e f um and tivoide. How Marbles are Made The chief place for the manufacture of " marbles," those little round pieces of stone which contribute so largely to the , enjoyment of "Young America,' is at Oberstein, on the Oahe, in Germany, , where there are large agate mills and quarries, the refuse of 3vhielt is carefully • turned to paying account by being made • into the marbles employed by experts to knuckle with, which are mostly sent to the American market. The substance used in Saxony is a bard • calcareous stone, which is first broken in to blocks, nearly square, by blows with a hammer. These.ane thrown by the hull dud or two hundred into a sort of mill,' which is formed of a fiat stationary slab of stone, with a number of concentric fur rows upon its face. Aiblock of oak, or other hard wood, of the same diamethe . size, is placed over the small stone and partly resting upon them. This block or log is kept revolving while water flows ,• upon the stone above. ! In about fifteen minutes the stones are turned to spheres, and then, being tit for sales, are henceforth called " marbles."— One of these establishments, containing only three of these rude mills, will turn out sixty thousand marbles in each week. Agates are made into marbles at Ober stein, by first chipping the pieces nearly round with a hammer, handled by a skill ful workman, and then wearing the edge down upon the surface of a large grind stone.—Manufacturer. The Sunflower for Bean Poles Sir. John R. Woods, of Winchester, 111. communicates to the Independent his ap proval of the method of training Linia beans mentioned in a recent issue of that paper "It is a good plan as well as an econ omical one, and is the one I have prac ticed for many years, but I know of a bet ter and much cheaper method. It is to plant and use for the purpose the poor man's flower—l mean the Sunflower. which is peculiarly entitled to the name I Have given it " It is the first useful plant that comes up in the spring, and by the time you can safely plant your beans it is six inches in height. It grows rapidly, and the bean will climb the stock vigorously. . " My plan is to pull off the leaves of the sunflower as the vines of the bean reach them. These leaves make capital mod for milk cows. In our soil the Helian thus grows to a height of 12 to 14 feet, bears a profuse crop d seed, which is excellent for laving hens. When the stock ripens it , should be cut down and put away under , shelter for kindling wood in the winter. I I would therefore commend the sunflow er to every one who prefers economy iu the cultivation of the good old Butter bean. Looking for a Place. Persons looking for a farm ought to have a distinct and clear idea of what they want, a sort of scale of points, which will aid them in the selection. Ico place will fully satisfy the requirements of such a schedule, but it will be found useful. nevertheless, to fic in the mind what is wanted, and approach it as nearly as pos sible. We suggest :the following points to In , looked to, for a residence in the country Facility of access. Water and ite character. Location as to health, etc Education and religious facilities. Beauty of prospect, exposure to thi winds, character of the Lind itself. Prospective value of the property. Facilitias for purchasing family sup plies. There are other points, arid Re on]\. present these as among the most impor tant. Mort Mention Powder Two parts fine gunpowder, one part finely cominnted brimstone, and one part alum; the ingredients taken by measure. This preparation Is supposed to have been introduced by the Hessians during the Revolutionary war, and was formerly. much used in veterinary practice among the German farmers of Lancaster county. At one time it had great reputation as a preventive of mortification ; but lately it seems to be giving way to modern science. Tradition gives some remarkable cures of persons and animals with this medicine. A teaspoonful is considered it dose for an adult person, and a table spoonful to a full grown animal, every half hour in pla ces to check mortification. Hors, Collars An important improvement -in the manufacture of horse collars has just been devised by a Philadelphia mechanic. The collar being stuffed with elastic cork, is light in weight, and adapts itself to the animal as readily and as easily as if it was moulded. It is highly elastic, does not chafe or gall the neck, and the cork being a non-conductor, injury from the heat ts prevented. Carla. P. Delplaine, in the Horticul turist, says: To preserve grapes, gather them when fully ripe, and pack in triple layertin oats ifthich hare been previously scalded and dried, letting the oats at the top and bottom be at least four inches in depth ; keep in a cold room. Core for Rlngbone. A correspondent of the Rural New Yorker says that he has known a horse that went for twelve months on three legs from ringbone, made perfectly sound by the application, once is day, of au oint ment composed of half an ounce of red precipitate, half an