The Montrose Democrat obtained from nurserymen and fruit gmu ' I ers by mail under the present law, a sheep rate. If new trees areto be PAIALAINADST ICATRADANADAT MOANING, AT UOATTOWI Prwur° ed and set out on vacant putions of the 811AMALIALVIA COWRY, PA., AT I ground, now is a suitable time for milting_ 33. mc-Aa-vvr-A , 331 r, I, the selection of the sorts to be obtained o AT $1 is. ANNEtiI li ADTAci—on PM . AT sxno, rcia nuserytaan. The newer works on these subjects may be read and studied in winter, and new suggestions for future practice may be obtatned. I Orchards are sometimes neglected of pruning on account of the crowd of busi ness at other times. Heavy pruning Should be avoided, bat the occasional re moval of a supernumerary or, crooked limb may give better shape to the tree. If mice are feared, and the protecting mound of earth has not been made around the foot of the stem of young trees in au tumn, tread down the snow, when it has freshly fallen, firmly around them, and the mice cannot obtain access. Caterpil lar's eggs may be easily removed on any day when the sky is not too bright for the eyes. A little practice will enable the op : erator to detect at a glance the rings of eggs on the one year twigs, and they may be readily clipped off, thrown into a bas ket and burned. Fruit ladders may be constructed in winter, bibles for marking the trees and these tables attached to them on any open and mild day.—Country Gent. R a te. or Advertising Three-foartla Inch of space, or Ira, make a ware Onesquare, 3 weeks or less, $l.OO ; mo. $1.25: 3 am. 19.50 ; 114.50; 1 year. $B, Orre-eatool. ~ 1 mo, 114.80; 3 mo. $6.50:6m0. $14.00: I Onognarter ea, 1 mo. $6.50 3 .0. pLoo . 6 mo. $OO 1 year, PD. FLU column, 1 mo. $l2OO ; 8 mo. V 45.00 ; 6 Mo. SMOG; year, !a.m. One column, 1 mo. $.OO 3mo $86.00: 6 mo. $OO.OO ; 1 year 11 0 0.00. Auditor's Notice,. fl Ereentorif and Administra tor* Notices, 8.3.00 All communicrtione. of Hmitrd or individual interest, 10 ctn. per line. Obitunre Notice*. 10 eta. per line. Marriage and Death Notices Dee. .to Printing executed vently and promptly at fals prima. _____ ____._ Deeds, Yortgares, Notes. Justices', Constables 'School and otherblanks for sale. THE FARR AND FIRESIDE Feeding Animals and Fectding the The If Joermtl has the fol lowing: "It requires no great experience to convince any one that the farmer who I only half feeds his stock realizes but little if any more than half the profits realized by him who feeds well. The person who feeds his cows amply and jiidiel.msly, will I be likely to obtain twice as much milk as i he who feeds sparingly, and with fond not i adapted to their wants. So the person . who feeds his swine with what is suited to their nature, and up to the full extent er6 their corporal abilities of digesting, will be likely to obtain double the weight, of pork over him who feeds sparingly and without reference to their nature and their habits. And, in both cases, the in creased cost of the outlay is not twenty-tire per cent, of the increased amount of re- muneration. Hence it is clear that one person in raising stock may lose may not get 'back the cost of feed and outlay—while an o ther person in the same business may make money: the growth of his stock far exceeding the cost of feed and other expense. The profits of stock-raising are precise- Ty analogous in principle to the remuner ation from cultivating the soil, the amount depending on the manner in which it has been fertilized. Animals may be over-fed, or fed so injudiciously, that diminishing profit will be realized. So, in manuring the soil. But it is clear the soil should have all the food it ne , d ; it' deficient in any particular constituent for producing a crop it should be supplied. Hence the importance of carefully husbanding all the fertilizing elements produced on the farm. and returning them to the soil, that its productive qualities may not he im paired. The Wages of Labor Beforo 'the discoveryof America, mope : ) . was so scarce that the price of a day work was fixed by act of the English Par liament in 1351 at one penny per day : and in 1314 the allowance of the chap lain to the Scotch bishops (then in prison in England) was three half pence per day. At this time, twenty-four eggs were sold for a penny, a pair of shoes for four pence, a fat goose for two and a half pence, a hen for a penny, wheat three pence per bushel, and a fat ox for six shillings and eight pence. So, that, in those days, a day's work would buy a lien or two dozen of eggs ; formday;' work would buy a pair of shoes, and a fat ox cost eighty days' work. On the whole, human labor bought on Ile average about half as much flood and perhaps one-fourth as much cloth or clothing as it now dots. Sowing . Gram Seed Many farmers when they sow timothy seed, sprinkle it over the ground as the' they were sowing gold, dust, by 'which practice the ground is not more than half seeded, leaving vacant spots bare to be grown over With the natural grasses or noxious weed-% eonsninently inferior low priced bar will In' prod need by this parsi monitlusddstribution of seed. In laying I Suoirriso.—While the congregation at down 'fields to grass, better take the other Stt.X2's church, in Piqua, Ohio, were extreme, and instead of gifting out, the , on in worship on Sunday morning'' seed between the thumb and the finger it 1 week, a young woman named 'Miss Mary had better be sown from the tail of the i that i Maher entered the church and took a seat.' cart with a shovel. finch of the hay • In a few moments thereafter she deliber finds its way to market, purporting to be stely took fromiler pocket a pistol, and timothy, is about one third or more of shot a young man named Thomas Wise, herd grass, and in consequence the price who occupied a seat immediately in front will be much lower than if pure timothy. of her. Wise, after being shot, arose and The principal MOSC as above stated, is de started toward the entry. The woman festive cultivation of the land and spire pursued him, endeavoring to shoot him sowing of the cultivated grass seed. The a second time, but was prevented by a best time to sow timothy seed is with policeinan, who arrested her. The cause winter grain in the fall. When wheat or ;of the affair is.not fully known, but it ap rye is sewn with a drill, the timothy seed ; pears from various reports in circulation is drilled in at the same time, but if it is , that Wise had promised to marry her, and to be sown by hand, the ground should i , had since engaged himself to another, be passed over with a triangular drag which engagement was announced in made of inch boards six feet wide, drawn of church this morning. Wise's condition is by a span of horses, under the weight rat her critical. a man to drive the team, by which opera- , tion the clods will he crushed and the stir- !` LIFE Turoirrs.—No person ever got, face made level. A short piece of a log stung by hornets who kept away from chain can be fastened to one corner of the where they were. It is so with habits. drag, which will Make a mark on the Most of the shadows that cross our path smooth surface made by pulverizing the through life are caused by our standing clods. The drag being six feet wide, each in our own light. round in the fields will make lands twelve ' Deliberate with caution, but act with feet wide, by which to tow the seed, with decision ; and yield with graciousness or two casts to each land. Not less than two io o ptse with firmness. quarts of timothy seed should be sown to /naafi-re persons seldom reason. This an acre, and if more be sown it will be no is among the few truths which appear the detriment. The seed should be covered ' more strange the more we reflect upon with a light harrow and then rolled. In them. For what is reading but silent the month of March, when snow is on the eons ersatiou. ground, is the right time to sow clouer Value no man for his opinion, hut es seed. The sowing can be done by gait- teem- him accordingus his life corresponds ging by the foot prints in the snow. Six with the roles of piety andjustice. A quarts will be enough for an acre. and man's actions, not his conceptions, render whoever adopts this plan of sowing will him valuable. find it to succed well. If the advice to 1 Great tatent renders man famous; great sow grass seed liberal and plentiful will be merit procures respect • great learning followed, the farmers will find it to their i ; esteem ;_ but good breeding alone insures advantage, but not to follow in the track love and affection. of the old farmer. who ordered the men to 1 A Chinese proverb says a lie has no legs leave the greatest part of the turnip seed I and cannot stand, but it has wings and at home and sow the balance, which was ' can fly far and wide. very proper concerning the sowing of the i turnip seed, but would be poor advice to follow in regard to sowing grass seed, A Few Brief Suggestion+. The present season of comparative qui: et is a good time for the owners of private fruit gardens to look over their collections and to prepare for such additions and im provements as are suggested in our pages during the past months and in works on fruit culture. There may he some trees on portions of the grot►nds which are found either too'untmrdnctive.or of poor quality. Some, like the' Virgallien. may have become worthless by the cracking. Pear trees of this character are easily im proved by zegraf ling. If the best are not to be prnet►red at hand they may he easily BARED PORK A Bait:ea.—Have nice, clean, white beans put in soak in cold wa ter over night ; take a piece of fat side pork, par boil fifteen minutes; then place it in the pot with the beaus which ought to have been cooking an hour ; boil the pork and beans together until the beans are perfectly soft, then remove them with a skimmer to the dripping pan and make an island of the pork, in the centre having first cut the rind with a sharp knife a quarter of an inch deep, in delicate paral lel lines ; hake three hours in a moderate oven, and serve hot. CORNS ON TRH FEET.—When a girl I used to be much troubled with those painful excrescences called corns on the toes and feet, and it was a long time be fore I could find a remedy for them. I was told of several, but they proved of no avail mail I tried rubbing them with green peach tree leaves, after bathing them In warm water and scraping them away as much as I could. Those to whom I recommended it had Bleb-corns removed. But there is no remedy to keep them away unless the cause of them is removed. A little patch of arniea plaster, after cutting the corns, is excellent, eepecially if they appear between the toes. It is good when there is any soreness on the foot from rub bing against the boot and should be al ways carried by those who are traveling. SHOOIfLY. The Honorable Benjandn P. Butler has final ly managed to fit something to himself that is wonderfully to the point. This le his plaint : I tank I hear de rattlingspoon, I tink I hear de rattling spoon, I tink I hear de igattling spoon, I lub de silver ob de spoon. I steal, I steal, I steal, (Dot's' what Beast Butler said), De silber spoons come rattling down Upon dis old thlef's bead. Chorus—Shoo, fly! don't bodder me I Shoo, fly! don't bodder me ! Shoo, fly ! don't bodder ma ! I belong to loyal-tee ! T stem. I steal. I steal I steal from far and near • 1 steal, I steal, I steal, For stealing I came here. If I should nebber steal, dls Beast knows, If I should nebber steal, dis Beast knows, It I should nebber steal, dis Beast knows, Der'd be no more spoons wbere'er be goes. I steal, I steal, I steal, Dere are many sly old coons ; So crhen Beast Butler makes a haul He take; it oat In spoons. Ctaorus—Shoo, fly, don't bodder me! &c —..V. Y. Democrat Z-16. "Pa, didn't I hear you say the other day, you wanted a cider press?" -Yes, daughter, where can I get one ?" "Why you try Zeke Stokes; he bugged me the other evening at the party, an I tell you he made me grunt." Nir In Marion county, Indiana, they have a woman's literary society; which lately discussed the question, "which af fords most pleasure, a married or a single life ?" One blushing _young damsel re marked that she would lore to have at least half an hour's experience, so that she might vote anderstauttingly. —Never promise your family physician a legacy. Such a step is very imprudent. LEARNING TRADER. - WC regret to BCO a growing tendency on the part of parents of objecting to their children, especially boys, learning trades. Next to this, is the growing evil of not compelling a boy to continue at a trade until he has mas tered it. There are thousands of men and boys roaming about the country who are the most miserable botches, and who, by uniting themselves to traders-unions, hope to make employers keep them, or if not, their fellow workmen, who have been driven by stress of circumstances to join 'them. Our prisons are crowded by young men who never learn to do any work well, and among the loudest declaimers for the rights of labor are among men, and women too, who can claim none of the rights that belong to labor well performed. Shiftless, ignorant and lazy, they expect to be boosted and buoyed iup, by laws and rules so that their half-work will be paid as the thorough performance of patient and intelligent workmen. —Oshkosh, Wis., is said to he overrun with game—principally taro and draw poker. —The hills of the Gas Companies are now styled "the Charge-of the Light Brigade." —Ashley writes that the measnre of his ambition is full. Does he mean his pacts? —lf von want to have a beautiful set of teeth inserted gratis, kick somebody's dog. —A young lady in Massachusetts com plains that there are persons in her town wbo will go so far as to take an oath they will not divulge a secret intrusted to them. and in less then two days will take it in a basket and peddle it around town as they would popcorn and peanuts. —The question whether dancing is a social evil, has been settled at last. Mrs. Gen. Grant, a member of tbo Methodist church, and Prince Arthur, a member of the Episcopal church, danced together at a recent reception in Washington city. HARVEY & STAMP, GROCERIES & PROISIONS Floor. Bolt. Batter, Pork. Lard. Ram Solt PIA, Tallow, Corolla,. Crackers. Cheeoe, Coffee. Spire, Choice Tow.. Saptro. Rice. Dried and Canned Fran. Tobacco. Clpkro, snult and all other articles clonally kept In a Scot ciao. Ornorry and Prcrrlslon Store. We will mark oar Goods as low as we can afford, and sell for each, or exchange for produce, We will funilab Pails and ship Batter for Those who desire as to, and endeavorio give good magma:lion- PATRONAGE SOLICITED Vontrofe, Feb. 2. 1820.-11 * o' •••./ I U G x Especially designed for the use of the Medi cal Profession and the Family. possessing those Intrinsic medicinal properties which belong toes Old and Pure Gin. Indispensable to Females. Good for Kidney Com. plaints. A delicious Tonle. Pot ep In mem contain. log one dose. bottles eseh. and aold by all druggists, grocers, ,!tc. A. M. BININGEIt Jr. CO., established MS. Rio. lb Beaver Street. New York. For sale in Montrose, by July 11—ly ABEL TURRET.L. Agent. - I 0 LI) 31 1 ,WEI.R Y. Mont 'lt:, and In .""I'•ABEL SELLING OCT OEO. HAYDEN wit! offer hie entire Stock of Goods at Cost for the next sixty days. A large stock of Dry nmerries, Cloth ing, Boots, Shoes, Bats, Carts, Crockery, etc. THIS IS NO HUMBUG 3lv stock must ho sold, as I have to leave the Now is the time for bargains. Those having my Butter Pails will please return them. All persons indebted by note or book account will please settle up without further notice. GEO. HATE.EN, New Milford. Feb. 2, 1570.-4 I)RF.SS TRIMEINGS & FAN('Y GOODS. Bottom, of •Il deserlptloos. ifo•rtere at GL-rramOtra, Rosslre•ro. b Co's. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Paper CoUare nd Calm, Tlr.. Pearls Hewn. Scopendem, Umbrellas. Satchels, Trunk., White and Flannel Bhlrti In variety. at Grrretanszao, UOII2ITRA OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, OVER mor.v.t.i.l4,ailnl Ous ts .Z r zt y na . d i sta3ll, good and emn- ChITT4I32III¢O, IMPIIIIIIIIAIII, & CUSTOM WORK. MERCHANT TAILORING. An elegant asaortment of Cloths. Da e.kina , c eee fwereo.neavers, Clalnehillar, Velvet and faney'Vestlngr, &c.. for Cartom Work llfeatures ta ken. Good thrtlng and erorkonaneldp ton nudged or no We. at Gorressano, llotartara, b Co'a. WIZARD OIL and nearly everything riATEGA PLASTER ki I keep constantly on hand an ample imp ply of tkeeh ground Cayuga Plaster, for sale at $4l per ton N. SHOEMAKER, Summersville, Jan. ID, 11470.—tf STOVES t STOVES ! The Great American Due Burner and Sue Bearer. Pot sale O. M. fl AWLMP. New Milford, Pa„ Dec. 15, i'69.-1t PERKINS s HOUSE'S . NON-EXPLOSIVE LAMP. lisrosene .Verde We at Last ' The subscriber i prepared to offer the people of Susquehanna County Perkins' Patent non-ex plosive Kerosene Lamp—the only positive Safe ty Lamp now in use. It has been thoA t ir ma tested by scientific men, and also by use, and is found to be needed Inutmily. E. a . BINGm New Milford, Sus_rf a Agent for Susq'a, Luzern and Wyoming co's. Jan. 12th, 1810.—tf A BEL TUBUAI., DEUGGIEJT, MONTROSH, PA., la continually receiving And keeps constantly on hand a roll and desirable aa• sortment of genuine DRIB, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, LIQUOR% Paints, Oils, Dre-StniTs, Teas, Spicer. and other Oro- Series, Stone Ware, Wall and Window Paper, Ohm s-are. Fruit Jars Mirrors, Lampe. Chimneys, Kero sene, Machinery 011, Tonnerm . 011, Neatafoot 011, Be ailed Vinlelee Oil, Sperm Oil, OWen Oil, Spirit , Turlsets. tine. V arnienes, Cynary geed. Vinegar.Potaati. Concen trated Lye. Axle Grasse Trusses, Supporter*. Medical instruments, Shoulder braces, Whig, Gnus, Pinto* Cartridges, Powder, P ot, Lead, Gun Caps,MlSting Powder and Fuse . Warta. Strings. Bows, etc. Flutes. Fifes. etc.. Flab Books and Linea, Bar and Tolletßosps, llatr Oils, (lair Restorers. anti Hale D_yes. Brushes. Pocket Knives, Speetneler,Sliscr Pleted Spoontrorits. Knives. de. De.loo Artleles,"a general assortment of FANCY GOODE, JEWELRY, and PERFUMERY All the lending and beta ltlndi of In short, nearly every thing to restorothe sick, to please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the tape', and also to Condone to the real and substantial =Mort• of life. Enneenttion Is Improctiable, as It would 011 • neWep3 per. Call at the Drag and Variety Store of ABEL TI3ItRRLL. Montrose, Jan, 5, I AIIGE ARRIVAL. Of new Beavers. Bmadeloths, Coatings, Plaid iosd Plato Cassittieres,—al PO a neve Wog for Lerner.' Sacks, by the yard, or made op to order, by L WEB Nov. Si, IR& F.. lEB,a CO. STEW SIIAIVLS, NEW DIMS 000DS, New Prints, New Fancy Goods. New Hoode,beaser trimmed. Just riceired by Nor. 24, 1tt123„ F. L WRENS CO. 1.3 U RE LIQUORS. SEELY'S NATIVE GRAPE BRANDY. dlatillad strictly pare ; and a variety of other Brandies including Chen 7 Brandr, Cider Brandy. Ca. Nearly ail the differ• sent kinds oA lc f ildna. Spirit, old Rye and Bourbon Whiskey. ohol, Pu Bay Item, Le., consum4 ly on hand and for min by ABEL TERRELL. Montrose, Match 2.lth, ISO. pRoF. (4, E. STEDGE, Would notify the public of Anburn 4 Corners and rich It y. that ht to now prepared to tame all booms em t meted to hie care. no trotter what or bow bad their ha bit', are If not broke, no charge made. net ruction given how to tome your own bones. Auburn 4 Corriere, Sept. v., 181 M.—y D RESS GOODS. Black and colored WHO bilks, milk warp lying, French Merino*, Empress, Alpscess and Poplin errtimca, Parmattas, Porribashaes. Deilatiti and Mohair goods. Grail colors sod qualities, and In rest varlet variety it Guttenberg, Roeimbintri 6 CO., GEORGIC RARVICT E. P. STAMP. PAINTS and OILS, of all kinda, for 1. Falk: by ATINL TUIZICELL. .11outrose., Match 21, IR 69. 400 PAM Gnon itUrib.dx,A Stocking y.r. immetilat.ey nt Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co's. THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR GOODS, ea to g e totrgelltv. Iv et Ocrrirsnrna, 110111111 LA UN, & Co'. 131ANOS AND ORGANS. A Prices greatly reduced for cub. New 7 Octave Pianos of drat-dais makers for IP= orndaperatd. New Cab'net Orval) for 10.5 and npward. Second-hand Itv ointments Irom 1,40 to st3s. Monthly AnWallments rts. entre& and Instruments for rent. Warerooms. No. 4111. Broadway. HORACE WATERS. tset. SO. :OM. PWro Jr We have bud toceired an nasortment of Lake and Mound Vineyard Wine*, from Memo, Wthum, Narrow Clualberlin, New York, whirl forrichness and Rimer they say are unsurpassed, and OW pruthasers eau rely upon their parity —being free from asiniterattone of any The trade mark of the firm appears. upon elm bottle, both on label and seal. BURNS d NICHOLS. Montrose. Feb. &i 8 .—y wit Clowat : FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. Mrs. M. A. BINDER has Jost arrived from Pimp and London with the latest designs, porsonaill PalCdt ed from the greatest novelties also, the moat elegant Trimming' , to be secured in Perils LICH. Ribbons, Velvets, Bridal Vella, Flotrenclrinodewelmand,Trtm med Paper Pattern.. Dress and Cloak Making. Exelnaive agent for Mrs. 2d. Work'. celebrated system for cutting ladies' drone,. segues, banquet, etc. N. W. corner of Eleventh and Chestnut Strada. Sept. V. 1869.-6 m Philadelphia- ALL RIGHT FOR 1870 39001%73Fit."5r 33117FILVILSIMP le In constant receipt of NEW GOODS, by which anon ationtment le rendered more end more carnplrte attractive for all his moat varieties of trade for 1869. In letw Dry Goods, New Groceries, • New Harddase, and ;gm Stoves, Iron, Nedidnes, lizitds. Oft,, Roofs & noes ; WailßlX*. Trmid m Mad " Has& (tops , Murat° Robes, Lair* Arra, Mop &tiers, terticA Oil ad be sold an the mat farorable tOrMS. New' Milford, Jan. Ib7o. CI;HAWLti CLOAKS. plain ga and fancy CLOAKINGA, and Cloth Ttimmto grl vi liety. .t Gattent ord. Etornbima 4 c OSTAWS: For Rats. Roaches, Ants, ttc. Use tke Lignafloerbiletnn4, Powder for Insebts epnVons ImltAticmc Ask fir •• Costar's," (take ncothal READY MADE, CLOTHING. The largest etoek In the eoauty—all our own mail. - ufaetare—warranted good work and so tow as to defy ■ll competttlon. Meuse, youthl. and boys' complete sulfa, always a large satiety. al Gerraeasuo, Rosmsaaux. & Cos. At =:IMLL'B. BUFFALO ROBES. Both wttb and without trimming and lining. Jut iscalved at Nov. 31, 1809. E L. WEEKS a CO'.. MILLINERY GOOD& Bilk Bonnet Velvets tublike* and colon. Patented Velvets and Rubes, Flowers. databank, Ribbons, slits Bath, *ad Yankee. old Wits` dress Caps, ladies' and ClMll4l4ll"2*Cand untrimmed Rata; Presser:U- M* k ac, alums tba bald WM . tent*, Grrezinteno, ROSEWSI4II CO.. 11 EW GOODS PATENT MEDICINES EXTERMINATORS. gsvhsatton akilvertiorment%, i4riollE AS THE WINDS CONE, COME AS TUB WAVEBCOME." to occupying our new and ele prfeCrt:7o. 21 Court Street, corner of Court and Water streets, two doom east of Hirchmann Bros., we will for the next SIXTY DAYS close out our entire stack of BOOTS & SHOES, RE GARDLESS OF COST, as we wish to fill up at the new store vrithan entirely new stock of first class Roods. We have on band the LARGEST and BEST assorted stock of Boots and Shoe.) in the city, and every one in need of anything in our line, will certainly find It to their interest to give us a call. Come and be convincal that we will do as we advertise. EGOLESTON & SMITH, lm COURT STREET, (Lincoln Mock.) Dee. sa, tee. lIIIIICIELINITON, M. T. T. W. 'TOMMIE:L. REMOVED NEW STORE, NO. $2 WASHINGTON STREET, First Docr North of the City Nettonal Bank SPLENDID STOCK, Brilliant Display! DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, BEST CLOCKS fl THE MARKET SILVER WATCHES, FRENCH, SWISS AND AMERICAN 0 0 1,1) WATCHES, Of all Styles. and sold CHEAPER MAN ELSEWHERE. t have atm the but and moot complete stock of SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE From the beet and most popular rookery., wheat good, have given perfect ratisactiou to toy pal mot for the past Pre year,. The rtock alll he found the heat n•er opened IT, Binghamton, and all times will be kept full and complete, conflating of SOLID SILVER TABLE WARE, TABLE AND TBA SPOONB, NAPKVI RINGS, FORKS, Jtc. together with ail the varieties of Plated Ware, each as Tea darts. Cake Basket., Napkin glop. °gators. Halves, Forks, Spoons, Ate.. of Slagle, Double, Treble and Quadruple Plate MT ISPLELTZDID STOCK OF B•szrvY Gvocsriss was never more Complete, and I em making constant daily additions of all the new Nov. shins of the Samson. ALL MY COOPS AS REPRESENTED For Tortber proof of this 1 refer to G. W ROTCTIKIEB„ LEWIN NETMOUR, T. R MORGAN, J. E. WELLS, D. MUNSON. W. LAGRANGE, D. D. RERSEREAU, RILEY RUSH. - 11. DUDESBORT, WARD RERBEREAD muss CALL Ana SWIM ors GOODS, AT 82 Washington St. BINGlIAM7011 7 ; Y. J. E. ?OZER; IfOT. P. U99.-If STROUD & BROWN'S Fire, Life, •and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Sac:Ostrom°, .Ipeo. CAPITAL REPRIMENTEM, over HOZI2OII2IIIIIIIICOCO. of N. Y., Capital, and Surplus. - $4,000,01.0 Insurance Co. of North America, Phil's', Capital and Simptne. Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Mills, Pa.. Capital and Sunda*, 5,G00,000 Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Co.of Money, Penn's, Capital and Surplus. 4,000,000 Fanner' elintnalinsaranea Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus. Connecticut Mutual Life insurance Co. of • Dartford, Conn.. paying 60 per cent. dividends to the assured. The notes given for half the premium is wavereo be paid nnderany circumstances. be policy will nisrays be paid In foil, and thenotes given up. Capital, 11,000,000 American_ Le Insurance Co., Phlladel. - phi*, Capital, Travelera'lllllllrante Co. Ibulford, Conn„ I nulling against all kinds of aceidenta Capital, 700.0011 Hartford Ftre Insurannuenmpany. Hart ford. Cunn., Capital and Surplus, $2,1100,000 Putnam Fire laranince Co., Hartford, Ct., Capital. 7013,000 [laniard Live Stock insurance Company. Instanter on all kinds of Live Stock, Value. theft and death from any cause. Capital, $17,000.00n Or nil bnaluoil entrusted to our =we will no attend od to on fate tern's, and all losses promptly adjusted. 00Ito first door cart from Hankins Office of W IL Cooper rt Taroplke et, Montrose, STROUD 1k BROWN, Agents. M. C, Honor. soy. FrOndwrille, Solicitor. Cuba. M. Barra, Montfort., do Htu-i>+os fisnov - o. Montrose. 8 p 1. 1369. HUNT 13 ROT I.IE ItS, SCRANTON, PA HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LINE RAIL, Cll,7•Ensr.vif a. 7' RAIL SIIICEA AILI 2 OAD d MINIX SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINO6, AXLES, SKEINS AND RU36B, LV4B/.IFEB, I"LiTED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. HUBS...SPOKES, FELLS, SEA 7' SPINDLES. BOWS, 4e. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKs and DIES, B E LLOWS HAMMERS, SLEDGES. PILES, Be. &c. CIRCCLAR AND MILL SAWS. BOLTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. HAIR in GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LSAT II Elt b FINDINGS FAIRBAN Ell SCALES. Scranton. March 21. IR3. 19 AfAitSHALI,'S Jut. aIgADACDC—DYBPEPSIA- - COSTIV ILNEDIS. If you snfrer with Headache. try 3lnrsball'e and be convinced that although other remedies have failed to cure you, this will give goo-Instant and perm anent relief. If by over excitement and fatigue your nerves have become so weakened that headache ad. monlehea you that something more dangesoue may happen, such as Palsy, Dimness of Sight, and other alarming persons affections, then Marshall's Elixir, by giving tone and strength to the syetrm restores yon to perfect health. Whenever food whit ti should be diges ted remains in the ationach. causing in and uneaal. nese for the want of that principle vi hi eh would render it eago of digestion, then by using Marshall's Elixir you will supply this dellricory and prevent Ito rocurretiCe, and robe radically raved of The stomach being thus deceased from an unhealthy ton healthy con dition. costivenea and the other attendant disorders of the bowels are of necessity prevented. . Price of Marshall ' s Elixir, $1 00 per bottle. Depot, 1301 Market st. Philadelphia. M. MARSIIALI. & CO_ Drthwiats, Proprietors. Por sole in Montrose by Ap . 7-137 d iturais NICHOLft. SILVER WARE. ff AN lIOOD : 110 W LOST, HOW RESTuIIF.D. .7nsrptiblished.a new edition of Dr. Culver - weirs Celebrated Emmy an the radical cure (without medicine) of tipermaturrhma. or Seminal weaknive, In. voluntary Seminal Leese, Irepotenev. Mental and Miyake! incapastty, Impedimenta to Mar loge. etc.: alas., CoNsuarrons, ELIL6MT. and Fits, Indimed by velf4ndulgenee or sexual extravagance. Price In (leafed envelope. onlye cents_ 'The celebrated author, In this admirable essay. rlrnrl. demonstrates from a thirty years' •neressflil practice. that the alarming 'l•llnolpenr,r of •r . II to 1(t, radically eared sailboat the dangerrins nee of internal medicine or the application of the knife I pointing out s mode of mine at 011CP AlMple, certain. and effectual by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bin enn• ditlon may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. of This Lecture should he In the heeds of every youth and every Mtn In the land. Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid. on receipt of nix COMIC no two post stamps. Also. Dr. Cnlvenvell's ...Marriage °tilde,. price es eta. Address Publishers.. Nov 17 CRS. J. C. KLINE .t CO., 171 Bowery, Newt - rho, Post office 013 X 4.585. DOWN TOWN NEWS MINER .1 NI) (.'OATS, ~fain Street, 5 doors below Boyd's Corner. Montrone FLOUR., GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. Wa: arc moat/100y ree laing I nd now have onhand a fresh stock of Goods In oar 111 c, which we CREAP CHfAI ! CHEAP for caoh, or oxcha -go or produce. 6001.1 TEA.S, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, RAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER cE TIMOTHY SEED, aw We:have refitted andmade addifions to Div Stock of Polls. and are now ready to forward Butter to the het t commission hooves In New York, free of charge, and make fibers'advancements on consignments. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing else sebere..ndennytnre voorvelves of the GOOD QUALITY & LOW PRICES - of mar Goods C. G. MINIIR, • - • Montrose, April 16. lArd. F URNITURE ESTABLISHMENT OF WILLIAM 11 SMITH. PLEASE Tarn Norte.: The extensive Furniture Establishment of William W. Smith, having been refitted and greatly Improved. the proprietor respect • rally announces to the citizens of Montrose and vicini ty, that he Is constantly making and keeps on hand the largest and best 'assortment of FUR Nlerrla It6M to be fouridanywher this side of New York City. Desks, Divans. Towetracke, Lounges, FOotetoole...t.e. Center Lard, Pier. Toilet, Dining. Kitchen and extension tables. 1 ; COMM —Cane and Viroodscat Rockers, Canc, Flag ; and Woodeeats of every variety and etyie. SoDisand Tetna-tetes, furnished on short notice.— . Cane seat chairs rescated. SPRING BEDS. A large assortment—cheapest and beet I n the market Cane Seat Chairs. I am now enabled to 'topple my customers with a new substantial cane seat chair, of home manufacture, which will be found greatly superior to those formerly in j market, and yet are sold at a ices price. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE SEATED. Ready made coffins on hand or furniebed at short notice. Hearse athwys In readinees If deeired. I employ none but careful and experienced workmen, I Intend to do my work well, and sell it as low as can he afforded. WILLIAM W.,SMITH. Montroec,Feb IS, ISIN. BEAUTIFUL SETS of FURS In throe and four stripe. Mink, Fitch, Sable, Caney al s ores. Mink., gratted, at Nov 21. Inca. N. L. WEEKS &.. MS. HATS, CAPS, &_FURS. thus and Capa forilden and goys' wear. Fan of all grades, as Otrmarasaa. Umixtraatrx, a Coll. WOOLEN & KNIT GOGDS. Ladles' Merino Undor•Rartocnta. Eloods. Heft,. Gloms &c. Gents' Wrappers and Drawers. Scarfs, Jackets, Gloms of all aorta, to anal 'mkt/. Sat ma y. Ti."""". WOOLEN GOODS. • Flannels plain all colons fancy plaid opera and Witting Flannel.. WOO an. i-4 sllta. Bed Blankets. tmeliarnand [Wee Blanket IR; Cloth.Cseeners, BCIIOIII and chincyllibu, by the yard. In rreat rartitY. It GeTTENBERO, ReB. s CO.B. Wbotreale & Retail Dealers In gailrad &rim labia. WARE, LACRAWANN4ond STIMti RAILROAD. flaxamial. , 1869. TIL&LNB LEAVE ...BD. 1 gAinlaigh Paeungt A 1' in P= train. rain. STATIONS. I trai n . A. U. P. AIL , LlD ilk. AL 1 New York •.... ... Ll .. New ampton...... lll6 11 Henault& Chunk.... MC DeLewerw....Dine... ISM Ma) Scranton 11.16 TA WES Mall Wain. AL. EL 8.00 11,18 5 1 ELM g 18 MI a , 8,48 C 4,51 O 0.18 8 5,1 E o am : a. is a P.M. 12.= Nicholson.. 1.00 110pbottom 1.40 Montrose.. LSOO Greatsrd.. .---,.. SA Bend P. X .Pout of Llbettpot. R. A. 11 Omani Psis. ..d T EHIGIi VALLEY RAILROAD. -1-4 On and after Sept. BD. 180, trains on Oa lashliik Valley Hallman will ran as follows: DOWN TUAINS. Levee Waverly Junc tion E. U. W . 8.40 a. m. Athena 3.59 " Towanda DAM 4 ' Lae:genie 10.33 •• tlinnner's lry 10.57 " liimboppen 11.11 " Meboopaoy 1191 " Tunk'noek 11.53 . L.& B. June. 1131 p.m. Plttstosi I.Z ' WSlkes.Rarro 1.43 " White Raven 3J:O " 51'ch Chunk 4.1 . Allentown 3.45 " Bethlehem 6.00 •• Easton 6.30 p. m. Philadelphia 6.25 • Ar. at New 1 ork " UP TRAINS Leave New York 6.55 p. m Poiladelphla 7.45 BMW's • 10.00 "* Bethlnborn 10.31 " Allenttwn 10.45 Melt Chunk 14.00 m. White Bret 1.82 p. m. Wilkebas'e COO PlSrton 3.10 " L. & It. inv. lila " Tunk'nock 4.71 •• Mehoopany 4.0 ••• 11whoppen 457 Skinner's E. 0.15 Lacerrllle 018 Towanda 6.26 Athena 7 20 " Ar.. at Waverly Jonctlon, It W. 7.3 " re" No change of am between Scranton and Noir York. or beiwern Scranton and Pillhulalplll4.. Nor 1. Ir• Vi. ACKAWANNA da BLOOMSBURG Ituttroad. Ou and utter May 10. 1804 pumps tralou will run se (silos,: SOUTH WARD A. R. 1.. L P. U. Scranton. , 5:93 910 00 Kingston, &•23 1016 Iko6 Rupert. 8:98 2.• in Danville. 9:04 Arrive at N art harnhcria nd, 9:40 MS NoIITIIWAILD. Northeitoberlrod. t1:30 Co Dsoville, WWI Rupert, 7:20 A. •. 11:11/1 -- Kingston. 117:13 745 e4ll Arrive et Scranton. 17.40 1140 MI King , ton, May 10. DAVID T. BOUND, Supt. ERIE RAILWAY 1400 311 lee Cadet one Management. with out change of macho,. Broad gauge—double Ira& for Cleveland. Toledo. Detroit, Chicago, 31111wlitilteN. Pool, Omaha. and all points West and North-West. Manville-Id, Gallon. Urbana, Dayton, Cluchthsti,ladhln apolie, I ouisetlle, Et. Lonle, and all points West and South-West. tile,. sod Improved caliche' sire ma through without change to DuMaio, Rochester, Om land end l'incinnoti. on and alter Monday, Nov. 15th, 160, Tealas will leave [treat Bead at the folloWinir hoots els:' GOING WEST. 5.W ♦. ■. MAILTRAIN, Sondayseicepted. 11.54 s. u. EMIGRANT. Daily. 1.15 r. la. WAY FRETOWT. Sundays axTepted. 4.14 r. ■. DAT EXPRESS. Sunday excepted. N. 0.3 r. x. EXPRESS PAIL. Sundays excepted. tii3 • x. CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Moodeys 'seep ted. u . 45 WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. r. a. DAY EXPRESS. Flandsrs excepted. 9 49 r. C. NEW YORE MAIL. Sends,* excepted. 11 In P. e. SINAI EXPRESS. 11 , 19 A Neve and complete " Pocket Time Table" at Prooicncer Train+ OR the Erie Railway and con= LI nes tut,. recently Itccn rto 61 I t,hed And can Dep on n ;old {cation to the Ticket Agent at the Coispeare °Mc, • , • • . WM It BARR. L. D. auermn, Nor. I 4 Goal Pas , crig.rAC.lM. Gen'l 500 1100FING inn PLY rrt.rnornmers. unite. the kit In /kr pmqlrbenparilion with the beet Perterpnfeflrabriebt as F-" otumer. and m tae inaptprice to the coofilaiit. There la. 110. foondation of Tarred Felt; 1114.• krxr of ~ter-p roof ComEn.lilon • Pd. another UM' at Wilk 4th, Another coyer orrosvoitiLlou ; 6th, another layer of Felt gar Send for Cirmiare cad Sanyits. AS AN INDUCEMNT, We olTrr lo the first purchaser fa cash plus 1,410 •quart fret of the Three Ply Pelt. with tha ottteeghp coating. fur Thirty Dollars. PATENT ROOF PAINT. This Paint is composed of gam.. oils, sad substance', combined with distilled tit sod brl kiosk' dryers. It tontalm no mineral orStooll Is prepared, needy for use, about the cons eartf. dlnary mixed paints. It costs mach! en, air its elasticity longer, and Is more amble. Oontity rights for sale. Jlbr Circulars and aUpdrasulars,fdddrass 11111 C.% ROOPINO CONPAIST, 13 Maiden Lans, N Tett: Sept. Bth, 180.-6ta. AiMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. S. E. Con Fourth and Wenta ALEX. WIIILLIDIN, J. S. WILSON, Proxideni. Sec. & Treat GROWN:I OF THE AMERICAN DAT& NO. OF POLICINS. AMT. INSTIRYD. 1 ,090.4110600 t SMIXIII.OO 15,319,478,111 24.72.0X411 Dre. 31 Ibi i. " ,• •• The American Isaacs, policies on all desirable planar at love rate*. and tor %emit) , and promptness in Meat. tll6 , love* to unsurpassed by any company In the Vat. tees States. 33, ca ea. x- ca. or 7M-asetc.cno. HON. LA NES POLLOCK, Ex-Oat. Of Penn e ll, U. S KLMAII THOMSON, Pres. Penn. It Third ht. GEORGE NUGENT, Gentleman. residence. bafna• tows, ALBERT C. ROBERTS, President P . orixth A5t1.9,1 . . Dank. PHILLIP 11. MINGLE. Seed Merthant: 103 ljacitertin no's. ALEX. r 1 CATTELL, V. S. Senator, 0110110 Alt - . N o rth 27 mh Water tit. . . ISAAC lIAZLRIIIME r. Annum -atl.nw, gns Want - - St. • L. M. WIIILLIDT? 4 , Merchlnt. `2O and V South Frontal. HENRY K BENNETT, Merchant, 742 Sol =a: OEOlt(IE W. HILL. President Serentli N JAlign t . cLAGIIORII, Pro.idone conmacialilti. Mona, rink. JOHN W ANA NA WEIL Oak Mel Clothing IlawklLlL mom ninth ood Market Elm, and HS • !SO Chislolt Street. - . . ':: -4:44 STROUD 4t.7 RROWN, , ,Algenta.n ocLEZ it MastrareANi. lIOWASID Awsoolation,Plalladellphtw i Pa Dieca.ceoft o Nyt roue,Seminal,UrtnarTand se: naisystems--new and MIMS etreatment—in Repartsot the ROWARD ASSOCIATION . Sant lip enalllnundinl eunrenrelotes,free oichatge. AddreeeDir.J.fac El ounneon. Howard Association Wank Philadelphia. Pa. 7.15 A.lll ERR 10« LIS - IL- " SAO ip,S, Le " ILO ^ 44 1.111 Ilab1 lab &AI " WM " 3.11 N life al. J i ll r..m. 4411 " 4111 " lei& " LS " L4l ".
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers