The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 25, 1870, Image 2

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    -A deadly assault was made, on the
it: T eumxiti i hn in ge
It,i‘ n ,..o sre udlitutt n hbitn i .i c ei rs ar.itioiliin, r me r flyien e lnnu J nte. o f,n er tts n.: af a oßr n mma lias iny tb : l icin fo ta li
I the God-man, and is built up by the high- best men everywhere are disgusted with Rebellion In Dlelklnson college .
13th, in the House of Correction, at South
tie, Rearing Younn C rp h rh t bs e ) ;e nite n v. slnts to Fanners,
The POntrose Petnotrat• ,er perceptions of truth, imparted by the the doctrine that the negao is the equal There it is, just as we expected;? Weal-
, f ß r o ey sto ,
~n u , p b o y n a a co n n i N n ic st t ru n c a t n o i:d mi tm ed es
Lo G u ro i - 8
---________ Spirit of Truth as we are able to bear of thee white man. Hence their frantic ap- was s knew the "Fifteenth Amendruent
Letter from Virginia. . .
the illjured Man.
them. There is a east difference,
hick peals to the negroes to " vote solid," to ,would breedtrouble, end , now here is
limn anew, May IS, 1970 Banker, whinh may result in the death of Ducks, Summer mjiagernen g t r ; o2 l3,li t oa t o ;Cep t ; thi :Cas eo. a oox Y mi. u Uss oian Wa riii
truth and the outward form in which it : ,4 remember their friends," andto be "true Dickinson College shaken ' from turret to
To Me Editor If Me Montrose Demoerat:
_--=-_-.... iis embodied, while we may truly say that 'to the principles of the Republican party. Foundation stone," and all about the p m t To
paper came to hand a few days since,. non and Eildt a k t il ai L ,r as,
“Holy Scriptnrecontnineth all things nee- 1 There is no necessity for this extraor - rade of our "nnlored citizens' . on Tuesday --On Thursday evenine. the 12th. the u th fi er n Us re sitel
• essam to s:th ati•m.” It b e ing th e express 1 ao me y z eal The Dernotratio - party is not last Who will Pretend to say, alter this Aetna much grati fi ed by the perusal. I find the
of sus k, watt•r fruit ti the t a I 1 ' f
sobs, nbers n tall 1., knot% alutt the grain price
, %an ages or a popular and talented Democratic member D o
of Congress from York and Cumberland Down Sheep, Portraits from late of p ' ttre bred
sem of all essential doctrine, it is yet true •. bidding for the Notes of she negroes. It that Sainte , is not a pow er in the county . ) ..' Fancy Poultry, the Kern breed of Cattlehreak-
WEDNEaDAY, MAY 2S, IEI7O. dairy. The muter •'
mg Colts, ling Root Crops for Stock, Cana
that all the elements of heasenly life li ith- , proposeS to adhere to its old thshioned The litis wanted to see the parade, and to
in this section of the coon- ,district, the Hon. Richard J. Haldeman. d 11
--= --
- - in us. and w Inch we call faith, are the in- doctrine that this country is CO be govern- this reasonable request n e presume the try at this time, cannot be surpassed, and the led to the IF
alter . iss Marg lan mars, Care of Breedlng Mares, Caponiz,
uetrite Comer- in Fowls, Inquiries( and Answers, etc
" The Campbell are Corning!" 1 spiration of the Spirit. ea l, %%tete men.
- faculty made no opposition. The parade prospect of an abu dmt crop, i
a i p, sas good as the on, the amiable and accomplished dough- it contents are alu al sof the most interesting
Th. , spanker then divided his argument . It can see no strength to the Republic ended shortly after two o'clock ; but the preceding year I may say the climate is adapt 1 • fth• II 's
ter o t on. Simms Cameron, of liar- character, and it Is well worth double its sub
released from bon- minds of the Young gentlemen became so
into the follon mg points: 1. The import- in making a race just. ..., . eel to fruits of all kinds, and those who are pal- scrlption price t • F
o any antler.
New York Thunder! I noes of a receptiveness on the part of all, dage an element of the governing power. greatly excited over the absorbing quest-
fruits, An abun 4 risburg.
gance of the bes a t ‘ f ie w iici•
I :-
o water, . Specimen copies will be sent free to all. Ad
dress N P Boyer &Co , Publishers, Parke a .
of the influences of the Spirit, or in other All the foresight, and calm, de lo
It erate ion of human rights and political squall- therefore
no impediment in the way of making 1 ,
:41 - Ex-President Johnson,' according
. • burg, Pa.
words, a judgment unblessed by prejudice, thought of the best minds of the country ty that the menibere of the Junior and butter of a superior quality. Cows range from to a Southern paper, intends to resume.
,ts hereby NI e are all able to bear trut is. are needed I to keep the machinery in good Sophomore classes memoralized the ro- $25 to $35, horses from 00 to $lOO Persons ' though in aNI iedesale may, his tailoring --- • -- -- - - - ---- - _
80,000 Strong ! N . 1 ter r itory cast fessors to whom thev nere to recite at
I minds open to Conviction, and animated running order. lit i a so a , a wishine to purchase land here will be kindly re- birin try, and tothat • l it -•
ceiveeat Mr . Meer' f i , b V-, ens, seems that L , IiEIIIFF'S SALES.-Br virtue of writs is
he kJ sued by the Court of Common PI of
1 with aspiratione for_the things to come. as ours-with so many diverse notion! as o clock, to that efiect. and requested to be had purchased a large and commodious
about sixteen miles fare i ' AiMehes m•
t \ er so w n- b in e - re taw i l , Susquehanna County and to me directed, I will
2. A growing catholicity is an absolute to measures of public policy-with Knot- relieved from the afternoon's recitation. %sill give me „. 0 „ ja i ; • brick building in ar e
ille, Tenn. expose to ode In public ',endue, at the Court
It is with feelings of honest pet& that pleasure at all times to ~, i
requisite of progress ; for since Christ .ny conflicting interests -ix oh t hirty-sev- This request was not ace edcd to, and them to view the different farms. Fare from -.--...,-- , House in Montrose, on Saturday, June 4,
we echo the glorious shout of triumph died for all men it is plain that the inc- 'en wheels running within one great wheel therefore these classes resolveti to stay out Scranton to Winchester $lO From Scranton •
Scranton' -t t Susan B Anthony sass the Demo- 1870, at two tii lot L. rit , the tbllowing des
which the grand Old Empire State has pulses of the :spirit must be in the direr- I -the wisest statesmansnip is required to of the recitation•
rooms The absentees to Harrisburg, thence to ('hamberslmrg thence ! vests haie 11.11 opportnn its of m inn ine tle crated pieces or pervert (d . lAnd, to nit:
achieved. She speaks in thunder tones inn of uniii.rsal redemption, ,
n and that 1 presera 0 the ,ssense of our republican in- , were marked accordingly. and a certain
` to Ilagerstsnn, to 11 % un-, Ferri and . from I eierlastino oratitude of • e% itr fencile in All that certain wet or iart lof Land situate
there to Winchester . On • '
arriving at the Latter the land, 17y passing the Sixteenth Amend
:, , I i
in the bonm e eli ot Illontnise, county- of Basque
'yen element in the Church that savors stitutiong. And now, if into the chess of I number of demerit marks charged up place and enquiring for Mrs. Martha Chamber- human, and State of 'Pennsylvania bounded and
for the future return of a free and 'intern- 1 .
