6ountg §ttoincoo fiactorg. nod lines in thicDireetcn, onastem:,sl.6o—e auk athaintal iina;'so d& NEW MILFO lL L. KOSS, 3CO , Dealer" In Dry' Oood•, Elats,Cepa. and Shoo", and Ovacral tatielcaoSlae, co lath, stmt, second dam below the Syncopal amen. • [MOS HOTEL. kepctry *ULM' 611.1T11. on Math street. noir ehe Depot.—• I.4ItOtiOLA6 11111067[xRER. Armi for Leifer' danhle Tett , line, Be■t Inlet *tom] In ave. datief■ctlon raaoateoda .• utensilsEAP, Fon6rT. owl drawler In Plow! aml other . one door t% from Pianney's Ilet.d, MAW bt. N. P. IMUSIBICTI. Cini!Apt Vakrt and Utudeitn Vail:L*2mM. tiro d.qt! b4iow..llairlres bony XeOOttITIOBRDTUI RL Male= to Oneonta and Peoglefous, as VIOIO-ottool..* • • a..arotairs.a, SON. Dratera tuArknat. Read. Mead. Salt. 1..1ne, Cement, On:acetic* and Praorlalotas 410 Street, opPgaltll tR Depot. W i T. HAYDEN. Neonlecturers of Mara nod Wboleul. deniers la, Yankee Notions and Fancy Goode. on Mein etteebt.. below Spiel:opal Chorea. • litoals a REAP. - 140ellara,illannfactarers and dualar. la Monne., Findings; de.. mow Episcopal Church. • AINET_It 11071E151.. Ileiteiv In Dm", and'Xt-dlct•tro, 164111imattcturtAllrqf ors Mato IStrcet, Dear Ilia !MOT ' • ErrgryfftleB: Ilene Slioeleth sod ceekethi itefediethlt oo Math Were', e‘44to of the brit. ge. DIGRESS/MLA N. Jo.. Dotter lei general goerclutedrse and Clothing, Brick Store, on *tin Stmt. _ . WHIPPLE & *HAD, Dnler.tn pzerallforclumdlor on Yalu Street. • o. w. nnwure. Dealer in weettel Iterttietellee, on Maio street, opposite PitiOnefe Hetet. GREAT B L. le general et. LEMIEUX. lianatretarer nt Leather, sad dealer 10lercllasill re . cm Male Street.* P. F. DORAN. Welthatit Tailor and droller In Ready Waite etattaltrc, Oa7 GoodiaGracerlaa and Pawahriona, Male Street.. LENOXVILLE. lllaAll WilITll. Maio dater and dealer ha avert er Men tad Castiap. FIMM IDW ARO- BRTAXT. Minilfgeturesicac Wavn. •ed I.lClf the togallIt• Store. ' 3tONTROSE. TDRALL., Doler In Digo. Iledle4wes. Lf OM, Dye Strar. Oroecriee. Jewelry Dwp, 21, "70 WEBB - GRIM New* Office. and dealers in Orneer les aad Prorham.Ceaekerl. eta. A•eaa /AIMS S. CAMIALT. Attorney at Law. Ocoee one boor below 'rubell noose. Peibllc A•enue. • Wit 11 COOPER d CO.. I;l4.lntom sell Foreign Par rag, Tick t and Drafts on England. Ireland And Seat lanelr J. ft. FUSTCHEIrReatteg &dorm tor theptsce to VI lee Cream. Ornate and Clams; to every irqte- to alitto duvet. IrrUOVID .t. rnolcr. Gerentt Fire *veldt. two, note Acosta: Wen. roil italtrniid and Accident Ticket. to Yaw. Totteil Ptilladrlpßia. °Mee One dour earl <attic Bantu P R. MUNI - VAIL Gerwrui Inavactec and /3eiving lda rainy Avnt. Public Avenue! BMWS S NICILIKA, the rlsen to vt.lbragsand.ll.lll cmr,Ctrftrt., T.lbscon. Mee. P.1 , -.4 1 ....*A4 specta• Vsukce Nathan., Iv—. Public Mame. Best fall apples, Ira Carpenter, $1 Second best, Frank Hine, 50 Best winter apples, Ira Carpenter, 1 Second best, John Craft, 50 Best winter squash B. M. Lindsey, 50 I " punkins. J. N. Potter. 50 a head: erbbage. E. N. French, no " 12 Onions, W. W. Esterbrook, 50 ' 1 " 13 beets, Jacob Clark, 50 , - 6 tomatoes, .1. K. Gamble, 50 ! - sit greaest varitvies veg's IV. W. Wilmarth 1 , Secou,ci i byt, J. N. i!o,tt,cr„ . 50 'Closs ; tit!. 'Baiter, Chte and Bread.' Best firkin butter. Mrs. J. W. Lewis, 0 ttiail butter. Mrs. A. Van Buskirk, 8 .1 ~ ' A base, Mrs. A.' T. enrrel., -- - •': ' ' 0 But arbittta.M.ra...llL,l:ll4.. .• 2' iieeondbest Mrs. 11t. C. Conklin; 1 . 1 Best roil butter, Mrs. J.' 8, PeCkbant, ,' . . 2 1441464 -best Mk!' FiirtK r i.Teulf,', • . 1 lbws cheese, Jim. 'N. P. Clotho, 3 -------0. sew A.-- -- Second NNW, Mrs. AstAldrich, . 2 Best loaf wheat bread, Mrs. WillardWilmarth 50 Tenspertinest Leeturea. loaf Graham bread Miss Kate Ayres, 50 The Rev. Thos. Roberts will address the ; •• l o af Indian bread, Mrs. K. M. Norris, 50 Citizens on the subject of Temperance at the' - Soda laimenits. Miss Mary Bagley, 50 following placzas,4.,,, , , .. 1 Cla.4Bth! l ruit.Orr',- WM6 tbitrairney. Wedenulay erecting. 'Clci'letl;, lit E. Church New Milford. • Best eider vinegar, John M. Leslie, 50 Thursday evenin Oct. 18th, Great Bend, ! " Blackberry wine, Mrs-lack3on Tingley, 80 Frill 4tbrilust t , 1 - Wine plant wine. L. D. Wllmanh, 50 Saturday evening , Oct. 1581, Lansboro and' " lelbs honey. Mrs. G. M. Gamble, 1 will preach on the Salibath if desired. ' Beguitd__,,,litel,it,o4,l::, litip: , . • , . „ 5 0 1 Monday evening, Oct. l'lth,Thompson Center . Best Itillis sugar, S. r . A.isiiiii. - I r tiethrat evening; Oet.•lBtlvJertrark ,, * • -.* ..- 1 st - cPtAttiesit 4... t,tl - 8 1 3'9,Ve 44 : , ' • .56, WeaaesdaY'evelthlg,'OeciStk - ' ,, North Jack- i Bea norptever4lifra. f...da litarpeitter,.. , -. liilt 6012. I Erttnird b5 , Ce1,...,17.M1int1ai,",,.• '' ; • ' • - • . 1M2 Thonday evening, Oet.Vll.ll, Jackson Corners. ' IlitieoWtiu: come , i'CiSt iIIS - 9POUiMitta.et t:10- . Friday evening, Oct 21st, South Gibson. , nevi true-na dbiteti by lars....A.,A.sEaton, which Saturday evening,-Oee 22th Burrows Hollow I deserve special attention. and will preach on the Sabbath if desired. I ('lass 9th. Leather &c. Monday evening. Oct- 24th, Radon! Vill ag e- I Rest 2 sia,_, harness leather w. a Guile, Sr Tuesday cy,tatin,g, Oct. 25th,..Soutb 11.14prt elda ~,, „ , 0 mocidi.e.icar eititareit 6ett, 240.11;Gt4nikeed. . ' . I . ); emir ;Of' ;:‘ ' ':‘ a . Thursday evening , Oct. 27th , Lenoxville. , „ assort a ' of , 4kiiis ~,,, .?, „ 2 Friday evening . Oct 28th, Cambran Lodge, „ svair.fine bocaa. E. IL Osborn. . 2 Clifford_ ... carriage harneset-'B, G. Centker, 2 Saturday evening. - Oct - '29th, City Lodge, 1 ...„,,,, fa , narrif ,.... g. - 0 ,- . ..... nkit „ . Clifford, and will preach on the Sabbath If de- t • - ''''' 3 " ..'" - . • • 4 " 4 " • 3, sired. Innis la Agricultural •-lusplententa,saarriages Monday evening, Oct. 31st, Dundaff. The LodgelletieseVesza•Lodge are earn- Best common plow. Geo. E. Chamberlin, ft caly requested to see that that appointments , " - -cultivator, O. W.- Crnitdat,' l • ''• - •• •'' • 1 are freely circulated, and that proper places are I ". StiMe otter, OariS Eroa, :1' . - 1 i ' 4 . horse'rike L. IL ' l eek ~ , 1 Pmcu 4') 7T i rlr; MacitlitiViilttp'4 4 . 1 " churning.l;utchitte,' ca. Oakley, . 1 ._=•.l,•_ 4 i-!....-....*„...„._________ -.- •-I - mowing machine, L FlPeck -' - 8 PlikillilllMlS , A 111PAiiiliiilt. : " tluelting " H. L Blowers, 8 " open buggy..W.losterhout, :• • .... $ By the Mar/ r arer Agricultural Society,: Second ;test, Poster & Mack, _ • 2 October sth and - 6th, - 1870. Best double carriage, Ass Hammond, 3 I " single carriage, A. S. Roe, CL4B9 L. 1 tt r . ' 0ml:a tvanon..E.'P. - Bkiliy, ~ 9 Best draft Ems stallion over 4 y'rs, W. R. Page $4 " lumber wagoq..J..S. Alckhatn." ,', , ' 1 Saved. heak4 EadritaXo E L "...5 ',L_t.t.• • - t-p : MI • One buggy, exhibited by J. ff. aophia, the Best pair matched horzek C. R. NIT, 4 ' committee consider worthy of notice, but not Second best, H. C. ConlkTits. 3 being manufactured in the county (only in part) Best pair bones for all work W. IL Larabee, 4 we would recommend a discretionary premium. .Ben fsi r wdr 4Mik4,c ti y a f th. C ) ,.._ p_, g i bass 11th Cabinet Work, Hardware, &c. ~ j Best sit chairs, E. P. Mack. $1 Second best, W. 1. Ouße, ' ' " sewing machine, Edwin T. Tiffany, 1 Best brood mare and colt, W. W. Wilmarth, 3 ' 1 1 Second beq,,, a ,c. GprlVAbki \\• i • ~ , 2 ' -" iTt'• - 9 4 " s11 1: (P ' ru f c r,,S.?" /6-1 19 .4 ' e " •-'' 1 Cliii 1. Sulidivision 2. - , " parlor stove for wood, " 1 Best pair colts 3 y'rs old. W. W. Bullard, 92 1 Class 12th. Domestic Goods. Secomi,flgq, a3e,rs 4C. ttogers, Bcatlitibr-Witl` , til 9 , y'rs tild, Ravens Lewis, ~ 2 • g Best 5 yards woilen flannel, MIS. R. Sterling, ;a Best colt 3 y're old, J. C. Docker," - • .? ' 2 Serond best, C. G Lindsey, i Second best, LC. Scott, 1 i i5,,m4113, P.4 1 4. t9irli l l , A llib i l , r i g r 't ' 2l l Best colt 2 yrs old. S. C. Geist; 2 , •... ~ , ,Wst ~ • CAI eltt R.4:: : a i'A 1 , 1.,.. t":"' . ..7t..1 Best .1 yards fumed cloth. C. G. Lindsey I V ti i kca yri . r. ..,6 ) . 1 - 1 - Idrt ; - pr woolen blankets. Miss Nancy Guile, l , limit C , .. 43•0' nklin, . • i .' 5 Ol := l Oll l - - tilM a r f e rgffr'. I -4. 'l;f / ti i l ii Et c l u t n a d p be nt s w t i ' vleat socks, Miss. P. E. Potter, 1 _ . no I Second best, Mrs, Maria liawlej Chun 2. firitalivislart'l t Full. Blood Durliams. 4 • ' I „ .. - - 1,4 , __,* I , -, ~_. • ~,,,.,,,,,, ~. ._, 1, Bed - pea woolen mittens, lira .S. Peckham. 1 ,Q,. "tdur,._._, e.„,att ‘ rver,e3Taelltk-zt.atratetie9 . F 4 ' Second best, Miss P. E. Potter. 501 '''""'""P 4 ' 4 ' 11 ° 014 4 44 4 4 08 • 1 a 18 r) --' • , • -, • 8 Butt sample woolen yam, Mrs. C. J. Lathrop, I Belt duriudil WU/ v r °l4 ' 44, ',.at?rvi • 8 t • Second hest, Mns. C. H. Ely 50 Seg6 m l ße t " ,oo .'eetthlia l .' ' • 7 '' . 24 .Beit:WrilitEllnen tesircßibg',isitir:t. Pond, •9 ! Best derhant btrll emit 'n.• L. C,i;iitati4 ' ''2 / B eenn d'h es t, Mrs. A. E. Sherwood, - 1 Best cow over 7rs,Conklin, 3. ! Ebytw carpet s lirs„ P. N f'otter Second best, J. Ei.,40.te,,r„ „ ... „ ~ , ,2,i s m m.dt e gc.lo,l ~ - a 1.4... a-4 :1: I.: .--. l ?' Best iiiiltirit'heffee 1' ye' °UM'. C, caitM . bli - '1 ‘. Class 13th. Ornamental Needlework. Rest 4tlth4tlattelfer atlf,T it.'Prottel . ,.'' , .2 , . - - m i t_ C. ca 1 I f ; ...- ,2. Second best, H. C. Conklin, / i Best pateti-wark_gullt,. aloft;-Ain . : u c . Second best, C. EL Ely, 1" Subdivision 2d. - Devlin. Best quilt ofanv other kind, Mrs. G. J. Babcock 1 Ben devon bull ovri2U+4dfd,lt.m.Tiffaiiyi sir stcord-bestQsinvo-Kgrizurp,l - •i 1 "AO Second best,Handirtklattb,, ,, `...- -.. , ..' 1 3. Best head spread, 31rstiV.P.lathrO7p,' -• `1 BesedeiSii -bull Tyr old, lEt."Fittniy, 'd I Second best, Mrs. Warren Wilmartit, 50 'Best devon cow over Wyra old,Harris !Smith, 31 Best worked skirt, Mts. P. E. Potter, 1 Second - best, $ T_ *rainy, -' - 2 Best worked collar, Mist Frank Miller, 50 Best devon heifer yr old, Wards nittlt, 3i Second beat, Carpenter, 23 Best doom , 1 better dmitt. Tift.44 l , ''' H'2 Best specimen M worsted embroidery Mrs R. Second best,lisrris Smith; -' -- •,' • - I M. Jones. 30 ----or. ass -40.----- . Gus 2L ..s ubdivision .sth, Grade Durhzuntt. Second best , Mrs- CA - LtnittnaP, 25 A Geed' TeinktiPi: '• . ~,,,(:Best specimen silk, Miss Frank Miller, 50 .- Best bull ova 2 yntold, EL Marcy, We have beer( waiting (4 " vairmag ae Best hultralf,H. C. Morley , . -• .. • , ,1"4. Second best, Mrs. P. Carpenter, 25 • ~ , ~ . -it Best worsted scarf, Mrs. Clara M. Tiffsny, 50 turn up during the fiat tree's, and while in our Samna hest IL R. Peck. Best cow, EL C. Conklin,. ' •'',' '' - ' " white tidy, Ella Vadukin, 50 sanctum on gatuedayissi !lot : 1mq hap turnips! BeconeL b e i t.4.l . lßmen . , „ . ,,, .:,,, _, , , ~,,,,,,..• ... 3 Second best , P. E. Potter, 25 tr.. , ~..0.• • , - , i . ;Ik!se. bead work, Kate Dimock did unnup from the band of mitaiew iiiidwini Thimbr i et i a,e v oi k kunr; ',..; ._ 50 of Bridgewater.':W irlaol o 'ls Qiiii4f :but fied,, ll ..l," ll l:tOle tr ,',,, C ; - . Cu n i e t ,- ',-,-. •,,, ',, Test woti Se¢ondbe ed-titly;;Addlirentlienter,' . ' ,'. 'l5O beg gridegs f aiie, -.lie said 'AO- us that B es t's "4111") ""'"' - ""'"`P"'' '''- '." ""'"*. qiecond best, Clara M.. Tiffany, • ZS bit samis'ef ure;:miso newt' run oca,"801.140; B est , Leifer,} yrold.ll.,N;Rittef," t''''''' ''."'t t , IClass 14th. Painting, Flowers itc. l atest e gk r o' F o l k lxr spent lathe defence' ot 'I3 4OD 4I I *CIx,C,; quotjja r ,-„ ~,, .. : . -,.. ,t. !..., .:::..1 Abesedentiii itiiiicle W. Wheaton,' ''- ''43''' Democratic Print:ilk* -:-.,-;.,:.;._ - ~ :- .- •• : Best fuelfer eat H. c - .•Coglidis , ,! • t''' ,l ~- '.' .'. 2 '- , second best, J. K. 'amble, 2 Best 3 yeertings, 4, C. Conitlinit '.'''' •A ".''''''' It i best crayon painting, lint. EL Al. Jones, 2 ..• me Beat lealwee.' ix ILfrk -------,--- • - ' -if b es t painting of any other-kind Walker Sher : dosed C . 41.80241* ilAt• 1 emend ben. Alien /Pow 2 i **A . 1 r i ' ~i,c,itsill,l'r i.. ea at,..A 14.3 ii.ll•Lt, T13111'4 1111, L, COX, throw. rater andoraleria tdi artielo moms/1y lopt by the tzade., opposlte the abuir- 11. SOT% h. CO.. neaten in Sion*. Wardwell., sad Illnufannan 4 Tin and Sheeting ware, corder 4 Yates and Turnpike. aunt. - n. NIORSE, Nam...Dant Tailor and &sift in Cloth.. Trimming., and Pundatting Gonda. and for Stooo,. Sevricor Sishltitto, on Slain Street. Parabola ballding. A . N. 11171.1.ATT.11. healer I Giracettes. ProlriAnn. Ktatimperf tad -Tata,. Nations. ac head rstditc RPO - TIE 16 CO.. Mealier in Stoves. thrnbrase. &vita Dan& , rtwlenzeida, Fled UNCET if/. oppo Alice Torhell Ues. lIITN•trORri d 71/ITC11111:L. Usery sad irn Esebte • atable, Is rear al Bs* balldlog. J R. DsIiCI:ST i Cll.. Orate... io Dry 41Kkodo. WWI And gcncral inercfmodive, comer, near thick gam a ntelligenct. illUftd Toni . Orrstness. 110 not he above your business; he who turns up his nose at his wort; quarrels with his bread and butter. Be is a pour smith who quarrels with his own sparks. There is no shame about any honest °siting ; don't be afraid of willing your trands:i there is plenty unsnap to be had. All trades' ariijertal ' tradei Yori-atanot get horsey ifyou are (*glare:Mat the bees,,norplant corn if you are afraid of getting mud on your boots. When you can dig fields with • tooth. pick, blow ships.akarg with fans, and grow plumcakes in Bower potsi: then it•vrillbe a fine dire far dieet knife& Personal., Dr. Clark will be at the Per Lee Home, Bing hamton, N. Y., Oct. 21, Nov. 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6. and 7. Montrose, Pa., Tarbell Manse, Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday and. Friday, Nov. 8,9,10 end . t. Binghamton, N. V..„ Saturday and Monday. Thereafter, *Doctor's patients, will beautified by mail of hiicomplete list of appointment& Oct.' O. 1870.-44 Dratictry. Dr. T. J.& M. Wheaton tre eat at Lynn, and will not be able to reach Dietrich until Thursday the 20th inst. Their patrons in that vicinity will please notice: Will be at Morse's Hotel in Bush on the gib: One week later &Mantras& Dr.. Beni* asfiLremain at Lynn about: weeks and time join themes Maritime. Lynn, Oct.'l9, 1870, Lecture. MT. W. a Sigston, of Broome co. W. T., will lecture 'on Temperance at New latiford, on Thursday evning, Oct. 27th, Mr. Sigston is one of the most seladaty and eloquent speakers rmw advocating the great ague of total 'bean ewe- Place of moiling will be announctsi next week. J. A. Smola- _m!gaip We are unable to gives MI list at warmth* oiteetwin this paper. Below are. the tutmes of those sleeted in Montrose and Bridgewater : Moutrimessciaor, E. C. Ford/min; Jostler, J. F. Shipermiker Constable, John A. Howell ; Judge, Wm. J. Mulford; inspectors, Wm. H. Boyd, F. M. ; Director of Poor, IL IL Mom - Grid,gewaser—Aueenut, E. L -Cool Corona ble,*. IL Ketchum : Judge, R. M. Mott ; lnsp. 31 . Mail. • - :,Supereisot, Z. M. Brewster ; t34:41111ru. Wm. Fondue, L G. Lek., M..8. - Tylez, W. - E. Mabooek And. thus. Brown:'' Clerk Atiens - :. Tress. • - Mt - Itaterestltir We rcrplififileit' PYIWis• 4444 24 '0i °C ll # , tlignett tuned under _the reign of George IIL, by the Colony of Pennsylvania. The following is the superscription : "FIVE SHILLING& " hecordJug to an aSsy s je °wend offikentisylventis, -year of the Reign of his Isiesty GEORGE the Third. Dated the First day of October, 1773. A CROWN, , No. 483." Beset. Mmes. Ocenis Josgs, Jan. " Wst. WISTAIt," "FIVE .9HILLINGS." Oa the opposite side is the following : " To COUNTEIWIT is DgATII Did such! Kis piptiresist, rsibm,lt rigidly enforced iii - retrpect to 04 shinpirater Currency, there would be but a few live °facials about our Treinititf, driltartnicai tfi OgnSICIAgioAJ a 1 the present time. • - - ARO - - Geo. Warner an apple tree, on the 15th inst, and frattured both fore arms new the wrist 'The attending surgeon re fusal to have his name mentioned b.:cduse it is a Quack trick y ; , . ; ; ; Eor A Nat rate Cow.; Also, a bone to rent. Itiontnnii,l)442.l%.lo. Special Examinations. Gibson, Kennedy School iunike.T.d* Nor. 15th. Forest Lake, at my house, Saturday, 19th. Montrose, at.,fror : opicc i ii the Court House, Monday Dcc.litfe Classes will be formed at 9 o'clock, .1. Ileguiarlberiest and , al 10 o'clock, A. n. in the Special Serifs teachers to be admitted must be presented before the close of examination in first branch. Epc,bleocher to be provided with pen, ink, paper and triion slith Reader.' Individuals designing to teach will find it necessary to attend at some one of these Ex aminations if they secure Certificates this Win ter, and should join a class in their own district, or where Mel iiitlea folicahlL - .lllrectors and friends are requested to be present. W. C. Tummy, Co., Supt. Forest LifieVeittioe, , Sept.'Both,t 18Hk.•, Teachers' Eiumination. The Annual 'Examination ; will be held as follows : Auburn, Low School House, Monday, October 17th. t , Springville, Centre School House, Tuesday, October 18th. Lathrop, Hillsdale School liZuse, Wedensdav, Oct. 10th. • • ' ' Brooklyn, Centre School House, Thursday. Oct. 20th. Dimock, Corners School House, Friday, Oct. 21st. Harford Village, School House, Saturday, Oct, 22d. Forest Lithe, Centre School. ift/Wicv Oct. 24th. Middletown, Centre School House, Tuesday, Oct. r 211111. ApolatiOn aiwtelitekortut,grc3Mll#lll.o °s .0.01 House Wednesday, oct. 29th. Jessup, I3olles school Hou-W, Th ' ursday, Oct. 27th. Rush, Snyder School House, Friday s _ 28th. 'SLlFer,"Lake,Oltek,ittcy!Schtic i d Ho*, Tuesday, NoreMblr ISt, Liberty and Franklin, Lawsvillete'iitraChool House Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. New, ,14.01orti jig _4, Horo, Hum School House, Thwitdis‘, NOV.) t • • • Great Bends and Bore, Born School House, Friday Nov. 4113.. Harmony and Onklatml„ fiusq Depot School House, Sattarday. Nov. Jackson, Corners Selma( House, Monday, Nov. 7t4„. , , Areitia it'id''Tliirineon; Aldrich School House. Tuesday. Nov. Bth. Heniek, Lyons School House, Wednesday. Nov. Clifford, , .City; School- floww.,Ther4twy, Nov. 10th. Una:, Glenwood aehooi House, Friday Nov. 11th. BriBgtwirstey,'Motrtroae School house=, Smut day, 12th. Best bull over 2 vrs old, Fred Tingley, Second best, D. Stewart Best bull over 1 yr old, 11 Woodward, Second best, H. Woodward, Best bull calf, A. Osman, Second best, R. Gillespie, Best cow, H. 31. Jones, Second best, Fowler Peck, Third best, E. T. Tiffany, Best heifer 3 yrs old. Fowler Peck, Second Inv;— Best heiffall ssealitlliforfsttlauln. Second best, Fowler Peck, Best heifer 1 yr old, Fowler Peck Second best E. T. Tiffany, Best heifer calf, Fowler Peck, Second best, Mrs. Geo. Leach , Best 3 yearlings. G. L. Corwin, Second best, E. T Tiffany, Best 3 calves, Fowler Peck, Second best, E. T. Tiffany, Class 2d. Subdivision 7th. Natives. Best bull over I vr old, E. R. Tanner, Second best, E. R. Tanner, lies cow, J. K. Gamble, Second best, P. Carpenter. Best heifer 2 yrs old, C. N. Forsyth. Second best, tl. A. Lindsey, Best three yearlings, E. R. Tanner, Second best, E. ICTanner, Class 2d. Subdivision Oxen and Steers. ! Best pr working ox,cu 32,-rs old W. li. Harris 44 j Second best. A:13! Ttleker; " • ' 3 j Best pair working oxen 4 yrs old A. B. Tucker 4 ISCgittid,besi. Ifted l itugirf I ; )8,1 ) Best pair steers, 3 yrs o l d, tot Carpenter, 3'l Second best, W. I. Carpenter, 2 Best pair 'tetra 2 yrs old; Wilrnarth, 8 I Second best, S. P. Sterling, • 2' Beir(phir Streit. 1 yr old WC. Conklin,. 't • '2, SeColutbgiCS: X:Ttfeker. Mat , pair , ateer ealvet•bruktu W. N. Tuckei,„ 341 Sheep ind Swint. ' Best flue weeded bye*, a , W. :awast, , '3 Seetind tiffst, IL. Parrish, I Best. 3 fine wooled ewes, IL Pittiali, 3 ! Second best, H. Parrish ; Best Middle wooled buck, Wm. Powers, 5 Secondbest, L:Tingley, 2 Best, coarse wooled buck, Daniel Seward, 3 I Second best, It G 111 1 ,30 64 •- • • • 2 Best 3 coarSe wooled mitts, Thos;, Randall, 3 I Second hest. C. B. Perkins, ' 2 Bess 3coarso wooled lambs, C.-Perkins, 2 Second best, Thos: Rantlail; 1 I Best ocoratt-Wooled bnek iamb; * Thos Randall, 1 Best Springiug, J. li.. , Gatuble, • 3 Second best, Albert Force, 2 Best fall pigs not less than 1 Amos Sherwood, 3 Second best, John B. Leslie, 2 Class 4th. Poultry. Best pair Turkeys, C. N. Forsyth, Second best, A. C. Conklin, Best pair geese, G. I. Tingley, Second best, A. Van Buskirk, Best 4 ducks, Philander Tiffany, Bea 5 fowls, J. R. Gamble, Second best, Harris Smith, ; Best 5 spring chickens, P. L. Norton, Second best, Atirthur Ilynearson, Claps sth. Grain. i Best peck winter vrlitat; 'W. L. Sophia, ' Second best, Jacktanti Tingley , Bestlick spring 'ivbeid, IL Peck, Mat pck Rye, G. I. Tingley, Second heel 4. C.' Norris, Ilest pcl oats. Fowler,Peck; j Second bed, It L. Gere; Best bushel corn, Anosn Tiffany, I Second best, C. N. Forsyth, 50 Best 1. 2 - bushel buckwheat. J. S. Peckham, 1 Second best, W. L Thatcher, 50 Beat pek timothy seed, N. Van Buskirk, 1 I Second best, G. 1. Tinglev, 50 Best pek flax seed, 0.1. 'Tingley, 1 Class oth. Fruits and Vegetables. • - 1- second Price, • so best extabition tunbrotyes andliffineetifirs, - - H. M. Jones, best picture frames, H. lougS, second best, Walker T. Sherwood, 511 best variety flowers, Mrs. S. Richardson 1 second best, Mrs J. Lines, 50 best,variety , wintcr flowers, Mrs. J. Lines. 50 beat iiiietylroSil 'demo;anite. 1 best arti fi cial flowers, Mary L...Sicenback; second best, Mrs. G. L Payne' - Go best exhibition flowers and fruit, Mrs. L. C. Richardson:; ' • • • - 1 Class 15th. Plowiug. best plowing, Chm. E. Chamberlin. $ 7 second best; Lt ~.. • ; ,2 third best, L R. Peck, 4 fourth best, M. B, Hand, 8 flfth best, Asher Seamans, 2 sixth beat, John D. Howell, . I The Judges recommended a discretionary preimium of ono dollar to be paid to J. ht. Harding, Eleazer Ellsworth, and HAvana Lewis. Class.l2o4' Unenutherateil 'Articles. • : patent loom, a discretionary premium, E. H. Owen. . Militiffeinitako. l l.. &oi l y • • • 44. - twos peamptil aka, alts. : ll4t 21Xtint. 00 +one aced sower, L. It Peck, 6O one knitting machine, Ira Carpenter, 60 one cider mill, Davis Bro's, 9 onih•opan't3uggr - 4. k. goptibs, ' II , ' I. Prerpidips )011, be odd by the treasure; D. . Babcock, if called fur before Feb. leoen. Otherwuse theVcrillbe considered donated to the .`Society. D. S. Coates'sTua, Body 11 4* ja• PAPlgatt},. P. Leattstket, Ei. Com J. T/NULES, —The 13lootrit9'i0 color to mi nute globults wilt - C - s'lmA in that fluid, and contain. ity_ithesitky person, a large amount of Iron; " , ,Whip!"-:*rives vitality to the blood. TheTrin*iti Syrup supplies the blood with this vital rletneut, and gives Bttetiglii itild't Igor to the atholo sys tem. -rA Wvalthy citizen of Cincinnati re ceutty elidencomil to proiie his sanity hi 61100:tug that be had cu,t down a dentist s bill.. His wife desires to unllltake the manageinctit Property: —Browning—"Well, lal wive make it a - rale tl). telt plyy Viifo'o*tiryttiiva, 'that hop pens.'' Snittitkins—"Oh, my dear fellow the,t, is nothing. I tell tny wife lots of things that never happen at alli" —According to a local journal the low er pert of Uneasier 'County troubled with "persitent incendiaries." One gen t`eman in Salisbury township.blut had five barns, set on 'fire and destroyed since 1861. —The reverend prineipal or a semina ry at Westltrook,Sle., says that during the dr. mill a considerable quantity : , of water was condensed by :the tin roof of the sew ittarv64o ijtg )louse, anti transmitted to the 'eisti-rn. 50 1 1 50 , 1 30 1 Sruk little, speak truth,; spend little, pay cash. DAAL.Ft.XI.7.BC34EI9. Nei 3 4;:: by tc*Cr! Wt l2 ;if. 'totS and )la ry Elizabeth, daughter of Elliot Aldrich, Esq. Szieirit--1149311180,5—1n ;FewKurd, Oct. 12, by Beg- 7. A. Jerome,' Win. FL Sher : er, of Bingiuuntcrn,N. Y.,and-Anna, daughter of fNo. - Harrison, of the former pla,cm BUCR—Lrronv---On the lath inst., in Forest Lake, by Eld. W. C. Tilden, 11r. Juan F. Buck undlaisa Lucy LufonlogLiberty. X:PX:I43.TMCSSIr Mrt.E.B--Iti • Thonacisrn. Oct. lith. iB7O. of en largement of the heart, after years Of suffering, with patience and resignation, Lacy L. Miles, wife of Reuben 0. Miles, aged 5 years, 9 mo. and 21 days. BEDELL-1n Jessup., on die 11th lost, Hattie A., daughter of W. and Miranda Bedell, aged 4ifir6 mu. antll.4 days. Hattie was very affectionate and winning in her ways, manifesting a care and thought for herselt 'and' others '64 d Usual in those of her age. Death came early to take the lamb Arena /MR ' l 3 o o—tlte Outing from the household. Instead of her happy pres enee,lonelincea arid grief are in gin hearts anti home of loving parents and brothers. fru) adveiliOntrtuto. AteTiolin Thasubseriber will sell at public sale At his residence iu New Milford township, op Satur day, Oct. 29th, 1870, at 10 u eloclf , I 4 m, the ft+ lowing property, to wit : 4 Cows, 41 yoke of , Osen4 genre old, 2 two year olds, 6 Cain% a {timidity of Grain,Hay & Potatoes, and other articlesnot mentiond TE O rs—Ati sums of $5 or under, cash; over $5, nine months time with approvpd notes JEHOME BUSH: New Milford, Oct. HI, 1870.-2* ATTENTION 1 WE'LL GIVE I 011 "FITS' T: tAltOtt, so long knolls inAlrigharu, ton as one of the most popular etitteig, and ihshionahle Tailors in this section of country, has fortniA a co-partnership with M. comh, of Montrose, andshey are now. p to ~ furAl4l l Inati. Wearing appareLnt a=r i t, stain style and workmanship superior to any establishment In this Section of country. We 'TUAIIANTE E SATISFAeTIO2c to all who may favor us with their patronage. Shop at Post's old corner, on Public Avenue. T D. TAYTAIR.,, •;; tf r, R. F. - NEVIrCO3IR Montrose, 0ct..19, 19, 1870.—tL . UEIII=MEIII QUEIIikTS SALES.—ByArirtue of writs, - Is. ki sued by th g .c our t. or Common Pleas of duo. god:Lonna county and to me" - directed,rl will ex riBe to 4 4°o' Poblie yetulil at . the Court 'Rouse Montrose, on "Saturd4y. Nov. 12; 11$70, at two o'clock P. ,14,„*.e r folloiv tog descifbed pieces or parch% brland:lo Mt that eettiffriPlece, or parcel °Mud situate in the township of ' Auburn, county of &Niue bantut, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deacribed !LSfpliowft, tq suit : On the .north,by, lands Of David TnerPe, on the east-byelands Of Daniel Tritde; on the south by , lands erpvirk t i . Gay tiOd pit tliA tvt%t.: land' of ISiisus•-*a raining . • tiboht . : ,:110. acrd_ •••Ifitui, more oeless, , withl the appurtetuinees;-,one' Ouroed . dwelling house, one flamed cotaimiafe, kadoth. - er outbuildings; 1 iholiatiVithent tenlMPTlttefl [Taken in-execution at the suitofidry co l use ofp.•di papa vs. Geo. Otelibiatt : • AU 'alit orttO"piecoilf *Pet artiila:sittiate o cß us u, county a buscothan„ as. and state of Pennsyltumbs,bOunded•and de ! isepoOncjoll ? " : ,On!tlin north Ihy iinkcisAillterman Dao; more, "natty lands - of B. Smith, south by ands of Bronson Shperaaltntv Inds mid bysqllyksrapeeleantaintOClS'acree 1100M430.1 111 0011 8 , AO , .** law, with:the' one apputtenanefs, one framed tom, one thanal barn work shop, one orchard, oneellit r oyal, cfrakettilnoreetrtion at the trait 0f43, . Bentley fa. Albeit Pickett. • -ALSO Ali that certain piece or parcel of land situate partly in Middletown and partly in the borough of Briendayille, as the property of James Furry, bounded on the southeast by lands of Michae l lilarphy and Patrick Delany, on the southwest by bands of M. Minehan and Keenan; on the northwest by lands in the possession of Mrs. Flom Ferry; and on the northeast by the Milford end Owego turnpike—containing about 50 acres„ be the game rnoreor less, with the ap- inirlenances. and about 80 acres improved—AL- so, all that other piece or parcel of land situate in the borough of Friendsrille, county and state aforesaid, the property of 3sunesi E. 'Fitzgerald, bounded on the northeast by Turnpike - street, on the southeast and southwest by Hiram Cooks lot, and on the northwest by • Wm . Haffirm's Store lot—containing about 1,250 square feet of , Md, be the samemore or less:With the appur anees, one store house, and all itnruoted.— [Taken in execution at the suit of G. B. John soni ,- .lpPlugeritlet Vie J:ftrtlite l ti;Ai.M. o . Ca :ass'd to E. -L. lilakeilee, gad •to A:; J. Ge f Mon vs ,john Fitzgerald: et AL x that certain Pjembr Aired of land siftrate in,„ imitushipof HeiricX county . and state 1 Ri c: s 1 lexonle4 'Ara described as follows;' to wit : Beginning in the middle of the Great Mend and hector' turnpike at the terminus of the publ road running north from Herrick Centre to a 10_11c.„,rcentirk,thttowneltip _of Aram. thence Taring said turnpike 120 feet, thence east 101 feet to the public road leading from Herrick Centre to a public road in Ararat, thence south 180 feet along said road to the rdsec cf begin ning. with the appurtenances. [Taken In exe cution at the suit ofJ. M. Myers us. Goo. Camp bell -ALSO All that certain piece or parcel of land situate. in Middletown township, county and state anwesaid, bounded and described as follows: On the north by a road leading from Fricndiville to the nortlibriutch or the Wyalusing emir, on the cast,:by. lands of Timothy.Monahan, on the south lip lan& al MeXtvett, and on the west by lau . ds of. Otis Ross and Peter Pond—Con taining about, 60 acres ofland, Pc the same more or less, with, the appurtenances, one saw-mill and about items improved. [Taken In execu tion-at-the suitor-4.F. Shoemakekass'd to B.N. Mitchell vs. Wm. McKivett, et al. —ALSO-- plece — or In the tOtinaliWof Lathrotf, minty. and state, aforesaid, bounded as follows : On the north le west by lands of W. P. Crandall, on the south and east by lands of Samuel Wright—contain ing 6 acres of land, he the same more or less, with the appurtenances, one small house and ham 20 fruit trees, and mostly improved. [Ta ken in execution at the suit of E. W. Smith vs. A.. L. Wright -ALSO Aikthat certains.piece or parmeinf Land situate in the., township of New g.Gfol l / 4 1, tXmittY sod slaUlll 6 3rotidd, b9unded sad deactibed as . fol lowit rOn hortllly hinds ofJames Sum mers and Gregg & Falkenbury, on the east by lands( of Mrs. R. MaKinncy, on the south by land ofR L. Sutphin and on the west by lands of Oen). Sabina and Ira Summers—containing about 101 acres, be the same more ut less, with the appurtenances, one small frame house, one small framed barn, one young orchard, and about 80 acres improved. [Taken in execution at the snit of IL L. Sutphin vs. Peter Albright et al. An the Interest of George R. Granger, in all that piece or parcel of land, situate In the town ship of Rush, in the county of Busunehatinttand. the State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows. to wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of a lot of land surveyed to John Bishop, thence north one hundred rods, thence east eighty nada, thence south one hund red rods, thence west eighty rods to the place of beginning, supposed to contain fifty acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appur tenances, one dwelling house, one barn, some fruit trees, and mostly improved. (Taken in the execution In the suit of Eli Billings PS. Jules Bronx and George IL Granger.) That certain piece or parcel ofland situate in , the Township of Apolacon, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bound ed-10d descrtbed-es Miens, Co ..it: Beginning at a post by the road In a line of John Foster's land, thence north 68 perches to a prod, thence west 55 perches to a post, thence north 37 de grees E. 00 perches to a post. thence north 20 perches to a Hemlock, thence east 14 and 4' tenth perches to a post, thence south 159 per- 1 ches to a post, and thence west 24 perches to the place of Beginning : Containing 81 acres of lead be the lame more or lettzwit . ,t he . h Tajspur: tenant:es one dwelling beim* musitarg.„: tine or I chard, and unnitty improved: time-,sll that lobate or parcel of land situate an the two:6l[ol3f AO oilmen, in the county of iStitqarbs or; State of- Pennsylvania. bounded an a described as follows to wit : Beginning at post in the east line of Charles Baillant's lot: thence south- 88- degpees east, 10 perches to a pest, thence, south. -4 .pet-. chew to a post, thence west 10 percho,4 o. ll I"St and thence north 1.4 east 4 and blends to the place. of beginning. Contafning Alefecti: of an !VW of land, he the same more or less, with the appurtenances—ail improved. [Taken in execution at the snit of H. and A. Graves. jr. need m,.r..).,Foster rs, Bameylttckhearer ; and ass . 4 A. Northrup. use of 0.5./ff - J, .T: - .Pos,"d to P. C. Foster en. Barney WeS , ••-bsiarer . a-T'>:, ' "ALE/. -_. -': All that eartaittplev ovparvetnljetasit to in the Township of Lgthrop. in the:oZ of Susguethanneana State ofPetiosylvanf ed and4learribedi to.wit i Ors the rui . of Elisha-Bell, nrithethat by ) ,'...lanifg% a Befl, og the sobth,by binds of Elledus :Me 1,.• d the west by the publie-Ifigthway, Coif ing one hareem of land be Berne more Or lef, with the appnetinances one small-frarailjinfise and all impwriiiid. • [Taken in eirentW' at the suit of P. W, Griggs, assigned to•E; W. r Smith and C. O Tiffany, vs. Harlon Quick.) ALSO. , All that certain piece or parcel ot land situate in the township of New Milford. In she danty ofliinstmehanna, and State of PennaylVelils, bounded and described as follows, to.ll4;:flegln-, Ming at a point in the highway, the northeast corner of lot now or formerly in posseasietrat Albert Hazelton, thence along the centre - of said highway north 65 and one fourth degrees east 6 and 5 tenths perches, thence north 77 degrees east 32 perches, thence north 57 degrem east 27 and seven tenths perches, thence north 67 de grees east 8 6-10 perches to corner in said mad, thence south 43 and 1.4 degrees east 78 perches to stake and Stones for corner, thence south 45 de-. greet west 80 perches to corner, thence noith 43 and M degrees west 105 and 5-10 perches to 'the place of beginning. Containing 45 acresand 14 perches of lend, be the same more or less; ex cepting always neverthetets therefrom certain reservations as to bark as expressed in a certain contract ; with the appurtenances one thane house, one frame barn, some fruit trees, and about 23 acres unproved. (Taken in execution at the Suit of Serah Eizabetb Pratt, Guar, vs. Theron Wellman and wife.] All that certain piece or-parcel of land situate in the township of lierrir_,k in the county of Susquehanna and State eiPennarbramiri, bound ed and described as follows, to wit On the north by hinds of Morse Nichols & Co., on the east by lands of Morse, , Aiahots & Co., on the southby lands of Merse:NPlmita Co., end Is rael Round, and on the West by: lands of John Meyers. Containing about twenty=fivoneres of land, be the same more or kus, with tho Appur tenances, two name houses/ twc barns, imme fruit tom, and till Improved; [Teenlp execu tion e thefOr C. prp. Roberts t: Anton 'Ed isrardig • 1:',; MI, T. MOXLEY, Sheriff. Sbesiff's Oftlee, Mourn:se, Oct. 18711- A GOOD DAIRY AND GRAM- FARM FOR SALE.' Uoroes Rirctiont offers hts . Farm for 'lda situated in the township of Forest , Lake, • ihtsguebannis. Vounty . . , Pa., tingles from Mont rose;COnVielVaeres,of itatrakof whither's a good state of cultivation, !Ns tkrurasatains one full bearing orchard e. rftiid *UK, and obi) young °MIAMI* begin gto boas ; a.good emnfortablelarre house porspJiatn POP , bats .4 1 4.4 1 . 1 b* PMfmoll. requffed tp,goodlanner ; we l fenced, Well wateredow stream of never fail ing spring water running at the door. It is just such a farm as a good dairy needs, being well located for dr o rturasea It is altuated.bo. mlialkom st 061.1 111 PloPAbitoutdMah -- .odist thumtusv. For terms ete.. aaaress Mil& BIRCH - AR* Pttrust bare,fluit;: „. Co. Pa, 1 T4,.‘L13(?..T_!t, 07 GROCERIES &- MlOl4lOll roar, Balk Caddo, Ceadfreis, Cheese. CoireS.Spiciii,Cblifew Tau, 1140)se Ales Dyfed ADA Canner - • 7 TONICCO. :CCM. ; # 11212 :. and all o th er helleles OW, keoin si"Criit thus Ofeeesei - • We 43Pide as low se Weake Wok sell format, at excbsuge for peplum-, r PAT 7 ONAG7ettIOLIVITER.I TALB4ter apilik. Mailue.e. &opt. 92, 3slo.—tf Guaenbery, Rosenbaum d Co Would respoctildly call your Mlle:atom to Moir riz is ? yr 13c1. Fall and Winter Goods, which for variety of Styles never has been excelled in thit place. Out awnortment of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOAKING ' , WATERT/kW, FkAN NELS, DOMESTICS,!&c. , a, • : c.; Never Webs .13ottor. IN MILLINERY GOODS, Trimmed and nottboarod7 ladles' and Child's .110., rovers, Postbero, block and colored V,Prets, Ribbons, be. to. never more baudoome. iN Ladies' and Children's FURNISHING GOODS, Skirts. corsets, Gknes, liandieerehiets. Collnr*lmd Cans, Merlon Wrapper', UoSiel7 sod Knit Goods, chcaper than for the tail ten pars. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING t •' • • F For Msg. Youth., and Boys. • nail and romplct• atone Yau'• fall mine from /In to $3O. OVERCOATS 1 OVERCOATS 1 OVERCOATTO Ota the dl re grades; arse et all pliers. CLOTHS, oessuaßßEs. usevidts, 'te. for Custom We take veteesistes adilgt. op garments-1e order W good style, sad warl.qt goo!:1 and sacteractory work. GUMS FGRNISIIING GOODS White and 1 lannel.Bblrts, Merino Wrappers 8 Draw ers. lisndUeruhleta. BOWS. LICI.II and Paper t.! liars & Cuffs, suspenders. Oloscs, i.:Lobrelits., Trunks & 6 4.144 - els in grest v.arlety. BATS AND CAPS For Yon andltort, of tbo latest MI. and In great Vet ell. OtteEtttierhes lilt wtrb aureAustistrvebar out goods le Large queututee we frequently WIC horn 10 to SI per teat. In bayluz. As we ask solemn)! a mar. We *bore axims• eepd“lee eeft ee witiAakeom eee AwIT Proleserit oo6- tentelima sad sin Inake•At. Na yeautulend,ta ataiwritht,ite,. . .•: We glib 121Algtestios ous ittck,diad ecanpsrison of priers. • • Sentrese, Oct. MO. 2.11a17 7 ' ' rica.savi 211 T :ABEL TUltittc , ratups ~ s; um:OmFA In and beigtogis egpteial nttentthii to 'ye letting rittlift:k otteyti ,14 , , ,leptiiistie . nt that; aft P ro n ajC;is iiiregif variety of LIQUORS AND WINES, bought either direct from the dirtlller, or importer, and warrented ewer') POINI I I ttrry dire. a ibii snurtitietitt Pete.. reheil . tr.r, 4 44M,Ntlityg WlOA4gribia, sod ammaration, A DAS .1141443 ori3old *pd. a l iiier • IMinglAY rtifettri etv. Y.nkea NOTIONP4c-oinl o4lergq4 wo DV- Illertnill to orentialf. During surreal yesri 'past prrsqn, htme Tirea In tbo turn% or running evil:4.l"nd Mulling lathe Oxirt.A rntrl. tin Tarfkortivater, New.Nork..tuettretr.ElPP/lus 4.Tha and Coffer, fur family use. • Abel Terrell Is Dow sepptying•the people with these Teas and coffees, at his .to iu idoutriouott.th4e ! ffill prices that these clubs and usher perorate' pat at Ilia *torn of the Compaoy to New 1 ark. Than, pnrchaerre will ease the entre.' charge. trouble of clubbing and risk of studio& by baytog of ABEL VURRSLI.,, Montrose, Pa CITRAYMPrOR ATOLEN .r . ~;- 0 4 -!`rrbball4 6usis ) oPthe BfitimiitArd 411911 tight red ,90.1 Y. While Attick..witltg slim, neck„ burns burns droop a little bebiod,,splue, sliptly'kUrtred„. - Ariy person Until trill give me intormation as to where die is will' 'be suitably rewarded. 4.1.,EW1S WRITER. New Milford, Oct. IflBr.--4 • o';',-ar.'artlolloiltS withOzt atWfor cincniaf s.. oa, . Cromwell; coati: • NOTICE Notice bete* tlfai r bare ildir day purcbased 3 large browdbouse at Constable sale In Niebolson,r:sold: , as the property of Ebenezer Rosalie, aflame left abe same in poet 'tension 414) RozelbSdming my pleasure. -Gro. POLHAIIA3. Sept. SD, 186 . 0.-11 5• -- AB E T Trfli fit l. 0:0 ~s;•` i 1 7• tra Jed i tettorgd i ma h*e*n*ttikibgii k ' it aataatowt acts coda ) *sacral...No. i lk MOIL ds - f cz.E. THE CHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY - " 1 "• W AM M W B -4 1.1E 9 11? .g' & V t N EG BTtERS. xpfts TUAI*I3OO,OOO ?MORO tirtitoony. to Mott Wonder: Carattve Effect.. o S ; ° c t 7.1 .t = e" B . <7 .. . 0 lie ,re , I I 2 1. TA I " ....„ ..,., f , 2 g-!' ~'• .I. 4 ~ 4 1. ii .s.--. - ~......;.i..E, ' 4l —. 9 -e• '. ri. ' •of rof. Ps ;, : - 1: 21.i,.riaii.it .DRINI .5 . • -;" . ... Made of Poor num, Witialary, junta Stilelua<anditafttafit Ligutire. doctored. ap , iced and pareetened to please the t late. called -Tonic& '"Appettzere," "Restorets,.trre.. that lead the tippler on to drnnkciancsa and TWA, but ahilfifirelftWeitletlttadei-frotirtiNP-Itaffrifildbfa-itir Iferbe of Cali (onto. free from ail Alcoholic alimulanti.. Thei are.llTdOttlitUii,driltifddzrsivittosPrla ciplo, a perfect lie novator and iterigorntor of the Syr Tem. carrying old all poloonottr shatter. and rtSlOlll% . ' the hhloir to a healthy catidlliol: ;I , rui person eta take there (littera uceorillOglet44o l / 1 41.114,1MP1i111t1./lIIN unwell. ~ .• SIM Oi RAN. ^ . 1 1 ,M int . la 1 : 46 . , hash, liiMl ISO bone,. are upl Jaistroyeij. kytlttrh .POisulTs.N• AO rueatto., aud the vital ortplypirlimatgdbittad tlketpwl,9l mpeir. ,„ r,, For Inflammatory alit ' etiiiitillila ‘ . '' :lo;t4nicitili ' Mp Intermittent Fever., Insimkgs of ;tbe.BlGodr4tlTert Kidney-. sod liitutder,Atian Ilittpiii barn ,bocipt..angas auctreerfut, tench pt , ,lntacirtiqsarol_ !.by:VittatllV, which I. generally produced by - Wantland' (4 , . q, Digefttre Orwtne. ~ 1 • . - . - ..-1,,r) ,- -• , •,-,,, ~1. . - I .{,twee the latian.W.JllondArbcuttrerzon_ portlier tomtits:: throaCiltbaNtin InVitctplett, or gortrVetpAiloe it when, rin Ind CLAstattiontitd tad elorgl.h In the reit.. : eleapac it vitqn It It. Ipal,and your Nell reye will tell you wben. Keep the blood pure aid tht: he4lth yt The smog/wilt (allow, ~...,_ „. Pin. Tape, tend nther Wurtdh ; linking intA4titernt of ao manyittottaaioda, it Cffectaallydartrciypinad tior Ulnas, Remittent..eind lotensillteat arvelsi than Bitter* bareeno equal. Stir teill.efircattans iread.csrkha. y 1 he circular around each With: wintedz to .fliatalui: l gunge—Snalleh German, ierencb-med Spaniel. J. iSerrllarli4il. kooprietor. t.l Commerce liiltzatr T. It. 11. I.IOONALD a CO:. ttrnigfitit ind and Anent.; San Isoraciuto' indliae ramento. California, and n . ft, , 1 Conedertelit.4lf..T.'. LIT'SOLD BY ALL DEIIIGGIBTSA ..-; .otti QTRieI S ED OR , STOLEIf.- 'r • - From ,tti`O subsetillee'eln'tlke .11131'Ybere r, V 'Wtfr; Ciferlf 04 1. 4 j; f l old A. liberal reward will tepid'', foiblizeoarir• err. PHILLIP , SWACKHAMI3H: ' AutrosurOes, 8, 1.870:43w. • Vidett Ca ' Nein Years 7,lpiladiatgaiiii Tup.upg.t t if;ao,.i....o F :Lop. lailAtraan ikinaenf wild' Arept - Are awl.," tilleal ,Teraringwipego - arAge...N-1" dt;net , Up 1r raktoma,Sporta, 'Malden*. WiNii.,Orest Bliflbitf iltibta: 4e. etc.., ittc n time 6{, in Ohlor jakeledirit Indtan+oidantoitbetr: mode at 1 • niatyled:. Abe benntlibl Wrolitella r , *tames - treat Ward s .lliinter nnii.Cblef of. too Lodgca, , *la liinpolointli Uhenterninit in Abe V. s. ii..-401ar Amy,. for isrottnlicos t eireviceirwitti MS 401{1C• frau; AmAile IndlAzip,,, &book or thaninet. tbrinhig. Inlere4, jt .I^4zllo weR sittYPtimPed- Tiutiv .tmn,.. _"vr. than - taint' flltutta,7 innatraAecl..M.anfigaa inga;vieltvellnilty Ibeent,lnzn-Infnll,.ll.9ntiO . enabaznr, .prlee lea, shorbf•nab.ell any booleratalrtc. - Bemt at o.l3olllBllllannned eitrlllarylAble•of Lontenta.Oßßlplet pik• Rei nod ten.. , ,•'. A, H. HUBBARD. t•: : 0 C 1 4 2- 7 4 t , • pallid:let, 4up Chestnut-St, rkgra. !- An onfl l llny moody for all Bit:Manta/ ariffictatici. SOS Throat lad Cultbs. Wells' Carbolic . Tablets.... aleop x 1 theNand, %WA clinulatlod and ariest44”, ittlng - directly in The 111atons 'Membrane. limy anonld be promptly and Ratty taken In all exporani, or rrialangentitaat-ofwainnee.tot , they will keep . np Abe. elt, natation of the bland. and admired off all - tendtdtdr W eald or Lang d194a111 a. BOA WOiiiS,.ll CUILINOW -1 • - • ••••• Int W,ELLI4 0/11.11014C are 4 a-neire/ ttllttis rorarldy.' 112 T Tfflnt. - •' ruLu ,f3X. -941*-4- FR ,To 'Bbos AGENTS. • _ We will tend • baodeome thief Oar ridW Inisreud Family Bible to. toy Book Agent. tree of phi charge. Adtireet. liemoneu,Puzesageo.o9..-Pkßede3- , /. Pa. ' E0ci12,4 • AORNTS 'WARRED kite, Das. Wll, 14, SWARD'S GRAND TOUR 4110i:flea. Adtentare Sigibt.Rieias . •." OcirSPter fteOtinei" "• • It a woik cteram'tnttlf writedy Boadtar CrolthrtiblayietCortAiiciy, - 11!1:tAitd; ct,s • ITlll' ,t ;",r.I; 'FARMER, ' p , / gg.ntSeErt *Ratite bow to doubO , profito 4ifthe'VALM, awl bow fartoom ottg Abair/runs coo e*cb mike, 4 44..14 4 e 100 ..to,er month .. , in ittn i „. ,ibn.innunpkr", TroAr Mpt - Z1V,417-nr,dw . # 4444 '„Alt6 - , r, , • • 5 • IL S. DESSAU/M. seo '..„,tztlirptuvrii= v. 1741411.1311.2 • Alitlrela Mond= VA SACO, /Se FOA SALK , ' • Twgbir 'good orek:iosir aids—te A ti v s A:soy lEasi • Britigewate r, Sept. 88,1878--3 Neuits's Ow; VrrairtaNa .Cautiomi.—lie mare you sift till ' aTbiti.M.• PariThblets free- J. P,91N8.14111E. PTO No. 11.5 DOW - New York. Bob] by Druitilistsgellerlgr• Is7(t—y • . STAIN NORMAL R 014.0 mANsFiki.p, 0424 English and Classical entirsei;, Terraiti.begln September 7th, December 1110413m1.1tarch87th. State appropriations :or studerdi .Brtdsl4tld mitred at any time. Apply to„, CHAS. H. VtIRRILE:pA., 314' Manatield. Pa. Aug. 31, 18.70i -;-1y . . dr. re' dti V * . •' J J , • - c . - ) 1 4 ".4 4: 1'" 0 4 7 I - • 4 if Ye I/ ) eti \ < 4 l • UIDI" 7%V . r, a i ,0. au Ala*`.,lf le foe the Amer Cattartte remedy - elld4 aerf ri rfiderrtfo - elk.theorllrd thee • tleete, wlifool; Mang ury Moldy, of, tb00„ , The . more complete three. , " ems from• etteeded'lle" the' In thee, todilidet: and' noorafferma tm Uto:glattral pub- Ire with tt coorletlea Malt cea teem ten to..aceom pile tbst clalnkedter 144 'A *mantra Utg en !Nth, th i le rd - th e organ free from irritation:. and' wi'vet erettille - or itothoothe eentoaiarteer. Mo. caserrofflth slcirktdoeff, efeoulth barrels, Ifrer,tddeeth ••-pt allArrx,ian4 ,lAguitty tiltseVtles pecklas tq Irth , meti..ll, ovine, pioroptsellcried tenths' , The , rerdrpeletece rebetratoetrd snit preeerlbe It, - red -to eefoultbrcercetiteelithis rota items; retain ta' are of ertEather pittiattle, - • ' Bent Ity ite'jec gplee'andpoetsp. 11 Oa" 4, ' 4 :Pottisivh.o corp. - 4 1 4' , 4 - 18 ' • • ' • d It t7c:ld by all dea ril lers N l E n n drci a gs so a i n g/vp m p ed ro lci i n ati. es, and 11 $; . .16,41kltdrtf.. .1 ,4 Y07 111 W,W 0 I , ;• fi.!P4 l. ; ga-64,a iok, • - , BELDEN Th,!',l:::,,o_Lff.
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