Th A H.on o„ io Whom itionoili Ilae-.7 cONGIREStiIOIIi4I. stVILILIRI. Pennsylvania Legislature. i ! •We have ever been ready to condemn SENATE Feb. Stln-. 7 A number of reso- IlAttutentmo, Feb. 8, 1870.. the notorious complicity with the base i lll.Oolis of iiispiirE'tvere :adopted. The , . S..Y;;N.Vtfr 7 - rite followinglxinswere con &iclered : -.l', ,-- and eint•rup - t orgartiaathatis which so: de-Legislature,raj , reulutions of-the,,lowa . . ~. . , ~i, ..: fees . _ . - - - tying the fifteenth amendment were re- • - 1 -ifsstentll defunng the fof certain i i . hlopihted the fofllref,ladmittiStration of ' offiverk tti:tukOilleUt after the terms of , ~ served. Thirules•were amended so i 1.5 to the pnatetit incumbents epire._„s,The..::bill 1 GOYerittor Geary acid bnedened:. our !Come , provide fur the cOnsideratitin or Nihon . I inonweidth skith enormous taxation-to re: treatit4 in open session, except such as are fixes the salaries as follow*: District At ; plenish a treasury which the Governor 1 transmitted by the President i n eo n& ! torneV, six thousand dollars; Clerk of passed, Quarter Sessions, three thousand dollars; , boldly and frankly told ns in his message ' deuce. Several private bills were t the census bill being laid over informally. Sheriff. four thousand dollars; Coroner, thousand dollars. All ..11.vs aud per ' Was basely nibbed to corrupt the repro- ! The West Point appropriatiop bill was I three q "sentatives of the people-and bribe them I, passed. A hill to Men e certain pm•rsanis n isities lx , yond these amounts shall be I to enact laws that violated every principle ' from political disabil ties was taloa, imp,dis- l deemed forfeited,to the city, but the .inies essary expenditures of the officers shall be lot republiciiiiiiistitudnits, and tended to cussed and Galls' passed. The C ensus , undermine the` VerY fenfidation of our bill was next taken up, and Mr. Sumner !PIO by ”, as heretofore- The Recorder concluded his speech ach °eating the house 1 of I leeds, Register of Wills, Clerk of the civil liberties. ;; Brit we believe that while , bilL The house bill to' supple detleien. I in-plians• Court, Prothonotary of the Dis kis the idatylof the press to unsparingly I cies in the naval appropriations was re- i trito Court, Prothonotary of the Court of deal out ceniiire where it is due, it is also t ported, with amendments increasing the : Common Pleas, and Clerk of the Court its imperative duty in these times of amount to *3,000,000. :of Quarter Sessions shall, in addition to imregarded political corruption, to as seal- In the house Mr. Paine, chairman of : the taxes now required to be paid to the city. pay one-fourth part of their gross the committee on elections, wished to e•i ve ousts applaud a just and brave action as notice that at an early day he would of- ! nveipts for the year, exceeding two thou well in our political opponents as in our I for a resolution providi tor - that a special I send dollars, including all sums received party colleagues. Governor Geary m a d e committee on elections shall be chosen by ilw virtue or color of their offices, and contested election cise Mr. !shall make sworn statements every Jann a bold and fearless strike at Legislative ! corruption in his last message, and colic] 31mitavintiaertImieh objected. Mr. Churchill ad- inn to the City Controller, and iity over upon the representative ; ; dressed the House in support of the reso..! their amounts within thirty days, under s of the people to ! lotion, declaring that John c„ . ,,,i, i s en _ t penalty of suspension front ollice or re wrest the Halls of the State Capital front ! titled to the seat now occupied by Henry I moral. The court Nam appli .M... ti 01l of the base control of those infamous p o liti. 'D. Foster from the twenty first emigres-' the Controller, or either branch of the i sianal district of Pennsylvania. Ile house i City Conncils, may appoint an aoditor• : cal huckaters, who had made it a stench ! amendments to the bill for the relief of • Allrecords shall be transferred to their l i in the'nostrels, even of the honest mere-; th e District of l'olumbia were insisted lip- i successors upon the retiremeut of any of- , 1 1 hers of the party which gave them power, on, and a committee of ( 'on ferenre asked livers. People in this section of the mundane I . bill ; and we were ready, and did unite with ! A resolution for the payinent of one year's ' The was Pagsell• sphere had come to the conclusion that moos. of the fiemoer ti in a salary to the w id ow o f o, h it , ,i n l in A. • Bells introduced regulating the county old " King Winter" had •• sown his wild , nag dueapplause.B 4 c peensmt 1"- t er. I Rawlins was adopted. The ~,„i si i i m it i on i prisons of this Commonwealth, nothoriz oats" and given up all bad companions ; , b u t th e i r m en t a l . concl u si ons h ave been I wisdom and ex p erie nce , plainly suggested- : slimed, and Mr. h a ll : al impo rte d the' pent inspectors every May -hilt ivss th an somewhat disturbed by the recent pranks I former pract ee • !though virtuous in them- ' ding his remarks • • • tall. 1/ I Mr han v•., ~.,_ to a set{ LI, I) lot into thrl . o ela.`tes , Si , serve of the aged monarc t. I " Kin° . Winter', ,Mr one. two and three years. Such in selves and worthy of emulation, vet they ; motion to adj. Ras at last awakened from his long leth needed to be b cie4 b ' ' - . a . ‘ y action as a strou- •s : ,• ei.N.kri,,, huh. eii i ._o,,,,, r „i res ,i n ti ons • speetors shall have the control of the argv, and rallying all his forces of snow, t re import- were adopted. The jimilichury County prisons, shall appoint officers, err. see proofof the sincerity of tho-prooohei, 'committee n•port, d a .sill,-finite ii il to for th,. : A iso.protecting the people of the State wind, - frost and clouds has rushed forth I when we letlet expected him, to !mike bat- land we have been anxiously waiting for' house bill admitting . 