fountg Vuoincoo Pirtdorp. Two lines in this Directory, one year, sl.:% eaela additional line: 50 cht. MONTROSE JAMBE E. CARMA.LE, Att.wrier at Lau. Otilce ouo dour below Tarbell 'Rouge, Public Arcnuc. VAL. 11.. COOPER. &, Co.. Banker& anll Fornlgn * *age Tick-to and Thrifty , on Fngland. Ireland and Salt land. d. FLETCHER'SIIe Ssln,nn I, the place to get lee Cream. ( i re en. and limns, In ery ety, le. On lifnU3 Ft reel. • STROUD d PriOUlg.'sees) Fin , and Lao Insor. since Akonts al+o. sell Railroad snit Areldcsit Ticket• to New York and l'hilad,lpLia. Ott Olit, door east ofthe Bank. V. (MA Dt.F.ll. General Insurance and Sewing Ma chine Public Avcnue. J. L. TALBOT- the Once tog el your Orocerieu and Proriutons. Mon, Pork. I nrd. Teu. Slentr. Thee, To bore, Sn air. Oyptcre ;us' Itelreuhroents, on. der S. H. knyre& Brother*. BUDNS a NICIIOLB, the place to get Drug, and 34.11 clnes_Clgors, Tobacco, Pocket-110okt, Stuuta ties, Yankee Notion,. du_ Public Attune. WU. L. CO], limners maker end denier In ell articles usually kept by the trade, opposite the [tack. • WM. B. BOYD .t CO.. braler. In Stover, and htsnnfacturen] of Tin and Sheeting] ware. corner of Mato and Turnpike street. NOR:4R & LINES, Mr.rchfott Tailor* and cleltero to Cloth., Trltntoloatt, nod Fornt t;ot , tl, tool ACV , t• for ,eviins Maclaine, on Main street. Pordhsm A. N. BULLARD. I)extler In Gnu,. Statioucry and Ytthkee N..11,,nr, nt hc..l rtihile Avcnne. T. SPORE. S CO • Dealers in Si,vo.. DAM u ; tn. Agricultural Plotlr and opp4l. site 're rbell RAYNSFORD Livery and Radiance Stable, in rear of Bank bedding. • J. 'IL Dr.WITT .t In.. Dealer. In Dry Good.. liar d warn and genernl merchrfoldit , c, corner, near Brit k Blwk. NILW 1111.FoRD N. SHOEMAKER. New Mitfortl. pa. koopi ronrt+nt ty On hand Roe fresh ground en) uga plantar, fir rah. Firer ton, Ennnuersvl Po.• W. 9. MEAD, Fonodwl, end dealer in Plow, and other lacmet le, one door from Phi oney'r St. ri. F. KIMBER. Carriage Mater and Undertaker, on dlnin Street, two L.!, below llnwlern Store., )ireiCOLLUM Dealeni in Groceries and Provisions. on Main Street. 11, GARRET & SON. Dlialers In Flour. Pool. Meld. Salt, Lime, Cement, Groesiies and Provisions on Main Street', opposite the Depot. W. & T. 11AVDEN„ Manniarturera of Cigar. and Wholeenle dealers In Tnukee Notion• nud Fancy Goode. on Moth Street, below Ei.b.e.tpai Church. • MOSS b KNAP, I..nath, ?tane.,turtr• and denier- In Mornern lien? Ept.rnmil l•nnrrn • 'AINEY & HAYDEN. Dente, in Dr, end Itlannfatturere of Clgttre, on Main Street, nrar the Depot W. STF.I . IIRNS, llor,. Shoriht, and renerta Revairls,g 00 MS. Street, synth of the ['mgt.. J. DIcKEUMAN. Jn., Doter In general mon-handl, and clothing. Brick Store. on Main :Arent. criztrrix & II AD, Dvalere in g.nernFlforchnnrlfige on Main Street- O. M. PAIS - LET, tlnnivr in p.ncnil 31nrchandiee, on Main Stkcet, oppo- , ite Hotel: GREAT BEND L., S. LF.XIIIIIII. Manufacturer of Leather. nod d. nler in general Merehandl., en Main Str. et. 11. P. DORAN. Merchant 'Fader and denier In Read, Made Clothing, Dry Goodn,Grucerlen and fruclfl/111, Main Street. LENOXVILLE MRAM 11nnu ructitrer nr and di-nler in .:pert 1 . 1014 - e aud l';•42ugo. GIBSON, EDWARD. & BUY %NT. 31 mutate orer% of Wlgenii and Sleigh... near the $ ore. gocal 3lntclligtucc. "Gutenberg. Rosenbaum & Cos store is too small to contain the crash of goods, ca.ltion able, eheap and first quality, with which it, counters and shelves are Mica. Can and exam. Inc stylog, quality and prices. Bur;rtary at Dimock The store of Miles 4.t . Sherman. at Dittioel: Corners - WM+ entered by burglar, (ni Sunday night, May Ist, who carried otl about seven dol lars In money ; Throe depredation, have be come so frequent and so bold, that it behooves even• property owner to be on the alert. There is evklently a gang of thieves running around loose in this vicinity, and public nece.sity re qu'im that they be either Lilted or capd. Scud lag Local," We arc always glad to receive the particulars alma] occurrences throughout the r•ou»ty.— Something of interest occurs almost daily in ev ery neighhorhood, and we easntstly urge our friends to Pend us all the items that Mlle to their observation or their ears. Do not hesitate from any real or imaginary inability to get Ahem up right. - Send us tlw facts and we will put them in shape. Walt a Bit. Those who want stylish, cheap, and fir. qual ity, Spring goods, should look in at the store of 31cKenzie, Faurot & Co, Mr. McKenzie is now in :New York, and a fine addition to their ,took will he here in a day or two. We taw they have already received a large assortment of I , pring Ca.ssimeres and Mu, Perimzud. We learn that our valuable and esteemed friend, Dr. S 7 W. Dayton, is alamt to lea VP Great Bend village• for seine foreign clime, on account of ill health. We are informed that he will tan bark as surgeon on hoard the ste-amship Austral ia, which Bails May 14th for England. The Dr. will curry with him the respcvts of a yetp large circle of warm friend, and also their regrets at hisdeparture. We hole• that the de sired effect upon his health may he speedily re alized, and a safe and early return to his home and former field of usefulness. Fire in Auburn. The house of Thomas Dunlin, in Auburn o - us cittitroyed by fire on WeLini,ilay evening., May 4th. The cause of the fire is unknown, but is supposed to have taken upon the roof from *parks from the chimney, as that urns the local ity where it was first discovered. ; The Ceneus--AppeinteneneL This County baring been dished into fire sub-ilisteicts, the following Assistant Marshals hareliearCappiainted for each: ' • James'Howe—for Harmony, Oakland, Bumf a Depot. Great Bend (born' and township), Liber ty. Philo liturrit—for Cliffo d , Dun(toff, Ilerrick. - Gltwin, Ararat,Lpaox, Thomson. Davja Summers—pr . New I.lllforclOoro' and township), , Jackson, Ifarford, .prooklyn, Lath- Bonnie A, - Dents—for Montiose, Bridgewater, iianklitt,_ Silver Luke. Forest Luke, Choconnt, AriOlacon,Triendaila, Little Meadows. Davis—Lfor Middletown, Springville, Dimock, Auburn, , !ball; Jessup. correeskin; Among the promotions of the Intermediate published last week was omitted the name of Jennie 31. Smith. The imme of Ado niche was misprinted Ma Packer, among the mimes of alt PrONOtklm. • • ' Borough Items. —Three more persona were immersed by Rev. L. 13. Ford, in Jones Lake on Sunday morning last —A.'"Fifteentia Amendment' by the , name of Henry Parker was arreSted and- lodged in jail on Saturday night last, for being intoxicated, and distorted to quarreL After remaining in jail over Sunday he was brought before Esquire Avery, plead guilty and fined. $l.OO and costs. —The ladies of St. Paulacchurch propose to hold a series of soc i al entertainments at which will be introduced some select songs, tableaux, and other pleasing parlor amusements. The first will be held at Mr. F. M. Williams' on Fri day evening of this Week. The Invitation is general. —Dr J. W. Cobb has removed his office to Z. Cobb's store on Public Avenue. —J. S. Tarlxli has let the job of building an addition to his barna, ninty-nine feet long and sixty-nine wide. —Those "colored troops" propose to celebrate the "glorious Fifteenth" to-morrow, to close in the evening with a grand "ball" at Cushman's Ilall. Of course all of our Radical friends arc invited "without regard to sex, color, or previ ous condition of political servitude." —The needful rain has been falling for three or four diva past In mild and gentle showers, and field, bush and tree seem to manifest unu sual haste to don a full mantle of green. —Rev. E. A.. Warriner, Rector of St. Paula Church, has been appointed by the Bishop to deliver a sermon at the annual Convention of Episcopal Churches in Philadelphia, which will convene on Tuesday, May —We received an apology for not having earlier notice of the grand "celebration" to-mor row from the noted John Stout, in which he said, "It's curous, curous—but tines no use a talkin' you gib cleat. niggers a little position and Miley and dey don't know as much as a yallar dog." John is on the right track. Binghamton Items. The fullowiug item we glean from the Dem ocratic Leader; —No licenses in the torn of Binghamton this —Water was let into the Chenango canal on Wetlneilly lust —Mr. C. M. Calrerty's teum became unwiring able while he was taking a drive with a friend, and he was thrown from his carriage, breaking his cellar hone. —Ov-i•r forty persons receivetl the rigid hand Of fellowship and united with the Baptist church on Sabbath morning, May Ist. —From one of u s:Tic,of highly interesting articks Nvhich are appearing in the Bing Mouton Leader on the past, present, and future of Bing hamton, we extract the tbllowing: In 1828 a two horse stage eounitenetal run ning from Montrose to this place once a week, John McPherson proprietor. Mr. Searle, of Montna , e, soon succeeded him, and was long connected with the route. This stage route, which haS long lsk:en a tri weekly one, has been partially supereeded bt the iron horse, and at no distant period there will probably be a railroad from Binghamton to Montrose. The day of the stage coach, with its social and oft merry features ; its incidents and acci dents, and its tedium, tins passed away in Bing- hanitom —The IBrighaniton Savings Bunk has been assigned as the depository of the Canal funds at this port by the Canal Board. —The Binghamton Gas Co. Imre a large num ber of workmen engaged in putting in a new gas holder.- It is to be three tunes as large as the one now in use, and will cost about *.'4000. —The key to the store on Washington street kept be Mr. Patten and Mr. Carder, was lost or • stolen Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon Mr. Patten found the door unlocked, and on en j tering found a lad named Wm. R. Batter, en ' joying himself disposing of ginger snaps, olan . gits, etc., and filling his pockets with bologna sausages, and other eatables. The youngster seas allowed a free pass to the House of Refuge. —lion Henry Mather, of Binghamton, died at his residence in that city, on Sunday evening last. at the age of 06 years. lie was ens of the meat prominent and wealthy citizens of the place, was connected with several of its Bank ' ing institutions, bud represented Broome coun ty in the Legislature, and had resided in Bing ! harnton about fifty years. A.- - Number of Nada to the Pound. The following table shows the number of nails to the Ib., In the different sizes from " 3- penny" up to "20-penny," as well as the number of the several sizes of spikes. The first column gives the size, the second the length in inches, and the third the number to the lb. 3-penny, 1 inch long, 4 " " 5" / " 2 " 2/ " " 3 From this table an ealintate of quantity and imitable sizes for any job can be easily made. How to stop a Paper. Call at the-offitn and pay up hack arrcnrages and order it stopped like a own ; and not re. lu.e to take it out of the PORt office and sneak away dike a puppy. lai'One Tuesday evening, April 20th, the Empire 31111 s, of Smith & hierserean, at Union, took fire front sparks from the smoke-stack, and were damaged $4OO including $lOO on grain and flour, before the fIIV wan extinguished. Notice Rev Aaron Portei, of Gi'Fol., will preach in the Universalist Chorch in Montrose, on Friday evening, May 13, at rng o'clock. The public are respectfully invited to attend. Important, it True. It is said that poison of any conceliablc scription and degree of potency, witiehbasibeen swallowed' intentionally or by accident, may be rendered instantaneously harmless by swallow ing two gills of sweet oil. An individual with a very strong constitution should take twice the quantity. This will neutraliae evert- forinOof vegetable and mineral poison with which phy sicians and chemists are acquainted. For Corm's. Lorzfers 01utr. t -7 Josh Billings answers n query that has often occurred to us, 'viz f'"What were you created for?" in the following paragraph. While every lady and gentlenaan would like to be rid of the annoyance of king attired at,yer they ettanitche cruel enough to wish to be rid of your insolchce in the way Which josh alludes to: Thare !mint been a bug made yet in vstn, nor one that *ant a good job. Thare iz lots of hu man men inafing about corners, blacksmith shops. cider Mills and salloons all over the coun try, that don't seem to be Etteeu.y . for easy thing but beg plug' tobacco and ware and steal waterinekam ; -but you let the kolery break out wneeand then ya will see the wisdom tithseing, jisdsl halAtisl4l44olllPballPereilt Newspaper Laws. , Potitinasters.are realuirrd by law to give no tice by letter when a subscriber does not take his paper 4aDm the office, and give the reason for its not being taken. Neglecting to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publish er for the payment. Returning a paper will not do. Any person who takes a paper mularly.from: the post office, whether he has subscribed or not is responsible for the subscription. A person ordering his paper to be discontin ued must pay- all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount whether it is taken out or not. Indiscriminate Thieving. A young man named David Haines, who has been apparently loafing around the stores dot ing the winter, well wrapped up in a "long tailed blue" overcoat, it seems, has been pursu -1 ing a system of wholesale, indiscriminate thiev ing. When detected and arrested one day last week, there were found at his house, pieces of dress goods, shawls, lamps, hardware, shirts, reeslymade clothing, hoots and shoes, and indeed almost every article of merchandise kept by our dealers. lie had not confined his operations to any one place but had been quite Impartial in his visits. Goods of all descriptious,sntounting in value from one to two hundred dollars were found with him and stored in Justice Terry's office during the examination—making a sort of co-operative store, in which every merchant and dealer in town had an interest. Many of the articles still had on the private marks of the owners. It appears that he had not spent all his time in hording, for it has since been ascer tained that he has traveled about the county as a peddler, disposing of the goods at marvelously low figures, and without the slightest regard to the private cost marks on them. The discovery of his . "pack" which was brought in front a farm house four or five milts distant, made quite an extensive addition to this Intiaar at the Justice's office. The merchants of town thxdted around it, like crows around a carrion, which they seemed to scent front afar. One of them who supposed from the first exhibit, that he had been almost slighted or had fixed his prim' , too high even fur "sleepy David's" custom, had upwards of tfilll worth in this (rash arrival. A lady Caine to town the other day, boasting to a merchant of a cheap purchase she had made from a peddler of a shawl. When the merchant told her that the shawl was his property,she had no further cause for congratulation. Haines takes his incest very coolly. He save he stole the goods, but will oblige the owners to prove the fact of ownership. Ile is a married limn and had been a resident of the place for some months past. The wonder is that he should have escaped detection fur so long a time. Ills large overcoat seems to have served hint well in the way of secreting the stolen giants. He will probably have no further use for this garment for some time to come. Though he has respect able connections, and an aged and infirm father who regrets the course taken by his boy, this young man I is undoubtedly a very healthy thief.— 7'siolh,o,o.rk U< morrat. A Most Singular For several years past a Mrs. Michaux has lived in a house on Main Street, between Twen ty-second and Twenty-third, with no one else but a brother. who has been for years a harim less lunatic Nothing had been seen of them for several days until Saturday morning, when the chimney of the adjoining house caught tire and in the excitement a negro man ran in the house to give the alarm. Ile found on entering the chamber, Mrs. Michaux on the bed, dead, and her brother lying by her side almost starved to death. On being interropbsl he said his sister had been asleep tier two weeks. She had evi dently been dead for some time, although there was no deeonipositiiin of the bode, which ap peared to be almost 'mummified. It is hardly probable that she starved to death, as eighteen dollars in United States currency was found in the house. Two calves in the yard and several chickens had died from starvation. She was about fifty years of age, and is said to have been Very eccentric and to have had no intercourse with those around her. The brother was taken to the station-house to be taken care of, and the coroner notified of the death of the old lady.— Ifielimowl inquirer. Fire in Milltown Porn BAUNS Brim En.-Late Saturday evening April 30th, a fire broke out in one of the barns of Simon 11. Morley, on thrin formerly of Simon Spalding, in Milltown or Cayuta, near the north line of Athens township. The light became so brilliant as to show for miles; the Athens bor ough bells rung, and the alarm in Waverly brought down their firemen, by whose aid the dwellings, north of the barns were with some difficulty preserved. Some stock was saved front the barns, but the four buildings, with 400 bushels 01 wheat, 400 of oats, $7 . 0 worth of young stock, and $•200 of various implements and other stuff, were speedily consumed. Mr. )torch- estimates his loss at $9,000, less an insur ance, of $l,lOO in the Lycoming Company. lie can not account for its origin, but public opin ion points to a certain worthless Irishman, who was passing about with his pipe, it being sup posed he went to rest Ih one of the barns, and his pile• or matches caused this great destritc tion.—Brartford .Irgns. 557 ptr lb SA3 •• '' 167 " 141 •• 101 • DS " Whitewashing. It is a conceded fact that good white wash, well applied to fences, rough siding, and the walls and ceilings of buildings, has a highly military inlittruce, as well as being in the high est degree antiseptic and preservative in its ef fects. To be durable, whitewash should he pre pared in the following manner: Take the very best stone lime, and slack it in a close tub, cov ered with a cloth to preserve the steam. Salt— as much as can be dissolved in the water used for slacking and reducing th . e wash ft, the regal site degree of fluidity—sbould he applied, and the whole carefully strained and thickenel with a small quantity of sand, the purer and finer the better. A few pounds of wheat flour mixed as piste, may be added, and will give greater per manency and durability to the macs, especially when applied to the exterior surface of buildings. A Nuisance. We are pleased to see our boys enpge vigur ously in innocent sports and youthful amuse ments and would be the last one to throw any =dim wafttaltior Upon them, but when they make night hideous and sleepless by their yells and toothorns, not only destroying the slumbers of the weary but of a number of invalids whose nerves are sufficiently shocked by disease, we believe that in duty to the welfare of the boys as well as the community they should be taught bettef., Parents should be yery, wary of such inflliences as are brought' to' tkiM'r upon their sons on such occasions, as it is always necessary in order_to blow the cow, horns .: .well and add the Wicekmptiddidiaatiffianthicaidobiee — rdty, to take other "horns" to tire the brain, and many a Gallen one can date his first step to just such occasions. Pampas should have the email boys under their own control, and those larger ones who have assumed the forms of men and will not-AIWA fltsm sigh riotous revels should be taken in Ladd by out village "154bero" u t a gimp imlbsysivi, plying rdOrt tarts, buil( Petit Juror Drawn for Special Term of Court to be hold en nt Montrose, on 3ionday June olb, 1870: Auburn—Truman Baker, Abrani White, Ri ley Bushnell, Horace Baker. Bridgewater—O. A. Beebe, A. Benjamin,Sam net Smyth, Wm. C. Curtis. Brooklyn—John Bolles, F. Tewksbury. Choconnt—Amos Heath. Dimock—Hiram Blakeslee, John La k e. 'Franklin--J. L. Merriman, D. B. Townsend, Edwin Summers, Anbry Smith. Forest Lake—Jefferson Green, John Brown, George W. Taylor. Fritmdsville - Jere. Roston]. Gib son —G eo . G. Woodward, Henry Howell, J. 31. Harding. Great Bend—Addison G. Brush. - Herrick—F. F. Hayden. Harford—William Patterson. Jessup—Enos Bennett. Lenox—Daniel S. Robinson, Lathrop—H. B. Wood. 31ontrose—M. A. Lyon. P. Thatcher. New Milford—John Mainzer, Thomas D. Ten nant, Chauncey Fletcher. New Milfont horo—Trney Hayden. Hush—Stephen S. Shoemaker. Silver Like—Aaron Meeker. Susquehanna—L. S. 'Page. Thomson--GU vsL Loins. House Burned. On Tuesday, April 26, the house of Naarnan Clafiin of Gibson, was destroyed by fire, and all its contents With the exception of a small amount of bedding. The building bad with- stood the elements for over 60 years. The] tire originated from ashes put into a tin teasel with a wood bottom which stood on a bench by the house. - Mr. Clanin was erecting a new dWilling near by which also suffered some from thirflanies.- _ - -.0.41111. V 2 Raihvitid Depot nt Towniala is nearly- a mile from the liminess center' of the village, and the Argua, proposts a Street Rail way between the two points, lcty,Nvertionntnts. vuuTiois', AUCTION! The subscriber will sell at public sale on his prumist. in Gibson, on Saturday, Mav 28th, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. 01., the following property, to wit A coal burner rocking Stove, Stove Furni ture, a quantity of Stove Pipe, a large brass Ket tle. Tables, Stands, Chairs, Bedsteads, Barrels, Meat Casks, Soap Casks, a barrel of Soap, and a large number of artidm not named. Also, if nw.prieviously sold, 6 them of Bees, a quantity of Hee Hives and Glass TERMS OF SALE.—AII sums under cash ; *5 and over, six months credit with in Moist and approved aeeurity. Gibson, May 11, 187Q.—Jw• L IBERTY TOWNSUIP BOUNTY STATEMENT. A m't of outstanding bonds with interest,sB6o.66 onlers • chargeable In bounty fund M. L. TRUESDELLO A uditori W. M. BAILEY, f Liberty, May 1, WM—Small THE PLACE TO TRADE And where you will End TUE BEST VARIETY Uk GOODS, AT TOO MOST LIBEBA PRI t' U. In at (Tttltrnbery, 28 , ,,enbauni t fo's JEST RECEIVED bl rge and Issuldsome Peloction of READY MADE CLOTHING, For men. boys' and youth"' wear. Fine 'election of CLOTHS, CASSIII RUM, COAITNOS, Se For Custom Work. We take measures and make Up gar. aIeaCIIII to order. after the newest and roost tasty styles. • Large variety of PIECE GOODS to sell by the yard. A tine variety 01 Uents' ruttstsumi GOODS. Necktie*, Bows. Paper and Linen I:oltars, t.hirts, Trunks, Satch els, Umbrellas. etc. Large selection of newest style. of HATS AND CAP 4, of various material. In our Dry goads Department you NEW DRESS GOODS bilka, Poplin', Mohair". Alpacas (black and all the lead ing cabin% and ahade", Plgoes, Perotlea, printed Organ dins and Malibu*, French Ginghams, ate— WHITE GOODS Table Linea. Towels. Napkins. Sales Musllns. Jaconets PA RA SOLS, StlnAhadeP. Skim., Connell. Ktdd and LIFIC Thread Glove*, Mei cry, Handkereblefo, Conan , and entre, etc. SHAWLS, BAt/rES, or:various material and in Offer ent aty I.IREtaS MINGS and Buttons, itarvelles Trimming, Fading. Fringeo. etc. DOLE. TIC GOODS, 3111, , 1in5, Calkm, Tidal. Drninv MILLINERY 6ooDs We hare a large selection in trimmed and untrimmed Hop, Sundetria, Plovers, Ribbons. Satin., 'ACC', Blonde, Frame', Mae - hand (mimed Crepes, Bt. The prices on all bur Goode are marked away DOWN and will defy all competleina. Our good. are boned In large quantities. and .elected with great tare, and we flatter ourselves that we can give sallallictlou to all. Montrose, May 11,18:0. \TOTICE. Ira the Estate In the Orphan Court of ofB ; nsq ehanna County Wm. 11. William ., need 1 No . 11 nuary Term. inn. To bineirs Curtis, Angtline Perkin s jenny Perkins, Emoriney Pesidus, Neiman Perkins,lPUllato Perkins and Hannah Perkins. Yon anti berehPnOtined that at tire Tannery Term. Itral, of saidtkart, *petition was yrescited by Olite WI Iltano. widow dt raildVas: II: William., deceaed, praying for En Wider th Sell Par mutest 01' bey *senintion. the fol. lowing &tufted red estate ,- to wil t -An .that certain piece of parcel:l land situate, lying - zed being In the townsbipot Hew If Ilford. in the county of Sasquehanna and State of Pennsylractia. bounded OD the north by lands fir tentuel'Everett. an Maoist by lands of Ar ch bald W.unabllli2d lan& lateofthesnalWildame,deceased, on the south by th e pubilealgitway liannerly, known as the 014.10asen Ma , and an Ils e west by the lame road ; containing there or tess,with,the_ tee, atom It . feet fruit trees,ftrol abdat th l rtN= '. of t license cleared; late the estate of the said William U. Williams, deterred. ' . • And the 'said Coati upon due em eid e s e tb m of the peendres did grant a rate epen the belt* and patties irt terMded tO appear Weald on 'Monday the 11th day of April bet at $ unlock e. AL, of that day to shOw cause jr any they h a d. ;or once of sale ehould Pot be mine as frj e Nt l ntltt at e h d rt 101111143, the Std rf i f f / APn) ifillt at c/elcielte. L. when and ethers yenr jut eppeny% apd show canes why lad Diderot axle m rga , • 04101alia031 1 0 11 thaN - NO" UNC:7"'' L; STATE OF WILLIAM CRUSE, -late 4:giants township, Pa. deceased. Lettere of idminlatrattem upon the estate of the above named decedent hevtngbeen granted to the =dent/cried, 0/011C8 is given to all persons indebted to the same to make Immediate payment, and those having claims upon the same will present them duly authenticated forsettle ment. Ranh, Mar 11. 1670. ESTATE OF LEWIS BRUSH, late of Dicuock township, Susquehanna co. Pa.., dec'd. Letters of administration Islam the estate of the above named decedent hissing been granted to the undersigned. notice is hereby Liveulhakail persona indebted to the same are requestml lo make' immediate payment, end theme haling elating upon the samn,will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. C. C. HILLS, Administrator., Dimuck, Slay ' E X EC UTQRS' NOTICE, The heirs and'legntees of the cent te of Charici McCarty. deceased, are hereby notified to meet the undersigned at the °nice of ; Little.' and Blakeslee, in Montrose, on Wednesday the 11th day of May, A. D., 1870, at one oclock, P. M. for the purpose of settling and paying said legatees as the will provides. DAVID HILLIS. 1 Far x. JAMES' April 90 . `STATE OF CHARLES REYNOLDS, L-1 late of Auearn towtthip, Bu•quehanna co Pa. deceased. Letters of administration upon the estate of tbe above named decedent having been • - rranted to the undersign ed, all persons Indebted to sa id estate are hereby notl fled to maim Immediate payment, and those having elstms against tneseme to present them duly authenti cated for settlement MARGARET REYNOLDS, Admix. Auburn, April V, ISO. ESTATE of SARAH KNOWLTOIe.i, late of Itush township, Susq'a co. Pa.,. deed. Letters testamentatoary upon the estateot theabove named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persona Indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those haying claims against the came to present them duly authenti cated for settlemen t. Montrose, April 11, 1870 VSTATE OF PATRICK .CLARY late of Apolacon township, finsonehanna coon" ty dec'd. Letters of administration upon the estate of the above named decedent havin l f been ranted to the nn densigned. notice is hereby ven to all persons indebt ed to said estate to make mmediate payment, and those having cialins against the same to present them duly anthenticited for settlement to the undersigned. THOMAS H. WE, Adm'r. Apolation, April 20, IMO. T EA Every kind of Tea In market. Just arrived. and for sale at New Yerk wholesale price . Also a doe sortmeot of COFFEE. Buy of roc and save express charges. ABEL TUB HELL. Montrose, Fa.. Aprlllo. 18711 EW WALL }'A PER, Japt arrived. and selling rheap - Montror, np(ll 2‘). PM. - ABEL feRHEEI. R. T UTT LE.. A M ERICA N E 3 l Waltham Watches AT THE COMPANY'S PRICES. And warranted by the Company sent with every watch. Price List and descriptive Catalogue sent to any address Orders tilled by express C. 0. D. with the priviirge of ex al:ablation before paying the money. Address ALEYANDEII 11. HARPER, Ap. %1--2 m SHOO FLY, DoNr BOTHER ME. COLLARS ! COLLARS ! Pure Indigo Work. ['Send in your glee and 2 cents dent to any address. T. A. DERBY. api3-3 Box 1«.., Iltuodale.N. Y. p uSIPS' Pum Ps Cucumber Wood Pumps The Best and Cheapest Pumps ever made. Durable, reliable, accurate and perfect, and give They are adapted depth of well upto water very easily one can put them in repair, & when to " directions," give perfect satis asx FOR BLATCHLEY'S CUCUMBER WOOD PUMPS. Every Pump sold by me or my authorized agent guaranteed genuine. CHARLES G. BLATCHtEY,Manfr. 624 and 628 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ap. 6-6 m COURT PROCLAIIATION.—Whertias the 110 n. F. B. Streeter, President of the Court of Oyer and Terniiner, and General Jail De livery, court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court in the Thirteenth Judicial District com a the ('ounties of Susquehanna and Wr s a e lfford, and the Hons. R. T. Ashley and A. Baldwin, Associate Judges in Susquehanna County. have issued their precept, to me direct ed, for holding a Special Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Ses sions, Common Pleas, Orphan's Court, in the Borough of Montrose and County otrSu.squelutn na, on the first Monday of June, 1870, it being the sixth day. NOTICE 1.4 lIEEEBT GIVEN to the(oroner,.luA lices of Peace, and Constables ofeatdiCoun ty cif .Sustmehanntf;.that they he there to 'their proper perooks,rft:9-o'clock to tho- afternoon of said day, with their Monis, inquisitions, and other teettembemung. to do tlwse things which to theft. 'arm opert i atik to besioniti -And those who ale "Load liv rt.rogazances against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of said County of Susquehanna are to he then there, to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Montrose the 18th of April, Tri the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundered and seventy. Wo. T. MOXLEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, April 18, 1870. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI- For lii< Rellcf and or oldie Errinx and Unfortnnate,on Primly!. of Carlota= Philanthropy. &rap on the Error. of Youth and the Follies of Age, lw relation to Mania .t Marriage and Social Evils, with arnica aid for the afflicted. Sent free. In Peeled emelt, . Ad deo., HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. Phlladelphla. N. 8. DEBBACEIL SPECIAL NOtICE! The Books, Notes, &e., late in possession of R. Kenyon, Jr., are in the hands of Chamberlin & McCollum for immediate collection. All per sons in any manner indebted will save cost by settling without delay. A. L.ATITROP, F. W. BOYLE, Assignees of R. Kenyon, Jr. Montrose, April 6, 1860. TCONSVMPTlVES.—Proridenttally roy dnochter 1. was moored to boon by simple means, without medicine. The particulars will be vent free. RZUBS7I E. Rococo-ow, Stockton St. Brooklyn, Long Wend. edn ALL RIGHT FOR 1870. 3ECEII\TEIt."2' 331:72r leln constant receipt of NSW GOODS, by r bleb hit wortment Is rendered more Ind more complete and eranattlre for all hl► lineal ?allele/ of trade for IBM Ih Ilrew Dry Good:, law Gra:retie, • Noe /Arduous, an; New Amu, Iron, Malden, J3elled Shoes, Wad Piper. -Miaow faiaela MU& Mix; Bq/Ak. Robes, zeosiiitirit; Hoop arkirisooktotitla ea* S , wegranneld,liia. tre). -• ; • • - • ESTATE NOTICES. JAMES REDDING. Admix CRAB. AVERY, Kir. 313 Chestnut street, Philadelphia BLATCEILEY'S no taste to the water. r cisterns or any' feet, and throw id rapidly. Any and keep them it up according icy never fail to talon. Al lON FOR SALE! A house and lot situated in the tosniShip of Rush, two tunes west of Elk Lake, and 23 mil= from Grangerville, containing three acres of land, a good orchard artery aoda halfhouse. a blacksmith shop, and . bam. For full particu lars Inquire of the subscriber on chi premises. WM. MITCHELL. Rush, March 30. 1870.-3* FARM FOR SALE, Of 175 acres, situated on the road from Sil. ver Lake to Mud Lake, 100 urns improved and most of the balance In heavy timber, containing aeveral hundred cords of hemlock bark a good House with L and barn, about 40 bearing apple trees, well watered, a good water power, con venient to churches, schools, etc, Inquire on the premises, or address .1. J. SHELDON, Jan. 19, 1870.115 m St. Joseph, Pa. FLOUR! FLOUR! Frum this day forwent, we shall sell ?lourWt retail at WHOLESALE PRICES We Lang out uo raise colors, but mean just what we say. While waking Flour a specialty, our stock of FEED, MEAL, SALT, LIME CEMENT, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Will be kept full and sold at very small profits. 11. GARRATT & SON. New 'Milford, March 2, 1270,—1y GIZOVER tt BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITLI3 FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 4.9 BROADWAY, NSW YORK POIZiTS OF EICELLENCIL Beauty and elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of !CAM/ by hand and ao waste of thread. Wide range ofappliention without cbange of adjart ISICLITI. Tte seam retalnsits beauty and !tempts' after wash tog and ironing. Besides all kinds of work done by other Perctng Ma chines, torso Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. The Richest Premiums et all the fairs and exhi bitions of the United :States end Europe, have been awailleci the Grover & Baker Pewinc Ilachium, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in compe tition. EIE . The vert higheft prize. THE CROSS OR THE LEGION OF liONOlt. with °outlined on the reproftent atives of the Gruver S Baker Sewing Machine., at the Expomition Gni teraelly, Pula. INIT, thee attaating their great .nperlority over all other Sewing Machine.. For sale by F. B. CRANDLER., 'Montrose June 1. Iyr COTTON GOODS. Muslin.. Ticking. Calicos, Gingham., Ptrlpegg and checked Shirtino, Denim.. do. as usual la qatlety st Orrrzastno, Ilosionuari d Co. W IRE RAILING, 8188 GUARDS, For Store Fronts. Asylum*, &c. Iron Bedstead.. Wire Webbing for Sheep and Poultry Yards, 8r... and Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fender. Screen. for Coal Ores, band, &e. Heavy crim ped cloth for Spark Arreot. n, Landscape Wires for Win dows, etc. Paper Makers' Wires, Ornamental Wire work. etc. Every Informothm by addtcosing the man ofacterem. Id. WALEKR & SONS, Aplyigd No.ll N. Sixth Philadelphia. TIIE ELIAS HOWE SEWING lIACIIINE I In 111"non;IMont'T al t to te ary th an e o b n es n ' lgVou ng hro c i ' :l% them. Nov. &I, IS9 E. 1.. WEEKS & CO., Agents. D RESS TRIMMINGS & FANCY MODS. Malone of all descriptions. Elssuigitsrtcrest. Gurrattorna, Rosatraants, t Co's. CAYEGA PLASTER I keep constantly on hand an ample imp• ply of fresh ground Cayuga Plitster, for sale at per ton. N. SHOEMAXER. Summeraville, Jan. 10, 1970.—tf THE LAST CHANCE. STILL SELLING OPT AT COST GEO: IIAYDZN Is Mill offering a Taro Stoelr'of Goode far a abort time ONLY—AT COST I And loriof Cicada LESS THAN COSY! (A pcattive. beta TO CLOSE {$1:18115ZEIS! Dry Goode, Drees Gooda.,Shawla. ClottdaSs/Dttn. CAP'. Doom, Shoes, Craekery , Olametre, Wooden Ware. Hardware ...Grocerlee, Trlniteings, And lota and Stacks or o.xxis too 1101XlErOlna to mention., When you hear oilier dealers toy that we oak old pri ces and have an old stock of Goode, Don't believe It, but call and ece 1 Szamine and com pare vices roe youe Waco. Thu Stock moat and 'be add lee abort time as I have to leave the building. 'Positively no Goode sold on Credit. Tema Cub, ar No Sale. OE9. NAYDEN New Milford, March 9,1870. Amourn DIVORCES ;may obtatho IA New YnrkMons, and other Matess. ( orpereaus from &ite?:or Cocultry. LIP) W;: desertion, aon4upper, ate, en" nun ~_:gtogh 4 1 0=tu dtvoree is AMMO .litteas phori. No., 14014mas:"Vii-' BURNS & NICHOLS DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES. Keep regalia!, stlitplledi with ricAnuarnizitaa Drup. And Medicines. Cheminsls, Dp_Sten. Wtlas• Liquor*. Paints, 01la and:VartWa. Pastamea, Fancy gasps, Yankee Notions, &C. IC. Fresh 'from Nair York City All tha moat popular PATENT MEDICINES sold t I his &cotton, among which may be found Ayre'. and Jayne'. .Medlehaer. nembold'a Da cha, 9ebencke Palm°.le Byropand Bea Weed Toole. bdoexuxes and C 11* aisle Ms, Hall's Balsam, Mahan'. Mae Tree Condal.. oll's Thar Renewer. Ring's Ambrosia, Kennedy's Ica Direereri.Roaftand's German Meters. ilostetter's eitoinseb Bitters. And nary other kindsof real value trot meth. In Oct par Stock embraces a Sae easertmeat of erarythleg ear iillykeptlu well rrialated Dreg Stores. or-Prescription* twelve particular etteutkm, and are carefully and promptly compounded. :• Store formerly oecupied by J. Etberida" )i. a BUMS Montrose. March IM, 11110. altos mesas. E P. STAMP, DIMS, 111 GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Floor, Salt, Butter, Pork, Lard, Ham, Salt Fish, Miaow. Candies, Crackers, Cheese, Coffee, Spices, ChOita Teas, Begirt, Rice, Dried =dawned Frail Tohaeso, Cigars, Banff and all other articles usually kept In a Ant elm Grocery and Provision Store. We will mart our Goods as low u we CIA tend, end seU thrash, or exchange for produce, W. will (wrath Pills and ship flutter for those who desire te to, mid endeavor to give good utteAetlao• PATRONAGE SOLICITED Montrose., Feb. 1, 1 sm—tf R AMSDELL'S NORWAY OATS. This Oats will produce three times as much as any other Oats. For sale at lowest market price, by W3L J. iIEANY, Jan: 20, 1870.-3m* St. Josephs, Pa. V A.LUBLE FARM FOR SALE IN AUBURN TOWNSHIP. The subscriber offers for sale the valuable Farm situated in Auburn township, lately be longing to J.l3.llcCain. Said farm contains two hundred and eight acres, one hundred and sixty acres improved. There is on said farm a firs; class two-story house and new barn ; two orch ards ; a quantity of fruit trees Said farm Is on ly four miles from the Lehigh Valley Railroad, well watered, good timber, and in every way a first class farm. Persons in want of a good farm will understand that a chance topurce such a property is seldom offered. For terms and particulars, inquire of E. L WEEKS, Assignee of S. IL McCain. Also, for sale, the HOUSE. and LOT in Mont rose now occupied by J. H. McCain, with about six acres of land belonging thereto. E. L. WEEKS, Assignee ofJ. McClain. 3fontrose, Jan. 19, 1870.—tf PEBBLE SPECTACLES—aIso coin mon Spectacles, a new supply, _for sale by Montrose, Nov. 10, 1809. 44111 M TURRS:4 Eggs of Pnre Bred Fancy Poultry for Hatching. - Whave on band ttit, largest and best melectioo of I! Fancy Poultry to be found In the country. carefully boxed mod shipped to any part of the country. a For Clrenlars; and prices, address N. P. BOY= its CO., Parke:star& Chester Co. Pa JanlB—.lm DENTISTRY. C. A, SACIIETTS Dental Rootal, New laUbnl. Pa. Particular attenHon given to all operant:am en the nits rat teeth. Arttectid "Teeth Inserted In all the Tartans styles no* In use. Perfect satisfaction guarantied to all. Came and sec me, and sattsfyymtraelree. 05Ics hems. hours each day. Jan. 5, 1570.-11 `IRE! EIRE! FIRES—Your bona 1: may burn next. Seek refuge at *nee, either in the Security. N.Y., Manhattan, North American, MSEill Or Norwich, Conn., chartered May. 1933, the oldest Stock Co., in Connecticut. AD of the above an old establisheW, Ent class Companies, sure, and reliable, baring been tried and proven, Look out for little new wild eat cola. pastes springing tip all over the - country just to make money. Call or rend your application, sad I win see that you are fairly dealt with. TIEN. ITY C. TYLER. Fire. Life and Accident Insurance Agent, at the olBe• of W. 1). Lose, Eaq.. Ilontrose, February 1. 1619.-tf. ABEL TURRELL, Has Ana rettorned from :few Tory with a largo ad dittos to his Inns! stock of choke ltoods. Montrose, F■o. 44, 18C0. GOLD JEWELRY A New end lams supply, Montrose, Nov. 24.11960. ABEL TraliaLL WIZARD OIL and nearly everything At MIEZLV p LIRE LIQUORS. enstrs NATIVE GRASS BRANDY, distilled strictly pare ; sad a misty of other Bran Sits, tatiadias Merry BMW,. Cider Brandy, CC. Needy &litho Sias. seat kinds of Arm. Bollsad old Rya anal Boattcia Whiskey. Alcohol, Pore Spirit, Bay Bata, So n etstataaa 1.7 as issial sad for sale - ABEls.lll23=. MOUTCNICh Ststeb atib,ISSIN SOLDIERS'.. BOUNTY, PENAVOND, and SACS PAT. ed. LIMNS= AORri. E Tor the GOV MIL1?"11T " I t. tug ' obtained the n Ae..wiii girt prompt attention to all =m e n= toidaoare. Ito thine einlow e eneeesait irriss, Idonteitee, "Tone otb.llllg. . Talrumn'• zruktes, irae4 Geo ems ===l/4141 E. P. STAMP MIMI% pOOO,OOO oo i,ookao oo 825,000 00 120,000 00 000.0X1 0) 600.000 00