stoutitmAluoin6o tilvectorg. Two lino in this Directory, one year, $1.50 earh additional line, 50 ea 31ONTROSE. WEBB & BEBE, News Office, and dealers in grocer ies and Provisions. Crockery. etc.. Public , Avenue. 3.41.1119 E. CARNALT, Attarner nt—Law,kr one doortse}ovrTarbellitouar.'Public Avenne. • -- WM. E. COOPER & CO.. Bankers. sett Forenzn Pas• sage Ticissts and Drafts on Pngland. Ireland and Scot tand. J. IL FLETCHER'S Entine Saloon IP the Oar, in get Ice Cream. Oyeture and Clans, In every ntyle. On 3lnin et met. _ - & BROWN, Grreral Flro and I.lfr lu+nr• mice A Zent : al•o. 'tell Railroad and Aceldvut Ti, net • to New York and Othce one door cant of the Rank. F. R. MAN DI.RIt. General Inroranceand Sew Ing Ma chine Agent. Public ATemue. .1 1.. TALBOT—the place to ret your Groceriee and Provirdons, Pork. I rad. Taw. Srosar. Vire, To bacco, Sn ull. oyr 'err and Iterrvehments, un der S. IL Sayre &13rothcrf, ItI'RNA the place toggq. Drnv , nnd Nld (-men TAjbacco. Pipe.. Pocket-tiook, I Its. Yankee Notion', ke., Public Avenue. Bradford County. —Over VOO, was raised by subscription in Waverly for the wife of S G. Shaw, who was killed on the Junction one day last week. notigo workmen are busily engaged in excavating, etc., on the Carey preperty recently purchased by W. IL Morgan. No doubt some kind of a mantlfactory is contemplated by the enterprising proprietor. —We understand that Dr. FleeLudt, has pur chased, and will soon have in running order, In his park, at East Towanda, what is known as an "Oracle." It Is wound up like a clock, and make, delicious music for hours, to those who The Dr. is bound to have a fine place for pleasure seekers. Some onto %inter, Mr... Ward receivtaL al, —Finr•. —About 12. o'clock, on Sunday even stroke or appopleXy, - Which greatly enfeebled ' ing, Bth inst., what was formerly a stone. house, hint : and on Saturday 11.4thi he received anoth- owned by Wm. Rockwell. situated south of er. num the effects of which he mmaintslinsen- Bridge street. was totally destroyed by tire Mr. sible six hours, when he calmly expired. John Bradley who ocettpied the building as a Mr. Ward was pre-eminently a talented, pub- steeling house, lost all of hi , futniture and w S. MEAT), Foundry. and dealer In Plows and other I lie spirited, patriotic, hospitable, benevolent and household goods, Insurance 4400, The prop nteatille, one door from Phinney's Hotel, Main st. ,c mete otis gentleman, who was respected and he erty belonged to the Pa. & N Y Canal & H R N F. RIMIER. Carrbige Yager and Us Stndore. ermker, on Main Street, two doors below Ilawley' loved be all who had the good foltune to form Co.— Thwasda Argos. actittaititanee- His death tests AL (ince 3iii- —Norman ('ole's barn in Windham, Pa, was MecoLLUM BROTHERS, Dealers m Grocer:es awl ' Prot. irlOrfe, on Main street. nounced our county court, then in sessiim,by -set on fire on Sunday night, the Ist inst and 11. GARRET & SON. Deniers In Floor. F.,(1. Meal. 1 Judge Mi rear, and as a manifestation of respet buritA to dui iiround. Fortunately the building Salt. Lime, Cement. Groceries and Provisions on for the deeeased. the Court adjourned. wasuuirly - empty No Insurance. Main Street, opposite the Depot._ On Monday intuiting a 'fleeting of the Judge, —tin o'it, that a first-class organ is to be placed nkr DEN. Mann'aeturers or (1, 1 ,nr. and and members of the Bar convened, at which in the p ri-shyterinn Church of this place, frimu Wholesale dealers in Yankee Notions and Ffln.) G0d...61'3' Main Street, Episcopal Church.. Judge Streeter presided, who, on taking his seat celebrated miumfacturer in Philadelphia. It gave a very in tere.ting history of Mr. W. ar fs'ear. will be completed by autumn, at a Cost o f $4,000 lye life its an Editor and a Lau yet- of distinguish- —L. E. Chubbuck, of Orwell, recently C3p- AINBY dhIAYDEN, Dealers in Drug. nod Medicine.. ied ability. After the adoption of resolutitms of Inrvid a bald eagle, which measure; six feet and and Manufncturers of Ciipirs. on Main Street, near i respect, eloquent tributes, to his rectory were six inches from tip to tip: lie is still alive and the Depot pronounced by Gen. Patton, 11. W. Patriek,and prospering finely. and is considered a great cu- R. STF.PHENS. Horse Shoeing and general Repairing . Elhanan Smith, ergs. riosity on main Street, etoth of the brie (41 T0.... 1 .)" the Plac ,,, of business hr oar —FATAL ..IcCiDuNT.—On Monday, May Bth, ough were chasvd; arid. in the ,afteraooli hn- a son of Dr. Drake, of Granville, was thrown - prtssive funeral sermon was rreached at Mr. ! from a cast-iron drain roller and instantly Ward's late residence, by Rev. Mr. McGiuthery. The boy struck one of the horses, •causing hint 0. Y. HAWLEY. Basler In general Merchandise, on the eloquent pastor of the Episcopal Illinrch. Ito jump and throw him in front of the roller, Main Street, opposite Phlonel's Hoist. A w,r-thy citizen, neighbor, and friend, has when it ernshtxl him, producing death immedi passed away, lief ond the reach of these capes- ately sions of serrow. The scenes and circumstances —R. B. Sickler, of Slieshetinin, Pa.. caught of his life, in which trout his earliest manhood on S un d a y , Etth l as t a go ld en ea g l e , measuring: he Itail taken so active and distinguished a part. 7 feet 4 inches from "tip to tip" and weighin ,, with him have terminated—his voice and his lb,. The bird was captured after a severe pen are now silent and still. While we sorrow , truggle, In which Skitter received sever.' on Sir his ileparturu, let us Qberish a remenilininee plcavott wounds. of his virtue, The family have sync,-4h.C. Atwood, of Hu lick. informs us that paths of the u hole community.— .1 ,- - while in this plac,. on Wednesday, 11th inst., lie y list a roll of greenbacks, containing about seven L COX. Ilsrness maker and dealer In all articles rnally kept by the trade. opposite the Bank. • n novn en,. in and M.tnufartnrern of Tin lnd Sheol iron ware, corn, of Mitt, and Tornplk, Airect. }14)11-1R. S I.INES, Morchnnt Tnilor,, And dealer, In Trimtninfal, and Fnentrhinz G00d... and A4ents for Singer Sewinv Machine. ott Main mreet. Fordhaim bnild,ng. A IC III'LLA Rll, Dealer in G,ore• to, Pt ovl-1..n., Itoot.s, BtuUnnery and Ynnlter Nuttonn. nt brad 01 Public Avenue. T SPORE & Dealer• In Sto•e., fl Art hvn,. Acrlcolturul ImplclucutA, Flour nod Grocer:ea, oppo. cite Tarboll llouee. RAYNSFORD & MITCHEL. !Avery and Exeltance Stable, In rear of Bank bntlding. ' .1 R. DEWITT & CO., Dealer* In Dry Hood,, liar d ware and general nierehat,dl.e, corner, near Btlek • Block. NEW MILFORD N. SHOEMAKER. New 'Milford. Pn keep. consinntly I on hand floe freeh rronni enyrign Plaetor. for Pale at I eS per ton, Smorneniville,Pn.• MOSS 4tr, liti AP. Leather Manntartnrer+ and dealers, In Morocco Ftindlno...4.c.. near F.plaropal Churn • WIMPLE & Denlere in c,.neral3lcrchandine on Main Street. GREAT BEND 1.. S. LE - NI - TEM. Manufacturer or Leather, and thnier in general Merril:invitee, on Main it 11. C. DORAN, M^rrhant TAllor and Itpadr Made CI thing, Dry Good, GrOCCrlttl and Pros Maw Slrect. 1,E50x.y11,1,11. Iflll-111 WIIITE, :HewnMaar, of awl titskr to roper' or Plow. and Carting.. • GIB• 40 \ EDW ARO+ & BRYANT. IK,nnfaetnrer, of Wriz and, near the Ingalla' Store, Xocal ntelligrurr. Democratic Paper*. We call attention to the fact that a more free circulation . of Democratic papers among the people must be to their benefit as well us to that of the party. Why should any farmer ben ith out his own county paper? Why should any Democrat., fur the small amount of Two Dollars per year, deny himself the pleasure of reading a newspaper at least once a week? In fact most of our farmers should take two or ihree papers, and no one is so poor but that one paper at least could be taken in a family. We hope that the question of newspaper circulate will be taken in band by the most setivt. Dem ocrats in each locality, and worked hp until ev ery Dernoctic in Susquehanna county will have a paper representing his principles sent to his address. Look to it at once, for the whole que , tion de pends upon the proper enlightenment of the people upon the issues before them. Borrowing New‘papers. The practice indulged 'in by i not a few people in this place isome of whose names we havel of borrowing the paper of their neighbor (in mane instances before the latter has read it himselft a very reprehensible. one. An exchange says We know it is hard to refuse a neightu;r er acquaintance the privilege of reading his nen.. paper, but some borrowers have MO , delicacy and sensitiveness, and a prmnpi, tlat refus.d to encourage them is sponging on others tier nt u s and interesting reading would not hurt theta much, and might induce titian to take and pay Air a g ood paper. It is unjust to the subscriber, and deprivesthe publisher of the rer and he 1.. entitled to from all who detiv(t4 plmsure and in struction front the paper it costs him so much money to iasue. 'State Superintendent Wickerscam gives notice that an examination of the graduating class of the State Normal School at Mansfield will commence on Monday, June 13, at U o'clock. it_ It. The Board of 'Examiners will consist of Principals Cooper, Carver and Verhill, the State Superintendent or Deputy, and the county Su perintendents of the counties of Tioga, Wyom ing, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Bradford and Ly coming. Dr. Vfarner. The friends and patients of Dr. Warner ill be glad to learn that he will visit this village again Tuesday and Wednesday, May at, and June 1, stopping as usual at the Tarbell Douse. Dr. Warner's former visits to this place have made his name so familiar to our readers that le-need only to mention the time of his visit The Grossing Crops, The April report from the Agricultural De partment of the grivetlment shows that the ap pearance of wheat is not as promising as it was last season at that time. In New England the little winter grain which was sown is doing, well, though the frost has visited with unfortu nate results some of the northern counties of Maine and New Hampshire. In more than one half the counties of New York the reports * are hivorable, and the same is the case with New Jersey. In Pennsylvania the growth is more iackward, and in many sections of the State the wheat was winter-killed. The returns from Delaware and Maryland are meagre, and report some damage to grain front ice and cold. From the Southern States the reports promise a crop of wheat, on the whole, above the average. As • whole the report is considered favorable for the coming crop. 'TEE Roam balitorzo Bawnia Item= .br Bale at'Cobb*P?otograph Galiery,Montrase. May 4-4• s. Death of. Gen: Ci-L. This estimable Pentisylyania gentleman died at ,his Mb fislklollle;MlTtrwandt* -13101.0.11 . 1 on Saturday morning, 14th inst., of apoplexy, He was very sucemstbl as a business man— having amassed a large fortune in the county in which he lived and died. Many years ago he bought large quantities of land in that section of the ,fitate, and disposing, ol' them at cheap mtdtoactual suttlirsifie aklfied , mry materialV Large Real Estate Sales, to its population and wealth. Feitcher, 'Howard Elmer and R. A. El He w:4•5 a printer in early Ile also read tner, of Waverly, and Charles 1,. Anthony, of law ; was admitted to the Bar, and practiced New York City, have purchased near the Junc with success. don, the tarm of .Simon 11. Morley, for $22,000: He was the intimate friend of Silas Wright, the farm of Stephen Hopkins for $lB,OOO, and James Buchanan, Thomas H. Benton, Andrew on the plains, the farm of Cob W. 11. Thomas Jennson, Calib Cushing, Charles J. Ingersoll, for $11;1,000, In addition to other impmverrients Horatio Seymour, and other eminent Democrat- it is intended to open immediately, an avenue is leaden. He was a man of most excellent 'throdB4,l , ltese farms and those of Hawley Tozer judgment, and his counsel WI EL L 9 sought by such arab& Ellis BOW wide to Sidney, Ilaydens. men as we have named because they considered The road from Sidney Hayden,' to Athens a ill it of great value. be widened to 60 feet, thus making an sir liar Mr. Ward was an ardent Democrat. He was drive, to Well's Gate, four miles in length. which not only a geutlentan or the old school, but he .i xviU in time rival any drive outside our great was a Democrat of limpid school. Mr, 13uebare+1 cities.— Waverly Adrocate. an offered him high honors during his Prmsitfen dal term, hut he declined them In IS.-1 he was tat:Linn:ln of the I)emoeratic Suite Central Committee, :mg contitteted. the ltet tellan emnpaign with vigor. In private life In was Geld in hirh esteem Ile was fond of liter:dun% and devoted himself vi his laxiks out , If pure love for them. Ile was in ' flexible Itact-4 to his busimss transactions. Da. death of such a man is inileod a loss io the State True, he had ceased to mingle as. Lively in political affairs, but when death came t Linn, it struck a shining mark at which the younger men of the Commonwealth might m 11 have looked as an example of parity, and patriotism.— I 'alley ...- Accident. to Live Stock. hundred dollars. Mr. A. says he would not like Fittest , ll' w EY :—Among the litany ' to offer a reward of more than $705, but that if L niers odour county there are daily occurring in- the finder does not see fit to return it to him, he cidents. which, if recorded, would give practical would merely sui.Nest that he give it to some knowledgi. to our neighbors, and perhaps elm- henevolent society. hle them to avail loss when placed In similar —Nathan Northrop recently caught a "speck eiremnstanees led beauty - mhich weighed 0. 4 pounds after it A 14 n . days since 1 lost a tine cow which lam was dressed, Mr. N. presented it, together with satisfied wall have been relieved had I been in- se% eral others of a little less size, to 31. C. 31ev formed of the nature and probable remedy of cur, }Ng.. of this place. the injury. My 'a hole herd gut into a and —A most singular accident; and narrow es. in the midst of the atTray, one "as violently cape o ccurred an Itidgbury township during the thrown upon her head, causin_ a partial dialog thunder storm on Tu,slay evening of last meek. cation of the neck at the head, She fixed nearAlitAs Michael Conklin, of that township, was driv. ly through the third day After removing the lag his team from the field where he had beery skin, I examined filr the difficulty. The joint at work, lightning struck the horses killing them was s lipped a s ide, so that by (111.11114' the 11,1, instalitiy. Mr. C. was rendered unconst ions by away, 1 could easily put are finger into the the stroke, 1,91 reoW'vred after a short time lie joint the toll length of the nail. The neck of naturally feels that lac had a very close call the cow was quite crooked atter ,the injury, and --Gen:lfillor and Wife left their lioniciip liar while she lived an ,unusual projection was quite risburg on hearing of the death of Mr. Ward, pvrreptihie. The animal was helpless after the on Saturday, reached Pittston too I ate to take accident, though apparently retaining much of , the regular train for this place. Assistant Sil lier usual strength in her hind legs. perintendent Desmond, learning the situation of After satisfying myself about dislocation, I affairs, fitted up n train—took charge of it him placed my foot upon the knob, and straightened self, and brought them here early Sunday inurn the neck w idiom difficulty. • ing.-11ficanda Beparter. Can any one tell what would have been the _ effect '.pun the living cow ? Ilay 21. 1870. The Key%tone State. S. Hayden, of Athen., 6radt . . 4 - ‘ 1 county. turn the .1t hen. e; Ira her with the f,4l,,Nriog ex planation of the title. " Keystone St.Lte, - tn. al , pin, to Pennsylvania : The tle,iLmation of Prnit,ylvailia a," ILI lietone :sta;e:' originated in the ol Washington, neur the elo?e of the last century. or elrly in the pres , nt. When the seat Feckral G..‘,•lnno•nt was by art of congTet. perutuuc•uil ICal don tj P.,t ('onnni-- Kienern were .I,p.,inted lu lik(,ite the sitr ibr a new city there, who I.utployed II French en-i -neer. by the name "(I.:Enfant to design and lay it out. Beside% the multitude of street,: Illippeoi old and de,ignated by the A, B, (.76, and 1. 2.:1•. he also planned a number of magnificent broad ae. enues, running diagonally arr.,. them. The three principal avenues run: nearirparultei t lin: the centre of the city, rr,,m the cam branch of the Potomac, to Rock creel: near Georgetown Of these the central one seas named Penn.sylva. nia Avenue, the one east of it Massachns tt A v en ue, and the one north of it Virginia Avenue " Pet,t,ylvania Avelino, as is sell known. be came the great thoroughlav , of the city, and where it uas extended across Rock ('reek to Georgetown, a stone bridge with a single arch was erected, with stones unused in building the walls of the (...patol in constructing the nrch of this bridge, thirteen ring or arch stones were exposed to view. on each sideeof which were engraved the initials of one or the thirteen orig in=! States. Those formi the arch, were N. H., 3111,4 N J.. those on the sow.: N. C.., Va., Md. and Del.: teenth, or Keystone 01 this Pennsylvania were eugm as to be seen by all who " From this circumstat tained the name, and to known us the Keystoie since been dt.itroyed-unt But It will be long befot to he known by the mum the keystone of this arch, ington, bore her sos Serious Accident. 4 The Carbondale Ackan,9 , Rip n NAY of last week a serious accidentO - h di.rre4 , 4 the turnpike to Wayinart, near the riAidtinee of John Roberinati, EatiiititivihOto old - E,Zogine House site. Mr. Win. Clark, of tt township, was on his way to Prompton to take over a sis ter in law with a - horse eadh tottay. At that point, meeting a team loaded with household goods, the horse became frightened, shied, up set theyiptsgrithioTintont Mr. Clark and the lady, and Warm both arrerely, then ran rio- •-towardtown strewing .the. fragments of ,the buggy in his course. Mr. Clark and the bi lly weretaken to the residence of Mr. De 'ls Fontaine where they were kindly cared for by him , atid wife. P. Crams was called and found Mr. Clark had two ribs broken and was otherwise injured. Ilia lady was less seriously hurt. lAtzerne County. busy Ticking. oli the old settlers, Int are identified unit the earlier history pr t•crititton, and whose works are lirimr mtniu. went , of their wort h. Sum BIZAI”.4IA --Nlr Nathaniel Clapp, of Hyde Park, died last evening 10 o't lock. Ile waN born in,tog.t county, N. V. April 111. 1;95 —.fames.fennin•z:. working. at ('ar'n Patch 31n0 , . ,•i c ,.,1 scalp mmi, ch:,'h l'a ne.irly complete paral,is of both upper and I,•,cr c‘tnowiti• , . Ile 111:11I,!. impr. • --Stephen C'onrwr, working at tireenwissi Colliery, was :severely injured by a failing roof. 1 e will probably reuuver —.k brmktn:ut on the L. A - . S. Railroad, h a d his band smashed while coupling (IN. 11C 1% ponveyeti to Matthew's drill; store, and awed( al aid wilt for. LW Slaughter !louse of S. M. Santee, in Pine Brook, ea, set On tire on Sun dai morning. The building was burned, ilk.. some :IMO pounds or tallow, mo cows, screral ions or hay and ether personal propt n 3 —6• n, and Kinney. will probably brie their sight. —The following dl.oriptiv.• reference to •rantnn, in 'furrier's Gqz,tker for 113.7.4, appears Ic amusing at this time. but it i. worth —War the thower last week two houses, belonghs*.respectively to. Prentiss • Lyman and Waftelciton; it short distance from 3leshop- Pen.'were struck by lightning. No Wrious Men age was done to either house. Mr. Lyman's daughter was home alone when the charge came down the chimney. It burst open the stove, scattering the tire over the carpet, doing other damage. She, however, being in en adjoining room, bad strength enough left and preset= of mind to put out the fire end save- the • house lays lig° three men were badly ry a mine explion at the Roaring Shaft, near Dunmore. Two men named anton, p. 0., hozerne co.. Pa.. no in. N Tistiurg. Situated ou the It. b. of Lacka ink cr., and on the Lackawanna & Wist ,iat.l, 50 in. front Groat Bend, N. Y. It extensive iron workin, and 75 inhab- bad history, as Scranton at that time •ml thousand inhabitants.—Fcrre uton mg Comity'. igements are being made by the Grand the Republic, Roberts Yost, No. 18S, orough, for the appropriate obsemauce tam Day, - being on'the 80th Inst. :kin : a - day - the 12th Inat., the livening itr:rap into two cows, killing one a knost .11r; pag.hrealting the hind leg of the other. Felton's house had some of the shingles torn up, the gable and window broken In and some damage done to the furniture Inside. —A very serious smash-up occurred an the railroad near this place on Saturday, the 14th inst. It seems an empty coal car In the freight train bound north struck the frog, and bouncing up jumped the track and run upon the sills un til] within a few rods of the depot, where it run off entirely, dragging several cars with it, while the momentum of the train, the rear cars of which were loaded with pig iron, pushed the airs on tap of each other in a most miraculous manner. No person was hurt —7 l uodiannork RepuN;can. Land For Sale. One hendml uere..; of land. situated a mile and a halt from Sidney Plains, Delaware coup• tv. N. Y.. and the junction of the Albany and gustfa RAI and the Midland Abotit forty arms cleared ; Timber enough upon it to more than pay for it a comfort:ll)e house, good land, and well t‘atered. Inquire immediately at this office, or at' O. M Hawley, New Millbra, Pa. May 4th. 18111-1 , ?Medical Soelet y. The Susquehanna county Medical Society mill hold their nut semi-annual meeting at llophot tom, Wedumlay. June 1, 1870. A general invi tation i+ given to all reg,-ular practitioners. A clinic will be licld at one o'clock, r M. all eases treated fre^ of charge. I'. L. GetuiEtt, S4,crutairy Mar 18-4 w Borough Bouts. —The editor of the Montrose &publiatn hus "Peceuvie , I " —We were visited by quite a mild thunder storm on Thursday last which a n beli e ve was the first of the season. —The Radical "Ring leaders" unlike the good people in the days of Zephaniah, wag their "heads" instead of their "hands" We guess they have heard from New York. —There was another rind more seven thun der storm passed over this place on Saturday last, accompanied with a very heart . wind. It blew otf the top of a fine maple tree in front of Wnt. J Mniford's store which hi.d withstood the storms for many a year. —Our "grammar Master" proposeA to search the scriptures hereafter. We think it a good asolin ion as he may learn if he will a good les ,ion of charity. He sacs he is not a "preacher," but we think perhaps he has neglected to hear preaching as often as he ought to have done. —Another thunder storm may be looked for next week. • --The social will meet at Mrs. Fanny Lsth rop's on Friday evening next. An) person proysslng to get drunk and manifut his quarrelsome disposition must be ware of our efficient peace °dicers, or he will find himself caged as we notice such things oc cur quite frequently lately, without regard to sex, color, nr previous condition of soberness. Brooklyn Items —On the 10th lust., while we were having a delightful shower, the house of Benjamin Lind say was struck with lightning A rod on the house took part of this charge, the remainder went in the opposite direction into the pantry, broke a kerosene lamp. set fire to its contents, po t ... Irtac at tne time MCA, +rev. four personssin the house, more ur Ims shocked. A nwnber of the rooms show effects of the pas. sing fluid. --On Thursday last the barn of Baker Wood ward, was also struck with lightning. A scan of horses were in the barn at the time--damage —The Flonring Mill of Wm Watterson, which was burned ewmc twelve months since, is now being rebuilt. Tlw frame will be raised in a few days. Mr. W. k an ex-perienced mill wright, and will get up ,me creditable to himself and the township. —Jared Baker. formerly of Brooklyn, but now of Ness York, is the owner of two farms about ~ne-fourth of a tulle north of our village: on one 0( them ab itit c,,us,),a , az° he bulk an elegarttiVitfr*,: filftdring, .ricc, out fwo years'since lie erected „ h u lloi ng e 4 ,1 00 t e nt , t wo :dories, and masOhry wc.rk underneath of nbont Ist feet To what US, this building Is to be loot it a My%Wry to MS anl one year ago his tor- . man had orders ft a another structure '24 v 72 tl believe) with a large wing or ell upon one side and which has nine g .„1,1,, I lands are now at a ork finishing this house up in an elt‘gatit and costly manner. This building, the fireman says, is evidently go ing to acrommodate three or four families. Mr. B. is one of those men who makes his own cal culations, and has but few worts in relation to his plans of business. We wish Mr. Baker suc cess in Ida undertaking, and We as n people will quietly wait for the sequel, or development of Ids plans, &c. M. A Pnzzle I :MI el.)lleeit'ed I,FIII - 41 and W. t,td, A 4 other creaturtat be Yet three 1., neither firt-h nor i t tr io d, Nor Itttite retnainq in me: Tic.) tuok me front inc mutt er's .%tid cot elf my to.): Thcy ace tne Rarli a dratight to drink 1 such cirtne had : I made a ar !tot weep king, and king, Anil made tixi) Is l•rs glad Laud Swindlci A ettrerullt in•tTartttl stateme n t, h r a \ltisbington correspondent (.1 the N. Y. II ‘trhint' Ilondac. exhibits in details the mnrnm,snir;t!!c?ahontt n h prepet mkt] Congre-i cat llte peol le. iti the shapeof land Kr ants t.. Ow. ‘Vcptern railroads and ot her pretended internal impr,tventent pro jet•ts. The aggregate lire:tot' territory grant - d already is nearly 400.(t00 wluaretnlles, or one-eight of the t irk. En rfave of the Uni ted States. During this session. one hundred and sixty grab bills have been introduced into Cong.ress uhieh ff passed will gobble up flit reittaattler of the pub lic domain, NEW Yocum PRODUCE EARKI.PTs Correeed weekly by William Ilodcdon, 2 ,.11 Fallon . - it.., New York. Week ending May 21, 1870. Rutter, pail ... .. • . • , . . . .. . 430,34 " firkin .. 31(03 CliNise, dairy. per lb ... ..... ...... . 14415 .. factory ". ...... ........ ..... 15018 1....;z1; . , per doz 17(g18 Floor, per bagml... ......... . .... 4.1;00)5.50 Corn meal, 100 lbs... .... 2.:V g 2.30 Wheat, per bttshel 1.20(01.40 Rye . " 100(01.00 Oa ts " fA469 corn 1 IWI.IB Rope, crop of 1880....... ........ .. 15418 Reef, sides, per lb 13q,14 llogs, "... 9412 Potatoes, per bbl. '1.504,2.G0 Turkeys, per 1b.... ...... . 22(429 ('llickens " . • 23 c(h'.....'5 Geese Tallow TIZLEI.T B / 5 1 . GRIr Forest Lake, on the 17th Inst., Elisha Griffis, aged 81 years. Mr. Griffis came to this county with his fa ther's family in 1799, and, in common with the settlers of that early time, endured the priva tions and hardships of pioneers. In early man hood he purchased and settled upon the farm (then a wlldernm) that has since been n his home, the birth-place of his children and place of his death.He was a faithful and earnest business man, a kind parent and neighbor ; an d now - he relkt s 0p416 Owl; haidde• : fent --Ahntistmtnts. STRAYED From the premises of the subscriber, about the 12th inst., six Yearlings-4 heifers, I white steer, 1 mull) , steer, l light red stem Any in formation of their whereabouts will be thank fully received and fairly rewarded. Address, Richmond Rill, P. 0. THOS. CLUNK Silver Lake, May2ls, 1870.-8* THE LATEST ARRIVAL, IDICE11:1 LARGEST AND BEST STOCK DRY GOODS, NOTION'S, TRIMMINGS., Bats itaxas:l Daps. STRAW GOODS, Scooting ehaaci 111033.420c0m, HARDWARE, IN MONTROSE NOVELTY CLOTLIM WRINGER The Best in Use. We keep a FULL STOCK of the above arti cies, and sett them at the VERY, LOWEST PRICES iff'CASII PAID FOR WOOL. Cull and examine our :3.tock El= Iltrotro,. May 25, 1270. $2OOO A YEAR AND EXPENSES To agents to sell the celebrated WILSON SEWING MA. The pest machine In the world. Stitch alike on both sides. One Machine - without Money. For furth er particular... address 2 N. 'Jib Ph. (mnithn3• THE FOLHOM IMPROVED Twenty-Five s2os — Dollor Family Sewing Machine, The cheap est First Claws Machine In the Market. Agents scanted iu every Town. Liberal commission allowed. For terms 9nd circular, addrer.s A. B.TJANn.rom. [mayGAgnt, No. ,eMetiestrint at.. Philadelphia. Pt. • ta—amtlio IRON IN THE BLOOD. and expels dboase by supplying the blood with Nsrms's OWN Vrrsitmuck Aanur—LEON. Coutiow.—Be sure you get Peruvian glom. Pamptdetli tree. J. P. DINS3IORE. Proprieton No. 38 Dry 131.., New York. Sold by Druggists genertili7. \larch 16, 18i9.—y C TIOVER A; BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWINj JIACIIINEs, 459 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. rooms OF EXCELLENCE Scanty and elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the epoch. Nu fastening of seams by band and no waste of thread. Wlde range of application withont change at adialt meat. • • The *tam retsinA Its beauty and Ormnese after warn ing and Ironing. „ . Beside* all kinds of work done by other Searing Ma chine*. mese Machines - nieente the most beautiful end permafient Smbroidery and ornamental work. [tribe IlliatettXPrectinms at nil the fairs end exhi bitions of. he United hours and Europe. have been awarded the firoser lb Baker stewing ;Mashies, ard the iodations by them, wherever exhibited in compe tition. . . [4T - The very hi„ohest prize, TICE CROSS OF TOE LEGION OP HONOR, was conferred on the reptusent. nitres of thettrgyar Avilaksr fuming blaehloes, at the tzpositiort, Uuirerselle, Parts, thus attesting their great superiority pier all other elewthit Yhthines. For sale Ly . T. B. OLIANDLER. liOntrose la¢el. lye. ,_. AUCTION i - .441/CTION It• The subscriber will. sell at public sale on his premises Gibson, em • Saturday, May. 28th, commencing at 10 o'clock *a. tn., the following property, to wit: • - A coal burnerixioking_: Stove, Stove Funii tore, a quantity of Stove Pipe, a large brass Ket tle. Tables, Stands, Chairs, Bedsteads, Barrels, Meat Casks, Soap Casks, a barrel of Soap, and a large number of articles not named. Also, if not previously sold, 6 Hives of Bees, a quantity of Bee Hives and Glass Boxes. TERMS OF SALE.--All sums under $5. cash ; $5 and over, six months credit with in. terest and approved security. Gibson, May 11, 1870.—5w5 L IBERTY TOWNSHIP BOUNTY STATEMENT. Ain't of autstinding bonds with interest4B69.(3 4 l •• ordent, chargeable to bounty and M. L. TRUESDELL, i luditom W. M. BAILEY. ( Liberty. May I, Ib7o---43mal THE PLACE TO TRADE THE BEST YARIETT OP GOODS. AT THE MOST .Guilenbay, ?esenbaum 4 'f,o , Largo and handsome selection of READY MADE CLOTHING, For men. boys' and youths' wear. Floc selection of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, COATINGS, Sc For Cuajom Work. We take measures and retake up ger man% to order, after the newest and most tasty styles. Large variety of PIECE GOODS to sell by the yard. A Eno variety of Gents' FURNISHING GOODS, Neekilos, Ikters, Paper and Linen Collars, Shirts, Trunks, Satch els, Umbrellas, etc, Large eeloetiou of newest styles of CROCKERY, of variou4 oastrrial. ID our Th 7 Good+ E.partneera you will find Pvplias. Mohair,. Alpacas (black and ell the lead lag calon sad shades. Nara Percales. printed ()ruse dies and Muslin,. Ireach Giughams, etc. Table Linen. Towel, Napkin., ISS Jaconeta PARASOLS, Sunshades, Skirts. Comets. Kidd and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, Ilandkereblers. Collars and Can, rte. SHAWLS. SAQUES. of 'vnliotm mnti•rlnl and In dif er. ann mnr,enes Trimming, Puffing, Fringes, etc. DO MESTIC GOODS, Manlius, Callum, Ticks, DC011124 we have • lame aclettion In trtmmeti and untrimmed Hata, Pondoarna, Flowers. Ribbone, Satin., Laces, Blonde, Frames. black and colored Crepe., Sc. The prices on all oar Goods are marked away DOWN and will defy all competition. Oar vitals are bought iu large quantities, and sel,ted e ith ttreat care, and we flatter ourseleca that we can girt satisfaction to all. Montrute. May 11. Iw7o TEvery kind of Ten In market lust argred. and for sal. at New York wholesale price . Also a fine as. sortment of COFFEE. Buy of we and save express charges. ABEL TT It Montrose. Pa.. April 2). 1871. VEW WA 1.1.(1'A Jurt nrrnred. and .Aline; rhrepby Montrofe, ABEL TURREI.I AMERWAN Eli Waltham Watches Al' THE COMPANY - 8 PRICES. And warranted by the Company sent with every watch Price LIPt and descriptive Catalogue emu to any address. Orders biled by expire,. C. 0. 0. with the privilege of ex Initiation before para.., the mom,. Address ALEIANDER ft HARPER. SO, Chccnnt street, Philadelphia. Ap M-2111 lIUMPS! PUMPS! Cucumber Wood Pumps The Rest and Cheapest Pumps ever made. Durable, Miable, accurate and perfect, and give They air adapted depth of well upto water very family one can put than in repair, & when In " directions," give perfect satin ASK FOR RLATCHLEY'S (MCI)" MISER W 001) PI:NI PS. Evert• Pump sold by me or my authorized agent guaranteed genuine. CHARLES G. BLATCIILEY, Manf r. 624 and 626 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ap. 6-6 m HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI- AT lON. For the Belk:read cure of thc.Erring nod tiufortunate,on Principle+ of Ch Het tau Essay. on the Errors of Yonth and the of - Age. In relation to If arrlage and Social Evils, with pant tary ald for the sillteted, Seat free, In sealed envelope& Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Dos P. PtalaaelPhia. ALI. RIGHT FOR 1870. 23:1331%71Er5T mrcrztitrir r r bte Tan conttant receipt of NEW (101311 ,4 . whtch as.ortment Is rendered more and more complete abd etirsetlre for all tit• usual varieties of trade fur 1867. /a Yee Pry Goods, Wao Groceries. Ardo Eartunds, and fildret. Mws. Makin/2, kanYe, OW, &iota &Moss. ,trudi Paper, Maciato 5A444 , gous CapejVciaßobsejezdies 1147,..f100p, Stilts, ea/ads:6 ail be add am Up meg Peonage came, Nor Inforit,lan:lBlo. TITTLE.. Mid whom you will dad LIBERAL PRICKS, 1..4 HATS AND CAPS, NEW DRESS GUOD WHITE GOODS biILUNERY GOODS EZ= BLATCTILET'S no taste to the water it cisterns 9r any d lanarthrow n idly. Any pan keep them nt up nerortline icy never fail to tetion, BUI & NICHOLS DR U O GISTS & APOTHECARIES, Keep reuudarly supplied alth cisAtivursarnall rege and Medicines.Chernicale. Dye Stun. Wines I I.iyaore, rnints, pile and:Vern.nll, Perfumery, Fancy Suave; Yankee Notions, ite.,te.. Fresb from Sew York City. All the• most popnlar PATENT MEDICINE sold ID Ibis section, smong which may be (wand A yre'v and Jayne'. Family Medicines ; Bembold's Bo chn. Schenck'', ?almonlc Syrup and Sea Weed Tonle. Duponco',. and Cheepematt's Fe male Plllv, Hain, cough Bahian", Wlvhart*. Pine Tree Corntal, Boll's flair Renewer. Ring', Ambrosia. Kennedy's kled- Mal Lk covery.Bootland'e German Bitters, Hoeteeteiee Stcanneti Bittern; And [nary other kinds of real value and merit. In fact oar Stock embraces a tine assortment of everything an. ally kept In well regulated Drug Stores. Ve7 - Preseriptions receive particular attention, mad arc carefully and promptly compounded. .• Storo formerly occupied by J. Medd" - A. B. BUMS. Montrose. March 'a, OM. AMOS NICHOLS. F LOLTR ! FLOUR From this day forward, we shall sell Flour at retail at WHOLESALE PRICES We hang out no false colors, but mean Just what we say. While making Flour s specialty, our stock of FEED. MEAL, SALT, LIME CEMENT, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, cte. Will be kept run and sold at very smnfl profits. H. GARRATT & SON. New Milford, March 2,1870.—1 y Fd P. STAMP GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Flour. Salt. Better. Pork. Larci. Ham Safi Fish, Tallow, Candles. Crackers, Cheese. Coffee, Spices, Choice T,uts, Sugars. Rice. Dried and Canned Fruit. Tobacco, Cigars. Scuff. 111131.1 all other articles tu , nall kept in a first clam Grocery and Pius ision Store. We o ill mark our Go 1• se low se so am afford, and •ell forts-u. ur exclistme for product, PAT tioN AGE SuLICITEII, Muntro,e. Feb. 2, ITio.—tf N T A LUBLE FARM FOR URN SALE IN AUB TOWNSHIP The subscriber offers for sale the valuable Farm situated in Auburn township, lately be longing to J H.MeCain. Said farm contains two hundred and eight acres, one hundred and sixty acres improt ed. There is on said farm a first class two story house and new barn ; two orch ards ; a quantity of fruit trees. Said farm is on ly four miles from the Lehigh Valley Railroad, dell watered. good timber, and in every way a first class fawn. Person , in want of a good farm will understand that it chance to purc hase such a Pr"PcrtY is w•hlona offi:tvd. For terms anti particulars, inquire of E. L. WEEKS, Assignee of J. IL McCain. Al.o, for s‘ale, the IJOUSE and LOT InMont new now oretnipitni by .1. H. McCain, with about X 3131.+1 of land belonging thereto. E. L. WEEKS, Ataignee of J. IL McCain. Montrose, Jan. 111, 1870.—tf I)ENTicT►tV C. A. SACKETT , DmLai New.Milferd, Pa irt,lnr tet 011 ri% ell :0 all Ope• tit Inns nn the nato Iti teeth. Teet Ins...vied In 01l the vari Loan, ytes new in row. I`,•rfort a nti•hictio guarantied , t•ntne and nee nu . . and suety yourselvve. Ones hours. hours ench dn• Jan. 6. ISTU —ly I 1 • 11ZE' EIRE! FIRE!—Your house moy bnrn nest. Nrrk refuge et once, either In the Assuns, Security, N V., • • - - $2010.800 00 NlAnhatlnn, 1.6011.000 Oil North Ann-rn,u, . • . 8..:3 • 101 00 honorer. . WOO OD hlrard. - - - 1X0,1210 00 lioterpriro, - - nOO,OOO Of/ Or Norwich. Conn., chartered a lay. 1869.1hasideut Stock Co.. In Connerllent All of the above are oliTestahliahed, Drat elaaa Compunle, .ore. and rriiablo, baring been tried and proven. Look out for little oew wild cat con, polo , iprlnzing up all over the country just to quite money. trall or rend vour applications, sod I See that you are fairly dealt with HENRY C. TYLER. Life and Acclacut Inauraucc Agent, at the uses of W O. l.nnk. Ery.. Montrooe, February 1. lrll.-tt. A 13E1, Turnamt„ Hal .14.1 retterneti from Now York With a large ad dition w It ntork or choice goods. Montrose, Nor. 28. Ils6ll. GOLD JEWELRY A N..,v uldinr7P.cmply, ABEL TURRELL. Montrtme, Nov 24, YVIZARD OIL and nearly everything as TUBRELL'B. Pula LIQUORS. REELTB ..NATIVE GRAPE' BRANDY. diatMed strictly am:D nod a 'swim oP other Brandies, Including Cherry Brandy, Cider Brandy, Cc: Nearly the direr rent kinds of Rum. Holland Gin, old Rye and - Bourbon Whiskey. Akohol.Pure Spirit,Ba'Rnm,Be.,tmnatano ly on band and for sale by ABEL TERRILL Montrose. March Md. • SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENNION ft, and DAM PAT fine undersigned, LiegbiliED AGENT or the OOV. M6N3INNT, having obtained tho DOCIMS2I7 rem% die.. will give prompt attention to all datum' Istrlmbao golds etro. No charge unless aneeessfal. 0130..1 . 10 , ILIITMLY/L Mottles*, Jima tith,11364. . E. P. STAMP ._. ;~