ounce of bluestone, half a pint . of turpentine, thoroughly mix ed. Keep the hoof greased. Charcoal for Horses. In England, according to the London Field, the best horsemen frequently ad minister powdered charcoal to horses for any affection of the respiratory organs. gA correspondent says that he has been studying the book "How to Make the Farm Pay," and has got his farm so rich that when he planted his cucumber seedhthe plants came up Wore he could get away, followed him,,,at all speed to the fence and growing fa er than be could run, he became entan,led in the vines, and a large encumber ripened in his pocket before he could cat himself loose. We have great , confidence in the teach jugs of The book, but - think the above statement a littlidiubtfel. ' - - for the kkigo and 05410. ABOUT ISINIVIE GOLDWING. A TRUE STORY.' BY MIA M. THAYER. "0 mamma," cried Rosa, with a little scream, and a sudden rush across the room, "mv birdie! my birdie ; I •do be lieve it is - dead ! Sec ! it doesn't move at all, but remains perfectly-still at the bot tom, of the cage!" The cage was quickly lifted down, and, true enough, there lay Minnie Goldwing, stiff and stark. Not a feather , flattered, the white claws were curled up patetical lv and the dear, little beads of eye were ; „ covered by the flimsy lids. "0; my pet ! my dear, dainty darling ! I what shall I do, mamma?" and Rosa threw herserf into mamma's arms, weep ing violently; nor were mamma's eyes quite dry. if The truth be told. Rosa was the first to speak. "Just yesterday," she murmered, mourn fully. "sweet, little Minnie was hopping about. singing so happily ! such a tame, little thing. and loved me so dearly ! Mam ma, what did she die for ?" and floods of tears burst forth twe'. "Not certainly for want of loving care, Rosa; that is one comfort. You see there is a sweet drop at the bottom of every bitter cup, if you could only find it" But Rosa refused to be comforted, and ! mamma held her close to her tender heart, feeling very sorry for her little girl ; for she knew this was a real and bitter grief. At last she said, "Come, darling, dry your eyes ; you have other pets to love, and many pre cious things left to enjoy." -Nothing like birdie," sobbed the child. "'rhere's Tina, the dear old kitten." "I trould'much rather it had been she,' persisted Rosa. "And a host of doll babies." ' ••They are senseless, nonsensical things," cried Rosa. "0 mamma, if she had ever so tem . !' treenty a soul, I wouldn't mind it; but now I can never, never have my darling Minnie again." "Rosa," said mamma, thoughtfully, "in that bright hereafter, where all tears are wiped from our eyes, no good thing will be deni,d ns. And who shall say that there your birdie, a little, winged joy, may not come flying at your call, and warble its own sweet song for you ? Does that comfort you ?" "And 0, I know what my pr-cious ca nary will be changed into then," said Ro sa. smiling brightly through her tears; "a Bird of Paradise !" and with that she slid softly down. Rosa now seemed to find a mournful pleasure in pre s paring for.the burial of her pet. First she explored her own little sanctum, and brought thence a small com fit box, prettily ornamented with a bright bouquet of flowers. She then searched mamma's bureau for a bit of soft, white merino, and a tuft of snowy cotton. The box lined and cushioned, Rosa, with a very std face, laid in it the dead bird. Then she scraped and polished a piece of petrified wood, from her cabinet, for a headstone. Not far from the house is a wild bit of land, in springtime covered with violets and buttercups. There Rosa has con signed to mother earth many a dead bird and tiny quadruped. In this little ceme tery lies one of Tina Velvet's victims, a dear little squirrel. Rosa placed this epi taph over him: BUNNY BRIGHT, Died of at kitten's bite Sept. 12th. at night- Cnd over a precious, little dead rivalse taken out of a trap. she rote • "Mousie, you died Your stomach to appease , But nil in vain— You couldn't get the cheese." There is another monument to the Un kuow•n. Epitaph— Unknown, Here the}• lie, Fast asleep-- Let us weep' my!" That last doesn't sound one bit like by far the Cheapest, healthiest and Rosa. however. I most delicious food in the world. It is now n grair question with the lit- ! RAND SEA MOSS FARINE CO. the girl, whether to bury Minnie in this sacred spot, or some distance away, in a • 53 Park Place, N. Y little, shaded square. formed by four beau tiful, flowering shrubs, on the lawn. , What pleasure she takes in all these touching arrangements; and vet her lov : ing heart is not satisfied. For a long time she has been sitting with a sheet of drawing paper before her, pencil in hand. ' Peeping over her shoulder, I see, 0, such a beautiful picture! Surely there is in spiration—the inspiration of grief. Mini nie lying , in a little, open. flower-decked' coflin ; a lovely cherub at the head, 'and two others hovering above, dropping a . garland upon her bosom ; and near the ! foot. sitting all forlorn upon a stone, was the dearest little sprite, (Tying ready to break his heart. Raphael might have done better, but Rosa's mamma declares that the shall think this the nicest picture in the world, even if she lives to be a thousand years “Id.