The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 30, 1870, Image 3

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DlRECiefilifC Dukce Erpiritor sayer "It has been t Shutter
di...covered that hydrophobia can be preventrd rratgq nmsignees I) Jr. .
jav l E b ooks.
by getting on a high duce and waiting there will tell'at Public *entitle on'Pritinrthe'llt•day ,
111SVetowit r - t - i llet r lry - ilalpine. •
until the dog goes away. The experiment is of April, 1870, at 1-ansville Centre, on the Arent Montrose-- P Keeler, R. E.umedy.
worth trying." The Corning Jotirad/ thinks I lees, the following vairable - rind oatate. to wit . New Mallhrtl —Orrin Bennett, E Watson.
killing the dog is a great dad more certain, on- Thirty three acre, tmore or 1r.., la n d, upon 1 3fi l ifo r r:ll l, io ik r . o—• • 1;4241 a ) , Mow.
n Hoed,J.F. Ward
less )on like climbing every five inch a one 614111 , one Stor, idk caatmgnehanua — Barber.
- - - •
copied h) Il Keii on .1 r Mo I and l _ spriugona W. Walker, in: 4113 Knapp.
"The Oldeot inhabitantl 'Thollbson—Joint lamb
Probably the olde,t inhabitant of this county
is Alr. John lover, who residua with his son,
Erastos Hoover, in the town of Tioga, and Is
now over one hundred and fottr pars old, enjoys
sound health, a good. memory, walks three or
four miles with ease, and applies himself to ea- .
rims kinds of manual labor, with as much zeal
sad imrnestness as if he was the main stay of
the fann.—Otrrgo (ktutte.
Two ItNn in their Diratou one year ONE
DOLLAR and FIFTI 4 CE"NTS, carp additival
--------- -
KDWARD . TIRYANT. Nlnnuf:tetur,r. Wagonn
sod Jleighn, noir the I.olll* Store,
- - - (4ItEAT BEND
L, 8. LENIIEIII. Ilsnofacturer of heather, and deah•r
In general Merchnndlee, on Maio Strout.
11. P. DORAN, NerchantTailor and dealer In Read
'Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Provision !
Main Rrreei.
, --- -
J. N. TALBOT—the placte'to get your Grocerte. nod
Provisionei Flour:Pork. lard. T 0... Suzar. Bice, To
bacco, Sautr.ahara. Orders and Rearcatunenra, un
der S. H. Sayre ..t. Brothere.
BUIT,Nti&NICIIOLS, Om place to get Deng* and Medl
etnee, Cigars,. Tobacco, ?Apes, Pneket-Bunk., !Meet*
elea, Yankee Nat West, de., Penile Avenue.
WM.1... CON, Herne, ranker and dealer In nil article.
uatailly kept by the trade, tippirilte the think. • l
WM. It. 110 TD & CO.. fkinlen. In Stoves, hardware.
and Mentifactartre of Tin and Sheetiron ware. corner
of Main and TarnplknAdrect. •
NOUSE & LINES. Merchant Tailors and dealers In
Cloths, Xrimmingc, and Furulthlng Goods. and
Agents for ginger Sewing Machine, on Men Millet.
Fordham bnilthug.
A. N. NULLARit, Groceries. Provisions.
&Niko, Stattofiery and Ventre Notions, at load of
Public A,enna,
-- -
T. SPORE d. Co.. ()mkt , . to Score*, Hardware.
ierksultoral ifoldrolOntA, Floor and oppo
site Tartn:ll noose
13.44NSFORD Livery and Radiance
Stable. to rear ut Bank building. •
J. U. DiWTFT S: CO., Dealers In Thy Goods, Dard
ware and general merchandise, corner, near Drirk
W. 8. MEAD, Foundry. and dealer in Plorra and other
lamella, ooze door from rhinney'• lintel, Main M.
P, F. KIMBER, Carriage NI alter and Undertaker, on
Main Street, two doors below Store.
atonal 8. IIIec9LLI7M, Dealer in Cireeerle. and
leeeialone, on Main ntrret.
U. GAUD= & SON. Dealers In Flour. Feed. Meal,
411. Lime, Cement. Groceries and Provt•ton• on
Vain Stevd, Oppo•itn the Depot.
iI , .iT.IIAYDEN, Manufacturers of Cigars and
Wholesale dealers In Yankee Notions and Fancy
Goode. on Main :4treet, below Episcopal Church.
MOSS d OZAPP. Lmt.h.-r Siarinfacturero and denier.
tn Morocco Finding., dc.. nem. lipioropsl
♦INHK a HATOE.N, Denim, Modicin....
and Manufacturer* of cigar*, on Mnin Street. nom.
doe Depot
TrEPTigNS. Done Shoaling and :corral Repairing
6 1 113 111 in Strent, south of the brit go.
J. DICIEI:IO6.N. Jn.. Dealer In general turrehandlae
mad Clicithing. Brick Store, on Hain Street.
VIHIPPLIC 2 MEAD, Dealer• In general Iderebandlae
as *Oa Yueet •
O. N. RAWLILY. ►lsal.r in general Merchandise, on
Kiln Storni...9o4lr
XACOOO3. rini tealifsoza.oco.
Tire Sniartebanna A vivnltural Soddy
sill *met at the , Omrt Honor., in 31outone. on
Tuesday etriaing, April 12111.
• IlEsnr C. TYLKIL, Set'y.
The Storm
Oa-Saturday night and Sunday last was vvry
army all over the country and on the coat.
number of lives were lost in New York and
Elro44yn by the falling of wall+ and tin nn.wlk
IFisSpsible Invention
Mani through the Carbon Drworrar that
Mr. S. Martin of that place has filed a caveat ,
at the Patent Office for a method to prevent the
poattibility of altrring checks. drafts, etc., with- ;
out the er - mile/e destruction of the paper. The
hie developments in the enormous swindles
witialtave been brought to light in New York
std other citica, render such an invention indi•-
pesaibk, as without it no man will be safe in af.
fixing his name to any paper, as a peculiar kind
of acid As being sold in all parts of the eountry
that u paid to remove ink from any portion of
the writing without .tain or injury to the pais•r
Seprort Dome 51Irchrixtirs.
Hoax /altar, borne merrhanta, /tame press,
dome artizana, home everything, and pemons,
as near sa possible, in supporting and aiding in
bonding up your everyday neighbor, place,
ceunty and State. Also, patronize those who
patronize your mechanicai, your press, and those
Ida) aid through your paper to keep their lima
mean. to live
wad le!.litre. When you find the hater kind of
hGtlAeli Lea, you find men mho %till trade
eralip with yOu,'lonting to both r.ides of the
trade instead of one. Try it friend., and ace if
we are not in the main righL
=one Felon.
Of all piinful things, ma then, be jmy so ea
ermiatingly painful as a bone felon S We know
of trim that flesh 114 heir to, and as this malady
Mlllittafrequent and the subject of much etr
omteansideration, we give the last recipe for its
diAlltiOli is given by that high authority the
Lashoion Lent: - As soon as the pulsation
Ida* hidicates the disease is fit, put directly
011Wthe irpot a 8j blister about the size of your
thumb nail and let it remain for six hours. at
the expiration of which time, directly under the
surrealist abe , blider,'inay be seen the felon,
which tai be instantly taken out with the point
of a needle or a lancet,
arTbesarvey of the Delaware and [Aka
watuta road up Sim Mile Creek, thin ride of Itha
ca, p . y .. which change of route tbr present mode
oteiliguitt into that Village, is to be avoided,
hating hean completed, the name corps of CU,tri-
Deerl will now make a survey of the route from
ffineuunton to Owego, with a view to the con
struction of are independent track between the
two places, in order to make their road a
thimughlisse to Ithaca instead of Icing obliged
to run their trains over the Erie track between
Owego and Binghamton am at present. We
hope they will 'cam the Fleet into execution.
—Orwro Cazeik.
latereassed Length of Days.
The first day of February was nine hour. nod
tifty-eight minute% 16fig, and the last day of the
mobtlxviemembouns and twelve.minotet, being
a sign litotes the month of one hour and twelve
eatantes. In March the gain will be one hour
alfoPrettly-Ikrne minutes; in April one hour
and twenty minutes; in May fifty•six minutes,
from June let to June 22d, 'when the maximum
is reached, 16 minutes.
Farm For Sale,
IFttsnfitlcin Glftrertra," Susquehanna county,
only thin:7minutes drive ftpm Nicholson sta
tion; Maitaifitite4s limit of land, about 150
acres under fence. balance timbale& Fire good
trowapd. two poor one* .carriage barn, corn
house, arge frame dwelling, etc. Them are 4
mire ofatutiewall ' nlll4 farm; =4 the whole
blurb Witii - mirstered'ultb - esenllent springs.—
The ownerhaft other business (hat requires his
atipan, and ftp.i sell tiAisfanu at a bargain to
thePnicliani. Inquire of F. P. Grow, Glen-
Iwo**, W - 34cGcna.01, Eno, Monttuse.
--• • •
• •
Thomann' meeting of the Odd Fellows Hall
Association will be held At a* n4 9 wie Hall
in Montrose, on the first Moilany - in April, at
o'clock, r. for the election of Officers.
, v v. D. BREWETER, Seel:
A gentle Man paid the "taxes, this morning.
upon a piece of property in the Fourth Ward,
and as an illustration of the differenee within a
few years, stated to us that before the war, when
the property was more valuable and in better
trim than it is at present, the Ming amounted
to eight doliars Now he bad to pay fifty-eight
dollars and forty cents—over fifty dollars ad-
ThIICC in some Al or eight year& —.Elmira Ga
Snows or the Season.
The first fall of snow this station occurred en
November 18th and the last on March 13th and
16th. •lo the aggregate there hale been sixteen
snows, the deepest (on the tith of February)
measuring sixteen inches. The next in depth
was that which fell on Tnesday night and Wed
n e,,day morning—twelve inches. The following
elves the date of the snows and their depths in
inches • November 13, 2 inches; Notculla - 1.16,
2 inches; November 22 1 .; huh ; Detembor
2 'mt.,. ; Deectuber 6, 4 inches ; December 18,
4 inches ; Detember 21, 2 inches ; January 4, to
inch; January 6,„ (4 inch; January 31, 1 1 4
I Mello); February 8, 16 inches; February 20, 2
Indies; February 27, 1 inch.; March 6 and 7, 3
inches; Marell l l3, t-j Inch; March 15 and 16, 12
! inches.
Good COWS,
M. C'. Sutton Fold at auction at Jame,. Trod
den's, in l'hovonut, March '24th, 'KO, nine nos
at an average or $7O tgl. Beat it If you can The
above sale was advertised in the Denarerat.
The Stine license Law.
The follfilving bill explanatory of the Suite
License Law, has passed the Legislature. It
may he interesting to manufacturers and me
chanics selling other wares than of their own
manufacture :
fk it efiackyl, ife, That hereafter manufactur
ers and niechanifs who shall sell goods. wares
or merchandise. other than their own manufac
ture, not cxeceding the sum or value of five
hundred dollars per annum, shall not be classi
fied or required to pay any annual tax or license
fee ; but if such sales shall exceed the sum or
value of five hundred dollars per annum as afore
said. they shall be classified In the same manner,
and required to pay the same annual tax as is
now required to be paid by dealers in foreign
Hard Run.
The Lslitor of the Bridgeton Chronicle is hard
pmdied fur money. and has 'wen taking in P.. 1
and a of ever) thing f"r sithsvription
In a late number he thus solilnquis-s:
114: Court wouk is over, and the way we've
taken in rags and muskrat skins is a caution.
We also took in a goose, and would have eaten
it bat, if the constable hadn't lesietl on it Bring
'eta in the night, friends—rotind the hack way.-
Wouderfitil If True.
A , 11-4Aatt.ll from Chicago gzy.
A report has jtxst beam published of come in
teresting experiments by eminent medical men
with the new system of the Iransitsion of blood.
The patient was a young girl affected with con
sumption of the lungs. The surgeon took
twelve OUllet, , of blood from the young lady's
brother and injected it into the, patient's reins.
The operation was repeated with blood from a
younger sister, and again from another brother.
.kfter thirty-six MIIICVN of blood bad been in
jected. the patient showed signs of n•turning
...trength, and now preaents a hole•ful pnwpect
of entire recovery of health.
Unpatented lAtindic
Then• ic a law of the State requiring all own
er:, of unratented lands to have the same pat
ented before the first of June neat. After that
date they still be sold to satisfy the liens now
entered against them in the Prothonatary's of
flee by the Attorney General of the Common
wealth. We publish a metnorial elsewiterefrom
very prominent sources to our legislature ask
ing the repeal of the law. What action they
will take in the matter is in the future. It
therefore behooves all who arc interested to at
tend to it at num and secure their right&
An Important Drehion to Volun-
A very important decision wrut rendered in
the Supreme Court of the United States on
Tuesday last, in which haste of discharged sob
. diets have an interest, and which will cost the
; government many millions of dollars. In the
cast of 10t liosmer, a volunteer claiming $lOOl
( bounty money undertbe President's cantor vol
unteers 1/161, an appeal from the Court of
Claims,was derided in tarot of etaiment The
objection to payment was that the soldier had
been cliseherged on surgeon's certificate bcihre
the expiration of the term of enlistment The
! Court held that the proclamation calling for rob
'totters, and the War Department orders stir,-
lating to pay tPOID, together with the enlistment
1 of the man fornitst a valid contract even though
the soldier was honorably discharged before be
had served the - stipulated two years. This:
awtAs 410al bounty to a very large portion of I
the volunteers, and in ease they are dead to I
their natural heirs.
Borough Items.
—We notiee,by a new sign on the New Mil
ford road, that'll new Hotel has been opened
styled the Bailey 11.011.5 e. We believe it ',repav
e.; W run wittmat "steam."
—We were visited by a wind storm on Sun
day last, which was the severest "blowing" we
have had lately, that of the Sasq'wham* Jour
nal not excepted.
—A man by the name of Warner, claiming
to be right from Texas gave a lecture in the
Methodist church on Monday evening of last
week. iris subject
. was Slavery and Klu Klux
Klan, both of which are dead and burned long
ago, hence we conclude that it must have bon
an obituary address. The Rev. L. B. Ford told
his nor/girl...Atha?) that he proposed to bold.
a meeting and if they preferred to hear about
Texas rattier than Heaven, it would lw , their
privilege. To our mind this was a very sensi
ble conclusion. Elder Ford is holding a serba
of meetings in his church at which much inta
mt seems to be awakened.
--4ibert Dams WhO iiied about tfuee- miles
from here in South Rridgewater, died on Sunday
morning, March Mil, after an illness of 3400
di weeks. • ne was a very fleshy man, woutd ,
weigtrnbout pounds, and died (torn a collec
tion of fat arou4d the heart
For Sale.
The Store and lot form e a:wiled by Wri.
C. Ward in New Milford borough, pt,staydive
.feet front Znquire tilddsoliSee, : ar of a M.
Hawley Mew
Alt. , the farm km n the Iss 61111 "
liberty cOW7.l.Shigt cupooitid 11111 . undr,l and
fifty acres, inoreor litid Mlits Tery
hle farm fur dairymen. The sale will commence
at 1 o'clock, r u. Terns made known vti the
Clay Of sale.
F. V
March O. 1870. ASAiglll4, of R. Krnyon, Jr.
The Educatioad/ Go.:ritn is a fir,st class Futuil
.fourtial, devoted to pure, higii=toned literature
Its. aim 1...1 to furnish in /A pITUlar nma attrietive
style the 'latest' reolta In scientific, educational
and literary labors, and in busy retiniels its
pment suceeials well 4eserrecl. '
'Ti. 11100 number contlatia. yalutfhlr articles
by such writers as Prof John t hart, Elliot
Iforritt, etc.; gond atoriai, inculcating the heir
lessons, and tnnr•h special flintier in regard to
National Education in our laud not.beforu pub
lished. ' - •
C. 11. Turner & Co., GM Chestnut street, Phil
adelphia, are the publishers, and they deserve
thanks fur the excellent reading they have pro
vided for the home circle. Send for n specimen
copy, and while you are writing the letter send
the amount of your snbscription, a Welt i, only
One Dollar, for you will be sure to do no after
seeing it.
Lire 11/ UTAIL—We have received from the
National Publishing Company a work on
in Utah," giving an account of the n,vah•ries
and (Tint.* of Mormonism, with an expose of
the sern•t run, and ceremonie s of the Lauer
Day Saints, and a full 111111 authentic liistor ot
the Mormon leet from its origin to
tune, It witor of
the Salt Lake ilciortcr and corn-woodent of the I
Cincinnati I . 0/111nerrial II give , ,riC3 I ac
count of Mormon thilkuities - and death of the
Pophet, of the rears of strife pre•e ions to their
exodus front Illinois and of the Mormon iiar in
Utah. It la issued univ Iry sub,wriptMn, and is
not for sale in the hoof: stores, Th—e a ishing
a copy of the work will addax. the Nat i.mttl
Publishing Company' . at Chicago •
Cincinnati. d 4 klmis..Bostmkor 4 t
For the .Ilontrose Democrat.
Don't •Depend' On Pillager,
Stand up here young man and let us talk to
pat. You have trusted alone to the-contents of
int her's purse, or to his fair Pam for your sue- l All the molt popular %TENT M EDWIN ES sold In
ecss or influence in business. Think con, that r this section, among which 'liar be roiled
father has attained to eminence in his Profession
Ayres and Jayoe's Family Medicines. 'toehold's Bo
but Lc unwearied industry, or that he has
anntased a fortune tau.monk Syrup and Sea Weed
honestly without energy and • T„„i„. Schenek' Pal
eed c h ee . e ,„ ee . e Fe ,
activity, you sltonld know the faculty requisite wish- Pita. llalr•,..ongh Balsam,
for the acquirement of fame or fortune is essem Wishart's rine Tree Cornial,
tial to, nay, insepantble from, the retaining of Moire nate Renewer, Ring's Ambrosia. Kennedy's Med
either of these. Suppose that father has the hal Discovers, Iloollane's tiers-am Bitter
rocks in abundance if you never earn axisthing Ilostetter'• ntomach Bitters,
for him - you have n o more bIaSIRLTS with these And mart' other Medea real came and merit; In fact
rock's than'a with a lortoike, and if ile our Stock embrace., a fine sown mewl of everoig usu
ally kept le well regulated Drug Storer.
allows you to meddle with them till vou have
learned their value by vour own industry, Le
perpetrates untold miseliel, and if the Ohl gent. t'er-l'reorrlpilono cee ei r ,. and
are carefully laud promptly compounded.
is lavish with rash toward von, while be allows
you to idle your time, you'd bet ter leave him v., •• Store formerly ...erupted hr J. Et hrrider-
run awny ironer than be made an imbecile or
Montro.w, M3rch eft. Ih7o
..-otitutrei tlimitigli so corrupting an Mermn,.
So,incr or Inter you 1111151 learn To rely 011 % Our
own resources or pm will not he any body If r rebored to health hr nano*,. without
'SCMPTIV ES. • Pnaldentlall. pay daughter
you never help youns.ll at all. if you
me- ethan The narticula Ul be wait free. Usencs
have become idle, ir you, eaten father '3
n o t ow. Stock ret
ton St. Brooklyn. Long blunt nth
bread and butter, and smoked father'• cigars
and cut a swell in father's buggy, and tried to
put on fittlier'a infinenen and reputation, you t N
might rather ItaN, been a 1,41.0 r canal hoc, the If
son of a eldimmc sweep, or and The subscriber ha, ing wld his farm in Je'l
in,krtA we wotahl not awap with yon the sit um sup tow mhip, will of at public sale on the pm
lion of a poor motherless calf Miserable oh- mlsm on Wednesday, Match 30.1570, vommen•
jects you to depend ufmn parents Ida) ing gen- , 10 o'cluck,a. tat., tlr following proper ty, tlemen (alias dandy loafer.), what in the name to wit:
of common sense are vim thinking cri, wake tip I pair four year old Gelding,. 6 Cows, fl Year
then% go to work with tour hands or brains oron
pet she e p , I Lumb e r Wiin, 1 Butte -, with both and he somelling. dote' metro hal, I Ael'Ztl. 1 BRA, sha, g' Itunmant .Iqoaver, a (man
ic to boast of that You have grown in father' s tits- 4 Bay and Grain, Potatoes. I Fanning Mill,
house, that you have vegetated an 0011'r ; t l ou l i kHarness, n o ,„ N ow , H arrow ,
horns, but let folLs know that you cunt tine. cuitirator. Whinietri,,, Chains, Neck Yoke,
come, off with your coat. clench the otw. the Ihdry FiNtures, and other tiings not mentioned.
Plow, handle the scythe, the ace, the spade,
TERMS or SA I.E.—All -mu. of tt., i, (Aunder
anything that will enable you to stir tip your
! blood. Ply around, tmr your jacket, rather "="4! over 12 loon lb. ert ‘ lit • with Inter L' t
on approve. non,
than be the passive reipient. of the .041 gentle.
1). BRWE ST E t, A net ioneer.
man's bounty.. Sooner than play the dandy at
dad's etfs•nse, hire yourself to stop hog holes TITEnDORE Mc EEH Y.
1• r watch the bars, and when you think ourop J,:asup, March 23, 1570."
entitled to a resting spell, do it on your own
hook, if you have no other mane. of having fun I:,•rxrE I'. I'. 1: YA N , lato of
of you own, buy with your own earnings an Friendsville,Susq's Co., Pa., deceased.
etutity barrel, and put your bead into it and 1,m," to sta m eotan spot. messaste of the above
balk)°, or pet into demi roll down hill, don't :turltid.rce ls ryli7:Mlorp'de,tratV4,l
- for pity sake don't make the old gontlemen fur- wthmnae Immediate purulent. and ti the . b un ..
nish everything and lire at your ease. tam demands win present therm hr soli lement to the on
: I.A.K)k about you well-tiresscdl smooth faced I der.lgtml•
do-nothing . tlrtmea, who are they that have
climbed their way to positions by their nw n in- Friend,..m.. W men et, left.
doptry and energy? True the old gentleman's
fund or personal influence MAT -serum von the
forms of resists% Rtitiet him ion 14; prOper
tv or die and what are you ? a 'miserable fiedg
i ling, a bunch of &At and bones that needs Mk
! ing eare of.
Again we fay. wake up. get up in the mom
ing, horn around arlenat twice before breakfast,
help the old man—give him now and then u
generous lift in business. Learn how to take
' the lend, and you've no bk-n how the discipline
I will betig43'oll. . Do this,' istid iSOr word for it.
you Will seem to breathe a new atmosphere,
possess a new frame., and tread a new earth,
wake to a new decline, then von may begin to
aspire to manhood. "Fiske tiff then that ring
from your lilly finger, break your cane, share
your upper lip hold up your head and by all
means never again eat the of idleness,
nor depend on Father. J. J. II
LW of Jurors.
April Terin commences April 11th, 18:11.
GUANO' /1.31.011 ft.
Amu—Truman IL ; Ogden, Benj. IL Dix.
A nburn—Sinith Tryrktdmrr.
Brooklyn—Henry W. Kent.
Cllford—.Toltn IfalLciead.
tlreat Rend—Jared Marsh.
Gnat Bend born--Syron %%. b swy
J.witt- Chri,ttian, 11. Scott
Liberty—William Stanford.
Lcatti--tHSTArlarWitilV. (ills C. Het er.oux.
M. Int r,,se—Saninei F. Imnr.
Tarnow, Harvey Griflin,
Frank E. Cole, Sitenecy.atltror
tkalrland—James M. illman.
Springville-42. A.llungerforrl. Jnn. Compton.
Tiant.on—J. 11. Dltindin, Daniel W righter.
1 . F:11T MIA— April I 1 t h.
Aram—Eli Avery.
Attburn-I.cantler Low..
Itritlzewater— P IL Jone,
red W. Deank
Dnunklyn--Ilodues . .lueveit, 1. IL Gem.
Clill'ord—Saniuel Arnold. George (Indium.
litimock—r. 11. Hollittler.
Franklin--Jaeoh Brundage.
Gnat Bend--Jatnot. Dußois.
Boat head horo—Jamer. liendrick.on.
Herrick—W. F. Lyon. .I.llton Tingley.
Ilannon)—llicha6.l Manta. .
Hartoni—Vreeman Tingley.
Howell. 13is.ell.
Jackson—Edwin French.
Lenox—ll it MUter. Gee.. W.Mti.pur., Moenez
cr Supbenr 4 TlidifitsilVti.t, Truman lyhipplc.
Liben v—Ctiorkii Stanford. •
Montrtbw—H. A. blitcholl.
New Milfonl—Tracy Frink.
Bush—Simon James. - -
Silver Lake—Nathaniel Wakelee, Wm. Meek
Springville—E. P. )710,,/ra ,I.lorif. t o .
Woodhonse, A. G. Stihreli. '
Thomson—Torrey Whitney.
PETIT Jusoics—April 18th.
Anbuni sanclisf a ftei•Tri6l4
Brooklyte—AnirEltl M. 13. "
• Bridg.f.Nrater —M. A. Wood, Augustus Grego
'ry, Daniel Stewart Charles Sprout.
Clifford—gas& C•kaosne tlz4ohr,pa•
Choconntl—Mlelidel - Hickey:
Gibson—C. B. Bill, M. W. Chamberlin.
Great Bend—Samuel Hays . , J.B.Ogden, Chas.
Sim peola,ll47l)Thth'ffl, De i s Wilmot.
Hertlck-4eretnlah - Coon.
Harforcl—E. N. Carpenter, Oirilr Pkrne , , Ne
'thins Guard.
Alec Adrationututo.
A house and lot situated in the townithip of
1.", mil., west of Elk Lake. and 24
miles from (.4r.sin. , nille.. containing three Acres.
of land, a good orchard, +tor) •tnd a half house,'
a blacksmith shop,.and barn. For full partieu,
tat inquire of the subscriber on the prl!Mitital.
Man It CO. 1570.
A 13SuLUTE DIV itc}:S lawnlo o bw he d i n New
York. 1111;1416, nod other none, kg. r wm
auy State or Country, level r‘ervvrhern ; de.ertion,
drool:none... non .14Looport, en. ,51141cci44.1 cause ; no nub.
lieli : DO Ch3r.V 111111 i altrorte h e b tr a ne d, Ad.m. heu
Busiorml n t rahrkbed anent; yearn,
1101:sIE. Attorney.
No. Te Neu= tit., N. Y
A titlrt....t.
1 Meech 91, lerto.--3m
kite orDimnek totetiehly, Pa. iftenmeett.
, Lettere oradniilll , thulon apou the estate Of the Above
I win ,' d e ,,,,,l eu t. hAvit4 Leen graUtoll to the undersigned.
ItDucim Is gi, eu to 311 persons Indebted to the sutte to
umko Immediate payment, and in..: having claims upon
the utno will present them duly Authentic:oW for settle
Dimock. March: IL is7n.
Dizu(icisTS S .11.0111Ec4RIEs,
Kvep reguisrly supplied with ur IDCLTURATED
Drup an,l Mei Urine ., Chumlc•tl+. Dl:• Stuff, WI Dell
Liquor, Nitit•, nlle and:Vem.h, Porflunery,
rAnr, Yshk, Nollo.. &C. Sc.
rrerls from Nos York City.
I`STAI'E 111: .11111 N ('AIiEY. )ate of
Apolncon township, tiortiocharma co. Pa., deed.
Ixtter+ of adminh•tration noon I be notate or the shove
mum Mil decadent haring beengraded to the undersigned.
notice hereby given tiot ail peronts indebted to the
.time are roprotol to make immediate payment, and
those haring claim. upon the mum will present Mem da
ly authenticated for settle:host.
CARRY, Administrator.
Apcdacom March En. 1.871.—• • •
QFIERIFFB SALES.—By virtue of writs
sued by the Court of Common flea of
Suagueliamin County and to me directed, I will
expose to sale by public ermine, at the Court
House in Montrose, on Friday, April 15,
IH7O, at one o'clock, the following des
cribed pits-es or parcels of land, to wit:
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate
in the 'township of Now )I Ilford, Susquehanna
County, Pa., bounded and describe) as follows,
to wit : On ;he' north by Lands of Stephen
Decker and C. L. Ward. on the west by lands of
Delos IL Font oti the south by lands now in
isteion of Joseph Strang, on the east hs- the
highway leading from G. L. Corwin's to )(me
dian if. Bennett's. Containing about one bun
dwal and tufty acres, more or less, together with
the appurtenances, one frame house, one frame
barn, and other outlatildings t ono orchard and
about torte acres improsed (Taken in execu
tion at the snit of li. II Vaneott, as4gned to S.
it,, vs . Wm. M. NVird and E. A. tenth-r.
.% Ls( I—All th a t rerthill pioce or part. V 1 of
Lend situate in the tiormhip of Lenox, hounded
a+ follows, to wit' Northerly by lands of
(t,orge W. Mapes. eaoerly by hands of Ismte
Truoidell, westerly b) lamb, of said Truesdell
and Cyrns .mtherly Ily lands of said
Trutwlell. t'ontaining fitly nems, more or less.
almut twenty . acres Improved, havin*.there
on one , ferns home, barn, and out-buildings.
1t set fxrtatn other piece of land
.situate in
said township of Lenox, buttuded PS follows, to
wit : Northerly by Brooklyn and Lenox !Turn
pike nnitl,Seastetiv by Lindi of Ed it Vanloan,
„„„ i i„.i...b v buds of Edgar Vanloan, and Wes
terly br !arda of the Vanloan. Containing
two aciee - of land. more or less with the appor
tenanees,oheltotwe and barn 41:41111 improved.
[Takeninekeeittlon at the suit'of 13; Ster
ling rte Win.
W3l. T. 310XLkT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, )font rose, March 21, 1810.
QM/MIFFS S.ILES.—By virtue of writs is
s sand by the Court of Common Pleas of SW.-
quiehAnns county and to Inc directed, I will e:-
pose to rateby pnblic vendue, at the Poore House
in Montrose, on Saturday. April p, ism at two
o'clock v. SL, the following de s cribed plow ! , o r
parries of land, til a Wit :
All that certain `axe or parcel of land situate
in the borough of Montrose, c o unty of Sosque
• henna, State ofPenn,ylvanin: bounded and tie
' scribed as lotion's, to wit : Ou the cast by Pub
; lie AVolle, on the south by kit of E. L. Weeks
on the west by lands of L. Searle. and
on the north by lands of S. 11. Saver it Bro.'s,
and lands of Etheridge, demis e d, together
With the appurtenance ' , one two story store
house, and all improved. ALso-,--All that piece
or parcel of land situate in the borouglior Mont.-
nese. aforesaid ,• bounded and described as fol
lows, to nit : On the west by lot of C. Cushman,
on the soutlk by lands of Benjamin Cane, .clee'd, I
nn the east by lands of A. Lathrop, and on the
north by Turnpike street together with the ap
purtenances, one frame, dwelling hotwei , one 1
frame barn, and out bulklings,, fruit and oma
mernal-trres, all improved- Ana-.-An :Interest
in obi Court House building, on - wed: s ide of
Public keynna, In The borough of Xoritrata t
an*/ klgrAtale
certaittlim.ind Owed' bawl situate in Brisigrr
water, in said county and State. bounded and
described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a
post the northeast corner of a lot or land, now
or late of Daniel Searle, thence along the line of
said Searle's lot south, 80 degrees and 30 min
ute, west. Itl4 perches to a post, thence north
minutes Treat, 85 perches ; and tive-tentin= of
n perch. thence north, 89 derows and 30 minutes
inst. lilt perches to a pail, thrum south :10 Min
utes en,t, t i l# perches to the place of beginning.
Containing Di acres and eight-tenths of an acre,
with allowance, be the same more or less, with
the appurtenances, one frame house, one frame
barn, wagon house, an orchard, amid about sex
enty-five acres im_prored. [Tahoe in execution
at the suit of J. 'McCain rs A. Baldwin and
W. L. Alien, and Jackson S. Baldwin as. Alfred
ALSO—The entire interest of Jesse B. Lung,
in all that certain piece or parcel of land, situ
ate in the township of Rush, county of Susque
hanna, and State of Penusylvtuda; bounded on
the north by land of D. Gary, east by theßidge
road, south by a public gigioray, and west by
land of O. Raker. ConffMning forty aims. most
ly improved, having thereon two dwelling
houses, two barns, one horse barn, and one arch
on'. [Taken in execution at the suit of Pool &
Bergen vs. Jesse R. Lung.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
land situate In Oakland township, Sus q uehanna
county Pa., bounded and descriliettro follows :
Begiiißtg un,tiinb-aidentAlminzsaiesaing
frotwareatßeipi to Levi Westfalfo and' Sti, the
southwest corner of lot deeded to Martin Wag
ner. thence along said Wagner's line north
degrees and 85 minutes west, 75 feet to a cor
ner, thence south 80 degrees and 23 minutes
west, GO feet to a corner, thence 9 degrees and
35 minutes east. 07 1 4 feet to a earner on the
north bank of the Rlyer road, thence along said
road in is northeasterly direction to the place of
beginning, it being the same deeded by Calvin
Brash to den P. Williams. having airmen, 1
frame three-story house, now or lately occupied
as tenant by Van Wagner, W. N. Decker: and
Richard Slopes, late the estate of Norman S.
Kenyon. [Taken in execution at the salt of
Clunks A 31111er vs. Norman B. Kenyon.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
land situate In the township of Auburn, Sus
quehanna county, Pa., bounded and described
las follows, to wit: On the north by lands of
Widow Reynolds, on the east by lands of John
Reynolds, on the south by lands of Wm. Don
, lin, and on the west by lands of Wm. Ben
i nett. Containing about fifty acres of land, be
the same more or less, with the appurtenances.
one frame house, some fruit trees, and mostly
improved. [Taken in execution at, the snit of '
Geo. P. Little vs. Thos. Donlin, 2d ; Peter Ben
ninger vs. Thus. Tomlin, 3d.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in the township of Great Bend,
Susquehanna county, Pa., b o unded and described
as follows, to wit : On the north by the Susque
' henna River, on the east by lands of Tar
' bell, on the-south by lands of Levi Munson, on
the west by lands of W. Dayton. Containing
forty liens, be the same more or less, together
with the appurtenances, one small house, and
' about twenty acres improved. (Taken in exe
cntion at the suit of John Phillips vs. Martin
Hughes, and Almira Unghts.
ALSO—The Defendant's interest In all those
two certain pieces or parcels, or lots of land sit
; nate in Bridgewater township, Susquehanna
county, Pa. Ist, Bounded on the north by lands
' of M. S. Wilson, cast by another lot claimed by
Henry Herkimer, and land of D. McCollum, on
the south by lands of John Wood, and on the
west by lands of Ablathar Millar& Containing
ten noes, all improved. 2d, Bounded on the
not lb and east by lands of 1). McCollum, and
lon the south and west by the above described
1 piece of land, contracted from L Gardner, by
said Henry Herkimer. Containing one acre.
n.ore or less, all improved, and on which is a
' small house. [Taken in execution at the suit
of S. 8. Mulford to the use of 31. 13. Wilson vs.
Henry Herkimer.
Wm. T. MOXLEY, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Montrose, March 14, 1870.
Amos Nicllol.S
Dealer. in Slerehandlre, Qt. in Susquehanna County
tale motif, that in OtinKOILOCe of the ocVOITIi Oct. of 4.
oefoniv of thin l'ornMOnlrcallti to provide revenue to
meet ate demands upon the Timuntar7,_and for other par
pamen. the upder.igoed , derolgued, appraiser of Mercantile taxes for
mid county, Las prepared a lit of Merchants trading in
mid county, and placed each merchant hi that clam
which to him appears Instead tight according to the acts
of A mfetablY. 10 Wit
Bloxham & Carpenter,ll l
R. L Adams,
Wm. White.
Low d Harris,
P. D. Shannon,
W LAFrance.
W Craver
RU Rogers& Co.,
•r. 14
D A A Titaworth p to 4 11
Rent .1 Eklridee - 11
Rogers A IP/I. l noel 1 3
M lk.horay 14
B Verry 14
TOlany Cramer 13
IlIcke• , 14
James Sit•letott 14
O Welke d Brothet 14
P H Gardner .' l4
T F Johnson
Jr. 1.1 Raker , 14
TJ Wells 14
Item A Williams " 14
1E Davis 14
A filcher:Non 13
$ G Weaver Went tn. 4 14
P Chambers 14
John Coyle 14
lltuuy Spencer
Mlles &Sherman
Wm If Tbarre 14
II Blakeslee 14
John Lee 14
L Ball 14
L B Silvan 14 1
Robert Winters 13?
J F. Fitzgerald pat med 4 13
Wm Baton patent med 4 13
11 McManus 14
F 0 Gorman 13
L Merriman 41 Son 13
Dear Ii Feta= 13
L Blowers 14
HA Clark & Co. 13
Richard Stack 12
Whiting &Preston 1.3
Eatabrook & Clark pm 4 9
L S Lenbelm
Vl' A o:.l.stou 14
George McNamara 13
L W Chichester 14
11 P Doran 14
E F Simons & Co, 10
George Wessell . 14
II Ackert 11
W Paintin 14
Wm Baldwin 13
D C Blouson 14
W II Powell 14
J B Mterearf Jr.
W C Mclntosh Vt
I] E Holmes 11'
W Gardner 13
Dunn S. Co. 111
MN Walkez . 14(
6 II Well+ patent med. 4 111
II M Tingley 14
Kennelly & :oo• 11:
Milligan it. Smiley p m 110
.. . . .
patent medicines, 4 10
0 Payne & Son 11 1
err/ Jt Carr
.1 1: Edwards
J A Lockarn 14.
E T Tlfrany 121
J W White 14
Wm Ira 14
I. It P.o-k 14.
Rework ..2. Newton 14
A A F.Mon 14
11.1.11111 CK.
R 11 Arnold 12
Mot.. Nichols &C., p Lei 4 IV
C I: Spence 14
II W Brandt &Co 12
U T Finch 14
John 1i Stevens 14
L. 11 Ball 14
Walter Scott 14
J Schlager & Co 13
911 lannenn 18
leant. Brown 13!
9A Lyons &Son 131
.1 U Rosencrans pat me 4 14.
U 8.1 Benson . 13
Norris A French 13
James Y Potter 14
if Mlle
IF 11 Thayre
Walter Barber 19
'George H Crandall 13 I
Edmond Doyle 14
Iltfor Moms 14 i
Joln 'Tierney a 14
C Freeman 14
M J !Israel'
1111MilleGnith 14
Wel 4
Ball 14
Beebe pamo • t
sued 4 14 1;
W 8
.7acto Barell 14
Wm Illiler &Co pat me 419 Fltne illumffird 11, Co it s
Wm y ewe 141 Lewis & Dow II
Grow & Mother 14 Hemtv
_O'Hara 14
W flOtlettota . 07 rid GrAatl 14 ,
Sates km than Class 14
Sales S. leas th an WO Class 13
Sales. 10,01:0,1eall than-13.00a , Clara 12
Sales ' 18,100, lea thin 'MOO' Class 11
Hales MAX), leas than 30,000 Class 10
Sale. 30,000, less than 4WD . Chum '—9
doles 40.000, less than MAO Clan 8
And the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of sold
County will hold a Court of Appeal at the Coast Houle In
Mootrmie, In and for said county, on Wcdncpday theakh
day of April. 1870, at 1 o'clock. 0.11, at wklen time and
pima any °fine 3ferebantadeseribed,do4na44 l lddase*
as aforesaid or their spots or stuaruuyn,rtajr AMP":
and appeal liom said ummnameat If = thtalt aTlL_ " r; - -
autarai agatsiit.4iCa rlaUl ewißiiiiiir --Aiadow
D R Garfield JAI
Deardilee 33
For Halo of
31ontrosa; March 16, 18713.--45
Cautless.—ne sorwairl_Pernbin pr = 2l
Ponotaleta tree. 7. P. DMIPEIRE.
N 0.116 INYT St, R Tont.
501 bY MUM' OT
Iliamb 16, —7
Of 175 acres, sltuatetron the road from Sil
ver Lake to Lake, 100 acres improved, and
most, f the balance In heavy . timber, containing
several hundred cords of hemlock bark'; a good
House with L and barn, about 40 bearing apple
trees, well watered, II • water power, con
venient to churches, se .ls,etc.
Inquire un the premises, or address
St. Joseph, Pa.
Jan. 19, 1970.-111 m
14` LOU R ! FLOUR!
From this day forward, we shall sell Flour at
retail at
We hang out no'fabie colon, but mean. lust
what We say.
While making Flour a apecialty,our etock of
Will be kept full and sold at vary small profits.
11. GARB/kW & SON.
New Milford, March 2, litt7o.--ly
A A Beeman pat ma 4 14
U W 14.4.4 pat med 411
Joseph Webster 14
Ell-Tlfrany & Co 10
IN M non to
ti W Rens . U
'Nark* Wattle 14 I
A N Maud :111 'oBE. 14 I
Wm J 34o1rord 10
LyoneUrake 11
trn Chandler& Co
L II Isbell 14
lilt Lyame & Co. 11
E Cobb' 14
R DeWitt a Co. 11
A &11 R Lathrop 10
Ontunabeng tlosenbanto
Read Griffis 4t Co Pm 410
WII Deana , . ' 14
CO Yordhana 14
I.3lllollatd ' 14 ,
Hawn .•.- 14 '
W Mr-Smith 13
Miner & Coate 14
10 D Beeman 14
alone& Llnee 14
C N Stoddard 13
Wm C
11 Boyd & Co 11
E Fonlhazn 14
I 8
T Jacloon 14
8 II Hamm 13
T Abe pore &Cl Terrello
14 pal Med 4 0
Darnall _ , 14
ande pm 4 11
111 L Weeks &Co U
ihneY &Stamp 14
0 C UM 11l
.11 'Thatcher 14
• It Geo W L Salphln pat mcd Is
• Mom & It
Aloe; & %Z Hayd en 14
eta pm 414
II Barr=
_pat mod 413
• Whipple It Heed 14
Geo 11 McCollum 11
0 X Hawley 11
If °emu &Eon 11
J Dickennan Jr 10
P J Att 14ain I
Tenityek 14
John limes 14
- !khaki and els.l.lcity of Stitch
Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery.
thaig both threads directly from the spools.
No fastening of iiennte' by hand mid so ale
Wide /amp of applleaUon Wilmot charge of adjust
The imam retain, it. beauty and annum. after wash
inEand tronlnk.
Besides an kinds of work dona by other tiering. Ma.
chine., thane ittaebtom execnte On moat beautiful
and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work.
Theillgtient Prtnniumo at ell tie fairy and kbl
!Hilo,* of the United !Ratan and Ekilope. kart been
awarded the Oro•cr at Baker Kew'fn_• Machine.. and
the work done by them, wherevej exhibited In eompe•
The very filcher! rise, THE CROPS UP TUE
LEtilON HONOR, was eouterreci on the represent.
Naives of the Grocer & linker Sewine Stachines, at the
Reposition Itniserselie, Pori, 1,461 : Mu* atif.l.llllC
their grestirtirierriority over nil other bettlikr, Mathinell.
For ado by F. B. CIL% NDLEIt., Mont rove
lane I. t yr.
. .
X.i4lina, Voting, Calico*, tkingtuitura. alsipeC and
ebeekid Shirting.. Denimer, ay. as nand la 0171111 . 17 ma
ticrnasiso, Itoramaatts 4 Co.
Wlus. arming,
For Store Fronts. &ultimo,
Iron Bedsteads. Wire Webbing , for Sheep and Poultry
Yard.. Bran and Iron WiroCkon. Sieve). Fender.
Screens for Coal Oren, band. ao. Heavy Clue
Cloth for Spark Arrewn, Landoeape 'Wires for in
doors, ete. Paper Makent. Wire.. Ornamental Wire
mark, ex. Every information addreraing the man
ufacturers. 11. WALKER & SONS.
Ap4117411 No.ll N. Sixth at., Philadelphia.
T r Manion 13
Thomas & VanAaken. 11
L II Sherwood & Co
Snydger *erWheelock '
14 Pm 4 13
ON Bennet
OT Spencer
Z Mimeo 14
RT Hendricks pm 4 13
11unnerforil & Co 11
haw Ifesrode 14
Acknowledged brall to be thuhat dewing kLaehlno
in the world. Don't boy any ono until Ton horn tried
Nov. Si, M. Z. L. WEEKS 6 CO.. Agent*.
Moo NI Gage
I Wm Franks
IT Su/oton 14
I E4l Meeker 14
111 Il Landman 13
rLre 13 E.Forbee 14
John W Osborne 13
S I'a„. A Co 13
Union Store Association II
,I 3 F Smith 11
:C A Miller 14
111 Casey 14
•I Vi lb G W Galloway 14
W Ilowarth . 14
Thus 11$11anald 11
MI liatunaa 14
Lew la erconan 14
CW/rit. W W bite II
D A Lyon. II
Gottrobraltmrnbaum w 9
J c & J 11 Cooke 13
J c A J ll Cooke 13
Jansei Hen 12
Ilextry_C Lel p al 4 12
W 7 Pallienhary 14
MeDcmald & Kane 11
J C Font 10
1 4 ' D Lyons 13
0 T !Smith 14
Elk' lib:Galva 14
Buttons of all dexaliglinis. Ileadquaners at
Gurtr-vesna, Ensaaraaus, & t'o'e.
W IZARD OIL aud•nearlt everything
At ?V !MEWS.
I keep constantly on hand an ampleßip
ply of fresh ground Cayuga Plaster, for pale at
per ton. SHOEMAKER
tkonmensville, Jan. 10; lAlo.—tt •
lato nr Franklin township. Sun' eo. Ps.,. deed
Leiters otadattnisiratlon open the caste of theabove
pained decedent baring been granted to the andetstgek
ed. all persona Indebted to aaltt eatateare botchy not),
dedtb mate Immediate payment. and throat, hart., ,
daintangkimal ttntitund to totamtrehmta dalynathentl
mita for aettlement.
Franklin, Feb. =,
TIRE! EIRE! PEREI-Vbtir house
may burn mut,' Seek Wage it once, either in the
Smartly, Y., . . . sumo/0 no
Miln"MD'' • • 1,500,t03 no
iforth,Amerkeen, . - : ins,o3o 00
Hamner, - • ' , rso,ono
Otrard - ,-Thittddlrds. , - • - 900,000 CO
Elga Price. • - • : • (COX) CO
or %witch, roan., chaiume mai, ink Ota olden Stock
co.. la Cooneetteut All of eke above ate old estabillthalt;
Bet elms Companies, sera, and reliable, hawing b e en
tiled nadwi. Look oat Jut little new wild Latvia
ep VID In Over :!!‘!e'P 1 trrj oll t Make
! soup or ,sa, lad 'win see
that yon ere eld# d e
'Fiss,oo - 11 ' sd AtCidolibulßW,Ar% 0,01•00o1M
WV: Lac Pk, IVestrol„ .
Merge And 11 Tc ('lover,)
0. M. lIALL, Adm'r
Notice I. hereby S•tTC.II that In pursuance of en act of
Areetobly the following named parsons hare fl ed their
petitions with the Clerk or the Court of QuarterSauk=
of the fence for the Conntv of Susquehanna, for License
In keep tavern., ceding homers. and to !tell by the mem,
ore in qnsurities not ingi than one quart. for which they
• ill apply et April Sevslons, ISIB •
Bennie Lithe. ' - Tavern,
John and 1:111tobetno. "
Lyman Sherman,
John Foster. ..
It L Phinevanit,
John Green, ..
in H Smith ..
Michael Keith's,
T J Barnee, " Gt Heed twp.
Gee. M c amar& by mamas& Great Deed.
Martin Geriog, Tavern. Herrick.
"Geo P. %ekes. Dates; Hones, blentreee-
C 31 Koon, Tavern. Montrose.
John 8 Tarbell. Montmee,
Burns it Sichult by wanton, Montrose.
Abel Turret!. . Mantram.
PPil:o 4ith. "V. ?ATOM. . New I,lllrmd.
Wsk Sm N. Hibbe
Cheeks Morse. .. Rush. dbe
W it Sherwood, " Bash.
N D Swill., Hash.
H. It Abbott, tinsq't Depot.
N 11 Telford, - do
P B Brush. . El
Wm Franks. p
Finns Hon., fille r =
Che°Bs tulla er Stoddard, Tavern, Therm
BrookLy os. tt,
J Stone b.l rd, . Forest Lek&
David WUntsrib. " Lethlop.
Jeremiah Stephens, SpringeMe.
W W " lietchkio.. - • Bbal.q•e_DepoL
Peter-Teneyek; ' Elting Hones. N. lforti too.
Jam. Lott
Chsrles Malayan. I Talvm' Auburn.
All Avres... .-- '.. Dimdaff boro.
Samuel rt uotme.. .•
Voorhees Cafferty, •- Lams-
Jacob Decker, •. Jessup.
Thomas Fenian, by measure. Sexes Depot.
Freak Dorman. oiling house,
, Smith Wilc o x. tavern. Oakland.
L F Roseneraut, Wafted.
Dean. Creel, by etessurs, Susq,s Depot.
AMU , Edwards, Tavern, perric/s.
With . 401 s.
Rlleo Pbrisn, •• dllwer Lk*.
Ocorue Gardner, Elting hone, )0001[000.
J. P. 8110EMAKInt, Clerk Q. S.
Mosakozo, 101,2131 10, I=o.-11
This Oats will produce three times as much
as any other Oats. Vor sale at lowest - market
price, by W3L .1. HEAVY
Jan. '2ll, 1870.-3m* St. Josephs, Pit.
The subscriber Mills for sale the valuable
Farm situated in Auburn township, lately be
itmging to J.ll.McCain. Said farm contains two
hundred and eight acres, one hundred and sixty
achy improvoi There is on said farm a dist
class two-story house and new barn ; two orch
ards ; a quantity of fruit trees. Said farm Is on
ly (bur miles from the Lehigh Valley Railroad,
well watered, good timber, and in every way a
first class Cann. Persons in want of a good farm
will understand that a chance such
a property is seldom offered.
For terms and particulars, Inquire of
. Assignee of.). K. McCain.
Also, for sale, the HOUSE and LOT in Mont
rose now occupied by 3. H. 31eCain, with about
six acre of land belonging thereto.
Assignee of J. H. IdeCnin.
Montrose, Jan. 19, 1670.—tf
Books for Farmers k Stock Breeden.
&mod Volumes of the AMERICAN STOCK JOURN
AL for Itag Containing 314 largo doable cultimn
sent rotator° paid for
Bound Volume, of the American Stack Journal for 181.
contain,: yglpages. sent postage paid for
The Dairyman's Matmal, sent post paid for 9d etu.
The florreman's Manual • 25
The Borne Breeder'' Manuel " " 5
The *beep Breeder's Manual " " 5
The Poultry Breeder w Maraud 15
Thu eiholo live Unmade Rent post paW to one blame
furt .00
Argils %wind, to whom liberal tuilacemente wij be
offered. Adthwe
N. P. BOYER Alh CO., Publibibers,
Parkeeburg, Chester Co. Pa.
Jen 19,-9m
ISig-zi. col" the ,N2fTerta ---..
. .., ~
i t w 0.)
..,,.... 1 ,.....-_.,
3d door above Searhis BoteL
I am prepared to do any ptexe °tweakpertaltdupbto the
Mile. WWI,* warninced. Van. lara
PURE Mood Short Born Marian). Demon. Alderney
and Aynnhire Cabot, Memo, Southdown a od Cots
wold Sheep. (nehmen, Guam, Imported Suffolk Esse2,
Berkshire end Sefton Pigs. and all ermine breech. of Poul
try fur ask. Bend fur Circulars and Priam Addmss
Parkestrurg, Chester Co. Ps.
From 103 to 130 battle!' grown to the acre. weighs
hams° to 45 pounds to the bushel. Thle oats has been
grown on every Mkt, of soil, and tn Gamy state of
the Ortion. with the most perfect =Conf.
a s The grain to yen largo plump and Madam:ie. bas a
remark hie thin bask, and ripens Odle? than the sous.
MOO solzfetles,
The straw le bright, Hest, stout and not Roble to
lodge, Is perfectly deer of rust ; and grows from 4 to 6
fart high.
We wire both the Whiteand Black Noway. both the
aim. price and equally productive.
We will aced one quart of the abate Oats to any
address post paid for SI .11D
Two quarts, post paid 200
One peek ant by ..zpresa or freight .........
. .
flainntsbel, Mx:ls -..
One bashel, 40 nds 10.00
°ACTION. a wish it distinCtly understood
that ON is oat a light Date, weighing J 9 to 32 lbs.
raised in New England, and soil ands the name of
Norway. bot Imported Seed. every mho! guaranteed
to weigh 401 b.. or the money refunded.
Samples of both kinds sent free for • three cent
stamp. Also Cimotais and Testimonlans.
Address all orders to N. P. DOTER & CO.,
Parkeabarg.Chasier Co.. Pa.
Jan. 19th—ihn
Eggs or Pure Bred Fancy Poultry for
WP. on band the [argot and best selection of
Fancy Poultry to he Mond to the country. Eggs
carultair honed and ehIPPod to an; Part of the country.
For Circular.; and prim., addrree
N. P. BOYER a CO..
Parkeeburg, Chester Co. Po.
C. A. I;ACKETT'S Dental Rooms, New Milford, Pa.
P■rtionLat attention given to ill operallona nu the salt
ral teeth. Artlllo.l Teeth Ingested In all the various
styles now in are. Perfect eatisfaction guarantied to all.
Come and sec me, and rathify youreclvei. Mace hoar*.
4 bow, trot day.
Jim. 0, 1870.—ty
1:4 of Franklin township. Sascfa co, Pa. deed.
nam es
otad.ministratina apo ranted tato the above
named decedent having bee n g to the undersign
ed. all persons Indebted to said errata
.and hereby natl.
ded to mate Immediate paymenthose having
claims against the Ramo to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
' J. 1.. wanitnium
w. O. BMITU.
IPrinkllo, Witch f, IFM. Afters
late of Thomson township, Susquehanna co.
Ps. deceased. -
Letters of administration upon the estate of the above
maned decedent be ring been granted to the undersign
edotil persons Indehtid tit 88 rd Ire hereby soti
-6.1 to make ttnenedtate payment, and theme Slaving
claims against theism to present them duly asthma•
cited for set element.
111.1,10 T ALD11,11313; Adzier.
Zicrge Milford, altireh *.1814
/2 Imo of Middletown tosenehlp. Susquehanna tenn
i" R., dec'd.
Letters of administration upon the estate of the
above naindi decedent havittf. been granted to the un
dersigned, notice to hereby Ten to an persona ittdobt
ed to attidcabite to make (immediate payment, and
those having chilies against the same to present them
dalTauthentimited for settlement to the anderegned.
.JOHN BIGLAN. eidirer.
Middletown. Mardi e. IMO.
13allinst•rettesied tote New York with Ism
tides to kttnenst oelt atteete• geteiit
Nrenttwee, Nev. Rd
IWO. 5'
Forest jak.,
Ot Bead boo