The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 27, 1870, Image 2

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W. JOLT $7. RHO.
ilkopoorinie County Convention.
i'Democratio voters of Susquehanna
eooLiq are requested to meet at the place
itUlding elections' in their respective
distrietslietween the hours of 4 and 6
o'cloOk on Saturday the 13th day
of Aisgusi next (unless otherwise ordered
by the Township' Committee) and elect
twoldelegates to represent said districts in
the Convention to be held at hfonfrose,
en Monday, August 16th, at 2 o'clock P.
1 / 1 ., fir the purpose of nominating candi
dates to be supported at the ensuing elec
Amhara-43i. L. ;Swisher, Wm. White, Wm
Zablizt. _ .
J. West, Benj. K
rid terL-11.. Bunnell, H. J. Stevens, C
_ .
Brooklyn—E. G. Williams, James Hewett
Wm. Crandat.
Dimock—Wm. Bunnell, H. E. Birch, A. R
Dundaff Boro.—Dr. J. C. Olmstead, nos P.
Phinny, C. C. Church.
Forest Lake—H. Birdsell, Elisha 'Griffis, Isaac
Franklin—J. L. Merriman, Henry Eldred,
Joseph Haryott.
Ftiendsville—James Meade, Phillip Milian,
Wm. Baffin=
Gibson--Goorga Milliken, J. a Chitin, E. F.
Great Bend—Win. K. Hatch, J. B. Brown,
Ira Eitnittt
Great Bend Etoro.—C. Sc Gilbert, I. Reckbow,
Reuben Stevens.
Ti Herrick—Henry Lyon, E. R Barnes, A. B.
t n it; •
y—Richard Martin Levi Westfall.
Harfor em d—lnt Carpenter, D. ,
L. Mne, Stephen
Hea Carpenter
rides Shelp, Jose& Stieger, W. C.
Jackson—A. X Benson, J. L. Dix, T. W
Lettox—A. L. Jeffers, A. J. Titus, Lucius
Lathrop—E. a Brown, John Wood, D. Took-
Ltherty—P. P. Butte, C. Student AI. L.
Mee Meadows—Thomas O'Dowd, Jere.
Middietosms—dohn Bigtan, Owen Smith, Otis
Montrose—C. D. Lathrop, D Brewster, C. L
New Milford—E. Aldrich, Julius E. Deana,
Spencer Lathrop.
New Milford Boro.—W. Hayden, F.W. Boyle,
Joel S. Tingley.
Oakland—James Tillman, Lewis R Shuns,
E. C. Lemt.
Rnsw. Harvey, Albert Irtcket, C. Flom
merfelt. • '
Springville—William H. Gerritson, Samuel
Quick, Wm. B. Hendrick.
Saul. Depot—G. Curtis, R N. Smith, Wm.
M. Past.
Thomson—C. Stodard, L. S. Aldrich, J. B.
C. M. (}ERE, Chairman.
0. H. HALL, Secretary.
Car Elections will be held this fall in
all the States except Oregon, California,
New Rainpshire, Connecticut and Rhode
Island. Sixteen States will elect legisla
tures which will choose United States
Senators. Of these the Radicals will car
ry Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, lowa,
Minnesota and Kansas. The negroes will
be successful in North Carolina and South
Carolina. The remainder of the States
will be carried by the Democrats. r
Vir 'The " trooly lour seem to be los
ing faith in the gospel of equality. Their
back-slidings are becoming notorious.—
The negro cadet at West Point is so bad
ly maltreated by the sons of Radical pa
rents that he complains to the War De
partment ; Senator Revels fails to draw
as a lecturer in the West ; and Mrs. Gov.
Alcorn, of Mississippi, declines to receive
calls from the wife of Lynch, the colored
Secretary of State. We hope the hot
weather has nothing to do with this fall
ing from grace in the Radical church.—
Where is 'Stnner, with his lecture on
Caste ? ' That luminous apostle of the
universal brotherhood of matt bad better
look after his flock.
WThe Republicans of Susquehanna
eontity hold their Convention for the
nomination of candidates on Monday the
first week of August court.
Shall It Continue.
There is a question to be settled this
fall *Lich all are aware is of great mo
ment at the present time ; one in which
the masses of the people of this Common
wealth are almost a unit in their convic
tiou as to its grave importance, which is
this :
Do we want a • repetition of the infa
mous legislation which has been practiced
upon the people of the old Keystone State
by the majority of their representatives at
the State Capital for a few years past ? Do
we want to send men who have betrayed
every principle upon which they were
elected, by casting their totes in direct op
position to the pledges made to their con
stituents ? Do we want to send men who
will labor only for personal and limited
local interests, to the detriment of the
broad and paramount rights of the whole
district, State and nation, who will do the ,
bidding of wire pullers in some pet scheme,
without any. regard to the constituents at
large by whose suffrages they are elected?
Do we want men who will pledge
themselves to be a party to such a rob
bery of the laboring taxpayers of the
State, who are groaning under its load,
directly traceable to the action of past leg
islators ? Do we want men whit; frill
Itti.the fancy of those interested, that
should, •is is expected, any renewal of
that infamous scheme known as the 411ail
road BirindW' come ap for their action;
they will vote to rob the people's treasury
to.enrich corporate cempanies, and claim
thif . t* can do what la- an otter imps.
sibility;idd`another stone to its burden "
by'aft: aip r ittpkitition for -the benefit of
some local_liorid through Witt:entity?
lsnpo bl 9 we
Serious legislature succeed in pacing each
a robbing scheme over the head •of the
Governor, an indignant press and.people
Grill be heard by a State Court.
Do we want menvhose whole in(etiesta
will be made to suceninb to a measure
either for or against the of some
"Judicial Bill" purely sectional, and who
will sell themselves to any scheme to•ac
compliah it, without regard to principle
of the will of the masses of their constit
Do we want men who lave aided by
their - votes to place the' breeeli4ol4.o
Hottentot; fresh - from the shored Of Atti
ca, upon a. axial and political equality
with the citizens of a nation which was
planted, reared and defended by white
men, and whose unequaled prosperity is
wholly attributable to the purity and su
premacy of that race ?
And last, but not least, will you , send
men who will not use every effbrt to re
peal an infamous law which was passed
only for the puiposeof raising a corrup
tion fend to carry out their criminal de
signs known as "Unpatented Lands," of
which we propose to speak more folly at
some future time? This is a matter
which interests almost every real estate
ownerin the district. You are liable at
any time beforeita repeal to be proceeded
against by snit, and the lands Which you
have paid full value for, having been al
ready heavily taxed to support a govern
ment that now seeks to extort from you,
may be struck off over your heads to the
highest bidder. Are there any who are
ignorant as to whom they are indebted
for this oppression ? Is there o man in
this Assembly district who is desirous of
a repetition of these and a long category
of corruptions that might be added ? If
so, vote for the same men, or similar ones,
and your hopes will be fully realized.
