fount guinea firedog. he Sus ma in eih Miran, ate sear, OM— oath attatilkie, ISO ' GMBO2t IDWATIDS a BRYAN Irsashetarera at Wegois MONTIIOI3It WRlllt GIRL News Mee, sod deebrs to Grocer ies and Provisions, Crockery. etc... Mlle Avenue. JAMS R. CABYALT,ve. Public Mean datorwy at Law. Once ow doebalow Tarbell Ha • war:-a: imamßanters. WI rarely' Pas , ceige Tithis sad Drifts co liNgtuct, Wand and Beat, land. IFIXTCHKRI3 Salo= ts the to_tet etas, oisuls Mut, elorMie. Oa niw ARK. TrntotrD SHOWIe. Utters' Tire Menne to As o ßowYk sodPOl l g ßt p trod OgoAw e eta we OM, Rank. P. 111 chi . CiIINDLEIL Omen' Luanne* and divrlis; 1. otAgear. avorws. • J. L. TALBOT-the vlaa to L'et loth Oraegdied dud Provisions. inamr,Pork. laid. Tea. Smear, RI To. ban" 8a air. &gam. Oyatcra and Itatteabmenta, nn- dot 8.11. babas Brother*. itralcil d NICBOLS, the plate to get Drug* and X4l - ,Slms, Tobacco, Wpm Poeket•Boote, Biretta. elas,•Tit 'Settees. de—, Public Menne. IriX. L. COX, flames* maker and dealer ha all ',Wes ;many kept by the trade, appetite the Dank. • WY B. BOYD It CO.. Dealate In Stoves. Mudware, and WannheeDucta d Tin and Sherd= ware, earner cc Italy and Turnpike street. litOrtalt di MUM, Staretunt. Telma and dealers In Cons, Ttintmlota and Porntedng Gonda, and Agents or Sinter &mins Mastdne, on Main btrect. Forddem blindly:. A. N. lIITLLAIID. Dea Y a nk ee Towles, Provisions, Sonlf.naStatkrinay and Nations, at bead of Public Avenue. ?. SPORE & CO, Dealers to Stoves. Hardware. Agrlcaltand implements. Flour and °roams., oppo site Tarbell House. ItkirNSFORD t iirreneL. Leery and Excbange tliOlo, in rear 61 Bank building. • - - J. Pt. MONTT? & CO., Dealer. to corner, oods. [lord esgeneral merctuandlse, rn near Brick Mock. NEW MILFORD. ICNIoN 110 TILL. kept by =WAY sigma. cat 114/22 street, near the Depot—• N. 81101EllAHER. New ti for& Pa .., kelps eottstsztly tst hand else fresh groand aims Rum . , tbr st ye per um, fhtstmerstrille. Pa..• W. 8. 111610, Foundry, And denier In Plow, and other utensils. ane door from Phinners Hotel, Slain Bt. N. V. UNSER, Carriage Water and Undertaker, an Main Street, two doors below !Lawler* Store. IffeCOLLITM MOTHERS, Deelers to Groceries and Provisions, on lain menet. H, Gansu le SON. Dealers In Flour. Feed. Heal. Salt, Lime, Cement. Groceries and Provisions on main Street, opposite the Depot- W. • T. HAYDEN, Mannieetaress of Clgar• and Wholesale drakes In Yankee Notions and Fancy Goods. en Male Meet. Wow Episcopal Chinch. • Mt n Morocco Find ings , dtt,liarnnuil Munn. and& [RYDEN. Denten In Dear. nod Medicine.. and Ilnanfeetnrtre of Cigar*, on Main Street; near the Depot -- - - W. STEPh ENS. florae noel nn nod general !impairing on Main Street, south of the briar,. J. DICIEBBXAN. la, Dealer la cameral merchandise and Clothing. Brick Store. on Yalu Smect. WHIPME & MEAD, Dealers In gram! Xerchamilse ao Main Strect. • 0. X. HAWLEY. Doctor to general Ittetthattate. 60 *LID Street, opposite nitltte3,6 Ilotcl. GREAT BE L. S. LECVIIEM, Manotactornr at Leather, and denier In ' , enema Nenehandive, on Main 14tr..ct. r R. P. DORAN. Merchant TadorAnd dealer In Drndy Dade Clothing. Dry Goods, Groceries and Pinar Dian,. !lain Street. LESOXVThLK ®YAM WHITE, lianullicturor of and &depth sari el Mira and Castbv. goad 3uttltignut. 010 leeward. The subscriber having lost a pass-book be tween Dimock and Montrose, on Tuesday, July 26th, containing $450, besides other papers, due &c.. will pay the above reward to the And es by delivering the same to the subscriber, or leaving it at goon ' s Hotel. The book contained' gnesl X) bill, two $5O bills, the remainder in Val, $lO and $5 bills. My n a written was written on the cover, place of name &c. JAY TithethlON. Dimoek, July 'al, new The first of August brings one year's sub saiptton due from a large number of our sub scribers. We are in need of money to meet pressing liabilities. August Court will be a good time to bring or send the money, and we mid make our best bow for all such favors. What's The Vie t Whirl the u of minding what "they say r Where the use of lying awake at nights with the unkind remark of souse false friend running through your brain like forked lightning? What's the use of getting into a worry and fret over gossip that has beim afloat to your disadvantage by some meddlesome busy body ? Those thingS duet possibly injure you, Unless indeed, you take notice of them, and in combatting them give them diameter and standing. If what is said is true set yourself right at once ; if It is false, let it go for what it will bring =tit it dies of inherent weakness. Ont•Fteld Harried The party from this village silo attended the Auseral of N. C. Stewart on Sunday bat Mort It eacessively dry In that saMlan. When Te ton/Mg. they SSW near Drinds/1 a large field of standing outs on fire, which burned likedry straw ; find a tpeadow stubble adjoining bad hem literally burned over. Musiesi. L. B. Powell, 116 Penn avenue, Swanton, has the general agency for the Chlckering - Pianos end Mason and Hamlin Organs in Northern Pennsylvania sad Southern New fork. These celebrated instruments are the only Pianos and Organs ntanntsetored that are selling at low rotes strictly on the - One Price System." Send to Mr. Powell for the new circulars and price flats —{JNy 27-4 The ability of every one topii depends upon his ability to collect debts due him. The Will vidnals of a community are linked together bj sehain of debts and credits, sad In times of de presdon the failure of one person to discharge a single Dility, often emburames a line of a dozen debtors and creditors. Hence the pay ment of small debts in times like these beamies a public as well as private duty. The same Mon ey which pays a debt in the morning, may pay aim= bofore night. and twelve men are thus relieved from anxiety and Fame by theiletion dove. Senate of Mho! A meat of s man, named Hay, to tmeeiing 'boos the country, obtaining money of the eat‘ . ions temperance organizations, by representing hien& to be a temperance man and a member of certain temperance societies, such Mt &am of Temperance, Good Templars, Templfof Haw% tie- He # s filmic( the Ord water,. 40 we world waria taPeraimen sad beware of this meal. -He le malt is Male, sad quite-heavily bat, 404 bee *180:431410e1 from at tbe .00m . 011,10 with..4ithriekipiA•mm. , . 13.114.601 ;‘7lolretilirfir N geotalnrebtexittui pit ooi er * di Dist' . t ' r—We bad a slight dub- QV:alit:oW -alinitkit mufti; bat. .—Tbethsprovenvints On thhourt Howe will be COmpletad before Anglist murk The next andel will *convene at the Tull& HottonntErrldllYM'en,lititexi- AnOtlair — Miloirng islabirduatit Wig be resoon in the Lathrop Block, in charge of Taylea, late of Binghamton. .—Mrs. =mini Alicti, a IM4 resident of Scran ton, was presented with a silver pitcher silver =etc., _at the neutral held in the Baptist on Ffiday &thing last, in honor of her services previously tendered as ormlst to that Church. The net receipts at•the were nearly ono laradred &Bars. \i,f These' tere4vti Per' Sons - hot 'ln jail on Saturday and Sunday evenings last, for various (licences Whiskey and Cider - being the binds nob Htw:usticettelicies presentid the appearance of miniature “Tombs" on Monday mousing last, some were fined and others re msnded for lack. bail., little fearless execntion 'Of our bineugh' eirdinanees* May be beneficial —A number of ourelthrens attended at the funeral obsequies of Mr. M. C. Stewart, on Sun day last. There was a ve.ty large concourse of people in attendance (min ; this Lind adjoining counties, of the Masonic fraternity, and others. He was buried with due Masonic honor& —John S., Tarbell, proprietor of the Torben Houle with anmcood help acisitimlisited with in the last:CUM wtcelss'in the hay field on his arm near the borough, what we feel warranted in saying was never equalled in this county. They cut and secunsi in eleven and enc•fOurth days 275 tons of hay without one drop of rain falling upon it On Friday , of last week they drew in 62 load& , —Mr. Charles Bireharti gave us the manor man of the combined growth of a bean vine In his garden, for three successive days, which was eighteen. arid *MAW Inches. • —The Montrose Reim/awn of this week says "there are six colored preachers in 'Montrose." We would add that oneof.thase divino colored "lights" of the Gospel vies attending a Church conference not many years ago, nor many miles away, when he suddenly arose at one of its ses sions in an excited manner and made the fol lowing startling announcement "Bredderen, l'se got to go home Ws mink. You must 'sense me dere is business of de greatest 'portance dat must bah my attentitie He was asked what it was that called hint away so suddenly, to which he said. "Wall bredderen dere is a 'crease In de ;family?' ; On being asked what that meant he said. "Why de ole mare has got a colt" We think that in view of the above cir- cumatancea the &publican need not stop with "sit" but mtht "crettse""tbe preachers in the Radical family to an indefinite number. —We saw a rattlesnake on Wednesday morn ing last lying - near the Court House which measured four feet two inches in length, and nine inches In circumference having nine rat tles. Do not be frightened, it was not alive but was brought from beta - ten Great Bend and bus quehanna Depot by a party of our townsmen where they captured it. Some malicious fellow started the ilanderrqu report that they did not kill it but bought the body of some one on the way. We can positively affirm that they had a snake, and we believe them to be men of truth and veracity as to •'anaket" let their reputation in other matters be as it may. Pitiable People. If anybody in this world is lo be plthtl,.it is he who has nothing to do and spends his time in trying to keep cool ; such people are the mast miserable of any. Men ~ w ho 'have work, and whose hearts are in %heti work, don't antic: any thing to compare with those lazy loungers who have nothing under the burning heavens to do, save to, watch the thetmometer, seek caul places, and dwell, mentally or orally, on the tribulations of these torrid terms. now to Mike a Town. Encourage every one; especially new men, to come in and settle amortgyou, particularly those who are young and active, whether they have capital or not. Their labor alone is worth mon ey. Those who have capital will buy lots, build houses, or tear out anti remodel old ones. Go to work and stimulate every legitimate enter prise by giving it all the friendly encouragement you ran, or by uniting your industry, influence and capital in the common cause. Cultivate a public spirit, and talk has than you work Help your neighbor, if he Ls in danger of breaking down, prop him. up in some way, either by kind words, good counsel, or a lift from your pocket. If be gets fairly down before you know his situation, act him ott_his fe e t —hlafortuutt- is to be pithed, not ii6 - ant his talents are worth money to the community. Besides, it may be your_ turn to needs corresponding sympathy. . Encottragn 'improvements for the good of the town, speak well, :talk encouragingly of the town you live in, of its prospects, of your neigh, hors, and in fact of everything likely to advance the general good. It is such things that make a town grow. 0 490 ; Brio The Montrose Base Ball Club had a friendly tilt with the Stars of Great Bend, on Thursday, the 21st hut., with theibllowing result : STARS. 0. R. Gilbert, c. 2 3 Carlisle, p. 3 2 Whitney, Ib. 4 3 Bronson, 3b. 4 2 Dußois, s. s. 3 2 r. f. 4 1 Millard, c. E 2 4 Gallagher, L 6 Hays, 2h. 4 3 MONTILOSS. 0. u. Tarbell, 2 h 2 $ Bentley, C. 3 0 Rose, 3b. 4 $ Clark, I h. 3 01 Hager, p. 3 31 Gera, r. 11. .4 41 Dickerman,r. C. • 3 41 Richarps, L C - 3 1 Searle, s, a., 2.. . 2 .g, Total. 27 46 Total, 27 26 Lyn:Kos-1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 Montroge...2 11 3 0 7 13 4 3 8-46 5tar5.......0 4 0 3 5 3 2 1 8-26 nits Csvotrt- 7 3.1.0nr05e.,2 • Stars. 5. No Memoriam. At a laWnog °S 4 . 4 4w:Lode:Fo 489;A Y. - held on the ?4th day orJuly, A. D. - 1810, A. L. MO. The following was unanimously con sidered as the sense of r thiskolge: Our brother Mahlon d. Stewart, amember of this Lodge, having been removed from among In to ♦ Wm , existence, we bow submissively, as bow tee.mturk to , this agonizing dispensation, but hills ko doing, lib deem It meet to make a brief record of his life, that, though he be absent, his memory and virtues may be perpetual among us. Reperaatorn at elleorit. Blarquebanns coulM: Pa., where he has resided since. He has for many yens past held Ose-oftleeok Junk:ft of the, Peath, haring treenAsseicu r re-elected roe and tertst of three years he was Commissioner of the coanty'ailling both'of these places with marked ithilltfiand to theettisfiction of aIL Theenansellar of si , large surrotmding cornma t 1 y. a Csithfid and osteadfut tdend,tafisonest man; he justlyeeenexi universal love, confidence andusteem. lEfiedeathlas ant n gloom over our thannunity. The' station width he - pied in itociety,•Vie fed wiesteverremain vacant: We extend our sincere sympathy and condo lease to his betenved andeommend them to him, who "temperdtk the wind to the shorn lamb." Rea:4K Thrall& ididge attend- the funeral in a bed , and the emu:males be conducted In with thef- =dent usages of our Order, and his request , while living. Awoke, 'Matt& tudge - be draped in mourn =ld the btethren Wear the usual badge for taikett That - - theitSjdvieeedingtieenteied4 on the record 'Oil innunted in - theittdideital or the Lodgecalistettles be fittnished the several new• 'of this and! the adjoining counties for pu and loopy thereof, be presentid to the faintly of our deceased brother, liouribed rah • • - The nib maned of the Thitrord imil9olidd' on the ln itatfordpe Weeme*r.ead iliereeer, OSth atid 311111 putUsbiii t011416#010.1441=5,q101**". reread Lake Items. July 18th, a grand entertainment was given at the house of Mr. Johnson in Stone Street, Forest Lake township. They began to make their appearance about half past eight, and bet One 9 o'clock their spacious home was crowded., The guests represented every form of human.: 1 1 ity. Old women with wrinkled faces, drawn out of shape with age, tothiting alesg with canCa igAziostsr, l4l fli beads and trink ets, and dreamt in which the venous hues of the rainbow were blended ; then the Highland maids, with their plaid petticoats came tripp-, ingniong, to mingle with the motley crowd next comes Victoria, with her flowing tulles; bearing her crown most majestically; ces of every form and shape ; Death with his ghastly form soon came stealing noiselessly among them ; if a spirit had risen from the grave the form would not have been more natural • Music and song Did speed the hours along. Young and old shared heartily In the amuse ment. The company began taking their leave about 12 o'clock. all well pleased with the few hours of merriment they.euJoyed A plenic.arna held about a edle-from Yrtends villa borough, on the 4th of July. They assem bled on, the rounds early is Sao ranrubssi .and beghn with true patriotism to celebrate the day of their National Independence. The day was most favorable. All kinds of refreshments graced the table. After dinner, good =WC was furnished for those who wished to " trip the light frenetic- toe." ' Everything passed off pleasantly. All went honie satisfied that they had a good time. E.J. Luzerne County. Items from the Desaaeratduly 81st.• --Chittownsman, lt 11..licKune, Esq., will present hts name to the Convimtiod, as a candi date for Congress. Mr. McKune is a young man, but he possesses, ability. that will adorn this position, and we hope he may be the lucky man. Luzern would have no reason to blush for thi acia or her. Bap resentattres. —The fact that the Councils appointed our young townsman, Fred. W. Gunster, Esq., in the place of R N. Willard, Esq., resigned, gives more general masffiction. —About three o'clock on Sunday morning, Juli9th, Alva Van Fleet, Esq., breathed his last, at his residence, near Benton Center, aged tJ years. —lndrew Hawley, a laborer In No. 2 shall of the Pennsylvania Co.'s Works, near Dun- more, on Saturday, was badly Injured by a shot. —Al.!out eleven o'clock Friday night, a bnght light was seen in the direction of Providence, and the alarm'ef illewae generally sounded. This morning, we are informed the fire was at Dickson, and was occasioned by the burning of n•largebarn,owned by .141 r. Jolla : Kelly, of that place. The building was filled with hay, straw, and other combustible material, and It burned rap idly and brilliantly, lighting up high objects in OIL.' cite. The entire contents of the building, consist ing of three valuable horsy, wagons, sleighs, hammy, &c., were all burned. —Mr. Kelly had no insurance upon the build ing or contents, and the loss falls heavily upon an honest, industrious citizen, and in common with all who know hint, we sympathize with him in his —Thomas Brown, working In the quarry near this city, had ono of his hands badly crushed by a big piece of rock. Dr. Up De Graff amputa ted several of his fingers. - - Michael Megan, Esq., one of the rising young lawyers and politicians of the county, will sub mit his claims to the Convention, as a candidate fin District Attorney. Mr. It is a gentleman of excellent ability, strict business habits, and a Democrat who always stands by - the ticket. • —Two matches have been made betwelm the owners of hoNes thli city, that will attract a good deal of attention in the sporting circles. Mr. U. G. Schoonmaker, has matched his horse, "Ben," for a purse of $2OO, against Geo. W. Rands "Harry Rand" and, - Starlight." One race will take place on Saturday next, and the other on the Saturday following. Binghamton Items. ,—The admission to the rammer the Bingham ton Driving Park Aswietntion next week, will he tin f , pentsezetp - day:" . —The cornerstone of the new Baptist church was tahlrlast Taos:lay nflenrcost, A huge con course of people were tissembled: • —An alarm of fire about fl o'clock, Wednes day evening, was occasioned by a lamp acciden tally tipping over on a bed in the t house of El more Andini,'Ewq., near the - upper eturbf Cht.: pang° street. The fire was quickly extin• vbihod. ' • - • .• . • ..- - small.lmse in tiMilfrh ward, belonging to Alm Galloway,und fiecupled by n'idr. Wil bur, was burned on last Thursday morning. It was insured for $5OO, which wiU fay cover the Imos. Mr. Wilbur and'famlly were away from home. paper 18 - prang circulated among the property holders on Washington street, between Court and Hawley streets, petitioning the Com mon Council to have said street paved. We learn that the project is meeting with good !Me mo'. —An Interesting suit todk place yesterday afternoon before S. W. Rogers, Esq., Justice of Peace. John Vanlmburg and Lucy McElroy, of Port Crane, had been arrest# for selling liquor without a license. Eldven witnesses were called in behalf of the people, and none for the defence. No evidence was elicited against them and they were discharged. suit Wait - yesterday 'coninienced by Hon. Amsburn Birdsall against Wm. IL Osborn, Esq., late Treasurer of the inebriate Asylum, to get possession of the funds which he is holding in his possession, by order of the Land Commis °Open' vAs the. 1 1 3 lot!rdeFCOdsiTort Ptsi 'part of whglitin bad for the "Asylum Ring." —The censulthaihig been - tomPicted in all hut two wards, from an estimate founded upon the number of voters in those Wards the popu lation of our city is I3,loo.—Bing. Leader. The Odd Fellows. The 19th and 20th hest& were gala days with it!e 0 . 411 rell9llltet itc I carom/owl vicinlq, 'on account of a visit from the Grand Master and Grand lkeretary of tdrs Grand Lodge of. Penn sylvania. A carriage, in waiting for them at, 4 ll?ntrose Depot on their arrival ,on, Tuesday Ammon soon brought them kom the hot, dusty thorough fare of travel, to our shady, quiet village, the charming beauty of which elicited such expres sions of admiration as often greet our ears tom the dwellers in the cities who visit us In mitl. In the afternoon very many brethren of the Order availed themselves of the opportunity of paying their respects to the Grand Lodge oil yen, who in the evening attended the regular meeting of Mcmtroee Lodge f 9 003 PITE9 3 c of middnealbrutarsincirdiad/y vkit- • The ball presented an unusually tint:aw:sr ince, the wood work having just been hand: tamely &thud, Mille =nylons tiesdeff rt . Mit /steam and Waiters bad been completed, and in *pint but substantial carpet covered the 1:100r. With theme lateens! improve:sea% •is with; thmal flowesto llan and ik esergreens liff' 434 , 41thltian dlirasYln i g decccatkma the taste and will of the ladies, combined to render the room more attractive axidP*ssut than ever betbre. Promptly at the hour of-vile: ll Di a-large num of 44NP It im # l x?i. myna' oilier _ were , P* 1 4.,-- 80 911 Grand Lod* oillems :were announced and received with apPiopriate honors.% - . • . Th e aid* twine beMt surrendered to them‘ Gralld.Vister d. 1140Priate-Jahnotutced the ob ject of vislt, - mkolbuftdr brief -numb call ed upon Grand Scummy:kJ:l. Nicholson, (who is also Past Grandliite.thaltdast official posi tionln the Order) teititle inattuaions in the un written work of the ifir&lit•litttexpiain the hid den mystOles afidideep siiiifficance thereof nibs was done 14911111 in Meet Maile mact'- ner, be being thoputifiVi d) , catilar with the on tire subidet, and Wing bud lamp 4perienee hiletemplitting Itk Jib eloquent address, was listened to with intense_ interest by he breth ren wit/Mc the - hariouid possibly by some out *de, for UM yrindoint 4,Fro,Opett, and the earn pit w oos o f um spiater mall be heard at con siderable On the following motoring the Grand Lodge ofne t ers were escorted in Carriages around the town and Shown all Paints of interest. In the afternoon a special meetingof Bt. John Encamp ment was held, -which was similar In character to that of the previous evening, The grand event of all, however, was the meeting of the Mary Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 7, in the evening, at which were present most of the brethren of the Order, acanupanied as far as practicable by their wives. Additional flor al and other decorations, with the presence in full force of the Daughters of Rebekah, render ed the scene within thUhall &leaf beauty hith erto unequalled In our midst. The Grand Master opened the exercises of the occasion, after which. this beautifid degree (of which Hum.Schuylta. Colfax, Vice President of the United States is the author) was by Past Grand Sire Nicholson ins meet Impressive man ner conferred upon several candidates At the conclusion of these ceremonies, the Past Grand Sire addressed the audience on the subject of Odd Fellowship in general, and the degree of Rebekah in partici:llV. , ThOso whit have ever beard him, uniformly speak in the highest terms of his earnest elmmence; and those who have not, In the estimation of this writer have missed a great text. The Lixigu being duly. closed, all present re mained a while longer for the transaction of oth er business,which, If of le tel importance, was en gaged in with no less zest and Interest. The Refreshment Ammer was then and there conferred upon all present. The ceremonies of this degree vary surnewhat upon differnt ocxms lune, and it is making no improper divulgence to the uninitiated, that each candidate seas re quired as bust be or she might, to thaw out a generous dish of Bro. Rancher's excellent ice cream, and cat their BA of cakes from Mr. Morse's first class-bakery.. This was all accom plished in the most deliberate and sociable man ner, and to the apparent gratification and satis &Mina of all concerned. At the conclusion of these ceremonies the Past Grand Sire declared that he had forgotten to im part any instructlens in regard to this degree, but after a careful observation of the manner in which the cmemonies were conducted, he was Winged none were needed. Having thus enjoyed irpteasant, happy, long to be remembered evening, the assembly be tween 10 and 11 o'eleekdispenied, and each was soon seeking the etabrarie of the sleepy god. On Thursday morning -the Grand Lodge otH cera; wider:Bp - wpm brethren of Starucca I.ollK4receeded Co Snequehanna. 114h:the lint Ir!s4 Of sand Lodge officers to Montrose Lodge, pow In the twenty-fifth year of its existence, since it was organized. 3. 3. S. Cl=ir2l Jury List: The following is a Ibit 'of Jurors drawn for the term of Court to toinmesee at Montrose, Auguat 8, 1870. GUANO dkri!oan. Auburn—BloomfieldLy man, Tboa. R. White.j. Atiolacon—Michael Het iron. Bridgewater—Henry 3. Kent. Brooklyn—Jamm Mor gan. Clillbid—Asery 1114- 4 14, Elk!: Y C r l4 l o , "Jr. Dunock--Cima. Rialey, l Henry Baboacir. Great fiend Tp.—Nel 4011CUX, Gt. Mend B'oro.-Leyrus F. pecker. Gibson—Roswell G. Lamb. liartbrd—Benjamin T. TUATEME iNUOI Ararat—James C.flush nen, Leonard O. Bald win. Apolacon-JohnsonFos ter, James Dams, jr., Ba x ter Rowland. Auburn-David McCain., Bridgrwater—Daiid 1).1 Hinds. Brooklyn—Jos. Lines, 1 Gardner. I Jackson—henry .A. Pope. Jissup—William Rob emon. Montrose—Henry Slier man, Josephs Boyd, Cbas..K Mtildknown-Fres lae- INew Milford Tp—Wni. :Harding. Bush—Eben B Cobb. Springville—Jas. IL Ly- Suscfa DepotWtn. R. Greeley. Th,qmson—J.M.Wright- Cr. 8-1 , 11611 T WEEK. . Cook, Frank A. Ly ons Rarford—Penuel Car penter. Remck—William W. Thomas. Jackson—Chas. T. Bel cher. Liberty--Joa. W. Aus tin, Franklin H. Ad ams, Nath. B. Brown, . Isaac Hughes. Lenox—Jesseßenjamin , Moses Cox, Wm. Mil ' ler John Willard. I Mortirose—Melvin J. I Buck. Middletown-Jeremiah CantiehL New Milford Tp—Chas. S. Page. ,Oakland— I larvey Ho Id ! ridge, LewisE.Shntta Stmea Der t ot—Gcor„te +Silver Lake—Benjamin I 3L Gage, David Tram, 1 Leonard Gage. 3 . ND WEEK. Lenox—David Thomas, Peter W. Van Etten. 'Liberty- 7 -Joseph Web ster. Montmse—Frederick 8. Frink, Charles A. ' Prink. Nekv Milford Tp—Wm. B. Chapman, Albert J. Baldwin, Robert Nathan Fish. ` New MilforAßoro—Ev eritt 8. Garrett. lOakland—Jos. T. Cock jr. Dundati—Jos. B Slo cum. Forest Lake—Nelsooß, Cok, Henry F. Han-, FAiwanl Fair-: brother. Franklin--,lereminh P.l Tingley. Gibson—Williamß.Bel- I cher, Barney Sheir ardson. Gt. Bend Born—Leiria! S. Lenhcim, Henry 31cKinner. Gt. Bend Simrell. Barmony—Thotnas V. TRAVEIDIE JVIZO Brooklyn—das.O.Pack-; er. . Clifford—Thos. W. .it kinson, Watkin WM kins, John M. Stow art Frsnklin—Henry L. Blowers. Friendsville—JohnFos ter. Forest Lake—George G. He bath Keetor, des: Strange. Gt. Bend Tp.—Deniel Munson. Gt. Bend Born.—Fred crick Warner. Herford--Otis Nathaniel Gnibe, Abel l T. Sweet; Wm.: Ire. . 1 Jackson—Aria 11.11 e- son, Calvin Dix. Han.l Lathrop—Datld et,. Sidney Chsborry Daniel ,yen Aitken, ayne, Kennedy John son, Joshua Council man. Rush—Robert Hillis. Susq'n Depot—john C. Foot. Silver Lake—Edward W. Rose, -John , D. Murphy. Springville—Minot Rl ' Icy, ttanlll don. Babllme sad !Bealtifftit. Never &wing our :sojcmrti on this mundane. sphere have we witnessed so grand and boleti-, Ida spectacle satins brUllant sunset scene •on faundv. evening ra4t. A repat:ltahy,uist ralaW'w spanned the Eastern shy and wbo e *Ravens was resplendent with rainbow Otto their ir i t i e g at a forms, Intengleteed wil transparent elands tinged wttfi ei , ery esttiotiv abkt shade of color, presenting each a scene of grandma' andilublintity as to make -aurbontan Ada,' al& (do Crest " litalgtillkutot ceomparlson 'with , pedberesidli - ofilia:o6o6 potenvArtisOr • - PolsOn Prescription. TA.A9ka3 L ' kr. a 11,3.1% cases of persons being polsoned . by what is - orWsirra nieWiture neeiv, commonly called the poison ivy, but technically tern:loo,lm Pol Sou Oak; Dr. A. Livery of Lum berville, stronglY recommends a saturated tine. tuns of lobelia, (lobelia Mats) as a local appli cation In this affection. He applies it by means of linen or muslin cloths, and believes that It ageing ibtlamation. T ~cw ~dL~crti~ctu~n#s. • eArvz a_l9l :* CIX NERVOUS DISEASES. Id Ueda WO Magical. - Itaa ao ainfolllna remedy In. all caeca ad-Neuralgia Faccalle. often effecting* , 'perfect cure In less Then .oenty-foUr hunt*, from the Dec Of 11u More limo Iwo or three Oda. No other form of Netirolzia or Nervous Disease hap failed to yield to idle wonderful remedial egret. gem in the teverest canoe of Chronic Neuralgia and general nervous demnge menta,-oi many ymira etandlue -affentlng thread..., eyeteni. Ito oar torn day*, of 01 few vreeka at the urnmet, alwaye ufford• the most as tonishing roller, and very rarely fails to produce a CUM pint. and permanent cure. It contain tto dons or other materiels In the 'lightest degree injurtons, even to the moat delicate system, and con always be use. with p. eruct eafety, It has long been In constant use by many of nor most eminent phypdeians. who gives it their uonnlmonv and nuquallfted approval. The following among many of our beet citizen• tevlify to Ito wonderful efficacy: " flavour upped Dr. Turucr's Tic Doufourvor or Unt- TerratNeuratoin Pill personally-and in ntnricroue nett. roltzia-I have found It„ aril bout an coceptiorp, to ac complish all, the proprietors have claimed. J. M. DILLINUHEI, Dculet. 15 %Fluter Street. Boston, Fob, lath, lilts'." Eire J. M. It Swirly. fur many tears an apothecary in thin c ty,ond for three years durroie the ,war. in the Hospital Department under the U. M. tlovetnmeut„ thus •Ireake a: •• I have known Dr Turner'• Tie. Doulotireux or Unl van.' Nenrulgia Pill fur twenty years. I have cold It and need it pcmunally. cud I have neaer known of a cape where It did out give relief. Customers hove told me they would not be without it if each pill cost 10 dob Mrs I think it the most railable and valuable remedy for 'Prandial% and nervou• thecae. In the world." !deserts Tuusen t t•tp.: For a long time a member of my family has suffered seventy with Neuralgia. The pain was almost unen durable. We tried various medicines without success. A few mouth••lnee. we b• gun the nee of your Pin. It has ptovre perfectly successful. and nu I races of the di. ease remain. I can gladly reeommehd your remedy to all sedlerces rum Neuralgia. Respectfullygouts, F. W. FELTON:. Bo rot. March. 55.1007. Conasellor at Late, Sent by mall on receipt of price atm postage. One package - $l.OO • - Pu stage 6 cents. Si: Packages. • 5.1Yl • - • .. rt 11 Ic cold by all dealers In drugs and medidine and by TURNER b CO , Sole Proprietors. It.) tremout St. BOSTON, MASS. [July lA-4 Mild, Certain, Safe and Efficient.. It at once relieves and invigorates all the vital rune- lion., without causing at any time or any circumstances the slightest injury to any of them. The meat complete and uniform success hes for many years attended its ate in France and In some portions of the United Stat ; and It Is now offered to the general public with the most absolute conviction that it ran nev er fall to aceomplish all abatis claimed for 11, It Is harmless In the extreme at all times and under all elreniustanees ; and It unequaled by any remedy yet known to the world where* purgative Is indicated. It produces little or no pain In its operationlleaven the organs entirely free from irritation. and never In the slightest degree osertaxes or excites thr !surveil, sys. tern. In billions diamses, Indigestion and Dyspepsia it is Invaluable. It lathe grand purifier of the blood. and hone° ran not fall to eradicate from the system S. mini, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Canker and Cutaneous Eruptions general Irregular or want ofeppet te, Colds. Ostighs. Asth ma, nrouchil Is. catarrh, Colic pains, Diarthrea, Water brash, Sour and Bitter Stomach and Zaniness and tho same; Impure breath, dimities., sympa thetic, nsrvoaa or sick Ileadacha. Itheumrtism, Gout and InfLammations of all farms—these nod all Modred can always ho wholly mired or greatly relieve,. by thin mild yet powerful remedy. tletteral Debility with its Inseparable a .companl. manta—mental and phi steal—such as green sickness, lassitude of mind and body. drowsiness, indispoeition to exerolan. weakness of the limbs. feelings of disconr. agement, despondency and distrust—all disappear an , der Its magic influence. It regulates and invignmtet the bowels ; lea sore an tidote to obstinate costiveness and piles ; gives renew ed rigor to the stomach ; evokts them-tints of the liver: dissipates the yellow dye of Jaundice and eradicates ' from the skin haloes spots or nosnid.moth and freckles, It excite. the Kidneys to renewed vigorous and heal thy action ; and la certain to bring prompt relief its all mem of Dforrtoca and Dysentery. It le eminently effectual in the rare of all diseases of children, however infantile. especially for smile, worm. and irritation and fretfulness wh`le tedthlng. A. a dinner pill or digester, it is second to none other taken with the food. It operates a• a general alterative wheree. the entire impaired organism Is Frit - nobs ttvi to renewed energy and to a healthy t igor and vitality. It in extc °suety used by the Faculty 2s a convenient and thorough eathhrtie, having nit at nerslitlitn than the one intended. gfr Sent by mail so receipt of price and postage, vie: 1 BOX. en. 23 - • Poologe, 8 rents. 6 BOXES. 1,00 • - .- • 18 •• It le sold by all dealers lo dimgs and medicines, and by TVIIICER & Sole Proprietors, July 27-4 1 . 4.1 Tr..tmont St. Bunton, Mane. ATTENTION BUILDERS . The Sellout Ditirctors of Franklin township, Susquehanna bounty, are now ready to receive proposals for the bidding of a new School House in the " Forks District," in said township. They will meet at the School House in said district, to let the Job to the lowest bidder, on Saturday the Gth day of August, 1810, at one o'clock p.m. Any person desirous of taking the job, can find specifications by calling upon Daniel Davis. By order of the School Board. DANIEL. DAVIS, Seey. Franklin, July 20, itslo.-2 HARDING & HAYDEN, PRODUCE COMMISSION M ERCH AN TS, IN DOTTER, CHEESE, EGG', POVL- TUN, 325 Washington Street New York. RtmEnExcEs. Irving National Bank - , New York. S. Hutchinson & Co., 11.1 & 11; Worth St. N.Y Roberta, Smith & Whit•• St. Wagner & Kellam, 70 Murray Street, Mulford & Sprn•titc, 6.5 ('l❑unlwr' St. C. B. 'Williams & Co. 2GS & 210 Canal St., " July t 3, 1✓•:D--t( SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Susquehanna County, to me directed. I will expose to sale on the premises, on Friday, the sth day of August, A. R. 1870, at 1 o'clock, .p. tn., ell that certain piece or parcel of land situate lyin" and being in the township of New Milford, County of Sus quehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows, to wit : On the North by landti ottemudl Evirett ; on the East by lands of Archibald Hannah and lands late of Samuel Williams ; dttcaSed ; on the South by the &bite highway; formerly_known as the old Jackson road ; and on the West by the same road--containing.Filty Acres, more or less,witli the anpurtenances, a barn, a few fruit trees, end about 85 acres of the same cleared. Rogerson the day of sale ; one third on Anal i.onfirmation, anti the balance in one year thereafter, with interest. ELLIOT ALDRICH, Trustee. New Milford, July 13, 1870. JEWELRY: 'llaOtti l eloreT9 lF ". Pil ' MUM& A SAFE, apcedy Cc= .voktoosE:piors-A: JOHN N. TAanitic, - .-Tiktetor. Hodlzia Elen t;ta...rea !care thbi tronse daffy, eutert.,tinz with the I). L. r W.. the Erie, uutl the Lehigh Valley Jinn. way.. [July G, ISlV.—tt CIONGRESS WATER, at TURREMS. - ----- li 8 - . t)vi'S' >tilt o -:.--- --- , .. - 7 , ;\ • ,V - -- --„c„..- /.../.... -7( - ____ _..... 18 . 40 ,i( 1870•!---., !lave elopeed ' , duce the Introduction of the Pala Killer to the public, and yet at the pre-rut time It it more popular and command* a larger tale than ever before. Ito pap u• larrtv Is not confined to this country Monet all over the world Its beneficial effect,. lit curing the •• Ills that flesh Is heir to." are acknowledup and-appreciated, and at PAIN YILLE/l Ira fame Is limited to uucountry, nor race. It need,. only to ha known to be prized. THIRTY YEAltel Ic certaln'y 4 longenou4h time to pros e the efficacy Many medicine. and that the rain , 1041.Krt Incurs log of all Ito propriviontrialto for It. to ouoply proved by the unparallektd popularity It hat attained. Ii Ira MILE and EPPECTIS E1V111.17. re - Dlrectiono accompany each bottle. Prlre 2,Sela. 50ete. and 81.00 per Bottle Sold by all Mettlelac Dratlen. (July la-- .1 E LATEST ARR V A LA, LAM: F'l' AND ISET STOCK DI{Y OOOIIS, NOTIONS, TRI3DIING'S Hater salad. Claps, Boot rand eh ill 4=11D191, ll A imwAUF NOVELTY cLorrtE24 W Maim We keep n FULL Sli/t 'I!: of the Monet arti sirs, and sell them nt the CirCIFH P'. ) 01.) FOR WOOL Call and evandnr (/1.11. St,,Ck Moz May 21, ISXI G. S. HARDING, BEN. L. HAYDEN THE HYPERION HAIR CURLERS Sold at Dry Good', Trlittmlngaand ?fatten Storet. N. B.—Single But tto . 3Tinx Of. oesorted of ets,lls ete. Atoned ftro to any port of tho United !Ratak upon receipt the. month. pool; IRIO-6mJ B TU RII E L. la 4 de Pot retinnital fratifiN . ew York with a large ad dition to Mammal flock of choice goads.' Monts:ma, Net. , . . pEBBLE SPECTACLES—Moo com a VIM Spectacle, • new supply, Ito tale by_ )101 1 trolle, MS. muse , TURRSILa•• T EAI • .Etery kind aim In toarkat.Jaat a/rive - di tiltd• for sal. at New York wholesale prica..„. Alto • Alma' 'lament of COFFEE. firlY. Ine m. P: AB.a n• d TctitAey_ew see. diut f trgi 070:- Monst t. ,APrifP 24 , • NE B ' awl( erdpe& sitdaillUti theigioy •-• itoeirefe, Av - AlftWellllßEttn. THIRTY YEARS =EMI STRAW' GOODS, cIit)CKERI &c. &c. Akc 1N MON TROSE. The Rest in U.e. PERT LOWEST PRICES A. & 11 B. LATHROP INDIOPEXSABLII ARTICLE POE TES LAUIE*. I Patented Jaly ptb lain sit/Coder In the Most perfect ivention ever offorcii to the ,übllc. It Is easily operated. ens In appearance, and will tolare the hair, an there in heel reqnloid,and no metal Substance used to rust or teak rho hale. Mani/factored sn.l for tie by McSIILIAN .1. CO. to. it, North Front tweet, r .ILADFxruIA, Tlig PLACE `kto Tit I[)L ited.Wbere FO[ nod TIM 'REST VARIETY OW GOODS, AT THE 1100 _. • . . LLEIR4L,PRICk.SO.p..ISI.. Gallinbera; Resentaum- JUST RECEIVED. Large and haudaame sekstlon of 111.',A1V 11/11)1: Fur on n. and yontlie wear. Fine ,election of CLOTIIS, CASSIM MIES, COATINGS, &c., the, Crodont Work. We takofneaufes Srid make tip gar , ideate to order. after the I.lthr.t and MOIR, MK] styles. large variety of PIECE GOODS to sell by the yell. A dor ,artery ott.betts' PURNISEILVO GOODS, Neckties, lkorr. lteper and Linen Coltors,:4llltts, Tanks. Sea rle, Umbrellas, etc, I..artte selectien of nested styles of viATs AND CAPS, of ratio. material. In our Dry Guodn Department yosl NEW DRESS GOODS, Silky. Popin" , . \lc.linir, Airmen. , ibinek and all the lead• lug ...lon. plmtlen, Perunieg. printed Organ- , 3411 M 11./ill, PrOlCh Uhlght{Mbi i;W• WHITE GOODS Tablg. I.tucts. T0.4.1r. Norktrw. timile Muslims. Jaccasatt. PAII Sm.luules, bktrlr. Corgeti: Ridd 1314 Ll.leClrrek4lliluvre, Ilaudlketchlefok,Cultini and ete. Sli %WIS. S (IV KS. of 'varlrem material and In differ. ,t.,) lee 1,1t1 , ..5S and Buttons, Musette. Triuutticg. Partisg. rrititre,, etc. UOY ESTIC GOODS, Nil:Bliss, Calicos, Ticks, Denims MILLINERY GOODS We bale a lame •lcelion In trimmed and untrimmed lint •. *nmlomu F1.M4 . 11 4 . Ribbons. Satin.. 1114810 UP, L.lees.lll.nuls. Frames, black and colored Crews, &c. The privt, an MI our Goode are marked away DOWN and 01 deft nll vault...lll foe. Our gouda are bought In large titanatitte, tool ra•leeted with rent Caret and we lIeU t• r out -t.1% ry that A U can give vatiaract lon to ea. / 1 1outrore, )lay 11, 1$11) IRON IN THE BLOOD. lirrtimeB 0 , 8 - 8 Vrtuartso Am:yr—MOM Caution.—Be Iniro rot' wet I'BlllBlBn B p = Prunoblets free. J. P. DMIKHOP.E. Pro No. 38 DU ESL, New Yort. Bold by Druggisto geMally. At fireh 10. IN7O.- y lANst:ll TION CAN BE CURED t BRONCHITIS C.iN CURED CATA BAH (AN BE CURED! C.I ' I I tIVTER'S ()Iry G HMI IZED MEDICATED INHALATIONS, CODUItICS Inhaler & Inhaling Fluid& R. C. LACES, L. I). Letexyvllle. Jude 1, ISaa.—;tm• DissoLuTlO.N The co.-partnership herertoforu existing be , tweet' the subwribtins in the Merchant Tailor ing lisine,is, is dissolve,' by metal consent. The 'nib,: and aeyounts are in the panda of S. IL Morse, who Mill attend to that settlanent. H. It MORSE, Montro,,e, July, 1870, LINES.` The busing a ill be continued, in all its tomn che,4, tiv the undersigned at the old stand. Montro, , e, July 'lll.--.IW. S. IL MORSE. 1317)1PS ! PS! BL LE 1"8 • Cucumber Wood Pumps The lles4 1111,1 l'licapatt Pumps ever made. Durable, reliable, accurate and perfect, and giver Ito laste to the water. They art atlapte, (tenth of well apt. 'crater very one ran put then In reintir, & who to " directi(((lS, g iyg perfect satis. ASK FOR fiLITCII IAA'S CUCUMBER WOOD PILMPa Ev,•ry Pump sokt by me or my auttiovivA ag,,iit Izmir:inter(' cenuine. U11:1 IMES G. WAIT! 63.! tauf 62 Filbert if teet, Philetteltibksi tIT timorantli tiFt A".%6 ANNUITYtMSCR ASCE. COMPANY \Contours& men es !mettle In thle txurntY: • !he interest besting plan. exclusively used, by !ht. Company, cosh** agents to (lb a larger brislotsS, and Ohm Insurance other* no nth& pion nln. nu nceottthl of IN thoroughly muitabts fentures—providiun as It dots, Income &minx 1110.1thaU 1,1 no exact instire to all, old and Young. A. gents can secure onusoully coal is by addrOlfing• KINOSIWTIY KELLOPP. oelel Ago, tra %%reknit - Street, PhilattOphia,Pl, Jane 1, 1370—Imzi. • - 14" I EIE' ElnE! FIRE s. --Your msibnrn l nest. birch retsge LL gibe: Vitil4.l";.ltt tbel' • OD 01! Security. ~ • li m ,1110 Oft Manhattan; • • 4 .4 , .010 W North Arnernnn, r 17.4 • MAO CO M Hanover'. Girard, Philadelphia, Eatexprlaa, . . . Or Nortrlch; Conn., chattered Slay, I£ol, the oldest Stock Co.. to Connecticut. Allot the allure two Old established, flat claim Cumpanicii, pure, mid reliable, .bar tag been .tried tutdproven, took out for little new iota totem m, ,panto springintup all over the ronntty ke money. Call or *endyour applications, and I will 'nee that pm are giltly dealt with. Lthi and A'cildemt ineumnee Agent, at the office of Lusk.,Eao,„ Montrose: - February I, 1810.-tf. • rigil*:CONBlntPrlaitEL4lPrifttietit llll. y ink flaiLleTh — JL notated to heolth tw.,almpts to•IoI.4 - Tni'"tlnf,• The Partleulim will ho lent free. K florinum, Slookrttm St. Prooklys; Long lelatiM U. 8. DESSAVEU cisterns °rang feet, arid tbtow al rapidly. Any tam! keep Thew it up according ley never fait .ta ction. . .15 4 ): • 3 0110,000 00 . 00,000 00