—The Little Corporal. TOBACCO. BY A SMALL Boy.—Tobateo grous something like cabbage, but I bey. er saw none boiled, although 1 have eaten I boiled cabbage and vinegar on it, and have heard men say that cigars that was given them on election day for nothing, was cabbage leaves. Tobacco stores are ; mostly kept by wooden Nuns. who stand at the door and try to fool little- boys by • offering them a bunch of cigars, which is glued into the Injun's hands and is made ; of wood also. Bogs do got like tobacco; neither do 1. I tried to smoke a cigar I once, and it made me feel like Epsom ' salts. Tabacco was invented by a man I named Walter Raleigh. When the peo ple first saw him smoking, they thought he was a steamboat, and as they had Des er seen a steamboat they were trightened. My sister ranee is a girl. Ido not know 1 whether she likes tobacco or not. There is a young man named Leroy. He was standing on the steps one night, and he had a cigar iu his month, and he did not know as she would like it, and she said, "Leroy, the peffume is agreeable." But the nest morning, when my big brother Tom lighted his pipe, Nance said, "get I out of the house you horrid creature, the smell of tobacco smoke makes me sick." Snuff is Injun meal made out of tobacco, I took a little snuff once and , then I sneezed.—Baßou's Monthly. :"A young gentleman recently found himself in company with three young la thes, and generously divided fin orange between them. "You will rob yourself," exclaimed one of the -,datithelik, ."/lint, at an,s l replied ,fhe iluandent;kilv..4.l2ree <it Warms. in znyoNiket, r - A GALLANT 19ARKEY.—"Dey may rail against women as much as dey like,' said a darkey, lately, "dey can't set me,against them. I hab always in my life found dem to be fast in lub, fust in-a quarrel, fust in de dance, de fast in de ice cream saloon, and de fast best,.and de last in de sick room. What would we do widout dem ? Let us be born as young, as ugly, as help. less as we please, and a woman's arms am open to recebe ns. She am it who gub us our lust dose ob castor oil, and puts Ooze upon our helplessly naked limbs, and cub bers up our foots and toses in long flan nel petticoats, and it um she, us we grow up, tills our dinner baskets wid dough nuts and apples as we start for school, and licks us when we tear our trowsers." gew Niverti,:icmcut.s. THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY DR. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. i . BOREB car t , T t il i m A a li n y 500 t., ti:rrsi“-P on ur - c 4 i [al Curative Effect.. ogs. p ! ; t WHAT ARE THEY 7 , ,;, A 2 . ? P • O - E. 1 S 0 F.*:..71 P. = .S 'l, .; hi Y -74 11 1 s v .5.,1 I e ! ~ !,, r. a 41 I o • 0 *o_a ;a 4. 4' ; FANCY DRINK blade of Poor Rum. Whiskey. Prrn4 Spirit*. and ILlnse Liquors, compile. spiced ni.d en. d to p'ea-e the t tete. callthi -Tonics ••Appet to rt, " orer -," ,te.. that lead the tippler an to drunk...it:so and ruin. hat arc a true medicine. made from the native Runt.. and Berbs of California. free from all Alcoholtc *t imul.int • They are the Great Blood Purifier and Life Giving Prin ciple, a perfect Renovator and It vicorator of the Sys tem, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell. $lOO will be given for an incurable ease, provided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, and the vital organ wasted beyond the point of repair, For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism. and Intermittent Felers, Diseases of the Blood. Lint Kidneys. and Bladder, these Ica have e mo* successful. Snob PlecuAcr are usd t 1 Viratebe nd Blood,t which Is generally produced derangement of the Digestive organs. ; Cif:11114, the Vitiated Blond whenever you find its im• pnritiesbnesting thronch the *kin Erupt.ons or Sores . , cleanse it when you rind ft oh•truct vti nod sluggish in the it when it I. foul. and your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. l'iu. Tape, and other Worm*, lurking In the system of so many thousands, am effectually destroyed and re. moved. In Billions, Remittent, and Intermittent Fever*, these Bitters have no equal. For telt directions read careful , ly the circular around each bottle. printed in four gunge-A—English German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. 32 Commerce St.. N. Y. R. IL McDONALD LC CO.. Druggists. and general Agents. Son Francisco and Sac- • ramento, California, and MI d 34 Commerce SL, N. V. OrBOLD BY ALL DRCGGISTS tt. DEALERS. March S. -,ftu TRY MOORE SCO.S OVAL STEEL ENZGIt %V INC:S. 111 Nteehtu Street. N.Y Anyhtett an .r:1 them Chehp—itell last—pay handeomely.Seud for new Circular. Wells' Carbolic Tablets After mash stud ,- !Intl sciontititi Inviistlcation as to the remedial noallrle.,4carhohe ',slit Pr Whlls for donor. creel by proper tichnlonattori oits. oilier a mei, in the form of a Tablet. a •p4irifie for n'l pllitht.nry ch•en•en There Tablets are a sore cure for 311 dts , a-t— of the tor rilratory orizans. fors Throat Call. ('orot, Ihrtherial.. Asthma. Catarrh. or Iloarsem also a en , rueful nonr ed) for Kidney dlthrultirs Pries. 3:1 shots per Too: Sent by mail space rorolpt of prier by .11111 N Q. KEI. E01111..1. 1 2r9t1T51.. Non York.• .3.zh0l for the Eluted Stites. 11 THE NEW ARTI3LE Of FOOD For twenty-five cents you can buy of your Druggist or Grocer a package of Sea Moss Farine, manufactured from pure Irish Noss or Carrageen, will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange. and a like quantity of Puddings, Cus tards, Charlotte Busse, kc. kc. It is PLANTATION BITTERS S.-T.-1860.-X. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debili tated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid, it has no ellual among stomachic& As a remedy for the uer- volts weakness to which women are es pecially suliject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi- j cal. temperate or frigid. it acts as a spo t cific in eery species • of disonkr which ; undermines the bodily strength and I nreah , sdown (11: n iTII3I Fnr sale l all driti o ,.,:Js. [mar tl—mn AZ .O2 ?a c n :? -eil 1311\ G L NATURAL HISTORY, Givinga clear and intemarb ititcresthez account of the haflulte varie , y and habits of life. c.r early every know° specie. of beasts, birdL, &het, insects. r. at and antraolcuhe orthe globe From the ruinous Lan do four-volume edition, with large additions from the most celebrated naturalists of the ceo. Complete to one large handsome octavo volume of lOW pat.srs. richly Il lustrated with IWO spirited rani:wings. Price dnuu to gold.basis to soil the rnosmi. Sbould otoodi. five to one. any honk to this field, "1,, 'crate the most liberal. Full nor. ”out (coo. Addrc.. A 11. II L'lSllAltil. Pah.. April ..57 4 400 eLestatil St. Philadelphia. Ten Years in Wall Street. It include. the Hiaorie.. Mysteries. and Secret Doing.. of Wall Street. Life Sketches Men, the .pecttintion. to Gold. Stocks. &c., Woman Speculator., and all that I. great, pnererfttl, pplendld,my.ierions, Luterortlan. trick ed, amazing, wretched. etc..in the foeu.nropeculaticus. PortMita of Vanderbilt, Drew. Gould. Fl.k.e, Jr., and many other... Engnsetngo of noted places, We and Scene.. &e. Canentodug Book. free. Send for eirulare to WOBTIIISOSON, DUNTIN •ST. Cu., Puldloher.. 148 Asylum Street. Dartford. Cana aprknw4 AGENTS WANTED—COO to $3OO per montk—Clerdy- Ina Bacot Teat/tem/mart twang men and tadLa wan ted to eanrats for Ike New Book. "OUR FATHER'S HOUSE;" or The Unwritten Word. By Dan= liancis. author of the popular „ 'Night Scenes." This minter in thought and language shows us =told riches .atui bordico .in the Great blouse, with its blooming Flowers. Singing birds, Wasingpalow,l3ol - Beautiful bow, Sacred mountains Dcfr.htfel rivers, Mighty:banns, Thundering voices. 4tinginglonv ens and vast universe with countless beings in millions of worlds, and reads to us in each the Unwritten Word. Bose tinted =perornate engravings and superb blmdist. , . Send for oircular, , in which Via full description and uni versal commendations by the press, ministers pad col lege professor!, in the strongest possible larigtusge.— MOLEX BICCURDY & CO. 15 South Sixth SL Pa. IM=I TCONSlMPTlVES..—Penellentbilly dauAter .11. was eanonel In beslUl by. simple means. serthMit medians, The pardadare eFM be seat Alm amnia Z. Bormov, Stockton St. lkooktin, Labe lidatid.- -w - DAECUEV & CO BOOK hOthi7B WANTED TO SELL THE OLD WAY ..11.3ric2. T2la New. HUT AMERICAN TEA CO. lESTADL,IBIII3D 1861.1 Nos. 31, 33, 36 Si 37 Vesey Street. 1 0, 717 1 017 1TC1P.1=1.33., nave arrow= ABEL TIJIUtELL, Montrose, Pa., To Fell their Tots and Coffee at the tame prices that the Company sell Om In Nair York. A rtar eopply of the freebest Neer-Crvb Tens oIU be kept for sale at all times. - • An goods warranted to glee satisfaction or the money refunded. Only one profit charged from Dos Producer to the Con. sumer. From flee to eight profits saves by purchasing from the Company. . UNDER. TDB OLD SYSTIDI or dein g business Abe CuLtumvr of Teas ha 4 to par eight rtnalf between the producer and himself, to corer as many tutu:mediate sales. UNDER TUE NEW SYSTEM the Crest American Tea Co. distribute Teas to the con sumers. through their agents. all lover the enuatry, sub- Jen them to but one profit, and Hist a very nods rato one, a. a small percentage on the immense sales will Amply satisfy the Company, (or they sell thousand. of chests of Tea In the same or lens time than It toot to sell one chest under thu old system. [spell:Z-1 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE PHYSICAL LIFE 0 WOMAN. TNE.'ITY•FIFTR THOUSAND NOW READY —t nlnarka , le ,111 . 1 cm. of the tla. h ee'ling with r.tpidit). It contain.. w hat ewory 1111111 and I,..tnan onz:ht to knou . and few do It si Ili rare much parer - inc. A• the only reputable work Upon the ',lngle and inari, rl life, it In earnr.ll, rudottnnetidell by Prof. Win A Hammond. Pre.' Murk I lopkin.. It Ward Beech. r. Dr. litiKlinell. Mr. If. H. Gleatean, N. D„ Prof. H. N En.ttnan, ete. Being e teerly eoudbt for, the at, , ents work tr. ctol• S GEO. MACend 'damp LE for pam Pupbl lhlet e t c . to AN, h 719 Saneom street, Phila.. Pencia 3 Sehool street, Hotdon, Nose. 65 Namtt tdrzet„ New York. 1r2..t .s.' - ;C =. .. 0 Ft .I L t_s. WANTED. —7,; 13 r Venlon2.'" - ..VOtnutal Life Insurance Co.. for ell parts of Pento9lrmiti and :s;eo- Jervey. Reference wqriired. Addy... Branch Oflire DELAWARE 3IVITAL LIFE INS CO N W. cor 9th and Chet , thut Sta. kluladelphia [op 27—t THE MAGIC COMBwill change any col prod hair or heard to a perrdanent black or brown. It contatna no poison. Any one can nse It. One sent by mall for $l. Address MAGIC COMB CC., Springfield, Mans. m wdMit , grie;aoMitiviitHillt FO., AMILY cheap. reliable. Extra ECCIITTUING. AO FNTS 11 ANTED. Circular and Pam pie mocking TREF.. AddreNs lILNKLEY KNITTING .11 ACHINE CO., Ruh, 11c. [mar 10u3 E HAND-IS-HAND MUTT - AL LIFE INSUR.UCCE Company wants a number of good Agents: also • ; good General Agent for Pittsburg and vicinity, also General Agent for the German counties of Pennsylvania. Address Home OlEce. 11l South ith Strvet, Phtfa. [':apt p ERKINS HOUSE'S NON•EXPLOSIVE LAMP Ker...., Made ,s j, at 1,14 DIAMONDS, The mib-eriber prepared to offer the people of Susquehanna County Perkins' Patent non-ex plosive Kemmme Lamp—the only positive Safe ty Lamp now in nse. It has hero thoroughly tested by scientific to n , out also he practical. , USC, anti is found to he needed in every faintly. E. 11. HINGIIA.II, New Milford. a Co., Pa. Ar•ent for Smufa. Lucerne and Wyoming etc s. Jan. \ BEL TUIU ELL, DRl77(ilS7'. .Iff)_)7l:oSE, P.I 1. coutiun.lly receiving NEW GOODS And keel. co.tantly on hand a full and de”lrable . ,culglue DRUGS. MEDICINE., CHEMICAL.. LIQUOR. Pal ntr, 011. e. ce-Stutt... Teas. Side, P. and other Geo careen, Stone Ware. Wall and Window Paper, Glare. %ewe Fruit Jar, Mirror,. Lamps. rtilmtat. Hero non. Mar Worry Oil. Toinnern . Nenofoot Oil. tined Whale Oil. Sperm il. dive Oli, Tarpert- IfF•PER ~ Varnlrteete, Cyetter3 Seed. V ene.,zar Polar h roteren- •••• tra nal Lye A xlr ttrea•e. Trueeteea. Supporter... Ntediesel In-trutnenite. Shoulder Brace,. Whip, Curie, Pintolo, Carlritt;en, Ponder. Shot. Lend. Gun Paler, Blaeding Powder and Fun.. Vtoltna. Strint.a. Bows. etc Flu en. F I . ms to Fleete Books rend Linea. Bar and Toilet Soap*, Hair Oil,. Hair Iteadonery. and Bair Drees Brnahes, Pocket K n Spevtarler Silver Plated gpoono.Forka. Entre,. De..ttet Artic.ea, general areortuteut of FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, and PERFUMERY All the leading and beet klnda of PATENT MEDICINES In ,hart. nearly evert. flung to rrrtore The etch. to lu {dear.. the tart, to delight the eye, to gratify the . The clock will he rowed the beet ever opened and nlir to conduce to the eerd ~,m f o rt, Binghamton. et d ell tlmee will be kept full and of ITfe Enumeration if Impructleuble. as it would flit complete, mmeleting of n iten /paper. Call at the Drug uud VenTlety Store of 3lont rose, Jan. 5, 1670. pRoF. G. E. S'TEDGE, Would notify the pnblte of Auburn 4 Corners and vicinity. that be Is now prepared to tame all bosses en.. trusted to his rare, no matter what or how bad th •Sr ha- , hite are If not brol.r. no share made. Also, Instruction given bow to UMW your own horses. Anhurn 4 Corners,Sept. 22, 15432.—y DitESS GOODS. Black and colored Dress Silks, !Ilk warp Poplins. Prcncii Merinos, Empress, Alpaccada..d Poplin Alpact on., Crenate, armaita4. Bombazines, De tains and Mohair goods. in all col,* oud qualities. and In gr. at varlet s.triet) at Wit ieuburg, Rosenbaum S Cu'. PAINTS and OILS, of all kinds, for saleby ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Mardi 21, 1462 'l -1 11 TO BUY I' OIT R GOODS, and to ;Tel bargalnF. iF nt Gt - rrrnncr,o, Doelesr.Aci, & Co a. PritE W1N7.13, We have just received an aewortment of Lake and Mound Vineyard Wines, from ?deem,. Wilron, Morrow Chariberlln. New York. which for riehneen and flavor they say are unenrpaerod. and that pswebseers ran rely upon The 'nide mark et the firm appears 120 00 OTel 7 thelrinnity=being free [mai auoitetatiODP of arra kind both oultbel and seal. bottle, Noptreee,Yeto.B,lBl7i.—y QIIAWLS, CLOAp, plain and fancy cLOAKINCIS, and Cloth Trimmings In must. n. duty, at Cnic:mum Ruscobsum &Cu 1. frodEß; Et allyy detigned for the nee of the Medi cal Profeeeton and poereosiog thoto WWl:talc medicinal properties which belong toan Old and Yore 6fo. Indtepenaablo to Female . Good for Sidncy Con log one dozen b,ottles mg. and solo by all dnizalsta. Wier. Wilmer fltreetaietor York. . • July inghatnton 24,hatistmento. 21. LUCKY. 21. Lucky . indeed will be the Individual who goes to 21 Court street, to buy . Boots and Shoes, where they are sold at the lowest living rates. New and elegant styles for Spring wt„wr Just received, among which are the Pompadour, La Fire' orita, and Marsellaise Button Boots for La dies ; Martha Washington, Marie Antoinette, and Can-Can Slippers for Laditn and Missefl— The celebrated Bon Ton and Eureka Sewed Boots, French walking Congrms Gaiters, Ox ford Ties and Humpty Dumpty Slippers for Gentlemen. Boys' andehildren's shoes of all kind& Heavy pegged work for men and boys. Ladies' sud girls' common shoes. 'Remember the place, 21 Court street, corner of Water street. May 4, 1870. T. F. eJVC)ZEI=I,. NEW STORE, NO. 82 WASHINGTON STREET, First Doer North of the City National Bank. Brilliant Display! BEST CLOCKS IN TIIE MARKET, FRENCII, SWISS AND AMERICAN I lance also the beat and aloft complete stock of SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE From the best and most popular makers, whose roods have riven perfect aaaaa factlou to nip patrons for the pant fire years. ABEL TURRELL. ' SOLID SILVER TABLE WARE, . 1 TABLE AND TEA SPOONS, together with all the varieties of Plated Ware, seek as Tea Setts, Cake Baskets, Napkin BinF,a, °asters, Knives, Forks, Spoons, U., of Single, Double, Treble and Quadruple Plate was never more complete, and I am making constant dolly additions of all the new Nov elties of the Beason. ALL M Y COODS AS REPRESENTED Dc_ttl'iS & NICIUOLS. ELW I W S sET D. W WYTCEDI ES. a. is. ELLS.WOUR. T. II MORGAN, W. LAGRANGE. D. MUNSON. .11 RILEY BUSH. . D D. SENDUE lIERsEItEA Y, U, WARD ausasenzsu PLZASE CALL and =kiwis pint GOOD% AT 82 Washington St. • L F. TOZER. N o , 3, EGGLESTON & SMITH, BINGIWITON, N. 1 REMOVED SPLENDID STOCK, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. SILVER WATCHEs, t GOLD WATCHES, Of all Stylas, and sold THAN ELSEWHERE. NAPKIN RINGS, FORKS. &e., 31Y BPLEZIDID STOCK OF For farther proof of this I refer to BlNGirliiiM7ON,.. N. Y. STROUD 4t BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, DaCc:brvtroisses. Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, $4,000,010 Insurance Co. of North America, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, 2,000,000 Franklin Firs insurance Co., Phila, Pa., Capital and Surplus, 2,600,000 Lyeouting County Mutual insurance Co.of Money, Poun'a, Capital and Surplus, 4,000,000 Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York. Pa., .. Capital and Surplus, 700,000 Connecticut Mutual Life 'rummer. Co. of Hartford, Conn.., paying GO per cent. dividends to theassured. The news given for half the premium is never to be paid under any circumstances. be policy will always be paid in full, and the notes given up. Capital, 17.000,000 American Lile insurance Co., Philadei phin. Capital, Travelers'lnsarance Co Hartford, Conn Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hart ford. Conn Capital and Surplus, $1,000,000 Putnam Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Ct. Capital. Hartford Live Stoat Insurance Company. Insurance no all kinds of Live Stock, azainst theft and death from any CSUPC. Capital. (w -m 1 bnsiness entrusted to our care will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. Fir — Office first door east from Banking ocncv of W 11. Cooper & Co., Turnpike et_ Montrose, Pa. STROUD SI BROWN, Agents. M. C. Scrros. isq., Friendoville, Solicitor. CHAS. 11. 8111T11, Your tone, do BILLOWS Sgnorrn, Cn.trums 1.. 13noir Montrose, S p 1. Isllo. HUNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON. PA. Wholesaled Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, MINE RAIL, COCK? TERSUNK & T RAIL SPINE. , RAILROAD A. MINING sUI'PLIka. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES. SKEINS A VI BOXES. BOLTS. NUTS and IEASIIERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. HUBS. SPoK ES. FELLONs. SEAT SI'INDLEW, Bo 11" S. ii•C ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS F RIE W RAILAY, II Altai FRS, SLEDGES. FILES. Sc. Sc. ....t CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS. BFLTING. PACKING I.3oomiles under one manamementAGO miles with- TACKLE BLOCK'S. PLASTER PARIS i out chin eof coaches. Broad gunge, double trek route CEMENT. HAIR A GRINDSTONES. for all pnint• west. north-west and south-west. New FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATH ER A FINDINGS and improved Coaches are von through without change FATRBANK'S SCALES. to Rochester, Detrain, Dunkirk, Cleveland, and Clneln- Scranton. March Si. IE6I. 11 natl. _ On and after Monday, May 211,18713. Tlalaill will leave AltSll ALL'S 1..L1X 111. Binghamton at the following hours, yin: l~coma WM. II EA D ACH E—DTSPF.PSI A —COSTIV EN ESS. ~ If you soder vrith Headache, try Marshall'. Eden% i‘i WM a, m. N / 5 4.. " • Night. Ft.k....ight Exprtvss. Z.."Y. sac ij TStirl By, and be convinced that although other remedies have G.:lo . a .. ..m n .la t i r l u Tritin. Sundays excepted, for Buffalo. ' billed to cure yon, this will give you Instant sod perm , anent relief. If by over excitement and fatigue your ... wa ." . ..._., p. m. R. mint Accommodation. Sand ayexcepted. nerves have become . weakened that headache ad monishes yen that something more dangesone may 5, ,,,...:". P- 0, 11 ./ L.Pr.,.. Sundays e.rept ed. . , , ~15 p. m. Express Mad, Sundays excepted. . happen. such as Palsy. panne.' °I. Sight , """ °t "" •e -, p. m. t ,..__ Vtiy . Freight, Sundays excepted. P m. rmsigtatit Tialn, daily for tbewest. alarming nervous ffectiona. then MarshalPs Elixir, by ,-....1.' giving tone and strength to the system. restores you to . perfect health. Whenever food will. h should Inc diges- GOINN RUST. I tell remains In the stomach, tensing pain and uneasi- 2:25 a. tn. Night Express. Sunda y s excepted. Ineon fur the want of that principle which would tender mit e. in. ci ee l eent , E xerts . , si.ndny. excepted- It ens) of digestion, then by using Marshall's Elixir you 1:11 p. m. Day Eqprea., Sundays excepted. I will supply this deficiency and prevent its recurrence. 7:t.N) A. m• Arc imminiation Tr. daily for Snagnehentia. and so be radically cured of Dyspepsia. The atomise/1 . 10.45 a. m. Elmira Mall. Sunday. excepted. being thus cleansed fr. man nnhintithy to a healthy con. ;1 ; 45 p. .. N ew Yor k Mail. Sunda,. exce pted. Affirm. costlvenes and the other attendant disorders ut , Ilk= p. m. Lightning Express. Emily. • ' the bowels are of necessity prevented 9:10 a. on. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. Price of Slanihall's Elixir. $1 00 per bottle. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ... Depot. lild Market et. Philadelphia. M. MARSHALL , & CO.. Drtazciste, Proprietors. or - A rolleell and complete Pocket Time Table of For sale In Montrose by Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and connecting Ap . line., has recently been published. and can be had on ais 7 --Iygd BURNS & NICHOLS. plicat ion lo the Ticket Agent of the Company. _ ' L. D. RUCKEIt, WM. R.. DARK Demi Stip'L Until Paseo. Agt. - Ar AN TIO01) : lIOW LOST, lIOW ' 2 1 ' . ' 4. z '' - ' .°- .11 REST RED. Just pulilithed.rt new edition nf Dr. Cu !nervy en's . Celebrated E•elll, on the radii al cure to ithout I )ELAW .41i E, LACKAWANNA and medicutelef Spermatorrhien. or Seminal weakness , In. ! 1 -if WESTERN RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement voluntary seminal Losses. Impotence. Mental and . ii ay 10, 1110. Physical Immpastiy, impediment. to Mar lag., etc i ! ' also ConerItYTION. ELILErrT. and F Its. 'Minuet! by TRAINS LEAVE self-indulgence of seinel eat raver:atter. ViD - Prtee in sealed envelope. only It cent, , WESTWARD. I EASTWARD. The celebrated ant hot. in this adm i rank. essay. Mee rl r m . , ii paapega . Mall I Pasnger dcm •nsi rates from a thirty years' P 0re.... 11,1 pnictice• train. train. STATIONS. train. train. that the alarming 'consenitences of self-whose mny ho A n . A. :11. P. RI P. PI. radically cured without i lie dangerous n-e of internal s , , ".tin New York•.... ..... 1 501 I • medicine or the application of the 1.1 b• I poInIIMI ~U , .e ll ;1 . 15 Neer Hampton.-- 1 LIB I s mode of roar at mice simple. certain. and effect nal. by _ - 1.2., Nianunka Chunk.... 1 11.40 1 Mean, of which every sofferer, nu matter m hat his con. ia- 1 12 „ a , , Delaware.. _Dino... 1 12.31 le a. dition may he, may cure himself cheaply, privately. and a , 3 , 5 ~,,,,, 1 serae,. 1 9.151 '7,05 i p radically. - 1 4.51 \ 12,3.1 1 Nicholson .. I 7.55 5401 ... vegnbis Lecture should be in the heeds of every i e . \ aia t 5,,,, , ,wiaboueen 1,13 5.13 sli ',nth and every me lit in the Mud. . Sent under seal. Inn plain envelope, to any address, ' 1 5 ,' . 3 ;.;„ \ 2 1 1 ° 0 11 ',,,, ^ ar st , r " i ' ll ' e a i i i t ii . • •• •• • • • • - . 1 76..5,15 I k 4.1455 H postpaid. on cereipt of r , 1% retil•. or to 0 port Until It.. pr ,,,, 2 , ~,,,. , 1 P.M. Y . r m I Great I &AS 5.40 i t Also. Dr. ( ulverweirs "Marriage Guide," •Foot of Liherty-•t. I A.ll P.M Adders' Publishers, oi Nov IT CBS. 1. C. KLINE & CO., R. A. HENRY, 127 flowery, Newt' rho. Post make. ollx -I,.S.Sd. nor 17 , General Pass. and Ticket Agent. _. _DOWN TOWN NEWS MINER AND (OA Ts, main Street.s doors below Boyd's Corner. Montrose FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PRO l'/N/ONS. Weer,. cnnetnntly rec Is Inv i ed now hove ennnwl, • f reeh etnck n 1 Goode In ownr e. which w. w Merl] CHEAP! CHtsAl ! CHE:iP ! lor cneb,or exchn Bo or produce. GOOD TEA 6, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER rt. TIMOTHY SEED, &r. We have refitted and made additions to onr Stock at Palls: and arc now ready to byword Butter to the her t commission honors In New York. free of charge. and matte Ilberaladrancmnenta no conatgarnents. Call and examtneottr Stock before purchasing else where. andconelnee yourselves orThe GOOD QUALITY k LOW PRICES of our Goods C. G. MINER, - • Montrose, April NI. 1660 FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT OF WILLIAM W. SMITH. PLZASZ Tin Nonce: The extensive Furniture ErAldbliehMeta of N Mum W. Smith. having been refitted and greatly Improved. the proprietor respect• fully announces to the citizens of Montrose and vicini. ty, that be Is constantly mnklug and keeps on hand the largest and best asssortment of F I TT 3FeL. x 3R.3133 to be found anywher thieside of New York City. Desks. Divans. Towelrneko, Lounges. Pontrtools Center Card, Pier. Toilet. Dlntng. Kitchell and ezter.ioll table; Canna —Cane and Wood•ent nockerv, Cane, Flag and %Voodeeate of every variety and .tyle. Sofasand Teta.a.tetes, fora shed ou abort notice.— Cane seat chairs resented. bPRING BEDS. A large assortment—eheapeot and beet In the markt I Cane Seat Chairs. T am now enabled to supple my customers-with a new substantial cane seat chair, of home mho uf.icta re. which will be found greatly soperior to those formerly In market, and yetare sold at a less price. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATED. Or Ready made coffins on hand or furnished fft short notice. Hearse alwrys In readiness If desired. I employ none but careful and experienced workmen, I intend to do my work well, and sell It as low Os can be afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITH. Montrosa,Poti 19,.1868. HATS, CAPS, & FURS Bata and Caps for Men and Boys' wear. Furs of all grades, at GirrrasnErat, Iloasanstm, S. Co's. WOOLEN & KNIT GOODS. Ladles' Merino Undergarments. Hoods, 110,0 Gloves &e. Gents' Wrappers and Drawers. Sande Jackets, Gloves of all sorts, in great variety, at Gerrvennstfo, g reat & Co's. WOOLEN GOODS. Flannels plain all colors, fancy plaid (monk and shirting Flannels, extra tine. 4-4 wblte. Tied Blankets. Canines and Horse Blankets, Cloth.Cassonera,Boaroro and Chinchillas, by the yard. In crest variety, at GUTTENBERG, ROB. & STOVES! STOVES! Tice Great. Anudican_Base Burner and Base Ilearal FOr sat by 0. IL. RAW : LIM New Milord. Pa., Dec. VOGL —lt . THE. FLOOD! COME AND SEE THE FLOOD OF 500.000,000 New arCOOl3l5, A. &P. R. I -.4 THROP'S DIIESB GOODS In Largo quantities, of all Styles and Prices. ' LA ROE STOOK Of Hats and raps, Furs, Ready Made Clothing, dual mores, Beavers, Sackings. Boras Blankets, 104 Blankets, Bed Spreads, Hardware, Crocker;, Boots and Shoes, Ate. an. ac. sil.oon,ooo Wt. ere Agents for the Celebrated PARHAM SEWING DI ACHINE ! Montrose, Oct. 13. IKI3 F ARM FOR SALE! The mtbscriber offers for sale his Farm Minato in the east part of New Milford township, containing UNE LITINDNED ANT) SEVENTY-TUNILE ACRES MS tierce improved. well watered byeptinge,and a 'Man creek. There err t rro bonitos. one new, and three barn*, one new. end other outbuilding*, and two good orchards. The land not improved in heavily thnber. Term* made rnry. For nuttier Inroninotton call on or address tbu wtheriber at New Milford, !tofu's Co. Pa. IZZ!!1 r EIfIGIE VALLEY RAILROAD. KJ On and alter Sept. 03, 18IZ, trains on the Lehigh Va.ley liiiiran.d will ran as follows : Lceve Waver)) June. lon E. R. W. 0.40 a. nu At hen, 05Y •• 7 . 0,111 , 123 1.ut.,43,11,e 10.55 •• t.klutler'. Fry In 57 Sl ephoppen 11 18 •• 71i chuopAny 1191 •• Tnnk't na: 11.1.1 .• L. At B. Jun,. 12.31 p. m. Pitt.ton ilkee Burro 115 " White Haven 3.08 •• 31*, h Chunk 4.20 " Allenton n 511 •• Bethlehem 6 " En-tau 6 50 p. m, Philadelphia B.e. Ar. at New 1 urk 0.25 " ITP TRAINS, Leave liew York 6.55 p. M. Pelladeiplila 7.45 " Eueunt Ist.utt " Desillehum 10 Alloultsen 10.43 .• 51c•h Chunk 11.101 m. White lia'n 1.37 p. m. Bic 2.50 •• Pitt.ton :1.10 •• L k 11 Jou. 520 •• Tunk'nuck 4.21 '• 31elloopun) 4.40 •• Mcsimppen 457 •• Skinner'• E. 1.15 " Laeryville s'lB " 411,indu 6.54 " Athen. 751 •• Ar. at Waverly Junction, E. It. W. 7.13 " 141 — No chance or cans between Semites, and New • York, or betueen tics-Anton and Philadelphia. Nov. 1, IF6't. k MEItICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA S. Z. Coy. Fourth and Walnut Ma. ALEX. WI I DIN, J. S. WILSON, Prexidenl. Sec. (6 Treas. (mown' OF THE AMERICA 4 DATE. NO. OF POLICIES. /XT. INSURED. 1,1190430.00 1900,000.00 10.819,418 Pa 94.121,901.011 The American Issues policies on ill desirable plaster at low rates, and for security and promptness in moat. Ina losses Is unsurpassed by any company to tho tcd States. 1860. Dec. 31 If4a. ISM •• •• .13crifurcl. Cor vrrl.llSt6olll. HON. JAMES POLLOCK. Ea• Gov. of Pena's, flfretto. U. fi Mint. " . J. EDGAR TUOMBON, Pres. Pant. 8. R., 11213 Son* Third St. GEORGE NUGENT, Gentled:um residence, Getman town. ALBERT C. ROBERTA, President Point!' National Munk. PIIILLIP B. MINGLE. Seed Mere 14311.103 Minket at HON. ALEX. 0. CATTELL, U. B. Senator, Machant 27 North Water St. ISAAC UAZLEIIUIIFt, Attoenepat•Law, 608 Walnut St. L. M. MULLIS'S, Merctuutt, Eland 11113onth Front St, lIENRY R. IMINNETT, Merchant, 145 South Fourth St. GEORGE W. HILL, President Seventh Nathantil /Vit. JAMES CLAGIIOIIN, President Comments Mit- tint;;l ' JOHN 14 ANAMAKKIL Ottk Clollang Houe.B.Z. corner Sixth and Idukot Sta.. and MS di WO Chuaut Street. STROUD t BROWN, Agenp, oet.lB • At, MonttOse, FA. JEWELRY A. & D. R. LATHROP JACOB WAYMAN DOWN TRAINS Ito m 1.43 p. m ISM . 4.00 5.45 .. 11.611 .. A. TIFICIttiL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers