6ountg §ttoincoo fiactorg. nod lines in thicDireetcn, onastem:,sl.6o—e auk athaintal iina;'so d& NEW MILFO lL L. KOSS, 3CO , Dealer" In Dry' Oood•, Elats,Cepa. and Shoo", and Ovacral tatielcaoSlae, co lath, stmt, second dam below the Syncopal amen. • [MOS HOTEL. kepctry *ULM' 611.1T11. on Math street. noir ehe Depot.—• I.4ItOtiOLA6 11111067[xRER. Armi for Leifer' danhle Tett , line, Be■t Inlet *tom] In ave. datief■ctlon raaoateoda .• utensilsEAP, Fon6rT. owl drawler In Plow! aml other . one door t% from Pianney's Ilet.d, MAW bt. N. P. IMUSIBICTI. Cini!Apt Vakrt and Utudeitn Vail:L*2mM. tiro d.qt! b4iow..llairlres bony XeOOttITIOBRDTUI RL Male= to Oneonta and Peoglefous, as VIOIO-ottool..* • • a..arotairs.a, SON. Dratera tuArknat. Read. Mead. Salt. 1..1ne, Cement, On:acetic* and Praorlalotas 410 Street, opPgaltll tR Depot. W i T. HAYDEN. Neonlecturers of Mara nod Wboleul. deniers la, Yankee Notions and Fancy Goode. on Mein etteebt.. below Spiel:opal Chorea. • litoals a REAP. - 140ellara,illannfactarers and dualar. la Monne., Findings; de.. mow Episcopal Church. • AINET_It 11071E151.. Ileiteiv In Dm", and'Xt-dlct•tro, 164111imattcturtAllrqf ors Mato IStrcet, Dear Ilia !MOT ' • ErrgryfftleB: Ilene Slioeleth sod ceekethi itefediethlt oo Math Were', e‘44to of the brit. ge. DIGRESS/MLA N. Jo.. Dotter lei general goerclutedrse and Clothing, Brick Store, on *tin Stmt. _ . WHIPPLE & *HAD, Dnler.tn pzerallforclumdlor on Yalu Street. • o. w. nnwure. Dealer in weettel Iterttietellee, on Maio street, opposite PitiOnefe Hetet. GREAT B L. le general et. LEMIEUX. lianatretarer nt Leather, sad dealer 10lercllasill re . cm Male Street.* P. F. DORAN. Welthatit Tailor and droller In Ready Waite etattaltrc, Oa7 GoodiaGracerlaa and Pawahriona, Male Street.. LENOXVILLE. lllaAll WilITll. Maio dater and dealer ha avert er Men tad Castiap. FIMM IDW ARO- BRTAXT. Minilfgeturesicac Wavn. •ed I.lClf the togallIt• Store. ' 3tONTROSE. TDRALL., Doler In Digo. Iledle4wes. Lf OM, Dye Strar. Oroecriee. Jewelry Dwp, 21, "70 WEBB - GRIM New* Office. and dealers in Orneer les aad Prorham.Ceaekerl. eta. A•eaa /AIMS S. CAMIALT. Attorney at Law. Ocoee one boor below 'rubell noose. Peibllc A•enue. • Wit 11 COOPER d CO.. I;l4.lntom sell Foreign Par rag, Tick t and Drafts on England. Ireland And Seat lanelr J. ft. FUSTCHEIrReatteg &dorm tor theptsce to VI lee Cream. Ornate and Clams; to every irqte- to alitto duvet. IrrUOVID .t. rnolcr. Gerentt Fire *veldt. two, note Acosta: Wen. roil italtrniid and Accident Ticket. to Yaw. Totteil Ptilladrlpßia. °Mee One dour earl :, ' "ALE/. -_. -': All that eartaittplev ovparvetnljetasit to in the Township of Lgthrop. in the:oZ of Susguethanneana State ofPetiosylvanf ed and4learribedi to.wit i Ors the rui . of Elisha-Bell, nrithethat by ) ,'...lanifg% a Befl, og the sobth,by binds of Elledus :Me 1,.• d the west by the publie-Ifigthway, Coif ing one hareem of land be Berne more Or lef, with the appnetinances one small-frarailjinfise and all impwriiiid. • [Taken in eirentW' at the suit of P. W, Griggs, assigned to•E; W. r Smith and C. O Tiffany, vs. Harlon Quick.) ALSO. , All that certain piece or parcel ot land situate in the township of New Milford. In she danty ofliinstmehanna, and State of PennaylVelils, bounded and described as follows, to.ll4;:flegln-, Ming at a point in the highway, the northeast corner of lot now or formerly in posseasietrat Albert Hazelton, thence along the centre - of said highway north 65 and one fourth degrees east 6 and 5 tenths perches, thence north 77 degrees east 32 perches, thence north 57 degrem east 27 and seven tenths perches, thence north 67 de grees east 8 6-10 perches to corner in said mad, thence south 43 and 1.4 degrees east 78 perches to stake and Stones for corner, thence south 45 de-. greet west 80 perches to corner, thence noith 43 and M degrees west 105 and 5-10 perches to 'the place of beginning. Containing 45 acresand 14 perches of lend, be the same more or less; ex cepting always neverthetets therefrom certain reservations as to bark as expressed in a certain contract ; with the appurtenances one thane house, one frame barn, some fruit trees, and about 23 acres unproved. (Taken in execution at the Suit of Serah Eizabetb Pratt, Guar, vs. Theron Wellman and wife.] All that certain piece or-parcel of land situate in the township of lierrir_,k in the county of Susquehanna and State eiPennarbramiri, bound ed and described as follows, to wit On the north by hinds of Morse Nichols & Co., on the east by lands of Morse, , Aiahots & Co., on the southby lands of Merse:NPlmita Co., end Is rael Round, and on the West by: lands of John Meyers. Containing about twenty=fivoneres of land, be the same more or kus, with tho Appur tenances, two name houses/ twc barns, imme fruit tom, and till Improved; [Teenlp execu tion e thefOr C. prp. Roberts t: Anton 'Ed isrardig • 1:',; MI, T. MOXLEY, Sheriff. Sbesiff's Oftlee, Mourn:se, Oct. 18711- A GOOD DAIRY AND GRAM- FARM FOR SALE.' Uoroes Rirctiont offers hts . Farm for 'lda situated in the township of Forest , Lake, • ihtsguebannis. Vounty . . , Pa., tingles from Mont rose;COnVielVaeres,of itatrakof whither's a good state of cultivation, !Ns tkrurasatains one full bearing orchard e. rftiid *UK, and obi) young °MIAMI* begin gto boas ; a.good emnfortablelarre house porspJiatn POP , bats .4 1 4.4 1 . 1 b* PMfmoll. requffed tp,goodlanner ; we l fenced, Well wateredow stream of never fail ing spring water running at the door. It is just such a farm as a good dairy needs, being well located for dr o rturasea It is altuated.bo. mlialkom st 061.1 111 PloPAbitoutdMah -- .odist thumtusv. For terms ete.. aaaress Mil& BIRCH - AR* Pttrust bare,fluit;: „. Co. Pa, 1 T4,.‘L13(?..T_!t, 07 GROCERIES &- MlOl4lOll roar, Balk Caddo, Ceadfreis, Cheese. CoireS.Spiciii,Cblifew Tau, 1140)se Ales Dyfed ADA Canner - • 7 TONICCO. :CCM. ; # 11212 :. and all o th er helleles OW, keoin si"Criit thus Ofeeesei - • We 43Pide as low se Weake Wok sell format, at excbsuge for peplum-, r PAT 7 ONAG7ettIOLIVITER.I TALB4ter apilik. Mailue.e. &opt. 92, 3slo.—tf Guaenbery, Rosenbaum d Co Would respoctildly call your Mlle:atom to Moir riz is ? yr 13c1. Fall and Winter Goods, which for variety of Styles never has been excelled in thit place. Out awnortment of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOAKING ' , WATERT/kW, FkAN NELS, DOMESTICS,!&c. , a, • : c.; Never Webs .13ottor. IN MILLINERY GOODS, Trimmed and nottboarod7 ladles' and Child's .110., rovers, Postbero, block and colored V,Prets, Ribbons, be. to. never more baudoome. iN Ladies' and Children's FURNISHING GOODS, Skirts. corsets, Gknes, liandieerehiets. Collnr*lmd Cans, Merlon Wrapper', UoSiel7 sod Knit Goods, chcaper than for the tail ten pars. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING t •' • • F For Msg. Youth., and Boys. • nail and romplct• atone Yau'• fall mine from /In to $3O. OVERCOATS 1 OVERCOATS 1 OVERCOATTO Ota the dl re grades; arse et all pliers. CLOTHS, oessuaßßEs. usevidts, 'te. for Custom We take veteesistes adilgt. op garments-1e order W good style, sad warl.qt goo!:1 and sacteractory work. GUMS FGRNISIIING GOODS White and 1 lannel.Bblrts, Merino Wrappers 8 Draw ers. lisndUeruhleta. BOWS. LICI.II and Paper t.! liars & Cuffs, suspenders. Oloscs, i.:Lobrelits., Trunks & 6 4.144 - els in grest v.arlety. BATS AND CAPS For Yon andltort, of tbo latest MI. and In great Vet ell. OtteEtttierhes lilt wtrb aureAustistrvebar out goods le Large queututee we frequently WIC horn 10 to SI per teat. In bayluz. As we ask solemn)! a mar. We *bore axims• eepd“lee eeft ee witiAakeom eee AwIT Proleserit oo6- tentelima sad sin Inake•At. Na yeautulend,ta ataiwritht,ite,. . .•: We glib 121Algtestios ous ittck,diad ecanpsrison of priers. • • Sentrese, Oct. MO. 2.11a17 7 ' ' rica.savi 211 T :ABEL TUltittc , ratups ~ s; um:OmFA In and beigtogis egpteial nttentthii to 'ye letting rittlift:k otteyti ,14 , , ,leptiiistie . nt that; aft P ro n ajC;is iiiregif variety of LIQUORS AND WINES, bought either direct from the dirtlller, or importer, and warrented ewer') POINI I I ttrry dire. a ibii snurtitietitt Pete.. reheil . tr.r, 4 44M,Ntlityg WlOA4gribia, sod ammaration, A DAS .1141443 ori3old *pd. a l iiier • IMinglAY rtifettri etv. Y.nkea NOTIONP4c-oinl o4lergq4 wo DV- Illertnill to orentialf. During surreal yesri 'past prrsqn, htme Tirea In tbo turn% or running evil:4.l"nd Mulling lathe Oxirt.A rntrl. tin Tarfkortivater, New.Nork..tuettretr.ElPP/lus 4.Tha and Coffer, fur family use. • Abel Terrell Is Dow sepptying•the people with these Teas and coffees, at his .to iu idoutriouott.th4e ! ffill prices that these clubs and usher perorate' pat at Ilia *torn of the Compaoy to New 1 ark. Than, pnrchaerre will ease the entre.' charge. trouble of clubbing and risk of studio& by baytog of ABEL VURRSLI.,, Montrose, Pa CITRAYMPrOR ATOLEN .r . ~;- 0 4 -!`rrbball4 6usis ) oPthe BfitimiitArd 411911 tight red ,90.1 Y. While Attick..witltg slim, neck„ burns burns droop a little bebiod,,splue, sliptly'kUrtred„. - Ariy person Until trill give me intormation as to where die is will' 'be suitably rewarded. 4.1.,EW1S WRITER. New Milford, Oct. IflBr.--4 • o';',-ar.'artlolloiltS withOzt atWfor cincniaf s.. oa, . Cromwell; coati: • NOTICE Notice bete* tlfai r bare ildir day purcbased 3 large browdbouse at Constable sale In Niebolson,r:sold: , as the property of Ebenezer Rosalie, aflame left abe same in poet 'tension 414) RozelbSdming my pleasure. -Gro. POLHAIIA3. Sept. SD, 186 . 0.-11 5• -- AB E T Trfli fit l. 0:0 ~s;•` i 1 7• tra Jed i tettorgd i ma h*e*n*ttikibgii k ' it aataatowt acts coda ) *sacral...No. i lk MOIL ds - f cz.E. THE CHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY - " 1 "• W AM M W B -4 1.1E 9 11? .g' & V t N EG BTtERS. xpfts TUAI*I3OO,OOO ?MORO tirtitoony. to Mott Wonder: Carattve Effect.. o S ; ° c t 7.1 .t = e" B . <7 .. . 0 lie ,re , I I 2 1. TA I " ....„ ..,., f , 2 g-!' ~'• .I. 4 ~ 4 1. ii .s.--. - ~......;.i..E, ' 4l —. 9 -e• '. ri. ' •of rof. Ps ;, : - 1: 21.i,.riaii.it .DRINI .5 . • -;" . ... Made of Poor num, Witialary, junta Stilelua