tountg tuduroo firectorg. Two lines in this Directory, ono year, sl:so— additional line, 50 sta. 111.10XVII1E. HIRAM WHI t TE, Mann Dictum of and dealer . In 67,er1-' "RlLinsgr'"l" GIBSON. EDElRTANT,Manntoevarers of as s t;ois6o3r the Ingalls' Moro. L, N. LENRBIM. Manufacturer at Leather, and dealer in general Merchandlee, on Mate Str, et. 11. F. DORIIS, Merchant Tailor and dealer In Ready Made Clothng. , Dry Goods, Groceries and.Prociel en,. Main Street. 3IONTROSE. A. TAXll,ol , =theiplArerto get'yoof "Groceriell sod Prorifkrof. Moor, Pork. lard. Tkrt..Socar. Iner, To haca., Song, Svgaro, Ostlers auk] llefretheseuts, ou ch, S. If. Poyre !fro:hen.. ' -2 BURNS & NICHOLS. tbe plnce to grt Om:. and SLmil one., Clgatf. Tobacco. Pocket-Emkke, Specta CleC, Yaukce Notion., Se., Public Avenue. WM. ally L.13111i: by the nolinees maker ,tutd dealer la a ll articles mm kept trade, op poilte the• STY. IS. DOYD & CO- Dealer* In Strive... Madlean% and Siiiihrueruttrr or.Ticriunt Shelitrunirara. currier or M. fa and Turnpike etreet. MORSR .t, LINKS. Merchant Tailor' , and deniers in Chatirsti L Ttininolngo, and Pnrninhinz Good,. and Agent* Singer Sewins Machine. on Main street. Fordhatn btiliding. A. N. }ICELAND, Maier In Graceltoo. Prowlolonr. Book.. Stationery and Yan k ee Notions, at hm}d of Public Avenue. T. SPORE d CO.. pralrni In Sturm Ilard warn. Agricultural Implonruta, Flour and OrnOcries. oppo site Tarbell Roar° ATN'SPOItto h miTenu.. Livery and Exchance ninble, In rear of Rank building. •• J. H. DtWITT & CO., Dealer. In Dry Goods, liar d ware and general turrebandiee, earner, near Bark mock. NEW 311IeFORD N. SEIOII2IINKfIe, Few 3111 ford. Pa.. keep, constantly oo band doe freela ground atynco neater. for *We at /8 per top, SommeraOlne. PA.• W. S. IitEAD, Foundry, and dealer In Plow• and othor ittentais,oue door from Phlnney's lintel, Main St. • - Y. F. UMBER, Carriage Voter and Undertaker, on Mali Stood, trotoora btioer Bosley'. enure. (:RORGE B. MeCOLLUM. Dealer in Grocerien and Provisions., on Main Wert. 04RRET t ROOT. Dealers to none. Feed. Deal, UM; Cement, Gmbeerie. and Provisions on Math Strety.iipposite the Depot. W. ,L T. itaximi, Manorretorerg of. Cigar. rod Whotosakt dealers In Yankee Notions nod Fancy Goods. =Mats Street, Watt Iltdreopal etuarctx. SIOSS & KNAPP. Lcsdhcr Staunton:inters and deniers Is Mord= Findings. &c...ncis Episcopal Church. AISEP JIIII.ATDEN, Dealers to Made and Medicine+. sad Muultectutort nt Cigar., ea Main tdreet, near the Deted W. AniViRXEI. frotnnlibirriat•ond general itepniring on Ms:lin Strain, ath of the hth g.. J. DTCKE . 1111)1):, .1,... Denler In cenensl nierrkantlinc and CTollitng, Uric?: ROM. on :11.1.1n Stznet. WillfPPE3ll6..9, Dcalcrp g•neranlcrchandipc naltifiltver, " Q. moirtxr. Dinar in gunerol .Mershzudise, on Maio Street, oppoelto Plibumy'e MAO. r-g00n.3. 1at4.3.11.6e.aa.c5e.. Borough Items. —Borough election Tumidity April 12th. —Court weiemblett on Monday lost, Judgt Morrow, of Towanda, who was lately appoint er under the new act, presiding. ' Saturday last considerable vaaitenient prevailed in eonseutiener of the sale of the rral e•date of the late firm of Ilahlu in & Allen. The house and lot brought $3,G00, and the Store huildlng ;I,Goo. The prest....nt week being Paßaion-week, t hero are two serviec; oxek day,. except Cntur day, ht St. Paul's Church. Morning service at 10 A. M., ex - ening at P. P. M. Sunday next being Easter, the ordinance of Baptism will la adnainiatered, accompanied with other appro print(' memonies. —There sill be service% in the Uniremalist Church on Sunday morning next at 10 o'clock. —Through the energetic labors of Win. A. Crossmon. E;54.4 the firettlell were-a short time since presented with the handsome subscription of $342.50., as an expression by the donors of the high appreciation of their valuable serriers heretofore rendered, and al , . to assist them in funilAtingiltairooins prtiperly. 4i , - Arta Maracas. A. Pietpring, of Jackson, aged 12 ymirs—a scholar in the 3L E Sabbath School— has coratniktod to mentory,Lsl)o Imes in the New "Thitanarst, Truly, 'n ieat worthy of cumareadation and reward. The Bed Burner. Decidedly the best burner and chimney for kerosene oil we have tried .4 the " Drununond I.tght," now sold (only) by B. C. Sayre in this Tillage: With the ordinary... % wick, the Jet of throe is 2 inches wide, and burns very even.— Mr. l3ayre it toll supply on sale, and we think all who try them will be satisfied that they are the best. Tbe Mr. Sutton Feld nine cows at an average of IMO; Mr. Phhtney bold 10 cows at an average of 370 ; Mr. Gilbert sold 10 cows at an average of $74.73. Mr. Milton Griffis, of Bridgewater, informs us that in October last he sold 4 rows for WO, and they were worth the money. Mr. Grit:llB,ls one of our thorough young fanners, Who helms in keeping jslid stock, and getting paid reficti for it. depriie him of his freedoth or his right of eiti- The lionolag News. unship. The necessities of life that have &iv- We are In daily receipt of the Morning _Terra, !en him to seek relief-do not degrade him below ; the lev of manhood and snip him of an in a near daily published in Scranton by that Ow- al i enable el e i ght wi n ch the law does not refine to pressible N. B. Burtch., Assisted by his brother. the convicted felon. Ali are freemen now, and I. H. Burtch. It is a good appearing daily, nil are citizens of the United gitateN.who reside :perm within theC . t e m v. sad we are bound to be twee that the intlomits• Commonwealth en h a tf e orLe , hie etterg' and prlT.ererance hereto - 4nm ells- ' n„, ant} b p i ng , tl. „pc?, time "tirAindynen. played by the editor must make it a success.— tat principlei our Government; a, right It has our best wishes. I to represent and to Bay who shell ;nate the laws. , . trOnif, tbebi m are" dne Ir tziii" . Beebe, of New .!iilibrd, fora very floe, lame cake of ma pie aii.lar;:ind we elm say emphatically tai -11 was AMA, tote remembered" The dosing exrupinagons and Aneamiscs of the The Bite of a Cat. Keystone Academy took place on Monday, , We have beard that the bite of a cat when I.o l4_YllnC.Wedner. List ; and were-wa at^ enraged or excited was attended, with telitrtte tendied. The students aoquitted•therwtelveswith resu l ts, an d we h ave p roo f of this m a t emeat In'' crede ltrinifOnd4 'eicairig, several at the { th e vase of T wee H A_ m a t e , of thi s v ill age , who . yraiig . WI& * rex& elijaiTs and the young men was several weeks since bitten in the 'hand by a apaitteralWhO Opeeeheß. The tousle scholars, mkt. The animal, which on ordinary occasions who, during the term, had been under the in- was quiet enough, was pursued into the house striferna of 3fiss M .1. plumb* did credit to Iby a dog. Jumping upon a hot stove she fried: theme/vas told their teacher. The students of Ito scale the stove-pipe to get out of the dog's thekademy agreeably surprised theirlwhera reach, but fell back into a pan of boiling water bimpeFtis t roothe Principal,s handsome Ki- ' which set on the stove. This was repeated ble, int titifheAsaistatife suitable gift. Two of. severa l times, when Mix slat e , in :the .busme, tbsabigkitaylifessra. W. W: and a A.,• l ErbWo• endeavor torescue the eat, was eeemely titan! inggata** - Killds-flisitei. et,!ibe liable to • lier atm Wiasocni badiy atengeri, ln* sh e. ]tag the T P Ottol l ta: — . l 7o: : PltitettY. 01# 11 4"' - irei• I ,W , ...unieiendireir great pain, white hei life- at linen P. ftelinige ' ed gerentOiaddnised the meeting , has Nen alined de4aired off' Vie is now re. on theatbjea-ofAThe Modern Idea - of - Edu. 1 covering somewhat farm the erects of the bite, cation." new.'s G. ft Lamb and George Bow- and will probably regabi the nee of ter i and; man also spoke. The friends of the school foef -and ono. but bee experience has -becm tet.tibb, numb &Mirage; soittbefoospfttetdr the tin and it linxia vita bear of Udi .01* iiif ;- 6 . term - is good. -, P. , Ira to plot by it.—.Dmatoftio Ada '' ' A Mountain of Coal By Saturday night there will haTe,lxt9n 1 11 10 by the Delaware nadiladscm Canal Ildeirdeer4;h2 this barouglBs,lo4, tons cif flat. In-addition la Ws, ,thgre will bavn hpeo,eluPped,bythe lailieit,t, } &rind the winter, and - Vrplit date, 14,5:11itliona lriaklag - grandlatal of Me .450 tons But tor„ the !shipment by would all have been piled at this point, making, by far, the largeet amount, of mad ever Whet! anti M 431111111 one place.—Bonesdota Clam, -A-Proposltlon. , We understaidthat, Hop. Iletirge W.:, Bird, Prtsident o 1 the Waverly - Bank 'has received a proposition from the burglars, offer ing to return hit bcinds stolen at the thee of the Bank roblvory, on reteeiptof forty cents •on the dollar. The proposition coma from Sets York. —Elmira Ade. ' " OrThe parties in Jared by thOrailiowl, Ahitts ter at Weltshurgh, are all In a fair warito re cover. The enndltion ortbe ladic setitnialy In jurcd is iry no means comfortable, although hopeful, anctiiith a few more days of ,ren with out unfavorable symtptomg, their , also will be considered out of dariger. —E:fitinz Adt • triifilipr *lre, At Susquehanna 'Depot. Saturday April 2d, the' . " - t Harmony House," occupied as a °roomy, Bakery, and dwelling house, was destroyed by fire. The building was insured for .1,400. On the gro - stock, 2,000, and the bakery 0300. In Memoriam At a special meeting hell on Monday April Sth by the L 0. of G. T. Lenoxville Lodge, No. ail, the following preamble and resolutions were atiormd : IFhereat, It t 111.4 pleased an all-wise Providence to remove from our midst our worthy and es teemed brother, again admonishing us that " in the midst of life we are in death," and knowing that lie who has thus made a vacancy in our ranks (loth •all things well; it is therefore /frAtdettl, That the Order tender their coudol enee to the family or the deemed, with our heartfelt sympathy in this the hour of their be- M:=MMI Res.lrea, That am a token of respect to our late brother, our Hall be shaped, and the mem bers wear the metal badge of Mourning 30 days. &eked, That this preamble and these results dons he emend on the record, a copy be for wanted to the fatuity of the deceased, also to the eonntV papers, and to the Keystone and Good Templar, for publication. Committee—M. J. Decker, Mrtri, M. J. Deck er, A. Churebell, Miss M. A. Utley, C. Wright. N. K GARDNEII, W. S. A Vicious Iftrute. A little boy five or six years of age was play ingon the commons and incautiously approached very dose to an old sow - with a litter of young pigs, and, it is supposed in childish sport, at tempted to catch one of the pigs. Thisenraged the sow and she rushed upon the boy, threw him to the ground, and gasheel and bruised him in a horrible manner. One of the wr ists was broken and his left eye very dangerously in jured if not totally dcattroyetl. Ills body and limbs are covered with gashes and bruises. ills wreants attracted the attention of a gentlernim who flailed to his assistance and succeeded in rescuing hint alive. The infbriatCd animal at tacked the man and inflicted several.severe cuts With her tusks.— Lau JonrngL The 'Attest Swindling Dodge. Whoever receives a circular saying that n hundred and sissy acres of land have ►teen RR. signed hint or her at heir to a deceased soldier, and rerpusding thnt V3l) be forwarded to defray the ewenme of sale and transmission of the pro coed., will please hold on to the money. The thing is a cheat. Proems of Cunning Ens. At a recent meeting of a farmer's club, the proeeKs of - running" eggs wns explained. When two or time dozen e= nre obtained from the nests, place them in a dish and pour scalding water over them, and immediately rum it ott This process 6 repeated three times, by which meatus the albumen t flied or coagulated, the pores of the shell closed, and the egg. as it were. canned in its own etreering. The eggs thus pre pared are packed in salt, with the apex down ward, stal'Atley are said Wt 9 93 Pe/Cecil:l'4llh for many mouths. Etut er Day. This Festival has been observed from the very clays of the Apostles, and was called in ancient times "The Queen of Feasts.' The word Eas ter is derived from the Anglo Sawn word "OA tee—to rise. Easter Is a ntoteable festival, s t iid is always the first Sunday after the full moon, width happens upon or next after: the twenty first of March; and If the fill moon happens upon Sunday, Easter-Day is the Sunday after. This rule is as old as the fourth century, and was adopted in order to settlethtfinitely the tittle for celebrating Easter. Easter Sunday falls this par on the 17th of April. The Right of Paupers to Vote. The lion. Benjamin Harris Brewster, late At. torney General of Pennsylvania, has given the following opinion on the right of paupers to vote, from which we extract the following "Sachs man if a qualified elector, can rote and hia rote cast is a lawful rote and as good as I any man's vote and it ought to beim. The Con ! stitution establishcs.this, and., it does' rag Alai' rjratiliyhtm bizausebe is poor That d'oei not' It is not property nor vertu that rules here It Is the man, responsible to God 'and responsi ble to the law. To my otherwise would 'make . poverty worm than mune- The pauper is bound by every law on the statute book and la pro tected by every provision of the constitution. es ranch as the Wealthiest. wisest or most success- Cul man in the community." Pension Claim's. p'hes stfile on 4.4ll3firrfAkfireasZt time d uring rttli 0 t declarations (Or pepslens_ may be filed by ex.. soldiers who served in the late war, or their heirs, expires by limitation in June next, and after that time no case will be received without special net of Congress in each case. The act of June 6,1866, prescribes that all such declare. Tins shotftti 610 fjvc yeals after th 4 Pa bb 1. 1 0 61444 tket believing that this was sufficient time for the filing of all bon fide cases. The fact of this limitation of I time 4kroArgttiVr.4l:(Jklkfyik A111,309.9t abet cogutry. ond satomdretttof new, eases: arras re eeived each week, it is fair to presume that many persons will fail to fii^ their papers prior to ' June, and will-be thereafter do tarred from se curing the reasisn to which they are rightfully entitled, unless Congress enacts a law extend ing the time during which decletntionsniay ho flleel The Housecommittlap on Invalid Pen• stone has ligiree'd to reportft bill extending the entitfinneriod,te Theitiliiihilities of its passage are very good. Gravel. W. L. Gordon rumishm tilt Marietta Journal withAvixtitelpt 'to" tlli,Rd allitcttsi with gitivel. He says: "Take a common mullen leaf, boll n strong tea and drink it when you want water, tea or cot Tee. Let it be your constant drink for six or eight weeks; with cream or sugar it makes an excellent table tea. I have been cured of the worst spells of gravel and kidney affec tions and have heard of many other cases of cure by the use of mullen !eat" Numbering the Hairs of the /lead. It is a vain task, one might auppoae, to set to work to number the hairs of the head. "AA the tains ttw-buad, or the sands-9f the , sen, - it Ls a fieririte ifilaital metaphor in exprew an innumerable host. Yet there are those who have attempted this incredltable labor. Nor is it a very great task to make sonic approxima tion. Thus we know there are 120 square inches covered with hair, on a head of average size. Take a single square inch, where the hair seems of an avenigc_thlcknexs,and count how many they:are. \-tt itaddie done iu drithort dine. The result will be, in a healthy scalp, from 1100 to 1,200, say in round numbers 1,000. Slub)ply this by 120, and we have 120;000 as the average number of hairs on the head. Gold Medal dE. Buckeye Sewing Machines, which can be wid cheaper than any first claw Machines in Montrose. at Cobb's Photograph Gallery. Mao. &ley &Co., and ti. P. bircdharn & §on enbinet Organs, which are considered the hest. It will he for the interest of any person, before purchasing Or gans; Piittl]tcz% or .. ..*ChintemllinialkeFamine, &c.—* Farm For Sale, Situate in Glenwood, Susquehanna' ixmrity, only thirty minutes drive from Nicholson sta tion, containing 225 acrtai of land, about 150 acres under fence, balance timbered. Five good barns and two poor ones, carriage barn, corn Mum, large frame dwelling, etc. There are 4 miles of stone wall on the farm, and the whole farm is well watered with excellent springs.— The owner has other business that requires his attention, and will sell this farm at a bargain to the purchaser. Inquire of F. P. Gunn', Glen wood, or B. McGouxxt, ESQ., Montro,e. March 16, 1870.