The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 09, 1870, Image 3

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    Col7llPrir BUSINESsi DIRECTORY.: Montrose Items.
—'---- --
!P -----7 ‘ ..I -4C. M. Boon has rented the building known
tiro tillta tin MO Direelftri , ' i.7l6'
16. CL ' . '" as the Keeler Hotel..and is titling it up prepays
-4401;LAR and EIIITY CENTS, each additional : tory to
.cperiiit. it
_ ,ltiiittei. ,
l i!lo t ,F4E - IT CESTS.
i —The "grocery - building belonging to Mc
1 Cocirayne,'-which was very much inffired b
fire is heingiapidlrrepaired - and , Will be fully
completed in a few days.
f—Mr. Senile has the timber on the ground
I and partly framed for the erection.ok.a new,-,F.,a-
Ipress office on thg site of theold one.. ~
—During Lent aeason there will bettervices in
Sc. Paul's church' on Nt tainnsd4 evertingiSt 7
o'clock, and Friday afternoons at 4,o'elOck '
—Rev. L B. Ford assumed the duties as pas-
I ton of the Baptist church on Suncliiy last.
—For the present the following arrangements
have been made: The Eapress offiee is at Sayre
Rim. -tore, Stage Office at Tarbe.ll House, Gen.
i (.. Hill's News 0111 cc at Butterfield's store, and
F,. Balduin's Harness Shop in Fordhanis buil&
ing The Tnrbell House is the starting point
for all stages out of Montrose.
BULLARD . , Dealer to Gi - ocerleQ. Pn,ritdons.
Iloxdus,*lationery and Yankee Nutlons, at head 01
Patine Avenne.
• •'BFIORII , CO.. Dealers In Ht ve. Ilsrdwure,
Attleuittralimplumeuts, Flour sod lituoentit, Opt,.
cite TUrbell Douro. ' •
it YNBFORH . ITCHEL. Li Ircry nod Exchange
Stable, to vial. of Bank banding.
J, DiwiTT co„ Dealers In Di Goods, Hprd
wareand vileral merchandise, corner, atar Brisk
Oct. • ..
111EAD.Foutuiry. Sod ib Nowr and other
uteueile. one door from Phinney' e II otrl, Main St.
N. Xi. !WIDER. Carriatra Maker and Undertaker, on
31iiietltriirt, tao doora below flau ley's Store.
GEoftGE B. Mee()T.T,VM. Pr=ler In Groceries Led
Ovi•loni. oft Mill /Street.
ILOXIMET S SON, Dealers is Floor. Fred .
It. Lim , . Orucerleo said Provinion• on
Main Street, opposite lb, D,l„,t.
On Tuosday, February 21st, a very Bad acci
dent occurred in Apolacon township, Which
caused the instant death ocztr,. John Carey.
The circumstances were as follows: 'Mr - Carey
and an orphan boy living vsitlil4 Were In'the
issis engaged in cutting - limber and the * boy
fell a small beech tree whieran'it„C - de scen t
taehed a limb from a hemlock near by which
struck Mr Carey on the head killing him in
.tantlt The boy attempted to retrieve the
hods to Ow house hut being so small a lad he
aN 1111111 , 1 C to 11. so, Ile silleettellett however in
raking an alarm autileient to bring a daughter
of Mr Caret to his a.sistanee whom he left with
this body ts hi - went in itsmo of sonic of the
nehrlitiorh It NtrtlS nearly three quarters of
h o ur t,, , f,,re the boy succeeded its finding any
time to r.ttne to their assiataneeduring the whole
of which time the daughter remained alone In
the woods holding the lifeless form of her father
in her anus. Mr. Carry was 71 scan of age,
and was a thrifty farmer, and highly respected
t citizen. He leaves a wife and family of the
children, all of whom however are men and
EDW A Ttn 4 S 1111 Y ANT, NT flurletnr . , of Wagon. women.
;owl SielehA, nor the _
- -
W. 3 T HAYDEN. ,ilsonfnctoress of Cigar. nod
VRpWMaL• flesh., In Yang, Notions sod Fancy
Goods. on ‘lllll ssrrst, below Episcopal Church.
MOSS & I.P. L,ath••r Mannt.wtarors dcalrr•
Iti-Iforncro Findinzs. Sc ,nenr EpmanpslChurrh.
A1241"1 S IIAYI)EN Ite I.rn In Drop. and lit,lo - tort
nod litanntnctitror. it Cignr., on llnfn Street. mar
tic Dopos
_ _ _
W,'l4 . rEritx and gencrld nepalriz4
oe Main Street. e. nth of the brif re.
DIcKEIZMANZ Jts.. Dealer In gene's,' mvreheo,u•r
andClialtina. Brick Stare, on Main .str,oa,
IrUiPPLE 1 . MEAL), DeArro in e. nem' 31eretutmli,e
tut Mato St rect .
0. 111.. - 11AWI.EY. I•n;tl-r in zoneral Merchandtso, on
MAID titroo. opp+•in. Pio:111,1'r Hotel
L, S LENIIF.I)I. Manornetnror of Leather. arid dealer
in general Merrhandi•e, on Main Strael.
TI. P. 11 , 41 AN, Men haw. T,lnr and dialer its Rrndy
3terlc Clot to ne . Dry (;ood•,.(irocerlus and Provt.iou..
MAID Klrett
Ma co crts.l X2xt,oilige.ak.oc4.
Dr. \Varner.
The well known Physiological Lecturer, sill
he at his office at the Tarbell House, Montrose.
Wednesday and Thursday, March IGth and 11th.
a n d at the Sasqnehanna Valley Rouse. (drat
Bend. Tuesday, March 15. The Doctor gives
especial attention to the treatment of the Eye,
Ear, Catarrh, and Chronic diseastm, and to op•
erations in general Surgery.
March MIL
To Dattiden
The Truster,. ul the E 'Church, at Hon.
bottom will rwtive seale.l nroposaht until the
15th inst, for building a chttmli edifice at that
place_ plan an 'pet-nit - n.60;1 to he seen at Wm.
P. Cran t ,lalr,,, with AllOlll COrreVArldenee is
Fir* in Binghamton.
The rear lmilding of the State 1110)6:0v .ksy
luin at Binghamton wax deatmyed by iire ~ n
Friday night isat. The Iris is tNtimated at
$75,000. Insured for $25,000,
—AII business tnen in the county should sen.l
its *LSO for two lines, and fifty cents for even•
additional line, and secure a place in our Busi
ness Dirty-tory at once which we publish in
this column.
Canceling ilevenue %tamps.
Owing to the extensise frauds committed. up
on Revenues by the wash, restoration and use
.14,40:14. internal-Ll:venue stamps as Lase Leen
used and canceled by thy maelkine known as the
ribbon stamp, it is ordered and prescribed by
the internal Rect•nne Iturvan tat on and brier
May I, It4;0, all adhesive staturi i nsed upon the
implements docuructiLs, writings and paps rl
mentioned and described in erliedule H of the
Internal Revenue Laws, shall be canceirThy the
pawn affixing the amine,
Newspaper %polagerii.
An exchange well says, there are many persona
who either take no pa per at all. or else take one
from the city, and when they wish to xt, what
is tranapirinit in their ot, n n. ighh.trhood they
borrow' the local paper from a neighltttr more
liberal thin theiti.elvest. Ilany 111441 of t lus kind
llre engaged -in businvx.s, and frequently grum.
Me 'becalm: people do not patronize "home
industry," when they practice thin eery thing of
which they complain.
To Curt Warts.
Warta are vary troulalesume and disfiguring.
The following is a Isslert cure, even of the
litrld.arithottl leasing a scar. It Is a French
tinplitizreseription, ant) has been tested by the
istrheit4 Take • small piece of raw beef, steep it
all night in vinegar, rot as much from it as will
cover the wart. and tie it on. or, if the taeres•
ences of? the forehead, fasten it on with .trips
of sticking plaster. It may he rennteral in the
day and put nn every night. Tn one fitrtnizht
the wart will the am] )am) "ff. The .iame
peription will rum onms..
Conceit and it* ('are
Town boys occasb display a mean Rpirit
be poking inn nt unsopli Iratal conntry
We lately heard of a case whore a - smart town
bur hi 111.4 teellS• had this sort of rune •it
'knocked" out of him effectually. lie was vis
iting his country cousM, and in playing at the
barn, espied a sheep of male gender, who gave
evidence of a pngnacinus disposition and be
ttayeall licarlikeattitutle. hm town hero think
ing to hare fun. presented a bold front, when
his ramstdp commence► backing, preparatory to
the attack. The boy tnistakiug this for coward
ice, cried oat, "see he's barking out, he's afraid
But curly horn made one piung.• and the boy
turned to "git,, - but not before a soekdolger took
Lim all out of shape, and forcing him to crawl
'wounded and crestfallen through an adjoining
truce ladder and a wiser boy. Moroi—don't
make fun of country lads until you know as
much as they do.
' Dedication. -
The dedication of the lf. .....: Church at Mr-
ALEN Poor Luzerne ! i
fonl Ife postponed instil Friday, March pith at
The &Ants at liarruMurg are trying to °hilt 10 1 7 o clod, a in
erste the landmarks of Luzerne county. Our 1 -.... .11111...-
project Is to form a new county to be called , —.l.ii antiquary ti ho eva m wed the
Lackawanna, to Include Scranton, Carbondale, ! helmet of the great giant, found lateJl ill Pittston, and townships Opining. Another 1 Fenn-visun la, discovered on it some MO
project is to set or to Carbon county the rich 1 tkrtouS marks resembling the trade marls
minlngregion contiguous to the Carbon lima of the Vi'aterliiiry ilr.s.ts Kettle Company.
"--•• sus sii— -- Doubts of the genuiness of this' speei-
A Card. i men have smcc then been Gating through
The undersined having been 7111111bered 1116 mind
- - -- ? ,
Sanxig the neortunate ones who needed and I -so. 40. Ai.-
1 —A little three }ear old girt recently
iteelved-S-nel kind an prompt a ' s ace ' frwn
the , astonished her mother Who attempted Co
Mont finnnen and citizens during the late fire in
/ correct her, by motioning her away witha
Montrose, would most sincere t
ly tender than
th chubby little:lmnd. and Scornfully saying, eicioateful thanks, as a token of the high es
" Shoo, fly, don't hodder me !" -
dilate thtty place upon their voluntary services , ..
The kind sympathy and generous hospitality ,
e who never gives advice, and he
which they have received will not be forgotten.
Who riefer takes it, are alike
Mu. 6. Mies C.M. K •
(mx% friendship.
. • Bracts Hoax. , _ - -.40 , 111110-41.- - i
- -0- 5ia.....- - - , i —The good man's life, like the moun
-On Monday last mow was nine Inches in tale top, 1004 beittifirld beCaafe it- ittleiw
Almond, Va., , to itilitse.D. -
Sad A 'widen":
The Sale of Milk.
The Legislature lira now before It a bill which
provides that any person contracting for the sale
milk and reducing the same with water, or
in any was rendering it less valuable, shall he
hnrn4 froth any right to recover pay lin- the
same; that Itny person knowingly selling or
offering for sale impure, adulterated or unwhol , '
some milk shall be deemed guilty of rrdsdemearr
or and liable to a tine of fifty dollars for each
offence, or thirty days imprisonment, or both ;
and that any person keeping cows for the pro
duction of milk for market In II crowded or un
healthy nonillion, or feeding them on food that
protium., unwholesome milk, shall be subject to
a like penalty.
Poor Searnsiresimes.
Very few, save those whose missionary duties
lead them into the abodes of the sewing women
of the cities, know what a frightful warfare is
constantly being waged by these 1100 r women
against starvation. Oecasionallv however we
become possessed of a few items relating to their
misemblc struggle for existence, of which the
follow ing will serve thr samples; one poor, soul
, makes vests at eighteen tents a piece for a
wholesale house. She can earn $8 n month by
working fourteen hours a day, Including Sun
days. She pays $p a month for, her attic, and
has two small children to support. Bhe has
eaten !neat once only—and then it was given to
her--since Thanksgiving day. Another "a
tinish,r - of tine shirts, makes about dtt a week,
working hard for it. She has a grandmother to
support, and - has often lived for weeks on bread
and water, in onler to afford the old woman a
little broth every day."
An Important Peelsloft.
it , hanwod has delivered the opinion
'4 . the Supreme Court that the word "issue" in
a to be construed as a word or p u rchase
or of limitation, as will last effectuate the in
tention of the testator gathered from the in
Devise : To the wife' and daughter of testator
or the survivor for life, in ease the &lighter
*hail depart. thin 1H letting lawthi Issue," then
his real estate to desonut to rineh lawful iS4lle . ,
their heirs and asaibmq forever; "and. farther,
it is tee will that in case my daughter shall in
herit their mother's right from the time of her
ilaith," "but In vase my daughter shall depart
thin HA: not leaving lawful issues as strwesaid,
ale executors . or the survivor of them. nhall
sell - etc.: Hehi that the daughter took an es
tate for life a ith remainder to ber children in
with an alternative limitation over in the
event of her dying - without Issue - living at her
death, anti not an est a te
This 6 iruportant to all
, peranas who intend
leaving anybody anything alter their death, so
as to prevent costly andve%atiotrts
I A litortling Disclosure.
A correspondent of the medlial Gladle, who
is n practicing physician, comes to the 'write of
the babies against what he denounces 85 their
-deadly enemy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
lie says he was called to see an infant that was
•in a ulying cnulition. apparrntly.fruzu effects
or a narcotic illobOrl, and he was assumed !hat it
had taken no tnedichic butt the"somltinEl'u
The doctor took the bottle and had otu of the
syrup tom lyzedby a skillful chemist, and tile
analysis showed that each ounce of the gttiti
contained nearly one grain of morphine. A
dose for an infant three months old, as prescribed
by Mrs. Winslow's printed directions, contained
nn amount of morphine equal to ten drops of
inuchinum_ *This is orderedto he given' to the
eillitt every two -hours in certain eases, and
(burble the quantity' to a child six months old.