Too Good geßeeP.
The following communication:appeared
in the Susquehanna Journal Jiily 12th,
which is too good to' be lot to our read
ED. Jol7ll7lAl.:—WO \ desire to call at
tention to the fact that G. B. Eldred,
Esq., of Montrose, visited the M. E.
School, of this place last Sabbath, and ad
dressed the School, enjoining upon all
the necessity of attending the Sabbath
School, and Chririt's claim upon them.
Thank God for such a Prothonatorv!
and may the time soon come when every
man in public office may be a Sunday
School worker, obeying the command of
the Saviour ; " Feed my lambs."
Let ns thank God that we have men in
position who reverence His word, and
that we have at they White House, a Sab
bath ; and that so many of our leading
statesmen, recognise the duties and obli
gation of Christian life. J. IL COOK.
We wish brother Cook would tell us
how much "fee(d)ing" the "lambs" re
quire, when the "Sabbath" was establish
ed at "the White House," how long a can
didate must devote his time to the "Sab
bath School" to be elected to office, and
how soon must be begin.
Count Frielhard, French Minister
to Chili is appointed to fill the vacancy
at Washington, caused by the enicide of
M. Paradol. Re is not expected here tin
der about two months.
fge — Connecticut, . with a Republican
Legislature, refuses to strike the word
"white" from its Constitution. Notwith
standing this, Congress attempts to over
ride the State with its Fifteenth Amend
— Tele Cray.
The fall of bloodyeabi has not yet com
menced in Europe. h is, however, daily
expected. The contest cannot long be de
layed, as the armies are getting into such
positions as will make the postponetnent
impossible. Five French army corps' are
on the frontier of France, and the Em
peror's headquaters will be at Nancy.
Large detachments from the army of Al
giers are daily arriving at Marseilles, and
pushing on to the scene of action. These
troops have seen much service; and are
hard, determined fighters. Their officers
are also among the most skilled in the
French army. The Emperor and Prince
Imperial will take the field in a few days,
and then the whole line will be put in
LATRa.—The Prussians hare at last
entered - Frailee. A small body crossed
the Rhine near Saarlouis on Saturday,
and made a reconnoisance in the: direct
ion of Metz and St. Avoid. They enema nt
ered a French outpost, and sharp sker
mish ensued the Prussian retreating and
acknowledging a loss of two men. French
despatch makes no mention of any loss
on the side of France. It simply Says
that the Prussians were repnlsed, and
adds that a reeonnoisance has been made
on Prussian soil by the French: troops.
St. Avoid is on the railroad between
Metz and Farbach about 190 miles east
of Paris. Saarlonis' is fifteen miles to: the
north of St. Avoid. The skirmish occur
ea about half way between the two pla
Death of Admiral thslblgetaa,
Bear Admiral Dahlgren died, On Tues
day morning last. of heart disease', at his
residence, in Washington City.
John A. Dahlgren, Bear Admiral Uni
ted States Navy, was born in Pennsllca
niat, in the year 1810. He entered - the
service as a midshipman in FCbiltar,Y,
1826, and served on the Brazilitin coast
and in the Mediterranean in; the years
1827-8. On his return be went through ,
a course of naval study, and was n_igsged
in the coast survey in 18354. Itt_Mareh
1837, he was promoted h) a lieutenancy
and was Made a commander i iSeptem
ber. 1835. At an early age he nred
taste for:constructing onlpaner4and he was
appointed to that department by the Uni
ted Staters (internment in 1347,0 then he
Invented and u perfectai the we, - known
'Dahlgren she -gun,,then considred; the
most powerful werspen of its ex
istence: In the course of his e4periments
in this direction he -made .t„hci.tollowirig
publicationt6 a Oct of them IsIN Cider- of
the Bureau of th,nce,..llepoit
35 Pounders cf,52 cwt. (1850 N fiyiteirCof
Boat Armamettt in the Hatted StateiNa•
editioni (1853 'and. Naval.
?amnion tool' and :Pihnera. 1853),
13he11^ and. Sbell Gana .(11336);
_ 1853 -Dahlgret . was - *Dia '4,0,
the command of tbegannni
.414 p, pusi.
Wand at Plymontkengao4 tgOmg
the velocity and power of artillery, etc.,
and in 1859 he was removed. to Washing
ton navy yard, to the command of whit%
lie *atappointed at the outbreak of the
rebellion. Up the death of;Admiral Foot,
in 1883, hee-Succeeded to the command of
the fleet 'before Chioleston, when he co.
operated.with' , Gen. Gihnore itt.some fruity
less attempts to capture Fort Sumpter,
and other defences of Charleston harbor.
Admiral Dahlgren owed hie elevation and
reputation almost entirely .to his artillery;
—J. J. Wall, colored, is Brioadiertien
era!, commanding the Florida militia.
—The b iggest thing Chicago has on
hand now is its debt, mill
ions is the mull total of it.
—There are ten thousand lawsuits pend
ing before the courts in Chiongo,in•which
830,000,000 are involved.
—ln Boston they are giving their po
licemen vacations of one or two weeks
each, according to their length of sen - i Cc.
—lt is .reported that a Charlestown
Massachusetts, cabinet maker, has fifty
Chinamen on the way to make furniture.
—Woodcock are beginning to be seen
in the Connecticut markets, and it is said
the supply will be abundant this season.
—The Parkersburg Times says that
Nicholas Longworth once purchased the
business portion of the City of Cincinnati
for the value of a horse.
—Mike McCool, the notorios pugilist,
was shot and severely wounded in the left
arm, during a disturbance in his saloon,
at St. Louis. on Monday night.
—ln Hawkins county, Tennessee, a
younrcolo'd" man was taken out by the
negroes, and hit six hundred lashes, be
cause he had bewitched a negro.
—ln New Brunswick and Nova Scotia,
the crops will not be more than half the
usual average.
—The practice of Kentucky distillery
hands of bathing after working hours in
the vats of whiskey, is not only refreshes
and cleanses the men, but adds to the
"body" of the liquor.
—The supply of Croton water at New
York is getting short, Land the people
have been warned not to waste it. the
water wasted in that city is estimated to
amount to 50,000,00 . 0 gallons daily.
—An erring Indiana hen was ..recently
found in the back part of a hardware
store, where the misguided fowl had
struggled for three Weeks, trying to bitch
out half a dozen white porcelain door
knob. She was very much reduced.
—The Mormon girls have declared, by
resolutions, that they discard dragging
dresses as unclean, and short ones as in.
descent, and paniers and Grecian bendsas
disgracing the human form.
—A stone has been found in Jefferson
county, lowa, in immense quantities,
which has the appearance of genuine old
fashioned granite. It will stand heat and
cold, and is susceptible of a beautiful pol
—The Trenton town council is so
equally divided in politics that in three
months since its election it has only suc
ceeded in organizing. It has not voted a
cent of money yet, and the police have
lived on credit since April.
—A foot race for a purse of one thous
and dollars took place at the Wilkes-
Barre Driving Park on Saturday, between
William Clark and Martin Barrett.
—A meeting of prominent Germans
was held in St. Louis, on Monday night,
at which it was resolved, should war be
declared between France and Prussia, to
send an address to the people of Germany
urging them to unite against the power
of France.
—The lion. llimm Appleton, Mystic,
Connecticut, recently forwarded a letter
to a neighboring town, requesting the
Postmaster to deliver it "to any respecta
ble attorney." After ten days it was re
turned with the significant endorsement,
"none here."
—A case feminine daring is related of.
a Virginia belle,- who rode to the edge - of
the precipice and defied any man to':fol-•
low her. -Not a man accepted. the
but a tantalizing youth stood on
his head in his saddle and-dared the lady
to do that.
—The census-takers in different parts
of the country are collecting some very
curious information. They find that the
highest age attained by unmarried wo
men is twenty-six years. It is well to have
the point at which they cease growing
olderdefinitely fixed.
—One of woman's rights has at last se
cured the recognition of Congress. The
Legislative and Executive Appropriation
bill, as agreed npun by Houses, provides
that female clerks small receive the same
pay as male in •"any grades of clerkships
known to the law.
—The oldest surviving member of Con
gress is Ezekiel Bacon, noir a resident of
Utica. Judge Bacon was born at Stock
bribge' in Mussachnsetts, 1766; gradua
ted at Yale College in 1804; was s mem
ber of the General Court in. 1805 and
1806; entered Congress in 1801, and re
mained there till 1813.
—P. S. Gillmore has been in- Washing
ton invoking diplomatic assistance to get
the principal military bands of Europe to
come over to his great international Ju
bilee nest season. It is understood, how
ever, that the milittiry bands of France
and Prussia have other engagements just
now, of indefinite duration.
—Mrs. Vaehti Angell and her two sons,
were arrested at North Providence, IL 1.,
last week on suspicion of having murder
ed William P. Angell, their husband and
father, who disappeared some months
since, and whose body was recently found
in a pond. James Fagan, a hired man
was also arrested. All pleaded not guilty
and are held for an examination.
—The bones of about 1,200 Chinese
lately readied San Francisco, on their re
turn to the Celestial . Empire, They had
been gathered up• along'-the- et the
CeritralPaeille Railroad and Were -all t!Mt
was left of a regiment of the laborers' On
that great work. They are taken' borne'
in pursuance of the conduct by 'Which
they: were ortiundly brought into this,
eoutry. - ' - •
hai fest charms for, the Do- -
peptic, which' is not to _be -wondered . .at
- when . we take into - the account the
summit of bodily and : mental ., suffeung
that: this distressing .isidady - gen_ elite&
ThiPerneisn Syrup (a fitoloride °Nul),
hat_cured thousands who :wen! - .fug ( ' 0 1 , 2 $
from this 4.7 f
Mode*, of the Wrench der.
M. Prevost-Paridol, the lately appoint
ed French Minister, committed suicide at
onelOacierWedn tuoriitrit. last,
his'apprtS esda y sent it Waihington. kis maid
he wiurenekring-friiiii a' lucent input:mks'
and Was insitriezt tbe , tine oft the caul
milli:a:La the - rash set; The_weigion Used_
was a single-barrelled pocket pistol. The
shot went directly through his heart. All
- manner of eat - nortat IA the cadges Which
led to.suchadeplorable:consutnation are
rife, but nothing 'it:finite ptltdowh
youd the fact's sued.
F a 4.7 'amine?
We Wo n t ' xespectfaul,,sugglet-:tto t , ee.
leaders of the Republican par% that they
are crowding the -4 011 m l fersqn" a little
too fa st i for their Olin and for his
good. Negro suifilige to µ , bitter pill for
at least one-half of the men ~who have
hitherto iolea' the 'Repnbliciip ticket.
Hence titnelihoidd have Wen given them
befere another and a 'worse dose Win ex
hibited. This crowding ofthe negroes
into office While there itre'white men quite
as deserving and as well qUalitied won't
win in the long rim. 'lt will' break the
Repnblictin party down, will reduce the
negro to a - worse condition' than he Occu
pied in a state of slavery, if it were possi
ble. It will sooner or later lead to his
extermination. Politicians, fanatical idi
ots, who cannot :rand the signs of the
times may elevate the negro to the Uni
ted States Senate nod to the platform of
endorsement at the polls for such disgust
ing conduct, and they will find it when
ton late.—Seyniare (Ind.)Tinv Radical.
Matt War Sleeting
MEMPHIS, Jnly 24.—At au Irish meet•
ing, last night, spEbeebes were , made and
resolutions adopted to the effect that the
Irish should not take part in the present
war unless England became involved,
then a united effort should be made to
free Ireland. An executive committee
was appointed to carry out the spirit of
the resolutions.
lady Franklin.
CINCINNATI July 23.—Lady Franklin,
widow of Sir John Franklin,
the Arctic
explorer, arrived here to-day from Califo
rnia. She visits this city to confer with
Captain Hall on the anbjeet of the pro
posed Arctic expedition; and will leave for
Washington on Monday.
Congress, before its adjournment last week
appropriated $10,00040 support aged ne
gro women in Washingto City, an 8300,-
000 for the esteimi..rne-er-arriegro asylum
known as Winner's Building. There are
thousands of aged white women in the
country who need assistance, but negroes
are the pets of the Radical party. If any
one should try to get an appropriation
fur indigent and aged white females, we
have no doubt Radical Congressmen
would be troubled with what Thad. Stev
ens once described as "fragments of the
Consiitution sticking in their kidneys."
-- • -
—Lund in the vicinity' of Waverly, near
the New Jersey Railroad,
is held at 82.000
per acre. It ought to .he held a long time
at that price.
Jail Delivery.
On Sunday morning, July lith, about mid
night, four prisoners escaped from the Williams
port Prism. Their names are Thomas McCabe,
awaiting trial on a charge of burglary at Mon
ey ; John Heineman.awatting trial on a charge
of hiring a horse and not returning it; Arthur
Kaign and JohniPrescon, charged with burglary
and robbing the house df Mayor Herdic.
The Now Tax Bill.
We find the following items of general inter
est in the new tat-tariff bill, now a law :
On and after October first next the stamp tax
imposed on promissory notes for a less sum than
$lOO, and on receipts for any sum of money, or
for the payment of any debt, be and the same
are hereby repealed-
And no stamp shall be required upon the
transfer or assignment of kmortgage where it
or the instrument it seeerea has been once duly
The duties on Iron are as follows
On iron In pigs, $9 per tun: on east scrap iron
of every description, $0 per ton: en wrought
scrap Iron of every description, $9 per ton. On
steel railway bare, I. M . cents per pound, and on
all railway bars made In part •of steel, 1 cent
Per Pound Prdrlded, dust Metal etanented, cast,
or made ftom iren by tballeetenter'or pneumat
ic process of whatever thins or descripfitni, shall
be classed as steel.'
Active Canvassing is now going on amongthe
Democracy of the Luzern Congressional Dis
trict, in regard to their candidate for Congress..
Scranton has several candidates, among whom.
we last week mentioned the name et our friend,
and farmer townsman, R. H. MeKune, Esq.
They are all men who would, represent the Die.
trict with honor and credit, but we believe sim
ple Justice demands that the nomination should
be given to her sister county. ETer since La
ammo and Susquehanna county have been a Dis
trict together, Luzern has had the candidate,
and she should now cheerfidly consent to a
'change. The gallant Democracy of ilusqueban-.
na county, although buried beneattkagreat Rad
ical majority, have never faltered in the good
fight. and are entitled to this nomination as a
slight recognition of their services.
We learn that she would present, and strenu
ously urge, the nomination of J. B. McCollum,
Esq., of Montrose. He is a lawyer, well known
throughout northern Pennsylvania andthis sec
tion of New York. His ability, titles& Ind in,
levity are conceded, and will make a represen
tative of whom his constituents will be proud.—
Bing. Leader.
Tuma—troxturc—in Jackson, July 15th, by
Re'r• Jacob Smith, Mr. Elias 0: Tattle and
Mho JoonIDE. Hoban, both of Hetrick, Pa
Brasrrort—Near Binghamton. N. Y., Joy 2d,
1870, Ellen E. Stanton, aged 22 years, wire of
A. Clyde, and daughter of -Jos. D. Stanton,
Esq., of this county.
Savant—lnhlackson, July Bd , Mn. Sarah
Severy, wife of Edward t3every, aged 30 yrs.
Mrs. Severy was awakened to a riew spiritual
life, and united wilb the Univenntibit church In
Gibson, about a year ago and hitiallornixl her'
Christian viola-Mon with'the Medea fruits of .
Christitui •
In her death, a true wife, a loving mother,
and an affectionate daughter, his pasted Into'
the spirit world. Only the • relleon of ,Christ
can comfOrt and sustain' die betftved ones.—
May Its faith and hope be their refirge.—(Com.
Cnroacu—At Banded; lasmobty niorning -July
10th, Mary W. Church, only daughter or Mali
O. and Mrabeth Ci..Churnb, atilen4 Pm* -
-Dear little Maryt • Res igtos s tnief Wit
yet it was NU of briednessand beauty. We re.:
caliber:endearing ways end Pleisint Sayings,
wan% amply the pain of herlma, Much love
and pride were centertd id listr toyii*fridinda.
She wart_ era her garmcnta bad beat
solled,by fillm was githoedlOber finviintr'S
aims ere Ur Imarthulleit the sormwskofilta— ,
Marra ant/rmluidon Is Oulatetl,:. and the ,art
bathes her letup in the light.of lisnuren_ annum'
er goldenlinir• -* . 'pW -tatberbetter ;
motherly d ower ichlooming in umger
des of tile
Lordi thm &Ow It *lot 1 " ) the
trealtuviitkat -"
reakkone in Mad, Pa. July
10 / 0,- dirjlialdtmefitentitrt44;nfteta
short illness, aged 62
1,1.1 lb CI 11,3 , 1 , 144 , 4•4 4
Corrected weekly by William Hodadon, 291
' - - "Wks 134 New :York.
Week enditii 340, 1876: - '..
321 48 i
. 12018
.: 13014
i 50.80.00
. 68069
I.loc 1.18
• " I VIB
. 18015
Batter, cll
II o t
Cheese, dairy, per lb. ~
gas, per d oz .....
Flour, per ban al.....
Coro meal, 100 Tbs.. :.
Wheat, per buithel„:. _ _
21 *i . i ..., ..........
Cate ...... • • • • • •
Corn “ ...
Rape, eroptf181111.': . 4:: .
BeeA 443, Re.llb •,• • - . -„
P H otoes, per bbL ..., ...... .
SHERIFF'S S A LES.—By virtue of writs is
sued by the Court of Common. Pleas of
Susquehanna County and to me directed, I will
expose to sale by puMle vendue, at the Coqrt
House in Montrose, on Friday, August 12,
1870, at one o'clock, r. Ix, the following des
cribed pieces or parcels of land, to wit:
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In New
Milton! township bounded and dateribed as fellows:—
Vallug at • post and stones la the west ounerof B.
i Pad ; thence by lands of said Waldo nor 4 5%A.
east, 63%perthes to a post and stones ; thence 'Forth 40
deg, west, CI perches toe maple In swamp : thence north
40 east 10t perches toe post and stones. corner ofJottn
Bradford's lot, being the east side of the Corse road";
thence along said road north 44 deg. went, perch
es ; thence north Igi% deg.- west, 81% perches to a
post and stones, being the east of said road. acornerot
of bind formerly surveyed is Alanson Merritt ; thence by
• line of said Merritt's lot, south 46 deg. west 110 perch
es to a post and stones ; thence north 44 deg. west tZ
perches io a pot and stones In line of James Chap
mates tract ; thence south 46 dog. west 48% perches to
a post stones an on corner ; thence senth 49% deg.
cut 169 perches to the place of beginnlng--eontaining
Discus 4a perches of land, more or less, with theappor
tenancep, one burned house. rraken In execution at the
snit of Garrett & Son vs. Jacob Wellman.
All that cetala piece ot,parcel oilland attnate in Liber
ty township, county of Husipaehanna and State of Pedn
syhania, hounded and described as follow. to wit : On
the north by Hinny creek, on the math ) lands of P, P.
Hotta: on the south by land of Samuel Tmvta and Shin
gin Machine property,xastalningaboutthree fourths of
an acre, be the same more or lees, with the appurtenan
ces, one shingle machine and Wilding and shed, and all
Improved. All that other piece or parcel land situate
In Liberty township, county and State atoresatd, bound
ed on the north by lands of Jonathan Howard, on the
east by land foruperly of J. M. Travis, on the south by
land of P. P. Butts and Olt the west by lands of .
containing 13 *mesa land be the •41310 mote or less with
the apportmances, and all improved. [Taken in execu
tion at tae salt of Maoism Chalker, assigned to II
Ttirrell es Harriet If Ilindunan and Jewn itinchman„
All that certain piece or parcel of land known as the
property of J H McCain, situate in the township of Au
burn, In the county eg Elnsqueluuma and State of Penn
sylvan's, bounded and described as Mows to wit On
the north by land of John W Lott end lame limes...S , on
the east by lands of Isaac Howard and John Setter, on
the south by lands of the estate ore S Low deed' Elks
Titman and Thomas Shannon and 11 If Howard ; con
taining about US acres of land be the wane more or less,
with the appurtenances, one two story frame dwelling
house. two barns and outbuildings, two orchards and
about Macre. hnprerred. [Taken in execution at the
soh or Henry Censer et, al. vs A Baldwin, W L Allen and
Al) that Certain pptete or parcel of land situate In the
township , of Pcauklln , artinty of StInattILIMMI and State
of Pennsylvania, bounded and desc ri bed as follows to
wit: Beginning at the north/redeemer of lot No. 101 of
tlnako.4.3onk purchase of Kirby I biers settlement
Jr called) satd 1M 104 lately occupled by John Webster Jr.
Menet, east 01 chtins and 80 Plinks along the mad to a
corner where the two roads intersect ; thence north
partly along and then MUNI the mad running to the
northward 30 chains and 49 links to the southwest corn.
er of Lot No. lid and where lots of John Watson and
John Dearborn corner; thence west 18 chains and R 1
banks to corner; thence south 3) chains and 43 links to
the place of beginning containing 101 acres of lend, be
the same more or leas, it being the same lands conveyed
to Wm Id Poet by deeddated Jan. 10th, 18011, and by him
Conveyed to Elizabeth Grover April 34 1830 (excepting
that portion of the said piece or partake( land conveyed
by deed by the mid Elizabeth Grover to Henry Webster
on the 2t) day of Juno 1860, and coutainlng let acres and
141 perches) wtthtthe appurtenances, one framed housis,
two barns, outbuilding, one orchard, and mostly kn.
proved. [Taken In execution ni the suit of Z B Sutton
vs Elizabeth Grover.
ALSO—AII that certain piece ur parcel of land situ
ate In the township of Auburn, In the county of Sur
quebanna, and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and
described as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of
David Thorpe, on the cast by land. of Dante( Triple,
on the math by lands of Charles (lay and on the went
by lands of George Dens ; containing about 110 acres
of land. be the mime more or less. with The apporte
nacres, one frame dwelling house. one old frame
boast, one frame corn house, one orchard, and about
90 acres Improved. (Taken In execution at the cult
of A. & D. R. Lathrop vs. George Stebbins.
ALSO—AIi that certatia piece or parcel of land alto-
ate In the township of Springville, In the countyof
Susquehanna, and Matt of Penns) Omuta. hotiodod and
described as follows, to wit: On the north by road
leading from Lynn cornets to Auburn, on the east by
lands of A. Lace, on the south by lands of A. Lace, on
the west by land, of liatthbm Frantz containing one
fonrttrof an acre of land. be the same more or less,
with the apperteositers, and ail improved. [Taken in
eXeetitinti at the cult of IL D. & O.P. Little vs. IL B.
a J. S. Swisher.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land vitia
tor. In the borough of doequebanns Depot, in the
county of Buonettanna, and State of Pennsylvania,
known and describe as lot No. 341, being west of the
Drinker Creek, as laid down on the map. of a part of
said village as surveyed by Wm. Wentz for the late
New York and brie Railroad Company, and resurveyed
and allotted by Timothy Boyla, with the apportenan.
cos, one frame dwelling house, one frame barn, and all
Improved. (Taken in execution at the snit of Edward
Bryan vs. Amanda Blotter.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ.
etc In the township of Rarford known nabs Rarford
University, bounded and descri bed as follows, to wit:
Beginning in the middle of the road, being a earner ot.
La vas owned by Wm. 0. Brisat, and a corner at lands:
owned by Caleb C. Rich wdson. thence north 48 dmeetii,
east, by lands of Calett C. Itichardson.,ll rods to a eon
nee thence north (lacocca neat, by . lands of Caleb C.
Richardson. and land owned by heirs of Stephen Sweet.
late of Ilarford. VI sods to &owner, being a corner of.
lan Is owned by Edward Allen, thence south 48 degrees
west, by lands owned by Edward Allen, te and -MUM'
rods to the middle of the creek for a corner. thence Fenn;
edegreesetat, by hindeof Edward Allen, 9 rods to a enr
omonone.:. unth 4d degrees taut,. sixty-one rods
by lands. Edward Alters to the middle.
the road fo a corner, thence south ISO degrees east.' 4
rods in tur nilddle of the road Mt coiner, being a cor
ner of lamb owned by Lyman Richardson, thence moth
41 degrees west, SI a cornet In a lino of lands
owned by Edward Allen, thence south 48 degrees east,
b y hod. of Edward Allen. Maud 20.100 rods to a cor ,
'aerobes= smith 49 degrees west, 8 rods Area earner,
thence south 55 degrees east, 11 and 80-100 gads to a cor
ner, thence north 4.4 degrees east, 5 and RASO rods too
corner, thence south 48 degrees east. 8 and Estee rode
to a earner. being the end of the wall, thence north 41
degrees east. 9 rods to the middle of the road, thence In
the middle of the road south 48 degrees cast. 12 rods to
a comer, theme In the -middle of the road south 44 de
ur es east, 21 and 31-100 reads to the plate of beginning.
containing 33 acres and 10 rods be the same more or
leas, with the appoilenances, one dwelling house, one
bare, 0 echool bitildings. I carpenter shop, 1 orchard,
necessary out buildings and all improved. ALso—All
that certain place or parcel of land situate In the town
ship of Darfur& hounded and described as , follows, to
wit t Beginning at a heap of atones In the line of lands
owned by the heirs of Darin, Tingley, late of Rarford;
and being corner of lands owned by Caleb C. Richard
son, thence north 2014 degrees east, 81 and 41.100 rods
to a heap of stonerfor • corner, befog scorner of lands
owned by William 0, Brt*nt, thence by landau( the said
William 0. Briant,.eauth 453( degrees vast, 18 rode to
a heap of atones for I corner .thence south LW degrees
west, AI 'arid 81-DXI rode to d heap of atones In the line
of lands owned by the heirs of Darken Tingley, thence
north 45}4 degrees west by lande of the helm of said
Darius Tingley:lB todeto the place of beginning. Con
tuning 3 acres and GO rods of land be the tame, more
or less with the appurtenances. At ao—All that certain
piece or par el of land elitists to the township of Han.
ford, bounded and described as billows, to wit: Benin.
gin g In the centre of the road leading be Bart.:id llni.
malty. thence along the eantre of this same, north
4911 f degrees west rods, thence by land of Rev- Ed
ward Allen, south 4CW de:frees rest, 8 rode, thence by
the' same south 4314 degrees - east, I rods, thrum by
lands of the said Charles W. Deans, north 4034 degrees
east, 8 rods to the' place of beginning. Containg tires.
ty-f on rods of land, be the.same more or lers,. with
the appurtenances, the building known as the Newark
house and all improved. All that; certain piece
Of parcel of land eitnato In the township of Hayford,"
hennaed and described as follows, to wit: Beginning
In the road, thence along a line of land conveyed by
William 0. Bryant, to C. W, Deans, westerlyto a pone
thence by land of said grantor, along said wall In
a northerly direction to boob of said C. W. Deans.
then bounded on the north by lands of said C. W.
Deans, on the eaat by the same and there'd. Contain
lug about 114 acre" of land be the same more or less,
with the appurtnatices. [Taken in execution al the
milt at Jones, Babcock & Tanner vs. Char: W. Deane.
Wa. I'. )110XLEY, alteriff.
Elbealfre Office, Wontrose, July 18, 1810.
HERIFFS BALES.—By virtue of writs is
kJ sued by the tkiurt of Common Pleas of Ems
to county and to me directed, I will
sale by by publie endue , at the Court House
In Montrose, on'finturday, Aug. 6, 1870, at' two
o'clock r. w., the following described pieces or
parcles of land, to wit:
All that certain piece or parcel of land situ.
actin the township of Gibson. county of Sus%
guebanna, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at
a tame set up In the Butler Creek, It being a
earner orlands of Mrs. Scott; thence by lands
ofd Buttowirstmth 47 degrees west; 20 and .
840ths um:itches; thence by lands of Vail
stunk 88 degrees east, 84 and 840 tbs perches to
the northwest side of ' the Immeshed; - theme'.
north 54% degrees cut, 8 paches ; theneesouth'
41 degmes mat, 3 perches, to a point in themid
die 4 the old Cochectort and Great Bend Turn;:
pike road ; thence along the same, north, 87 de
versions% 14 es to the Intersectionof the
Bunows smd • leading to New Milford, and
thence Wang the said toad Mid by . lan'd -, of Said
Mrs, Scott north 84 deposit weet,2o and Baths
perches to the place, of beginning. ,Containlog•
acrts and 48 perch* be same more orlem,
with:the appurtenances,: tine:dwelling
wall barn, somolVtdt iutd - . *ll:lmpioed.
{Tskeainuseignkmatithe snit . istlaintiel- Vail
vis,Move Phansherlirkll'riA
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
laud situate loAta.towiuddp of Harmony i conn
tier Snsquebatma, and State of PennWvanla,
1 4
boupded and rkascribed as follows , 11- t t4... a
the north *lands of RI. Laney, on the * , t
by halls etAn& P.u.s, on the sou 'by ds
or IL A Whitotmb and lands of Jam
fort, and ea the east by a road, heir . on
NM road and 74 and Wats rods the rarest
end. - Cmitainhit4o acres and 63 rbee • •
same more or less, with the appurtenances, one
frame house, one Same barn, one work 'her',
some lliilt trees ind Mostlf - kophotedrinte.
In execution at the snit of S. H. Barneava Leila-
hod S. Reed.
ALSO--All that certain piece or parcel &land the, toMuI4IP of-75 4 /V4 l * .
sinchanna.. Mid'Stritectfro Varda: 'tindea
mud d 6 critN4, l 4.oflows , tcgothe north;
by Simon 1a trit e t imilth Jams ,
on the south by:Alfred Linabera — and on the
west by Jolui ta t
acres, be the sithieisiorodiirith the appur.,
tenances, one frame. dwelling house, one saw
mill, and about 2 acres improved. [Taken in
execution at thesuit of VD: Sebring as. Charm•;
cey Shoemaker.
ALSO-t4lll that. certain Mew tit , Wee] 'Cif
land situate in. the borough of Sunquehanna De.,
pot, county of Susquehanna
_arid Stated, Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follo ws, to
wit : Beginning . •on the tint of 'Washington',
street, at the southerly. corner_ of lot No. at ;
thence rtinnin ,g`editnedfuleingthe line Of tofNet.
68 and 117-240 feet to. Ormit - street ; thence'
southerly along Grant street,
.60 feet to a cor
ner of lot No.. 113; thence .westerly- along the
line of lot No.. 112 andi34-240 feetto"Washing."
ton strut; thence northerly along Wphingon
street 60 feet to the plifee of begmning. Con
taining 14,400 square feet be the same more or,
less, with the appurtenances, erne frante dwell
ing house and all improved. 'Taken in execra
tion at the suit of George McNamara vs. Eras •
tus Green.
ALSO—AII that carts in_ piece or parcel of land
situate in the borough of Friendsriile, county of
Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, botmd
ed and described 89 follows, to wit I OM the
north by the Owego Turnpike road, on the east
by lands of Philip Miller, on the south by lands
of Bybilla Morris, and on the wot, by ;,I4nds of
Wm. Buffum and Thomas Hagan. Containing
two acres of land more or less, with the appur
tenances, one frame house, one frame barm some
ornamental and fruit trees, "mad all .'improved.
[Taken in execution at the suit of Diana Cook
vs. Hiram Cook.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or rowed of land
situate in the township of Rush, county. of Sus
quehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to nit : On the north
by lands of Jacob Smith, on the west by , lands
of Widow Champion and John Bradshaw, on
the east by lands of Henry Granger And Reese
Edward, and on the south. 'by binds- of Reese
Edwards and Dimon Pepper. Containing about
two hundred and sixty-five acres of land, be the
same more or less, with the appurtenanceo,!two
frame dwelling housei, ode frame , barn, one
blacksmith shop, two orchards, and about ono
hundred and sixty acres inapmved [Taken in
execution at the suit of Dimon Durgy vs. Walter
Bragg and Byron Bragg.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or pared &land
situate in the township of Lenox, cotinhrof Sus.
quehanna, and State of Pennsylvania,' bounded
and described as follows, to Wit Oia the north
by lands of ft Drinker , ' deceased, imitie east
by lands of John Millard, on the smith - by lands
of A. A. Payne, and on the west by lands of
Seymour Lawrence and D. C.' Oakley. 'Contain
ing about sixty acres of land, he the same more
or less, with the apourtenances„,one frame house.
one frame barn, a small orchard, and .srearly, all
improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of
C. C. Edwards; a..4slgtied to Wm:Goo - vs. W. R.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or !parcel of
bind situate In the township of Silver Lake,
county of Susquehanna, and State of Pennivi
cania, bounded and described as folionts,to
Beginning at a post in the west lute forinerly of
John Benkley, the northeast corner of's int of
; land formerly of Jeremiah. Dow ; thence along
said line north 4.5 minutes east, 88 arid 9-10ths
perches to a post on the south line of said tract,
the southwest corner of • said Benkley's lot;
thence along said last mentioned line north, 88 I
degrees 30 minutes west, 126 and 6-lOths perches
to a hemlock the southwest corner of said tract ;
thence :dem the west line—thereof, being also
the east ltiof lands late the tame of R. li. 1 .
Rose, deccastM, north 15 minutes east, 88 and
9-10ths perches to a past the southwest corner ;
of the said Jeremiah Dow's lot ; and thence
I along his south line south 88% degrees mist, 120 !
I perches to the place of beginning. Containing
69 and 8-10ths acres of land, be the same more
I or less, with the appurtenances and About ten
acres impnwert —Auto--All the right, title, and
interest of Edward , nin in and to all that
certain piece or parcel of d situatolying and
being in the townships of Silver Lake and Frank
lin. cotmty and State afbresaid, beginning at a
post and stones the southwest corner, of lot No.
'B7 ; thence west 1494: perches ton peat In the
warrantee line; thence by said line north ,14 de
gree west/353i perches to a hemlock; thence
east 149 perches to a hemlock; thence squib 95%
perches to, the place of beginning.. Containing
88 and 19.5460ths acres, be the same more or
less, with the appurtenanees,orte dwelling house,
one barn. one young Orcbard,andaboutt9 acres
improved. jTaken.l6 . execution- al.,Abe suit of
C. D. Lathrop vs:lildWardFlitaigan, P B. Coon
vs. Edward Flanagan,.
• ALSO—AII dud certaittideee orporp el of land
• situate in the township of' Chommut, in the
county of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsyl.
canto, bounded and described as follows, to wit ;
Beginning at a post in the centre Or the 41tocce
nut road, corner of Widow ; Sullivan's land ;
thence 9ottlit 14 degrees west, along, the:centre
of said road 88 rods i thence north 19 degrees
west, along the `Centre of Said 'read, 44 rods ;
thence north 10 degrees. west, 23 rods to
a post in line of Rev. I. V: O'Reilly ;
thence east along line of said O'Reilly
104 rods to a post-in the centre of the Forest
Lake road; thence south 49 degrees .tatat along
the centre of Said road - 80 coda to a post corner
of Thomas 3feehan land , ; thence' along said
3foebnn's land, 4tl rods 'to a post corner of Wid
ow Sullivan's land (now M. Carney's); thence
south 75 degrees wmt v along last named land
108 rods to the place of beginhing. Containing
61 acres of land be the same more or less, with
the appurtenances, one l s i *story flamehouse,
one old house, 2 frame barns and Sheds, corn
house, cider mill, ontbnildings; one in orch
ard and about fifty acres improved. [Taken in
execution at the suit of W. IL Jessup vs.-Thom
as O'Keefe. '
ALSO—AII that certain piece or peteel of
land situate In the township of Great 'Bend, in
the county of:SUsquelumna, andl3taleof Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to
wit: On themorth. by lauds ot Oscar, Reynolds,
on the east by the highway, on the south by G.
R. Law, and on the westby latulabf Mrs. David
Rose. Contnintabout 25 acres oflaiid be the
same more or lest : with the appanetuthees, one
frame house, one Entom.arn o ntew frets tram
and about 10, ae.res, improved. , tTaken- in exe
cution at the suit of Lukd Simth"'ve. B. O.
ALSO—AII that 'certain Piece or parcel of
land situate in the township of Middletrunvln
the county of Susquehanna, and State of Penn
sylvania, bounded and &scribed as fidloWir„ to
wit ; On the north by, lands of Harmon Bird
sall, on the cast by lands of Mrs. Anuttilht Stone,
George B Johnson and JUdsen Stone,, on the
south by lands now in possession of 13. 8. 'tax
ter, and on the west by , the Wolf Road. ',con
taining about:lso acres of 'land, be the , same
nierepr less, with the apptuteila Mie triode ,
house, one frame barn, and Sheds,- ono' orditiid;
and about one hundred acrestmproved , 'Milan'
in execution at stilt of James E. -Fitzgerald,
assigned to G. B. Johnson John Fitzgerald,
James Ferry and Flom Flout
John Fitsg.erald; Samuel te a m o'4p:red tO
Geo. P.. Littless. John ,Fitagera d._ i •,' .
-Wu.:T 'MOSLEY_ I ,
9herirs (Mee, Montrose, duly 11,1870
~. .
AGOOI DA.lffff
2 _, • 111) . •
Horace 'Elireltaid • offers r 61711. for
sala situated in - the township of .Forgot;. Lake,
Susquehanna - cdtbmtp, frothidont
ma. containing /20" acres of leak .10neres of
which aro under a Jam* Ode ofeldtlyittion.
't'he Sinn mintains onothllbeari utorchardOf
grefted,frult; and' ohe pone orthardlnat beitta
ningla belie; a good 'Arai
bone barn, wain barn, and all the'
,required . by a good &;4 3,11 , 1 =
feared; Well - watered, and - a stream or &vela
lug stirtrtirtiteestnaloVithedOrd.i lajda
skich AMY OA SOSId Mr* bob* wen
keiscettnleskor. gitulafitibui ,
talks frouVe 01: 8 : 1 4
July 6,1870.—tf.- Fe *Jake, Srisq.
t r (1.): ~ S DONELIZ,
tiF tiONTitI
' : lit4 tw . Ch°e° 22l 0,111• 11 10. gesqu'e WWI. Peb„.
!, ' At idmissinnitlins upon the mote of th i
ilif i ed deeedeorikeviif bees granted to th eca
Onto notice se hereby yen to en persons insiebt
isd to ea TA'S CO Mike msneellate payment, MSG
these haei -eillinsogniait-the same to present th em
duly authen lotted or settlement to the emdereiyiel.
pATnics DOMINI/4
_ X.-J, GULD&N,
Adm're, mon kJ/MeV° MisZel.
choyontst, 4,31711 L Iran— J -,-
STATE- of WM. MOYNIffA - N,•.101
• ."tgkoitsilorelll4PtiNiiittt;Pa- - fice.4..,
tetteritradinttivouctrip non tiutte ditto &tiara
named &cadent baying bean granted to tba undersign. ,
-ett; all - peraontiodentedlo saldpetateloarbaribi tot-.
tied to Make Immediate' payment: and Mow. atiling
Ciai agelnettstintiarqr4l3hemi digy entten:p
rated for 'Milt:moat.-
MtdAct l iiwirl Sti l i l3 o Bll ).° •
Ths andershoted . , an auditor-appointed bre* Or
phan's Court of Susquehanna County, to distribute the
tank lat..,the, balsa .ot7 °James , Ostrander. - stud.*
trains of the eitatattrt,aolot.Ostrander: deceased, will at
tend to.tha .duties o this. appointment at Woolliest In
ilids trace, on Wednesday. Aug. I o'clock. r.m.. at
vtdeb limo and place all person. tnterested willow:sent
their cialwasekto letterer. debarred from etstmtng any
of said:rand.. —•- - W. flEAßLE7 , Aodisos.
Montruee, July U. PM, • • • - 7 • •
J..:4 Into of Now Milford township, Busq's co. dee'd.
Letters of e4allettltettoh:epou the eatateofthe above
named decadent havl ug been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby anti.
dad to mate Immediate payment, and those having Iv
claim Angeles; the tome to present thane, dolyouthentl.
eatedloteetaement • -
WM. O. WARD, Adm'r.
New Milford, June 9,9 18711.•
ffipecial pdirts.
Ortlealthis'Best Defense. -" The weak eat
eth berbe.r. saya.St. Peat, no that eighteen hattdredyeare
ago the 'vino or medicinal' heats wasOPPreeteled• In the
Old Testament botanteal remedies are repeatedly recom
mended, bed Jo oopassage oraaercd history Is man so
commended to swallow talon:lel, or bine pill, or anoth
er mtneml preparation. The Weir wereddreeted to eat
barbs to strengthen them, to purity them, to heal them,
and to restore them. In that day the art of mak
ing caterers was nnimawn. The herbal emallelses ware
mere Lett•loll,.
It wee reserved for a later age to unite tbct sanitary er r
mica °thank, aperleut and mobs barks and
. plents With en attire Stimulant and thus *tette Mei: tle
pid Meehan through the debilitated or dirt:mitred - sta.
tem. The crowning triumph or this effective mode of
ecear..” rettug andapplylng the virtue...of med
etsbies wee schied In the production of .11=a
stomach Rltitea. Zanier before bad a perfectly pare al
coholic stimulant been cumbined with the expreseed_jvb
et/ of the fittest specifies of trp sere, table kingdom. - Net•
er yet though eighteen years hare dapped wince its Intro.
dualum.bas this great resuaratipa been equalled. , It is
taken at all seas Our. to o' the mod' potent
safeguard against epidemic.. as • prat-titan againat all
unhealthy exhalation. that producedebilltp =LI %i
-tem ; se a remedy for Intermittent and other
fevers ; been a pp etizer ; a. a sovereign taro for &ropey.
la ; ae a general tonic and Itivlgoraru ; as a gentle, pain
less aperient ;• lea depureni tas a EICMILLI ;cc •
sure for adbetkaw : ad a' harmless anodyne i and
as the best defence of health trader unthromble dream
etaitces; inch' 'sodentsry partake, endue bodily or
mental exertion, hantship, privation and expoomma.---bia
li- „ ,
. _
Wishes It dWinetly understood that he never,
under any circumstanceN asks or advises a pa
tient, when_eximilned, to undergo or take.
!deur , from 411 m. - Ile merely makes a eared
and tkorpnlivesanduation of every ease-pre
sented, and then leaves the patients themselves
to Judge what-it-is best to do.
The Doctor wants all patients to Judge for
themselves of his merits as a Physician, and'if
his examinations are not satisfactory, go else
where tbr medicine and treatment.
Dr. (lark examines and explains your die.
ease without- asking any questions. lr he.thri ,
der stands your case you know it, and cannotbe
deceived. If he cannot tell your disease and hove
you feel without asking questions, he does not
consider himself competent to treat
ease. This is - the criterion to go by; arid 'patients'
should not be satisfied with any other. 'Mists
the only direct and evidenctoofmyabil
ity as a Scientilic.„Physiciari,.and, by this stand
ard I am willing to be fudged. •
'Dr. Clark treats no case unless couscientlerut
ly of the opinion that it can be cured orperm
anently beset:UAL . • -
Dr. Clark treats no case unless he can de
scribe the dbleaseanci its symptimtS without •
torroptlngthe patient..
Dr. Clark- stilt treat no Chronic Disease un
less he ran explain its character to the complete
and perfect satisfaction of the patient examined.
And the Dr. Would hem most positively state,,
that,he deitres dePpatients to take - lircatnieinx`
Qom him unklis they 'are-fully and completely
satbided with his consultations and examtna
:dons, whii-h are made free. from charge. • •
Montrose, at Torben . House, Moodar, Tuesday,
Weduttsday, Thursday, Priday,and .l 4tunlay e
'AV 1 8,1 9 , 2 0 , 21.)22 and 23. -
Fairdale, Ilonday July 25.
Middletown, Tuesday JoIVA
Frievdstille, Wednesday July r.
Chticonet,- Thursday JulY.llB,
Silver Lake, Friday July M.-
Montrose, Saturday July 80,
BineTutrdsllle, Monday, August 1. •
Rushville, TueNdar, August 2.
New Laceyville, IVednuqday, Aunt 8.
Laceyvllle (Wyoming Co.). Thursday, Aug. 4.
Auburn Fourtornens; Fitday, Atigust
Montrose, Saturday, August O.
tilmock Corners, Monday, Auguet & • • •
Lvmansville, Tuesday, August 0.
Methoppen, Wyoming Cu. Wednesday. Aug.*
Turik9annock, Wyoming Co, Thursday and
Fiiday, Aug. 11 and 13. _
Springville, Saturday, August 13. )
Lawarille. Monday. August 15.
Great Bend, Susquehanna HOMO, Tuesday,
Augustrl6.' <._
Susqueliktlita Depot:karma' Dottie,-Weartes.
day. AAlgust
New Milford. Thursday, Auiust.l9. - „ • z ..,
Montrose Depot; Priddy; August 19. .. . -
Montrose, Saturday, August 20. - - '' • '
Lathmp'soLitke; ILitiday; Angust . 22t - '.'
Brooklyn; Tuesday, August 2L -•-; !.!, , ,t , .
Dopkottorn, Wednesday, August St. - : ''
Glentrwod, ThUniffay, August 2.L ..
.. .
Lenoxville, Friday, Aug . 24,
Dundaff, Saturday and Sunday, Aug, 27 and 28.,
UniOndale, Monday. Aug. 29. . . • - •
Ararat Centre, Tuesday, August 8 0 . '
ThOmson . Centre, Waneiday, AugistBl..
Gibson 11111, Thursday. September I: ; -
Ifarford Centre, Friday, September2l..- .•
Montrose, Saturday and Monday, Sept.B and
Waverly, N. Y.. Amezican
Wedne4lT! f, 3 eTV 1 aV. 7 ,- . ‘
• 3 -
Ellllll* N. Y., Rathbun Houk,. Ttausdaf and,
Friday, Sept 8 and O. _ - - • -
qo't o i° l4 .l 7o64 Cec,4 4 gek:A. Ciraa
A rtie 'Bradford County Argue and 'Reporter'
Onk in the highest terms of the Doctor u a
rhyskilan and Gentlemen, while doink bushiest
in that county. [JO/ IS--.4 : ..,
_.. ', i
- .
TOM 18 , 1VOZIOVIVO • " -
lidgittaiioi eyes and halr. yea .1,01 twelve. by N. ,
turetaiol.lmoneceptertm orloolkuus buAtiM.ov*
witbsmith*ma . date-ad niolizgc; Adam
VOL P. o.lhaver No. 51., PetoeivOlo,
• A.: tioninAptisimumber,
C m ucrar•Astett 113:11ttebufg and vidaltyi.4o4oArg
Olt* 1110 flertussWeamtles et Pautrrywa.:.
iiiraroine OZDee,ll9 South 4M:eel, iiiiira.-(111W4