The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 06, 1870, Image 3

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    ttleoo - Vt . Orli
Aro lines in Mb DSVnneagtl4o—.
each additio,r#l . fpe, 50 CtS.
WEBB & GEM ,EigrAfpfilca,...apd angers In Croce.
tea sad Pecrelettamatierf etr-tPublic Avenue.
WNW& CABRAL `p).llo.on
doaribeknr Urban Public
we. xt h izorra •& co- &AM , .89n,Qr4iga
lite TRZetilllle Dra ft s OD IMMEtdirtitrSCOin
tki_tflinarraaßli balm„,_ 4 7oo ol oi , tlipikyia-24:a%;
low Cram. OP! err Ita!! ,, maitt At MO PipPei'n! , .*•11••
-araotra. a - stiow,m oeiley4 411ittraioxamii ,
~, a par amt. ; sell Railroad and dsoidopi Tickets'
trolaerk sad Philadelphia. Unice ono t)r cart
CaaDlAlL'Oentsui Inianuie and Bowing'Ma
Aidne AMC.. Pub4cAvenue.- ' • .• •• r
AtiOMILDOZwthq ilsoo Groceries:lldd
IProididana, Flour, Pork, Lard, Tea. Sugar. Eke. Tu.,
Wan Bnuff,Elecars-Adiatcrsdnd frvltaaddaerds, un
.ilitlL.U;Sate'rerßrdLlieta:7,:‘ : '
BURNS t NlCl2ol.B..tbe Mucci c
eines. Cigars. Tobacco; pipec, 4alB",rkann Wel
elm Yankee Notion, be., Public Avenue,.
WM. L. COX, ttainFse niatier'itni Binder in all cuticles
useally kept by the trade, opposite the Bank. •
11: , BOYD Sr-CO.. Dealers in Stoves,. Hardware,
• sad libinuOularcre of Tt and iikeettron ware. corner
. of *aid and Turnpike street
MORSN.a4gralf.B, Merchant Tailnrn and dealer' , in
OtbS; TrlMMings, and Furnishing, Gonda, .and
Aminta for Singer Sewing Michlbs. nn
Fordham building.
A. N. BULLARD. Dealer in Ornce.les. ProviFien..
---Baaka,Stationary and Vatatoo Barlow., at head al
Public Avenue.
- -
T. SPORE b CO., • • warn.
Aicultural implements, Flour and Groce.r.t.,
'Limy.° D As UTTCTII3.t. Livery an
Mtge, to rcar of Bank building.
wear tiltWITT'Ss neale'S% In Dry Goods. I *l'd
e and general merchandise, corner. near Brick
ITNIOti TOWEL kept bq WILLIAM 'MITI, (in Math
Kred,PeAr rho D.cPot---*
onSHOESIAIRER. New 3111 ford, Pa , keepa
td tine fresh groand Cayuga Plaster, for rale at
Over twa, Bommerwrille, Pai
W. B. MUD, Foittidfi;iBa asterievET6*.aiiitriar
annals, one door from Pblnney'e Hotel, Mein
N. F. itlMtlilLliirruigg9akWa64 Utaat — aer, on
. Nip. 6 rect. txT9 du5tr 5 14y.0r ... 1321Firy:6,49r6... „
ectßS„ Pfildria,,4lmeeries and
PacntinfoWcittitr•St - t. ' '
& SON: , Desicts Marione. Bedd..Me►l,
Balt, Lime, Cement. Graced. , and Provisions on
Main Street, opposite Om Depot.
17.`lhor. 11ASEDIDT. 31•OoLsc nrora. or. e e l/
Wholesale 'dealers id Itnnicen',Notinnt
' Gain. ® Main arca., beiglir Bribery*o
woo* K AP Leather MnunfaCturens and dealer'
lo Morocco Findings, &c.. near Epleopsl Church. •
&INKY & 11&4111LIt..DeMeis ItiPtiv•ls andMcdictac r.
ltstillianatqctargs,oLClßrf; .31 3,614 - strect;„ [war
W. STEPHEIM ticritie Bifoetn; ntidgencianter;strthg
OD Man 8
.. tgje%:Vinfiqz orl,tm:bryge,,
J. DlCKKakk2l. ,, ,Tn.'. in generit. nicenton?
Clothing, Brick Stare:on nln Strenl.
winPPLE a NRAD.,
au Maln fitz,e.r....t.
0. HAWLEY, Dnalar In. general Mere!tandise, on
Btreet.oPPoAte rdotees Itotei. •
LICSREM, Illannfactaret of Leathof , !Ind denior
n,rol Mainhandloc, on Maio tidr. et. •
11.-P. DORAN.. Merchant Ta.llar and dealer .111 Reek
Made CSatittag., Dry Goads, (Decal. and Pzavisiut
Main Street. . •
Wiqxv.4•W -ITT
HIRAM WHITE. gannTartordr'otand denier in 5 nreri
or Plows and Cartinfre.
EDWARD 4 b BRYANT. htlntilzetnrcro of Wa;:onr
-abbfileighs, the IngaUn' Stare.
gocai gnickeAcr•
ireartexir SitgalMr.‘
The second imrter/y,,meptipg of the M. E.
Church at New Milford trill be held on the 23d
!T4 ;4tkcirthir from, sister
clenches are Invited to attend. •
MIL Eorroo:—Thelbilotiiiig 4 m c report of
my dairy of ficovaNca for, Um month. nf June
1870: i
. - -
A ge of old:" I•kirge yearn
old ; 1 folif sense oil; ands ond teal year., llakbai%4llbii.-butieri:4 - eirls 4 i - ili:R-oi. per
dajbfoe l ietigicow:'•
Number of peasornrin-ehe-farnily ordinarily its-
Ingmeilk end cemen being ttuye.
STlio ain, beat flits:.
Franklin, July 1, 1870
We learn that asavage, storm of hail, tind
tdatfrale passed through Aubstra and Spring iUr
townships on Monday of laiit" week. The path
ofthe storm seems to have been in a belt of
about five miles in width, commencing in the
Northwest corner of I..ebklin,:tuttircasltri . .4. tigo'
IY.Tomingundiatzerite counties, but its ,r - retitistt
fury seems to have- been ; in Auburn, in this
county. .
Mr. R. fk telt!, of tebedl Centre, iniiirnWus
thantal thel:growing4eiss in Unit f,lcildlY are
badly injured,, And .in .5 Op e cysts wholly di.:-
stroyedL That is• abbut t the• Only part tit the
county 'where the soil is adapfed to she raising
of wheat,:and verffew fields, of that essential ce
real have erayed serious Ankiry. ‘ Imes Lou
loses 23 acres ofsplendick wheat and rye: Corn
in many fields is so bitiNy, extt that ; .
than ono thirdela hniv . i!sted4 ,
er Liates krarit,Was .
B. Howtird'sbarn blown offtheS4nnd:stion. Mr.
hailstone as broad as his hand. • • , ,• -
PlarN. l -tha• -
The 16tuit depredations of loafers were con-'
summated One,her. hightltsfaia,;(l, Ibis hor
°VAL.: -An OTgr.t o
.7n gates - 4 10 4 , , 44,,44 .1, 7
movedosipsitortudoyni - andlleqixiyed, erhiden
btokai,iuld tilieeene Int.tein'iinini4netun btorei.
and dwellings: TheverpeittitivirevVell.
tobeshe "SW oritudaspen 4 wlnEct-getz s t
. • 11 1r3Frin: Orr.. 11'9 1'4 0 4 513.-
eslost_gh . l.-n =Dor,.. •
It Is the natural nttiernp of total depravity,
buethefijult,is with the. toinl,authoritits, A
Wfttpt rni the tight'orthnld ,Virttiff sa'vc
hundreds of dollars in property-destroyed,' and.
save the rnputitifinfe thi!itilWeici the resort
It may tlVl(*.nizolr t103.41Z wIto:VI) this or
that Ant the Anna Authorities should -look,ta
thartherse outwit itte:in& texibite- 'Mr - a*
certainly no use use ''
,ut'.•aamunieldaf netittetti4 this
vaton:destriteikin orpicipirty anitikteibig be
yid* B° 6 ! °P with kaPm!ltYi
New Hebblinntroivie
ThaterfalltixacinthotWM Ifulibard Mower,
even if you don't want to buy: 'TbWeSatigtabli
speed of its cutters from fast to slow, or slow to
fast, while the inaebbie motion ;its
less motlogamtinpatoltiveArb*lti:Arler
nerin which all the shafting and gearing is
tieltli:o l oSedilictO*r Oft*.c*l-IM OA*
can get to itvelfistkow
manes the NC.W,RGilAafid r icOid..l4:l44;44l4.
among all competitaes • ,311axttli r
Bale by
June2l, /1311,11
• ayne- '''' ,
... . .
1 alt„
.cantaa they
. were _starting llP...ttuAbtilein. JP!
borough on Saturday, June 25tli, and mWiiiig
his footing fell under the wheels. He was bad;
ly cut and bruised, but fortunately escaped
without broken- bones.. •
of Texas township, a well known pedlar of th
vicinity anise himself all
walked to a.cluuThid geafied himself. Almost
Immediately afterward he fell from the chair tq
the floor', - and Upon ramipation was formdto
dead. He had been complaining somewhat foil
a few days, and on the morning . of .his death
seemed tariff Crlf SletteWili Dtual. It is
suppos& — that' he was affiicted Vith heart dis.
unfortunate in the matter ot tires of late. Week,:
before last his house and woodshed were burnt
togcth iiiittirtgeirqdiffatiritii'd t ee Thaidayi
June 28, his barn and shed were set on fire throi
the carelessness of.a.boy,iirid entirely consumed
with all his hay, wagons, etc.
—Some ibX..htlittiV,sippo,. op the night
of June , iitei4eflitififibuse of Mo-i
raldus Calkins, well known in this county, near ,
Nartn;vsbuminrAte evldent.lippot4t qf burn
ing krZearkitnt4.lkee. iiitAti alone,
and was in bed and asleep on the second floor
at the time, and was awakened by theStunke*
rushing in his room. lie man*ii-td'i4elitk,
jumping from the second story window to the
ground. The building And contents were total
ly consumed. The it'ic6idia6ii: Supposed to be
the same person who set fire to the woods id
I.ll , 24,viF n inity t instrAing, in which Mr. C. was a
large loser.-I/otiesdale Herald.
-- -_ 0 .1.- - -
The following items are culled from the _lr•
I. IL Vanness, of - Standing Stone, has a row
13 pairs old which is farrow, and alter going
dry siz niont,ho durbg„Llinwat ; w , inter, coin
inencvd g itinfr tud -loth 'or , May last,
and has continued to increase the quantity until
the pre3 , ent,..nuii: ; or - f4g : a day.
'Surely 'it fie - ak or nature, unheard of before
in the cow er,tion.
— A manbSitllP 8141aPeole was kill
ed in Asylum township on Saturday June 25th,
in the following manner : He attempted to en
ter the house oft,a: disreputable woman, by
climbing in at the window. She discovered hint
in the act, and catching a pitchfork ran the
prongs several "Illtas;f4tlgkla MAN:PrOdtteing
frightful wounds. He retreated to a barn near
by, where he was diseovereckin a helpless condi
tion. Ile (had on the following Monday Auern-
fad Pant?
tramtr. •
—A most successful and edifyins mission has
been 'regthfirkiv . 'Aar' 7 lidilifsbni'd new
church of Sts. Peter and Paul at Towanda, Rev.
p!ttrick,yoFief, itastor. : Jtpuppenc,ed on Sun
dayi.lifay 29th, and Corlett days; dur
ing which time a vast number 4 1tii v ri - JaClied . the
sacraments. The mission was directed by the
Rey. W.C.SSJ AFX-41'
13 Gross, o.l3l:ll3,etev:lJosepts
and Rev. A. li. Lineenfield,
The improvements at this church are almost
contplet94,Alte. taus' ..trcent i apl4l.tiaCtfyc one
heingilfe c{egant'stilhied t glac4 itin6w, which
has just been placed over the main altar at an
expense of f,BOO. It a. 4 n4o .c ulu t i+ve j ixt.
workmanship, richly but chastely adorned with
appropriate emblems and insignia, and reflect
ing gretiVcredit on the initullWork of the artist,
Mr. 11. W. Myers, of Buffalo. There is no more
beautiful church edifice any where in the inte
rior otTenim?trantinettilit'a
ith the inipi?vc*lfts alre*lwide,, and those
contemplated by the pastor, it will soon present
a stilLaton: finiajacti and. elegant : appearance.—
, Catholic Nundarri
Lucerne Items. - -
The following items are clipped from
the Scranton Demorrai :
—The storm of Mondav June 27 was
severe North of us. At Nicholson and in
that 05geties t r444 . vesnimilid7 the
storm, anirthe ground was white. It was
a severe storm, and the stones quite large.
laqnSAthe4l YFig4ift4.440444 1 ..-tir Ani4re,
—The lutilltottirrtin .MtnidAS , Done 27.
was succeedeiniPTifektiiii'triorning by a
light frost in Susquehanna county ; so
says one of our Mt 'zvni _who saw it.
—A portion of the Moosic Powder
#phcl* were, destrosiid fi on
Fridtimorning libOtit t iffiteeelOck:' lid
foreman, Mr. John Van Auden, was re
pairing something in the room with a
hammier. and is supposed a spark fell in
the powder. Mr. Van Auden was fatally
injured and died in a few hours, and a
work mar,nataxed, Ilawlcyjstlthfism was
stantly kilted: - The loss'to the company
is from *6,000 to €llO,OOO.
A 11,, Mitt
VadriesidAY Ju n e.'29lViAlfurfl v
after the. .1);1.41 tered
Mint VA fatal 2 Agi.Oit
curred: of nn , roof
of coal overhead, resultig in the death of
three men, and seriously wounding ano
ther, who. it is believed, will not re c over.
The following are the names of the killed:
J. 'fin %lfkinson, Ist &kin; eh Mies
Crogati. The injured man is Thomas
—otyArgPili'ail444 , o4T
Cif ac
cidents we have been caller) upon to re
cord, occurred on the track of the Lacka
wan int S Itloifinsb'ufoer.Ariffelii 'Bellevue,
on .Saturday night... June 25. The circum
stances, as we learn them from a party
prep.:4)3E thilscelfe oft the accident, are
as follows :
A Mrs. Graven, of Hawley, had a sister
lip in in Pittston, and on Saturday morn-
children for the p l i m u tt of itnkkina the.
sistcr, 0 , yisit7,-.`Vh .4h6-41ta
she twin& el. ichLtiv6 lidnnoved to Bell,
cue;: b'fietiine)trded: teXtinie7o: l llo:',o*
tr704; : .,:014/00 EitOiNire.
booxiie;_ouc- 4:44,....thik0ther7, - /; ; Ie t
cartiodribeitt!srent,bin,4s,tO the depot far
the IW/atirititalet;
4 . 13444, 1 0; 010 - otte-14 - Ue s- 41),Chia.
to:be:talienAlara-ofi, ilie.laat:she I
oversaw ofthem.4tiknotlittnany•wh - eth.
er theywer c „,.. l jecl*tt*;frhtiitr : l4:6:o 3 .
but he: l oi i ikifAitlti - y'r;:th4 ete'loiirid on
'Sumbiyvt9res,4gi 3O alAßat,,a_ o'eloek on the
'track. The youngait one had hie bead
and arm severed, and•the oldest one had
I his arm cnt oft close to the shoulder.—
TbetilgtUlsiithitin — rftraYtiktifft%
I ttrain;;Yiewatijooki*ffit piiCb6INF
and vvandOn't, T 4ohr 'the If a dg,'Aid
down atid_ffrAto4inejk.and thus met a
horriblelf: thoy wemappahed , aff
the tiain by an infernal, villain, he should
-heljtinished . by :'some lnikesti
than the slow action of 1 :.,:.„
almost. inerediblej_ that even a
Weptiiiaptx, 4tlt*an , a4 : tintitavAto„ba,or,
Ihie l them:prasis;'lsronT4lbe gnijk of sties
inXERAT49eit!„:: • --we- 46114,44 %
4. .6
a a SATRE &•Bsae.
, .V3..41/ar
01r0 . t 4 " ,
—The militia company met on Saturday
evening, Juno 25th, elected D. A. McCracken . ,
Captain; W. W. McCain, First Lieutenant; C,
Byron goon, Second Lieutenant. The company
numbers :bout 50 members
—On the same evening the Montrose voter;
ans elected the following officers Captain;
Hugh Mitchell; First Lieutenant, W. H. Den
s; Caetalti. Hiltiwin. A
legalidiraWaM9tis tol IlMteifor`the want
of the required number of votes.
—The officers of the mantis company gave
supper at the Exchange Hotel on Thuraday last
at which time it was decided by an expression
of the company that its name sboold be Thn
Montrose Grays. Captain McCracken appointed
Aiphonso H. Smith, -Orderly Sergeant, which
was unanimously -- Etcelite - a by the company,
They are to tie uniformed in gray and armed
with Leman rifles.
—A man while cleaning the well on Mrs.
Fraser's premises found the clothing which was .
stolen from Judge Baldwin, in March inst.
—The firstjnry trial under the recent net;
of assm 411 for c . erraim, criminal case takes
piade-bt;fdre' Avery
_to day in . the
•matrerofilie VoiiiffiOfiVenlifi vs. .lames
Mertau for cruelty 10, aninials,wged
mangled Ao'g
Arr. , J. - It-lisletebreproposes connect
ing.. Baker} With his. Saloon on Ruin
Street. •
• ...Another aniversary of the Declam
tinfil-4 otti' 'National Indep..ndence has
pst.i ., ..llony It hatilq'tiN due 'our fire de
-4iiiiiliiidutAir.:thas, efforts :and. the
c6mrat9ttiyo ,:success .of Ribir labors in
urataiiiit .as with an - enterta i nment up-
OThit4at.qcc4sicC,. riot tithe nor
Mace toJake the matt* tap in detail, as
;14 '.(14,-but. we are -lei:impel I
sd, tima,,tio4t4c ,t•Cky
lona:,jTlin programme as announced was
. carried out,im Wirlill44l - .'Oratifall , ; to all
coneerna;'.o'or band thief we consider
sedniftl "t - o' Mi l Other organ Tzat ion in cur
Borough enlivened the scenes with sonic
vary excellent music which is alway 60111
inspiring and especialy so on such an 01>
MSBiOn. Mr. Wm. M. Post of Susquehan
na, the orator of- the dav, acquited him
self in a mannar highly satisfactory, so
much so that on motion of Win. J. Tur
ret Esq. a copy of his address was request
ed for publication, and he together with
Rev. E. A. warcinpr. chaplain, and Wm.
3iefaii'E§(f2, - r i - received a hearty
vote of thanks from,th '
.-:2-Yiej-ekre.k.:l•ll4l-Mtdni'utatitee compel
us - in . Oar, duty its allot mat* to add how ,
eiwtho, We are fearful that all of the
mot mutorokiphtri9M4l4.iPdPil:ed, by
tue, - enildeina suida - display; the eloquent
appeals of the orator of the day, and rem
iniscence of the days of were swallow
ed up in the rowdyism and riotous brawls
which pervaded our street all day and
continued nearly all night. There is one
hope of good 1-suiting from evil however,
and that is, that Montrose will nut long-
er rely upon her reputation for morality
as security, but that some efficient rneaus
will be instituted to prevent a reeurrance
of such disgraceful scenes as have been
occuring from time to time and which
reached a climax on that occasion. Un
less sueli is the case boys and rowdies
may be expected to run our town in fu
Brooklyn [tams.
—On Wednesday, June "9th, S. 1). Townsend
was engaged in burning log heaps and stumps
few rods frown s pile of pine, luintg,.of about
tm tbiuu4 ; 4ll4.l,CM.. 'Witte Mr. T. was at dinner
the lumber took - tire and waswnsu m e d . lma4
about tbreeluantlrtd ildllars. - •
Teivitslattrry, (Win
. wf the late Ed
numto..TewhabaffOf Lathrop) in the employ
of - Ithe Laeltairtunta -and Western
Railroad company, was one day this week on
top of a car at Clarks Summit, and suddenly
fell betweed the cars and was horribly bruised,
and one arm and leg crushed by the train. lie
lived but a few *lra ills remains-were taken
to Brooklyn for burial on Thursday, June 30th.
—The mercury has been 92 degrees in the
shade during last week.
• n • 4.44'1‘g CV TIMPLAIL i•
GREAT BMW, June - St 1870.
TiavELClrial lisrapfurs inea.V.: County • •
Sri: John - -Walworth. of Now - i1:111brd, and
nienftv Crigle,eitt tudgellaviiig Leen stibjeta,- ,
g mapecunioxy:iosses under tinnunstance
Ichiet, will by circular 110 ?made known to you,
be is hereby commanded to your generous confi
dence, and it is hoped all will join in relieving
hlmirom his great pecuninry embarrasment.
' Bro. Ternplars;—Acetunpanying thiayou will
naileFaldirrAhir signed by our noble G. W. C.
T..-S. katase.-- Now brethren, brother WO
wurttriMeds and-Isiworthf Our help. He has
stitri'edlargelY in a Tiectniihry sense, to say
nothing of that mental anxiety which is a con
sequent upon such losses,, when the
mister part of liras tint..and health greatly
iniPaired.. : rod bave heard and read much
about this unhappy but words do nor pay
onee'debte neither do they , butter bread, Now
let us show practical and pure sympathy. Boole
kinds of sympathy ought never to be adulterated
with.two many words. - Coo, htead and milk
to the needy, attee that'yettmay Win them with
The writer will visit some of the
etanoy....hotigt.a.,,and some. other. Brethren the
Miters. , - ,Will,you prepare to meet the. visiting
ones with openteurta and fmries
At New Milford I have raised about s,tki, and
at Gem lodge there has been raised about the
same. in order to make W. whole nearly 1000
ought yet to be ruisetL Think how easily this
might be done. We have over 2,000 members ;
$4OO can be raised by every member paying 20
tents each. Yet we will not mark out this plan,
for sotne.wilt pay others may nut. For this
rcisoii'Male *Mat ticEati &Mara,' *hile the'
many contribute Cent& The subscriptions on
my paper range front $3 to $l5, which has been
subscribed by eleven persons while the swelling
numbers of this Lodge have Jailed even to con
tribute their cents. Thus it may be with many
tattA's , W4cg P , S4 3 fga' s s4l, 4 rte P 3 AAP
11 44ppristrifigu tis[4l_ , pecAt t -1 -
posing to act m t its matter will please =mem
,ately appoint a Lodge candidate to circulate a
paper amongthttramtrefk.' , Brothor 'W. is in
unmediate want of what you see tit to bestow,
In order that you may not be imposed upon by
any sharper visiting you for this purpose. I
will state that Rev. Bro. J. A. Jerome and the
writer will make you visits shortly. I expect
that the Lodgeq,brother W., and the visiting
nffridie - bitnettled bp' this' ti alsaction.
Yours in Faith, Hope, and Charity.
•Rtletillfgallea:iftb.g.l t ie." 'l f
4-- 114)6 '
• 9'T
BblitOrEti -l aturt*Y4 - Pir Vitett6ldeitiet °Me
bride, June 28th, by Rei 4: C. Miller, 'Riley
W. Blakeslee and Rose M. Risley,. both of
rok—Bnowar—At the M. E. Parsonage, Little
1 Meadows, on Thursday MI ult., by Rev. A.
Brooks, James B. Fox and Miss Prances
' Brown, both of LittlelLeadows.
Nourn—ln Silver Lake on the 27th ult., Mrs.
• ; Amelia North, = 5 BB years
. •
• IMlNeetit7 ,41tnelttlit;.;1870 - :S2ra'
Rice, aged 76 years.
Bias—ln Liberty, May 28th, 1870, Charles E..
soli:4'o42 l Al .104 Charlotte 1 1 W rigid' 22
limmuno—ln Jessup. June 24th, Aim E
daughter of A. C. and Elizabeth Berthsgaged
year,2 no. and 17 days.
- Oe'r(fiii'sir.74ll*Ne.
bedimitgivinlti fenkltiza since' that last
evening was the fl itt. itnidvettrui of the wed
ding.of Rov., . ,„,;tector of St.
Paul's chat& Of Ads be:1)11W and a surprise
celebration of - that happy event, was planned
Anti !writ* put, in 4 5f14.11 the high' esteem ,and
, 04"11A041P 1 tialr,ivts .i manifesthd
by t:kbritarCeotis assemblage of our 'Citizens ir
resoeAvioiidenotaiustiOn, prnibsdan on poll
, ~., , an_ditlncsentatlonrof -wooden tokens both
ornamental and odd . ...We could fill a column
;.. 11 t9W,n ( 4 1 4441- 41 t. , naming:from a load
-ortvoqd ,
ohnie.xteni34 - in table, and
;pelt perhaps nueCogminte e . list. All the
fides requisite upon such an occasion seemed
'rah; forth tAmbignalf:V;the magic of "Ala-
Lan4." unrestrained, and
after regaling otkiselim with ice merlin and the
n6coMpattimencB the Iliv.-.1 1 . - `l3. 'Miller enter
tamed us!with aCII4I2I' well timed andi cheering
congratulatory remarks to which R ae .Im x . w ar .
riner nisponde4Aik sincere expkesslon of
tlitnikfuln&s. .ToMakntbe,thdng complete our
rasa Bauilsiiais lii:nitendance and furnished us
with a dessert. of their excellent music. At an
`party hour the - party
,retired for their imams
leaving the happy pair surrounded and almost
blockaded with the tokens of respect, hoping
that kind Providence will smile upon them and
praying that not only a silver and gold, but that
a diamond wedding is yet in store for them.
Believing however that should our Heavenly
Father will otherwise, the Master for whom
they arc laboring will crown them with a dia
dem sparkling with the jeweils of their good
works among us.
lcw Atlivrtionundo.
Came tote the enelure of the subscriber,
about June 21st, a dark bay horse, about 18
years old, a soar on the neck, and a scar on the
left fore foot. The owner moat call for him at
once or he will be sold according to law, or tra
iled off for a wheelbarrow.
Franklfh, June 20, 1870.-27w3
Horace Birehard offers his Farm for
sala‘ situated in the towriship of Forest Lake,
Susquehanna County, Pa., 9 miles from Mont
rose, containing 120 acres of land, 70 acres of
which are under a good state of cultivation.
The farm contains one full bearing orchard of
graftedsfrult,aud ohe young orcharffjnst begin
ning to bear a good comfortable farm house,
horse barn, grain barn, and all the necessary
outbuildings required by.a good farmer well
ftmeed, well watered, and a stream of never fail
ing- spring water running at the door. It is just
such a farm as ri good Afar" nerds, being well
located for dairypurposes. It situated but 1 , 4
miles from a good school, and Baptist and 'Meth
otilstrhurchei. For terms; &e.., address
July 6,;zlA - o.—tf ; Forest Lake, Busq. Co. Pn.
T 8 RS 73 LL 8 4C, 1:11' EA 3EI,
.101151 S. TAIIIIELL, PropA le'or.
Eight Stag relota this How daily, connecting with
the D. L. a, W.. the Erie. cial the Lehigh Valley Rail
way:4. 1.7n1y 6,1811. t
- - -
FRUIT JARS for sale by A. TURRELL.
Annt three hundred dollars worth of Goods,
consisting of meris and boys' Hats and ('aps,
ladies' and misses Straw Hats, Suspenders, Hos
iery, Shirts, Collar., etc. Also a few good size
and quality of Shelf BONt'A. Any one desiring
to get this property at a borgain, will please call
lon or address
S. 31. SAYRE,
Jime 22, LS7o.—a. Montrose. Pa,
TION. July 27, 28, 29, 1870.
1' 1 !ME:4-41,300.
Fran I)ay.—slls.l--$175, $75, $4O, for horses
that have not beatim 2:50.
$5OO--000, $l5O, $5O, for horses that have
not neaten 2:39..
SECINCD D AY.--$4OO-V75, $75, $5O, for hor
ses that have not beaten 2:40.
slooo,—soo, vryn, $lOO, for horses that have
not beaten 2:;.t0.
Turin) DAY.—$5OO---$371, $l5O, $75, for
that have not beaten 2:tr3.
$1.500-4975, V 75, $l5O, open to all.
The pree(sling nurs are all mile heats, best
three in live in harness, and all to be governed
by the roles of the National Association.
A horse ilisiancing the field shall only be en
titled to first money.
Entrance ten pei cent., and'accompany
Entrim close• nt the office of IL B. JARVIS.
Treanurer, 28 Court Street, on the sth of July.
..... .
All purses atm , . to enter and two to start.
Truck full half mil•.
. J. S. WELLS, President.
D. &Men urns, Secretary.
.rune ttrZo.-4
Timu - T o m, the Iferita of All Things.
ilastbetrtimdedln every variety of Climate and by al
troM'einty nation known to Americans. it t. The &i
-mage coostant.curapanion and Inestimable friend of the
missionary and - the traveler, otreea and land, and no one
should travel on oar Lakes and Jilvere without It.
It ItAllitSeOdy find tale remedy for burns, _ scalds. cats,
braises, w o un d s end VilliOUS other Injuries, as,well as for
dincntery, diarrhoea, and board! complaints genemily,
and to admlcablfraited for every Tacna men on the race
Of the globe.
Ifo earn yea esti for and get the genuine Pain Hiller.
as many worthless uostrunmare attempted to be sold on
the grmiTepaintion Otitis valuable medicine,
lllCU''Directionrsecorpany mob bottle.
. „
PAN,: 50ctis. and 81.00 peir Bottle
idly all Medicine Maim.. [Jane 16-4
Jouniosp usd.NotloaStonsa.
Dna, assolsistaimmai
gut .M, J bee Input of an united """
iec the mow: . lam 15, imp
I .
1 - .
The obkorsibas are rorm !I:craving from Flow York
new and fresh stock of
which *lll be veld at a low figure for cash. Among the
numerous arttalca may ho Pseud
Flour, Haw, Dried Beef, Smoixl hralsbut, Cod
fah, Maekerd, dr.
Tam Cot Pee, Sop *, Ulm Nun, Woraterablre Sauce
Canned reaches, Pews, Pine Apple., Sweet Corn, Tome
toes, goblets, and Plana Cocoa, Patina.
Extract Leman, etc. ate.
All kinds of SPICES. Cltmn. (Mango Pod. etc
A No 1 Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, etc.
All of atilt% an to wasumted as Ant clnas goods, and
In addition to the Grocery trade, we have purchaacd
Geo. C. 11111's Neva ()Mee, where you can find a good
selection of Stationery', Books, Bally. Weekly and
Monthly Papers, Magazines. Books and papers not on
band will be ordered and furnished on short notice with
out extra charge. Special care given to orders. No trou
ble to show goods—en drop In anti see tbr yourselves.
WY - Goode delivered without extra charge.
C. . M. WG
Montrose, May 18, 1870.
Xlicscstais 19h40,a,5,
Aire keep a PULL STOCK of the above art
des, and sell them at the
Call and examine oar Stock
&outtalk°, May 23,
Coettion.—Be eare yon get Petortan Syr,
pamphlets free. J. P. DINSMORE. Pro
No. 36 Dey St„ New York.
Bold by Draggiala generally.
Werth la, trno.-7
Tatented July Pal 1857
i•C'efier is thentost perfect
dilfon ever adored to the
Lir- It Is =idly, .openata,
tuin appearance; and will
h4nre the hair, as there Is
test required, and stomata).
substauce .taped to rnatilf
lathe Lair.
the teetered :only, and for
'lsl. INith Street.
"PlqiimmtutA .r..
, .. • ,
deelpne& fol„the use of the Vedt•
PI Profession and' the'remtly •poereesing those
Itittlhhie medicinal properties wh iet eloegtoah.Qld
and Pure Gin. •
Indispr.unable to Females: -Good "for Kidnej Cont-
plaint*. A delicious Tonic. Pat up in asses, aannsitl.
Lug one dozen bottles each. and sold a 7 aXidru_ggiste:
grocers, &c. A. X. RINEIGER & CO., estalsiphed
N 0.15 itearsefiaresS, Weer Torn. • . .
Tor ssiont.hcutrose t 5,7 •
Jois.l4-13 , • AB= MEM= Ate;
Sacs lo,Lic:l C7israist,
&e. &e.
The Best in Use.
P,,oku o lq
.5011 -
And where jou dad
=Eau. mem, ID as -
'Guttenberg, Nosenbaurn
Large and handsome selection of
For men. boys' and youths' wear. Fine telethon of
For Custom Work. We take measures and make up gar•
meats to order, after the nearest and most tasty style's.
Large variety of Pl= 000D8 to sell by the yard. A
tine variety of Gents* YURNISEICIO GOODS, Neckties,
Bows, Paper and Linen Collars, shirts, Trunks, Batch.
els, Umbrellas, ete, Large selection of neatest styles of
.arluuo materinl. lu our Dry Goode Departro.2t you
Silks, Poplins, Mohairs. Alparns (black and an the lead
lug colors and shades, Piques. Percales, printed Organ
dies and llntlWo. Prenc)t tiinghams, etc.
Table linen, Touch, Napidur, Swim. ?Callus. Jet
PARASOLS. Sambas's.. Skirts. Comets. SW and
LlaLe Thread Gloves, 11 mien . , Ibtatlterchlefs, Collars and
Cuff... etc. . . • ,
SHAWLS. 'various material and In differ
ent Idyl. DRESS TRIMMINGS and Buttons, Hamelin,
Tramming,. Putting. Fringes, etc.
DOMESTIC GOODS. Mcmlius, Calk., Ticks, Denims
We hare a leave selection In trimmed and untrimmed
HAIM. Sandowns, Flowers. Ribbons, Satins, Illusions,
Laces, Blonds, Frames, blackand colored Crepes, &a.
The prices on elk oar Goode are marked my DOWN
and will defy all competition. Our pads am bought in
large quantities , . and selecon with mat care, and we
flatter ourselves that we aim give satisfaction to all.
Mootrove, May 11,11110.
Keep regularly supplied with trittintrvrwatTro
Drugs and Medicines. Chernimila. Die Stuff., WI ties
Liquors, ?minis, Oils and:Varnish, Perittmery,
Fancy Soap, Yahkee Notions, Se. dc.
Fresh from New York City.
All the most popular PATENT MEDICINES sold In
this section, among which may he round,
Ayre's sod Jayne's Family Medicines, Hembold's Bo•
dt. Schenck's Pa[tannic Syrup and_Ses Weed
Tonle. Doormen's end eireesermsn's Fe
male Pills, Hall's tough Balsam,
Wisharre Pine Tree Cornial,
Roil', Heir Renewer. Ring's Ambrosia. Kennelly's-11nd
kat Discovery. lloottemi's Germ,* 'Bitters,
Hostetter's Stomach MOM.
And unary other kinds of real, vale. and moult. Inlay
our Sleek emtrrscesa au., .. , Ortmern of everything oils
ally keptlu well regulated Milk Stores.
ElT — Pro.criptione receive particair attention,. and
are earcrully and promptly compoonded.
.• Store formerly occupied by J. Erberldec .
A. B. BrRNs.
Montrose, March 23, AMOS NICIRMS.
4i...1e1at DR. CCM 0 RN'S
V 5 3 , Inhaler .0 InhalingnFluids.
Adds,. S. C. I.ACEY. M. D. LnecTvllle, Pa.
Jose 1. MO. :Imo •.•
To azents to Fr I I the celebrated WILSON SEIVING3IA
CHINES. The pest machine in the world. .Stitch alike
on botiriddem. One Ilachine without Money. For furth
er particulars. addrems tt; N. nth et.. Mare, Pa. (Intalittn.S.
— DolinrFamily Sewinn lilachinh, The cheap
c.t First Clare , Blachtne In the Market. Agent. %elated
In every Town. Liherulcorronlggion alloweit For terms
and circular. ndrlrcroi A. S. Hatoccon, lien. Agent. No.
MittChustant at.. Philadelphia, Pa. (may 1.8---Snith*
pumps! PUMPS:
Cucumber Wood Pumps
The Best and Cheapest Pumps evefinado, ,
Durable, reliable, aecurate and rierfeet, and give
no taste to the Water
They ere adapted
depth of well npto
water very easily
one can pnt thee
in repair, & whet
to " directions:
give perfect satis•
Every Pump sold by me or my authorized
flint guaranteed genuine.
G 24 and, WU Filbert Omer,
Philadelphia, Pti.
Ap. 6-3ni
. ..
• '. BOUNTY, ,•, . -" - ' •
.. PENEITON_,___S - Snit MUM PA
71 ,..idtesilibta. LICM:PBED Aumnrr a the GOV.
gamENT, twin i obtelned Inc. as 1 Stl it =
me _ , i iii o w , prompt intention 10 airentline
to bisciret No done wsleusnenentit.
Montrose, Juie4tb,llll4.
Of the Stesquehatiria,Coutity-Agrieulturad
Society, dill be-141 in Montrone, on
Wednesday„. Aureday and Friday,
Sept. 14; 15 lila 16, I'B7o.
intim* 3.-4032136
Best Stallten.dreof tocntyeatting_2,; •
colt raised In the county.. 43, 2d Ir 3 ,
• heavy disnadit kat.S. Sd 3:Pen , -
Wen " 6, ad 3, Ed
" - blood'aire and colt' ' 15 , 4 Tit 3. 3 d
gagg gr i t: E li farAttnts.
" single inarecnrerliquiaid . •
ratted In the County 6,2 d I,
" hone not rat3ed In the Co.- IS, 2tt 3 1 21
u pat • matched hornets .
mats not ntinndill , " &a il
3 year old eolts C" A• at
3 colt &al U
•• 2 •• Co, dent, In Atm. .•
luxe Like, Bri,a ,, ewatir.
. Judaon Stone , 244 FIIIIS LIMO. }Judges.
Daniel North, Franklin,
DIVISION la.—CLAIM 1.—D17031121,
Beat Durham bull 'unsold and
upwards • ' 45.2 d "A lid Am. lig'st
yearling . lid Country
, • Cluint'n
burham enw'd Yam Wand - ' •
upwards 5.2d511.24 Ann, Ag'at
'` you' ottl ' • 5,;d Country - cent.
I year old Co. 004, ad Am. Ag.
^ heifer era..... ,!....
Mass m.-onsim Dirndls&,• ..-.' '
Best bull 43;2d Coni ... tery Gent.
cow 4 yr'', old and upwards 2,2 d, ,''•l- --
- hinter &years old... ._...... _
3. 2d • i• - "
.. - 2 ..
3. td •• • -
" 3 yearllogs.., - 3,131
4 calves 3,2 d . "
" boll calf Co. Gent. 2d Am. Ag.
heifer colt ... .. . ... . -..... "
Perrin Wals.'Bridgewiter.
Thomas Patton. Silver Lake, }Judges.
S. W. Breed, Brooklyn, •
Mrse.tit. -orrozis.
Best ball 2 years old andupwardsss, td $3,11d 'Am. Arr.
- yearling bull 3.2 d Country. Gent.
caw • 'wham ots aadarerardlili,ll2l - o,tm - ^Am. - AA..
S year old heifer............ 3.24 ' Country • Gent.
..24 2d "
'CO. Gent. ed Am. Ag.
ball allf
better calf
Be,t bull $3, tad Country Gen.;
cow 4 years %Ad and aptvania 3,2 d "
better a years old
2d " . ••
3,2 d • -
a. Cu
" • • "
. ocut, 2d Am. Ag.
44 1.4
9 yearling's
4 calm.—
bull calf .
heifer calf.
• -
Christopher Byrne, Choconnt,
Orrin Prichard. Springville, }Judges.
Robert Kent, Bridgewater.
crass AND ASAP*.
Best pair working oxen Wier 4
years old.. ' • • ' 45,M91.11161 Ara "dg.
•• pair etnera 9 years old„.. , a,g ; Country taunt
" yoke fat 5. Rea s3": ‘,
'• for steer or cow 4,1 d "
CLAsS il.--A1.111:MMIF, - •', •
Best bull
heifer 9 years old
I calf year old
bull calf
Bert Bull 5 3 . 9t3
4,3 d Country Gent.
heifer 3 rears old 3, Id
...... . 3,2 d "
• I year 01d.... ..... . Co. Gent. 2d Am.
• Ag
•• •• mat
boll calf.
Wrn. T. Austin, Bridgewater,
George lIIIITLOOD. New Milford, I. Judaea.
Janum Bterßog. Brooklyn) ,
CUM REL , - treg:
Best herd of short horns andthelrtell—, • WO, 2d A EG
" DeVolls
Rot lea than 10 owned add exhibited brone l l
Bent herd of agile aim) breed noticed then 10 owned
and exhibited by one man $lO.
James Hasson, Springville,
G. J. Babcock. Bartonl, i-Judges
John Tewksbury, Auburn,
1.1.1.—CLA2111 L.--4/1111r.
. .
Best fine wooled buck $.3, 24 Country Ge!tt.
" three fine mooted ewes..... 3,2 d
- Co. Gent. 24 Am. ka•
" came wooled buck $3, 2.1 Country Gent.
" three court° wooled ewes._ $. 2d "
" lambs.. Co. Gent-#d Am. Ag.
" middle wooled beck 8 , 11. 2d Country Gent.
3 " " lambi Ca. Gent. 2.:1 Am. kg,
- buck lamb of.
. . Agrtiallterallat.
Urbane Smith, .......
S. D. Thomas, Springville. pi:lcer.
Ebenezer Gage, Bluer Lake,
CL.LE , 8
Best borr.. •
24 14
sod 1.24 3
" 1 pigs over 3 mos. 01d....... 3,2 d Country beat
fat hog 1 1, 21 3 " ' "
Best trio of Turkeys Co. Gent. 9.7 Am. Ag.
Dark Brahma*
" " Light
Black Spanish "
" " Bambergs
" Leghorns •• 1,11
tot of fowls owned and ex.
Wilted by one man $4,2115 3 ,
trio of Decks ........ Co. (km.. 21 Am. At.
Jo ho Hooter. Bridgewater.
TM DeWitt, New Milford. 14 10 ,.."ma
Thos. John wm, Bridgewater.
DITISION flf.—Ouxic 114011WV41.—c..1.103 I.—DUTZEIL AND
Best tub or firkin et Zane butter. $401.114
• Sep
10 pounds butter mode by girls under 18... 2,2 d 1
" enema not lets t•ban M pounds 4, 0
Beast Moshe! corn In the car„Co. Gent. 2d Am. Ag. ad2.k .
" +4' ba.h white w. wheat
y barbel epting whert „ 24.
nnehel - rye Am. Agrtmatnrittlat 2d
yt, buvhel oats 2d .5‘
Charlet Read. M 2 2trole,
O. J. Ildwle.7 , New Milford, yJodgca.
Norman Granger, Rush,
(1.414 1n... vitograzuts,:ac. •
Bwt Lemnriment Intl npplcs...
winter apples
qui:tics ' - Amcen AgElvaltmall4
and greatest - variety' or Pfg: '
etables... . .. .--.-Co. Gent.. 51 Am. A.
'' 3 eabbag,o - bends ...... --.:Am. ,NrlCooot, 121•2%
" 8 *Mtn en anther • ld' X
" 3 pumptrhts , " • 2d -X
" 3 heads cauliflowers... ..... " 2 0' M
10 rut:Asps . 1 4 .
•• 1 ( 2 ) Zo t ts . 14 .
” 10 tomatoes
.' bushel potatoes X
•- assortment of grapes grown
In the county .Cot Gent., 21 Mn. Ag.
" elder vinegar not less than
one gallon Am. Amicnret: 2d thf
•• 10 pounds maple sugar Co. '' Mont. 2dukar. Ag.
o • '
" 10 pounds honey
James K. Carman, Montrose,
John Wilson, Middletown, Judges..
• John Footer, Frlenderille,
DIVIIIO2I v.--1111111111Tr1CITILLTA.. , -CLABS 1.-- cram
Best double carriage..
single carriage...
- lumber owoo • •
'• democrat wagon
•• double sleigh...
" single sleigh.—
" table
" chamber sett .
flePt plough.
• cultivator
•" 'corn shelter... ..
straw cotter. ....
cburn power....
" firkin ........ .....
hor.e rake
weeping' machine
butter pull
CLASS 111.—JeZATIM, AV. . ....:
Best pair Ilan hoots Country Gentleman
pair roarer boots' Are. AgrieultnrsUst
3 Side* hartere leather.... -Country Gentleman
" 1 Sides upperleather. 'Co. Get.,.24 AM. Az .
••3 stdealtole bertha:. ..... .. I ~ u•
eats doable hunters.— ..... 413..24 Am. Agrlearst.
actt single hurries'. .. ..... 3,2 d " ..
E. J. iingere, Mentrente,
. • C. 2. Foster. Montrose, dodge,.
E. C. Pordluttn, Mentrono, • . _
. t•
ntetston TI.-ctass 1.-nosterto 2rksitriacruluts.
Rest 10 yard. Ilssinel L 22, 24 sl' -.-
- 10 yards woolen carpet 2, 24 1
"10 yards rag carpet ........... 2, 24 1 ~ •
. pair woolen WAS ',. I, 2.1 ,lif ' '
"" I ,=l 3 o i rwTtil t e e n n ti ' rtleles.. 1 1', 1 4; iff
. lo yard') linen cloth 2,34 1
10 yards caeslmere
. 2,1 d 1 ,
piece toweling ' 1,2 d )6' '
. . -dies. Ralph Birchani„Jraporp, , Judges. •
" henl'l4 llll. 'l.7 gC. r .. h gl Oa ".. . ,I k'- ottna .B"iSi on .d2- ; ; Brldip) 1, 14.
we .
~ .ter' 11_, .,., ..1, ' , , ', 2,.1
.3:.,.:, • •
CLASS SL-71113 . AILTS, OASAIIINTAL irainza Iroliic; sq.
Rest dental wind.. . ~ .. ~••••A 1411 1 1'
.' Ambrotspea . , . •
e patchwork mink
:quilt et anykind d, Id I
(Trod ~ • "11,0• •
- . tidy enalr corer. ' .. 1 ' , “.f1. , :t
Sine enstooldery ' if '
chair enshlon. , ..... . i
" kelt shawl. . ... -.., -
" .coneetlois dereer . •
:: b' exl " ioircn.ravlngs ' ' - . -7: -- N . i - .
zu,..L...-,. • • • •-., • ••• -I; la -1 . x
- Gwen:tip:tor worsted,work: - ......... - .,..,4 ad K
" ornamental • needier:rod: ' '• I, Sid 'K.
" inninnwilkii: . • 4;;........ ... ;.:I .. • •.1 , , Id K
Mrs Charles lAthem. Mentroa
Di 1l
, •
• Dirt: 0. S. HAW'S'', N'WMilfoM. 'lUdireiL .
Um Wln: alum% litquirtme. ••" • .
minium i'yq...-a:A., ca. -VApittIiIItiIATEDAZTICI2II.
L. F, Vila, Montrose,.,
. • - , J. B. McCollum; DonnEcdr„ •
Ides. Win. 11. Cooperjiliontrow Ju
1101• D. R...nthrir ontroae,
A. t
il:MAWItte ; i Coe_, .
it LD N R
WIC R.I.TEBBtrpi Pieddent.' '' ' • '.• . ' • '
. R. O. filllXß,Seentia• -
Montrose,' Jetta 2, IWO. ' • , , ':, ', ', ,' ';',.
cisterns °rimy
feet, and throw
drapidly. Any
and keep them
it up according
ey never fail to
... 2O $3
4, Id Country Gent.
Co. Gent. 4d Am. Ag.
C o. ?cut., :?d
WOll6, JOST. CA1L111461611
2, 24 3
. 3, 51 Am. Agrienrat
3, 51 Country Gent.
. 3, 24 jot. Agricerat
.Country Gentleman .
. country Gentleman
rm. Arolenltorallst
CutinU7 Gentkatan,
J., A. TiJitrla