The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 02, 1870, Image 4

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    The Montrose Deniociat
~ • - .
• ' ......:-.:-..-. , i —\Vliv ib a locomotive like Barnum.
1 DecilUse it runs tit and fru pulling.
Bty.4trattAxx4 Coirivi. PA., ST
: .—The man who was "torn by conflict- i
2111..5. XX.4.1 717 X-a 33311". ing elements ' has been sewed ttp. ' '
I. ~,
he man who was struck with amaze-
i most. Is new : iifilllying elyriDek lithe.
--NI r. Barris says the best Aintidote for
pizen is not to take the plagy stuff.
—Why-are teeth like verbs?' Because
they arc irregular, regular, and defective.
—Why is a crack in the wall like Ira ak
Walton the angler ? ikcanse its a fis
Sate* of Alloontstua
t tree-fourths bactt of Space; or less, make a square.
9 newt 3 cc'et•its or 1e... V. 004 1 me. $1.15; 3 mo.
1111.50';' Out'. V.lta); 1 year. $l.
Ob'e•eightti col., I mo, $9,10; 3 mo. $l5O : 8 mo. g moo;
1 yeat, SXIOO.
One.quart Vo. el
1 eol„ 1 me . $0.30 ; 3 me. $10:0 0 : 6 Mo
Half column, l tO6. $13:30 ; 3 Ma. $25.00 ; G mu: $ 33 : 405
I year, VW°,
One column. 1 roo. $115.00: 3 mo. 633.00 mo. 1:30.00 ;
I year $lOO.OO.
Auditor's Notices, $000; Executors' and Adminiot co.
ton' Cotters. 'tat. AU eonimanierttona of limited or
Individual Interest. le Ms. per tine. Oblinart Natio., 10
eta per line. Slarrtage and Pecan litotlera iron.
Job Printini: Cxemitod neatly boa promptly
fob pticcf,
—how may u man he known from a fa
tigued dog ? One wears a shirt, the oth- 1
Cr pants.
—Why is a chicken num itig. like a man
whipping his wife ? lit:cause it is a fowl
proceeding. • I
—Why is twice ten like twice eleven ?
Became twice ten is twenty, and twice ;
The...TOurntil of Commerce is urging a eleven is twen!Y ten.
ehangs in the method of . writing medical ' —Why is a peg in a new hoot like a!
prescriptions. . ; pang of conscience ? Because it is apt to
An onelvho has examined these extra- , pierce the sole.
ordinary productions of practicing physi- ! This must be looked into," as the
eiant s inustr have been surprised, not that • spoiled child said to his father's watch
mistakes are made by which the lives of when he heard it tick.
unfortunate parties are sacritieed,but that
—" Which travels the thstost, heater
any are served with the medicines inten-' soli'" " Why heat. von dunce ! Oan't j
ded by the Order.
body catch culd ? ' i
The reform we propose consists of a any -
, —W hat animal has the greatest amount I,
change from the dead language to the or
dinarrternacular. The only objection to ?f. lirai."B :'The hog, of course, for helms
this is, that it would do away with the , //IV heutl full- ;
mystery of the prescription. and the pa- . —" Pray don't mention it,' as the man
tient by examining the order could see for said when he was told by the tax collee-
himself what he was expected to swallow. Inc that his rates were due.
We still insist that this would be an inci
—Wliv are there three objections to ta
advantage instead of a serious.oh
king a glass of brandy ? base there are
*WM, and we repeat our reeommenda
! three seruples to a drum.
Ilona that all. prescriptions to be com- --
-pounded by the druggist be written in ( —There are two kinds of family jars:
plaikEnglisb. As some doctors will ob- , into one you put your sweet meats, and
Jed, the Legislature should require it nn- 1, into the other yOu put—your foot. 1
der a heavy penally. If any patient still 1 —lt is said that clairvoyance is the art I
wishes to be/kept in the dark,l let the ply-
, of seeingthrough those who are not sharp
sician compound the dose himself, or have enough!to see t1,,,,„,gh yon .
It don° by his verbal order; lint let all - 1
prescriptions Written in dead languages : —There are two diseases never known
bembsoluWly prohibited. ,to prove fatal. Enlargement of the heart!
—There-has not been a ease of fatal error, and information of the brain. I
in reading u prescription, which has come , —Why i s a p a i r of spectacles pl ace d an
under our notice, when the mistake would , the nose like slip going out. ? Because
have been at all probable if the rule we ihey are pot to see (sea.)
propose .had been adopted.
—An Irish sailor once visited a city.
In a former article we cited many Wi t s-
NI nere, he said. " they copper bottomed
trations. A recent sad death by an over
the tops of their honsos with sheet lead.
dose of ammonia is another added to-the
. Test: The physician ordered. .l q. C;tl-;,:. —Why are good husbands like dough
Tina. Oph. .0. Cinam. Had he written 11
__ecauso women knead them—and because
ihneWater, laudanum and cinnamon there they are the dower of society.
would have been no room for the fatal er- . manager said to an actor : "Do pay
ror.. . a little attention to your part." " I do,"
Those who practice on the homepathie was the reply, as litt l e as I
can: ,
system furnish their own medicine to
their patients at their bedsides, a nd this —At what time of life mar a man be
is tot a bad precedent for all to follow.—' said to belong to the vegetable kingdom I
At any rate they must risk the ,„„, p ,, ati _ ' When long experience bas made him sage,
ding by rink-flown parties, and the least _.,, It you nil] 4in o t e a ny of my jokes,"
they ought to be compelled to do for the said Lamb, "quote this, which is really a
public safety is the writing of the order in good one. Hume and his wife and several
plain English
deeds, Mortzi cot, Notes. Justices'. Constables
School and other Ida I.l:Ffor sale.
Latin Prescription,.
:•Of his children were with me. flume re-! ..._ __ _
Why do Almonds seed %all.
peated the old saving, 'flue fool makes 'in co yill chow: , air, r.•
Tice Island of .an Juan. Prof. James F.,. 301111 SW), 4. f Seothind,
tuativ."Ay, Mr. flume,' said I. pointine ,
, GIP cor tl i,-:::.:1., , .„it,",=..;
as been to the company ' you posy, a ti„, taunts;' says upwards of hall the saline mat ter of i
Robinson Crusiw's famous islce
' hi; tel (71i tier cent )elii,si3LA Of e , , m mon ' , i „ - A 1.., .. lb . •„,, , ..,... . 1 . 1 1 • 0 , t ,:`,.r,,', , ,, 1 ,L r rir , "`41".
Colonized by a well' organized and a -The entire number of sheep i n th e ' salt, and t h is is p ,„ l. iv dise , aarged „ et . ); i
;=.°.,-' '• • ! , I V.te t•Aimn IV .Srete.o l ‘ 4,l - M t"'
respectable companyof German emigrants. ; - --•
Tnita slates .18 over 2 3 , 01 ) 0 . 1011 - One . dtiv throne)) the skin and ' kidneYtt, the !) i '''''''''••' ••Th
It was ceded in 1868 to Robert Wehrdan, half of these are kept in seven states, Ohio i .„.",.,„,i t y ::f ~, ql t i t , IR . d supp li, s .I . ii t‘ i ' - th T i ----- r : A . t; tad .. by 51 .01' Roiling °JIVE
an engineer trom Saxony, who, after serv- taking the letitl. with 6.73n,126 head.l
" al " - Ihe lieu•lth.: bode 1,..c0ni,s stunt ienti%
i.,. Lit :ill s ur,e, HEIHN. 0 TUN • riCCNES. The most
in the United as Major during \ the war pn)diteing nearly one sixth of 8/1 the wool i ;
~,,v,,,u,i, Ti le hilife a l,-,,..cont, t ins s o da ton•,)
•' „ 11 , T ,, 1 ,i,1..e::.tai I ttt , t , out i''•" " r th ltd, :,!"' trey.
go .I. 5.... i i ..1 1 :"..:'•••`,`" ~.e ~..%, nEoir. TnE •
of the rebellion, engaged in explundionsT in the e,itut try. 'Michigan shows third in , t . 1 • l• , - of) .. 6.1. 1 0rr1 • 1.... - d‘ ,N,:eiit-r-r) , ) , =))) - ))," "'",',...;11 4 ,7 -
.r ), in g re, ient,. sett 1.1 , • 1 I . ri. i t • 4 4 „, . yortirr,t thrs oat. at t a ow : r.....h i 4
‘ 1 , A ,. ... ,,,,, ,. ; ......
for railroad companies in South America. this list. • indispensable con-i anent, and so do all-the ; no , ,it.i. Ph . .crit,:•••••1. 1 . -L. , •1 'l LI , •" •
He has induced a•company of Gerntans , . i . 'te a
-A western paper having repeated the . cartilages of the body. Stint the suppiy ,_ --
numbering some sixty or seventy to mi-
aid pivrad lvd • te
ox that if two letters be taken of salt, thetr, and mithcr will the ,
grate to this island, and they are quitc,de- from money there 'sill be h o t one 441, hue be able properly to assist digestion OBILLAB.D'S " EMMEN"
la ,
lighted with their prospects.
The find it a fertile and lovely spot, • The Vicksburgli Tunes remarks: "We .nor the curt; age to be built nip again its )
• ut,,,•,•,1 t , e t ,
S molt' l '•:,', II,IIA(11•0 ~,,,,,,,.,,,n,,,,t ant cle of gra
once knew a fellow who took money from • thev naturally waste. It i= better to place -tt•he., ,,, t ...e...h..-..: aft
stocked already with a herd of wild goats. two letters and there was none left:" , salt where stoek Can have fit-c treess to it ' "-.,"' " ''".l ''' .'," l 'ui , • ,• 1 . d ,,,i, pccttgt.
t2foerg for 2, eery. Waal Ipt a ..
and. with a few wild donkeys and horses. than to give it tzi-asionally in rar. , e (wan- )
They, .base brought with them cattle. • -The maddest 1)1110 in Indiana lives at • ~..e.. 11 .- il i i t .. 1 . - . 1
. u t te e . WV V. l le 11 ttmtn. Teill,r2 \ t••••• Iti tt tat , - LORILLARD'S " YACHT CLUB"
wine and fowls, a'rrieulturaf and fishing. ' PPik'k'''' „ lie t old b,_is„ ; Nr if°, ll ,t,' was g l , )511 ' they need if allowed to do so at pleasure : . sw " / ,' 11 ,,, T " t "i', 1- ,?... a ,;`,:r t ,'-`:a:- n,t, ' , i , ` ,l l .,, "ti't , =. d o e r ni t , c" ,i,•
implements, and ;II needful equipments down cellar to commit Bilittitill, and di t •
• others lace Whun 1 i mule " :ah - pt i' , ' ,f t. . l , t . , l,,, " :Z t y haws
for a strong colony. •I go down and flmd a broadside into a pork ' i .- 1 . . - • -II I• prOthICIIII tram iiili i11.". a . %,""t ''''"k• ;
The grotto, so famous as Robinson's ! ' '
Wiliilesome. -I, I. 5vry.0.002•2122 .122 ,2 ..1.24 2, .
barrel, M S wire kept „ knitting,and ; Iting.r) 1 "•3 "'".! take more Ilia" l' • and ,r, • , , Ind ~,s •ea,,,,,,r„,..1,,,-,,,,e, ",,nowt.
house, still remains. It is situated ua' after a while the man came up stairs - -..... il. .1.- - - II W•ii last mueh h,"per that, 0110 r•: 110 , 0.0, it horn •
large valley, covered with a luxuriaat swearing that the woman hadn't got any , The LargenulengliNh F:tral. . -.,reon. for g enuine, eic-Antly eased, if eerrabstnin
,el.ed in ro at hoither pate
growth of wild turnips. A ('Milian young- ; feeling- ' The Illeol , ST farm in - Flighted ,-, 1 ~ fists . Pi r o •ohit• tii-tii)t-d•.ti) , T) • ,
,=or ~,,,,,, it, ron:tr, r c,tro di • ft,,,, , n
if stler.riner.
' i.
stir who. Ins charge of the Mine, is us- • ___A lady has a Sunday school class in of three thousand acres, and belongs to a .
1.01/11.LA121J'S 'i t'LN Tr BY"
signed to this valley, as the turnips afford 1 on e of the churches. Two brothers attend 1 Mali 11'4 1 1 the., Yankee 0110 , 10 ' 01 0 slllll° . °l i enEwitso Tonseen ,
good food for the swine, and he may re- ,it ititernately. ' One Sunday afternoca a ; Jones. in Its en itivati On He follows
vise memories of Bobinsou by tak i ng P° s- lady asked one of the boys if he would I "four course system. th e
wholeex " t : ' • ' 4 "; • l l ‘;:::?tti,,,,i'i:loabt the btei chewin g tobacco In the
session of the grotto. Ibe there on the following Sunday ? "Oh iof the farm being divided , into four
, gr , •at
. IJlllll,l,XltleS NUF FS• contary.
As Juan Fernandez is now a regular ; 110, " says he, '•ni
I 'can ' t ; its v tnrn to ! crops-;too acres 01 , Wilco, ;5o to ouriey ,
'srs o'er
stopping place where whalers t a k e, in i s aw wiliod I" : and oats, ;A to seols, betins, peas etc IlAyt: bc•-i , i'; ' i i ii iir ' ii " ii ”• in I" . 1" V222 ':
Ch ......- r
1., ' • itt) p,rs s . ! ~!!+ .., , ,,!, ,, •••tv.d. ..1! , e. , 1 t e
wood aid water, we shall have frequent ; 1 and '7'sB to roots. Ills live sloe - is cal- 1 ti-cd • *
~, g o t Itcse they,' 2rticirs tut
feports of the fortunes of the new colon- ' -Au advertiser ill .14 western paper, j nod as follows i 5h,. 01 , e3,-,000, l ion : 0 , •
~,- -k i r,„ : ;, 1 itj, ,t , ; r:',..,,,trir 1 , , , , 5, ; "; ,
ists. who rejoices in, the unions occupations of i fen,ooo, • bullocks *12.000. pies *2,500. - racy re c2212i 1,) rc. ; 22.001.0 j„h , ,er. 5;.r.,„.,1 orer y.
doctor, lawyer, justice of the peace, and ; Th e o il ca k e an d corn perchasell 111111 11- 'l" Ti .. 1 r , ~, ,I, d 20 . r pplir2o.2.o
dry goods merchant, adds the folio it, ' a n ennio n li t, to i 520,000. :1101 artificial ferti- ' - I. ''
i. 1-U1 , 111.AI: 1 i & .C).
'4,0 lurk,
. ••--. Ito his list of pursuits and qualities: • fixer about *B.OOO. The entire cost of
'I ,
am now au old man. I have sea : N. B. -Anctioneering of the loudest . manure in various forms used, annually
nearly a century. Do you want to know l kind, interspersed with yentrilognisni. ' costs „R! out ! $1 . 5, 000 . sl eep „ 1 -, pi ii i n ,,.d
.how to grow old slowly and happily; Let ;
-Crowle was a notable • punster. Once. ! as the most profitable st oc k 1 10 i i ,„. 1 ,..,
me tell you. Always eat slowly-masti- ;on a eirettit t , of Page, a person asked him from which are realized about '. - .!(),110't a
tine well.. Go to your food, to your rest,, if the Judge was not just behind. He m- I Year. His ine""''', fr""' ,i the whole f",rini
and-to your occupation mulling.' l ie e P ' plied, "1 don't know, but lam sure he though
• not storteti, can he lift it: ietet than
*good nature and' a soft temper every-1 was never j ag b et .,,,,, • •• ;*710.000 per annum.
',there. Never give way to anger. , A 510- !
lentlemper of passion ' breaks down the , -A gentleman was lately inquiring for
coustitntion more than a typhus fever.: a young lady of his acquainiatio"-. - She
Cultivate a good memory, and to do this : is dead," very gravely replied the person
re _ ; to whoni lie addressed his inquiries.-
you must always be communicative ;
peat`-what you have read ; talk' about it. ; " Good God ! I never heard of it-what
! was the disease Y' " Vanity," replied the
Pr.., J01111,303'4 great memory. was owing
labia cinnumnieatiseness. Y on , y oung , other ; she buried herself in the arms of
men, who are just leaving college, let me ; all old fellow of seventy, with a fort
a d v i se y ou: t o c h ose a p ro f ess i o n i n w hi c h ; order to have the satisfaction of 3 gilded
you can exercise your talents the hest.. Gantt)." .
and. at the stunq time be honest. ; ! -There is a wonderful "Healing Pool
. in tinttiot county Michigan. A well three
The last dog story is tuld by a Cal- ! and a half inches in diameter, sunk in
fornia correspondent. "At the bench I search of petroleum, begun, at a depth of
saw one of the characters of the locality- ; 20.) feet. to spout water so powerfully ,
Kona, an inirrietise. ! Neu•roundfand dog.', magnetic that pen knives' dipped into it I
Onaday- a 14i : ttle ...girl ul to . -was iticklng i became permanently magnetized, and tin ,
pebbles was caught by altuge roller from ' cups and glass tutniilers held in the water : '
the Pacific and c-arriel out into tho roar, ' were galvanized with a coating closely r,•- t ,
...` tNITURE ESTABLISHMENT , will me the ASTHMA. DUO/IC/UT/ 8 J num
ing Surf, Knot ruslied in, caught her by ! sembling gold. But the marvelous peen- i 1. , 1-; I • SPITTING, DIFFICULTY OF 3.I3ESTAJNO. PAL./
the: Itair, anal after a short struggle, , listrity of this water is its Ilev.ling power. OF WILLIAM Jr SJIITII. COUGHING AT NIGHT, he It will eaketMall liu
brought her ashore alive. Of course Kona ilt seems to boa veritable Pool of Ballot- move the Cou g h that feerptera27 "" 2 11 "S I tit ' lad e
became a hero at once. and was duly lion- ' da. PLZAPit TA hr sorter : The est/11.dt e Yoroll ore ' any affection of the respiratory organs, no MIA" 6 .
' P.A.11•11•11010nt 01 WI I: inn. W, Smith. laseirs a 10.200 how lon g standlo a ~,,. ' , e nterer the [Teo( the person.
;zed and ' spoiled Ile enjoyed his dignity • r
I NTEREFr r:co TO Morn EuP.-An Pfni- t retitled rtbd g rvatly Improved , the proprird or respect- it dais. asPeelfte, is p urely.vrge r, tahl: i antis p t 1 .720. 1.
for some time, but eventually, finding i tient plivsiehin saes that the white rubber I f f: l . l 'ili n n t ff l i'el'o"c'n'e t t"tle b t e fi c iL l •=l,"a r t i d"=l7ertlL l iVl n h i Y .. re'ri th 'ea''iritt es i Zt c , c f c re i ll:Lrng th e i xtfc:ctoratlan g, quictlias
himself neglected, he del-omitted- la' a I used for nursing bottles and infants toys 1 tifteirg"trwrand heel
"I " ' .6m- rim" ..r " ri.. .r.r the nerves aini tabilltanna tbolVtirt. 24 .
bold strike to regai it lid's popula ri tv. ;i s ver y poisonous, teinsine• sore muff) JP' - "-- 0 ••! --41 -• -L. " ' 46 q "" . 3 a- 3131 ' Mothers, Save Your Childrenl
St. olrfor the lx-ach, he 1-aw a lady ' -k' ' d - d
,i s in eruptions, ecaye teal), spinal cur: to be found anywhitr thlastde or sow Sort City.
i .
ont:;:iwimining lie "tit'. OH Ci! rushed, in, t
1 vat ape
lu Europe thestileof Desks. Divans, Toweirneke, Laungtt. pu o t.t o ot. Sc. , tto ehrld lased dle of CROUP, II flit adrimb is used
1 Center Lard, Pier. ToiTet. Igning. Kitchen and i In tne: at, is a fact dogma/Waled by eree,
aeiri , dlier be the hair. and, in spite of her i't • ! No tunny ab e am b e without this Syrup, ei t _ fora)
n' 11 . 1;ted by 1 w It JS settled that I • .. • "'es!'" I ' l° ' - ' seem. crane canes like a thief in the ni g ht, to
frantic resistance , landed heron the liftaeli. I 4 t h o us b a ' Ty l of t the 4u a ture . -slialt-slecp •in a !: etas —umbel/a Wond•ent litlickert, Cane. nag I steal ..:,.. y , ~,,,, b tu . 0 ,,, , ..1,,,,:, =gulag. medical an!
..iftWoods ittsof and
variety sod .tyl _ i cannot be obb.lned.
E t now insists, ion resettiii”
~ every "m att i 1 .,, e ' in , r yeac h h ay , d„„;',1,„.1 that b,,, ! „- OofaironActen•tetee, farubbed on :bort notice... - -
woman and child whom I. • t_i- tii i..; , , ',, tr- i_.l•••''.•'• 1,1 . ao rho ...' ' ). • .".... • 4 . 13 C ° C Bt ctka i " "eatrd• rIVInd CnaV 6 V
) ,. L .. r• T te4 .." I tillUe vest coverou ior , infantile tiaby . , L • E pB,ING BEDS. . : DAVID B. FOUTZ,
swimming.: ..•
- ; in as-much as it has remarkable cleansing ; saa rgess . aa n c i e st_d ias p o a ss a bisi to ib,s' E se r k r t , .. Sainisori, 811.
;,,,,r..r.• , -- , -,•••eilb 4111...--..”-,--.... ,
ked one ',
4;'- T he a gentleman as croperties and ; affords besides a very etitia-' ; • -., • ;:- • Cane Seat-Chaits.. - ,
~.... of WO fanners , was age? "I am yot i le and pleasant wallah.
• Taro now enabled to :topple my milligrams with a new ---- -
60.tb'ertairt. "replied lie'; "I am either 58 I ---" •Who's that gentleman. my little ; s .. etwastisi cane scot choir, of borne Manufacture. which
111 he found grimily en perior to chore tormer4 In 64 COSTAR'S' :el • - ,' :
mitgr", - .:4Wkist," was the respnnste " not I man?" .wassaiskell by ati-firchin. ; market. and yet are sold at a lest, price.
kiiiileyOur etivii age ?" ' " No, sir," mpn e d,i • •"That one;with the !spike-tailetcoat ?" I CANE-SRAT ell AIRS RE-SEATED.. : C.
thert!ler,..."V, - count -my, ineome, my !'r yes," Was-the resimino, -'• - ' : tar-nesity made matins- FATEfi
on band or fornithed It • _:___ ww e e . MitiATo_ll
toopefvtand: ill cattle but of :111 rears. 1 " Wks . ' lie's a ber e vet uncle et mine !!" i .4 re t igirriatrifare=rs i s i- g CZ: l e i :ri s e - A Vr i lfM ed it, i •- ' For Rats. Rpachea,•ll.uts , l,c. . ~
ktiop - no llteCinintrbecitisb'T taw :welt; , -Yr lTow * alliat?"'fraiiiiked;'; - t .i intend to do in Xworif Wen. nftd men II 1 8 ,11 7 8 !r ! Cee ' lbe 14 n ' id LOT Bed hag ", '. il i i : °. 'w'iler - 41t'C' i ' :4n4i-4.181
confitibasildialtz-lop thc•m„ and " 1 ". *Tinge ' les -, ensaged - to. , fur Apt ! ' i s"' '
• 1 ViLtrA hr W. - .8 4 11 ITU. • , '''.. tar cafe 117 all P-n lont. tinital Cott* • •
that nobody will rob Me of Hid - h.' .- 1 MatT."' • . ~.
i Montrome Pct) 19,:ledit. ( -,, . refit m.
'''' h fir " euetat ~ ,tyke on ut her •
Rules for Grosslag Old
—What is the hest attitude fur self de
cency K e el) a Civil tongue in sour head.
—Why is an organ grinder like a tiers
gyma» Howse. he &con ryes from his
" barrel."
Want of Council, u Fault of Amer•
lean Women
Miss Sedgwiek, notices this remarkable
trait in the position and Manners of her
cum! a Dear:wee nett CAtArch by et Wink' tow
countrywomen. In one of her Late pro- , will sew a r e receipt nve.
dnetions, "Means and Ends?' she makes ' Mesa M.C. LITIGETT, IlubokoiL ti.l
thofollowing observations:
"The most striking and prevailing de
feet in the manner of the Americans ts, I ;
liclieve a want of courtesy. This
biddy arisen from the general equality of
rights,.conditiou and education. And it !
arises in part from that maavois haul
or shyness, characteristic of our Eliglish
ancestors, from whom we inherit it.
A little reflection and moral cultivation
would soon remedy this defect- What do
I mean by courtesy and how is OKl:want
of it shown, do you ask?
A few winters since, a well-bred Young
foreir,ner came to the interior, and took ,
lodgings at a village inn, for the purpose'
of learning the English language. To fu
eilitate its acquisition, he generally pre
remaining in the receiving room of
the tavern, where travellers were passing
in and out. Ilts writing tattle was placed
before the lire. When the women cause'
shivering in• from a long dreary drive in
the stage coach, he moved his table to the
euldest_corueref the room, mended the
fire, drew chairs near it, and, if they liro't
,in foot stoves or blocks, he found the best
place to heat them. Ile then returned to
his own uncomfortable seat, and pursued
his writing or reading.
The women profited by his civilities,
without appearing_ to nonce them. Iht
ringlho whole winter he never received
one word of acknowledgment—not one
'thank you sir,' or You are very kind, sir,
or, what would have seemed • inevitable.
'pray, don't take that cold seat. Fir.' What - f:S-- A teltal
was the polished stranger's inference. ? '
',1)12111:hri dirpctett l tl bl
Certainly, that the Americans were a mOst ' u t hir . 4 1
. 1 1 deeUgrr,i 7.1 , UP i j uni r szgt•
discourteous, if not a cold hearted people.
clan. a nd
cjn i ri ptl " ttit vlidet .a.1117,1-v/Al.':l7.ttte nor
Cold hearted we are not. These au- Je „, cit y. s .
7* -
men were probably generally impresst 11
withthe vonng mati's attentions : one of -
them I know in relating her traveling FREE TO ROOK tOENTS. •
perience at her own tire side at night. said w , ba ,, i-o"" P"''.r""" nor NEW IL
LL't.TIIAII,I) F A :tIIFY 1311111., rut.. Pool. figrnt. fere
she 'never should forget a voting man at 'of cbargv. Addresa NATIONAL PCBLLISIIINO CO.,
tltec, 2U-4
the tavern in S.—. She thought she n't l ""` 4l " °. P "!
should have died with the void before she La.oz:if 1 , 1;:••* 1
got there ; and when she went in, hemor !
ed away from the fire, and gave her the
rocking chair—hung her cloak over the' Winer? . Moot l• maned free tonmsserv l / 4
tte b st haw anti nduretttt rt/ ZEIOLEIL .11cCC ItD
hack of another,' and warmed her block I delphls. Pa. !Dee. 28-4
for her, and dial every thing just as if he
had been her own sin r "And ter this j
good woman hadn't i n dicated l;er man
nets to the young man that she ever saw t CAIC
him. Here there was no (-•iiressi at of the A 111 de‘ . ol'.d to Ma'
real feeling, DO et tltrfct,t chltter, Art cicultn rttl 11.1pruv,01,1c.., Chemical Selene.,
cud Ne , t I.),,eutcne". A .1. arras.
I hate apart Svsll 111 , 211 :it..tlll l LOato, u iit . V . I.UU r.r ‘. l b. , isoarohe on the
slaw cowl], s. in churches, and other pub, l'"'Ah'''t ndemnul
ar;Leec 1.1 10
lie meetings. ri•e and give their i•cat, .-.lll.,rribt,r,
women, and the room 0 seat theinseli es , .1 1 17,s t r. "
11 k w,ir, lof t•ino'. l book Of botp.rtunce allaboat to
kl/tAI let , •111.•lit. AIPI Sat with it ti u
sand other attentions n hich are rendered.'
and rieeived without a ny rtll lll.
&Ail 11 diseetirtes%, inn young friends—it is;
nut only displeasing, but unjust. We ae- ;
"" e r 'tun' N"`(1,7; . ‘„"`.. , ,k , - .76',7.',"„7,7," „ „ k"rig4":r";=
tieS. and a a,alt us iv:cow:ince is in in a" 'I. "'" ""'"" recite """
ea s t .; th e "I v „ hi! , that rail mullet. , cure tted. DlTl.ocr ,
Thecte little eliance courtesies are smile s 1 1870. .011:1RSERY. 1870
on the face of manners, and smiles are '
rhr ne.t. and mart riet ! ly 111:1 , , , tztV c !totij .
like surhiaine : WC` Can searo,ly bare too
much of either." l%..c"rire F
Ju do I.
. . '.Ca-hit:::tou `Wet. I ,ton.
—it newspainT artieki has been goin g
the roan& of the pressil , :t.ll . (l. •• Wh,.r .
is your bov at night ?" A brilliant urchin
suggests dir propriet v of atilt): lwr art ',deo,
inquiring, " When:, is the old onto at
night ?"
_ST ., \ sirs
. .‘ , 7•1l STIIIPP.S.—“ Who arid/ .
- -- GI ....-
E.P''Ci 2,ll , dePigned for the u‘o of the Nrdi.
YOU? ' said a (,„, i „, a Little , T.
s : . ' ; ' , „. 1_,1*r. , f , •••10 , 1 awl the VAnOly. putu , cuulor thew,:
beaded girl. tall eup)ll,_h f
ii,.r c. i i ..1 , .. i . .1 t 1.
~,,i d - p t .:i t ,: i5 0 ,... , ,i , n IMO provertler which buloog loan Old
reach thc taiiic. ~ w z ii
v. Ga. , :
a t u l t l i l
,l i . ii i, i , ii , :ii. ii\li,iii.cnZr.r.llr....
,C:noin,cl,l;or huh P e y on (; , , , ,r .
nind,.. fin hi•r and rant her. acid o w .. t 6,, , r , - 1 °:: out dozen , ottluu u ' ue ' .l ' . ' 2upd 5..1 1 :5 .' all irltzeiet n n:
Oh lini. dc - ar ; bo. or, i,u; ... •-o• iv, S:rt,l. Nes , \ .IVI.
ovido the.. ; i t . / 4 • f1..1...e:"./\..6• a , :
~. A. M 111 N IN9F.H. & ,- J . c-t.o3llthul
IM! ' 1 11 1' 1 ;1 ‘ '' '.. l i i . f i 1 ' h u : -.... ;11:ui o ore, Ire must have For efi1...171 'dont:toe by
July 11—iy . AIWA. 11:11RF:f.f.. Abut.
Iliad(' (other. for the star: and .FI ri k -, s al
ways go together" I'
hear 44 iettioeintatg.
io.tecinta & co.
11 the Demon Kirkintw,,lrg:
onto lostontly, sod Boni, 01,1.171cers. Wolcott's Analtd.
tor curestAttnrrn..lStonchitts and cold in thohnnil. Sold
by all drin.wists and 181 Chalon' Squnre,N.Y. Jal9w4
• Cincinnati. Ohio.
I. the old established 'Western Universalist no:romper.
It Alves cnrrent secobtr and religions brut. and Li a
lolaht and citeerfol home visitor. Eight largo
_bagels of
eroding matter. givtrm," something for everybody Igo
other paper me rd in the family. Send s2.sofand get It
one year. Specimens tire. Prerplntne to new pnbecti.
hers. Clubs wanted. Addre. \VILLA/01.SW; & CANT ,
WELL, I:Lucian:tad, Ohio. Jan. Word N•CI Vt.
What the Doctors Say :
; 1 / 4 3{08 tcOOl,l.X. U. D.. of Kosciusko County. lad.
•• por three yearn past 'I have used Alien's Len
extensively, 10 tny practice. awl ato •atisfied
, there is no bettor tnedleine fur lung disease In use."
ISAAC A. DOItAN. M. D.. of Logan Comity. Ohio,
sae.: Lilac Italmm not only rapidly, but
iwrit•cl vatisfrction ecerv . tthin my Irntrwl.
litorhor twatitlttoce to it. tug that it pos
. wets, valuablo otedicluai properties. I freely use It In uky
practice and with unbounded /success. Nut en•
pectootut it is toast sertainly Use silent of any preparation
• I have ever yet {Town. -
SATIIANTICT. P.. of Mtddl.bory. Ver.
mono, xaox. •• I nave bo doubt It erVasoon become a VW
! deal r•ltlrtiltd a,.., , ent for 'Jrt cure of diseases of the
I throat. hrotchlal lobes sod the lonZi."
I Phr•lcians do not recommend aMe Heine which bow nu
I merits, and what they sill about
l'ar, no lialzen....k a fact Let all Allei:a tc.t It nt uneet
SOLD ll] 51EPII INE 14n144
,tod l'atent S.llcitort
Iton. NV.. York.
D c I,J 1
I:3T MN , GED%
y 4 -
*otsl ! ,1
itighandon Advationntuts.
1.403tE Ad TUE WINDS CO3fE.
Preliareto7 to occupying car new and ate
gant Store, No. 2L Court Street, corner of Court
and Water 'wets, two doom east of Hischmann
Bros., we will for the next SIXTY DAYS close
amour entire stock of BOOTS & SHOES, RE-
G:Urn' rs , * OF l4.lllLupot
the new atom with arLeutirely new stock of first
class goods. ' We have cminind f thelAßGEST
and BEST assorted stock of Boots and Sboes in
the city, and every ono in need of anything to
our Hue, will certainly find It to their Interest to
give us a cal
Come and be convinced that we will do aa we
lirt COVET STREET. (Lincoln IIlock,)
1111111GUAM*01 1 1, X. Y.
Dec. V. IK
T. F'. il'CoMF3rt.
First Deer North 01 the City Nationsi Bach.
Brilliant Display!
have also the beet and most convict, ,Lock of
soavwii.i - grt IYD PLAT= WARE
From the he►t and aunt popatar nutter., ter..
rood+ bare rhea perfect ►atlefaction to my patron,
for the pent e►. year►.
The emit will he Naiad the 114,4 ever °petted In
Itlnghatotoh, ar dat a❑ time* will be kept full and
complete, totkolotthg of
to:ether with all the varieties of Platelyste,sueb as
Tea *rite, Cake Baskets, Nattkta Risis„Castatra,
datres, Parks, Spoons, Se„
of tilorle. Doable, Treble sod Quadtispla Pato;
was sorer won MA plate. sad I Aso atiklag easetsat
daily additions .fall Its. row Nor•
spies of the Sasoos.
T. It 31eRGAN, .1.,5.1V81.1... 4 .
D. 31V? ON. W. tAGRA NON,
11. H. 3IRRNRRAU. RILEY 811$11.
Of an Style.. and •old
ror further load of this I refer to
82 'Washington St
r tit Ott.
Mr ,. ' A LA,. iIiNDER has Jnoi arrived from Pan. ,
and London with the latent designs, t}ervonally .elert.
rolfearatho fp-career noveltlef ; oleo. tUo molt elegant
Defrondne* to he seenred In Muir.. Laces. nt1M01)1., •
Velvets. Bra.% Veilw, Flower*. ?tile Jewebry.attl,Trlin. wit,
rued Piper Pattern.. i roar •and Cloak litaiong. W
Pacluelve anent for Mr, M. Work' , ereleUnited By gm itlY
for eluting !staler , ' orea•eA, ~:viaaa, 'nit/tuck env . . - •
IMO. of Eleventh and ehertnnt Street*:
Sept. 41, —thrs Plalndelplla.
A LL ItICUIT FOll 1869.
ts in cotittant receipt of tiEIW GOODS. by tendon We
arrortatent is rendered more ond more complete nod
attractive for all 'hie naval virriette* of trade for DiGn.
In Nate Dry Roods, New Grocertee,
New Hardin:we, and Neat Storer. iron. Drdietaer,
Arista, Car, Boored,i4oes, Wall Fuper. Window Shades
Hale d Gay, Beirfalo Hobo, Laakr rare, Map
Shell, whirls will all be sold on the
runt jarorubte 1.77n1.
New :d Ilford, J.w. ISn9.
Fire, Life, and Accident
na cooft-cisme, Pa.
t(6I'LCL4SI:NTKI), uwr
Home Insurance Co of N. Y., capita) and
diranee Ca. of North America. Min...
Capital and So rpfus,
Franklin Fire Insurance Cu., ?Ulla,
Capital and Surpla.,
Lyeominif County Moil:Eat insurance Co.of
library, Penn's, Capital and Surplus,
Palmate. Mutual insoraoce Cu. York. P...
) Capital and 'Surplus,
Calumet lent Muhw Life insurance Co. nt
Hartford. Conn., payit f hr. per cent.
• dividends to I.l...assured. The noire
;riven fur half the premium 16 neve/to
be paid under any el ecomstonces he
policy will Awn Tx ho paid in full, and
thonotes given up. Capital. Cf. UQ13,000
Auledienn Life insurance Co.,
phla. (]appal.
Travelers" ;tenets ce Co. Hartford, Conn..
Insuring against all kinds of atchlents
i 'Hartford Fire I.,•arance Company. Hort
, ford Conn . Control nod , aeplos. $.1,000,000
Putnam Fire In6nrantel'u., liartiurd. Ct
Portion! Live Stoco loan ranee Compute.
I Insorauc ,, oo 101 kinds of Live Stool:,
f • erillrirt theft and death Iron acy
caner I,oon
r.hfrnated to our care will hr attend
) est to on tole tt•ciz..:6upd all 106.1101. CU:9O3OV
. 15 , /jl;llltC44
t Otflce trot 411111 r C. front Tlankint; ()Mee of W.
H. Cooper A Co.. To ro p ike ot . Mon trure. To.
*. C. lamrrow. ueq. , FrlenAsvtlle. ftalSeStor.
ettaa. H. sxErn, Mont-rope, do
%Wan. Saturn, e2IABLE.3 L. Roan
Montrose, S p 1. 14(.1
Irsic vuoTiiEw;
1 tkv , ruder one Ilanactvrcrat ICA Vtlet• with-
Sircad ranffe:—detzble rfact fo
/1 23 , SIK ES. S ll f ) 17 . Dct Llcago. 3111wattkre. SL
Omaha. and all point. , Wt.t and Sivrth•West.
Hnn•th Id, l;altnn. Crbana, Winch. Cincinnati, ladhan
anala, t ntilavlllC, St. Lonis,""smtan , pOnt# Welt Ind
JUAN'S RA t'S TFTS7..VA" T RAILS PIA Nvw a^d inair'aved cnAches arc ran
ILRO A D MIN IND NrPPI.II.: , tbron ; rh mithout charge La Rocresti:r;
CARR IA PII IN Lib. -LXI.E.b, land And
BoXES. ROL TS. YrrS ar,et trAsltEla, On and .‘f , vr Nov
hoary viz:
leave G
PLATL'D 13.4N05..11.41..L.E.41iLN Gnat Bend at ttn• I . ollost in.
lEU.NS, 11E136. SP , A - E.S,
sLEDuts „tt.
CLUCTLA it AND.I W 11 PI,TIN P A (1;131()
Scranton, Hatch
nr. \ -WWl rlti , ;•;-.I'SI t.-00STIA'
1.1 . ,.0u totter olllll.lmnir,l, - . ,•••
soil he tint ine,l;`.,t, rr, n'• 1.,.e
tailed to mire you. thi. TWI !II .111 , 1
/Intuit red.!ll h t , elon, n..nt
net... e. ,1 be.nlnr , he ad
munlehrt yon thAmml tnMl,9 mot, nt ,t 1,7,11111% tort
totppoo, pert ! or, ; • L.,111.•,% o r. nl,,r
21tifolin •t!!•,•;;11. tf, •le-; t •r- t• • El., 'r.
tlitritlt• love nod .trestgth 'en:yrrnin return . - rt,
oerfeet health. Whet•evt r tin h .!•oold •••
led rontottot to the Oololteh ettoeto,• to nett opeo,.‘•
dee. for th e erlnt of !hot p‘itolph, whol;ol 1100?
It ea.! of ,ito'i U'nn. .11••11t• • I, I lig MI I
trill •ttpld. tletttivoey and pretest it. rtrorrel!Ce
and to be ra , tinall sired of tit epep.ia. Ihe tOonott It
heti.; Mo+ tiro need • mnn °ob.:dir t y to a henitt , :r ron
dttido, enetivnue. o , d the other .ttendstd disorder. nt
the bowels ore of onern.lte prevented
Pries of Month:Orr Eirc,r. $1 no nee balite.
Depot. POI Market et l'bilttdelvtds. M. 31.1P.SUALL.
.t Pro.: - r , rit. Proprietor..
Yoe !ll!. 10M0utr0....-by ,
Ay . 7—!yid BURNS
lEANti((>l): HoW LosT, 1101 v
ItEzioT 1110).
.10.. t puldiebed,a new edition of Dr. en IverwelV.
Celebrated no the radical rum ithonl
medicine) ef bperusatorrha,i. or Seminal wealine.., 10.
voluntary Mmnial sod
Phyigtal Inca pa-ray', Inipedimen , to 'Afar lane. etc :
l'osscatr-rros. to-r. nod Fit+, inducted be
ociVindnizete e or .es
C Fete.' In eeah.4l envelope no.; it cents.
The celetont, d her, In I hie admirable e.eay, clearly
dm tetra , re from a thirty tars' eurceneftil prattle.
that the abrnitnz concequences of self-abare may hr
radietily cored without the clang , rode u-e of Internal
=edict ne or the apnlienri•in of the knifel pointing one
mode of cone at once c and effectual. by
means of which every sufferer, no matter hat Dl* con
dition may be, [nay care himhell cheap!) , privately, and
Per This Lecture illonid he in the hands of every
youth and every min In the land
I Bent Under sea'. in a plait, envelope. CU Way Sdflre......
postpaid. On Cect . ipt of -ix come, or two poet et neap,
Mao. Dr. (rOverirell's '•3larrlage Guide," price 12 ate
Addrc, Publlebern,
Nov Cl CIIS.J. C. 'KLINE: 5: CO.,
127 Bowery, NewY rho. Poet odice ofix
F:\ 11EIRA.
l 8 Arch
riddle of the fflock be.
era iffi and ta It eta.
South Sid,.
Importer, nsannfaciuraw, &
/enter Ot a:: biotin and
inalits of
, or Ladies' and ChildremC
flaring rnlarresi. rewind
ted and iml;roveri my old
Ind fdsorab/y known Fur
lmporlnro. and haring Im•
)orted n •rwr Inrke nod
dltTerent klads of Furl
fhom flr-t bands. in Europe and nese had earm msde
op by the noel would respectfully
{untie ms friends of Se•quel; et; r t.uni,tteA
to call and exa,tue toy v. r% lar4e and hc tanrn• t.
went of Fancy ?era for Lnaisss and Chlntr. in. I. nal
t.rmined lu sell di as low rte.. as one her ruspee , o•
bin Itonso In thl• rite Al! Fors wan...flied. an mle•
revraveyt-t cicala to eftect
.1011 N vAßrlst
8cp.112-1m 71S Aron Street. Phi tadetphia."
NE R AND (.'0 .1 Ts,
ilntu Btreet.t doors below Boyd's Corner. Muuttuee
Went constnotlF rec trivet In. ooss . heir ontssod,
•herb stock of lloode in uut 14 r. which u c 011401
tureaPh,orrxehn ge orpeoduce,
CLOVER d• 71,1(0THY SEED, am
Wiii.ttioterditted and rattan addition. to cons titoeh or
antlhro noaiiready to lorivatif Butter , to the ht. t
cmnitilosionbonses in Now tree, of charge , . and
moigolihoraiadaanedriont• on ontv.igumentet.
Coll and OZAtillhiP nor I.).tock beforo pu sells ging else
annoinni. sonnet... . 1111 .
of our titiods.
0. 6. mumn. R. COATE;
liontrosa, April it.
plain ittut fancy
EIS-e."Atu =tat
k (lAA OS, d Cloth T i
11.101-• ?••••01 , .
tsTkns , nst.uoat. saw Aztangemgat
266! . L. ,
l!aenny,r Mali Paenger
train'. STATIONS. train. - , -tritia.
I. A.. XI. _, , P. 111. IP. 1111.
New 0rk•.... `..... "Z;tlii 4
New 11ampt0n.,...... I Ix,
Itananits Msk.— 19 .10
1)41.2w aro .... Me... 12.23 -
ILooScranton 9.13
1..35 Nicholion.... ...... ,-.- .7.0. S
1,00 trepbottom. ...... .• Z.
1.40! KOntroire.,..... ..... T,IS
MO , :klevr MINNS I
2.3C1 t Grest•denil,........ • 1 P.*
P. M I. *Foot of Lttrottrst. t .V. 4 .
- • It. A. II SNIII
t rain
ql 1 11.15
, 1114
• 111
o • b,14
e 6.a5
1. 6.15
a, P.M.
AL../ /On nnd after Sept. 1809. troths on the Lehigh
VOW, Knfirond will man n* 1411.crxri :
trove %Virverls - 21222M•
tlon E. 12.12 r. 6.421 e. m.
hthcaa 62
°multi& 9.20 "
LacerriVe 10.55 "
t.frianes• AV: 1057 "
AteehOppel2 'lll6 *.
Meho.peny 11 "
ock 11.4 "
L. it 11 ..1112,. 12 51 p m.
P,11P1013 -
41211126411arre 145 "
Wlitte Haven usi
31n1t et.ualc 4YJ "
...Ileum.", 5.45
haa.llleltetu 6.14 'll
- p. r
Ply.ledelphie 5.23 •
Ir. IliNeW ‘4l: 2-25 • "
Lee•reNver Vert; 1.56 p. ea.
Peihaelphla 7.45 "
F.arton 10.120 "
I.lmblettana 10.211 "
Alleutte , ” 10 45 "
Melt Chert 4. 11.01 m.
1 . 1 1'6111,11:in 1 IS2 p.
11112.24112ee 2.50 h ,
P 111.4023 .2.20 "
L. kB. /Du. 320 `"
Tank 'neck 4.21
Itehoopeo) 4.42
Menhoppeu 457 "
t. 15 "
Lac,.742ite .5'13 " .
Tewec,l4 6 *4 •••
r. at Waverly
Junction. F. 11. W. 7.221 " •
••• , .
No change or 01,11 betweeu:.crmtos•aM Ifew
York. or briweru Scrawl:az and
.No•. 3. LNi9.
RlVronti. On end after May 10, INV, passenger
trui. will r nu Ise
.. • -
A. x. M. N. • T. x.
Scranton. aris 9:20 • cco
15., ,, gfttat, 6:73 • " • Ikal
rt . 7:27
•- Drin7l/le, 11:00
Amite at North u.niberleml, 9.41$ &AO
4A . 11 , "0 linrillnlotnalrul,, CnZ.) - - , • 4:41
linovtilt, GttA, . . • 6:121
pnit., .• • 1,;:10 , s. a. ,- . fcti
Kingston, 0:33 . 3:11 , Ike°
Azrtve at Scratotnn, 10:39 ILO 2:45
Ki •z,tral. M.,..
r -rap: IZAILWAI
•;11{ Ski wEsT.
411 A Is. 31 .111..TRAIN.tundays smgcsited,
1.7.4 IL:MANT.
1.15 r. n. 55".11' FRETGIIT: Stir 411 ATCiiitelt
4.18 P. X. 11 , 51" =PRI:SM. Suodmy exerpmd,
9.05 r. rt. EXPia..-Sm MAIL. timndm.y. omCcptqa.
7.51 a 3t CINTINIVATI EXPRESS, litopilizr excep
44 4 4 , A 31. WAY FRE:Karr. Santlayr ez.Crpted.
r. u 14.4VY EXPRESS— Sondays esetptert
4 . 1 p r NEW Yttliti Snmily. diceptc4l.
I 4 J' r
t's' .Aand complete • , Puckrt TIMe ?Able" of
P,444.t1tt - cr Tr 0.14 4,14 the Erfc• Rallwny awl coamer.llD4
Lime h rccevtly 444.414 pnblllthrlY and raribi., prrit'irod
nn noplicatltal trt the Ticktt Agent at the Ctrtuf=44.ra
tC kt.R DARR. . 1,. D. necKER.
so,. 91 lit WI Pm4. 4 engrr.Agent, Gfp.3 Sap%
VI RE Ft PIN PRI.T ROOFING.. nOtt4.llllll#ll Roar
prri , ./Crahrogiffpn girl. t he but Pater.proofFabeic)o Abe
ZwAt rnarvar, rititi al the 100 - e• t price 10 the coos met.
Myr,: ?• 144, fnmulltion or TarrPd Frit ;,,Vd. 1 1 2 ,_Ter
or tratrr•pr.,l C9rnp..ltlon ; Pd„anotheri*per- Colaritic
4th. snottier layer of Composition: 3tb. another, /spa
nt Fdt
Cirrvimnrars San:rtes.
W , ocrrr ra the At.t_parchnw r. at ;tick Owe: t.OOO
fqvarr jra of the Titre.• Ply Felt. with thW qucitsaig
coating. fur Thirty Dollars. ' ' ' '
Tbls rent Is etertpered of studio, collo, and real:taus
übstances, rombintd" , eltb c11,4311ed taizand Ms bat
V.ntren dryers. It cuntulni no mineral Of plgrdiestl, sod
prepttrecl, reedy for utter alum. the enstildrettey 'of or
dbory mixed p.inip. It costs mead eate r nitains iL
etnettelty lobger, Audis inure audible.
County rt;rlsts for rate.
For Cimaars cmd alipatitkilareAddreers
sch. rt Fri Uric, Iterr York
,s". E. Cur. Fourth and ,Wainnt
President. ' Sec. tf Treas.
QF AmegthlC
1°441. Dec. 31
Mo.kynrrlenn I...dP,pan 4 C l , Pi in fin , l 3 NeP lo4 94
, t 1 , ,w r ,t,.., nud lur ,Ve.urlty' end owl:1103mm; lemiel.
In:: %h.,. Is hhehcimsetd Is, Attj Chapati, In the ref,
X3oc•zi.a.-cl. cif VOr-tiFitciogs,.. . .
rION..)AAIE.' 4 POLLOCK. ZI-Oov. of reg`a . , Dlretio-
I" kMini.
J fil) , i Ait I'llOll5ON. Prep. Pron. IL R, =Mel*
Third st
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