The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 09, 1870, Image 2

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    - - - T
! obey subpomas in forgery. perijurv, and I In the house the following bills were :
ght *enin g getnocrai. 1
, felony cases, by two thousand dollars tine I passed : A resolution requesting the - , ,
--- I and two years imprisonment. Passed. 1 president to communicate - to the house -A. severe earthquake occurred at Vir - i ,s.-
- -'-',-- - --
"'',,- • any:inform:L-oOn ha Might have concern - ginianitilifevada, 2.4 th. ' . -''
''-r- . _
grike-Receiyta and Expenditu ref,of -Sus- , „_
3`400 1 1. , X• IE - 10 P eek. • I s mt. X a •1 1 1 ,"
. .. . . ,
! -Ilea 'II ' 1 - .dal h i d qenater eret e!
11 : ; e. ';!'! 1 f:1 -, : . • 'el ej e r y 1865
qu tunas pun
„ 9" , 01 o- .':. : --'''' ....,-.... -:-
. STAThrunNT OF 1300 ACCOUNT F01t , 1554.; t,t, .4 Daily and 11,0i/dy ifiewsplpee.
V., IL VAIYLEV, EDITOR. . 1' -Feb.SEN'ATr... !4-,--A,Ble wereillirOtille - i ing the treatinent. of American citizens
- ere ts,,, o ,_ • e i i. ,-.,. ,-,': _ _ - f•' - ' __.l '': -,:,
- let Its follows: „, ! , , --, . , .ilhilf 1.5 011011 - iw.Ett&ncl for political olfen
f.rooltin.,.3lissiasitiri, his arrived in Wislitaiti l f)3t„ .:.,..-'''' ItlehanWEennedy, Trims- -
~, ..,,e, . de arid pUislished in pursuance Of an'act of As,g4, ._ , , , . •
with li ng i - ; - _-• I.: ' GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS.
atomrszositt. PENNIAt I•• Repealing the 4 se - obeli of , ,blis aot4 res - ses was reverted. At
the '' . e.mlir . ...ition of : to or th, 1314 o f A p r iy ~,31. . V.
....urir, in:Amount .
Luting to go - oils, Wares arid merclnuiaize; the morning-hour it went tiVer. A reso - 1 ' - - • .. ,„., _„.„__ -, . t - - - - Lazes, to amount of Duph- .
.....---tww-----• eaten he 11469 - - -' 51,247 ' 00 • The Weekly Patriot
iin store and in transit, and to make the ) Int ion ll Zln :WOW ed instructing the com - I -The consolidated Bank of Louisiana, '
tivErtatESIDAY,. FEB. 0, 1870.
I receipts and bills of lading therefor nego - ntittee oil Foreign affairs to 1 New Orlea
iintnire what ;at . . ns, has been robbed of $,50, I i BALANCE OF COLLECTORS' ACCoUNTS FOR 136:1 'fu :mit in Treasurer's hands
as per lust Auditor ' s report Is an eight page sheet, and contains 48 cabmen*
270 3 5 of reading matter. In its cxdumns can be Awed
e--,--:-_-__.--__e7-e_eeie- --- - e -= -.- i te& I reasons, if any exist, why the repubtic of ' 000 since 20th.
- - Herman Derr, -W84111161', Duple Am ' t CONTRA. tales, sketches, eterrmpondenee, speceltat, ape
, • ,
of Toe-usher. , oath paid. per et. Ex'rin. "'' "---' s to Collectors -$B5 50 - cultural facts land; experiences, - bake
WThere seems to be some humming Me Brooke called up the House joint I Cuba should not be recognized. Several i .
~agcnr, i
i Boston. ea., killed by falling from a train
. ...."
resoliition allowing each member and 1 bills were introduced and petitions pm - A in - $ 409.52 1 $ 443.53 $ 0 1.34 $ 2.65 economy, science , and art; _
in the Morrnon beehive, in anticipation oil ...,_ ..4
i on the Old Culony. - - I
d, . Ararat 3 60 ' 204.15 15. " Percentage to "--59 01 ' - :mestlc
" Orders redeemed from No. travels, Incidents anecdotest,historical
I clerk one hundreddollars for postage. sented. The house then went into cum- ri.l rim ~ • 14' '1
6•C'ti N5O inclusive -- - • 924 60 - .. state newaitems, - local occurrences, -14ai tete =
the proposed attack by Congress upon i Mr. Clark oppose&the bill and " - moved mittee - of the whole on the bill appropri - I 1 Auburn - 1,464.11 1.364.94 ' 71 '1 0:1 - 27.58 - -I- ' "- °'
' --
_ A pains taking invest ipter has found ' Bridgewater.. 2,220,88 p e wees IfLS.9 O , 42 35 By Treasurer ' s cotrieslon donnstie news, noted events, telegrams from all
their cherished institution. The female , indefinite postponemeet. ..leost. I uting.s43o,ooo for the relief of the poor of parts of the world, commercial morgue stock
- out that then. are 12 000 iii als attendino Brooklyn ...'„ 1 ° 7.60 1,159.66 61.03 1 6.91 "" leceiPt9 4's
I X"; 4"
District of Columbia. The bill gave• I I e e. 2
; lifford .36 1 159 80 61 04' 215 . 2 per cent --- M 44 and general market gotatlone, and a VW. TETl
portion, it is reported, have held a meet- I Mr 'turner moved an amendment au - ;the , . ,
( - tutonut.... • L'43 reet. - 5 ' 7 1 48945 .761 1.1.1...1P-1 cry of current miscellany, besides Witorial and
ing and unanimously declared that their • thorizing the clerks to perch:tee etamps I rise to Considerable discussion.. Ihe private schools in New York eitr.By Treasurves commission
communicated discussions of .and criticisms ulte
end the postina,:ters in each house to place I amendments having been disguised of• the -The disabh•d soldiers Who grind hand Dimock ..... 1,418.68 I,3at.te `lt.('!`
o 5.2
condition u far superior to any other. i them a the members ' letters and doc- • oommittee rose, and without final action
poll 1 • organs have petitioned fur the removal of Dundalf 237 . 13 1 21205 11 . 0 1:1.05
i • Forest Lake.. 1 262.33 , 1 16'369 62.62 10 02 • on . expenditures, $994 67,
at 2 percent -•- -.- 19 89
11V am tin Treasurer ' s hands on the passing events of the tittles. Added to
these varinuA ruthleets will be full and fresh re
-----+4.-0- -- 1 emcees. leet. ,on the bill the house adj. the " onerous tax " imposed upon tater I e r e . • - 1 ' to balance -- - 36.1 ei-e1,516 35 ports oft ongressional and Legislative proceed
indsville.. 200.415, 187.01 9.54 :1.50
The public are .again startled by 1 Mr. Buckalew moved an amendment 1 SENATE, FEEL 3.-Mr. Sherman front means of livelihood. Franklin..... 5751111 828 51 43.62 2.7 e - . - "--' ''''
- - - -----
= - nags. ..
the amount to fifty dollars. 1..05t.! the committee on Finance, reported a bill _ . . s Gibson i
. 355, Lel it . tme - i 67_55 4 . 58 Richard V. Aen lolly. Treamirer of .'ill.v.
One copy, one ' year, cash in advance $2 CO
another rumor of the death of Dr. Living- mducing liv act of 'into houses 01 Congress ar-
The bill then passed finally and is now Ito authorize the refunding and consolida - : G c rn rea tt i t
B B , en .nd d. b .. 1, r 12 , 411 ., 7 1 11,04 51 1 8 ; :t . - 4 .4 ) 5. 2 5.0 , 6 5 0 20 5 ..3: 1,1 5 1 ci e u i r a it i a , v , l „ t i t
( t. ' ,. ti , ri o t i s i t g e: tit it:count L ' Vreeei
stone tho great African adventstrer and ! my officers on the retired list are no len- One copy. six months, crab is advance- 1 00
la aw. I boil of the national debt. It. provides for
to he called into ditty with full Ilartord Pr. ' Four copiw, one yt.or, cash in avance.: . 7 0
etelorer, who has so long been an exile ill ; In the House the time was occupied in t ,
three classes of bonds. the first to run from get liable 1,222.48 1,137.56 59.57 '1 5 . 05 1 ---- _. ___ _
Ten twee, one year, cash in advance....lB 00
6V. ' Harmony.... 781.92 786.22 38.74 6.96 ITo ain ' t in Treasurer ' s hands as per
Übe bud of reptiles and cannibals. After! paesing and considering a large number ' ten to twenty years at tire per cent_ the ,P . Herrick 792.'37 743.41 89.12 9.84 , last Auditoes report $ 3.9 2, 70 Twenty oopity, one yew% tee t h In advanco..Bs 00
the recent cheering announcement that )of personal and local bills for cities and second from.tifteen to thirty year at four -Jedge Aeron Loveland. of Norwich, Jackson 1, 1 20. 32 1,042.36 64.86 23.1 0 ' Amount of Duplicattal for 1869 . 'fliirty copii, one year, cash in 00
. I and a half per emit. and the third from Vt., the last survivor of Hanle! Webster ' s . Jessup..-.... 833.00 787_32 41 Ili 4.25 . S,.verul antollnts of loans in 1669 M 1,398 47 Fitly copies, one year, cash in advance-81 00
t 5 4 - 4 ,. i ire
the previous report of his death was in- , corporate. C O MP anieki•
twenty to forty rears at four per cent. I clues in Dartmouth Colledge, died on the Visale 700 Kt 3.61) 2e4 . Ainolatt remised for uthlitional an , • I too co pies, oic•., ono you, in aenureeeee 00
Correct, and that science won yetld have , „ Lathrop
1 . .. _ , Lenox ... Latia '7ll 1,241 04 65 35, 2.50 sessoients and Taxes eo G. Young men desirous to act a_-• agents will be
I LLOTBF--Recolutioni, wen offered as fol - 'flieri• is to be tour hundred millions of :id inst.aged 00 }'cars. 4 I,it. Men4tows tan asl 121.1 e all 2. It ) A)))) , ,),11 ree'il from Commonwealth furitinhed with partit titan, tin implication.
the full benefit of his wonderful explore - I lows : each deheription of bonds. :11 r. Carpen - )
-The trigonometrical survey of Eng- tisl.l6 Kiz.lll 4:;.81 5.;i1 v, Mr-. Midvin and - Button 24'2 71 Tho Morning Patriot
Cons, it is sad indeed to think that lie has For the appointment of it committee to , ter tuldressell the senate On the bill more I Lit wily
, hind :mil Wales, on the scale of one inch ' Middia"n• • "66•'''-'1 e 19.65 4.t.14 3.2; 1 Amonnt received from S. F. Line, 1- , a first cities dilly newspaper, tontaining full
Montrone .... 3OW 15 , 1,879. ,, 1 11Z , 9-1 2.; 1n 'herid Jury Fees 85 46
at last fallen a victitn to heathen super - tact with tilt Philadolphia City Councils etlete nallv to preserve the iientralityof tee
tea mile, has been completi • d. it was N, W Milli , rd 1,65 I 70 1 1,5 8 "2 :;1 55 - 2 e, 130 8 Am: s mut eteeir ,', I lium 1 bel Sherman. ttesoriate p n•ports epecMl Wphington dis
-12 00 ' tiltelies metfro correspondent. "Delt " the
stition. He is said to have been burned I I (
and :eagles: , in the-t•elt•iolllitill Of the cell - , • United ft.:tales. . ( . 0 „,, , ,,,ne, , ,1 in the rear 1;91 . New mill'ordi, Net 70 4;1;14 2, - , 001 040 1,,,i1 t . 1t1,.,.,„ 1.
Initial attniversr of the Frfitiklin Insti - I I u the house Nlr. Cullom from the cant Oakland
_The first discoverer of gidil in f ' ali- Ito-h.... ....
.. 519.50 40 5 .3:i 34.65 26 Cl .l :loom I ree'd from Chas 'Melee, into intim tompli Io awl :wet trate market reports, full
as a wizard. Hopes are still entertained ' at cc iti Ills ul the proeec‘litig. Of Congress and the
bite in 177 6 . Adopted. tP , 141 1 934.45 1 49.1 s 886 T wagerer 435 00 •
thatehe report is false. I millet. , on territ , ri , s reported a hill in aiil
to" h, utati. It fornia is said to be in a destitute Condi - Slicer Luke.. stB46 ter2.2-1, 42.32 4 . 1 1 Amount ree ' d front A. Cimmlx:rlin. I.e eshoure, spicy editorials, ii,:c.
, e
1 For the dist:levee, 4if . all officers of the •of the execution or the
lion in El Dorado county. A sultsrrip- , Springville .. I 162.36 1,1 18 ,5.8 0' 57.1 4 1:1.4.:i anti .1 .K. * row no, Coalition w cab It i TEAMS OF TIIK DAILY.
! Melee, excepting clerks, sergeant at arms, , prohibits and punishes pi kl giinty. ' rile Swig ' s Deitot ti s s 00 826 15 43.1 5 163 - ys. O. Bain
200 00 One copy. cnie year. by mail • . 1 1 7 00
rarThe case of Judge Hoar was bro ' t doorkeeper and assistants. haled out of • bill is very long, containing 'leo v four • tion has been started for him. eliomson .... 621.16 552 59 31/.51 780 Anvaint ree ' d from IL Benjamin, for Fire copies, One year, my mail =OO
before the Senate on Thursday lase and 1 order. . I sections. 'elle bill exii . tiviing the .15 ' 11ctit 1 -Thirteen beers of gold were found in - , -,---- --- -- - rent of tiltl Jail 600' it
cepies one year, by mail 60 00
he has been finally rejected. Inc Presi- I Fur furnishing the llonse with copies lof the bounty act to the w ido WS I
' 11"-- Th iI- side of a fon] 1, :hod :it w e r e i ngto n. Coon., :1,, , ..,398.4; Auasi7.rioll4; , 4 14 4.36.; i Amount ree ' d front Clem. Sprout,eol- The money most accompany the order.
• oth •r ley 'Chic supposed to ' - lettur. 1664 1 52 1
of the Auditor General ' s and ,Sclivol re- ' dren of soldiers IA ho had enlisted fur a '
the i Address B. F. 11 YERS & CO,
dent must consider that it is a direct I ports. ! , , I ll i ..IthrAPITULATIoN. Amount veld front B. 31. Gage 3.00,
g ally g))141 lieads. , Tout em't of Duplicates. .:I`.l 399 47 d., 4.50, Wm Gilmore 1.50 11 00 Dee. 2117-3 Harrisburg, Pa.
thrust at him, and we shall be a little en- I Mn Davis Moved an aniendmi•nt in- . The remainder
less rer.oil than one year was ',assist. h art , 6,_,„ „ L i i n
or the morning hour W a , + '
-I'he ?resident nominated John lett- ,
I am ' t pabi by Colieetom, $30,287 58 Amount ree ' d from Commonwealth ,
rious to learn the final result. Mr. Hoar, structing clerks to furnish stamps for pox- , occupied in the. dies tission of the result- • per ventage to "
fit:. Jr..of Tennessee, f:iitt . commissioner of 1 •eux•ineatei to " 1574 14 vs. Abel Arnold 1 5 1 18 ' ffipccial fottcro.
1:53 75- $ 32 ; 105 17 A Moillt t need from an Exertition vs.
after learning his fate, visited the Presi- tage on the same. Resolution adopted- , lion in reference to the.Anterican Fenians
eoneetior, In place of if:truant t, he re - R. V. HEN-NEM', Treasarer. Mel, iel Miller 760 i - ...... _
dent, and expressed a desire to retire from j - e:is .45. 11.1 . 1 S 4-0. :imprisoned iu England. A hill ailinitting Treas ' rs Office, Montrose, Dee_ 31. 186:1. .11,ellint r'ee'd from Overseers of the 1 8 SPLENDID CHANCE, ~
Mr. Brown moved the discharge of the i elissippi to represent:item in Congress on Por. Auntruse and Bridgewater :01/ 00' ii_
the Cabinet, if the President so wished. v -
move , l.
\ ars and Means Committee front the the same conditions as Virginia was piss - , -Five cars were sunisfied by an acci- , - - Amount veered from B. 0. Camp, fur AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER,
dent on tie : Pat:Hie utiih., - .ad, oaBt of Og - ) Aeose.ii, ... ...Samos! Rim Herrick .. G. S Tingley
but was earnestly requested to remain , consideration of the Senate resolution, for , ed. A bill to supply deficiencies for Ow pas , boet; 50
goon after, in answer to a direct sues- final adjournment. to March leth. Agreed , navy was then taken up :1,11 , 1 tileelln ' '''' "l • th3ll, and three persons were Itillt)(1. ) Ararat kc. Duel,. Jadoem ...... s. I_ st.,s ,- , moon rt•e'tl from A. Fink, old iron ll 50 DtIN'T DELAY, SEND AT ONCE.
• .isteru . Le - roter Ltgt:Jetottip 1 -" I "'" 3 'ln" b Annum: ree ' d from J. L. Ada
tion, Mr. hoar said, e I am going to re- I°. es , „ , , Tito hill Was amended red tie' ngt he ,
flie hiiver louse f
se o the I. anturnia
~• . • I Britigewater... D S.Frinktlathrop ..... 11. Ii Wood mons, eulth t•u4b4 refute ittil
Itrooklrc. ..J L. ,te)nolde.l.enox . .k. Chereloll , -, . N .).1 448 AI. OF ' IIIE COUNTRY,
mr. i mi. in i ' ition contitY, called up minima appr4qtriati • d to $1,5 04 . 04) 3 10 1
Main with the President" LegiShit I: re, by a vote ::f 51 to s, has Lain- cured. KS ' Lt"i ' 4l ' ilik "'"'d"'"'• L. 11”" - """""t r''''
Lx.'"""" - ".
Lis reSOl 11 ;101l foF tilt' titlilication of the then passed. Adj. (lion .nut .id lame) Murree Liberty.... A. It. btaeford Noe 'r '67
• curred with the Senate in rejecting the Dimock ... .1 II Cniel.c: Middletown. Stool liislgc
legislative proceedings in the two llart,s-
22 47 ela ,, monthly, containing 32 large double col-
Inconsistent. burg papers at $5,01i0 rash. . 1
How the Prince Looks. Sutfrage amendment. Porta)). la . tio• S. II Wanner \ew Milford:An. Wenn urth
Frlendrellle Jahn ?doom , N. Mllferd In) N Seifert:Hit Midolletilw ti
1 nehmi reeti cruet Cattle btrays from lune inigtst• rive to Farming and Stock
- Pending the diseussion the Heuse ad- , - • - .1 t Lowell, Mass., a snow 'slide from Franklin A. S. Iturrow; 014.41101,S ...11./thne ' i ,
t.aittroit t:; 50 Breeding. contairg regular departments for the
The New York larowld makes a sharp • A Wash ingtott correspondent gives the the roof „f a a t m.), h e m , a,,,„ it „hi m . ; .iron Wun Pitkerlue Knell . . 1:3. to - anger
1. - „,, i . ~, Tim..,,tmes pen - rill:tut - 'illi ' Practical Fanner, ihdryinan, Stock Breeder,
8 00 , N't, ma Grower, Poultry Keeper, ..te. &e., illustra
• • punned.
point in regard to the Southern states b- I The Philadelphia Metropolitan 1 ; (treat 'Bend 12 W.Blakerlee , ll , er tat , T. II Porter A lie,nt oyit cr.. ,-.•iti. a dtill doors
p.:O , , foi 'tilling de:iertrtion or Prince ...krlittir: !l ey, and killed a man trim was passibg limn pendburo..(;eo. Buck Spr!eustll.i....A, P Brown ..11 , 1 Briek
E. T. Tlfhin Nue,' a Dor I i nail , 4
;parr 30 00 red with numerous fine Engravings and botmd
itigrequired to ratify the fifteenth Amend - i bill passed the Ilims,‘ finally?" this after- , " r
he )uung gentletium is passahle in along the street_ , its ohy. ...David Taylot Thomson... .L. 1.. DO, ,
Atilt °in! CM 'd
fret a Lut :us Smith, cel- .in harblnotnoly tinted covers. Fannera will find
arance about the middle stature -- , . .
meat as 3 condition or regtoratiOn to the no"'
Yeas a,, raj s., , - - a st rit t party , epee . , i••• ior ta at,ntlil 100 this monthly a very efficient aid lu anew de
VOW. ; five feet eight, I should siir : well built, I -The internal revenue receipts for Ja - -- --,--- -- - -------------*--
-- -
tituon. As they could not be tensted to - -.......-- - ' rue - ' lllt . e been $l - .L47 9 . 00 t ) . an incri•ase ' telt NTY F.XPF.NSF.s. Al.:. inin t n•e'il from Commonwealth partmonts of Fa cry
and Stock Breeding. It
dressed neat I, IA 1111 :01 : 110 si , rt of nide. ' ' ' T„ c..mmonweelth Coet• ttoot i% , - Ann .o,l,nson 20 00 , hae aV , , lritiar:, Iblgurt meat under the 'charge
come in and then ratify it, they ratified CONGRESSIONAL SUMMAIIV. pants and black litilf frock buttoned 4 lo'se. of 61.4;60. 440 0 over lie receipts of Jan nary
road x,....4 . 4). - - 1 , 1 ,•ii - --- of on , ••I I hr• ald• - st Professors in the United
lstitt. wad Damage .. . • ... . . 1.51:: J.; ft:33.290 91 Stat,s. w 1,0 almwers through the Journal. (me
first and then came in. They were teere- - Ills complexion and mile is talloey or it. NI Owe. late Commie-loner.. ...SCIS tot i t,.. ttf Clot rgt). all titonlit ion relating to Nick . Illillred
4 -
- ''''' • 'e
• , mmenica - elute lirott 11 iti hue. The co,. 13 Ili iti -Thk . S hal . Of II I i nois !ma has 5,135 Samuel ,herer, CouttuTioner. . t••= .7 ,
SENATr., J:111. 31. . i•t nil C . ~ ' (s,eterr.
fore not in the union when they acted on 3 T Eiti., r di , ,• A 1, ,r,,,, , 3t ;Ic, sheep, swine or pOttl
iloll. rtlemoriali and petitines were re- and slightly °sal. ' Clic nose is the iiiiist ' miles of railroad of which 4.78 1-1 are open , re e„ Se " .... 31 I ' o.- -1.117 :Id 1') unCt raid county Anditors 8 22 :10 try Iltio• t• 4 toy hobo:ether has a Hum and
the Constitution or or esle they were never eeired and refilled. Mr. Sherman pre - preminent feature. It is Inure like that of • for luisiio•ss, costing with their equip - t ea 7O 59 Amount of rise refunding orders 42 116 ( ;,ttl,.. 1)", lor Ftirs - ..
4., , , , ur .,..,.,,,,, av ,, r ,,,, •
.• • ••• • • . • • 2 1 :L . , 7 1 7., : : C 0 11:1 1 t orders redeemed from No. I. 11 ,• are now prepareti to offer the Aen:IIICAN
out of the Union. Either, then, saes the sewed the resolutions of the 011ie Te•gis - . George tii, Third thin that of his faller. menu , . ti 1:).-dfS..-412. A5,5)....5. , --- ~
.... Cns ln to N•• 627. in , lii,ire *IL , ~ ." Srorl: 301'itr:.% I. M. a AO2 gill for ono y_teir to all
Herald all then:construction kiwi of Corn- hit nre ratifying the fifteenth :intendment. you are immeiliately reniiiided of his
__ c 1 (.. I Caught -- ~ , llogintry j
ii ~,
t )wa. p 11 kt 1.. ,111) . l ourt llounnand a l i . Itt i til an4 r • IhMot ... .. .. r ..'''; .1 mount of exonerations of new subseribers for renewals) to the MONTIMESE
gress are . invalid, or these southern ratiti - --.
k number of resolutions of inquiry were ,mother, especially ithout the eyes. The inetitti. and iit the begin n i lig or `,'",,' u n r :r! ` it * Vo n„,a n..:l , y.'",,,-,'"l,,i''' i,,,,. 63
... SC tr. rollt•eltirS $ 436 75 Detiocuir, who shall subscribe immediately
I 1(14 4 ted The Senate then. at - one o'clock light, uhitey brown, straggling whiskers\ mount of percentage to and pay ie advance. This is a mre eppertunity
cations of the fifteenth amendment are ' P - the year its treasury had just eleven cents T o„n C oek. El 7 50 -
;wok up the enrreney bill. Mr. Sherman and hair. vi ith the pale. cold full blue, - • s. F. Lane. Sher If ..... . . .... 441 T.; Collei-torS 1,574 l - 2,010 89 which the intelligent people of our section win
invalid. If the states were it the
1 te union , moved an ameridinenr. as a sabstitute for 0 1'1V Pt' "l - 111 Itt 11 ilt•iell lashes, add to t Ile -
, to put into It. Isaac Hamlin, Jailor .. . •
Stationery ..... .. . ........ .... ... ... ... 33 1 1 /.1
Lim at
. k mount antieas .
• • no doubt appreciate. Hand in your subscrip
talr s commie- , lions at once and eeeure the Stock Journal free
there - was no need •eo admit them, and if ! pending amendments, to allow 1 1 .- i
Jan -.llg ovneril tallowy expression of lii. face. As ' -The newspapers are quite blest' chron- J,,,,, , iip Brides ... ...... . . .. . 3110 110 i ~, ~.
la i Tan roc Creek. Bridge, balance (40 tg) sum on ne - • j for a year.
they were not in the union they ; could not as-sot:jet lens locatiql in anv state. hat mg he passed nee 1 had iie chance to look at icling the movements of the young Prince , e r t„oes .. ....... .. ..... . :F i e: . rje reels tel7,3es 02- 947 la 1 Dec le, 1869. FIT. ii,twuy.
t , intere.l " ''') Ain't Treasurer ' s
participate in making laws fur states that 1 in°re
then its preportion oi - eirculationoo him well. The first inipi•ession is as that !on one pip'. aild rebuking their neigh 1 „„.„„,,, let tie
in 0 ,111111;e-ion 011 '
si-.7--Iritible Invelles.-Indlgestlon naiad, effects
remove tp an . i
v . stet - haveig hes. Thi: ' Hie moss expression which is .4,0 titarkm , hors for snobbery sad flunkey ism on the Copeemon. Crier... .. • .. . „.. II _ •
are in. Nothing but a radical Conere-w w . w; and otbio - r. new - 1... r: Inriltute. 443 ell I ENlienilitilTes 4 0 8 l 2 53- SIC 85- 1,64 01 the physic:A health but theetleposltlons and tam
.. .."
;melee . ' :t detertnined. opposition from in li s le Prince , if Wal , s ' face was tict a • other: NV. NV. Irwin. State Treasurer, davit Stul3.• taxer Ann . ! in 'Fr,is in T'- hands to halatika . 8,673 48 per , a it , • vt , "thro , The dY.Peetie become , . too. to •
could reconcile such inconsistenees, b t' W for 11.. G. 1- 44 r ,• met INC , ..... . 0.7.01 10
u este • rrt merabers. The amendment aas chanteteristieef this voting gent It•man's. measure demoralized by his sagerings. Ho ts outeeet to
-A little girl who was lost i the.ll New Jail. inelntimg Darin:tiro . . . g y :l int
from their past record we are prepared to ; rejected. Air. Chandler moved t•• :uncial • ' flits feeling waS folloatt ht oti, or a di- male 111,rpltn1
.. 54: :is : t?•53.2 90 9: tit.. a Wit-100, bollrnomtr, nr de.palr, as the ease may
- streets of London receittiv. on being gees
hare them stoutly declare that ".>:U so • :es to authorize an issue of $11111,111t0,1404,1 ao'reealde character. The ' prevailitig ex- • i i ,•di ~ T 9 ' 9-e " " - ~, • - -.-. --. he. A reterunturil r•-nAitlveingrs whleh he cannot coo
n tto ti,N., us t 0 aer
an pi
On Vi ild CM liountier . ... ... .. ...... ... . - -.‘ ~ . trot, I , ad- blin to uneron-true the words th.deetsof those
is " white " and demand it as an article of of bank notes. and a eurrespontling with pressitet of his face was one of etild haugh - I bi r th , r e. e t en e that she w,Ls •• t '
..1e e,tild of a„'.0;,,,,1 the Pea, . ... f it .. annnel tom. mid N i.. in h rronn.n err)) with
those nearest
. - (e'en/ milli .11 , r,i F,r.... Poet.
detwel iif tele-OmA s ; rejected. , tine,s :Ind sitperuiliousto•ss. tin 1 drarma to Sim in ont unfrmittrotly marked by ert ii•
faith for repreetteegien • e He Wits 7 cin " god ‘• was lsWn in wrath 7' reels retie:we. ..... .•••• • .. . . .... 1-2,A4 , i t , t )
-- -
... .11•••• . t . ',, t, .L ~t, net +WI ,t . t.- . rimer or eines are befero --ee'eeeeve4etee -i ;11:•-i, o ....dee- ere, tin hin reel natant, Theasare
' 'T " pl . J1...r - : - M,•,'s 3, 3 Mr ce..railit-att• ol
' OCCITICtI 111 the can ot tin_ . states for bills • saw him, but the next moment i ai , eil his I ---,I f"r g 7 111 T rOartrol P.niumnary
Absconding Witnesses. ~ . •••• --- 25 ' " ' The t lerK tac k llte l ewe er Q•isrter the Mental 1/1101101111,141 Ot the iloeare. I'. r which the in
' 0110 Joint reSoltllittllS for reforilleo. A ' 11 - 41:1 4 1 and looked at the dein, rat ' c so‘er- " Il g re ''''' -31/I."3dY .• •• DM
during tli • preen t
• IN v e ti ti•tie we • . . . e, iiii :: )0 Nnlid ,no not in. ja.lll told rosponsible, but they owns
-• • yalualu2 Bride°, item - blibeinnien. . ... . 2 - 111 00 Sl , -i. 01A
The question of abscondine it itnesses session f is. - i hills and :St) to 4 01 joint rest ,- 5.. e.-,....,.)., IA eel: ill; coon. 1.-0 , . 1..,e1 by ~,..
:ate iLrttin, ~..
rissultition declaring flint the tit, Iw. lines ' 4-'l , ll, t 1 lio were gazing on him with a - • • - ' " _ lon tench household dlerontfort. It 1.. to the intermit of
, are payable in greerticacK. o a ., tabled hy a ,iti,, , t bilt unabasked inriositv, that he 1 ' tyceti int red need iti the house ' le l ` t 11 '' ''' ''d '''' ' 9II WI' " '"" "'"'' 737 s" ' t.43,e, 00 the home ,10.1... it 1.• •••.eotial to family the
i n
has been brought before the suet. le isles- lations lave .‘
te mer ...e. cieeity eedit•e• ... ...; 54....., wino the rescue of ltic principal sufferer from Lando not
t- ,19 A- i parts - vote. A resolution was itiloptial in- possible tll , llglit wa. impudent. on the __2l'he t - f, f•retarr of the Trixtoury has , ,/ ,:;.,1:„. 1 , 1 , ' „ ` :t4 ' ...- i ', ,,,/,',4. Cr. '
furs making it a penal offence for a wit - I citing tit Nettional Labor Union. a lie - whole be looked like li dapp• r 11111 e ladies' direeti . d. the sal•• of one million in gold Trmll'lre. ' Prmlllill:''. ••• . 7 50---- 41 NI far mono-a from {aril - dont ineaulty, that these ayMptome
1,7til VI , By am't paid Treasurer and cli ', l in his of men , el ti.ri taltance lin promptly removed. TM* can
ness to absent himself for the purpose of I get organizative, to lot' ean acidness de - ; men so Refunding. 4.rbe, MI
I a unt feri, 46 • only bed one by remortug, their:physical Maim, sderage
elicit week thiring February. and the pur- • _______ „„
defeating the ends of justice. M t ' livered by One of it , members in the hall I 1 ' 5t,, , ,„, ~., , 0 per (cat retained for collection 254 : moat of the nmetions of We rtomach and. its allied sin-
OS err- chase of one million of bonds in each al
of the house of represenuttives. A mine I- - ;errs. the liver and the bowels, Upon there three impor•
tainly in such eases puniSliment should ; Earl hquak e. ternute week for the fund.
sinking I CONTR N
Co. $BB 00 i not organs lloatetter's Stomach Bitters sets slandtan
iter of resolutions of inquiry and Unarms
be severe, and we should have awh I The Hartford Courant has news front
-Thi•re is proposition heeire tile Ile. iie enmity Ortio, l mtleemPli from No. Ito Na l =-:..-- •=-.=--=,...„.._- _- .-- tonnly, producing a thorough and salutary. change to
" e-- lion to committee were adopted. Messrs- llobert P. K,•ep, Consul ut Athens, of the • Tracerext Melasec .. .• $10.;71 zri : Itich , Erd V. Kenomiy. Tr•rts-ulTu• of Sys- , their condition. The ce-‘4,•table ingnxilente of which the
nois state Constitutional Convent ien te ' ' I ;e1 ini .
ror . perrtnaaor
some law upon the subject. But we be- ' Gouger and Melee 1
us.e, Members elect tram I total destruction be earthquake, on the
„ . . abolish the ionate antl to vest the legisla - ; Heen ' eme (""1"" • 2 ,„, qu , 11(117711 Openly. in Account wilh the preparation is. rointaised are of a reltOrathg. regulating
Bove that some sympathy is due to the Virginia. were sworn in. The senate eon- and Abe native character and the stimulant which ktula
nioniing of I).•centi , er %J. at ' tin . toWn of .•
Paid Oottlay Auditor , .... • • . • 1:-: 50 . ( ItIII In 011 nu/Ith of Pennsylvania. Pr.
, tire anthoritv of the state in a single-leelv - I activity to their remedial virtues lease purest and beet
many witnesses who are under the pres- current resolution, at•eepting the statue of • Santa Mite ra. on (motif the I soh iii Islamise • ii 1 -
• l 0 De cal lei the Legislatii e Assembly. To aggregate fiat of State Taxes that can be t•auncted from the mate who - kW:Wm of all
11 . • e IV•vi • • • • •• • .., •' ' '
. after n mirk._ le ,
eat system of eourtes dragged t the Gen-
'ret i
n . L I( mil of that name. At the date of the ail v ices : ~, d. , - _. _ cereals, Oa: sound rye. NO dyspeptic= take thht gen
o te coup- ise of 3uo members. le t I, e and assessed fur the use of the
representatives adopted. ' -.1 itnuziry 1--ten dead and tiny wounded : mnil
- nil OF STATE TAXES FOR YEAII 1,0. tal restoraLlVC (Or a eingle week without experiencing a
ty seat on the most frivolous matters term'ci ru:10.11. - calth of P4ll9.l4ylrania tor
S. , Ete ATE Feh. Ist-:8 COMEIII.I tt leaf /.111 'Wren had been taken from the r - ttins Not • -General Cantle ordered all military ;-- - - i pupil- I Ain ' t 1 1 IsBo as per statement of County notable improvement In his general health. Not onlY
after term, for the purpose of telling the was received from the Attortn•e Gen. aril- a house was left stading. The sii - r . xivors ' commissions in Virginia to cease, and all Townships. 1 cans.. ; paid Exn . s i l rre . t. I Commissioners tiled withsaidTrmi; mid his bidil4 rui:tinge his
from ear to day, but his
court that they do not know any thing ting that he had given no official opinion I slept in the open air or under tents. , trials of eitizens by such he turned over to --------, I- e urer $ I
, 688 4.2 , mind will moos . , rapidly (mls reioleasneens and tuna.
•i in reference to affairs in Georgia. The fs.t m• - I• - 1 - • • • twas • the civil cC - Wlk • 1 Alw""m".
about the matter at issue, and obtaining I • , , . 111 a - ante, er A tit at ia. as 1
.... 9 Otts
371 IIIV 1 To ain't of State Taxes levied and as
1 sewed on National Bank stocks an Witty, and this harry chin:Lie will manifest itself in kda
1 den - teams? man aroma him.-Fel.
, bill to transfer certain Lalances from one - called by the ancient Greeks, is one of the ' ( - ailed the Legislature to meet tin Feb. Auburn.... - el 3 ~, 2 i per certificate of Auditor General L.,
a fee sufficient to d•f -
i.. rae only about half Bereaof fire D
u le navy epartnu•nt to an- • lonian Islands. situated off the western I 8111. 3..lritlgrWater. :3 011, ' --
. .. ' SO ' _ -Mrs. South worth has written another , Itookiy., I - - .., .~ I to
of the expense. Why c-annot the system of other came up, but was laid over without I coast of fireeee. and bait an area of 180 ' _ - C
jury trials in Justice courts b e a d o yt e d ; action. A resolution was referred instrue- ' square m il es an d a p o p u l a ti on o f isantio novel. entitled a The Maiden Widow." ; c ,„ h oc .,, tf ",„„ - ,_
and-then all such matters could be settled' dog the committee on Foreign affairs to i inhabitants- At its southern end is th e 1 Her publisher, Mr. Peterson, who has read Dim ,,, k „.
at home with less expense to the county,• consider the e.vpialiency of recommendingl promontory of cark . . Ducat°, famous as i it, arcs it is one of her most poir.trfally Dundail....
the president to offer his meditation in theso tl th ''l . I Forest Lake
Th e i written efforts. firs. . ii iin,r is as , ; .
more justice to the parties, and we believe 1 the fabled scene of Sappho's Leap.'lmamyin .
! red river troubles. The consideration of;is repor etto )e, e,[rovedi et by
town it lieu' t 1 1 il ill -ed many of her admirers to stand
do tatty with Compulsory law for wit- • the currency bill was resumed, and Messrs ; wa s on th e n o rth asst and c ontained a :at the head of all female writers. 1 Gitrson.
messes in almost every case. S o me L eg i s . Buckingham. Sumner, Williams and :dor- ' castle, which, ender tK British proteato- ; —A l a r g e P en an military demonstra- (irent Bend.• •
lotion in that direction we believe would I ton addressed the Senate. Mr. Morton's rate. was - the headquarters of a rcgini 'tit : tion took place at Buffalo on Saturda. oust Lend
o b.
amendment to increase the amount of oftroops.
____ , ; _
ad- night, and the first of a series of mass ~ '
show signs of civil progress, and greatly' , . • ~artnony....
• dition circulation from ii's 45.110u,00n t o i meetings was held, at which the Admin- Herrick
enhance the best interests of the Common- ar,2,000,0n0 was agnvil to. An amend- I The Price of n limband• istratii in at Washington wa , & aunt neu d Jackson
wealth. ment by Mr. Cunkling was rejected. to :Sirs. Susan k'rawf ird, of Saugerties, N.- for not dematidin7 the rtilen9^ of Irish • im.uP
-is isi orLathrop
"seal - other amendments were not agreed to. I
- --ulinture. ! An amendment authorizing the withdraw-
y., Las sued Mrs. Christine Russ e ll. of Amerieans confined in English prisons. imlnx
the same plaee, for services rendered the —At lati.bara .Tiiiii• 30. Iron strangers Lit. Meadowii.
al of $13,000,000 of eircultion from states ,•
Latter iu II e matter of a 1111,baliti. ' catered the third national hank. and ii- Liberty
lIARRISrIIrRG, Jan. 31. having an exiiess, and its distribution T,.1 La ~ i :lil:a' c•a ;
.s nit that she pro- ' tamped vs-fu o n ache ek fiir 'SIAN) WEI rilei , d a ti t i r .e i r n . •
SENATE.—BiIIs were introduced as ful- among those having less than their share i ,/
' cured a husband, reputed to lie worth ' corn hank of exeliange New. Milford- t .l
lows: was adopted. The hill was farther amen:" New York, which
14, ano,ooo. for the defendant, upon the was subse q uently disCiLvenal to be forged. I New Milfordhl
Incorporating the Sharpshurg and Et- ded so as to make the apportionment nit : promise of the latter that_ when die knot ''they also obtained te250 0 from the s e c ond Oakland
na Fire Insurance Co. on the basis of the census of lial'o. Wit1 ;;; • ;i
., 3 „2 h e
i tied. Ale. the bride, w ou ld pay ' nationall hsimilarforger!R u i ll • •-•• , • •
i ran • on a cheek.
Relative to the corporation and tvgida- • out final action. atlj. to plaintiff t.Q,000 in cash ; item. a piano : ' Nall eataped. Springeilfe..
_ln the lion:ie.-after .7,0111 C Opptsil - mn (;. 1 biker . Lake...
tion of insurance companies. l ' it •n i addition,educate plitintillschild. l
I W . • Booker of Virainia. was admitted to a i ' l ' "
The hill creating a new county to be ' 4. ' t , ' - Defendant gut the busbitud, and basely 't o his lir...anis:
—A physieian, examining a t•ltulunt as ' Suse'it Rom.
in•ked him," should a man ThomPson • •
called Petroleum, out of parts of Crawford sea" The tariff bill was reported I I) . the ' forgot to make the compensation agreed I tall into a'rell'fortv feet (leer, and strike ' .
Venango and Warren, came up on its ti- I `l,•ays and means committee and
.; Mr. •
upon. The defendant. in this novel suit 'hie h ea d a ,,,,,,Th 5t one o f tic tools with 1
nal iplassage. i Sehenck to be - referred to the committee ; •
is past seventy, and ought to be old 1 1 . 1 1 had h •
"- w 11C1 Ire lad been i ggina, what would 1 —_
Mr. Allen moved an amendment strik- of the whole, and made the special order'ough to pay her debts without going into la
Mg out Crawford. Lost. Yeas, 12 ; nays for Thursdaa 10th inst., untifdisposed of. ix :your csai.-se if called in as a surgeon
' court. It is a little curious that the con- Iti e t d , t replied, " I should advise 'To ain't paid by Conan
17. Mr. Schenck proceeded to explain the bill.
' I in• • 1• - f 11'1 ' Is a t-rt
tract was writing. an( its u i ment ' .?" I Total ain't of Dunne:it , .
ted to i
The bill passed finally. Yeas, 16 ; nays 1: Discussion ensued between several mem- ' !audit to depend upon the death of the I well. •• - percentage . •
them to let the man lie and till up the ' " u Evonera ,
13 _ the Dernonnibil wing nye. the Rent& , hers of the committee, Messrs.. -VIIIi""Ii• : hustaind /luring the defendant's. life. She '
1 " i Brooks. Kell , v and larshall. Finally the ' „„„
tiaLkacE 431 , c01.LECTI)
licanrgenerally votidg no, plead, the s • 11 4. oflimit - 1 lons.
- Lir t t.' - 'at his residence in Newark, N. J. biasing' TAXI.I'
The Phil metropolitau police bill paisz bill was ortlerial tic he printed, and made
: the special order for the fifteenth. The ' naciwd made 81 years of age. Mr. Ste
ed on its second reading, under the °per- And Still Another.
'1( si committee of the I .
i .1-. then went into phens has been noted fur several years us ; Townshipa
ation of the previous question. Mr. Low
ry WAS the ouly R publimu voting against i whole on the lagislation appropriation . bill. This time in Madison, Wisconsin. A
! lady registered her name at the We.stern I
• one if the wealthiest citizens of Newark. ' --
the vabie of his estate being mow cAinia- Apolaeon...
:it. w • made ,
. tktveral speeches. cre in reference to ; Hotel as Mrs. Bennett. Next dos" a gen-
M Dair s late speech.
Houss.—The following hills were in- - - 7.; ' e '• ~• -, (`handler o ; tleman and lady btopped. at the same . , Auburn.--
toil at about one and a quarter millions - of I Arun "'
}wined real (4.7ite.
dollars, the !arrest part of which is in im- ; Brid,,e. , waim
trodriced: i i•-•ElyArs. r'co. 2.—.0r. ex- lintel. These were Mr_ Bennett and one ' Brooklyn :..
Repealing the act of 1844, authorizing ' !dallied that he . wits not to be elazaed ' who should have Lech MrS.. IL. but un- ' I (Vivra
County Commissioners to assess and col- among the hiflationists of the curreni•e. ' (tbocionio ...
fortunately was not.. :drs. B. No. I w a it_ i 1
legit taxes on all salaries held under the ; The Lainsideration of the amendment io ' ed beh i nd the ed ni to boiler to clean it out. Di ,,,,, ek
..., .
. ili:. - i -- iit A ile y , o 4 :i n: n i ,,•:; . aii at g Mliscatine, lowa, ,
Parlor door fur Mr. B. and ' aw 3. ' era " ' ~ a - •
constitution or.corporation. , the carrem•y bill was then r,..sitm ,(1.• The the other WllO o . ught to have been and was bein morant of the Dandaff
amendments were sop:tritely voted i nand'fact closed th• door and ''tired up. Th e ' Forest Lake .
Providing that manufacturers and me- not, :union their etiterance sprang upon I ' - e Franklin.-...
i the bill pasaed yews 30. nays la.
ebonies selling goods other than theirown The ?the tinsusi ecting better half
!bill irovides for an additi mad i-st e of *45 1 of the limit _ , you ng man became uncomfortably . witrin. , I ,,,, t i eetuviii ,...
tuanufacture, not - exceeding five hundred i ,„, l„„„ ,- , „ , ' '-" ,•," ; ed partnershie a data . . Bennett heard ! •
dbllars per annum, shall not be classed • Own 000 "' tal"mali brink " rrene Y '' ' seream - d Reato th 7; i -acne. Havin
.s, au and to
ling with water. His
the-tensshre were n- i urrat Ben_
his horror discovered the boiler till- ; Gibson.
sarong those paving annual tax and ti- ' d str:buted to thma• states and territories I rescued Mrs. F. ho.': r.
Loan the talons oil - - • i liar ford.
cense. ~ [having less than their proportion : also I m,,,, BA I gei hvii, hut fortunately gineer open- Great Bend b.
called for his lra
and' ed the door and the half suffocated Pm
; for the withdrawal of a portion of the cis- baggage, Harmony.:..
mony. ,-...
olierswas released. - , •,. - Ilerrick ......
i ! derrarted ° w . ith his snood choice.
culation of banks in states having the lan. I —The Henry county Pres., Jackson
i 5.... . •
gest excess-of currency, atm a distribution 1 —Life Insurance, although it makes no a ske'el of an o'd woman of one hundred .le ,3 6uP• • -:• .. •.;
of a emnsponding amount in states has- ! retentions to doing so, really in many 1 years. `tier name is Mary Merely. She i U not P:-. . . .
ing less than their proportion. Section I eases lengthen life itself, and in this way: ,
fourth provides for the creation of banks The assurance of having already made was born in tlis state of Maryland. in the Lit licado,„,,,
I year 1770. Her father was an old HeYo- , Liberty,.,..:
for the purpose of issuing-gold notes. The (sure provision for the future
census bill was then !taken up, but laid I and quietness to the mind ; and tranquil
gives rest I lotion, ,o!dier, and was killed in one of I Middletown--
census the last battles of that war., She had seen 1-I.:M.:A:
aside, and the bill to authorize the trans- I
l ity of maid invariably gives strength of I George Washington and most of the other I.,;;,, mlif t' or ' c rb
for of halance,s - from tine bureau to another eminent patriots of his day.. She was i ci a t t amd. ,
of the Navy iiepartotent was taken up. , bodvr'and these togetter tend to le,ngthen ;
i - 0
life :and make it a ble.. - -;siug. Try this by I married at the age of twenty four yaws, I Kurth •
After a PlleeCh in opposition to the mess- insuring your life in the American . Life bat riiised eleven childri
•u, and been arid- i SUM:Lake •
- • . . Springville,.
Mr, it waslol..aside. Mr...,H0w0 then ad- Insurance Company Of Philadelphia. ow more plum fifty four-year& Her htts- 1 stim , a Boro
dressed the senate in,..suPPOrt of his bill, .band was a soldier of .the war tif. 1812 i...p ht ,,-„. 1) ,„,,-;
More cffectaially - to.preserve the neutrality _ _ad, go ld discoveries arc . reparhal iu Sbe is setuingly as , active and; strotigas_r -. -.7,4 •...
of the United states. Senate-adj. , . - 1. In rose Califorana., moat women of-sisty.
• • .
SENATE--Feb. I.—Mr. Purman intro
duced a bill' increasing the number of
Judges of the Supreme Court..
• The Philadelphia Metropolitan police
bill - passed4inally=yeas 16, nays 13. Mr.'
"Lowry was the" only Republican that re
ted uo.
'The Senate bill repealing the third sec
fion the act of r 1867, relating to judlc-
Wad* and the preserratlon of the lien
mortgage so fur as relates to the Orphans'
oeitirtisales. Passed..
The tSeriate supplement.: to'the penal
• laws jnin'isling any person refusing to
News Items.
Annual Statement Total ain't of Duplicates - - $1,207 00
1 To'Writ palOy Collectors $1,122 49 Newspaper For Everybody.
Exonerated to 85 50
Pee 'lage 59 0/41A7-00
$ 22 40
14 471
61 331
60 ex
38 . _
45 65 1
79 561
2.i 0,
411 341
9 24i
31 17, '
.0 160
45 78
43 'H
50 4•
31 97
41 69
761/ 1 113
4o! 7o
ggi 237
04, 3 li4
12 1 tt;
47 2 11
77 1 63
2 401 880
8011 113
2 22: 1 90
1 (111 41
531 151
53 2 04
2 511 210
2 10 1 2of ,
3 :IV 2 34; •
or, 1 44
1 14 2 02
7 01i 3 44' - - - -
I 1/51 203 1 Sl o timtpn/ of Sofflgorlioniot ()nutty 'from
-1 7:2. 1 .12
S 2 2ns rtry, .Irt Po !ler ry I. 1S; tle
11) Ay:inside funds in the Treasury
891 189 rneurrent money of prrvions years
71i 1.
7. I Several amount- of Notes, Bonds,
331 ll 7, Judgments, Ac ,as per last Audit
-315 333 ur's 'Report
1 95' 303
FLS, 1 7.i We eertifp the fbrcring to hen correct state
-401 299 meat.
23, 275 , J. T. ELI.IS, 1
6MI .1 13
7)), l ig 1 Attest—W. A. CR(.ISSION. Clerk.
/5° 0- 00 ' r
CONSIISIPTIVES.—The Advertiser. t a rin g
1..... * . .
1 " ---1 been restored to hellth hi a few wee ks , by •
SIXB 42 1 eery simple remedy. after having Putreredieveralyears
..,, . , with • revere tang affection, and that dread disease,
COW rn. ,r. votisottioti on-15 anxious to ranhe known 'obis fellow
. orms t
By 2 per rent allr " red Collectors . S f 4/ 7g
.7.• ant:f
T., als he means of cnre. e
ho desire it. he will send a of there
.kni'l of Exn's allowed Collector 70 , 4. . 1
seri pt ion lived tfree of chargel,a nisi thed irection s ofor
Ain't per cent. allowed ,ni Bank stock , prepg and using the ra nich they will littd •
7 50 sure Urie Yon (Ma stre errotA, PhIONCIIME, etc_
. 5 INT rent , The object of the rifivertiore In sending the rival:rip
! Treasitrer's percentage tin $1,537 22, nt 1 tion in to benefit thu Uflicted, and spiclid Information
I per ‘vnt, 15 37 , which he conceives to he Invaluable; and be hopes
, every ander., will try his reined!. as will cost them
T ream 1r i• r... percentage on $1.12 50 ail
per cent . 1 J.) i nothing. nod w ill n hitilipi rig. Part len WithinE
'"' the prescription. please nddresa Res. EDWARD
Ain't in Trcaenrer'n hands to balance 1.662 93 A. ti. i 1-SON, Williamsburg. Kings County,NeW York.
' (maylt ty.
.t1,:03 42 1 - - . --- ----
''.- ' .. l 3 str E me:d li sfill S s 't the L ei! l o ) 4 :E s S e g etr i ss id b ° i t T I UMI
, y J. cues;
M. D.. and Professor ofdiveases of the Eye sad Ur •
(hie specialty) In the Medical College of Pennsylvania.
ix yen, oxiierlenc, ( ormerty of Leyden. lielland,) No.
sfiS Arch street, Philadelphia. Testimcrnlals tan be
48 teen at his office. ale, medical faculty are Invited to
V 1 ,1173
600 00 I practice. Artificial eyes Inserted althea pain. No
I charge tot examination. tehlT lyjed
70 42t 80 7tx i
$1 , 688 p We. the undeNigned. Auditors in and for the
ors .$1,517 22 County of Susquehanna. met in punotanee of
70 42 our duties, at the Auditor's Office, in Montrose,
80 7 8 _.51,088 42 1 on Monday. January 3d. A- D.. 1870. and did
uu io , adjoat, and settle the several atenounts of
th e u‘nini,:sioners and Treasurer of said Coun
ty. all of which, upon a thorough examinations,
we find to be correct.
\i'e find in the hands of R. V. Kennedy. Treas
urer or said County fund,sB,673 48: of Stale
fowls, $1,642 0i; of Dog ax funds, E:3 11 1 84.
kntlitors' Mice, Montrose, l'a.„Tan..s, '7O.
: FiVJ.
paid. Exn's. FIT• t
I (X 15.5
1 50 1
0 I/0
3 50
3 50
1 00
2 50
5 50 ,
I 0))
'2 51
1 1)5
2 Et;
2 45
2 50
1 42
2 :30
The Commlisioners of Susquehanna Onto- I
fy have fixed neon the following days and dates
respectively for hearing appeals ftorn assess
ments fur the year 1870, at the CombWinners'
Office, In Montrose, to wit :
.Ipo!aeon, Cluxonut, Friendmille,Forest Lake,
Little Meadows, and 'Middletown, on Tuesday,
Feb. 15t11, 1870.
Franklin, Liberty„ Silver Lake, Anburn, Jes
sup and itosli,on Wednesday, Peb. 18th, 1870.
'Ditnock; Lathrop; Springville, GnAt Bead tp.
Great Bend bor.; .Newllllfonj twp.; New DM
ford buro, on Thursday, Feb. 17th, 1870.
- . Ibarnitinv; Oakland, libisq'alloro;Ararat,Jitek
soniarid Thordnon, on Friday. Feb. 18th, 1870.
. 31outrcete, Bridgewater and Brooklyn, Mon
day, Feb. 21st, 1870.
tlifford, Dundalr, Lenox, Gibson, Ilarford and
llerriek, on Tuesday .
Feb. 22. d, 1870.
By order of Cfanntissioneex
, WM. A.. CROSSJION, Clerk.
1 Coin'is (grim, Montrose, Jan. 10, 18.0.
I 80
1 87
1 47
23 V:
4+l 0.
17 10
33 15
61 AO
46 55 1
43 93'
39 90
181 Z
1 2 , 5
a . 25
2 45
2 27
2 10
a MI
2 60!
6 00
Auditors Report.
CoI.'TON GOOI)S. •.•
Mut!two, TtiMing.•Cailces. 13 inborn*. InnPed: sad
cdicd Sblrttn:e. U r c4 T 5t,144 4 1. 11 ". 14 17 at
ROeittil.toSl t4r.
rFF'The Confessions of B.n Invalid ,—Published
4 - 3 for tho twurtit of young men and others who sob
fer from Nervous Debility, et,. eupplylna the Ineane of
*elf cure. Written by one who cured himself; and
sent tree on receiving a pact paid directed en*elope. An.
•-E 13.01. OF YOUTYL—A. Gentleman elp I mi: ta c t
terr.d for yeries from Nervotie Debility
tarn Deov. end MI the effect* of Youthfhl Indleretlon.
out. for :Le sake of. sulTering humanity, .send free to
nil who aced It. the receipt sod directionsfor making
the simple reme ,, y by which be was Mired. finffccers
wiohing to profit by the Advertiser's expetionee, tan do
so by addressing. In perfect eonfidence:. JOHN B
OGDEN, No. 4' Cedar street, New York. (mayll 13
a- - , - ,:".,4----THE ONLY RELIA.BLR CDE you Dys..
te-- , PEPaIA iN THE KNOWN WORL.9,--nr.
Wlchart's (treat Amer cult Dyspepsia Puns and Fine
*Lc Tar Corrilni are .I...hive and infallible vete for
d . i ,a,7 ,. . , a ,n 1 , n 5 i t t , ...nd i 0 n .t , agnvsted form, cud no matter
They o peuttrate the l 'eeeret abode of thin terrible, die
case, and exterminate it, r mend branch, forever.
They Lain late more agony and silent suffering than
tongue cat; tell. 9 .
They are noted for curing the MOO desperate and
hopeless cases, when es.n7 airmen means tail to afford
No form of dyspepsia or ludigestlOnean resist their
ponetrallec power. •
1 to the vital principle of of the Pine Tree, rrbtstnetli by a
I ikcul lay prooessin the distillation of the tar, by which
it• highest we dice} prom:rd a are retained. It invig
orates the digestive organs and-restores the epathec.—
It rtrengthci a the debilitated System. It pa co and
enriches the blood. and expel* trom the system the tor.
illation which scrotal* breeds nn the lungs. It dissolves
the mnens or phleem wittab stops the els of
of the lungs. its healing principle adatopon Om ta
ted surface of the longs and thruat.peustrating to each
diseased part. nib:ging pain and subduing Infitmma
t ion. It is tite result of yeses of study and experiment,
and it to offered to the afflicted with positive assurance
of its power to cnro tho followlug dfseaset, If tio pa
tient has oat too long delayed a resort to theirmans of
awe t
Cbaremlianafile Lunge, (Jorgh. 4501 V Throning& Vritallil
groneMias, Liver (bmplan; Allied addltrardiskr
/Yes, .4atham, indoPing.. C 9," - OP'
therirk gee.
A medical expert; holding - boubroble - mitegiate dt
.plome., devotee his entire drat, to the examMalicra of
patients et the office parlors. Associated with Idea are
three consulting physicians of acknowledged eminence.
whose servicee are given to the public , free of charge.
'This opportunity Is offered by no other Institution In
the country.
Lettere item any rind of the enuntre: sotto& 'advice.
will be promptly and gratuitously respen.led to. Where
convenient, remittances should take the drape Of Liras
or Post-Omen Orders.
Friel, of Wisbert's American Bopped Pills, Sr a
box. Bent by mall on receipt ni price
Prieo of Wished's Pine Tree Tar flordlsi,.sl.lsos
bottle. or $ll per desert. Bent by express.
All common cal inns rbould he aderesied ... ,
L. Q. coisuAttT.l4l.4D:, . -
No, .44 Nottb Woad fitrent.'.
Nov. 10, 1/30,-3in .
, ~ , .:-:.. killiadelphtla.
Brooklyn, Yr..T