The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 21, 1870, Image 3

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    touittg Itttointoo gircdorg.
Tiro /ilia in this Directory, one year, $1.50
eadh additional line, 50 ctn. •
L MOSS & CO. Dealers to Dry Orals, nabs.,Caps.
Boots and Shoes, and Omen' Merchandise, uu !lain
strut, second door below the Episcopal Church. •
street, near the DepOt—•
NICTIOLAS BtfOltiitAKßß. Agent far Letter,. +Motile
Turbine. Bert tenter wheel in ore. .LintbAction
W. 8. 818 AD. Fonneirr. and dealer in nowt and other
Utensils. one door front Phitiney'e Ilutcl, Mato St.
N. F. KISIREN. Cawing.. vakhr cod Uhdhrtnket, ob
Nato 'Street, two door th.tow Ntnre.
McCOLLUM BROTUEUS. Under* !ix jirberfe• cad
Pr0•111i0111. on Main :Areet.•
tikßitirr 8 80ht. Dealers In Floor. Feed Menh
lUD, Lime, Cement, aeoceries sod Vrovieloos un
Yalu Street, opposite the Depot.
W. b 7'. trAsnEv, Ilfenn'ectunre of Clot. end
Wholpenle dealers In ianket, s:oliorie and •Foley
Goode. on Moth Street, below Eplecopal Church. •
11 , 154 To.ntio.r Ilanutorinrcrs and ticalcm
in Morocco Finding•. &c.. ncor Rnisroo eh n ..,, •
AINEY h. HAYDEN. Dealer, In Drug,. and Nlvdminnr.
end Mannfoontets of Cigars, ou Main Wm, now
the Depot
NV. STtPIIF.Nfi floret. Whoolnc and ...en. rat Repoligh;:
OD Maio Strmt, s uth of the to it cc.
J. DICREIt,4 D.•nlrr In zeneral merentli.e
and nothing. Brick Store. on Main Street.
WIIIPPLE & NIF.AD, Dealer. , In tt.nerniMercbnntli.r
on Main Street.
O. M. TIAWLEY. Ilanler In grnersi Morhnodle.•, on
Main Street. opposite Phinne)'s Motel
L. S. LEslmm. Ilanancrurrr of leather. and dealer
In r.eneral Siert - handle., on *sin Ste et •
11. P. DoRAN, l'ilerrhnnt T.iilor and droiirr fn Atomly
Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceric. and PrOVIOIOII,
HIRAM WHIT& Mannfaeturer of and dealer In rezeri
or Plows and Castlngrk.
EDWARD , C BRYANT', 3ltnaf.nturera of Wagon!
and Sleighr., nor tho Ingothe Oloro.
ABEL TORRRI,L. Dealer In Drows.,Metitclnee. 1.1
glum., bile, ttroco-ies. JLarrlry
N'etions, etc. jeep, 4t, At
WEBB & GERE, Saul, Office.. and dealer. In Grocer
Ins and Provipione, Crockary. att. Public ANEMIC.
JAmn R. CA.R.M ALT. Attorney al Law. Office one
door below Tarbell Iloce , o. Public Avrene.
WM. H rOoPER ,t CO.. floikero, *el) Foreign 1. , :e•
'mg.- Tick ni and Drafts on Foglaud, Ire-Laud and Scot
12. PLETCHER'S Eathp.; Saloon In thenlnco In ¢.•t
Ire Vrram, (Iliaters anal Clam+. In every style.. On Main
S.TROUD it ItDOWN. Gere,rl Fire anel.lfe
note Ara ; Ifiallntad and AerltlenrTieko•
to New York and Philad,lphis. Dace one dour en't
of the Haut.
F. R. (VAN:TILER. General invurance end Sewlng.liln
rtme A: rya. Public Arcome.
J. L. TALBOT - the place toi your Groverivii find
Provisions. Einar. Pork . I.ard. ite Tea. Sn.rar,
Meet, Snuff. Secant. lly.tere and Itefirstuzients, ri it •
cicr S. IL Sayre & Brothert.•
!WRNS .t !,; ICEIOI.S. the place to get. Dregaand Medi
CISC, INALIcen, Pocket.llooka,l.pecta
de, Yankee Sal lona, Se-, Public Aseptic.
N 1 Y. L. cot.. !Larne,. mskor arld,drzlerlgi all erticten
usually kept by the trade. oppu•(te the Bunk.
MM. A. BOTD r en.. Ticiiii•ro. In Seovii.,, Trarg
and Nlneufnewren. of Tin and Stivetiron ware, Corner
of )lain nod Ttrnpikeatttvi.
S 11. MOR4E.. Merchant Tailor snit ilyd.•t In
Clotho, Trimmlorzf. trod Forni.hinz nood. nod
Acents for s4.; , er Mentor Machine, on Main Street.
A. N. erttAnn.
11....aa.t.laationaryatd Ti r unkre Nutiauf, at lead
Public Arcnar.
T. SPORE d CO, fiklarrit in Irdwillre;
Agricultural I,. Flour and ttroccroe • tipttir
Ara Tx
vrsrsvonn a. MITCHEL. Livery and Exchaner
vAable. in rear of Haul; b.:11141ln. •
J R. DEWITT & Dealer. In Dry Good•, Hard
ware and general merehandine, corner, near 80 , k
Loral lltrilinencti,
The Democratic electors ofltridgewuter town
/dap will meet at Montrose, on Saturday Sept.
24th, at 2 P. 3L, for the purpase of nominating
township officers
A child of Mr. Van Houton, of Jessup town
ship, while at play a few days, since haLilic baya,
fell a distance of ten teet,causing it doable frac
ture of the arm, one near the elbow joint, mid
the other B,t the wrist. The fractures were re
duced and properly eared for bi Dr. Cobh, of
Dr, Warner
The numerous friends and patrons of Dr.War
ncr will be glad to learn that he visits Ibis vil
lage again for two days only, Tuesday otikd
Wednesday, Sept. 27th and 28th, stopping as
usual at the Tarbell House. Dr. Warner's
course of Physiological Lectures in this village•,
as well as his subsequent visits, have mule his
name and reputation so familiar to our readers,
that we need only to announce the tune of his
The "First Premium."
We hope oar readers will not be startled when
we say that we took "The first Premium" at our
County Fair on Friday last. Not for our goad
looks, or any other personal quality,but by the
generosity of our esteemed felloW to*ltsman .
C. M. Crandall, of the "Block" notoriety, who
meat - generously pretentp3 us with a 'well' filled
basket of those "First Premium" Tomatoes, that
drew so much attention on the fair ground,
which we —took" home.. Mr. Crandall has - , C7l !I
best "thank you sir "
A "Grape" Stsot.
I raThile we were rioting in the gicriout4 enjoy
ment of neiOdlor C'randall'u tomutoes, we were
completely "flanked" by our friend find sub
scriber Dr_ E. F. Wilmot of GrearEctid,'Neta
poured upon us such a "grapceittit,"bi tray of.a
large and almost overflowing basket of moat
delicious grapes as to completely silence our
"battery." We can but say to the Dr. thaVeve
are too full fur utterance."
The eppointme.nt of Rev. A. Porter of the Un
iversalist Church in Montrose. it'deferred until
the fourth Sunday in Sept. (95th) at 1034 A. at,.
and r.
Washburn , s Exhibition
Next Friday evening, Ahsvanettmles great
troupe of Wastern Indians will glee an exhibi
tion in the Good Templar's Hall, 3iontrose.
They will represent wild life, games, dances and,
sports on the plains of the west. The Wab
burn brothers, Willie and Leon, with their
pupils, Jean, Henri and Clarence, in their schiiol
of Olympic games of Ancient Greece and Ening,.
and Nehskaleeta and La Petite Lime Washburn's
beautiful concert of choice ballads, sompiparior
sketches, &n., adds to the character of the : . : fikt - _
hibition. James E. • Fish's brass and - string-1
band famish the music. The exhibitiOn Is
worthy the confidence of the public, and' we j
buy s speak for the perform - en( a, itnnfl anal
Democratic Meetings.
Nrt etl P4)Y i lf ing Vhitiff 4l-, l4t h, an icciiiiva mm tea 'as
pointed to act during the campaign,- T 110.14
lowing arrangement for meetings has been )
Wednesday evening, Sept. 21, at Plymouth
To be addrwsecl by .1. B. MeCollunLysq., Hon;49.ll°4il4
Thursday eve:Ding, Sept 22d, at White Hav
en. J. 13. McCollum, Stanley Woodward, and
John Lynch.
Friday evening, Sept. 23d, at Eddy. J. B.
McCollum, C. L. Lumberton, John Lynch, and
Saturday evening,. t. 24th, at Hazleton.—
J. B. McCollum, C. L. Lamberton, F. W. Gun
ster, E. L4l 4 erißas,Rd ot.itxrp„,
31ondoevt#110 , ,,LSdft. 2Gtfif nyngliam.
.1. B. 3lcCollum, A.. It. Brundage, C. L Limber
ton, and others.
-Thitistkv efternntOij t3opl, .2724 at -2 o'clock
at Salem. J, B. McC'oLlant, 8. G. Tutner, Dr.
11. Hakes, and others.
Thunday eveuipg,,stmt. 291 h, qt Scranton .
J. B. McCollum, EltVnifil 316Tifillel, P. W. Gun
ster and others.
Friday evening, Sept, 4Uto, at Pittston. 1.13:
3feColitint, 11. B. Wright, A. H. Brundage, no.
Lynch, and otherA.
Saturtlay:eCtitiek Oat litti,nt,,Wilkesharre.—
J. B. .NleColluni, Stanley Woodward, C. L.Lion
berth'', 11. B. IVright, S. G. Turner, A. It. Brun
dage, ion' others. , ,
Nlonclay'*4iiitt,4,/()et,,T34l.itikrialtts., J. B.
McCoitutit, M. liegan and others. 1
Tuesday afternoon:Get. 41 h, at 2 o'eloeh, at,l
Dallag. J. B. McCollum, Staule37
and others.
NVedtwzolay evening, Oct. sth, at Archbald.—
.1. 11, McCollum antl . yilkers.; •
Thursday evening, Odt ttlx; ht Garbondale.—
J. 11. AleCollutn, Stanley Woodward, and °th
Friday afttimmiu o lOct. 7th, at Olyphant.
McCollum, A. B. Dunning, J. B. Adams, F. 1)
Collins, and °them
Saturday attyrpoon, Oct. till', at 2 o'clock, at
' .J. It Webfintli:l)r. S. M.
Wheeler, J. B. Adams, and others.
samraav evening, Oct. Bth, at Dunmore. J.
B. McCollum, Stanley - Woodward, A. B. Dun
ning. F. W. Uuuster and others.
"At did )::
yitt Eorrou—:We hardly take up a paper at
the present time, without noticing some acciden t
to sounitilki,litrf 3 &Alit ftsti'ylaitiiiiielltt did
n o t happen. As Mr. Sutton's teams were com
ing out from We worth's loaded with lum
ber, they mefiteithili kiiirett4-4tfe' and boy
about eight years old, and by some means the boy
slipped under S,Rosenerants warn and the hind
wheel passed tir'e'rs;ll` 'lt picked hint
up and told his mother he would carry him
home, when the In sajd "Apt I will walk, it , did
not hurt me much!'. arid 'did , go hurtle:.
and played all day as usual. :14,..1i's wagon
had on one thousand feet of green hemlock
lumber. It wnii'fd stein 'idtrigfiihpiksible.; that
Ile could bare escaped unbanned.
East 1.4 p, Sept, ,
Donor to whom Donor Is Due.
- 3 1 - e14 1 .P 44 11 .96 1 cAT--Pf
the- 1-4th Inst. itystsat-8. , Akeollmort the full
mtination in this district fo ' r - 61 . 1g - res..A.' r ds
sure you that the news was received by the
Deriracrats,t4 Ulj4 Fegiotlwitheutinksietn,
as they 57eLI uvrtjtistai to haveeatßopportuoity
wherein they can tender to Min Ilititgratititile
for the past. In Mr. McCollum they are proud
to find u iniyl I . lhOl 111)14 coippi:,:sti ev
ery'rf-Siurti•eto'sdea.ed unit Waiklia 'the To4 . 4steps
of the lamented Denison and the worthy Wood-
NN ard.
.:4 • . ••
No doubt it will he a tow,..r of strengt h to the
Democracy rathis.district this full to have such
a mail :Cif.ifs head. lie being
a man of rare talent and ability, his name at the
head of the ticket will draw out every voter
from eveiVlldii i tt l nnd:o - iffitOfte:likilp . ottike
11th orek!(;&r 4F41„4144,41:1 1 :4 1 4: 0 eitii ng
such an overwhelming, majotity in the district.
must ud i make-the Radical. svigArozo4ll43.4 - 3 to i
very centre. As IRISII VOTER. '
r S.vt. 17, 1570.
Bum. Ball
The Junior Club of Nichobon were defeated
by the Soci tt J, club, or t kialp,:f, t ut LeetioX. &•pt.
lath, by the follotcing score :
C S MiEr C e r " .° ll{ itini - ^ 4 n erlfrif l': ." I :1
J Tiths p 2 '5l Smith 3 2
Jeffers 1b . 5 4 Drigg p s 1 b 3 3
%V Jefferst2.b..,. -c,..37 .2 TlBlarg.2-b - , r11:•2.1
C 31illard 311 ,- ..5. at: 2 liukoniera i)-A 2 4,
S Miller s s • :..a.r.5., 1 AVilNacts,6 s 3 0
.1 Th lany r f • 4 4 Huger r f 4 2
T Jeffers c f 2 51 Williams c 1 2 3 '
T Millard I f 3.....3.1 Mitchell, I f 5 1
t‘con.F. Cli
12315 6 7 8 9
Socials, 1 7 12 3, 1 7
J tiniort,/ -"sia . 4
do' r:tootr J,i4•
Umpire, Childs. • Scorers, Titus & Bailey.
Annual fitrlS7D.
N.Y.State Fair, at litiai, September 27, 28, 29
and ;to
CtimungyAupty, Fair r4,,F.ltaira,,,Uaiobtr
6 and T.
Cnadilla Town Fair, October 5.6 and 7.
ScpteggNro, 4 and
30. ... • ;' , 4
Truman, wn-rntr o ._ Saptentl= 3 ,9i, .22. and
2 3. :OAI
scleiyler County Fair, at Watkins, September
28, 30 and October 1, --
Ilarrord Fair, at Harford Oct sth and oth.
Nicholson Agricultural Society, Nicholson
Septi2lstgah 5u:022:(404.zu t.. c
Carbon County, at Lehighton Oct. 4,5, 6, and
Ceti t s.ggi:vp nil
Doylestown r. & Moe- Ins., Doylestow n
Oct. 4,5, 6,1,. .
af eaffNigid - , def : 12.13. 14.
Butler Co. at Butler, Sept, 28, 26, 30.
CrtgfP4W.,ot Cupneat e tteille, Sept. 9.7-30.
h L'Co. Oct 4. 5',"6, 7.
Chester Co. at' West Chester, Sept. 2G, Oct, 1
Oxford, Cheater Co, Oct. 5,0, 7.
Brannatt-gparklirkatfliWrOtql.vioa M'4 l l / 4 th
and 3(IL
The Bingth46WNlirilei::
TerdbilVitir Itte - Coreperir.lo7. •
Stare , (37eir Tea._
An tugnisithia Yoi'the paiile:Ot the
State of Smi - Titrit; at - the stare M. S: E. G.
Halbert, ouppurt otreut t ittAhecity
um. satdAttlitt'; - M1 the 17tIrdav of Aug-ust;
DIAL bef
lu ore Hr. lohn .59r1.4411 t i one of . the coronetsantrrOr4ialasonatv,:npun the view
of,the - bOdy orri'detje!4 a. • Wiytek; then Mid
,theyo Isdng dimg; upon th4t,O;iths:, pf (l tttia
- Jobilso m - ALIO tunk,4san VYnits,,cifrus
eon flinty: WKINITre,33aIP,
Eug,ena „h4ak,;•.•. 'pentioe
[. Rangotte.and)asit,ll,l-nien_ or amd kvnutty,
who being duly Aw'ofit to idgture on theliart or
the State of ile.4 Turk into all the circumstan
ces of attending the death _Lot pat,Ffidfx*-4L,
*Trick, and 4y, whonkttie L tiame - ;
and ficYritatinaither and when and where the
said Federiciek Merrick came to Lis &Mir: do
shy upon their oat lAhs putlesid,
p age t eld
jaeTWAVilLiftwriArim (*IWO
known to. thtY4 trtbra ardiesaftikathiphe-Ectirdrd
S. Rrillod tin theTith day - Or AngaSt; 187 b; "at
about two and a half o'clock or the morning . of
tit:tt'day dyitietty".
of Binghamton and countr.iiftioomevaktresnis,
then and there feloniongly,siolently. and,of
thel c lnalc 4 ro th l itlidelt r A 4 4.4o slll Lin . Aud
thii, l o4,4ohOttid r .ri;‘,4!,?ittnick.
. 164 ° 1 5U0V10401P eo -
' -. . ,
tullufl of some One then:l;l4th—
assistance of the two others, then and there,
with a pistol loaded with powder and leaden ball
did shoot the said Federick A. Merrick in the
head, which produced a mortal wound from
which mortal wound the said Federlek A. Mer--
rick then and there instantly died ; and so the
saldJurors do say that the said Albert Jarvis,
William Dcanport (or two persons unknown to:
the jurors) and Edward IL Itulloff did then anti
there feloniously kill and murder the said Feder
ick A.Acrricir b itgorvt,thumpe obth r people'
of thitatlitirthaftheir dig:tiny:l
in witness thereof, as well the said coroner as
the jurors aforesaid, have to this inquisition set
their hands and seals on the day of the date of
this inquisition as aforesaid.
State Fair at Scranton
The annual exdibition of the Pennsylvania
State Agricultral Society will be held at Scran -*
ton on the :nth, 28th, Zith, and 30th of this
month. From all the information we have ra
ceivtxl, this exhibition promises to eclipse all
others given by that society. The number of
entries made up to this time far exceed any pre
vious year. There will ce a fine display in every
department, also some splendid trotting, as the
premiums offered in that class are much larger
tbuttlaat year. , We wouhindviau cur citizens to
.visitAliaiitute,Fair if they: dwiro tu. fine
exhibition. The,railroad companies have ream:-
edithuhl rated, run ttptappnraintion
liemocithey. '
liltr Elorront—Tho heading .of.• thisnartlele
me seem "disloy - fi to some ;'but in me irlliafs
like.a.MileS r
of sgpltrtte't in picturW of,
honor and adrutreitaltanw. Anti the Dem
ocratic party ever wish fur sucems is must be
tinder - thip banner :headed "Draotraey," ail
;I)ther ."iiall"-way.Urtna -must be, kilt •aside, for
we-must by this-time hare essential !evil effects
of this half way bnsipess..
For 4:teW years past WO haveltad Ma. In our
cubist. who were in tartar of :throwing aside
party for a reasonable :time; Then - at.sorne fliture
time faire. ft" up main, then gi,t.ttitt'al; 'this was
T suppose merely to catchlollowers..• Bat what
did they make out •of Merely . :nothing. It
W otber..4de tharwe,„ ,dane lmt stand
by our cause.; that, U bad . Thijailli in our prin
cipleaollat they might as well stay where they
were: 'Had the'Dmituceatfe `partyratrood by its
right name, had it nobly put thrill its energy—
its power—for the promotion of the great prin
ciples laid down by the immortal Jackson. to
day, it might look back, and rejoice at the great
aceldevntents it had accontplished.
But there were men in its midst of half-way
principles--men who believed that to defeat the
great match of Abolitionism we must go over
half-way, then they would creep in and we de
lent them. But they can see now how near
they came to defeating them. . They grew
stronger while we grew weaker, all this looks
reasonahlocuough,Westuae twe :were. showing
forth to the Countrththat we were only half
waymem.maen-who stood ready togo either one
war-or the other—but AriOrc espeelaßren the
ittresthat'PaitTVW fiet:;ptit the . "people got skit,
ve hit, ha w min ciples, .
I havt.;tokird naiti.tPrincipletcnot men were
what we,Wnhtikt. Ilitt;hl4.can,ypu tarry great
tekplts,uolts Su that will stand
by t hem, advocate t Item—and who arms not afraid
to defend them. For my part I have beMille
•iekental at the thought of half-way men—and
halfway measures.
When the great Teacher was upon the earth,
and who spake as never men spoke, lie taught
the people no half-way doctrine, boldly he went
limit proclaiming a world's Salvation, and chose
twelve Apostles to help carry on the great work.
And those great truths which our Savior prom
ulgate,' then, are still aluoad in the hand. Though
a Judas betrayed his Master for 30 pieces of
silver, vet he did not put a stop to the doctrine
preached by his Lord and Savior.
And so is Democracy still alive in the land,
all that is wanting is a reviving up among its
followers. Let them conic Mrward and proclaim
that this is the only course that will save this
Cimn tTy from mitt-111,m despot ison—and
people will then dock to its standard. Too long—
oh ! too long have we been idle . Too long have
been Anmilhdfalrif irie grants 'ettnne`.'dmiltnitted
to our care by the Fathers of old. They trans
mitted to our keeping the Constitution, the
great work, of Owls hands—thel yuttutled,n goy,
evatilent-t-b4.l4AuattAte brim the IgsV:COv,,
'ernment the mantriti e'er , nateviuucit'.kelmovea
uTto pat tOth ellrolyt energy and' say we • will
neOr eonseta*MiLi'gqi• - ernytent.: - e - mr:beeb - M4
ing a Despotisnlor .a mongrel matron- Dem
ocracy and. , Democratie principles be our wateli
word:- ' •- ' ' J. TM's.
We eqpi tic t - i1) . p .) 9; 1& distais§krot upon the
subject of Finance, from the New York ,Ifer
rdiat Jtomial, one of the best Commercial
papers in New York City. The reader will
perceive that this discussion is between the ,
Editors of,..that Ana Abet TurrOh. of
44444.104 1l g}`"• the
c! .. tt - rrryhle , Atticon; distant day
ut liccumnan insuiclek , re,4le peuple..theyina v -.
be mad iilt3i liferift interest.' Rc+'e Mitt
perceive that the &Mors of the Journal have
clearly sustained their position by argument or
N. V. ‘3l"Eitc.ulTruti .19131,NA1, OFFICE,
Wetlne_cday A'tigrist 10, 1870.
It 74'11.0r.'yei, 4Ccierallf.conC4 7 edka ,tiy our:
alll4l...cputoruporarusi of the .press,. that. the,
movements of gold during the past • mouth
wmtld Wive einatty'disiurbed our commercial
relations, had it not been for the fact that it is
treated mainly as merchandise instead of a
legytt• tender. irltarefully-obsetved i the deem - -
mutes in financial Circles the fast Seven' yeas, 1
it must be r admitted, all .luilicate plainly that 1
;mid and silver tire-not nnw,-never were, and
never can be a tray measure of value as a' cur- i
rancv, for the simple reason that. it has no '
lixeduese,of-value,..its market price being ad- I
justed by the inexorable •tva•-• of simply .and
demand, which determines the exchangeable
value of Am,commotlities front day to day, ,
act4',it."1".476 yett.;.l.L'lPtiaart
that should be well known .that a.pountloGgold 1
(avoirdupois) will not to-day be taken in ex
change for one-ball the quantity of the average
goods constituting the real necessities of life,
which it would thirty or forty years ago. not
withstanding the great advance made in our
agricultural and manufacturing, industries. .Iml
it is important that we remember this rkp 'vet: - ,
4 , 111 in the value of gold has taken place in all
parriewor Cie anrrltt --•• • • - -- •
National paper money tokens (Greenbacks,
based upon the entity wealth of the nationi,
made exchangeable at the pleasure of the holder
into bonds bearing a fired rate of interest, and
rice rwrsa, can never change in purchasing pow.
er, r
_det t rAnA by re .
art boaltal jfdl
,ti o itte :111•, - pit
(liiV natant b 'wit "*Nvhic 1.11t1. 4 1e ejt
tukens are interchangeable. It is a matter of
very great imports:nue, that-- we 'cancel at an
early date all our imiebtiafte-s to foreign coun
ties, especially that which bears interest at rates
above three and sixty-five one hundredths per
cent, per annum, for the reason that our nation
al wealth only increases at the rate of about 31 a
per cent per annum. The latter assertion is
based.upottfatt 4,4.sbown by °Medal statistles-
In this connection we submit without further
comment, the following letter from u highly es
teeittlett ThStrt Vrturtti,iiTtliou Gb'
does not agree with us, we should lec pleased to
whapt, that
leery do 7 .lar'it tiorth of property ll:other:Una is
p!edgril to pay the national indebtedness, and
coasequently,itmiliability z is unguestismulde.
31incrturza.; Angan b, 1870.
&Won, of the N. Y. Mercantile Journal:
, GENTLEMEN :—I have been a constant patron
of your excellent journal the past seven years,
and I now wish to say to the public through its
columns, that I regret that you think it your
duty to advocate substituting national indebt
edness in place of garland silver, as legal tender
in payment of debts, and the paper representing
that indebtedness not redeemable in gold or
silver coin. A nation may get so dtsply in
debt that its paper may become worthless. Not
so with gold, it has an intrinsic value, not sub
ject to fluctuation, like national credit. At the
present time,vittetsvxe %hempen' cifilloitetv,
tide,. in fife infeeiff - giddis the 11ing.444P.
in the price or value that the people put upon
the nation's promises to pay, as compared with
g01d4.:-Using indebt*lness as a hash' - of Value'
and making promises to pay in paper having no
- intrinsic value, and not redeemable in gold and
silver coin a legal-tender in payment of debts,
,is building 4 financial system upon a flail basis.
I am in favor of abolishing the National
Terilie nited States issue all the pan-.
Cr money needed for circulation redeemable In
coin on presentation.. This would obeiLsh ,the
premium on gold: The assurance that the
paper money is convertible into gold at option,
would prevent arrylatge portion being present ,
ed for redemption. In this way the United
Stales,,would ; saye the interest on the amount of
`Paper moneyrosedlbr circulation ; but let gold
and silver coin alone:be a legal-tender-in pay
ment of debts, which under this arrangement,
would seldom be detpunded.
' We give place this week to a letter from a
mv,pected,correspondent, who seems,
tie relative to the. Peed of re
taining gold as a ntealtfre valUes, although
we think that we have from time to time placed
before our readers :farts (not mere theories)
which go to prove in the most conclusive manner
"that sold is not now, never Was, and never can
be an invariable standard of value." The same
,is true,of nil kinds, of nterelumdise.. Hence, in
Mir "Cimithercial and Financial Platform," (third
article) we say 'that values, not excepting gold
end, tire, not fixed and, unalterable, but
itt4 - tonstantlyelrAnging 7 ' Therare' estlninted,
f rom timet,6 dims,, only ity ttlifatetiinparhion,
and then, necessarily, in a very indefinite man
ner. Hence, the erlinary conchsion is of un
certain accuracy and unstable character." The
litter referred to above, reads us follows:--,'
510frraoSn. Pa., Alll4llat IS, 1870.
Editors f the. n . r, , Merreintile:Joitriial: •
(3f:Nrr.EsrEN%—A4 free discussion is one of the
ways of arriving at truth, and as you say you
would be pleased to hear from me again, with
your kind permission I will make a fl , w remarks
in reply to the sentiment conveyed in your pre
thee to my article in your paper of August 11th.
The liberal and gentlemanly course you pursue
in permitting correspondents who differ with
you ineopinion to honestly and candidly express
; their "yletnt . iinjill, tenbje.cts alteting thuritterests
apt the isimple,cdsia Men d ,Vou 7 to.tite: favorable re
gird and patronage of the public.
You assume tholiosition.that gold and silver
aretnot,a,true measure or standard of .value ns
enreeney r , assigning as a r.caatin ;Alert they
fluctuate . vdlue, like other commodities;
unt.i.guthnittiunal.tiaper motley, based upon the
entire wealth of the nation, can never change in
purchasing . power, and consequently is a better
measure 01 value; and you refer to Occurrences
of the past seven years in corroboration of this
position: '
' Now I assume-and believe that these mem .,
rences prove the reverse of what you impute to
them. In .Itintiarr; MO, specie payments were
suspended. Previous to that date current pa
per money would buy its nominal value in gold.
Since that date it will not,'and has fluctneted
greatly, arriving at the extreme point in July,
18134, when it took two dollars and eighty-live
cents in national paper to buy a gold dollar; and
vet at that time there was probably more gold
in the United States then at the date of the
suspension. Notwithstanding the net of Con
. gross making those notes of the United States,
gismo imm called ".Greenteicks," a legal tender in
payment of debts, prices of all articles of
merchandise, farm produce of every kind,
and nearly all property - , rose in price or nomin
al value to compare or equalize with the deprecia
tion in value of the paper money, or circulating
ntedium., the seller was obliged to- receive iu
payment- We base tried this paper standard
of value, "based' upon the entire wealth of the
nation," but not redeemable in gold, during the
last eight years. and its fluctuation, and con
...fluent fluctuation in prices, have been without
purulent in the history of our nation I With
this standard of value, in ease of another war,
! 1 should expect similar scenes to be enacted.
If a gold dollar now will not buy as much
I merchandise or pinduce as benne the war, it is
; because prices have been inhaled by abandoning
the gold standarthondsubstitutingapaper basis.
Similar muses may have produced like results
to some,evfout throughout, the wurliL But if
there'll:lff Lein no interruption by legal or illeg
id enactment substituting a paper legal tender
basis, this.ditTerence would not have occurred,
thrther than a slight variation that might possib
ly he prodneed.,lay a larger or smaller snppiy of
gold in th&COrititrY idpmportion to the popula
, don and the amount of business being done.
But tim,supply supply . • generally so unithem' as to
occasion no' material variation, and never any
sudden flucttitaW"Thua, OW is the most m'
gado statidard;live,Mui have, subject to ,theleast
l.thretualion., .experience has: shown,
and as all future experiments and trials will de
monstrate. iy ben recognized unconditionally
by the laws etottr'country as the only'standard
of value, there is,no material variatioay no sud
den prices on account of.. the cir
culating medium, and no 111101143 y panics, except
ing those which come 11-oin failure:3 o re kern
the paper money with gold or silver.
I also wish to remark that I was opposed to
any suspension of specie payments upon the
, paper circulating tuOium, in ropsequence of
theivar„, 40044 it tifulecessayy, aud extreme=
Ij Gad econdmy. The consequence of this un
wise act is, Wife nation owes this day twice
as much as it IN }flit it it had not from
the specie stariilarre The nominal expenses of
, the star were full twice as much as they would
have been if the gold value had not been depart
,el troth . ; 'and , nisw, if eve return to the gold
standard, the only sale one, we are thus involv
ed thatcht to-twice the auniunt , that there. was
need of, or thill'eircuinstance&required.
The amount of paper money needed for cir
culation is small, in proportion to the amount
' of the pet-seta-antiviral tteht„ and if the 'United
States blot issued notes redeemable in' old anti
silver cum, instead of their''being issued with
nu other halts than the credit of tue Govern
mina, and then zealously , attended -to their re
' demotion in coin on prt...sentation, the burden of
, debt resting , updu the , people would now be
comparatively' light. But 'geneCally the men
, who seek and obtain office arc not economists
—mid therein ear error ,only a small
portion of- the paper circulating medium would
have been presented for redemption, the United
Stator could have done it, and virtually made
money thereby, in saving of credit, and avoid
ing debt.
the inflated prices of property, under the na
tional credit System, (haring become rather in
proponiuli to each titlier on tile various articles
ul Merchundi prouuce, 1.5;e.,) wive not yet
Come (lowu sUMear the spore btanuard as the
quoted diiferenee in tue value bf specie anti
patio iccuilikinduaite; but the tendency is con
stantly though slowly downward, as we ap
pruae/i a specie basis. Tune and good manage
ment only can restore us train the derangement
produced by it departure from well-tried and
established precedents, the constitution, and a
correct system or finance.
liespceaully, ABEL TIMRELL.
.Mr. Turt'ell has fallen into sceergil errors as to
our position relative to national paper money.
11 e never were: &sashed With "g,reentraci.s," us
they are not perfect legal tenders, alutougu they
arothe best„ctaa - ency we have ever had. Not
withstanding that we are inclined to .he more
Conservative limn our neighbors of the Tribune,
stiff we hilly indorse its suitor when . he states
that, us they now utand, "grombacts" are "pa
per Jim," and hence lacy would be withdrawn.
What 'gr.:Yuma' is, an limo of. dollap miens
by the Government, with no other promise or
guarantee upon them than that they swill be a
legaltender iciruimpurp9ses Wtiatevertind that
they shall be further received by the Government
in eXCha/4,•e for bulks belal/}g interest three and
sixty-tiro Ora; hundredths to teat. if ilnintin,
said bonds to he pa.yable in A-Ito same currency
on demand. We utter have advocated the ad
option of any other currency tuan mat issued
by tee Govertdnent direct, and only upon the
principle of iutemnange.tuility, above Militated ;
thapretioe ran ul interest being a nrattcrof in
difference, ; -
Mr. •-T.," ae fear, was not a very close ob
server of the occurrenas of the ears 1b62-3
find 4, to which he refers, or else, he would have
ascovered thatno other article changed so much
in relative video with the necessaries of lite as
did boldL . • , •
tif e are quite ready to admit that greenbacks
depredated in eschanffeable value during the
war trom , vations catt 'se's, while we as positively
assert that gold was, because of the teuiporary
active demand, greatly eultanmi in price. The
Main causes for the depredation of the "green
backs" was that the Government dishonored
them by refusing to take them in payment for
Milks, and ,stipulating to pay interest is coin.
&further 'o.u.lse‘, of depreciation I was ;that the
Government repudiated, soon atter they - were
issued; orie , Of, the Meat important !orations or.
tke (glib* Legal Tenders by ranging •to receive
theta in ezchnnge tors. .1) Bonds at par, and at
the same ticao waiting no other provision for
their redemption.
And agnln su e war was not only a most dis
astrous ode, hut it was a nation divided against
itself, and it was ream] by the faint-hearted that
it must fall, and therefore it was for.a time con
sidered~rosstble that the preMise printed ma the
YGaidd7itrOoltEbasepoilatixt. -.That they
bit! beenritfpudistai by Governottiat to a
M uu kri9Z t reA st ,s At IN : #444 r .
1.71 =` s l 41-
Ileforo dismissing the' subject matter. of this
letter, we desire to call`attentionfito the fact
that, after the war closed and gold fell off very
suddenly to 180.4ta compared 'With, legal tenders,
gold actually did tall materially in exchangeable
value, wbile at the same time legal tender notes.
Improved in exchangeable value, not directly so
much because of the unproved credit of the
Government, as !menus° the volume was likely
to be kept within conservative limits, although
not adjusted upon atipeettled principles.
We_fail to discover the alleged errors: of Mr.
Turn dl ltS to thb position of the Editota r of the
.fottVzOl; and the new eorie: nci they Pi4ose
without specie basis cannot be much less liable
to fluctuation titan our present "greenbacke,7
having the same basis of redemptlonOts value
would be controlled entirely by the credited 'the
United States. We also claim to have been an
observer of the occurrences of the years 180-2
and 4, and we also fad to see wherein gold
change ninteriapyio,relativn.valne„witfi the
necessaries of life.---E T EO.. frr.u.• ;
Asia. Tuff is.
; r ll -- car Advtrtionntilti.
GOD TEMPLARS', --- iioNTito SE,
The ouly strictly moral .Exhibition truveling.
iity' Star perfurnterl.,Four coinpleiti
Shows in one for the seine
price of atintissiow.'
The Washburn Brothers, Willie and Leon,
with their pupils, Jean, Henri and Ciarttee, in
their School of Olympic Ganies of arwirnt Dome
and Greece, Jatnes Beasley, the woncl - 431 Bar
and Trapeze Peribruitr, Kitt Fish, thealuriVai.
ed delineator of Dutch, Irish and Yankee char
acter, lieoskalata and Is petite 141116 Mph
burn's beautiful Concert of ettoiee Ballads,Sengs
Parlor Sketches, toil dress character Songs, aS c.
Altwanatunk's great, troupe of We tern In
diaturin theii representations o 1 ss ikl litevrinCs,
dances and sports ou the o'p:ll4)l:kits.
James E. Fish's Instiumeiitut p 9 ncert given
by a hill Brass and String Band, cooll)o§eti of
ten of the most celebrated musicians in the
Admission 135 cents. Reserved seats 50 cents.
Children under 12 years of age, 2 cents. Doan;
Open at 73 2 o'clock, the entertainment to com
mence at 8. Polite ushers in attendance.
E. S. WASILMUMII; Manager.
9. 0. KNAPP, Agent. , 7
T riv_,l„b
KEEPIS constantly on - hand one of tho lutist nen&
sus collections at•
• -
in the country. stid bestm
,rweialfetturillott..4 o l. -
lactiuguudtbuying artiele*lta L . ylepartatiol:.latiatytte
pure dodgem tob
lie also keeps a great calfa4,4
bought either direct from the or Importer, and
wArrunted strictly purr.
Mecca nill a,sureturat Palz4a.- pile, llaniltkor,
Braabes, 016.4i1d IllyeAtugra. Pqrocurtel,
Wall Paper,.aiLasa, Ktaatue, t'ispla; °arra
sad aramauition.
A line variety of Gold nod other JkiIVELRY, Pcakiim
try, Yelnkee NOM/NS, Se., and other goods too no-
Olorulle to escudos.
During seeerad yean past persons base been in WO
habit 01 (wallop clubs And sending to the tltpat Actual.
ran Tc% Compatr, New York, for their supplies of hca
anti Coffee, for faintly nee.
Abel TurrelLin pow /supplying, tbopeopkr wit b tber
Teas awl Coffress pt his .turd ItP,lntiotrOse,:ll4lhernpip
Wit . .. 4 (lug Weis clubs sod teller preame pay at Ilia
Store of the Company In Net York. Thus, putenne,re
w ill eAve the osprey charge, tryuitic.Vf -clubbing and
risk urientling. by boylintuf . • .
- .
- • _
CRA NT6 N . •
All 414 or Om* SRlces. - -
C. ' W. Kt*PATBICks CO.
Whoiepalc - Deaters is j
TEAS, covrEl6s4, 'l4lFAc%rusTstaiN
q4rjOi, .
No: 517 doon east.
of itOry'incatn,s Ho:tiae.
We Triad all ontoTSpiccs 'and 'Coffee. Coffet;
roasted and ground to'ortief, at the attorttn no
ace, and as cheap as In any . city.
Scranton, Sept. 21, 1870,—am-
& GENTS WANTED--It? MoN111) ' by
the AMERICAN RN 1 - 111 - NO MACHINE - -
ROSTON, 'MASS, or ST. wpm
Armirs WASTED TO! _Bl±l.l. . • -
Ch a a.lettlha'
L•AW BOOOK .. FOR•••-• •
THE BEST Stinsi - IttpTION BOOK OUT, Address;
0 D, CASE & CO„ 110rrama Comm: liept2l,—EDS
WA'4T. - il'IZTk. Mb.? 71.1a)gth.:iti"uir
- CIJINE. Hat the andt.r-lbet4 makes dm '• lock Mitch"
(alike ou both alder.) and Is fully licanaed, The beatand
ch,,.p,,.t.a,,aing Machine lu 14e market. Adams..
tICIIINSOI, iLARK d CO„ floator4llass rlttetuirsb
Cu.. Chicago, 111, or 44 Louie, AUL Sept .21,-2m.
. .
JCS - . • Loin' ..3,, •u •Om • •
Ossawr Nuttiest; AU era Bt. Prot Mato.: o , W.
LW St Liodsoatl. 0....1.4 Markus.
N. C.... amt. satoalablsg
~..;:.,, A .1:11 . a ' 4 ,„ \cli, b,l th ' t . g r 1::
knife or caustic ••• v - .. Is dI o 4 ot.
andvichbot Data 7. tr. pi pain. Every
root and ales Is 0 ". kthodssol esr
osonol, II taboo la ... 0 vA thossallssor•
warrior. Boos. r. ..,i m of bognsPro•
ham; oath their 'ig IP \ .1 ., bag*. trial.
sot sto. stooling our U 1 W VII odvertl•s
goolits. No sobers burs thaw
treatments. Nom other shoubl srss bo mot For
molars. send for C1M11ta.4911,0/1,4,14.•M5•b0V1L
p 21.-Sli
R 0A p
TO 13E11)4(4M-4i:if 'Bridgewater township
will lettn the gmdnd in, the lowest bit, _Weil:the
making of . 4ow mad ,froni,nelmOntjdetetin
cher's to the old mad near IVrri—iFtmrtter's,
on Satutliax, Se t.24ttt, ,1870, at c p'el , gek ?Or-
AiNi at the sometime - aiiil plac'e,wC tc ll let the
making of tt new Road front near Bartlett Hinds'
farm to the Tyler School House, in said town-
ship. M. K. BUSH;
Sept. 14, 1870.—.:3 Scipervitzurs.
The exhibition of this Society ler 18~U trill Fe
held at Scranton, on Tuesday, Sept. 27,Wetities
day 21, Thursday 2i, and Fiiday 110. • ;
The grounds are spacious, the buildings and
accommodations ample, and the premium list
liberal. There is no charge for entries',' except
horses entered for speed. Entry - Books open
tion; =dress iti kti.intori, ,, k• sc! - C4 . !
1). W,-Scrt.nalgßee.,,SilfretArY-- -•
Et.nnittats 31cCiattirtl-C4'ir. I• • -
Sept. 7, 1570.-3
The subscriber will sell at public; rale, on
Saturday Oct. Ist, p. m,, - .the farm
known as the McCain farm, Flamm& inAnbum
township; thnSeAtirths of a Mile Mita' Album
Centre, and roar tulles from the Lehigh Valley .
Railroad, containing
. two hundred•. and. eight
acres °flank one .hundred and sixty improved;
together With a tato story framedhouse, tarns,
outbuildings, &c.
Also, at the same time, the hong and 'Pt in
Montrose, now occupied by J.' if,' *f*Cain.:tri
about-five acres '4:gland therewith;., Terms lash:
.6.4mee ocNrir
l'oftsist ;1.7.01 Tr;
Eloutrose, Ps
p v
801,7 HEAR
88 ,Washfugton%Strees.
.bin 4taton,_ N.. 7
Where you will find
Tim Largmt Steck, the Best Assortment,and
the Lowest Prices of Any hOusela the city.
N. B.—Adl,Gtx4s-sold watTuntettlts reprisen
Bing4inuUm, Aug. 24;1 PM-13"
114 . 1iD , ING &
t •
wig , ° Ant.. am:
38 Striiet
?I ~: 6. Cid HARDING..
• BEN. L.
• • ' RrxEßEser-s_. . • •
National" Rank; New fork. •• •-- •
S. Iluteltinson & Co., 115 & 117 Worth St. N.'
Roberts, Smith &•Co., 82 White St.
Wagner tt . Kellaitt,l6 loltirray
_Street, , •4
3tultbra &.'Sprugtie, 8 i Chanilpers St.
C. B. C0.'248 I.lo.Caltal- St.„
July 13, 187)--tr • •
Bt""SJ 4 NigtPL'
4",--,2, 1
• •
Reap cr.:Warty suppltect alth wraDuctsmitra
Drugivamd Medicine:s.oWWalk, D.yeSttlarl Wire/
Litrattry, Paints. Olt. and:Varn *h. Prahmery,
• Elto,y 3wps, T•okee Not ions. '
Frusta. from Now Tork•
All tho most'popoti.rPATElsiT MEDICINES sold IA
thin NICOIJAV.II3faIg which may pc fuund
Ayres a:,4 Jaynes Finsßy MedleiNet, Berubeld's Bu
the. Schatek's Pslittoule SyStip au* fit% 'Broa,d
;route. isupouess's. and ('s Fa,
mole Pills. Bell*, eiegli
• , \Virtu:al.'s - Me Tree COrtial;
Holes flair Ronewer. IlieiAmlirosi.s.ketmears:llo..
jc.4l.Plor.iver7, IloullAncro I:ertrin
• Hostetfini, Stomach Mite*
And tirtrirbther kinds of, MO Vane aid merit. -In fil.-1
our fifor..4 vnabriceP erAOP mein of eTerlthlng tun.
ally kept fu wcil rt,1;11.1414.31 Dru,4 Storce.
rierPeeanntlitionn eve partcntrif Letteatne., and
areCarlfalit g!ndprOmptly.catagrOundild. r •
%a Stanford:wily
NW? N1c,1191.3..
Sio . T; frose:
1111. Just pubilsted, a new. edition of Dn. ertnisr.-
trait.'s CELLlttiArtp ESSgAr an the surficaf runl l Wlth.
oat medlcinaj ey.SpEnniyonnitira, or,iitnitrial 'auk.
ness.lnvoltrOur Lays.. Itriihrtncri - Phrintal
und.PbSitlail _lncapacity. Iniptalimilpe to illorriagx,
ete• - :.'al.a , 'OonsamPtlon:.4 ll .*MY. and Tile, fauna-11
by tell ltdulgemcia I:recut:ll eXtravaticrtie. , .•• '
a scaled unveil pc: souls U teats.
The cefoonited author. In thtti'arraties btu &Say:tie:lr.
ly tleutousttoky frotri m ttrirtyi years' ..succcarfut:Ptact'•
th.rthe Monolog con.eqneneer or, seltahusc. opy, ,
rridlcalry cored Intboot the dangerous nre• of infernal •
medicine or the application of Ana knife; by meat. old
Anbleh terry sufferer, no matter what lila condition may
be, may enrolitrusett chwipiv2privately, and - ruallactily.
M'iLlie Lecture should be La .tba, baud! , of ovary
wroth and man In the Mari. ' '
Sent. ender rout, 1n a.plidn.enielope.lo any' address
post did on edroipt cf six CRIIIP, or two post stacom...
Also, Inveidsorwell's :i•Eforris..* aside." price .25
Address' the Publishers.
Itowcry. New york„Zod,
rft, y- • ; • -
urkNTED sell the II,O)IE SIIITTtE
IV SEWING Price; tunkew the
Lock Stitch." alike on both *lik{ nulls the
censefl truddr-fee'd Shuttle Sfachfue'sold furies.. then IGO.
Licensed by Wheeler & ;Gruver • & Taker. rind
& Co. All .other, uodcr-bXd . Shuttle !Palleldtme
subtler 1104k:tau tro are • Infringement: and the seller
and user, liable to, vrOseeutlon. &Odic.," 'JOHNSON.
CLAUS & CO:: Boston, 3,lare„ Pltlebttret. Chicago. IIL
or St Lords. Vlcr".-'•= - t. '
Tcceniy•Firo I
$ 2e.J — DdlineFacally Sewhiz Machine, yhe cheap
eat Fiat Chita:Madill:lBlo .tbo A,c4nta visoled 4
in - every Town. Lihczaleammisaion elhewl. roy.tertnr
caitelcchlar:clkirowA:ll: lialowrox, Gen. Agent,
MXM:hcatual , sh.. ' tato' 18-Imth •
It 13 Eli T RRE L
line jo.t r.-ttnrn.-11 froin New York aith It large ad
tlitioo to hi* .tuck of choice gootln.
I)t ti"TISTEY I,
C. A. SACKETI'S Dental Ruomr, New Alllfurd, Pa
Particular altort lon glyto to all operatlatip,ort the uatit
nil teeth. Aet trick.] 'Portli'irvicrterl'in hill the r adon , .
tylca oow lu n+e.. PurCerl entlefortioustlaranlieiltosil,
Come atullteauic, and satiety yourclryrs, °Alec hours.
hours each idly.
1.11, 5, 3 SID . . , .
• .
TIV ILE WiNFS. , . .
We bare
,Invt ryeelyed an aciortmettl of take' bad
Monnd Vineyard Winer. from Sfesvrv. Wilvon, Morrow
Chanbedlo, CM , York...which farricluletei,thid
ray are ntotnerdieved, Shit that pnreltivery can rely apart
theirporitying (mahout aunizeiniloni of env kind.;
The trade mark of the ilinnpoprnyv every bott le. With on label and vest '
- • BIT/INS & • NICHOL&` •
Mohtratte.Feb.S;ls l 2 l .7-7 , •
r i ck.vdrlll:4D. Timm CO' PA.
,Zoglab anal Cascsical courses,- ,Terms begin
September Alt December 12 tb; ttrul Muth 211 M
St a t e apprpprj
.or students ! . Atudents : ad
witted ot any - toil& Ap 1' to "
• • • : C , • •
ganstletd, Fa:Aug.llll . B7ol—ly -
t: • •
rAtirrir JARS for sale
The "Pain Killer,"
ft, :nlrty yiYtra teeelelre: the mt.t.
unnorilifn fl teptiin,ilen to Ira °ea. !rum persona or
the nlg,h, t enorartyr nml re, rowel hlnty, Physicians
of tae 'rot- 10 - Teretehloty. retenorne7 tl It as most stree
t...nal pryporatlon lot the o:, - .1.1n to lon-of polo. It ly . not
only the bent remedy yVer, known for Bruises. Cuts,
Borne. lot p. IVoeOtYrror Cholera, ersoysert-or
boiy r l o rninvtiv nonniTanned for em
-11.31,3' and .0p01t31_44.1-Ifon.. So tine
.rtnutcitins off..
din. and • • I ~1 .11E2,... , 1: if to., Ina:orne tdeNtaodmA
;.,r wq• G Well se lerlloPeto
•in. .•r Va Ot red iltromers.
For l'oe,:lo'. 7 e • 'olds. Centror...lothorn and 'lthemna-
Ile di fikr•lit nit- lo•en i , "•eil by Ow !vont nibtiudnot
nod cooviokuog 'aluity, to he on lorOlo3ble
re - Directlatiojvcofywpany eget; ' ' :•
Pelee :15etxr.":71!ileit4. asail $1.60 per BOtide
pit:pt 1-1
• .;
TIL zrz•
JOHN Y. irsuitELL, rropiittor:
Etcht St1;:e0 tLL iierete t1:.1137, t.uneet.lng with
the b. L. A W hr a n t !tie LehLtfi Vialey 1110
vraYs- Link ft. 191-Ce-,.tt
Fdd at, yr ipupl nge and Notion.S tome
N. B.— P. 0.. 23 ets , 3 Busefs- -wsevrted sliest:
31311..,1 fri,e n. flay part 9t Cho titk!led•StAtes hpOni
receipt the motley. [June 15, 1%3,0 —Grui'vr
3MC1E:21\72.-r - $3 - 17 3EILVt. WM"
in con. la n , reL Aid of NEW Gout's, br.whith
n-.ortma~t it tviltivren Intro and more Oompletc and
attractive for all hlr tteual varietieb a C Wale int lea.
. Omen - W.
s e e. mrdwal and . :l:ezC r%rec,iron...Vcdtd,rtes,
• 57.,e4; lmiaa &ato
• t.. wad,' let oft fin
von-• fin-amt.!, forn,! :
1 Mord ..1.111
Ft lit ttAi.E.•
I ionreii liirchar,l ofTer4 •Itl'i'• Finfrn for
phttate,l ut Ow tn.. Forms( giar,e;
Snilufltar,tlt t '9'7.61),-, fropi 3f out
cojitnin!ng 12n :ker. ..1 t.l, iGneffit of
tiro undur n in,nd
Tho fan) I'M • +.,)•• I=Qi I , ;:aria , r rxreflardt ;
grafted fruit • and yr,:sn% ~r ,•h<trel justri)egin
ning k bear ; tgr.{ louse.
horie . imrn, ham. watt nll the,,l l oC.WarY
fenve(l, wrll v i a; raj],
er rnwrinl, nftbe door. I;.l,.:jugt
,atoll a farm ac a go ~,1 dairs - being-well
liwat , itl for train ptupc,,,s. It Ia sitnated but 13. i"
mil fronA a !!••••,, n, I Hapti , -t arid 31etli
(,(Ii•tiThrirrheA. ' For feting, &i-.,nactrer.l
Lake. Sasq. Co. Pa.
,nprqing the bh
ATreTrg 017 N VEILIZING AGE":I!,- . 17413:`? ,
cemtion.—ne Eire ran ePt Prtritbitio 'Rgntp;
Ye.niebieb; tree....l.l`,lKSFaloha proprizton,
No. 36 hey St., New Yort.r, •
• Suitt by Dregtre-t4 Generaar, - •
! . 1
Cucumber Wop'd Pumps
The 8 , ,t Pmbpseref made.
stv.aruit: and
in-: • to The Wafer. '
They ar• 4,1:i pied
depth of xv eli eipto
'water very ea_iily
one can pot tlz
in repair. & wlwr
To " Oirer!!ons:
give perlitt
Every Pump 5..1,1 by me or Illy, iitittik9rizett
agent gmirnoteed , reouble.
' I tl—Eti (:. It I T (TiEY., )IfinCr.
I attei Fi )1, rt.srrt.o,,
Ph i delphia, Pa.
‘.l, 0 Itni
vIIIE' 1'.11:1'.! VIEW—Y - 011r' 'house
ra-ty burn urut. 9cct refnpc et once,: . efi n het.hi the
Sernrity, N. Y.,
North American
Hanover, •
iranl. I'6 ILAdelph la
Ent ,rprire,
Or Notwirl,. Conn, chnriercii ihe oldest Stock
1:01111,thIlt All of the üb., e an. old eiitahlbleil,
Br" rlano 4Unmpanle, retable ' baring
tried and pnlven. 1,""k ont ("r little newulici.cial: tom.
panics Pprinziug up eh pre?, the COI/Lary ilift . t.o '
money. Call or sank ranr apf,ilcationa, and J wUI ace
that svelte, Carty dealt with: • •--
• nEzinx-c.:Trunt.... - , .; •
FtrC. Lini"and A4ikrut isdaruct3 the: alba of
%I; P. lorl. biail ~ • r
February 1, leht
TEA ! ,
r. • •
Every Mod of Tea In markifjair ant: ed, au.)
or vita at. Nor York rrbolesnly price.. Alocr4 flue afr
eonment of COFFEE. Ear of , me And ear# -el •
Charge*. - '-- - ABEL TT:
Noetrode,Vi..).orll 4 2o. IMO.
AGAVIN NT`ANTED--itiO per /hi) by,tc
or ST.:IX/DIA. No. Una •
NEWNEW WALL PAPER, ''' ' • --n;
Jan anived. xnd sulling• rhespby - '
Montrote4 Apfi1.M.157.1 ABELTII/InBLL
, ... . • • •
I N YFti WALIS /421.C1S
roil Tll6 1,01=5.
[retcvtea St . aiflth it:. '4l
'lll s Cutler Is 6e most.. perfect
evuutwir tver .otrur,ed to the
nblid. , IC Is caklly,oyrrated.
Alip6v 3 Zer, And oil!
of ir•pre the hulf:trs there le
o heet . reqatri &and no mf•tnl
le,LAl.taucat used urAost
- Mantanctnred nn4 for
; a . 6.3,P1,,rth Fruut Street,
o,th:Auts . .rarA, th,
for ;cieß resdianp
4:;"1k4: . 1; ittut ttirow
awl rapidly. 'Any ,
olitintl . kevp them
)11t 'according
hey never Call to
• 1 atl•-i
St 00
1.500,0 M 00
, flop 000 00
- po
--.:-. -..," ":_