As children are very susceptible to the influent,
of opium, of which morphine is the active prin
ciple,four drops of laudanum having been known
to kill an infant of nine months, and as the
manufacturers of Mrs. - Winslow's Soothing
Syrup sell annually about one hundrixl thousand
twieo ore lxittles in the singl' State of Nen
Yon:. the reader can form some idea of the
number of babies that are soothed to perpetual
sleep by this nostrum. Mothem had better fail
back on catniptea.
Wigiti:raiViliq4ed qi/Aud,6l4a,
Japan, between the Peninsular and (Sri
-trite steamship ~Bombar, - ilad --the-13713.
corvette Oneida. The latter sank, with
all hands, numbering 120 men. Th e
Bombay was slightly injured.
LATER—Later advisees state that the
crew of the U. S. eon et te Gacida, which
Was stink 'steaMet liottlli6f, Aum
bereil 778to r friC4,
were saved in the boats. The Boni k l y
made no etfort_ta.sastilu: survivors. The
number lost is lett.
The accident occurred at p. tn. on the
22d of January last. The vessel auuk in
20 fathoms of water, five miles from shore.
She had just started nn her hOmewatil
Strike 1n the Coal Region. .
A partial strike has lingrm in the at'.
thrnoite coal regions, but there is reason
to believe that it will not witlely, extend
or be of long duration. Advibes from the
Hazleton region on Tuesday state - that
all the inhiers itt Hint plarez anti
with the evaiption oft , it. Pardee &
men, liatiefitupped.,..wnyk, The miners in
the immediate vicinity' of \l'ilketatarre
IVyoming, rtzi,tit.) also struck on 'rues-
. . .
dityas wits anticipated, but the pridiabili- i Pra/ers in lithrehendlte. *cf. In Eitsquehanne ("our?
tic.: are that they it ill resume work in a 1 iclitlf °' !WO i n : W o r t r ou :,;: ith r 1 4 . 2 1 7=1 UV. or A
rea (lays. TII, • SCrAllt , 01. IBC hlWllro and I m lC' eet tTiedemands_upcip The Treasury end for ot;:e " r 4 ;n4T
11,11i1s011, 1111 d l'en nst 1, ailia iiiilleS 1111 1 all 1.T . ," 7,4, t u b 0 t. „".11',7 1 , 1 !;n 1 7 1 „,.;„;`,P,, 1 7„,",7,7 f ,.1,7,7:„7,,t 11 =f7
in , l ent ti , in. arid it Jai 110 t In )it•l A l ,l that son/ counts. and pieced r• rh travrrtinnt In that clans
. . , e r h A te .. ll ,,. ..t , t o i , t , ;.l , n t ajlit i Tts . Just and right according to the arts
they bill he atrcet , tlßS' the iiresent strike.
At a rtieet ing of the"in - incrs in the Scram- titt-,,,,,0cr,i. (.11..414 M 1111114.447, C,..119.
ton region on the Ist instant, the 1)cla- l l.Alri'.keT LIBERTY.
Bk. ham lel •toer. 13, A A Beeman pat rned 414
ware /111 d llittlson I»en lot,' not to sus- Al BU RN-13 W i'vr , pat . l, -'d 412
E 1. Adam.. 14,Joecp11 Webater 14
IB•1111 1/BIJI Clint' future /11)1i!, 11011 it la: - 11'11,. 1:4 Mfr.. 14 LATIIBOP.
eismc..i. It ure...,:ge.ivirtirriti i.itlieT Li ist..i (2 •s. ' I."‘` 4 "aril" '
13 E Y Tiffany &Co
M ' 1U
Y. Bbannola, 13 N
' I ' TheTheTh I IIIIVIIBP, lAtekilwatititt and IVesterti I Ni' inPranee. 14 G W Blida
Rees 11
men also —defti6e to sispeld at iresent. BROOKLYN, I i 7LE DWN '
w( ,„,is,p ati tgil,,, l4
The district presidents of the 1 iners' 1:0- i ll
A B t
:lorc r rt & I.',- 14 I.II. I NTROSE.
tgirOrth P
mll2 A Bullard 14
1011 S hare 1101111 Cd the 111C11 to ilold a 111111.1 - k,;‘,i ' A. ' Eldrld;:e 11'W . nt J Mulford 10
ing fur the put reuse of organizing a gen- ll:h:crr & 51.1,111111'11 13 L, ors Drake S, Co II
, t , 31 Ihrray 14 1 ,- B Chandler 14
oral strike, tint' the ntiv iv.% are that tiw .1 av, cry 11'1.11 Isbell 14
13'B It Lyons 2 Co. 11
principal operators are of opinion that .1.'1""t(R1:,,.r?07.,'71...r 1 Z Cobb 11
there Mill 114.! Itu,regular gl,rike,lnit olity i t 11 iii,lvy 14 J R DeWitt ,t Co. 12
dames Smelt:too, 14 A & I) It Lattice ' 10
tom in )rary' - 'Bnlip. t 'tit, ti 60 win* for a few ," c E D - F oli tt . c rat ,,..l n . rg n„,,,l ' i g„,,,u ni
11.1 vA, 1111111:1 I lwroligh tindestandinu. can " wll" 4 ' R"th" 14 sat. 10
, Y. 1.1 liardner 14 fiend arlßls er. Co p m 4 10
lie obtained between the 'lien alai t 11C T F johnsou 14 WII Deans 14
COM pIIIIIeS J N Baker 14 , 1.; 0 Konlham 14
'f' J Wclls II I N Bullard 14
Henry .0 11 illiamn 14 E flacon . 14
' DUNDIFF. I W W Smith l3
1E Parts 14 Miner .1 Coate 14
• A Rlehardsnn 13 1 0 13 Beeman 14
2 ti \i'enier patent tn. 4 14IMome 2 Lines 14
F. P Chambers 14 1 N 01.aldard 13
John Coyle 14. Wat 14 Boyd 4 Co 11
If enl,i spencer 14 E t: For:thaw 14
DINIOCK M T Jackson 14
CoI'STY OFFICERS, Mile. .1 Sherman 111;13 M %%Tenn , 13
11 nr 11 ThJyra 14 Abel Turrell pat mml 411
l`rc4hlent Judi:re-110n. P, a. %ttmlir. i 11 Blaketdee 14 T Sporn & Co )4
A tc .I,ado,- 1 Vali - lain. R. T. Ashley. 1 JohlaLeenotly • 1441. 'Talbot 14
Vroth ,, i,,dar) and I'l , rk 1 , 1 Charts- IV. F, Si In tell. , POll 11T LAKE. ißorns 2 Nichols pm 419
Itccl.ter. li , r,,rder.lte - Jer,ane It. I,pm*. 111 L Ball 11,E L Weeks S.Co 0
I:ietrict ittoruev-,D ii ..merle-, . - I 1.8 511 , era 14 Ran e y &Stamp 14
T,.,briit,,,....tienjitinh, td.dtlfll.: ': ' 1, Fitt E N INVII.I.Ii Ili C Ulll 14
Sherfif-Tm. T. Mori, •' - - Robert Winters 13 11 'fitalcher 14
Depnry sheriff- it it f1,,,m, J K l'ltagentld pat med 1 131 NEW MILFORD,
sar‘eyhr- Jaie* NA. Chapman War Ilarlarti patent maxi 4laß 1. Sutphin pat mod 12
I•ornmloriot.era-SanCl Silt N.r. J. T. K 111•, Preaerved mm, m,n,,,,, 11 1.,.., it Hayden 14
II Ends • F 41 Gorman 13,M00r 2 *ran 14
l'orranlaahrn, ra (leek -01 . 111 A. t'roarnion Fit \ NKLIN Aim, ,t,llll3chm pm 4,14
J o ., ( ..lanal...oone cs F B. Str,mer...‘ 061,i.0. Dante: J I. if..r: :man o sun 12,11 litcri
itt pal met! 413
Erci...aor. A 1 th .0 Cr,,,,,,al \ ii rA:I' If Fordl.atn ChWhlpple Brink 2 'llead 14
A u•11t.,, , - FB. ch indivr.Trary Hayden, II M.Jsmes. It I. k it s, ~.., 14 Iter, II McCollum 12
1 oroner-Dr 1 1 0 • Halsey. ' tiIt.EAT !SEND.
Richard 641141: 124 , JO M Rau toy 11
- - - . - ___ _ ; I
11 A. Chula 2 Co. 13: Dfekennan Jr 1011 Garrott &Sott 11
MONTItteiE 2 IlltllnlEWATEll A51"1.1.2%1 11 hiring & Prratou 13 , J Altkln 14
lirnre - , ,, rta.-Perrin We11...T..4,1 Trani hili I . W 1. ' 'OS. I. E.61.4br00k & Clark pm 4 9:P 1 TenEyek 14
Tccaserer-11 0 Camp. I. S tenhelm 8 1 John Barnes 14
Steward- It Becjamln w A cokton 141 OAKLAND.
Physic:an- Dr .1 1.) Vaill ;:•orge McNamara 12 1' 1' Nlunson ' 13
_____ ._ _- _ _.
. I W Chichester 14 Thharaa ..0 VanAlaken, 14
—Gold LluAed un Solitty at 1131,
11 P Pon. 14 ) 11USLI,
P. I' Sinion• A 1 o. 10 L 31 Sherwood A Co
Geonie Wing/n.ll 14 Umuger &Wheelockpm4 13
110rgee• .c NI (1.e.. Como II -14 V %coo in, 117. If A,,., 12'N D Snyder ,14
1. I'n x. Dame) haste. II F 1 11,14 A.". N Ivied, C. w r .inti. 11 sPIIINIIVILLE.
s F...Ter ll I) sc.,/e. A. 42 Not terfleict JII Vail 4, tkidA.4l 13t0 W Bennett lg
Trca•urer —.I 11, 1 111. Con, a lile —John l' II .well . D D t ,
1 c ronno 140 I , Apeneer 14
114 h t o hie f harles .1 31'ItIpi.11. ‘.11"..11. Powell ' 11'7. Barnes 14
w Jl9 "91 ,- Cre.wii jr.
W ' . i -. 4 " 1 ' . 4 ,, " 1:. r g. ` :ir, ' , ` .;.4: 4 i: k - .l"gilt.i; 1i"..`11,';.'•,.. • W r M'T'looh 14 1 ,11 T Hendricks pin 4
i l2 i
33 1 )t0n.,..ri0rd dz. eo
(II lthON. 11.ase NI raerule 14
, A F. Rohl., 111 SILVE:II L-19(1?..
~ W t:ardnen 13 ; 111s NI oage 14
i Dunn A (M. 111 Wm l'lwuka 14
.11NIValket 14 T hullllan 14
0 /I Welk patent coed 4 1113: (. Meeker 14
11 31 Tlngley 14 3 C5411.7.11A11i71 A.
hymned) A Sofia 12 A 11 Landman 13
• t."" ` ..... 11.114 7 1/rtlr. " s
4 '".rzK,iit,',r,.b.t•t•—.- :'
Jones /lahi'a-k A Tanner. L. Si Piii.r ..t Co 13
1. 3 4' 04 llindlnil‘m, 4 10 4 1 - olou Non. An w.waltlon II)
14 B 1 , Smith 14
IV arrell ( 11ni,,, N. , . 1.41, to Moronic Ball on 'i . ) , / ,.. .1‘g ...,"' r';' , ,,.".
It l 1 Miller 14
Thoteds V of cat* 11110elth Ott 11/I , l3ofolre fa'? Iti. , Ull
, . Jl' Ex' Perardn 14 B Casey 14
Or ~,, I ~d,r. No. i4/n .3 Y 31 . niect• 41 3ficoiniC
.., 1,,„.k,,rd 11.1 11' AI. W Calloway 14
11 ill Ine fir.) 11'..dilcoday of each mow oon or lielore ,y; T l'ill'ane 12 Iloisnrlll 14
fa II moo:, and the •ceionl Wcitheiolay t h , -after ear, er 111 W White • 114 Tho• Mel4onald II
91ontron/ Lodge, No 151; y, ; ~r U. r.. mot. Am 0441 Win Irk lillEll lioptilan 11
Pelloses Hall eeery Tiooolny even:og 1. it 14sLewla Furman 14
Oil ticuck A Newton 14 Chnrlcs W White 14
Cl John'• I:”rampat, to No 'a) ineet• at ..Ood Fel
low. Roll the 111 and 411. Frolay each naolith , A .1 Eaton 14:14 A Lyon• 13
lIERAII'H. iiluttenherg Room:Mauna co 9
11.4 n-rot UeZreo 1 . ,, 1.V... NO. 7 . I POSP!..I. Odd P. 11 0.. 14 'lt Arnold 14 il Cit 3 11 ( 'ouke IS
Hall the linst and Th:rd F r eida earl, month hon., Nichol, AC.lo pen 413 1 3 C ..9, il 11 Cooke ya
13 3conel Bell ' ' 19
!don trore I.celge, I. ( 0 of 0 T. inert, at 1:. , 0d Temp. C C Spence
h ic • 11,01 ,eer• ;Monday ei elllllg, t 11A111101:17. 11yory_C Lea pp, 4 1 1
l : Draadt9ML`o ' 14 A , 9 lalkenhury 14
umni Slaleritas Temple ~g 1t0n0r,..9.1a. 16.riteet• at , , ~,,,,,, 1413feDonald A. Kane 11
tlonl Tetnplara' lino 11.-3 d rrlilly of ',ell inOolo.
Jobe Dtiterrena , 14(9 C Foot 10
L U Rai 141 F D Lyons 13
Waiter Sccat 14 o T sn,,th 14
.1 schlair, it. l'o 1! Ellen Metioltm 14
el3l 11111.11.1 13 31 Dunk 14
' I•ciar Brown 13 Y B Thayre 19
' A .1 Lyon, d Bo t 121Valter Barber 19
.I Ls:YU I'. :George ll Crandall 13
.1 II rb..114 rano pat me 4 14 Edmund Doyla . 14
1 JACr•SI./.N. Bye"' Barret PI
nll 918m:iron 13;90t= Tlcrney 14
i SorrLs .4 Frcach .. 12'e Freeman 14
i James i Pouot 14 hf J 11artley 14
Llbm McGrath 14
i - LITTLE' MLA pows. wm Ball 14
1) 14 Garfield I.4plenry Pierce 14
1.1 91 Bcardalee :3 W II ltee
ilbe 1
/Ja arell 1 4 pat med 4 4 ,
LENDS. rnomsov. • i
, Wm NW, S. Co pat me; Maine Mulford A Co 10
' 'Win r Chic l'l'Leari• et Dote 14
10 .1111 offering a largr stack of Um)* for a abort. 1.10 , 3 Crow a Brother 14 George O'Hara 14 ;
f iNI.Y AT COST 1 And kit• of Cassia W 31,01terb011t PO' 31 Cirlatt l4
14poeigivc,fact," l'tpx,(Aisf: , , Sale, Ica. than 15.000
Dry ie....d0. Dr.qk Growls. $llOlll, I loclone Ilion. t an.. SOB'. '33.110(1. le. than 10.11UO
Ik•no. slow.. crockery Ghoo,nace, w,,,,,i cn • I Sale"' 1.4.0110,4 e. than InAglu
e-hyterlln—lten 3 lento 11. Millet
F4.1-c,pul lm. E A Warruna,
Peptl•t 14v Nr F ,, rtl
Rrv. Klwl.ll.
Icty Adiratiocutento.
Ware, Hardware I:rt. - elle.. 'Fran=
And loin and iaineka or Good. too naineroutti to atyun an
When you, hear othgr theelerr.nal ,that at ask µld pri•
re. and hare an nl.l ' , vat rEen't helfel 6 Ft. I,nt
ail and wee Asmino i ontil t i troth pal,. price. for ..ts
hi, Stck mum an t 1w,0,,111 in a n11 , ,,rt lime a. I
Inter in inive thattlittdhlg. ,
t. 1,, 110 10104. 1.19111 on 1 mtilt Term• I 'nth.
"t - Ntilf”rd. !viurch 9, In7o.
' '
The .übscriber being nbont to relnove wect,
I will offer at pohlic role, at his residency in Cho
' (-omit' Snakes ea Pa., on Thursday
24th lllareb. 18i* IttiQ o'finek., a m., the 10)-
1 lowing de,erihefl property. to wit :
In eholee Dairy ('ono. 7 7w,yearelds 1:1r-out
ing int. 1 -pan 4 , 1 ' Hrmm, 1 iNso year oil Colt. 4
eln,iet• Ifog•-, 1 Idlolher :on. I I /elle , ' rat \4a
eon. 1 two hon.+, I pair Ilob Sleigh.. 1
double Hamm, Piowa, ) and .111E11141g
Tools generally, in tuna g ood Hay'. 1
ing Machine, Num., Tin Pan. and other Dairy
Fixtures. llotNehold Furniture, and various nth
er,artlehs not here mentioned.
TERMS OF !•41m. of Ci tyr le
•ver s., nine months credit on ap
provol noir, with inl , rer.t will he given.
M. I'. SUTTON, Auctioneer.
Choronnt. Pa , March CI, Ig7o.
The-tabscriher rented Ills farm in I,lm
o\ township, will tll at public sale on the pre
misei, on Thursday, Marrh X4th. 1t470, nommen
clog at 10 o'clock, a. in., the following property
to wit •
One Horse. 2 C'ows, 8 two year old Lirifera, 1
set, P l 4w.Alareg.4.-ati . T-Gafit Lieriteks., WZrIY
new. 2"PloWti, 2 CdMA - atom:l rultitatorlfar•
row, 1 square Drag, I Lumber Wagon, 1 buggy
Wagon, 1 pair hob Sleighs, one hand Cider Mill
nearly, el)lw..ge_StAt,eo"..a...lll:olad'aXturPPhlt
ter, a quantity-e Will% la iheenlP,iCider Barrals,
art Illsek , :mith'i Tor)is, htifit as bellow-a, anvil,
vice, ate., 1 Cook Stove,. I Parlor Stove, 1 Shop
Stove, 1, and fictlatemll Grain Cradle. 1
Grind:44:le, Croopirlll364„ _
Shovels, Chains, Se then, Swaths, and other ar•
TXR,W3,14 1 8.3.4A.-0.11 sums under ss,eash;
introVer, nine months credit, with interest
on approved notes.
Lenox. March 9, 1870.* F. T. POWERS.
- :.:7:' 'lA= BIG-CAT
whicA.Wouuneracc the new and clepint styles
(kV ,
Ju rervived by
.kt 11.4 r n , ITV Start , No. 21 Conti Street, corner
,if Court and Witter Strrets, two
Marrit WO ( 'all and see our Goods
V •
kod the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said
canny will hold a C'onri "r tpp••al at the Cowl Roo. : io
tl••o• in anl for •ald oty. on Wednekfiny the fth
Apro, 1...10, at I ofloek. r x , at which limo and
.1 the Mlerrhaale.k-cri.•rA, defined and rtnaeed,
:11, , rr,i1 , 1 or th , .lr a,rentA or attomera, may appear
null a plrea I from rrnd Ifthey think proper.
Ilorford. forrh 9, 1970 —n Ilerrnatiln Appeal.,
, k.4 1 r.4`11.311. 4 :NT
December 31st, 1809.
$200,000 00
80,417 40
Capital Stott, paid up,
Nlarkel Value
Cul,/ Stairs Curren, Bun4lr. t , 2,12.5.00
Cs.l2 in National Clty . liank
ar•lt in Lonwnll . :r• Iflive 2.131 52
fluent In band, of agrnla, aut . . iu
• In..mumtun 21,401.27
Intera•rt ua lambs accrual..... . 8.122.71
hills r• r'ablr. Niarino Prom'.. kr. !,,n83 . 66
Clrvriand, Colunthur. Ulna Liman
do kn4laud,po4.ll.4llru4d .tuck., 4,707.7 Z
'teal Youate
un ue Stronire 7000
I I•noprny,flflkc.•lSafr•.Sr, 3,36t1.•ti
un }lnt MuriLmrt'd• • 81,777.50
ronmu -l riarlCattonal Itanli Stoeh riiV
S 5.000110 s ue. /tal
4 loand
Merchautlt siOtlooal book etuck, .4400,00 3,x0.1,00
No; Sunatrlty Molt Sfn , lr . 13,040./.00 11.F:90.14
Lotted ti.lrdes Ronde. 5-2 S 4,00L1.00 4e313-1/11
l'kveland G.llOl & Coke Cu..toek. 3,000. , .10 3.000.00
:•,,,. Inounincu Cu. Stock ..• • JAMS:O 5111.00
Lake Superior IMO Ilin.nd StOck 1,501 01 475.00
!hovel re. Iron lfinz Stock 5,000141 475.00
el,,dood lrun MI. ooad. 1,4.15 00 i.r.24.110
Lake Shore Railroad Stork . 4.11/9.0111 0....25.0ri
, 1,, , v laud l'ajier Cu. btack.. . tlOlOlO 0,501
I , llylun & 5111ehlgon It lf.. StArk, ?Lona° 3,35i,(111
Vermillion Coal Co. Srocll • - 12...201L0d 4.:50.00
Wl:own Uolun Tulognipla Bondy, G.0.11).00 11.975.00
Notts. scoured by Mortgav•-• • 7.101.0) ..6.981.011
Total a...t0
Loeme, ud)uetcd 1113.1tinadired, En.ooool •
Requiredco re-Ins. oil Hs , In Arca, 68,67210,• 1
Knit n'enlrecifetin rietp (baba; ' 1 A17 , ,82..15
Apl:}lnft-usit cudinctod during 69, 23,41,101
Ftale amt City Tag, pent in Jnly, $ $..nm..513
Lit% Wend puto in dull, . 10.00(141
Losoen incurrrd dung: 1W a.' op9qq.el
R. T. LYON, Beclpiry.
!- MYRTUtiti.TPl6ll2l}t/.
Strotid 4 lEtroinik
G 4 3 4i si i t y. u b i for Pearaybetill. 9:l4lben VfMterle
t a w ( mg atu t- muyistd. Martha, iral--air
BOOTS & 8110 ES,
E ;(41.1.15V1N &
door. en4t ,)f imlituatui Bros.,
ftpsthan ftI.UVO
MAO), than .1.000
k*Zh.oo(7, 1e.% than 411(►7)
4(1.1100, h.: than 15+),ton
$280,417 40
V 50,417.49
From this day forwrd, pro ahall sell Flour at
retail at
'We hang out no false colors, but mtmn itist
what ue-say:
While tusking Flout a ipeti.lty, our stock of
Will be kept full and .01.1 at, verb• small profita.
11. liA1111.1:17r SON.
New 3111f0r,1, March 2,170.—1 y
X E.O L"l' () SA LE
NoilVe is hereby given that in pursuance ofan
order of the Orphans Court La:Susquehanna co.,
the undersigned trill expose to sale by public
vendue nn the premises of the late Win.C.Wood
deed, on Satorday the 20th day of March, 1870,
at I o'clock, p. m., the followtng described real
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate
in the township of Oakland. Susquehanna conn
iv, Pennsylvania, beginning at a stone i. 13 Mere
dith & Clymer's land - , thence south 46 deg. ivt.t
hy said lands 53 perches,. thence north 64 deg.
west 06 perches to the mithile of a streatn,thence
along said stream descending along line of Fraz
ier's land to another corner of said Frazier's,
thence along said Frazier's lot south 64 deg. east
107 perches to the place of beginning, contain ,
ing 32 acres and 17 perches strict measure.
Also, another piece situate in the township,
county and state: MIA - Ls:Lid, beginning at an °lig-
Mal birch corner of the SN'ut. Smith warrant,
thence north 46 east 111 A perches to a pine stomp,
thence south.,46 Ale& castja-4,percinz to, nAttine
heap, thence --satth '2.5 deg, west ISO peraes to a
post, thenee mirth 40 ilcg. west 144 perches to a
post, theme south 4n tieg. ~ , ,t st) perches to a
a stone heap, thence north 44 deg, west 74 per
ches to the place of Ic•gianing, containing 1 5
acres, be ilii• smile nairi iir
Aleut, one Other lot adjoining the above, be
ginning at a atone heap near the southeast corn
er of lot Ntt. tta, thence north 23 deg. west 78
perches ton corner. thrtict;Aauth 135 deg:llo4st
180 petchei to a [`Omer nearthciereel /file
of the Meredith stow, thenee north NECII.-tlekries
west along the township line to the place of he
giuuing. et/la:lining 43 acres and 143 perches be
the saute more or lt,s.
Also, one other piece in the township. county
and state aforesaid, beginning at a beach south
corner of lands belonging to Samuel Brush, at
the creek, theme along said creek trolltli ;15 . ,i de
grees \V est t 4 perches to a hemlock. thence south
45 deg. east 32 pert Ms to a stake and clone in
the town ljne, thence along, said line crest 1 per
ches to a stake and stones, thence north 65 de•g
west ISO to a stake and stouts ; thence north 25
deg. east l 8 5-10 perches to a ~take and stones;
thence south 0:0 2 dug. east 1555 perches to the
place of beginng containing 40 acre-, be the
eLlllle more or lt.Tis.
TM - MS.-000 on the day of Mk : one third
of the purchase money (including the down pay-
Imam On final confirmation ; one .third in one
year thereafter, and the balance 31 the death of
the widow, (ltd.:tine Wood, intcreot annually
on the unpaid .ann. dating front the final confir
1:1.1.11)T .11.1)111CIT,
ELI I L ' d
New Milford, M'eb 2 , 7f17U.•
Flour, Corp-'), liuckwhcat and Graham
Flour, Saint), and hominy, from 11Thitu South
ern ('oral, Farina and Corti Starrli,ktuking
I ler'', arid ;"east skeirxtrO)Ctio; Fnnr
ily Uroteries.ut vin't be gcrt, ander_
. •
E E to.
3lontrose,Feb *2'3, 1876.-4
L o S T !
On Feb. IritLi, in front of C. R. Koon's
Atontrose, a nearly white Pup, 8 months ohl,one
round dark spot on bark, and small ones around
it, one ear and one ere teas encircled with black
and yellow spot, long iviike.l nose, answers to
the name of - The tinder will be re
warded by informing ine mltere l i e
NV 1-11.1.M.Q.c.
New Mined talrO, reb • 1870.-3
tate of Franklin township. sinsq's co. Pa... deed.
Letters of administration spun the estnteof theaboeo
named decedent hat inc In.en ~..,rnnted to the undersign.
ed. all persons Indebted to sold estate are hereby nott
lied to make Immediate pn, :neut. and those haying
chime against the same to present them duly autbeno.
cated for settlement.
0. 31. UALL, Adair
I;IRE! El RH! FI --fourß! hones
ma 2. burn :text. Seek refuge at to e.% either in the
Serwrii3, N.Y.,
M anhatnm,
North Amerienn
Norwieh, Conn.. chartered hlay.lll.lKk the olden Stork
itt Ciiiiiieriirtit All of the ahoy s tn old eataltliehed.
first. enter (:anntanlec. tare, arid rel Lillie, hivin g b een
tried and proven. Look not for little oeo a lid cat rim,
party. 111111Zilie up all noer the rountry )hat to make
money. (Intl or send your applieMiuut. and I will can
that yon non fairly deal r. fat.
Fire. 1.11 . n nod Aeriden: Tuatara/me .\ gent. at the Lace of
W It Lo*U. Muntr,rae
February 1. IS7u.- if.
$, 1 0)1 /IJ SINCE THE 41.11 OF JULY
A fler ink, into the Telenee of rneettnnirs
for 14 year, 1 einim to underhand eoutething
about it, and, nA there are many in tittsgnehan
riacounty who wish to pt tittt very bo,t
that is made, and warranted, I will prr,ent the
GOLD MEDAL and NEW wir.sos,
to crimparn with any. These Machimmi " ill
sewn, embroider, taitelt, tunic any width, Lmid,
bind, quilt,. fell, hem any width, ruffle, cord,
plait' and make Tomlin:. Warranted for three
1 will pay agents. $75 ker month, corcpmp*
- Man, who will comply with Inv terms.
Send 20 cents for terms and circular to
L. 13. STLVARA, General .lgent.
Forevt La*o 4.;eutrp,-;Salq'a.cp.. Ap
Feb.16,15;0,74* 4 • I
A Isl)lt6lt'S NOTICE,. .
lA. The node:Niger& an etidirot appointed byy tho
Orplotna' Court of Stu...incline/la comity to hoar, deter
to Ina end report open the exception. died to the dual
adrairdstrutfon account of C. L. Brown executor of the
estate of Lydia Guernsey. ,dieietin4. "flifAt!Pr i lko
the dotte. of Bald appointment At hie 'office to NOD
on W.ndacaday the 9th day, of March next, at ethic
time and place all parller intriefted lie hereby p ot! fled
to attend. L. T. YITCH.
lieb. 16, 1610.
.; .. . -
1,, The result'ef my experiments the Test season
'avitlilbe Norway bats hire been fully up to ray
I , asp:Mations, and ' lam :satisfied they are well
adapted Mout soil. dud , that every farmer who
possildy, eat should get the .aced. I Ought lost
sfrin of the Ramsdell agents In New York; one
bushel k '
of3p . lbs. Of the Is, orviny Oitts: 'I sowed
[therdon Onehere of good -ground, and harvest
ad from it TO bushels of 80 lbs. per bushel, mak•
in" an increase of TO bushels from one.
. i also-5 4 m0" In. 04 same lot on equally good
ground; 8 bushels' of 30 lbs. each or ternmot oats
on one acre, and Itsrvesteti tfierefrona , ss bushels
,of 80 lbs. per ,, bushel, an. increase of 18 bushels
from enc.,. 'Llerefore fremthis , trial I am satis
fied Lbw We Norway Data, will produce twice as
much as the cunnndn Oats. If any cif% mare
confirmation, I' would refer them to reports nom
all parts of thti country, given In the Rural New
Yorkerof Jan, title, 1570.
PRICE $4 per 1317dITEL of 32 /Ls
Call spoil', as T have but few to sell
For Sale by
R t.. 91:TPRIN
Summeraville. Feb.?, 1670.-6t*
This Oats " ivSll 'produce three times as much
is any other Oita. per sale at lowest market I
price, by WM. J. HEAVY,
Jam 18/1).--3m* St. Josephs, Pa.
The subscriber - 130N 'for sale the valuable
Farmaittlated in. Auburn township, lately be. ,
lunging to J.lL.McCaim Said farm contains two
hundo„al and eight acres, one hundred and sixty
acres improved. There is on said farm a first
class two-story house and new barn ; two orch
ards a quantity of fruit trees. said farm Ia ou
ly four mules from the Lehigh Valley Ilailroad,
well watered, good timber, and in every way a 1
first class farm. Persons in want of a good farm
will understand that a chance to purclaaso such I
a property is seldom offered. 1
For terms and particular*, inquire of
£L. WEEKS, 1
Assignee of J. 11. McCain. '
Also, fur sale, the HOUSE and LOT in Mont- ,
lose now ocenpiesl by J. 11. McCain, with about
silt aerua of land belonging thereto,
Arisigneo of J. 11.31cCuin.
Montrose, Jan. 10, 1870.—t(
Books for Farmers tr. Stock Breeders
Bound Volumes of the AMEBIC STOOK JOURN
AL, for I:46Bcoutattilog 311 large double column page.
sent postage lucid for k 1.50
Round Volumes of Ihe American Stock Journal fur ISUO.
runtaino :?.44 pause. sent portage pal! for.. ..... $1.5(1
The Dalrymares Menmal, seat post paid for Wr ctn.
The lloreematis annual . " " •23
The Horse Dressler's 4 4 . 4 SS
Thotihetp Brovder's Manual " "
The Yenlttlpreedeio. Manual P 95
The whole five Manuals sent post paid to ono address
f0r............ *l.OO
Agettle %yawn!, to whom liberal Inducements will be
offered. Address
Jat 10—Am
isiisa76r VNTeztolks.
r f' , irl
3d door aboraSeario's now.
f am prepared to do any pier. of work il an nolrl7 .7 lo tho
took. ^lVork 'Warranted. 1.
0, .
nrIZE 8100/1 Short Itorn IT)nrham , .llevon. Meerut,
and Ayrohire Gavel, lerllo. 601.011.1,3“ n a ncl
ii•lft Sheep. enAltniern Cont.. Importml Sunnlk.
alld 4.ttlxon Pigs, man all claultu brevclA of roul
tr:. for .ic. 'l3und for Clivnlan, and Prier., Add,
Park4n,burg, Chnntnr Co I's.
From UV to3a) brtalte), grown to the acre. weighs
from 40 to 15 pound• to the buthrl. MIR oat: , ho neon
grown On ever} variety of roil, and to every State Of
the Onion, with the moot perfeer !Viten*.
The grain to ver3 largaptump and haudoome. boo a
remark Me thin hook, and rtpart• earlier than the coal-
InOn varieties,
The stns.. Is bright, pleat% tout and not liable to
lode. Is perfectly elenrof rest: and grows from 4 to 5
feet high.
We nave both the White and Block Norway. both tho
slim. price mud equally proelnetivo
Ito seat scald ono quart of the above amts to nay
address poet paid for
Two goons. post paid 200
One peck seri 'rpmae or frettty 3on
felt bnnhel, :51 pound. on
One hnehel. hi pounds.. .. . . 111,10
p/re ulith ft elf.tlnette undereton
that this in not a light oat., wehgning di to 31
rased in New fCttland. and sold under the name of
NorwAy, hot iroported.ered, every novhel guaranteed
to weigh 4094. or the IllUtler rettmded,
Samples o f both kind. sent free for a three cent
stamp. eihin Circulars and Testtmontans.
Address .11 orders to N, P. BOyElt a CO.,
Parke-along, CheateteCo..., Pa.
Jikp. iptb—am.
Eggs of Pure 'Bred Fancy Poultry for
linve on, ha:44340t largest and best gelectloh of W Poor} Poultrr to be. toond to the ettottry. Egt.
comb:Illy bort-IS-nod shipped to rimy port of the country.
For Cfreularzoopt prlcco tuldrow ,
N. P. noyEn
Porkralotrst Chnstcr Co. Pn.
2222 - 1 - ,
$2 RAMP 00
i.ron ono (8)
_-, IN)
7 I WI 00
1.1100 (21
lileinity and elai.tielty of botch.
Perfection and gitaillfctly of Machinery.
14inti both thread• rtirectiy from the rponle
No fa,tening of ,ennu lry h.tod nod 110 Wavle 11l
Mild° range of application without change of adjust
The .cam retain a Re beauty and Ortnne,:s after wneb
Ingnsal nuning.
Brook. oil kind* of work door br other Soviet: Tdis
chilier, Meer Alacidnee c xecide 11.1 e JTIQin beautiful
and itermanetit Embroidery ebel ornamental work.
Orlin, lllgheat Promlnto* at Millie fairy and exhi
bition. o( the United Amu?r and liurope, hare been
wordedi the flrovvr Nal:, Sewing Machines. and
the work done Ity them, WheroVtr a ibibltul Sn compo.
11610 D..
rar - rlin ant, prl , ^, TILE CROVAS OP TILE
[Yr:I(W 01.' TltiNort, eunterrtd on the ruprc•vut
t.t the Ittker listr tug. Miehlriel , , at the
Exi.o-timn lutrorrtylr.. k4tlr6. 1567. thm. atte , Alutt
thcirgrtvil .npartorit) over all other Sc at itg Machine,.
p 4r o at, ' iiy 1. p. cu.ks OLE% Montro!1?
04cts.wrrs mnfoid, Pa.
Pa llnilnt atrnenn je r tro to art operations nata
. 1110 tretit.. .4.441f1e1at , nrth 11l the alltions
a we, iybw, ip tog. . roc toci maitilacttOnguatataled 49411.
C*ltTin and k.oe m& and aallarY)*?diativea. inks ham.
94 hoar. earn day. _
Jan. 5, MO.-11
N. P. ROY hit S CU.. Publishers.
Parkesburg. Chest.. Co. Pa
Neves Goods,
Jan anivotl tt
r.dP. R. L. 4 T ROP'S.
Ili WWI 411PILLII IC*, of all $l3 les mid Prices
1..k1106 STOCK
(NMI@ and raps. Fora. Ready Made Clothing. Gltaai•
sno: Deus era Sactingt. Hone Stankas.
Blau/actg. Bad Spruads, Hardware. ,
i:ruckery, Boots and kihoos,
W. aro Aprou Gar Me Calabria/A.4
That the largest and best affection of
1.1.1 as RtifisS tatolts OF ALL KIND_ ,S DO
BC us. II A 'Ps & 4%0'8: 1.4/11nES .
0001)R, ) , 111.1.1NERY
to he loud in thi4 port or the Slate, rIII alwrys be
found at the n till•hou we and papnin: store of
Guttenberg, Rosenbaum J 'Co
M. S. DF-Sti representing this Grin in Mont
rose. arch lug lately from New York with
of above mentioned goods, restable for the nal end
Winter sens On. and bating taken pstrticolarpalns in se
lecting twyd.uele etyles and drslgn-n.III. well en 'eating
to thc old prcrerh, petmy salad is pennyearned."
We patter noroetrott or letving , BARGAINS far •U
who Worn to he raring la malting their parchmes.
We vcourd request 2 adl and In•peetlon of our good,
Montrose, Oct. I.t,ISGO
The nnhre.rll,(4 tiffits mtv h 6 Fmk sitaati to
the ea.l port of ticw Milford touveddp,contaiulug
1..41 nn t red by .prin7, and • =tan
en,k. There are. mo nne near, and three barns,
au new, and 0111,r outlwildingt , sod two good orchards.
The Inntl not itaprovturte , hens Ity timbered.
Terms made easy. For ftirthor InfonnOfion din on or
actdrtan the Pabcribur at New' Milford. tiroxf • Co. Ps.
:5 in. 10, S.Ati9.-tt
For StoreAmipme, ac.
iron Itedeteada. Wire Wehh4ng for Sheep and P0n1%27
Tattle, Brno. and iron Wire Cloth, Stever, Feeders,
Screen, far Cunt Oret, Sand. &c Heavy criMped
for Spark . Anvvt• re, F.andecape Whet foe Win
dntv•, etc. raperMaker' t% fres, Onaarernatai Wire
'cart, etc. Every Information I', addroasteg the man
ufit rt it r WALE git & SONS.
LI N. at, Philadelphia.
\yrs° MAL &LINE
Aeknowledo.ed by nil to be the best Sowing Machine
In the eorld. Neil buy any one tlblll you have trial
Nov. 34,
E. 1.. WEEKS ..t. CO., Agents
cAsn PA 1 D
For Mn.knat, Coon and Fox.,Skim.. by
Nov. 21, 80. E L. WEEES
A BEL Tr RRE 1.4
Ha* rrt turned from New York with s large sit
ditidn to hl* usual !lock of choice goods.
31outrore, Nsv. /I.lBra.
lufrears this WO: 4 111E1;FM SALVE bins been the
secret of en old Connertlent family by the name of
ph c h e Baer. or Now it romeo forth to biers man
kind. its power to rem. to econts surretann.
to ttral• ectins, le very eqtraortlinary ; the like ofit
has never been known. IWO persons already bear tea-
UMW , Ono person says I bought aei Pot, and I
would not ha- withnot It for $lO. or I hail to go all the
err, to N. T. for it." Physicians recommend it. and $.4
pots are ordered daily for 1100142.a.1s And Public
to wary part of the T. e.
For Cuts, 'Rums, Boils,
Brut.", Sun., T . ..leer..t,, Snip Nipples,
Broken Breasts, Chap
ped Lips and
tniptlutts, blind and IN TILE
bleeding rites. rams ,
Bunions. rrou g E.
bites. of animals. "
sectS, ete. etc. .
All Dena ttet• keep it for rake
In MO Bair. arc Oren A way ID trill its etrtrte.
tfr'no to Tone Morefst and get 0110
$ 2 , fp.and pat. rent tafely packed. by express.
Addre. s CUA T 00.,15110WIMIStreet, N. Y.
11 of Franklin township, Stte.fa co., Pa. deed.
Lettere of adm Win - ration upon theestate of the above
r d.''d n "bsvi'gh' T unnied
l'tlu'd""i fl:ea pereoe neehned to saki et.e erelerelvnt
and to make immediate payment, and those battled
ago 11.1 the mune to present them dray antbenti•
sated for settlement.
I Franklin. ).larch 2, Ism.
.0 late of Thomson cournehly.. Susquebantsa co.
Pa. deceased.
Letters or adminlstratiOD upon tbo estate of Otsubo,*
named decedent having been gra utcd,to the andetllgn
ed. aII persona Indebted to .1d colate are hereby noti
fied to elate Immedlede payment. sad those having
clalma egalnot the some to ?recent glom duty authenti
cated ond ett I mod.
New Milford, Much 2, 1810,
/Li UN of 311ddlettiten township, Susquehanna, amis.
ty Pc, deed.
Letter e of adUtiniitrition upon the estate of the
above loaded decedent hay been'granted to the-un
dersigned. notice la hereby gi ven total persona huddl
ed to said estate to make mum:diets, pazment, and
these having claims against the sumo to prevent them
duly aathonticatad for settlement to the undereigned.
SQIZ4 131014:2; Adler.
Middletown, Mareh 2. 1810.
tickfujr, Cailcos. tripe and
chatted Slatting,. Padua'. lc. as ;sad Ili QaTISIT at
Gertussas. Rousnans 41:4