of excluseteness, narrowness, or intoier- I our rulers, men are P. be introduced who I aoainst therm When this becatne known. line farm you esti hate no difficulty in in ug
n h • meet. Th• Deinoe.rals don't take stock in tt , nt !,,„ tt tn , r olktn . to wit' On the
north by
fished government such as our noble sires
once, la hostile to the reception and the I are contesseellv in a condition of tutelkze, i the classes held meetings to express their me. Yours cordially, I any ann•ildments They prefer rho ten- lands of N I Post. dee.eised, on the east by
defended and bequeathed to us. diss , mination of the truth as it is in andl they are to hale a controlling voice pent tip indignation at the conduct of the TIMOTHY Ftrnor . . stitot It 11 a:, it is. lamls a Ge,,n z e Baker old Li wis Williams, on
.... -
From a loyal pride of birth we clams Chnst. 3. There can be no progress with- lin the making and minim's/mown of the faculty. and resolved to take no pint ill -Fill% -tiro thousand is bite men are
e 1. ., Wall tile %%1 . 011 , Ai ila ..".s: F W ',I •
more than a common right to mingle in out freedom, for etery noble impulse in- ' laws, i; hat hope can be entertained for Coll.ese et - t e ~,. o , s
of .
. itsonn, May 17, 1870 1 e I 1 . \ I . craned, and on the south b ' •
v the Wyntusing
ids,rant arse,. ,n -itesuchusetts became. ('reek road, and tin • Lola+ v.t . Loa is Williams
" host who s Pil l
the jubilee with the victorions 11 in the human soul begets hatred of ' the permanent hitppiness and prosperity right , il. Ihe iactilty. therefore, susilt nd. P f l '• . I/
,r .on feu,. 11117,11 t I
the% pay no poll tax. lout iligers in :•••. , I tO and John H. Warts Containing about one and
tyranny. 4, and finally, the impulses of ,of the nation ? tot some of the !mink rs of each class, and I MIN e just returned from a wandering trip of (~,,.„1,". N% i i ,, p ar ii ,, t axe s o f any kind. one ti.lll acres of lout la. the same noire or less.,
so successfully met the issue of the se- s e ,Li t ie p t i li t i i r i t i. i:e i i: duns t:(u r and h set
d ale o minto
the Spirit are militant " As Christ came I Politicians may hoot at this idea. as untitled the oiliel- th it mil, .8 tl,, 1, 1 I - make the laws
as- t f t r t i f i c t t 1 i i r e , r ,. 1 . 1 . 1 , 1 , 1 1 1 ,1 7 rt n me d Piling house, MUM
I , a triend t once called , , , I prot ell [Taken in exam
premacy of whirr men, and so cornpletelt upon earth "not to send pfsace, but a , they t•Prtainly will, and , so on strtreling, I slim' . 1 a' i e n d • n l e 11 1 4I1•1 Conet7e dunes by my attention to i eottllntlll a •at.4m in 1 our paper sassed th e %toile people about e54_,0 , )0,0,),) ~,,, ,u ~,, ,ot a John '4 Graham is. John
routed its enemies in the State of our no- sword," it is impossible that His Spirit for the votes of the'solon 7 d people, simply Monday. they nou'l he su.spended until or the 10th mitt dattsl' East Laic ,oral 8,1870," last %i a. Tlaimas
tivity. Althougb the timely protest of It
Ownild inspire the Church without bring- to extend their lease of clement ower but cho't• the ~p, oil,- ;II next session ;aid it ,
, • a f ter land signed "11 ,'" in which your correspondent :
rasps me down for "indulging in new names"
Inn' conillet. Christianity ean aecept of ful men will see in it, an of weak- suspension, Chet"del nit leave Carlsle for I . land situate in the toe, !Ishii - ) of Liberty, in the
Democratic Legislature against the pro- e lof places, and seems to feel particularlY sore to
c tpcnal `Aoticco. of of Susquehanna ‘ltati. of Penylania,
nn eompromise, and will give the world ness which, in after years, may perman- their holiv - 1 4 1 111 livi n' V four , hours, mi n e that 1 alluded In the Pittston Oitzette, to
mitigation of that libel upon the white- bounded and (b.-scribed as follows, to wit On
loop rikee until the Church is victerions eat% dissever States that are now only they %viola lh t' Ap, Ilea Ti, ,todents de- the Sutton neighborhood or the • Sinners' Cor ..._ ..._-- the north tr, lands of Joseph Webter, on the
race, negro equality, was ignored by
the l oxer evert' form of error. Truth and jarring and discordant, or that may cause 1 clined to cOmp'Y , and man: - of them hale err." o Tour correspondent 111 1, had probably i r s " .. ' wi re II m i lt
: 1 , 4
‘ 1 , 1 , 1. , F.
F A t: A S e; Inc., .tc e , i ' l • I') lands of Joseph Webster, on the south
Radical demagogues at the national Cap- I falsehood must grapple until the Spirit of a nation, desponding of the success of Re- , lel t for their bonus. The number die-
e g la e that, when, lust fall a S.ibbath-sehool Iran Bedstead,. n ire Webbing for Sheep and Pon a-y by lands of 11 T Ban n and on the west by the
i ic uas gotten up for the M L Church of vsrits Br ...and Iron W Ire A loth. bleu
Fender. Piddle highwny leadig from Binghamton to
Ital. she now pours out a volley of wrath- I Truth is triumphant publican institutions. to fly to a different missed amounts to alu,nt forty.-Carlisle this charge, the church authorities entirely nee- 1 Screens for Coal Or e s, Sand. .te Ber,' crimped Montrose Containing about one-fourth of an
Z I 'Hits has not resulted from there hay- form of government To present such l'ohnticer- laded the little Sabbath-school at the Sutton ( loth for spark Aro.t r e . dpe Wirer Mr Mln
ful indignation at the ballot -box tho 1 , eso. ses Paper !Inhere %Vireo Oronmental Wire acre, noire or less, together with the appurte
lin been too little of the Spirit of Truth 1 disastrous results, the Democratic patty , --vet .11.11..." - sehool-house, that was under the same pastorate. vi " etc Elery infor run( by a ddrept,lng the man minces, one small frame house, one frame are,
shakes their political house of corruption g ate them no invitation to attend ;
and, al- Mat-torero. • I,I7VAL ‘ KER & SONS
in the orld. for men are thirsting for I insists upon the doctrine-the doctrine of enso - s n Delinement and dodging witnesses few apple trees, and all improved. [Taken in
to the very centre. knowledge ledge ; but it is the result of a lack I Washington, Jefferson and Jackson-that I hereafter will have to be a little more though the assistant preacher of tlke (Inapt ("""-Is° No 1. N sorb at , Philadelphia
exerntion nt the snit of L N. Tompkins VIA.
lived in the same samot district, 1
.ct, taere was not Win I Johnson and Martha L, Johnson.
Let us contemplate for a moment past of linos, of freedom. and of real Proses- 1 white men must rule America. eareful in responding to the process of ' one committee men or woman appointed to at- W led n a Ire man In ench County
. in the Stale' , to ',tot
and take order, A ,St -All those two evtiain mere.. or par
s9oo a° a ci 1 ) •
farts and figures. In 1868, the Democrat- tantism among Christians themseli es. 1 It makes its appeal to the white men of the conrts, in important th e trials. ' tend t t o the netting o r of the school, and, not tw .ample. for Th. , . COFFEE and oeices ae ennoble (CIS Of land situate in the township of New
ic majority for Seymour over Grant was roe S ;CR...MEN-I% l tIIA countrx. It Is high time that cop censer As will be st•en by the foll.m inn, section '
to h a• 3 S
In, utton wer ca led me."'" "11l 'ire a "Mar! of 390 0 to 31 000 a year, abcl , •
C I i
~,,, n d o th , cspes ,,,,,, . 5 a „.„,, o „,, bk , ~,,,„„0 , , Milfoni, county of Susquehanna, and State of
tilt 11 e n un , heretofore identified with the of a law puss' at the last session, thev • Bndgewaterta attend the funeral of a reps- I mon „„ ~,,,„ Pennnili.inta the tint piece hounded and de
10.000. In 1869, the majority of Nelson At the conclusion of this able and alto ~ „ „ , tion the day prior to the plc-air; vet, by the Immediate mmlientiona are pfflicited from proper par scribed as lotions. to nit Beginning at 0 post
puelican party, mho were ale acs hos- make themselves liable to indictment and inspiration of Mr as
discourse the bolo communion lead ' '
surer „ , -utton • s own words, that tlir tie. Refentmee exchanged Apply to or ❑ addrele , Imnie
an lierriltx.k stump, the north corner of Charles
over Siegel, Radical, for Secretary of :state, the to negm suffrage, and who, if an op- . heals penalties • sinners' Corner," lasing his own expression) dimple
partske ii of. Bishop Stevens officiating. i .1 etO'FF.R &no Leech's farm, thence by the northeast line of
was 20,241. On .Tuesdac, the 17th inst.. , portimitv had been presented to them as Be il evaded, ifc , 'That if any person, should he fully represented , and the encourage-I • ( ont in. • ntal Mille
rh.:, mi. followed by post-comiminion, I said farm suth. 42 degrees and 41 minutes east,
the Democratic majority in the State will under the conduct of Rev. Lewis W. Gib- was pledged to them by the party leaders, elm shall has,. been required
1 ., ‘ virtue of meet g,lven by Mrs Sutton, that, to the last of se .1 . 7-4
her aorta the Sabbath-school of her district - 514 /k• " • ""• *S " ' fl ' ll ' 37 and 3-10ths perches to a point in the middle
would hate voted the amendment don n ani writ of subpcena or other legal prn-or she East It road thence by the middle of
probably exceed 80.000. What us the les- son. should be ' pro ' '
perly provided for. Mr Sutton' s , Shaking and furning.-D n at-nacre...sal to said mad north 47 degrees east, 12 and t, funs
by merwhelming majorities-It is high vest to attend and testify in any protean- id d i
c. ast _eugater, and the neighbor , ' and the Journey ram the tropics to klarka in order to expert perches. thence by other land of Matthews
son which thioteaches ? It is this: That The thanks of the Convention were - .
that for such men to sever the lead- lion for forgery, perinry or felony before neighbors children. gathered at the residence of tore Ito I moire In Alnphn In order to n a-peril', the .x.
tendered to Rey E. A Warriner of Mont- 1 time north, 42 deeTees 40 minutes wevit, 37 and
with no other issue than that of negro - ' ing-strings of party, and east their A otes i au% ci 'mina ' ) . out. pubre, justice or other .
Mr. Sutton, and fare thence the young 31isses perlence the extrmuett of net and cold. Thoneand• nn- 3-10ths perches to a poll and stones, and then&
rose, Pa , for the able Convention sermon • f the families of Sle,srs. Sutton, D
_anti, Rosen- dergo MI the inconventemen of thin thermomel neM by land: of the estate or E A. &O. Pratt south,
suffrage, the Radical party with all its ac- delivered by him. with the men who are in foyer of white judicial tribunal in this commonwealth, cane and Hoyt, flw to tne flou er gardens, and ( -astir, rire, dak or e. ery other say. . the care ma. he 461, tlegretea west 1•'. and 0-10ths perches to the
quired negro votes, and even backed be
- THIRD DAT -.AFTERNOON SESSTON. men ruling America. , •or W [lll Mai have liven reel gnized or held to those of their neighbors, and to the moon- %title .. .it the tronhit• of mt. inj, over the Ihost ' . '' -•
• -
InAd A place of beginning ( ont.tinang 2 and
Let the issue be distinctly defined and to bail to attend as a witness on behalf of tain for evergreen and floral decorations for their wore with these inioluninry phakero What are may aens, more or Its, with the appurtenances, one
the administration at Washington, has The folios% ing resolution was offered b I banner and their table, and when the
met with an overwhelming defeat, which Mr. RA. Isunnerton : T eerie and squarely fought. Let Demo- the commonwealth or defendant, befole
• • gala day ' doing to expedite their return to ton medium tempera forme house, nne ailed, some fruit trees, and all
1 costs disdain to truckle to this policy of any court lia% ing ;urisdictiop, to testify , c a tn t te r distnetaz as well
pastoral c h ar ge ,
as tore , -to break the chill. and hanirh the retort Are ImM - teed Abso---The second plow or pared
shows beyond refutation, that any attempt Reselved, That this convention hereby , procuring negro votes. Let them stand in any prosecution as aforesaid. shall un- nlber•(, direorations. e p Pas,awsiraon,efora an • d w i . , ,,,t 1 1 0 1 t t t h te e vj u t i le r : h o e r tar t T e lz , er t zt , t „ h :Tr i o . : . tr r e i na n
g t7 h ijomr , i , l , l o 5 I bounded
fl a t tt .t d 41 ,,, e ,, C , . ,n
t il t i n t Ml O 7 . renown,a err the
Il e ! : v be- 4
consents to the formation of a new Dm
to revolutionize human nature.ancl strike I firmly upon the platform which hies been law fulls and a allay. from this common- in the usefulness of such recreations Mt ir hotter and net-cons system . Zme of them are no
f i ,ake roail,.tt l iem - e by other land of Berry Well
down the barriers between the races, will cese, to be composed of all that part 0 1'1 their boast and pride for manv years that ueillth or from the jureelict ion of Such
the - ll • fP 1 I rh ,
present t it - Neese ri ennny vania wile this go% ernment was made by white men • court. and with intent to den-at the tulle When nis remembered that of the $5O sub
scribed for semi-mouthly preaching in hui dis- certain rpecttit
(ionic hot not a molority of them. it is believed The
ys ne or Hontetter p Stomach Bitten. net a barmier. and man north 14 degret, and 40 minutes fast, 42
for Oyer Rnd ape is anderrtood and ap- and 2-10 t Its pen n, to a post and stones corner,
stamp the mark of Cain upon its ache- lies outside of the counties of Philadel- I for the benefit of white men. of public justice, shall abscond, elope or trict school-house for one , Mr . Sutton sub- Pr. 0 ." 1..11 pane of the country where Intent , .
scribed one-half or the
t" ' I'
theme by land of Samuel Green south, 49
whole, and an that of the eln the s prin g em a protelon ta.ininta the ermin e
by Fes"` and 15 minutes east, 49 perches to the
cafes. We believe that, with Connecticut phia. Delaware, Chester. Montgomery' and I Let protection-the utmost protection , conceal him-elf. and ref
ii-e to appear as stibseription of at 2 for enlarging the Sabbath- ' wsteh i hes. are ntirronoded , not nll of them pa His- for middleof t ` aid road thence by the middle of
for a base in the East, and California in 'inch's. 31'd that with the consent of the I -be always afforded to the negro in the required hi -aid subpirna ••r other le g •al school library. he pre of his own equal to any a blind adherence to error Is the ppeciality of soar ten
, 31
t pill lies and south 71 degrees
Bish7 the 11,-puties of the Dineesel to the
the West, the States one after another 1 1 enjoyment of the rights which properly proe , ss or reco-nizaile, of bill, shall be f f our i patro , n i s t of the school outside of his own plc, f t b ;l ' . ' n t • h br ' anyit n Zfe t.„' in thernpmeles. It le Chit. - and I) minutes west 14 perches to the , place h of
will follow the example of Nen York, and ol e t ‘ o t ion " i d .n t ' i r l i v l oCt°tllliteeill'tt . t e o a n te f i re t s.en th t
i t t hi b s o n d ss: I belong to him under the laws of the land, gull's tf a mi-demeanor. and tieing there- .. t.
I.. w . i e t n hi' Lr th n e win ei rsnet•cen- i 5 t=i: , ( .,. 1 , % ,f 1i [titters =t i t tt . e p r n pa ,, tr i e n l 7. 7 l rl y
, a f 1 . i 5,. ‘4 7, 1 .i n , t , i , t , i n i( , • Ilinentiii,mitiiirigt,(:((si,littillittinhtg. 4 .p ac p 7 irte a n n : d m r 4.9 (
bat let him not he put in positions where b2re coniicted. -hall li/ sentenced to pay a
will be added to the circle until Pennsl- and rognestits consent to and raliticati(;n I tleavoring to deg - rade hint in the public curiae- e0r'tVputt""tr",,`,707,,%.,"1,1‘,",t,h,`,..,%11‘,16:,. improsed [Taken in execution :it the suit of
is to govern ern white men. hue net e‘c coding I 11' r thonsand dol'ars. non and had failed in the courts to do so. and n oprvrt to the faculty but M• , an Important truth, and F. A Pratt use of Ilinry DeAN itt vs Calvin
vania will again assume that exalted po- Of the same. Democrats, and all xi ho love republican or undergo an irmiri-01.1iii nt not award- then stismeti to the sneaking meanness of neg. one that netrly comer,. the tivalth of Large p. Mem. ob. 'IN elltn.ttl
in ,arton• parte of the rtmntry and Indeed of the pnitlic tI SO-111 that et- i t • • . o r
A r c h of " Keystone to ihat maenient ALIEN fill ENTS TIILRETO. institutions, u rite molt upon tour ban- lot: Inc y .11 - .. or both, in - ender, at tut' 1-'' los own and his not: s lllmm eltiblren in
nt Inn, it in made fmrlesnli Found.' on ample and .1 .. . r s n putt • e parcel of
l ins nations for a church lesaii al. it will not be land, situate in the borough of Fro taLsville, coun
unirienchahle testirrloUr It - deans distils. , la
Arch which shall proclaim to the world An amendment was offered by Mr. Bolt- I nrrs , 11,• %lords, wrtITE MEN MUST RI LE discretion of the emir , . wondered at that Mr. Sutton dropped the re- To reak up tome and ft,, ,, . .111 At , ire prevent I ty a se..- I ,l, •hanna, State of Pennsylvania,
that none but white men shall rule Amer- len, to the effect mat the tiir Ern tint, o f tA ii ERIC L.- ralleu &wit. - -....5...0.- mark that his Ms It neightiorlitiod is as lOoktYl them. tint, it no:Jan.:Po I....halite op Mir oh;derscce t vs,;• bound, •I and described as follows, to wit • On
Northampton. Lehigh, Berks and Lances- I The Last kerosene [terror. upon by certain persons, as the •.-Sinners• Cor- • rt.tns reattordllve Play the nortioi Ist M. • the MllfOra anti Owego Turn-
Ica. White Men, Read!
---w00....--------- ter lie added to Close already named. I La C 'tosse s W ro, May 15.--F an, this '' ." nor is it to be wondered at dint Ins friends . pil,e, on the sonilke n o by lands late of Susan
•• I should promptly and proudly assume the huim ..--.,-7-.•--.l.he Confell3lol2ll of an Invalid -rnmaorst
Struppl , r, on the northeast Its the church lot,
An Editors' Convention. Mn. li Lamberton offered an amendment i yo u , j .. fiur it and Your Childrcn I morning a barrt•l of kentsene oil na, I , .ik- , ble name that the Pharisees of the church had -"" b r ibe hem at of young men and other. oho ref Still
t Iv. nortlort , t by land; late of lkmjamin
to the allot e amendment, Prort , led, that hie ..Vo l'ioht !hal Negroe.s are ing on board the steamer War Eagle, and I(• t• - • pointedly hurled at theta, by neglecting to ter from Verrone D.bllity t t pupplrli.g the means of (tin , •ler Ind VI in lintium,lteing twelve perches
We noticed some time since an earnest„ ,
a majority of the clergy and vestry within , B o ,• '
find lo Le..pert. a man tried to stop the leakage, w h en a invite them to them church festivals 1 our re it' moo waken by one who cured himself and 11l kipzili.
iii,i tort.v..m.„.Tn links in width, Har
suggestion in the Bellefonte Wolelonan the territories propsed to be erected into , loot paso d along is ith a lantern. A , / he o i rrt;ptmdent (11 twiny rest t i...tii .
red thnt neither (),.% fee en revolting' .tsvu Plit ili"‘” en''''''''' Ad- nets :shop it , , Timor's, and all improved.
Be it enacted by the Senate a dII •
n oust. r ,utton or his estimable trite elm* Int . ve or et'e , "'
~..,_ :i kg li kNiEI. M ;TY \IR
for an editor al Convention cum trod of a new Diocese consent thereto. got opposite the kerosene rove bottom of • (Taken in e‘.. cute rn at the suit of R. B Little,
,of Rept - est ti tat it es of the United Stites of scar „ will feel hurt at my using the name in the nee so 1 o -so rap Cocki3t. ” N Y ttse of I leorzt I' Little is George A. Struppler
the Democratic editors of the State, that r fhe last amendment was. adopted. A nierie•i in ( .01 ,, res- as.ornided- That all hi. lanter n fill out and set fire to Owl,. r- ay I nave used it, nor w hile it smuts to be a and wife.Wu T MOXLEY, Sheriff.
TO CONSUMPTIVES -The Ad v ert leer, V wring
The question on the amendment, t ~,
a dd_ • , o - °ono and the steamer is t ,i soon on tel thorn in the sides of those utio have vninly or
_.:7,- Sheriff's Office, Montrose, 'Mn 2, 1870
by an interchange of views and an asitsp- n fl•1l I
states, wit lout di--
mg the four counties of Berks, Lehigh, •' •L''''
p" tin '
. aped In amen, -
very rerned3 niter not ing tam nti vv., ,al 1 tar ,
.., . , . , . _ ,
lion of a sound policy-a cone •ntrat inn r
~ancaster and Northampton, was now tin , , ion 0, race. color, or prviious condi- the Milwankte anti St. Paul nen% ay dt pnt correspondent IH.I mat set his heart at !est, no w oh a setae nog nffec , lon • nod shod drt Id lii`V-Ik• I REA . .. 4 It1.1,• - • `-‘ \ LI, O F LNsEATED
I non of stn i'litle, are entitled to the e. nil low
, tar as In) "indulging in new names " is con- - tllllol3mption-1. anxious to mak. Itu oar a.ohm ft LANDS IN SLSQ,UKHANNA. CO
of its strength might be brought to bear called. The tote resulted in 112 ayes and and ele% ator buildin dfl •
g an_ ..i , v %sere at,o r .
trned. As to my description of the school . 1 . n . r=0 . 7 , : y r: , , , , , ; ,ne,,,„
~m ,
. o ,, tu ,
0 ,,,,
ape/ iiitpari tat () , ) ,, Ilm , 'llt Y . anY arfinnolo - consumed. pro Nolte*. IS beret') gta en that agreeably to the
in the right direction which is believed 177 oats. and it ryas thus lost,house and the grounds, your correspondent
ser•etion mien tfree c:f cl.tgri eit h the ulta,not• for met of the General Assembly o the Common
' tildiodiirriitiffie. trietlil 11. or prinlege fur- I
The question now recurred on the orie- •
ootild greatly enharree the best interests -, ',lsla,/ lm rmamon rarrtei 8 whether on land ' I n e, nsefinenee of a report that there 3 iel,h, to the perfei tion of the picture, and I
w( r eight ham Is f I
, o pot% ( et . in thehold praplring end want: the sums.o h. h the} olli fle d a wroth of P. iinsil,ania, directing
doubt not, after the Unit' school house shall have purr, t nit VOll‘bovstrireTmit, islinst k Pro,rtnr” etc
~,,, 0, I - lands,
whh h
names of
mat resolution (which is hose's as Ihe • or
1r, ,, 1 , ,Ject of the advent ocr in rendtne the Prkm rat '
of Democracy. There is nothing more Ir, . ,11 11111 A r(per ,% hy hr en qed In r ,I- ~I ,„„ „ 11 ,. I , „ I , ~,,, _ , 1 „ t. ,, t b een built, as it t•urely will be, and that soon.
' t r t l l e n I ' n ' to benefit the eater and. m , ,d Information the %I arra! • lt I• I •i• o n ner4, or the number, ere
fire -county line resolutiot). -1 1 R- 11 that pen picture by alt tmiltle artist, n ill be pre- , obit bhe conceives to Ite Ins-linable. it nd he hoitt•• ellen lotion. %, 111 be ...Id at public vendue an
certain than that the expounders of the After the t ote had been taken, the tell- ,re oinnayez - s ~r lesses of flu:arca or otll.r tr , u, , rk to extingiii-li the II . ser; ed 111 , Mani fAintlimt of the district, its a rel- v•er, Tn enfft rel. will to hie rom, A .! , an It . w r i , ll cos! then, "
the 241 Monday cri June next, the thirteenth, at
1 ,1,r, ,J 1 pibli , ant If c , 111C111.4 ;by trultees, The boat na- full of •-ofolden . • .
I.,:ss tic , 1-, who it tinusi, and nithout any morose feel- i ies sr AMU;
principles of the party and the moulders ens announced, through the Chair, the ' 0,, ,, ,, ,,, , ,. 1 . i ,, i , 7 I ""th p r ,V4 i ,,:r.v.T.7 ,, v: l : i zi?: -.. RI, EpW A BO the ('port ilowie in Thrntrose, fOr arrennigul due
otterq, :Nye/ to ricien ~, , earder'• made thtir esetipe U . \ Jumping from the ing , . tow Ards the :amiss.The "pail and dipper" t '.:"'w11....0N, Willi tmahnrg. Kings Conoty. Nett Vork anti the c vst a, onto I or melt tract nspec
of the minds of the masses should be or- f 'Penang result .part ,If the ankle is confessed . to be true. Bu (insyl2 ly
or 0 ihrr office/ Aof I 00, soon ti,hools, awl hurri,„„„ dettk inn , the riser. As far as 11. ,d, . mite.* the same tel raid before the day of
ennized upon a pure and genuine basis,
Aura-Clericid .111 other /wee: otointhons of /earieng. ot -is or seem. to be homfied at the them that
Liw Al e learned, tuo p , •rsons nem drowned, a a ' •
~i,,,,,i teacher slioultiaopen s chool with pra3 er r...-DEILYNESS, BLINDNESS and CATARIIII sole. :nab. to otimenet. at 10 o'clock, A. M.
and stand in one solid column in defense Il`'Y 94-2°5 same being sup potted or authorized pre
. negro emplosed on the boat, and a lad of in th• mornun; dna alien I 11•uu ing p trt let , .In
• i. t. , irrated oith the turrIOFI SW:Tee/ ,h) J. Isssts, terra. IN arrantee or ownem nameak Taxes.
Niles-Clerical 27 Ila w ; In trus , ees or officers of church or- I r
.....1 k"rosse, name not reported. Fiore 111 C reve rie g " As he forgot to ..t2, bothher ',I n and Vrofeepor of dipeapes of the Eye and Ear
hir specialty). in the IltdicalCon.,7o of,ttn!a. ' CI IFF0111) roesone
of its pure principles. There is a great i niv • 18- 43 garezatiele , , cemetery associations and be- ' thing ots the boat ryas lost, and all the he aPPenle ., or (IL a
•'• PProves ~i either or ael ” ft, CIInTICIIIe I ormerly of Ley& n noliand I `or 41 John lb , olt 322 80
lack of unity among the members of the - _
newlent institutsons incorporated by na- freight in the el, pot consumed-not a tlmse acts, and. as I know not and (Sere . ,
le as tilli Arch iris I, Philadelphia TePtimonialv can 1p ,
. • p ee n at hie Mlle, Th,. MCCUCaI faculty are int tt, d tt. _
200 .1 ime lb.iu hp t 114 00
Democratic press at the present time, and 160 tional or State authority • and this right ;single
• thing was saved. The dame's is t o o whether either of them be true,
I will onls accomp WI their wit tents, nn he hIS no ferrate in his t vi .1.6(1111 Beach p t
ply to him that I have carefully mad the 'AZ ~,,,c , A r wki,l , 1 ,-,,, ig , te d witt ,,,„, i , n l„ 58 rittiitp ikat , t , p t 43 86
33 06
altogether too much of the feeling for 'By this it will be tern that the question shall not be denied or abridged on any %err h ars, lint cannot be eolinatol at of the rlrren commandments, and, not finding charge Inc examination fen . ; 1 1'1" 40 Peter Beach p t 22 92
(if estaldii-hing, the new Diocese is carried
each one to fight it out on his own hook pretence of race, color, or previous condi- •-
. present,
by a majorktt of o" e hund red and 6 ""` h lion of sun nude. said cianinandinents, Ido not feel at liberty in
The benefit of such a Contention cannot reto,-..... so ...- - - SO Micluo•lMeylert 45 60
s -, 1
,1. 4. And be it further enacted, That TI I The La_ sit in yudirimmt to condemn n ithout law. nor - - -
ES - T - ATE - N - 4410E%.
) Delegation ue. lon Set-
44 t,lO 1 fret . ompetent at the present day, to issue , 1:10 .knn !toper 74 10
be estimated too highly if the memb.TS ' no p rsen shall be disteralined for set %ices_
The Slueppe Case. tied , ani w t ommanduunt in the name of high - - 20 No 1, Ilowani Spencer, 11 40
thereof will meet with an honest purpose. as juror in any court, National or ntate. I at No 2. Howard Spencer 47 88
39 00
imbued with the fundamental principle of 11 k RRIsIt I itc. May 13.-The Slueppe by reason of ruce, color, or pro ious eon- It will to a matter or inter, st to otir lien" ytillPt truli ,
111 A a PEREIt, OF TIIE.-ITTaTON G ',TETTE. I: i..TATE OF W11.1.1A M. CRUSE. 73 Jane Hors.
~ate came up in the Supreme Court this reade , If kll .11 11 • t II) ‘ li el d - t In I Pa di:reared
dltdoll of sen rendez prosided, that such r ' ' 1 "".
. ' . " . Pi-
...........•••••••••n°°"'""'''"" - 4 is/sem/Ts oesTole• Os John Beach • t• inc half of 480
republican institutions, "the greatest good • • copal (hatch of F.ast Mainr has act don L.• nen , or adminiotration noon the estate or the a bort. 143 Phili p 8,,,d, pt t - taxes paidirD4o '7B
morning. on a writ to review the evidence
!person possessess all other quelifications. , mooed decedent hakincheen granted to the adendroted. . Elirstittlit Newport p it 11 Catuirno 10 00
to the greatest number - unbiased by anY in the lower Courts.. as per recent act of , w Inch are to, law prescribed ; and any of
. , the question of lay delegation the cut. lc- ilicui ldrertionntuto. notice is given to ail person, indebted to the same to
selfish motives. If such is to be the char- Assemblv. s tug Mrty three N. as to retort( t n IMN s. --- make immediate payment, and those haying claim' , upon FoREST L ;ILE.
' ricer or other psrson charged with put du- T r - - ,i,- ...111 prePettl them duly itrithentiatted for ront 71 tt, two. T morri„
aster of this Convention we car let noth- The Sttortniys. far sehcrppe. Miller and' ty in the selections or summoning of 'sir- its which Waa t Ile 1.14 I Ote tObt.! taken merit-
Ile :burn filed the petition of Slice ,to / in America, :old. dto former cotes, Bites / se ' PRING PD.'S • J kMES REDDING, Adta'r. 150 It If Rose est Ate,
ing prevent its early assembling. The 1 • PP e ors who shall exclude or fall to summon Ruph. May 11 1,570. .70 Jane Rost tsdate
whiell t he District Attorney. Magtanehlin. , 4 006 for and 1.5'49 Against by n•prt -on- t '
Wet , hman suggests Bellefon Le as tile planea v . person for the re: above named " For 'ode m the si t lit•cril•er, prier t.. 1 _, at
no four
-,-intern! 1 ' n ' - '
the plea that.the case was ended tat ion. 'fatal cote 11 4 1 15-miSorit N in the
shall. on convictiou thereof, be deemed • ' - ' - seeks 111 d, deliver( ,1 st Montrose es ery liaturda y
and Juue 14th as the time. ' nn the 14th of Fel rnary last, and thata VII rnia to e 3,117, or tliirt hie totes' Mot-, tor All It w eeks Putt lia.ers may leave their
guilty of a mieemeanor mid he fined net
nince writing the above we have n - Vt hell HIP Legislature }tossed the bill, on than the requir , d three-fourths. The remits at Z Cithit'S.
less Dian
Cell et.l notice of an official call lac the of- the lift , en t h day of February, this ease than 11x.• Omllk-amid dollars. German Conn n nee hag, vet to tote. but JOHN TRUMBULL
Bridget% atcr, )Inc 18, 1 4 70 -3
ryas not p 4 tiding. and could not be geo,-its at m a son will not change the re•ult. The
fleas of the Western Editorial AasOCIA- S.Li•• S. And be it flatlet enact-]. that •
tried by the nee law.rt.:A merlon as to represi illation is renio%•••l
uon for the 28th of June at Altotma. de r y law, Frame, ordinance, regulat ion or_ _
Messrs. Miller and Hepburn filed the and loreafter the laity of the char , 1i it ill
Custom, whether national or state, ineto -
INIt sinv l't phoaciim of the plaintiff in error, and' be 11111% rm •It , l in councils.
si-tent with this act. or making any die- ' '•
' ' its
/episcopal Convention. liag!aasillin filed the demurrer thereto. , ri „ , t .. - -... cor
. 1 ,___ Illlit alti It:1.1111S BHA Inq mill 01l ac- e s e s .
I liter-Justice Thompson said. posit ix te , ~„ t o f ~,i„,. 1, . ••
s --'•7 tCCOrding In the Cinclnnati En
s the use 0. the w on t
• - • , . ,
~ , , , , ,
Sa d 'OND DAY-MORNING SES•• 1 10N. 'I :oast emphatic - ally, that he 1)01,1'1(.4 tlte .•„ f„ li , -i y i„ r , s o ~ i.l and ji t purer, one-third to the nine tinnurto ano
. pea , ( Willi' A (v.
The convention met yesterday morn' ease was closed on the 14th. and was not - so . - seventy-four
1 - lino' when the act of the Legislature What Did the Soldiers Fight Fort . tentiar • are Nome , men %shoo , ages does
mg, at St. Luke's Church, for di% ine ser- '''''''' ' ) . e, ,
was passed on the 10th, and he could The Pittsloirgh .Pod :isles the follow- lent esosed merits-one years, and two-
Dr. IV. F. Paddock' offered up net !see how judgment could possible tug pertinent questions: thirds of them are under thirty, It well
pruyer, which was followed by the read- be re-opened now. - NA lost was it for? is a question which ' sas's, that this is a shocking picture of
ing, of the fifth selection of Psalms. The The ease was postponed till the 23d has been seriously a-toll by those who youthful depravity, and indicates some
first lesson and the 4th chapter of 2 Tim- hist- when this point well arise in ergo- hare looked around aittl counted the cost 1 enormous defeat in the bringing up and
othy was read by Res. Alfred M. Abel. meat_ of 1 ietorv. II hat did we fight for? First, . education of the generation which is so i
- -.... 40...0. for "the Union ;" but the Union as it nas• soon to take an active part in the affairs
The Creed was then recited by Rev. Geo. White Men Must Ru le America. lis lost and the "nation" substituted. Was of life. The reins of home golernment
W. Shinn, who also read the Litaeo it fur emancipation ? That iris denied, are held far too loosed%• fur thewelOsre of
Three stanzes of the Fiftieth select P. - _ - alm N eg,rointin tit is only the madness of the and blundered on at last. 11 . 1,` it for the the souths of Chia cotintry. Boys are per
were announced by Rev. Dr. Howe, the hour. It will give place eventually to Coneutution ..•°- That has ceaseml to be a mitted to ream the streets at night, and
sounder principles. The fanaticism which powerin
under the "higher lo" Was it v isit billiard and drink ing saloons, and'
singing of which was joined in by the basiniudidently invested the negro with fur unit)} and fraternity ? Bitterness be- girls pat mill le (lan( in , ScSt 1105,15 and par
congregation. Rev. Dr. Howe then relit of suffrage. and which is now seek- teems the sections is 'still sought to be ties, where the first steps are taken in
conducted the ante-communion service. ing to place him upon a plane of perfect kept alive, and has not been diminished that road uhich ends in the ruin of char-
This consisted of the Ten Command- I cent:silty with the white man, will yield by maguienimity-hate has been intetist. ucter, body and soul. If a reform of a
ments, prayer, and the reading of 1 Janice'; ere long to the more quiet, but stronger I fed by ittju e ttee toward even the widow real substantial character is to be biting
and John xvi. conviction, which is forcing itself upon and the orphan, and the friends of the I mated, parents must lay the first stones
the thinking men of the country. that the , Government itself. Was it for liberty and lof the edifice. If they will make home a
only safety for free institutions is in keep- human rights the country fought? It has 1 school of discipline rather than a board
ing the absolute control of them in the achieved Radicalism, corruption and I inghouse for "Yonne America" and the
bands of the superior race. crime-no matter what we fought for, I "Girl of the Period," there will be fewer
He would have been denounced as a i that is what has been gained. Will these I inmates for House of Refuge and Penitcm
madman even three years ago, who would I compensate for fhe immense sacrifice of i tianee.
then have declared that, in the year of . blood and treasure? The only solace-the
our Lord one thousand eight hundred I bow of promise which is hangout with its
and seventy, we would have negroes at luminous h ope•-is the overthrow of the
the polls, negroes in the jury box, negroes I party which is in axiwer, as unerringly
in State Legislatures, negroes appointedindicated by the daily change% - in public
to prominent positions of trust, and a ne. opinion.
gro in the United States Senate.
The march of this fanaticism has been
very rapid Indeed. And now, the people
stand appalled` at the terrible mischief
which their unfaithful representatives
have wrought They see these mime po
litical schemers who have imposed the
Fifteenth amendment Upon the country
by chicanery and fraud, appealing to the
new suffragans to sustain their tottering
party. The Radical leaders recognize the
fact.—too patent to be ignored—that to
The convention sermon was then de
live•red by Rev. E. A. Warriner, of Mont
roso, Pa. The test was from John. xci.
12. 13.
have yet many things to say unto
yon, but ye cannot bear them now. How
beit when be, the Spirit of Truth, is come,
he will guide you into all truth; for he
shall not speak of himself; but whatsoev
er he shall hear, that shall he speak; and
he will show yon things to come.
The speaker started out by saying that \
there is no error into which we may fall
greater than to suppose that while yet im
perfect, as we all are in this life, we have '
learned or can learn enough. The faith
in our hearts, however pure and strong it
may be, is but the germ of an immortal
manhood, gradually developing and
strengthening. through the impulses of an
eyer-licing is but thebeginning
of our re-fonnstion into the likeness of
CAUTlON.—Purchasers of the Peruvian
Syrup (a protected solution'of the protoz
ide of Iron) are cautioned against being
deceiled by any of the preparations of
Peruvian Bark, or Bark and Iron, whicji
may be offered them. Every bottle of mn
nine has Peruvian Syrup (not Peruvian
Bark) blown in the glass. Examine the
Bottle before Purchasing.
gar Philadelphia hos raised Mu thous ,
and dams for fba Richmond slams.
The Midland Railroad Company
are making extensive improvments at
Sidney Plains, where the line intersects
the Albany & Susquehanna Railroad, cal
culated to add greatly to the importance
of the place. An immense coal depot is
among the works, and the tracks will be
so arranged that the Midland trains will
run above those on the Albany road, to
facilitate transhipment. Extensive cattle
yards will be constructed by the compa
nies conjointly. The Midland telegraph
went into ulceration to Sidney Plains on
the Ist of May.
la" Bot h Ilona of Congress bave a
greed teojoura. On the 15tb of July. '
tom Our torrtopondento.
The enb.cribera are now receiving from New York a
new and fre.h eruct of
which will be Fold eta low figure for cueh. Among the
numerotto artlaler may be found
Pon r, Ham', Dried Beef Smoked Halibut, Cod
ph, Mackerel, dz.
Tole, CutTer, kin,Taris, Rice, Mace, Worstershire Sauce
Car.ued Peachea. Pears. Pine Apples. Sweet Corn, Tama
to, quince*. and Plums, Cocoa, Fauna,
Extract Lemon, etc. etc.
All kinds of SPICES, Citron, Orange PM, etc
A No I Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, etc.
All of ablcb can be warranted u dist, clue goods, end
In addition to the Grocery trade, we have purchased
Oco. C. 11111* News °dice, where on can And a good
selection of Stationery, Books. Mann Weekly and
Monthly Papers, Magazines. Books and gaper! not On
hand will be ordered and furnished on short notice with
out exttscharge. Bpecia care given to orders. No Goa.
hie to show gooits—so drop in and see for you/velvet,
glif — Goode delivered without extra charge.
11. J. Wass. t
C. M. Gana, WEBB & GIME.
Montrose. May 18. 1870.
moo lipectscl" new supply, tbir lab by_
Y om , Nov. - ABEL TIIMEL.
I'S'l'.‘TE OF LEWIS late of - 0
J Diruock township. Sn.quehanna o. Pa . deed.
:37 -
Letter" of admlnlatratlon upon the entnte of the above
named decedent having been granted to the underrlgned, '
notice to hereby given that all peretoot Indebted to the 33(37
tame are requetted to make Immediate payment, and
tbo±e toning claim. upon the tame a iil pre cut there do•
ly authenticated for settlement.
$ 3
C. C. MILLS, Administrator.
Dlmock. 11ay 11. lelo.
late of Auburn township, Susquehanna
Pa. deceased. 100
Lettere of administration upon the estate of the above I 267
named deredent having been granted to the undersign
ed, nil person indebted to said CPiatv are hereby nett ,
ded to make immediate payment, end those haying
-Pt, r,
claims against theenme to present them duly authenti •
eated for settlement
MARGARET REYNOLDS, Adm'u. i (7,72.
Auburn, April ft, 150. ; 307
. _
L/latx of Rush township, Snm'a co. Pa.,. deed.
Letters testamentatoary upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign-
I ed. all persons indebted to mid estate are hereby not I
fled to make immediate payment. sod those having
claims mratost the come to present them duly authenti
eattal for settlement
diontrole. April V, 1810.
14 late of Apolaeon township, Susquehanna coon,
ty Pa., decd.
Letters of administration upon the estate of the
; above clamed decedent havin been wanted to the on
. dersig,ned. notice to hereby vett to all persons indebt
ed to said estate to make immediate payment, and
those having claim• against the name to present them
drily authenticated for settlement to the undersigned.
Apolsom. April In. /*Tru
In the Estate iln the Orphans Court of
of ). Susquehanna County
Wm. U. Williams deed I No. 1 i lammry Term. ISM.
To Smelva Curtis, Angeline Perkins James Perkins.
Emoranev Perkins, Nelson Perkins. William Pertinent:id
Hannah Perkins.
Yon Pre Leerily notified that at the January Tenn, IS7O,
of paid COuft ,, a petition was presented by Olive Williams.
widow of Ilrea Wm. U. Williams deceased. praying for
an order 111160.11 A payment of her etemptlon. the fol
lowlni real estate, to wit: All that certain
placed es
__ iand eltnate, lying and being in the
torf=llll d, in the county of Susquehanna
and YUSURthazia, bounded on the north by
lan& of UMW isiffett. on the east by lands of Arch's
bald Ilantlak Irehlnds late ofS u tone] Williams, deceased,
ea the south by the public highway formerly known as
the old Jackson road, and on the west by the lame read
containing fifty acnus more or Imo, with the appurtenan
ts:a, a Iran, a few fruit trees, and about thirty-Ave acres
of the same cleared; late the Cialitc of the mid William
U. Williams , . deceased.
And the said Court upon due ronsldenstkes of the
premier» did grant a raie upon the heirs and parties
d in
tererted to appear inlaid Conrt on Months) the Mb al
of Apes hat at 1 0 clock p. N., of that day to show WM*
If any they had, why order of sale shock' not be mul
e as
puled for ; which rule was on the 1:d day April,
13,1 870 , continued to Monday, the 6th day of Jane; 'O7O,
at a o'clock r. at., when and where you will appear quad
show mese why said order at, sale 'than not he made.'
. J. IL LYONS, Cktllr..
Carle, Mk., Mootrooe, lliay 10. MO.
Galen Newman
Butterti;•hl. Tarbelltt Bentley
C L Brnwn
Jonathan Butler.
Anson Tiffany
George Walker
D Searle
Adam Shark
Jacob Swink
Most,: llobson
so, 6, 16 Lk: 17, W Rowley
pip e he Roker p t
Samuel 51enalith
James Hennessey
Oliver Potter
George Williams
Henry Wylie
Sedate Griswold
P S Bronson
L Halstead
Daniel Searle
LE? 6Y .
William Hartley
Thomas Jordan
John Marry
Andrew and James Justin
lleury Harris
James P Hartley.
Andrew & Samuel Palmer
400 George Farnham 12 00
'225 Joseph Denton 8 00
100 No GO, Wm. Willis (4 years taxes) 10 00
300 Nos 1,2, 22. Cooper Corbettt, 34 00
150 Nos 18, 30, WaiJi.sup estate, 0 00
00 Tiles Palmer, 4 00
188 John C. Morris
WO it II Rose estate,
50 It Il Ruse estate,
00 Benjamin Babins
74 Henry Wylie
100 13 W Gregory
85 Paul Kuzhler
200 Hinds & Beebe
200 Mrs It P Mulford
150 Win D Cope
258 John Wilcox
184 George McCall 20 79
100 Peter Snyder 15 75
110 George Stowe - ' 17 82
22 James Mumford 8 48
B. GLIDDEN, Treasurer.
Treasurer's Office, Montrose,t .
April 18, 1870—la . i . , : , ... .
4 70
CM 96
40 80
16 72
15 77
13 60
36 30
2 11
S 78
4 87
22 98
2 GO
2 60
1 70
8 00
V 85
11 00
8 00
26 40