11;,..- , i, , ipp. The , from the. Ina/-prtn.tiee of improperly ode- I this evidence. ; sithstitiite admits the ,',llo 9ji b• , i,l con- vatea libvsietatis: 'mit - Ming for a State tle, with the - Suts,"-great monarch of ; , . . on 'N end other bill , ,ter,. r p,.rtctl. Board of Examiners to Inquire into the ' dui s. Ist , I Our readers are aware of the lung con the skies. ' The bill was taken lip makito . , it a inistle- I fitness of persons holding diplomas from ! sideration and final • - eby the Leg' - 1 He commenced the attack by construct- i , IraaaAg Is t meanor to fit out slops of war or ftm rn ish 1 tome aft-Leal school or college - the board _ ietunin _ white i 'attire, of a most infittnous partizan Met- : munitions of war frith t h e i n tei, t that i to be appointed by the Supreme Court :m -ing huge fortifivatious of , - 1 , they shall he used by any eiri•ign eriteme • totally from among the medical eruct ition snow, and in order to make Diem tne or pest e r agailea my pro v i liee , r „ions.. ere of good standing thronghout the State, I come a law, would place the control of ' more secure, and invincible, called to iris , in an armed state of hist:reaction ;le d )I r, an d t o consist of professors of the theory the city of Philadelphia in the hands of a aid the " four winds of heaven," and th e Morton addte ,, ,o,l the S. , ttate in its stip- and practice of medicine from each sti -1 few unprincipled men, who would prosti- port, Mr. Anthony made a statement in teal of medical practice, and to meet work was soon completed to his satisfac- I tote it to the basest of purposes, and support of his bill to reform the public twice per annum. Lion. • , I would enable them to perpetuate the pow- Also,-That the 73d section •of the Ile succeeded in banishing the dun with • ; prita n t t ii i ig n a o ll f d „ I t i i hi b m; i li : sti dnc t l l t i l e , gr l a s. t u it ,l i: li ns (lit : - penal Code he ex tended tn „ gen. ; er of that base combination which has so trit , •,;;) i ted o " f " i ' lle i Ci r •ivre - all his army of "warns rays," and sits t l nn was then taken tq l ; :li and disc - U. ,e ;:• 1 ,1 - . who shall be lemillY italic long controlled our State government. COUNTY EXPENSES. tleltreezes ;" but they soon return with The house hill was tinallt• raid npn t h e of keeping or exhibiting of or . Hating been sheeted by the hope for a I t a bl e by a vote of -tri to •.i. .• kt .5:15 p. i e . table,device or apparatus, to win or gain I T, ,, z. , ;;:5.;:.,;•„-- , c—. • .. ...tvan 13 renewed vigor, and seem at times to be 1 long time that those independent Repub- ' the senate adjourned. money or other property of value, or of ! Road Darns ,r ........".. ... .. 1,5i1l al slowly gaining ground. The daily round B. M. Oat,. late Corumls.lotter... VW IXI IiCSIIIX who stood n so manfully ' in the i the 11111, ,, • the Fm ',ter Cov,.rb coutos. eng:iging in gambling for a livelihood, or I s „,, i -,,, 0,,,,,0,1„1 0 .„ ... , 4 w .. 1 ,), of duties which the Sim is obligml to per- " Pt l in eetant case tv as again takon It , ill of aiding and assisting others to the same • J. T. RM.. 4SS 50 no doubt, very Taw. I contest for State Treasurer, would still be ?` ~ , ~': P. Mods, - ... sr 50- -1.373 50 form, and which ace the hou.:e. and Mr. Rau lull cc nel tido , l l liis and also to an • person - y who may ot-teg.ti- . com.taltles .. 714 50 found on the side or "retrenelimen t and notonons, compels him to limit his time ar , mment in Mr. I , ',4tor's 1,, lac r. Art, .Iv Indicted in any such court 4 &elling 1 _,-""„,".,"• - d •-, T . - -- 1.271 25 a tk`sl am and ritterition in this quarter or die globe, , reform," n - c were again doomed t o di s . a qii,„.„„i,„, i l l abut three hors, t he tickets or policies in any unlawful lottery." ! itZtia• 7 - 7 °- "" 77- - - "• .• • •114.5 74 appointment and led to exclaim, alas for house decided by a .orlet tam r soil Hurt HOI SF..-During the day was ioectipied ...° I.: rrlt. iii°o"ll7e.Tl:cl.l9Vl.[lgr4;il.74ligh" '. . ... * I ;I: :4 7 and eausei t uently old - Winter" has the I ' human weakness for among thatwhole John Cimvode was en titled to tlie s-•It and hy the )•, -, • 1 ass.t... , and consideration of vari- lectlonol . 957 OS Ve n n: , 1;11 , 14 , 1 . 1 Townohl!...E 31 50 advantng,e. After the bat tery of the Suit's ' " - ; s.s. lane. suers rays has beer witlidnivt mt. - Jack Frost" I number, there stands barely one Republi- Towing bills ra, ,,',4 :I .,., rthe ih roi. , lif . ' - ,'"' s int r.""' ll , ll I `.' cul bilk lotus Beaten, Jailor. .. .. . ........ . 1,507 32 FPI- , Et•rmog .Sec.' , Nn.-The bill relating to , s t can vote recorded against the passage of ..1 . ilan 87 lurks around in thievish corners, biting .. ... ... .. .. "ens on certain lands in lowa, and to en- the StateTreastim • • Jes thi surAd - . ... . . .- was considered. mu ori ;nog Cre.k . llritige. halatice „ . ...... Woi ee peoples' 110:, , e5, and tripping up their beds. ! I thaVe a nticions scheme, and that was east force amendments to the cons( itntiOn. Mr, Br,lcl-11 ITIOYed to reduce the &dart , l r •% 1 :117 - 39, It makes no difference to " Jack Frost" 1 tort of :31.f.tSor.J'awr;s% But when the siesta- At quarter ls•fore four o ' ck , ok the house . from eight thousand dollars to five thou . - ,1„"„";,% - ',,`,. - - ••••• - •••• • • • 75i 90 BB 11. GMT is required to • went into committee of the whol e on tin, go 1 ' i Crosarnon. Crier.. . . . • . . 51 AU , 110 00 whether it be Priest or King. rich or sanction theiriniquitoniLegislatlon, most ! legislatit e t 1 p'• in ha 1 t.; 1 1 - I ' l l. AfPt.• ,W. W. W 14 1 ,011, an'il otherii. Tudier," loi.tltute. 4x° eV 144. • 1... r ,rjll i air. A ch i m mored to make it t h ree w. W. Irwin. State Treaurer. deficit State taxes poor, whoever falls in his way, makes his I gloriously does he interpose the veto pow- atitetnim ' ent: - X• ra rte - a n c ah i b.( Upon, but with- , thous:incl. lamst. &seem. lee: and IFFS . . ..... .. ... aconaintanee miless lie is well protee- ! er, and hurl it back accompanied by' a out finishing the bill the eominittet , rose, 1 The remainder of the SeSilion was oceu- • Lnnalk i-loopica/ New Jell. to fernlinrs 54-7 55 'Led lkgainst his impertineut advances. : message brim full of sparkling trnthsand 'and at 5:10 it, m. the house adj. i pied in <lifellSSlollßl . .. /a st patriotic sentiment, and we heartily ae- SFN. tTF F •11 inth M Cr! MIS Cat Ttreint is. s 9 .7, But he knows very well that all people t t . n . 7 . r. , Itl rz intr o-' ro- • g e NT .prE, Feb , 9 , ig7o . -71 3 , r, ,i 1 Air i, I g .%. .A? ern"nnota. VI er k . .. . . ••., . . . . ma, eurd to him the well minted fame Of has-' dared - ' • . . 4 o kg,* of the I'Lliss ... .... .. .. ... .. 27, are not pleased with his trielts,--so he qui- ' ing followed the precepts announced it notatCi joint broe;..,,,:liftitm.rr.„7.;,vhiing that i seuate liills were nporttsi fat or a ldy : Beede miler-111 , d ' Fruits of . 12.7Q1 41 Requiring the Commissinners of 1 lic 1-1v.rirg1t.1r,,1,',1tr0,,,,i,i,-,...i.,1 ci;•,*:::: . '.:: Ins ° etly steals frton house to house, and soft-' his message by a noble exam*. lands for the benotit of A:-'rie(ti'ltitral r . ly traces upon the window panes some ; We , must cuufess that John W. Geary, Meellaiiiral colic es, 1 u n ,c. , , , ,i,ch poll c,°,,,, i ~inking i4, Ft 11,1 to ad vrrt . Lie for sealed pro- t1m .i. P:t 1 4 , :g , 07 -. •- • -..-- - ••••• • 2 '' - ,. *. ;', 411(11-", iltiliellitir frets-s, of eren. , masi b sirst - tftlimT:es . 'isltimla . i!'s."W .... .. ti; 1 . ),, 63t.,0 owls, --- ------ ---,-,---,--- ; I,Ullo,,lsdaftstaitZirilatf-arca pni ; Fry - ffe - niiii ; -' ! ;el : en:7J 7 Ill; o - I,ill t,, Hippk" deicciencies -4•14 ,f e, „I , I'l4 - - 1 ‘ .*: DA. A Hudson t 'Anal Co and 54 ay ns exo,nty 737 SA crane sentiments Although they Conic in naval apprimpriations It as pass. d: Th,. ' Fixing ` ' in , "" '' F:0 lisrees. County Auditor. ... . , 50 But Oftell, whin on this errand, his love late, yet they e ! may be none the less °visor- Mississippi hill was iii•it taken imp and : lie salary of the State Toms- • F. El."llhendler " retry ((Ryden .. • . 50-- ttr,r at ,5,..100; requiring security in the T,,,,,•01"r•J",,"1"4' • of mischief gets the upper haild. Ile tune. We all are aware that the ancient discussed, il l the course of the tighatt ' • a» sii Ur fending Orders . . ... spies some bemititiful vase or pitcher tilled ehristians had a persecutor in the person angry dispute anise ti, tte,:i•ll4) limner. s , l l l•iii ti t 'r ( '-' • ( : 11 ,,, u1).1):- regliiring, the consent , til of Tarsus, who became - Pant • Stewart and 'Prim in Mill. Without act ion Fund tothe-inn's"Mer's of the Sinking , with water, and the opportunity is Lou , t01ft;.... m epositories, and infheting a __ ___ Apostle,'' bong have the people of on the hill the ti.• • 1 to hive :eli cONTRA, tempting to be resisted. Ile ereeps slily t i tya K . ' d •- • • ! I " ''' ~ o.• i e)stone neede a deliverer who In the house the rosolin 101 l (7/ . //11 , on . Penalty for ti , inz, the State funds for ih•r , By CtMety Orders redeemed from No. 1 to No. in and touches the water with his icy .will strike - from their limbs the galling the President Mr infornt.,;;on in nr ' sonal gmtill. '.t 1 . •111'es 1. , •• . : 0 . . . ' 617. Inelnsfre ... ... retype eves perrenta„.., , • •• • $40.777 10 1,11,111,11 ll , al-I. bill 11 as reported T A ,. / „, ile y or ern . ... . . '.. 1 ''.74 hand, and breaks the vase beyond repair- ' chains in which a corrupt, wicked and ,to the American eitizi iis iiiipris•in• it in heat:malty Am:leers. .. . lit him " King Winter . ' finds an able ally merciless-combination has bound them. England for political often. , .. ;. ~. ca iii ,6 lir r3 V: ralll Y :.' • • John It.Cleary stands in ato i rerentme the publication of obscene and the prospects now look gloomy for the ' • - positi on i for thsenssion. and Mr. Wood addressott . 1.. • , '''' t , t , rtts_ Flu - lilt. I exemplify that character if he will. Let • the house, taking Troia,! : ,,, ,,n..1 tile. ' BALANCE OF STATE TAXES FOR YEAR _IiIV/ tasurpers. the people and the press give honor where British r t oter11111(.0r, an 11 ''' , , llorsr..--The following, bills welt re- ' miming tie:silo -1 pupil- Am't 1 All further events of this great reyoln- ! honor is due, and render a grateful appre- min istnition for not Lakin:: -t • •to . , P '1.1"1: Townships. i (Mies paid. I Exit's. lion trill probably be found ehrouieled in ! eiation of this his nmiden attempt at rc- ' cure the • n d eas ,-. „f t 1, , , ~,is .,; ,, ( l r i , , i/ . . h . . The Senate bill authorizing husband the book of Time, Which is open to all I trenclunent and reform, hoping that the discussion tin, 1 . 11 r , i i , r ' f . , . iit 4, 1..,1 1., and m if; , to testify in divorce cases. residue of his administration may be sig.- , Messrs. Haight. Soloirnsoke, a 7 ; ' ,71 \y i lki,;_ Tile I louse. bill providing that median who desire to read it. -•, . . ! nalized by the same manly, generous and ; son on the - •- ght pontroot gtinocrit. F- EDlTryn ;no mv`R E• E PO•14 IVEDNESDA Y, WEB. la, 18117. We notice that a new Police Bill has bepu in'trial.txced iu the Senate by Mr. lieu szr. of Pi iladeljih eaf ./ .M7-11-,L1.....8eebe, editor of i the. Owego Credit!, who was nominated' by the De mocracy of that place for the office ofJus. , Lice of the Peace,- was of course in that miirear town deC. - itted, hut he has the sat isfaction of having received the full 'rote of his party, which :peaks well for his popu. Vir The election which took place in Broome county on Tuesday February Sth resulted in a defeat of the Democracy, but the returns show a very discouraging de sertion in the enemies rank& The Secre- turf of State rev„Tiveti a majority last fitil 'of 1,231. Whereas the aggregate majority for Superrisors is now only 35 z,and a gain of four Democratic Supervisors in the county. Well done for. A Fierce Conflict. „ - - - i "" ,•, journeymcii. Cradesmeti, and laborers m the same side. •- n MOT ;IT. Ili,. • • privilegeso - tik , n „,„„. w , ro 110;111ni. , ,I,R; forming associations under the general -----....-/aw0...-- ; given to Mr. John Kitts, a soldier of ill, :1/.l„f 1869, shall not be liable to arrest, fine and imprisonment by reason of such The Former Residence of Hon. D.S.. reuveoLutiopirti,.sherarrnf aititvl::rrkinl,sisl.rifs,-a.ntinadirlival;f:lflit.. The editor of the Dernorralie irafehinttu,. Dickinson. nvemirers.hip. Negative y : The Douse bill previa:l) . g for the elec iso a soldier of the war ef l'tl '2. The old Bellefonte Pa. gives a very interesting ac tion of th e of public Schools, as The nesiden . cc of Col Walter Dwight, ' gentleman was sum:meted IN oternbr•r, count of a remarkable discovery, which ; formerly occupied by Hon. D. S. l/ickin- . With whom he chatted in a li i vetv, inter- soon as the terms of the present incum bents expire. was passed. ilex been made, about. nalf a mile from 1 son, was burned to the gronnd on Sun- ' ligent manner. At half past ono the • Bellefonte, at a little place known as I day morning Feb. 5t1,. Loss on building, j house went into Committee ef th e ulnae SENATF., Feb. 10, 1870.—The following Alexandria. Space will not allow ns to 1 library, statuary , furniture, cte- * 70 7000.1 on the legislative appropriatien bill. The ! petit ions were presented i fives fur ) *64,000, in the following Or' debate was conits lively cm, „,,,„„i„ , „ %. ; F F ~r alt abolition of t i he . death f. penalty. endeavor give the account Verbatim; but we will or e endeavor to condense it fur the benefit of ! ; Fork $lO.OOO slo. ti Ort f " .. : ' "O ir o it l i- N o i f New York, glc i ttTla l l rl N7a. 3 ( l . 7 iit ( •(: .' i• i t v l i l r r d :;: if fr ini II 'T „ (; , i T ';; r t 3 , l , tors .- of l i l ( s ' e si l '' 't, '‘ m l 1 3 :syis ii). a n t ' l l itt et s -“ ( ) );:t n tee li rs. 118- these of our readers who are interested in 1 SE4OOO ; Home, of Nei, York, $15,000 ; . strike out the '- appreprt i at . i„ li fo r -I i1 j1 ) ,.. a . . - r i . ' PrOill the contributors to the Petinsyl such discoveries. It was while blasting ; Internatirmal. 41/0,000. was lost. ; vas: ia llospital, for an act exempting the rock at Alexandria, that a 'small hole was, The family were all absent from home.. bill t , Feb. 1 Ith. .1. is 1- la rg , • aid instit s iliu m from payment of the /A -l/der:o in noticed tax on the bequest of noticed by the workruen,lrhtett proved to ,acrd the hired man, left in charge had sENATF the public ,grounds surrounding the e ( 'ap gone away to etas with a friend. I ah tiro top ''-' - passed. 31r. Sherma 11 in i redneed a John R. ' (i ‘ ti gg' be the entrance to a cave, the full dimes - : i s sz , ll , o ;:d to hitt.,. taken from a defec- : resolution mervelizine tile existent,/ of a A large number of petitions from ‘ ari thous of which are yet unknown. The tire tine, although some express the opin- i state of war ht cveen Spain :red (I'l l i • d ous sections of the Commonwealth for a eave ha:steam partially explored,and . merle ; ion that it was set by a” btee "diur. l . - -- i t, expressing; sympathe Pn. the lath r. line.. law aillowirig voters of any district to vote fur or against the licensing of dram shops, beautiful things futtritl;and it bids (Asir le ) burg's Gazelle' ! ferret]. The bill to abolish the fra . nkine --seesse.....--- e : and also a censiderible number for the become one of the wonders of the age.. Fire au Ffaveriy.‘ ; privilege was ennsidered until the expira- l . ix; r , • r ~ ', HA ' Iti . • .ushmenL lion ortlie morning hen r, when the Mis. a ' dam o ' "I uu i :ibottt 25 feet, from the very small main I The followin g hills were considered : entrance. were found two holes, thrt ngb ! W.srener, N. Y. Feb. 9. gissippi bill came up. The lack of liar- The 3lessage was received front the • mots amour: , the radical members was the largest of which, an entry was ma The steam flouring mills, owned by -- '' - • . Governor, vetr;ine the Metropolitan Police with some difficulty. A passage of about ; t i."1 1 y:., & 41. Id.)usetror, destroyed d fa b llet li t and Marsh, - ; again male approved by acrimonious . - - ', this were Thet° - ' speeches and remarks. Al 4:3i) p. in. a , bill, which was read. red to postpone consid forty feet--a kind of an inclined plain, lied i e a s odi s cis i tnt j t ,' L w l s . o re neot . it T e onii nr i o n s fr ev i er l : message was reeeived from the honse ars !ertMticr,.neresfunticiiisi lnr' t F nottis i eme . the death of . Representative li. to two passages. After a short distanee l sive of; the kind in the aviary. The tire ' Mr. Naele called the yeas and nava. o . one of them terminated at a kind of rude : is sTI PPosed to have bee” entlsell by the and reesP i - t t i n ti s o . a . A ft f. er tls !; 17 0 "",,, ,, 1 s p e t eche 'The usneitleration was postponed by it; sta i rway, d escend i ng i nto a I„ rge and won _ : heating of the machinery. I.° Sk'in t) --" -- " --,- nn-: ln the e bons, - ' t ) it r" i s s l rr x m ( I;:er lii o . f 'l-m t i. r adji : Republican yeas to 15 nays, all Demo en.l 101 IS , /„, NI f —Qu'm-yo llazette. . sm._ derful room, whirli extended on, and on as I were presented, and bills int nelured and --et. e5.......-__.. Coy- A message was received from the .of Car as the eye could reach, and Ants tort yet _. . 1% ' referred. Several resolutions of inqui re . The remains of the hate M I' I ' Were adopted. The house thou prneceded ' te,rrrn,°,l.r't;;legt')ltnogttimbe"sbliiiintonitlugri;7,nritsmses been explored. Small fishes. white as the , were submitted by Dr. l'av, Mr. (i d ai i:t i ia- - driven snow, sported in the crystal pools. ; ;,'Wished English physician; to a novel tohilitleteoeultylo,l}fe c tl f re a c i r i s i rc i tiiittee % f l oe 1 :rivitire of murder. arid in vSn titan - manslaugh which' dotted dotted the stalagsnitie formation or ! p.reszr-ativs ' , recess, which consisted in , ers icing rejected or rrflerVP:alisls'tst aletlit.c?re):= er. This was intended to meet the case the 'lleor. Numerous amb ways extended ; t h i r o s i t ; Ilifieell:nlf all t d he arteries with a sofa- i mittee of the whole. The Leeislatire rips of Dr. Sheeppe. The consideration was flostpoleaL Adjourned. to .the west, seetning,ly without end, and i and after the e la an se eic.totrrowesaltve sublimate ; ; propriation bill was then tip i i- ti committee four hours, 'f ti 0 le whole.e bum ser ot amenonsents , Ilos - se..-T he speaker announced Messrs. all beautiful with stalactites. The otl I with saturatedsolution 5 •C a • , W r a • of taut"- -e"•• lookine to a re/wet/on of exiwp.--. m,. „ i Brown and Mooney (Democrats), and passage emerged into an apartment sinti- By. these means. tile softer tissues are ac- c o n s id,: n .d . l ut th e ~.„,„, - o f t t . ;:: 1 : s ...,,- Messrs. Hong Elliot to ßunn (Itepubli lar to. the first, in which the remarkable ;to ally concerted into leather. and clecom- sion, the ill feeling ecistin, betAn ' T n i-e 3 l' f r i ,' calls), as a cot;iniitte e toascertain whether discoviiry was made, of two streams of ' P')'-.4-11.'' elf cruelly arrestecL Into the . 1 1 awers. end his radical conferve.s eropped I any corrupt !warts were used to pass the ._ ~... cavities of the chest and abdomen there . . out. The commit tee rose. and Mr. Cobli, ! Metropolitan police bill water, not -Atom than ten.feet apart. one cavities also introdce a paste of arsestie offnee d the death of hi s , The special order of the day was the of which was warm and the other iev cold. niniphor, and spirit ; and th coffin wa: of wise°"'''' ' II" of e o n e. ,,, gue, B . F. Hopk i ns. Ti me „ snal res _ COll . Bl era . tion of . uublie bills, the first , . Front the irithrhouttivo receive the ins- , i i lined with a laver of aMinsal el . reoal. i- ' I : citations of condolenee and reepeet were 1 which nas ,?, ll .I)l veree• pression that new explorations will doubt- I , i adopted, and at half pagt three the house ; 11 ° 118 e bill exempting one sewing ma less be made, when theierrriotity of the 1 " -i ' i T he • Montrose Rr P i thlinm uotices I adj. I" : chino in each talndY from taxation' ~ ill its exeltangs the remarkable fact I ------.......--_- ; Passed. public will PrPbably be g,ratill e d, ~ that three chief' exectitive ofEteeis of ; —The trutversausts or Earktne hove built al The Senate bill to -protect baggage was to_pro -.....41/. Aft- - ' =Xi ss Sus:in B. Anthony . . the nation 'who' are 4 ' running" the gov- ; talent thousand dollarchurelt. . The Lutherans : passed. .- ~. ..... . . ...... heard ..., says that she never of so many men in n e itske .-- ernment am " youngemen" and we think I : Pa y n e one rkraillstitnetikcisittlds t.4-e r3 ' thousandll24. the I - Evening Ses;rlO u.—The - sPecial order I being' sltaneously affected withO sore.; ittntflit add •- witkpropriety. " fast young I doltimi.' . ; was the'consideration of the 'Rouse bill threat as' she found in Washing -ton in sc; . l_,,Dl o °' .for- -we, •believe that among them , —Thicm, the Fri:reel orator, was the son or a ; authorizing citiz e ns to vote upon the letting Congressmen to speak at her snf-" 43e Y e"lrbiiie' all :t heneeet!'W'Y "worn - t peer locksmith at Aix, and was eflueateal by , of lice ' each&sir t. wee In 1 le (rage convention. - 1 Pihme.nts Such as ." getting tight" ; some gentleman who cbaneed to see him one f granting The Lill we • rteidby Chamberlain smoking, chewing tobacco and -swearing, day at his Gather's shop, and took a fancy to the ! C oo '-' 'TN • , Cooper. andothers. bright piling boy. . t .. • —The..E.ranztrier, organ or the Baptists, arers : ,i kee ,„ P L 4 h g n „,_,lllifbtittll doge-fast horses, an e 3 I , M Wbite, r. .of Allegheny, offered c sub that Hof the freedmen about a quarter aro - ma- ; " E.""""'"6 ' (in gokl) and , bein# -slight! i —1 " he Boston ..Tinica of the 10th Inst.., thus ! •' te, submitting the license question to lion - aro member., of Baptist dawdles" Th ey I ituplicated in 5 fre e , . l ove _ s f a i r l. Q r . g' I chronicles the weather at the Ifubt `Friday last 1 Btltu bare.„lt is estimated,. 1000 separate churches, •'eonstititute same of the heee i et; .* • , le ; the urchins were making din piles ; on Satin. ' the people annually. ayeraging 250 tier:ahem edeh. e __moues oft, day aftmoon they played marbles, anti to - slay ' The bill was :postponed - until next . .. ..„ - , they are wasting mid Aiating." •• ; Thursday afternoon. Remarkable Discovery. co nrage9us action Annual Statement Total am% of Du i> - - $1,267 00't ritt,by Collectors $1,128 49 ,Of the'Reccipta and Expanditures &&.- I;lsl4erat‘. to B5 *0 ereentage " 59 441.207 00 • quelsanna Countylor 1869. (Mo do and pobliph,tl In pononnoccof aII , act of Aoseo . - 61) or tho gab or Apru, )834.1 BALANCE OF COLLECT() Townships. • ApolacOn Ararat ittibtint - Bridgewater.. Brooklyn ... Clifford Choconot , Ditnock Dundatf Forest Lake. Prank/in ..... Gibson Grunt Bend.. Great Bend b. Barton! Harmony._ Ilerrick Jackson Jessup I.atbmp Lenox, 31eadows Liberty Nliddletown Montrose..,, New Milford. New Milford Oakland Ru5h......,. silver Lake.. Springville .. SustCa Depot . Thomson .... $ 469.524 443.53 315.69 1 294.151 13111:351 1.384.134 2.220.81, 2,04111.62 1,227.501 1350.511 1240.88 f 1,159.80 533.571 489.45 1,418.681 1 . 11 30.15 237.1111 212.85 1.214 1,189.69 200.35 187 01 875.21 8'28.83 1 1,283.07 1,121.971 1,046.54 529.64 518.09 1,222.48 1,137.56 781.9 2843.22 792.37, 248.41 1,128321 1,042,39 83.3.00 1 787.32 758.60 700.88 1,309.79 1,241.64 130.48 121.88 881.46 832.31 866.05 819.68 2,002.15 1,879.81 1,684.70 1,582.34 507.70 476.24 519.59 468.1311 992.49 934.45 84848 80.2 . 1,162.30 1,045 . 80 885.00 826.15 621.16 582.69 Rt . :CAPITULATION. Doplitztes, rollecton, 4:30;187 ige to " 1574 1 xl to •• 436 IL V. KENNICI/V tee, .11.ontro:te, Dec. Total ain't of ain't paid by I " per rental . " exoneratel Treras'rs 0 COLLEr . Apolacon &impel Ulm Ararat—. A. r. An i b.rn . Leander Lott Br decaliter B rnokhn. J. L. Itroino Clifford. • . E. S. Lewis( Clincnnat.. lilrbael yorray( Dlmack J. H. Crocker! Dundalf.. . IVrn. U triton c Forert Lake B Warn.. Friend...llk John Moonro( Franklin 1 S. Burr oiO rlbann W. Pickrgnyl Gnat Ilona It W.Blakerdo i r Groat Bend born I:p.. TMk T. TlLl: l b c o i;' yd T. Apo!aeon— . Ararat . ; Auburn Bridgewater. Brooklyn ... Clifford._ Dundall..... Forest Lake. Franklin.... ; Gibson Great Bend.. Great Bend h. Itarford...,,. Harmony.... , I ferric!: Jackson .leirstip Lathrop Len ox I Lit. Meadows. I Liberty M iddlrtown . Mont mse.... New Milford.. New Milford h Oakland Ru5h......... Silver Lake... Sttsq'a Born.. Thomson ... RECAP Total am't of Dapllea To sat paid by Coffee " " Exonerated to " " percentage " ULATION 0r5.51,537 22 " . i 0 42 " . 80 78-4 _ . BALANCE OP COLLECTORS ACCOUNTS FOR DOC ' TAXES -ISM. Townships. Apolacon... '.lrarat Auburn..... ! Bridgewater. ! Brooklyn ... Cliffoni Cboconut Dimock Duntlair Forest Lake.. Franklin Friend:nine.. Gibson. Great Bend... Great Bend h. LiarfordL Harmony.... Jlcrrick Jackson Jessup Lathrop. Lenox Lit. Meadows. Liberty Middletown.. Montrose_ ... New, Milford. New Milford b Oakland Rush Silver Lesko Springville ... Susq'e Thomson ... XOO 13 00 45 00 61 00 52 50 51 00 31 00 55 50 9 50 41 00 36 00 51 50 1 35 50 12 00 51 50 :M 50 31 50 41 00 XOO 57 00 4 00 42 00 30 00 51 50 , 18 50 39 00 08 50 51 50 51 50 43 00 21 50 ou ~..,_ . . ---- STATUMENT OF DOG ACCOUNT FOIt 18Ca; Rfr.lialtt,VECtautialy, Treas. .tirer, UCticcolint with Dog Taxes ; to amount of [limit- • , ' ' cafes for MA - - 11,207 00 To unit in Treasurer's hands as per last Auditor's rupQn =BE .NTS VOIt IN CONTRA, By E xri's to Collectors - Percentage to " Order 4 redeemed front Nu. 1, to No. GO. inclusiva • - MAI 08 By Treltsitrer's corntuision 3.65 27:48 4 2 '45 ou receipts of $1,122 40,mt, 2 per vent; - ' ' -* • 22 4.1 By Treasurer's commission on expenditures, str..4 67, at 2 , percent • • • 19 89. By am t in Treasurer's hands In bahmac 0.12 13 04 10.02 3.30 2.78 llirhard Aennedq. Treasurer of Sus quehanna ruunig, in Account. Current with eaid County. Dr. - - To tout in Trea.surer's hands as per last Auditor's report $ 3;921 70 ; Amount of Duplicates for 1869 32,398 17 Several amounts of loans In 1860 13,550 00 Amount roceived for additional as ! ,e.iaments and TaXeS Amount reed- from COMMORWIMIth vs. Mrs. Melvin and -- Button .I.mount received from S. F. Lane, Sheriff, Jury Fees Amount received from Abel Sherman, Pithy A mount rm'd 'from ('has. Dodge, late Trmsurer Amount reed thou A. Chamberlin, and J. S. Towne, C. minion wealth es. D Rain Amount reed from IL Benjamin, for rent of old Jail ' Amount nar'd from Chas. Sprout, col ic, tor, 1864 Amount reed front B. 31. amte 3.00, do 4.50, Win. Gilmore 1,30 Amount reed front Commonwealth es. Abel Arnold Amount reed from an Execution vs. 3liehael Miller Amount ree'd from Ovemeeni of the Poor, Montrose and Bridgewater Amount reed from 13. 0. Camp, for muss took Amount reed from A. Frink, old iron Amount reed front J. L. Adamt, Coin: monwealth (waits refundixl Amount reed on Execution No. 231, Nov. 'T. '67 Amount reed from Superdsors of Middletown Amount' iTed front Ca tt lc strays from f.athmp Ammon reed from sale of Jail doors am I Brie!: • Error in Treasurer's pereentage Amount re, ',I from IMCM., leo ,r ~1 Jes.up Amount reed from Commonwealth vs. Ann Johnson 0.84 23 10 4.25 20.81 2.80 2.19 I COI 75 $32.39 8 47 5--$.1'2,398 11 Treasurer. 31, 1869. Herrick . G. S. Tingley 'Jackson 14 L. French SJo"UP• Lneitts Smlt h Lk l hroP. H. B. wood . Little Meadows,.. A L.S.HamChurchill I LJb"cfY •• A. IL Stanford flarn'l Dodge }tont rnse...JohnA. Howell ow M illonLJno,Walw onh N. Milford ho N Broberfirld ,ttnogh F . d (:ranger „Tiber Lake T. II Folder cipringville... A, f' Uomn ,Susn'a bor .1. r Ilai/ey ,Th tun son. ...L. It. bow (ivah•n, Rt am't paid ronnty Auditors Anionnt or six refunding ookr.. County order h•emed from No. 1 to No_ 627, inclusive Amount of exunerations of collectors $ 436 75 Amount of percentage to _Collectors 1,574 It-- Amount of Trms urer's sion nn 12, (.61,N ,t47,35s 32- 947, A tn't Tro:Pdi coin Ccittittliai,ion tin • ham*ltitible Involids.—Lodianstion Dot only effects E \ loitnlitures 10.812 53- 616 Bre- 1.7114 01 the physicil health hot the dispositions stet tem- Ain't in Te'at'ime hands to holanee s.ur.3 4,4 peer of Its victims. The dyspeptic becomes, too, la a ...-----, , mimeo re demoralized by hie suffering& Ue la =bleu to t" 13 . 29 ° ' l ' at. of Irritation, sullenness, or despair, ta the case May _ _ `quient..ot Of ..',.. F. Lalle. Silerilf, ill . 1 hi. A prei , rnalurd withiltiviniella which he cannot coo • r- itol. lola ~ i nk to aub•conKtruc the word!' aodactaof those mu id (rill( .1 ury Fre ,, , 1 tii;:'. lii - . around him, and his lutcreocusie even with those neatest and cleanest to him Is not 'infrequently marked by rah'. nition• of 'maim... fimet e m to his rea/natere. rheseare the mental phenomena of the disco... fez-which the In *is; (10 ',lid ran not be justly held respomilltle, bet they mete - lon much household eiscomfort. It Is to the Interest of .ROil flit the home circle, It is essential to family harmony as well (..Ortierl. ( i r. as hi tho rescue of the principal sufferer ham n,stets not for removed from inol pieta insanity, that Unite symptoms By ain't paid Treasurer and did in Ins or intiltAl tiWnrhance be promptly removed, Te - illt - ixan act-oast 161<1 441 on l y be done by removing their:hical CUM!, lArrarigh _ 3 por tied( retained for rollort ion 2 54 pys meet cif the functions of the stomach and Ita allled via " (N . ) cers • the liver nod the bowels. UplM these three ITapor. (ant on-an, lionieltoie Stomach Inners acts simian - . .. musty • producing a thorough and salutary elm in iit4oerei 1 . . Kentiedr/. Trertmtrer of Sus- their condition. T he y e .„„... uthi o ',„ 7 „...„0..„,,,, t whith ng, th . -.... ~,,. 4,,„ n i f ' o'r lay, 1,1 .1, 'MO teal, Me preparation is moopared are of a renovating, nigtdritlng ( 'sili mon foraft it ,pr" Pen nmulertnia. Dr. and alternative character and the itimulant white leads --- _______________ nelirlty to their remedial virtues la the purest aid heat £4.2.604 14 Ti' aggrettute ain't of Stoic Ta/est that ran be extracted bum the most wholeamne of al lei icil and a....,5ecl fur Pie Ilse of the ecretlo, viz: sound rye. No dyspeptic can take thb gen - Cnninion wellth of Pennsylvania for Is/ revtorntive for a tingle week without experiencing • . __ 1669 no per stutement of County notable improvement In hie general health. Not only Fret ( ' ,, ninii.ion,rs titled w ith said Treas. sld hlii bodily sufferings &hate from day to day, but his titer sl.6ss 42 [WWI will recover rapidly (tom it. nottlestnesa anal into 1$ 1 08 To ain't of Slate Taxes levied and u s- bility. and Ole happy change will manifest itself I n his 70 scssed on National Rank ‘itnekft a. 4 demeanor total around ham.—Fop. 2H7 ' per certificate of Auditor General 150 00 1 34 ________ , ~._ii.iy-.1-0 CarfSIIIIIPTIVE3.—Tbe ddsertlser.tarlag 2 15 i 3 Sift SI.K.V3 42 been restored to health Ina few weeka. 1 63 ea 411 very aimpic lernedy, olte r having suffered several yeani 1 Conlro. c r. with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, lml Itiplion —IA I.IIXIo. to Make known in his fellow 386 . Ii I31 • 2 per rent. allowed rollemora $ Fto 78 a 'ol nfferers the means or core. 113 I Am't of Ean'it allowed Colleeturs 70 42 Tn ail win dmetre Ir, hex'!" tend • Copy of the pre -1 90 Ain't per cent allowed oat Bank stock , seription need (free of ChargeLuith the olrectlona for ~._ preparing and using the same, width they will find a 41 5 per mat 7 .n.) tire Cone POII r"..NPTIXrrtoN, Awflres, DZONCIUTIS, the. The otlect of the advertiser In sending theatrta, iletTrip• 1 51 Treasurer's pelTentage on *1,537 24 - 3, at :3 64 . 1 per cent 15 ;1 thin is to benefit the stlitimed, and spread informati o n which he (-once' sea to he Invalonble; and ho hcrpen 2 16 Treasurer's percentage on $142 ao at 1 every sufferer will try his remedy, as it Drill coat them 204 ; per cent 142 oothino, and may prove a Inersing. Parties arlshlim ' , est-rip:lop will please midresill Rte. EDWARD .2 36 i Am't in Treasurer's hands to balance 1,662 93 ' 'hry I A. WILSON, la illlanmbarg, Kinn Co may; lamelfork. 1 44 -- Map.: iy. 2 02 To rtin't of .111 - Fee"- au iwr rertitit;tte of tile Clerk of Ulu Court of quarter ~_ 54 3 t•W 3 Ofi 1 12 2 47 - -- .., , - -- -- 244 :-..- ---- - ... --_-_- y --- kzet - DEAFNE243. ' SUNDAE/1B and CAT_ARBE ; 1.--, treated with the utmost slicers ,by J. JILIALCS: 2 02 ,clatenient tif ti Could!, 7)*(77S- : Al. D.. nnd Professor of diseases of gin: Ey e e nd E,... 1 52 ou4 speetriltyl In the Medical Co lees of reansylvinla, 2 98 rte q, 1,1810. I 2 yen, experience. rormerly of Leydro,llollestid,) No. 12 - . _ -- _ __ __ S 5 techtechstreet, Philadelphia. Tesarrioninfe etM be i, F. ,. ;77? 4R : .«-n a t hi. office. The rnetltell faculty are . Invited to A callable fends in the Tn.:l:wiry 1 Nil • 600 00 , nceetnonny their oatienio, he hut no wicreto In hie / 5 , 3 Unctirrent money of previrms yew.); ' io - nlice. Artificial eyes inserted withont pain.. No . i -- nevenii ainountn 01 Note., Boni's, charge for examination. febl7 I,y jws •. I I .1 Ildginents, &( %, us per last Audit- . . -------- 3 31.1 500 00 ' it.... - .1 , -. 12t0 Confession/ of an Invalid .-Pnbllaked ors' Report OS .....,, for the bCI1 ~n t of young men sad others wbo r. 1 -,•5 • We certify the foregoiny, to he n correct state- r,r - oh from nersons Debility, etc., supplytug the meant of 2 a meat. S.IM I I 3REL SIIERER.. . self cum. Writ/en by ma who eared himself; and . ~ 2 75 I. T. ELLIS, Commirsioners 'sent free on receiving apart Bald directed =rely's. k'd • . 5 13 P. RINDS, ,- . drop., NATLIANIBL MAW/dB, ' 1 I I Dee. 22d. If/fO.--Gm.smp Brooklyn N. Y. ; 11 ir Attest--W. A. CROSSMON, Clerk_ SUSQL'EJIANNA COUNTY, SS. 42 We, the nnden.igned. Auditors in and for the County of Susquehanna. met In purananee of our duties, at the Niditors' Office, in Montrose, on Monday, January 3d, A. U.. 1870. and did audit, adjust, and settle the several amounts of the Comndmioners and Treasurer of said Coun ty. all of which, upon a thorough examiturtion, we find to be correet. We find In the hands of R. V. Kennedy, Treas. urer of said County funds. 88.073 48: of State funds, $1,682 93; of Dog Tax titntla, $364 S 4. F. B. CIIA NEMER, y DEN, Auditors. TRACY Auditors' Office, Moutreac, Pa., Jan. 4, '7O. 1 00 1 50 6 00 3 50 3 60 1 00 2 a.) 1 .15 57 1 95 2 87 2 4.1 2 50 1 42 0 50 COURTS OF APPEAL J 30 1 00 2 40 $ 50 100 The Commissioners of gusqueltanna Coun ty have fixed upon the following days and dates respectively for bearing appeals from aasess menta for the year 1870, at:the Commlitsioners' Office, in 3lonirose, to wit : Apolacon, (lemma, Friendsville,Forest Lake, Little Meadows, and Middletown, on Tuesday, Feb: lath, 1870; Franklin,,Lillerty, Silver Lake, Auburn, Jes sup and Rush, on Wednesday. Feb. IGth, 1870. Dimoek, Lathrop, Springville, Great 'Bend tp. Grum. Bend bor., NewMiltiml twp., Hew 3111- ford, boro, on.Thurstlay, Feb. 17th, 1870, Harmony., Oakland, Smelt 13om,AraratJack- Bon, and Thomson, on Friday, Feb. 18th, 1870. Montrone, , Hridgewater and Brooklyn, 3lon day, Feb. .Ifit,isto. , Clifford, Ditnelaff. Lenox, Gibson, liarford and Renick, on Tuesday, Feb. 2!d, 1870. By order of Cornmis.sioners. .W3l. A. C110,5.8310N, Clerk. .Cona Mier, Montrose, Jan. 19 , 1870. 5 50 1 1 501 3 50 2 50 2 Ooli 30 2'60 s:00 100 2-00 COTTON GOODS. Slue Una, Ticking. Cali ma alogtiama, atriptoto and khentalSblriinga.llealmn AC, $1 asaal In garter. at ataTENBAIio. Reentammakto. RECAITITLATION pts 59 59 01 - 364 $1 $1,543 35 THE A mcmcts STOCK JOrIZNAL,—A first elam monthly, containing $2 large double col man pages, devoted to Funning and Stock Breeding, (-matting n.rttlar departments for the l'metieal Farmer, Dairyman, Stock Breeder, Wood Grower, Poultry Keeper, &c. &c., illustra ted with numerous tine Engravings and bound in handsomely tinted corers. Farmers win ffnff this monthly is very efficient aid in all the de partments of Farming and Stock Breeding. It has a Veterinary Department under the charge of one of the ablest Professors in the United States, who answer; through the Journal. free of charge, all questions relating to sick, Injured is 5 0 or di.eased hone;, cattle. sheep, swine or pool -42 6 0 try. Thus every subscriber has a Horse and (•attle I hk-ror FREE, 40.777 27 We are note prepared to offer the\ LitErmeart tirncl; Jot:I:NAT. its au-re gift for one veer to all nevi sub , cribers (or renewals) to the Slcesynosr. I.);•:alrxmav, whit Shall subscribe inun t =tely w 2.010 89 and pay in advance. This Is rite op IV which the intelligent people of our section no douht appreciate. Hand in your subserip- Lions at once and secure the: blod Journal/ free . for a year. Dec. 15, 1869. E. B. RAWLEY. $511,290 91 ('r. 4t1.Ft38 42 ERRORS OF YOUTR.—.S GeoUenuko Info rut fared for 7mm - strum Nervous Debility PrCIDA ' tore De vt y. and all the effects of Youtbfel ludestretlen, will or the Patio el sulferi andunity, ,senit Awn to .11 el m ne e d tt. the receipt directions for- Making the pimple reme.y by which he WAN cured. tiadcrers whaling to profit by the advertiser's experictiee nude so by vddreseing. In perfect ronthletmo. JUTIN B OGDEN. No. Id Cedar street, New York. (trlayl4ly • . Authors' Report The Montrose Democrat ?traps is to ATM WATITSIDAT lIOEXIXO, AT XONTIIan z4tiosquirnAgNA Onrirr, PA., AT -s4iraLunc o rir, rilivirimos Is Abuses—oat s.2jg AT MID OF num Bares Ot Advertising. Three-fourths inch of space, or lima, make &square. One square. 2 weeks or tem. $l.OO ; can. $1.15; am. S2ZO mO. e 4 ; I year. $B. Ono-ehrhth col., 1 m 043.30; 3 mo. ; $1.2.1* I year, $28.08, . , Ono-gm:nor col., 1 M0.48.38:3 ma. ; 6mo. ; 1 vt.r. 00. rolzml, 1 nua,.sl2.lX) ; 3 Z l3O - O) ; 1343 4 13313 4 l year. 84.1.00. One column. I mo.s=.Bo : 3 Mo. $38433: ilnia• $6000; FarMd43:l:l adltoAs iTotlceo,-$3 Eiretton. sad Admlalaty. torn Notices. $3.00. All ononmunlertlona oy limited or Individual Interpo4lo cta. per line. Obituary Nothera, ID era per hoe. • klarriage3m d Deallagatlear Oat. Job Printing executed neatly and promptly at lab prices. Deeds, Ifort..,••ee, Jtmtlees', Cliastables School end other blauksforealc. -- - - NSW TORE PLIODECE MUSKETS . Corrected weekly by WillLlm Ilodadon, Z"1 Fulton St., New York. :Week ending Feb. 12, 18TO. MEE Cheese, .lairy:P;q: IL per dor . Flour. per barrel... Corn meal. 100 lbs.. Mlwat, per bushel. Rye pats corn !fops, crop of 1869 Beet side., per lb Potatoes, per Mil. Tarkeyk,, per M... Chiekena •• Geese , Tallow mint gloticto. i SPLENDID CHANCE, AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER, DON'T DELAY, SEND AT ONCE THE LEADING AGRICULTURAL JOURN AL OF THE COUNTRY, FREE FOR ONE YEAR. THE ONLY RELIABLE CURE TPA DU PEPS/A IN THE KNOWN WOALD —D wisharre Greer Amcrleon Dyenentim Pit. end ' Pine r. Tar Cnrdlal are 10 pohithe and Infallible eve for dy.peppla In Its mug sent - tied long, And no matter of how long mending. They pciletratc the Ferret abode' of thin terrible du , case. and extormlnste it, r 01 end branch, fitrover. The) alleviate more agony and silent. Surceing thin tongneem tell. ho They •re toted for coring the most deepentiyand poltes cases, tenon every Known tams nal to adind relict No form of dyspehlis or indtgestiOnenti resist their penetrating power, DR. 4; MAIMS PINE TREK TAR CORDIAL.,4I I. the rind principle of of the Pine Tree, obtained peculiar WM,. In the distillation of the tar. by which it. highest medical peppery+ s are retained. IS ' orates the al geyt ice preens and-restate' tbe It strength... the debilitated .y.tern. It pa des and , enriches the Wood. and esp.. t o m tea *mere theirs* copilot which penitent breeds on t h e tettal. it the amens or phlegm whi,b Stops the air paosia..mos tit of the lunge. 'to beating prior/phi amts tips. the Itrita • ted surfaceof lb. Immo and Ulm it, penetrating to etch di Fra.rd part clisving pain and subduing intismmas lion. It ts the result el seers of steep 'anti experiment, nod It is ofered w tbe calmed With posit's* satsuma of It. power to mere the following disicapet, If the pa. fleet has lig) too long delayed a resort lq the erases or cure : Ctionwriptioneffrte Lyng., Marga.Sbris Tarnifand Breed Bronailas, Derr tlomplaint, a and hk f di ag fema Atm .411/ezna. ifistioplV .071,014 medial expert, hold rig banCitable etilegratit' di ploma., devotes MR entire 11113010 the eXtralitellen,at patients at the otheeporiors. aasoclated with Itlin are serve consulting proficient; of acknowledged etahreZe4 whose services ere given to the publlo hoe of aim*. This opportanity is offered by no other lastlintion Ira the costrarv. Lettere rivet tiny part of the canntry, sithar trill he promptly and samtultonalv responded to, Where ronrenient. remittances should take the shape el Dulls or Post•OMeo Order& . .. Price of WlRbart!R American ,Byamisis, PIM/sail It' boo. dent br mail on receipt of price Pries of Wlrhart'e Pine Tree Tor Cordial. , 1 461 bottle. or $ll per dem= Bent by express.. All communlcations should be addressed L. Q. C. WISUART. W. D. • • • . TN North Bereend Nov:.' 10, IEsD."-aut •• • ' • -- " • •" -- 3 .44= .. 15417 • • 1%417 • --(g,34 4-60cg5 50 1.8001 90 1.21201A5 13‘4 . 493 1 0 3(495 . 16 020 • 12014 . 1.4015 1.5044.2.00 • • 22@23• • 19001 . 12@15 . 9(g10
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers