The hicartriase Democr a t 21Yoannito cvmuirWayaor•sr liontrow,AllSournosi Busquenurrns couirrr, Pa., Irr fl. S. 33.496,717Mi1ar1ry rr 11.1 £2Y 2of ADTAIreIOnt2X AT CID OP Tr.&II Rate: of Adverll6l24. I nrea•fonithilneh con 4,--r ytnee, orkeq i mike *guar. 64err, yookSOr lePs. 61.00 mo. 11. 25 ; 3 mo. rsa MI. 1 year. $O.- , OneelnlYii coL, mo. $1.60; 5 sax ; 6 do. SELO% 1 year, 6113.00: • • Ono-quarter col.. 1 m 0,113.60 ;0 ran. 1111.01 ; f. too. $9O ; 1 year. 190. Haiti:atm:us, 1 Ina. $11130; ft m0...23.01 ; 6 ma% $35.0R lryear. MOO.' _ fano column. tom:M.O6F 10; 6 mn• 66 1 0: 1 : dead Auditor's Notteii, 850 : and Adminiirs. tors' Notions, 03.00. ' .0111 elatmunlytions of limited sir itudirldual interest, 10 cis, yentas. 'Otani' Nakao, 10 eta, :merlins. Maningo and Death Mato: line. Jreb IPrlntlas executed neatly and promptly at tab pd Nts. Deeds, Mortgages. Note,. ]otters' , Constables' School tad otherblankefor sale. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. COUNTY OFFICERS. Persideat Jodae—Bon. P. B. Streeter. Associate Judger—A. Baldwin, R. T. Ashley. Prothonotiry and Clerk or Conrts—J. F. Shoemaker. Rqrlster, Recorder t &e..4erome It: Lyons. Dhaka Attorney—D. W. Searle. Trountrer—Benjamin Glidden. Bbaltl—Wm. T. Mosley. Replay Sherlff—R. B. llehne. lkirreyor—James W. Chapman. ' Commlaslonera—Battel Stierer, J. T. Ellis, Preserved Windt.. . . Commkaloners' Clerk—Wm. A. Crommcm. Airy Commissioners—P. D. Streeter, am eifteta, Dardri Beewstar, Wm. A. Crewman. Auditoria—F. B. Chandler, Tracy Hayden, D..M.Jones. Coroner—Dr. C. C. Halsey. OFFICERS OF AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Wm. IL Jessup..;President ; 11, IL Jones. James Ras eon, Vice Presidents; Geo. A. Jessup, Corresponding Secretary Henry C. Tyler, Remedios Bantus" ; C. K.. Gene, 'Treasurer H. H. Harrington, A. Baldwin, IL H. Skinner, Executive Committee. 11172iITBOSE d BRLOGEWATER DIMMTOES.—Jetm Tenn:kb/11i, W.L Cox, 8. Langdon. Treaserer—D. Thatcher. Secretary—Benj. L. Baldwin. Steward—David Martin. Phyalciad--.Dr. .1. D. Vail. soßouGn OFFICERS Bo C. M. Gent. Conimil—W. A. Crommon W. W. Wasaon,A. J. Gerrltacm. Win. B. Jesup, C. M Crandall, 3. F. Shoemaker, D. Brevets, D. F. Austin H. A. Dettai. C - Mge—iobn C. Iloweil Hlet Constible--ameles - J. Whipple. School Directors—Wm. IL Jessup. J. D. DeWitt, W W. Watson, R. Thatcher, D. F. Austin, C. C. Balmy. MINISTERS. Ihrsirsertaa—.4m4agmb-f4 - 41147•73 atithiceppla-gOv, Jt; = .. , ol . l rikt i tr=4 . l ll2, viocor—/EOT,- J. - P 1 ,7 17 * : 7 x§stieLiTums Wanes Chapter, No. UM, meets at Masonic Hall on Thursday (leach month on or before toll moon. Warren Lodge, No. MO, A. Y. IL, meets at Masonic Hall the fiat Wednesday of each month on or before fall moon, and the second Wednesday thereafter. Montrose Lodge, No. 151, L O. of O. F., meets at Odd Fellows Hall every Tneaday evening. St, John's Encampment. No. 15. meets at Odd Fel. boa Hall the Wand 4111 Friday each month. Bebe= Degree lodge, No. 7, meets at Odd Fellows Hall the drat and third Friday each month. /dootreee Lodge. I. 0. of 0. T. meets at Good Temp lar. Hal every Monday evening. 600d8stnerital Temple of Honor. No. N. meets at Good Templars' Bab thead Friday Wench month. ERIE RAILWAY. ?i.3 miles under one management—SGO miles with-. oat dun fe-of coaches. Broad gnage, double t.r.ek route to all points -west, north-west and scnithvsest. New and mproved Coaches are ron through without ctumge to Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk. Cleveland, and Cincin nati. On and alter Monday. Jane 15,1873. Trains trill lease Binghamton at the following hones, viz: t 55 a.m NlgihtExdress, (Mondays excepted) kW a. m. Night Express, daily. 1:10 s. m. Wall Train. Sundays excepted, for Buffalo. and Dunkirk. TPA p. m. Etrarra Accommodation, Bond dy excepted, froli p. m. Day Exprewl. Sunday, excepted. p. m. Express Mail. Sundays excepted. MPS p. m Way Freight, Sundays excepted. 1:90 p. m. Emigibut Train, daily for the west. tia a. m. Night Express, Sundays excepted. 7:11 m. Cincinnati &spec., Mondays excepted. 1:51 p. m. Day Eqpress, Sundays exeeptcd. Inn a. m Acclmmodati on Train. daily for Susquehanna. MIS a. m. Elmira NAIL Sundays excepted. me p.m. New York Mail. Sundays excepted len p. m. Ligetning grpeera, tally. 1110 a. m. Way Freight, Sundays exceptsd... ,BAGGAGE CHECKED Taacivon. }TA revised and complete "Pocket Thne Table" of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway sad connecting Eine* has recently been publiebed, and cane bad on lip. *lotion to the Ticket Agent of the Company. L. D. ROCKER WM. R. BARB, Deal Snpl. GenlPfies'an!nrk DELAWARE, LACKAWAN WESTERN RAILROAD. Summer A May 10, tars " THUM) LEAVE WESTWARD. • I fail Pianugr I • I nail train. - train. STATIONS. train. A. EL. . A.. RE. P. Rl._ Z I 8.161 New York...—. ..... 5.00 i ell 11,15 New Hampton 1 1,95 r WE 1t 511 Hannnka Chunk.... 12.40 Delaware. ...Dine— . 12.101 . 8,45 11,00 Scranton__ 9,15 1:1 4,51 115,55 Nleholaon.... ~ 7.55 o 5.18 1.00 Heptr0tt0m.......... 7.88 11 545 1,40 Montroae 7.15 f ir 5,56 2,10 New Milford 6.54 0 6,15 2,801 Great Bend .. ... . 6.85 a- P.Y. P. 111 *Foot of Llberii- at. I A.. 16 R. A. H : • UM 17 General - Pass. and Tick LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. A-4 On and after Sept. NOM, train. on the Lehigh Valley Balltnql alliran ai !ollOwdi A , . Lane i - J this K. R. W. - Athh - am - Venues: 930 •••• I l v a i rk: . -1055 , • siaairy 1051 " - 21 p - ` 111 Tunk 11... d IL Jane. 12.53 p . _ Mutat' Wilkesaeirer:::l.43 " Whitetfirres - Web Chunk 4.E1 " Allentown 5.45 " Bethlehem 6.80 " Easton6.Bo m. Philadelphia 8.25 • Ar. at New hark 125 " UP =SET& Leave New Tort SAS p. P"iladrlpb .7.15 Samoa moo " ..Betidehom 10.50 Allenttwe 10.15 Itc'h Chunk 12.50 m. White lien 1.32 p. m. -Wilkeelbee 3.60 Pittston , LlO " &B. JIM. a. 20 " Tn.ok`noek Ilehoopasy IL4I+ lleshoppen 4in t,taum' u sE. 0.15 " a ale " Towanda 4.11 " Athens 750 " Waverly Junction, E. R. 50.7.50 On% !lenge stems between Iterantoe eel New Tork."or between Amnion and Philadelphia: -, A ..06911 , ..II#1:11T AND GEM PAM - SALB. • Iforace Y •Birehaid Fasixif for sob situated In the township of. Forest take, Susquehanna County, Pa., 0 miles from Idcatt-. rose, containing 120 acres of 10 times' a. which are under a good state ofculticatkot. - The Ihim contains one full bearing orchard c grafted.frult, and oho young orchard just begin ning to bear; -a good condonable farm'' boast horse barn, grain barn, and all the n ontbuildtuga ,requiredby a good farmer.; fenced. well watered, and a stream of never ing spring water runningt i the door. It is just such alann as a good needs, being well located for deity purposes. • els situated but . 1% -tales from a.good school, and - Bapthoand Meth. alist churches. For terms, .tte.. address IdUAN BIRCHABD. July.o3o7e- . 4-tf Forest Lake,. Susq. Ca. Pa. =Sigm eptirtis new alad sloifatt . Inducements:Demi - ptlTe cacalui Mama /. C. ad.aD a Co., atildeasa. Me. ljula.4a RS El Cri441:464a.' OITOFTSIS TUB COI:MT 11017111, •- - • - f y . 47.'7 • . 1 4 . : . "77. „ ""' L',„„"Q • !Mr MONTROSE, PIMN'A. JOHN S. E urges tease We House daily, connecting • tth teTT!,tIV., the Etta, and the Lehigh Valle; Hap. tram [hay 6,lMP—tf CALL AT BOJ SOUTHERN Tjlt '1 FURNITURE EMI' 0 R / IT M , 88 Wishington Street, Binghamton, N. Y Where you will find The Largest Stock, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. Goods sold warranted as represen ted. Bingtuzutton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y HARDING & HAYDEN, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IN nuirrEn, clamor, EGG', POIII.- THC, GAME, ke 326 Washington Street. New York. REFERENCES. Irving National Rank, New York. S. Hutchinson it Co., 115 & 117 Worth St. N.Y Roberts, Smith & Co., 62 White St. Wagner 6r Kellam, 76 Murray Street, Mulford & Sprague, 88 Chambers St. C. It Williams & Co. 268 & 270 Canal St, July 13. 1870—tt D ENTISTRY C. A, SACKETT'S Dental RMIIIII, New .3fllfAml.PA. Pertleobr attentioh gtoth to an operztiaol on the oath ral teeth. Artildal Teeth teemthe le all the tattoo* Myles nowt I o ate. Perfect settstettloo guarantied Wall. Come and me me. and atilety yourselves. Once Donn, hoer* each day. Jan. 5,1870.—1 y 4.05.. 5.40 5.18 3.45 4.15 cd MIA BEE ALL RIGHT FOR 1870. szirgrxwir Ercrira. Is in constant receipt of NEW GOODS, by which by assortment Is rendered more and more complete and attractive for all his usual varieties Of trade far D 360. ha New Dm Oasis, kew Gra:cries. Sew Hardware. and Sew Stoves, Iron. Medicines, rixisis. OW. Bag sct Shoes, Wail Paper, Windom &bide* • Mats& Copt, Dolan 805 m. Ladles l' , ; 21 1 HOW Slarts. which trill ail he sold on the wort prowl& germ. New Millard. Jan. ISM 79.00 m 1.430. m 3.95 " 4.00 " 420 '• 5.45 " 1,58 " &II " 0.115 " 8.45 " pum PS IT MPS ! BL EmErs Cucumber Wood: Puinte The Best and Cheapest Pumps ever made. Durable, reliable, accurate and petfett, and give no taste to the water. They are adapted for cisterns or depth of well upto 45 feet, and threw water ver y mob. and rapidly. 44.)* one am put them , vend keep them in repair, & when nit "dp according I to " directions," hey never fail to, give perfect isstLs •. • I ASK FOR BLATCHLETS CUCUMBER WPO.D Every Pump sold by tit l e oil illy MPS.. . , kuthoriiel agent guaranteedgestu_ genu i ne.:.. , , • CIIAItLES BLAiCilipar',Nanfr. Ap 6--8m624 and 628 Filbert meet; '• . Fldladelphis, Pa. gtIV atirtrnOtin"*. A •Ktyys NiAKTED—ISm A ' MONTK) 'by a. Ow , AMERICAN KNYITISO MACHINE CO., BOSTON, MASS, or ST. LOUIE,. ' . ._- . . A IDENTS WANTED ]TO!' SELL • • - . , Chamberlin's , • LAW . BOOK• FOR' • ... , e _ BUSINESS MEN TES DENT BIIRSORIPTION HOOK I:117T, Adt4ese. 'O. D; CASE A. CO„ Ilsarrese Come. Dept4l:—Em VirANTED,ACENTS. (112 Y per day) to tell the. celebrated .110MItr SHUTIILE SEWING MA CHINE., Ilse the underfeed-makes the .• lock stitch" (nlikenn both sides.) and is talty licstised. The liest and cheapest 'riewleg Machine lir tbo.lmaket. Address jOHNSUN, CLARE A. CO.; Ilosion,lftses Plitsborgtt Pa.. Chicago, 111, pr St. Louie, *o, nept. My—are. linos. huilitata, , Aral 6/04 PM. Dal s•• W. tth Ift,,, askathatltt, 0 sad . Dr. ant i * N. Coos oak. • \ o= r sg ib va et A ti V ia... l=V kWh at annals t 141 e l Otis 4I• l• sal istabatlittla t, 0 ta d Ess4 took sad Or is 0 •---_ „,,, ..a.. amok it taw ht ao , lip Ca Utmost asar. bantam Dome 1,•:, . so te, oflossa Pro, Ihmasi, risk that" IV • SO' hgas OW =Ws,Staalhst oar W!SI al atm Inman De odors bars a sho r e lasatosola Dm attar thaalt nu bard. Fat • =Ws. stead tor oscahkr.aall. as oddness as aeon. in 31.—Um GENTS WANTED—(SIO per day). by the CAN KNITTING SIACIITNE CO., BOSTON, Marc or S . F. LOUIS, Mo. pane F4 --Em FORTUNES ITO °red In live men Rare Chance. Send Stomp. Diamond K. Co., Wilmington. Dd. Sept. 14,4tri TO SKIS OEM rortrAg souk.. CHINA a UNITED STATOR. INFORMATION for the PeoPla. Before the FOOTLIGHTS, AG. Our RULMRSand our MONTS. Cheapest A Batt Family Bible.. lop ape OtTerod. Marva be Olinshrs, FAIGO= SCA, Istuutrau, p., ...--... A uta.s•ra .•111'1' • It 11 LIGHT OF THE. WORLD. Containing Fleetwood's" . Ll,e of Christ." and " Lives of the Apmettee, lirantie:let'a and Martyrs, Doddridge's •' Evidences of Christ icnity ," •• of the dews," by Soeephter " filetory of all Helloes tenomina- Bons," With treatise and tattler relating to errata con nected with Bible History. containing many floe en gravinge. The whole forming a complete Treasury or Christian knowledge. W. Seventh. Ell., Philadelphia lgoest wan FREE-LOVE; ITS VOTARIES. by DIL Jae. D. The meet erect-cora book ar modern time.. The bale sealt)mt laid bare and Its hitleett-neitevapefad to eltit , teal exec• rid ion. W 1111 TES IS Tna IsTElltr7S OF COM-E4llOll, CURIFTEMTj ANT, ITIILIe Sl all ILiTT Send for circulars .. nod term r S. Pahhehltm Co., !CY., Cincinwiti . Chi eageand • oeu t2-4w • $lO MADE FROM 50 GENTS. Something nrgeittly - needed by everybody ('nil and exa amine, or simples !OM poetatse for 50 rents that retail Idly for $lO octl9-4. AUENTB WANTED (MALE on FEMALE) FOR TAN I= O 33CIrISICI ALL LIFE OF This assts. runs Bons is the great meccas or the year. 4.1.0(5i hate already been sold It stal sells a ith a rapidity ottite unprecedented Agents all ae.tee that they trial", money ranter selling itt.han any °the,' blurb emit class teraitory Is still open. Strad at onto for pnatophlet. &c. Address. GEC/. MACLEAN. Praususn. Philade Iphia. Nett Tort .t Boston. Sept 14,--iw GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS Parties muquire how to urt up clubs. Our uu+wvr Rend for Nice Llnt. nud a Club form 0111 ncrompony It with full diructioun —making a large eating to cou•umw's and enumerative to Club an,nmizerr, THE GREAT AMERIOANTEA CO, G. S. HARDING. BEN. L. BAYDEN R 1 &XS vcSTRT STREET. P. 0. Box m. 43. NEW YORE.. Supt. 14.-4 w s2ooolter Fear anti orPooe , cilarranteed to ml ambition. men and vronien nelhng our world ninovrned patent Silver Mould Wire Clothes Untie For fkill particular. addrepo the Girard Wire 111110. Phil. Pb Sept 14,-4 w 1-.111 semi the receipt • C 1 - 1 RE try which I was cured of Catarriretut Deshaege free. CATARRH o : 4 IddreettMro. DI C. Leg -122D1D EA F44 . E.S S 4‘41 11°)'''k'''. V.J. • Sept 14--4 • will e n any col. ored bair bearil to a partnaltent blacknr brown. It captain! I ' d= A" ( )El:Or/11 C7 n 1.787 t 1 ; 11 1 1 ' a .ll. 81—tim • ' ' A SAFE, CERTAIN ~ iC 4lol ll 4Fik, Sprs,y 1://4ffl n ' u iletattga muumuu-L.7 , i t• I? • _am> Jas. NERVOUS DISEASES. Ma/Oar An USTAfLiKG HEMET for NEIMALOIA 1 7 /16ALIS often efl..ctlng a perfect care in a elegle day: Nil flina of Nerelons Idseure (alit to yield to log wonderful power. Et - en to the tieere clown of Ularonlc Nenralgta. afrdet'llf: the entire system. Inc war for a fear date af6rrd the most .116tanlablne rollelirnd rarely falls tn. prodare a complete and pertnanant care. It contains no ranter , lido In the ellghte.t degree Nur:tout. It hat the . on onallfled approval of the bett'phyttelatt4. Thnlvatlde everypart of the country. rratefally aettnnitiedas Its power to south the tortaund nerves, and resit:wing the tailing strength. Rent by nsrll on reeWpt nj price and pot age. One Package - $l.Oll • - Patunge It cents: Nix Packages • • $3. CID " 67 " It Is cold by all dealer,. In draAs and medicln.. TIMMS!' & CO., Proprietor Tirmuni Street, Roarer, Met... Sept 7-Imeonr. • WANTED ACENTS. —To cell the 11031 E SITITTLE" SEWING MACHINE. Price, $25. it makes the " Lock Stitch." alike ne both !friel., end le the roily 11- crowd underfeed Shuttle Machine cold for lens than VAL Liecnced by Wheeler & Wilson, Grocer & Raker. and Sloger & Co. All other ueder.feed Shuttle Machines mild for less :ban trease infringement: and the ventr and user Rabic to procecutkal. Address JOHNSON, CLARK & CO.. Boston, May., Pittsburgh, Chicago. 111.. or St. Louis, Ito. Dune u— lint • sna THE FOLSOM IMPROVED Twcnly:Five DidlurPamity Sew - inw . idarhinc., The cheap- Firel Cla.e Machin In tho Market Am./Ay wanted In every Town. Liberal commteeion allow d. For term. and circular. addreve A. 8. lieunmon, Gen. Agent, $O. 700 Chestnut at— Philadelphia, Pa. [may 18—amit• Thl. 4 . eservetlly hlgh reputation as an -alleviator orpalui IWO , llVV'e+erra. of health. It has becomea bonsehold remedy. from the tact that It give* Itcalfite and permanent relief. It Is s Tire vegetableprecaratite. made Shin abe beet strip rarest material,. sate to use and toi , In evert It Is recommended by phystehins and parsons of all class es: sod today, anent public trial of thirty going:the a, erago lite of insni—tt +tends mei...stied-lea nnexcelleila 'Trendier its =eh:anew; over the, Old,e, world.. lot large and inereashig sale aunts positive egithipce of °odor: ' , IX nine. We depot deeth it efteriarfto any ninth in; its favor,MO small bottle all deintwe to convince . you ants ,eit• thw attitertiverucbto 10-the world. tare It one fair plat and you Would with out for ten times Ittooet. 7 Direttims teconiOu!y'clich' hpttle. ."" ' Prlra 2 . 5ei5.. &feta. and' $l.OO per lidotele. Sold by all - Medkinp Dedere, ' (Oct 1-16 TEA' • Every kind Of Tesl4 mar- - ilost. feral" it Nev York b sal 2 - -- Ted.and o rie4.. Also s Moot* •onmetat of COFFEE.' Bar dr mo and save xv real angel. " ABEL. Tuni!ELL, Montrom".. eproso,itypv, JEWELRY A. TIIRRELL IftitiCKEl 4 CO. Sept. 14,-4vr It. L. W Lcorr. 181 Chatham Stluare, Now York. WO MA N: GETTING EP CLUBS F . ! FLOUR 1 • • day forward, we Floor at retail nt • IV I lOLEBALE PRICES We hang out no falsecolors, but mean just what we say. While making Flour t► specialty, our stock of FEED, MEAL, SALT, LIME CEJIEST, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, cte. Will be kept full and sold at very mall profits. H. GARRATT & SON. New Milford, March 2,1870.—1 y BURNS & NICHOLS DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, Keep regularly oupplled with 1711/41OLTIMAIIID Dregs end Medielnes.Chemleals, Dye Attu& Wines & I.lquors, Paint,. QIN anti r;Virn,sh, Peeumery. Fancy Soap*, Yabtee Notions, le. de. Fresh from New York City. All the most popular PATENT MEDICINES sold to this section, among which may be found Ayre's and Jayne's Vanally Medicines. Bembold'• Ro cha, Scheuck's lhantonle Syrupand Sea Weed Tonle, unponco's and Cheesemsn's Fe. lonic Pill.. tough &Win, Wls hart's Pine Tree Cornial, Doll's flair Renewer, Ring's Ambrosia. Kennedy's Med ical Discovery. noellantl's German Bitters, ilostetter'e latomach Bitters, • And many other kinds of real value •id merit. In fact our Stock embrace+ s Site sswriment of everything usu. oily kept in well regulated Drug Stores. Ipt I one receive partienter attention, and are carefully end promptly compounded. Storeformerly occupied by 3. Etheridge A. 13. BURNS, Mont rot.. March 43,1870. AMOS NICIIuLS. 1.-17 I'. STAMP, -e =ICI GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Flour, Salt, Butter, Pork, Lard. Bard, Salt Fish, Tallow, Camila*, Crackers. Cheese, Coffee, Spleen, Choke • Tea, Snits, Mee, Dried and Canned Fruit-. Tobacco. Clore, Snuff. and all other articles uatuillikep!, la II ant dam Grocery and Provision Store. We will mark our Goodaaa low as we em afford, and foccush,yr eschana9 for grsalase, _ PATRONAGE' NOLICITED NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS . . The auiwcribera are now receiving from New York neer and freak static or GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, sebleit win tte /old et it to Itrare for duds. Among the uumerous artiales me 7 befoond Flour, Happ, ,Driect,BW, &fated I.!dllfig, Cod fid, Lit;siiekt, Teas. Coffee, Snare, Rice, Mace, Worstenbire ffaacc Canned Peaches, Peet, Pine Applea,9teeetCmn, Tom' toes, Quinces, and Plum Coma, Psalms, Extract Lemon, ete. ate- All kinds of APICES, Citron, Orange Peet. ete. • CROCKERY k GLASSWARE. A No 1 Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. etc. ofArtaiehtran be ararranted as first this good►. and buoy. In addition to Ow (homey trade. we bare purehasol Gee. C. Hire New. Office, where you tan find • godd *election of Stationery, Book', Daily. Weekly and Monthly Papers. Magazines. Book' and papers not on hand will be ordered sad furnished on abort notice with out extra char,. Spada' care giv es to °Nees, No horn. ble to show pooda—so drop In and sot for ycauselreo. lllrGoode delivered without extra ebarge. 11. J. Wenn, I C. M. Um WB L. GEHL. Montroae. May 18. 18:11. br RE t5b.743, " We have put received an Moon:tient of Lake and Mound Vineyard Wines, from Mean. Wilson, Morrow rt. Chamberlin, New York, which for &knee. and flavor they say ere unsurpassed, and that purchasers can rely upon their parity—being free from ammeratimm Of Illy kind. The trod, mark. of the Arm appears upon every bottle. both on Meet and seal. . . _ . . BURNS & NICHOLS. Montrope.Feh 3,18113.—y QCRANTON 1..7 'STEAM COFFEE & SPICE MILLS. All kinds of Pare Spieeh. C. W. KIRKPATRICK it CO. Wholesale Dealers In TE.1.8, COPPERS, wit's.% ItitYSTAUD. CREAM TARTAR, &e. No. 517 Lackawanna Avenue,' a few doom east of the Wyoming House. We irrlnd all our Spices and Coffee, Coffee roasted and ground to order, at the shortest no tice, and as cheap as in any city. C. W. KIRKPATRICK, H. S. SEARLE. Scranton, Sept. 21, 1870.—Sin llTvll dust OXl ta t t.h rW VIST w .;zu ncm tios aIIMTORICD. Cntva Irria.te C1LLE0041 . 1;41.-torr on the radical ewer, (with out, a:ancies] craranicatotuuttea. Or Ortahrial Weak. ness.lsrolawary Seminal Lo.res. tarcrratcy. Mental oud Ftyvteal Incapacity: Impediments 10 Martine. ete4B .l l° ., Eplbisay, and. Fits. Wawa by reo to alit or sexual exttavairieca. . • • 'Price, In a sealed envel , pe. Intl7 B 446111 ; The celebrated author. to tAte intuitable cagy. clear. IY nemultsbotta from thirty years'. successful tolot , Ice. that the alarming cottuttrotes of sett-abase way radically Cared without the dangerous rise of interwal rbedirloe or the application Of the knife • by moos of . which every sufferer, pa matter what bliconsiltloo stay be: nom cure DI tarelf,cliesPlY•PlifulelY radicn#y. taltrlbto Leetore ettoulo De to the mode of Mil ticath., aid Mau in the land. • & , ' Cnt ' "der net. In • plata envelope, to anyaildrees . 00 wept e s t i cents, or two poet sumits. "Itintogo Guide, " Poi $ 5 '41 " 441" &114.4. . , Bdiimv. Ire* yokit. Pod Oita Mr Aug. m. r t y TO PHYSICIANS. Nam Toms. Angled 16tH. 188/. Allow me to e ell your ■ttcnllon to my Preparation of COMPOUND EXTRACT of BUCHU. The etmiponent parts are Bean, Long Leaf Cubebe. Juniper Burins. Mons o► PIIMPABATION,—Bacbt. to sumo Juniper Berries, by distillation. to ferm a fine gin. Cubebs es• traded by displacement with spirits obtained from Janlper Berries ; very little augur to used, and a small proportion of splrlt. It is more palatable, than any now to ate. Hochn, as prepared by Druggists. Is of • dark color. it is • plant that emits its (flagrance ; the action of • Same destroys this (Ito active principle). leaving a dark and glutinous decoct I n. Mine Is the color of In. gredienta. The /inch*, in my preparation predomin ates; the smallest quantity of the other Ingredients aro added, to prevent fermentation ; upon inspection, it will be found not to be • 'I Ina:tore. as made In Stier. macopses. nor to it a Syrup—and therefore an be used In CZ.. whets fever Of indamtnation exist. In this you hams the knowledge of the ingredients sod ths mode of preparation. Hoping that you wlll hem no with • *Ashland fiat upon losnectlon It will meet with your approbatkos. With a feeling of confidence. I am, very respectfully, It. T 1161.111110LD, Chemist and Druggist of 111 years experience. (From the largest Manufacturing Chemists an the World.) Notrustens 4'1154 I am acquainted With Mr H. T. ; he oc cupied the Drug Siore opposite my resideuce. •nd war successful in condualec floe buainess where others had not be• n equally cc before him. I have been favora bly Impressed with hie character and enturprire." WILLIAM WEIGIIMIA N. Firm of Pawn. A Welghtman. Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Wawa Streets, Philsdef phla. ILELIEDOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUI:IIU for weaknetenrialor from trotiveretion Tbe exhanet p•barere Of Nature ws•ich a t StretllpSrliCdi hy era Ma o, alarming Provo:ono, among which will he found in. dig:molt ion to Exertion, Loes ufiltemory, Weitetoineer Ilerror of Disease, or Perchodinga of feet, troivereal, Prootration, and Inability to .h -ter Into the enjoyments of enclety. The Como notion. ones affect: d with Ot genie Went neer • require. the aid oflieditine to rtnengthen and in rigornte the, which P.. P. STAMP Invariably deer. It no treatment la rubmttted to, Con samption or Ineanity ensues. tletaraol.cia nano ErmaOr sr Somer. lo affection. waffler w females, le alleVoaled by aneotber p pa ration, a. In Chlorroia, or goteollon, er rinporeaelon et coatomary evacuations. Ulcerated or Setteee state of the Clem, and :art complaints lad dent to the sex, or the decline or change of life. ffelnabobra Extract Buchu and li»proref lirfll rndlisily exterminate from the system diseases •rl -tng from helots of dlssipstlon, et litt,e expense, Hole or nn change In diet, no Inennnentenre or exposure : pope-selling thaw nnplesufnt and danger one remedies, Copaira and Mercury, In ell theta diseas es. Use lielmbnld's Flakiltmel of Ductal in ill Maass reef these wring. whether existing In male or female. from whatever cave" orag•.nating. and no matte• of how long manding. It la plaavant In mate and odor, • • im mediate" in amino. and more mrengthening than any preparations of Barker Iron. ?hose rofferlag from broken down or denture toast! tattoos, procure the remedy of once. The reader mart be insure that, however slight may be the attack of the above disesteem, It le certain to at feet the bodily health and manila powers, All the above dlseues require the aid of a Diuretic, HELMBOINS EXTRACT BUCHU SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYIF7IRRE. Prier, 01.25 per Dottie-43 Bottles *0.50. Delivery! to any address. Describe impious to all communications. Address U. T. AELNIBOLD. Ding and Chemical Wareboaut, 994 Smodway, N. Y. igricone ane 'canine wilco done up In ideal regrew Rnipper, wltk 46111/8.111011 my Mended Watenettee andalinand • Janip, 18:0.-17. , „ , 8. T. EUILIDDLIN 11111JIDOLD'S EITBACT 138C110 Rose Wash 1. the Great Dleat Diuretic. .. ..-,i Po4 llo4 ',lktivatigin,tidl. 3. 'W. MICirMIXIDEi REMOVED -' NEW • ST9RE, NO. 82 WASHINGTON STREET; -I Vint Door North of tbe. Oily Natlonla Write. SPLENDID,, STOCK, Brilliant Display ! lW.maflfl DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. BEST CLOCKS IN THE MARKET. SILVER WATCHES, FRENCH. SWISS AND AMERICAN GOLD WATCHES, Of ail Stiles, and sold CHEAPER THAN ELSE WHERE I have also the best mid most complete stock of SOilD SILVER AND PLATED WARE Prom the hest sod most popular molter., Nose good► have alrett perfect sattstsetion to my patted's. for the past doe years. The stock will Me found the best veer oPerMijo Binghamton. et will_ all times will be kept t ali ted complete, conslatleg of SOLID SILVER TABLE WARE, TABLE AND TEA SPOONS, :unix RLNGS, YORKS, ts., together with all the varieties of Plated We:come11.11 1 Tea Sena, Cake Basketai Napkin z it brim Gistairs., • likiree, Forks, Spoons, of Single, Double, Treble end quedruple Plate. YY SPLENDSD STOCK 07 • - 8 0 1116247Cr1ir 4131111:31,012/1111 was never woes camplats. and l ant soaking coo ant daily addlitlogs Mall WO new Nov. cities of the Beason. ALL MY GOODS AS RBITESENTED Per farther proof of thisLrefer to. , O. W non-rums.. , LEWIS RICYYOIIII. T. R )41103AN; 41:13. 1 3t1.1-. 4 . D. MUNSON. ,W.,LAGRANO2. 0 B. DUSEKEI NERSERFAO. WILEY attsl, U. CIW4 n Vitatlgillitunligrau PLEASE CALL and =AMINE OUR GOODS, AT 82 Washingtph.,St,': BINGHAMTON, N. P. I F. TOZER,. Nov. 8.1869.-0 HOWAIM SANITAttII ASSOCT•. AVON, , ~. • H For the 11 Pli e Drpt:Teli t r i lita r ViiVtli tTP " P " t - 6471 . Zamora on the Emmet' Yonitrand the irollies'off Age,' tolelation to Martine and Social Milt; with aanitary old for the afflicted. Sent free, tr, lauded egyea. drew HOWARD I SIMWLSTION, Sot y.,llffaclelol4., . •, PEBBI.F, moo Spectacles.* nevrisapply, for Sale , Montrose. Nov. S A LUMP. • BEL TURIIEL.' NEW WALL PAPEII,. , Jan arrived. and sallied ' •.• Mantra°, dpf)Pdfl. ABM. , 4valkE4l4 k • ittEi BEAM .1111Ei—Yonr hthree. may barn next. Seek midge ateacej, either la the • seta rtti, ' • • 1330.000 og mabuttan, . . -4400,00000! North American, . t • ammo co agtover. - - t 5 0.„, " •oo',too 'lir ••, eackoou al' Ginn!, Philadelphia, Entetpriae, . Or Norwich, Coca., chattonal 1144111 ft, therddisf Dada CO:. In C.Vianorficut Allot the above are 014 estsidlobed e drips class Coeupsalek sure. sad rellelldo, ballad •belzi: tried sad provea. meteolt out for. Odle tea wild at tom, puttee springing ups!! over 'Lbil ecenetry just to 'make. 'mosey. Call or rend goof applies:lam ad' 1. Ida: MO that you, are fairly dealt sith wEimir : Life sad Accident Insaralre ellatitet,'. the o mar!.W: D. La rk, Esq.. Neatens.. . s, , • , 11 , 4 PA. *-g! FRUIT Jess JARB Ibrissleiry A. MUM& .; 17: .,t r:;; ;;1. i kBEL TURRELL, 1517i1G01.87; jtolatOSE, Ze arntinnally 42747.117.--c NEW GOODS. cContitintly on hanCtiAxil ahlfdoitiattfe at sortmeukul gcnulac DItUI33,FIKEDICIMES, , CIVIIII ., .14a708e..„ Paints, 01li, Dze-Stalln, Took.Optces, and other Om eerie., Stone Ware, .Wdll and Window Pape4 Mock ware, Pratt Jar., Mirrors. Lampe. Cbtaineyn, Am non°. Machinery ,O 1 1. Winters' Oil. Nesietoot 011 , Re- Mimed Whicle 011,18 porta Oct, Otire Olt, fiptrltlitirpen tine.ltatnionts. (linty EteWVlnemar.Putarh.Owacma• crated 140. Ante ctrenc.e, Trroirek. Bopporters,litedical Instratntatt:Mtionine_r , Itracee,'Whlpr, On, , Pletolo, Cartridges, .Powder; Mbar,- Lima, GOD' Cep, Mutin g Powder and Pose, Vccili no, Solar., Bows. etc. Pikes, Firm etc.;Elelrllooketindrtinik,Mnr and Toilet Swaim Hair 011 n, Hair Reidorert.. , and- Daly lityce..llrashei Pocket EDIVO., Spectselet,Silver Pleted Spoonn,Porks: Halves. die. Dc.ctlit-lirticinaja gene's! assoetiacas ot FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY. and PERFIIiIIGIT t!!co Ivzdyng a!l,(l,hti,lltllidicot," In short. tworly every thing to sestoteihe itch, to please the 14E44 .toxlci lgltt ihu 57ve4t analt i thOule i , and alto to conduce to the real and substant onsdetts et 11(...._.F.onluerutteu Is Impructitable. as tt would all •I/WW I P 4 PFrs, Gun levthe Drug andliorittyBtaas ut ABEL TUTIRELL. Montrose, Jon. a, 1870. EAlt3r 'FOE SALE I • The subscriber offers for alio. his Farm, attune in the cast part cities? Milford torrnrhlp, containing . ONE HITNOTtED AND2SEVENTYITHRIMACISI3. 125 arr. , Impnercd, well watered by rpr tap. tad • man creek. There are two hone.... one new. and three barns, oneestwevand.otheroutballdlnowanril The land not Impnwedi• heavily timbered. Terms made crow. ' Por retailer .intormotion call on or addlese the pubcrfher et New. Milford, Snag's Co, Pa. Nbr.lo, 8869.—tf " JACOB %TATMAN. -1 THOM) 131:PAYN'S `Fir , e, e,:pirimetturA— GENEßAL INSCRANCE AGENCY, • "Thlallarrosse. =EI bAPITALIirIiFsENTED:Over ituraeltinonenee Co. of N. Y., Capitaland Surplus, $4,000,0t0 lneutmei Co.'of forth America; Phil`a; Capital and Surptus, • 0.000,0X1 IPlAntthn Fire insurance Co., Phila, Pa., 'Capital and Surplus, • 1,600,000 LycorninirCounty Minna/annum:me Cki.of Money. Penu'u. Capital and ourplus, 4,000.000 Fanner'. kiataulinourance Co. York, Pa., Capital and burplua,„„, 700,000 Connecticutilutuul/Jfe insuranCerti.” pl Hartford. Conn.. paying lib per cent. dividends to the assured. The notes given.for half the premium is sayerro • be paid under any circumstances,. be policy will tiwayr be paid in full. ;Hid. tin:notes given up. Capital. 11,0010.000 American Lile insurance Co., Pbiladel. phia, Capital. .. • .i.000,e00 TravidereltiouranreCo nartfoid, Coon— lamming adalnat all kinds of accidents ' Capital,- • Ilartrottl Fire Inoutance Company. hart- -- ford coon . Copt's, and Sorplns. Putnam Fire in surance co.. Hartford. Ct., . . Capital, `'' Hartford Live Stoct Inaartonet.Cotrspamr. Ingorance on lan lx I oli• el I.lvr Stock, amine( th eft ond' deattaqram , any " • •eanae. Capital, ' • ' ••• $17.0t10,000 rW — Allhuelnc.. coo -opted in °Promo .111 be intrud ed to op fall tem.. and 111 100.. c t ,, prom ptlLAdjosted farlitace.dratddvor op-1 fro 6 rtankLozdalee of W. H. Cooper S Co., Toropikoc.t., id on Livia. P's. STROUD Yc BROWN, Ammts. ' At. C. Reran, nog:, FrioroOaville4l3ollettnr. CRAP. H. Sarni; Yonttore, r . do • a tittLincoa STnnro, Cuestas L. Meows! • llontroro, . . DOW N . TOWN N .11 !NEB .4 ND 00.4 TS, • stain Strea. 5 dour, below 114d'• Corner. Mooteete .14 lakee L'RU 17,WP.N4S. Wears, constantly rec Irina! nd now have omitted, s fresh stock of iioods In our Ilt e, which are wlllsell • faitAP! Clit'Af"tz "CHEAP!' • - i6k 7 eikh.43,44.ha o orirodecet ' • ' 49(suo-reti.s; 7 4.7 • 7 - “ COP/ , '/Vfi,', ArOLASsRS,' ,P0Pe,....1 7 15L1;:t:;112.p.; • • • 11,4MS,(Diitel),.111b7TS,. rLOVER k 7'1,110711kY, SEED, dcr. ni , n hove renttAdand made Addltionoto nni4ntoek of Nils and Are ng7r,rendz v tr iptatd IlAter tbe het t nninm)AAtntihnntorte te W .r rit: I ftti of eNMge. And inAketinsind. , tei-einuis T•rmixtilinaoty.)•_, . Call and romtinewnr , lwek heron. pnrchominA Alga where Rmi^nnainrc rnnrorivro GOOD QUALIT-1 7 -I,OW PRICES C. O.MINER,, - 11.1x0roi , e. Aprll.llCll49 lIUNT BROTHEIRS,LIG SCRANTON. PA. W,hoiesarcra Rant) .IYeattrrqin.j • , lIAIttIW Alt E, fr.o St 14:EL, ill! I I.l)Elt'S Tat.iArc-Ai japs #4lb, c GCS TERSIZNIC,d ,RAELSPIKES RAILIIO.4 d'Mhyr,l, SUPPE! . CARRIAGE: SPRENGO, LAX/IL:1 #1 SATELVIV.ASO , BOXES, Bohn, SOTS and., IVAS/1/ 1 / 9 .. PLATED' BANDS: MALLEABLE , IRONS.-11U118-SPUER4 , PELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, DOITS, — de, ANVIL:3I' I / I MS; STOCKS' &Al DIREI. BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES, S'lLESat.e.B.c _ CIRCULAR AND El ILL SA WS, TIFETIN 0, PACKING TACKER 'BLOCKS, PLASTER +PARIS CHM ENT. HAIR & GRINDSTONES, FRENCH W INDOW GLASS. LITATTIEIT6TINDINGS P A !RBA SIKAIkSCIA LES ierantnn. M,rrh ?A !MI 1 • FURNITURE ESTABLISIIMENT rr„ OF wit.l.J.4.g P 1.11•111. Tema Nonce: The., extealltre•.Forniture Esta.slishment of %%Intent W. Smith, having been reamed Madan:4oy improved, the proprietor respect. folly annopuccs to the citizens of Montrose and skint. ty, that he Is constantly making and keeps on hand the largest and Pt best npesortntentgof ICT IgrelEr 3F eIERLNIE3II' toliolonodanywheitlitsilde of Scarltirt ' Desks, Olviens, Tonelraeks,,,,Loung,cp„ Fo . plet,ntals &AL , Cede.). Card, Pter. Toilet. Tinto g., Kitchen and . • ~ Inttattsion tahles,• t.' !Clutiaa.r-Calul 504 pionitelt- -flaCkers. Ca e, Yin and Woodsents of every variety and .tyle. SiltadendTete•n.teten, :fityplabed shots itiorst,,— Caw? seat claire rceeated, . PittN .33tIS,r; A litigeimm'ortment—ch4tneet In the iitarltei, ,Cane Beat •Chairs..,,,, , • I anOnwenlibledtn.4opplY My futower*Wlttl a sew substantial clime seat chair. of home mannfacture,vehlett , 'greatly superior to those lformerly In trintypt, and Y" 4M sold alt O , vis r d 4 Y F n ti.EAT f , "11:‘1,18,_4 1 (111-$,RAX4VD. 7.4eaply made todlne on hapd or furnished at short Mated. ?Maw after rnitiVeadinese I f 'desired. I employ none but careful and experienced workmen. !intend to do no work well, and sell it as low as ran be afforded. WlLLlAMnirowlAatiTt) Mon krosu, „ . „ ; • ptraFituitJO s."' - ', 1 . -- w? /1,6! tk • ,E WA.AT,WR , (I I I ,, WV:BRANI)YwditigIcd strictly pure : and a varlety other... Brandies, Including Cherry Brandt elder-Thandy:Ce:APSurlfallihUditrt",` sant ktrultot nom, Efullad,fitn. old Aire anCllotptun Whtskr7. • Akan!, Pais Bay 141 m, ac., cotiftent• browiulo.ll44l Montrosi. March lattt„lB69. Cifiltsi*EM3*kfEtr at TURRELT,'S. PATENT $60.000.000 1=1:1 , V "," IC A LS, S I IC._ ES, - SHOVELS, :MEM 1111M111111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers