3101STROSE, Marell 1, 1870. ' _l47ters shall / insure my life 9 If ' ight pontrost PtlllOtTat . : CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. l i ex pl ana ti on denying a statement of the gallery adjoining the Senate Chamber and ____ ;New York Tribune thrtt - betidd ever made fronting Broad at., where in the presence Editor .Ifontrom Democrat: elan w'is'h to e insure in one of the oldest /ICU; drcrtiocturnto. ____________ _._ ~ Su SA TE, March Ist-Mrs' Howell ad- l otea p pe i u t usee t *the naliary academy of au immense concourse of citizens,the , I find the following piece of news In a New Mid best Managed life insurance ( - Taup e - stee ese e. Idress - ed tee - Senate. in eapportsof blit•reso- "ht a ret a O n district. The house then Oath pres'cribe'd by ebe e pOns - tlttitiolisewas ' - ' 1 '1• orketiaplier all:which 1 knot ,- w be:true - a Riles 111 thiebountry, insure in tlse-Ameris. -, O)I.UCHEI 'iik. CO. _ --, - ~ •,,luticin; that in eYery rant ofAndien.mrail e ,Pioceettetl tie eoeesider the rbiasiness on the adruipiste"red to blue , byt the trete. 11.7 . .. It. JudgeF * l 1 ' = _.ll.mt conarnitteedMayoi,'::Priec of* . e- i'•iti Life'itif Ph ibult•lphia,- If tou t 4v fil to •'''':- ea - bile to jade.. issetay, tot' ntfusitigt to gtvel.up 0 1 keetealisoltoely certain flint tap - - roadset proviso shnlP be incolio '' rated '''-sel4 speakeiiiiiiiilide. '4,1 bill weisufter some op- Li v liilfseuet,-.Hisq:Chantellor of :the Stitee s ,e.•• i -,•• .te e ornee e lSeekt end e rlafers of the Mavoral,ity 1 - ' '-' , i loi. iic ., . , :,L i t iir p , r ,,, , :: ,, t i t i e 1 5 ,, n ,„7 , , ,1 Catarrh by a simple rem al' Air . 1-,,, 'ararti-s--C , tt wai '• '7" . Curing tie: right&Of settlers tee onleiteadi , position plated repealing &proviso in the of New Yorke- •e . 'ii se se' to slavor tittrrinomn7a: d refh,edin insuut, a : at of yam- inotiev in t ested au: CV... ..,0 '. .i.,., 'r" -•E'..•1...rr. Hoboken, N. J. 4 on thegeittits anti reqiiilingifie lantfeto lib , n et extending the time fottthe completion The Chancellor 'then Itraelnimert•birn-s-'e p -p en i, a111 1011 ,,d7 hr,„,i.! wee ,: „ ffs e eit -e le ~ I,l y . .Y 4 , l 6i.fietetl --s4ineure in the Ateteri?eit of .•-t e _T ee _ - -- THE NEW ARTICLE 'OF FOOD. put in market at a n ea rly d a y ate price lof the little rock and Fort Smith railroad. TLIE Pit ESIDENT OF '1'111: uNnED amount. (in being nrrhell I eui svith a bill of ex- , Pliilinlelpnia. If con wish to - gel • - flit reptim2s, Judge Elliot pat them in his pocket, n 1it 4 rg ,, ..:5 . 4tu i 1 1 1 1 ,: ) 1 , 1.4 ,1.0 t _ :_ of it i l il i e tr i , t ‘ istt ranee posstd•c in the et triPHII:n 1- For twenty= five cents' ereafiantilisiof not exceeding two dollars and fifty cents The senate ,itnut resolution prohibiting STATES, which was followed by the in itlnd Slllll he would rear them at his histre, and? an ;mere. At the conclusion of lie re- the publication in the Globe of speeches stunt discharge of 13 cannon, and loud elle p ßestreel ,b owing . l ty,,ialinkefidiesl,oritt gins' c e ry sian 11eust• and took the i . „ , „ , mark* the n." 01116011 was adopted. At 1: I not delivered eels taketk from ;he Speak.trepealed slion4. ; : . .), i'illoac•ipiiiii, which offer: all Hans anti .4 , _, _.... 15 p. me the Considerittion of the fun di ng g resnle.l in 3hthile a number of years. g er's table and referred. Al three o 'clock' to the people; the air again rung with Hav e n - . .- . • , i . I , a Ihe lowest rates. Messrs, • trend i'Ss: VZOI:" -- i M 'atria bi, : 7o F pcjia. tick:die of bill was resumed. At 2 I ). m., the senitte ta e aeeergialrilee e treeeep, ame.lile is linteestateear. iteelaniations : Ile then retired and Iwo „ i „ preen are agents for this eutinty. Sea Moss Patine manufactured from Wentinte' - eeeentiee . •sekslotie - arid l'ilICS!- 4F lailitieselef the !tense in Its. support ; Mr.! with ihe five Houses to the Seieitil r'iiiim-t - 11- q-• "Ilewhat '" °C "--PCX443113-11 ' ellt I " - "'''''''''„'`''" -- .;''''''''"`.." - • - ""''''' --,t. ttV ,t ' ,,,,, .. ,-------, .. -- 11 -,-4 . -- e -- .. --, , ,-,- , a. - , -,1,.. t ..,1 , .. , ..5. , -, ,, ,,..tv:0rw50e55.. , spoken or 7 wish to nu ke a 11:w comments in - . die efontana Legislature recently hum Irish Moss or Carrageen, will make silitiiiiit c quartiiifliliiii e Mange: q vent! tly -adj. ' Farnewortlt •oppoeingeit on - time ground I ber, where he made his inaugural speech. ' 4 re,,•mr.l to thee:eked their actions, nhirli came ' pa.ss, id a "tiff profttirj,stilfrogeli', bill, with a lioi - sr: -The senate amendments to the that the h•gislation eas unnecessary. J -----imetts.---- , under my observation. I clause sulunitting the (Defiant' to a vote - post route bill were concurred in. Arcs- 1 Without concluding his remarks he yie:l- Remarkable Hallucination. Caleb Price, at pfeaellt ,mt uut of Mobile, is of the adult metes unit femalee or that Ter- • and a like quantity of Puddings, Con- Mitt ion was adopted insrneting the ittdi- I deft the floor arid at 4 p. ill. the !mate adj. . . ciary conimittee to inquire 'Whether the I In the Susquehanna Jortrnal, Fel,. 21• t an old reliable, and wealthy citizen, lung Hero i. ritory. 'Phis •tilliiiiitf . g ' ltilittil or woman we were told that We had ttYllCllell the tied' tardir', bilifliitt;'Thissi• i ; lii . 4 tti:' It lit Cherokee, Choctaw, anti other tribes of I Gratitilde or the Miners. editor's ~ort.; and foremost ill all lime iiilpettreutettla, and It , %Ole WllOllOl . they Mlail hate a right to 1 hest inteowts of the city, United' he was nearly Vote' by far the Cheapest, healthiest . and Inditois are toiled States eititens tinder 1 --- I sensitit e cords of some of the • the fourteenth amendnient of the coniti- 1 ' rho passage of Senator Turner's Min- 'organs he our article wherein We 111111 I milled by the war, in his :ittempts to bolster up The women o f ese acneei N ew j erse y, . most delicious food fn theworld. i n ti o n, a nd whether they are eitizees, any iing Bill - by the senate, causes much stns- claimed the right to rifle the private pa- , the Waning fortunes of the nott defunct "Con- , lot, i0,..t found out, that no f t . 11131- •• ~;;,, RAND SEA DIOSS EARIBTE CO. treaty or contract can be milk Witli'them 1 faction among the chess of laborers so pert of' the Register and Recorder, which , federacY." hi• healthy herself or have a health! child- 53 Park PlaCe, rii. If , Y. How often of late do we hear this ex- :IS tribes or nations. The joint resolution I deeply interested in the provisions of the are reconled in the book of deeds in his ) But, like many others, he "accepted the slum - unless she wears a costume made no ,if a ' extending to three years the time keep- • i 1 hill. We have been handed the following , office. If the hooks which contain the tend' with sit 11.1111 - 11 Sincerity, and with such a .