The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 09, 1870, Image 2

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    E. EL IT.AWI.ET, Tinton.
%VEDA BQiA Y. 810
f• •
;Hon.. Geo. W. Woodward in a let
ter written. to us Troth - Philadelphia - states
t tuft te 17,fetrueditoi t theki Twin tifoz f
thY law inTha't city. ue Was openenus-
abilities as aJwlge, weßfully recognized
by that community—while his tenure of
office cdntinned,as , he raided at Phila.
delphia'dttving - . that tittle. His eminent
abiliedS at tilt liar will 1144 =pie scope,
rind' 41e highh rvepeot which ho.'Yon ,Etas a
Judge' &regimen of all parties' skill enable
hint at ono_: to assumes high Position.
ins-tiaitbti have deprived tl)e
ple' tb4t eonnty of the needed. ser
yices so able a jurist* by an igna
minions ,defeat,but it will prove to be their
loss and his gain., "Such talent as the
f1.,*0e4,... W. 'Weedward posseses,
command Position and respect In nay
counn uity. The.oul y regret is, that 'this
State and the nation do not possess mote
' of them_
' M - 7" The_ assembly . district composed
of Lycomhsg, trniou Ana Snyder counties,
from reports pro. two Democratic, and
one Radical member but the ofribial re
tnrns show that all aro Democratie.
Young, who was cousideeed defeated, is
elected by twenty-one majority. This re:
dudes the Radiadi mr s urrity ta 9 on • 'joint
balieit; tigain Of 14 in eitee year. We do
not Wonder that thil thought there had
been an "earthquake.
..1 1 W.West' Virginia hc4 fulfilled the
mostsan'griine hopes of the Democracy in
her late election. She has elected a Dem
ocratib Governor„ a Democratic Legisla
ture, two Democratic Congressmen, there
being tratrone Radical elected, and one
Dentocsatio Tar/tied States Senator.
Anotßey' strong_pillar in the white inan's
More "Quaking."
On Monday last an 'election was held
in Lotifsiarm, and yesterday, in Alabama,
ArkanSas,Delaware,Florida, Illinois, Kan
sas, KentuckY, Massaclinsetts, Michigan,
Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri. Nevada'.
Now Jersey, New York, Rhode Islam],
TtnineSSO, Virginia and Wisconsin. We
sltall be' greatly disappointed if we do not
see another account of is -severe "quaking'l
in the -Mai-Leal edifier: We hope that
we heard the 'shock about 'sec*
~'clock last night and that we shall hear ,
of great damage to theßadical "Chimney"
and a general smashing out of their "col
ored"• glass, but we are going to wait and
see if there has been one, and then we
can be as wise as the editor of the Mont
rose Repubican is. lie says he eau get
tip a "miniature earthquake' in hia of
fice any time, and advises the people of
the county to take his paper so as to hear
about it 'The people thong ht so last
week when lie prthunigated the diabolical
news of , an eaithqualie in Montrose. We
ntlarstand tbat he run his little "earth.
quake maelline” as strong as he could on
Tuesday last but no one was very much
shockeill.iy it. The people who take the
DitmocitA,T want to read facts, and the
editor don't propose to get up an earth
quake unless we hare had one. We think
however that we shall be able to give our
readers an account of a true old Democrat
tienne whiett took place yestenla.y.
rffr'That notorious Whittemore, it is
reported, has beets defeated in. the South
Carolina Semite by a negro. The Radi
cal leaders. of South Carolina ought to be
represented by just such a scallawag as
Whittemore; but we would pity even the
popularity of a negro that could be de
f,ated by him. Perhaps we should not
say too much .about poor Whittemore as
it might reflect upon the Butlers and
other Radicals of cadetship notoriety. It
rery hard at this time to attack any
public crime or nuisance without person
ating some of our goverment rulers, eith
er white or black. It is rather a tight place
for- an editor, especially our Radical co
temporaries. Some of them however do
slop over and tell the truth occasionally.
;,'The Cincinnati Enquirer figures
that as many as 20,000 votes were east by
negroee in the late erection in Ohio. The
Radical majority in the state was only
16,000, showing conclusively that among
the wtite men of the State there was a
Democratic majority of 6,000. But for
hr negro vote Radicalism; would not
ham sueoeetkd even lit Ohilt,
,r4if English papers are noted fur their
ignOrunee of affairs in this.conntry. The
following. froTifil Liverpool_ paper of the
14th nit., is a fair specimen of the Amer.
jean 'flees prlblished irrEnrOPc
The 'dent* sts in the:United States yes r
terdilT tassed off qttietly. The negroes
I (lied"' The returns are meagre. A stortn
has idjareirehe'linet. The tlepnblicans in
Peonlyltania'haveelmted 10 and Dem
,rats SO meinbers of Congre,as, this being
tt 11'einoeratie gain of three.
litanstelisible Pberrontettou.
LotroolVvrizs, Ohio, Oct 26.—A ro•
markable phenomenon occurred the day
o n whph the earthquake was Mt, about
three miles east , of here, at a place called
Stomp's mill, and an a small hillside that
has herotgore been dry ground. .'
Aletrim .otwater about one foot in di
arm t r _ F ;oirmr oat in great violence, and
has *tr. running wi th the same force ov
er - Tire gmurid rora considerable
tepApPiAnd ate. rater'SPOnt iv settling.
A longpoie Las been inserted, bated bot
tom tottud.. , "Age:deems to-be
an underground' lake. It is eausingemr
i:clorabla eseitsment.
The people in different parts of the
State, in new of the fearful corruption
prevailing in State legislation during the
. • d the •—• . to -ssity
or ce,,,' ha ii
,a • •o • c. ,„,g,itat •.. t. call,
pConvuntio • ''alter t.•:. C 7 t‘ikuii
thin ati i ; le o
nej4 1 d 1 , . • la u 2 ' th . :. .
' gio shall %so en palish and the, people
have had au opportunity to pass judgment
upon, them. The Philaik.lphia Dag, says,
and we e, rove the suggestion, that—"lf
4 tire *if revise the state constitu
tion be ca led, it should be nonpartisan.
.fr. e_hat, —/V• • ' _
framed the p . rpi - 7 _ ... ' ution of New
Jersey, whioli • c ~ 0 'ad of an erq .
number of w figs an. demooru the
act-of the , Neir•arwylleghtd4uti Ktv,i&
iug for the i.leotleti of-delbra, Ceti 'the
,convention., srepribed% the—muniber
.13l3igsand, ( derstoeustitt. that , nhould. , be
relentedfrom edc 1 county, and sot!appar
-1 tioned them as to make thy T oonyention
!' consist of an eqiialiiiin i beroy - eoh 4 This
[ notion reguitiil a perkefil hai‘menious
convention, in whkth no partisan qUes
, tions were iv tinduoad,-. and svhich framed
and odopted's constitution • thati was• al
most unanimously ratified - by the - J.o4+le
of that state, ,it sinailar . „arrangement
could as carilyliii_iinicie ,in Pennsylvania,
and, if - we all,4ii hare A noustitifienal
convention, it diight to - he constituted on
such a nmiiiitime, basis: T he' welfare
of tile:people we largo; liet 60' intbreiabf
party, should bo , thblcibleet of 11114 proPcis
•c'd T9v9ute4t* -. .• -•.•-•. - , •
' - Taa,cratays.... • , ~. 1
In the followinggiven the poi)-
nlatinn-of the great cities of the eduntry
according to ithe 'returns of 1850; 2800
and Is7o, with the increase and percerit
ago of increases in the degatle :
„190. 1860. 1870
Yew 'Torii, .:,515,547 813,699 926,341
I nOcase 298 , 122 672
_.... ___ . . . ...
Peitelrtage • . ' V 1,83 13,84
Philadelphia . ..4M 762 "'665,529 0;159
I nerease . . . . 156.767'' 01, 630
Percentage .. 38,36. ' / 1 1 - 6,20
Brooklyn.... ,96„838 .. 266,661 396,661
Itierease.... 160,823 130,000
Percentage.. 175,36 48,73
Chimp 29,163 ,109,260 348,709
Increttse.... 79,297 239,449
Percentage. :264,66 219,16
St Loails .77,360 160,773 313,013
increase- • 82',1N 3' '• -V2,240
Pereenta,ge.. • 4 105,48 04;69
Baltimore 160y054 212,418 2,67,519
4.136.1 64.1R1
Percentage.. 1 251;5 26,(0
*Boston 126,551 1,77,8-a- 250,701
Increase.... 40,9.4 72,661,
Percen fn,ge . 29,92 40,96
Cincinnati . 115,135 161,014 216,900
Increage . 1 -45,600 57,836
Percent%e . ' 30,52 • 35,4
Frand0.84,776 56,802
Increase • 12,026' • 68!;50"
Pp:cep:taw.. ' 63:86- 104,71
lYits1 ), P10 00 .40,0 QA! .361.122 109,U8
s i r„- - • •,.; • . .21412 48•,21
, . 'ercen Lige . . 52,R0 '7B,ftg'
Pittsburg 4 1 406 47 2j : q,215
• 1 nemigo . . '. . , 2,4 C . 3,,993
P"rvent44ge .. - . 7, . . 61 :7,18
*The unusual inerraie in the ease of
Beaton between 1.860 anti' 1870' is 4n a
measure owing to the anoevation of ont:
Lying villages and towns to the city.
}The first census of SAP Franciiieri Was
taken by Statc, anifpority nl l ia2.and the
inerewc aitir pert-en tage previous to 1860
are for eight years only.
011.r-r---- - -r •
Tbanktighlpg Proclnwusiou.
In . conifiniancie of .an honored State
and national eustoM, and in dtivout ac
knowledgement, of human dependcmce
upon Almighty . favor, I de bei-eby up
point Thursday. the twenty-fourth day of
November nest, as a day of general
Thanksgiving and praise. being the same
day, and for the same ends and, uses„ set
forth by •His Eiceneney, fli&President of
the United Stated, lulls firkielaniation of
the twenty first instint.
Penasylvanis ansnrpassa in blessing',
should not. be .sitipassed by , =rib?se
knowledging her gratitude to God.' i Let
ns, then, as cit l izems the, cpufrf!o4wepith,
abstain, tts . thr possiblcg A - roto, pm' usual
avocations'oti tbaOlny,and. :assemble at
our respective planes of worship, den let us
there, and in the festivities of our oszitim
' bled families at crust cherished }mules,' re
joice in the goodness•of Cred o and • Moder.
thanks to Him for His loving kindness
and His abrndatit mercy toward us. Let
our thanksgiving and praise find express
ion in dedicating the day to deeds of. be
nevolence and chairity, and in minister
ing to, and alleviating the wants of the
poor, the needy and the suffering; so that
• 1 all may "rejoice and be' exceeding
, glaa."
"Tu.d.) good and to-distributer, for ,, e, ent4
for with Bitch-sacrifices God is well - 'pleas
' ed."
Let us invoke Divine favor upon out
beloved State and nhtiow, tutdpriy that
all who art: . called to administer. their
=overnments may 'be 'actuataty ,the
-;spirit of wisdom and iinderstandinig, the
spirit ecihrasel and might, the spirit of
knowledge and the fear of the LordP ,
Given under my band and the great
seal of the State, at ilarrisbarg. this twen
ty-eigh t day of October, in the year of
our 'bird one thousand eight htindred
and seventy, and of the Commonwealth
the ninetv-fifth.
By the Goretiffir,
F. JoFit,;(s.,
Secretary of the Commonweilth
Indiana Cangreinnen.
Ojj4al illeillteno of the Rrecnt Mee:ton—A tkm
and& Midorityin• iltr State on Congreismcn of, '
Newly (WO.
Pigriet• Nanbess Elect..ThuL nml..That.maj.
, I ..,
S. Holman
4.. .Jlunes IS: Wilson 4
6. . —Daniel W. Voorhees.....
7....111de1ma n. lort m an
8. Jam:pi N.lyne4.6. 1.084
0. , ...I. P. C. Sbanko, . 394
10.... William =llama '4102
11.... Jasper Prkeni.. ~ 1,407
_ -
Denlocratii ahoWeir on congnxeltnen..: -6018
• larriisigointudelqftted &tura
. dIt910:130; which! lig tit& point
,tcochtliginca , dhly, 14f12. The fatnon! of
an armistice and the jubbability •thaV
peace woulcl. emir after theSin
erntiOne, effeeted•the deetitie;:fyhie!/, )IP •
ever, vas efieckbdloji . +lO. pi l 6Wqa rot
amount or emit sales, cud tro elm teak*
, ted to INN at 1101, • ' •
The Great fkirrender
t,• • V 't." 1 - teeial to the
ew uric et 4., I—Th It. following' are
e toe $ tlt tlity ah. un (1w 27th
l o Oeto t lble r eintot . the
•li al • Gin, tun ,!umunders- iu-
Firta. The French army under coa t .
I n tt ot; of 3fartiltal... Buz:tine_ are declared_
Prim - biters of war.
kitcolitl. The room 51 . 44 towiOf It‘hl
with the forts and iunnitions or war, pro
visions am y • . , r AtitataLiti.,4l. -
uer, - w ire - may 61 43 pftlierty of the
. : tntaiof Ersibeeifshull btilfiven-itipio ' the
' if3orman artny; uhdldiiliti3reif in - thw. , 0,,0n,-
,ditiostritl lihietra wits fotind. the tratidity•
of the eatritilation. . i• • • ; ~ 4 - !::• •
lit: .Thittl..Pn the Satintlay nett folleiwing - '
at middhyirthe fotts-of St. Quentin; - Nap
-1 petillagmititne remaining, forte-and toort '
IMoselle shall bo surrendered to the Ger.
mmit - trdopa• : " .'
- • ' ''' '.
:iFotirth. •At the' honyof ten Aloof: the - ,
BAUM Oa Prassittniaffloers of the. artillery l'
And en nom' corpli.shall •he • attatitted '
into al the-forts in order that (boy, may 1
tak( , and occupy 'the riMtta- •
mil:lceland • ' tin w ail charges- from the 1
mines... • • • . -;,• : • 1
•• Fiftb:t•Tho• French arms, ell artily ma
terials, :flags, cag-,1e4. cannons, i trail len s
ibiirgon and•timmtin Ilion anti artillery
equipages left nt and in • the furls
nudeetni/iiary commission Or France, to
he giTtnuitnuiediately - ttio the (lent en earn
missioner& '
Sistli.' troops' , in Metz, ar
t& die surrender, to be eonducted, with
out• urns, in regiments or regimentill
corps, in military order to some-filed place,
to boindimeed b+the Prus'siatis, •
.: Seventh; Thep Front!) , officers in com
mand of the man, after their arrival at
this fixed place, to be at liberty to return
to the intrenohed thimps or to Metz ' on!word of honor not to frit
either place withotit an order of permiss
ion front - the' German ctminiandant.
