The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 13, 1870, Image 1
.• .. , , , „ . . ~. ... , , ~...,..::-.. •,...1- , 9•xy , 1 - 0 , . ' , • , • '''. ..) 7 ,-.. '‘. . . .. , 1 t. 7 . . . , ... , -- . . • ... - _ • _ . - ,r , ~. . • „ i! .• ,_, ;f.. .! t• - 1 ^. - r• - : ..:.:.• -;',.., :.• •••,. .• - ' l',. .... , ' • T . . . •.• .. ii,,......,,....,........,__. ~!._,:,:.,,.._.,,..:„.,..,..„, ::-..,,,.. e., i.„.i. • ~ ,I ; , . •. ' ; i:. '..- '..," ,::. .. .., . .: - ! . .... , TR.:,. - -,:,_:':41,,,:': ' • . .: 2.,••••.,.. „ .... .. .• •,..,. i..,. ... ..: ... :, .. .. • EM • ... •_ ._,.. ~, ._ ..i.„ 4.. .....,.„ „ •.... .... .4. .. ...„., Ati, , ~... •:•!, •!. - • . . '‘. . . , .. . . E. B. HAWLEY, Prophet Or. guointoo Cads. LITTLES & BLAKESLEE, . '' - .llttonaris and Counsellors at LS*. Office the ene beierefore recopied by MB. it, G. P.Ltute, on Mato • street, Montrose, Pa. 1AP 14129 . -i it, urns. ara:!.r. Lvt ls. I. L. aLLicesurc E. *Manzi. C. C. ?ACTION. W. U. -McCaw. IPAVRO't is CO. Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladles and Misses fine Shona. tilso, agents for the great American • Tel and Coffee Company. [Montrose, Pa , ap. 1,11:1. CHARLES N. STODDARD, Dealer in Boots and Shot*. Bats and Caps. Leather and Findings, Math Street. ad door below Searles Betel. Work made to order. and repairing done neatly. Mobtrose, Jaa. 1,18:0. LEWIS KNOLL, SHAVING AND HAllt DRESSING Slurp In the now Postoffice building, where he will be found ready to attend all who may went anything In his line. Montrose, Pa. Oct. 13. at P. REYNOLDS, • AUCTIONEER—SeIIs Dry Good.. and 31nrchnnizo—etro attends at Venducs. AU orders left st my house will receive prompt aUeutiou. [Oct 1, lstill—tf 0. M. HAWLEY, iIEALER In DRY GOODS. GROCERIaI. CROCKERY Ilardware, Rats, Car., BooticStroest;Rtmds Ms/le Cloth Ing, Pinta, Oils, etc..., Neer Milford, Pa_ lSapL 'O. DR. S. W. DAYTON, PUTBICIAN a Brill:1E0N, tenders tda scrvices to the citizens of Grent Band and vicinity. °Mee at his mildews. opposite Bun= Ronne, 01.. Bend rill/ 1 M Sept. lst,ll3l.o.—tt LAW OFFICE. CBAKBERLDI 6 McCOLLUM. Attorneys and Conn sellors at Law. Ofliocin the Brick Block over the Bank. [Montrose An 4.15x9, • d. McCocura. A. & D. R. LATHROP, DEALERS in Dry Goods. Groceries, crockery and glares - are, table and pocket cutlery. Mats, oils, `dye ruffs, Bate. boots and shoe,. ecie lathes. Perfumery &c. Brick Block, adjoining the Bask, Montrose. Anocet 11.. lera—tf A. tremor - D. Latium, A. 0. WARREN, Arromincy . LAW. BOUntY. Back Pas.. Peashan. sad Erma Clalms attended to. Ofllee .00r below Boyd's Store, IlaontroseSs. [An. I,'®. WM. A. cnossmitow, Attorney at tow, Montrovo, Snacra Co. po,„ an be found at all reatotiable husioe,ta houre at the County Commietoottere Office.[ 1 . Itootroac, Aut.% t. ISM. W. W. WATSON, ATM:4MM US LAW, Motitiof.,, r.. °aloe with L. P. nth. tliontro,c, EL C. SUTTON, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, ant OKI En %%%%% ille, Pa. C. R. GILBERT, ..A.victticozzoor. Gm&L. Bend, Pa ICA. a. *eft MI AM! ELI, 17. 1131. ...9.l2.42.ticartacm". An,. 1, 119. Adducts, Brooklyn, Pa JOll% GROVES, St TAIIOR. dionizupe, j'a. 'Shop over StOft. vracrf 0.411," tine -ray, styk. ':tuttl22 datte - ott .hors notice- told Tostuttted to tit. w. w. sawn, CASUIST AND Cllitlß ALANUFACTUREES.—P tot of 11lain owes, Watttow, Ps. Jang. 1. two . IL u tin; DSALSHIn Staple and Fa isciDl7Hooele. Crockery. Hardware, Iron, Stersed,Drtsge, Ons,andwPalots. Bosesaad Shoes, Ilats4 Caps.Furs.Buitalo pubes. threcerles, Provisions. New Milford, Pa. DR. E. P. lILNES, Rai permanently located at Friendseille for ate per pose of placticittg medicine and surgery la all It. amoebas. He may be found at the Jackson House. Waco boars from El a. m., to S. p. m. Prletutsville, Ps., Aug. 1. 1869. STROUD & BROWN, DIES AND LIFE risuaANCß AMLNTS. AI bushel:. attended to preonptly, on fair term. Office lest door north of • Montrose Hotel," sere ride o Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. [Aug. 1. ItOgr. lana.nros tirsrovn, - inlam.ra L. Bross. JOIEV SAIITTEp, RESPECTMLLY an nuances that tic i• =Lto eat all kinds of Garments in the mo.v. abia Style, warranted to St with elegance nd ease. Shop over the Post Game, Montrose, Pa. WIC IL LUSK, ♦TTOWIET AT LAW. Montrose. Pa. Office site the Tarbell lipase, pea the Court lloate. lag. I. 18G9.—t1 DU. W. W. SMITH, DENTIST. Booms °sot Boyd & Corwin's Bard ware Store. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4p. m Montrose, Aeg. 1, It3M—lf ABEL TURRELL, DICALILK tn Priteat Mcdlianes, Chemical. Liquors, Paiute, ()flatly.; Stuffs. rarelsbea, Wt, Glass. Grocerica, Glass Ware, Wall and Window Pa, ppeerr.~Btnne-aware, Lamps, Kerosene. id IlebbirrY Traaea Guns, Ammunition. Ent e*. Spectacles Ilillates, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Pertu rv, being !one ache most numerous, calm:mice. 'and waltsable collections of Goods to Snaquehanas Established to 18113. [Montrose, P.. D. W. -OEAJILE, *TWILIT= AT/LAW. office Inez the Store of A. in Lin Brick Block.. Montrose, Pc. tannin PlrYsletiLic a MIMEO:C. tenders his professional siereicesto the , titizenn'of Montrose and eicinit7.- 041ce at his residents, on the . cternor ooet of SoYfr Fbandri. (Aug. 1. VOL DR. E. L. GARDNER, PHYSICIAN and BURGEON. Montrose. Pa. Gives especial attention to diseases of the Heart and brags and all Bisrecil diseases. Ulna: over tr. n. Leans seadiat *caries Hotel u [An:. I, IWO. BUEMS & DZAI *MS la Drugs. Medicines, Caemleals, Dye- SIAN Painta, Oils, Vsmilsb. Liquors., Splees.Pasey ar...rae4, Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Ar ai:la. rirPreaceptions earelhily compounded— Palette Avenue, abort Searle's note, Idoetrose, Pa A. B. Boris, Aloe Nitme. pkg. 1, 1810., DR. E. L. UANDRICIL iISYSICIAN 8 81111.080d. , enteeettolly tenders pettesolonal seertees to the citizen of Frtenda►i lle sad vicinity. orOttlee bathe ell= of Dr. Lem 11estda at J. lionfortra. Ana. I,IBM. PROF. RORRIS, The Eketi Berber. retains_ bin thanks tor the klsoi Vie tru ensbled bias to get the tea. Ast-T bseut Vane to UM the *bole dam hat corn see fatyngsneTeP met the ol,d . Stand.: Igo loud iltigitia clawed In the ettop. jAprEl 12; WM. DENTISTRY. , AU those la want of blue Tooth or other dental work aboold collet the rata of the sabseritere, who ore pre. .laredto 4o all kinds of work la their line an abort notice. Pareleabtr attention paid to making fa and alma of teeth or aluminum plate *lw Westao'l eataeotapoaltlon ; the two latter preferable ao al!.ll44llldteaprr =balances now need far deatalptleter. "ma arlowit P!llato Innis tett and made ito,gsowAn 1116 adeatitageOnleint. leortdone lty Piretan ently ailed o r aspanalble_put snot be apparent AU work voutente '.Ploae call ilMd , 41:11321E011 was otplate worliat tatredice. cmer 1103,41 Co)! • . ware store. • • Iketme, an, w. w. exam iota's:ca. 180-0 =UM =IMMO lido finer. Fourth of ;city Ode. [it the Tammany Cklebration In New York City -on Independence day, John 0. Saxe read the folleteing patriotic' Ode—patriotic in the broad, Catholic setae of the' founders of the Ile public—heretic, we suppose, In the eyes of the fifteenth amendment administration now driv ing us to perdition Tis the voice of the croaker, I hear him complain Those Tammany boys, they are at it again! Why keep such a feast in a partisan way ! Independence, I'm sure, is a National Day r So it is I God be praised! and that is Jost why We Democrats honor the Fourth of July ! Were it anything other, or smaller, I own, We'd all be contented to let it alone ; Or leave it to ritento a party, Fil say. Accustomed to think in a narrower way ; A party peculiarly' fitted to shine (V% ith a blue sort Of light) in a different line ; Whose leaders, for instance, (I won't call them knaves), Being partial to 'soldiers—when cold in their graves— Appointed a day (be it tenderly said) For crowning with flowers the patriot dead ; " Flowers, flowers fof the heroes !" the dame cvern 'While wiping a tear that " is all in your eye"— " One flay for the soldier to memory dear !" Whom, tiling, they robbed every day in the year And still at the Capitol mark how they treat The soldier too noble to cringe at the feet Of the Dons who detertnine a thmerafs merit By the gnage—nothing 'else—of his partisan spirit, Mere fealty to party they reckon ranch Weller Than service to country, and so they inquire If he fluent of speech in the Radical rant! wind r-whatlins bedew; now, for Gen. Grant?" " Don't tell us," they vey, "of his honors and Klan ; Bnt what is the brand of his vote—and cigars r " A hit at the magistrate r some one exclaims ; Well, I shan't abuse him by calling him names ; I honor his office ; and let us relitet The bead of the nation demands some respect. I do not forget he's our President, placed In the chair that a Jackson and Jefferson graced. Let us recollect that—till he's laid on the shelf— flowerer he seems to forget it himself And as to abuse, with the worst 1...01d say By giving my genius the play, I never could hope to accomplish the end Half so well as I beard a Republican friend, Who having unwisely forgot to subscribe, Or being, unluckily not of the tribe Presidental Dent"-al, as certainly failed Of thc °lnce he soughtfor, and therefore assaird The man in such language as passes belief As one could employ in denouncing his chief. He said—as I heartlit so you will reeelee it— Pray tig notimftgine I think you'll 1 Mfr c it — He said, in such hitter; extravagant speech; A simple hyperbole never could reach • - Pronounced in a manner less civil than 'hearty - The fellow disgraced the Republican party r' .iptopos of the party of which Pre made mention, Suppose I should give it some further attention ; It has very few friends, and while " in," I own the temptation to •• hit it a,gin A party which bases, with singular ease, Immoral proceedings on" moral idees •," Denounces small rogues who are caught in the act, But favors the his• ones, or hold them in tact ; Like the land-stealing rascals and similar jobbers Mee-faced, parliamentary, Radical robbers, Who hasten to place on the visible LAM That drat; in cadetships an inarnons brand: While their own., at the moment, grown bolder and bolder, Are plunged in the Trvasury up to the shoulder. &Deems to old Tammany, long may sha stand The bulwark of Freedom—the pride of the land i What parties and factious, of transient renown. In her Century's life, have come up and gone down. While she, looking on in her vigilant war, Poked her fun at the Farce, or her hand at the tray ; And still to her honor. whatever the fight, Had a word and a plow in defence of the right. She hailed the first triumph of Liberty's cause, And her motto to-day is, 'The Union and Laws:' She stood by the Flag when Old England once more, Unschooled by disaster invaded our shore, And gut the old lesson rept=tod so plain She scarcely will need to be taught it again ! And when it betel that the tottering State. For the wind of dissension that Faction ind MIEIEMMIN . . boning afar, Was reaping the whirlwind of trtason and war. Still true to the Union am Tammany stand With “ the old starry banner" still firm in her hand. While foes at the South would the Union divide. And foot; at the North were for 'letting it slide.' Succor to old Tammany ! therefore. I say, (flow sweetly she smiles on the festival day ;) In health, stren,gth and beauty, iong, long may site stand, The bulwark of Freedom—the pride of the land. BREVITIES —ltuilways are aristocrats. They teach every man to know his own station and to stop there. —Why is a laxiTer like a sawyer ? Be muse, whichever way he muves down must come the dust. —Chimney streepiiig must be an ag,re able business, fur it soots everybody who tries it. —" I have lora:I-lightly," as the man said when he married a Widow weighing duce hundred pounds. —Alluding to chignons, Mrs. Clever said, " u girl now seems all head." " Yes, till you talk to her," replied Mr. Clever, complacently. • —A Louisiana negr, o who was paid his wages in silver 6oin, was thankful that he had got some money that rats couldn't chats. •: —An Irishman, eating his first green corn, handed the cob to the waiter, and asked, will' ye's ' plaze put some more banes upon my stick." —A little Connecticut , boy, asking a mate who Good Friday was; received the withering reply :" Well, you go home and read your "Robinson Crnsoe." N , _...igtiben-agrea4l3l4 dies said Quit , "the Erse thing done is to resolve to build a monument to' his memory, and the sec ond is, Mgt to'buila it:"..:' • --Wyoming norms calm the rising gen eration b3osinging : - - " Mee little baby, don't get in a Any, Cause =tom) , Us gone to sit on the jury." . • —A stamit: Eikaker exclaimed: "I know no Nord:, no South, no East, no West, fellow citizens!" Then ' " exclaim ed an old farmer in the crowd,"lt's time you went to;school and larnt jomphy." Deatiti; hi:WC:tine you and squire tu nas to he such treat friends r, don't know, tudess : it was because I attended lilts:ifs *len: ibwwali attacked withdip- Iberia, and was aalthkiteetrehen" ii)SpOsitCo:' ii;i:'- - 80.6i . ***-',,itrii . .l3', .18;70: gliorcObticouo. TRUE TO DEATH. It was in the reign of Edward the Third, and at a time of temporary rebellion against the monarch and his valiant , son, the Prince of Wales, that our tale opens. The scene was a bearitilbl picturesque part of the country in Berkshire ; and the charming Barbara Claxton—the dreaming, enthusiastic admirer of genius, eat beside her lonely cottage door, watching the shadowg deepen and darken as twilight approttelmd. Her reveries were disturbed by a stranger app Baring hi breathless haste. "Hide me, damsel," he exclaimed, "for the love of Heaven ! quick—my foes are approaching !" For an instant Barbara scanned the noble features, and well knit form of the suppliant, "Follow me," she replied, "there is but one place wherein there is the least ves tige of security." • And she led him into the cottage, into an inner room, where prostrated on a bed of pain, lay a sick woman. -I will lift my grandmother up," she said hurriedly ; "and you must get be tween the beds underneath her. It will be very warm, but it is the only safe place. Ido not think they will disturb her." He dans he was ordered ; the bed was spread down, and the old lady lay back on her pillow, unconscious of the scene which had just occurred. Barbara has tened back to the door, and sat down in her old place. A moment later a party of horsemen approached. They stopped ; and the lea der cast a critical eye upon the lovely maiden. "Surround the cottage my men," he ordered, "and if he is here, we will soon unearth him. Now my dreaming lassie," (addressing himself to the _girl) "have you even anything of a stray r She looked up shyly, the color.tinctuat ing on her cheeks as she returned, "A stray, sir?" in meek tones. "No sane man would straw hither." -But he must be somewhere near here and by your permission, rosebud, I trill search the house," he observed. -If you only please sir, to request your men to cease their noise. My poor grand mother is sick and dying." The officer's heart. though stained by guilt and bloodshed, was tender where youth and beauty were the suppliants. lie ordered his men to be quiet, and then ettered with the trembling Barbara, who, though trying outward to appear Calm and unconcerned, was inwardly thrilling with fear. What if he should find the fugi tive ! She only knew too well that the bloodthirsty ruffians would instantly kill her on the spot, or perhaps reserve fur her a fate worse than death ! When he entered, the officer cast a .hick, searching glance around him_ There were nut two rooms m the cot tage. and he could see through the loose boards above that no one was hidden in the loft. `Will you have a draught of ale, sir" she asked, pouring some of the fermented beverage into a pewter mug. lie took it eagerly, and quaffed it ; rind then passed into the inner room. The old grandame was muttering deliriously, hav ing been aroused by the strange noises outside. lie went over to her. looked at her an instant and said, "shell be dead pretty soon ; and i ron will have to come to me, pretty lass. Barbara bowed low. "You are too kind, sir,", she said, "to one so humble "Give me a kiss, my lass," he exclaimed, his rude eyes riveted. upon her; "for I must hurry away from here before that wretch gas too far in advance. Pthe drew back quickly, the blood crim soning her face and neck. "No. no!" she cried, "no, no, sir!" But he hurried after her. will not be put aside by a pretty one; I have no time to fooL You are only too coy;" and he grasped the struggling mai den in his arms, and kissed her over and over, despite her violent resistance. will come a,guin another day, my pretty sweetheart!" He laughed as be released her, and passed out. Trembling with shame and indignation, she stood where he left her until she had heard the retreat ing clatter of the horses hoofs. Rousing herself she went to the door, and found there was no one in sight; she then re turned to the room, closing the outer door behind her, raised the invalid, and allowed the stranger to escape from prison. "My poor girl!" (and his face flushed), "I know not what to say," as his eye fell on her crimsoned, tear-staiued counte nance. "You have saved my life, and I was powerless to protect you from insult. You shall worthily be repaid by the one whom you have rescued, when betterdays have come." He pitied her agitation ; he sympa thized with the Dutiful heroic maiden ; and a feeling deeper than be ever knew for any living being stole into his heart. "Can I yet tax you? kindness," be asked, "by begging that I may be allowed to re main here until it is safe for me to yen tam abroad? If Igo now, this will prove to be only a respite. Have you a father? Can you disguise me? The flush died out of her face, as she reflected how to save her strange guest There was something about him that made her feel instinctively that she could trust him, and interested her in his fate. "No, my father is dead ; we are all that are left," pointing to the emaciated form in bed. "But I will give yon my father's clothes, You can dress in them, and will say you are my uncle from Yorkshire." Re fell nailily into her plans • and she, placing a bundle before him, retired into the inner room. When' Bhp emerged, she could scarcely recogniza in the bowed, de crepid old man, with a silvery wig, the handsome, manly, youthful stranger of a few moments before-. Days passed, and still Ord stranger lin *red at the cottage. Ho was delighted withArrbara's well informed. mind, and wondered bow she had 'ever obtained so wadi knowledge in that gtbided corm- Ary,;district:' - Bat it seemed that' ben mother in 4 been much t4tter educited than the majority of her sex, and bad taken great pains with her daughter be fore she had died: and Barbara, - being of an intelligent turn of mind, had-thought and read wuch since. Days lengthened into weeks, and a warmer fettling than that of friendship sprang up between them. As yet, be had not mentioned by whit rank or title he Was known. , "I must leave you now, sweetheart ; " he said, throwing himself down .beside her one day ; "but I cannot go away content until you give me the right to return. Will you Barbara, my love, my life, come to the church," be pleaded, "and, let the pied, solemnize our vows, and I will de part happy ? Will you Baybara, dearest ?" Whut could she say ? She had risked her life for him once—she would willing ly sacrifice all now. Led on by his words she could not resist him, but blindly, de votedly followed him to the altar. What he whispered to the priest ere the ceremony took place, elle did not catch with her car. "You will not my love, my sweetheart," he said, "because I have uot ,revealed my rank ? When I come again, I will COML . as one worthy to receive von." - - He kissed her pale cheeks. and quiver ing lips over and over mmin as he left her. and had turned his back to the little cot tage. Mouths imssed by before she ever heard from her lover husband, and she feared he nmst have fallen into the hands of his foes. He Mlle at last, a star glittenng on his breast., and his array kingly. Her heart fell within her as he hastened to her with out-stretched arms. "Barbara, my love," he cried, folding her to his breast, "I have come at last - ! But why do you shrink? Are yon not my own true love still ?" "And are you —" she queried. "Edward to you, to the world the Prince of Wales, the heir to the throne, - he said. "They were seeking my life—the rebels! But why do you look pale? I hare made up my mind to forsake all for you, dear est." "But the prine r she cried. "All England knows of your approachiug mar riage.". will not hare her," be ejaculated sternly. I will resign all pretensions to the throne, and fly with von." For a moment the bliss of being once more within the arms of her beloved, in toxicated her senses; - but then her reso lution was taken. "My lord, —" "Hush. Barbara r And he placed his linger on her lip. lam still only Edward yon saved and loved:" "Then my beloved," she cried, "you cannot, do not doubt the thluess of my love—the love that would only too gladly this moment give My life to preserve yours." "I do not doubt it, my sweeLbo.ri," il/44-nr.od- —Then, oh believe what I say is only prompted by that love. Yon must leave me, my life; you must go back to your father's palace and obey his commands. Our secret shall ever be faithfully locked in my breast ; my last breath shall be dr.twn in supplicating a blessing on my prince—my king." ..I.tiever!" be exclaimed, gazing on the slight, exquisite form of his- beloved that was even BOW trembling with emotion. "But it must he so. Edward, my love, listen Go—go to a happy future ; do not blight your own precious life as well us mine. filo and in other days yon will think upon and bless the love of Barbara Claxton." He was silent fur a moment; her words fell with full force upoa his heart ;• she spoke the truth ; but the struggle was too great to endure quietly, and lie wept like a child. "Tour wisdom is greater than mine, Barbara," he cried iu a hoarse voice ; -you are more worthy of rubies. Oh cursed fate that divides the peasant from the prince. Barbara, be merciful !" "I am merciful, my life Y' she cried, her cheeks glowing with passionate love "more merciful to you than you are your self. Do you not know that this renun ciation is costing me more than my life!' ; be happy, be brave, be good, be great : ami- sometimes think of your Barbara Claxton." lie tarried until his horse chafed with restlessness, and his servants became im patient. "1 accept my destiny," he said, bowing his head ; you have prevailed. .1 live no longer for myself, but for my peophi. God bless you for ever, and when you need a friend come to Edward." • Her emotion was equal to his own. and she turned away and wept unrestrainedly. She had given her all up freely. Time passed. Often news of the Black Prince's prowess fell upon her ears; she never heard his name hut it was linked with braverrA?r goodness; the nation re vered him. The old mcandame died. Barbara, whose heauty " bemme each day more strik ing, was left alone. She sent a petition to the Prince. "A cousin of mine, friendless, forsaken, craves a situation as page, messenger, or in some post near your highness. In re membrance of the past, I pray, grunt this request of your faithful BARBARA. CLAXTON," Perhaps Edward divined her meaning ; perhaps It was only olden memories that shook him; but he trembled strangely as be dictatkd the following, and signed it with his own band: ,•s "In memory of the brave Barbara Claxton, the Prince grants her request. immediately." Theher cousin come The hext day a youth of most graceful symmetry was ushered in, and dropped on one knee before the Black Prince. Ile looked fur an instant on the beautiful contour of the noble face, the black clus tering curls, and the gray, lovely, dreamy eyes, shadowed by their heavy black lash es, and sighed. "Rise; the Prince is thy friend,"'- he said, in an unsteady voice, as he laid his hand on the bowed head. The touch thrilled him thrObalt - like a magnetic ahook. "I go to .tho, wara," he, coOtiuued, "1 must leave you behind s mi."., • "No, nor oried . the youth, impulsively. ._ ,i~= • me go with your highness. I can endure hardship, brave danger—mil mY life, if need be—only let me go. could he resist! The memory of the past was strong within him. "I'dn shall go," he said kindly.. "And if you repent, you shall return here." 'Ever after that the youth' Unts the bravo Prince's shadow. e followed him through danger and through, ; victory. Evu near, ever sad, ever smiling. Oft the Prince tried to turn his thoughts to would something that cheer 'Lim y but everything failed. k grew more delicate, more softly beautiful, each day ; but it was in vain the Prince urged him to re turn to the palace, and await his cowing home. "My place is by your side, my priucc," lie would return, ..and my only happiness is them. Surely von will not deprive me of that ?" At last, just as the Prince's arm . y had gained a great victory over lb': French one or the retreatin,g roc, turned deliber ately, bad: aim at ale Prince, and then Red. Ills page saa it, and interposed be fore the Prince, and received the arrow in his own breast. He fell backward in his master's arms, looked into his e . ‘es with a as the life-Mood streamed down his breast. and murtnowd, "I die happy'' Oh, my beloved. remember that Barbara Clax ton has given r for thee.- "Barbara, Inc Barbara!" he cried, hold ing her in a close embrace, "would I had died liar thee!' The weary eyelids closed: there was a Wilt fluttering of her breath . ; a smile which remained after death, and she was dead! The Prince bathed her face in tears. and the attendants said, "See how strong is his affection for that youth." lie returned to England, but his health began perceptibly to fail; the same arrow which pierced poor, faithful Barbara Clax ton's heart had reached his own, in a dif ferent way. Ile sank, declined, faded away. and died on the gth of June, 137fi. The nation was in mourning for the good Prince, for all loved him for his unsullied purity, and England missed having one of the best and purest of monarchs to sit on her throne. A Pri Donna's Revenge The celebrated poison of the Borgias is said to have been' produced by causing some animal to swallow certain drugs of a deadly nature. aft&rwhich it was sus pendedby the hind legs, and the foam is suing from its mouth during its dying agonies was carefully collected. This proved to be so- subtle a poison that, though certain in its effects. its presence never could be detected in the body of the murdered man. However much we may doubt the elli mcy of such a method, it appears certain from a drama Avhich recently startled an Italian city, that poison may be conveyed in an apparently very innocent manner. A young singer. a Miss had been PO successful in her debut in opera, at Pavia, as completely to eclipse the attrac tions of the lady who Ii el hitherto been the prima dOllllll and the supreme favor ite at the theatre where she sang. Vengeance is pros erhially an Italian passion. and the ex-prima donna, finding herself outshone by the superior charms and accomplishments of the new favorite, meditated revenge, which she endeavored to obtain by the assistance of a young man madly attached to her,and so blindly devoted to her will that like some follow er of the Old norn •cf Hai ilount«in, he would halve thrown himself from a preci pice at her bidding. Miss was, passionately fond of the.,odorof moss roses, and was - gratified at receiving every evening, from an appar ent admirer a bouquet of these flowers. This limpet was regularly thrown to her at a certain stage of the performance, and as regularly placed by her in the belt she wore around her waist. One evening, • however. the bouquet was larger than usual. as it contained a bunch of green leaves in the tx - intre, form ing us it were, a heart. Too voluminous to be worn in her .cress, the young singer passed the bouquet to her maid, rixpiest ing her to carry is to her dressing room, whilst she hiTself continued the part she was playing. Ou the falling of the curtain she repair ed to her dressing room, expecting to see her maid NI aiting for Ip.r at the door :tint not seeing her, she pushed it open, when a eight met her eyes which called forth 1. cry of horror from her lips. The poor girl was stretched out on the floor utterly unconscious and apparently a corpse. The screams of Mies L—attracted several persons to the room. who laid the maid on a couch, but could afford her no assistance, as she hardly showed any signs of life. Nu one thought of the bouquet which was lying in a corner of the room, almost trodden under foot. . Suddenly a neon with convulsed and agitated katures, rushed into the room exclaiming in a voice stilled with emo tion : '• The bougliet! the _bouquet; where is Every one made nay for him, as they recognized Miss physician, who continued to rypeat " The bouquet ! Where is the bouquet ?" Seeing., however, that the young singer exhibited no signs of suffering, he hasten ed to succor her dying maid, still, howev er, asking for the bouquet. His strange perdistency at length drew the attention of the listantlers 'to the hitherto neglected tiower,:, which still lay in a corner of the .room, and they were .handed to the doctor, who seized - them with a species of fury. why do you attach so Much im portance to the bouquet ? asked Miss . . "It is poisoned," replied the doctor. A shuddering cry of terror run through the assembly, and the singer had barely time to comprehend the terrible fate she had. so providentially esatped, at the ex pense of another,:when the curtain • rose and she was forced to reappear on the stage. • • :With-cheeks as white as alabaster, cept where the - rogue imparted to them'a ficticieus color, .and a dreadilif sense' o r the fate which might have been herii,she sang with feverish energy her ,eyps heat with-uriacculitcritied. and:lher gestures wild and unnatund. All these VOLU iXIT!L NUMBER ~28. eniotioris, however; the audience attribu ted to the inspiration of her part, and rap turously applauded their favorite. When the the curtain fell, she hurried to her rooluotud then learned the details of the danger slit had so narrouly cacaji ed. ' The doctor, on passing along tho cor ridor which separated the boxes, had seen a young mart whose expression had strnek him as strange. AC the same moment tlfe door' of the rival singer's box had been partially open e d. when the yopng man. seizing the hand that w•as ext - eniletl to him, pressed it in a peculiar manner. saying in Italian " It is done—eilie is dying!" " Was it the bouquet ?" inquired the woman. Replying by an affirmative nod, the young man disappeared. A dash of revelation seemed to enlight en the doctor. Aware of the jealousy of the two singers, he understood in an in stant the meaning of thiscolloquy, and .• burryin to the atessingl room fir his client, fo und a woman pob,onial by a bou quet, but it. was not Miss Tile filtdi bOINI Ill.t «a.. 4 :111ifyZt'd bti the jwliev authorities, and found to contain a poison of the most subtle, though dead ly nature. Thi• rct cligerll.l 6ingvr and the unsurit pnlout, lover were arrested. StatisticA of Human Lift! According to a French statistician. fak ing the mean of Many accounts, a man 50 years of age has slept (;,000 days work ed 6,500, walked $OO days, amused him self 1,000 days, was eating 1.500 days. was sick 500 days etc. Ile ate 17,000 pounds of biead, 16,000 pounds of meat, 4,600 pounds of vegetables, eggs and fish, and drank 7,000 gallons of liquid, name ly, water, coffee, tea. beer, wine, etc.. all together. This would make a respecta ble lake of three hundred square feet stir race and three feet deep, on which a small steamboat could navigate. And all this solid apd liquid material passing through a human being in 50 gears! Verily there is after all smile truth in the story of the ogre who drtuk the lake dry, to catch the fugitives that was sailing over it. Anv man can do the same—only give him Lome ? This estimate is. however, made for a Frenchman. Fur an American we have to modify it, by lessening the number of days he denotes to amm•ements, and in place of this substitute 1,010 days for quietly speculating how to get more of the almighty dollar, 1.500 days for travvl ing by steam and horse power. and 2110 days for waiting for means of transporta tion. The latter number is ha no means over estimated for the inhabitants of New York or Philadelphia; or other large cit ies of the Union. Influence of Tree% Upon health. Dr. Max von Petteukoner, of Munich, Germany, has been investigating the san itary influeuces of forest for some time, atia lies just published a mass of inform,. tion, gathered from widely dilferant sour ces, which is of much importance. The gist of it is that forests have a very ap preciable in checking the progress of chol era or other contagious diseases; that well wooded countries, other things being equal, are the healthiest, and that marked sanitary enanges are sure to result front the denudation of a territory by cutting down of its trees or by planting of gard ens and fumses where no trees exist. In proof of these theories, Dr. rettenkoner has many reports from medical meu of India, showing that jungle villages are much less liable to be visited by cholera and others, and that villages densely shaded with tamarind trees are remarka bly exempt from the disease, as shown by observations through a lung series of years. The statistics-of cholera in Germany for the last forty years, also show that the well wooded provinces have had a ranch lower rate of mortality Onut the others. Bearing upon the influence of trees upon the general healthfulness of a country are the statemeuts of that pestilence has en tirely disappeared from Cairo, Egypt, sines Mahumet Ali transformed the swamps around into beautiful gardens and plantations, and caused great groves of olives to be established, while the repu tation of the lionlau Campagna for un healthtMess has been wholy obtained since the hewing down of the sacred groves under the governmeht of Gregory Xlll. Too FAIL-At Niagara Falls, near Ta ble Rock, a spot is shown whence a young lady fell a few years since, and was dash ed upon the rocks below. A little flower 'b'rew upon the very brink of the fearful chasm, somewhat overhanging its edge. Full ,of cheerfulness add daring, the young lady proposed to pluck the flower. Her companion evpostu hired, but in vain. She approached the precipice ; she stooped and leaned forward. Her prize was Just beyond her reach ; forward just a little more she moved ; her balance was lost ; she fell and was killed.—So, many others, reaching just a little further for earth's trivial joys, drop in a moment into eter nity and are lust. . Cni.Ertm. Colt PA NlO x.—A companion that is cheerful and tree from swearing and scurrilous discourse is worth gold. I love such mirth as does not make friends ashamed to look upon one another next morning, nor men that cannot well bear it to repent, the money they spend when they are warmed with drink. And take this rule; you may pick out such times and such companions, that you make yourselves merrier for a little than a great deal of money, 6:"ris the company and nut the charge,thatmakes the feast." `'Crs - tt'.i.L.E;erj• great gen 1118 gltlll4 to ride upon mankind, like Pyrrhus on his elephant; and the way to have the abso lute ascendency of our restive nag and to keep your seat, is at your first mountinri to afford him the whip and spurs plenti fully; after which you may travdl the rest of the day with great alacrity. Once kick the world, and you live together at ti ru3- 'liab le good understanding, ' Pay . FOn that bath pity , on' another triah's 'sorrow shall 'be free 'front it himself; add )14, - thalsdalig,htetb in and seorneth The :misery of another 'shall one time or other fill into it himself. MiNil Barbarhan lamp. Whar's de eonstitooshnn, Dat you 's mukin' such a fuss? You'll find ou.zamination It was busted up for us! It is eubbered up wid patcbes,. Like a beggar's summer coat, Au' all dut's good about it Is it lets de migLer rote! Yaw, Yaw, Yaw Yaw, Yaw, Yaw Neher let de white trash (lib you any law. Bolles he's u rannin For dr O 'timer oh State, And Jeenis Crow for Congress Is de loyal candidate. (lazuli° is de darlin' Oh de ladies in de hall And Dinah gets the fustian° Oh de white boys at de ball. Yaw, Yaw, Yaw ! Yaw. Yaw, Yaw! hack White trash, 'fold your dirty jaw. Letter here from Sumnah— Sundin good and new— Make me feel so bully I bum° Ix hat to do! Ketch hands and break down, de heel and too— Fetch along de banjo An' play de jnbilo - Yaw, Yaw, Yaw ! • Yaw, Yaw, Yaw ! Grease yo' elbow Tonny, When de fiddle strings You draw. Stop pit. stviikh tavern— Make de landlord bow, Sayin . ".llistab Gumbo, Glad to se•e you now !" At tie dinualt table Take a hullo seat. Close to (likes - and goodies, Near de roasted meat. Yaw, Yaw, Yaw! Yaw, Yaw, Yaw! Shut yo moat', white man, l)is is Samnales law. Lookee ole Wake me fur de train, Fast time de bul,t,ine Come along again Lookee conductali ! Gib dis chile a seat, Turn anudder ober TU real his gizzard feet! Yaw, Yaw, Yaw ! Yaw, Yuw, Yaw! I.orkee h'yur, conductah, Sick is now do law! Suninab in de Senate ExplatterateS de rules, Per de finest churches, For de grandest sehoools Room dar fur Dinah, In de richest pew, • And for do picinainies trst is rum in' mid her too t - Yaw, YaW s 'Yaw! Yaw, Yaw, Yaw ! Never wind de gospel When it runs furnenst the law. Looker h'yinr, white brats, titimmili made a rule, Pat de cherub darkies • wid you to school— White brats musn't scourge 'cm, (Jr stick 'cm wid dar pins, Mustn't call 'em niggers, Nur kirk dar bresseil shins! Yaw, Yaw, Yaw! Yaw, Yaw, Yawl Mind you, nusteh white brats, Sumnah made do law, Things is workiu', ain't they ?' Well, I gness dey was— No notice oh de white trash Is taken by de laws. Pav're gone up, played ont In berry bad manner. And dat's what's do matter of 1/e white folks, Harmer! Yaw, Yaw, Yaw! Yaw, 1 - 314", Yawl De coustitushun no whar By side of &iamb's law. —The .l i» —A paddy one day asked his loner how an lalress might be carried off. "You Ca nnot do it with safety," but' 'll tell you how to do. Let her mount a home and hold a bridle uud whip ; do you then mount behind her; and you are safe, for she runs away with you.' The next day the lawyer found it was his own daughter who had run away with his client. —Two young women in Chattanooga fought a tide! with case knives about a lover. Onelof them received a painful wound in the waterfall, while the other got a slash across the rattier which disa bled her until she gets a new dress. The lover sat on the fence and laughed, —" Bab, is ydur sister at home to ?" " Yes, but silo wont see you." " Why " She said she was going to have one more feed of onions if she user had another beau in her life." Cholera and small-pox still prevail in Cuba. The Senate spent Saturday in dis missing the Naturalization bill. The President will return to Washington on Wednesday morning. DJminion - Day was celcbratedby the Canadians on Friday. ---,Lawyer C. (entering the office of his friend, dr. 31. and gp.sking in. a hoarse whisper)—" Fred, Ire got such a cold this morning that I can't speak the truth: " Well," replied the Dr, "i'm glad it's no thing that will interfere with your brig- —A little stalling is a dangerous tart, bdt stmling largely is a noble art ; 'tis Mean to steal a - hen-roost or a hen, but, stealing thousands makes us gentlemen. —The man who wauta sweet bomc," :ought to live Over a confectionery shop. An applimit for u place, mid : "Woik is not much of an object,as wages."