The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 08, 1870, Image 3

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    Cubit guano giuctorg.
Tar Naar in Alt Directoil, one year, 111.504.
eaci adaktfisli 144 - 50. Of,
WUB i GEM OMee,"aid dollen In Grocer ,
j rAt i fe k sq ll4 Ai ike ! cr..ker 7 ., etc.. Public Ace
JANE CAIPIALT, Attorney at Lief; - Winer cite
dooelbelow Tatbell Elam, Public AVMIIIC.
WX.ll:obOttle sielt 'Foreign -This
=WU sadDralto on Itngland, Ireland and Scot-
01114rillIMOIOI4dIstiig taloon:' Owe. - ect
-110 COOL Oysern and awn% In elm etylo. On Man.
111111100tiao - BitoWN , Omani Fin! Bodine bunt.
Allioditiloatia aleo.diell ilailnoul and ',caldera Tickets
WaidereoPaliraad phtladeiphfa Onion one door mei
- -
tiessial Insurance and.ftwing 11a
reD"-Pabiks se,_ • ;
Z. TAILSOT—thAM ,„,0 4 ..„.. z u gr ee i r a l . es sod
Oride i rs and Ileitcatrienta, an
e IL Sayre& Brother*.
glallOLS; Meiotic-5 te act Dmpt and Medi
clue*. Mara Tobecce. Pipes. Poekeelluaka, Specta
cle*. Yealnee No!lose. Public Avenue.
COX. Harness maker and &eller le all articles
- *WM kept Irtthe trade. opposite the Dank. •
liii.lrßOTH't CO.. - Dealers In Stores. Hardware,
74*Miura* at Tin and &beelines ware, corner
101111-Tartiptke Weft: .
Man* tTNIS Merchant Tailors and dealers In
Oath*. ihinamanno, and Furniahlm Moods. and
Arm* tise
!pager fteriar NLactdoe. on Main Street,
rimming baimag.
"R6I.LARIh-Dwkt• la Ontee.lee. Provirlena.
Books. Stationery and Yankee Notions, at head ol
Mae Armee.
Ir. SPORE a CO., Dollen In Stoves, Hardwire.,
_=lAl uou lasa m lonen:s, Now and Onxeries, oppo.
EATNSFOIM & lIITCHRL. Livery and Exehance
01101•41 u tear al Bank building. ' _
J. a. Dswirr i CO.. Dealers In Dry Goode, Gard
IMO asil general inerebandlae, corner. near Brick
V. 11110,111XAMR. New Kinard. Pa., keeps coustootly
Initlnne Crab ground Cayuga Plaster, for sale et
W: a. IIIZAD. Fotmdry, and dealer in Plows and other
ittondk, one door from Phlmey'a Hotel. Main St.
IL F. 11111111t1t. Cirrtige Mater and Crodertsicer, on
law &tweet, two doors below Ilawley's Store.
NoCOMMIVIOTTIEILS. I/midi in 4:02w-erica hntl
iranlikaits. os lialp atreet,
Lomita 4F3SON. Deaden in Flour. Peed. Meal,
Wt. Lime, tatineat, Groceries and Provisions on
Skeet, • • • • Ire the Depot.
W. i T. RATTIVq, , Manufacturer. of Clgar• and
Wholesale clealeto la Yankee Notions and Fancy
Geode. on Isla Steftt. beau Episcopal Chweli. •
41089 a HEAP. Leather Wanufacturcra and dealers
it llidiocco Findings, &e., near Episcopal Church. •
AIM a HAIM% Dealer* In Drugs and Medicine*,
Hulot Nanufactitrem greigate, on Main erect, near
W. BIMPRICSB. Rom ShoeJaz and general Repairing
es Nlsla Street, south of the bride.
J. DICIKEICKAS. au,. 'Thaler In general merchandise
end acithlng. Brick Store. on .Vain St:wt.
WWPFL JEilltSD;licalers In gwocial Men:handl..
01 Yale &MOT.
X. X. HAWLXY. Danlyr In mend Mr:shawllnc, on
Main Street.ipposite Pldnney's Hotel.
15,-,MitHEnt. Minot.=laser of Leather, and dealer
la general Nerehandlae. on,lialu Ste. et.
U. Y. DORAR; Radiant Tailor and dealer In Ready
Nada Clothing, Dry Goods, Orocerit. and Y'roviaione.
Xalia Stma..
or HIRAM R:Wenalkettimr o t and dm In enrll
nom, sad Csts
EDWARDS t DRYART, Minttfikorera of WIIg0171!
and Inetzba, near the Ingalls. Store.
gotai gatelligence.
'lrhelthAnnualTali of the Niebotgon Agri
tialtcLanl iirM be held on their Grounds
In Nicholeon, on thel4th, 15th and 16th days (d'
Sept. next. _ W. IL DIZIGOA,
40_ vOL
toe'beld 'at Good Templars''
Salt in Near 3Glfoid, 'an:Wednesday, June 15,
afternoon and evening. The proem& to be ap
plied to the pareltase of an Organ for the 3L
aurervisor. Mr. D. Brewster, is making
some good improvements in our roads through
'',Curet commenced on Monday last, and the
special gem_ having been cOntinued , an &town
telinOf April Coact washeld, wine' it adjourn
ad Mtindayadternoim, - nntil the regular term
lat4ugast next. Judge Streeter presided.
—A boy by the name of Wm. McMullen fell
inte_4.nos' Lake on Monday last, and would,
have been drowned in a very short time longer,
had not a comrade rescued him by means of a
fish pole which he notebednut tOlds assiatarice;
Bemis 'iniSintible for a short time after belni
placed upontlie Idiom
—The Spnoopal Social meets at the house of
COL Spec on Friday evening neat.
--We have htiil no frosts in this vicinity skim
March last, Aptil L and May having been =mar
l** 11111 M and dry. The season is at kwst two
weeks cu*r than, usual. Fruit of all kinds is
—A friend who is a little interested said to us
the cher'day, that those sawdust and tanbark
walks, which we rrafctii:d to last creek, 'would
illitl°l4*o43l,l4ailk,aathe latter did not last
mare than= tine rats. There is a plain reason,
are beliete , Why ihewalks in our borough do
net last longer. We notice invariably that the
plank are laid close to the ground, and as tight
lagathilt asthey can be conveniently compress !
ed. The philosophy of the preservation of wood
is, that the sooner the moisture can be dried out
4,11 , the longer it will last. Experience has
tewitt in other towns. that plank from four to
iheraineliei Wide; laid on bed pieces three or four
baler from the ground, and a Idlace of a guar :
ItstraNf awthelsbetweeneacb plank will lam from
thin iwtitilefirt. - - The fact la that the air can
cirrldite wider and dry out the moisture. It is
obterintble by ;that our - walks decay from
the Inalarside, as the lop remains sound until it
11016 4xattlib, fdlewhw the truth of this theo
ry. Anothervet r p 11N:torte= object isgained by
preventing the plank-hum warping.
'-L-ilev,4Arniti; Pptter iiptliettai in the nil
tretsslist taiiiii&o&niaittnettithig,June 12th,
-40 horse :belonging' to.;LeOnard Searle
cilagaVl anent-the stem whistles;
44311 1 .,-541 - 05 nt inB QF.tbe carnage. The.
funiiiirisalsowourewhat injured, Our people'
nitisTettekl4 'Mtn used io whisths before the
E5a 17 5 , 14 49 a r e, -
=We iliftat Masai Sayti Bnithas manufac
tory the other diy,and through thepoliteness of
Ir. %w on Sayre, their very efficient clerk, we
were shotn through some portion of their caps;
elms buildings. 'We' hare often heard
muted that Sayre Brothers hid done more for
the growth otidontrosettaul'anynneel.*; and,
whey we catieio:nee this largeauicitut of ma=
ditheri;nini s l44* IMPleinentiOrtit tilt
whkh they ite - vosisuidly 'arid
tbelsrse number of—workneti employed, the
. . .
truth of the assertion wasinore than verified.- -
Had they,tlielMmlsit,wgh the-Wrig,t# l 7)4 l .lt.
I:ll;3pla s kiit' We billeVC. liar flialliia Mitailifisir
would not bang fire sMtnOtlths, f??.ldiFy would ,
build it themselves.
... .
. —We are fully aware that boys beCome than
and That as the "twig is bent the tree is inclined"
i i ,
and still further.. t at the repkation of a place is
meilsi and ip th chiirFetit ailtstnhabitantit If
judged more by to con - uci off' t e boys * anr
youth than from any other condition. We men
tioned not longsince a - habit which we have
noticed of their occasionally congregating to
blow cow ; 'toms and ; othertrise,disturb,, the still
watches of the night; and that we lx loved duty
to our communityvand the welthre of the youth
demanded Mit it shOulO'be abated, but we find
the same or similar fmffes.still,continue and we
would call theatterdion of - the people, parents
1 and guaranis of our:borough to the fact once
more. Is It 'net:emery that Mese concerts of
Awns, drams, obscenity, and profanity should
'be repeated to diiturb the weary and the hive,-
lid ? We often see our peace officers 'conduct
ing some poor downfallen inebriate to the jail
because the whiskey which he contains is a lit
tle troublesome and we make bold to say that
the lemons which -our youth receive in these
night revels may !cad to thesame condition,and
fund parents may be shocked to find one of their
sons in the same position. The minds and ae
lions of thoughtless youth used to be shaped in
the right direction. -
Who can Beat Thls.
E. Goodrich, In the Owego Ga:rtte says: Two
years ago the tenth of next month I milked four
cows that gave 165 Ids. of milk that day. I
have now five cows that gave last Saturday,
May 28th, as follows:
One two-year-old heifer, 34 his.
One threelear-oldkeifer, 31- ••
One six-year -at .,
One seven-year-old,
One eight-year-old, 46 "
3laking in all that day, 214 INA,
The three oldfmt are„ the same cows, and the
3-year old was milked last year. Just please to
bare this beat about twenty times in this coun
ty and I wolf& be jealous.
Mr. IL Tuttle, of Gibson, who has been P. M.
In that place for a number of 3 - mm past, has
sold his house and lot to IL M. Tingley, for
MO, and Ls about taking up his residence with
his son in the township of Arid, Wayne county.
Mr. Tuttle has been a citizen of Gibson for
about twenty years, and bears the fullest confi
dence and respect of that community and his
departure will be regretted. Our county will
loose an unassuming, upright and intelligent
citizen and sound Democrat.
The following are the names of the Sheriff;
elected in the County of Susquehanna from its
organization to the prewnt time:
Edward Fuller, Montrose, elected in 1812.
Austin Howell, do " - 1815.
Samuel Gregory, Bridpwater, •• 181 K
Philander thephens,Spnng,ville, " 1821.
Samuel Gregory, Bridgewater, •• 1 ts 2 4.
Charles Chandler, Lenox, •• 1827.
Joseph Williams, Bridgewater, •• 1820.
Charles Avery. Montrose, 1833.
William Hartley, Lenox, " IKai.
Walter Follet, Ilerfonl, 1839.
Thomas Johnson, Auburn, " 1842.
N. C. Warner, Bridgewater, " 1845.
C. M. Gere, liroollvn, 1848.
G. IL Eldred, Montrose, •• 1841.
F. P. Hollister, 3liddletown, - ' lEcit
John Young, Minna, - 1857.
K V. Green, Milford, " 1860.
David Summers, Newllilfund, . " 1803.
Samuel F. Lane, 3loarose, 1806.
Wm. T. Mosley, New Milfonl, - 18611.
Whole number of Sheriffs, 20. There are elev
en ex-Sheriffs living, five of whom live in the
borough of Montrose (Avery, Warner, Gem,
Eldred and Lane). Charles Avery is the oldest
now living, and S. F. Lane the youngtst.
There has been but one death warrant exeen
led in the Munty, that by Sheriff Gregory. It
is said that Sheriff Stephens had eonscientioes
scruples about executing a death warrant, and
that the time was postponed until Sheriff Greg
ory was re-elelected. Ile is the only Sheriff who
has held the office two terms.
Penns, - Is - auhs State Teachers' APMO.
The "Pennsylvania State Teacherit' Associa
tion" will hold its next annual session in the
Court House, in the city of Lancaster, on the
9th, 10th and 11th of August next.
Arrangements are in prorr, ess for the 44rgmt
and most imposing assemblage of le teachers
and friends of education from all parts of the
State which has ever been seen In the history of
the Association
The proginmnie of oxcereigoiciiibMees n list
of the vital ocicii=itional topics of the day. This
programme will be publi,shed in fall in the July
number of the &Awl Juurnal.
Every possible arrangement will be made for
the comfort and convenience ormern Item. These,
together with the maniac, arrangutnenta, will
be announced in due time.
There is room in old Lancaster—its spacious
court-room, and ample and cheap hotel alTAlll
modalions for all who will come.
• Local veireixtpera througlund the 4 , 1' qtr will plow
call attention to this notirr.
Penna. State 'Ft...metiers Asstx:.
Binghamton Items
From the Lender.
—Messrs. Shapley & Hopkins, of the Bing
hamton Iron Works, hnve removed their office
to No. CC Wtshnigtartiltreet, in the new. block.
—Messrs. Noyes' will vacate the old Comb
Factory building, at the foot of Sanford street,
on the fuss of July. They are ameentrating
their tuachinky at "Lewis' Ville
—The freight or the D. L. S: W. Railroad,
which was formerly transferred at Great Bend.
now all comas to this place, both from the east
and west.
—The stable of Mr. Orcutt, on Carroll street,
was deatroyed by fire last Friday night, May 27;
together with four fine horses, six carriages,
harness, etc. The loss e.e , ..ds $3.000, insured
for 2,425. The fire was the work of an incendi
ary. A suspicious person was seen skulking
about the premises a short time before the fire
was diScovered. Moore it Bigler's barn, stand
ing near, was badly damaged by the fire. In
sured for ir3oo. Houses in close proximity were
alsoAlunatml slightly; by heat.
—:bliturday evening, May of fire
waS again given, 'Which proceeded '.6 . •: . ina - the'
basement of -the bakery - of .i.aureui 'nyder:gust , in
lAFayette block It was probably occasioned
by sparks from the oven. • It was quickly extin
— Last Friday evening, May 27th, war was
tleebtred.neu thesouttmtul ilf.the.Rockbottom
bridge, by a couple of fellows named Frawley
and Reardon, against the Shannessy
These yopug*iimallati. nn,9ld - gnldge: against
Shartrit ; 7onatielifilifider the tfifttience
of liquor, felt powerfully strong, and thought
with the . 'BPaistpnCe ,.. of stories and clubs they
could give hint -On of the stones
hit Mns. Shatutessy, severely injurinF her. Bar
ney Faun who,hap : , :fled to be a . looker-on, bad
Lis Cieetvidly mashed by a brick, thrown at the
intruders by Sinuniesiej: Peace was ithially re
stored, and > Sawley and flearden were arwnted.
On seeing the pollee approaching thiy took to
the riverin'a bMit, but afinv shots brought them
to time.
" •
Luzern!" County.
7TkeMail train south, Thursday, run over
Aildlnkid i in/tin nitiniA*ffilinn O'Brien, °Sect
Lion man' inithe einplay of the D. L. & W. RR
, a , ...:, ,.: ..•
~--011 - ailpraili, May 28th, tiatriek Purley
ii,i . pke Into the - house of Mrs. Began, in the
Ilioteh, end, laid vioiCnt hands on her personal
feibits.' Tesiertiaite Viii arreited 'by officer
'Rosenthal!, had a-tearing before Alderman
Watres, and committed to tho.ootmty Jail.
—The D. L. & W. wt. CO, are now engaged
in laying the second track between this city and
Clark's Grcen. This will give them greater Es
cility for shipping coal, as trains run to the
Green, which is a heavy grade, and by having a
second track, they will be able to do so without
I l i
detriment o loss to the ,reguLar trains passing
over the No hern Division. ..
1 —A repo was!crirremt Monday, May Nth,
I that W. C. Brainard, the proprietor of the St.
Charbat, bad bcen t taken prisoner on Canadian
soil, while galbmtly leading a company of Fant
ails. Mr. B. at the time was absent from the
city, and this gave credit to the report, but we
have every reason to disbelieve it, as be person
ally assured us this morning that it was a big
hoax.—&raatoa Iknicerat.
—Thomas 31artin, while going up Lackawan
na avenue, met a party of roughs in Rout of the
Exchange block, who, w ithouf a work of warn
ing, stabbed hint in the side with a lohg knife,
Wieling a very severe wound, it being some rive
inches long,.—iforning Nara.
Bradford County.
—A Ministerial Association has been organ
ized in this place, in which all the protestant
ministers take part. The Association meets
every Monday morning for prayer and religious
—Quite a menagerie is . being collected on the
public square. There are now two caglm and
four foxes on fire exhibition.
—Henry Campbell and Jones escaped
from Jail, in thisplace, on Wednesday, June Ist.
It appears that they had made the attempt a few
nights previous by sawing, off one of the iron
bars in the window, but were detected before
their purpose was accomplished, and were then
placed in the "dark cell." But lore, whether the
object is a pretty girl, or freedom, laughs at
locks and iron bars; so these young men set to
work and took up some of the plpnks from the
bottom of the cell, and dug a hole through into
the kitchen and then made good their escape.—
Bradford Reporter.
-pr: Bullock says that the first court in Brad
ford county was held ht. January, 1813, at the
tavern . house of Wm. Means, in Towanda ;
and Simeon Kinney, Ethan Baldwin, and Al
phonse C. Stuart, were then .the. only resident
attorneys in the oaunty.—Bra4ford Arpm.
Elmira Jail Delivery.
On Saturday evening, May ?,Bth, as the keep.
er of the Chemung county Jail was entering the
prison to luck the prisoners in their cells, he was
knocked down, tied and gagged, and at a later
hour, when the outside attendant, a Miss Situp
son, opened the door to let the Jailor out, five
of the prisoners rushed past and over her, and
made their escape, viz: Thos. \V. Ray, charged
with robbery; Alonzo liibler, under a two
years sentence ut Auburn, for grand larceny ;
Oscar L Ibtsh, charged with fiilse pretences;
David Short, charged with arson ; James Sa
mois, n boy, for stealing. Ten other prisoners,
in for minor offenses, did not escape,
Ray, who appeared to be the boss of the job,
has bcvn-re-captured..—Olorgo Gant e.
A ludicrous mistake which might almost be
pronounced a bull, occurred in a cow Lase,
through the heedlessness of a hotelier's appren
tice, In this plate, a few (lays since. Mr. Charles
Handing tine of our most enterprising matt
market men. purchased of Mr. Arnolda fat cow,
which; with the assistance of his apprentice was
driven to the slaughter yard and shut up for a
hilef season, preparatory to her going the way
of all 'leak. In due time, Charley directed his
man to bring the cow to the shambles. The
bright butcher boy—who for the sake of nomen
clature we will call Jerome—went to the yard
and foundi the victim had taken the wings of
the morning—or some:other means of locomo
tion and flat Jerome went forth to hunt the
fugitive and, as he supposed, found and brought
Geri° the block. Charley, on seeing the car
cass, complained that the cow hadn't turned
out well; and felt that he had been sadly de
ceived In weight and condition of the "critter."
Shortly after these events, Mr. G. C. Miller be
gan to make search for a small lean fleshed new
'ached cow. No trace was found, she * was ad
vertised as "strayed" ke., in the papers.
Arnold in a day or two was surprised at behold
ing what he had a right to suppose was the ap
parition of his defunct cow. "Here was con
fusion worse- confounded." After several days of
mystery, it began to be thought that there had
been some mistake. It turned out that the
butcher boy who, probably, is not largely devel
oped in the bumps of size, weight and color,
had driven Mr. Miller's cow into the yard and
killed her, instead of the one intended. The at
fair closed 'up with nn explanation, a good round
price for a voor piece of beef—a better one on
hand not yet killed and a discharge of the "bould
booteher bOy."-7'unki oranork Demoerat.
Medical Society.
The send-annual tneeting of the Susquehanna
County Medical Society was held on the Ist
inst., at liqpbottont. Instead of traversing what
used to be known as the Milford and Owego
turnpike to Brooklyn, we followed the route
that was formerly the Plank Road, to the Hop
.hottom creek, a mile or
. more below its source,
and thence along its course through a pleasant
valley to its junction with Martin creek.
We found the cosy little village of Brooklyn
all alive on account of its being the time and
place for the State Convimtion of Universalists,
many delegates to whit% we saw on the way
thither. Brooklyn compares favorably with
other plaits in the county in its improvements
and evidences of thrift. A cloudy sky without
rain, aid Ili refreshing breeze, greatly enhanced
the pleasure of the two hours ride from Mont
rose to llopbottom, a place we found to be
growing and increasing in business, if appear
ances are At all to be relied upon. The numer
ous -passenger freight and coal trains on the
Railroad arc enough to make any place lively,
but them seems to be a good dcml of other trav
el, anti we 'found the enlargal hotel of 31r. NU
mirth Suring:ed .- with guests. This has become
an ImporhMt point from which to ship stock
and prodmin to the Eastern markets.
The Illedical Society was well attended—
niejubcieWn k, present front 3lohtrose - , Brook:
lyn, lkiichOlscm, Ilarford, New 31ilford, Great
Bend, ands South Gibson. In addition to the
usual ronti e of businms, there was a large at,
tendance o patients at the Clinic, some of whom
had come from the Northwest corner of the
countY, a distance of 30 miles. It is very desire
ble, for thel future, that those wishing to avail
themseirm of this gratuitous service of the Scr•
del'', shou'd through some of its members pre.
viously nolify the Secretary, so that their eases
may receive prompt attention. If -this Is borne
in mind,te malt of our Clinic may be " made
more adv tageous to all concerned.
Our host Is a oak plain,` - tina ssth
ho knows "how to keep a hotel" His ac
commodations for a large number of guests are
ample, and the appointmentt of the dining-mom
are firstclun. A mom invidng and appetizing
meal is seldom spread befoak th e I mam , than
the dinner to which wo did Ample justice.
This SCAM; barmonloasi l busy, Interesting
and profitable, adjourned at 4 r. u., to meet at
Montrose. pa thp •TiVie r silay Atlnuary
nex t, A V t
Our homeward route was over the hills of the
old Milford and Owegtritirtipikcfrom Brooklyn,
and at the close of a day' aelightrully spent, we
were prepared to enjoy the 'welcome supper in
waiting for us.
Thus agniu the Metlieul &duty. Long may
It Willie. 8.
The Place
To find goods very cheap, and In great varie
ty, where they keep the the largest stock,—
bought at the latest decline of prices, and with
an eye to the wants of the community, is at the
store of M'Kenzie, Faurot& Co. We have new
dross goods, new white goods, hosiery, doves,
parasols and sun umbrellas, silks, ribbons,
trimmings, notions' cloths and cas.simerm, etc.
A first class cutter in the clothing department.
Butter pails sent freo and prompt returns made.
Best monitor pails for sale. Give them a call,
and satisfy yourselves of the above.
Consx—ln New Milford, on Wednesday May
231 h, Mr. Leonard Com, in the 71st year of
his age.
Bot ma—ln Forest Lake, May 38, of ccnisump
tion, Mr. Obed Bolles, aged 38 yews.
Annv—ln Lathrop, on Sunday, May 28th, Mr.
John Aney, aged Ot
Corrected weekly by William Hodsdon, 231
Fulton St., New York. •
Week ending tr c 4.1810.
Butter, pail .... 20@30
" firkin 26(403
Cheese, dairy, per lb.. ... ...... . ...... 14015
" factory " 15016
Eggs, per doz 17018
Flour, per barrel , 4 50@:1.50
('urn meal, 100 lbs. 2.2002.30
Wheat, per bushel 1.2001.50
Rye 1.0001.06
Oats 68069
Corn " ........ .......... 1.16q61.18
llops, crop of 1869 .. .. 15018
Beef, sides, per lb ...... ...... 1.3015
" '
flogs, 9012
Potato, per bbl ........ .......... 1.5002. 60
Tallow " 9010
dew Advertioemtato.
" Lost Abroad."
Send fur specimen pagek threlary. terms. ete.
Jane $ Address S. M. Bate, t Cu. 11.rtfoni, Conn
Rev: Albert Barnes'
Beldam. for Everybody: Pays ViAl to gam ant month.
Send for CirruLarti to ZEIGLER. McCCRDY & CO. 15
South Tixth St , Philadelphia, Pa. Dune 8-4
Twenty Years Among The
33 - iallts cfc Bears
550 Pages Finely Illustrated. Price $2.50
It ehoss the mysieriee of stock and gold gambling. and
the miseries of unfortunate epeculation, and reposes the
swindles. tricks and frauds per operators. It tells how
millions are made and lost In a day, how shrewd men are
mined, bow Corners" are made in grain and produce•
how women speculate on the street. etc. Agents want
ed. We pray Freight Went. Send for terms.
June 8-4 J. B. BURR & CO., Hartford, Corm.
T u. IS NO 11B31111D1 I
By seadnitt 35Cente, with ann.
height, color of eyes and balf, you wilt reeelve, by re
turn mall, a correct picture of your future husband or
wife with name and date of marriage. Address W.
PDX, P. O. Drawer No. Si, Fu:tonville, N. Y. Lies--4
7r33.8.1191 exact 4:701E5a1".13137131,
eo co:moan TO
Increased Facilities fur (hub Organizers.
&,1 for New York 'Wee List.
( r. 0. twx. 5643.) at .S 6 Si Vevey fit., Non York. Dct3-4
az lam
By J. B. BEADLE, editor of the Salt Lake fteixTrter.
lking an Repose of their &trig Rita, Ceremonies.
and Crimea.
With a ton and anthentic kvtoly oH'OLYGAUY and
the Mormon Sect, from its orfpf xi to the pre ent time.
Acenta are meeting with unprecedented m ere a ; one
report. Ti antweribers in two tlawt,and 19 the tint day.
Send for eizenlnrn. Aald vet VCATIONAL PUBLISH
ING CO., Philadelphia.. Wine 13-4
They nre a rare mare-for Sore Throat. Cold. Crotty.
Diptheria. Crilarrb or lioarrtmeoa ; woo a rticceserul
remedy for Kidney Dilikultier Price Z cents per box.
Sent by mail au receipt of price, by .4. Q. KELLOGG,
34 Plan St., Neva York. Sole Agent for N. Y.
PW - Suld by all Drogglots. (June 8-4
Book Agents Wanted the
Atitu-Itiwrsequol Personal Recollections of
The whole enlivened with adertinz incidents fall of
intere.t and pethoe. Fifty thouoand eotd the loot five
months. People will buy tbin.notwithotanding the hand
times. It in a pica,ure to eLli It, for it h. doing mach
good. This work In rpiendidly honnd and Illustrated.
Addax H. C JOI:INSoN,
June 8-1 10. kI Arth Street. Philadelpha, Pa.
634 PER DAV.
11.64Datose VlTemiat4tocil ovelywhem (or
with which la GIVEN AWAY that superb and world-cc
lammed work (dart, klarchairs flonaehold !Hoof
The best paper and grandest engraving In America.—
AMits report making $17,1441f ei - day.:"Billeicaee
than bisok andtprodtagreatell." iilde.liwakeAgerits,
Tiwchers, Clergymen and other*, tale or female, shoal
and at once fur copy at paper, and full particulars of
this entirely new and unprecubmted combination. In
which there Is more money than anything bow offered.
A. H. HUBBARD, Publisher,
Jane 13-1 Oil Chestnut St., Phirs.
Am't of bonds unpaid, 1809, $1.550.00
" duplicates, • 2,078.00
Exoneration, 376.1 C
Collectors' per centhge,
Treasurer's '' ' 8.10
['aid on bonds and other expenses, 1,6511.66
Leaving to be provided for, • 200.00
Some bondholders charged compound intermt.
Wr certify the above to be correct.
R. H. fignsrPrEt'i t a
W3L IdEEKT.II,Tr. f •`-u`'itGF A '
Silver Lake, June 1, 1870.-3
The undersigned are now prepared to ex
change Cotton Warp and ul'-w,*ni Flannels,
Cassuneres, Tweet's, and Stocking Tarn for
Wool, on favorable tenns. Also, will manufac
ture cloth by the yard, or on sitarist, and are con
fident we can give satisfaction to all Wool
Carding and Cloth pnssing W: 1 1111. _
witicluT.Bnos.& souTuival..
Forest Lake, Vine • .
WIZARD OIL and nearly everything
sr Mato
' DR.' COBURN'S • --
Inhaler & Inhaling 'Fluids.
.8. V. LACEY. M. D. racer' Va. 76-
7=o'l 18807.--ane
NEw rtior,
Tbe saboctibere WO now receiving twin New York a
now and freak stock of
which will be sold at a low figure the cub. Among the
munch:gm artlaba may be found
Flour, Ilamo,Dried Beef, Smoked Halana,Cod
jiali, Matizrel,dt.
Tear, Coffee, fiapirs,. Mice, Mace, Waretenbire Sauce
Canned Peaches. Peals, Pine Apples,Sweet Cure, Tama
toes, Quinces, and Plums, Cocoa, Patina,
Extract Lcaman, etc. Ste.
All kinds of SPICE, Citron, Orange Teel, etc
A Sol Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, etc.
AU of whtcb eau be warranted as first data goods, and
In addition to the Grocery trade, we have purchased
Geo. C. Mire News Office, where you can find a good
selection of Stationery, Books, Dolly. Weekly and
Monthly Papers, Magasines. Books and papers not oh
hand will be ordered and Ibrotshed on short notice with
out extnicharge. Special our. given to orders. No trou
ble to show goods--so drop in acid *co for yoarselvce.
Pr - Goods dalivered.without extra charge.
C. M. Graz,
Montrose, May IR, ISIS.
3Eravtai abases Crearsis,
Scoot= ezzaci Mllhays,
Etc. &c. &c.
We keep n ECLI. STOCK of the above aril
cies, and sell them at the
Call and examine our Stock.
Montrafe, May .3, 1870
Owalosse-Beseni roe set Pewit= '')"
Pamphlets free. J. P. DDISN011&
• No. SS Ney St., New Yort.
• Soli by Druggists gesaaltr.
Mani 16. 1670.-7
Want good =so as agents in this county. Tbtrtntereso
bearing plan. exelasfvely used by Ibis Company, enables
agents lo da a large -bustesa.aad abtala_ ..viettarsoma,
where no other plan win. onacemmt of IM ttrommatur
equitable fettoms—porridhig is D does. inanzbedurhaz
IMIDDICITDOS •eractfaititmar an:old'and yoang.Mh.
gentscut Imam unusually mO eastraets by leadntaltir
• - MINORU= ir. 7 =.l.oFir. likerete4 4,4 •
-• ties weinutisimm-Philadelvida. Pa. '
.lna61;11311:6.-10,01, •
The Best in tse
And where lad trill And
I argil, nacrs. bat
lilienberg, "Rosenbaum of .Co s
Large and !madame , ' selection of
rot men. boys' and youths' aedr. Find selentl?n Of
For Custom Work. We take measures and make up. gar.
metda to order, after the newest sad most tasty styles.
Large rariely of PLUCK (MUDS to sell by the yard. A
fine variety of Gents' FURNISULNO GOODS, Neckties,
Bow!, Paper and Linen Collars, Shirts, Trunks Satch
els, Umbrellas, etc, Large selection of newest styles of
of various materlaL In oar Dry Goods Department yOn
Silks, Poplins. Mobairs, Alpacas (Mack and aD the lead
ing colors and shades, Piques,Xertades, printed Orpui
dies and Muslims, French Ging •Wms, etc.
Table Linen, Towels, Napkins, SWISS Mullins, Jam:Lets
PARASOLS. Sunshades, Skirts. Corsets, Kidd and
Lisle Threa6ol,Dres, Hosiery, Himdkeretdefs, Collars and
cub., etc.
SHAWLS, BAQUES. of 'varione material and In differ
ent styles DRESS TRIMMINGSand Buttons, Mareell..
Trimming, Puffing, Fringes, etc.
DOMESTIC GOODS, Minns, Calicos, Ticks, Maims
We have a largo .election In trimmed and untrimmed
nat., Rundowns, Flowers, Ritdxmo, Satins, I:llnsions,
Laves, Blonde, Frames, blackand colored Crepev, de.
The price/ton all our Goode are marked away DOWN
and will defy all competition. One geode ore bought in
large quadtities. and @elected with great are, and we
flatter ourr,iven that we an give eatisfactlun to all.
Nontrorm, May 11,
To soots to eell the celebrated WILSON SEWING MA
CHINES. The poet machine In the work,. Batch elike
on both alders Oue Machine without Mosey. Fur farth
er particular*, address 33 N. 9th at., l'hll'a, t0019m3,
Saa — Dollar Family Sewing Machine, The cheap
est First Class litarhtne In the 'Market. Agents wanted
to every Town. Liberalcommtsalun alloorial. Fur terms
and clrentar, address A. S. Ilasamos, Gen. Agent, No.
VOCheetaut at., Philadelphia. Pa. (may lit--amfh•
Beauty and elasticity of Stitch.
Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery.
trolng both threads directly firma the 'pools.
No faitening of seam by hand and no waste 01
Wide rage orapplicatiori ulthoat change dallied
The seam means Its beauty and %moms a/lei-mob
Ingtad Ironing.
Besides all kinds or work done brother flowing Whs.
Alines these !Lachine. execute the most , besatind
and penninient Embroidery and ornamental work.
1111'The Highest Premintits at all the rah* and exhi
bition& atria United Buttes and Enropn, have been
awarded the Grover 6 Baker Sewing Machines, aid
the work done by them, wherever eaMbltcd In comp*:
LlK.hvery When prize. TIM CROSS OP
i c Ol OP HO NOR, was eon ferret! cm the represent
atives of the Grover ft. Raker Snaring Ifeehtees, at the
Ezpoeitlon Unlvereelle, Part*. MI. thee attesting
their =eft euperlorlty Over all other Searing Machines.
For vale by F. B. CHANDLER, Montrose
Jane 1. Iyr
Cucumber Wood Pumps
The•llest and Cheapest Pumps ever made.
Durable, reliable, accurate and perfect, and give
no taste to the. water.
They are adapted
depth of well upto
water very (many
one enn put them
in repair, In when
to directions,"
give perfect satis-
Every Pump gal by me or my. Uuthorized.
ageut.guaranuetml genuine.
624 and 620 Filbert shirt,
Air. 6-Cm
ALL ilit; it r FOIL 1870.
231:7R.VILZa l or:
lain cookout mr-eipi of NEW ritrONs, by which Me
ssrbrtmemt le romlorce More nod more eoreplete am;
attraMiro for aN Mr omit cult:Nes 011040 pm INS.
• la New Dry. Goods, tiro Gliarkii; • • •
New Mirdwahr, mut Sturßona,lnia. - Mtitlans, •
Agues, OW.- iket ,, lSAas,•*4la ititecillodOw Skate
Rau &Cape,B4lalo lta6ota4dp
• 81:04.0114 trlti aN phtdat the •-•
pow f . terms
New INUent, Jan:lß7o.
Kecp rrotufr applied, wifi
, ,
Drzgi and Medicines. Cbagamte, Dye Stria. Wines &
Uqsots, Palms, Oils aad:Varzilab.:Ferflitatry,
lane, &saps, rahteeliatiosui,
Fresh from New Yoric
Ali titetoxort poptilar.PATlNV lit'Dtatittf eidd
this seeker, among which tiny be found
Ayre's and Jg 7
is i Family liedtelnetr, Berlsibohr•Bw
clau, Behest '• fhl mottle Syrup and Bea Weed
Dupottoo's and Cheese:owes re.
mete Ms, Hall's cough Salami
Wiehast's line Tree Cornbil,
. .
MAN Hair tionewee, 5t10.6 Ettenedr's Ned.
lad DiseoeeryiHoonem Ceti= Bitters,
. ElestetUe's, Womack Mere,
And marl other killdeer real nice end merit. brut
ourBtoek embracee• free assortment el every usu
ally kept In well iv:getter Dreg Storer.
sll7 — Prevcriptiona receive pritticniat:lettruition, and
aro carefully and promptly compounded.
v.. Store forinerly occupied try J. Elbe:raze
'A. B. IMS, •
Montmse. limb 33,161 XL • Amos Bileliol.B.
From this day ftllVllrd, we shall sell 7lour at
retail at
We hang out no false colors, but tam just
what we say.
While making Flour a specialty, oar Vock of
Will be kept full and sold at very mall profits.
New Milford, March 2,1870.—1 y
E I'. STA 31 P,
Flour, Silt, Butter, Port, Lard, Thtm, Salt Flab, Tallow,
Candlao, Crackers, Cheese, Coffee, Spices, Choke
Teao, Sugars,- Rice, 'Dried and Canned
Fruit. Tobacco, Chairs, Snuff,
and all other articles tumidly kept in a drat clue Grocery
and Provision Stott:
We will mark oar Gouda es low Pau we can abid, wet
Pell fore: eh, ur exchange fur ptodnee.
31ontroge, Feb. 2, 1270.—t1
The subscriber offers for sale the, valnable
Farm situated in Auburn township, 'lately be
longing to J.ll.BleCain. Said Cann contains two
hundred and eight acres, one hundred and sixty
Bens improved. There , is on said farm a first
class two story house andtiew barn ; two orch
ards ; a quantity of ftuU trees: Saidfarm is on
ly four miles from the Lehigh Valley Railroad,
well watered, good flintier, and in every way. a
first class farm. Persons in tlhnt ofa good aro
will understand that a chance to pmv..e such
pmperty is seldom offered.
For terms and particulars, inquire of •
As.sigrieeof 3.1 1 73 AL
• •
Also, for sale, the HOUSE and LOT Itt Mont
rose now occupied by J. IL McCain, with about
six acres of land belonging thereto... •
Assi E. WEEKS,
Montryse, Jut. 19, 18f0 11 . ° 7 ". a
• •4. •
C. A. SACKETDB Dental Kearns, New Illkal,PS.'
PartlaaLw attention Oren to all operations no tha wain
eal teeth. Artificial Toth Inserted in all the various
styles now in cm Perfect mildactlortgafirotiliefitaan.
Pomo astd see ma. and satisfy youraclanc Mice bony&
boors each MI.
Jan. 5, 1811. y
may barn nest. Seek reftagest once, either In the
Security. N. Y., • • - • $9.1106.000110
Manhattan. - • • • . - I.mmmo
North • . • IMIAO
Hanover, • - • • •• • 1:50,01119)
Girard. Philadelphia,. • 000,0X1 00
Enterprise, - • - ' • ' 000 CO
Or Norwich, Cann., chartered Ifity.ll3oll, the MdostStock
Co., In Connecticut Allot the above are old established.
diet clan Comparalee, lure, and reliable, having ham
tried and proven. Look out for little new wild at Com•
pante+ optioning np an over the Country lest to make
money. Call or send vont applications. and I will see
that yon are thirty dealt with.
EMMY C. M7s.
Fire. Life and Accident Insurance Agent, at the oillot of
W. D. Leek. Efq..,MOtareee.
Fehmar,y 1, 1$11).-tt
.for cisterns many
4, feet, and thmw
and raPidly. Any
up and keep them
- put up according
' they nicer fan to
du Just rctrumed from Now York milli • !Me a&
dillon to his asaal mock of choke goods.
Nos:Mom Nor. 24,18®. .
kind of Tcalomarkrt.Jast arifired.azdt
for sat. at Now York wholeltale /WO a OD•11-
sortment 6f coypgg. Day of moan savek tharnw
t ueso
Outroso. P 4.. Aprll27. UM/
Jaya arrived. and soUing
itanuota, ADSltra MAL
• - :
i t & . AItERwAN::';
Waltb.ani. Wiatohes
And warrantc46t thei Catixpaay ant:with every 'rata'.
Prim Lipt.sad doe-Apt:lvo Catalos, soot tow admin.
Onfern Med by norms C. O. 11 with t,haprivuege, ex
mizaticakbefura p i attimms ti zm ß ..
AP. lVBCbMn n tecmt, 11,d1,44041,12.
• ' ATION,
va theHene Cahn cans °Mc Rain inn trallon
Principks of Christian Ph
Imam on the Emmet Youth and the Italia WA",
to tea W% to Wreath
aid sadbl nodal i• !JOON witwithße the n hilictat. SoAssesied
.• HOWARD ASSOClAnankilex r.
nzautti cal
B. P. stssa,