Eighth. ThetTops aftet surrender
be marohed to - bivotiac,. the French sol
diers retaining their personal effects, cook
ing utensils?,
Ninth: -All "the French .generals and
others oilletirs;- with military .employees
who rank as ctiminissioned officers, ,ritid
who engage by written promise not to
bear arms a r 7umst,Germanpand to agitate
againet Frussion arrests dating he war,
not to be made prisOnors -of war; hire 'be'
pertnitted arms and 'to
have tlit , irpersonal property in recoobni
ban of the courage displayed by them du
rinn the campaign.
The - r - rencti military surgeons
will retriain in the fortress to take charge
of the wounded. They will be treated
according to the rule§ 'or the Convention
of Geneva and considered as being attach
ed to the liespitals'cif Prussia,
Eleventh. All questioins of detail, ends
as concern the commercial rigbts of the
totra-tif Meer and the interests and rights
of civilians and. noti-etimbatants,,
considered and treated sitbseprentlY r in
i an appendid to threrittlitury,pap4..r of cap
itulation. .1 •ft 2,,
Twelfth. Any clause, sentence or word
used in the present draft or arrangement
the reading of Myna' may present a
doubt as to its exact meaning shall be in
terpreted hereafter in favor of the people
of France.
Latest from • the War
The' armistice - las born finally rejected .
—and the warwill rirneT(Vl nna probably
be carried far into the winter. It is not
yet frilltlcnown exactly why no agree
ment could take place, but it seems that
the trim& demanded by the Germans Were
far too seyere. •Ovring to the circumstance
that the negotiations pending were known
to the.commanders 'of the din - des in the
tleld nu movements of huportance took
place anywhere. Garibaldi is reported
captured,•and Neu Ilrelsach and Ilelfort
are:vi,goronslY besieg`ed. 'lt seems to all
:es if the opinion expressed 'by napoleon
at the beginning of thii war,lhat it wonhl
ben lone one. Will beYerifired. From 311
forts of France the news reaches ns of Om
most determined measures and prepaia
tions for a grand rally ;Ind resistance to
the rtry last. .
Look rifest at your spending. 'No mat,
ter what comes in, if morLgoes out you!
'will be poor.
.7)q - cirtjs To, Taking
iney, but' Trikt;efing it; little expenses,
like mica in , sibarn, when they are many,
Make great waste. Hair by hair, the
.beads get bald
.; straw' by straw, the
thatch goes on the old cottage, and drop
by drop, the ,in comes into the chilli-16er.
A barrel is soon empty, if the tap leaks
but zal rip a minute. When you mean to
save, begin with your youth; there are
many thievea!down the red lane. In oth
er things keep within • compass. Never
stretch 'reinriegs further -than the blan - k 7
*t will imch, or you will soon be cold;
In clothes, chose, suitable and lasting
stuff, and not toady fineries. To be is
warm is the main thing, never minds the
looks. A fool may mike money, but it
needs a r ise man to spend it. Itemetn
ber it is easier to build two ehimnies than
to keep one going. If !ott• - gic all to
back and board, thiTe is nothing left for
the savings batiks. Fare hard slid Work
hard while you are young and you have a
chance of rest when ¶Ol5 at old.
the year 1869, 5,445,364 acres of
corn were produced in
,Illinois, and it is
estimated by the beet judges iu the State
that the crop of 1869 will corer 25 per
cent. more acres than that, of the proceed
ing year, or 6;807,905 acre:. A low esti
mate of the limber of taisliels grown on
an acre is thirty-serea.and, therefore, the
aggregvite,cora, crap of the btate will be
251,894,334 Iltishels. 'the, vast prodnc
tion'Bll9ws intruality ie the gritna
ry of the 3fississippi Valley.
li7rlon or lliforoWilycertno—rour
!ten Kilted.
• Twa' magazines,, containing 15,000
ixtirntitt of ilitro-glYccrine, at Fairport,
ner Painesville ' Ohio, exploded Tuesday
itfteriuxin. Fonr , men were 'killed, 'name
ly, Patrick Scribner, Edward Duncan and
two Malone!, farther turd son. The shock
was frltrfor iNiled around: ',,,ta
eines stood by the , river, and in their pia.'
I ces are noW'tWo take! fifty feet wide and
seilenivive , ' 'itie 'fearful
l ictrceofthe":tiplosiblf." - '.
r—Faimetralniftetteleib l orhoifid
knsvilie, Pa.,report tiM urixMs unusually
;frill wild ' me this fall. The deer lire
untnulttlly int.
flot,ecipper cent. in WA ri?untry
:Was made in ihp Philadelphia mint in
1705, thq.eilverilyllar in 1705, .and the
Girt Pig Wile / 4 4 791 4 - • :
!fl ", 'Gra/
Corn Crop
- -- - --rwomirroAT. - -- -- l i n - - -- efffiltiffllA - ItY OF NEWli:' - I Vie - Rea fryer Itogion-Ifieilalitnee
mere is a tree standing on the farm of 1 of Seatilleroe.
Mrs. A. C. Maffitt. is Elk Neck, that now' Troops are being sent to Richmond ant ' thrive
Li tuber
,e ov. 3-A Mathiiitei news : The IA Democrat
presents a henomenon which is attre -_ I 'me ee . utoul th • •ctio 'rant , 'r of p tidier . 15 00n t tillij, a 41:
e • ~-. „_ :'
} i l i v iiiiil i t : I :
rer t e e ,
i b 3, lu ti, .
mil . _
.. a.vcrx.
inrinit ernATIN p lin •, ,, ey lei , e i''. d ie i rin i edl oil i. •. p al.
~.,,..,:., ~.,,,,• eia•-:ketellefi an .icli
- • ie e .511* gal Wan 4 nbAl; litanallit4, AT MoNTROAS
wiseey How Aleethe ph o r3,,!011 SUP G Ilitt A •COVNTY..I.A.. ZIT
! ere n Iludie , ' , are eplit i'l' li - e caeca eh e .
has eiyis• is iteltimiiii, but
i ~,,m,..,,,,, i. A ‘', e , 'of th n'' is fur e 1 '
e e est deill. 6 .011 i. en- Gr 1 . ! se
t i the matter with his military, •T 41 AtiNcnt 7. , CE-0111 1121( AT TKO 01 TSAit
______ _-
6-k it %anc". ti
e that
e re t•-* d.A.- rt. N rgi r s tTi kl iii i . 1 1 - '" . . '-' .. ' • ' - •
.. .la - issionariee lettl qhit
of an ol dwelling which has long been ' time. The Black ! Feet Indians have '
, fl i p i l l e t l i":,' . 1. 1 , ::t 1 : 1 1: 1 :::: i s tr i l 4 c t l l '' ( l, l ) g ri tt i
c li n g !
Mater of Advorallalon.
unoccupied, stand t wo t rees of th e h o ney- Yailroed l'eltber,l( is tif daily occurenucuesuffersatie „tee „ r ef, or _lift,OuU4-kta)U-r-- -------..--.........-..........-.atur---.--- - - --- - '''.
locust species. - One of these is in full on the Pacific line. Traits are halted and , seine reports come feeni other parts of the , The.e.r..irtba inch of s k aca, ca leas, make • =aro.
eig,er, but Ahite i othee,sh,olesoomr beldence.l reibbetipe,t perpollifsty le.
olfrdecay: Mie laliorers on the farm Mil Territor.
Alfre' dA. St arr , of icew York, it buy 15 1 The Ei- N rf ) ri-cl ik tk3Acit,iwisaa. ka IA 3 ma.
tellanr-llurertiOr ,ii :LCII!,01,71 Ono-alleAL JUL i M 0.112. 50 i 1 ....• 8d.:• 0 i 6 ma. $10.00;
(ill ring the nut season freitieettettl-Relieed ee ee. , ~.,,,
~ „ e ~,',,, • -t, :'s i.._ • e•.,.. ••".-. • - - • , ' :l e gylei"i-We -- t - vie.ieifeili'f - 475. wen : 8 MCP);
as f1i1717.7ir Iliira"c"Clining - f --- treite races t` in con 11$ WO Itlintal de wett
er. are t'sno lin:leer .liebtle all ' arotmd 441 s 1 I S i i i oll h Allil . .ihtilrhiPh4llolilllitste. IL I h. 14. , loneitie am leipine, if they enter the ! 'iii r.sols 6. ~ ' s•''
ie"! •IMVsl24lAcija.".4l:l,o a nre. $35.08;
1 romance ..,empitie,',Dano tftlegier imetruent .1 y e w , $. 4 . .... • • ...-
dry, . and_ 11"1 , ulund had been I•observed 1 prow vbi
~..been at Iv rd Bee -
eh . ' ' • Captain' vewrs, chief of the force, to ~., ° ., ,ei r eileA k e...eie. -. .e...:..erauoivitelee-iiiiiieesevee:
Attriu# tho day- .-Finally they - called! itleT - t r o t t - iv t ---- IA l i al" e'll- 11 ' . i shoot - theur ---- le theli - • ! traoks if : T iortlt.or'n N.dicom. $280; n _M....* ...its giiiiniur"-
attention ! of, Mr. Veach, the - farmer/of , elude PerSti n efffli .liiiieri kieite ' they melee The eilreteetttids that "if tees • I;;;!,', e nttbl, l ,•r - M'Ae r uag l ari e tee "
~ •„ . 4 _„,„, e ~ ,
~...e v t ee e ,y .WrI T VO4I% 1 °
• ale plifOO, 40 Abe face The neat ~ d ery Mr. Jellies B. Munwereonvieted of brutallf murden•reenguifil etaillinitim *fur :gun wit 1n . 1 , ,,, ,. . Wil„ j
. *74.: 1 .1f , p yeenieeeiieseeereeoesi
,b , .I,te csa
V. atm Obseryed -that the grasseithaer.this' iittmuiltillff hot Iltooffeilditige , wife,' quints their unholy we are satisfle te....,, i Xl-vreri,,,
1 ZOb' , iiirnalrlaur exl.thted .fidalli and 'iiitrialAlf at
, Partienier - tree -seemed vet, While- all itnentinity as one of MarshaleShatipell Pet the Captain whole duty.
'•-• 'l",4..rheittilittialtreu
orfninZadni!dthhi.oritaleetibotid..i ' : fah D V •ca_ ____ „
around was dry, and in order to further lambs:in New. York. , • • • ii: 1 •• ii , ,
testeit, he Ceased 's caret° ha -left under l"'ird'eds' Etertetweii '...eEit'v .)eisyce"."``6oiYildvie
;, , '" - fri'llt e tkif 6llB bir aii armistice be. ser.t.ereaLereAllai:iteSsalllee • Ire
it., for a few- bours,after which ehe feend --, tweehl letinifee'ettiT'Pllvishia has tben. sig L , ...,
,t,tiu bottom of. titecart quitd wet., - frhis le to:• ' ""- -,• . . • - ,crap- ed by•Treeltne!Jirles''Privre; Aia4n, Perry, , ..: •!' ...- -; !!", • --. • •... • "
induced hie' ,:to - ivat ell ". the edeiseendlog 'E. 1 41 , g 'Vecter•Teenanael t i c rn a it e l . e efe e 4 e - A 1 and other hteinberlieret ' the' True ieio nal ............i.........--;-
, e/litnier.pirell the ilaily*.ihservotitin •• it was ; ea p ' ' coe d to ' Reme. .-' 1,. . .) ... , . (; e ,,, mer „ n eee,.,e ri d by Bli tnz it• c k. a td ! v e , )
• ' l , lll- '", ve ,' -fl : (4 1 1-61 " 4 ",'t h ,, e ,' 1n -Y i'PerfectiY • X e - r a't y h as j o i rnoo l;O d . Li „ . 00 - 0 „,,,,,.. I ' a ! 3loltko.on.the 'atiot, of Prnsgin. :With ail
ItOnlioCat has resig;nal '
lever. wean. tune tiepin/C. in toe afternoon, la ii str • o r 4l -e a 1 ., - (iis i t. -- . 10 - ; . - - re - • --- --","- armistiee trill conic tt permanent peace. if
d r op, I ,olzili Vir;llllytte> bill from the' tree, 1 . - - tt .
:his ptite''-- . • /
a rid ( m t• thslll he' i II ite rying gum ti Eike e4II I
iligh• bail. 'When ,time t' ' '' ' ' G'll the li ''
( P h r , ,l , l p s ( s )iTi; i iii m iT'c t ifitli tltl if rill re i b niC l (l K, lf i t) ii d te e fil ", i 4 , Uf a l l4 ll
day ; B '' MO'ld° , tio 1 U `' n '''‘ it-te " °C-Pete ° B°- ' 'l' . • ' '' ' ideaeof skit` -e - ietirliniedi. Peance needs
; drops deiteend, lior are any ever nOtleed 1
the, (linen:kiwi condition Of. Paris is .east. The iiiioE l t "iirriPeepaiieifte pey flit
;beheld threco'uloelv. matiaeout th a t ti me l i i mid. to be aegreat ebsbiele tope:see. '- ' ' peace, but nof fob - deer. ' 'l'llie armistice
whimeterithe weather is perfectly clear I Wench lein - rads that 'peldiell ' i rupee- • looking 'tee ee l iteiti lietiecien'filieCon feeding
the showeti „seta lin. Many persons have I tantenilitary helve will be stspetideif. nat lone, eeill.),withitleltebre in c!I
yi4ited the spilt, hit-all come ;sweet !wend- 1- " __ol . -eei , ,, , . - ee „ teet o„. e ld4l ie i mo l i m i e ill parts of the i i i l teitleeiLliterelel. ii • -
erieg and invezkel. %Vita can sole° •the tli; ebuutry, aceording to Elie ! "..t.r'ew Y or k'
-mystery, or define the origin of this/dry E ' •-• et in, . ' ry , Rom k : l4 :E.- A r t s has a reinnetsc story
/res.?, is th e eel' enite epertatteit r ,.... I
.Coneidereble quantities
-weather shower? 9'he sit poretitions see -- -"•'• .' ' - ! afloat now riteee,o 2l elibieeritheine e plessage
in it the tears' of loin who planted the of f°° 4 are'''b° - with oile' °Veil iii ,, ,),n Ale ,oity„:ual tha nab
tree, and is now weeping for some andethy- jag fii r' W a r t" t °!-F r rinc° from Ireland. "" er way on tsid'e'tc;yend Elie fortifications.
ed sin, while a scientific gentleman to Thiers has been moved to teats - by'stifti Theeltitter'oonveying this- in-forraittion to
whose attention the •stilejeot has been sight of desolation which eurrorthiftel the au thoei ties eetys . tha a-the writer it
brought, attributes it to the combat of him. • , '-' '' from eitieleif dibeeturieuns employed- in: the
twolostilo insects that have gathered in I 13•Atilre denies Gdwhetta's charges tA m 4 4 11 ,Abe ee.freee,AoExthle•to Paris N l.llll is
larg,e quantitie§ on the declining tree, one insinuatitins as to:treaehery thultrea.ion, safe emeitiet e lie long a-. (eel - mita. • The
The ntanu factil re O'L'r4ii and 'ealilkolle
species of which attacks thrtithetein aid
to muse it to discharge 'a sPeciee of • Coe finites With great •' -• ''
aetteity in imams .
r • the work ,if S.I X e:11 , 4, and iti hat e teen
honey upon _which the ass:bleat feeds, . T , . • • • gr e at • , . dug by Garmaneewerkmeie on - Ilitier pay.
and- he isttrinisea that 'the linnther of , .."" g'ye amusement to ' the purple- of 1 who were alwaets•teken to and from their
laris the theatres of thee. city have been 'l' e t . i e l i .l , r e r :i l m i kel e, 4 lll l' ,:f s r c 16'4"
1141 / 4 .0
insects is , siii great that the flood diiieharg
- I
eel is more than the thinned foliage will reoixwell
retain, and hence some of it falls to the There is considenebte progresa being, ,'.-eee - A netsyyremit will be nude iu the
earth in these Aliraly defined showers- made in the deliberations on the German Forty-secuu e e 'dogress to uhulish alike
The first 'explailation will do for the. Constitution, - . . • • i the Patent °thee and all Patent laws.'
superstitions to tremble over. end haply Ainather long diseuseieit.lias•cuseed it j This qui...stem •teiono , of great hit-el-est, and
teiese• them to shed their tears in the the to the candidature for the its die:mission-will' enlist- the attention of
flesh. rather -than wait to ommunicate th
crone of Spain. • •
. he
them after death through the agency of Cotuit'de Chambord is Exported be hav e
arrived incognito itt France, and •ie. Hew ° circlet of
; 1 1 , g o a l i i i e n y s i.•
t w a ll
e l
h b aa v i • ge cit i od a
e . a n s: t . a x
ist st i ro l. ; . e • rva . Sull
1111 ft tree planted in • • life, while the other
explanation •is at • least ingenious and near the RI ! 1 fronti e r. things. It wilt tie.:-. - aad that• if inventors
aims] ..... ' 'e , a r e de n ied a inonopelv of the result of
somewhat plausible, and may satisfy in .
Durum-the lase fortnight six till: ,r{t, -5 their lahoeseeneentiriti will be discourag e
absence of a hotter one, the yeere,tegi for
near Orleaus, whose inhabitants
Inure tight th those whose benipof easnal- mode ed. It ii 0140 replied' that iiiventere do
ty is largely developed: Waiving the common cause with Pranes.tirenes, have not enjoy the tx-rielit of the patent 'law-,
question of cansesithe, fact remains that been burned' ' %%bleb .retilly ineerue to speetilators and
the tree still weeps and refuses tn-be emu- I A special despatch from ' Berlin says • eapit al it z• a...d . quit. men ut' a e.tittt, IN II i
forted.—Ccei I Democrat, ' that the conchieinit of the nrittletied, is tonne tei-intworkhe they here often work
certain. -while adviees-from other sources !..-il lieret. i fere wit , liont oth er reward than
are exactly' he reverse. -' I success enpidnise' Early acitiye„ neap not
Ilolliclityslmi-g has an 10-eeeee'.ait'e,,l be ex ec (iie ,.,. L ,. ct i. e ; ( ; l ; ; l t h el tt
ie' e l i l o, l‘e e lu „ ' ee l , 4 l , dlll
ee;!"% lit
, I ::t l i l ,i e le
e i t ,
' ' '' '''l which. at no diSthet 4-4,y,, will Lave to 1,,
liix.ty-nee darkys. - 4 suffrage" in Tl , rivetlenll - d4letell fika'hatiOnal neeeesii v.
t usyi Ile. . . ~ ;.- ie., tee ei- ' - ''' !
, ... -' ' ' On Friday la -t • ex 1.0 - •
it is rumored that' a siteet' 'Mille tiO4,, e i „. 1 A.; -4. '' , l - t l''-', , , , iie - ii‘• "PP i '''' ure ' . " l
cited diSeoVeMed "in the , heielthoilibeld eff'' ":' ` ' ''.... ( .11 1 4' - c ' !l i 9. l.;'l,•• ° . li ; 1 - 1 1-.l':..,Wir'L . "
Ticineitt • •'l'' • "-' c ' • • -, , ,1 ~ l infritilirtg'. d a lot .l'eartri,rg e ,§.. ),, rer , on
•I - ,' i was killed ant light,, but twehr,y- eie ee . ...
Tali prisenersescoped- front the West- I m ore Or I?“'fillTered."
ern i'eniteutiary lasl week. ' I The uteri ‘-iirilild (I,iii - hau-iit ~ f Franc,
William A. 'llaninunitl. of the 'Blair reel bas dually rejeeted the pretecol .ietr.•,ll on
har, died on the mth nlteof.eotientription. Iby Thiere and: Risen:irk. altheligh lire
, John ruderhill, colored, woe elected tit and the war ie . toie'Oitiien7e - " -
,• fl eet pro iensly sieliftfler their approval.
, the eftice et Lem:cable, at Pert Clieten,
eichneelkill comity.
Dr. John E. 3lcfiirr, an eminent phy
sician. of l'ittsbargh, died on ' em- n eh i e 1 BA 61.EY -WKIA..s-Itir_Cliffordirm cleanup , nit
week of typhoid fever. • •'• by Rev. 1). Nv.. - inteitea,4lr. Fink M. Harley
I and MI- 3l finer F. \t ell, bull t S ti ,,, Luk ,,,L ajo , 3
A new reimpereuee society to be eatleet 1 e „ . pa ~,,,.-..r1 r-, i,i.:•
Elie ` - lions of Joniab'' has been inaugurn-
tea at flarristetre. ••
.., J
, ..._
! '
The eenstet the 'Entine"- '
~ . 1
Lien of Harrisburg a little (met- tie,coo. • 0 "re"-Ili'l ' l l : , ": i k t, l ; ‘ , ! , 1 4",, . 1 ,,,\ , - . 4, 1 i41 6 0 T4, 11 1 1 7' 1 119,„^..
bat the l'otriot. claims 28.0(10.. - • ' -- • e
. - - i , Week en - time Nee. 6, l i i4:o
A man front Mechardesvilki 'mined Butier, pail ' 4O;,?/.45
HOfrOtail, was robbed on Wilson'Sllill r ••firkin. • • .....1 ... ' ...... - ~: *4 07
in Harrisburg lately of 5.1-20.. ' 1- ch..,,..,1,,i 7 . per 11, ..... ... ... ...... 1:kt,14
---...1if. ,Jospoli l'ortcr, of Farmingtom. Eggs. per doe ......,....,.... .. - ... ..:., seieete
-township, ..Clariun conty, 86 • years olds ,F lour, per o, lA ti gi4 a..
~,.., . 1 , L
. I ). l q .7ie piy t/j . 4 ;; l i
,tirerq, pie 'Thiel . ,to -Tete, the. Democratic; V.T h e „,: t 7'; e ,. humto.. , ;, , •,, ~,,, .. 41 , . 1 . 4 2 ( 1A , 1 50
Tielpt 4r.141:C tKM 5.14 y. 1 4 .4 . 1 .• • 11/ ye 11 05.,44 t 110
James "Brisman, bi- East • lintn tly w eve elm. '' •• • eeee.....ei ....-ese-, e ietia. - ie
-township, Chester conntee Pa., Q 2 yearsof ( 1 " ," - .......--•:-..• --- i - .1 . ? ,14' , ' e 9 4' l)
10pS, crop of Is, Cr ....., . ........... .11,,i; 0
age, nod who first vutkid for Thomas -Jeri Beef, aidl,S. peril) ': • 10,4
fereon for President in 1800. east his "eothl -• tee 12
Democratic ballot ou 'Tuesday of , last rieitatoes, per bhl. ............ ...... 2.00Q!,;-1.1,0
week. A true mane . . Tallow " .• • ...i...,,.......• • 'mate
Oil Lake Erie, on the night of the nth,
lilt., three men belonging to the erhoon
ers Brittania and Elyria, 'which went.
ashore in a gale, mete drowned.
Joseph Morrison, well known hotel
keeper of Hen ti ngclon; Was run ' over on
Monday evening last, by a freight train,
' and his tight arm eat et near die elbow.
Ilk recovery is doubtful. ,
Fonna dead--an old German, -near
Ularioo, on Friday morning the. 1•1111 inst.
'l'lle coroner'sjury, gave their decision
that be had died'frm dropsy. lie had.
, been insane for sometime, , ,
! -Mc. Bin tutu, Jr., of Pittsburg, with
1 his wife ,and two little .children„ were.
among• the passengers lost in the ill-fated
1 4teatner (Aenibrig. •
I -A colored woman named' Jelin ••A ien-.1
' Clifford, dice in Mende i Ile recently, whose 'I
1 age was supposed- to be ever 100 tents .
-.T. 13. Gontleneti-eil'd lintel keeper -I pf I'
•314.--cdeille, has abseoucled, leilittig' a' Wife'
1 and several thousand dollars of unpaid
-PaVid ll'elteenf r„;,,,, townf.hip.
i Clearfield Comity, was killed by the fell
-1 big of a piece of timber iit a raising; on,
!the 22d ult.
chenek , m Funeral
Gen. I:eW. Campbelrspoke at bayron
oh Wednesday, and . thus referred to
Sehem k :
, I may refer to an pccurrance in the
course of our debate in the city of Tamil
tun, oh saturt.lay last. During my re
marks in the hodr allotted pie, a fataccai
procession WilB4ltasing.tip thy, meeting,,
with a bansTplapng soleroualirgn.. In re
spect to the solcmndy of the oqcsiSion, 1
suspondol my remarks for a fuiyxxsoments.
In the course of lies reply Cis:mend Schenck
advertCd to the procession, and in a
sneering, sarcastic manner, informed the
audience that 1 would discover on the es
colig; or cise enciton that the-re would txt
an occasion for another funeral. As this
vast concourse of people moved to-night
through the broad avenues of this beauti
ful pity, 1 was reminded of the remark.
and forcible struck with the vast extent
of the procession. lint, fellow- eitizeuos
you know and can .111 bear ark st , itneatt
ilnitthis is nut. my finisral, (Immense
.eheer.i.) It is 4 , 4.14 . 040t/4mm occasioned
be the iitilitiixtlalemise of my cinnpe;itor,
ales Zia bt) l,it the lwurr con
ferreiT upon hitu 1) . % oiiiiiidenee, and !.our tkarest I,am, )tat to-night to burr Cassair, nut
to praise lihn:
—Jeff I)avis bud quite a. ruception at
Akizaad 60, • Wa.., on Saturday. It is- said
the ;death of General' Lee affected him
deeply. It wits not, he paid, of old ago or
ordinary ilthess he died, tint rather cor
roding reflection which wore array. the
casket of his .great soul. Persons rid
unhappy medications.
Ming!' ag freely in the giddy whirl of sot
cietY, boi”Vou was a !rot from :ail other•
men. 11 , perk - fitted no c,clipe -to the
lou.ofsaddcnrtl thought that
lay close upon his heart. He kept his
sorrows to himself and finally sncenmbed
to the oppressive harden.
- The annual exportation of 89,-
000,000 work of cheese against $500.000
worth of butter tells why butter is dear.
The milk that goes into that cheese for
es:port is taken away from the pm - hie:-
tint/ of buttur, ant we feel it in the prices
we have to pay for that article. This
cheese making increases rapidly because
tit.: foreign demand is largi• amt stead-y.
Nutories cause suc•ic a .leinatid for
milk that the farmers discontinue mak
ing batter and make, a larger profit ,'n
their milk.
The Varuna steamship, between Nest
York and Galveston, foundered at sea on
the 20th of October last, offJc pi ter Inlet
on the coast of Florida, A gale of unusu
al violence even for those stormy latitudes
threw ;wt. on her heurn ends, cud • she
sank rapidly. All .her passetip,vre were
drowned in their state-rooms, while the
life-boat,that contained the captain and
crew was carried under by the. sinking ,
vessel, five only escaping in anothe r boat
to tell the tale.
_____~ ` f
—Th. , surrender of Alt.ts In Marshal
liasaine gives to the Prussians the flower
Of the irench armv. including the Im
perial Gtmrds and one or !ii" etrmigest
fortresses in the world. The capitulation
comprises 113000 men, of which 20,000
are wounded, 6,000 officers, sixty Generals,
three Marshals, 8,000 cannon, and au
immense war material, besides a war chest
containing 40,000,000 francs, equivalent
to 68,000,000.
-4'hat Iron is valuable as a Mediblne •
bus long been known, bnt it is• only since
its preparation in:the. partlealilr forth ef,
Peruvian Syrup - thitt its full potter- over
disease has ticen hrottght to light 'lts ef
fect in cases of dyspepsia and- debility le
most salutary.
, .
—The McCrary farm, in the i t reg iohe
of Pennsylvania, le said to have been . cold
fore 4000,000. The average daily xield,dn
ring the mouth of A.ugaut was IMO bar*
—There ie aisugaT poplar tree, within
two Mi,lee of the capital of the Kevgtoae
State, which le 72 feet 8 - inches cfrctitns
ference at the base ;at the flrvt limb, 24
feet 7 inches from the ground, it mettimree
24 feet 7 inches in circumference.
' I s .
r'One' of our Wien! entemporr e ,
Nils fault with Governor English,'for
during to issue a "Thanksgiving ~Procla,
motion," in advance, of General Grant.
Thigis, no doubt, a most settle and un
pardonable offense. What right have Lake
people of Connecticut to thank the; 154 7 ,
i r
rreintv Tluler of . tli,' Viot ti for. a_N 44
•ries•ditring the'Yeite, iil 'hint; i14i3.-AcTlTll
sion of the .I*sident v . IleY,a4eParn-N
'lda so, t4' iiitrioo. 06¢1 1 4,C1100 c*lll i titok.
tliernWith the . "Maihes,", 1 .
rile: Bow Ilooretary,,of tho Interior.
• The Provident has anncmireed his • app
rpointittenti-of , Cotittftiolionerl Delano ro
etiaceed,Mr. Cvs, esfiveretary. of 'the. l'h
,terior. Cox is to retire about tho middto
of November.
ail 4111.". ••••-•*
—6ell your dog aud ray. your*iit:
r ,
..1 11)
41intt Z'Abtrs,
j',` 111 E I? AII„ \V : • '
„ Atscraua trvp:
!' .l 1.30 n m timlot eine 'dttleitt—taln tit ;led with. Warred Chu pier., No.SO ° in eats a%24l.tmdlle Han 011 , • I
soar chin or Brood gourd (km Vic tEtrrollt e Tharvt..l f.of each mooth_rm or lorto,i,
to .11 point w rot''h ` , f , t• Nsw Wru'ren [Auden. No. den. A. 1' M., meets at Vaseedif ,
hod mprored concltehMitliruh !Brothel Withold f 7 t7ttF... 11,111 the Bret Wednesday of , e.reh mouth* elm en - blefolht
to Rochester, Bonin, Dunldrli k taucm, itrul the sommdWeduesdaythereafterh - •••
, Month , , t,odee. Ro. , M O F., meets 4e.pettT
Felloorr ^ 7 e-y Ttluftl 7 fe , u,ripitl , 4l;
St. ,tohn'.l.thcantim,Fne.' !Co . ..41,cnoeta at„Q - 44,474. : :
I.eter, rhned and WI Fn , 1.1). ca,L rentllh.
it,heee t Tle;e•-e ',pace 7, meet at Odd Fellows
Ilnllt he V. , 4: ,0 , 1
.. 444141:mart rctouge
I. 0. of Ge.T. MVP- eat Povil rigglir- , .A
! , Fe evel A1d5t1.7.3.40M14.1, ~t idle I
; ient_ple of FlCcrr o. 10_ meets at
Good Tern r.;.1 nit% y of er., - h mouth.
ftu and mirr mondni.-Iwto
'131,,,;hnm tnn at the ferikhOlfigWritmt.
NY , km .1,-M Sxrirve•, t.londais gSceptc.o
tti a. M. Niktat
ft: In n. m. NMI Tralt). Stind,sy• cxreptcd, for Bank)
• .. , -
• and Dunkirk
11:ti p. ru. Kim! rn .le , ommndatJon, Par d nY tiCePt,ori,
r tl5 p' d. LW '&l"ttro , ... SO nAsi7 alreqrti , d:
p. m. Mall. sandar. exreptert
4:.#5 p. m. Wny rretzht. nerAn:, r excepted.
1 1:21 p. nt. Entigtant Ti alu. datky for the Weed,.
elieW4h dAittl/.
•'2:11 a. m. Night Expre,o, Nnildap, e%cnpjna,. , • • •
1:1.1 a. fn. Cincinnati Expren,t,N.ndny. eveepted,
p. m. Dny Eqpren, , ,linpdap clnePted•
2:dl a: M. AkrArtiffrodrtTOm'PrMn.ftaity fniMtsnatbahen
10215 a. tn. Elmira Mntl,Ohnolnyn excepted.
8:4", p. m, New York all. RnihillWe excepted.
tltzi p. m• Ligttull* &5r:A.4.4,0y.
, ICIP h. M. Why rittltr,tlt, Sandnyn excepted,
.13AGOACig Tffildtfin,
" per A,rovtrest nod complcte Poteket Tlingt & of
PasseugerTfelins blithe Elle lU:hefty end ennfic4ttng
hnee har recently been publirhed. ttudzareba .bnd di at,
plitnt len le the Ticket .‘4ect l'emjetny.
L. 1). 111:1./liSli,
(4en'l ervp't
T EttlatrvAtlry ItATMIOAT). •
on ',inn nfter J. 1869, train+ 'oil tßelt!l gl]
Valley Railroad milli frillorrr.
!reeve W• vtrly Jonc•
t,int H. R. W. P 411 A,
Atbcas .• 8 al
Towanda "
I.acnyvllle 10.1'41
Plginner`a 10.51
INt•stioppen , . l >11.14- •'l ;'
Meting.p3ily 11 24 :. Tnnlt'rork
L. h 11. .1 H i tt 12.1, p • Mr.
prok4ii , • ," 1.4 V • '
Willi«9.lle.rit 1
White Haven 3.0 n "
14'ct , C.bunk
Iluthlohem Pupo
' Parton 000 p. tri
• n11%10;010
At. ntlltWlM'' VII
146 t
ri n g. i 1
Imon 10.0 • .•
' flethleho2lo2o ••
4 •'
Meh "
Vtitta Iln'n ;21141.1111,i1 , t.} , !tie :IV .4
Wilkewtin'o 2.00 r 212
.1.1.1 '
;ton, so •ti
IlielL‘ n p nc nn k y 4.49 "'.
DITI I ytisnplsor+ ,
ntier •••
b • ..wr
' tAcryvllle 1112
Tows,ndw HAW
At 22.112 120 • '• •• • "
:10 than wit COMA tewupterauto Anti
Yl;#o,br delptritl.
-.0;"1`• 11),
Ltist of Juror*.
toinifilikiSmeriefielnilite;v l . l l4. Grand
.larurs published last week r • •
„.Tp...)VErtAX•44lloits•-161. week.
A tilni rn-4 ),,.rgre Bunnell, I.'6ark E. - Davri! d _
A , ..,-- p.4%pis. Auw.. .
Brooklyn-5/4dt f`. I.l.d,_ZaK 11. Stvfling.
Bridgiaconror—llriril.' 'Piffigns.,
tlaker,'Rarnl. '
Richard 1). 11akr14:.,, , • • •
Geork,o 137.ixier,
Davie) 4). M ink ler.
I) , lndaff-HIMVEIdOVIIdn, I.ctbmn Coleman
Frankl,M—Eilteard • , . -
,:Glbgbn—ilaymouctiSweet- • 1 • ]..- --
Grent. Bend tp.—Peter Ar.lMesicirt• Geteu
Ilerri , ok--1341/ Etu r
Ilarl 17,arvEradr, 711911141 tr;f:frE4,
Liberty—Robertll. Caswell, Rufus Fish. -
I..ux---ettlytter f renntt,. SG
Little S tg.til9ws 7 -. y.,ery Beal% VO-0013941 1 1
.M.oni.ruse—ilenry . H. F. 111.4. -
N,•» horn —Ed ward' Matlnds.. 3. '"
N.-w Mdli , nl tp.—.l:unts M. Westrall.
)aklari , l—J'anat totrOttMllier 1) Stoddard
Itulb—Jacob Crook, Lonmho AVlMutic, , '
Susgoohluma Dai.4)t--Samuel Falketlntry..;,
pringvple—Cyma N. Bard. , .
i 11.% EILSE J el:oils-2d week. •
1. tibur4- i Peter ,Afß T Tlacianor §l)or4lan, Mar
tain Wtldrit!' •
Apolacon--Joe. 141.01. e." '
Ararat—Robert It i),l.ont' • • , :
,firtdewates -Lcirgnzci tLngley
Broultlyn—Jame'sM Newton, Chas... T.. Peri
go, liuthta• Ileynolas. a,. L
ChoColl3lt M 411
Clifront—S•rtra 1114}Ler.
I mue k iLian Inr.kk utile% bum ;IV ; LiclP"
Austin B LmWut, /AIM ;Newton, trrbatie
timid,, 4 Iney X •loung. •
; Tar( Vegry )1 . Ei.i 6 w o Ca7
Ortit Bend t}>_—Thomav 'Wright, Addi2an
I 13 rfortl—Julvi,lo:4lie„ ,
I I a molly -9e
Lathrop—Win. J Balor. Gno. I)eckcr.
(11.0 trlitijaznarl.
)lont rose—A rnotly Ileiiry C
M iiilletarstr.l,44 - fetfi.; . Nesrturl 15.4r 1
1111111.3bletwJlifirk , e", •va !Vk•
ICCW Millmd boro--Orn. I) Foot
\,•w :liiii, , rd,lll4-1 1 / 1 11. 1 hrrIllindriek, David
.iii t
:ipaiugv,illu--Mlarrea II 1..1t1,,1,
rol-N-ry otrrrEiis.
P ree t —l.lO/IF. B t'icr , ctgr.
A•tor In ir .111.14cti—..k. Bald int 4: 'l'.o/ 1 1. 1 / l ey.
t..,,1rt0 —J. F. tilloenv‘ker.
Rcgiml. r. 11, - ,c,..rekr. -- SerucuV, l :—Ly4a..• •
v -
j - 1 min ra. ddan
Slwri m Stp , xl9l.:t 42; ,
U. wo SII,IIT I -.111 IS ih.lMq
J. reeteeeed
twolt.tten.' Clivir—AVM.
Lh.qvirqcr. itorg-ti.atig II 31 Jon el , .
1/1,1 -. 4 , V• , ••I
• - 3
w. ;
qaeo decoy.
r,:i !ry , IL lir,. C. Ts', r, Itecortlittg SecreLux: C.
B. ; 11, II liarrio
11. II ski 111.60. .11rs135rlii Can traita , / • •
?duNTLLU'E It I DUE 11' AT lilt AST4AIM. -
rnupi—ron...=.l..trn TY•timbttll, W.I. , ;:qt tawc4:4l
Tfeti.o.rer —(I T:titell4 ' •
Serretnry Benj. kw.' ti
Da, ul \ ri
11).h:fan—Tr J p Van
BUEQ U Enealls l .
Birlret(i; O , TC.
e F t illiitf L
WINN' 'Mgt. tt t - 0.•
Crnn4411..1. P , .'ll‘Chv.irgrr r. tr. T.
1 , 1111,011e---Trthakrft.A.l il eV i i# et;
i'r Tr • lit I
. ,„ylr eTT
smm^t DI r, 41 , 4 - s—Wp. 11..ac4sup, J. a. 11.sw L 1.3,
Th3lcher, P. Au•trn,C.C.flabru,
' Pre•hyterlaiiiiteWr I
t. 1%) , let lll
. A 4 Wnrriner. I
-I:‘1% 6in¢ ISl•writ
Ca (hal I c v. J. S.Ltl.t.cry
CV - Orttitig It et rriled•— E-Dayl fur young .nexi..ou
Hu. tiehrtlP Of 11011 , e, 41111 the proprtely or In4iprint,
on;relting , truottary A•lir e
feel ilnerlell 6 , 11 . 1 tor/ine4c, Sent rce, in
en'telpres,,,UOWARD StitioClAT3olsl'
Doi Inslluduipb!a. nu.
isr - niovspoiti II I% State, .11Yormall,sehoole ;
Intl t-l - regurre fnnacnct.u. IS , TITUTII. --The Focally
amt., Ineltntl.,n elm to he ‘cry' titorongh in their In.
..... Q't 4 071 1 74 1 2.. Mon
rrT. t r r!ne,et.
Oral l'aoo'a kit
• .
A try‘ l s. fnr.r...=Diriviv to illit46Y ()ARV t.:ll' ' Ar)i.,
Svt..2-1-1g • ' - PtineipaV .
rt .— A nod!' nn4 rlitid'llts..erisii„ F '
ttifl the brain intinnitely allied 'foytho dnoto •
gtittr ITlthont the othcr. go that dygpcpsta anti degpondr,
enty ire iimerl.o.l4. It may he add cd, too, that init..
jinn ^r rht. or^rilli.49lsl,lp r ot,34 , ;aer!YY !!Ir.ffig4fivi by
i n imt9n., of thrr trimtg.
l'lnirrnorating alltd
l• ••
MO •
!!) p m,
Dittor. 1n mompowerfally dOvetfrpod t n comes • oY n.
Inkilgoollnfl, flr,t effect of thf. 42,0eL41. omen* , ••
2 27
.1 15
• 1:1
40 "
I t Pd 3
1 "
erren fort Inc end .-nerminging. trt•t? Alt - 1 p7evadeif
ryle , ll. alt chr.lieittirstaewliu
.thir.MtiOn of the
eterrect‘ 1• leiened, en!A the tr:Ofttaie lestlngve seikkith
etntrecterieee the Omar, 1e etrard, • This imeneveteeift.-1
I. net ttan.ient, ILIs net enettieded hi the rotated' . thee , '
01,1grat , Wm. edit, ra , tnicoid , ri Oita,- as le atenSnritte• ,,
pilth. ~ Sthentelater ard hiven:fartjus rt
grit lelttt hArli ~tera •,e ,l lo* te impart a
.permanert_ as
ceeflett herithlnll.ikratfia tran. nut thlif ref 1117 -
Ter mforirall ,
th Importance te , ✓
tyropertiekOf i tbl9 pre
do!! ..Irl r 1 ot , .!“. 14 0 ) . ',Lie
„ Hum tyd,„ ei- tae n of bile the BecretlPA
s' allnY il.t h r 4 l 4lt,W;l= 4 :l4Z3ll l lGZl.l4.
reel nlralt
Wet t'rai_o,nlP llll. l.LFA. tqc ‘OO4 - uqu
eke tt,glt A c t uit
t l i •t r n et, it.4nKni t ay qw 4
lath), Itme t ai:Wii . sylaVglikspi
. • Wll. •.'.
4tvfodbll'EttddrMVP.OA Lves& -Folk
ate net lifehrtirthe nerve Oren! 0 ti " nradtram . ,...
"rit i ci 4 z°44 l 4l"r cuttetiltaCl 4 l4tl4 - petae'r
1114 1 '44llM CM% t,,v Mut
114-e na
I ; 1 01 1. itt, "* Vii ''
per the nellef qnj ten., nt the ttfiN.Autt
-- Ireifforffebr MINN?! Phtlanthrupi,
1111 a on theittnita tit You* pa fig r
In latlfie li Mittlaze 540 Beititit sanftlin
t aid it 11 feted. Rent etee In eel etl envelonea. Ad
1, i r " v.
—•_, .
~:i i. /:4
3511M:41 30i;
_i" "1,2
Airecial :ftittcto;