The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 31, 1870, Image 1
THE VIONTROSE DEMOCRAT. E. B. HAWLET, Proprietor uointoo . Cards. torrruss & BLAKESLEE, Attorneys and Conneelion at Leer. 0111 Ce the She heretofore occupied by D. la A G. P. Little. on Main street. Montrose, Pa. flprillo. It. B. UTTLR. 020, P. LITTLZ. Z. t 6LAWLer. E. Mcßayne% C. C. F.lllltOT, W. U. MCC UN. leSIENZIE, FAUROT dic CO. Dealer* In Dry Goode. Clothltz. Ladles and Misecs due Shoes. (lan, ornate for the L , rrent Anterienn Tea and Coffee Company. [Montrose. Pa . up. 1, CHARLES li. STODDARD, Dealer In Boot* and Sin.., Rat. and Capt. Leather and Findiny, Slain Street. ad loor Woo Stlute'. Hotel. Work made In order. and repairing done neatly Moutroee, Jan. 1, 1870. LEWIS KNOLL, SDAVING AND lIAIR DRESSING. Shop In the new Poetotnee holldlne., where he trill be found ready to attend all who may want anythltn, In likia line. Monts:me, Pa. Oct. 13. teal. P. REYNOLDS, AucTioymEn—Sells Drl . Goods. and Merchonize---ol.n attends at Veoduet. MI order. lett al my tooloo will roorive prompt attention. [Ort. I. 1885—tr 0. M. HAWLEY. DR.\ LER in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. CROCKERY Max, Cap.. litmts.,Sfioes. Really NDole (loth Ina, Paints, Olbt, etc., New Milford. P. [F•pt 8, DR. S. W. DAYTON, PIITSICIAN Ai SURGEON, tenders hi• zureires In the citizens of Gres! Bend and vi. tolty. Office at hte reside... opposite Barnum Hoene, tYt Bend Sept. Ist, I.o.—tf LAW OFFICE. CIIAMBETILIN d McCOI.LCN. Attorney. and Conn• report at LAW, OfDee in the Brick; Block urrr thr Bank. (Montroec Ang. A Citaitsznimi. . - J. B. A. & D. IL LATHROP, DEALERS itt Dry Goods. Groceries, crockery and &Fru - are:table and pocket cutlery. TOM., olio, dye rtuffn, Mfr. lx.o . and oboe*, role leather. Perfumery !Cc. Brick Block. ad)olniut: the Bank. Montrooc. [ Ancurt 11, lu.l If A. LATIIIIIOe, - - - D. R. I....uirtor. A. O. WARREN, ATTORNEY A. LAW. Bounty. 14*.ek Put. Tendon ,and Enrol en Oahu, attended to. Office 0 oor below Boyd** Store. 3kl tont nor.- .P. [Au. W. W. WATSON. A TTORNEY lIT LAU", Motartioc, Pa. Offit.• with L F. Fitch. [Montrose, A. 1. 11+419. w. C. suTTos, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, Frleud•ville, Ps. C. Pi. GILBERT, .A.AXOtiterill.ool". Great Bead, Pa XT. Es. •"gt ati A3ll ELY, tr.. r 3. 11.1.a.tatic:tarLiNe , x - - Aar. 1, ltaa. Add..Pa JOHN GROVES, F U‘III(VNAIILE TAU an. Montrol.c. Pa. Shot, (A.•r Chakodiefr. Store.. AP order, 811,..t! 1. firpt-rats ea) it. .L'tlny chow uw .bort notice, and warramwd to Ot. W. W. 14311T111, C ADEN ET AND CHAIR. MANUF AITCIt6HF,—t. 0, of Main Arca, Monitairi Sao;, I. IL 11171tRivr, DRALEitIa Staple and Farley Dry Gtoodr, Crockery Mardware, troll. Store., Dru ga, Olio, and Paini• BOOtl. and Shoe.. Mato& enr.. Parr. Ituda/u talroecelea.Provlsions, c.v.., Nen Milford. Pa. DR. E. P. lIIIN'ES, litte permanently located at Friendoetile for the pnr pow of pracilelm: medicine and aarzery In all It. brunet... He may he 1..0nd ■t the Jack.on Hoare °dice boner from no. 03, to p. m. Frienderille, Fa., Any, 1. 31449. STROUD & BROWN. FIRS AND are INVJAANCR ACENTA. Al! business attended to promptly, on fair terms. Office Ant door noel!' of • Montrose ILotel, • • wrol side o• Public Avenue, Idontrare, Pa. (Any. I. WA. Ilturzus nenorn. t,•nastas 1.. Snowy. JOHN *A UTTE It, RESPECTFIMLY announcer that be I. ora pared to cut all kinds of Garrnentr In the mar. farbionable Style, warranted to dt with elezeort ad ease. Shop over the Port Otoce. Montrose, Pa WD. D. LLSK, TTORNST AT LAW, Muntr.c. I.a. Office app.. ate the Turbal Howe, near the Court Aug. I. ItitB.-41 DR. NV. W. SMITU, DENTIST. Booms over Boyd b Corwin% liar' ware Store. °Bice boon from 9 a. m. to ♦p. Mootroae. Aug. 1, lelo.-41 ASE!. TERRELI., G SALEM la Drees, Patent Medicines, Ctamlrai. Liquors, Paints, 01ls,Dye :naffs. Varaishes, Win Glass, Groceries, Glass Ware, Wall and Witidosr Ps. per.Btoneware, Lamps. ECTOIWTIC. Mllthil)ery 056 Thames, Guns, Ammunition, Knives, tipcetarly. Brushes, Fumy Goods, Jcsrelry. Perth ac.— beinu Wine of the most numerous. atenolv, nud valuable collectious of Goods in Posanehanns Co.— Egtabllsbrel in Is4B. (Montrose, Ps. D. W. fiEARLF, ATTOIMET AT LAW. office over the Store of A. Lathrop, In the Beek Block, Montrose, P. [stalli, DR. W. L. RICILIILDSON, PHYSICIAN t ./CTIGEON, tendert tits prote,•lonal gamines to the eltinche of Montto•e end vicinity.— °Mee at birresidetree, on the cornet ea.t of !tarn , & Drok Foundry. Lang. 1, IMZI. DR. E. 1.. GARDNER, PITYSICIAN and SURGEON. Itontrove. Pa. Ghe eapoefal attention to dioesees of the ileert •e. Lungs and all Sarglcal diseases. Unice over W. II Ream.' Boards of !Searle'. Rotel. litog. 1. irra BURNS & NICHOLs, DrA• ..RS la Drags. Dediciace. Caen)lcalr. Uye at As. Palata.olls, Varnish, Caguas. Spicer FADE . ' tr: • ,es . Patent aledielnea. Perfumery and Toilet A. itter. or Rimalptiuns carefully compounded.- l'aalle Arenue. above Searle's ['Girl. Illootroee. P. A. a. Ducar, - Amos laicnote. Aug. 1, 1801. DIL E, L. lIANDRICIL & respect'''. .lly tender. to professional services to the utilizer! of FrivioDvill. and vicinity. VerOlTlce Intim office of Dr. i.ry Boards at J. Hostortre. Aug. I. turn PROF. NORRIS, The Hayti Bather, Maths his thanks Mr the kind pat- ITMthat has tatideti him to net the beet rest—ba Itseent time to tell the ',thole story.~ bet mane god wee for vomorres Carat the Oid Stand. No load bit:gbh:lg alicrwed in the shop. [April 13. IVO. DENTISTRY. All lbw In want abbe Teeth CT other dental trork amid call in the alike of the ethserftwea who aro pre. pored to do all kinds of work In their lbw on them:Wee. Panitagor oftrotlon pad to 'nuking full and partial sena of teeth an odd. Weer, or alcuntanal plus ; also on Weston's ea e*: 14k1, st em i. potltlon : the two fatter preferable to angl s iiive whelances now wed for dental plum wilhwatiwesons reggdated. and made to grow In omega dome. The advantage of bating work dose by perounentl,rlo. Wed and rooponifble lnrtlee. trawl be apparent to a& weenie& Plow all aW esmaine eye& mem All ofwork plats suck at our office, ore Boyd Cos Wed ware Mom W. W. SMITH it BROTHER. Ilatarose, Aug. 18. GOLD JEWELRY. t A Nsir s ind Ismaopkr. lei:rove, Noe. N. 1 . AM MULL. fiorntr. Who Will Uwe Who will care When we lie beneath the (Lisle* Underneath the ehurch-yard mold ; And the long gram o'er our faces Lays its fingers damp and cold ; When we sleep from care and sorrow, And the ills of earthly life, Sleep to know no sad to-morrow, With its bitterness and strife— Who will care ? Who will care Who will come to weep above us Lying, 0, so white and still, Undenteath the skies of summer, When all nature's pulses thrill To a new life, glad and tender, Full of beauty, rich and sweet, and all the world Is clad In splendor That the world shall o'er repeal— Who will cam ? Who will care ? When Queen Animas flowers bhNsom And she stoops in pity down, With a white Hower for her bosom, Taken front her royal Crown ; Who will come to kneel in pity By our long and narrow lied, When the wild winds sing their ditty In the grzerses o'er our laud— Who will cure Who will earn' When the 'spring times glad smile lingrrs On the mdadows far and wide. And she drops with test• fingers. Bloom and leaf on every side, Who will come with tender yearning To the graves of those they miss? Who will sigh for our returning, To their presence and their kiss— Who will cam Who will care Who will think of white hands lying On a still and silent breast, Nevermore to dream of sighing, Evermore to know of rot Who will mi . t, '.' No one eon U•ll u. But Wrest and peace befall, Will it matter if they miss us, Or they miss Its not nt all? Who will ewe The 11Orden% of the Day Who shall rise and away. Find thelltmlens of the Day Who as.ert biy place and teach Lighter labor, nobler sinvels, Standing, tirm, erect and atriing, Proud us Freedom. free a. Song Lo! rcrgroan beneath the w eight Our own weakne,,s errafe ; Crook the knee and 'that the lip, .1H for tamer fellowship ; Load our slack compliant clay With the Burden of the hay paths there are so trued Fresher tields around us .prt-.ui: I )ther flames of suu and star Flash nt hand and lure afar : Larger Manhood might we share Lurer fortune—did we dare! In our mills of tl‘numon thought By the pattern all is wrought ; In our school of life. the man Drills to suit the public plan, And through labor, love anti play, Shifts the Burden of the Day. PinTer of all is right of none ! flight bath each beneath the sun To the breadth and liberal sluice Of the independent rate— To the chariot and the steed, To the will, desire and deed ! Al, the gods of wood and stone Can a single saint dethrone, But the people who shall abraid, 'taint the puppet, they have math. First they teach and then obey, 'Tis the Burden of the Day. Thwitler shall we never bear In this ordered atuicepbere ? sever this monotony feel Shattered by a trumpet pad ? Never aim that burst and blow From eternal summim know ? Though no man resent his wrong, Still is free the poet's song ; Still a stag, his thoughts may leap O'er the herded swine and sheep, And in pastures far away Lase the Barden of the Day. VARIETIES. —An tt,geney for Koopmanschap & Co. the itnporfers of Chinese, has been estalr lished in Boston. —A second-band clothier of New Ha ven, Conn., publicly announces that he has " left otf clothing of every descrip tion.' —A Chicago lady dropped or of her eyebrows in the church pew, add dread fully frightened a young man sitting next to her, who thought it vras his mous tache. Buffalo serenader sang, " I'm think ing lore of thee —" when the descent of about ten gallons of water from the third story window, proved her papa was think ing of bini. - • —"Mother," said Ike Partington, "did you know that the iron horse' had but one ear ?" "One ear! Merciful gracious, child, what do you mean ?" " Why, the engineer, of course." —Recently discovered manuscripts ex hibit the act that Robert Fulton had the plans for a floating steam battery perfam ed us tong ago as 1814, and that they were approved by naval officers who ex amined them. —A young lady from the rural districts went to Des-Mome to see an elephant. In the street car the conductor said M her : "Miss, your fame "Weil, if I am," she replitd, " I don't want any of you imm anence." MONTROSt, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1870. pioctilantouo. A POSTAL COURTSHIP '.l _ " She is really the prettiest little creat uure I ever saw," said Mr. Willoughby Vane, as he turned from the window for the fiftieth time that morally. "Jane," ho added, addressing his housemaid, who was clearing away the breakfast things. "have yon any idea who the people are who have taken old Mr. Adderly's house opposite " Well, yes, sir, if you please," returned the housemaid. " I met their cook at the grocer's, the other day, and she said that her master's name was IMack—Capt- Mg Choker Black—and that he was stav ing there on leave of absence with tits wife and daughter, sir." "Oh, indeed! Did she happen to men tion the young lady's name ?" " Yes, sir. She culled her Miss Eva." "Eva! What a elial i ming name.' - ' mur mured Willoughby to himself; anti then he added aloud: "That will do, Jane, thank you." Mr. Willoughby Vane was a bachelor. twenty-eight years old, rich, indolent and tolerably good-looking. Ile lived lvith widowed mother in a pleasant house on the Clapham mad, and, having nothing else to do, had fallen desperately in lole with his pretty neighbor, • and anxiously sought an opportunity for an introduction. However, having discovered the name of his fair enchantress, he determined to ad dress her anonymously by letter. Haying decided upon taking this step. the next thing to be done was to put it in to execution ; and, having shut himself up in his little study.after many futile at tempts, he succeeded in framing an epistle to the lady to his satisfaction ; begging her, if she valued his p •ace of mind, t, return an answer to W. V. The Post office, Clapham-common." That done, be went out for a walk, and dropped the letter tate, the nearest boy. . Regularly three times a day, for a week afterward, he called at the postottice see whether an answer had arrived for him. As the week advanced, Willoughby began to lose his appetite, and grew s o restless and irritable, that Mrs. Vane, like a fond mother, landed that her dear boy was unwell, and begged him to consult their medical attendant. But her soli laughed ut the idea, knowing well that his complitint was beyond the doctor's skill to cure. Ile was beginning to desixtir of ever receiving a reply, when to Ii is great de light, on the seventh morning. a letter was handed to him by the ix•st-tnistress. written in a dainty female hand, and ad dressed to "W. Nr." Almost unable to conceal his emotion, he quitted the shop, broke open the seal, and drank in the con tent;. They were evidently of a pleasing at turn. for,ho the letter over and over again. kissed the envelope, put it into hi , breast-coat pocket, and harried home to see his inamorata looking out of the window of the opposite hous e , as usual. For a moment his first impulse was to salute her respectfully : but immediately afterward he bethought himself that as he was still in cog., the young lady would. perhaps, feel insulted be the action. Be sides, how could she have any idea that he was - W.V.?" So he went indoors, and amused himself for three hours inditing a reply to the letter, which he posted the same afternoon, and, in due course, a second answer arrived. And so matters went ou, a constant in terchange of letters being kept up for a fortnight, during which time Mr. Wil loughby Vane spent his days in running to and from the post-olliee, writing let ters. and watching his fair neighbor from the window of the dinning-room. "Conf and it!" he would sometimes &•ty to himself - How very provoking the dear girl is! She will never look this wavt Ido wish I could catch her eye, if only for a moment. What a horridly sour-looking old crab the mother is! Depend upon it, Willoughby, that poor child is anything bat happy at home with those two old fogio. Indeed her letters hint as much. And having given vent to his feelings. he would put on his hat and walk to the post-office, or shut him self in his too:11001d cr.ompose another note to his "Dearest Eva." At length, three mouths haring flown rapidly away in this inanner, he received a letter cue morning front the young lady. which rail as follows: To W. V.—Sir: As it is useless to t.%.ntinue a currespondenee in this man ner, 1 think it ist now time for you to [how off yon int-16110e, and reveal your true name and l'osition to one to whom you are not totally indifferent. Believe me that nothing inspires love like mutu al confidence. Prove to me that I have not been imprudent in answering your letters by at once informing me who you are. It is with no f..elings of idle cur iosity I ask this, simply fur unr nintnal sutisfaetium "Yours, &c., Ev A." To which Willoughby replied by return of post: " DEAREST EVA : If you will permit me to call you so! Have you not for weeks rtst observed a young man with his hair brushed (Nick, anxiously watch ing you from the window of the opposite house? And, although you have ap parently never taken the slightest notice of him, I trust his features are not al together repulsive to you. lam that in dividual. Charmed by the graceful magic of thine eye, Day after day I watched, and dream ; and sigh : Watch thee, dream of three, sigh for thee alone, Fair stair of Clapham—may I add my own To quote with some alterations, the noble stanza of the poet Brown. And now I have a favor. Whenever you see me at the window, take no notice of me at present, lest my mother should observe it. In a few days she will be going out of town, and then we van throw off all restraint. Till then, adieu! Adieu, my adorable orik adieu! My eyes are ever ou you. Your own " WILLOUGHBY Vane." To which epistle came the following answer: " DEAR &a: Your explanation is per fectly satisfactory• I may also add that, your features are not at all repulsive to Ev A." " Bless her ! What a delightful little soul she is!" ejaculated Willoughby. And he went out, ordered a new suit of clothes, and had his hair cut. " Willy," said. Mrs. Vane to her son the next tricrning. "I wish you would do something to improve your mind, and not vast your time by looking out of the window all day as you have lately done. Come and ream the parliamentary debates to me, if you have nothing else to do." The worthy lady Wits a red-hot politi cian, and three mortal hours she kept him at this delightful task ; at the expiration of which time he succeeded in escaping to his own room, where he wrote the fol lowing note to Eva : " Eva: I am overjoyed at the contents of your brief communication. If, as you say, my features are not alto gether r.pulsive to you, may I hope that you will consent to be mine—mine onl7 ? WILLOUGHBY: WILLOCUU BY : Your reply has made me feel very happy. It is very dull here ; no society except father and mother. I limo' for more congenial coin- EV A." pal i ip. ice, In this delightful manner the days flew on—lialey,n days, too, they were fur Will onghliy, and sweetened by the interchange of this and similar lover-like e•vrrespond once. On the following Monday morning Mrs. Vane left town on a visit to some friends in Devonshire, leaving her son to keep house at home. That same after noon one of Capt. Black's servants brought the following note for Willoughby: " : Have you any objection to my telling my dear father all Matters have gone so far that it will be impossible fir either of us to retract what we have written. Let its take papa into our con tidanee. .1 know his kind and generous nature well, and have te, fear th a t he will oppose our union. Pray send me a line by hearer. The answer was as follows: MY OWN Eva : Du whatever you consider hest. My fate is in your hands. If your papa shunhl refitie his consent, —. But I will nut think of anything so dreadful. Fear not that I shall ever re tract. Life without you would be a desert with no oasis to brighten it. Y.ffirs until death, WILLOUGHBY." That evening, just as Willf,nghby had finished dinner, he heard a loud dou!de knock at the street-door: :ind On ita being opened a strange voice inquired, in a loud tone: " Is Mr. Willonghtty Vane at borne?" His heart beat violently as Jane, enter ing the room, said: A ivntion ao wishes to Teak to you in the 'library, sir." - - . And she handed him a card, inscribed "Capt. Ch,iker Black, C. it., 1.1. M.'s 1, ;O-ath root." `• I will he with him in a moment," said Willotighhy : and he swallowed a wulde of glassw of sherry to nerve him for the interview. -“C'apt- Choker Black, I believe?" he said, as he entered the library. .• Your servant, 6ir," szLid the gallant uaptaiu, who, glass ill hand, was 11111311 V engagod in scrutinizing au engraving of the Little of NaVariiio. Your ser% zoo, sir. Ilave I the pleas ure of addressing Mr. Willoughby Vane?" Wilboigh by bowed. "'lien. sir. of course you know the business that has brought me here ?" Terribly nervous, and scarcely knowing what athrwer to make, our hero bowed again. Come, come. sir, don't be afraid to speak out! Ily daughter hus made trie her emfulaut, et let there Le no reserve between us. Eva has told me all r Here poor Willoughby blushed up to the roots or his hair. " You sev I kii•oy all about it ; you have fallen desperat,ly in love with the poor girl ; and although you have never ex- changed two words together, von are id ready engag,l to he married. Very ev rlitioti:, upon ntt• word! In! ha! ha! Pray excuse me for laughing, hut the idea is somewhat comical." As the captain appeared to he in a very good humor, Willoughby's courage began to rise. Don't mention it, sir. Your are her father and have a right to do what you lease. But I sincerely trust that you have no objection to the offer ?" I? None! Belie%e me, I shall be see my Eva comfortably set tled. B u t h a rkre. sir, business is busi ness. lam a plain, blunt man, and fifteen years' sojourn with one's regiment in India dosen't help to polish one. First of all, then, what are your prospects?" And the captain drew a note-book from his pocked, and proceeded to eyamine our hero 113 if he was in a court of justice. You are an" only son, I believe ?" `• I uni." '"Good." And down went the note in the pocket-hook. " Your age'" `Twenty-eight nest birthday." "Twenty-eight. Good. Is your con stitution healthy ?" " I—believe so. I Lave had the measles, whooping-cough and mumps." " Disorders peculiar ti infancy. Good." And the captain scribbled away again. "Are you engaged in any business or profession ?" " None.•" " Then how on earth do you live ?" "On my private illetaile, captain." " Then all I eau say is, you re an nn commonly lucky fellow to be able to sub sist on that. I only wish I could. What is the amount of your income?" "About seven hundred a year." "Is it in house property, shares iu lim ited companies, or the funds? If in public companies, I should be sorry to give two years purchase for the lot." " In the new 4 per cent." "Good. I think I may say very good. What sort of a temper are you?" " Well,•thafs a rather difficult question to answer,". said Willoughby, smiling for the tirst time. " Hang it, sir, not at all !" returned the captain. "If auy one asked me my temp er, I should say `hasty , sir—confoundedly hasty r .A.nd Choker Black's proud of it, sir—proud of it !" "Say about the average," answer Wil leuoghby, timidly. " Temper average," said the captain, jotting it down. "I think these are about all the questions I have to ask you. You know my daughteriby sight ?" " I have had the pleasure of seeing her frequently—from the window, sir." "And you think you would be happy with her ?" "Think, captain. lam certain of it." " Very good. Now harkey, Mr. Wil loughby Vane. Marry her, treat her well, and - be happy. Neglect her, blight her puny affections by harshness or cruelty, and hang me, sir, if I don't riddle you with bullets. Gad ! sir I'm a man of my word, and I'll do what I say, as sure as my name's Choker Black." I have no fear on that score. captain. Unite her to me, and if a life of de votion—" " I know all about that," said the cap tain. "Keep your fine phrases for the girl's ears. Give me your hand, sir. I've taken a fancy to you.' -" You flatter Ate, captain." " Haug it, sir, no ; Choker Black never indulges in flattery. Don't be afraid to grasp my hand, sir, it's yours so long as I find you plain-sailing and straightfor wart'. But if ever I suspect you of any artifice or deception, knock you down with it. So now I hope we perfectly un derstand each other." " One word more," eaid Willoughby. - Am I to understand that you consent to our union." " Certainly. 'You can be married to morrow, if you please. Sir, the happiness of my dear child is my first consideration. Gad, sir, I am not a brute—not one of those unnatural parents people read of in novels. Choker Black may be a fire-eater in the field; but at any rate he knows how to treat his own flesh and blood." "Captain, you overwhelm me with gratitude," - Say nu wore about it. (lap on your hat and come across the road with me, and I'll introduce you to my daughter at once." Scarcely knowing what ho was about, Willoughby did as he was told. They crossed the road together, and the captain open his door with a latch-key. "(me moment., if you please," said Wil loughby, who was titivating 'his hair and arranging his cravat. " Are von ready now ?" asked the cap tain. IDES " Mr. Willoughbv Vane," cried the cap tain, ushering our hero into the drawing room. Then, waving his hand, he added, "Allow me to introduce you to my wife and daughter. Willoughby looked exceedingly foolish as he bowed to the two ladies. On a couch by the fireside Sat his enchantress, looking more bewitching than ever; her its-n-rix being the tall thin angular wo man in black that he had frequently noticed from over the way. " What a contrast," thought Willough by, "between mother and daughter." " Annie, my dear, Mr. Willoughby Vane is nervous, no doubt. You know the adage. Let us leave the young people together; and he'll soon find his tongue then, I'll wager," the captain said, ad dressing the younger of the two ladies, who immediately rose from her seat. Stay. sir—diere is some mistake here," said Willoughby. "This lady is—" and he pointed to the gaunt female. " My daughter, sir!" said the captain. "My daughter by my first wife." " And this—" ejaculated our hero, turn ing to the young lady. " Is my second wife, sir!" Mr. Willoughby Vane fled from his home that night. About a month later his almost broken-hearted mother receiv ed a letter from him explaining the whole affair; and the post-mark bore the words "Montreal, Canada?" " Stnek" with a Baby. Yesterday morning, as the steamboat for Wilmington was leaving the wharf at the foot of Chestnut street, a young wo man,with a baby iu her arms,hurried down, and the gang-plank by this time being removed, several persons gallantly hurried forward to help her on board. One of them, a young man, volunteered to hold the baby while she was being assist ed to the deck of the steamboat, and it was handed to him. The instant the young woman accomplished the dangerous feat, the distance between the boat and the pier so widened that the baby could not be handed to her, and the unfortunate custodian of the infant found himself in a rather unpleasant pretlieuma, besides being subjected to the merriment of the bystanders. It was uncharitable thought that the supposed mother of the child had taken that method to relieve herself of it. No one on the wharf seemed to have any knowledtgt, le of her.—Philadel phut Le:dyer. Jefferson's Ten Rules. I. Never put off till to ntorrow what you (1111 do to-day. 2. Never trouble another for what you can do yourself. 3. Never spend your money bejore you bare it. 4. Never buy what you do not want be cause it is cheap. 5. Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst and cold. 6. We seldom repent of having eaten too little. 7. Nothing is tronblesope that we do 8. How much pain the evils have cost as that never happened. 9. Take things always by the smooth handle. 10. When angry, count ten before yen speak; if very angry, count a bundled. —The Misses Young (Brigham's girls) number about twenty four. They are de scribed by one who saw them at the Salt Lake Theatre the other night as all stout and fine looking. The boys (there are many of them,) says this spectator,' look and act like other boys, no peculiarities in person or manners being apparent. —We are told to have hope and trust ; but what is a poor fellow to do when he can no longer get any trust. VOLUME XXVII, NUMBER 35. The Spring Lancet. I never saw a handsomer girl or woman than Rose Mason, or one with prettier graceful ways, though she had lived on a farm always and had no opportunity fur • culture of either mind and manners be yond that afforded at the village school, three miles ewav, and the rustic society of the vicinity. In form she was slender and round.. full of willowy curves as she moved. She I had a dark, brilliant face, and bright dark eyes, and a mouth as sweet and red ' as a half blown rose. I had loved Rose Mason at least two thirds of my life; and though with the coquetry that is inborn with creatures of her vivacious and changeful temperament. she had been extremely weary of showing me her heart, she had in the end confess ed she loved me. and consented that we j should he married in December. In November, while I wasuway in New York; clerking for my uncle, who belong ed to un insurance company, she became the wife of Carl Berthold, a handsome, black-eyed foreigner, who had invaded our rural precincts about the time of my last visit home, bewitching the girls, and driving the boys frantic a ith jcalousyt I was jealous with the rest, but I had Rose's promise, and though I disliked Berthold intensely, and turned chilly whenever he was near me. I had faith in my darling and went back to the city tol erubly content. The best news I heard froin home was they were married. I don't know how I bore it now. It was terrible, of course ; but as many an other has done, I suppose, I set my teeth and endured and went on just as before, outwardly. Berthold had taken her away. I did not hear where, and did'ut much Care. One morning, coming into the office from an errand down town, my uncle re marked to me: "If yon had Iwen hero tcn minutes sooner, you would have seen as putty a couple as I ever beheld ; they took out a policy for ten thousand dollars for each. Sensible pair, eh?" I smiled as I turned to my desk, and opened the ledger in which was recorded the manes of the parties in.nring, and the amounts insured fr. Th.. lust entries on the page were yet damp, -tail ILI.- thold—liose lkrthold." I duh't know what came over me, but I shut the book as though I had seen a ghost. Fortunately no one observed my emotion. I took my pen presently and went to work, bat all that afternoon t hose mimes danced before my eyes in letters of fire. I happened to he in the back office, three mouths after, when Carl liertmild Mine in to make a payment. I knew his silky, smooth voice before I saw his face. with its shining eyes and gleaming w hite teeth. Involuntarily I stayed where I was, and watched him through the g l a ss, partition that seperated the room in which I was from the front office. As he passed the money to my uncle, his sharp white teeth shone in a smile that seemed more like a sneer. and he re ceived his two policies back, with an al most tilidible chuckle. I had been pretty sure all the time that Rose and he were in the city, but I had never met them, though I never saw a woman that in the least resembled my lost darling without thinking of her, and I never attended any public assembly without scanning the throng fur the dark bright beauty of the girl who jilted me. After I had seen Berthuld in the insur ance office, I watched more diligently than before, and frequented more than formerly such places of resort as I imag ined Rose and her husband might attend. One morning, hurrying up Broadway, I had a glimpse of what looked to me like Rose's sylph-like shape entering a picture gallery. Instantly I darted after her up the stairs. It was indeed she, looking a little scared at first at the sight of me, but, blooming into something more than even the old vivacity under the rearsuriug warmth of manner. She was more beau tiful than ever, and I was truly glad to see lip and cheek glowing with such fresh carnation tints, and to behold the clear. sunny "learn of her liquid eyes, Till I met her so, 1 bad Scarcely real ized that I had entertained any forebod ing thoughts in her connection. UUC011• ix:lonely I haTipictured her to myself as pale uud fading. But. this creature, with her tropical bloom and laughing eyes, mockt.d such visions surely. She was ev idently happy. I must have wronged Berthold in those thoughts in winch, though I had not acknowledged it to my self, I had uttribtuted to him the possi bility of unkindness or injustice in any way to the woman he had beguiled from me. As we parted, and Rose gavc inc her little band, she named her address and in vited me cordially to call. I took the ad dress, but I said that I should not be likely to call. She colored, slightly at my words, but did not urge me. Proba bly she felt that it might not be pleasant fur her husband and myself to meet. Less than a week after this meeting . having business in that part of the city,l deviated a little from my direct route for the sake of passing by where Ruse lived. I met her husband soon enough to avoid passing him, kept tranquilly on my way. His eyes did not light on me till we were close upon each other, as he strode along with his look upon the pavement, his lips set in the sneering smile I bad no ticed in the insurance office. At the sight of me the smile froze, his face turned to a chalky white, and he stood a siu,, , rle lielpnes.s instant, the incar nation of the blackest terror I ever be held. It was but a second. Ho rallied so swiftly, and shot past me with a court ly lift of his hat, that I half doubted that I had seen any unusual expression on his countenance. Glancing back involuntarily, Berthold had vanished, but I imagined I could sec the glitter of his white teeth beyond some thick foliage which draped a yard near by. "He is watching to see if I will go in," thought I, and I hurried past without once glancing at the house. How I ha ted the false pride which made me do so afterwards Early the following week, upon enter ing the office in the morningi I was start led by the announcement from my uncle's lips that Rosa Berthold was dead. I reeled as though he had struck me, and leaned heavily upon my . desk. "flow doyou know t" I asked. My uncle - knit his brow. "Iler,hasband has been here. Ile wants the amounts of her policy. lie is in a hurry, I take it." "When was it?" -A week ago, to-day. Heart disease. It's all right, of course. Ho has the prop er certificate; two physicians that I know, and one that I never heard of. But some how I can't make it seem so." Instantly it flashed over me the remem brance of ilerthold'a singular change of countenance when I had met him just a week before. Well might the mans face blanch and his eyes start with terror, thinking Ilwas going to his house perhaps. It all seemed very plain to me ths mo ment. "I' ode," I said, "Rose Berthold was I saw her not two weeks ogo, awl she way as well as I am this mo- To( in," "Rowe Berthold? Yon don't know her." exclaimed my uncle. "Yes, I do," and then I told him all ev en to my meeting Carl Berthold that morning, when, if I had glanced towards his house, I should have doubtless beheld some sign of death's awful presence with in there, and might perhaps, have been surer of circumventing this Tinian. Mx- uncle was enough of my opinion to , decide to have the matter Investigated- Nothing come of that investigation, how ever. If my Rose had died unfairly, there was not the slightest discovbruble proof of the fart. There was nothing more to be done then; but I was not satisfied. At the bottom of my heart lurked the belief that Carl Berthold was a murderer s • He re, ceived his ten thousand dollars and left for parts unknown. Five years after, the company with whom I remained and had risen in favor, sent me to England on business of impor, tame. Upon the same steamer with myself was Carl Berthohl ; I know him at once, though he did not recognize me. I had changed inure than he had. My hair had grown darker, and I had a very heavy beard. My pulse took a quicker beat at the sight of the beautiful creature who leaned confidingly mi his arm, evidently a bride of short standing. She was dress ed richly and wore on her white fingers several ratios which must have been of great table. I noticed, too, that the tiny watch at her belt. and which she from time to time glanced at, was set with bril liants of the first water, if one Could judge by their glitter. -li e ha: secured an heiress this time." I thought. -Ile will FC:lrCely need resort to insurance." I was in London several months, and occasionally I saw Carl Ber thold with his beautiful wife. One night My hotel took tire, and was so much dam aged that I had to go to another, when I discovered that I was not only in the same building, but occupied the next .1001111 to Carl Berthold. I Thought it a singular turn of circumstances to say the least, the more, that very night there was a sudden death in the hotel—my old rival lovely wife. I could not help wondering it her life had been injured. The physicians summoned to consult coneccning the cause of death, did not, however, pronounce it heart disease but avowed themselves puzzled. One of these, who had appearettiuterested in the case, I sought under the influence of irresisti ble impulse, and in confidence told him of that other sudden death of a wife of Carl Berthold's. Ho was greatly interes eb, and to cut the matter short, a repeti tion of the medical examination resulted in the discovery that Mrs. Carl Berthold's had comae to her death by the insertion of some exceedingly delicate steel instru ment, at that point where, the spinal cord joins the brain. The cruel, fatal weapon was found, upon search, in her husband's possession—it was a Etiring lancet of needle-like fineness and Sharp. DeSS. It was not difficult to imagine how this fiend in human form might, in the very act of caressing his beautiful victim, have sprung his deadly toy upon that vital part. The wound was so minute, and conwaleil by the drooping hair that it would easily escape observation. He COD fessed to enacting three other similar tragedies before be was hung. My lust Ruse was a victim of one of these, I felt that she was in a manner avenged, when the wreteh knew that I had borne some, though so small a part, in his de. teetion. —A curious scene was witnessed at the burning of a will on Battle Island near Oswego. The mill was the home of g.reat flocks of swallows and pigeons. While the flames were raging, the birds would circle above kern in flocks, and then dash into them in a body. Hundred of them were found dead after the lire. In explanation of this singular fatality, it is suggested that the birds were attracted by the light, and also that they bad nests in the mill tilled with young• ones which they N'ainly sought to ilefend. —A gentleman who arrived in Rich mond with the body of a relative, who was a victim of the Jerry Run accident on the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, do• Blares that in the darkness and confusion at the scene of the catastrophe, some un known scoundrels seized the opportunity to rob the dead and the Wounded. He says that the bodies of every one of the former were rifled, and that several of the wounded had their watches and jewelry taken frozz2 them. As most of the unfoi tunates wore good watches, and wore well supplied with money, the infamous rob bers gut booty to a large value. —Oa the gate of a post in front of a farm house near Indianapolis is a sign, which says: No lightning rods or life insurance wanted here. —A stir has been created in Egland for some time past, by the disappearance* of Lord Aberdeen, a young geutlenuni aged twenty-three, who left England abou t . two years ago, without since giving any utfor. oration of his whereabouts