The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 16, 1870, Image 3
COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tim Units in this Dinx.to77,l one vaar ONE DOLLAR and FIFTY CENTS, each additiou hne FIFTY CENTs, 611,',0N - - Kim* ATMs ,t BRYANT. .Nisnufnetarers of Wagons and Sleighs, !less tbst Ingalls' Store. GREAT BEN!) 1.. S. I,KARRIII; Manufacturer of Leather, and dealer in gOnerni Merthandi re. on Maim Street. R. r. DORAN, Merchant Tailor and deader fn Ready Made (lathing, Dry Goods. Groceries and Pror le lane. Male lancet. • )10,NTROSE0 , • . rekZ.S TlrCriUi.9, the clio, (`Mara, Tobsec.. Melt. •Pnek..l.lkft.k.. spert, zr vutoic Av en tie. M M. L. WY, ILsraess maker and dealer In all articles IlPunlly kei j a by the trade, opponite the Bank. • BOYD OO. Bearers In toe ,, Brsrat, sad Manurattnrers of . Tln and Slieetlnarmare, corner of MAI n and Turnpike etrvet. M,rchnnt Tatlors and dealer. In dacha, Teimmlu,a, and Furubdting God,, and Ar,-nt• for $111;:er Sew inr M whine, on M•tio r_strert. F.orrthnis ballillnz. • UtLLA RD. Denler In 17rocet Drovl,loo, Root,. Rlatl inner and Yank', N0t.1,1, nt. or l'ultlle , 1 ,, RE A. I ,r, II ”.Im.” 1! . 0t.1, 3orht • Fl,, ur , , ~pp 1: \"' 111, s: NI; and Dtrhan. :"7.114,...t . p . ri,r I!,1111:;. .1 It DrtPFTT D.•alerr, In T: G..(14 Ultra Wirt ntp.l general inert 1t41,1,,, nit W M KAI). Formtr,. Itld 11,t6, 117. n.i In. one d..... •y 11.. i. i Nl.i In >I. N F EIM ,rd I':d rt Atr M iin , trmet, Im, t, r• I, 1• ,, lin 1,3 CF.1)1011; R. Mcr141.1.1 tn Gror,rl, o .1 Provirtnn,. 011 Main ntrn SqlN ;;, F N •al MN, t'..ment. zottl \Lain I,pin,ine 11t1,,,1 .f I 11.‘YDEN, Mlvoc, I ; m ,, tle drtill•r. ,r 11.11.4", N.,,,,,,,_ .nod!'lor, N.."+.! KNAPP. Leath, :101l tit .11..t0 In .Nitro, „ • , 1.% ,'lntlr• Al\ EV t ii YAWN. Ir.-+'t • MonniaLturcra o 1 t tzor-. t2t , Depot Nt 'TI'I•II E ~n Main Str,et. e”1,11 of the 1 , 1, m. .1 DlC.K}:l7ll 7 tN..7rt . I)rtrtler •:••71.•,.1 rnrtrrtfint. and C1.477777;7. 8r7. - It. Sion, Mn Vain mot: ert. WIIIIPPI F.& 116%1). Dealer. in 17...ser:ti Mereist , ttn Mate Street. Y. II ‘‘k I EY. • Malta Sr re, C. I XacboiLl S7ltcllitioi co. —A !ram ill it.• ••••11 , 1 AI ii /11 611 . 1 ~ • 111a ntr ri,rr ~,,• niznv in Aint ta., tt tt Ittt a ‘‘t• Itttltli.ll !;t: ,!) it Lnr, .10 this Thr nnnual m, tin„ r.f tl,c Odd Fc11.,, , 1111l --ocilitiun Itel.l at t hid I hill NiontroßL on the tir4 M. , 11 , 1ny in April, at 7 4,', luck. Ii r the election of tmliccr,,,,tc 1). 8itENV , ..T7.14 'y rite I'lncc to Get Them C N Stoddard, silo always keeps 'the Is st ass.irtment of Boots aad Shoes in toss 0, is nets tilling up with a new stock for Spring trade_ If you vt ant /clip king in Hint line, or hats and esp.. wilt find it to your interest to eafl on him. he sells none but the hest quality of Tsai, at prim* as low am they can be afforded. Farm For Side, Situate in (.11enIrmxl. Susipuitanna (sunny. ' only thirty minutes drive front Nicholson sta containing 22.5 acres of land, about Lill ; aren.s ender fence, balance timbered. Five cood barns and two poor ones, carriage burn, corn house, large frame dwelling, etc. There are 4 marl; of atone wall on the Cana, and :lie n bob farm is nen watered with excellent sprin,.‘rs.— The ON ner has other business that requires his attention, and o ill sell this farm at a bargain to the p urchaser. Inquire of F. P. “ttrew, Glen t4,l,o, or J. sue., Montrose. March 16, 1576.—,1 An Old Sub*criber Mr Nathan Aldrich, a m.,,,tr,.• 71e 1 54, cau rd upon 11,1 one day last meek and renew ed his subscription, informing us that he had followed the DEMOCUAT with his .upport through all itt SkiSSltUdel4 since it was first started_ Ile i. now $6 yearu ofage his mind is clear and active, and he walks w ith (tulle a firm step. It w ill Ia• ...en by bin marriage notice, which we publish Ih. week, that he has taken a wit• to shah• hi fort:ne-, the lady bring 70 car- of :cu.. It mutt Is- admitted that they were old lal , ugh to lie aware•ufthensluwsibilitiot which they have assumed_ We wish them twirl) joy, and hop e that sevOral",failt of happiae% air yet in E. T. , them_ •ad AccidenL We regret In. announce the of 3 rung -I t. , 1 n “11111, wit,) wns kill,l v t.. 11 frttnyt ltri(.lgt• at -t. Paul. )rinnt-tota, ‘t Ink engapd at li:ork, on the Slit of Ft t ltruar t•tt He..„ivaN a stun of Mitit,t I N, tia rt. 1:•, 1 Jr.. m••rlt of Friend., illy. anti Is e t -1,• tit,fl br hn mani . ‘ toiahth , by nll ,A hp. 601, Railroad Reefing! Wake Ira!! Ttmrr will la• a nit...linz nl a;:tr.lay afternmai ut 16,. ti!mr , s't Txt 1 . 1 -, •rt n'll ,•ry nintit7. evury 31.eptianic. in Fact :41.114 n.l f.. 1 all ary inivrt., Lraci t out 1 - .• w wait In 1..• ‘11%.7.11 It ~ ,, xlilo.r. 1,1 . "r .11;1 11111 , 1..11 OF Cols Den 1114.117. Th....• ni.,hinr 1,11 'll• V.llntn..claied at in} Aka: the fimrlh nvek CjIKI tos. mon' h, h; ;I ! over come early 311 , 1 1 , 6111! \V NI W. \V lir. vt,;s: Jackson, ISlareh Ili. INTO Dr. Warner,' Thr - known Plreai , Arw r . , 1 , 11 m itl he at hi. o ffi ce at the Tarl,ol ITnnar. 1 7 ,, ntryr.e., Wi•tinesday and Thart.ilay, Pion 1 thi• Stisilaidninna Gr e w Tuenbrr, tParriu-ID' 7tYc 3jtama. attentitin V chc tri:attnttut catarrh, an , l e. a 1. , ! to r tione m grenerg.l Surgery. )larch 1.1,th, 1870.- 21‘.. . , Dedic titian. The dedication of the v Nl. E, Chung* at liar ! rd is pobtponed until Friday, March ltith &clock a m. Ea Ache . . . , . „. . - .. . . , . . ti,itt dari a g . .I. rb r oar% the lake is ! iiing at ia oi lock a iii , i lie CiAir.a il, -.: Pr , , i ,, r - , There is saartielr-nuy ache to which Andrea I het''g : • are subject, so bad to bear and so difficult isiear-i- Lb irklY covered s itil ice for miles front the t " " 11 one Hors- t. , C,,n-s. t Iwo year old Heifers. 1 aohe But there IS a 'irintsito' never krickirri„.ii3j , BllorEi. ~ ' , ~' 1;10 Plow iiiirni.sis i 1 set Teatn Hartle...6, nearly tail. Take abit at cotton batting, put upon it I • , Ebew. ,t, l'iuws. 2 OttUivitturv , i Cnitiratior /Lir " laneh of MankrePPer,* rather It a l' and tie i t 1 --joilli • Hann". s barn ., in lit ' un PY W, I, liryi . 1 Liliblr SV -nal, 1 hair;...•v dii- it in sweet oil, and insert it in the ear. Put , townsiiii), York eon nty. was burned on i ',,, . I :‘ , .tgrriti 'l l ..). pair hob Slei-ii, 0111.. lia a ril Ciiler Mill a iiiinnel handkerchief over the head to keep , the Stb, with hie; entire erop, farming an- i marl}'' De „ 1 .." } :,„,, (~,,,^,r, Fairchild's (Thrroan. r a arm. it will give immediate relief 'dements apd two, hoots- Mr.„.liarrner, Arr. a ritiaatp . rrtAkir,49-}ll4/Y r -Mer EOM'' , ---o- .16 .11.-- --- alto was absent, on hearing the ill news, t•st.t ImackleniCh's IwAs. see4tete rittfehy,,-ens'it, try ez i , lost his reason. vin, vie.. 1 (hurt Stove, 1 Parlor Stove, I Slip x. art prepared to print auction hills in good - I Stove. I Bid and Bedstead. I Grain Cradle, 1 F•,. 1 1. short notice, and at reasonable rules.— —A efrttle drover 'named' Mitten, was t c:rilia..i.,,,, p.„er's_7•,..,i s ,,,it t s., gu i ts,,itakes, - r,„ ~,, , ,sts,i i is often asked us, who is the. best I assaultill by highway ro bb ers in hunt- , Sleeves, Clitiins;'Seythi l / 4 ; Briatlis, butt other at .ine•i--, ? Of course those who nu-an busi- ingtmi county, a few days Once, and 63 1 ;;t i d"s - M re.s advertise in thr . DROCRAT,-aw frollovvr.• , TERMI 4 oF,E. All sums oeas ander ,t n. P 44, V 111,1111. n. Mornmse---A. Ely, Brookly d isi n— ! et_ed. by the iit..etnesS of his horse. Two '' • t , 5 anvta;.tasrnioattis Itedi..,awith interest i vas. P.•. Gilbert, Great Bead -- 31. C. Sutton, , shots were fired after him, °O. piuristug i ,,,,,, „ ppr „.,,,, i n0 ,,, 5. Friel:it:l.4l,We. i through his hat. . f Lenox, March 0,187 C.• F. T. POWERS! Wh y Don't "Prit'iii - IPnit. - • ---- I• - Pentingranlir Llerti, hitureir ,- -- - -+.......- ---,-- ;, I I('ENSE PETITIONS. l'eeplt• are pretty generally wondering 10 , w it . ~. -. ...,,,.. . ~,,,,!,,.,,,, 4 is that v. iti gill stmibling at an avuageof about. 1 , Th 4 ft.l/103iiinft p 1 1.1414. It /447.itirt Notiertekerehy Oren tbst Jo porstience of an int of uric per cent. a day. nothing eke is cheaper—if I th e pmt „.,,, k. , A.k.mbiy the follou - Ing admen penione time died Omit petition. with the Clerk of the Cmixtqgnatter Session. we may except certain of dry goods.— , ' rile irons, bill to incorporate the West ! I d , r e l' r.„`" ern r `Z th ,,:u ( z , "" b?:, 6f B :n a ia n tit 'a i, 7 " e i „,... house rents, instead of cunning tit,w ti, are on the i Chester and l'llmtiix vine littiln aid eom Ni . ! o ' , Pquirattii.. nor fess then Oni! , qUirt, to a vtdeb they contrary to be made higher. l'rovision and itV, in Chester county, passed fluidly. ' 1 " ii . . z in . th lPPl L " : mo t A . Pdl24 , ' ' .1°n T . 14 ,,., 1 r . 87° . ' , - ' . ma ) ,..,.. , clothing remain about the name. One cannot ~- llor st ~ i ,hill, a stliiiilemetlt to the a - et en- Jobrt,tatlEllitub,lts, : Sli ff onl. • Dinmk: buy a hat, nor a coal. nor a pair of boots, nor a ; titled a further suppleinent to the act rel - • 1 ,3,1 n 4`,..' 1na , ii ! • PrtetsdnlDe. loaf of bread, nor a pound of butter, any cheap- atit cto the electionS of this t'oninton - ' KI. inanemaalt, - . Forest Lake. .lobo Green at Bend boro. er than when gold was 130.,The workman does I wealth. approved April 17ilt .11069. i ( 'all- i , li 5 „, 10 ,. . do not find that his deny wag e in paper will pur. I eel up by 3114 Ifelisz4v, ~ T .1 Samna.• 1 at new Imp , chase any more than it did bar --orer,vlintt the sal - i In the house, the resolution of mr • deo m N,oasra. by nokoure. , , . Gnat : Semi. iDEPlrliall V -fitlOScli. !Cellar'? Keltroo. • , . .. Txo ern. If Meek. aried clerk puzzli. his brain tt)und,,erstand wily. i Ke en e, of I.tizi!rtm itppiiiiititig acorn- ' •;!!:",qP - A ' ;. 1 1;• - , " , ••• ,', r_sttnr Itromr. Mrmtroor a Ith his greenback worth six or eight cents i tititrci• to nwellaiiViinilltepritt tattl i di li ort f .i v ~....„ Tbs ern. Montrarto .b,. ...., l' ! ,, I. 11 , more than it %vas a floc weeks min, his Weekly s f...!l2l , ilithere wlietliot (itty-“tkiiltorlari-mitrpii'-'tk• ;74;- - .t N;;-!;;;(•; h Y ..."."''. liontobe. Mon i rt.4l stii.,•ml ..,.., mi turther titan it did ITlolltlts ago. Iny in the .%. itthr;teite t.•;e11 rygi.oi has 1 . - .1 it - , .. , -i ‘ : .;.: , r,..• I i NI ontome. TI, era, ...t .. ,:ibb Nitta:on! IV , all %, ond-r-why prices , don't come down.— noble “terchat)e fvr fr;•4..., , 1it 1‘ .0 : ind;•ti- 'As, -;;;;;L • .. : ~ ‘;, . (N. Milford bb .h . ,kl. •,, r•TKo.:;. •la l o I, - Mr., mon. Its, ...,,,t.t ;•.;,ect to be the standard of value In II itely post lion; ..-. • • " • w 'it sis,rutspik ti r , .? "CI, i . 7t 'r it't ... ..‘ thi, clonal:1s r 111 t he Senate a n•solutiott was adopted N l' Ft l' % , ,1..... I citing .l r. I I'‘‘ In to appear am,l_,, mi..l)yri - „,,.) . 11 "1.5. buoy's, Depot - - -.0..11111.410—•• - Spribtrville. for his refusal to testify in ryy•iird to 'ale 1 : c .,,, 6:1 ;;„„,„ Entire; 1.11.10eiri. 7 .1 7 - Silver Lake. 'Frr:l.: , tire. . I hr.,. r .aoridard. .r.e,r•ru, T1101311141[1. , .1 0I WI hrill •` . • .. .. , ' Brooklyn. 'Win; ti ere , passetl to ; punish 111, - : ai,ltit-, 0 4 stone n 1 - Formtlake. ! teratiod of milk, anti dxviiiiit„frotu lietotse !,',:..‘•.',..1,,`,,,`„":„!;:r:th,,•„,,. :. ?.,hoop. SKI.* ilk. I fee tel of goods hot; rext.eediirg 4:;(to ii' 'n Betthlticit. ; " . dhsthe Depot. Peter TroE)cL Kot ing 'fob.. N. Milronl bo i annually. , ...,.. . 'lns urn. Auburn. t. ha ries Nitbol Qll. • do .. Dandafr born ' .\inlrew Sti.w art. ail OC10 , , , Ii:11 . 13 11, ..r ;.,„"1ttr,„'",1„ 1 ,:,,;, . :,, .tin,-,,n. , - , I - 1ii..11 t,lll'i) 2 itt 'is , ' 1, 4 10141 . ' 111 I AR& lib' ili Nil .- e :- 4. - F. an oEllattlt.. CM, I: Q. S. , m. , 11 II , 1 II .1 :k1)11 lin V tl.llll II ii . lfni_ ll' r t"e. ', l3". r ' ' I'7° --4 ' ' . 1.1..!...•. In a- 111 .11.11 I. I IliS II 11111 1, .•1' , .1. .- .hi. ' I 'II "..-. 11. 1,:I - .I, -CI . - , I Se\ ..n ~.1%,' !It ,II .. 1 frA l t.e.‘NT ILE ',l' PI'II.A.TSEJLENT. • •••• -, •,! int, I lls the Grain IttJured t K.111,..f our cotetnponwim are starting the report that the growing grain has been injured by the winter being so mild, or that it will be injured b) the Iran+ winds. Speculators are alutty, trade to use the public pm.; to raise the pro e of arts: lel they have to sell, and especially thi , the can with grain ,peettlatom The not injured. uad Ao long as we e n anther m It, pc, x-ait,l for the it.• be :,01-ch. a • ,1 In • :hp: tor 47.cri - liat'dnyc +les the _t :un if it i• wct w.ittltel• l'nvzottt the in.: grain oul of 111. Ert,ll,l. tint ilne rout, arraly TITIV this I , •11,1, , 1. , 1 1.. V NNl.i 11* 01 . 11 , 11 ho " r I ' • %%111 uii tdg4t.- %;', e, 1.,.c• c' 1, ... - ' All that ien di; pi., • .r pitrrsil or land iiitnide Ithcci 1 43 i , , , ,,,, 44444i 4 ,,,,, ,, ,. , , 4 I , 11l !tit' t0N5114 , 1414) of ():11..141,1, /"11,3 , 11101,1111111 Coll/l it \% i., . 1 ,,, u ,,•,1 /11 It. Pt•llll , ylvanin, la•elani11:1 - It a -1. , I1 , • 1 , 1 111.• ft• ~..'''''' Vl' 11'4.'4' I I dill,S l•lenter' , I:tnil, 111, 11, .• ....nth .14", ,le,. \l,•-1 it • LATtlltell'. 1/V ,11t1 1.111.1- 7'..t pert h.-, 111, Of, north lii deLs . 11 1 };in'" 31 Tiffany 1.1 o PI . , • 111 N 17 1•Inn• , 4v....1 9(4 perchta to 110' Illiddle of nstrtain,tlien, e 11 1 11 IN 1:.-e-• 11 I ulon o . , said stream descending ;dolor lin. o f F l ag 1 mll)Ol.Vr,,wN. , ire , land to ithrolier , other I /I" • yid Fratier . -.. : 1.4.1,1, L. 41 lt.• is NttiNTEt,..e. thence .1,1/.4 ~id Priuier's he south AI .1,2% ;sw . 1 N 1".1111ril 14 1 111; pert:ben En the pl:tex of beginning, eotitabo II 11 til .I \11114,.! 1 " 1112: 3:?• at 11, all,/ 17 perclosi mri....t ia,,,iin.. 1-.1 ...... hr. A.. A I , it II F n 1-4 an.tter 11 . Als.i. another 1,,,44 -it oat,. in the tow noldp, ; I It I-...-.: 14 rough ill, i -Lilo ~r, .4,46 I, he ginning al an .iii.l 4.. n II 1...,4u.1.- . l'u. 1 ,1 h u ll birch ,orner 4,1' the Win Smith' NI - arrant Z I ~“'I. 1 , j I, U, 11 ILI A. I." Il . thence! north lee:lst 211 perches to a pine snail'', kilt ... . If \lll It 14..throp 10 them., .4..11114 11; d. , ea:4'4 l i4 perches toil stone.•. , g t.lll,:lunt 1 t•• .-....• t1.1,..c. ail, r All 11. PIO, ..... 141 .1131"'1.11 ''''' 10 ' o heal , , 11, I IIVIII•l• .1111111 - 2.1 111 4 , II•I 1 , 11.1 pert 1/,'s to a . N1• , :•‘... %do, died reiA•ou j ~. I: p.... 1 wall. A. Co pup 4 In • I".:41. the lice thallt Pi deg. I#l , l 144 le•rellf-s I. a 14 41 14 Item., 14 1,4.51, then , 3 south iti doz. ' .50 perches to a 1. it,. 1 4•1 t% I#rou2'l,l" Insinc athi .1 3 14,1,, It t• t, 1..,,.that0 14 a .41.. th 144,411, lit. lilt north 41 deg: most. 1l per . 1 1..,vr. 'I "/ \l' '.. I I 1 \ 1,1111,rd li. 1..) A 11.'iamo It 1.. 113.-1,11 11 i cites to 11le place or I.e:finning, t'o111:1 . 111111g 215 PL Nl/.IFF'. 4% o, ...,,,,th 13 at /Li s. lII' the 0.11114' Mort , or 1,,,,. I i 0,1. 1.0511111. r 71 (14114 4 X I:. ..artl,.//t 1".1,t. 1 , Beeman 1 1 4 i Alen, one other lot adjoiniipz the above, be ,; w. ~. ,- ' ,Meta. m 4 Il' 11.. r...• A. 1.1,, , ,, 14 / ginning 141 a 31hne heap roar Ow sontheall ;Non ). c i hnotonttt. /1.1 n. rta..itismi 1 I On, II 11,1/ a. Co 14 ,er of lot .No. 119. 1111 n. e I,..rti, '2•l deg must 78 1 1 1 perelie, to a Corner. theme •lILII It 6. 1 1 deg. cast lien,' 5,.. I , . r 1 a Kt' For,ll.ant I , IM , I s ti T docksoe 141 ro pert,. 111 :I 1.01 - 110 f Oval' the er,s.l; On the ti. !ho- M 11'41-„n 13 Of 11IC Nieredill, is iels. thence north ~,,,” degroes %# a. ••'11. 1 ).•• r .. 14 •A'9 1 ' l4 '''''' ll P" w d 4 L 2 11 tat along the township line to the place lit 1,0.- II iiodrost,.,. . 11,T spors".i. co Joon „ .. 14. J I, Tallo , f. i'l I ginuitig„ cot, tenon. , /.1 acres ar, 111. nd 113 pen 1 , .• I'olt/11.T LUG ,Burns S. Nie1,,,11 p ni-t 11 ' the same (nom or li,s. , m I EIJI. k .141 F. I s 1T ,,, d0t sv Co n . i R. , ,e4 4:Stamp 1 • 1.1 4 1 14u.• other n i t ro in th e lownsl,ll,, count %. It', ' •" , ' ' I 1411,341/rVILLE... I. , t i ll 14 ' and silo,. nfi,r,•anill, In-sinning It it beacte•s,eirlt . Itot i 1 Wha..... 13 I: Thotaltal 11 11, , rrier 111 . lantl.3 lielongilig to •:•#atilue/ linen, Ile .1 1 , . i •,.'... p.,1 1, ~ ,1 I i': Nt.NV 14174.finitil. \\ .0 ~...,.. , ~.,,..,, ~..., ~..i: I. „.,,.,,,,, p ,,, mt , , the creek. thence altaig said creek south ;443 1 tic- I 711 11,..11.14.,,,,, 11,40, 51 de pith, II , fretslVt•st.'.?,4 pen - lies io ala 11110, k, thence m llllll ll' (; 'III' ' 1 . . \ 1......\ Knapp II ' - .1.1 deg.east 33 pendos to a stake ;Ind stone in FII I\ 141.1N' -,444,) .4 1 • 1 11:4 1 "" h l . 4411 the town line, thence along said line west 3 lo#r al, m. -in a.. 1 1...,11 it Il Barret pat nett 4 131 , A 11 ,•1 11 I ,wahain 1:4 %%hippie 11r 1 ..k 1 Meml t 4 #lle3 10 a Static an d stoina, thenee north I , I weg• 11 I. 111.4 , 4er, 14 4..,..,.11 M. Colima 11 We.....t 1/40 It, a stake antl stones : llicuee north '..!;1 CI,EATTIE•rn. t i I M . Ilalvlev 11 de , ethd 314 5-10 pe,lo, to a stake and ,tones; II A Clod. 1 l'o. 1311 Inarra..t d Son 11 1 ^ 11,9,4 rd . 4 !at•k 1/4 Blekennatt Jr la t thence s.ouill 6-1.1 2 t1.1t!.. Cant 155 per 111, ill Illt• P-V, Vfglit# . ..t i r , t4A l p. 4 1 44 ilg:18,:y. ii ~ niatat .of loathing : containing .1 1 # .... #,,, &so (4 .- /4 t sonic 'nom or less. i d i.. 0tp,,,, oiJohn limars ## 4 i ..'-'.... 11 1/ IKI.ANII. TE1131, 4 .-t--500 on the day of sale ; one third -e, 1,, 11 :s.:41“:44-2 tr,•F F inn-„n , ;., 3 / 1 / I.ll ltt PuTchnse mmll''S linclu# ll # l % l l lie down Iv#.%• J A 1 • ..,, , II II I I/..7111 . I i : 'M. ''' . .@. 1, - 17;11' . 1 ' en ' ” • 41.111) on 110111 tonlirmation ; one third in one F. F ',LW'', It I ii. 111 I M 111iInfood S 11., , year llierrnller, and the balvUlee :41 the 41444111 of 1....4_, It ~...-4•11 II 1.r.444,44,,tWite5i0ek pm'4 13 the w blow, Christine W,,01l ; intertst annual') ii k , 6,1 PI N I, soh ..14.4 11 ' nn the W 11141341 311111, dziting fr, , tti the final conlit ## Palntla .' 141 81 , 141:.44/IiILLB. 11'a, 4 1 31414 Vin ' 13,0 W Bennett to t mat i,..m. 1# l' Bronson 14;0 T Spencer 14 XV II Powell 1412 Barrie. 14 JII 41/44'r.-ass Ir. 14114 T Ilendflets pm 4 12 XV l' Mr I rtowle 13 Iluagerfortl & 1'.4 11 t. 11.4..-415. 17 11,144 c %14.2.4,..1e 14 I. E11..11m., 311.3'10( I, (Kr.. 11 i :std., 13' %Ire )(Cage 1-1 'haw ,t. co. 11 # l-I ## Fr#ll,l,l# 11 \I N II ,11.., It l' 5t411i44,11 14 t. II I\ ell, patent turd 4 11 E:, N1....141,r 14 II NI Tlit e lev ll' Sl St/I F.:HANNA, 4,...11,,1y ..tS.,, 1:1 1 11 Li 1,41.1.1i44414 13 I N11414„:c.14.4•481114:. p m 4 ill Mrs E E 1.5,1-1,1•4, 14 An .Irligth• Lo. e Letter. ITAtcrolln 1 3,,h0 W 1'4 1, 4 , 4 . 41 13 • We Into 4. be,-ti handed the fidh a ming lett,T ', .L. 13.•• liabr. k 1 T,mner,,L S l'n,, , e .t Co 13 1 ,44 .' 14 ' n''''/ 11.11 .•'• 4 4 "" - ^i"" 81 ° P. A "'""" . " 1 "" ;1 1 , Floor, Corn Meal, 11m-he - heat and (Irib:int n hell ,ea :u-,.:a11yme,.i,,,5i 1, , Lund kith o !hoot. ,t sell # i It F Sad/ n ' 4 1 - 1"1 . 11/N ! A 1 - ("I'ff) - N ! 'Vero, &Carr 13,t . 21 Miller II Flour, Stamp, and Hominy, loan White South -111 rinds-itn# to publish it for Ow benefit of our . ,r 1, .1 i • E4l. nett. 14 It l'an-y 14 ern Corn, I.arina and Corn Starch, Bilking Pow ju vends reo,h.-rs, will, lll3y WWI to take lesstnis : The , I,l,,erilier m ill sell at public .31,. on his i'...1.riL1t.4p","1 11 'J wit 0 w 0 . 11 "../ 14 dens, and Yeitst. Cakes. Fit stock of choice Funi oW Howarth 14 I,rices that can't 1,44 got mter. in phonography end spelling. • I I , ratiiisms in Forest lonise 1111 We-tine-Jay, Mandl. 1.7 M White 14iThos Melmuald it jly Groceries at ja,,,,,,. 15th 1 570 3011,, n 1 10 Celock, a. ni t fine 11,11 1 m in:: property w'l# Ira 14 1 E11110111ton 14 •ek 11 Lewis t',4*.avan 14 LY()NS, D11.1K1.: & CO. L It l'• Mir halo. the 111,,itr ;if driving von af,•ll - lino I ' , "It ' 141cimrha W whit. ' ilabrock..f. Newton 11 IN liontrose, Feb. '23, 18:0.- 1 antic litipint, 11 1 . 1 2 -01 V Will rt'iovetthent Viith,f ; 1 intir heavy team llor,e, 1 thrre voars old . 4 A 1,4431. 'IIRICK. 14111 A Lyons 13 lau lII,' ,IV 1/00e11F111.1.1 C O 9 - -- the terat, , te of plesure ande ilopinge that yank Coll. 7 Cows. 4 Anarlizera, - N.s.tswe, I-doable i Hf rt. 34 ..‘ mold tr•J c It J It Tooke 1:1 alll.‘Ver 11.• 10 son as tha COTO t,, lin/111C I,- Mtn, 111111,,,. I Markel 11 . wzott, I Markel Gutter, 1 more Ni e nt,l,, It t',, p 434.4 10,J .C•ar.V it, Cwk.4-- ' .-. 4 • . '134 II 0s T ! )1:V311e Itum to itile hon ('rowde With Cusloi Coll i% a 4., r t 2 Shoat, 1 %1,..,,1• kNV R . ittg Nil I, el% 2 1' C spasm' . i4iJamna lice I'll ' H11431.11N1 mer,i,, , lay fini s it Wstde /let the, CtrttlAall. pitlAtlr pair !tot, :v it t, ~,,, % k.... 1 ~..r,,,r , i.,i,...k.-? .. L. , 1 41 1111•11/iV/11.1 • ' .' • Itc_4ll•C Lei prn4 es lln Fel, 1.51.11 in front n ((' M. KnouN% hotel, c. , -- •, li s 1 ItrautitsAl ••• 12 IW - 1 rlaka t ' o, 7 141 .31ntrose ti nearly while Pup, 8 11144ntlis tdd.une tom.. 1., elfb r thin car f`ranininyll,ert NVlllie l it . T i. - , it ‘ Is: .._ \lj ... 1 , 4 „... ~,,,),.,-4.). 1 . 1 ,..11 • C1'..4 -1 /1 1 1.1 O T Eitoth 14 Xenon:ad •%,Htpae 31 round &i l k spot An tmek, nevi small Meg Nronrlll you plea , 5V hen you rigla senile VOr.potogr,f it 'I er, now inoilll, , redo, %, 1111 int..r, , I . and :111 111 4 1. 1 / 1 4, ...V' . U 4 • •, i' II I Z L I TWI - • ".' -1 • . chi- lelV lin. , .•\ 1 ' , 11 1 451e and , ' 111 ill Fel'lne• ,he priu..l ~, urine ' ,1. II lialleei •, - . PA Fplifeei 'II None ear and o ne . ey a was encitcicd w dialed( 1 Walter Scolt. - . 14 1 1/ T smith . , 74 1 hind yellow spot, long pia/kcal !M sr, gnswent to ( ollIplctilo•ItIt , j 11 . a,i :1 (V 111/•••kr tuarynoin- , FOrC•3l . 3..4kf;,`,3tati . t . :10 "'''' "SY . 17 ~,,W1LA1....1.::, 1,.4.,..4.ch1a, ICo 12 Ellen 14.4.iti1r0 Wediitp., taste I.laurm.lay mil you mush ext.'llAe ' , ,-.., ~..1 1 ,;, ~ SrA.l mums. la M o.oh, l i i , i the name of - coloo,•I: The. finder will be nu in illoklueaa andt• BetierilHige if v#l,ll , plets Ri..,.#1 . „zits stomas Ilia C'orno to hairdo ir nniett eptratepliss.l. • .. s .4 Lyon* S. SOU 12 Walter Barher 12 ' A.. 1). WELI,IIAIsr. burn chi. N,II mew ate pm-Fettle yo, RespClfuly CLOVER & TIMOTII.SEIIII .1E:451 I' 4.lear L , 11 t'randall 14 1 .101 tn Tleen.y 13 New Milford born, Frb. 23, 1570.-3 14 . e _ ._..... ..... _ .. . _ a doire,, --- -- IV. Va. • i , u 111 ,1 1 ,04 1(.: ,, ,,czu: . . Me 4 14 Edmund Popo ' ,%Cr.tuN IMyen, Mandy 11 E STATE of SINII'EI. FINCII, . • I Norri., d, Pretieb . ItleFreeman 14 JalneSTVotter 13 1 .., Radler. 14 1.4 late of Franklin township. Suea'a co. Pa... deed. . Elba HeClratb .Dyer.) 14 Lotter. of.adiaßitatrallonapaa (h 041•411.1,0 1. thoabove I LITTLE "ATEA DOWI4. Win Ball. 14 named deeejjenlhivlnt,bmat granted to the anaemia - re D 12 Garfield 14,J1enry Pierce , 14 ed,all personsindobted to mad etitate arc hortby peti . t.,ATITIIIIP . k. '' Ell Beartialee - •-ini‘r S flt,be pat !mid 414 g e dto make,,fma3444llata Pkytrieflt. and those, baring 1.4.. a i 'l 'l 'l '''' l4 n llTS()N. 14 rtaimsagatoetbo name paprescortheet dull nitttentl -I.F.N, IN • rated rort4lllloMl.-" -' ~ ~. , t; ,- . --, ,- 'l, L'.. 14. Wrn Miller 4144,44 pal 4.24,- 111.4.W44.24uni1unl &Ca - 10, - 4 r , .-,..k , :. ,1, s. Atino . • , %%, al F I ole. 1 1 1..,4 .• 1 1'. , 41 11 Frank! •' l4 4;l''''grAfr . . .‘"c ; ':" ' . '''''''' 14 , ..4 q...... ~ ),., . ~., , \% 11 '',44,4t, u 4,1 • r '''. i2,E I urlatt" ,/t. i .i sa l t --- --- -- 50. A Broil, ~ I.l..licuria: U_Llera S';'..- - ,i. , ,., -4, c 1.,‘ ......sIKIik'IS,ION 1.1; BEN I' ER, Of Mg, Ti.‘Nl)l7l.: 11;1 iii E ! ,t 4 7 . 1 "- .: ! 1.• i 1, , 1.; !__. y , „ii..„,„ ‘ .. , ,,1 1 -4, ~„ ..4,.... ;hail t.. 5,000 clno '3.1 A u tny btglif4CSl...4l..ccla 4 , 4411411441.4141,4TN4144,..g. An th e Ar,kneo,l. aa thla in.o4Ya . ,Clare • 'l3 I - fv...... - . 1 '..; -- • .I.' ‘g'.l # ; ,,sitir,.. bulowl•an4hae Jr..1:3 1 .) r 13,1 12 , Sremitv. SL:r..:'' 4.. - ` l. -'' itamoot 00 11.11011,1e..-4441tatt,.11,1A,0 t'lana 11 , )1,,,,,i,,,i,,,,,„ . .:'". ' - •. ' .1.:141,1341. 11l NAM lia.-iltnn, .P. 1 .100 ~Cl a ., . 4 10 ,' Nonit Anlerlirlli, •:'' '-' •, - ' 7 4 , ' * 7 4.; •11,7111 i 410 roam. ls,othan le 1111 ~` L. l " 1 . ,' , 11/44i,e,er, . 77,41.iitin 1141 o,ol'. Ie•-• Ilkall S. A /1 "I.'" . : tanned. Inolall4.lphtn. - • . n 141,1110 tilt E n toly t iltt-, - - - . - 1110.41,11. On , •i• , '.cjlglae. VI . LI, rotot ofPote,thi, l'l/Int of : Pahl ....a, s wl/1 1..11,1 . r-...,., •, \p i ...., :.• .1... (...-.T,t. 44.,..• I. I 44 r N,,,,ich, f'non.. c1i41414.4,1 tiro, Vitt. 1hr,1114.44 Stock It .q ' '" 0 ' ' '''' '", ' •""" s•'" " '''''' ".'•'''lt ' '' 41111. 4 ... 114.0onneclIcut Aa of tip 1.h,,,- an: 3 141 .44.1.1 , r,b441, .s I . •• i ~, ',";•' 111 I' t r kr/ I, I' V II ll I. II 11111, and 114 , 4 114.10 l'ornir.llll , 4",, t 44144., andP.ll.ll , l'', 1.11113 1 '44 11 •, , • • 1.1,.• Nt. , 1 4 •1, ,, .I, -,1A4 , 41. 14•114. rt : ,,p4 rh , ,,.....,4 . cried and proven. Lhok ont for tittle new Itild rat •1114 ~,.. ..- 21,• • ...--.1., - tn.i, ~,,,,, nr pan le,.:lpillgirlg tip 0.11 4,, the CAlnutr, j 0 ,41 h, n. 1., m o n e, cart , -.mid 11,11 r appnc2ol , l,, Ind 1 nil! ,e, T 11.1,11 11141 II •••1 . 1.11 stmt )4'U are 14'411 dealt 14,111 ILL \ItY C l'YT1:11. --.4 - 11, Life and Arrl.l4,lt 111,,,t14 .• .\..n. 51 111, 40., 11/ tr i• W 1 , . 1t1.1., Cast %tont ;Ir., 1 4 0-1.4414, I I-40 If II) ilrophobia .• • ' tl..r, NS t tr. kl% !I sl`ll AT ril, s to the Itt Itette, th ti the n t„, I• !Ir.,' milk. I , , vm r— 1.11 21" . . . . . . a pit ,„i i k t . 1•.,1„. V. i am i . t ., „ 1 0 ,.. ~,,, .i-1,, , 1., ,1111 l l'.1111..! l''r 1 ilt• ,lIII.' 111 i ~ 111. !Pt111: , I,r , lirvd. ami /1.111 it n. 011 e OW 43i i„., . I , ll' it '.''‘ . 1•1111 . 01.11 . "._ i )111 . run, 1 ,i„,i,i ' • . i r , * , ,A. 1, ~ MC.. v •' '' "-- n aii4 cd t, a half purl, V% I''•?, i. 4 I '• 'Il I:.' l o al,,AtitLlT it I , mug. '..1/4 .),,,....:,414:1Ait,,u cl ri ,TV,, t N i. st tttt r t. t 1.• tt ;114 . 1“1 Neat Eitwitimid Euctortem, Iti:t• nett cent, 1.1 \ al l'tt• t tv t •r .1 IF. , raft-. or Yen j:11:1111d, has onrit,l \1 "o" up= Philad,i ; to suture the ailhk- l'''" liti et or t',.. stem e , f oper.itt,e . I ! ,I!.,tar t ,tti, -a ant, ,1 I.v .1 d i n :\l. %,- s it It! that --ertlon. :She tlo!! 1 . ,11, , t1•1011'!!!. \\ . :lo , l l, t _ t !--11 =tom nozni,,ursittoli- ti the ,olth. had - I -.1‘•• ! Nio r , , r. i. • - rors 1 • compared to those endured by N.-11- for r t 1 . , .o J. - :ti tiy nil - F tanthi th•tor-v opt•ratise, The laoti , i . t. !!-- t•oi. 11.1 S. N, A England or , urn`, tank trhog, llll— I t!.! Lt-t 11. a ••ot!” r. to, iartlo and their virtimA suffer r - 11.04 i pa , pl ; et 4.1 i nu n the toindiltiblii_Naw Eng. at I .1 . :• !tr , PA.' ;71N 4 , , rW i fork• k labor I,n,‘ eland Ph tiwakon the ITholcia , who !i ta-alo 'llion of Ow otttorru penalty tor their , -1- -I ,tt.-1 'At ott t• 11 ! , k ! ,14: erom, Intioanily iu their operative . s 11, . 11 1~ 1 1 1 111.'`t tent I11„•1.. r, r. Cribhim: in Iliorsen. (' Wyvi.ll, Portrillc, N. Y.. ;aid that 4 h.ti , il s and that it au, Iw ,•un,l %% it!. •Itt rt , tol i i the chohlut,l ntvk-,trap. lI=I=EIIIIIIIIIIIILI= 11, (311 filld. Th, .n ' :.rr i' ,:•r,ci l l ~11 it anrti~m nn lii;f.:nn twmth :tn.l ‘‘ . ll , llwr Ilw i n Italic with thy oppr.r or touirr nipper., or both: It It ;,., ',rot id,• hint, if with the lillt str.i.µ. to lat 1‘ , 1r”I 1, ol I o 0 ,• zood Lim down,hint in nn rosy rinitton 1111 I. „ e' t. \ l, 14 : " 1 \ a. u‘z 0 .- mall tooth itv noel open carefollv bet" c" , nn lot oi l l ' h.0.0; lot of Tin P am, the oil, 1,0 lh tc, 11 tiou n , the with I ss 11, (,rllll Cr, lb-. P.irl I , -I,,rp Koff.• 1. 0 .4 I , the gimp, atnlm.l 'fi t halt II II rI II I, Irn, r It.~l. I he. 11l Whit 11.1111• and 0111: and /111 Ic. the poor I : , ' ‘l , . 4 1 1 1 : \\l "' l ' fr go, 401,, 11.10 rerl Pir)(ar-, (lircod oi ht. I I um , , tim , sh „ 1 , 0 444 1 01 r 11111, nllla 1111 ft -1 :111.1 111 p'l,Nlll 11 er, 1,70. The Al*, him Fire, The ~ r i”inpf the Binghamton Asylum tire is now staled U. have been that it 'ma.+ nt in 111,. For s a l e ft h:isentent under tfie tlirperlier as the engi. 11 .in \lurch Pi, 1870 —s veer on Limy the night . of TilP fire, beard and .an ;.•r-.,” in trial cirinitt ju , i pre‘i, , l2. • In the breaking out of thr scour, and the cup ; p.-.item thst the tire wa. the work of a , nr,..11u.w %Opt nt.Jed as fiTuilinn, and, WIN di, Ita rgol frt •inniontirm tir , first o 4 Ihp mono, Th,,nril of Trustp..k. rnfer n t.t 41.111J0 1.. r t ..rr,l 3:1 , 1 a 'nix it . ' itni to Lin• rt ► herlroad Ent erpri.e. 111 eirtat TTrito iN 011 root TO 411,t.i131 P.i , l 1 Iln ut .1 1 , ..1 n id 1111111 , 1.-I _•a .Ii .r d , ”rth, I,Llo 110-1) 1):1w 0: nit, %%Iti• 11:1- t„.1•11 iter-ti 101:). I L11•:1101) 11., LI),,i'l.lll( ~a te I,c\ \•orh. '1 he 1 (11,0'1 , t. ,1 J 1,,11RA..1 10 c:st.r.d h,F rery 'there- -001- the 1 .ipl 111 .1 11 , ,l'11lUt.AA l‘r I io \Lc, it Ow t 111111a':: :):1 zi Lonal 1.1,41 1111 , 1. r , , ; I I „ r , „,,, .L.I 1,0 It 1I , p..P4T , ' r 0,1,1,110, in (T,- I 111- Ilk ‘1 cmc 11 1 111- I an f•-.. nto 1r..1 .1 11 11l the 1 2 I"' 17 ) 11: 0 1 :•1 1.1 ,1 3:I , 11-''l* ;i; Itl I, t. •• I • .•• 111.111 , 1•11 , ,ii 111. Ii0v) :01 %) 111 1 1011) 111' 'ti.) Lky-i,v4-1"3 42.4). rut, I! .r n _ 11 1. . idler! 11 I.ll}o JlllOlOll, ul r ' t :: , Ll2lO Northil-o,af.rn prudneL.. , U., ItQ 11111 af t, 'Fix do ll l'lP irunr.F •_• - ••ni 10 r , t 1 t luir••• • t,•! , •:- all I Vllifir%eti. In , )11, I in Pan.:: r I \ TI ,••.• • • I'••• , •.r X 1 —.t 4. tt , r 4 r't Mitt-W1 Ill' tg to it frittird thil,!l' 4 :ll.l r.,;.• • . • 'I, r. ”I.•hit . .... NI y ..yuyagc teErtrep_t ihindurtui' s tdype,..l.- 1 - - I Et: t t , - , t,t - - t Lt. \ :,,,t. , I:z ,- , -r I , - ,•Ine•ri: i lints flitqlsvcreli tiikk 4f,,4lt,trtiti i rl , -' , ':''' ' ~• r 'i .. .' "i”'' ,','',, ho ..:1 , . ' ' r''H '''' 'l' , ~,'• „I I„..tiiii • vp,Jhiq sal . , l'i . tikEtt . \!I II,Iii• ' r " ' . ''' ~. ~i iil 1i, ,, 1'4 , 1 hill . , I . (.. s .11:11.71100 .1 .A.iis'Ast 4 441Vrt , , -. 4 i 1 . 1!'‘.. ,- ~ ~ i i:-. .11:,.. t I •• 4 11%/Ekii i' , %,...1 . 4i , L 1.414. .i ‘ NI t' . . , T lIt'l)r) EN rch ,, i- , 1 in , Ii - we th,• ,.. 11,e, , s .1f CU , 111•1111 ( !„., „ n „! , i.., . Nt.,,,. 1, ii, 05,,, 4 ,1 1 t si4•psl3... I )VSl4•ltt It . , Filt.titti dritl 1 . , ' - - - - -- I • • • ..ii.s.stlr-r0 4 4- 1743.? . ETi AEr rr 4 +h . 3t , 1 front t,, i, , f , ,eut,,qt. _ . •<- li i 1 , , ..1 ; Ne > .1g4,, .tf Et A .• , tt/ 1 ( • ' . ,N ely Ii I 11 , let• is !4) he 6, 4 1 4 4 r 7h• , 4 , 1 iw jee i m 0 n ,".,,,,,,; ti m irrn 4 ,1,, lin til^ la kr ta ' Frit% Tlrita is m r Yt ' uotisr .- ox I , , ,, Ai , :tti c r, % . ` 4ol 7 kAt i tti lt,, bit,. ,s4,l , •fit, I - 1,6'11,4k: , , tit at this time of i vcar, the g4tier 3l rule- m,,,, ot, 'lllur.lay, Mur, it 24th. 1 , -;‘,...,..1,11,. !T. ..... • .. . m,.remnatzo„o,,- 'ln •go.iineltunnO County ni •,1 re.V . Pntlql6 lire Of the 1.11 . 4Vti *eft or A).- •: o.•r Of Of "Crommonwennn 11".111 . 011,10 rrr.nat• to II n. ft` dominti4 tho'rroa.orr. mtd fm...hhar pun. ',,• ‘S,, p. 4- tipprm , -.•r I , rf „ „ I '!, • firte„ r ;ll ' , „ " . " 10. ,• • , ~,,„ to th, a. j. • 1.1 .lin in; i,„ • 1 . !1•• 11nr I , • , 1 ,'N rl' , r IllowttiLYN MENEM 11,1, v. ;1,1 ‘‘ ,•,. s Allis .111 . A pot. n.i:t•nt In S Irr.llllcll to. 11 , '•.."''. ilctrdrertilruuttta kl"( TII)N ' \l*('';'l(lN (Large and Mt.dan I'•r•l IRON IN THE BLOOD. rho l - lirVi N`c F4)"10 and 01.• Is• h Caul curl ion r'aluvlll,l , 1r.,. .1 I'. lii N,M1,11.1., Lur. No. nOd►q FL. Nro , 5..11,11.) Druggifsw gruerally. . r A Itii \ it :t!i pr,t, ci =ME A .\ iItES IBM= - . I A Nt K co , i'4.,LEv ELAND, 01114 apitnl paii nip Staides • no(1111, 1...17 .an ••I rr anaml.- . ; ... ti .40i n 141 , 141 , accruol.. • -,• • Nl• 2 ' l 71 sat- Mu inc I"nm , ', 4 , i, 1, 0; rt. 1.•,•.; • • 'll ('ln , inns I si. 1e..... H.el. Ken.... 1i...,•55.s . -...e5j.. f‘, 1...,...,,,,,,, 1., ,„ r•,•,, I • alre . s.ul• ,‘• 7 ;..:,.......1 al 1,1411.... ' .. I II r , Nl.,,:iigess ..,. 7:1',57" ) . 4 I L''.‘" ,- fiN ( 01.1.0 Ill.:AL, , 6 $ t island ( ~,,,,R a i ii OTitlitttit`l a gk I 1r skl '.'"'. At ••1, qi, i .. ' ..•' ~.F.r,A7,41.; .4.,'''', 4 5 7,- 'ilt; tinn 'j4. liFt' '' 1 4. 1 4 . 4 2 ,;: ; I lift: ... ii,1141•, 3111 ll 4rrit.h il. I -A iil iir.-eiii Hit ' '''' . i lei.aaiiiimit i viiidel.l,..l.l.4.4:Q4, o.i.ick..'is,tioi .0 ::•01/0.1)0 ' . . 1 .....1 . 1f./ . %foe, hlitbis.t. itriike,:l'llECEONS OF TILE iiti' , - i r e , ' r :i'ilit - •I%tttli " .7#M.iVii' it ( ILI»! EI) A I. :wit N . FAV i\ r l I; •fil '!•:! ' f -A. ".' Y'"il "''''.'". "' — "''"l" 4 ""I""'"Pr"'"` .—.; /. 14 441.440.-0.;5.: - Or.R. -17'..10 1 .01 , 1, • rill elre“ er ,h IC 4; •• r'.-..xv• 077' it.ehineti. et the ari:iii•••• I .••ii 31.41St.pek,' , . ...fIC.I '' .4 r• OD . Is, eilfflreti . e • With ant '. ' Thtio , 11 - twhilyvea win 1,-..iti..0 Univ.. tufts!, Psis . its, Iraq, thuss flesh ing te '' I '"• .. '''"• 11' '-' '' ' f ' .. " l,. $ - - 1 a r ' i l ' 1 - .:3 . .. sie ' ' j c 1 . ,,, riti,...lia .} ul i red. 01,1 ... , •04 . 1iq; )inCililitlii. r ~,,, „........,(,..eaiii,plitlifottler, etiti h. tit, I, ail . % t% idili, Isrlisl, Cit . einnri Yee, err.l.enet esse.,si hiki . jo s liind, quilt, fell. Item anytyiatii, rtiltie, cold, I 1"),,, , ,... & Nit. ntin,sn„ ;Nrs„., ..r..V .‘i 4.3 . 45.Ue I plait' find nisike cording. Warr:llo,Al Itir three on•• 11.1..” , ...Al , /,' E,L05..31.., 1 . !...1i5s Nu t s 4.170.1:il• rears ' , Nes-tern I nem l'elegns pis Ilontln. " ',. . 0 K.5. 75 . ( 0:: llt - . Nhles.i . secured - try, Martm-ca... 77,14it•A1 &Oil AV 1131WEEM TotalSesetr.. ..... . LIABILITIES I.,,,Luljt.ltql and unadjum eft $22. 1, 10 fn Int. all riot. 1.f0rt...1,!3•672") INCOfIg. urt plecuinin mt . IdtAlusing AM% 1111),IcEt e"ltected daring 'I7J, vi ss.2Ul ' State and Coy Taxer paid In July. $ 2.6 1 a100 : Dtviderul paid tu ./e4y, 10.000 to) Latera incurred during 101,, 91 4q4- ( 4 r ' it. T. "LY01.7. Secretary. ! 1. 13. MERRIAM, Troanurer. 14tioutd &• Brown. ‘,e.,,,== n for Poonivozia. Somas's, Now York Maryland. Monk A 18M-3w , 1 I r .160. ! . vix),l,oo 00 149.41 i 49 • ••.:••-fi 117 IS:s ETS. MEE lia r 3=o f.5.1141t,49 FLOUR! FLOUR! From this day forward, we shall sell Flour at retail at WHOLESALE PRICES. We hung out no fulsc but mean just whet we &AV. %lilac :flaking Flour et—spec-laity, our stock of AXED, MEAL, sALT LIME CEMENT, • aRoc'ERTEs, pirovlsraNS, dr. tre kept full and sold at very small profits GMIRATT A; SON. Nvw Milford. March s(7O. I,` X P.PFTOIN* SA I.F. • t )1' 1:1:.\ 1. II:ilia& Nut hi.: is leaulty. !i‘eu that iu itursuavet of to order 111 . , Vl,lirt of Sil.qpi.luin wt at , the tkifieriiTitni ivili r\ 1.4 e to sltie pulajo vendile tlik• lmvti=m Or the late Y I%lVot,d det•A, mt liatimikly tilkk2tith d.t.y or March, at I tieloch., p. in., the 1; , 110,t iva tit,t riled teal k•.lktie ELLIOT ALDRICH. .1. W. CA.R.RINGTON ELI DARN ES, New Milford, Writ '2, Drlii 11EST GRADES AN LOWEST PRICES 1 1 500 " Ith OF .111.1 A ner , tu , l‘ ins i , :e• nt" .niffhatiji or 15 to r.. 1 4 la:n, to ,triet-Atnnfl s.ometl)i9g lbottrit. ftnil, rig there rtre ninny in Snwinel,:u, inennnty Irtiowish to get the very ht-.. 1 SEIVINCI MA('IfNE P141:--44 , will pay agent, $75 per mouth, orconam, isionliVlin will amply with my lame. • Send 2,0 rents for terms and circular to ' L. 13. SILVARA, General Agent. Forret Lake Centre, Swig - folk), Pa. Feb.l6, 1870.—e A uDiTort's NOTICE. The undersiAmed, an auditor appointed by the Orphans Coart'ol Susquehanna county to hunr. doter tnine end report epon the exceptions tiled to teat lima Administration account of C. L. Brown, executor of the 'estate taf Lydtsa Guernsey. deceased, will attend to the ditties of veldappolutmeett It his OM. in Montrose, on Wednesday lb* 11th day of March next, at which time and place all parties totarested are hereby untitled to attend. L. F. FITCH; auditor. Feb. 16, taw. V i tditlVY OATS FOR SALE! The result of my experiments the lee( season with the Norway Oats have been fully up to my expectations, and lam satisfied they are well adapted to our Roll, and that every fanner who possibly eau should get the seed• I bought last spring of the Ihunsden agents in New York, one bushel of a lbs. of the Norway Oats. I sowed them on one acre of good ground, and harvest ed front it 70 bushels of 30 lbs. per bushel, mak ing an increase of 70 bushels from one. 1 also sowed in the Millie lot on equally good ground, 3 bushels of 30 lbs. each of common oats un one tree•, and harvested therefrotn bushels of t',o lbs. per' bushel, an increase of 18 bushels from one. Therefore troth this trial I. am tiatis dial that the Norway Oats will produce twice as emu 4as the common Out,,. If any wish more m firma ion, I would refer them to reports from all parts of the country, girvn iu the Rural New Yorker or Jan. Sth. 1770. PRICT fik. }IT'S'frEL of 3?, Ib6. t old soou, as 1 hare but few, to.mell. For, Side by R L. Sununersv Fa). '2, 1870.40' RAMSDELLS NORWAY OATS This Oats . will prutluee three taint% au much as any other Oats. Fur sale at ! , .west market WM. J. HEAVY, • , St. Jo prior, In- Jan. 96. 1R70.-3no - - - 'PARA PYIt FiALF. !- IN AUBURN • offl cal. the 'vain:l3)le I'unn iiituaitid in Auburn Lowtimbliv; fatety be gin;, , to Jilt. farm contains two Inilidr..;.l4/itteig/11.-acrt , ,lt• buudnxl /Ind./1111y i., on said faun a'flNt t la ti to n •ttory tionse and iiinv bun] ; I%l'o orch nrtlq : n (tenni of flint t men. Sithl fans is on lc lour suites trnm Ole Valley Railroad. a lii w ocria.l, tin licr, and in c , . cry way a riot ( farm r-"I):1 in tt good l ' anu a ill tlll , ll N.,11 , 1 111:it u t linnce I.• pincliabt, a property in tadditin For 1. fill , and Inirlictilato. inquire of E. 1, 11 EEK A Oi .1. 11. 31eCa in Alio, fur the lIOVSE. nml LOT in Mont by J. IL 7tle4'itin, a ilh about ei acrtn n 1 Lied lictionrile; thereto. L WEEKS, A 4 , 4ignet, of J. 11. 3lcCuin. Itintrose, Jim. ID. 1870.---tf Books for Farmers k Stock Breeders, stnd Volume,. of tie A NEF.Itl(' I.N STOCK Jul. RN , . Al.. !or 1 oio ,rutAt“i 11g :1.21 1.r,... d.,t11..1.. (.1u mo 1. , ,5, -,•,1 ru,vtatzr pnid Tor . . el No it. tuf y.. tutus! rote Autertato Stu! k Journal for I`4'l. ~,,, ~,,,,....11 . ..,.., .4,1 p.... 1.1,1 imi.l r, . .t lat Thu- Ilnirvotno'- Manual. new pool paid fur 2111.. The Huron:num". Ms!. unl. .25 I h.• Ilore 1t?,,10r. . Allimil . " .1.5 71...Shet-p I: retttr. . Manual .' 5 - . Tlo 1'00! I - ) ll:, di t a ) I ...!:. Titr wits', r 0.,. Ntillttnig tout 101.111%W In one arlilrt...v FOr.. ..• ... .-... ............. • .- tt.i.on A,,,,,, s , 0 ,,,..1 t o NA 110 in h,,Cral 10'111. 1'111.114 ~ 11l I.u. 011, And re,s . N. l'. 1301 - 1 - Jt ..0 1:1 , l'•lbers. , Juolu 'llll ' Isarl....Atoir, i'tteoter Co. TN . t- —.-. • • ---- __ . • Sign car tka..c, NATiatcs.l3.. , . '4 , .. ' , =4 • . .... „, . ........-:+ - fz. -4 ' -:'•'' : -.1- ~...:, ••'€.',.,.,•"::':,....- J. B. SIIER-WOOD, \VATCII 31AKE11, 1 . 1 . 111.7 t. .11:8S7 - E, AIIINTAOSE, 7'.1.. :11l dint übot 4, ! , ...ark . . Mott.l. I atilonlutreti to do no) piece of , n ork-ivertalnlor to the trutm i 77 . 1% or!: 11 urraut...ul. (Jan. I. /sllt. PREMIUM CHESTER WHITE PIGS. Blood Short Horn 111nrhaml. Devon. Alderney and mottle.: Oives. Meno. Southdown nnd Cots snid Sheun....ll2lll!ln't): th , at, Imported Sntrulk, Knoel, Iterkohire n o d !tenon I.kro, nod all th o le• trreeds of Pont r3 (tn. male. Send for Circulars and Prick,. Addreee I'. BOX F:11 Co. l'ark.esbne,t. t'hester nt. EMI= GENUINE 111'()IIT NORWAY OATS. SAMPLES SYYI' FItEE TO FAIIMETIS. From 100 to lan ht,belg grown to the acre, weiOtot front 40 to 45 iN.lll)db to the Luand, This oats hen tarn grown MI rucrt variety of all, and in et ery State of the Union, with the moat perfect. roma, The grain In very Inige plump and hanti.ome, has remark hie thin lot•k, and ripens earlier than the coin mon varied... Theatraw in bright, clear, Watt and not liable to lodge. perfectly clear of rust: and grows from 4to 5 feet high. We nose both the White and Mark Norway, both the Same prlee and ettnntly prndoetive. ti"e will 'mat one quart of the above Oats to any nirldre44 port paid for . sl in Two paid ...... ....2 00 (Inc peck get: i by <pre, or freight ....... Half p0und............ For 0111 . 4"nrheL ..... alr - Wv h :4b It dkettotaly uuder.loo that thloila nd a "tight &Ar s rrettddritY dye. miloti its lest grvglaattl. and sold 'under the name of Norwar. hot Import,d Seed, every roothel guaranteed to welib4oll3- or the money refunded. Semple of. broth Mode seat free for in three eclat stamp. Aled Circulars antliTeallmonlana. Addmswill orders to. N. P. BOYEIt l'arkesharg. Chester Co., Pa. Jan. 19th—nm. Eggs of Pure Bred Fancy Poultry for Hatching. 'UT E ?nor nn hand the tot slid held nrierlnm of IT Fancy I..ntlin I, liedTin.,ilm o yrnoin, F: a. rlarrfullv hosed 2.1,1 joul nf ronntry. Fnf I ir5 . .111.1,1,11141 - . /34.9 . h'.4 flu. I , '''Parkeram*. 011,44,,r4.0:0n' T RoVEI: UAKEWS k FIRST rREMIIII I:I.ASTIr STTIt II 17.1)1IL7 SEWING NACIIINES roINTS uF kArELI,NNLF.. 1 1 4 .11113 11141 1 1A414:41,1 4 of ~npil. i'• tiou n..l 5.111,31. %, I . 4 414.4 1,4:1114 t 141 4 +(14 4 rlir , Illy fro., th.• ftekening of remit. I.y u utl anti u irte of ' 1 %V ;dr rang of 3 Inn! rnt ittn wit hunt rhn nt nik)nrt T'•o ruLtitt.,.t.. 136:0n1y and 1114no , :tr after mouth I t;,- li.. o klrotol work door, 1,, other sow tn.! M. .•pc Apr. 1,11 . 13 1.0.1 111011‘ to no u lul ucn rtf 111:11p• 111 .11.1110 i‘le I and nroanoolfill woet. •, nn ii e x ht. I, ;oho 01 the `I nit,4 And hurnne, [mire been kit d. ita Lek ne. Anc•ninr... nrd Inc ,ort, don,. :Two. wherever eVhll,lted h, eumro - , , For eels try N. 11 CIIANDLSR, Montrose June I. I ye I )I.i.NTIST RV C A SAC.FEETT'S Dental Rnnno, New 'l4llford,Pet rartlealar artetieee tn MI OrTMl t Ina• ea! teeth. Artificial Teeth ina . ert in all the various at) lea now . 111 feet rAta.f.ertiou guanuMird toed% tome amt sea me; end ',Way plum:3w'. Office turttra. A 4 hours each day. lala.-1y JEWELRY T HE FLOOD! COMIC AND SEE TUE FLOOD OF Ne'Vl7 C;ro CoClair -4. &L. H. LATHROP'S In largo quantities, of all Styles and Prices Wilms and Caps. Fury, Ready Stade ClotEdng, caul mgt... Beavers, Sacitags. Hem Blaakete, AN Mentors, Bed Spread., Ranktrare, Creakery, Boots and, Shan. Se. Se. te. ire ere Argente for the Celebrated PARHAM SEWINU MACHINE! \ • Itosar*,, 9sl ; TS. ,Itirt9 BE IT kNoW's t Tbat Ore Inrgrtf and bed ntlectlan of rr F. ADV MATH CIOTTIING, CLOTIIS L CASIO. THINS' GOoDS OF ALL KIND S DO- M Es'i iI GOODS. Sn.kWi.ti, CLOAKS, FL K.S. HATS & CAI'S LADLES' GICNTS FURNISHING GOODS, 111.1.1NICRY 000 OS. FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, etc. etc., tot.. rom,i to chi• part or the State, can always be found at %leo wan known and popular toter* of uttenber fjc'scnbaum es 'CO R. S DES Fir. rcprracnling this firm in Meal avriezug lately Irmo Nr•r l oda watt A VERY EXTENSIVE bTOCK, or /1)10,.. 1111.13 t 1 tolled .4.00118. 0111),abre far the Fart and Winter...M.lM. soil haling taken particularpa Ina In se lee, ilia hibiadeome et) lee nod divigne, an well an looking theLo old pireveeti, a )1421111y saved I. a penny earned.' ' We Mater onrvelvevi a boring BARGAINS for aLI who want to no raving in ranking their pnrthases. e . IVll,lltl regaust s calf and InPpectton of . creur good. Mtruirtne, Oct. ht, MD FARM FOR SALE! Thor Pubscrilxnr alie tee sale Es Farm. • In the ea ef 00.71 VI Milt n on] township. coutatnin situate ONE In' NDLIED A.ND SEVENTY THREE ACRES Pei nemw lgriretred. w tT teetered by ,mutt. and • email creek. Then• an• tan boar., one new, end three barns, one new, and other unthoilding., and Caro uod ercluadrg. The lend mrt imirtm r d I. beatify timbered. Mrlde e 1.,. line timber inrcarnotiort can on Ol addreso the hnherilrer at New Milford. Suitqbt Co. P. I==llll3l `VIBE RAILING, WIRE GEARDS, Vor Store Front.,Asylums, be. Iron Bedsteads , Wire ll.letrinu for Sheep and Pon Ita7 Yards, Brass sod Iron Win, Cloth, Sieves, Venders Screens for Coal Ores, Sand, Are Heavy erNr. Cloth tor Spark Arrest. rs, landscape Wlree for In dow,, ctr. Paper >taken.' Wires, Ornamental Wlro work. etc. Every Informottoo by addressing the MA nfacturcry. M. WALKER d SONS, Ap.Tylgd No It N. Sixth at., Phlludelphls. 9'ITE ELIAS TIC/WE Sf:WESO IitACTILIIC Arknowlvdgyd lo all to be the bent Sewing Muchlee fn the world. Tkm't boy any cue until you have trial tto.ra al, ISO. F.. L. WEa.h.S & CO., Agents. riASIt VAlt) Fm rat, Coon. and Pex i rk e . iv b i r ms co N.,. V, V 440. A BEL Tli RH ELL, Ilan ) nrr rrttnrnrd from igrir 'York with tilarge-ad ditimi to his. norml pinch of choice good. Moutrore, Sri% 24, 1869. '1 AISK Ittr,ear. tht. IVONDERFI I. SALVE Ilse been the ...or/I of an old Connortirol. family Ay the name of phet.e 'taker. or Now it rOIIICI , forth to hires man kind. Its power in lu.av rAnt, to 50011 IE itulTEntett, to 110 001110. 1• very eqtroordlnary the like an ha+ o.sver been known 1000 perrillt4 alreedy_bcar tea llnuone p0r...0n says I honght $1 Pot, and I onld toto he a lthont It for $lO or I hod to go all the me' to N. T. for It " Phy.irion% recommend it. and $1 pot- or, orderril 41.1111 for 110eyltalt and Public boffin t lofty to rvery port of the T. K. V.,r Buena. RAN, 1)(r\ -- 1 . I I,lrui."`• WITII-. ',filorr, 7 . 4 , re :Nipples, n Char- OUT IT pe.l Lip!, and Tran( g, trnolons. blind and IN TE E C4rna, animals, in. nuvar. ett:, ctc. etc. (iN E All 11, , z I. keep II for ' , say. 111.wo VirtUr Woo to r•or Dritortriazil get one V, o.llld fA ornt rarely packed, by expreer. .Addrurn COSTAR CO , lalloward Street. N. T I"s'r AT ()w HAY NIA )I`l ) S3llTii late 1 .4 of rrenhho ro‘NnAtp. Anerja co., Pd. dee'd. Letters of adaut nirt ra uou aidl II the estate of the shove ne m e,t .free , lv, 11:1 ne b,engranted lathe underelen ed, all persons indebted to said. estate are hereby natl. .tled to turito Itomodooe pa) meet. and thore having Claims an'n*t the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. Franklin. :Starch I?. Inn. ESTATE OF WALTER F. ALI)RICI1 late of Thomson toe tselp, tiestmehaona so. Pa. decenscd. Letters of admintstmtion upon the estate of the above. named decedent bermsg been granted to the undersign ed, all persons Indebted to co ld estate ate hereby nett tied to make immedisto payment, and those Davits claims against tbesnote to present them dab' mathent ceded for settlement. SLMOT ALDRIOII, At &r. New Mont Marsh 2. 1810. EST ATE of CATHARINE MoGRATH late or Middletown township, intstmelrinna coon. ty Pa., d9c'd. • Lotion of administration upon the estate of Mie above named decedent havln i f been granted to the an del-signed, notice Is herebygi ven to raper/one Indebt ed to eald estate to make mmedlato payment, and thosehaving claims against the same to present them duly authenticated ler acttlernent to the underelipted. JOLIN DIGLAN, Adger. Middletown, March 1970. COTTON GOODS. • Uuslins, Ticking, Calicos, Gingham., stripsl lod . checked Abiding., Denims. ac as usual " a• GIITT/Jll.ll/16. `"" A. TURRELL lust arrived at DRESS UOODS LA Rot ,rocs A. s p. FL LATUEOP OUTT BEHR. ROSENBAUM 2CO lACOB WATMAN J. L. MERRIMAN, \V C. SMITH.