Xicsoal Xxitallisozioo. tar The Vestry of St. l'aure Church In this borough have purchased of lam J. W. Chap• man, the building and lot adjoining the rear or the church, with the view of building a Lecture . Room, and making other improvements. • Foot Amputated. ,491", Ityan,--or ihrer Lake, who was men tiiing in our Columns last week as having cut his foot nearly off was obliged to have his leg amputated Just above the ankle John. The op. eration was performed by Dr. K L. Gardner, as sisted by Drs. lialsey and Richardson, on Times day last. Dc is doing as well as could be expec tett under the circumstanct. rfr There is a rumor that the Erie Railroad Company Is %bout to purchase the Pa. & N. Y. C. RR. of ,the L. V. RR. Co., from Waverly to Pittston Junction, ind the right of the L. V. K 2 from that point to this place, in order to se cure an "opening into the Wyoming Valley coal field. NI/Ciller there is any truth in the rumor we are not shle to say, but as there has been more or less talk abont the desire of the Erie Eallroad Company to make their way into this region, there may he some foundation fur it.— Scranton Republican. Conference Appointments, The following are the appointments made for Susquehanna County by the Wyoming Confer ence at Wilkesharry, April I:Ith: Auburn—George Greenfield. Fairdale—Stephen Elwell. Hartbrd and South Gibson—A. C. Sperry. Ruh—Supplied by P. d. Gates. Montrose—ling Brooklyn—Philip I loltnook. Springville—J. S. Lewis. Harford—J. H. Taylor. Little Meadows—A.sa Brooks. Clifford—H. H. Dresser. Herrick Centre—M. I). Fuller. Susquehanna—L. W. Peck. Lanesbon)—N. S. I)cwitt. Thomson—M. I). Mattoon. New Milford—R J. Kellogg. During tit Session, which continued till the Monday following, a great deal of important hos- Incas was trunsueted. The vote on the question of Lay Delegation resulted in 133 for and only Ii again. it. Beware of Burglars. It behoovw the people in this vicinity to take due care in securing themselvtw against the de predations of burglars, as their visitations are getting to be quite frequent. On Sunday morn ing last, about 2 o'clock, Mr. Oeo. C. Mill, of this borough, w•as arousal by some one attempting to enter ids Loma, and he immediately erase and armed hintself for defence. The person at ter trying a short time went away, but returned again soon; but perceiving. some stir about the house, he immediately lett. Other places were visited the same night in a similar manner. Printer Arrested J. It. Galtor. publisher of the Northern Pekh syloanian,crati arrtateed on Monday last on com plaint of Wm_ Garey, of 3lontrose, and brought before Justice Avery, who held him to bail in the sum of $5OO, for a libelous publication. 11". D. Lusk, Esq., of this borough, became surety for his appearance at Aug. term of quarter tics stuns. The Dry Earth Treatment or Wounds. The Philadelphia Star says: Dr. Howson, a well-known physician of this city, and an advo cate of the dry earth treatment of wounds," concerning which there was such a lively dis cussion some months ago, in the case of lamp homicide of Annie Peoples, has continued this method of treating wounds with very favorable results, In a late medical journal he eilaN a case of compound fracture of a leg, the limb being kept at rest by means of sand bags, In the ab sence of these dry earth was sulettituted, which had the effect of entirely dispelling the offensive odor of the wound, anti their use was continued with the most happy results: the earth was changed every three, or four days, Again be states that a man affected with scurry which had resisted all other treatment was entirely cured by being buried up to the neck in soil for about twenty minutes. Court Proceedings-24 Week. E. C. Dwers vs W. IL Demi, Judgment opened. Verdict for defendant, Connectient Mutual Life Insuraeo Company, use of Stroud x Brown, es. Andrew Civet,ling. Non pms. 11. Gomirich r& Clark Lowry ; healed, de- reactant to pay costs. ninon D. Gibb, V;. Geo. C. Bronson. Non Thos. W. Harrington vs. Z. Bullard. Verdict fiff defendant. E. W. Smith vs. Borough of Susquehanna.— On , motion, Court direct that a writ of manda taus issue against the officers of said borough, directing them to pay the debt, interest and ant in said owe. Sarah Tingley, he her next friend, George E. Crandall, vit. Ilenj. 'Tingley, Divorce granted. Final.orcier of Court trade, granting the alter ation asked for in Charter of the First Uni versalist Church of Brooklyn. Herrick School District re. Chas. 11. Coleman anti Lucius Curtis. Verdict for plaintilf for $228.40. Com. es teL Daniel Wood es. Harriet L. Tewksbury.. Jury find defendant non eornpos and Daniel Wood appointed mmnxittm lunacy. Nancy L. Bog,art. by her next friend a father. Robert Wilkinson, ya John Day Bogart. Di vorce dema On motion, Court direct that the tavern li cense of William tioNv, of Li:whoa, be triinsferr ed to Wm. H Packer. 11. W. Gem vs. J. G. Packer. Ejectment. Ver dict for plaintiff for the land in question--sub ject in be set aside on tho defendant trying{ 403 on or before the 21st day of dune next, sioooon the lit of April, 1871, without Interest, and the further sum of $l5OO, in 'five equal annual pay. ments, with annual interact from April I. 1871. T. D. Estatinxik et al., Trustetsi of Gre4t Bend Foundry Company ca. 11. E. Curtis et al. Eject ment. Judgment entered for - plalntiffe by agree rheut for the land claimed, with costa, condition ed to be set aside and judgment entered for de fendants on payment tom Court by them for the use of the plaintiffs of $7;215.61, and Interest, as specified in paper filed. In matter of petition for a Mad view in the township of Bridgewater, from the stone bridge on lands of Alfred Baldwin to a point in a mad near a comer of S. A. Pettis* and D. Searle's lands. Court set aside report of viewers, but grant leave to file a new petition. On motion of Wm. D. Lusk, Esq., E. B. HIM- Icy, Esq. is :admitted as an attorney to practice in the several Courts of Susquelnuma County. What "Port Wine , ' is diode Some parties is Stonington, Ct., have recent. ly been prosecuted for selling adulterated wines and liquort Samples of their "stuff" were sub. mimed to Prot Salta:lan, of Yale College, the State chemist, and the fbllowing Is the result of analysis of what was !sold for port wine: The liquor was turbid, heavily laden with sager or molasses and some coloring matter; containing 21 per cent, of alcohol; over 10 per cent of sugar or molasses; about 100 grains of sulphu ric acid to the gallon' part of it free, as oil of viva and part combined in alum; oxide of lead, or litharge, in poisonous quantities, of about 45 grains to the gallon. The alcohol had an acid taste, and the coloring matter an cam. sive odor. The liquor was stronger of lead than most *liters puitioried by it. OR the IMO. . 1 On Monday, Aprti 17„ p *go Mack' loosened; probably by the rain, rolled on the ralinUninack at llwwland's and so obstmeied the passage of trains that the paaserigei easi . did pot; teach Lacintwal!ln WW I ermhlre On the same day a rock weighing about three tons rolled on the main track near Can's Bock, and but for the heroic conduct of two enAll boys, whosignalled the engineer on the approtteb of the train, and told him of the danger, the Cincinnati Express would have been unques tionably burled from the track, and many lives lotft, Montrose Academy. The Summer Term. will begin Monday, May 2, 1870, and continue 11 weeks; It Is the aim to merit pittronageby a thorough course of in structionin all the branches pursued. Besides the Common English Branches; the Bigher Mathematics, the Sciences, and the Classics will be carefully taught. Those wishing to pursue a Classical Course with a view of entering College will find this an excellent opportunity. Scholars will he fit ted for any course in 'Normal Schools or Semi naries. Classes will be organized in the follow ing branches: Latin—Virgil, Cosar, Roman History. Greek—Beginning. Mathematics— Higher Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, &c. Intermediate . elasses will be formed to meet the wants of all. Special attention will be given to Primary pupils, and the school so organized as to meet the wants of every grade. Tuition from $3 to $l, depending upon the advancement of the scholar. Thorough and efficient Assistants have been procured. Board at reasonable rates can be had. For further particulars apply to A. H. BEntrs, Principal. 3tontrno,e, April 19, 18111-3 w. State Minna, The House at Harrisburg passed a bill direct-' A A -A. 4.11. 91.6. Tr ST ATE OF UIIARLI S REYNOLDS, ing "that each and every person not now-, or An Attempted Suicide. t-4 t of auburn 'Gunship, Smiquehanoa eo who shall not henater become member of some Friday evening between 7 and S oloek, u Pa de, ssed upon the eir tate or the shove military organization, shall pay to the collector young man of gentlemanly appearance, who is of taxes in the city, county, borough or town- a stranger here, went to the store ul C J to e' e n afi7,!. l oTt i , t t o r t e h rie n r n el l i7n i' eli - Let lees of admlnl rat : dr , a9o aE b n . named bid to ike lin molten, purism', a n these P &Ong ship in which he shall reside, the sum of y Brownell and inquired for two ounces of koala- et •iime to prevent them duly autlenti. cents annually, the payment of which sum shall num wlll6 1 31 art !Mt:thine/IC -ehaCilN OriAl to cased for settlement Ashur,. parch Ti, REYNOLDS, Adnix. exempt him from liability to perform military-I drink, but was prevented by the clerk, young sem - ice except under ordure to prevent or repel Mosher, front so doing, who took the dose an -- -- invasion, or to suppress insurrection, tumult or from hi m - Ile Immediately proceeded to the L or hARAII KNOWLTON, riots "the proceeds to be devoted to sustaining store of Maybury &Co., hem he inquired for Isle of Hush township. MI N ' a co. Pa.,. deed . volunteer military organizations, and "in any -tite same q uantit y of landaUnin and which was tiaini"edrdlet.:PenTg.',l7:o,:„%peornseith:de'tetatieeefaitihdcasatiV county in which there shall be no volunteer given him, when he inquired for the water tank ed. all persons indebted to wild estate are hereby notts the : L id u t n o . make s : tmho.aneadmlaetetotgut.enntt them lass Lh l o y ei s e ut h= military organization the money received into I and went to the same and was pouring out the brigade fund, as aforesaid, shall be paid by dose into a glass preparatory to taking it, when rated forsettt meat. the 'County Treasurer of said county at the a bo y a h° followed him "from the ' mire of Brownell, told Mr. Gillmpy of the first attempt close of each year to the School Boards of the several school districts In said county, in pro- to take the poison, and he was again prevented portion to the number of taxable inhabitants in frona drinking the portion by Mr G. lie left said districts, to be used for school perpeam s the store and imnuxliately returned and going to Dr. Maybory, Inquired again tor laudanum and had some valerian put up, through as he claimed, a misunderstanding, but he was not al lowed to take the second dose iTrion leaving the store this time he gave out that he would get u pistol and shoot himself, and it was thought best to acquaint the pollee, which was done and Chief Flynn took him in charge, nod escorted him to Jail for his ow n safety. He gives his name as George H. Benedict, and stated that he is a graduate of Yale College, residing at Water bury, Court, and that he was worth quite a property, some tp,32,000, and gave to chief Fly nu a last will and testament bequeathing his effects to two sisters and a brother, and leaving orders for the payment of sonic debts to several par ties, and a hotel bill at the Exchang.l. The fol lowing is a copy of the paper: lits.-finaurox, April 13, 1870. Dr. in Cot sty FRED:—Please take this us my dying mill. First, I want my debts paid 81,000,00 tone thousand dollars) to go to Mr. Frederia J. Foote. Next the property left, is to go to tor br"ther Aaron, sister Fannie and Marv. Aaron receive one-fohrtn, ataxy 0110-nattrai, rausete • - the remaining half for Landrieu. I owe here at the hotel, and Mr. Bennett, and Mr. Ted money. Fred please six they are paid (Jim. ll.l3K:sr:pier " Envelope enclosing the above addressed, Fred. J. Foote, Es ti Preseot. The facts of the ease indicate that the young man had been on - a test.," got out of money, and being very nervous and flighty, sought to commit.suicide, fishing depressed and discour aged because of the temporary absence from town of lis WOAD, Mr. Foote..-2Tinglooodwa Daily Democrat rlr The sick room should be quiet, cleanly and well aired. Label all medicines. Poisons should be placed above the reach of children. A good nurse has a steady hand, a clear lumui and a kind heart; she is not talkative or ner vous. Avoid arguments with the sick ;..do not tease them with business; do not sit or lean on the bed. If friends call on the patient their stay should he very short. The practice of visiting. the sick on Sunday is a very poor one ; that day open thus becomes the most fiatiguing to all of them. As a general thing do not go into the sick room unless you go to help and not to talk. Do not dmeive the sick ; deceit breeds suspicion; they will worry last you are keeping something tam them." To pursuade the dying that they will recover is treason against the interest of the souL It soothes and cools a feverish patient to wash him with warm water in which saleratus or soda has been dissolved' Gone Where the Woodbine Twin eth. Some four weeks ago Coe Coleman, Radical Postmaster at Nichols, one of the excessively loyal kind, who wanted Andy Johnson ejected from office so badly that he circulated a petition in favor of his impeachment, left home ostensi bly for the purpose of visiting New York to buy goods, since which he has not deigned to inlorm his wile and children of his whereabouts ; but the disappearance of a certain woman of the neighborhood at about the same time, fundshm good ground for the belief that the twala have gone "where the woodbine twineth." We do not hear he is traveling at the expense of the Government ; but if he is not, his case will be long with a class of rare exceptions among ab sconding Radical officials, while his chances for promotion to a Governorship of a western ter ritory will not be enhanced by his omission of this prominent item in the Radical programme_ We understand that being met recently in Kan sas, by a Nichols man, be denied his identity and declared his name was Smith. having shaved off his whiskets and otherwise disguised himself his elopement is a serious affair to the innocent wife and children whom be has desert ed; while the Republican party bees thereby one of it's "main stays" and popular leaders.— , Owego G,merte. The Lady's Friend for May. The sfny number of this Magazine is a beau tiful- one, - and brtathing of the Spring. Its larr, , e; doable Fashion Plate is as fresh and rich ly colored as a tulip bed—and we observe that this magazine is often one and even two months ahead of he contemporaries in the fashions. Then there is a beautiful cottage scale, "The Return of the Swallows," and another appro priate engraving called "Gathering Snowdropa" The literary matter of this Magazine is always of n superior character. The etorica of this month are both varied and absorbing. And i m there is an article by Bits Fanny rey ad, • Southern lady, giving her experi . in Slam of Click San, who must be the odel Chinese servant, that all housekeepers will find, in view of the coming Chinaman, particularly interest ing. The ladles will be also pleased with the patterns for Spring costtunes, and the varieties for the work-table. And the editorials, being written by a lady for lathes, are particularly at tractive. Published by Deacon & Peterson, 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia? Price $2.30 a year (which also includes a lame steel engrav ing). Four copies, $6. Five copies (and one gratis), $B. "The Lady's Friend" and "The Saturday Evening Post" (and one engraving), $4.00. Sample copies 15 cents. .. PETERSON'S Mscisztaz for May contalnsfirst. class original stories and novelets, also steel and mezzotint engravings, and mamma* colored fashion plates, each plate contains front four to six figures. In addition it has wood cuts of the latest bonnets, hats; Imps, &c, and a variety of children's dresses, also, patterns for every day dtmeies in &bine, calico, &c. Thia Is a feature peculiar to Peterson and makes it invaluable in the family. It is published by Charles Peterson, .806 Chestnut Street„ Philadelphia. --raw New Belt. Father !Strangly, of the Friendsville Catbollc Church, returned from Albany last week, with a "large and finely toned bell, which be intends having eteeted on the church in Friendsville. This hfthe only church bell In that 'vicinity. Father Mattingly , is a go-ahead young priest, who has done Much towards improving the church, and church property there since it has been in his charge thipast Leader. —"Cousin Jobeis thiciair*ofatown in. Georgia.. DcWrgiS,EtlielinUleT. „ I ,:r lain* el- Meted by Policeman Timothy Robertson, of this 'Village. has been reported for the Occene : A desperate encounter occurred between Mr. Timothy Robertson, CI Police Officer, of this Vil lage, and D. B. Weller, a railroad man, who bad sold his time, amounting to over $lOO, at differ eat places along the line of the Erie Railway, the leatheitt C toy Mr 91=00 Fripeller, of this village, 4 ortio, - niter hatingk iofight Wellet'l3 learning the above facts, procured a warrant for his qirest , ir4 placed it th e Minds of Offiller Robertson,' who found and arrested the' amused at flOrncilsville, and started eastward with his prisoner on the Cincinnati Sxpress, which leaves that place altaat.oo'clocita. , X. Weller, bower er, not exactly relishing the idea of making a grand entree into Owego under an official ca curt, watched his opportunity, and leaped from the cars; but no sooner had Weller struck the ground than Robertson was at his heels, • and a more exciting chase than this was never wit nessed inthe COmpany's Yard at flornellsville. Away they went; over, under an oti top of cars, across tracks, and, perimps, over, under and across everything that happened to be in their waY but nothing-daunted, Robertson was bound not to lose his man, and atter a severe ; and exciting nice, Weller was over hauled, and a desperate hand to hand encounter took place, i but IA well directed blow by Officer Robertson, I with the butt of his revolver, made Weller sues cumb, and be was lodged, one day last week, in the county Jail at this place' as quiet as a lamb. This is undoubtedly one of the mast daring ufticial exploits ever enacted by an Owego Offi cer, and can well be placed in comparison with the heroic nct of the lamented Wilts°, although with no sturitice of life, yet with the same per sonal risk , with, a j•Arsc,licav3 . , mscularnian to ottotitutrei Mr lidtcrtatn, in thit , night. pur sued, caught, and 'raged' his man.—Ouris tia :et*. The Montrose Fire Department. n win. A. Croerm.on,; and other friend. of the F7re Department, who mntn3oded to the ..rery minn o n dable o bjeer of fornixhiv the Ilatia of Engh.e Campania No. 1 and 3: GENTLEsons—Allow tne to tender the thanks of the Fire Department to you -for this timely aid. It is especially gratifying' to us, to receive this liberal contribution, lust after a fire;" as we can have no better evidence that our labors are appreciated, and that we have not. labored in vain. Annexed pots will find a statement of money received on subscription, and how the same has been disposed of The officers of the Department have made such division of the money as we believed would meet the wishes of the subs,ribent, and give satisfaction to each Company. By making this oral division, it enables No. I to liquidate their indebtedness; but No. 2 will still be in debt about one limbed dollars. In making an estimate of the am tint required to furnish No. 2 Halt, It was supposed their old carpet would answer; but on examina tion it was foetid unfit, and - a new one was pm cored This, with the expense of painting and papering the,hall,hetween the rooms, had left a detivieney of about one hundred dollars. I on happy to be able to say to the good people of Montrose, that we have now, for the first time in the history of the Fire Department, }nod rooms for our engines, and good, well furnished Halls to hold our meetings in. We Shall be pleased to see tiny of our friends at the meeting , of the Companies; and thosis who have not visited our maims, would be astonished to behold how great a change a few months hash wrought in the old • Hoping it will be long before our services are again required to protect your property from the devouring element, I remain, truly yours, E. C. Foranum, C. E. Rtatement, George C. Hill, Trcnsurer, in account with Montrose Fire Department, DR. To casts received from B. Burns, Col , Imtor, on subscription George C. Bill, Treasurer, Cu. By aro% paid .Treasurer of Bough and Re dy Engine Co. No. 1....... .... By amt paid Treasurer of Montrose Da ily knit paid D. F. Austin, bill for work, painting and papering Ball . 18.45 By amount paid B. B. Lyon & Co., bill for paper... ....... ......... 10.25 By arn't p 0 Rums. Nichols, painta,&c., 18.80 Attest: _ FIIASIC A. Draw, Secretary saw yonK *soaves n.p t ituEss. Corrected weekly I by 'WWI= If Odsdon, 231 1 Fulton St., New York. Week ending - April 25, 1870. Duna, = 30085 3600 Cheese, dairy, pct /b. ••—.—• • • • • • ,;• 1 4 1 gAt factory 15016 'Kw, per doz ........... ~. 18019 Flour, per barrel 4_5005.80 Corn meat 100 Pm..., .. ~, : , ...:-..:,. ;2.2009.30 Wheat, per:busiud...„ , . ... :, - ..i. : ) 1.2004.150 Rye " 1000L06 Oats " 68009 6, Corn 1).601.18 Hops, crop of 1899 ' , ' 15018 Beef, sides, per lb 12014 Hogs, 11012 Potatoes, per bbl. .. 1.5002.00 Turkeys, per Th.. 230:10 adapts Geese ....„ ....... ......... 2,10..5' ' . ' Tallow Teachers' E. r ' Speeial Examinations for Summer Tenn of Sehodls will be held 44 lbllOws: New Milford BPl° l lrl St 2 lltradaY rlllB. • eassciebanna . Dersnesday Gibson H ll4 ViWn- - ak , ::4l/420. . • Clifford, City B. IPTltglvistlorai. • 7: VondaY,4_4ol - 2S. Rdahp der S. EL -- rtleadaY,'Apti; e, licllawliaMedriesdaY, Apr ST: g roo k yr' . Center, f 414.. U., Thursday, April, 2& 3lontroso, Friday, APR 49. FAA Gass will be'?Orpic4l);=o'clock; w. 11-. and applicants paiyide theinseives. with Peer cll. pen, paper, and Chien Birth Reader. Those desiring to teach "durh)g the mmmer, who have no valid ceramic, have neul to attend at one of the above mentioned pi - teas, as eit# and private esanduationance.unneftsstuT. IV. t. Tannic, enmity Supt. Forest Lake ('enter, April 1, 18111. —We frequently hear the Radicals talking about puttmg nails intothe coffin of the Democratic party. They tried this in• Connecticut, the other day, but it wouldn't. work. The Democrats wouldn't stay dead. and the nails all bounded out a g a in: fluve you'any'wore nails, Messrs Radicals —Now that Fifteenth Amendment has been declared ratified, the Judiciary Com mittee of the Senate is eng,uged in prepar ing a bill to enfoneelts provisions in the sevcm►l States. In this manner consolida tion is being maim familiar to the people. A etc `darertiscettnto. WANTED.—Ir:',I,'IoThd,„Lo -I .4gurnal Llte luourance Co , forollpartnutPeonnylvanis And New Jerney._ Iterernoce required.• jwarr,.. wood, come. DELAWA.ItgIICTCAL LIM INS. C. 0., N. W. nor. nth nod Chnlnord Stu. Philadeleda. [sp. 27--4 Montroto, April 9 . 1, 1570. TE.I . • P^.ll. Every kind td Teolninaiketjart arrived. and ror at New York Wholeekle price.. Moo a fine as. forrinent or COFFEe... Boy .br me and rave ezpress charges. ADBL TtIiIIELL Biuutrose, ra., April% 1b11). I EW *ALL P.A Jort arrived. and in.,llinn . rbrap Ivr Montrofe, ApN 91, 11373, ABEL fULtII Lt. EsTATE OF - PATRICK CLARY, 1 Irate of apolatata tortnehip, Susquehanna Coun ty den'tt. Letters of adartnistsation• °yob the estate of the abovenamed deeedehrtmelngheen ranted to the un dersigned. notice is berehy given tp all persons indebt eti to said estate to make Immediate payment. and those hating claims against the same to present V. era duly autheuticated fnr settlement to the undersizned. THOMAS U. KANE, Adrer, Apataeon. A prit Ed. ttiZo. AMEIMAN itt Waltham Watches AT Tufg courmirs PRICES. And warranted by the Company vent with every watch. Price 14.1 aad deveriptlve Catalogue rent to any addrero. Orders filled by yawner V. 0. 1). with the privilege a ex amivallion before pavinhe money. Addrevs ALEN-N - ANDER ft lIARPER. .450.13=1111.1,10KM0, 1%11441001C QTTOO FLY, DON'T BOTHER ME. COLLARS' COLLARS! Pare Indio, Work.. (47 — Bend In ynnr size And S cents Sent to any address. T. A. DEBBY, spl3-3 Ike: PS. Hinsdale. N. Y. pumps! rtntrs BL VTOILEY'S Cu cumber Wood Pumps The Best and Cheap Pumps ever made. Durable, reliable, accurate and perfect, and give no taste th the water. They are adapted depth of well erpto water very easily one tan put them in repair, Sr when to " directions;' give perfect aatis- ASK FUR I3L itIrCIILErs CUCUMBER WOOD PUMPS. Erery Pump sold by me or my authorized agent guaranteed genuine, CHARLES G. BLATCITLET, Maar. al and 626 Filbert street, PhDadelphia, Pa. Ap. G-Bm BuRNS & NICHO LS DIZ6I9I4TS. r•AVOTLIEd.ARIES, KeeFF-00".4PP/1.11 . t ea trEaDratzaarzt• Druz. anA M dlcltld+.Cbrmltala, Dye Staff.. Winecd Patefte,YHolton,tkrialrurirry, Fancy 6o4ps, e, ac. Peet how Ara' tort . city. AU the most popnlitr PATEIT XMCIXIIS sofa In Oda socUon.arauta *Ma lair Be Grand . Alte'a and Jaynes Fatally Alredjaldas, ito a b a tip, D a an, Schenck'. ?anionic aycap and licaVacd Tonto, Irma and Ctioesemaa'a mat* Mira .onall Balsam, WI. We Plan Tree Comte, 11.011•411atr R.eneent,ltiogVAmtiiieila, Kennedea Med teal Dincirery. Hollainkir• German Bittern. itaatener's Benumb 'Bleier* Audmaryother kludsof rdal Wakte:sod Wank Intiwt out Bieck embrsuess Asks eWlltuulAad olrottradzl CA* ally keptin well raided rtg Mee& . . VErPm.criptiolis recriarjartitalar attention, and are carefully and promptl, *.• Store forawril 0 4"R I C- 4 b i 4 ' l2l4l ' l ' Zr A. B. BIIBNB, Acilo/3N1C110113. Montrose, KircbZ. 1V). NOTWE. • - • The heirs and creditorsof - the estate otChailta m c c a rt v ;-demoted, - are. requested to meet et the 011icapt Littler and Blakeslee, In 3rontroso, pn Wa.da , P0o3" the 11th day of /lay; A. D., IVO, at one °clock, P. 31: ,, ;; ; -` I DAVID HEWS; ) April 20. JAMES LOGAN, 5 Elta. NEW SPRING GOODS 'Guttenberg; Rosenbaum d 'Co's NEW SYRING_DRESS GOODS, SIL&WLS, Large awl Fine Selected Stork of SPRING CASSIMERtS & COATINGS, Of the L2tcsit Styles, and at pticesta spit the Atootrose, April 0,1070. mElte Ali TILE APP RA ISEM EN T Dealers In Merchandise, Ac. In Bcniquehanna Cdonty take notice that in pursuance of the several acts of As sembly of this Commonwealth to provide revenue to meet the demands upon the Treasury, _and too l` th pur. poses. the atidersigneii, appraiser of llerean taxes for said county. has prepared a Ilst of Merchants trading lo said county, and placed each merchant in that eines which to hitn appears port and right according to the acts of Assembly, to wit : blimmudßssAi.RAT. C1A1124, A Bkmhana A Carpenter, 13' AUBURN. E. 1., Adams, , I 4 Wm. White, 14 Low A Rillnia, 1:t P. D. Shannon, 13 W 'LBFranillt: " ! : .. 2 2 . . nitoolp. wßiieur. ,-, , , , li R g o vh aiso,, , :34 D A A A Titsworth p 04419 Kan k ..7.lkrids., . : ... -11 IllibroXPr''''': 34 J B Verry 14 Tilikay & Cramer 13i CUOCONUT. 11 fiche 141 James Singleton 14 CLIFFORD. 0 Weils a. Brother 14 F. it Gardner 14 T F Johnson - 14 J DI Baker 14 T J Welts 14 Henry A DHNDAF Williams F. 14 I 11. Dasbi 14 A Richardson 13 ti Ci Weaver patent to. 4 14 11 P Chambers 14 John Coyle 14 Heim Spencer 14 DISIOCE.. Miles &Sherman 13' Wm li 'More 14 JI Illaltradee 24 Julio Lectody 14 FOREST LAKE. If L Deli 14 i i. II Silsara 14 FRIENDSV ILLE. Robert Winters 13 I .1 k Fitzgerald pat med 4 13 icon Dum patent teed 413 I 31 310314 nus 14 1 E. U thage 13 ANIILL. 4 . . J L MerrimanA Son 14! tI/EIA kr 11 Fordkuuo 11 . II L Mosier* 14 . OltilAT BEND. It k Clark k Co. 13. i Whien] Stack 1 tler & Fred= 13 . Estabroek A Clark pm 4 it 8 , AVgl h ;t l ; 14 Glen} McNamara 12 L W Chichester It 11 P Doran 14 1 K P Simons & Co, 10 George Wessell 14 11 Ackert It Baldwin PaintLa 14 Wm Baldwin . la 1 D C Brunson 14 I W II Forell 14 .1 B Moir:car , Jr. 14 Into 1 W C Mcsh 11 1 MESON . CI A 9. AVERS, Eir. T P Ilt Thhtnam & Van Aakert, 14 1.11:1311. L M Sherwood & Co Ganger &oldeWr heelock pm 4 1314 SPRINGVILLE. 0 W'Emmen 13 • 0 T Spncer 4 ! Z Barne e s 1 1 4 1 a T Bend-ricks pca 4 12 tionscrfolcl & Ca 11 ! lea= NI encode 14 I SILVER LAKE. ' IVI V.! T. la ! 14 7' Salli inn 14 13 Li Meeker 14 SC moue i B 11 Landman 13 )Ire 13 E Forbes 14 I John W Osborne 33 L b Pico:, & Co la Polon Store Auoclatton 10 It F Smith 14 C A Miller 14 DCaaey 14 .1 W&11 W Galloway 14 , W Howarth 14 I Th. McDonald 11 Ell Hoprnan 14 Lowl• Freeman H Charles W White 14 D A Lyon. 191 Guttenberg Rosenbaum co 9 J C & J 11 Cooke 13 JC &IR Macke 13 Junco Bell 13 Henri/ C Lea pto 4 13 W .1 tralhenbory 14 McDonald & Kn. II J C Foot 10 IF 13 Lyon. 13 lON Smith 14 Ellen MeGalro 14 3M Moyle 14 • F 13 Tba ib. , , • 13 • Walter 12 OetaxOß Crandall. 13 Mina H O l7O 14 Myer. Morrie 14 John Thane! , 14 C Ftee3olll. - 14 31 Bartley 14 Eliza McGrath 14 Wm Ralf 14 Henry Plane 14 .4 W SIIm- bo pat mod 414 Jame. Hanel 14 LENOX. ....o__ THOMSON. Wm Miller &Co pat 'Turf" Übe Yomfcml 4Co 10 Wm p Colei 14 Levi. & Dim 14 Grow & Brother ' lt Georne 0.1 - 11 0. 14 Wll Octerhont 12,F .31Afelatt , 14 . —..__ _..._ CLASSIFICATION OP - V4NDERSCIP MECUANDIZE. Salem t'hind Man PAO (lass 14 hales 35.Con,less *ban • 10.000 enca 19 Sale. io.uoo,lesa that. 13,01:0 (.1.0 19 Sales 15000, lees than 10,300 ' ' (U. 11 Nair. 21,110;1ela than /MAXI Clare 10 Seca 30,000, tesathan -401,001 elmo 9 hale. 40,000, Ida Minn 00,000 Chan 11 And the Judge. of the Cond. of Nano= Pima of Paid Cannily will bold a Court of hoped slate Court Rouse In Montrose. la and for add county, to Wednesday the %Mb day of April. IAIO,, Id 1 o'clock; PAIL - at which time and placeany "(the Merchants described,deffnedond elmrd. fo, sroresald. or their agnate' or attolooln. - may appear and appeal from .aid assessment If tberinlnk proper. ,:. MAR lIMCSTE.R. Burford. March 9, 18719.0 Mareantlle Appralcer. E Mama 11 Duntt - 6. it MN Walker 14 C 11 Wells patent med. 4 11 M TI gly 14 Kennedy it Pons Milligan &Smiley p en 4 10 lIARFOR. Scum , Bataock & Tanner. patent medicinal, 4 10 0 Pay - yea Sun 14 erryS Carr 11 C Edwards 141 .1 A Lockard 14 T 'rainy 111 .1 W White 24 Win Iru 14 L B Peck 14 Babcock S Newton 14 A A tstam 14 11EnirtiCK. R 31 Arnold 12 liaise Nichols &Co p m 4 10 C C Spence 14 HARMONY. 11 AV Hnuadt & Co IS D T Pinch 14 John llStertrui 14 1.11 Hall 14, Waiter Scott 14 J richlager & Co 12 , 11M Manson HO ham Brown 13 S A 14otts &Sots - LI Jrzsur, 11l Illoenerans pat Me 4 il , JACKSON.. 1 11 31 Benson , 14 Norris &French • , II J,,rneo . r Potter 14 tßdenta or any 'heti and throw trapidly. Any md keep them up arum - ling never Cott to ton. LITTLE XEADOWE If K Garfield E I &dudslee E r. STAMP, GROCERIES & PHYISIORS Flour, Fish., Butter. Pork. Lam Ham. Balt Flab. Tallow. Quidlaa, Crackers, Cheese, Coffee, Spice., Choice Tom, Sugar; Bice, Pried and Canned Fruit. Tobacco. Cigars, Snell. 'rtail other aztyles usually kept In a first dos Grocery and Pravialan State. Wow Ell mark our tioodaaa low as wit am *Cord. and ea (brawl'. or ezdange for prodoce. Wwwirl Walsh Pins sod ship 'tatter for 'bolo wbo deriro as to, end endeavor to Or good I,its.Dicticoa- PAT3O2IAGE-50L.MITED. Idontrosikreb. 1i(70.-4f SPECIAL NOTICE! The Booirs, Notes, du., late In possession ofR. R. Kenyon, Jr., are in the hands, of Chamberlin la McCollum tor immediate mlleetion. All per sons in any manner Indebted will save cost by settling without delay. A. LATHROP, • . ••• F: W. BOYLE; Nevem, Jr. '1 Montrose, April 6, lw• • OnIMQ:AT &c. &c. k'cir , Custozu Work. SILK AND FUR HATS, oun'ipippui,;itostoFfkitmt a co XCUCIIANTA. CLM , S LIBERTF. • A A Heenum pat wed 14 H W Wes pet well 4 It Jutcpb Web.ter 14 LATHROP, . It 21 Tiffany .9 Co ' 10 N 14 Flan 13 : t Mel 11 ,; fatiairtoVM 1 PntricieWldta ft .1 14 , ~. , :31ONSEDSE. A N Bullard 14 i Wznol 14ulturi 10 VI brake A C.3:-1 11 1 lnraillkr ' ' ' '. 14 ; L 11 Isbell 14 ' /11 It Lyoua 6, Cu. 19 Z Cobb la J R DeWitt & Co. 19 I A 4 1: 4 a Lathrop 10 Guttenberg llosenbalun 1 ' 4 Co. 10 ' Read GrbEg it Co p m 4 10 W 11 Deana 14 C G Vonlham 14 1 N Bollard 14 E Bacon 14 W VP atmltb 13 llifiler 4 Condo 14 0 D Beeman 14' Mcrae & Lines 14 C N Stoddard 13 Wm 11 Burch Co 11 E C Fenn= 14 31 T Jackson 24 El NI son 13 Abel Wil Turrell pat mcd 413 L Talb4t 14 Spore Co 14 .1 o Barns & Nlebola pin 4 13 li L Weeks a Co It Gamey 4 nip l4 0 C MU 14 B Thatcher 14 NEWtphin SLILFORD. Geo W pa p l ed Su Hardenapp it 14 Mona & Kn -Utley 4 Ilaj•den pm 4,14 14 11 Burritt pat mcd 413 1 Whipple Brink & !dead 14 oenl4 lacCollum li 0 .1.1 Hawley 11 .11 Outran & Ron II .l. !M ltkenin 14 em:um Jr 10 1.1 A P 1 Tennyct 14 John Barnes K 14 OALAND, _ DEALEII EN E. la: STAMP elvl.Olittose Pezaborat FotIMM." : • • - • ; house and lot situated ID the township *mason, !Muir CDN'EAPAT YORIPINO, MONTAGON Rush, two, miles West of Elk Lake, : and Scrsgntn.irtn Corxrr, 11'.•., sr trail®hatsGrangerville, coital:4g three acres ofland, 'a good arelnd, a story andatalfhouse. • 331. - 3411,.• 3pC.A.A7CTS4'IIII,r, 'a blacksnilith shop, and barn. For full fdartiuri- sT $ . 3 !NO ANXIIII IN ADVANcg— on t 274 •T r. 219 OP TZAR late inquire of thelmhscriber on the'premlaca. • - WM. 1111.TCUELL. ' • Itasca of advertising. • Rash, Unrcli so. IRON IN THE. BLOOD. , Nettrat's Otre VITALI-TS= Aotarr—lßON. Coorloo.—Bo Iwo Janet Permian berop. ' PlXOpeled free. J. P. ottismoux. Prophet= No. as Dry St.. New York, Sold by DrUlitStitneatraßT* March N. —y FARM. FOlt • Of 1% acres, shit:sled on the road . front "Sil ver Lake to Mod Lake, tne acres Improved, and most of the Initanre in heavy timber, containing sever4l hundred curds of hemlock bark ; a good. Rouse with L and barn, about 10 bearing apple trees, well watered, a good water power, Con venient to chum - tin, schools, etc. Inquire on the premises, or address A. 1. SfIELDON. Jan. 19, 1 70.—Itsm St. Joseph, Pa. F LOU R! FLOUR! From lids day forward, we shall sell Flour at retail at WIIOI. ESA LE PRICES. We hang out no fitlsa colors, but mean Just what wu say. 'While making Flour u stuxiulty, our tAvek of FEED, YEA T., Y 1 L LIME' CEMENT, UIIO('ERIES, PRO 17440.V5, Will be kept full and sold at very small profits. IL GARIUTT 4,t SON. New Milford, Mareb 2, 1870.—Iii GROVER A; BAKER'S FIRST PRE3I/Cll ELASTIC STITCII F.t3111.1i SEWING MACHINES, 450 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. roncTs OF EXCELLIMCK Eimmty and ehmtteltY or Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. I`, lining Poll litoontSit directly from the spools. No fasteuing of imams by hand and zo wait° of thread. Wide range of:Application trfthoat change of adJuat, men!. The seam reteloifta beauty mid firmness after wash lug and 11 , 11111 g. Besides all kinds of work done by other F awl 111 n. chine.. these Machines exeeate the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. Or The Miuliest Premiums at ail the faits and exit'. birlons or the United Scares and Euroiie, have Leen awarded the tinwer 4b Baker newlea alsehSe•, nod the work done by them, wherever exhibited in emu lie. talon. Ve'Thu very 111....he5t prize, TILE GROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred on the represent. attires of the Gruver S Baker Sewing Haellines..st itift Exposition Unieerseite, Carte, 1 , 167, thee attevtieg Gottesman superiority over all other hewing Mdebleeti, For sale by F. B. Mt DLER. Mont roam Jane 1. 1 yr. COTTQN GOODS. Muslim,. Ticking. Calico*, Gingham , . strlpecto and checked Skirtings, Denims. ata ne penal In I - tacitly at tiurrexatino, Rosminatlis & NIT IRE RAILLN WIRE GUARDS, For Store rrnota, Asylums, &c, Iron Dedeteads. Wire Webbtm• for Sheol, nod Pun (try Tanis, Brow. nod Iron Wire ( Intb, Siert.. Fender.. Screens (or Coal Oyer. band. Yee liwwry crimped (loth for Spark Arre.t re, londecapo Wires for Wiu awns., etc. Paper Makere• Wires, Ornamental Wire work, etc. Every luforotation braddresetng the mem utneturere, M. WALK4.II. 6 SONS. Ap.lyigd No. 1f N. Sixth ■t., Philadelphia. THE ELIAS HOWE SEWLNO t Acknowledged by all to ho the hoot Hewing 51outline in the world. 'Don't buy any one until you have tried them. N0Y.11,13C0. E. L. WEEKS A CO., Agent, n D RESS TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS. Datum. or all defeTipttorts. nesdvarten st GCTTENnEIco, .IttmcNIIATZ3I, £ Lo'B. CIGA PLASTER IL/ I keep constantly on hand an ample ?alp ply of fresh ground Cayuga Plsster. ffir sale ut *8 per ton. N. SWAM AREIt. Summersvine, Jan. 19, 1970.—tf T HE LAST CIiA\CE. STILL SELLING OPP AT COST. (AEG. HAYDEN' In still offerings Lams Stock or Goods Dn. • abont time ONLY—AT COST I And lots of Goods • LESS TIM:: COAT lA pritire OA) TO CLOSE BIIVIESS , Thy Geod.. Dr.* Goods , Shawls, tiothirer,Hata, Cans, BOOM. Saone, Cronin:al, -GISSIW4III. Wooden Warm lianisraru, Grander. Trimminp., And lota and Snub of Goods too numerous to mention. When yoti herr other beaters ray that Ivo ask old pri ces and have an old flock Of GotiOn-Don ' t Dot call and nee I Exarninc and nompare r urtees fut your • .1 Tilts Shock meet and shall be told Ina ehort time as I bare to leave the building. tier Positheigno Goods sal on Credit. Term Cash, or No Salo. OEO. HAYDEN New XiWord, March 9, 1870. DSOLCITE DIVORCES - cailAtued In 'Now yompilnoir. sod on= We. for person* from spy Mtn or Country , lewd oven*lmato: doreOlon, iirglagnmers. ootrilapport, ett..arMeioAr came t nornb. yu~p; no tbugAnntil Mimeo letagelleost... Advice tree: Itukthom el!tab.M44 lll twa YWf. l; itOrlde, Attorney, Yard' 80,1811).—Inn No. IS Noma 13t,1i. V. Thrte•fourtioaocA of sp4.o. or loos. mako a efittsio ChM Pltuare. I weeks at len*, tl.OO mo. SI , Z; 3 ma. 0.150'; Mo. $4 f. 10; I year. col., 3 tho,s2.Be ;um): 0.80 ;no. $12.00; 1 / 1 30 . -QUOTMT COL 7 MO, t 3. 3 43 ; MO. tie. o o ; e mo. ; Va. M.. Colamn, I mi.; 3 Eno. 11,1:4'.00 ; 6 EOM VA.OO / year. 1.11.n0. • One cokunn. ino., $231/0 G mO. US.GO; G zoo. IEOO.OO ; I poor. fioufri. Artaltoes Noticetys7.::o: ExrCoforo end Atltnlol..tro tor.' Notkor. t4.(0. All l.ollol),ltutcrOiv. 01 litoltod or 111(110(11ml Irttero..t. Met- prr Gor Obttnary 10 Gt., per line. , Alsrria4-e mid Pc3;ll Mit ICCS free. Job Pawing exscat..Al ucatly and pivmptiy et 1543, priced. Decd . ., Mort:ogee, Nob", J la,tices' t Cf.inetrthirx EidtcOandotherbletakeMr VST ATE OF - IIEN:11 1 17 GEIRITSON, DimoartiownPit)p,"Pa. Atven ed. • Lottenagradithletatratihu -tipati the ...late of the aboytt named devedeat. having bevagrwttett to U 143 end...tiered, notteecta giveiP th all persae• learbtecl to ate tame to luutotalfatte'bray a:mot:apt:l tittra, navilig elate. upon the .time tvlitpietwut thew tly , v Ituthult:e.Att:,l for ben). Mint. • - . 44. OritRITSON, A dex DGuork, March al, U` STATE OF F. RYAN, late 41 Frloadoville, Suelen deceated. ',utters, testathentart %poll the estate of Tho above named decedent having lh.en granted to the undersign. ect, notice:lo chmwhy given that ell persona Indebted to the same will make immediate payment, and those La, thg demands will present them for ettthanent to thu un dersigned. AL E. , RYAN, J. W. FL TKN. Friendprille, 'March as MO. Executor* LsT EOF J ()11X (• A. E , latv f 4_4 Apolocon toxnahip, Suequebanna co. Pa.., Lettero of admini.tiatiop upon the estate of the abovo nantsd decedent I•nsith, Mutt granted to the underalemed, notice 6. aerehy Id, en Oat all per, ona Indsiblect to.tho .acne are reiint,ted lo Make Itritilevriatt, and MU. , Moot clattor upon the ante will pruneut them du• ly authenticated for ..•ttlern..ut. PATRICK CARET. Administrator. Apolocon, March 23, ..S; .. qlt\V,lY OATS This Oats will produce three tint,* as much as any other(hits. For eale at lowtst market priec, by WM. J. 111.1:1.V1*, Jan. tti , 1670.-3131* St. Josephs, pa. V M.CBLE ?ARM FOR SALE IN AUBURN TOWNSHIP The subscriber ems for sale the valuable Farm situated in Auburn township, lately tat longing to J.H.llceain. Said farm contains two hundred and eight acre% une hundred, and sixty acres impruved. There is. on said berm a first class two-story house and new barn ; two °reb oots ; a quantity of fruit trees. Said farm is on ly four miles from the i..ehigh Valley Railroad. well watered, gotal limber, and in every nay a. tirst class farm. Tensors in Avant of a good fame hill understand that a chance to purchase such a property is seldom offered, For terms and pailieular, inquire of F. L. WEEKS. Assign s• of J. It. McCain. Also, for sale, the 110CSE nod LOT in Mont rose now occupied by.t.l. If McCain, with about six tier,: of land belonging thereto. I:. 1.. WEEK'S, Assignee of J. 11: McCain. Montrose, Jan. 19, 1674.1.—tf Books for Farmers tr. Steck Breeders 110,110 N',411,n,v0%)1' Itiv AM V.111(2..k1i '.'1 . 1 , (T. .10 1 L , 1114- XL fur I.4lAeouuttlant; ;1:41 rap.% duUblu ollumU I.lits, *tad pinAtoo• pull (Or Board V Ames of ,ho American iitock Jourtol for 151341. eoutaing $1 4 .-1 vac- .4.0 , 10. , age paid for.. ...... . $1.Z.0 The Palryntan'o }Tunnel. 'tent post paid for Q. cu.. The Horoonmro- tintioai " The Hone Preetier". )10.no ,I •• " S 5 The Shes.p •1tr0. , ..e• 3fantrat .' •• 215 The roultry Itmeder's 3Muurl 1' ...3 The whole five Manual, rent poet paid to one addro. for ....... ..••• .t 4 IMO Arento want)d. to whom liberal linlaceluento , Labe offered. Addre,w. X. P. BOYEIL .t. CO., Publishcre, Pdriierharg, Chester C's. rt. Janl9-3m PRE1111171:4 CHESTER WHITE PIGS. PI Uloal Short nom Marhainl. Devon, Alderney and S yrrstdre CAI es. Menlo. Soto hdow n nd Co 'Kidd Sheep., tnalnnerr Liutds, Imported SutTodr. E.P6CII. llerkshlre And .4eit..o Pip. and MI choice tweed, of ohi try for sale. Send for Circulars and Prices. Addrexs N. I'. Itt.riElt t Co. Parkeoburs, Chester Co. Pa. /ME] GENUINE IMPORTED NORWAY OATS. SAMPLES SENT Pkt Er. TO FARELEI3S. Front 1011 to 1:11 hushela grown tettlie acre. weighs 01 to 45 ponn,lS to the 100110. 'This onto ha, been grown on every variety of soli. and In every State of the I.•Dien , with the MUM. perfect Mei.e. The vein I. vary large plump end linoilsonte. ham a remark the thin bunk, and ripens metier than the com mon varieties The straw 1,4 height, &as, stow and tot liable to lodge. is 3.arfee4 clear of !esti iced grown trout 1 to 5 feet high. • • Vi r o nave both the Whitened Blue.: Norway, both the wenn prise end equally production. We will seed o n e quart of the above Oats to any addresavott paid fur al 00 Two quarts, post „ . . aid Dee pecitsent by . 'premier freight 5 00 ..... 000 flair bus - 1;1, 2,1 One bushel, Co pounds . . ... 0.00 GAUTRIN: Mltie wish •it distinctly canlerstoo , l that thikis not a light oats, weighing II to 58 lbs. raise tin New England. and sold ander the name of Norway. but imported Seed, every nushel guaranteed to weigh 4016. or the money refunded. Samples of both kinds sent free for a three cent stamp. Also Circulars and Testlmonlans. Address all orders to Y.'. i tO YE t l ParlinbuXliester Co., ra. Jan. 10th—Am. Eggs of Pure Bred Fancy Poultry for Hatching. • W E F h ar; ?' " ou l lTr3' d t . e . l l ' l l ' . I fi n k 4 Z t Iu —mat, ~,p;utt i t 6 any part or the cOtint ry. Fur Circular*, aud priues, 110yr:a co Parkuoborg. Cheater Co. Po. Jzat prz - T [STAY. C. A. S.ICKETT*S Ihtattlltcrtott, NV.' P Pnrtien tar piteniioSl glvcb f 0;111 ope=si inns nn the mita Int teeth. A n hicial Teeth Inierted In nll the rtt'a• stylept 'mar m.o. Perfect tatloNection guarentie4 Come and.eu me, and tatlary yonreclvt•. 0111ce Lours. hour, en ell day. Jon. 15. FIRE! F11111!---liour 11(nIFe aun , burn neat. Seek refuge it unee.• either to the easurre, Secority, N.Y., • - $2 min /tit (i 0 Manhattan, • - • - I,nroOli 00 North Atnerican„ - . • eau inai Ha/10rTr, - . TrA),O6O (altGing& Philadelphia, • •-• • 511,a1u ft) tp Enterprir. - • ( l" '°°9 Or IfoierielL Copp.. chartered Itny, I fen, the olden Stock Co.; in Monectlent All of the above alto ni.t.tedabllnbed, and clanssod rellei , k, haying been tried ntitproven. Look out Mifflile near wild cut cum mules *ringing up all over the 5001111 Just to make money. Call or rendyour applieatlnne, and .1 sill net tharyou are fairly deuit with. RY C. TYLER. Piro. Life'and Accident ineuraneu Agent, attbe idllee of W. D. Lama. Fcbrnaiil, 1420.-tf. , • „. . . ABEL TrltlfELt, H a s jnet tetturned from New. York with a larp ad ditton to ,tilii . a+ual ti.(Ock of choice goods. Montrose, 15.fii. ts; 180. - . . .GOLD JEWELItY. A Now and Inge supply, • ' 31ont 050,N0v.41.156, ABM, TVREE4 WitAjtii. ;OWtineyte tidy eve.iiug ao Tufflv.i:s.