The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 25, 1870, Image 4

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    The Montrose Democrat
: 4 1niuureim ressrWrnmscoxr Iffonxise,AT Motrreoes
!Wow: mamma Covaff, nr
13-A.1117.TA 3111 4 2",
IT $2 MS MIMI* is .6.70410:11, OM AT imp
gates or Advertising
Three-fourths inch of space, or 1665, make a sqnare.
One square s 3 Weeks or leas. $l.OO ; 1 mo. $1.36 ; 3 mo.
$4.150 6100.04.60; 1 year. $B,
Oneelablh COL, 1 mo, $2.150; a too. $4B ; 6mo. WM,
9 year, $31.00.
Otomusrter col., 1100. $6.150 ; 3 mo. $13.60 ; 6mo. $6O ;
I rear,
list,co l umn, 1 mo. $13.00: a mo. $11.3.00 ; 6 me. $39.00;
3 year. $33.00.
One column. 1 mo. I me. pe ; 6100. $6 0 .00 ;
1 year, $lOO.OO. •
Auditor's Notices, $ 960 ; Executors' and Administra
tors' Notices, $5lll. All cammunicrtions or limited or
individual interest, tOcts. perine. Obituary Notices, 10
cut. per lino. Marriage and Death Nm Ices bee.
Job Prbatlng executed neatly and promptly at
fah pr!
Deeds, Mortgages, Note,. Junticoe, Constables' ;
Betioul and otherbtanksfor sale. 1
'the farm and tittoidt *
Hill and Drill Coro.
Among the experiments tried during !
the year by Prof Daniels, on the Expert- ;
mental Farm of the University of Wis.
onsin, were some to test the comparative •
methods of hill and drill planting of corn,
both for grain production and when de- I • The invitation to the house represent'
signed for forage. . 1111EAVEN‘lrAIID. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Downing as intend-
Corn planted, in hills yielded 5.4 per ct. ; BY PA --
TIENCE WA t'l'F. ing to Le monogrammatically "at home." THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY
less than in drills. The general appear- ; on the evening mentioned. The cards of ; Dd. WALK ER'S CALIF(iftNla.
ance of that in hills was much the best, ; f'ordelitt Downing and Mark Antonio De
however, the ears being larger and better ' There was once a little child who want-
Monkie are tied together with white rib- ; VINEGAR BITTERS.
. i . ;
.•,., . MORK4THAN 5430.0u0
, PERSONS 2, , T, r:,..t. t 'a r ; _
filled at the tips. !ed to touch the sky. - Day by day she bon, and on' another card appears the
, E ,‘" t- Bear testimony to their IN cinder-
looked with lon ti at its soft, blue
That in hills had 10.9 per cent, of soft ' t g • • names of the bridesmaids and groomsmen
„, : e MI Curative Effects. a ~., p„ I , MO CONSUMPTIVE:I.-Providentially toy dau g hter
depths, and watc e the white clouds •D eet 1 was mutweil to health by simple means, with Out
corn, that in drills 11.4 per cent. in white' raised letters. again in savage •-•:• 2 WHAT ARE THEY? A ''?•• g' i?, medleine.• The particulars ,yill he sent free. Itztrattr
I come forth and play and , frolic there. i ,i
..„;-: • ••• a E. Hotisstow, Stock t on St. Brooklyn. Long Wand. ado
In theexparimenta with corn as a for- • 7,, ea P
; Morning and evening she saw the %lon - •
I contrast with the color of the parties.
) • • e ' •=• "' r.
age crop, equal quantities of corn were , . - : The bride is the daughter of I on•run,. 2 ,, a '97 al
of the sunrise and sunset painted t ere. ! •:- tal
sown broadcast and planted in drills, 3+ • - e. THE OLD WAY
' Night by night the stars came out and
feet apart ; seven bushels of seed to the , ,• . the House of Representatives, who is one • ".. ° ~t 1 1: I
dtwinkled,and the moon rode •
li danced and
acre being used in each ease. That plan- of the most aristocratic colored voters in "t, Ila t - ....1f 11.3:14:51. M i laCt4 INTO 1717.
tad in drills gave the best forage and the 1 in a car of silver and pearl up its blue •
; the happy district. s = ; „
; arches. So the little child looked and • I ' • i 4. ,'
greatest amount. I The groom is a Frenchman, is said to ;
,e, --- ______
looked and longed.,
"0 that I might lay - s 0
In another experiment eleven bushels 1v - be white, and, further, is unknown, except g- 7 2 . ' 1 : '
: my hand on the sky, and wrap its soft TUE.
per acre were sown broadcast, and seven that he is not obnoxious on account Of too ''''• ir 1. . .tl' itnriT iimrniplii Tn
planted in drills. In this case the broad-! folds around . me as . they floated . hy." And color, or of his future condition of servi- . . - 1 11 0: ;
cast sowing gave the greatest yield. I the child looked with longing at the far tntie. Pi .. fi
7.71 W titital Allitilltpali ita CO.LU
1 off line where earth and sky kissed each
Prof. Daniels remarks, in his report, A large proportion • of the iuvitations 8 -_-. p :: .
.3 • [ESTABLISHED 1861.1
that one reason broadcast sowing requires a- 1 , 4 'a ~.: .
If I were only
. standing on the tops of g A it ' Nos. 31, 33, 35 k 37 Vevey Stree t .
more seed is that all the seed is not coo-, me were sent to Senators and Represents - ..;, 1 i „ ',, a 2 ? ! rieTEITP:i YORE,
ered, and birds and grasshoppers carry off; in thepine forest over there," •••
the trees tires, including President Grant. of 5 .f. g - 7... e ;
; she said, "or if I were on the top of yon- Fs r'. ' I l ' eAVII APPOINTED
much that is uncovered. course, and they would hardly dare to al- 1',.. • s E.; .1 i ' ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa.,
der hill I could reach it." ot ~
He suggests as a better method for sent themselves on such an occasion. .i. = a I
; She set forth to go to the place. Little gi-.....: FANCY DRINK, „. I si, To sell their Teas and Coffees at the same prices that
those having grain drills that they sow == the Company sell them lo New York. A full supply of
' feet theywere that pattered softly along Mode of Poor Item, Whiske y , Proof Spirits, and Refuse the freshest New Crop Teas will be kept for sale at all
nine bushels to the acre, using each third I . Tux Ilusaaxn.-Ladies sometimes do I I
...galore. tleafterer, spirral and sweetened to plotse the , times.
tooth of the drill. ; the dusty road. A sweet, little, eager face, •
not -value their husbands as they ought to. ; t..'o- oulk i i "Tunics. ° "APpetixers," "Restorers," ihr.. i All g oods warranted to give satisfaction or the *One,
" i with eyes full of longing, that looked ev- hat lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but refunded,
They not nu frequently learn the value of area true medicine ,mode from the native Roots and I Only on profit charged teem the Producer to the . OM-
The Use of Salt. :er to the far-off line. - : • d 1 „ str nd for the f i rst t i me b y the nes!. of California. ree from all Alcoholic stimulants. sumer. From fire to ei g ht profit.. saved by purchasing
Ifl 00 1 A They are the Great Blood Purifier and Life Olvlng PHD- , from the Company.
_ -On and on she went, over the valley g . .
thehusband '
• loss of him. Net - , UNDER TILE OLD SYSTEM
One of our substantial subscribers lie- and up the distant hill slope. The path tem , carrying if all pole•inoil. matter, and restoring of doing broluess. the cur sumer of Teas had topes eight
t - i roof tree of the house-the corner-stone the blood ton healthy condition. No person can take profits betw 1... n th e producer cud himself, to cover .3
Neves that the earth needs salt as much ;was steep and rough, but she stood on the
'of the edifice-the key-stone of the arch , ,i,,..., O i li er- occordine, to directions, and remain long , runny intermedlaie sale,
ES man and other animals. He has been . brow at last. Surely, this was the UNDER TIIF. NEW SYSTEM -
called home. He is the bread-winner of • "741'0111 I g iven for an I ncur s ease, provided th e the G• I American Tea en. distribute Tea., to the con
in the habit of watering his garden once ; she had been seeking; here was the old .
the family-its defense and its lore-the ; bon, are n ot cu e- roved Ity rn halal poisons, or other : surners, throu g h their a g ents. all lover the country, rub
or twice a week with a week brine-about' house, anti the woods, and the broad, .
and of the 0 1, e
e - a ii chain
one half the ordinary strength-and has :green field, where the sky bent down to beginning• . ending, • P i l'or In tmwm it.trY and Chronic Ithertmatleni, and ' amply satisfy the Company. for they sell Buman& of
of life w ich surronnus it-its consoler, :
seen most beneficial results therefrom. ; the earth. I Intermittent F. x • rs. Disease s of the Blood. Liver.. chests erre; In the same or leas tiniZ: than it took to sell
; law and king. And yet we see how ' sieeeY-. and Iradder, these linters have been most , one chest under the old system . taprilgt-4
Cabbages, beets, turnips, in fact all his I But, alas! the sky'was as far away as : • • • „„,,..,.r e i. s e a, crocuses art- caused by Ylrated Blood, i
I fret is the life of the husband and the ; which is eenerallv produced I,v deran g ement or lice ,
garden vegetables grew wonderfully after I before. This could not be the place; on •
father', When be is taken sick, what I raze'th - •• - ueee;-:
the operation. In one instance he applied ' and on, a weary way further on, was the 1,1 ull''''.l'•% - tie;ei - X„•%`lantel'iCi'illvir "in firi Its in. ' AGENTS WANTED FOR
IIOOIIIV ClOilllit hover over the house.. piir i I, II . . .. Mil es. rnptione
it twice during the growing season, to '; place. So the 'tired little feet pattered on ; - • • , . • or Sore , : el,tuoe it when you and ft obstructed and ; THE PHYSICAL
i hen lie is dead • what darkness. w.'elilag- ,leizelsh t p the ve i ns, cleanse It wheal it. Isrvetul,
foul, and • .
several rows of corn, leaving others along ; again; ah !it was a great way off; and it ~, e - ' ,gm t LI PE OP WOMAN.
aide upon which no application of the 1 came no nearer. 1_ I heft e o ye K ,,e, o „,". tn... ..... rilor. , L o , t d r i lei l lr , i . . fl s il lv , i ,l D
l tc , l , ! i s , • : t . u le W nt itc st n iii
f lijiep w the blond pure ,
:Inn. chit
h O itl *f bed
I t o l ii ' s " :Lr. ‘ lssin, breaks in the window-star- I Pin. Top . e, tool other . Worms. larki o ng . In the ystem ' TWENTY.F/FTfl THOUSAND NOW READY,
brine was made-and the rows that had ; faded from the young face, u
t e steps of : ration, like a finished wolf, howls at the of 'or.) . ch.u"..ida• arc effectually destroyed Lid re- 0 , „E„. U NA p „ Eys. m. 0.
received the salt water produced one third I the little feet became weary and slow, and
door. Widowhood is too often au aesoci- le ys iiTineen. Remittent. and lotermitteut Fever., these The most n•markable flle-e. of the day. Is selling
more corn than those not so watered. iat last, the child, tired and sad, lay down 2. I v a. t i i Bitters hare no e q ual:. For toll directions read careful- , with unprecented rapidity. It runup!. what every man
ate of sackelot I an d as h es. o rp h an h oo d . 1 ,. ,„ cirrttliw around each bottle, printed In fonr r an- and woman ou g ht to know, and few do. It will sore
Another farmer, a most careful and ex- !null sobbed herself to sleep. ' too often means dosolatien and woe. g ua g e.-Engli-li German, Frenc and Bpaninh. , mach suffering, As the only reputable work upon the
enaplary farmer,. purchased last spring a • The frightened parents missed the child : J. WALKER, Proprietor, fit Commerce St., N. Y. , sin g le and married life, it Is earnestly recommended be
-as wo ws- -- R. 11. McDONALD & CO.. Prof. Wm. A. Hammond. Press , Mark Hopkins. Rev. 11.
large quantity of damaged salt for dress- • from their home ; they were filled with ; , - : Ward Beecher. Dr. Bushnell, Mrs R. B. Gleason, K. D„
ing. It was applied to grain and root • sorrow and fear ; they looked long and ' - •
T kik' \ti pow, Coxcert-A Boston rantaratr. Cr lifornia, and &34 Commerce St., N. Y. . Prof. 11. N. Eastman, etc. Being eagerly sought me, the
, er tells an an
crops at the rate of ten bushels to the anxiously for the little wanderer. They !, l'al . .•
ecelote eith a moral : Le.-enote BY ALL DRUGGISTS & DEALERS. 1 ti •
tr ent. work is coiv. Send sunup tor t oraphlet ete. to
DEAL MAcLE.AN, Publish r.
acre, being spread broadcast after the found her at last, as the twilight shades "A young lady friend of ours met in March IL -In. ' ;II Sansom street. Phila.', Pean'a
3 School rtrreL Boston. Masa,
grain was sowed, and harrowed in. ' were closing in, asleep by the roadside, re- company a young gentleman who evident-
—4 Sr Nassau sieve! , New York.
Its beneficial effects were quite marked, mote from home. Her Clothes were soiled
lv had an excellent opinion of himself. •
$lOO to s2soMem, - ,th Tan:.,.n."",' . ;, I WANTED Traveling and tacit ageba
or eonversqtion he introduced the
especially upon a crop of peas, although , and torn, the tears were wet on her burn- ; inning e --• weekly to a g ents neenneleee. seIIingWANTED.- tor the Delaware Mutual
our Patent Silver Life Inset-am, Co ,far all parts of Pennsylvania sad Caw
the gentleman informed us that he be- ; ing cheeks, and she sobbed and moaned , subject of matrimony, a
au- expatiated. at I , i o ttiti n tait n e d (Latte- i l .
i 2 n D 7 %'ltt il n l l n t e ". Pe Plt r rtiA!' F ig 1 irgaiv. l ll -I ,7TuTi.i.7i& in.. '76N., Breach
..c.r. m gi
keyed himself that he used a larger gran- ;in her sleep. Ah ! but they took her n . p I length upon the kind of wife he expected ' "
tit y than was necessary. I tenderly, and folded her close in their 1
Ito Marry: that is, if ever he should take • ;
If other subscribers' or correspondents • loving arms, and carried her tack to her the decisive stilt- The honored lady must aris Wl' Sunl ight -- win change any 'A
bate had any experience with salt as afar- ,home. ;be wealthy, beautiful, accomplished, anti- I and Gaslight I Tilt miGic coil 0
cord hale or beard to
A permanent black or
brown, It contains
tilizer, we should lie glad to hear front ; 0, poor child, dear child, how many of able, ste. His listener quietly waited uli- w-
... • no r adson. Any
yrzi c i t i t , n : err f t.
c iTt .. ‘, , , , , p7t t . tg e , T. l . l n for ft.
theta-. Main e Farmer. us, like yon, are looking toward God s , ,
' id he ended, and then complet ly
..e. eon- .0 \lark . th,riptat tor the NN stories. Virtues. Vices. , A ddress
Splendors miff Crimes of the City of Paris. evil 23-3 m
--..0n-wwt-s------ distant heights. and longing for them. ; founded him by 1.
• • as..l , l It contains 1541 bin,' en g nivinga of noted Places. Life and _ .
• .the cooks.
- ng in • -
Good Oats to Sow. `An('pray,sir, what
; possible manner, 'A seneee in Paris. A g ents wanted. Address NATIONAL
"Ah! if we were standing here, or there,•," PUBLISHING CO. Philadelphia_ Pa. !may
in this lace or that, then we could reach ' have you to offer ill return for all this ? ,
NT.-- CA N VASSING BOOKS SENT FREE FOR leig*Vir'k..4olsaiX\i‘N‘glit
Farmers know it is very difficult thing t .' The young man stammered, reddened a ; AC.E.- -".- . FOR p . .., m y t • sE _.papis, cheap. ',liable , . Earls
• •up our ands and touch the heavens, the . .
I Secrets of Internal Revenue. syrn-r.”... AfirNTS WANTED, Circular arid sum
to obtain good clean 'oats, unmixed wan little, and walked away."
' breath •Df . God's spirit would be upon us e ' The most remarkable book ever published, bein g a corn. 1 pie stocking FREE. Address lIINKLEY KNITTING
any other seed to sow, unless they pur- (Mar 16m3
' and we should be good and holv."- . ------.........--------- plete exposure of the lona of '. Rin g s" preying , NIACIIINE CO . !lath, Me.
chase it at exhorbitant rates, A curves- .. I upon onr Government. Showin g up all the cli q ues from ' ______ _ . -
Ale forget that the Kingdom of Heaven, ;
a l r-e - Fort Sumter, now in ruins, is to the lowest to the highest, Cabinet officers and c ongress- I MBE HAND•IN•ILA ND MUTUAL LIFE INSCRANa
pondent of an exchange, gives the follow
if it is ours, indeed, is round about us, he restored, or rather on its site is to be • men a s well as ml operator. systertun depredations. A . Company wants a number of g ood Agents: also a
ing, as a fine method to obtain plump and , rearrpararles, ogielol corruption. political influmme, pat- '. nod General A g ent far Pittsburg and vicinity, also a
, near to us, in our own hearts, inspiring :
built a heavy temporary battery, mount- mrite i mid Wire purring . A fearless historical work, in. General A g ent far the German counties of Pennsylvania
good seed oats:v..'
; even the plainest, lowliest duties of our leg thirteeti heavy-calibre guns, eleven of ' s p l ;:mt:n t tl i oTari c a i • l l i lf e Lt' r etie . 20' .P3b
I ,,,: rhe bhe . Address Home Ogler. 111 South 4th Street, Phil's. (~..
"Place your oats in a heap on the mid- i
y dad lif e.-- Little Corporal. . which are to be of fifteen-inch bore and ; r s '-'„,.d,-:"! 1 - Av." ...':i- ('tnytt.tily bu " ku free• A d' - - - -- - - ---- -
die of your threshing floor, on the end ' NI . Flint. Publisher. Philadelp la, Pa. Bostn.
that the wind blows' to. Get you a milk- ; I two of them twelve-inch rifles. The out - I me., elinageall.enniteamo. lanky 18.--4
OLD DOI'S ' side wall is to be rebuilt, at a height of ;
ing stool and a small scoop, and throw the ; 1 . 1 AGENTS i HANDBOOK BEL TURRELL,
oats, with a slight turn of the wrist,l from thirteen to tweenty-six feet above WANTED von -
to I DECLAMATION-BY EALPII G. LEONARD. I low-water mark, and the fort itself will THE NEW i OF RIJSBANDRIZ. A
the other end of the floor, against
,a gen- 1 _ I A chmplett• g uide for Farmers young anti old, by Ike
tie Wind, A little practice will soon ena- ' retain its old shape. A heavy earth pars - ; eth . h . red anther mid successful fanner.
The nineteenth century is a Progress- i pet w ill b e constructed above the wa ll ; (180 E. WAILING, Jr, of Ogden Farm. le continually receiving
ble you to throw it in a half circle and at ' • , ; The lar•e,_ . xperience said recoms„ teed ability of the au
theive see, and that is just what I complain ' and all the -homb-proofs and casements nor guaratu'erit u work of sterling merit. Among the NEW 000 D S.
same distance. Sa•eep off now and • qe I
of. be world is getting so fast that boys : vet visible Will:be tilled in. On the west ' subjects treated are buying and lesslng a Farm. Build
then, if you have mach, the utmost circle . now . - And keeps constantly on hand a toll and desirable as
-a-days don't nave time to be boys. i s id e a new doCk and sallyport will be b il, , soilin g . Drainin g . Rotation .4 Crops, Butter Makin f , 1 rortm nt of genuine
for seed,. the light oats for feed', and the Wehardlytoff I
ge our pinafores, get into ', and the, -- present dock and stairs will he Live Stock, the r , ' -
( t;lt e ri's',:s F a * t v i'd"n d =ies . . d t i .ll : •'. a w i l moo care r tables. Din
weed seed t to burn. suspenders and boots, make a kite or two, .taken
away.; The work has-begun under , pa e e, rich with Instroction and enihellished forlth lon ' mucus, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, LIQUORS,
A Hint to Gardeners_ learn to skate and play a good game at the supervision l of Colonel Rudlow, who is r• :, . Terms liberal, Circular free. •• Se- ,
: L i rt' l • t a e n d A n gt74 ln ajonce." N. H. HUBBARD. Publisher.
ball. eat two or three Christmas dinners, DM Chestnut rt., Philadelphia.
said to be tin experienced and uccomplisli- to I ' II-1 I p Inte, 011 s, Dye -Strife. Teas. Spices, and other Oro.
hurrah for Fourth of July, get fairly into ed e„gi„eri... ee . r ies Stone w ore , Wall and window Paper, Dines:
teooB, and then it is all over with us. , (FRY MOuRE & co.s. OVAL STEEL ENGRAVINGS, , wan ,,,' Fruit Jars, Mirrors. L al tipa li t hirtrer iero .
. I 111 Nassau Street. N.Y. Anybody coo sell them - , me. Iffaehlacry Oil , Tonners 11l
(Ill,lir :Mi t. '" T 011.
Spirits amen-
Nest thing you know we are fast young arThe men without ears lives in Cheap-sell font - pay for new Circular.. li ned Whale O i l , s p erm
. d o vi t. ,_ _ c
' tine. Varnisnes, Cynary Nee . ne g ar.Potash. Ones,-
men. with tall hats, and fancy cravats and lowa -farms for a living in Hardiu con - - - -- --- tea led Lye. Axis Grease, Trilliums. Supporters, 'Medical
canes. It is not our fault either; we are tv. 'l'he :it' irtinal has the following de- 'Wells' Carbolic Tablets. 1 _InP.? ' Shoulder Braces, Whips, Guns, Pistols.
,' u n tinean g e en al. b 'eowder. Shot. Lead. Gun Caps, Blasting!
goaded into it by the tendenciee of the : i cr i pt i o „ „ f hi m ..., After mucn study and scientific Investigation as to the : p o wder and Fuse. V i olins, Strings, Bows. etc. Fla ca,
remedial g auntlet of Carbolic Arid. Dr. W. ells has discov• , piles. etc., Fish Hooks and Lines. Bar and Tollet Soaps,
, age. It was a very different thing' with ..We Si w a man the other day who lives creel by proper combination with other snicks In the , u o t r oils, H air Restorers. and Ileir Dyes. Brushes,
I our ~eruntifathers; youth was something : yrrt e cr,tiarer Pieter.' Spoons,Forks,
temporarilv a few miles from town, who
Three T ablets
a specific toe all , . ir i ab d r i ionaz d a r t /t h e: c ;Pocket
ten- K n ives. tß l..e. " ;lie t' . l .o. o "A t rtlctes, a general assortment of
• worth having, then.: Vastly different, too.' was bent ivithout ears, but who ill all ' Piro ' t e nrY organs, ' :onlt cur ih r = jold. Crou p , Dir th 'ria• I
With the old boys before the flood-Seth, ..; also s success at rein- ,
! other respects wee perfect in form. Where : A dv ih for . llttn'eY h ld c all li cire:. n 'Price, 23 cent. per Box
1 ; and Methuselah, and Enoch, and the rest I ears should be there were slight t 1 I beat by mail upon receint of' price, by JOKN Q..HEL-
Pro n AT- • LoGO,'SCIIIPSt., New tack, Role Agent for the L oiled
of them. I suppose they stayed boys un-; ances of cartilage, but no opening for the I Staten. spell 13-3
ail they were three-hundred or so; spent I 1 admission of sound. We have often met ; -------
, about two handred!yetirs on arithmetic, and coltversed with him, and never before '
1 fifty on the multiplication table, and had knew of the existence of this singular freak.
1110 one to hurry them up and call them The gentleman says that sound reaches
lazy. They had no Latin grammar to the inward sense of hearing through his
learn-no history, either. Oh' but life ! skull in the region of the temples. Ordi
was a jolly thing then. They could take 1 nary social intereonse can be carried on
I It easy-spend tieweekat a C ristmas din- 1 with him, exciting no further suspicion
err. and tau days at -it Fourth of Jul
Y• I than that he is a little hard of h "
They weren't told not to tear their clothes, I -- •-a•-nee..----
and not to whistle "Captain Jenks" in the _, --The Little Corporal knows a little
house, and not to have negro minstrels in boy, whose name we will call Eddie B.
the barn, nor not to dance breakdowns on Eddie's father does not ask a blessing at
the parlor carpet. They were not called the table, and when they went on a visit
a nuisance, and sent back to wipe their to his Uncle John's, he was much inter
feet on the door mat-not one of them. ested in observing the ceremony at his
I have tried it a dozen years and more, uncle's table. When they returned home,
It is no use. I'm going to give it, up now, d i nner , r__ De__
,as usual, was gan without the
buy a book on etiqhette, and a new razor, blessing, when Eddie laid his hand on his
mid cultivate a moustache.- Little Corpo- I
; fitther's -
arm and Whiskered,"Papa! papa!
red. . .why don't on read off from the table
- - i l cloth, as Uncle John does ?"
In some places they have a somewhat
novel method of treating tomato plants,
which produces fruit of au excellent qual
ity, and which ripens early. The stems
are cut off down to the first: elnster of
flowers which appears on them; th us forc
ing the sap into the buds below; and this
is done five times successively. By this
means the plants become stout dwarf
hushes, not over eighteen inches high,
and there erect in the rows by sticks
or stringe. A very simple metliod, and
one. that can easily be accomplished. The
tomato is considered a In.uity, and any
thing that will improve the fruit will
doubtless be interesting to those fond of
it. It will do no harm to experiment and
see- if the suggestion amounts to any
The sheep is an effectual exterminator
of briars. Cut the balers close to the
ground with a scythe, soon after the
growth for the season has stopped, and
afterwards let sheep on to pasture on the
sprouts as fast as they appear; two sea
sons will generally suffice to destroy them.
Plowing briare seems to encourage their
spieed, for many of the roots run beneath
the plow, and•ecery piece of a root will
send up a new shoot,
,Every family . should provide a bar- '
rel or box for rewiring chicken bones,
fish bones, and bits of beef bones, which
accumulate in the kitchen. A hundred
pounds may be saved in a few months.—
Such bones are more valuable for grass
lands, and for burying around all kindstf
fruit-trees and grape-vines, than Peru vi. ,
an guano, which is worth from three to
five cents a pound.
Mr - To keep up the fertility of our pas
tures, it is evident that we must do our
best to check the growth of such ve,..creta
tion.asis rejected bpetock, as well as that
which would injure sit4ck if it were eaten.
Bait is : riot endigh,to destroy , the use
less and injurioas plants; we must en
coolie the growth of - the saleable one&
for the ojs and iiitto.
in oitonolC COOPER.
Her platform is only the cradlo—
Her speeches are Bump and few—
A wise little head,
Bat all that is said
Is only 6 vague Bald "goo r
But how baby's rights are respected !
One nod of her dear, downy head,
Whenever she thinks she neglected,
And down to her feet we are led
She lies up her voice in a minute—
Her protests are load and are long !
Each household affair--ahe Is in It.
To see there is nothing goes wrong.
The tight to twist limbs that are dimpled,
In every extravagant way ;
To maul and to teaso
The cat at her ease—
To crow and to creep all the day
The right to a love that is purest . .—
The right to a mother's omit love!
The right to a guide that is surest
To lead her wee footsteps above.
tier sweet little mouth she upraises,
As pure as a rose, dew impearled
The right to our kisses and praises
0, these her rights, over the world!
W.Cows coming in meat bare care.
(live them roomy, loose boxes for some
days before, and good bedding of straw,
cut two or three times. Bring water to
them if the ground is icy, but do not
crimp them. Feed also some raw roots,
and oil meal, perhaps, to, keep the boviels
moderately loose. All breeding animals
should be familiar with their master.
—lmaginary tronblea ore to us like the
diaaohnng went of a tatnera—sometimes
magnified a inmdzed=fold.
No human head iQ aye% , * ant. It has
an inhabitant, eitheian angel or lading.
Compete not with na who have
mane beyond thy
Another Remarkable Weddhni.
The invitations to the wedding of Miss
Cordelia, Downing
_who was married to
Mark Antonio DeMonkie on the 18th of
May, were something beyond those for
any entertainment that has - taken place
in Washington for many a long year.
They are gotten up in the most expen
sive style, being printed in the most ela
borate manner. 'Five hundred envelopes
for the outside and the same number fur
the inside were ordered, each bearing a
tremendous monogram, and as many of
each of the numerous cards and invita
The church invitation. printed on em
bossed paper. also bears the large sized
monogram, twining together in one fes
tive letter of utter illegibility the initials
of bride and groom, emblems, et cetera.—
This monogram is pure white, in utter
contrast to the color of the parties, as well
as to the political sentiments of leading
legislators. The church invitation reads
thus :
tit. John's Church,
Corner Hand Sixteenth sts.
Washington. D. C..
Wednesday CN ening May, 18, 1870
—There is an old gentleman in Paris
whose only occupation consists irrsecuring
a copy of the bills of fare of all noted din
ners. He has a collection of these extend
ing over forty years, with the opinions of
the dishes and wine expressed by some
of the guests.
—What is time?—the shadow on the
dial, the strike of the clock, the running
of the sand, day and night, summer and
winter,.month, years, centuries. These
are but arbitraiy and outward signi—the
measure of time, not time itself. Time is
the life of the soul. If not this, then tell
me what is time.
Guts op CALIFORNIA.--The Revenue
returns for 1809 received by last mail from
City of Mexico, show, that the catch of
Pearls and Shell for the past year on the
Gulf Coast of the territory granted to the
"Lower California Company" amounted
to the large sum of $78,000.
This, of course, is the valuation of the
Pearls given by the divers and speculators,
and is consequently very much below the
actual value of the catch,
A Pearl is sold frequently for $2O which
resold at Panama at *2OO, brings *l,OOO
in Paris; and in many cases much great
er profits have been made on very fine
Not over one half the catch is reported
to the Government, and the yield of the
Gulf for 186 D may be safely estimated at
$:300,000 in gold.
—A Lady was a strict observer of eti
quette, being nuable to attend church one
Sunday, sent her card.
—Boys are like railroad cars—often
times they can be kept on the right track
only by a proper use of switches.
lcw - duntionunito.
For twenty-five cents you can buy of
your Druggist or Grocer a package of
Sea moss Feriae, manufactured from
pure Irish Moss or Carrageen, will
make sixteen quarts of Blanc flange.
and a like quantity of Puddings, Cus
tards, Charlotte Russo, Sm., Sm. It is
by far the' Cheapest, healthiest and
most delicious food in the world.
53 Park Place, N, Y
This wonderful vegetable restorative is
the sheet-anchor of the feeble 'and debili
tated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged
and languid, it has no equal among
stomachics. As a remedy for the ner
vous weakness to which women are es
pecially subject, it is superseding every
other stimulant. In all climates, tropi
cal, temperate or frigid, it acts as a spe
cific is every species of disorder which
undermines - the .bodily strength and
breaks down the; animal spirits: For
sale by all druggistia. [mar 9-6 m
Giving a clear and intensely interesting account of the
Infinite variety and habits of life. of nearly every known
species of Leads, birds, Ashes, Insects, re p tile*. molkill•
at and animalcule of the globe From the 1111h0111 late
don fouerolume edition, with large additions [tom the
most celebrated naturalists of the age. Complete In cite
large handsome octavo volume of 10311 pages, viably ft.
instmted with Into spirited engravings. Price down to
gold basis to snit the masses, Should outsell, Sae to one,
any hook In the field. `Terms the most liberal. Tull par
ticulars sent free. Address A. H. HUBBARD PO.,
april 21-4 400 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.
Ten Years in
Wall Street.
It includee the Histories, /aptitude', and Secret Delos*
of Well Street, Life Sketch. , oCits Men, the speculation.
hit - told. Stocks, &c., Woman Specniatore, and all that In
great, powerfhl. splendid. mysterious, Interesting,wick
d, minoring, wretched. etc., In the foes, of speculation.
portraits of ‘'anderhill. Drew, Gould. Flake Jr., and
many others. Engravings of noted places, Life and
Scenes. &c. Canvassing nooks free. Bend for drama
to WOSTUINOTOII. Drienri & Co.. Publishers. 148 Asylnm
Street, Hartford, coml.
AGENTS WANTED—POO to PIXPrr mouth — CiaStr
men, School Teacher*, matt young men and adlU wan
ted to eanseuefor the New Boat.
The Unwritten Word.
By DANIEL Marten. anther of the popular " Night
Scenes." This master In thouglit and tannage show.
us untold riches and beanties in the Groat House. with
its blooming Flowers. Singing birds, Wavlngpalms,Bol
- clonds,l3eardithi how. Sacred monntatne Delightful
rivers. Mighty oceans. Thundering voices, Blazing heav
ens and vaet universe with. countless beings In utillitens
of worlds, and reads to ns in each the Unwritten Word.
Rose tinted paper. ornate engravings and superbbinding.
Send for cirrnlar. in which is a NI description and uni
versal commendations by the press, ministers and co/.
[ere peolhoenr, In the etrongreel possible language.—
ZEIGLER. McCUBDY & CO. Id South Sixth St. Phila
delphia. he. [April 47-1
All the hauling and beet kinds of
In short. nearly every thing to restore tbo deft, to
please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratltt,tha fantb
and also to conduce to the real and substsult atoomforts
of life. Enntnention Is Impracticable, as it would 511
a wewspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of
Moutroae,Jan,s, 18:0.
1. We have last received an assortment of Lake and
Mound Vineyard Wine*, front !teem. Wilson, Xorrosr
Chanberlin, New York, which fortichnessand flavor they
pay are unsurpaased. and that purchasers can rely upon
their parity—being free from adulteration, tawny kin
The trade mark or tho firm appears upon every bottle.
both au label and Deal,
Montrose, Feb. 8.1803.-7
V-- I
\,o\o Q 4
Especially designed for the nee of the Medi
cal Profess ion and • the Famil
_possessing those
Intrinsic medicinal properties which belong toau Old
and Pure 010.
Indispensable to Females. Good for Eldney COO%.
plaints. A delicious Tonic. Put up in 11211es,contah.
lag one dozen bottles each. and sold by all druggist.,
grocers. At. MOB= df CO.,'established
11778. No.) 15 Basler Street, New - •
Porisdeln Montrose, by
July 14—ly ABEL TUINUILL, Arra.
ghtgbatutins .Nvinitotmtuto.
Lucky indeed will be the individual who goes
to 21 Court mem, to buy Boots and Shoes,
where they &resold at the lowest living rates.
New and elegant styles for Spring wear Just
received, among which are the Pompadour, La
Favorite, and Marsellsise Button Boots for La
dies ; Martha Washington, Marie Antoinette,
and Can-Can Slippers for Ladles and Misses—
The celebrated Ron Ton and Eureka Sewed
Boots, French walking Congress Gaiters, Ox
ford Ties and liumpty Dumpty Slippers for
Boys andebildren's shoes of all kinds. Wavy
work for men and boys. Ladies' and
{{Axes shoes. Remember the place, 21
Court street, corner of Water street.
May 4, 1870.
a. W. TC:oMMI::t.
First Doer North of the City National Bank.
Brilliant Display!
I here •1•o the best •nd most complete •cock of
Yreta the Dept and toost populer makers, whose
roods here Oren perfect eattafaction to my patrons
for the peat flee ) MTS.
The stock' will be found the best ever opened In
Illegtuusston, and st all times will be kept full and
complete, consisting of
together with all the 'alleles of Plated Ware, inch as
Tea Vkira, Cake Baskets, Napkin Maga, Canton,
Knives, Pork., Spoon.,
of Single, Double, Treble and Qoadruple Plate
N'AS.MirCrir Gib4C/C17:101
WIN USYCT more complete. and 1 am making constant
daily additions of all the new Nos•
cities of the Beason.
LBWIB azintotin.
3. S. WELLS.
H. lileitOtal.
D. Win".
msa SU s
82 Washington St.
- 3. Y. 707,3 R.
- Not 8, Pat
LUCKY. 21.
EGGLESTON & salmi,
SLY w..vreu Es,
0( all Style*, and 'old
Tot %rear wool of this I refer to
MeVP arCoadlue,
Just arrived at
Q. if D. 17. LA7'IIROP'S
In large quantities, of all Btylea and Prices
Of Bats and Caps, Fors, Beady Made Clothing, Casa
mart., Dossers, Backings. Morse Blankets,
104 Blankets, Bed Spreads, Banlwaxe,
Crockery, Boots mad BWes,
it. am. d.c.
We are 'gelds for the Celebrated
The subscriber offers for sale his Farts, situate in
the cast part of New Milford township, sustaining
125 scree improved, well watered by ' , primp, and a small
creek. There are two bonne.. one new, and three barns,
one now, and other outbuilding., and two good orchards.
The land not improved le heavily timbered.
Terme made utoy. For Anther Information call on or
address the Imbed - beret New Milford, 13usq's Co. Pa.
Nov. 10, tet62.—tf JACOB WATMAN.
Fire, Life, and Accident
Rome insurance Co-of A, Y., Capital and
Surplus, $ 4 , 000 . 42 . 0
Insurance Co. of North America, Pbil'a,
Capital and Surplus, 2,000,090
Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Phila, Pa,
Capital and Surplus, 2,600,000
Lyeonting Coutaz Mutual Insurance Coot
Money, Penn a. Capital and Surplus, 4 . 00 % 0 0 0
Farmer' Of utual insurance Co. York, Pa.,
Capital and Surplus, 700,000
Connecticut Mutual Life inenrance Co. of
rd. Conn.. paying 9u per cent.
dividends to then...tired. Thenotes )
given for half the premium • neterto
be paid under any circumstance.. be
policy will always be paid in full, and
theater. given op. Capital, 17,000,00(1
Amtcan Li irusuranco Co.. Philadel
phia, Capi e tal, 1,000,000
rn ce Co. 'Hartford Conn. ,
Trig ln e rti r r i lZ snn
agtanst all kinds of a c ciden ts
Capital, 70.000
Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hart
ford. Conn.. Capital and Surpins, UMW('
Putnam Ylre insurance Co., llartford, Ct.,
Capital $700,000
Hartford Live Stock Ineuranec Company.
Insurance on all kinds of Live stock,
*mama theft and death I rom any
cause. Capital, $17,000,000
bosine.s entrusted to our came willbe attend
ed to on fair term., and all Insect promptly adjusted.
2W - Offlce drat door cast from Banking Ocoee of W.
11. Cooper A Co., Turnpike et. Montrose, Pa.
M. C. Suwon. esp., Frlendaville. Solicitor.
CHAS. 11. SMITH, Montrose. do
BILLINo• SraoLT, Gammas L. Barrels.
'1 Montrose, Erp 1. 1500.
Mato Street, 5 'doors below Boyd'. Corner. Yontroge
Wear, cnnstantly ree Istrint nd now !Ave onhand,
a fresh stock of floods In OVUM e, which we wfilsell
[or cosh. or ricks , go orproduce.
We bare refitted and made additions to our Stock of
Polls. and are now ready to forward Butter to the Wet
COMEII.OOIM house. In Weir York. free of charge, and
make I iberaladvoncements on consignments.
Call and examlneour Stock before purchasing else
where. andcon On ce Yourselves antic
of our Goods.
C. G. MINER. - - . . W. S. COATS
',footrace. April 16. 1869.
Wholesale A Rand! Dealers in
ItAMMERS, stEriass. PILES, ac,,Se.
vAinsmors SCALES.
Scranton. Nardi SC ISO. II •
Passes Tana Noma: The extensive Furnitere
Establishment of W. Smith, having been
refitted and greatly imp William roved, the proprietor respett
fully anneuncesto the citizens of Ilentrose and stela.
tr that he ts constantly making and keeps on hand the
largest end best esssortment of .
parr pi. I.V X°PICTEIL3EII
to he found anywher this side of New York City.
Deska Divans, Towelrecks, Lounge', Footstool* 10.
Center L a rd, Mr, Toilet, Dining. Kitchen and'
extenelon tables.
• •
Ottawa —Cane and Woodseat Boehm. Cane. Flag
and Woodseats of every variety and style.
Sofasnnd Teton-tetra. furnished on Ann notice.—
Cane seat emirs resented.
A lama assortment—cheapest sad beet In the trinket
Cane Seat Chairs. •
1.. now enabledto supply my customers 'Mita new
substantial cane seat chair, of home manufacture Which
wilt be found greatly superior to those farriarly
market, and peters sold at a less price.
1219 - 'Ready made comas ? on hand or tarnished at
short notice. Hearse laws in readiness It desired.
I employ eons hot careful sad expeeleneed mailmen,
I Intend to do my work well, and sell It as /OW seem
be afforded.
blontroee,Peb 18 ;1638.
pROP. G. E. 'STEDGE, ... .
Would notify the petite of Auburn 4 COMM and
vicinity. that he Is pow prepared to tame all horses en.
trust to billtile,llo matter what CR how bed MOLT Da
hlia are If not brae. no charge made. . , - ,
Also, hatroctiou given how to tome Tont trimhorsoa.
Auburn 4I Cornets, Sept. 22, 1201.-1