-4 For Sale.. The store and lot formerly tweupleil by Wm. ('. Ward in New Milford borough, lot flirty-Ace feet front, nnd'anc Lumared feet deep. Enquire nt thiA office, or of 11. M. Hawley, New Mil ford. [nceh 30-4 w. Tententrs' Examinations. sivciot EtvminrdLnu far Su rna r Tr r,s of See cools will be held :1,4 fORAWK : New Milford Borough, Monday, April 18. Susquehanna Depot, Tuesday. April 19. Gibson Hill, Wednesday, April 20. Clifford; City S. Thursday, April 21. Friendsville, Monday, April 25. Rush, Snyder S. H., Tuesday, April 26. Springville, Hollow S.H.,Wednesdny, Apr. 27. Brooklyn Center, S. Thursday, April, at. Montrose, Friday, April 2'9. Each class will be formed at o'clock, a. ancinpipTicaritiP 'PivisTe'tlienisAeeis with pen cil, pen, paper, and Union Sixth Header. Those desiring to brach during the summer, who have no valid certificate, have need to attend at one of the above mentioned places, as extra and private examinations are unnecessary. W. C. Tn.DEN, County Supt. . . ForestAake Center, Aprild,./870. • • •,•• •. —Texas got back into the Union, on Thumlax; of last we*k 7 And will remain so prolaly for a few day's, or until a Itadi 'eal Congress again dissolves the Union. OFFICIAL DIRECTORS'. Tr, coIINTY oPnerss. Prevident Judge—Hon. P. B. Streeter. Arroctate Judges—A. Baldwin, R. T. Abler. Prothonotary and Clerk of Courtr—J. F. Shoetitakm. Register, Recorder, de.- Jerome R. Lyon.. Nrtriert Attorney—D. W. Bowie. Trearnrer—Derjamin Glidden. Sheriff—Wm. T. Motley. Dcroity Sheriff—]l. B. Reline. Antwerir—Jamior Chapman. • Commle.lot•cra—Dam'l Bbcrer, J. T. GM*, Prererred Binds. Comuitaaloner? Clerk—Wm. A. Crommion. Jury Commboionem—F. D. Streeter. cc offlcio, Daniel Breinitor. Wm. A. Cramer. Andlioni—F. B. Chandler. Tracy ilayaeo, ll.ll.Joner. Coroner—Dr. C. C. lialrey. onsTrtorstr. a BRIDOEWATER ASYLUM. Dtrtrerna.a.— Perrin Well*, Jobn Tr.serer 0. Camp., Steward—R. Benjamin l'ltyateekndltri, Iran. • BOROUGH OFFICERS Burgess—U. M. Gera. Councll—D. F. Austin. W L. Cox. Dada Sayre, IL F. Terrell, Amos Nichols, U S. Foster, D. IL Searle. A. D. Dentateld. J. D. Vail. Treasurer—J. D. Vail. Constable—John C. Howell Wet Cony/able—CO.oes J. Whtyptc. School Dlreetoe.—Wm. A. Jessup, J. R. DeWitt, W W. Watson, B. Thatcher, D. F. Assam, Y. B. Helm.. MINISTERS. Prinibrlcrini,lien. Jacob a. miler. ' Spiiinik ynl ßer. L. B. Ford. WartitAL, floplirt.— Methodist—Rev. King Elwell. Catholic—Ror. J. Slattery. As.sociAtio - Ns Witness Chapter, No. 180, meet, at Masonic Nall on Tborsday *teach month on or before fah moon. Warren Lodge, No. 240. A. Y. X.. ;neat at, Diatonic Ball trte dr.! Wednesday of each month on or before II moon, and the second Wednesday thereafter. Montrose Lodge. No. 161. I. 0. of 0. F., meets at Odd Fellows Hall every Tuesday evening. St. John's Hoitamiltotut. No. 150.-tainett d ..516d Fel 1.• lowa Hall Melds/0 Ith Frlday each moll „ . „ Rebeccovezroo Lege. No. 7; meet* 4...-00011rellovi Nan t#ll Grot each month.. Ifontriee Lnde. 1. 0. of 0. T. meets at Good Temp lar* Hall every Hoods; evening. Good Sameritai Temple of Honer. No. 16 meet. at Good Templars Halt the 66 Friday of each month. SHOO FLY, DONT EOTEER ME. COLLARS! COLLARS! Pan In dispelforitto*erslifaingf iei*ts Benno itimaitess: 4 Dkni. apl3-3 8o: 14J, Ringdglis, R. Y. , . ILLIkERY GOOD& saksofttVgivet,e, la black a*d aylata. tatetted ' Velsetilund tidies . Bloyels. *whets, Ribbons. ens Anhui. and &spec old lake deans qopijacteir Ana enflames idaiiind *ad astrlassoul Hatt. 7fspPlaits ean, Malts. elate, as. /a tai /MOW mom: :ems caretzu alm mae, lem t mas. • Ow, „ 44VC.010#111-11.; VIROF., MOMilk The Hayti Barber, returns ble Unitas for the king . vtt• rteeltintibillOnte cabled - blm to , cet On bat • rest— ha I hav7itt Unto to tell tho Wbole • Inory, buncome . titid eeeteryoariTies Mnit . the OM Stand. No lend '•rlittittilue*Dowed In the Able: {April Is. Ism 'Alcor eared neallaess sod Catitit'by a ataTple tem.. ett4.101.1, wad the lecalpr free: attl...-1 e t afre.A. 0, LEGGETT, flabokca, R. I. MEN 11S00$ & 40,9 OVAL STEEL lINGRAVINOS. I lit Ansxnau street, N. V. Anybody run sell therm.— Cticuip-401 Nat—pay handsomely-lend far am Circular. AGREAT . C li4N e r O i n t ... m, AGEIItI y IV .11761) ., mm e l ,owned l Patent Kri n a *l .:l . str i ßit 19 r "Ti coyy d r. Llnm, Cbeopelft otid' brit'elothe e , bn " ,m, t h e mold; only :3 etk per toot. lied will het a Intoilted roan.—Addn•ee the LhottyPt Rine Wire Co.. '75 Sttto. st. N. 1"..0r IllDesthaP.St.thialgo, 111. 13e4 LIFE UTAH 'IA 114 MYST[RIES OF MORMONISM fly S. IT:BEADLE. editor of Mb Salt Lake haporter. en Erin:we of their Secret Molita Ceremonle■ and Crimes, with ,a fill and autherift kidney Pot mws end !14,cotrot Sent from Ike Orign To the presenettme. Av e c: zlhe GAUT 1 0 N Wane% 0 f .747. Sistfint NO hook contains IN ape :sprmeingi. A nd NO yam. Anita Wanted. Bald for Carculars, an_ see onr terredtaodit Sill description of tee trade, Adam.' NA, T/CTitLYBELISItIgOVO.. rathlteriads. Pc spq 4 Went' Cedbolio Tablets. ARermnc6 %inky and Selettlide'ffirtialikution sji to the remedial goalies offitirtedic UM, Dr. Well.. has disco, ered by proper combination With other articles in the form of a Tablet, a tipecific for all pulmonary diseases Thew Tablets are a sure cute for all dttesiiewof the re• plratory mime, Bore Throat. COld, Croup, Dtptheria, Aothma, Catarrh. or Iloammeaa slab ■ suneessful rem edy for Kidney difficulties. Price. VI cents per Box. bent he mall upon receipt of prim by JOHN Q. BBL. 1.000. ffiCliff St,, Neyr York. Bole Agent for the United upril IS-41 NEW SPRING GOODS =EEG Cu//'nbery. .80.cenbaum (1 'Co's NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS &c. &c Largo and Fine Selected Stock of SPRING CASSIMERES &'tOATINGS, For Custom Work. fialX.:lCi:& 'Newton ti a;ile9ifiiilllr 16 1 A A Eaton 14 D A Lyons 13 HERRICK. ,7 . 6titton&DOsciftstgo9to 9 It /A Aruobt • %, 12 JOa JR CoolW , • 19 Itomtilebols &Co p ird4 au J 04 . 1 II Cutts k - 13 C C Spence HARMONY. 14 Mimes" Bell " 12 Henry C Lea p 111 4 19 II W Brandt & Co 19 St.' JPaltenbary 14 D T Finch 14 McDonald & Kum 11 Of the Latest Sty - lm, and at ptices to suit the , John ElStcrens . .... .. 14d C Foot lO 13 SILK AN)) FUR HATS, OCTTENDERO, UOSENBAUM & CO Iltsotrorr, April 6, 18). p NI PS ! PUMPS! BLATCHLET"S Cucumber Wood Pumps The Heat and Cheapest Pumps ever made. (hirable, reliable, accurate and perfect, and give no taste to the water They aro adapted depth of wellupto water very easit one can put therm in repair, & whet directions, Five perfect flti! ron 131.ATCHLETS" Vrt.l5lll3ER WOOD PUMPS. Every Pump sold by me or my authorized agent guaranteed genuine: ARLES BLATCIIIXY, Maar. GU and. CV.G Filbert *street, ;t4i l oo Pa. G-Cm IVBSOLVTII3 'lnvottoms legally obtained to New York, 1111nola, and caber 13 Mee, 'for perms. ream any State or tapontry, legal creryarbere; dewartlim, drankenneta, notiwnpport. etc.. anflielent carIPC ; 00 put,- !lefty t noebame,„ ontil dlrotre is obtabied. AChtice free. Bu* established fifteen years. Address HOl`fl,F Attorney. I March 30, BID.-3m No. 78 Narran Y. 11111:RNS ITIeHOLS AT ..1 7 1:" . .f. "Z.Y . DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIEs, Keep regularly rupplied with intatiocrawarna Onto end Medicines. Chamlelle, Dye Staffs. WI Bev ds Liquor., Paints, Oils stainTartusti, Perfumery, Paltry Soaps, trekker. Nations, &a, Ste. Fresh from Neu York City. All the Melt IMptaarPATEXT NIEDICIIIEI3 Sold in this seetton,atemmerblch may be fond Apo's seirJayei's.FamlTy * Medicines, llembold's Bu ck •Isifiehemek't Tsl motile Pp - upend tlea Weed .700, „ v esuppogsvasusdimeeseemiee Fe °ugh Rabsts4 • .r.Wltliart's Pine Tree until!: ... • Roll's Ilididietirsrer. Ring's Ambrosia, gebisedy 4 s Med- MaLtlissimmery, Ouodsod'a tilvman Bitters. '''` ll6 lftUer,d , Inagith MUM And maelettier klediof real Talon and - waft: In ram our giu. =Ammon Roe astatmeat of eires7tking usu ally kept In areatetndideallutigtOma4...7 . . itirPrereriptlour receive particular attentlon, and are eareftilly.and proraptly - eocupoutbied. ••• non formerly occupied by J. litberider A. B. BUMS. Mealroart. 'Web 'Xi. 1670 . 008 THE LAST CHANCE, STILL BELLING OFT AT COST. GEO. HAYDEN still offering a Large Stet of Goods to a short time ONLY—AT COST) And iota& Goods LESS wits cosTI (A positive eset.) TO CLOSE BUSESESS Dry Goods, Dress Goods,. Shaw% Clothing, Hats, Caps, , . Hoots, Sheaf. Etochell , Magian" WOOdmi Ware, Hardware Oroterirs. Triminge, And lots , ad Sts destt of too m ( tunrootia to matio wt n. Weacain etesso dads's_ y that wank oil . rer emend hare en old stock of Goods, Don't hegira it, hot eat sod tee t Examen and =Alan Mesa ler yew, 'elves. Teta fltbelt mast end dog he al*lta 11 &Ott MO all I trove to Imre the bundle& 7 ,41r1 4. 9 00 4 , PDXOU Ctedh. Totacca. WiliiinriAihril Of/ ^ gym 3 '4PP"., I §EUM,IT• Manna to Iderettandin4 do, In enignahannit Canny takes:mace that In n of tho wend act. of As. onahly or Ma "Commanat altA to provide mama to meet the demands upon, , ~I.labarominty,ffiod for other poe. poses,,the undersigned, appnlem of Inermntllntamie tor said county, has prenatal af Ilet otArerebanal'Armllnd In said county, and placed leach =reliant In that, clams which to him appmrs Just end rightneedrdingtolhe acts of tutsamblydo I.lnucnaig „ctsan', . hlntictlaNTS. chnits. Inosham .t. Carpenter, • 10 A Adleemein petaled 4 14 Al:litttN. II W Ives pat med 4-11 R. L. Adams, 'Th Joseph IV ebeter ' • 11 Wm.. White, 14 .LATI - tRoP., Low& nand*, 'lO ft 11 Tiffany' Et Cd 'lO P. D. nhartann, '. a br ax thm • , 11 W LaFranee, /NOW. Re 1' . '. 11110ORLY0tr . ! • , es mypettrows. NS" Curer 10 Patrick. Whitt, 1113 Ili & C0..14 . MO TROY .ISR. rto A gera DA di Tltsworth pat 4 /2 - A N Bfillorti . .14 ECU; & Eldridge' 11 Wm J klitirool . /0 Eo,,"tro & WKlntity ' 13 Lyout. Drakar &Co 11 0 !11. Doloway 14 F /1 Moodier II .1 B Terry 14 14 /1 labell , /4 Tidltny A Cramer ' 13 lift Leona I Co. 12 cnocoNliT. i z colt i .., . .' ' l4 11 Ricker .14 J R DeWitt A Co. 12 James Scogleton" . UAdo 11 Rl.nthmp . ' to elaFroßD..: Gustopborg tto.oolmago. "G 'Wells /r. Brother ' It A Co. 10 P It' Oar Oner $ Real Orittial& Co p m'4. 10 .T F Johnson 14 W B Derma . 14 3 t' Baker 14 C 0 r aislbara • 14 1:J Wells - 14 IN Ballad , : 14 Henry A William* 14 E Dacus 14 DUNDAFF. W W Bmlth 13 1 E Dads. 1 Miner 4. Coat. • ~,l4 A Itlehaithum 1 0 D 114 , ersah14 8 (*Wearer Went m. 414 1110ne 4 I.lneir ' , •-• ..- 14 EP Chamber* 'CC 4 0 14tuddard . ~ , . .13 Job* C ok. - ' ,' • 14'w'm n'Bor i attl -' II .11cury Spencer , : "1411*C Fordloaar - - 14 DIMOCE. 31 T Jack4un 14 Mlles a Sherman ' ' 13 8 141 Wald:) , ''' . " i 13 Wm/I.Thaver . .741Abel-TarreB. [ ,01 *14443 5 Ii 81alwrirr "141 T Spiire,h "Cu 4 Suhtl Leetio4 L -• '.. - kli , ,,IMIDot fi - • ' ;1 , - t 'l4 ,F.Ottroy LA4E. ißarns 44:Atha. ,p m 4 ?1 1, 13 11*11 'l4 E E Weskt 4Co 11 i;s3llvarnl Ter,:rvi PILIE•DSVILLE. C _ . ==d23 J IS Fitzgerald pat med - 4 311 NEW MILFORD. Wm Burnam patent tiled 4 13 R L Sutphin pat toed 12 M McManus 34 Oati,W.lla2don . 14 Iti ()aroma . ,13 Maim & Knapp 14 VILANKLIN. Ainey & ILaydvtk pm 4,14 J 1.. Merriman & Bon 12 II Bunitt pat med 413 DC& r LI Furdtuun 13114140 e Brink & Mead 14 II L Blotters ' 14 Ow It McCollum 14 OREAT REND. 4/ 31 Hawley II 11 A Clark & Co. 13111 Garrett & Son It Elcharl Stack ..... . .... .__ 1.2 . gi Dickemmu Jr' 10 W h ting & Preston 13 J Altklu Estatmx,k & Clark pm 4 All' 1 Ten kyek 1. 14 Lenbelm 4 Jam Hamra W ACoiston George McNamara 19 T F Munson 13 L W Cblchester 14 Thumes g VenAhken, 1.1 11 P Doran F Statoo• & Co. to L M Shercrood & Co Geom. Wessell Aaeit VC Palntla Wu Baldwlo D C Broom/ IN a Powell MiM= lIIIIMON D E Ifoltne4 W Gardner Dann * Co . . H 11 Wells paten) med. 4 II H C 1 Metter 14 H M Tingley 14 8C5411.111H.1...A. Kennedy & Sons '• VB T 1 Landman t, , 'l3 111111i1cot Walley iiw 4 ,W 14rs E &Fort.. 14 -.. HARFORD: John W Osborne 13 Jones - Babcock 1 Tatindr, L S Page 4Co is patent medicines, 4 10 Union Stott Anociation lo 0 Payne & Son 14 D F Smith 14 Vern' & can. 11 C A Miller 14 J C Llarards ' 14 Denae7 14 .1 A Lockard 14 .1 W& 0 W osllorray 14 E T Tiffany 14. W Howneth 14 3 W White 14 nos McDonald 11 Wm Ira 11 Eli Ha man 11 Freeman 14 Mittl=3 . . J Bchlager it, Co 131Enen McGuire 14 S M Munson 13131 DoTlo 14 Isaac Brown 131 F 11 1 his_ ra 13 4 l A LI,- ' Sot 1 2 Waller Marber . ... 14 S A Lyons & Son JESSUP. .1 11 Rotcncrans pst...me4 1, ' JACKSON. 11 IfpcuiKuf " t! I:=U2= James 1" I•utter Eliza McGrath 14 Wm Ball 14 Henry Mr.,* 14 W et Beebe pet med 4 11 .I.tmes Ilarrll 14 LENOX. T 11011.401%. Wm Miller a.cQ palm, 4 14 Mae Idumforo & Co 10 Wm F Cole 1-tlLevels & Dow 14 UTTLE MAIDOWS D D. Garfield ED Baard.dee Grow et Brother w 1 . 4 Oleterhoyt, CLASSINICATION oft vErterits OPILECIIANDIZE. Sales le. than € %ptt Claws 14 auk. - Itvss than IIUH :Class 13 Rate, to.oon, lees than 15,000 Class 12 bates , .15.00 U, Imo then 91.0011 Class Al Sales - tl,OOO, less than MOO Claw 10 Sales t , MAIO. 40,0U11 Clami &lei . Adak less then 50,0 W Class It And the fudges of Me - Court of Common - - Pleas o; Mid County sill hold'.. OM:lft of Appeal it the Court - 11,min' tn lloutroso, In end for sold county, on Wednesday theynth day or - April:o7o. at I o'clock. v. 1.. at Which time and plate any oft he Merchants described, thawed and clastaed, as albrceatd,ot their agents or attorneys. may appear and appeal from said assessment If theiglalm t roper. herford. Ittteettit. - 11r0.--6 hematite Appraieer. r Cisterns orany 1 feet, and throw Id rapidly. Any I and keep them it up according ley never fail to tenon. 4.2 RIFF'S SALES.—By Arnie of writs L.- ki sued by the Court of Oommon Pleas of Susquehanna County and to mo directed, I will expoge tosale by public "venclife, at the f'ourt House in iaontrose, 021 Friday, April 15, 1870, at one o'clock, r. the following des-. crihed pieces or parcels of land, to wit , All that . aritain , piare or pateetot- laird situate in the Township of New,Nrilfoni, Susquehanna County, Pa„ - I ouniTed'antl described as •follows, to wit : On the north by- lands of Stephen Decker and C. L. Ward, on the west by lands of Bolus R. Foot, on the south by lands now In possession of Joseph Strang, on the cast by the hightraf leading from 0. Corwin 's to onn than W. Barnett's. Containing about one hun dred and forty acres, more or law, together with the appurtenances, one (tame house, one frame barn, and other oat-buildings; ono orchard and about forty acres improved. [Taken in extrat don at the suit of H. R 'Vuncott, assigned tri B. D. Rosa es. Wm. 'M. Ward and R ftiPondet ALSO—AII that certain piece : or .parcel of land situate In the township of Lenox, bounded as follows, to wit: Northerly by_ lands of George W. Mapes, easterly by lands of Isaac Truesdell, westerly by lands of said Truesdell and Cyrus Millard, southerly by lands of said Truesdell. Containing fifty acres, more or less, about twenty-five acres improved, having there on one Gum house, barn, and out-buildings. Also—A certain other piece of land situate in said township of Lenox, bounded as follows, to wit : Northerly by Brooklyn and Lenox Turn pike road, easterly by lands of Edgar Vauban, southerly by lands of Edgar Vanloan, and wes terly by lands of the said Vanloan. Containing two acres of land, more or less, with the appur tenances, one house and barn and all improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of W. G. Ster ling vs. Wm. Hartley. Warr TTMOXLEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, March 21, 1870. E P. f , TA MP, . GROCE1114 : 1 lON Floor, Suit. Baiter, Pc.;ll - XitbO F ish ' T a llow ' ' ' Chndlae, Crackers, Cheek, Coffee. Anders, Choke Tate. Mager!, Mee, Dffed, and Canned nun.; Cfgerit; Vniti* soden other Wider teraelly kept In • that chive Grater'' , end Provision Store. • Via will mast car Goodcas low as tra can fiord. and let{ for cask or exchange for prodoce.. We wit! fundah Palls and ship Bolter for Iboge who desire an to, and endeavor to Oro good natfallsetion . Mattme, Feb. 2, I8;0.-41 SPECIAL NOTICE ' ThelkeetoN Notes, &c,, late la sion or gerlyolt,'Jt.,tuitbf ion tittn NeColhati tor Imnredhtte coßectiou. MI pet _ * eons in sal'ama Indebted wip,Mteaoet 17 . seullorwitticr deur Vera. 4-71.Xietros, Wrillitoo*APPAMilr IMIZItM3 EaMEI 14 granger &Whoelact pto 4 13 12 y D Sordet 14 14 liiIIiNGVU.LS. Ela W Bennett 0 T Spencer Z Barnes BT r ilexTd ri ptn f 13 pUtlgerfind 4! CO 11 ileanZ elterole 14 fiILVEI 2 LAKE, NMEI li T Sullivan "IF D !)-°° 2 Walter George II Craodall i 3 i~Edmmd Rode. 144 ilers t ly obh.Tleruel 7 4 , • IC Preequm X J II George , O'Hara /2 FM etcbT . . BE= PATRONAGI3 tiOLICMED E. P. STAMP Vitis4l- ;RI; AS:liou,se and I,pknititated •: to nt gush, two inileg west of Elk /AWN ani.l Miles item Grangervine, containing three acres - or,jazf.. A micitt dory and a ha l t Wm*. UlaChtalth 4b4:9, For Pill'partimi- Inlirinquire cif theraubscriber ongik premises. ' ' • Witt. MITCHELL. r0ii0m1,01,16.`,18-6-'—a* IRON IN . THE BLOOD. • 0 41. " OA • .6\4 Rij V I it I. VP). " • , iRoN TUN! RP SYRUP um° Fs .0 the pEnuvults4ntopmantbesmikstring, . sulki ptb trantylng the blood With Narcrtcß Otett Ter.catearo, Aothre-thArt. toutitoo.—seams yoa_M;:peynolon Promblots tree. J. P. D I SMOKE. Ilop '9l TAb No. do Dey Bt.. New , Tort. • Bold by Drogilba generally. March 16., 1870.—y Egi.T.' , ',l9. l k ,f -..,.'!.! , : . "_ i' ~ ii: . 7 .•.! '' Of 175 acres, situated on the road from Sil ver Lake to MiU11.1111e,:100 eats improved, and most of the balattec in heavy timber, containing several hundred cords of hemlock hark ; a good House with t and barn, about 40 bearing apple trees, well watered, a good water power, con venient to citurchd. sehooKetc. Inquire on the pretuLam co atidnos A. Jan. 10, 115:0.—tranx St. Joseph, Ps. FLOUR !.FLOUR ! From till+ day forward, we shall `ell Flour at retail at WHOLESALE PRICES. We hang out no [abbe colur4, but mean just what we Ray. While conking Flour a spas:lefty, our stuck of FEED, ,ITEM„ SALT, LIME CEMENT, • GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, d'r. 1 , Will be kept full and gold nt very small prutit4_ 11. GARRATT & SON New Milford, Mritch 2, 1870.-11; GRON;ER BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILS SEWING MACJIINESi 459 BROADWAY, NEW YORK MINTS 01 , £XCELLE••NCE. Scanty and elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Stachinery. log both thread! directly from the !Tonle. fio fsatening of ream. by hand and so wane of thread. Wide range oltapplication without change of adttret meet. The seam retalosits beauty and financed after wash- Ingand ironing, Besides all kinds of work done by other Ferrol; Ma chines, then Machines execute the west beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. Ire — The Rlgbest Premiums at all the Pars and exhi bition* of the United `States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover .t Baker sewing Machines, and the work done by theta, wherever exhibited In comp, Mien. lafrThe very hi hest prlee, THE CROSIS OF VIE LEGION OF lIUNUIt, was conferred on the reprenent attires of the °rover .!t Ester Eminv Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris. I,er , thee ollttilleg their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. For sale by F. B. CHANDLER, Alontroeo Jane I. Iyr COTTObi GOODS Vosliea.r,• • Trtidnt, (Machado, •t tlped; and checkedebtrtlng,a, Dalstbsi.4la Its canal In etarlet)r at littaTanazaa, flonittifatio 4 co, RAILING, WIRE otrAntrs, For Store Fronts, Asylums. rke. imn Bedsteads. Wfre Webbing for Sheep smd Poultry Yards, Brass and Iron Who t kith, sieves, Fenders Screens fur Cool Ores, Sand. an limy, ague Clmh for spark Arrest-rs, landscape Wires for to ddler, etc. Paper Makers' Wires, Ornamental Wire work, Me. Every Informstinn by addressing the maw ufseturers, M. WALKKR d SONS. Ap.lylgd No. 11 N. Sixth st., Philadelphia. THE ELIAS HOWE HEWING MACHINE! Aelmowled by all to be th e best Sewing ?Whine ged In the world. Don't boy any one anal you havettled them. Noe. U, we. B. L WEERB & CO., Agents. I)RESS T111.312411NGS & FANCY A- , GOODS. Battonsot all deoeriptions. IFlndqurtch at Grrnalasso, Rossanwrs. & eft& WIZARI) 0114 and nearly everything At , USUILL'& CATIMA PLASTER. I keep constantly on hand an ample sap ply of ftwh. grounttesings Pinter. fir onde at Piper t4 ll . • 8119EMAKER. • Stuflmersi'llle, San. 19, IR7Ol—Ar VSTATE.Of 1343i1.Tft PINCH, • .a. 4 !Aloe PanCIA tomtit:dr, tioeefit eo. P..,. deed Letters andednistration upon the estate o th e above owned decedent hasineneen granted to the andetelga ed, all person, Indebted to mild estate are hereby nett. Bed to make Immediate payment, end those haring end m against the same to present them drily authenti cated foreettictnent. 0. R. MILL, Adner. Franklin. Feb. Ra, `IRE! EIRE! REV.—Your house may burn next. Ifteeh ratite, at ones. either to the assnerrs. &may. ?Lt.. • • 5EX 03 , 030 Manhattan. • • 1.000.000 0 North Ai:aerials, • . • • 825,00)1:10 t; p MOO' 00. - • • $ (0 1' CO Enterprise. • • • • 5 1 3). a) Ot Norerich,47det, tkerterea Nsy, laEl, the oldest Elixir In . cosepetiatt, 4Uo etlegoste gal gesitleshol s raurs vompasztr u ar at r i ermhzta m a a p* .: • 114 " 2 "b t enif uguainJus. n vel Z isprite/Vr t a r ' d Me' 'Ultail& t wo, Of illarWegit ' : ESZe t Wg.OF to llEN . far, qE.RN, Utters of administnition upset the estate at the above named decedent hying been granted to the undersigned, narks is giver 'lO3ll renew Indebted to lb* ilea to tyke instudiate paymeal, and Wee herding Odom moos the same Mill pitliOnt them duljaztbectiatted for NM. Meat,. nigni9A OERRITSON, DiMott. Ids leh 80; 1870. r'STATFIAIF•FF P: 'RYAN', late of 4 .4 Friends.lite, Seurat CO ., Si., deceased. Letters testamentary upon IBS mate of the 'amp named decedent haying byeagnuttedte the andemdga• ed. - notlee Is hereby given that all periods Welded:to the non will make immediate payment, sod atop, jun, lag demands will present them for settlement to the oil. &reigned. . M. E. RYAN a. w a %lamb Ino. - lisectitam . _ STA TE. OF JQILN CAllEY;late of 4 A VoLteou toil nottip,B64tieutuna co.Ps., deed, Letiets of admlni stouter! bloat the Mate of the Mare named decedent hating hen granted td the meletalsned, hotter b. hereby giveu that ad. pentems .Indebted to the same are requested to make immediate payment,. and those bastes. claims upon the mme ttllkfitt Unto du ly authenticated for settlement. PATRICK CARET, AtitninirtistOr. Apolaccm, March I. 1871.1.-.• pAMSDELL'S NORWAY OADS. . Thli da hi will Proiluce Ulm° times l as much as any other Bata. For at - lOwesi Market price, be - • HEAVY, Jan. 116, St. Josephs, Pts. VM V MLE FARSIFOISALE I ..) IN AUBVRN ?TOWN** The imbscriber offers fin' stale Aber; Fenn situated hi - Auburn township, bdettlliti longing to .J.E.MeCaln. Said farm contandrUrto hundred and eight - acres, one hundred kid acres Improved. There la on said faro* *Arai data two-story house andnew barn ;:twtkoseb ards ; a quantity of fruit trees. Said four miles ilum the Lehigh Talley Railroad, well watered, good timber, and in every w a y a first class &rm. Persona in want of u a ze =l. ban will understand that a chance to p stub a property is seldom offered. For terms and particulars, tin:Luke tif E. L. WEEKS, Assignee of J. A. McCain. Also, for sale, the HOUSE and LOT I:Mont rose now occupied by S. H. hfcGatti, with ahont RIX acre* of land belonging thereto. E. L. %TUB " Aasignee of .1,11, Stuntrone, Jun. 19, iefio,—if • Books far Farmers tr. gtockkeeders. %and Volumes of the AMERICAN BTOCE MEN AL, for 1868 contitnlng rili huge double column en sent postage pail for Bound Vol - times of Ms Amertean Stock Journal Saville, matting SOO pages beat postage ;add for 2 11.50 br.The Dairyman's Manual, sent post o#l The Horseman s Manual The Florae Breeder's Maxon] " " The Sheep Breeder's Manual " " SS Thar Poultey Breeder's Manual e IS The bole ffre Manuals sent poet paid to one sadness for ' AO Ageuts want)d. to whom ltkreral Intheenato eta las offered Addrese N. P. BOYER & CO.. POl:Whelk • Janll Parkersburg, Chestre CO. Fs. Eilizza. of the, 1717sateii. * 'AVY .1. B. SHER-WOOD, WATCH MAKER, PUBLIC A VTAIJEL 31ONTROSE, PA., 3d door above tlearia'a hotel. I am prepaml to do ape piece; of work pqrlaining to the trmie or - Work Wm .- ranted. PAM 1,1670. PREMIUM CROSTEIt ViltrrE PIMA. PL RE flood "101 l ,tioru )I)urtuun). Devon, &Metric and A vreofrirr' ...lyre. Memo, SurithdOwn •nd Cots wold Sheri,. t ornan re crratr ; imported stain, Emax, Hrrkrltire and ArAnn Pier. and fin ckulv tor*da of Pool. trr for rrnd ,re Oar, and rnera. !Wing' N. P. BUYER 6 CO. PtrkeNburg, Chester Co. Pl. ETZEM I;N I'INE IMPORTED NORWAY OATS. EIAkIPLE.9 83321 T PEES TO romitos. From ma to 1a) baShPIS grows LC! OA &M. 'MVO from au t 04.5 pounds to the bootie'. Thls oats bambino grownen even' variety of toll, attd is erten, State a the uoloo. with (he moat perfect stereo. Theforattr to ter, 'Mtge plan* and handairma, tau a remark bit (bin hook, and ripens earlier than the Com mon gm:Mateo, TIM straw le bright, Neat, chaff Sad not liable to lodge, is perfectly vicar of rust; and growl Mini 4 tO 5 feet high. We nave both the White end Bitch Norway, both We rant. wire and equally productive. We nig send one quart of the above Oats to say address poet paid for 71100 Two qnarte, peat paid 1100 OM' peel:sent by • sperms or freight 800 Wolf Larhel, bl pound*. ......... ..... One huthel. 40 pounds 10.00 CAUTION. r.e — we it distinctly understood that this le not a light oats, weighlOg ith to 82 The. nisel to New England, and sold an der the frame of Norway. at Imported Iced. every Ante' louistnteed to weigh 401 b., or the money rentreded. . samples or bath kinds sent tree foes tkitce Cant stamp. Also Circulars end Teettimouhas. Address all orders to N. P. BOYER & CO.. Pstkesburg, Chester Ca., Ph. 1=2:! Egg, of Pore &ed Fancy'Ponitry for Hatchiog. YE have d the barges& end beet etieette l i Peony Pneltiff bb ( band le th e count*. =Weft boxed ma eblftred Um anr•peel of , Can . Vat Circular; and plies, widens PT. P: gortee CO.; Parkestmrg. cutter JaAlS—am DENTISTRY, C. A. 91AC6Rtfll genial Itotirge, New Partlenlea , attention giten fn an operation at the tan ml teeth. ArtMelsl - Teeth Inserted Id all the "wine styles now In ono. Perfect estlefectionloarentled Come endow° nfe. end entlsfy yeareellrea. 01Bea, heads. I hoary each day. Jan. 5, IS:0.-11 VSTATE OP RAYMOND SMITH late A-:4 of Iftanklln tcroustifp, Bsisq's co., Pa. deed. Lettersof adrolotstrailon ttpon tbs.:sided the abate tt mimed dPeetlent having Osten otaoted tothe one amtgb• cd, all persona indebted to said estate/ N here Doti • fled to make Immediate peyote" hi, and Owes vlog clothe againet the same to preach! them duly out ent,P cued fot 'calve:met. J. I. =AMA& • W. C. gIitTIEL - Franklin, Match 2, ISTO. - AdheTe. ESTATE OF WALTERF. ALDRICH Tate of Thomson township,' eniquehanna co. Pa. deceased. Letters of administratinn upon the 'Mateo( tliptiberse named decedent haring been utented to thenn fletelgn ed. all persons Indebted to said estate ate hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and those Lasing claims agaThat the same to present them del) authenti cated far settlement. Elticrr ALDlttiill, Mtn's. New attlrordolfarth a, to • ETATEof CATIIARTNE McGRATH Lae of If iddiefoisn township, Basquebsans eons ti Ps., deed, Letters of administration neon the estate of the above named decedent hattng been granted to Um un dersigned, notice Is hereby siren to inpatient indebt ed to matd estate to make imetediste payment, and those having claims against, the Woe to prevent teem duly anthoulleated for settlement to the undersigned: lOILV BIGLaI2; Middletown, March 2, 1220. ABEL TETIIRELL. flu Jut retthnied from Me* tOrk mlth a tap ad. (Dion to his natal dock of thole* glob. Ifontrop., 21; ISO. . _ . CASH PAID' rot Alookni, Coon and Pox SW,. 6• ISM E. L. £ CO • G om Jturp,my. 5t0'.4.1,5t1i,%". iigit'Tm:u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers