honest fokes•" At this he let fly his rite bate at my cote skirts. I was home-sick, you can jest bet.. Then t'other chap let me have it. "Down stairs with him," sed they both, sold down I went pooty lively for an old =b. Just as I got to the bottom I lit on a man's bead. It was Deekin Perkins com in, to bust "my gizzard." "Hevings and Birth," sed the Deekin as he tumbled over in the entry way. I jumped behind a door, emejntly, and as the farmers proceeded to polish off the Deekin, I was willin' to forgive both of 'em, as the Deekin groaned and yelled. Yes siren! it was soothin' fun for me. to:see them farmers welt the Deekin Steclin' up stairs again, I was brushin' off my clothes, when in walks Ebenezer "Sawtel," said he, ceasin me by the cote coffer, and shaken'me. De Lon you to rite about steelin' sugar; take that—and that," at which he let fly his bate, and down stairs I went agin Eben nrgin me on with his bate. Suffice to say the whole village called on me that day, and I was kicked down stairs 32 times by the watch.—Hosswipt by 17 wimmen—besides beite stuck fall of needles by a lot more. I got so used to belie kicked down stairs, that every time a man come in the door, I would place my track towards him and sing out: "Kick away, my friend, I'm in the Ed itorial biziness to-day—to-morrow I go bents—there's rather too much exsite meat runnin' a noosepaper, and I shall resine this evenin." When Lgot home that nite, I looked like an angel carrying a palm-leaf fan in his band, and clothe in purple and fine linen. My body was pro pler than a huckleberry pie, and my linen was torn into pieces fiuer than a postage stamp. "Served you rite, you old. fool," said Mrs. Green, as she stood rnbbin' eamfire onto me. "In ritin' noosepaper articles, editors orter name their man. A shoe which haint hilt for anybody in particu lar, will get onto ecrybody in general's foot. When it does, the builder had bet ter get ready for numerous bootie's from that self-same shbe." • Between you and I, Maria, is about rite. Tao-rally ewers. Mara! Gum - , EsQ.. Lait Gusting(' the Pace I=lsl=l —Brief Market Roport : Pens. into and paper are stationery ; new milk is un changed ; biogaus are heavy, but buyers generally are firm ; wheat as better than oats; wines and liquors have a downward tendency ; seast.cakes are rising. --- • —China is a blissful region to reside in ; there a rc no lawyers there. , . tibittactinit—,striling , ille ideas of othemaud fancying them your own. itinu losei 'of no nse'to rrni 1r it lle - can oiteh it quick ei by standing' still. Anothertunnel under Lake Michi gan is to be built by the Chicago Board of Public Works. It will be built Within fifty feet of the present tunnel, and will extend two miles out. under the lake. The internal diameter of the tunnel will be seven feet two inches from top to bottom, and just seven feet front side to side. Kind words are therbrightest flowers of earth's existence; thev make a very paradise of the humblest home that the world cab show. ,Arse them, and espe cially round the fireside circle: They arc jewels beyond pride; and more pre cious to heal the wounded heart, and make the weighed-down spirit glad, than all the other blessings the world can give. —The editor of the Williatutic Journal has received the following epistle for ad vocating town assistance to the Air Line Railroad; "Windham, Conn., Sept. is, 1870.—Editor: I want my paper stopped i can't stand it to have you telling mellow to spend my mony nor i won't. When you told folks to votes yes you over stcped your orthorty. As a publick journalist i hold your no rite to advereate what you do. Napolin you say is a grate man and i say he ain't, and your pinion ain't no better an mine. Railroad is a humbug. Taxes is burden and yore a (rile. Stop mi paper I'll never pay a nother scent. Your etc." —There is d man out in the West, so "sharp" that when shelling corn a kernel flew into a woodpile, and he removed sev en cords of wood to find it, A neighbor standing near dropped a kernel near where the searcher was looking, but when he found it he said: "You can't fool me with that small kernel; the one I lost was a large one." —Last year invitations to weddings in New York were given out in this style: The mother of the bride or some one to represent her, carried around the invita tions in a coach, and these were delivered by a servant nt the door on a silver sal ver. This year the young lady to be married takes the coach in person, at tended by her bridesmaids, who deliver the cards at the door. —A subscription was lately open to purchase a crown for the King of Italy, who, it appears, has no such article in the royal wardrobe. The list vas soon full. when the King sent for the chief movers in the matter, and thanking them in right knight kingly fashion, begged them to employ the money to found an asylum for the blind in Florence. which will be done. "The King's Crown" is the ap propriate name suggested for the build- TALBOT & STAMP, GROCERIES & PROYISIONS Flour, Sall, Butter, Pork, Laril, Ham, Salt Fish, Tallow, Up:idles, Crackers, Cheese. Coffee, Spices, Choice Teas. Suess.. Rice, Dried and Canned Fruit. Tohacco, Cigars. Snuff. and all other articles usually kept In a Cyst class Grocery and Provision Store. Wo will mark our ()endive law as ore au acne. Kid sell Mr caatk, or liiChttigo for produce, PATRONAGE SOLICITED TALBOT & STAMP Montrose. Sept. 119. 1870.—tf FOUND! An unfailing remedy for all Btonchial DiffienMee, Bore Throat and Cold. Wells' Carbolic Tablets. niro purify the blood. assist eirratation nod arrest do. ray. acting directly on the Mneons Membrane, they should be promptly and freely taken In ail exp.:none or violent change or ...anther, at, they ill keep op the cir culation of the blood, and thus word off all tendency to cell or Lung difficulties. FOR WORMS IN CIIILDIMI DR. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. ars a never failing remedy. TRY THEM. eOLD BY DRUGGISTS. oetl9—,l Thera-Naota,r. MEM STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANSFIELD, TIOGA CO- English and Classlc:4 courses. Terms begin September 7th, Dmember 12th, and Mardi 27th. State appropriations for stadents. Students ad mitted at any time. Apply to CHAR H. VERRILL, A. .11., Mansfield, Pa. Aug. 31, 1870.—1 y .: - \ l : . - - \•.: 74 , g 4 ) Tr • . , • . • \ . 12 „ , • :.10.. ;.,. , :Mild, Certain. :Bafe and Efficient. It Is far the test Cathartic remedy yet di covered, and at once relieves and invigorate all the vital elne dons, withant musing Injury to any of them. The moat complete ern-m..lles lone attended Its use In many localities, and is nou offered to the general pub lic with the conviction that It can never tall to accom plish all that Is claimed for it. It asodners little or no rain , leaves the organ free from Irritation. and Dever over Uric or esniten the netrvionseystetn: In all . diso caner of the akin, blood, stomach bowel*, HITT, kidneys —of ebildren - and In-man v. dlfficulties peculiar to sr°, men. It brings pzomptrellil and certain care. .The beet ontricinson recommend nun proscribe 'lt, and 'to I Demon wne once noes tale - orill-roltintarily return to the ate of an other cathartic. - - • , Sent by mall on receipt of : 0166 irild*Alate i Son , , . . SO,Z - - Porta,...e, 6 'cents. 5 P9olorn• Leo ~. -, • .r: . ~.,-, 7 .4 .26. . to : . It le i?ld, by a ii ,, aler• to drugs aptl medicines, and by --onf.td—Entecm TURNER Ito dole Pro=r, : • jon•pramopum. ..irasi.' • {. .. T.a..ra.33 in LL mccorraim. OPPOSITE TUE CnVET 1100 SE . . • MONTLIDOSErM . Nr.i'A. 501115 TALUDIEMIL.,:egoprIIetOg. Right Sterna have this finnan daily. connecting with the-D.1.-.at W., tho Erin, and the Lehigh Valley RAH lady 6,/67}—tf CALL AT ROBINSON'S SOUTHERN TIER FURNITURE ~IiPORIUM, 88 Washington Street, Binghamton, N. Y Where you will find The Largest Stock, tho Best Assortment• and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. B.—All Goods sold warranted as repre.•en ted. Binghamton, Ang. 24, 1870.—1 y HARDING & HAYDEN, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCII.,,,NTS IN nurrga, CHEESE, EGGS, POEL VEY, GAME, & 325 Washington Street New York RF.FERY:NCVS. Irving National Bank, New York. S. Hutchinson & Co., 115 & 117 Worth St. N.l Roberts, Smith & Co., 62 White St. Wagner Sr Kellam, 711 Murray Street, & Sprague, S.l Chambers St. C. B. Williams & Co. 208 & 270 Canal St., July 13, 1671--tf D ENTISTRY C. A. SACKETT'S Dercittil Rooms, New Mllford, Pa. Pnrtlenlnratt,ntlon given to ell operettnne on the nett, rat teeth. Arllnctel Teeth Inserted In all the rerion• •tytea now In nee. Perfect Plltlsfactton rnarantied tont]. ome and anc me. and satiety youreclat a. Unice boors hour. each day. Jan. 6. 1870.—1 y ALL RIGHT FOR 1870. 231111\71EVIT .13171 , 11.11L1TT !sit, cool/bull receipt of NSW 000110, by which hie wortment Is rendered more and more complete and attractive for all rile usual varieties of undo for MS. l New Pry Good.. Nan Groarrial, New flambeau, and New Mora, Iron, ifeefiefrtes, IWO.. OW. Boot. d Shoat, Waft Paper. Window Shade, Hat. d• Cape,Httrolo Raoul, Larlieg Funs, Hoop Marts, vokkh will all be mid on Me mat fariralle terms. New Milford, Jan. lON. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI ATION, For the Relief and cure otthc Erring and, Calortnnate,on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the &Toro of Youth and the Vol!kcal of At.tc, in relation to Ran-Inge and Social Erlln. with oanitary ad for the/dude& ...Rent free. in sealed envelope.. Ad dress 1104TAIWASSOCIAT1011,13oz. P. Philadelphia. PEBBLE SPECTACLES—am com mon Spectacles, a hew sopply, for rale by Montrose, NOT. 10,18(19. ABEL TURREL. N EW' IVALL , PAPER. Jan arrived. and ng selli 014%07 Woutrore;ANll2o, ADV. TIIRELFCL. VIILE! EIRE! FlRE!—Yoiir house CLOT bona nett. Beek rerage at came, either in the ASSETIII. Security. N.Y., - • • • wow 00 Manhattan. . . Imum 00 North American.- . . 025,000 00 GHanover. - • - • 150a00 00 irard. Philadelphia, - - 1i0.1,000 Or Nornieb.timn., chartered May.l an, the olden/Mock Co.. in Connecticut. AR of the above are old ent , bibted, Ant chase CiaMpanies. fee. and reliable, having been Died and proven. Look oat torllttle new wild att coin- Pules aindn i fing up all over the country' pat to" make money. Ca or lend yonrapplhattiona, and I will roe that yortsro fatztraeaU with. . HEN 111 C. TYLER. F'he. Life and Accident inenrance Agent, at the once of W. D, Lusk; £.q.. Montrose. February 1, 1070.-tL FRUIT. JARS I:or sale by TURRELL any Advertiormenb. 020182 VAXFITING.— • 100 rt. at the TIMM Celltkert4 o.ostro "' 2.ha will et • • 3f/3 PM" " M"cb " 2'4 lbs. $1 parlicute.• A mreor Vor lamis B. WATS, No.llo VaD. C V011.41"11.aa• DEEM - - 11;ST STORY PAMIR IN THE \IVEBJP,. A les Prize to ev ry subscriber. Send stamp for WESTER Circular. J. 11. ELLIOT, BosTott, • Octopi-4 Grert Fortune biter, Oct,. enuridthip made malty. 25 etc uorreet Ellyn Cue, 2Ziet.i. Bridal Etiquette. 2.5 ct, I flow to win a Sweetheart or Lover. GOcta. 50 Puzzle,, tinct.S. haul Conundrum.. 50cta. Correct Latter Writ r, Veto. Ainoteur Theatricals, 50ct.. Book° , itlysteroue Diticloanree. Wet, Guido to Beauty, Mate. Comic Speedier. BB cit.. flow Gambicra Win. 60cte, Boxing and Wreot leg Made Buy, 25cta. True Marriage Outdo =II Book of Nature, BO eta. Books pent postage paid Vf roam mall. Address W. Citartney 3 Astor Placa. ; New York. Get. 16-4 MASON tr. RAMIN CABINET ORGANS. Great Improvements. Patented Amu• 21.1. and Auglint 21, 1870 REDUCTION OF PRICES. The Mason Ilantha Organ ('a. have the pleasure of announcing Irap.rtnnt Improvements in their entnnul ornlnv. inch rre nrant. In Jnuo and , August last. Tht.re, are net merely meretricious at ' tarhmente. hot enhance the sohtdantiol excallonce of the fun runnnas They aro also rambled by !net - muted facilities for man fart ure, to make, from [lds date, a further reduction of kites on several leading sty Iv. !Intl nu tont ohd and added 1., their fernier facilities a large new manufaiitory , they hope hereafter to supply all orders prompt ly The t Abbott Orgies made by this Company Are of such universal reputation, not only throughout Ameri ca but also in Europe, that few a will need assurance: of I brie snperinrity They now offer Four Octave Cabinet Organs. In quite plant case., but equal according to Ilitlrcupacity tunny thing they make. for heed, each. The same, Double lived, for EAS. Five Octave Dou ble Itced Organs, rive stow.. with knee greet] and trem ulatit, in elsgant cases, tette several of the Mason It ll:nlit] improvements, SUS, Tho name extra, with new Vox Humana, Automatic Snell, etc. $112), Five Octaves. three sets Reeds, Seven Stops with Enphone,a splendid Instrument. 1 , 21 5 A new ilia., rated catalogue. with full information, and revered pi lees. i. non ready. 11,11 i wt it he sent free, with n test iniontal circular preeetiti lig a gnat mars of evidence as the superiority of these 111,4111MCI1IS, to any our fending his address to ilia 31.kSON k ILtkILIN ORGAN 00.. 151 Tromont St., Boatoo ; 606 Bedw)r, Now York FARMER'S HELPER how to diottble'tho proato of the F.kiiM, and how ferulesud thcit wee can each maw $lOO per month In Winter. 10.tlot cop,* will be mailed fne to Farm er* `Rood non , nod rtddretts to ZEIGLER tt Itlntll2ll - Y. Phtlatlelphln, I'm. url2 —5 .1 4 ! t rl u r nlre g tt t . 1 1 71.1 0 1 , r 0 0r a t fe h m o [ge e to .;‘, $6O ,A.-7nb:alCuull: caw.] rt qutretl Addmne N'ortt..ri Co. Saco. Mo. 121 A GENTS WA NTED— (31 , 22! A MONTH) by AL. AMERICAN FiN I CTING nosros, MASS, or ST. . Srpt, 21,-34n A . UENTS W A NT C EL T I m b O e ;111 E ' l a . LAW BOOK FOR BUSINESS MEN THE TIE , T BOK oUT, 0 0. Sl0„ IlAltTroiLD lUSN. S4.pt _L Rlt 0. S. it ARDINt:. I3EN. 4 HAI' DEN i,T.ANTED—ACENTS, 11.90 per clky nell the V rel,hruteti HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MA• INK. 11.. the under.feed, make. the •• leek Flitch" Ile on both eldelt„) and in fully Ile.mr.ed. The beet and t Sewing Machine lu the market. Address lINSUNI, CLAES & Co., Boston. Mass.. Plttsbun.rh ~ Chian:a, 111., or St. Louis. Mo. Bola. 21,-3m. omccer hutiratc, cu Arch et.; Prot Dal W. 4th Bt, Cinalanati, 0., and D. Oreerus, N. C.. are auk- irig arloalgolag cask r . of de al I\ ek vi et by their great aoeraatites l ee , thous th e knife or as rj., d ti , : . dlelne. .4 with bat gigs Ws It 0 pal. Eveo7 root mod fibre to 0 ,„ killed mod re moved, If taken in y e t 0 k , ume and asa oa recant. Beware, r, wi id Woos.. Pro. f lume; trith der \re i. ir boos Mil , manta shading car tgi VI All adver tl, !•••'manta Nona other shoxild aver be ••• 'aids sand for nrcalar, =II, or ultimo as abara FORTUNES offered to live men. Rare flume, Send Stamp, Diamond H. Co.. WllMlnenn. Del. Sept. 14,-8m TO SILL OTI NOVAS WOOED. CHINA & UNITED STATER. INFORMATION forthe People. Before the FOOTLIGHTS, &o. it Our RULERS and our RIGHTS. Ghee peer a Beet FarralaMea. Borst Terns (Hexed. Addreas 191. GENTS WANTF:II FOR THE it LIGHT OF THE WORLD Containinz Fl,et UINIft • , Li,e of Christ," and "Lives of the A post tlllZll . lst ' s anti Afartyrr, Doddridge'S ••ENI4II noon of Chrtyt Lenity ,- •• RI nary of the Jeers.. by Sorcphus ; 111-iory of oil Ite I igloos Eonomina. Mons," With treat la- and tables relating to events run. netted with Bible II Istory. containing many ban en kßnving.. The o hole forming a completo Treasury of rheletinn knowledge. W. FLIRT, VI S. Seventh St.. Philadelphia. 1200 l A'.ENTS wANTED FOIL FREE.,IOyE: L. ITS VOTARIES. he lin. JNo. D. ELLut The most netert.ran boot of modern Limes. :The whole antiJoct laid hare anti its bidemonet‘s exposed to univernal exec ration. W KITTEN IN TUE INTE/INNT O or CrrtXxariott. lintterrnarry sex, Pt nue AltntexTry. 13en11 for circulars and terms. Publishing Co., N.Y., Cincinnati Chi cago and St.. Louie, (Jett 111-4vr _ _ $lO MADE FROM 50 CENTS, some thin:: u rgrntly nrciled by et er:, body. Call and CIA amine, or satoplea .`Cllt i.e.t.ave for :at mots-W.l retail =ally for $lO. R. L. Wourirrr. octl2-4 181 Chatham Square, Now York. THE MAGIC COMBuIII rhanac any rn4 bred hair or heard to a permanent black or brown. It contains uo poison. Ally our can use IL One sent by mail for d. Address SIAGIC COMB CC., Spriugteld, Mass. sag. Sl—Cm BEbDEN:;The While Chic{ MN Az Tg Ed Mid tf. Plains. TILE LIFE OF GEO. P. BELDEN. who from o loveof wild adventure and a thirst fore knowledge of the In. diet,,. their Custom.. Sport.. Traditions. War.. Omit Bog.lo Bunts. &c. &e., left a home of plenty In Oblo, Joined the Indian.. adopted their mode of life, married the beautiful Wit.hrella, became. great Warrior. Minter and Chief of ion Ltxlgev, wa. appointed Lieutenant . In the C. 8. Regular Arrny, for Inni-tOriOns arryWor with his brave. against hostile Indians. A book of the most thrilling interact, a reality well authenticated. Troth l o t han portrait of the author in fail frontier co.tame. Price krw. Should outsell any book 'ernanc. Send at MCC for Illiotzauxl circular, table of coutenta, sample pts gee and terms. A. 11. 111:11313AltD, Oct. ls - 4 Pabllnher , m 0 Chestnut St., VW& FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. We will send a handsome Prospectus of our New f 1• lustrated Family Bible to any Book Agent. free of charge. Address Namortaa, PUBLIPIIING Co., Philadel phia, Pa. loccl2-4 AGENTS WARRED FOR Elon, WM, U. tiEWAlars GRAND TOUR of MEXICO Adventure and Sled-wing In " Our aster. Republic." Ti a work ufaara went, nroflasely illustrated. Sold for circulars to Columbian Doolc Company, Hartford, Ct. a DALCIIEI ac CO. BOOK% To SUIT EVERYBODY a > f-- o C—D =IC t. Z . -.4 .1 r".ITI ',... =Dam Y. r-q: -~tE~ - ~ .~__ Sept. 14,-114 FLOUR not ! From this day forward, we shall sell Flour at retail at WHOLESALE PRICES We hang out no fake colors, but mean just what we any. While making Flour a apecialty e our stock of FEED, MEAL, S. t 7. T, LIME CEMENT, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, dx. Will be kept full and sold at very small proflta. GAAIRATT SON. New Milford, March 2,1870.—1 y BURNS .%, NICHOLS :41 $' DRUGGISTS S APOTHECARIES, Keep regularly supplied with UNA DOLTIMATID Drags and ktedicinen. I - heroical... Dye Stttfis WI nc• Liquors. l'ainte, 011 r kpd:Vartm ph, Perffituery, Inury SoAps, Yahkee NOIIOI3B, Frerh from New York City. All the most popnisr PATENT MEDICINES sold In this scstlon, among which may be found Ayre's and Jayne's Family 51LestleInea, !lamb.,ld's Du chn, Schenck's Pal monic Syrup and Sea Weed Tonle, Dapoucn's and Cheeseman'a Fe male Pills, I.lall's t.ough fialram, Wlrhart's Pune Tree Cnralal, Roll's flair Renewer. Mine. Ambroala. Kennedy's Meil Ica( Discovery. lloolland's German Bitters, Ilontetter's Stomach !littera And mary other kind/10f rausl value aud merit. In fact our Stock embrace.* tine aosortmcnt of everything usu ally kept in well regulated Drug Stores. rirPreacrlptiona rec.etre particular attention, and ore carefully and promptly compounded. .• Story formerly ocenpled by J. EtherWm' A. B. BURNS, Montrose, March AMOS N This celebrated medicine has won a deserved), high reputation as an alleviator of pain and a prererrer of health. It has bectsne a household remedy. from the fact that it giver Immediate and permanent relict It is a pore y vegetable preparation. made from she beet and tonet material, role to ore and keep in every family.— It in recommended by physielan• and persons of all clam. cr. and to-day. alter a public trial of thirty yeara—the .- rag.] life of man--it kande unrivalled and unexcelled. rereading. ito ueefulnew over the wide world. Its large and Were...lug sale afford, positive et idenee nrits entinr- Inc fame. I,s'e do not deem it neet,try to say murk In Its [nen, annue entail bottle will do moreto convince pin of 112. than all the atherth.ements to the world, Give it one falr trial and you would not be with out for ten timer its coot. :-. — Dlrertlonot accompany each tootle. Priee 25eta. 50ete. and 81.00 per Bottle. Sold by 111 Medicine Iheler+. (Oct, l—lin NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS The methserthen. are flow receiving from New York ■ new and fresh stork of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, which will he sold at n low fignra for cash. Among the numerous artialea may be found .b7our, , Home, Dried Beef, Smoked Halibut, Cad fa 11, Mackerel, &e. Teat, Coffee, dinars, Rice, Mace, Worsterghlro Sacco Cacued Peaches. Pears, Pine Apples. Street Corn, Toms toes, Quinces, and Plume, Cocoa, Farina, Extract Lemon, etc. etc. Rose Wash will radically ezterminate from the system diseases ari sing from hablts of dissipation. at litt,e expense, little or no change In diet, no Inconvenienre or exposure: completely ropereeding those unpleaeant and danger ous remedies, Copairs and Mercury, In all these &seas- A No 1 Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, etc. es. All kind. of SPICES. Citron, Orenge Peel. etc. CROCKERY ,t GLASSWARE All of whirl' eaa be warranted so drat elan goods, and chat• In addition to the Grocery trade, we have purchased Geo. C. nitre 741.11, Office, where von can find a good celectlon of Stationery. Book, holly. Weekly cud Monthly raper, Mnuasitter. nok* anti papers not on hood will 1w ordered nod furoiched on short notice with out extra charge. Special cam Olen to orders. No trou ble to chow g r Ond P-00 drop In and sec for yourselves. 'Goods delivered without extra charge. 11. J. W C. ii. Gana', ( Montrone, May 18, WEVELY, P We hare Just received an assortment of Lake and Mound Vineyard Wines, from Messrs. Milian, Morrow & Chamberlin. New York, which for richnessand flavor they .ay are unanrpaPned, and that purchasers can rely upon their purity—being fnm from adulterations of any kind. The track mark of the Brm appears upon every bottle, both en label and seal. BUIGNS dt NICIIOLS.T Montrose, Feb. 8,18111-7 SCILINTON STEAM COFFEE & SPICE MILLS. All kinds of Pure Spices. C. W. KIRKPATRICK & CO. Wholesale Dealers is TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, 11117STABD. CREAM TARTAR, tte. No. 517 Lackawanna Avenue, a few doors east of the Wyoming House. We trrind all our Spices and Coffee. Coffee roasted nod ground to order, at the shortest no tice, end as cheap as in any city. C. W. KiRKPATRICK, 11. S. SEARLE. Scranton, Sept. 21, 1870.-13 m 111ANHOOD : HOW LOST : HOW RESTORED.— In Jost publish ed , a new edition of Da. CoLvms. armes CEISIMATID ESSAY on the radical cure [w ith. out medicinal cf SrEnavroaators, or Elcualmal ealr, nes' Involuntary Seminal Losses, Isrrovxacy. Mental oud hysical Incapacity. Impediments to Marriage, etc.:also, Oonsumptlon, Epilepsy, and Fita, Induced by well Indulgence or sexual extravagance. Price, In a sealed envelope, obly6 cents. The celebrated author, In this admirable essay, clear. ly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful - I wad. ice, that the alarming consequences of selYabnse may radically cured without the dangerous use of Infernal medicine or the application of the hailer by means of which every sufferer. no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply.privately, and radica ll y. OrThis Lecture &mild be In the hands of every pouth and man in the land. tent. under met, in a plain envelope, toauy address postpaid on socelpt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," prize 13 cents:, Address the Publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE dl CO., 127 Mowery, New York, Poet Odes Bea 4,6811. , Aeg. 91, 1876.-1 y TO PHYSICIANS. NE. You.. August LWOW& Allow me to e tlI your &Mennen to my Preparation of COMPOUND EXTRACT of BUCIEU Tho com_pone nt parts are Baehn, Long Loaf, Cunene Janlpur Bnaries. Moos or Pnarsnartos,—Bnettn. In vacno Juniper Berries, by dlatlitation. to term a One gin. Cabe. ex tracted by displacement with spirits obtained from Juniper Berries; very little sugar is used, and s small proportion of spirit. It It more palatable than any Cow to nee. • • . Socha, as prepared by Druggists. Is of a darir. color. l• a plant that emits Its fragrance ; the action of a Home destroys this (Ha active principles, leavin,•• dark and gintlnotio decoction. Mioc Is the color of In gredients. The anCtin in my preparation predomin stew; the smallest quantity of the other ingredlento are added, to prevent fermentation ; upon inspection. It will he found not to be a Tincture. as made in Phar macopmet. nor is It a Syrup—and therefore can be used in cases whore fever or fatiansmation exist. In this you have the knowledge of the ingredients and the mode of preparation. Hoping that you will favor u• with a trialjand that upon luvpoction it will meet with year approbation. With a feeling of confidence. I am, very respectfhtly, 11. T lIELMBOLD, Chemist and Druggist of 16 years experience. From the largest Manufacturing Chemists in the World) NOYEILDaII 4' Ifia4. •b lam acquainted with Mr. 11, T. Ilelmbold ; he or. copied the Drug Store opposite my residence. and war Inient•Signi In conducting the business where others bad not been equally as hOIOrn hint. I have been favora bly Impreesed with his character and entarprise." WILLIAM WElfillrif AN. Firm of Powers 14 eightman. Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Drown Streets, Philadel phia. HELIIDOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUL LIU for weakness arising from Inoiseretion The exhansP ed powers of Nature watch ate accompanied by so ma• tty abirming symptoms, among whieh,wiil he found lo dine...Mon in Reertion, Loss ofplemory, Wskelulttess !terser of Disease, or Forebodings of gsti—to feet, Universal Lassitude, Prostration, and inability to sh• ter into the enjoyments ofsociety. The l'onstlintlon, ones affected with Olemale Weak none' requires the aid onledicine to strengthen and in vlitoeste the, which lIELMBOLD'S EXTR.tCT DUCLIU Inra rlshly den,. If to entneltted te, CoD elmtption or Insanity envies. Ft.rin EXTRACT or Ducey. In affections 1,0 rollnr to Ft•tnnler, Is nnelnelled by any other propa• ration. a• ht Chlorools, or Retention, ralnfelnree or Suporlooonn cf ronoonaary evacuations. Ulcerated or Schlrus Matte of the Ctorna. and:art complaints Inci dent to tho sex, or the decline or change of life. Zrirart Buchu and Improved Use Fluid Entrant of Bnetin In all dimes. et of these organs, whether existing In male or female. from whatever canoe origtnatlng, and no matter of how longstanding. It le pleasant In taste and odor, "im mediate" In action. and more strengthening than any preparations of Bark or Iron. name vofferiori from broken down or dedicate moat, torten*, procure the remedy at nom The reader moot ho aware that, however slight may hu the attack of the above Memnon. It Ic curtain to af fect the bodily health and mantel powers. IMIEMEEM A 1! the above diereses require the aid of a Diuretic, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Price, $1.25 per Bottle-6 Bottle• $0.50 Delivered to soy address. Describe symptoms to all commorocadoms. Address H. T. lIRLMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, MI Broadway, N. T. tar — None inarguable salmi dans up la steel tawny , amendand signed with bioeholle allay Mail& Wanthoont June I, 18TIL—Iy. D. T. WILYBOLD. la thy Great Meat DlursUe. ABEL TURILELL, DRUGGIST, MONTROSE, l'A., lionittnually revelling HEW GOODS And keeps constantly on hand • tall and dosirable u morttuent of genuine DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Liquoss. Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Teas, Spites, and other Oro eerier Stone Ware, Wall and 'Mndow Papa, Glass ware, Fruit Jars, idirrorr. Lamps. Chimneys, rune, idnehincry Tonnere' Oil, Nentefoot fined Whale Olt, Sperm Oil, Olive Oil, Spirits Turpen tine, Warplane', Cynary Seed. Vinegur.,Potash. Cdkeen trailed Lye. Axle (feeds., Trusses. Supporters, Medical Instruments, Shoulder Braces, Whim Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gan Caps, Blasting Powder and Vase. 'Violins, Strlnire, Bows,etc. Flutes, Fifth etc., Fish Kooks and Liocs,Bar and Toilet Soaps, Kate Oils, Mir Restorers. and Hair Iho. brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectaeler,BllverPleteil poons,lPorks, Knives. de. Deatlst Articles, a general usortmeni of FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, and PERPIIMERY the leading and best kinds of PATENT 31ZDICINES. ln abort, nearly every thtag to restore the alck, to Femme the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts of life. Enumeration Is Impracticable, no it would all • newspaper. Call at the Dreg and Variety Store of Montrose, Jan.s, 1870 FARM. FOR SALE! The taahf.eriber offer, for wale his Farm, Nitwits In the eeet part of New -Milford townehip, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THREE ACRES 125 acre,. Improved, well watered by priaga, and a small creek. There are two bootee. nne new, and three barna, one new. and other outbuilding, and t wo orchards. The land-not improve:lls heavily . timbered.' Term, en y. For further leorruotlon call on or addr . en:thr, d n ' u ' brAberst Nem Mtllbrd. Sung's Co. Ps. lIC2M=MI STROUD a BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Mitlcsai.tx- Pat,. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, over Horne Inm:trance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus. $4,000,0i0 Insu Ca rance Co. of North America, Phil's, Capital and tiorplus, 9.000,000 Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Phila, Pa., Capital and Surplus, 2,600,000 Lycomin g County Mutual Insurance Co.Of Money. Penn a, Capital and Surplus, Farmer's .Mutual insurance Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus, Connect Imittlutnal Lift, Insurance Co. Cl Hartford, Conn., paying fdi per cent. dividends to th e assured.. The notes given fur half the pretulum I. never to be paid under any circamstanees. he policy will always be paid in full, and the notes given up. Capital, American I.llr Insurance Co., Philadel phia. Capital. Travelers 'lnsurance Co. Hartford, Conn., in•toing against all kinds of accidents Capital. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hart ford Conn., Capital and Sarplus, $2,000.000 Putnam Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Ct. Capital, n ford Live Stock Insurance Company. $lOO,OOO Insurance on all kinds of Live Stock, against theft and death arum any cause. Capital, $17,000,000 fir All basin.. entrusted to oar are will be attend ed to on lair terms, and all lmeee promptly adjanted. ralr'Otbee drat door east from 'nankin c Office of W H. Cooper & Co., Turnpike et. Montrose, Pa. STROUD & BROWN, Agents. M. C. Srrron, zsq., Friendrrillo, Solicitor CHAP 11. SWITR, Montrone, do Ttn.r.rwos Srnorn, Montrose, Sp 1. 1807 DOWN TOWN NEWS ,11 IN AR AND COA 7'S, MAID Street, 5 dour, below ytoyd'e Carney. mo.tre.e FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PRO VISIONS.. We are constantly rec Ivingi nd now him, on hand, streak stock ol Goode In our lit e, which we willsell CHEAP ! CHFAI ! CHEAP 1 for cash, or exam, To orprodace. GOOD rgAs, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISK, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER d TIMOTHY SEED, he tec.have refitted and made additions to oar Stoek of Pails and are nosr read. to forward Batter to the best commission hones In New York. free of chugs, and makrilbora lad enocements on consignment.. Call and oxarolne oar Ulock before purchasing also where. andcon afore yourselves oft he GOOD QUALITY & LOW PRICES of our Goods C. 0. MINER, • • Montrose, April 16. 18119 HUNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON, PA.. Wholesale & Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, JUNE BAIL, CO US TERSUNE T IiAILSPIKEB RAILROAD d 6 MINING , SUPPLIES. UABEIAGE . SPE !NO, s, A %LES, SKEINS AND BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HURS.SPOICES. FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLER, BOWS, de. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS HAMMERS, SLEDGES. FILES, de. de. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BELTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR it GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER. FINDINGS FAIRBANK'S SCALES. Scranton, March 24, ISA. II F URNITURE ESTABLISHMENT OF WILLIAM W. SMITH. PLeasx Tux Ncrrtest: The extensive Fnrnitara Extahlishment of William W. Smith, having been refitted and gnu tl y improved, the proprietor respect. fully 111111101111 C ., to the cltlxentof Itiontr.c and vicini ty, that he le constantly making and keeps on hand the largest and best asasortment of mil:r pa iv 'sr icrrian to be found anywher this side of Now York City. Make, Divans, Towelrachs, Lounges, Footstools Be. Center Lard. Pier. Toilet, Dining. Kitchen and extension tables. Comas —Cane and Wood•cat Rockers, Cane, Flag and Woodsman of every variety and style. tiotasandTete-a-tetee, furnished on short notice.— Cane scat choirs resealed. SPRING BEDS. A large assortment—cheapest and beet In the market Cane Seat Chairs. I am now enabled to envois my customers with a new aabotentlal cane seat chair, of home manufacture, which will be found greatly superior to those formerly' In market, and yet are sold at a less price. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATED. C'!►' Ready made coffins on hand or furnished at short notice. Hearse alsrsys in readiness If desired. I employ none but careful and experienced workmen, I Intend to do my work well, and sell it as low Ill= he afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITH. Montrose, Feb 18,:18a8.. PURE LIQUORS sutra NATIVE GRAPE BRANDY. &staled strictly pars • and a variety or other Brandies, Inetading Cherry Brandy, Cider Brandy. Ct. Nearly allthe Miran sent kinds of Rom. Holland Gln, old Rye and Bourbon Whiskey. Alcohol, Buret - 30Hk Bay Brun, do.. constant. ly on band and for sale by ADEL TIITELELL Eontrow. Much 71th.1805: CONGRESS WATER, st, TURRELI'S. ABEL TIMILIELL $60.000,000 17,000 000 Criazu.na L. BROWN W. R. COATS