• mates gray trousers.black kersev e11.,111... 4 ~..,. - . , s - s..AN ' TILTION BITTERS. ion, " politics have become so corrupt • I ing distilled spirits hi bond was amended I resolution thanking the senators who ad- 1 records of lletti Estate transfers in 'the spirit of tonciliatiou, that he was, some two an d a woman's !bonnet." - elle ben net , eat .haye concluded to have nothing to riayment of one cent 1 , vocated and voted for the bill, with the 'county are the private pre petty of the Re- years since, appointed Ntayer, by the Radical is whatmoneof them will' give, np, even ' . so as to require the S.- - =Tfz IS6C). --X . do with them." It would he a season fa i r , per gallon additional tax fur erieli'monih i reqnest that we pllblibit them, which we I corder or of any other individual then we State authorities. Since that Lime he, has ti4cd for it healthy child. I ' Thii i wonderfuti - ,.ge t able' kesteriitieels ,- .. . rejoicing if this •eepresesion came from the lefter the first Yeae, and then passed. Ser- Ido most chtterfalff : - • ' surely have offended for tlmse•nre the pa- that office to the satishietion of the majority or .. -. . -.-: - - -•--- - • • .-- - ( pees we claimed it right to peruse. At the citizens. _ ...- ..........._ _ professional' politician Wile has been rd- I end coereetions of the Journal were inside 1 'l'lle following frenmble and resolution date the Editor of the Journal is , die sli-•,.t - allele-I . ef 11, .1 1- o , lVa ' ilil ' ili r . s liiii- I were agreed to at District No. 1. of the ' this late ffipectiti ilatices. dying in the murky pool of corruption. lin regard to the vote on Spink's tariff res- Look nom:, that picture, and then un this. - -- . tat,•il. . \ sat tunic alit' (ordeal er the aged • t , 1 ( elution. A resolution of censure, in the I Mr. B. A., at St. Clair, Schuylkill county, the first to rally to time relief of this much Stiak , ' , / , ' ,2 r , but they come from the uncontamina «and languid, it has 110 et - pail among ease of Dewetmse was adopted. Mr. De- I February 28, 1870. , needed efli era and further expound the Now for Judge Elliott. Soon after the ftual i. ,-:-- The Season and its Dangers.-The "linen . and honest mail who Without stopping 1,1. re ►" fette.storn Law"' or reconstruction of the State. an election, ••i ll ~,,,a ...- - testy 1.1 chiefly componed of 111., , and ilhre. rib SI , 411:101 11 .. As a remerly fen• the ner weese has n(ted the money and states' WHEREAS, AN eas miners and laborers law. Is this ne -salter to t.rery ehanon In the condition of th e alas... consider fur a moment what he is saying' that the Secretary of War and 1 I °-•• I 1 t..., tie , ~Epit- . felt tee necessity of a betteretrotection in is it a reeent aet paseeel by the " lion. 1,. for the ecainty and city of 31ollile," was hehl, N rill , Meilklloo , 10•'':Iii li \tot/ken arc es -1,1,r, . tie most delicate elettnneler • or oho nu. k scents i scents for the tune to really believe that tars of' the Navy were both cognizant o f I mind around the mtherefore ines, a bill A. Tyler." au at which election, lont,,rs wbe otlo'r ofticers e ~,i , ,,,. in ~ nnromntn, tints', . peciall2. su' t teet, t '4l' le supt:rat ing every . .• politics is a something of an abstract char-' what lie was doing. The ('Fishman of I was presented by the miner's committee We should not have taken the trouble chum, Wier that of Judt,,,o/ of the t'ircuit L'ouri, The ~:mach. Ihe skin. the nerve,. the Inn ze and the Of ti 1 cl' Anul:me In all climates, tropi whielt We refer, had We IVA been served actor, a business to be carried on by cer- the temmittee on accounts made a report lat ffarrishmi,e to that effect, before the to have publicly noticed the article to at that lime tilled by J mtg.! loopier, whose quid. excretory organs are eeperiall3 ttable, to he affected sty . ,1 , . . _ . ~. , :IS to Ihe expenses of the verions corrimit- !Senate, whielt hits pitBSl'd the Senate lien. S artallulln. and the hint dete . nc . c. a ;st statet their di•as. t; .It Illin•rat , or tug id, it arts as a' §pe next Issue in the fellow - oil; ex. "tau in the tame. 1, b , , I. ill found . 1 . 1 c..... te...1,......r In to keep the dlgestiscmarhlncry. o Mich ctii t • lit ,'% ery epeoles oil Alin , t rtliT Which dies I will describe merely he haying that no twin parties as the mercantile or mime- tees ofthe muse. e total nmonnts to ' 1 The ' through their untiring efforts and the ef- up in his re ,•,..... o'e ' 'e' 4 " feed• and nourish,. the whole system. la g ond . a orking• factoring basineas fur illetance, subject ter fsei'jr4l; The committee on m ilit ar y a r. I forts of a few of our Senators ; therefore., I traortlinary !thinner. • oil, the necessary qualittel to till the, 'Alice as o r d e r, well as uttilt-rniines the bodily streng,tlt t and the optional patrouagc of the community fairs asked instrnetion as to what coarse' •Re it 1i , ,Re1r471, That we as - a District " 111,introse seems a little foggy on the he had done for many s ears. , .1.(11i 1 ,. ! ....1.1.1.. h..tre : tili t a r dle,oExters4 Ottither thc i .,hl,pod tweaks down the at/11111d Spiiits. -Tor in accordance with what they may deem 1.1 penile in investignting the sale of ca- • tender our most sincere and heartfelt County Court-questiem. 'elit• f)einn , rot On the Radical ticket for Jutl.l, , e. was the name ' nor the blle - Ceti lie In e Itesligi .1614, ...aid' - o - iro'il' ti r e fit sal,: lc, •,11 t.lritz•is's. [mar "3 -Gm detships made hp members .of former •I says, they Voted et their meetingtl t • thanks to those membersof the Senate of •, ~ ,• la all of thin Elliott. and total for by every negro in 1ic.....4 the, Iwo illispartanviqiciatin the ~fllees ',doted ` • ' for they personaradvantage or happinese, lir throe Iry netare. and - the retzul;ritv of their 11,0 v, r7 r ,.c l - r i7- :.; ~, - ~ ? -- ' ( . 011:111.9tit'S. Aficr some debate it was di- l'en " Viva " in, k now . ", t h at i t b eco m es a additional Law --fudge is an Iltltleee&zarr i • ~i , ~, r ~,,,, th e n a t ,.,„,,, ,„, 11 ,..., „o. Li • • 1 t t tit • • h I't , Irr i o f .• . • ~.. • '---• ' - ---- .----- e--. --.4 - • i.,..iii, in a ;t rent nteaanre depend,. ti I - The', gott• and 'where. can make , Fill RINI trita g , m ot t•e rapitil,netllng lhe'fEW u and that if experience proves it to be feu- , d ' dut y is e • reete that such ease be dropped. The • on us to etrleille them llB bane pew- appene n e e to the tat Leer Kite. t Ile b who held office by ill , l tointinent, awl was there- la hen the air Is liestwily laden with chintz raper., as I..L'oT KA T Li.) I'A.1011 : -.11.,' Nl.t.:\ L .\ L. .snted 11,y Ora. ir. tering in corruption, and almost ready - to committee on leinking, and eurrene - y made I fel themselves ro lit our triends end the 'lawyers say they voted no site!) resoln- - " " by elected. In regard to his chameter, If be can '' .a`a' t"" L" '''' '''''''-'" '''. it'''' )ear, u te d t ,,,,,,, o tt.inwld W n t.0.0..111... l'reelltlll . F.truer and .kulltor, and late Ag burst with rottenness, they eau tinietly ' are port in reference to the gold panic' friends „r h uman ity I n par,Sing, a bill to be I lion ! Who and w hi c h w as ( l am a et• be said to have any, I will :say that I know hint 1,,.. object of pocullar rare It it Is we,tl. and latt.,,td, , roeultural En.,tnner of N. N . l set ml park. The bed book hvairal ttesetore tvlll he enervated. it If Is f" r F " rs " - "' "`"' ltnt"'''" "1 ',•.,.d it I'llortt P/Altilftge It withdraw their support, and be entirely Ntajority and minority reports were pre- I preserve the health and life and limbs of I Now if the editor intended the above t•• tie a third or fie nth rat 0 i a•ttifoger, • t ' a"' whole 9 • in a round, Inbor •1, nr • • r.e. utalsle..: Wok. Thelm a Plorl 1 - sigorou• the entire orgnotrAtern a 111 be sl rung tr, melet ~.., h.,,. :„.. _..,.,. „ ~..! . ~,•,,,,,,.. „„,,,,,,,,,r I, 15 , t , Sentc•ii. Ortle.red to he printed and re_; the miners of the antbnieite coal regionjoke, 1 fora he certaii Iv sl ot l 1 ' • - ' ' ( have s ' u %Met di , sointe drunken fell,,V, whom I have the union-In:lna depr,aoin4 nalnetier r•f a deep and Ilrllt on era l• I ' ...., •• - - In, A lerotiot inrce. exempt from any further risk or responsi • oitionitted. The hdlise then •di !of Pennsylvania : and we feel it a duty in- stated at the dose, tts no one could hate • I see.. I E, Is. k!ti....k I 1 1,,l'l.)„ t.Z.i Broadway, N. es bility remaining secnre in. all their tilled • ,_, ,, , , a ,',. &unbolt on es to hold on recent the fol. the least suspieion of where the point h seen ninny times in bar rooms begging for liquor, s - nl'itednunt) , mber , . .i pure and powerful tonic In theref.tre e•pechtlly need .nENATE, )Mirth 4.-a. resolution call- et being so drunk no one would sell it to hint ' THE GREAT Mi.DICAL DISCOVERY and social relations and natural 'rights. •• , lowing Senators who exerted themselves lies. If he intended to refer to the pro- or •,et as a attLe t zeard meat the diseseea most common In ing for informetion in regard to GI; slurs' at least not tuna him. They has - e, indeed, ~,,, „ 4 ,,.. 1 „ . ,‘„,, H „,.,,,,,,... 5t ,,,,,,,„ h 1,,,,,,..„ ~,,.,„g , 1 ,, DP, W.\ f.KER'S . CAI.TFORNTA This class is not confined to any parties- ' trade wits laid on the tII The •'' , it ie. joint iin procuring the passage of teed bill. viz : taedines of the meetine, of the bar which - fell upon es il tiim•s - in Mobile whin such a nitro wholesome and potent medicine of me class at tar party, although the larger number we • ! resolution authorizing the Northern Pa- I Messrs. Mumma, lloward. 'Punier, Ran- we published in oar columns verbatim as . don / as this Elliott can at his beck and nod int.' present known. %coarse of It hiparticolarly mineable al VINEGAR- B:1 - UTE RS. will admit are found among those oho retie railroed company to. issue its bonds ' dull, Walleye and Davis ; also, we b e ar its it was furnished es by the s••eret are. then . 11-1 9 oilmanas NI v Pr's' • d n doubt ''''' „ se of t h e ••••`'`'• p ,•a n 1 a .a . orit•.rto 0 The otomerh nil/ thereby be ',. ..,.... I,IOIIE TH NN fOOOlll PERSON'S r s t S. Lao ! for the elinstrnetion of its road, and to sr- 1 mind that it is our duty to return our common sense would siteseest that he ~....a see strengthened. the him and bowel. rettitletral. ' .;, ;E. ~: lbstr Leel-inou3 in th en . Wond e r- ..; ''''' S e have honestly fought at the ballot box in I 'most grateful and sincere thanks to our should confine hiniegf to (lie facts in the , the rightful incumbent to the office. ' the nerroun nystewn braced up. and nature. pot in a ,lope _ ..._ f• 0 (-ne a t 0.• Kinn 1.. •"- ett , : V - . cure the same lit morteaee was di scusse d In 'regard 1 to their quarnd, I know but little, ~( attire defence regains: the cinema which superinduce, "t. • ~. ... r . 'r- WHAT ARE .THEY 23, support of freedom and democracy against I and finally Nee e' Tile ,-. I worthy Governor, John W. Geary. for his ease as tkloSe Th'S'lltll long tare no more , i , vi - r. le funeang bill • , It having originated a l ines' I left lt t_ere. 1 . 01111 y ; interunuent and remittent fryers, rheumat fame. accept, t.. 7.- , . tyranny and fanaticism, yet we find them was taken - tip and Mr. Sul:Quer addressed ' girl . ,.',', r'•lllng its to procure the passage %t hat the Ihmeierat rays than triad the , I „, ie , i e , i ,,, ture b ..., beer, tall , debility. head:ache. hypochundrie and Mlles coruplaint• ' I' •"' ,c...., . t - 1-* 1 among well meaning men of all par ti es t i the senate at length. Ire was followed, by ;"I 6"1"' bill. .fonrnal and every other paper in the , e"'" ni--- -'' • •• ' " .Idyl, are apt li. a.aall the tintolusi and uufortlled .• ! ':,..• 0 11 E .‘11 . .h the elty eltarter, and through and by their , who seem to he sincere in tlieir conviction , ell.ssre 131e•kinghain, Sherman and ' LEVI ORM E. Pri..Bl. offline) , sa‘s. for thee all hat e pithlislieil • or i utissalocus. The hods Inetteogthetaed trittlubt ex, It- ''''' 7-..., 7 2 certain "hmg haireal,arlittrian, - • „ 5i ,4,,.c , '„ , • Chandler. 'Without action on the Lill, • • kti,,,i _ton\ J. Joxy.s, grey. them. The le•mocrat however fleris say , "ra"i P Ul"llUn '• a Ing rhe brain. end coneepttently no • unplea , ant rencilon - i ./. of duty to refuse support to such popular i senate - that the people of Susipiehan tux, Great 1 alias "c,,rpet-bagger - by the name of II trying- folbtwo its' retina;; and reittoating operei,m.--illard, . ii- tk, ":,.. .7; . ., ‘ + , Pa P.ii _____ at o p. rn. weiit Tutu electiLiie see- ' - vas ., '• Ut dishonesty, and fraud, and thus clear their' sion, told semi after adj. , Its the eveentive committee of the NV. [tend. New efilferd, and M.ntrose all I ton, has receised the appointment of Mayor, rttr - rilr.F S - 1-s - t/Nt rmrnoT. - 11 - 11srwiRGmAt BINE. .-.. 74 . .. t :: '' '4,,,,,. .A,/,..., = g g. e• = 3 garments from its stain of pollution. Let it ' House-In tl h - the vitae, a bill passed I p 'leA. of Schuylkill county, assembled in bin'. an undoubted neht to use all honor hence thh strife. vie-, ros, t,,,,,-. me I: r• eet ronr.. duralde end rhorntr 11111111: '.... 7 7 `-lii4 _, .-- :•.- a t,. ° I P ottsville this day, February 2ti. 1370. able means to promote, their hest person- lie cone there like thousands or others of his air. two anti eme ever ) variety of cotton , woolen. linen ~, .. 5,, , , 4, ..* * , ,,,t„ 4 ,, /, E. 7 : stop for a moment and consider what the 1 relieving faun the payment of fees melee • - slid .01. g0.,4, fn.," the fint...l to the coarneet. null of any ~.., ~... . . ..._,___... ,4,_ .. _ , „...., ki ~,L A 1 Il'exalved That we tender our sineere al interests and that they all should do ... I strip' ''"'" after ' • ' e ' politics of our eon-atry embrace, and then ; the homestead low's; huourably dieobarg- e I. ri - • . ; s. I '" r e ntttnn i i aerie lnn, 4t greater ept,d and 0111 . 1 less Termer .0 ii...; ~....„_--,-- - I=- . ...• : , .iir:- .., .. r;r-:...,4 .- , . 5 - d suldie • Mr C see if we can thus easily shirk the tlii..t•id 1 I •' - ' - r •'• • ' ) x 111 "de' a Perwill" l , I tonnes, and wee ever feel ourseiYes in- IS not viers' strange. eat it .s very stranee and set up Ste dehted to those members of thte Senate of that the calico of the Jonrnal is 7 11' e 'l " a liar '' rePre'erdati v e " f alto mare than auy other machine. Ar Me wanted In "0 4 ,. -' t; . - - .::,.,;,..t, t . re _...g.yr:-...-7-.. ., 7- Is L o m pee , equal rights - ni every respes:t, social iv well as „,.„ „„..„ Liberal pummiatlen allowed. For terms -.. -= " .- ic,...... .. ~..r::;: . 7 . t'. • eXphilltitiOn. A1;111 WAS passed. eutitorizin•t .1 5 neMILToN, oli ;', 1 ,...,1 - - ,•' 4. se•-.4.-; ' tes.l, responsibilite - . Wert- it merely cimlined • the eu ... l _ . , . is • Pennsylvania who proved themeel Yes our to resort b to eurroem sllll , . and gross phis- . politieaL lie n u t only informed the negret-t ~,i1 t trintletr Atkin.. '., --:„.''"•''- 4" 4 ITVZ'r ~• ; Z i 1 .4 (la ruction anu maintenance of ri • • • No. itSlCheatont St., Ebila, Ps. Sole .kgent. . tal - to the emolumetlts of office. or the honors ' I,, r i I . - i a• - • • • e ifriends, and also the friends of suffering representation to enlist mtblie ett,•nt ion. t that they were as good as their former masters, 4 .1. ; ..' : 11 ..„ . .. , 41: --.." •-'• , '''. 4E• 1 (ge acruee tle - maitre, river at. litnia- i , Felt 11. l'elo,-.lw. . which it confers upon those who play the ly, and making. it a post road. A bill inmanity. in procuring the passagti of a. We (linnet believe that he wenlef have hits mg an equal right mud 'better) LO l'tete. 011,1 ' ; 4 1 ;1 #":-. c----- r - - - "r'''' - '• ,' =a - --TO CONSIIMPTIVES. - Thu ..Sdvertiverr, !.rtes 41 1: t. 7_ 2 i bill to neoteet the healthand f the • I indited suet ve ie s the I 1 , ger s a le fl )OTO s'it'e pt , 11010 0111, e, but told Wean that they lava alio the , •- c. a e s . desperate game to Will them,sneh a course , lemming Laud to a railroad. front St. - • • life ° IL 1 . . -,--- bee s . re-rioted It; health la n fen . wenlos II) a , las t. r TIII.-1 A Itli NOT A vuese aa .. I miners and laborers ofthe anthracite coal under the severest hallneination of mind. right anti Privilege to ride is the street earn ft " eery rer,de remedy, after 100r1ofgEnffrstnlseeerni ie,tr . s iM .; ' -0. - e might, be excusable, and then: might be I James, Missouri, to •Littlaßeek, Arkne - • fields r p • i • etmsy yenta. and will hold e n brought oti by the " vast increase of bit- , well as "white-folks." Acting upon his advice, a . ni , "..even !ttte affection, and U." rir" . ." l tli".7?`" , • F, .:E.: I FANCY DRINIC, VI; ;4 - , sas, excited. some discussion At the es'- • an apparent safety in allowing them to i ; our .t Went I re co rd the names of those Senators who siness in the western part of the county" • they tried it upon all the cars, but were ejected, Merle to i',.t.r Nun,. It bird.. ey. Cr, , , f Spirtle. and Rana. pirates?' of the moraine work their own destruction, lint can we over ;tml the house wen? into 4'morni• n t I proved to be our friends, and pledge filer- 1 which he claim& 'We would Stio , MSt that , whereupon suits wem instituted against all the „T""" "h" ""*".." "• h. 'rill " 9 " 1 " "1.7 . " r ' I) " EIT• ''' i . '''',.' ',":41"",...P.':::1,',„" d e , :"'"1"1 : 1; I 1 ,"..1,:',:.7, :..',,,,%„. h " r,p,,,,, °s et ,free o f el tard et,n it It the nlrec t tone for 1 it , ','". •" '' r''e - " r " . ''''''' ' • --• "'W'' lies, if it is - et er needed. to give them if Ile propnees to make ca p itol Its rnistep- different ereneimies, 'tine edit liarring'"n as ire ' 1 Z: 3' 4,4 - rri ' i l,!"l .7o l er he „ ' ,! , : n r .i 7:. "' „ l' A i ;, , ,, s . ‘ ,:l. ' ,„ "-I „ . ' ', 1 :::•,' - ',,,`!,:':,,',' ',1T,! . .',',':,',:•';',.,".'"V.. - ,',7ll:gdßrsin'ati stand idly by and view the destruction of of the whole on the Indian appropriation sv '• ourn support, ii viz: elessrs. Mo mma, 'For- ; resenting his . fete . mpfmreirees his business eat adviser and law giver. How the salts came Ti oirject of 11. e. r.rtro.rrlo. rln sendrog the !tree, e r g . II t•rne of 'll fro . -e , ie , (i..... , fr . . , , , r , e r . 1 . , 1 , .• . .12.:1 r 1f .. :...t.ittin , i!pe. those household gods preserved and Ilan- , hill. After finishing all but two pages of ~..." i• t., bramill I Ile r.tlliclr.l. rand spresd 1..1..rmi1.-I 7 1... ' . •,.. • . !. se . ...s i• • m.itti, etme• the'ic bill tl • , ii.. committee rose. A resolu- yes. , oward, Randall, Wallace and lea- I will inert•ase In 111 A OWII 1 tomtit to that tie- oui i never learned. which he concede., to he 1.31 . 1910:1 - 10..: fond I,t. hope-. i 'l' l i''" ' ' "' "' ts +rr'''' r' ,o6 ' "r , ...f.r 10 f , rf am si i. ded down to us by the Virtue, integrity gree that the people will, as some have , As sante mav think me ,t Itch or a Rebel gym- rt. r) -.fret . , nlll 1r) his 1•1•1111...1). rte. iI ll 11l 1' , ...1 I h., tee. earl • ~,,, ~ir .11; 1 1ti1...h1.1,. 111 MI r, and rester 'on wAS 14.10 111151E11011W til ' • • - 1 - - t er , t• -. n tl,'l , the 111.....1 le a lie in ': . e..0d0 :oil.. \ o persnu can' ts • and blood of our forefathers with their I Levu : I . • s. s Judeeare • JOHN SINEN, President. " alreadv, tutor to the contdusion 1t ti that ../eV • T •.; ._ , ~ . , ~• , , ~, •••.1`,..., mid ml.l p r ey,. ..1.1....1..., - . probizer. t vent her elate I ilan irrr i fn.l. l ' 6 ..7 3 ti.,, k ,,, , ,ription. soi pi. averl.lllll,l. i;,, hpll tI; 1 t to , ee, lot tete at , o rasp, :'L ''''l.v.... aro; renlatii . tone ellniviAtee to inquire hv what fl/eilltS ana dying injunction to preserve them nasal- I,y pt horn the testimony . taken before the G row; t: Conarm-, Seerelary. need another editoe to represen t t heir to the o .,„ f ,„a rra ,,. I wi ,.. art „ te d, ru m 91 ,dr effs t .k kk• 11.1.telS. WilliaMettortt. King , . Comity. Nen York. "7' , .:.,!;, . , ~,‘ ~,., ~ ~,,,, 1,,,,m. ,i..! crre.proglitedllt best interests. 5, no , Ire nor tte.,t,,,,-,1 he e...en) pedeton. or other an Imprisonment or some aft months. - -- . . lied te- those-that ?hall coin after its, and co 1 .1 11:"." '-`. 1'.." 1 ing aud (111.r:tiles . ill---iss ee• 4.-- • J mete Glare n ' , n' one oi n t tn ne nn„.l „-,,,th- tt..i-inr - on'EAFNE.Sa. BLIND/VE.BS anti CATA.B.IRFI ''''''"". "" 'n` a:( '";`"' petals'. k'r.l:?"4 the R.l."' "r say that we have discharged our duty. regard to the gold panie was made pub- ■ anlcresuina 'tette. e ft- Sf r ?"'llevels is the fir , t neg,r° that ever " . • .. tteate.ll vii:ll Ille to altret ens, v., .1.) . ./ 1.,. ~. r‘i...lr . . ..• l . let.. ltrllllkCil, ra.cally men who have rode into %I I/ . end rreretr.er of dleensee of ills Eye nod Ear - l'"". I"a''."'"h"-Y nntl , hrouic Rbencitatislo, lad We neat ii" It :' l'' zn ' the "Ise ail enjoyed the franking priviledge untlerth,• ()met. on t ic back of A ne , yro 1 10in0w..,,0r silcti '1 . "" '''' '''" ' '" 'h" '''''''""'"".'" ''' ''''."-''''''''. ' I' - " . `"'" ti - 1 ", -1, '- . 4 . ,4, t Elrod,. ..J.IT , P i By the politiceof our country \\••• copy the following very interest ing I.: years e %pence er.. t or merry of Leyd..n, Holland. e,,, Knits y. nod Rudder 1.1t410 Eitttra hare. otion ram *EN SENATE March 3d.-The bill to chanwe • United States Government, and the 11r , 4 that which 'embraces all of our earthly - - " " • ,„ I - . Art h etre. t Philadelphia Testi Inimiale E 1 kn. -.l ' '.."r '. '. h l'''' '''' ' 'flt ' 4"" 11 '4 Vlrated7, ll i9o. the judicial circuits occupied the atten- Item frum the ,I C of Westelies- . _ . , , .. ,;, •, . . • ~ • •f• t'nsl' briny i''''''''n l V kn"" 1" tor, n" " L " --" . 4 .. ca. Ina oltlce . . The medtenl faertlt• are invit e d t "T' ,'• ;-•• '• ' ' 7 ' in . " '• , • ,1 itt titlnl"gelltaltt fIL ',lb* I IL MII4 1 , . Write in 1118 wire happiness and personal security. Those .Liao of the ;elate d •• • • . ea• m mate ,• tiring the mornmg our . retitiesting her to Nene on to Waehington. - day scattered all over the South. -.or ass .4s- -I - stns. accompany then. patients. as he h.,. to; secret 1: ilt ‘ r: .li•. 0 0.. ii....... t o...ellen. Aftilldal eyes hrsetted without pals{ ,1/ PI ,tllll. the Vllloti..l Mood tchenrerer r wt, fled its ha w-ham wcpermit by our inactivitv to as- hour. At one o'clock the consideration We-have in • t tie rge lor e Vielitia amt. febllll.,,rti Purtlte-'tot.tlDeltlKOPV Me -kt.n tvi Vanning. Eruptions 1 inr etmporary poesession, ;The wives and dattgliters of Reptiblican hew Publiciitlons. , ‘., -. , r0•; eicae-: it at. , • , , ion mid . IT ollBfrected and same the high places of responsibility in of the funneling hill was resumed, timid • a copy of the mt I iazette of the United ' Senator s are in at perill,xiii. , 1 • 1 • ,;... i.h !n, ....,-; A,-..6., .1 when It' let-roof; nada ,-- inJn . 1 11- .1 on -We have had the opportunity for a brief in- reeeesehe cenfosalone of an Inyalia.--tusieset , ~ ses e „, _ ;et; ten e. „ eee i .,, oh. ~, M eforrill addressed the senate -a last ' es tor thibent , at otreorte oleo and others who e n f. ' Lit, :. V, 1 .". I , „ e ,„ 1,„,„,,,,A, "47,,, . --, ,- :gy ood m our government hold our every privilege : -r " ~ gu I States." printed at the'" sent of Govern- ' the matter. It tynn't do to cut the acainan- ,- r n P IVO t Bit I • 11 . it w'll t the pu ll ey of . issuing any loan eta lee; ih- 1 • trent." arid tlated May 2d., • 1789. It con- • tence of Nlrs. Revels, for that would he t,, soeeeme o - HP' s. " - '-• ° '. VC u-s 1 '''' air from ' 1 : era 1.111. th.finity kr en Wr. the menu. or 1.1 It rape, ' e . ••• h•....ii ..rrn• lea, ....In•tbo r i I . re, to the people of thi. , . ' - PP ' ma n+ '' .' , , ' ",- _ , . subservient to their power, for they make ot ere( on an Arno 1 n ' ....( cure. written by ~n,, who r.„,,,k Mercer' „„,i nr... many tootoraut,•. art epic, tittlry uestentjteanostsret terest than fire per taut-Merits. hlorton, ' tains the proceedings of Congr,.se. tho insult the sable Senator, and to t 'nosed. not only our civil laws, but eye princi- :c• • i ameron and Chandler continuing the - ceremonies and inaugural address of teen. 1 slight on the Ahicau rare. which the Pl."! county by Mr f fl Van , Mit, an d we have no sent fee, ou rtn-ci•eille a lat-i paid dieected enl tlope. ad -6l ATII.4NIEL SI ATV 4 111. .“ ft 1e,,,,,, re s e t - ~.,nd Intermittent YeertB, Mete 11.0.. r. , ... nra etatinl roe tea I • tlitZeltabe read Dirt) t e e - • - that oel ea tate arranee- '''-a ttrnr) in .a, inl i li I careful pie of moral, social old intellectual hap- ; discussion. Several amendments were vo- Wesniaterow, the first President of the relies on for a eontintianto f • n' Its 11,MM% 8 .. e li a r . atom , 11119.- Can.srup 8. ,,, 0 , 1.) . ,y . ; s ,1,,,, ,a...,,t.r arrepid raieh I.!..llls,yrintral in fear int inent of its farail ostord, and containing quit pines depends upon their legislative en- 1 ted upon, and at ,4:30 p. m. the senate adj. putted States, and is the-property of Mary It is said that Mrs.ll..vels has an pl • • . 11 ," ~ c ' t ,° - an exten , ive alter, 'analog' With the handsome ~ Hoc ZiE--111 the House, seve ral resoln actments. Thee bgislate for the govern- I and fillezeibeth Lloyd, of Westtown town- not negro twang to 11I'r t'll.'-7" . • ltlal she ;, ; i= 7 - 1 1, ft ,1,, , s , st „ESE TOUR PlIODILI(7-.E m Alma:Ts . out,- .....? • n,,.1 :.,,-..) l .7 , tr.. '• , :1 , / Ernnelensti indike- Lions Mstructing committees were adopt- ship, this county. maiden ladies, aged re- says "thar" turd "wliar" ver% !meetly. end """'"°' i " ''''' .' "l n` tu. ' -e .- l" meet of :our schools in which our sons and ed. A resolution calling on the Presi- . ii/einiete. edithai a hich we hate seen. We hr. Fm.r.rt,„ . ... N3l t t --,,1.1, BY Sil. ulti.at-LiTS ..t DE Monti. daughters are tatieht, thin make laws for : attentively ,14 and 87 yeerst. Thes. Lloyd. eineulales "1 ge l when he 18 00:18 el ..(' I ree•OklY liv William Hodsdon. lieve that there i- not:, to, rr f`lllllllkOntlable pride Shush brag the government of our churches, in which • dent for information in regard to the pi- the father. teas the first reporter to Con- I,r surprised. She also has a strong p, n- Fulton St., Nes f or k. .. ~,icon massacre was objected to. A bill ill lia . 1111111:in heart than that of pos. , ,essing a Week ending March 6, 1,1441, 1 , 0 „, ‘ ,.,,,, , , a . y .,,,, 2 they receive their moral training, they • tress , :old was familiar with all the lead- eliant fer red letteletia handkerehieFs as a eens: reoer..ese .10Elt prescribe the rule far the esevernintiit of to autherize the building of aluilitary and tre y men of that. dete. The elder of the head-dress, and wetirs eolos=al brass ear- "' W Y . ad " in " l ijn'ilj RI It . Rutter, pail 0 Irmireiaeare I tleis 1 ...' • .1.e." item Teache N. ,lili postal railway from Washington to Nee 'Mr. I.' it Leen still w afe r To the citizens M . rag '1 ' ;`,T,":„. ' .:',.,;',,, - ` ' „4 l c; 4 4:''s . t,''.lit,';';`,i i t:l l „C r ein"trn,f , ti'l,sl. and society . in. all its social intercourse. Yes, two eaughters, who istioW blind. wns then thige. Her appearant.e in of'ti,•ial eirrems of - ; Y ork was reported. and efts I tigerefi Muutn.t.se and vicinity a new a ~rl, taititicsi ••ln• Cheese . ,dairy, per lb laft t 7 and Yommer. A ; p,'lree need usluss and adchitsrao rind they hold our property, our person, Ingersoll six : eurs of age, was present ot th e a nal- ' 'Washington society will • l •• - pt 0( lir., a s,..iisti- in,,,,i; e.... u w.. -I.nartou, Phriellelplna. es, -131sretil4'w• wished to put it upon its passage. the n.,, cuts .Ihistad, or The ..Ne W Pilgrims Po /grts, - and oar lime, in their hands, and he the . ,.-11rtiton. and retains a distinct realign- time - Pegs. per floz ..... ............. ...... 27tir.28 - delnucratS proteeleci. i bo-s-rentionsly against -,.. al• sae- - -- by .M.ark Twain the very popular N% riter and 4 6045.1.U. 1 THE AMERICAN FAMILY past it is plainly demonstrated that they ' brines'' or the event-the appearance, of - Flour. per ham' eau sleanuni Alen) at will and pleasare-. etch an outrage,. tl . tot.the motsetr•ill Wat, ' ,Washington, arid the solemnity of the . il- . 4l'''Some time last splinter a v• I's* balllttrist. We htire full Confidence in n:ceau• i 'urn !heal, VP) lbs.. .... . . . ....... I.MALtrl...no ii N I TrEN T G , if A . :l . m.N . E„ tWhen we say that tlx pelities of our i , oven tip. The rest of the morning hour pr, iceedings ;on which subject her eon- 1 good rule •tt as adopted which reriniri•d the Attending it to the patronage of 001' readers as Wheat, per bus,liel I..g2riir. f.l Itve ', .'''' ''..,.......'..t.. - . 8.44t1.03 •la L'rescuted to the Pullet:tie ,the re -1001111liey is corrupt, we ackaowled,ge that I Wag UCCIIPieeI in • discussing the question veteat ion is very -interesting. 'the father I twiny of clerks In the departments at we eeve, We °Fontenot others who have perused (flux . ~ . alee , 4: / II it/ 1 e pI a il'CI -- ....,.....,.. . • gr„ • i tt,tl) r.. lex ,Y. r,M) Itt: n , _ birery institution in human society is cm , i when it should be taken up. Str.Swaull alibliefillelltlY Wklit to England. his native I Washington to he present at the desks: nt it carefully anti upon whose ju 1 ~gment we can t.„,„ " .......... ........ 1.0Q04 I 0•2 ..KN Dal N U .g,I(IIIN.E . , Ey r e •!,'I.S•I,.'EVID. rupt. Ministers of the rospeitnaipreaeh. i Wits perinitted to offerau amendment pro, plam and published the debates and pro.; to suffer a deduction of wages for the time ruly that it is a work of goat merit_ llops. erop-fitifittNi..... ....... .' .-.. .. 17a1,.•L'1 ~• -1 nft.ti-f . •'. p . i. iC . E ON L. 17 ' '-$25.. philanthropist and reformers may expend 1 riding that the n e at eh ea le n o t I s e eons temedines there- and in eoneeteurnee was • they were absent during business lmra. -we would acknowletti, , e the receipt of a Beer- side& Per lb -••• • • - -,- • ......... •.• _.,,,........ ...... _ , 11 0 12 TIIN NI AflitNE ''. {II ron <4ll,yr-backward arenewtrd .. their money and energies to improve on r structed without the cutisela of the statee arrested and thrown into prisonewhere he I 'lhis washeralded as one of the g, rand copy of Um .. theaeur Utelheattvre (Itostie ausanpa- .i..! ,) g& routines. per bbl . , ... ...... 1..10e.42.60 witreennt Ilinill , , - through which it paissoi. a te c e , Makes the Same Stitch as by Hand, social condition, martws maY be ewrifieed The amend- remained for a long time. On his return ; ecioneinieal ri-lornis • to be effected under nied bratar„ e and carnal assort assortment of dower Turkeys. per Itt by thousands for the preservatine of our mod was at one.. N o t e d d own b y n stijet to this eotott,ry h e w it s m e t, e y hi s o ld Grant. We are now inforined -not only that as trurn Washburn ,t, lso., of Boston. Otir C.bickens " 144'21 tun [ - sr •ntorlor 111 so era Jeepenr s will Knit 20,000 „ . SIITCHES lN ONE MIIIINIITE national liberties, and this will he of no party lute. 'lle utoriting hour expiring. from Ia who jneularly bestowed upon him the rule has been rescinded, but that all readers will se' the lltlVert kcition I ~I. the Gold, 1.4 etale ..... .......... . ...... 12tif; a alt. „,, ANn oft to-tift-itcT worth* leayttl every ictairen . tile avail, until the political government. the (.11 4 ,..' tattoo over ell the next Tuesday. Al the lemortry title of •• jail bird” for his the back pay of which laze 1111t1 negligent ill outcolumns. We kno‘ or no book in which T'al°w ............., ,- ' Inside of the a tall tt 0111 k -tilt n p.ni• of .tockhigeisny hal r . past tine the house event into 00111- e11.... 111 1.,. than hell an hear. It „lit Colt source from which our every noel ale o f daring to - beard the Lion in his den." clerks werem docked is to be ma de up to the holisteile rind gardener van expend the sum _ _ _ .... . . . - - . t ice of the wlitle on the Indian .i t 7a Ei.A.TX:tta. ~ ~ It :111, kuni 1,/ I 5 0 nt ,,,,,,, gth,, wool yarn, rrr ...don, prosperity, and happiness is derived. is "".. bill. , , ; .• PI ro - 111 e we:omit of the proceedings as p it h_ theta, the end of the present month.- of ''S in , 50 rent, to a Ind ter tulvantage than bv , -,d,.. ~, ~,,n, I: lint 10111 rtnettf n s ts tvtlh' double beta '10(1011 _liter some diet:us-got the _ . . _ _ purified. There is not a mere dangerous •l" ~ , • . -- • lishea in the " Gazette is as follows : I The amfaint is eon over ' *20.1100. se,„liiig for a (sone or the A miaow Callow:op, nen toe, dr r were. 10 rods . seeks t mutio..: calor. mmfeele. oanclusirin to be arrived at. than the one committee rose. and the bill wi t s report ed • Wednesday. April 29. 1789. Th 1 t• )011gj. , ()f course Radical not spapfes will my very , , Rienseia-In enekson, Starenermna e+ I 1 ' ill ;'• pattern.. There, Onto'. et:thane. , nubile,. andelltleelts. - Gator'. Pa Frbrriary 10th, Catharine, with of (;etorge ton tene...kfa inn raps. lamp wicks, en u re, curd, ostler which leads tit to stand its idle srietea _ to the house: and paseeed. Tlieliolitie scroll torik tl ; • itri le consideration of the results- littleabout the change it hieh has been dt- —We hate n vopy of n medical M ork entitled C. ilirtisall, aged 67 years and 8 nionths. 01urt.... ..1L... I, lAI )1.1•i•• troll,. Man erns, leggin*, sospen tors on hoard the ship of Stitte, m111(41 is • went int., committee of the whole on the lion or Seitaie fd• • te . d It f I ' •'ll 1 .., fur attending, mine see- rmine noon. erea ter azieesitel lye en Family Pliyieitin " published br C. F. , . ~.- _ __ . rn .nuirsa,eriety,o( .dice. 111 otr'ery . ,!lll) . inv. wen fast bearing. us all onward to the same . tariff bin, , in d ~‘,.., u da r , s ,„„l by 31r. live. in St. letal's church, immediately af- at apremi um, and lute hours , the rule with , our ~ •,,, - n ~_,..' : • I : '• 1 II _ . __ . as' for ornament cent. o f _a eM irtrm edy . .t is l'efto in ,y n,, fate from which there is no escape, but in "" k ''' i " I Tl' s-iti ''" t° a l'rolketive la- ter the oath is ailminietered to the l i resi- clerks. PROM $6 TO $lO FER DAY ~ ..1 that it . . tiaa,. iadhat- ...I Would be found retry changing its coarse. But the duty is riff. Ile spoke fer nearly two lieurse and d en t. ,Con he mode Inj any nne tiller the Atnerinan KAU:4g hib ristd",ll ill evert. household. For partiettiors ~-.- ritipi."l:ll/111nly etottanes, ete . white expert 'O=3F plain, let its awake to it, and instead of when he concluded, the cumntitte ruse. een ream make more koolit, few, arming. whiz attempting to find neutral ground, lie lis; Mr. Butler ruse te report Lite bill :ulnae- ady•-rtiseinent in our columns. Nfr ( 1 . R. eat,,,,,,,,,,1. ... ..,..1) ,alc. A ytn , t , tn can ruadily .cat from tn el,' le an .,.,, Pair+ or lir lon s ,. per day. tht -- ling Georgia to yet tresentation. lilt_ Farlis- Valigtm is arnit for this it ork. pr . , at en wt.,. b will be ,nut I , es' titan rotti- - ecots pee unite with an honest purpose and place • etsfetes-4 men at theilaelm who will adminieter the worth r.lijeett - d that the committee had lore constitution and the laws, instead; of lee _ ima authorized any such report. The islating to perpetuate power under the fall speaker said ,hut lies not a point of order deterenination to rule or ruin. tot us • but of %or:wiry. old referred the (location send men to oat* ,legislative bodies who 'to the house. Before it vote was taken, will represent the wRI of the. Ins , pl , •. and ND-. Butler v-elded to Mr. Washburn to sustain characters of yirtue and respeetse MI roluee a bill, and ti ithoet a sole oi/ the bility, and make our capitols a pride to peteliug question the house at 5 p. nt. adj. the nation, instead of a den of in temper- i • TE., SI:SA 31arch 4.--A bill Wars p norted ate and licentious usurpers. trout the comniittese on disabilities repeal -...........- - _ ;lug the test otstil of I efit ; read anti order --- - _ Sei to be printed. A motion to Lek • e tip -Grant, it is thought, will not liuilete the bill repealing the charter oftheel • the example of his humble but pious phi- ; es' - I , ( e e l,' of tl7 t y-t • ii , f e 1 ii r. !,- lauthrOpit followers, Whittemore and De- ' ', 4 . '' • i el y l e lb 11- - . °-(1-11 --1-3 w-6 weer, mind resign. They sold paltry ea- i et. Li fia u t i ll e u ,.n , r a e s t o o l i motion to I take rip the detsbips, but be disposed of cabinet ufli- : te-ction of the 11;ves Pe . rso rr i l ls:t b ie- ll egual p.ro . le . 1 . changing ces, foreign embassies. and. posts in the tjudicial • • ; the eiremesuf _the I_ lilted states treasury, for houses and lots anal il of ouri-s ; Supreme Cuitrt , was taken up, and 31r the goverurnent._.7)3e letter WILS a noble j T 111 ' 111 . 1 '. ' k 1I ' ruin in (tone in et 1118 Teln:ll'_,6,. .. 0 Burt of traffic, which has earned for tit-ant I was folluwetl by Mr. PI theadeuiration of all the loyal, while poor 1 n i n e i • this' funding Davis, .le niur -0 bat t ur expiring, ie bill ceune Whittemore and Dewees are m t back to I t was postponed. Various bills iii their sorrowing and sable coustituents fur 1 , up f• ; , re erenee to the District of et/lumina, auctioning off a eatletship-or two H iriegaitably are. the • -rds • ow • pensions stud claims, were pasesed. The cella ar44 Puuldh - i bill - 6r, the, settlement of ulatnts fur elute menet of Bide world diepenseil ! A (}rant ' ant i termasterpnil commissary stares fur l' h Fan put up a Cabinet for sale, while a i dto - taken b LI ''Le - ' 4lB hittemore is banished for Belli e i or en y lenetetistates with det. selling a ea- 1 la, the states eu rebellioe aerue uptaid was , , , , . 1 disoissedut length, Without atita3m4he .. • , isettate.shortly before five, o'clock adjo urn . _ -Tele House Judiciary Committee, it led till Monday. -. is stated, has finally agreed to report to I - et -oust-Mr. Ing e rsoll offered 0 re 1 the House an infanionsuatnralizabou bill, I Bon which was adoptedout' the cd re ing' °I. linie°r of the hands of the State- courts in the 1 tioii against a tle ° e ll ,Preg. i dia nt ez- T di. .he large cities the power to naturalize and to 1 morning hour was prii 3 ei ll iaill il ItE6 led ' y occupied in Place it in the Federal eonrta. The bill I the consider:AMA( private i:, ' eat.- . A iii not likely to be considered by the ! bill gusting a pension .te, a eu.lored team,- Mousse for at least a month, , .ter passed. Mr. Wood - made a porionoi E. B. HiMAY, EbITOR. RIoNTROS* PENNI,IO WEDNESDAY. MARCH 0, 1870 per - .11,ut r littlp,Avaa done in the isiabire 'ir4tririg - tlie past - weetc'uhicir is of anyJcis.ui,,ißter,e,st to our leaders exceptin the Senate a Bill was passed authorizing an additional Jnstice of the peace in Friendsville, and in the House Mr. Tyler introduced a bill authorizing the School Directors of the borough of Montrose to borrow money. A Dnuffcrous Conclusion ICIIII=:1 Thursday April 30. agreeably to a reso lution of both Houses of tiongr•ss. the in anguratiou of the President of the United states iras solemnized'. At nine o'clock, A. M., the people as sembled in the several Churches,. with the clergy of the respective denominations, to implore the blessings of Heaven upon the new governtocnt, its favor and protection to the President, and success and accep tation to his administration. About twelve o'clock the procession moved from the house of the President, in Cherry street, through Queen, Great Dock end Broad streets, to the Federal State house. in the following order : Cot f.kwth. (Attended by two Officers. Capt. : , TAKRI4. (With Troop of Horse. An illerv. Major VAN POIME. Gre.ll:lli.•rs a id'r Ca pt. llAnsn, G•rinan Grenadii. , r6"lmiler Capt. Major litr•KER. The Infantry of the Brigade Major C 1 1 13 ViTI E. Sheriff Committee of the Senate. ' ;The llis stilte'and - 'Assistants.' . Committee of the itoUs'e of •ftepreseriti . lion. Mr. JAY. .OeII.KNOS, Clumeulor, Ltrutaslo34. , Several gentlemen_ of distinction. When within a proper distance of. the State ,Ifoase, the troops funned a line on both sides of the Way, the PRESIDENT passing through_ Was conducted into the Senate Chamber, and introduced tolvth anuses of Congress, Immediately after, accompaujed by the twoo troeses, he was- tozidusted into the A NOTil RIC It ENtris.vrio lion. " Nat." Harrison, judge of the seventh circuit of west Virginia has just tendered his resignation to avoid a trial for misde meanors iii office by spite legislature which is now in sessi4i. This distinguished judge is one of tl e chiefs of the " hitter end' faction of radicals in west Virginia. and has employed his judicial powers most corruptly and oppressively towards all who differed from him in political dpin - ion. From the charges made against - him his Private and public career has been most scandalous. lie now follows Whit temore, Golladav and Deweese. FEUALE SUFFRAGE.—.Among the Jn rors drawn for the Murcia term of the-Iti banY c°, Y, (Wyoming) ;court, were eleven ladies, some of them the wives of the most prominent citizens. The excite ment caused by this proceedings is im mense. etINF/ ILMATiON OF J r DGE STRUM:.-- The motion to consider Judge Strung s nomination as , associate justice of Lho su preme court, w a s withdrawn in executive sessiou of the senate 'Tuesday, and his toufimatiou is therefore Enna. , 1,1 J pIXIE fIReUtiNP sign of the United statt, - 6 e4 3 te• NV:gc l 9" - Y t tho nomivathiu. of , 4pulley judge of the supreme oourt'lyo p9stpoued uuttl the 21.2 t unit„ by a "' L e o f 104.2.6. - -The Rhpnblican pepers ofrincinuati have no mercy In old g rease 9T,pit.. l Th(l - him of procuring the parson 4s --Newniam amotprio . us reven44o„Wll l s-aFT, .who was ree.eutlylinectkiiso oo uno , . .1 3 e1 1- teilea Wrltt of ye rd ia.the. Kenismk y Penitentiary. - —Secretary Bout weir , debt sham - nem for the month eliding Jrarch 1, is lob_ fished. ['he total national dela, luxe am't in the Treasnry. is €42,435,328.477. The apparent decrease since Febrnary 1, was th, jurors drawn for thy March term of the court in Albany Coun ty, 163 ining, are eleven lutlies, some tbt•111. 11'03 of the most prominelit citizens. The pupular excitement:over the tioYelty is reported as ..illtel/SC-." ----Th:• trial of McFarland xi ho killed ' Richardson some time ago in New York will• not he commenced until March 21. and is expected to last at least one nllstith. Be is not in good health. but is cheerful and sanguine of an acquittal. His visi ! tors average six or seven per diem. inany or them being ladies. - Those state dinners and that gold plate of Grant's are out to be had for no i thing, I:bey mid other princely splentturs cause MeV/bite, ilettse, Weest the, country . jasa 31),0Q0.1) year,wore 01114 it—cog At n.• der Andrusislolinsui,f , in the meantime, however,,,lioutwell keeps the national debt from doubling oftener than once M. tun —Gold is dropj)int,r, - , so—is real estate.,. and' so is everthtn i f but 'taxes. 1 16 it not about time that the etnintry should • have a little relict from the exaction; of the tux ! gatherer. Let C - mgreSs begin torri:fw s i n g to restore tbeineorne tax. • . boft war to bear - erosies:l4 to to God. L. I FF'S S. LI:S.— By virtue of writs is. 0 sued by the Court of Connnon Plea. or Susquehanna County and to ore directed, I will expose to sate by public stendue, at the Court Must: in Montrose, on Thursday, March M. ts7o, at two o'clock, p. m., the following des cribed pieces or num*" of land, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the borough of Montrose, county of Stisque i banns, State of Pennsylvania; bountled'and scribed as follows, to wit : On the east by Pub lic Avenue, 04 the south by lot of E. L. Week, ,S; Co., on the by lands of L. Scwrir, and I on the north by lands of S. IL Sayre & and lands of 1. •Ptheeidge, tleeeasel, together the appurtenances, use two story more house, mid all improved. Atssa--All that pier or parcel of landsittude in the borough of 'Mont rose, Ali:re:midi bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: On the westdiv lot of C. Cushman, on the south by land. 4 of it.L.athrop, and on the north lv Turnpike street ; together with tbeap purtenances, one frame dwelling house, one frame barn, and out buildinO, fruit mot orna mental trees,. all hoproved. 4htio--Ait interest in old Court 'House building? on west Bide of Public Avenue, in the borough of Montrme,' &minty and State aforesaid. (Taken in execu tion at, the suit, of J. 11. IleGain Pa. A. Baldwin and W.) . .. Allen ALSO--All that certain piece Or pareei of land situate In the township of arrat Bona, timtAUPlluar.ta county, Pa., hounded and described nit follow*, to tylk: W.,ltioutrig at a large oak tree, M41011)&01,1, the iloith - bank of the Susqtiehanna iiver;_heinwthe itouttiCatit'Corner of the Titylenifiittp..atictittnti thence; Ity-tho enst - line tif, said iamb •Itorth pon;tuns'. toi stake and • 151900 01, thenceltortiA diikrtpt east, 84.tckcino , pllotiCatoncti,, in the .Itricof aantik (=lea's land, thence . itonth 35 degrees east, p relies lb oritonel, thence - north' 55 degrees east, Poreht3urtt.stako and atone* tilenc e w uth . 81) otegretot east,. 13%,,perelieo to 4 stake an d 13t4405; tlien6t eciiittrif2ollireheolo the Susque- bonen rider, atm% down ttio north hounds of the seine to the Liae4of beginning. Containing I — " I- 7T' Of 14. D b., the samo mom. ur 3 ,ll.o ( l3 . g ir j r 2 , ll3f i t ,; ;; ;o t us ert i sytwtrsatt .A,:l3fitii,'4s'iniprove(l,. hi:MN. , " thereon, one (limo I tore Decoy. and all the taco, et Yauthl r al bOaSp, WO IT/tkell In execution at will. for tee terlre of .o.oferti.g humanity, „send free to r„ thea p s t 7 r d e l m t, e t i V v ee ,r e t l i t t t s t h i d w ir a cct e i ti o r n e il d r . or i g tr ak er l e ng the obit: Samuel Flinty, to the ustiof E. Elettioton, Va. Danittl3lonsdn. • whiling to pima by the Advt.:air •r's, sae tom 410X1.Et. Sheriff. , by iddrissl4.iit pirfoct , 00ldlefe e ntf.i i f.,101 1 1 OttlOe. 11911 11 V3e, Minh 7, 1870. OGDEN. No,Aavettusttuot..liewliest,t,lisayl2l VtA,2. • ored bale zrr baud to s permanent Mock or THE CO B:riou:uh., 2 °, contains Ao ply in. Any on, ran One . eat by mail for Et_ dd , VALI} ( 4.;,.„ sArivOrld, Mass. -^.m • ' • LORILLARD'S a Euntuair liMOKrN(i TOIIACU() Is an eseellent artlele gnu ', un0 , 41 Irrial, - Phr rt, et in t re.4l nee I II Is echn trea: ' -I: I. out up in hnn , some mn.lln nags. In Which ; artier, roc )lenrgthatun Pikn...” are d. 111,11.141. YAuitT, sx, - )N.ING ronAcco Ict. no sUperlOs: being a ivtdot ,ku4t! . It taahnt talar;• ta.rvelcsa nunenit.ttlnn4.,Rt pct.- pie rtalvritnry 11.0 , 1 t. i - It t. prodared trom ad. rtion, or the finest stoat, q and tor• panal by; a tat/criteria/Al anginal tetarlttne. - It very aroma nall&ilialliatluinNrettnthltaiont it bud much longer theirroiners : nor does it ea !, or r t !r i e r n t , o r n ,:7 , „ e n . , I° ,4= t tns 6- Nee wounted.untl peeked in neat lenthc.4 • et moo., are placer! In rho Yncl. Club 0ntn(14,11y... • ElN'rUtt)C," TI iI I (11, —TI brand of Ytne Cnt filen toy Tobacco bu no oni..rior nul w 1,. t ... —lt .ittunst 4ovid It , beet 111, C'uu'rr. Rl NI SNUFFS. ,1/011,11..LA• 0.10 nea nic In iniCifnljtnvelitiit'iriil. cqo, and otill #cknortildged!':thQ,bprt77lF,ret .I° l'li-our .torekccpet , a/3,4 no; are it' W l ; I t O o d ' i t y TLIC4I I / 0 b CplM4 "-: h'ere. —CIIVIWITCIWALII4I4I/ 841141Ca1i0n.... LOXIL4X11:11:-Oti e.15,-1.9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers