The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 16, 1870, Image 2
I Lease of the Attiany and Samuelson- , By action of the Seventh, the Ninth a istnct . 4, - Ile AontraOt gem to gall s Polar Sea," and note Captain Hall Comes ' ments were proposed. At 4:30 p. nr. the I na R. R. Company. f'oncention will he held in Montrose. on Tuca forward with the idea that extensive whal- senate took a receas. In the:teeming Fes- , dav, June 7, 1870. The following are its officers : Afeatise-ii emote:P.o.Al the residence of the s_.: ; Sion a bill gieing e the tginsent 0C congress - W e ,C. T, Mason Jeffere. Harfonl. .„ , bride& :dater itiMontroso, March 8, th7o, by - --------=-= I ingot/2311;1dg fiekeit,be discolored, in some .- to th - dlaying - of".a tuienel model' the east We atmonoce the favoralileeermioation heeotilielotte - wh ice) liftie foiemmie we N. T e lt. A. little New etilfooe 'II 1 Rel. A. 1.... Pipit, , ?dr. William E. Albm, oft -. i unowle-region. istelthil will 't I)imock - 8 nelninna count and 115:k Ma s - li d'al • - 'll' ''' ' 1 .-- 1, g u t,* and",liorth rever4 - • freill Ilrooktin to New o . f- th '' l, ,e ee ee . te ,,, . , , , e „_ , ,_ - -7 . : „ W.; 8., C. E. Whitney, Susquehanna Depot. .._ , ue.e_ , y, • ry 1 ew I troy -,-,.. !-.- •, ed ireline an expe I,ei eq ech n _ coley pYtneevinil frettelNeW,lotk to N:, .cie , . ti me t 11.,,,mu,tuttt gottig on icor int , ease or _ W. T., Anna Jenkins, Clifford A Kellogg, of Form% Lake, Pa. ' in k .. Albattly 0,13,11 .4.risainehurattl. R. ,It., to j - ur._t".. Hey. ft temeittent,HrookeoL • k i ,, :ii , r u r iN it,;. ( .. o a .B. tirs a,, e ,, s k :x . ANTED. 'Clrallarimsrandissms FOII I TANIELT'ISE- -.hal*, cote ntiej4ls ap readei .. • t., '% '-' l' ' , - . L . le', oeifi , te fiei the unetio,lll4„ed h ''• Ili - I Os' . pa.sede The funding bill:et/as agtin : mattrritasee PetetN l • 4 1 - - : 41 .---e ilbas 14 . -1, "- , d-d'' - N 110.4 1 .1 .l' . the 1 1 .40.Warl,,Alltili.lida011 CfAllal_96lllpas !W. 31., P. J. Wright, Lathrop. /111 CAt i l t. 7lll2l 4 - 1 87 a ° n 1. : L I I . :"' 1 3 :c ?rE ll, Aid a rne nd r E3 S L' l : en.. l7 ( -I rli ii v ire ci h .S e i Cr Ut il li TN e nt a rtr : l it ' ota4 r ho ill-irt p irahl tr• oenkin e FREE .kildrtvte HINKLEY KNITTING 4, -, 2 ' ' theite wlti:efortit thii part) iiv •I s ti - 171.•ase. will - L.4i is for ninety nifie 1 I. O . _ It I. Vallee Ny. - . I%tilford. .._____„„„...— Iforee-elr. Woodward 'in...milted p e t i. . • . erolottel ta - etre-titian iseteese. our at. J. , • ~••• • I O. G., c. c. :11orse, Montrose. of Herrick Centre, Susquehanna county, l'u. WEDN,IIND•t4Y, WIASOU IG, 1 1004 IWe have all the knowledge of the Hyper- years, IK Ilr tne thllowing conuitions : ; It 11. S., Latira Wilmot, Susquehanna Depot. Amittorti 7 -in Sidney, 11..1:aware . coun tions of 1,13,5 laborin . g then of his district , _ ee___---e_---e--- ---- --- - • borean regions which can be of-eproetimd tegainif any change in tlie general tariff: ' 'elm lie alvtire end Hudson-Canal Com- t i.. H. S., Jes.sie Hartley Olenworxl. , tV, N. 1., Jannary I, 1870, byelley. ()come . - - - - ---- - , ... „, frall . i . j,t i t l i nty an interelt 0f.7 pi.,:r . cipt. I P. W. C. T., Daniel Itrewater, 'Montrose. - '. -- to We P s 'lra.' N Fran atl T A. Aj pll d ey ri , ch oi gilt ) ; tws° -- DeP ? i :_ : 1 " 47.1 7 ,' l • o l , l _V imil .' d ' '' ' td•Dtb" `" fnft ''` l T' n". a nrdn ' rema ' -L- - L- ' - "h b." Ilm ' Pia ' nal" ' Tire nagtrost;„lllt,alls•oad, . ; advapeage e to t pii, end why then prolong as soggesti - el ley the t hee trete aemetinet - , A,. ) ..,,,I,d _.,!,_ , y , , II i -4-l-• • Ile• ! 1 j .e. /" . th e i'ef, andfilllge pages ef history with 1 After some unimporthni, buiiiness t -Hictiill 3ll ß o o tt u 7, i ' aid ( 5 • t t , 1P ,, e 1 k 111 . 114°0110 • 43. 1 , (9 2 11 ,5 . 4 0 1 1/ . ,., - • o r o i i lrere ff-r4t yoneh r e a n n erees 434llger tte rf ciT t÷ la " bonng e la n to urge activ u ery Ve puldish this Week n call for a nieet v„. • I it m ,..._ n e.c ,?o. e Li ., ,rma,:l e• • „ 23,..4 , 11 4 , 4 ing • L.55 , ,,ep.x.". . ft i i .ev r e i 1 ........y..,. :air mi1 1i e n4r1i1 ,, r0 1... f , t i e . c i -, N nw W .iiril astiin e et ty e i‘ l 4 t.. 4 _ o2l ... A ..b oure i t c ... lo;-. 011 S at u rdn Y' stterntltnt-ne'st'af -al- and death. That part ,„ :i the . 7orld ... si• o h , ic,11,..i and zenlousiv in the cause, and of preserving RECKHOWE—IIanniND—At Great Bentl, '-i i ; a.... "'-'33--..-- ----‘ 44... 4-1:.-1j71.iii-uub""a.:5. 8; L1ak ., : e 4 ,000,4100.-- tibeiViendh4elnttong - ttmt -noweendst -beeweeneeaseldatchseettAihsbee - -- - Oa Ist !tlortgege Bonds, - 1,000,000 the Lodge; of the county, without . whieli our sister] by v. 1. . Pardee, Mr. dellse I - ri ' TH—E---14-Evit,AßTitinitv;lNT— th,,,,,e, who are interested in the realization I we a •. . . eennu - 'hdee - 0f,.11 .- 1 - e --- .Mv4 .• tini - liotir. , It, we e n t 1 ou . 2(1 .„ , „ Know or, is vast, enottighe abet cold * i Dien over.. el, rule was adopted devoting 1 2,000,000 ' efforts ure useless p,ml,still 6,'s'4llnothing. Thus Reckhowedo lilliaa,4l,a..a.illuditfprtugliter :a ..-.. .'i4. sts,ts. • •I s Railroad from Tunkhannock to Ring- t , . ~ . e . ..• (in letnipment Benda, 500,n0n0 • fa r we Imre ats , oroptslitt.l nnieh, bni. nothing in el the "lifcittt 4 4: ol •iXrum 4 -' ' I ''' - For twertti4lite - ceribi yiin . elitibuy of . comparison to whot may he accomplished if you INo card, _ ... _, , t cnongn. tet . least ier ;tie poor) with the third Fridfiy in mtch month, leom two . haroton be way of Montrose. We have , out ~, , endiug 'cloak Lill the hour of adjournment, ex- 1 • • will labor, with haerased, an t i jud t puent. : ten- _. ._ . , I yO nr Drte . 4l,et . ,, , ee daectee,r se. pitekeen le the , time and enoneve 0 $ 7 , 0 0 00 . 611 ° •; penal /•••,1. tr volt nre bid futherflies r in the - --- • ... ... . not felt called upon before to siiy much . . -1 • •clueively to the busineesof the district of : , , u loch might.he used in bringing' more c , olom g. • i „ . , T •e, tillil interest will require an room-moldy and brilliant when it Is prosper- I:>3III.R.."IrECIES. . Sea Moss Parke, manufactured MMus • 1 ia. ne house then re:ill/to' tile 1 0 14'1 . through our coluinns respecting thls pro- warmth abd 'cohered into pobrhouses, in • • • • - '•" • •I t LI. Yof t-190,000. coneeleration ot the emit, resolution tit ii l / 1 1,1 a c) 1 4- otts and flourishing. and absent in hmly and etet from tile very uncomfortable position 1 useless ritsear 1 I in ‘ a cold and desolate • • • • • 'The Itelaware enditudeon Canal Coui - aPh-e whe " aarkees ' ' 4 ' "" ''" '''''` "--I e " treat AD '''''—in flarford. finstpletranna amity, P:L, 1 you to be "born anew," or to a-insider yourselves February 14, Ism, Mr. dolma Adams, aged I make sixteen quarts of Blanc Marv, . reference to printnig patent. °thee speeth. 1 of consumption. ' and a like quantity of Puildlrigo, Coo that we knew of nothing to say as Pre haVe , hand. cations,. en er seme debate theresolutiott : pany assume Die iatereit en all the Meets e. oppouents-in efee-t, if not in proression.. i 61 years. lie diligent by day and toy night, and never CIIANE—In New efilloril, net been fureisheil with any tangible in- ; passed. A number of hills were falter when sluggards point to signs of coming. l• Charlotte Russe, ti.c. btc. It is introdue. from the Ist-of March emitting ; but the 1 ou tile *2,.1 . 00,000 of titiwk is not , Mama, :I 18 - 0 Icawlee Crane in the '''' weir ' Lards, Another Railroad Interest. .f , nnation, and we have had but little op- i led and referred. At four vie-lock the ; ielele' ol darkneas Never hessling the scoffs and jeers o r be ~e. ' ' - ' -- - ' .. o , s , ~e. i . . _ ~to he assumed until the Ist of January" , o f the unthinking, manfune do your duto, and , p .„, I n 1 ,, , ,,, k‘mt t i„ h i im ,...„ f i til de t l h ic e ion C s h : e fe a o Pe d s it t ; Lit he e a .w ith ar ie ld st . alla u e notieett tn tne ...Northern Pennglil- SENATE, Niftrt'll 10th.-The committee , neet• . )(argary you shall not lcuLse your reward. 11*.peeting '`y, ----- ''' ',; ( 1 -- it i - i -- ' ' - 7' . -' ---7 ' 316.4 '•- ' 1 workings for ourself. In the absence oT • „ rent - an of the eth ins • tant, an extructfrom lon rules made a reteirt 011 the future or- 1 The 6,e00 shares of subscribed shack, i the opinions of othert, respect your own by a ' u g e, a g l y earm. . 1 b lill y in RAND SEA NOSS F4RINE ' CO. env statistical facts, wo have come to tne ' ; the eorresliondepee of the Utica , Herald, der of business, wine Onus in every proper ;emcee nnd at every fleece pajd , , , is i Prompt and fiank expreesion of your conile- a... 20 . 0 "="'• - ar"an'am / A-e . . .. . , conclusion to present what appear ta IIE . f.ettin forth the merits of a proposed ex g h was adopted. A upon which 10_pts txm t. has been e„„ t b er .,,' bill s o f 1 0 ,-. 1 1 i mpot t o , tw e o nly 1 to be paid in full as the necessatiesoL bile ire. The 11 , tr . i . fnl time. Do not be intempernte in your tic- , ffiptnal gotteeo. , . 1 53 Park Place, N. Y. to be some plain and eindeniable conelto ' were acted upon and several introduced. I road ettl.Y.r l -1 11 : a. ris ill / 1111 ) I Lions, nor make public interests subservient to , ', tension of the dierrango and SuSiittehutte • Th e f en ding blit e . wee then prometied i heat . i l ti tri te; : s ti t d tis cur aud i t,o the extent that , private grievances. Having °nee lined the fall- . =ions in the premises. The very first of I . • nit It. C. tram Utica iiisome ' polot on the, •with. The debate was continued till 4:30 • 111.1'Y (en than the gutter and Into thellght, ma him ' r„ , ..' 1- 7 - The 8823°D silti S " 3:41---Th° hnin''''• 1131 LailArrali e tOZT . : 131(T i r . A . .. 1•uly 1. elderly rump...ea of tne.nes sad It*, a• A Eiti-is le., run un- ' not 11,0141 lIITO the tiaykne...a Itt• ettifr negiert, or • . . t heSe M11611131°118 le ' hat if the zeal which Erie Itailway,;:and PreSenting facto aud ~p ., „m . when . the . sena , te . took ‘ a r.evess• t tit -,.. , The road will ; continue to „• bv hattlin” 9111011 ff Venr,telve; - 1 it - t not. hit a 1 •••••'4" ' in• "'' .l. C t• ' 2l, l " i n th "`"`" 11 "'"` " C lb " " I "'", !••• S.''-T.--1 s 60.--X. . has characterized this inoyetnent in the I , ;figures, which clearly • deraostrate - Great on p. m. in tne exenitig stamen se,,erni t h.r its. ',resent nianagemeet, the lesees, or , l e el onta'a "•11111e1eTIV•P • IttetiTity, - .:1111 • 01 - to i„.er,:t,,,,,,,,t pher.- , the moat delleate elect nutalcter, or the que./t -plat, is all that may be expected in tne , Bend to be the shorter Lind mod f , ibie bills of minor importance prees e d. The , C011f... C. )131 • 111g power Lo make elianges 1 o 1 1 v ! t.,e •,_iere .SC .4 . ....r.cats reeord of a : .. i:ar. In " , 11: r;:•• i : ' ,. ' ;,:e r h " . " :;:::1:1 ' 1: 'e the ner a, the Inrsra. end the ' I.l' i ' " ' :l:d ` • r' ' ': \ ' :4 ' ' 'ilji•• r ''' lt°r e tlc° ii future, then tiene and its elements will I . point as a terminus, - its object 1 - ieing to I rt. en:tinder of et mini 0 . session Was ix:elided when 1111 , 1 iv , thee please, in the empley. ot her w, ,rds, ..‘t, elt ltr:lt ely a tki tt elf " ['IOW:" _ _ ___ ____ _ ___ ,„ „_„. t , , , t i d 1 . , ... 1 . , , . th e Ten,p,.1%,,,,. 1 ,,,,,,,,,, or , ~.„ ~,,... r ,„,„„,,, t ~“,....,, -1..... , .. ,, - omy mole 0 1,0 allected by 1 1 ,, r il, : 101 I'll. 01' 0I " ill.. fet'lile Bill' liellifi.. ,•,•S_ I lir I,or 1 ,, airs wll «attune: io , ~ , al the coneid, , ration of the funding le 1. it,•-..• ‘artatluua. =ld the 11.... t det c e e e u,...,,,,,,t th,drdlaaa. 1,11 ' , .1. .1 ,, 3 ("THU 11111.1 corded f , )rtlt.' aged level these hills into One vast plain, and 1 • • ie- [ll , l. IltltlVllll,/ itrtirit ~t - ~,,r e• i i.,.• nine We , Ih•. furnish another outlet, for the vltst miner- i Ilorse- In the house the morni lig hem emit rot Ihe iiiree l elle l / 1 1 1 of 1 - 1, ‘.• 0 'ad. , 1 ,,,,,,,, ez :ere , geol ., ~„,, ~,,,.,,, , it „, ~t gl, Ind.. 1. ndenry 1... t..1,-. t. Ili , tll,:titit It, 111.011111 t ..1 , 1 , h . i i , i • , . geuemtion after generation, AV ill pass away • , II ; le . ne equal among All ext i ,-ting eoil:ritetb . n'illi :tiller rail : ~,: , t 11 , .. ~ , , „.,,,. ...,., ~,,, 0 .1,,,, ~,.,,,,,.;, ~.... ,‘,,,,, 1 ,,,,,,i, it„ r th e ner . .. me, ti e , I .; 0, ,•,„:,,,. ,)„,. !1 .e . ,. ~,,,,,,,, le . ~, t ..1, and Viiiiri.llltit Iliti nhol. ryatern. In gickl tstirlitil. : IL'l'‘ 1 1'" , ..""1• at resonrets of our state, and. to form an , was- oectipiee in the consideration of the I ' . earth long before the lor•ornotive - • l• •1 •• • I •11. el s• • • •lie roads an, ,•, , ,,,i ,I I Iln lan ;,,, t o tie ea , r y t , o. tiin ti tali. L r .l , el e. aII ~.'..11, II I,IA I 111 q II V. , :tit, ' I unbroken line of communication from lair ine rat ea . ) II .r.c II 1.111 11 L.Oll, 1 If the •tomach hi weal: or dilordeml nehh, 11.• 1.10 , ,d the TrIVIO , II-r ~I ste It a- sr:: faishful, NVlllartel At ill be steaming through Montriae. An- . . . . . . . 1 thel his ergunteut agitinat it. l'i•iitlitet , out, in goal, faith. by the It.ziso's. ‘,,11,.. ll , •alstne,m to slisn'll Wllnien are es- • i I tica to Plitinoelphia and 11 ashmghm. . The 1...1, , hits I , e, n mad,. we umiersiond w i,,,,,, a id „ n d ~,,id „ n r. ,. ‘,.,. „ an ~,,,,, „„,.,.,..„ 4. nor the hue raft he In a healthy lAtatt.. 1111c1 n p.m the flt• . ~ . . . .. . „ .. . wilco ie, if the imoide in tbe vicinity , , ttie nunsiderat hut of an amendment'. Hie . - • '-, Humbly detamding inam 11i... let us f a ithf u lly nes- of th• - .• tno Initmtant nold• for the ofne.-.lo,,koest i a •cht Ila it I tict,l , it. in all pc I ~Aing every j I'Ve Fincerefy hope that the citizens oi eidi the appret ill ef the .lay Gould Parte, strive et et, our rimy. and our labeds shall Md t• ih , t" by """v. '"" I the n ' Tulallty "C th*ii nos' ' '1 it ht . r A:nil:law. In 1111 eliniab‘s, tropi throneh si hieli it is to le . exteot to i 1 monitor hour eepirxd. and tile bill went e ."'• ', ( •C, real Ilentl n ill put forth every effort to I ' 01 er. 'Elle house at Lee} p• in. leek „ 1 , ; 0111 NI it.ll D. II n• ~...,tllpOSO, \VW t . inatt. to• In vain (E . N‘ ~,,,,.. iti.,,. ...,,,• 3. b-a!th in 3 ercat toca-ur. dent-tel, 1 , ltll sken Ett , 1111• 11110 ntornino in the full en- • , mu 8:1-‘11,11,01:1,: It , p , , , . Ms! , I, (0, 11•170 11 lii,t tht. nit ti• heat /.1 t litd,n stilll rhiliii, ,t i tiir, Pr t ,LI. I, ill!. Ntt,i.; o,l' li 4;..;1 , I, It at•h6 4,6 ty,„ spe. .. • , .', „ , ; bring about the rr:tlization Of such ail en- • thr lell to Naito= the uttinher ~f otlir ,, rb . lbe foil •i• (-' 01111 •jel 1, Ili vett the dirt•etion of It ofton 1. , et thi• ~ , ,,,n of the !ear. lbettlzerlion . . ~, t ; , i ll , I, n . ~., . .1 . 1 . ... I . ~„A : A 3.1 men tOf :1 lilliir0:14.1, .11 - It I'l ait Its mane.. . . . . I . . tAi . i i s ,i . th, , r th• read. aloi I it,l of the Eric Si:lN:ly _ 0 ,,,, , i L. Ito r.ii ma • Prone.. Although we in this section am to In" afra.•• e" , -I- , eeelt Le ' ) it ' 1„„:11E1111'1 , S 5.% 1.,E•4 --it, virt u ,- „r „,•-,, i... '''"""N"1"f T.-entitle care If II 10 Wenk and In:len1.1. e' 01 .4.- .hir.c..l et mere* . tin be poi e•rv.+l , I. I, I: !A II ild,entn,- , tit, in,,llly •orength a nd :11,1 wt. may s;ty Nlllti :M/V1111411g,..... 1 It/ 1.110111... nearly siswen .„ miles distant, anti do not iti explanation and aril oemy of lie. meat:- ....mtl'an." --- -"''"' , 1/./tis• , I'l 1.11.1 ils . the Ctpilrl 14 COllllll.ll 111. A, itf 1...114- a ii h i i . 1 " b" 'll' r""1.7 i" r"ai" 1 iri•A ni • Ilittl II IIII• 1111111111 spirits. For - .1.- dll• ea.- it ~ ,)I,itii, t e ry lie e rally loescuing their ; . "„ ,• . , , , , me. 111 , Otated iltat IM t 110 1 , 1. llf Nl.ll'lll - . Wit 11111111 a . . , ./11111 , and to In c di r e c ted . I w ill ~‘. 'i'-'"'"'""• the n ' ll '" *"*l.'"l '' ''' ' '" ieN peel io reap any forret fecal au% antage , t or L et th,r, A 11)rradrial u .,,,. t „,,,i,.1, ‘ 1 „, 1 , 1i , ~ ~a , ,,...,, o w i •,,, rt 1 1‘ ,,„,., .me 1:te...41rd and thin , Induct* , or a Aintlip and . , 1.1 , r.e c'rine - a theri the sooner the dein- ' , iv, r.• f. It• 1101111 r al supereu- `.ll , it\ ;111 i.1.1.12,_.. .. i mar 9 -iirn ,' - '"' '`' ' irom iL yet we are fully aware that, Grt"tt It " IN" I • Ilit• •", • I, Orli die , t.or ~ i . Tii, 1:,.., ( pa.) bi.•intich rceord_i the ill Mtottros , , o a ' 4 ,ittitt , l iv.. \KO 9. 19;0, a t tw o v"t•"•`I .I'"'"C' 1 "'" ~:‘.` Istiftldt , is pricked, the safer it will he I„, . • „ , • ' 1 , 1 l e . ' l '. lt . °' l • • :1 1 , 1 „ ( • •' • •,,1•. . • . . c.. i . • ..• . - ....t...e, t• /I . the t:41 , ,, Cog , le , . - riDeti nieres ~r A r'''''"' l P"'"''''''' '''" l r I '' ""'" I ""` - ''''‘ I ' IlY un 'I - . Deno, is oue ul Ilie -most important hor- • tne .eni,•ricaz. arni x ot .: „to: to men was US t a ,, t e at a 0t,...., .f... idt.l. aN tti. .A.,•11.1.1e ed u.. a ~.a.•,-unnl adair.4 the .11....11.4, mgr.! common In FARRA rr, 0 11,1 r 1 , 0", WI other", eon makn l. •r their mental fie ulties" ; ler Ilailroaes ' ch••l,•ra ha- la•••kt it wit ill that count • l ' ar ' l '' nif "ll ' i I " w. ' l . pn r...t1,3, a , ~,,, , .... p all, ~ :ti ie.; ihe NEW IL . ' oughs in our county. and witritever im- ' ./• . All that eert:tin pas, or riri fl of ITII.I sit Wile Ih'.. T "". '''' S n '''' .""" l't"111•nrh II"‘"" b ' in ''' Ihr Tit ITrl , 1' 1I; M 1:11 , M l . sZI \l. .-4111.4 he Gdo. R. large ab the stall' ,;r IM. ',1: 11 .,, e 1 t a rm, of nt !held\ st ot day ere nut lotiit lty ttotryt ,. .. ~ , ~ 1 .. .. . .„ . ( ,50ti,uw. t u n i, „in the uns....i.isi firtitA of t - . 1111, i i lir , l lliLi'L arL Li , e , /-lle 11111 tiaSS ago. at. :t in In.. 1.,,r.0ng•1: 01 N1,,,,..r,,,e, . ~,,,,t, ~, 74.,,,,,,i1,... p 'ON( .an • nen aees its wealth anti we i 1 ;:.- by thowy. . g r° ' tmte •• The staff eerie/ ef the _\ . inerie,iii p i ..lee c.:lleil ~k11, , , ,i i, and in less than a ilanna, siae. ••1 p ow , I, „,,•,,, , I „,„,„1„ I ~,,,i , 1 ,.. pr. , . nt Lon, it. a cottroe uf il ta partivularl, ad, Dahl,: at , ~, .1 , 10,,' 1 . ... - . . , ... N I._*ren. cal 1 1 .trk Iltelken booit 'i , a matter of deep interest to every -i nali- • • • • , • • •I . . • • • • 1 f qt•riltoti a; hdlott . 1 ,, t ' t it, tinny in leo) oon Fit , leo ol ;Lit 1 u ti l e, r ,,,,,,,,t n r • t• , Is 1.. i.,1 ,,, A II ion ‘,11..,, eat • 1,1 1 „rem t o, t 0.,.„„,, ~, p„ l ,, the. p.•ried ef the year The odolnach .111 thereby 1,,. r, t artni t rii i ...,‘ ri-..•.1,- 1 1 I iii •tl tt Its• 141, %planting. it Neither are they leroil pupil co 111-• 1 . _ , . ~ .. , ~ . ~ , , . , , _ . , .. . . , )1, A r,,,,,,.. ~,, 0,,...,,, , ,,1, ),, 1,4 „f E . L . W re ,k, totu./1 mod .tre.......111. - ....d. M..- ll,* and tante'. re-..m1at...1, :„,,i, ~„ „,„ ~ i; we! •1. ....V.!. n. • *r.ut It. 15th • • mu • viatial who - t - • 1 . t - • . • ,•. lee . , , a0 ,. ..5 , 0 , r• .. olliis rct: es , ate in Isott ot tme officers, oevog ole mere I:1111111i a. 111144, 4114 i./UlCld 1 .1. tlt 1/lurtruteg , , 111: i , es. Thos.e ttnly who zealonely lalior t . ~ , ,•,, on t h e a ,,..,, 1,, h t „ I„,f I ~,,_ 1 , ft t t, m . 0.., PI Mi . lll ttntr , :d Ok and nuture put 11; u .k. 1.: 1 .."I.* rear . I 1 U.:111.41. Pt".4:111. Large. l eatil if as thus ' ,el te • c l north hs hoofs ~1 ..‘ . it. ter;tal ie l - r ‘ iir:72i of . . ' '''''' " ".1'"" ''' & c''.. "" 11'"'"I'". N-V -. ~-ti yr drh•nee a:ran...lll* mittotms erhlrh.iltd•rlnd,o., ,• • , /1) WO ISC0131:11:i. Lel a le , n t erpm., ~y the ' than in loth:. ..kt that IMF.. thus!: „ih t ,r6 u all 1. In . If 'Tilled:ease. 1 le tioeg , very means : in their power, hy . ( ti ptoes., , fur folio ts, kl t:tt It hid: l alllal 11t1ill . k. the and lands m i tot i t .1 :.. .....11•I,..21• • ~.1•1•Va.,,1, togetlwr 111U - rttlittetEt 1.1111 remittent fever.. rhententiton.. nervon• ' citizens of (Ire:lt Betel amain show itself I were Itteet-le lAck " *: "'" 311'1 11' , Vilt ill gin tinie tied "casting their bread • e". hot e o w th e e 1,0%, all m a j o rs, j„„e, l t e intia , viel.:111, a:, ,Itz ia Iron,. I.l) , Ate hI &lent v i', 1 ~,, , , t,-,-• appuro•natt, e.., otte Ist 0 t .tory store detnlo. loaulacha, hypoch , nalria and other complaint 1 . ihy imniediate mid ai•tive exertion, and in ~.• , v , ) 7 THE 0 R 7. kT lar.ololl, DISCOVERY _ . , ni.on tile water" libenill). can expect to 1 1 ',monies.. exemeis aud Ilrieudier •t.ienee- , hour. al . :er the hem tr' , ..t tuptorns. Om- cif heuse and all imp . rov."l. .11.50-All that Mee, trbi. - h are apt tu amoll tan oittook,i uod not:lnland not allowing th is opportunity to puss. 1, a i • -m,,,• 1 , , a "t . i iced ' tl • t the bill ' Clio , . 11 110 tFeil li ' Chia te ly • hours iv. • ~ Li , eL. .1S aor itareel or hind vitna to in tin. tuovnioi of Mont. . 0tz..,1,..ti0n,. Tn. , 1,..i..,, iv , tdrengthened without rlcit. . i - kit \V . i . gf .. .ini r e\ I toot l e-1 A rose, afi,rekaid : bi,llW It'll and (11,u.7-,lnTul ns Dd. in, Ito brain. and r0te...3,0000y ao ritiphrasalat rlll/ I i•AI/ 1 . ..;II) these lienetits and elljOV 1 bvir ad- i wither ,. .. . .. —.•-• • 4 J-- 41 u • 111 1 L ioreibly striving to seonre so val. s would, sso 0 about three. at i11i. , 11.5. At the , lwitriy, robuil. a-a :r parentis bc,..b.ii . ., , 1„,,... l„ .n., un ih.• ~,,......6, . .1,,,, „f (....(,,„...,i,..., , ~.,..- ~,, , vivinEl.irlmo, t llnz t'neratten -.Wwth. 1 VINEGAR BITTERS. ‘,..5. The plain unvarnished fart 1 - i ii i ,i,, ei ... wi „,. „,, .„,„. ~.. .• t o , 1 .,. 1 : I v.: -1 . , :iOl ITID-Ota ,-- P „. 1 wable ati acquisition to their already larem t conelnsivit of his:H . l4mm at the 1•111 wto. ; eoulie ueiu. 1t is there, milled "spiel e d 013 tee soueb le• lank of BeMantin ca„s e derA . 1% 1 .,:, - .11 all innst utitlertand i s this, -, 1 ,) 1 ' . • . , ~ , 1, .. 1 . 1 . e ' sum mlitreills. 1,,,, r: - rivm 1 . 1, .'.i , (:.1 hat th e vi c ti m , 1.,,,._ :on the ea:t 1,.‘ 'land- er .l I.•l i tlirep, and . on the r`'' LL " -TIIEF '' I ' s°MIATP/111 •' - C.- '-' "' ." = '''. .. . ..: : : *. 3 ` •'''--- * 1- V and g,roWing tmsiness and importance. ' LP"'''' " ' 'Y :•••'-'•l'''"' '''r 1 Ti„..,. „,„ r i,,,,., „„*".u.,,„, 4 3. n 01 0w 0 ow , „ t „, h. -,, t- - - ,:.., Ana. • -colon') to klu r Would er• a . 2... 7.z. p 4 • 1 north by Titr..pikt•tresd : together with the flp- • * ' -.-. ~•. ..., fat Lof a, ~, 1.,..t.. : - -i i; rt lire a Ila•lroad we must accept tlie v I the bill wit., iit.tll lut, , sol Ni itheut a • conic cor..tyd noh erimeim spots. The i -, a . 1 ?, onetenant`CS. I.m . frame ilwelling bona,. one . will - . , i:II. e.-e e'er‘ ` ....1 Y °I : ‘•"t 1. `"• "'"'l'' II" .. " -:. t , = ' : f . , lAIPIA T ARE THEY ? ~, ~? ,s• F.-. positioll of th, L,,.1 1 ,i•rh v o lt, ,- (. 00 , 1 „,_ , 1011, end at e p. in. the Melee:Me • logli malice) authority call it rerLbro-spi- frame ham. and Ina bttiltlinga. fruit and 'tuna- .4 ,uk. a ts.t•. Iran the Cnert to the rerar•ert. and ..f 3n , a. 3 . CONGREKSII.O.7IiAIL SIIMNIAI2IIi. , ss • • • , I.N.vri., .31arch - litlt.-.Mr. Beseis , r ,, -/ doeutrryirrx. • Illeh tal 1 r,..v., all impros ed. ALso-An intere,4 . r...pee . .1 t hi. in.,. at greater 'peed and with te,- , p.m., ,', :- -,:. F.. 1 DI seeured to us liv Iht• efforts of .ilidge • - - --••• 41111. kis- i n „1,1 c,,,, t , 1t,,,,, i iii ihii iig. ~i i „,., it „ ii i i . i , t i. reel II.•IPI• I Ilan all!' totle•r mach..., n anted lo •;• .± ...i, 7. .R rs • + rea,l a c,,nannnic:ition (rum the neoro l'ackenr, which lit this. e•-•thing lener liu‘l I SI..N• \ TE, March Z.-Atriong the memo- I nienthers ef the tieorgia Ls:gist:mire re.,,- -.1 barn -lieloneine to .Temes Fnitici•:, ' Poldie .1v.m...• i n th,• t,,,,,,,,,t, ~1 V1,,,,1,-,,,„,. ' titi‘tr i . tttsttt Li!. MI citinntis,.at ad.. ed For tern, f.. .:: .....i il3 ,f -,. A. F 11A3111.ToN, . . .: :7 .. •G . 3 oni 1... ft int, - I(., Ire . „0 , ,, , ~„•,,,I, i t f or iz e ' rials .. .r . ••seli fed in the Senate 'wits one liy • tot ", ~,,, • . - - • • ttl d t• I Nl_ It _anis le aop ion o .. r. ita,z- 1.. , , 1 . 1 , 1 t„ en late rnn, Potter county. we, hiteuell eottoty and State aforesaid A t ,,,,,__Ali t h at and rirent.onidoss , No. .1/0 ( hosting St„ PhD., VA., Lzola Agent t 5 . sT ^ .9 , t e „ . certain ikon an.l pieVe ~I latid sitaute in liriagr , 3fr. amenm from the miners of the , t f..- •=7 • 1. , , thui itllll,, 111111 1111.111 \l‘.l tilt.. titill. , llitni • b alnendment trit the tittorgitt I : ill. 111 ' " fit ''''. l ' :' ' till r " Ulf "" d th ir ''''' l " v, Ater. in -di , l , o , titi I nittl :Male, bounded and l'. h". I. 1.4'41 4er. - -.., .6 c ,i. z,,,eur,z nee v _, ll, , , eelinylkill county euthracite. region pray- , we .,„.e.,„,.„ „,e, t t„, te ,,,. „,..0 .. , t . v , 8 - here- , at the rime of the tire, three f o. (1••-erits I , ....loss: to ss i' Po...hinny. st I -- -- a ; :.•..-. ; fr. ' ' I ; li L Cw "P a ". V • t '' l " t l ' ik. . l. ' ing for adequate legislation to protect, • '• I ' " I- fl • t•-h• ^ ' I. e• - Ni ' , ' . ' • '.• ,'' • , r ' ' s 35,, TO CONSIMPTIVEB.—Tbe Advertia,r. 1 avinc s g ..:.: It 111 1. 1,,4 lII_ 111 llt Ames. . 0 litsd- post the norilit,W corner oi :I lot ol ninr, now ~....- t„„.„ r„,,,,,,. ••• ••-' :tt i nobs, the calendar of bills II :IR taken tli, 0 10 hOOl,ll 10 .1 by.- 0...-11,.., by 0 te: II S. 2, 1 : W'll 1110, 1 t ii , - tml 0 ml , dete it W '• a , - r i . e ttn.... their interests. The consideration of the I Tlie • • • ' • • . r"""‘.- emat rieolution for Go a ipeetnicat or late of Daniel Searle thew , abmg the line of An r •Ini i ilti /cfnetty. after 114511 . 15 ruder. d•everal,e'nr. t... „ r. , ' -- • .. tn-etl.. nuil Hee 41 . ts.l dt...- ... Z- - 111. •ti 1 1 . et some are lute:ging this delusive phan- ! fnn•ling bill was re ,,,,,d . no d z i t,. B ay _ I of ~ j;; , ,,, „;;;o„,„;;,,,, ~; ; ;;;;;;;;; L ~,, ;,;,. / ... --..— ...............- .- .-- . .......1 , de , ...1.•'.. I. , t ...ivy), rel ,10,1 - 0..., Ttei 110 "tin- . AA .. I 111 0., • , .nn., 1 ,tl, . „ k .. , , ,,,,, , ,,,,,.„..C. 1 1,,,,; ...,; . i E. o tz,„ "I —Att usirottomer prettier,. for this Tear u tea webt, Itit per, 111, 10 it ptist, Itit•ne. north . ' 7-":"e "..--!•°"",..".",.: c"'" " t.. 111 of hope, that btit:seribe little or much, It I rd dd ssed the , enate are _ contrastiug the • ters relating to the Indians was 'Liken up. a coini•t of sue h brill-lam y and so neat: ti:e :to minute , . TT t•.•,/, -,•", perches, and tive-tentes of " i e,"„r i e.„.`e„"e, e '",',' e.' ; ','„ eel e .„, ; ~,.„,. r e ' l e ,„ ee t 'el : 3 . r - 8 ,7 7 1 4 G . 1 . / debt or the 'United States with that of Idi•ot - al 1 . • • •1 ' •- ' ' s per:it there e not - 111 811 ilit•tirill, 1111,130 IllillUtt.,l .r, pt 'tin ttortl tfrec of eibts g , t. nit the corer , Inns I•d II • = I •••• hallroild. Will IA: built. IVO would ~. • . • • • am e , - ' , '"o: •a t oil.- o ,1 " , -• 11, wle mid • earth that our ugh re xt 1 11 1 l is.: almost its , tn . . t ' - .sn • t I :1, ' - 3 : ' LI S, a, ~,. p, , rc•nek to a post. them,- .**ll.l ..,, inin- Prepartng end tt• nd t to. ran., . 1. - 11 the n ill 1111.1 ft 3 - r angland to calow that in proportem t.• Leer io mak•• wiy for Ili , !Melillo hill e t. • 1. - 0 :is il , • , ereget as our tiny. niks , east. sat „ perelt, 1 , , Ille plare of lo!zinning. ' '.:•',', 1 ;.',;,,,"!,,'",T t . ,"7":,.;,,.'"„7',.`,:`.,,"1j'''',,',',:;• n,""';,'";,' - .s. '''... „ :4 •:,.• = in :'t.' W.:11 to disabuse tiro minds of all ' arrumrdated wealth of the two cOlilitrieS, 1 r . • ,I - Z. S E : num..., o.„„,..ineia: wen:, considered containing 9t acres awl eight-tenths ot Illt tier.% 1i,,,, t, i : 'tenon ' the Illi 1 . 1 n .l " 'n ! .. .i l l ' t '''- t "l• '''' " =1 - . . h• I. h I.y state' 2: II hat it • 111.11 v in be the that of tireat 13ritain was leas than our aw l eete e „ 1 „,,. 1- 1 ,, eel „ tu , at l en rti : • •1.1 CI • •111 - • • • I •I*hi - h " •I •' I • " I . u 1 ' l, ' " :' " ."'" '-'n 4 ' 7 '• ' tvi 1 tee ',net . I/ 1, ~.,,,,, m o t,. i . 1 . ~, s it , ..• , he r•one. ~.. Int te itt it nit It . awl he lityr. xii .i. -... !II 'I ; !.. 1 indoitriet Convention of Good Temp ,ll.`.l, :11 f.,, • :111^.1 1-1, , -Fllln.y prepff4. 1..) OWII. . 11r. Howe followed in support of I, reported to the senate az aniendeti, anti !Ur*. the arra - tetra nee- one I::itin. 1/ 1 / 1 ./.`.1., om• fr.. .ne ::;:; * ,, , ,,, * ,!: er ;;T::1 ‘ *. r .,:,, H , 7 ,- h . 6 . ...7,:"..% d .r,; , ! * 1i i .74: 1 1, 7,"% t ~.'i h : ,;. , , ga , -.••• :4 F . ... 1 ,. . „ Tl/ FY 4101 'Aire A VIII: ' 3 2 T 1.• 1 . 1' the MIL At the conclusion f his Et V.C.CII , ... - -•-t . - 1 11 ' '•. 11- I, ' 1.N.1 ,,, ,,1t ' .cin ...d. the ueutg t i al- - 0 I ~. passed kens 3_ , pat 6 :lAA, allif tlio senate Pttr , u.tlit to c.:11, lb , Illzhili Quarterly Ms- Truro. ,liarti anti a Nom ‘l' V fiP......‘ ,r .“II 11 .1 11 ' 4 % 11 , 1 , 1 . " I 1 ,, ,, , k, . ~... ii 113.• ,, ; . .......r , r , Tri ‘ . 1 .• ,, v01ie , i.., , ,..e i. , 1titiren , 5 , It 7 , I:TIPO I ' . -11f i t . , ~„, .! .1. ;If VI ~ , , ~_,_ . , , , ~ , , , ~, ' the - senate took a Neese till 1 1 1 - le" LP - 1 adionnied till elonilay. trict (*ont en atm of (1,, ,,, •1 I . 'llllllOT , t , I !• , :tastitle. , en i i, - "'l t a ' . 7:l l , In t i r ;l,-( " 'lti n l es .1 ' . 1 1Ts1 , 1 1' : [n al I ' d., la '1,.. • ' ''''' ''''` '''''' """ ''''' " "` ''.,' 4 2 1 I ; F'ANCY DRINK - 7 , ••, t T .. n i . I , I Wan . ) to Lae vtry tetttr, tit hannn County. convened in (ThOrf Templar's l' 5 , U „ ," „ ~ , •„. „. ' „ 111 ?,„ n : - e e°°°• ;on reassemllling,, a number of hills of lit- ; ee , ,,.,,,,___ e e tell tom idino• Irt w r i .e- I • - -- - 313.1.- of Poor Rum M hf..k . .y. Pm.. 1 , piritO. and Refuse er they " Imee rio the fiddle' the less In. , it.... „,,,....e..1 ,e....--...---- -...- sealeo . 4 , atta , . ~,,,,,„, ~. ~ ~ '. ''' !,, ' ," ' I hill, in 1.1 • ml'f' , 'llotrt. Pa., Tueolav, March 1. ).)...' • ) ''' . ?'""i• "n" " c h•- •• " 11 o• LLIIIIN/ 111 , s• Allrell r..,,_.--u--DF.AFNESS, BLINDNESS and CATA de roils will they appeir. What is to lx• passed. The consideration of the Fund- , :r is el n e- 1 . s.•ora oi, , Lerli k ult.xurif at- -he•aribitri , • tit-. ....,......_, ,_ • ..... _......-nee or .. set. C . .. , r., .. u ‘ ,..04.. ID . c... - tr.•nt...l ,1 II h tile terh.•ot OflCt ...., .hy .1 I..A.ea, i d , " ~,,,"', ' l'''' , - . . 1`x1 ,,,,,- * - - - 1i0 ,,,,,,. . - & ,. .. 1 , :1 , .. , ‘. 1. 1. . num ier o paten L bllia i Chn,,e, tt a, Culled to order to: lastriet SoCretary. Al '' " '` 1 '''' '" ,,r ' ' Interest ..t .1. , ,.. rt Lung, kl, ~„,t ~,,r , .„,,, ~,, .1- iti gt. ~ ...1•CIA 0f the Es.. atol 1..,, th..! ~•.,.. : lo• ; ; ~:- - ..ii .•i Nri.kiii.....tit anti ruin, but a. , ,,, , This is just what mnst be done. I , tog hill was then resumed,. untl Mr. Cor- , were weed upon, and tlieir consideration I . F... \Vbit.n.y, at In ::0 t. ti.. The officers, reg in all that ri•rtnin Me., In. parcel of hind, knit d . : , ...porfait ) lg. the al. (neat i'011. , ,, of Venncyteneln. ar.• . 111. , ~ .- . ......e. made fru.r. the net /re Hoot, and , ale irt the 0,wn...1111, nt Rush. ersintl Iti 141Ittql11 , , •1 1. 1it Y ' t'r r :l . l'n't'irt,":l"' 7.r:, i'.',7.7`,; '" r . : 1 'i . •;.. Y . d . ...'','' 11 " 11 1:" d ' N " l i l l;trrlt'; r ii '4l'• I l'i'.";;l . ' lii 1 - in'ttl l 7l . ::;i l l tlr . ;; ' ,'ll "' rti i r k l:l "n ll , l_7 7 l " ". Tit, ri. !Mist be at Last $lOO,OOO of union- ' bett addressed the senate IT/ adVOCIV.V Of . N ., , ,,,,1„1 ,11 th e in,,,,in g 1,,,n,y . At e a t( elm and appointed. wee. Te. felloWs: hau l m, and State of Pennsylvtons: ' , movie , . "n AIIII.II A i tll 0 Oftil . t. Thr Illeli IC% fact.:; ' ::r u t i . ' li;;;7•l ' rd rn•l; a r'''• , ' , 11^,, •"' , ' ,., "• 4 I' v e. ,^111,11 ; 1.111 "• 8 7: : • certain propositions of his own. Mr. (tole . ' , 1, I ~ . • • wI T stew.trt Mead New sliff , :ni. ~ ,!, ,n,:I ati ,l atyrilaide stock taken bv those 1_ , , ,_ ,_ ~• Past "t" .t- t , - " , tts' ~ em"" to ( " 111 n 1 ItIt'e 1 -i•":. * ' ', - Ilic ro.rth by land of 0 lisr - Y. I'L't hY ‘he ititlge accompany their untie:tits, tb. be ha* no .-rrotg , it, 111,, 1, tn. ,Trvt , e ea' 01 , 0.d...r.• , n• ma cor, us,d is rtonon MSG. soar remares upon tne neceesity tof the whole en the tariff bill. aud Vid,.3 'l4l - ' 1 1. T , Latint 1l ilmtu,•sustmehanna Depot. p , i.l set.oll be :t public High waV. Anil t% 1-st be Oru•to'r. An' ll,lol eres Inserted sot hont paint N., ihe '.1....1 ~, a h•• , 1 •,, e•do ~o n. ‘,. peronn 00n i ta k.,,, . nho are in tem.-I ed in the Road, and that lof tbe prompt extinguishment of the weir ; d n . h ` Is . s.. c. le weitoey, Susquehanna Depot. 1 ,,,,,,,•, 4 . D. it ,i 1 ,,.,.. ,•,, i , -. ,s. i.cin,,,,:,,,rtv :love,. ~,,,,i. 01' , Tgt ,10, o.o , olhst lon. WWI ty Jae tho-e Witt., 3. , d , . 1 _ •,, dm, y• 11, 1,..1 remato loag 0:001•1 V elr. )I(4eartho it hi., dee/tired , le. T NI. \... lit IL .`:•st Milt I. _ ___ __ __,______ .___ tatwen. L. t Without delay. There is no use for us ' tic debt. i 'Mr. Scott also sp)ke, after Which le improved. having 1101,0 i, Iwo dwf•llinz $,ll. ~ iII he ~..1,01 for au in , nrabl« rule, proyllled the i 1 LIAM, White in fa. or of a tariff fer reeve ue, : w. C . : Re: .1 .1. 1 ...1.•rt ' une . , '`.4• ° ;:'.llilll.r.l. •VM AR AV h,„,.„,,,. s w „ b„,..,. ,-,,,,. b o r.,. 1,,,,,, , ~,i ~,,, orc h. 1...,?.,• , -.. ~ .‘ 7,. .., 1 11 - f .z.9 . .... ;r TOTIT r f.-- . ; th. i , fr ii i ,,nsn air per- hone. Ar. ~..,, ..1...-I.rnyell hf mineral pol.lions or other b. further lie throwing sand in oor own the senate adj. ihe also w jelled to eeep in %few the juLli. , 11 - NI., G W. NI 11l kt•v. Kart Ilridgt•st aier. ant [Taken in e a e,toi.,n a t th e ~,I i I/4 Pool & tun. Drray. and ,1 . 1 i h ' e t ' rot ' orl ' ' ' ...ntlirtil li tn " ll . .l .l rc r ro ' n . 7:7: " :: **'''S ' "'' ' ' ' '' ' ''-6-""-'1'1 1.'7.'"'1 the NW " l' , i, but we niay as well look the facts • I 1101'5E — The first business in order, i cione protection of tile labor auti Milos- I 1). - .)i . sut.tin Par'snr7i. Brooklyn. It; foto, W lisk SilVeT Crivk lier, , ren vs. Jesst 11. Lung. . win. for ll.e .ake of nnIS.4 - ftnr hnmantty, «end Cr, to f .:‘, ,r It.11.11,1”.1. ry 11,,1 (Moroi.; RI, Ini 11•03, and ~,,, „ _ . .., 1 ~a _ , , , , ' the call of the atates.for bilis for refer- i triee of the country. lie favored a rutlue- ' ... . . • " A‘ /I eertain piece or parr ol or ' t c , f l 'O. nerd it., the receipt and ditectiona for making Int , nuiftent F. A r r.. 1 , 1••• el., of lbc ‘ 1t1.:4.. Lire?, I lUly "1 II (~ /ce ana Pee• Pert•• t ° atm ' ; enc. , . haying been fillts llo, l, a' resolution i tion of duties im tea. su ti • . it ll ' s " Alin"`lizlns ' embilis Isis] tffitt a te in (iakland township, Stesmehanna .- .4mrde rem, yhy which he woe cured. Sufferers K idney.. and Biat,d.r, tn..... Miter. h.ty, hmty man gar coffee an spo I 1.. IL e. Florins D. Sioat e East New Milford. • • iel•liliii: to Profit by lite advertiser", experiamen. cut de ottOret , flal.. snehiti••,let•y•l by VlThyyS Blob& ' thom If thi • • • • ./ se' ti" was the () MY elle 1 wasotierell toaltew Mr. Golleday, of Ken- • ces. ...11. the oorodusion of Ids specie the • P. W. c'. T,le L. Titus, Latliroll- ,-,,unty. l'a. : Itruindivl und desrrilied as follows: ' ..... bv mddr.....inz, In perfeet rnittlelence. ./ 011 N 11 whlch f• dencr.ll, res.,-,-4 hy tichttegenteitt of' the l ' Hooinnino Olt 11t. Mirth -i.i.• of the road leading , 9 . , 1'E.N. No• u i-' ,,, 1ar , 1D.0. N‘ln Yerk. trout ct 1y It,g , ..rsv 0r ...- . - . , .., , ~•,,,, throngh which aIL R. could pass, we ; tucky, to withdraw his resioation,•the I TurilT bill n'aS Ltiti aside. and tilt:deficit:ll- The Clutirinan ..1 ille Committee un ertslen. ' - '. ' ' ' , f rom t;,,,, t R en d ,-, 1,, , ,, ‘ ~-..,t tall b and at the Irli . rest in apparent security. But be- I Gov e r.or of that state having refuted to iey bill tot:km np. The bail _appropriates lilt,. rt..p..1 1,1 rt•pn•-ent•itives present rrom ~00thw,1 corn, of lot deeded to mart . n „..,..,.., •. . .•, . - ~.. -•-•• - - --- 1 - nlMM . ..hemline tentneh therkts in Eininlre.Ert!lttlenelv' t 11,. r „ Ew yortx prionveE ' , se um , Eire ~ 01' S.M.: elevelot• It when ron nod ts abstracted IV*, NV;tre ! Other routes are practicable, and., acc,ept it. After :a long• discussion, the •on aggregate amount of $2.477,71 I. for dee t " enl Y• twr) r ''' ll- ' l ' . " d r '" e TemPlc, 'Hz' GTral nee. thence along .., t it-I Wavtior's line north 9 . •ntestoh to tbe v,O, ..: Itietitelott lit irlMi It to. roc& diod , ••• Rend. Cresesnt, Rr, a ikt . rn, Sheridan, Smith ( ;71. ' riegTor, An 131 tni , reek tv, , tl 75 feet to a ems. , „ , , , , h , , , A , ;nl „, s; ~5,„„,, > ou r 0.011.,,, trlll lett •tlal v lanti. liaep tbn bleed pare‘ - house relived toentertaiu the motiou. 4. • fiei mcies in tli prm.ent fist- 1 y r 31 r th t •r communities are aWalie. Who are - - • •'• e 4 el' . r- tiftll. Harford, Susquehanna I>epot, No-Conan,. ' ner, thence -milt NO degrees and 25 minutes . `"'''''''''' 4.. " .- : '''. ' ? " -n "' ''""--"'. '231 ° " 1 "."' I " .. ''' '"' ' '"" "' " • '" " ''' ". !"".• , resolution wae. adopted instructing the i Pel-li delivered a lenethe sp eec h n e• ' t eonst inie• Olive 15.,,,f I denwok.l Lathrop South . 1,11 t.,.. Si.. Neu York. l'ir, T3r,e,, , , ,, 1 di.. t‘l ,d - .n.; lurk , ol; . 3,1 the Py•fem of ~ man! t tll.ll-.116.1 , 0, - iste Teta. Liklit ide. :N o.,' an d te _ Int re interested than the capitalists, and • i ti dt e t ery eteerr ett ee to in qu ire whet,her a te e a d rn ee s : m e et ,. ?o r •I : ••• • e. ' •.- . u•se. let feet to a eorn,•r. thence 9 do s ereet and . Week ending Marvh le, 11170. u, ,,, ,,-4. . /owl!, atitlressvd llart.trd, 1...m.0.vdt: , ( 1t1r,,,-a.t.„ 1 1,-,-r creek., 1. , ..a5t 3,1 minutes et,- t, tirl , 1.-el In a corner fn) the LusioeSs men of our Borough ? The 1 ., meinber present during th --e session may I the home: iii necly. Bridge Water. I ',tin foi:in (l'e. rn.:,,,,,,,, EaRI n orth hank ~r 111. , Hi, er Pent. Ilirdm . .. along. said Rutter, pail t a B Mon, )10001 IA 00 L..0hl I titertlllllo/31 FeTee , , lief* 0. 81110, hus.• n...-quil 11. , * tell dlrcellon• trA,lCtirell4: Illeans to aceomplieli this old must come , resign has Feat without consent of the - Huse. Gene and Itrookdale Godges, and Good road In a northeakterlv dirN:tion to the platy of I '- firkin 80(c_036 i t - In , re ., 01., An, WI .iito 1. 1..111-. prlnltiti In (fair !an t ' house, ill order to evade Ills (Intim anti 4 /lie invll'llPifillg Conitilillce., Will .1 " ,1 "1 ,1 ' at New )liln , erl. ColimumiNttioo' 1,..4. - inninZ. /1 1/t.intr the sante deeded lre l'alvin Che.s...,.lairy, per lb 14(4 ,1 5 guat r e.- . 1;;111:11..h •;... ern 3 a ' , tell rh anti I tt p. l lll. it. 'trent th•••,,, :who halve them •itel no o . were rtx.axesi from Therapsea Center, itid and 8171,111 to Helen F. NVilliams, having thereon, 1 , " ittenwy - 150, t 6 14 LK hu , jprnyeretpw. 1 - zoottrperceishi N. T. ... '. i'ler. . . i -. 1 . . At th 'll. . th I resisms. 0 !Ales. rue 0 - 1 - • oe -. .• e I ~.,1 ,,, 1 . ,, .. „,. . . . . „ ~ ptlndaii Latiges The above Lodges and Tem- , tt. IL NtrtutC kI. D LCO Game three-story Imam., now in- lately occupied , Etws. per doz ..... ........... ....... 27(028 Drug-dot... snd eeners. tgonto. son • Er: , ;tehren and Rao- , Montrose he the taletitk.citergieS and p lth- constdcrittion of the Georgia hill was re- I 1 It tog is tne leth•r !iambs! ti ~Y tee 'eel' , " rePresented bv nl'" `l rdt "r tin V ilL'i" - ah ter:lnt by VanWtture•r W N. lleeker and Flom', per barrel 4 liOot e i.2o Callterel.T. atol 32 &II ennlnn..l,l Rt.. N. T. lie spirit of these men of li•rmer times is ' sumed. 3lr. Bingliant addreesed the i Gen. Irwin to the eommittee. tipen his tee tra lea. anti a lurbr niimher of the membeisthip of ' ' ' . ' : . • - :: s Richard blo t s,. late the Ware of 'Norman S. ' Corn med. HY , 11 , .. 1.800,1.90 tw - 50r..1 , 11V ‘ 1.1. ;Mr.: 11 , 75 .1: tit:ST.4:ftSt, ' - I tit.: CatinlY c'eat Or thiS COMAS', riOtlvitli: himee in opposition to the hill. M r , D a - t (dining. to he examined in relatien to his the Unier, and repreetno,i near ly 1.90 n mern- : Kenyon. [Taken in exts-ution ht the suit of 'Wheat. per Intl-bel I ?'2(rt.l.4r, 2 , Dirrh 9. :tvn. hers, tt,k - dil 6.1 --- - ---.:. '--_.:.:..-:...........- _.,...........--__ _ _ standing its naturdl disabilities. But we I, vis followed in support of the bill. ri le • management of the Stnte Treasury : • t•ttertee e muter vs. Norman S. Kemyon. ' Rye 1 The reports of delegaost from the several , ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of , Ikon - , ..-. 57(a ', ~,," i INFORMATION 1i ' ,....., T,," ..., PH , ° • ' ; `F i: J!)ga n,,,k,_, b o la to Ba y , th a t i, i ii un i,, Lwow in. areaker read a telegram announcing the; To the Ihnorable the Finance Canunittee of Lodgmq, on the afternoon or ale first dAY-were I Land situate in the township or Auburn, Fos- cora - ••,••- - •• ...... ....• ..-0544. , ..5•-• dente, ttatirtst Vlono Mtn. 1 0 10 1 1. 0 1t1t ' 1r , .. e3 07. Gen and • " 'l l arrival of the eteauishiec city of Boston at I Me Senate of l'eiwylranin; very 'interesting, and, Int measure, encouraging. , quehanna county, Pa., bounded and deserihed Hole, crop of NO I,rl Lodi, eau rnako tab It..4slWitertoutahtlnrutg thetiaring creased enemy and• 1 , ' uhlte spirit of their 11,k- envo i, The house at ep. ni-, adj. 'I ' Foes from without-10 th e r oan of veterans of I al. folkoss, t., wit :On the north hv lands nf ' Reef sides, peril) . 12 4'4 Ind sonotter. A cony tree hend nemaand address to I have btxur subpcened to appear before • .. i lost? l'‘',P4'•••lettr.ol. rl,llo , lelphlet, Da 11111 Th 1 4er. dycentlants that they can fiirther hope tol SESATir, March 8.-The. committee on 1 eon. and to it e ey'd e••• the flowing bowl, and bigotted professing &liter- • Widow [teem-4de. on the east try inniis (A' John Hogs. -. ....... __ ._ . _. . _-_ I eller npoli a stteject etas of the cause-- • I - • aided ty disStntients and 1 Reynolds, 011 Ilk , SOlllll by lands of Wm. Don• Potatoes. per bid. 1A0ur.,2.60 ' r: lain their " birthright." Remember forei n relations reported - favatably the • b o di e d in g a res o intio ad - I - g • • ' n upt4.ll bv the neglectful and inactive members from within, l tin ' and on the tve.4. hy lands of \Yin. lien , Tortes . , per 1h............... ........ 2..",642; THE AMERICAN PANILY that to dayeßailroacls arc the main orte- bill making it a tniedezneanortto - fit out or-1 Senate on et h dannary,lB7o. At tiie end have, in a tew instanyes caused the decline of ; nen. Containing Mace - fifty acres of land: Le ', l'llielO.,. - .., ~.. „„ .. 'l' ........ 21 4= lc NITTI \(; AIAJ:IIINE ries that furnish the lifeblood to the 1 •1 ' • ',l f oil : e f l 11 IP E"tii'S 11 / a l - o• anY foreign state •of my term ics Treasurer. I s•-ttlill mr • Lade " 1 hut ne ' n. " n ". ""iii . " . •" 4l r ' t earnest. ' tbe KUM. more or leks wit It the nnnurtenanr ,, , tee- •,.. .... ........ .... ...... titr te is Po-settled to Utm It aell , .arthiritoost sm-- ' -1 , -atio..' , 4 :my colony ear , ngll in i e ... • 1 1 4 11 — • ae•- fel° 11•01 . and Pers'vering trwrnbers, hare A n-- , ert 1 one Game house, sont'e font tors. anti mostly ' T.:11.0t nstitT t...e counts atm mtitoed over ai, IlitAnt•Vd and e.... , . 11 ' 6. ' 1° .Nitepie.. .1)Itt ably. I imiiitt•4 dull (ilea)) ‘eins in our bresiness sestern, and without • ; I. ''' -. 1 I - ' ' - ete L - , eom toe Mina, Who will we trust, retrieve the t intproved. I,Tak , n in lIXI that at the idlit ....I' _ .. , um, betern. older impo—nt :bills were • eff e cts iti the Treaury to niv success - or 11 , es.- hereiefere el-mined hy a tone-emit arid i' o t 'it! •..TI o- ..I • Peter Ben '-- =.- --- .- • —. _ _ li. ' N:ITTiNt; NI tell INE EV111" INVENTED. on, ,m t are hoping eigeinat hope llate I• rep•trtiste The funding bill. was takeout) : ma ,h. a it 1 ot ~11:1, 5e,....n0•i1t 01; tn.. Dr-t :\i , 371- . 01.11 , 11. , efferi to ,tr i ve 0 . s• ....e .:.aittni froin . .mr laud. '''' • . 1- ' , ' ' .. . flinger ~.k rive-. o mtm. el. PRICE ONLY $2 , 5. :,- .:,...vhc, Itre intk•restothin this en t eri , r e e . and deliabAl by ic•este.. Sloe - Man. Corlett. I due of .)"I it v.ltstilt., $t ttli the A met. tr t e .„, ~Ift w I.odeie hat - Pt-011.'11111 I,V ex , reale 1111 . 1•nr(•,, A f,SI i- All that Certain piece or pare.l of Tors xi Si ill ‘ I.: pt . run t Vet ,t, I,v.trd or pr.' sill ill r ki.i I ifillit V 40110 all VOll I,ropi,s , to tulti /-)lty'''' At 3:20 p. en.-thesenate went • eral. lem e iter toy adminietrai roil net a ' e j e im-e ''''''' • " l 4 "" ethe ' ; " s "( I " i " te imii- l ' ad ' i ''' " e in ihe 1 " .4-nAIIP nr G".'" P."".1. .ot, • ,• , t. , Oft v e •hluala to banialt the o Intelltl , erance nt , Sus. l iodiannk county, l'n .bountleditittidescrile ail A I; ‘,. Ey & srp A 34 p, Makes the Same Stitch as by Hand l _ II)h • I. settILIVV Gt • ... 1011, and afterwairds ad). 1 sin eile dollar of the pulite.: mote . was lest ' ' • • '• lk• "r #l ,, ? Thr nwe mi - ciao' forever thi: win) • it (me eel biew, and teethe in me lira. and sittgle as fidh,w, to uitt in the north hy the Sustint.- I kat far itttptirt..r In tt• rt rviip , ti'. WI II Knit 20,vus) t/ , , ' ' m I tot•-SE-The committee on pnblie I told all t.he affairs of nt - I I. " Y office uas closed enauom•r, 1,,,ve reht.‘(..l ill 1•:Tort and the C 1111,.. t rinna hirer ~n the lea-1. 1,, - ldnkt. .•f -- Tar• . ST I T CHE S IN ONE MINUTE . t - 31....ditrose from ariv coltre•etion .it ith • -, 11. laliul, repvrtuti a hill to pret - ent the fur- 'up to the entire satislete ion of the amilitin • t . .ir wbieft tiv'y tier , ' '4111 , ...,4 . t.. be Lll)Uring. 1;14 on the ~ o liili by la mi;of Lex i .11.illson. on g ITZ.A.L.LEIS AI ANO II(I 11E11FECT It 111iN Ica% In : r %cry lotnt nn tho . If not let our actieti speak on Sat urcity: tiler sale et holds in leukotale eXetept Ult- dt•it,u - 1.,..t, ~ r the State. 1 deft ADV . ~ ' lb , sutivensi YnnTe (D‘lll t 1 ,, ,,, i n ,-t,t,,haent told lite no , t lo land- of NV Dayton I rtntoining ~„. - ''' 10.1 do or .he awl:. lt ut 41 ioill .I . tr. dof -loehing„..k.apy olf.ei dt 1.... a tb, ban •In ho, n u-lit 1.:01 11-St.. dee Lite pre eruption atiti howesevad la Wn. to ntalse att‘ cihirje wraitt , t Inc ' 1 ., ,c . it'.7l- ill-timed Lent than from ih. :ontleined etrortF of fl,eir ,A(•rf.All li.• The ~:tllle thekre or b.... t..drther f'/0.0 , ,rr Open, l'illin 01 ieshbrd 11 - ork, ,ttid. the 1.0.,, fvr disvoeilig of mirooral , t , „,,,unc... in . otric,, , al - is 1.0 bli. •• tie ir enemies Tio. leo ,• ', m y Lodges fallen. ; 1 i W,1.1 I.le :1001 , r011:1.11 , 1•,.., I /m• .iinall bo o ,. ale t s.ti, -My Ulna .111 fttoralt nit Ihie, )3rll. Ore.:MOTS, 1.)S1:1111111.11 • I; le I ~, Ip• d wurli;t.ii: 1 , . cl, .-.., t, h. ',till, aud are alvnii. la ,•nt , .1 , rt . .. i1111.r.,,V 11111,11 'l,l t•tit•• Grie C [ R 1 ES ii pooyisioNs „,„i ~,ttli site , . I it. motion of Mr. IL 4- , with couip••l. , l: Le:At/now% \\ - a e a ta u t tt orkilti..t 1 . .1 . 0.10'1.1k. TIP I: , !C. , . -", :';'-‘t , i'M 11 r the ention at tl.*:: -MI of Jolot Pl:ltips ~ 0. M.Lrl io -,1114 or linen It 0 - 111 knit -t.O Lin., with 111.111Iall heel ..1...1 t•••• d ntwerf.. he,..1• -.1. k. .......n.; raes.toomforts, man, the wonis limiting the bill to Da- ' •metirs. 1 ii ill Ie• r .tiv to ill I and r•:fote , lir '' 'hi:\ in I :0.5 . 1 Ten,pls: . 11:01. \N d• very in• litnries. and Alma-, tingles , i ntr.., NMI- It.ii, : i , af ti tiiiii. nui.i.t, 1111111,141,,Nr5 i , 1.1.91,11.1/ wee,. titrUeli out, so es to Blake it ' it. but until Oen / 1 1 : 11I not reeteolize the teeete.e. eel 1i••• :old o-- li y i 1111• 1t.• , . ' Erre , A LSO— The I h 1 . ..0 , 13n1'• intoro.t in all ?Ito-, non. to • 1-1 . ....- • 1;.- I zrn;• ... k,, cord. under i ahirto. ..h tn . !, Jar act..eredlu Ida" , . ... 11 1 . ." 11 .en Vet/ . apply It, ali !mule l'he bill was finally • right el the cum rnitte, of ch., Setude „ur, i ' ; ' ,7 ' , " n e' ti ' i t i . ~" ‘1 Miti' ' '''l. "I'l H".:1"."r "m"k- "" rer"i" 1'"...' "r I""'''.6. "n I'"' ' ''ll 1"I h Id ...‘t. d,r",„ .. 1.1.1.•,, 1A... tippett. tailed w.•'o, sod ni et, rc ,j,•c bell- 3lr. Voorhees made a personal any trillium' ru Liiii lttiati to call tile as It . 91 . . .!riatto sr.,*, ( 1:t.t v 1.: , 1 k t i 0:... 1 1 , 1.44 it i ,1 A‘, J ,1 4 .. 1 , fer4 i1 G I . . nate hl d , ;l'idr t , L s.;::::; 11, 1 1 (..) ,, 71 , te tin li , 11 1 : :. i„ ls n.r i. t s: hi tr , 1 n ,„ : , : , n d 1 ... i , Fl... i i , r . Sa i l i.. l. ndin*, Prdig e . h t.:ll. 11 . ..m.5.....!1t i F1A.. Tellow : Lt1 r e . 7d , vi , ,, ,, L . , : 5 e , ..ts ul article. In .., cry day u.e, as .611 ''' .' 71""'. "'e. Coffee, " ne., 1 I.o', FROVI $5 TO $lO PER DAY eNplanation• uoaltradictiog a istattildt . lit. • Wiini , l , • 1 - ' ,tret,l ~f. 'l l -•, 011i111:: t ottht ~o awl oth'er n s n 'W: ' - t re ‘ ,.,T I NT Y :::::• 1 1 : I 'ils:. *I n . ea-t !Iv atwitter 1"I .tnitii." l by ,1111 05,1111111'' MC itiou any tom , . - .. • Teen., Sugar., Ince, Dried and Canned that he had aploollited Lt non re_ .ident to , tion contlttetol with my io . rs , lnal . vr o1:1- Idler. n g,...,„ I et. an:l i: open! .'tsa Iv The eservittes I lenry ll,•rkimer. tol , l bind of D. MeCollnm. on root. Tohnero. Oran. Snuff. r.o. t. ...Wei., 4.05 ~... rrit , l lA, Arr. rinrra Knitting ',s tile IVest Point military academv. The 1 d a l i N t, • - Arhilstr - I wh o a i •_l•lts. , ere inikosoer..•t ruel eolt• :sled vOh 1-11tYKI nod the south by lauds ,:f John W.,,rst. nod t,n the tie pun cl . a . ,r,,, whit , , • ' . and all clther article. , Intently kopt In a fird at. , f'r Ten ' " A ''' .l... " " ''' r ''''' ''' r- A ' "'"'" 'l"' T r A tAn ' ' . . , 001 .•,..t. ni..l,- 111 ,, 1 , {Oll I ilq:. (an., tt or , ttll.l. illtiVla) I I 1 I 1111,.1. Ihp ail hence was large, at- wtst by land , Id Al:lath:ix Millard. Containing , noel IT , 'ool.lon Store rondn•tel. A •ady VAI... Ato -.011 1...121 . tresactily kn, 11 ,,, 1fte 1 11.•11 restumecl the eonsidenttion of l o f a 1 0 ti. ; ...1at1,c committe e 1.,.., in, ' • ' !Wry tato o n o,. and doubt 1 , ss Is , esatted Among the ten at re, all improved_ •2tl, liounttle<l on the Inint 1, iil.,i it. I. e. • e ~.,:- ~! .....1.111, per day, Ih• Oil. 1.. 4.1 . g1at Itlii. 3fessrs Wood, (:05 anti pr•dit , oec ohi It It in I.ti n.d /.•-•. 11,..7 1 • ” rt y cenfr. per TM 11 1).1.: .4rlClal , 20/Idllct.: 'Old 1 / 1 ... man- r '''' 11 " 1 ""'" Pr' - ' 1 . 1 .. 1 0 :1-- , --- , I :old adoptl .4 l at noi th and essi lit lAIIIIiii ,t - I) NI, Colitott, ;le d , No r Mirth t! --I ‘,.% "1 : ti"4 , 1.11 ii,,Puke "k r nit'et . the 6 . 11 .• Air. at:env-tit of the affairs of my office 1 tlebire the ,e,•,,,e1 ,: • •- -, -; ~, ~,, the followimr: on ,h, ..,.,,,I, ~,of ti,, ,, t lot Ili, ~Itot ,• ,I, , roe,l ---- ...ttr. : lll mark our Gond... tow n. we can afford, mot 1 1311 tler Llttqf - itT , , , C.l2et•QtoZi to.,ClUse OM de- , tr, b, de i tin c tle understoud as obj . .ctine t • ~,, f0...t00 That 1. a prae'.: al Ineasure,.i.mking ' ribs' , ~r tool. root:meted frotrt I, oatstr,, , r, b 1 • stud Henry Herkimer. Containing one acre, ir, ca•h, or ex.-han;,* for proolttre. hate, arguing in support•of the bill. `- 1 ' ho i tile exert:ie. ,ifan I Slid/ ire uisiter ' ia/ m e n - - te lit " T "'" n " . Ednent "'" " f 1 / 1 ( ' chil ' in.n • tunetoltueut of Mr. Itingliatn, providing we. rtvontmend the omanii tiion.. wherever pct. more t i tr Itva, 311 1:11 , 1r ,, , v . , ed. iiii.l : art kat itie b l, h.: .a -- -- .er 1.1.6 rclerred to, in the Arsenio Ul f 411 V ....... ~, 1 stele. ie Bands ol Ho t ., , or telling in this, that '4'.u t ", rt e ri ' i . iter l i T t ' li k , - the " ev. v • l t:; .u e t l "' e " " NriL e . 'l lT ' that the act shall not be constrtted to ex- I e h ar e e or ~.,e , t• if ' , : .t. • aii lot/ a ecting my othetat , efforts be neidc. ie •oren et ~,,,,,. me te all over 01 • . . • we ,s at forohdt rail, smt am. Butler fett• 'lO , -e hi. &oil the official tenure of any officer of . Henrt 1 fork utter !Ito:gray. It wutilil be sebversive of cy- ten years •ir sLa: On the,- „r i„),...k.Lb. , i.i....... . ~..„i,... to, and endeavor to give gond entivfnetion. Lilt state beyond the tilne for whicti lie I ert . p r i tte e l e, e t t o , „ ta w t u if . w i at i u f'' 16 . .4 46. 4, That we recomme n d t al ehnrch mem- W"m. T. 310X1,13 le Shoritr. • PATRO'NADE SoLterrgll WaS it/et:Lea: was adopted, and as amended I th",,,, ri eel Ichiel, e 'n o te o ~:, .• • u .l o ' lt!1•1 " t " ""V"ate "ithus in pit-thin:: fo)t - wani : Sheriff's ()thee. Nlontmse, Marela 1.1, DC/0. I tlie bill passed by a. atrict party vote. The t me n d I 1 ' '• • 'e r e - . °wee 141 'e' .1 the Tenn:weave wise. Newenheleis, if tiny ~,,,,,,,,,„, e ,, t 1 .„ 4 it .7 - - - e r 7.. •-•- • tirtue o wilts te• . I tat ils 'no:Mier Uleet altil tatx i.O , Cliribtiale• Irate cooricieritiona ' • pleb in lits:oni- S" -- ' ' • ' • ''' '' - - adoptiou of „Sir. Bingham's smendtuent :e tc , lc ibyti c Court of Common Phset: of Ntoutrose,Yeb..t. utat. at . ing members. er eur Ordrr •t •ttinutt.,ntl tont' - ' • ' I'3 ' 4 a defeat 4)f. zhe• ' l3l:ale ' . win g of the t I °air - i 44 te add. Diet J • t t • I root/ally invite then ] tn : ~..,, rTi t: • r " - 1 ,- „, ~, ; ITii, n 5ui..„,,, ,, ht,... , ,, , in,y .ind g. , , 1110 dimeleeL f will I radualls. 11.. r. Laftin addeessed thelonse 1, te a • 1‘ • ' • - *LU 149" 114 . -. I li , nee IV tn petunre :•:oeletu r ;' tli i, r lc- the ci :td Of our "1"'"' to •dl. I 'Y Pohir, 1.1M0,, at Me ceurt I a ate by euy e aut. ot cam fidetiee in 1) • /Lb , . . I lion -se in N11,111n,,,,•, Tht,r , iAty, ..)lar , h 31. ,in trtipport of a joiut resolutiou in regard I menntitt. , ..3..'. U/' by . titts tlire • • el . ‘ziu' ' ''. „01...3-1, lA/liar /Ls itoceeixt Tly t Itr , 4,1,1 . iwm, at two ‘l'l 1,1, if. 111 .. 1 n ., P //Pm ing ties- I • to priutmg , patent uilire. reports:, Attu , ; •1 t . . Li ah . h r • . - -, 4. pal i, me• nip s honld In. _. i I i . _ .. 1 . i , ~, ~ . ..i . toct.i..J . er.F, in kinlie t: ) wnt I.:eased. ,le 'eery ntighliorhosl ad the puriatt"' "f ( td u- ' ( " 1 " 1 . 1 P I ff t e'. ''r PI" ' ' " "e ' ' 1 . ~ , tt hich the houne, at. 4:20 p. zu. adj pieet or parcel of land i - pH E iAsT CHANCE • i etaiuusly lielive e it, bee proper reep ot e f or , ( - mine I te` peek up te the e e n t or Legal Pro- ' •i--• 1 -' 3- (rrltnin I SE.NAT. , :y., March 9th.--,31r. Pomeroy in- 1 mv se lf. , hibitiort i situate in the tom 11411ip of tireat fiend, bus. ; .L. - troduee4 resolution of censure against 1 I ant, meet ] • ' • • t e tt : emelt, ‘ ery respee, .y, t a al nod asic 'f) d : I: Ilopaod. nut we weleorhe to emu delibera- tlaelLfuna euillikx, -' .. [toilful , , El ~r" , the coadtiet-of the Spanish . government:l y,b . 0 - , 18;0,1 ... ,_ • time, th e Ltdpr e aon tat ,,,„ l n .,„„ I,,,tzerne and ,US follows, to wit . Beginning at a /lap MAK tree, i i . IN% IV, I tlWl.$. ,A4 - youting„audt.-Inort, i 0„,,, riot t , ~.„,,a , • standing on the north bank of the Susquehanna in its treatment of insurgeat prisoners; i ,ssij d r k, -•• — 1 river, boing the southetust corner of the old Wm : • E. R. ILA laWrect, A New Scheme. Captain Hall, w ho, in; it was , reported hue. iittin stoking, for simie trace of Sir John Franklin, to the Arot . ir retinue, ha aii is num at in, ;LA r•lr: an appropriation front Ciingre-4, for th-• purpose {,lit n npw ot t‘ry tlo• orth-rll 1,131 "f our hetniEphero. N thins liact: been sent nut i inr e the disap pearance of Sir John Franklin, and near ly all of them, started with the ;:tivewed n tention of finding if pos”ihte..some tramr of the many who,. late is still shrouded in the dark veil of rayatery. Iu DB - an, the cr , ws of eleven tessels were eligagetl in th A retie Regions t•ntl , avoringfo dismv the fate of Sir John Franklin ; and thi• ta.i.,:deil in finding sufficient traT t •llur.,lnc.• that himself and party acre 10,1- IVli.tlyan•te can there be for a new podition, hat satisfaction and reward tau there he. that will make up fora the trials, suligringe and privatiOns, which thosv, who engage in the enterpri w must !vitably o through with? i.roipitu of ;11, 2 11+.rthirEISt pava tt?e, .41 ,L f ,, r } - cars the 'pret._At fur the fluin ir.j).!l;;”us, , war ddinittly evht.d in a. \u1 Landing this the desire acii't LIT re is not satisfied—new oh ar - . formed by those who wish t& themselves conspicuous in adven- I ir re. • • Dr. Tray , s proposed fo re.aeb "the open laid on the table and ordered. tf;• , be , prill: i '7- ? ,* 31:My lasople peeler; a f7o 1 eor , 4- f 1 .,.. i ., I, -i .,ii En ta- . • .That nor sinr ere Mania are doe find : 7 font-. and vicinity, for th eir led. Mr. Ferry presented n netiti froth' TJ., hir WSW, and runs thence by the east line of Ina 1111 offering a ... .-go 0y0.... o. ..... .. —drawls ~... .„._. .. . ir 1 and p.ettett in brat !rather Lurt.i..- -..., -On 'Ned p0.i...y. w.lic,.. is , a double e 6 a t nic ,.t• ' are IterOl.y tendered It ., t h,„ • i n „ t • 11 ,,,, t ,„ t ._ • suixt than, north 162 writhes to u stake ands ONLY—rer MST 1 And lota at' Goody ,P I I"'"' ' II "' rn "" " '. b. lath! Club heated dail . a Mr. ilattkot Connecticut, settina forth 1 consisting of an agreernent 'to pay a (Tr- ,b 4., LESS THAN COST ! :el casco, aro Oar in t tat Y l u t ix.m le b,. ~, j ,„3 l i ttuit i.. : stones, thence north 215ulegree east, El 4 perclux, I.OI;.[I.LAIZIPS - CENTURY" P• that. bia father was,illegal ly. . restrained of. i tau sum to the person providedle or sh 4 . to a pile of stones in the nee of Ni/ orden's i A resolution ginr, upon ~__ ,_ ‘,....,... __ ' land. thence south 3.5 decrees east. 11 perdu:. to ! Dry Good (A . P .7 i r t . i :o e G r72l,) . T S O ha e, " W lY. S C' E lo ß tli UlB nr. i.N . Eti fla S ta ! , Cap'. cJICOINO ToThArro ii , his liberty by the Dominican govern- 1 reaell a Upecitied age and the pfedge tha e tl, , 7 .„,i ty „f p„,.1, „4„i z i ni ' i nc a P :" ) ." 4. " : 0 ' i. "‘. ... '," - ' e iff that ale the ,' poly, - wza tabled ~t h c „ ,, , t Tr 't I' with an evpress.,l ‘l.,i r : 0 that hotly , two ' ' a put of stinieS , thencv. north Psi degrees east, , lionti,4Orbea, Crockery, Ulassyrare, Waottran —rot" brand or i., cut ( btwinu Tobacco has bee mesa ; referred' to.the committee on for- i if Ile die bef ,, re attaini ng , ~ , ,,,I n o , , ,l) r tr i _ , ..zi , 1) , e n n ..,,, t , i1c...,: ... :. , „ t. Li i 5 ; U1k 0.t,,4,.., :_ in. f1R , :1 .6 8 , 1 , 0r1 i ev ,, , a tife s n th er se so u u n tl a a I Wore, !lard ware. Oratorio", TOlntrar,4, .tlitert, nnyan,., , , And too and Stacks of Goods:too numerous To owotion. _t, is . n... , .!osi.t r --t nen I n tubattein the , vigil n.lot.ions.. The Georgia bill. as pass- 1 tnio!!. , mu m shalt be raid a t (dab?. 1 y 0/Li ,aioate- IR i manta. ed hY the house. Vas reptuted, The house I means his family is pruteetc.d unfil file ~d el, ,, , e n. t , s —‘ , tiros. G. Si. it.,„, I : . 1. 1 13 , •cokleit and ' , stones, 1//c,11 , 1' olul--- Perehes to the Suogne.. ~ Vlihca you boar other deators eay tha t *re n+k *ld Pr,' 1,0 lir 1.[..t 1 I I . 'l S X l'FFti ..,, and bate an old otOck Of Gonda. Don't bell.. a it, but bill to an hanns. river. thence down the north hounds dons for the ITV deficiencies. in approprin- children are able to care forthe Y It. 4 '' ''. "i4Cr' of E: 4 - -. l' * - . undmg.hin was then mse.v , .s . ~,,,,i. ~ ~, ~ zoowdawttitoioonisn,aikoeiti: ,-E f-rhittr". l e 4— were ' the none io the place 01 hetTitining. Cora :lining ! ee1,... . • ' tie tare and .feu 5. knob ludy'tcl - the beet" when-bars U f 1,, c. s a .. :i i .... ; _d r nee ,..,d.. ~, 1 .. : r i . xam : l . no . and compare priuu, tor your- ii , v , g b,,, i„ .. , ,,,, r ,d a,, La Ihu United states over Stack Met earl eitalt ba sold Ina abort rano as 1 . pa j • e- ta ts - expenses of thel and when the down bill side of life comes 4 4414x `''r '''' "--ea 4 ' " e ' 4ollll w and Lozerneits - ! 12s. um, of Land. be the Mille more or it.t... Tht* f .m gurvl,, , per doe, oat have those ankle* for I .B: in enri.„4, l t l d , :f Ly r ur wse Turk s . ,...insou n ow ie ra f eo r di l e t . : i. A ottc ho :serrig u ut t ,soir 4: od, i r n ,sarn .:: „... r i, o ;na t b . en ti irn l eti „ e l . n l3, : at t ua l nyu n i. : o,nn tli : e to rc tu ott, e , use one of fru lt iz ' bay ` 4 "te Ih° imilid , ing ' .' O , jobbtra almost tom. houneofreme- tati ben irea,paitsed. The eon- i the .chute enrp being paid a home can be rer p ortion of t:ll . e h l u il s n t . sidendion of the f purchased and the remaining years en- 1 re ,s_ sn_m_ed : ±lfesEra. Scott, Me " " , and discussion ' on uken in e'keeutt°P at ' "‘-'sn'a'S ' ve Y as ---- a '''' ull e (7 l . i n t A T YTE7 h‘ :17—ti:1;thrt.:'11.41.:::"w:al‘FlIdy Dt 'ut:u;Pa":,cf:allabl:tion. rrill and oth- joyed under one's own " vine and rig I . muter;,, onfinis.bell bobintle, and election and ; WM. T. 311.0XLEY, Sheriff. 1 , ...etv 'mama, =arc. g. is7o - of ottictrt. tot the ' l est C'envendett . ' Ethet .i i n, ogi s ,e,eteatrase,,litaxeh ?.1 70. 1 Y. LORILLARD I DO; • ' "e 64‘V their sieves , " ItlEe TrrAil =end- tree."nee 15, 12 Now York. ~., • 1161'.8R.11,18C3-3E119. (1E011(A iIA [IVEY E. P. STAIIP. STILL ii,4l::((k4FE AT,CP"7 GED. HAYDEN a Large Stool of Goods for a short tithe Adrcrtionanto. _ DA UCII EY & CO r L , 1 . 1 ,1 I ' m h t 3 r " : l‘ ,; heird anr " i f f; THE MhGIC COMB:1 Jr. rnmnenl Mark ni 1.rd..% it. Lt, rrintalas no p”io4,n. An) 00 , vai , &:-.. II (Inv .I , li by mail for el. Axitir.,... M 4 4. 11 l t /MB t c Si•r1:1;;I:ehi, Mn.ow 114 ., 'lln " ELIBEILA" sm 0 KIYt. TiTISAL n at, u 111 iient article of gran iir Ir. tr,l rr tt 1/iiraversally..l44ltedi • t, MaTiin h 111nti 61 , 1. ra for Mat Ts IuUN riPtua Are par . /icily " 01.41313'" ' 111- go superior enittri dente...l - .1. fi couscitations, or :mu , plc of h ,• —lt iv protiamill it al yi • ,rtornn or the finest •10ek. and prepared li, a pateuird and original manner. is very aronmi it on ol i anil light to uoliztitir-,11 . 51:14• It loot mach rl or sting the magas, ..r 1..0t ‘ll,,,grecatAn fter-Wge. —Ordeal , Air oeircaue. riegsorile vprv,d, pe