4:lioli ,t,144) , ern , 14t f..14 . 31Ann - ; , a t.'7.BE - 2 .!• ' ' -•.- • ' '..' ;I:', t; - ,.:.'i'..; .:1 ,! 2 fj fir , ii 0! .. 1 7,.. 1 0 7 7.... k4 ~..! c j .i : ~ . 7.27 , - '-.-".1 rl ' !. ' ;i; i r A .7: 1;.77.) . 4, • ...,,?....!. 1'1,......,) .- !,1,1...-... ~! r i 'll/1 t! !)) ,;.; rri:;,ll . , 41.3.:-:.':,.Y.r.c!.Es ~ , -,.,..,.. ~ ~ t l-•. .. ...:;,,.• .-. 4 i . ;' , .; - 2 , . ' . :i - iri;;4r ' .4- i''''' '' ' . , .. • - ,...„, , --i • - 1 '!'l''' - - 'I. In .'' .i. . --7r. ' ''' ' . - 4 , .71;,' f' V litr .1...c1_ ,-., .. . • . .i 1..,v1 i • . • i i 7. __ f -'• ':: 1 , itt ,•': •• ; . . ;, 1 , ,I. i 1 ,i 0 . ; , .'l' a . . • „ . y . , . c a,,, 40,1 ,1 .. .. . : . :''' ''. 44 ; .1 1' ..1 I 7!1 , , I, J...i,!: ~ ! !,; - 1 ~.."' ' • ' .' it '',l,': , .. • _ . , :' , lA . ,' • ,t ,:1 4.., 3t .-',itl. •••,„ '.;.) ', ALL ~ ..7.:P.1 !WV& .. . , •• •• • .•'; ; z...: ,". t . 31 iii •• , ' • . i , .:. : ~ i .:,.i,,, !„,,f r 7 . ,; ..-.; . :F - 3•,-. i . , i, •. : - . . . . . . : :cll.?' .1^ .'..4 3J. .1 4.4.1 • . - '.11t• • ',' •• t , - . . . - -f.'5.4.4. ' 1 25. -CL:4 44, - ' • ii_7lt , ' - ‘4. 1555 i . _ .. .f ~l .; i ~~, i I:I: :41..T, 11.:1 :t H4WLEYt , X:4oPrjeitovr• guointo Carib. TATTLES & BLAKESLEE, Attorneys end Conn.ellore at Law. Office the one here re tofore-room:4o,lr R. 11,404 Idtkle.eu Main *setininteneet rm. ' ' • ' 4 LA. =rms. GMo. P. LITTLE. E. L. lILACITILTZ. E. Mailman:. C. C. FACZOT, W. U. McCaig, MehENZIE, FAUROT & CO. Dealer. In Dry Goods; Clothing, Ladles and hflosea fine Shoes. agents 'ter the great American Tea and Coffee Company. [Montrose, Pa , sp. 1;70. CIIIIERLES'N. STORDARIX , Dealer in Boots and Shots. d oor d Caps. Lintther and Findingt, Main Street, Sd below Searle's Hotel. Work made to order. and repairing done neatly. lloutrose, Jan. 1, PrZO. LEWIS KNOLL, 111AVING"AND,11AIR DUMMER°. ghop in the nal" Postailice building, where he will .be found res4tltattend all who may want anything tti his line .. . Montrose, .Pa. Oet. - IS, 1742. . . P. REYNOLDS, AUCTIONS ER--Bellittlre Gooda, , and Megtutolze—also attend* at Nendues. orders tart at 'hiy boa. will receive prompt attention. [Oct: 1, 181.4—tt O. M. IILAWLEt,' DEALER In DRY GOODS, GROCERiKS., CROCKERY. Hardware, Hata, Cava, floota.Shoea Heade Mc' Coth. hag, Paints, Otto, etc., Now 'Milford, Pa. ISepL 69. §..W. DivitTON, PLITNICIAN BBROBON. tenders his eat the citizens of Great Bead and vidulty. Office at Ids residence. opposite Barnum Bonsa,B • t, Bend Wince. dept. tat, 18t0.—cr LAW OFFICE. citAlosizatnir & kIeCOLLIIIL, Attorneys end .Coan rellors at Law. Office In the Brick Block aver the Bank. [Montrose Mg. 4.1869. . 'A. CllAXlrEttalif. . - J. B. MeCor.t.trc A. & D. R. LATHROP, DEALEDS in Dry Goods. Groceries, crockery sod glassware, table and pocket cutlery. Paints. oils, dye atoll's. Hate. hoot, and shoes. hole leather. Perfumer, Ae. Brick Block. adjoining the Bank. al ontroae. Acignat 11. Sta.—tor. A. Lyrnuor, • - • D. It. LALIIItOT. A. 0. WARREN, ATTORNET A . LAW. Bounty, Backlay. Pension. and Ex an r.n .Clahne attended to. Office dr nor below Boyd'. Store, Montrore. [Au. I,'P. V 4. w. wAvsov, • ATTORNEY 11T LA E r ., Vont:use, Pa. 0111ce TOM, L. F. Fitch. • [Slontro•e, Aug, ,1, ISM 1L C. SUTTON, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, ant 691. f Friendsville, Pa. C S. GILBERT, Great Thud, Pa Q. fa. ani Ott ELL, 77, g, Bvotioaoor. Aug. 1, IND. Brunt ,Ps JOHN GROVES, F N.SIIIWS A BI.F. T ontrtme, P. Shop over Chandlrep Stott. A", mere filled in tint-ratt uttlnweooe On short notice, and warranted to At. W. W. SIIITII, C %UUET AND (.111A111 ACTT:IIEIIS. of Math otrrot., Aloatrost. ra :mug. 1.1o19• BICRUITT, DRALEiIIn Staple and Enney Dry Good., 'Crockery. liardnraro., Iron, Stove., Drn g., Oils, and .I•aint.. ...„DyptaanetShp.g. Rate k Capa, Zars,..Garcalp Cobra GroCerles , Pro ra . Pa. DR. ti. P. HINES, flee perusaneatly located rat Friendssitle for the , pose of practicing medicine and eurgery in all it. branches. U may be found at the Jackson 101001 , C. Once boor* from Ba. m., to 8 p. m. Prlendavnle, Pa., Aug, 1. 1869. STROUD Ar. BROWN, FIRS AND LEFF. on AC.7I:I I :TS. Al 7 i in:altars attended to promptly. on fait terms. Office first door north of Montrose Motel," west fade Public Avenue, Jilontsose, Pa. .01211.4,1i1 7 . Malmo Sraot-D, it:LA:mad L. littera. JOUN SAETTER, • "MESPECTFULLY annonnees that he Is pared to .cat all kinds of GIITIDCI3Is in the mos, fashionable Style, warranted to dt with elegance nd ease. Shop over the Post Otuce, Montrose, Pa D. LUSK.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Montrose, Pe. OEleo oppo site the Tarbell House, near the Court Roses. Aug. 1. 180.—t1 • DR. W. W. SMITH, DENT reIST. to Rooms over Boyd it Corwin's Mud wa Sre. Oflice hours from II a. ru. to 4p. 131 Id on tro se Aug. 1. 180.—tf ABEL TERRELL, DEALS% In Drugs, Patent Medicines, Cbt-mira ts Liquor', Paints, Oils,Dye smrt. Varnishes, si Glatt. Groceries, Glass Wire, Wall and Window per, Stone-ware, tempt, Iterovene. Machinery Oil., Tisanes. Gunn, Ammunition, Suttee, tipertsteles Brushes. Palmy Gordo. Jewelry, Poen rA being tone (tribe most numerous. I iterative, and valuable collections or Good. to Snsquebnunn Co.— Sitabllabed In 1843. [Monitore, Pa. D. W. AEAULIE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. office over the Store of A. Lathrop, In the Brick Block, Montrose, Pa. [sorra DR. W. L. HICHARDSIDIV, PHYSICIAN it SURGEON. tenders his professional services to the citizens of Montrose and vicinity.- 01!Mee et 11.16 raddence. on the corner east or Sayre d Bros. Foundry. [Aug. 1. 1869, DR. E. L. GARDNER, raYsiciAs and SURGEON. Montrose, Pa. Give!, espactil attention to diaeasea of the licart and Lugs . said all'Suratealdiaeasea. ORlce,oe.er LP. B. Deana Boards at Searle's Hotel. . IfaW. BURNS & NICHOLS, DZS• En Drugs, Medicines. ebetaiCalin. Dye. et AS; hints. Oils. Varnish. Liquors. Spices: Fancy :it.: cies. Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet As. Octal. 1211/ Preset p tion. carefully Compounded.— Poetic beeline, above- bcarle's Motel: Montrose. Pa A. B. Boma% Astoe Nicmcd.s. Actg., 4.1862. - . DR, E. L. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, respectfully tenders hi professional serrlect to.the citizen of Priendsrlllc „sod vicinity: IrlfrOffice 1.34,14.0ti1ep p,fDr. Lee ftearde at J. Hosford'e. Eng. 1, ISO. PROF. MORRIS, The Watt Barber, returns Ms thanks for the ktndt roasq that has enablmi Mtn to get tbs-best,. S its hav'nt time to tell the whole store, but come Sad son thr Tourseses tiros the Old Stara. l'rolcmd taughlag allowed in the shop. - ••• • (April 18,19111 .TIENTISTRY. . . , . All those In want of falsc Teeth or other dental work tktMtld call at the oWce of the subscribers. Who are pre pared to do all kinds of wink in their line on short notice. Particular attention paid to' making fall and partial Sethi of teeth ongold, ellver;or ithatalnum plate . ; alto on Wetton'a cast Composition t thd two latter preferable to atil i grecheaper substances now used for dental plates. of young perm:int rel.:elated, and made to grow In natural shape. The advantage abasing work done by permanently le. sat and roeponsible parties, most be apparent to • All work warranted. Pleate call and examine Rea. meatof plate work at macaw, over lioyd..k Co's bard. ware stare. • W. W. 'MO & BROVIKEt. Nadi:Dia Aug 18.3919.-0 G °U) " .44!"141r 2' A New aad lizteittlppy. Branum, Now. NOM. ABEL TIIRBELL ,1 , .1 lirf Fir339,10 g i ro; eriorntite < To a City Cosainaboat 10 be Married. . • • fall4pal4 O. MAL rI• • ; In It true.: what they tell me, my beautiful cousin, Your-are going to .be married--have nettled • the - dayl • . That cards are all! printed—the wedding-dress • 'chosen • And everything fiZed for an evening in May Ah—well'--.just imagine—had I been a Turk, And you—but, fitigiatter—lts idle to whine In purest of bbSems some envy may lurk, And I feel 'n litqe (town it !) in mine ! II 1 Tu qrer /—the stru,vle was but - for a moment ; Am], npWiet.mc giro you, dear cousin, I pm . , A. wordd of adviceif .there's anything in it, Accept dt ; you can th,row It away. An emeellent ;naval Is "crests apeTTO:" Which neaps (Since your,4atin 1 venture to doubt) For practical wisdom ,tis best to refer to &teacher whd knows whAthe's talking about. 111 (Test essi 'l've been married this many a year ; And know rather More than a bachelor can ; And more—l Suppose It is equally clear— Than a very yo.ni wife, or a new-married 'Of course ther.e i ll be matters-to weary and rest, But wcimats is Mighty, and patience endures ; Mid Mars—reeoftect— Is the (much)"softer sex," "ThOkis we (not very gallant) say it of yours I ry The sir* should be merciful! Women we Though weaker in body, surpassing us still In virtue; and strong—very strong in mind, (When she knows what It is) not to mention her will .... Be gentle! Bow hard you will find it to hear When your husband Is wrong, and as diftluelt • Quite In the other contingency—nut at all rare— When'you're forced, in your heart, to confess he was right Be chrefiTof•ttillth ; h maxim of weight I.n auestiOniatkili<the heart or the head ; Tn wedlock, consider, how often the fate Of the gravest affairs may depend on a thread! On 1 button, perhaps! Mi! the "conjugal tie" Should never be strained to ultimate test ; Full many a matron has found with a sigh, That the fixture was barely a button, at hest. IV A truce to this jetting! While friends by the dozen -.- Their kidd gratulations arc fain to employ ; None more than your poet—your mirth-loving cousin— Puts his heart in the words while he's "wish ing you joy," Quite through to its close may your conjugal life Maintain the impressions with which it began: The woman still saying, "I envy the wife ;" The husband exclaiming, "I envy the man !" Cling to 'ThOse Who Cling to ll'on There are many friends of summer, Who are kind while.flowers bloom, But when winter chills the blossoms, They depart with the perfume. On the broad highway of action . , Friends of worth are far and few So when one has proved his friendship, Clings to him who clings to you I , 'Do not harshly judge your neighbor, I ' Do not deem Ms life untrue, 'lf be Makes' no 'great pretensions— Deeds are great though Words are few Those who stand amid the tempest, Firth as When tlid skim are blue, Will be friends while life enduretli, - Cling to'those who cling to you. I When you see a worthy brother Buffeting the stormy main, Lend a helping hand fraternal, Till he reach the shore again ; Don't desert the old and tried friend When misfortunes come in view, Forhe.then needs friendship's comforts Clio; to those who cling to you. BREVITIES N w ideas and new ladies' lap (lop are no . use except to pat and t&tze (pat entees). —The latest parlor game—Sitting up. 'flake's two to play:it. A yawn in company generally indi cates a gaplin the conversation. —ln did 'Connecticut valley now the staple crop said to be tobacco. —"Vneasy lies the head that wears a crown." , kbead would be very uncom fortallle without one. , One hundred newspapers have start ed and failed 'in Chicago, and $60,000,- 000 have been sunk in journalistic failures in New York. A venerable couple out West have se- Render] after forty years of peaceful wedded life; on account of a quarrel, re sulting froth the sale of a cow. —"Atint, Irby do you sit out the long sermons of 'that minister ?" said niece. My dear," replied aunt, "they accustom me to .etaroity.". . A Missouri drover has hogs so fat that to find out where their heads are it is tyesestrytofboot Ahem and judge by trie squeal, said a little friend of ours, "what's, the use of giving our pigs so -They-make hogs of them .:„ -- A toy, in reply to some guests who praised the, motto:if on the :table, said: "Oh, yeS my husband always buys the best; be is a great rpiiac." -- Astronomers are the sun's "good-na tured friepds." They never tire of talk inglibout him, and pointing out his black spots. , —A Pennsylvania paper tells of a local preacl3er "wbo has received for salary this yearnothing but a carry comb, a keg of varnish' And twodozen clothes pine. A Man is said to be absent-minded when be thinks he has left hie watch at home, anti takes it ont of his pocket to seeif lieliiis'ett time to return - boas to get it: MONTROSE, PA glitutliatuou. War Soap of the Fighters. THE AUTHOR OF THE LIERHAH NATIONAL Ernst Moritz Arndt was born Dee., 26, 1769, at Shoritz, in Rugen.,, , Toward, the end of the last, century he distinguished :himself as a traveler, and by his vvorkesio Sweden, Italy; France, Germany, Italy, etc. In 1806 he was appointed Professor Ex traordinary of Philosophy at Graswald. Ho was a vehement lover of liberty, and though at first a favorer of Napoleon, be came one of his bitterest opponents as soon as he comprehended his designs of conquest. His " Spirit of the Age" went through several editions. The attention it excited by the boldness of his attacks on Bonaparte. compelled Arndt, to fly to Stockholm, whence ho was unable to re turn until 1813. .• His writings, which flowed in rapid succession from his indefatigable pen, made a profound impression on popular feeling. '1 hey served, It is intimated, more than any cause, to keep alive the German hatred of French domination that stimu lated the war of liberation. In 1813, Arndt was appointed Profess or of History in the University of Bonn ; but the yen , next year the inquiry into " Demagogical Intrigues" was said to have implicated him. He was - out of the public employment till 1820, when he was reinstated. his popular poems old War songs, of which the one given' is at once the most martial and popular, were pub lished at Frankfort in 1815 and at Leip sic in 1840 : TRH GERHAN FATHERLAND. Which is the German's fatherland? ls't Prussia's or Swadia's land? Is% where the Rhine's rich vintage streams ? Or where the Northern sea-gull screams? Alt! no, no, no His fatherland's not bounded so. Which. is the German's fatherland? Bavaria or Styria's land ? Is't where the MI/retail ox unbroolir Or where the marksman's iron rends? no, no, no! His fatherland's not bounded so. Which is the German's fatherland Pomerania or Wm7tphalia's land ? Is it where sweep the Donlan waves? Or where the thundering Danube raven? Ah ! no, no, ;to I Ms fatherland's not bounded foo. Which is the German's fatherland Oh, tell me now the famous land tat Tyrol, or the land of Tell 1 Such lands and people please me well AL no, no, no: G•tharl...a.ro tnttas•acti au Which is the German's fatherland ! Come, tell me now the famous land. Doubtlms it is the Austrian State, In honors and in triumphs great Ah ! no, no, no! Ills fatherland's not hounded so. is the German's fatherland Is't what the Princes won by sleight From the Emperor and the Emperors right ? Ah ! no, no, no ! • His futherland's not bounded so. Which is the German's fatherland? So tell me now at last the land ! Far as the German accent rings. And hymns to God in Heaven sings— That is the land— There, brother, is thy fatherland ! There, is the German fatherland, Where oaths attend the grasped hand— Where truth beams from the sparkling eyes— And in the heart love warmly lies— That is the land I There, brother, is thy fatherland I That is the Gentian's fatherland ! Where wrath pursuM the foreign band— Where every , frank is held a foe, And Germans all as brothers glow ! That is the land— All Germany's the fatherland ! THE HISTORY OP THE HARSEILLAISE. On the 30th of July, 1192, the Marsel laises arrived in Puns, whither they had been invited by Barbaronx at the instance of Madame Roland. " The secret motive of their march," says M. DeLamartine, " was to intimidate the National Guard of Paris ; to revive the energy of the Fan bourgs ; and to be in the advance guard of that camp of 20,000 men, which the Girondists had made the Assembly vote ; to overrule the Feuillants, the Jacobins, the King, and even the Assembly itself, with an army of the Departments com posed entirely of their own creatures." The Marsaillaises entered Paris by the Faubourg St. Antoine, and singing the song which bears their name, proceeded to me Champs Elysees, where a banquet was prepared for them. The origin of the words and music of this famous song is thus described by M. De Leamt.rtine: " There was at that time a young offi cer of artillery in the garrison at Stras burg. His name was M. Rouget De Lisle. He was born at Lonsla-Suulniea in the Jura, a country of reveries and en ergy, as mountainous regions always are. Tate young man loved war as a soldier ; the revolution as a thinker. By his ver ses and his music, he lightened the tedi ousness of the garrison. Generally sought on account of his doable talent as a musi cian and a poet, he became a familiar visitor at the house of an Asiatic patriot, Dietrich, Mayor of Strasburg. The wife and daughters of Dietrich ebared his en thusiasm for patriotism and revolution.= They loved the young officer. They in spired his heart, his poetry, and his mu sic ; and trusting to the early lispings nf his genius, they were the. first to execute his scarcely expressed thoughts. "It was in the hinter of 1792, famine reigned at Strasbuix, the Dietrich Wilily were poor, and their table was frugal, but it was always hospiMble to Rouget. One diy, when there was/I(4km on the board but some ammunition bresTandAirldi cee of ham, Dietrich, looking at De Li& *.EI**SDAX, AUGUST 24, 187'0. wiihtnekanctouy cainniess, said : ' Abundance is wanting at our banquet, but whiti,truiterii that; when neither en ftlindiasmis wanting at our'civil feastknor .elitirakein the hearts of , our soldiers? have still a , bottle of wise left in my eel led• it be brought , up; tffid let us drink to liberty and our country. There will seen be a patriotic celebration at StraSbarg ; may these last 'drops inspire De Lisle' with itime `or tlidarhymns which convey to the son' of the people the intox ication from whence they-proceed. • y ot i6o.-girls applauded, brought in the Wine, and , filled up the glasses of their aged fat Wand the young officer until the , liquor was exhausted, It was midnight The night was cold. De Lisle was in a dreamy state ; his heart was touched head was heated. The cold overpowered' him, and he tottered into his lonely room slowly, seeking inspira tion now in his patriotic soul, now in his harpfschord ; sometimes composing the air before the words, and sometimes the words before the air, and so combining them in his thoughts he:himself did not -know whether the notes or the verses came first, and that it wis impossible to separate the poetry from the music, or the sentiment from the exprmsion. He sang and set down nothing. • " Overpowered with the sublime inspi ration', De Lisle went to deep on the har- piiichord, and did not write until day.— He remembered the song of the previous 1 night- With a difficulty like theft with which we recall the impressions of a dream. 'He now sat' own the words and music, and ran with them to Dietrich, 1 whom he found at work in the garden.— The wife and daughter of the old patriot had not yet risen. Dietrich awakened them, and invited some friends who were us passionately as fond of music as him self, and were capable of executing De Lisle's compesition. His eldest daughter 1 played the•acciimpaiiimenti while Rognet sung. I "At the stanza, all faces turned pale ; ' at the second tears ran down every cheek; I, and at the last all the madness of entlin- Siam broke forth. Dietrich, his wife, his daughte, and the young office, fell weep ing in each other's arms. The hymn of the country was found. It was destined, alaS ! to be also the hymn of terror. A few months afterward the unfortunate ~Dietrich went to the scaffold to the sound of the 'very- notes which had their mien on his own hearth. in the heart of his friend, and in the voices of his children : iffE MARSEILLAISH. Come, children of your country, come, New glary dawns upon the world ; Our tyrants rushing to their doom, Their bloody standard have unfurled ; Already on our plains we hear The murmurs of a savage horde ; They threaten with the murderous sword Then up and form your ranks, the hireling foe withstand ; March on—his craven blood must fertilize the land. , Those banded serfs—what would they have, By tyrant kin& together brought ? Whom are those fetters to enslave Which long ago their hands have wrought ? You, Frenchmen, they would enchain ; Doth not the thought your bosoms fire The ancient bondage they desire To force upon your necks again. tikeu up, &c. These marshaled foreign ers--.4diall they Make laws to reach the Frenchman's hearth ? Shall hireling troops who fight for pay Strike down our warriors to the earth ? • God I shall we bow beneath the weight Of hands that slavish fetters wear ? Shall ruthless despots once more dare To be the masters of ourfate ? Then up, &c. Then tremble tyrants—traitors all— Ye whom both friend and foe despise, On you shall retribution gill,' Your crimes shall gain a worthy prize• Each man opposes might to might ; And when our youthful heroes die, Our. French can well their place supply We're soldiers all with you to fight. Then up, tte. Yet, genemns warriors, still forbear To deal on all your vengeful blows ; The train of helpless victims spare, Against their will they are our foes. But, oh ! those despots stained with blood, Those traitors leagued with base Bouille, Who make their native land their prey— D ea th t o thq savage tiger brood! March on, &c. And when our glorious sires are dead. Their virtues we shall surely And When on the selfsame path we tread, And truck the fame they leave behind. Less to survive them we desire Than to partake their noble grave. The proud ambition we shall have To live for vengwnee or expire. Then up, &c. Come, love of country guide us now„ Endow our vengeful arras with might And dearest liberty, do thou, And thy defenders in the fight. Unto our flogs let victory, Called by thy stirring accents haste ; And may thy dying foes at last \ Thy triumph and our glory see. Then up, &c. —No one ever did a designed injury to another without at the same time inflict ing a much greater one upon himself. -Anna Story was recently married to Robert Short. A very pleasant way of making a Story Short. • • Fond mother with a son of a very open. countenance — " He's a pretty good boy, bat don't take to his letters." —They' have a habit in those new Western cities of presenting the list baby with, a enrner lot. It is said there is danger of tb'e ex tinction .of elephants, the hunters are killing them off so fast. -A Chinese maxim says; "We require four of women—thitt virtue dwell in her heart; that modesty play on her tiixt,*_,,qlta.t. slyer ti . exa flow:from her ligk; ibitinittieqy oeenoiteilfaids The Detective Department—Cinlotiui Incidents. 'When Vidocq, the French ex-thief and then thief,-catcher; gave to the world his niemoirs, 'people doubted whether his statements of, exploits were ,reliable.; A self-asserting hero in two 4 . 'professious,". it might, well be believed to, egotisui, vanity and, professional pride colored,the )aistory which be gave, of a career which,incladed him among the friends as well as the, foes of society. And yet to those familiar with the past history of the Detectiye ,Department of Philadelphia, few of the stories told by the French policeman seem exaggerated. Tradition as well as the personal collection of our own of ficers give a long catalogue of crime de tected, criminals captured and property recovered by means as surprising as any employment by the famed Vidocq. No one of our detectives has ever put into shape these incidents, and what is now known comes to us through the gossip incident to a friendly chat with ex-de tective officers. The stories thus gathered include not only the successes, but also the failures of the officers; not only victories, but also ignominious defeats. - Some of these mis takes were not only amusing, but at times resulted in pecuniary loss to the unfortu nate officer. Fur instance, a heavy rob bery was committed some twenty years ago in Baltimore, and our policemen were notified of the fact. The Baltimore propellors were, therefore, watched, at at our wharf, until finally a man, not°. rions in criminal annals as the robbei of the Patent Office, appeared. He was seiz ed, and his baggage examined. A fine lot of burglars' tools were thus secure& bnt none of the stolen property was dis covered, and ••Tom" had to be released. He at once brought suit against the of ficer, and obtained a verdict for $260 damages! It is not always, however, that well-known criminals improperly arrested have the effrontery to go into a civil court to obtain compensation for wounded honor. • Even innocent men and men entirely unknown to the police force hesitate to undertake such a task, and most of them are content to be released and thus forever bury from public gaze' the story of the wrong. A case or two in point. About fifteen years ago, the officers is this city received information of a robbery in New York, with the description of the suppos ed thief, "a German, five feet, nine inches, dent in the left cheek, and a trunk con taining cut cloth ready for manufacture into clothing." The officers captured at the depot a German answering exactly', this description, including the trunk with the cut garments. And yet the detectives bad captured the wrong man, the real thief teing arrested in New . York a few days afterwards, his personal appearance closely resembling the unfortunate victim s• .1.- ohiludpinhistoffirpru. miAtnkr. The German was too glad to secure a release to trouble the officers with a suit fur dam ages. A still more unfortunate blunder was once committed by a special officer, who is now dead. In company with a well known ex-detective he visited West Chest er in search of a thief whose personal ap pearance included hair of the true blonde order, cut in a peculiar style. On the train home the officer became convinced that he recognized in one of the passen gers the object of his search._His fellow officer, more experienced an. more dis creet, was not so positive. and endeavored! to dissuade his sanguine companion. "Sam," however, was positive, and,.at one of the way-stations for refreshments, he managed to get near enough to the passenger, and addressed him familiarly. Upon their return ro the train the two engaged in conversation, the officer in quiring where his new made friend came from, where he was going to and whether lie had any baggage. The stranger, evi dently annoyed at what he believe to be the impertinence of his interviewer, gave ambiguous answers, which tended to in crease the suspicions of the officer. He stated that lie had no baggage. and yet when the.train reached Philadelphia the officer saw his stranger friend call a car riage and place upon it two very heavy trunks. Here was confirmation, and ac cordingly the officer entered the vehicle, claimed its - occupant as his prisoner, and brought him to the Central Station, where it was at once discovered that the accused was a respectable gentleman residing on Arch street. Being a civil engineer, be was returning from a professional tour, and the weight of his trunks was caused by the instruments in them used in his occupation. Of course there was con sternat ion in the office. At this moment "Gentlemanly George" came to the relief of the bewildered officer and explained to the gentleman the nature of the business upon which the detectives had been en gaged, and recounted to him the suspic ions borne of his own peculiar and un satisfactory answers to questions in the train. The gentleman admitted this, ex plaining that, as he did not know his interviewer, and believing him to have some design upon him or his property, he had been thus cautious in his replies. lie good-naturedly forgave the mistake, and left the office for his home. On another occasion, two officers start ed in search of a thief. One of the de tectives asserting that lie knew his man well, and - merely desired the other to make the arrest when the party was found.-1 In Market street, near Twentieth, the man was sighted and pointed out to the officer who was to make the capture. This' of ficer followed his man as far 'as 'Eighth and Arch, and then addressing him, told him he was his prisoner. The man, in dignant, refused to go, and a struggle for the mastery ensued between the two, un til finally the detective was victorious, although the encounter resulted M a torn coat for the prisoner. Upon teaching the Central Station, imagine the 'surprise of the officer to be told by his fellow • officer who had preceeded him to the station, that ht had g made , a mistake in the i dentity of the man! The accused proved Ito be a respectable young man attending 1 medical lectures in this city.. At 'the x pense of a new coat, the dicer succeeded In avoiding any further trouble horn • his ' false " test '—' ' .. '., ...: ...) • 'The'reiiirti3 tit these incidents iweseuts Jrzer , z :)FIT .zz V, xxVit,"Vtifit_llltr34,. z, ~•.z, !..,„:y orto p kir 11' , cariona case :of in !Weer!' igtinCiara dedeription'andli;yet' securintrithe right man. An old4entletnah rrealding• in Boston had .beentrobbed. by bia-nephew - of about 8500. The desCriptibrliof the mad name to Philadelphia, audit' tsddition tb 14401 and, general appeartince,it Was 'add the licensed was leme and wore strrorini °bat. The pdhkete` froro --Roston.? were' atoiely wathhed hy the irfhler , detaitedi for -that .purpose, , but hedliiled , to'see anyone with the hroWil coal or theilimpand , yet there was a cotivietion-upoir his mied that 'his man" , was somewhere about. - • Conan' g ttp to Joni~' hotel, in Dock street, -Where . the omnibusses in those days centered, the officer saw a man stand ing on the steps of the hotel ; he answer ed the • 'general description ) but wore a black .__coat. This; thought the officer, might retulily be changed, and he there fore watched tonote the man's gait when he moved. , Theman did start,'and , the officer failed tb discover theslighteattraCe of lameness; He itvaa • still in doubt. Recollecting that thll Man he wanted was named Jonathan .7—, us-a , last resort, the detective walked quickly up to the man,.grusped him by the 'hand, exclaim ing in a familiar manlier.' "Why hotv-are you, Jonathan ?" The'suddennessof the salute disconcerted the man, and he at once admitted his iudenity by a response, "Very 'Well I" How. is your uncle ?" said the detective; and the reply from the unsuspicious Jonathan to this and other family queetions convinced the officer that he had the right party: Awl so he had. Thty missing. money with the "brown-coat" were found in Jonathan's valise, and the morning after his arrest, when about to'be brought from his cell, it was discovered that he had an attack of rheurnatisre which I gave him then the "limp." which the officer the day before had looked in vain fur.—Phil. Ledger. 4.1 AgricultUral 1. All lands on which clover or the gasses are grown, must either have lime in them nattritll7, or that minepd must be artificially Supplied. ''lt matters but little whether it be •stipplied in' the form of stone lime; orstel- lime,,or marl. " 2: All-pertnatent imprtiveraent of lands must look to lime as its busia 3. Lands which have been hing in col tare, will be benefitted - by the application of phosphate of -Gine; drid it's unimport ant whether the deficiency be supplied in the form of , bone-dust, guano, native phosphate, oyster, shell, lime or marl—if the land needs lime alone. . . 4. No lands can; be preserved in a high state of fertility, -unless, clover and the grasses are eultiv.ited in the course of rotation. 5. Mold is indispensable in every s 6 and a healthy supply can alone be presery ed through the.caltivation of clover, and hp Trasse'A. tne turnite , le Air gs cca urove, or by the application of compost., r;o6 in the elements of the 6. All highly e,oncentnited animal ma nures are increased, in value, and their benefits prolonged-, by a mixture with plaster, salt, or with pulverized charcoal. 7. Deep plowing- greatly improves the prxxinctivis powers of every variety of soil that is nut wet.. 8. Stibsoiling sound laud, that is, land that is not wet, is also eminently con ducive to increased production. • 0. All wetland should-be drained: 10. All grain crops-should be harvested liefore the grainjs,-thoreitighily ripe. 10. Clover, as.woli wain) grasses intend ed fon hay, should be mowed, when in 4)10 .. 12., Sandy soils can be most effectually improved by clay. lichen such lands. re quire liming or marling, the lime or marl is most.beueficially supplied when made into compost with clay. In slaking lime, salt lime is better than water. 13. The chopping or grinding of grain to be fed to steel.: operates as saving of at least twenty-five per - cent. 14. Draining of wet land and marshes, adds to their value, by making them to produce more, and by improving the health of neighborhoods. 15. To manure or lime wet lands is to throw manure, lime and labor away. 16. Shallow plowing operates to im poverish a, soil while it decreases pro duction. 17.. By stabling and shedding stock through the winter a saving of one-fourth of the food may be effected.—Cor. Western Rural. —The characteristics of true prayer are, first, sincere asking;second,. earnest seeking after what we as; third, persever ance in asking.and seeking. —A New BedfOrd paper knows of a -pointer •that came to 'a' dead stop the other day 'before n 'door-plate inscribed " A Pariridge." • , • • . That which is good to be done, cau -1 not he done too . soon ; and if it is neglect ed to be done early, it will frequently hap- pen that it will not, be done at all. —A lady broke off her engagement with a gentleman retently, because she heard that he had asked a friend how much money. she would probably have. —ln. lowa a Man advertised his wife as "leaving - his bed and Soard," and then applied to her for aloan of a dollar and a half to pay for the• Advertisement. —An aged colored ; .woman has just died inVirginia,who cooked cornviodgers for 'Washiton, 0, the surrender of 'Corti at Yorktown. „ , What ! , shall I 'tlo ; ?' exclaimed. a superfaitidions.exipisite, as lie . pa.ced his elegant igiartme.nt in, tine frenzy ;,Ivhat to lifidone? I he,ve scented my hair a la violet, and.my landress has sent me my shirts a la rose l!' • An• able man will arrange his inter eats and conduct each in its proper order. Our.greediness often hurts us, in making a - prosecute too many things at once; by earnestly desirint:tho less considerable, we lose the most important. It is said 'that a i humsikt being can not-possibly stand.:}} ,V,rriperature blotter . 1 than 2 degrm 1 4 `,ahroljbelt." ;Tidily. of that atidYo4o, ye_ vitia o‘ye filateolog to ; O r o ccloOtry',:wheroAefeltro up, palm-leaf I fois'o'llottedidee • " -.ri.. ~ , 7 1- T hT.O.:;I: •Ars ~ iIIJ • Hunting Turkey. A writer upoii/"The' Game BirdN of Michigan,? in,ttliS Detroit Prfts thus graphically describes the manner in which the wild turkey is hunted by the profeasiontds;,- . . iThe true an,n,itimostunirersalmetbod of hnnting . them, among . sportsmen, is to scatter the !leek -by, damn them with a deg trained for ; OLIO ; purpow.., Mins is us nally'the setter 'Or pointer. litien the dog rushes,iete i tlie,flpek they scatter in all directions,, alighting on the, trees or skulking atidiading nntlefthe - bricial. If a marsh is near at hand , , they_ almost in variably; hide in the grass. 'lf they,have taken to the trees Orsliullied in'the oods, the hunter calls in the dog and sets him self silently down until he hears the call of the Innis uttered for. the reassembling of the flock; this he imitates, and they are k WitWn•CraPge 9.rithetlum i snot in detail. It be said that this is , not Sport, but,,l am. inclined to, the opinion that those who ignore ever thing but wing shooting'snd everything else to be pot bunting and unmanly would change their' - Views afteri :having once witnessed the exciting seenes:Ofcall ing turkeys. The sportsman, 'after the flockha's been well scattered, sits, down in ileited 'expec tation, and listens - with intense itterest for the first 6311 of the bird& If :disap pointed in this, he after. a time, - ititates the calling himself, and this must tot be clumsily done. ' The least brealenr, _falter in the netsuke detected' by th' birds at once. They ate-bidden on all Fideii . Of him, waiting femme); endW like him etting intently for the call, itinPreltictint 'to be the fi rst to utter it: ' ,ft) ptitiethe ,instra meet to his lips', CoVers,it witli'Voth'hands to deaden and soften the Sound, and ut ters a cautiontr, feeble' note—utters it once and only once—and listens' for the reponse. Everything is Painfully . silent; the senses of sight and heitrink are istmiur ed td their , utmeet ?Holt ; the dog crouch ed by the side of his master' partakes of the anxiety • and silently watehea every motion, and listens intentlyyfo r f the re sponding call. ' After irabort'lineryal it comes, carefully and cautiously,. The concealed game has heard the - 'notA, and after careful deliberation has-"Yfelded to she deception, : and- half doubtingly and cautiously responds. The gleam' ts the hunter's eve . and iltrick start of "the 'the dog, quiver" - of the tensely strained nerves/ showe I that" the device has been so far,successfuL All is I silent again. Yu quick sudden reply, no change . of position or hurry, but the htux ter waits patiently and lOng, as' if but half satisfied with the feeble, cautions re ply. Whin the.waiting haSotecoixtes painful—each minute seeming an hour —and the silence almost, oppressive,,:he replaces the instrument to his lips and another soft and 'carefully uttered note floats out upon the air. r fell ia et tn.n,aapp tlw9 hiMan prim and urtpr cimrt note .o.nes wafted back like au echo, but from aehor ter distance—the bird somewhat, assured , by the second call bus cautiously left its hiding place, and is silently stealing to ward the fancied rendezvous. Increased caution is now required,. and the eager hunter waits even longer than' before, and some impatient victim responds from another direction, Shortly folloir the call of the lointer, and silence again prevails. The dog is eager and excited, and his nose quivers as the 'aroma of the approachiug game reaches his nostrils, a rapid gleam of pleasure shoots across the features of b ih master whose practiced eye has detected the stealthy approach of the bird. Carefttlly itcomes;oftert . Stopping and peering inquiringly 'into the cover, not entirely free frein suspicion. At the same time, with a. steady and almost im perceptible motion, the deadly .tube is raised' to the bunter's eye, ata the death "knell rings out with a sharp reechoing explosion. The bird flutters away its short remnant of life, and silence, prevails again as painfully intense as before. The well-trained dog has not' lost Caution or been thrown' off his balance by . the shot, but with eager and delighted expression lies closer than before, The hunter has thrust a new cartridge, into the gun, al most with the act of Inking it from his face, and he proceeds with a repetition of the exciting tragedy. When no further responses can be ob tained to the cull, the birds aro gathered and the hunt is ON er. . A Mother to her Daughter . on Mar riage. Yon are now, my beloved child, about to leave those arms which hitherto cher ished you, and directed your every step, and at length conducted yon to .a happy, and honorable protection, , in the very bosom of honor.. You must•now be no longer the flighty, inconsidersite„ haughty, passionate girl, but ever 'With reverence and delight, have the merit of your husband in view. Reflect how_ vast the sum of your obligation to the man, who confers upon you independence dis tinction, and above all, felicity. Moder ate, then, my beloved child, your private expenses, and proportion your -general expenditure to the standard of his fort une, or * wher his wishes. I fearnot that. with your education and principles, you can never forget the more sacred duties, so soon to be your sphere of action. • Re member the solemnity' of your vows, the 'dignity of your character, the sanctity of your condition. Yon are amenable to so ciety for your example, to your husband s for his honor and happiness; and to Heav en itself for those rich talentsintrusted to your care and your • improvement ; and though in the maze of pleasure . or; the whirl of passion, the duties °of the 'heart may be forgotten, remember; thy • darling child; there is a record which will one day appear in terrible evidence' against us for our least omisidon.itolires Rural New Yorker: • • • • Yon can rid your honse of ante by sprinklingdry sugar • in a dean dry sponge.The * little pests will take up their, abode in it. Then drop it in hot water and repeat the process. . saitor looking serious in a chard, was asked by tbe clergyman if be felt nor change, whereupon tha tar put bin boa into his pocket, sand rosted; that .he "hadn't got a cent" elf 01,,1 al
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers