The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 20, 1870, Image 3

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    Court Proceedings. Obituary. • •r ~
First week-Commonwealth va-MlehaelEar-, m ,WO.
' '• ' 'ilittitittlititi.o . AtitH '' odaixitidAWOltatitte
relt and John MeGarvin; sent at lakt" tend. to Bartlett, our well-known and highly respected
the House of Retlige. They riot being proper citizen who has been prominently identified
subjeCta, aresteatenced to pay ni e
ce of $
with our city for the last twenty-five years, died
coats of prosecution, and readergo an imprlio l n O :
merit In the Penitentiary for tff=r. Tuesday last at the residence of RS. Bartlett,.
J. B: Chalker appointed Sill of Liberty of an a ff ection of the heart and kidneys which:,
township, In place of Calvin Markham, rudg.ned. had kept him confined for the greater part of.]
D. D. S w ale vs. Jos. Tiffany. 'Rule on pia I
the past eight months. Mr. B. was aged about
i tie to sho cause why judgment should not plain
' 52 years,having t i meen.belrp tre i tialisbury, Conn.,
stricken off ~ -
Valentine Barber, as a pauper. Rule on ! wheretlie Elm - Melt farialrylivie resided since the .
Springville township to show cause why safari earliest settlement of this country, and in 1842
township should not pay Towanda township
removed to this place where he has since re-
5105.55. Returnable at next term.
C. M. Tewksbury vs. Auburn School District. I sided: , Shortly thereafter, beingadMitted bathe
Mandamus in the nature of an execution. I bar, henasurned eleattirig position - among' 'bur '
Commission of Paul D. Morrow, from and by public men, being in clo.e friendship with the . Teachers' Examittotions.
the Governor as President' Judge read.
J. C. Maddock vs. Hiram K. True. Troyer. tie
ate D. S. Dickinson, Dr. Jamekson. and T U. ' . s ff' -el ‘ d E ra " d '" 44 " 433 -r °r " g l i mmer Terin of
Suit settled. Wright, and at one - time - a law partner of the ; lmools e. ill be held us fe flow.;:
If L. Sutphin assigned to A. J. Krez h vs,:il. lion. A. liirdsa 8
11. In 162 Ire was e lmsdeil to the. ' New Milford Borough, Monday, April 18.
1 Soso uelLoma De sot, Tuesday, A rit 19,
Ww,..r house
W. Keech. Rule to show cause why judgment lo e of H
the Legislature, e was a firm . ~i ii, .:o „ Hit. NN - La i new l ay , April 2 -g .
should not be stricken off.
friend possessed of a heart.
knd and his demise ' Clifford, City S. H., Tlittrsdav, April 21.
I Joseph N. Steiger appointed Supervisor of
! Jmcsup township. .
W. G. Abbott appointed Constable of Friends- will be universally regretttsi. The n took ! Friendavillc, Monday, April 'la.
place last, Friday emerning.-Bmeg. Deus. i Rush, Sims der S. 11., Tuesday, April 26.
~ ville borough. ' Springville, Hollow S.H.,M • etinesday, Apr. 27.
____.......11.-o- --- Brooklyn Center, S. H-, Thursday, April, 28.
I John Carr vs. L. A. Tompkins. Rule to show Montrose
cause why- judgment should not he open Ni. ' The 11070 Cettierts.,' ; Friday. April '29.
Returnable at next term.
: In view of the mei,' approach of the time for Each class will be formed at 9i- o'clock, a.
COOL vs. Robert Tarbox. Indictment, as- taking the cens us , '
the following mimmest ions have I n., arid applicants providatliemselires with pen
sault and battery. Returned ignoramus and
!Robert Calwell prosecutor, to pay the costs .t.e. been collected, toget her by some et mlioua immdi `tit, pen, - paper, end Union Sixth Reader. Those
Corn. vs. John Mooney. Indictment, assault victual in such matters, es probably containing i drafting to teach during the summer, who have
and battery. Defendant Pleads guilty, and s en the gist of the enquiries that a 111 le. mole- :no valid certificate, have need to attend at one
tenced to pay arfine of $1 and costs. How It are you., .of the above rmultionett places, as extra and
Lenox town pup vs. 11. Marcy. On motion \Viten. were you born. amt e hen, and were' private examinations are =necessary.
court received the order made on defendant at . I
von present en the oemsion of your birth ' W. C. Tti.Dmt, County Supt.
Serious Accident. last term and grant leave to file answer. Were won ever elected Inspem•tor of Eleetioes? t
Cum. vs. Chas. Sinn . Indictment, assaulting m. Foreit Lake Clatter, April 1, 1870.
On Saturday last, Jolts Its son ofJerre Ity- 1 NVlitt a ;is 3our majority, an.l a did it cost ,
an °fever Defendant pleads guilty, and Awn: • ~,
an. of Silver Lake, had the misfortune to cut his tenced to pay a fine of 00 and costs of prose- •• u
Are von a married person and hew do you 1 ---
right foot nearly off Time accident °crams] ration, and undergo an imprisonment in the like the institution'
at a chopping bee. Being a left handed chopper, county jail for 30 days. , Have you MO' children. how many, and what
• (sun. vs, R. Kenyon, Jr. indictment, larceny.
lie was keeping time with a right handed chop- •.' is a certain curt• timr snuffles' '
Do Volt grow any corn, if ~,, het, ranch (10
per in cutting off the same immg, nnel so slipped as • 1 n ,.!:', n 1 u t . t11 ,...,„„ (ihark,,,,, Soon". Indictment, larceny.
you consume in the torn . ' of wheihri. and i,, , w LITT'LES & BLAKESLEE,
to bring a full blow of his axeciirectly across the True hill. ' much do you waste in making breast" ' xmiereeys and ro u n-,•110r• a , Lnw Office the nee
C ' Thomas Cook TIPITIVIS V
instep, cutting from top to bottom, and entirely 4 4 / 1. ''''. - ~ 'V. C ook , Whey'.e,,pur_oplaiyail,..Lagerrlieter and.Prm•t- , heretofore occap-ed by R. P. &O. Litre, on Main
Fret . i. Cook. Indictment, not. True bill.
severing more than three fu of the foot.- zest t. .':.•_r,„ t." . '2,.. 5.,_ ~ A. - . "1„. lt, .R. IL LITTLE.. 060. P. LITTIC. Z. L. IlLall.LZi.
( F. Loomis uppninted Supenisor of Great . meet, Mamma°, Pa. tApril2o.
Only a few minutes previous an older man had Reuel . How ninny g45;,-+ can vou drink, and ,t ith i
Wll3l effect 'r- -- -
warned him of the danger of chopping in that Com. va...Tohn Denew, Patrick O'Brien, John What is emir opinion of oats -ii very popular '
u , rEA !
manner, but now the hew of his foot will render i Ktnesy. Indictment, riot and assault and hat- provender ibr man anti beast '
such Nation needless for the future. 8 ern. • -
te Defendants not appearing, bail Mrfeited . What is time e‘LSIM TA ,1 ..
W , one dollar bill ? for sot. it Evet y k'ild of Tea In market. Just arrived. and
rat Nev.. •rtt wildiessle price Al.° a fine eis.
' James Geilfoil bail. NVere
y our father and mother both e hue ~.r• in . ra t of COFFEE. Bay of me and save , xpress
' Lucien Smith appointed Constable of it-a...
~tornip s cl t0g....
Probable Imposter. township. What 14 roar opinion of our Town (',..meil , . Mottltoo''.P..• AprlllO 'B"Pa
t'ont. vs. John McGrath and .JohnMcGrath, '
A young man answering to the name of Sten.Can mu stand 011 vane head, and Lou long ?' -
ling has during Jim- past f,„ days called up „, Jr Indictment, cuting a bridge. Verdiet,lllot If a g,odschile,--how muchdongrx if neeessmuv ?
guilty, but defendant ' s pay costa.
phyticians at Great Rend, Nee Milford and I- Idien married if so wli.ii . is NT EW . WALL PAPER,
C.'S. Bennett .W. H.tarabee. Ca-sc.-stated. ' tl:C• i ( s x ‘ M u d Y i 4i Ci ll oi li i b o s f e tl l :!ir st.x:lt ? ' ' ' ' ill Just arrived and Benin; rheaphj
Montrose, and representing himself to. bedahor- Judgment for $228.9i and costa. , litentrare, sem el, is - rr. ABEL f RRELL.
' Did you euer go fishing for free.'
ing under physical infirmities, end to have re- ' Corn, is. James Hays. Breaking windows. If hoc a.„ sure of =meld will yield one tun- - -
oently hot all he had by fire, hiss obtained sums i N: r erdict guilty. Fined -
$a to the Cont, and costs dre 1 bushels of rota images, how many glasses of ;STATE ' OF PATRICK CLARY
trosecut ion.l. late of A ,daeon to w ri 4hip, Susquehanna coon -•
of mone:s. At 'Montrose on Saturday evening Ing i v i r v e ,, - u il r l it t..i n.: i ct , tire a man to draw abet-line" ty Pa., dee'd P
(.. 1 0M. Cs. Julia Uptegmve. Habeas corpus. •
I eats a ham in three d'ays, how
last, after receiving such :mid, lie besmine very Returnable by the Sheriff with body of defend- lo n ,will It tike them to eat a couple rat ham- . sb l 'oe t e tc n r aVe r itt m ee l d ' en .i t r ha ti v ' i n n n h P ec 'u n ;• h an e te e :l t' to ". t;e r i ll!
much intoxicated, and his conduct was Such HS ant who was discharged. niers? , derstgro tl. notice is hereby e lves Wall persons lndebt•
to induce the belief that he is a baseimposter. Jos. Kishbaugh appointed Constable of Her- ' Lend me flit: .1..11 irv. ? ed to said catate to make medlate payment. •nd
ri.•k Township. • tlio•e ha sing elsims against rhe same to present t` em
All physicians and others upon vs lionthe may What is your opinion of young pups before dniyaothentiotted for settlement to the ander-signed.
livery Clemons vs. Francis Fuller. Judg- o w , 4 .,,, Hien. ryes
. .0
are cautioned to let him alone sererely, went opened. Judgment for plaintifl by argu THOMAS IL KANE, Adm'r.
- there arm- a number of other geestions to be k, ,i ~,,... A , l i e n . in ,
April,lB. C. C. HAL-SET. meat of parties, am..o ered. which we omit here, rgotn the fact - -
R. J. Harris s's. Zerra Verre administrator of lb it they a ill at once suzz-st themseli es to the
i,, ta
E. N. Moore, deceased, and .eased, sk; Woolsy, „ 1 „,, 1 ,, r 1e mar-, hal l just as SOOII as they
u •
sei fa, cur . mechanics lein. Verdict for defend- ti,i„j a. „I . th . , 01l , Waltham Watches
ant's. • " .. '''-; -- ''-a.... ..Z.---.... ' "... Al THE COMPANY'S PRICES.
-Then, will ix, services in the Universalist H. F. Freeman, jr. vs George A. Guernsey.
A n d wa r r anted by the Company sent with every watch.
church on Sunday inonming next at 10 "'dock. Debt. Verdict for defendant. Gold Medial & Buckeye
Prier List and descriptive Caudogne sent to an address,
C. J. Whipple appointed Deputy Constable sewing Machines, which can be .old clasper Orders flll.ll by express . % 0.1) [vita the d prielleze ores
-At our borough etas lion on the 12tI t the
for Montrose borough.
"motored eitizens fought noble. - They walktsi than any first elass kfachincms in kfontrose, at """''''''" bck ' m p',.:LlN.l.,h!..l'una' Hyy
-L--0..a5....-.- - -,--
up to the month 'of the ballet box it ithout The Economy of n Rullmind. G o bl e ' , Pl i ot.rrapli Gallery. At,,,, E,my ACa , Ap 23-2. m aliP , Ctrestriat street. Philadelphia.
flinching. The economy of money in the purchase of and E P Needham 4 tun cabinet ()rpm,.
-On Monday of last week Representative A.fuel is of interest to consumers. is which are considered the best it 111 he ler the
A railroad connecting with the Lehigh Valle% es k;,;. 1100 FLY, DON'T BOTHER ME.
P. Stephens called upon us and presented us interest of any person. before pureli,ing Or- t• 7
with a copy of smell'„, Legislative Hand honk from this ' 4113 7 , will open to us the benefit 0.1 ttlins, Pianos, or Machines, to call and examine
for 1870, for which our obligations are due. the vast coal fields in the valley ite -s
Macsciail 2aatelliienoo.
Township, Bonds.
Any person holding liarfcrrd Township Bonds
will please notify the Treasurer of the amount
due them wtthin thirty days from date, and
oblige the Supervisors.
TIPTAFT, Treasurer.
•l iar(oic~dptil = lb 1870.-1 w: , ' -
Heartrending. ,
We thus condense n aunt harrowing story go
ng the rounds : Man and wife—map went away
—printer sent bill—wife opened it.—husband
turned—found wife in tears—scene—brute—dis
honest man—don't pay fox, paper—go to ludi
ana—divorce—husband settles up—wife all
smiles—grand finale—rushing Into each others
arms—moral--always pay for your paper.
The following i, pnmouneed an excellent rem
edy for lung fever or galloping consumption,
which disease, it is said, can be cured within
three days. It Is as follows : : Put one ounce of
Epsom salts and one table-spoonful of saltpetre
together in a bottle. with water to di a solve n thetn.
This for one dose, to be given every• other even
ing for three evenings, feeding only bran scalded
and girrri thin and lukewarm
Borough Item*.
—At St. Paul's taierch on Easter morning All of ,iur citizens are concerned in this fact. %hooting Affair.
the rite ot Baptism was administered to eight and ought to be awake to it:. importance. It On 1 4 undav tri , dit a row ort;nred in a
adult candidate , Very appropriate syndiols will advance the value of real estate 90 per cent. : dritikitiL: lio:,• kept Lt a Mr-. Cu sc. in 131 -mpsi pc \i PS_
and fragrant dos err decked the Chancel. Al it will heuerit the fanner Nu Illy in rise of pro- 11,. SI\III R ;mi. .\ t i...llh•ult‘ te..k place
3r. ar. a 'ante congregation convened and the pmperty and in convenience to market, and lie between I', t,„ k kVv.ii.e atela mai, !mined - BLATCTILEY'S
ordinance of Baptism was administered to nine w i l l mec h., f or hi,, produceo S cranton pr i ce ,
Brouii. pi e tle•i came to I,l•,ies. (,ern ,-..
infants, after which t he Sa bbath Schn°lcek b ra - But we wish to call the attention of coosom- i., i,,, „,i e rie„,,,,,,,,i in thescsltii... lir,. II , VU.O umber Wood Pumps
ted their anniversary by presenting their offer- crs i,f fuel to the fact that it costs en ineonsider- drew apist••l an I shut \V cif ne t.!.r in gli The Best and Cheapest Pumps ever made. 1
ing, and emiii,"' of flowers. Their offering able sum annually. It takes 30 cords of sea- th•• hand a•; ,I .I:lick C 1 is;c In Lil.• ifft a.... Durable, reliable, accurate and perfect, and give
anuilinted t.. something over $4O. coned wood for a single fire during the year, making a tituigerutis wound.,--SGrunl,,,4 no fast. to the water.
—Raving reason to believe that the Beading and one-half as much for six months for the arc- /hi d .
Room enterpris , . has' gone "where the win'i and tire; but as coal is generally used for the se- caw w if•-
listeth" we would suggrst that there is nn op- hatter, we estimate t h e price or coal. A Sertuttonlatti IliAllecL
portunity for some active individual to circa- The Market price of s e asoned 'Co sl is $4.5 0 .1o!lii 'l'. I') v,.r. of this env, was 1,,11, , 1 n.- •
late a subscription to raise a suitable 'worm- per cord; conseq u ently it costs " 125.00. k i w i
~nth' It\ n li. It itec dent Nil::1. ~ 1 1 hi+
went' over its demise. If "it is not dead but it will take 5 tons of coal for the second fire, at w a y f., N. N3/ 1 3 ,. In Ills IVJekel. ),,, ok all Tl ' r•r ar" adapted
.. , ,1•. oh of well
ea sily
shnseth" we hope to see some signs of life-soon $9 per ton, amounting to $45. in,itranee tick,.' ea. hhitid, al- , td,e e•t- ,
very easily
When the pioneer of this praiseworthy cuter- Wo w_ $125.00 foil ing ii,M.: one can put them
prise, Miss Lizzie :tleKinstry called upon us for Coal ....... . ........ ........ 45 A 0 "I f anything sleiuld happen to me , On in repair, dr.. when
our Marne some six months since, add we after- this train, at ill aiiv 4,111.. 1 , 1. ;t- - ~. :la the; II L? - dir.ecti"w' s •
.% green I e $l7O 00
wards learned of the popular feeling in its la- ticket to my -ist, r. \l arc Dyer. lock b.)x
II the proposed railway is built the price of glee pi - elect satts
vor and the liberal subscription it received we I 70, Scrantuu, .P.t....—5cr(1)14014 LICUI.
(Nail will not exceed $.5 per ton, delivered ; ' as
believed its success certain. Shall we be disnp- --,.. ..... --
. the curt of the same at Tunkhannock is only
pointecurt - -- 7 ' 7 'l'reviolis to the eon't,•st which (.1(.-
$4.30. tis sa goodauthority,
—The following officers were elected at the I id bythit that 10 tonss steel Gen.:rid Cr,tut to the Pleetilemey,
of stone coal are equal to 50 conk of woad for I
borough election on Tuesday. April 1•20 • Bur- th , • limlicals proclainie4 their determina
fuel. Now we have the surprising riduetion in unit to reduce t lie taxes of the people. di , .
_ ,C. M. Gem , Council, Wm. A. Gasman, ASK FOR BLATCHLEY'S
r3Fm 0, r,tT •
J. F. Shoemaker, Win. H. Jeissur, A, J. Getrit- exffease before the readers ef the - • expenses of the government in a imiterml
gate expense at present pric.ea....5170.00 CUCUMBER WOOD PUMPS.
son, an e es D. ..
D i 1 Bre - ter D F kustin, nor:1(T A. A,Arre" ,1,-g•r,e. In the Coll:,;:ress of ISG.S. LIR: ap-
Estimate 15 tons coal,which iieourvalent Every Pump ?old by me or my authorized
Dimas W. W. Watson, C. M. Crandall ; High -to the 'Waal and cesalabovestatedat propriations her the approaching, fiscal
. - , _ agent guaranteed genuine.
Constable, C. J. Whipple; School Directors, $5 per ton . 75.00 year were tilt down. and the cS'Limatcs tor
Wm. IL Jesse p, It. DeWitt.
Leaves a saving 0f........ ...... .$ 95.00 to cony Mei lig the people that the Radical 1 Ap. 6-6 m Philadelphia, Fa
-The stages leave the Tarbell blouse at 5
• These figures show the economy fora single party was really in earnest in what they
and /0X o'clock A. 11 - for Montros,. Depot.
family ; while the-advantage to merchants, man- promised. A t that erne the leading, Dem- I T. ° l t- t r u, z inot tc . arle%clegal.eta r t p a: n d 0
ii tr . , : f ix: ,
and at 8,,t... a. and 11 P. 11 for New Milford.
ufacturers, and hotel proprietors, would be pro- ocratie papi•rs of the (ettiitry , iv:kilned, the any State or coostry ;
r, l . ezd eze_msh . ere; des:rtlo u ti.
e setae shop occupied y :6 o. n .
"Thb -II -d • (' ,ek -1-
took fire on the roof by sparks from the shim- p orti " natel Y grea ter. l''' 'Ph' ,filly ' - i h '') • 11e- liT,;',•`'.'"„%':'L',..7 - ,,V;F , i , r • .; ,,„ i.Ll e .e'd"`. Id:le:Fre:.
The amount saved in fuel alone annually by a . dared that when the•eti(in was I /1.. r. nesieess established fifteen year,
ney on Wednesday last, but was arrested befbre
single family would almost equal ten per cent. till the gaps in the uppropridtion Lid , at,, , , , , 1 17 ). , 0, , n ,
_ 3. M 7 1Tt;1 1 ...A .,,, t1 , Nrri ;. y.
doing but /Ude damage
on . sl,ooa. There are no doubt many in this would lie tilled Ily extra lt , g.islatiun. A 101
—Some thief entered the house of Judge 1
village who would think themselves' heavily 1 what the I tenc
. j
•ratie .ittritals :odd then .
Baldwin on Tuesday night of Last week, taking i
Mass Baldwin's dress and the Judge's pants' taxed if they were to pay the interest above: lute Five', veri lied hr Alb:T(1 uen t es en ts.
While the appropru • it ion eall,-(I f„y 1,.„- i ) tittlis ~,k, N ielioLs .
whirl contained his jtecket-book and seven dol- stated
, If all wish to economize and enhance the sal- than llirel. hundred millions, the ex 11,11- .1„) .
late in money. -•,..
—.April has been made memorable to the pea- tie of their property. it is expected
. they will ditures renehed. R. 9 charvd by - Mr. ; Berl:. '
L:` , .:71/V -
subscribe to the railroad stisk . now offered. and not Plle"''sfully
pie of Pennsylvania. and to Montrose in panic- Erin f rid ic ted, f , , ti 1
- •! ,, i , mertem";
They will not only get good paying stock, LM hundred mill:toils rii . dollars. Deliel , lit v -- .
ular, by.%wo s-erydrnportant eventa The Jockey ;- 4
will save $lOO annually in fuel.. ' Lill IA ing forced thrt.r,ol CLitigrcza,iii .
Legislature disbanded on the 71.11, and last week I
CiliZenit. don't let this opportunity of getthro • orde r to 'ay e th e "'edit ''t th e ff""rn
the Susquehanna Jorirnal - adjourned - its ho, . - ,..1i41:
men t.
, w hi le the , tax, a . r• still
Radicals a railway to this place fail. In you lies the do- ' - so.
tilities against Montrose for a season. Let the etston. Now or. never ~ en . s. a scar intsis. In 1111• 111.111 ti I I the
people rejoice. The Binghamton Leader says; shosc their ability to illantig. , the allairs of
Keelson friend Gardner and you will mould' Interesting to Fanners. l isl , i DIIrIiGISTS & AI'OTIIECARIES,
I the c. , tintry. ,t n , , sunder ,rai,.. is
public opinion" l.s we would edit you will 1 Af
.....&ETI2:O OF THE STATE AGUICOLTUTtAL So ; weak and eoptitierce tottering. whim such
do snore, you will moldy it. .tars.— At the monthly meeting of the State , a party is in lice a,:cen(l, !icy.
. I Agricultural Society, held in Philadelphia. W..! -...- •••••• .C.-
1 II: Dayton , President was tn . the chair, andl —lt ii ititiiny tact-a
,th.ti. thf.,..krstisr4,:tyrs
lof the iiii?'ll' elt . :vitor, 'it C hie arm rate of- Drage and Medi...leen. Chemietl4, nye Staff* Wines &
i Thomas M. Coleman, Secretary. Dr. Thomp- I
,„ . . ' • ' -•. Liquor., Paiute. Oita anti:\ armed, Perfumery,
I tired to leci•tLe Roil st. , re all gratu Fancy Soaps, Yankee Notions, &c..k.c.
. son exhibited a specimen of New Brunswick
consi;_Tned to them at one-half the rates , Fresh from Nen , York city.
I oats, raised within fifty Miles of Philadelphia.
now e:hargkll by warehousemen of that city: , . .
They weigh fifty pounds to the bushel, and are
It is nrolialtle , lierefarc t hat tile warehuil.-C
the heaviest oats ever grown. The same gen- ' i , All the PiosiliCrilithirr'ATErr EItDTVISES kild In
ibis seetiouomeus "Pilch cosy be fuOud '
ring in br,it k i lig up.
tlemen also exhibited Brady's, patent corn-shell- 4 iirt '--::
iv, invented about eighteen months ago, in Lan-
clia.lbOtaer, s'PAlinanie 97mi:eat:i se. Weed
caster. It is claimed for this little instrument NEW PORK PRODUS It "lAIIKETN. roalfiwnpuneo.. and e11.,p111.112 . 1150-
SI;ILIf 14. Ilall'o . mien Balelinil, .
that it is the best in use. It i i.k small and neat, -..- •. . hart's Pine Tree Cortilet,',
uorrected weekly by Nk•attain !lodation, 231.
1 and very rapid In its operations, and does its Panic' iii, New York. ',
I lioir. liateiewm...ainelkAbrnadasitcon ' etiea Med
! work without any injury to the corn. Joseph ImiAlt_gareq.!camin's Gertntri. natters. ,
Week ending April 19. 1870.
Patterson was elected a member of the society. o,' l ll°°' -rI C b°4asrh fleeter, ; „
36 Q- 38 • And macii6eretaisiitnad'i/alaeleirmarts In tact
Resolutions were adopted cordially recommend- . 1 • . firkin........ ..............
Butter, Pall 366
one Stock crony. lin fine . ankortment oteverything usu.
ing the Practical Farmer, a journal published In I Cherse.dairY, per 1b....... ... 14(TL15 ally kept ie well regulated Meg Stores.
Piilltidelphia, by Paschall Morris. to the sister 1,. .• ('actor) . " rxol6 ' •
834' !ties as a reliable and well conducted paper, 1•, r ......., •r oz
Fii:in . . p er (
barrel 4.4 20102 i
and expressing the hope that such efforts will , Corn mini, 100 lbs. 2.00(_,a 2.05
he made by them to extend the circulation at Wheat, per bushel 1.20(g 1.50
that paper. In view of the fact that the effort it Y .l• - 1 00</.0.08
to obtain an appropriation of /$5.000 to the Exy ci () „, u , n , tB
perimental Farm havingfailedin the Legislature, Hops, crop r :of 4 b . it b A;W: l .:,.... ' .:' ........
r ..w.•1 11• - 1t,i i 0da . 5411 .1
a resolution was adopted inviting those inter- nee!. aisk , SSIIIA.-•-,si•- • •••• • • • if- , •
s----(en• ii4 -- 12
estcd in the subject to meet the members of this F o e ta g s toes '
.... ...... 1.50a2.60
society at their meeting on the 4th of May next, Turkey,: per lb .. , . 25(080
Xor the discussion of means for 'the aid of the , Chickens " .. 230225
Gum. A discussion on the importance of Tag 1. awe 16(018
I 'Culture was held, Mr. Morita advocating ttii j fFallow .
• 1 1 19
gamete-food 11w.hor ses and cottte; Froth:the. '" '
amatitirekormai of iiiimn required in the produce 1
ilbn of roots, he thought that it would be re-
'monerstive so' biit *mai /After / the iiltkoiii .
lion of, some attertutnor matters, the society
Montrose Academy
The Sumner Term will begin Monday. May
2, me. and continue 11 weeks. It is the aim
to merit patronage by a thorough course of in
struction in all the branches pursued. Besides
the Common English Branches, the Higher
Mathematics, the Sciences, and the Clsssies will
carefully taught
Those wishing to pursue a Classical Course
with a view of entering College will find this
an excellent opportunity. Scholars will be fit
f ,
for any course in Normal Schools or Semi
naries, Classes will be organized in the follow.
ing brandies: Carat, Roman
History. Greck—Beginning. 'Mathematics—
Higher Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy,
Zee. Intermediate classes will be formed to
meet the wants of all Special attention will
be given to Primary pupils, and the school so
organized as to meet the wants of every grade.
Tuition from $3 to $5, depending upon the
advancement of the scholar. Thorbugh and
efficient Assistants have hem , procured. Board
at reasonable rates MU be had. For further
particulars apply , to
A: a atm.'s:M=l*. t
Mwwtrose, April 19. 1870,3 w. • • •
A Ahreidedty.
The Gt.ttysbmt Star and Sentinel hcaatlaw fol
loaring Jacob bf New Cixfoid
samllkilloai,lens Egg, whit* is *cite , ticuriosity.
It ietelaid by a cetavaaiihen -And laocardthary
111 ,1; buttuir. lart% irt4taug s i
and mettitiiing 71( inches by 914 In circumfer
ence. On breaking the aide of the - shell, there
are distinctly visible a tammad„mgythall- and, PS
complete, and two diatimet 'Yolki Theer is
vow Maur potaitsion sad cam be exitratifd ley
the carious." -
_ 7-7
The Store and lot formerly poeypKb7 Any
. Ward in New Milford 1)&614;14 lot dat3r - five
feettcontienfi,oue 1 1 0 1 7e 4 '.044 6 ; EDO*
eor o:‘sSt.'irawkr, -, ,lfkpit
The helmand.3l Wiles
arty rl~ted'to'iacrX'h
Office of Littles and Blakeslee, in Montrose, on
Wednesday the 11th day of May, A. D., 1870, at
one oelock,..P.
April 20. JAMES LOGAN, i ExT"
S IT PNW f.4.°l7fS
! ' The Gnat Alum= Sass Dramer sealltnalleatet:
ea sele
'raw Nllftad. Pa.. Dee. le, leo -et
Farm For Sale,
Situate ;in Glenwood, Susquehanna oantity,
only thirty.mieutes drive , from Nicholson sta
tion, containing 22.5 acres of land, about 150
acres tmder fence, balance timbered. Five good
barns and two poor one, carriage barn, corn
IMuse, *go frame d g, etc. There are 4
61140 4toug ynxll, on the farm, and the whMe
fartniewell watered with excellent springa—
I The Owneih.,as otherhu9inws that requires his
ntieritiori,4tVirPtpAtlxis farm at & bargain to
the purchaser. Inquire of F.,,e. Ogow. Glen
wood, or J. B. McUoututt, Esq., Montrose.
March 10, 187.-4
lrtr A, dartionucuto.
Pure Indigo Work. VerSciad In yottr 212 C and roam.
Cant m am addrran, 7'. A. DERSY.
aplS—S nnx Iv. tiltkdala, N.Y
Keep replarll Pupplied With t7:IIADCfLTULATIIII
p “.. eription . metre particular attention, and
aro carefully sod promptly compounded.
Atore formerly occupied by J. ElbeAtirc -
Montrose. March 23.14). AMOS NICLWLB.
i c4A?;C:Ft.,
stillotrattags Large Stack crillooda ltrr a earl alas
ONLY—AT COST 1 And lots of Goode .
-•-- -
(A positive ftset,) TO CLOSE BUSIbrIM
Dry Goods, Drees Goods, Shawls. Clothing. Hata. dprs
yours;e, Groceries
bolltkeroo7, Glaseirsre.• Wooden
War Hardware. Trimmings,.
And „ xi ooploaror cods too no , nionots somitsatto-
When pro bear other dealers_ say th at we mak old prl
amend ben antrit-stock of OCOdS. Deal believe tt, bat
can and see I Essialas and ccearr
id L e , plites ion?.
el r
s; • •
This tioett'elltikmia / 13 s &Oh.ilia' SST
awe to frArol 1 ialligia
orTOittlvski sip - dials sold oo credit..l l tOsostsslt,
Trolitfilibieflfire 9 0. 1970.
Vullenberg , osenbaum 4 'L'o's
Large and Fine Seleetml Stryl of
Of the Latest Styles, and at 1)1 iCCS to el* the
itonkrunr, AprU4, Ifrlo.
A -
IMlAmielduidtat. de. to litishnetiaitnitoouty
lake notice ttiat In pursuance of the several acts of A—
sen•bly- of this h'uonnoniavaa,h to prondo revenue to
melfteitedendlnda,dpdtLtheire4l - edify. IMO rgr,o th er pm.
poari, the taldefidgncti. artiautrercifYbreartillellmes for I
said county. has prepared • list of Merchants trading in
said county'. sad placed each merchant In that class r LOUR ! FLOUR '
which to him appears Justand right according to the acts
of Assembly. to wit :
Mine ("Lass.' Mencitumrll. (.3..ase. , _ .4/al= townehip.Bnequeluilms 5......—.
Ilioxham A Carpobter, 13IA A Beeman pat med 414 I I Letters of administration upon the estate of the,sbol,o
named deerdent brining been granted to the undersigned
AUBURN. 111 W lees pat med 412 Inotice is hereby given Net a persona Indebted to fbC
E. 1.. Adams, 14tJoseph Webster 14 i FrOm this day forward, we shall sell FlOlll - St
Win. White, PI: LATHROP. I retail at , I same are requested to make immediate payment. and
Low A Harris, 13 E3l Tiffany ACu i 0 i I those having claims upon the eanheuilil pretest thellotar
P. D. Shannon, 13 N M Finn 13 1 b authenticated for settlement. •
W LaFrance, 111 W Rees 11 PATRICK CAREY, Admit:lSMS=
BROOKLYN, :MIDDLETOWN Apoiacon, March 13, ISIO.--•
W Craver 13 Patrick White 14 ,
H B Rogers & Co. 14 MONTROSE.
D AA A Titawurth p m 4 ISA N Bullard . 14
Kent A Eldridge lI,Wm J Mulford 10
Rogers A 'llltmey 181 Lyons Drake &Co 11 ' We hang out no false colors, but mean just
0 hi Doloway 141rB Chandler 14 • what we say. -Lk
4 11 Verry 141 L It label] 14 .
Tiffany & Cramer 13'11 U Lyons & Co. 12 ,
CFLOCONUT. •Z Cohn 14 ;
M Hickey 14;J Ft DeWitt A Co. 12 I
James Singleton 14,,b & 1) B
Lathrop 10 I
CLIFFORD •Guttenberg llosenbaum
0 Wells A Brother 14; A Cu 10
P H Gardner 14 1 Reed Griffis A Co Pm 4 10
T F Johmson 141 W B Deane 14 While making Flour s specialty, our stock of
N Baker 14 CIO Fordbam 14
TJ Wells .14 I N Builtrd 14
Henry A Wlllialna 141 E Bacon 14
I E Davie 14 Miner & Conte
A Richardson 13'0 I) Beeman 14 GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, dz.
8 0 Wes , er patent m. 4 lb Morse & Lines 14
R P Chafe Fiera 14'C N Stoddard Pi
John Coyle 141 Wm U Boyd & Co 11
Beaty Spencer 141 E C Fordhstn 14
DISLOCK.. M T isellsort 14 Will be kept full hind Kola al very small profits.
Pities aSh.rman Isis N Wilson 13
Wm It Thoyre 14:Abe1 Terrell pat mcd 4IS H GAF.RATT & SO?.:.
ii Blakeslee 14 T Spore & Co 14
John Leelooly 14.1 L Talbot 11 :Nco Milford, March 2, 18:0. —lv
FOREST LAKE: Boom & :Nichols pm 4 19
M L Ball ' 14. E L Week...A:CO 11
L B Sihum • 14 Harvey Ji Stump . 14
Robert Winters 13 , 13 Thatcher 14 ,
J K Fitzgerald pat med 4DO NEW MILFORD. .
Wm Buffed/ patent med 413 if I. Suiphm pat med it ,
M McManus 14 Geo W Hayden 14 ( 1 1: 1 )V1:/: S, BrUilaS
F U Gorman 13 , Moss A Knapp 14 kir
FILANKLLN, 'Aloe, & Hayden pm 4,14
JI. Merriman & Sou .111,11 Barrio pit teed 412
DCA F 11 Fordhato 13, Whipple Brink A Mead 14
11 L Blows.. 1910134)75 Ilet..l3lliilla 12 •
GREAT BENII. 10 31 ILawley 11
II A Clark A Cu. 13 1 II Garrott A Son 11
Richard Stack I,FJ Dicker/nee jr lO
ti hid/4f &Preston- 1 ,- :101J Xitkin ' •', -.- , ,:,/': 14
Eststwook.SLlsaft pm 4 9EI Ten byck. ''-l 'r •!,- it
L S Letrtmlna "• 111Johnilnine, 14
W A Cololou 141 OAKI-AND.
George McNamara 13 T F Munson 13
L W (11dg:heater 141Thomois A Van Auken. 14
H P Doran 141 RUSH.
E F Simone & Co, 10 L 31 Slierirocal A Co
Ororge Wessell 14 Granger &Wheelock pm 4 13
II Ackert lON D Snviler 14
W Palotlrk 14 1 sPitiNoviLLE.
Wm - Raids , in 130 W Bennett 13
D 0 Stroml/ 14 1 0 T Spencer • 14
W II Powell • 11.2 Borne, 14
411 McCreary Jr. 14 , it T Hendricks pex 4 II
W C Mclntosh • l'l'llargeriuml & C., II
• GIBsON. , uterine 14
lii it Holm. 1").. SILK ER LAKE
W Gardner VI r M!, 31 Cage
Dunn & Co. th A Frdnia
M N Walker 14 T Selliwut .
CI H Wells patent med. 4 111 C II Meeker
if M Tingley 14 sI'S4I,L'EFIANNA,
Kennedy A Sons 12113 II Landman - v
Milligan A Smiley pm 4 10 ' Mrs R E Forbes
ILllll 3 ORit. iJohe W Osborne
Jones Babcock A Tanner. IL S Page &co
pat.eatinetileines, 4 10,toloo I . l?ce .I.OIOCIALIon
for ciiterns many
45 ftet, and throw
and rapidly. Any
up and keep them
gut up according
hey never fail to
°Paine & Sou 1418 F Smith
14 , meat.
Vein - & Carr 13,C A Miller 14 The seism retain • .ts beant/ and fa nines.. after wash. 1
J C itti I
wards 14BCasey 11 lug and irate'.
J A Locksrd 14.1 W&CI W Galloway 14 . , ~ „ea , ~i .
T TlMusy I3IW Howarth Fe Elegiacs ell kind* 01 rot: done by other 1L1... n
J W White 14 Thos McDonald it chines, Giese :Machines eieente the most benutiftd '
Wrn Ira 14 1:01 linpUmn -' . 14 aid permanent. Ent I/ruttier/ and ornainvutal work.
L It Peck 14 Lewis Fre.mun
. 1 ,, 1 ti — Tlie itzlie.t Premiums at all the [Ore and emtd.
Babcock & Newton 14 Charles W White " bltions of the 1 - n Ited ',Ate. and Europe. hare been
A A Elioll 14 0 A Lyon. i'l
awarded the it Baker e. vein* MaChines. and
lIHRRICE. ;Gutteuberit Ito.enbanin co u the work .I,ne I,y them. Mhi rev, e3.1;11 , 11m1 In ',alp..
R M Arnold 1.2 , .1 C & .1 H Cooke 13
Mona Nichols &Co pin 4 KV C &-J*ll. LY.Oge 13 tltlon.
C C'Spence 14 James - Bell ' . . Pt re"'che very 111. the-t phial'. TUE CROSS OF THE
HARMONY.Henn- CLea pm 4 1/ LEGION U 1 11u . Olt, .4 go , ,•,... hared on the represent •
11 W Brandt &Co ITIW 3 Falkelibury 14 7ltlVt'S of the Gust I, A 111% CI Sa ye 1111 Mn,-..1C1M . at the
D T Finch 14 MeDonald & Kuno 11 itzpoaltlion Unher.clle, Part.. lStti the-- atte.ttlint
John B Stevens 141.1 C Foot ln their great supertorit) use: all other Sewing Al•ctunes.
L H Hall ItIF D Lyons 19
Walter Scott_. 1410 T Smith - 14
.1 Schlager & Co 12 Ellen McOulre 14
ri M Munson 13IM Doyle 14
Isaac Brown 13'F B They,. 13
S A Lyons & Son 12, Walter Barber 14
JESSUP. • ,George H Crandall 13
.1 H Roeencrane pat me 4 141Edintuul Doylo 14
JACKSON. Ilyere Morrie 14
It lf Benson 13IJohn Tierney 14 '
Norrie & French 12 C Freeman 14
James Y Potter 14'01 J Hartley 14 1
Eliza McGrath 14
Wm Ball 141
14:11enry Pierce 14 '
131 W S Beebe pat med 414 s
J.lMei , Unroll 14 ,
Wm Miller & Co pat me 4 12I,Iline Mumford & Co i''
Win F Cole 14 Lew!. & Dow
Grow & Brother 14,George O'Hara
W 11 Osterhout 12.!F .11 tlt-latt
D R Dartleld
E B Beard.leo
Sales Ice. than $.5.0011 (la.. 11
Bal. - 511.006.1rA0 than t la,. la
Saler 10.011 U. le. than 13.000 CoI. lr.l
Sales . 13,000. lersthan 20.0:0 Class 1I
Sales "1.000, less than :30.000 Tins. to
Sale. SOAP, loss than 40.000 Clans 9
Sale. 40,000, less than N.oou, cu..
And the Judges of the Coort. or Charcmon Pleaa of said
County will hold a Court of Appeal at the Court klou-e in
Itotittose, In and for said county, on Wednesday the 20th
day of April, IA7O, at 1 o'clock. r a . at which time and
plate any of the Merrttantr described. defined and elasPed,
as aforesaid, or their agents or attorneys, may appear
and appml from said asoserement i f they think proper.
'p.4.SR- SR EW ST ER.
Ilarford. Starch 9, ISA-13 Siercautile Appraiser
Float Salt, Butter. Pork. Lida; Ram, Pill Flak. Tallow
Candi.. Cracker., Cheerio, Coffee, Spices, nuilcc
T. Sagan., Rice, Cigars,
and Canncd I IA.YUGA. PLASTER.
Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff. : ( .. I kee.p . constantly on hand an ample imp.
andall other articles tumidly kept to a drat ON. Grocery p ly or fresh ground Cayuga Plastex, for sale at
and Prorlsion Story. , SS per ton. N ' . SHOEMAKER.
. ! Sununenrville..lau 19, iS7o.—tf
We will mark mar Goods low at we CID afford. —•—
sell toresah, or exchange for produce.PSTATE 5.1.1%11 - EL PINCH,
17 • late of irranitlio township. Cornea ou. dec . &
Letters of td , n I o Isirotion upon tip:estate or theaborto
s amedtlecedept I.lons:been granted to the undersign
ed • ell Intraolle indebted to sad estate are hereby nett.
bed to make immediate ',aliment, and. those .having
claims again .111 e same to preecar that* doly
netted forsattiemenft
O. HALL, Aemr.
We win tarnish Path and ablp Batter far throe al,n
destro no to, suselitradearorto gine good lattarsetton
Montrose. Feb- 2. 180.—U
VIR,E I . -EIRE! , FIRE'.-=Your house
may Wit out: Sisk 'attire at clam ttt tm taa
;- - . seenriiir• " ' - ' lic(l° ‘ "
... manaauas. -- • - - :-.
. . . mom
• - Girard, litilsalithilh ', • . - - ' •• 100,01 X 1 CO :
' Enteiprspe, - - • • -, arAOOO 00-
Tlni Books, Votes, &0., late la on or .• - T . (I 4 plus, laikirestrioek
or Prorties, cos- awe. • 7.
R. Kenyon, it.= In the bands OiChamberllu. E r:noceori. airortbsaboitaio old estataistmali ,
lt McCollum tortmmedirite collecttori. '. 411 pep; ewe, companies, aura-amd tallaNa. MAU bran
l ad pima. Look on% for hum ars wild els too. 1
PP in any Manna ilidebted-wM. E.PI.Ir;g S LIT pa n to apri_sprapan , ssor .itinaarsur rioss , to Anus
p e wits wand delay s .. . - u • ninner,.. , c o ""nrt. - 1 1q...r.,
Itr i g i & lbi ' - r -- *' l '' ' ' *LA
-rtßlCrrre: •-, v --sl—.-. -;,•!. ,,- i.. ,
' Mosteese;iiisir , • , r s.
&c &c.
For Custom Work.
uerrEsnEw:, RostxbAum
Dt►lsn cir
A house and ,Mt situated in the township of
Rush, two Mileg west of Elk Lake, and 23. 7vsu3swv: "" W* "" DlT M°/ """,n ' 8 " / " 11 ` wg
miles from Grangerrille, containing three acres Scsquin AA AA pOtraTT, rA.. at
of hind, a good orchard, a story and a half house, I 33. 13. 33.46: 1 171r1a itry,
a blacksmith shop, and barn. For full partiez• rr
bra inquire of the subsCriber on the premises. $2 Pia AZ AIDA Is AZITAACT , ..OIIVX AT at 0/ MAR
Rush, March 30. 1870.-3 e Sates of Advertising.
late of Dt.mock. township. Pa. de-amsed.
Lcitem of ndrulnixtration upon the estate of the 0.150 i
named deadent havlngbeen granted toihe andenrigini,
Of 175 arm, situated on the road from Sil- notice le gieNa .14) all persons Indebted to the same to
ver Lake to Mod I.ake, 100 acres Improved, end t ar e k . e .. tur w ela p te m r . ty: t r o t. att u tl l those hiving claims anti
y aurkamteated•
most 0 1' the ha hnice in heavy timber, containing ....L.
several hundred eorde of hemlock bark t a good GERRITSON, Adan's.
House with L. and btu - u. about 40 bearing apple Dtmock. March SO, 1870.
IMes, well Watered, a good water power, eon- ----
vertlent to churches. svhools,etvv ,
Inquire on the premises, or address
A. J. EitiELDON,
St. Joseph, Pa.
March I(. 1“111.—y
Jan. /9, ltaii—llauk
Fllty l ' PI:F:111CM Ef..ViTic fITCJI FA3tILI"
BituADWAS, NEW Tuati
14 •
14 I Beauty and eituticity of Stitch.
14 j Pert. CtiOD and Simplicity of &adultery.
is : raing butt' threads directly Crow 141011P00111.
14 I No fastening of searms by hand and :to waste of i
f,l ' thread.
V7lllO range of application srlthenal change of animal
For role hh F I 5 cIIANDLER, Monirnsc
Jona 1. Iyr
I.lnollna, Ticking, Calico.. G.ll,4ltruno, et aped:, and
checked Shirting.. Denim*. &c. n. novel In qarlety St
For Sturr A,)iuuse, de.
Iron I:Ontr , tendß Woe VV,.11111:z fbr Sheep and Poultry
1 Ards. Brned and Iron Wiro I loth. blevee, Fender*,
4, for Coal nand,na
wimp •d
for Spark A rre-t. cc, I ettoistwile Wire. for W In-
O. Paper hlnkvr•' Wirer, Ornamental Wire
work. etc_ Every loformatLon addreantrig the mon.
uuructorer• At. ,WALKkili 45,130 NS.
Ap 7y !ed No tt N
Arl.•nowledced by all to be the beat Sewing Machine
In the world. Don't boy any one until you ha. e tried
Nov. 24. IPf9. E. I. WEEKS 1 CO , Agent.
Baum• of all dererlytious. Headquarters at
Orr-casuist., Hoaerenaea, .t Co'a.
AVIZA III) OIL awl tiJuly everything,
Frantritn,Feb• lalto
TheMontrose Democrat
Threo-ftrerthe inch of owe, or len, make a square.
One Kane, weeks orlon, ktm ; t mo. $1.23; 3 mo ;
. $2.150 ; %trio.6ol 1 York /14.
One-elsrhth c ol., I mo, /1.50; . 8:000.4Nis0 ; onyx wan;
feat. 1310
One-quisonr I c00.r . p1,01 . 3 ; 0 =air* ;
I rear, VI).
llaltcOlamw 1 too. SI2XO ; 1 mo. $28.00: d inc. ;
I year, .101.011.
One colomet. t mo. 05.00: „ 01100 0 too. 00.03
1 year, SONIA.
A wiPnr". Nvt Ire% $ . l 51); ram:Won: and Admlolstre
tank' No , Icel.. SO.IXI. A l commtrelertlnrot of limited or
Individual Intersbo, 10 art_ per line. Obttwo7 .1`. 0 ,1101% 10
eta per Iht, 'Marriage and Death No. Wee Met.
Job Priotinty assented neatly and promptly at
W. pewee.
o ‘ ;; ' le ' r c baloroT:nic ja""..
Prionctsvillo, Soetes Co.„ Pa., deceased.
Lettere teetamcntar• upon the estate of the above
named decedent listlngbviso granted to the andetslam.
ed. notice le hereby given that all pereeoe Indebted to
theca melelll make tmmedlate payment. Cud theca bay.
lug demands will en:scut them threettleteeut teethe
Id. E. ItTetf.
• ' J. W. PL. YISN.
Fri endrrino. Me reh 29, 1810. ExcentorH,
4. 4 ' STATE OF JOHN CAREY; late of
AT , tOwitialip.BlLequebanns co. Pa., dull.
This Oats will produce three times as much
as any other Oats. For sale at lowest market
I price, by W3I. J. HEAVY,
Jan. 28, 1870.-43m* St. Josephs, 'a
• The subscriber offers for sale the valuable
Farm situated in Auburn township, lately be
longing to Jll.3leCatn. Said farm contains two
hundred and eight acres, one hundred and sixty
acres unproved. There is on raid farm a first
class two-story house and new barn ' • two mult
i ards ; a quantity of fruit trees. Said farm is on
ly foot miles from the Lehigh Valley Railroad,
well watered, good'timber, and in every way a
first ciao farm. Persons in wont of a good farm
will understand that s.chance to purc such
' a property is seldom offered.
For terms and I,a rtieulars, inqurre of
• E. 1.. WEEK'S,
Assignee of J. H. McCain.
ii so, for Shia, the HOUSE and LOT in Mont
rose now occupied by J. H. 31eCain, with about
six acres of land belonging thereto.
Assignee of J. H. McCain.
3icaritro , e, Jan.. 19, 1870.—tf
Books for •Farmors ti. Stock Breeders.
Bound V. , :nrlc , the .S.IfT.Tf. ICAF STOCK .101:TRS
,a. fur 3 , 4',1 coLtat.lizig 434 atrgn doable caldron peer*,
nt p puld 14.4 . r 1.14
Bouv.J ..tnrn,.. . lavicsn 9tork Journal for IM9
• 'I • --A. t4ul
p• .+t paid for ,25 cis.
Tin Horst. r.reedet . Alsou4l " CS
The f. ',rep tt.telt r'• Manual " " Z
The P‘oitrs Brt.-ed • em zdammi r
The whole ftru Itonnttls sent post paid to osto lkdder
for . . .$i,.00
Agents vrantid. to whom -libels/ inducements TrUMs
offered. Address
Dr. P. itl . :Mrif & CO.; Pablishers,
Parkeebttrg, Chester Ca Pa.
PGRE Blood Short Horn Parbam),Devon, Aldemey
end Ayreshlre Calves, Blerno, Southdown and Coln ,
sold Sheep, Cashmere Gouts, Imported Suffolk, Esser,
13erk.shire cod Sefton Pigs, end all motes breeds of Pant.
try for sal: Send for Circulars and Prtees. Address
N. P. BOYER in CO.
Parkekburg, Chester Co. Pa.
Jaal9 .¢1
G T: I N'T. 11l PORTED
From 100 to MI bnahnla prat* to the acre: Iltefights
from.* to 40 pounds to the bushel. Thin oats ha,been
grown on ever, varitly oraoll, and In every State of
the Union. with the moat perfect Stress.
The grain is very largo plump and handsome: has a
remark hie thin hnak, and ripens curlier than the com
mon varieties,
Ths straw Is bright, clr r ou stont and not able to
lodge. Is Perfect') Mearof and grows from 4 to 5
feet high.
We nave both the White and mock Norway, both the
senn., prim and eguall79rddnet tvet
We will send row quart the above Ont. to any
edam"' post paid for , SI 30
Two gnarls, p,at paid... . .... .........
One peck sent by sprees or frciztit 3 00
Half bnahel, 41 round. PO
One buthel. 40 ponnda 10.00
OA.I:TIcre 13a — Ore wish It distinctly onderstool
that this Is not a tigts mot. welshing We to Se lbs.
rater I In New England. and sold under the name of
Norway. hot Imported Sett. canny bushel guaranteed
to weigh 401 b or he man e: refunded.
Samples of 10th kind, mmt free for a three cent
stamp Al•to Clrraltirs and Testinmnians.
Addreea MI order. to N. P. BOYER CO.,
Parkesbnlg, Chester Co., Pa-
Jan. IDth—Ont.
Eggs of Pure Bred Fancy Poultry for
E.lta,ry roulti)e on hand tho lomat and best selection of
s t;W tO found to the coont7. Elm
rarefnily boxed and hipped to any part of dt-country.
For Circular...and price; add` . NF BOYER .4. CO..
Parkentturg, Outgun CO. Po.
C. A. sAcaErrs Dental Rooms, Sees Wilford, Fa.
Tattle:can r tendon even to all ope , at lons on the valet
ie erth. Ifict.l Teeth Inverted 111 all the various
loys, w Inno°. Perfect eatlaraddon gnaramtled toll!.
Come and eec me, and "attar) . yourselves. Mice hour,.
hnee eneh day.
Jan. L. 15.0-1 y
1.t.• of Thomeort tow u,laip. Susquehanna co.,
Lettere of administration upon the, eatatoof the shove
named decedent hatdatf been granted to
to p the undersign
ed, all ersons indebted said moats are hereby rot
dee to make immediate payment, and those hieing
claim. Annie st ttieramo to present them duly authenti
cated tor settlement.
New Milford, Parch O MO.
Snot rottnmod from Nov Tort with • UMW
dittoo to his ant.ns ipck choice goods.
Montrose, Nils. C
idaager,Tiorttlar " . 17 .. 1 '
an TrTatig.
IWO CONSTlMPTlvEs.—Piostdeutlially nay daughter
waa mitered to health by dimple tame. .irttbOut
medlar% The parttrularamill be rent free. Rua=
B.Hetrsiticrwit3toekton St. Bropkirn. r ueg /dila KZ
.„ .
• .
mu4DTERT. coops,
Sfllt Bonnet Vents tail:dank and edam Tatentad
Wads and Mines, Flamer& lindbera, Ribbfnill. sil
11411=1=14 *4.14 CarYdICV
di Mad nntrildn Warr - ininun,
el"Bl antrnSlC lS. '4l"Miridilgral*