The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 26, 1870, Image 1

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E. B. IiLWLET, 'Proprietor.
uoincos Cartio.
Dealer In Boots and Oboes. Hate and Crape. Leathrr and
Flndleyos Main Street. Se door below Searle' Hotel.
Work made to order. and repairing done null;.
illantrose. Jan. 1,1320.
Shop In the new PostaMee building, where he will
he found ready to attend all who may want anything
to his line. Montrose, Pa. Oct. 13, IeSS.
AUCTIONEER--Sclls DT7 Goods, and Merriamlze—alao
attends at veminc.A. MI onlet left at my notion will
tocalre prompt atteEltion. Pet. 1. ItaD—tf
ilardware,llata, Cap., Booto.Shoes, Ready Made Cloth
iwz Palate, 01114 etc., New Milford, Pa. [Sept. 8, '69.
PHYSICIAN • & BURGEON. tender. his services to
the citizens of Great Bend and videlty. Office at his
residence, opposite Barnum [louse, tPt, Bend village.
Sept. tat, 1909.—tr
CUAIItBRRLIN & McCOLLI3M. Atteirneyn aed Coam
pellet, at Law. (Mee to the Britk •Klock over the
Bank. Dloutrtn.e Aug. 4. It
A. Creaitastu..tx. . .1. 11.,11cCot&va.
A. do D. R. LATHROP,
DEALERS in Dry Goods, Groceries,
crockery sod glariismue..table and pocket entirev.
Paints, olio. dye stud.. nets, boats andel:toes. bole
leather. Perfumery de. Brick Block, adjoining the
Bank. Bellmore. [ Atigut! tf
A. Lannior
ATTORNEY A . LAW. Bounty, !tact Pay. Peneton.
and Exem on Claims attended to. Office fir
one Itelow Boyes Store, Idoutrorr.N. [Au. 1,'69.
Attnmey at Laar, Montrose, Stool's Co. Pa., esn be
found at all reasonable business boars at the Conuty
Commissioners' °nice. [Montrose, An;;. I. 111,9.
ATTORNEY UT LAW, Mano-mc, Pa. Office Nein], I
P. Vaal, (Muutrcove, Ang. 1, 1:40.
Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent,
aul figtf Frlend•vflle, FA.
V. a.
angt Mir
ALla.e2ttlCoMlloCr, )
Groat Bend, Pn
TT. /Et. .411.macrticazsoca-.
Aug. 1, leG9. Adll.e., llroorOpi, Pn
.101 E GROVES,
F ‘SHIONAULE r.L JIL Montrore. Pa. Shop over
Chlurtlex's Store. At , orders Gil. din trvt-rate ar)te. done on Short noilee. and warranted to di.
.f Main street, Montrose, Pa. inn. I. IsiZ.
DlALtitla Sup'. and Fancy Dry Goode, Crocker)
Ilardware, Iron. Stover , . Dee ge,le. nod , Paint.
Bootsand Shoe.. Hato a. Cape. Fur.. Bagel° Itr,l,re
Orocerfea,Proviaiona,,......,., New MlDurtl. Pa.
Ilas permittently located_it Priendsvtile for the par
pore orpmeticing medicine and anrgery in all it,
Manche.. Ile may be I..and at the Jackeon (lenge.
Othee hours tram 8 a. m., to 8. p. m-
Feleadmrtile, Pa., nag, I. 1869.
business attended to prwmptly, uo bar term•. Oa*.
Ant door north of • Montrose lfotcl.^ creel ede n•
Public Avenue, Montrose, Pn. 1.1849.
Busmoss &moon. east:use L. Itntoss.
112SPECTFULLY aIIIIOI2IICCS that he. to n..par p , ..
Lto cat all kinds of Garments in the mos.
iable Style. warranted to fit with cit....ranee
aliases. Shop over the Post Game, iitontros, Pa
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Montrose. I.n. Office oppo.
eta the Tarbell Route, near the Court House.
Ant. L. 1569.—tf
IMNTIST. Booms over Boyd 49 Corwin% Bard
ware Stara. Office bows from 9 ft. ta. to Ip. m
llaaMose, Aug. 1. 180.—t1
DBAI.f4R in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals
Liqoan, Planta, 0i194/ye stuffs. Varnistics, Win
Maas. Gra:slims, Glut Ware, Wall and Window Pa,
per, Stone-ware, Lumps, Kern.rne , Mathitaery
Trusses, Guns, Ammunition, Knives. t‘pectorlcs
Brushes, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Petit • rv, dc,—
Wag lone of tbe most numerous, txteneive. And
valuable collections of Goods In Suotpt•lnnuns Ca.--
Estatillibed In ISIS. [Montrose, Pa.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. office over the Store of A.
Lahrop, In the Brick BLock, Montrone, Pa. faurfio
IL L. Wzr..cs
Dealer* In Dry Goode, Clothing. Ladles and Nieves
Ina /bora. Liao. agents for the• great American
Tea and Coffee Company. [Montrose., Pm, nag. 1,1,
PRIVICIAN & SURGEON. tcndere his professions]
services to the citizens of Montrose end skinny.—
°ace St his residence, on the earner east of Says,. &
Bros. Foundry. [Au:. 1. 180.
Forams arid SURGEON. Montrone. Fa. Give•
especial attention to diseases of the Henri and
Lang* and all Barziesi diseases. Orate over W. It.
laran,s Boards at beaules Bowl. 18C9.
aIiCS la Drags. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye
at-ifts, Paints, Oils, Van:deb. Liquors, Spices. Fancy
ar..eses, Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Ar
ticle*. gar-Presception• carefully cornpoondett
knalle Avenue, above Searle's notch Montrose) l's
A. 11. Boars, „toads Stscsioi.s.
Ant. 1. ISMI.
DR. E. I. 11.41VDDICIi,
rirrszeuiN & SURGEON. respectfully tender.: hi•
professional services to the citizen of Friend.Silis
sad tidally. rs-Ofnee intheothee of Dr. Le•.
titzUes at J. floaford'i. Aug. 3. 1109.
The undersigned. LK:Eh-SEP AGENT of the GOV
ERNMENT, havin: obtained the necessary forma.
•c.. 1U giVe_ProriPt othantioe to All claim* intrusted
tehls cars. No charge anises maersaaral.
EnfOrtoe. Jute at h. t ip
AII thooein want ofistAe Teeth or other dental work
shoal! ail at the office 'di the subscribers, who aro.pre.
pandas do all kinds of work In their line on short notice.
Partleular attention
_paid to making full and partial
setts of teeth an gold. Alm, or ahnninum plate : slaw on
Wastaa's met composition ; the two latter preferable to
Rai of thlOikeaper subtleness now coed for dental plates.
= Teeth Of youngpersons regulated, and made togrow In
Wad shape.
The skesotage of hatO work done by permanently
ailed mad roapanstble lea, mast bed tto
Trost earraated. Pkase tall anamine veal.
saw ofplate work at oar crab:a, arer Boyd bud
van atom
W. w. minx A: 13.130 T ML
Maolam, Aux. 18. 1869.—cf
WilSPedlialeselUnt supply. tor salt int.
lloatgoss.ltev.lo.llol. AUL T
Oh what aspen of mighty power
There lurketh in kind words,
To gild With light the tempest hour,
And thrill the bosom's chords.
The wounded heart that time hath chill'd,
Whose young glad dreams are o'er,
Can be again with rapture tilled
As in the days of yore.
The tear-dirum'd eyk moy sweetly smile
The cheek rotin its bloom,
And chance may linger there awhile,
Like sunlight o'er a tomb.
And half forgotten dreams may come,
Waked by a patio breath,
And titre of kindred and of home,
Start from their sleep of death.
The long—long yeani oehappiness,
That vanished with our youth—
The woven links, once wont to bless
Witt lrustrulnVss and truth.
The screed chain that used to bind,
With young affection deep,
The human haul, where hopes ensloin'd,
Their holiest lore watch keep,
D. R. Liutrwr
All that Litre passed away, and left
Their Withering records hem,
To teach the sieken'd soul bereft,
How transient joys appear.
All from the fount of memory rush
Like flowerets newly strown;
And the glad bosom's sudden gush
Attest the gentle tone.
A little 11,ting can sweetly ring
Tice hart's harp broken chord;
Whoe'ertathpower to hid them sing
Oh I spare tint thou kind words,
The sun sinks down a round red disc
.I,s seen against it, tapering thin
t Relieved of all the cares of risk),
The fishing-smacks come riding in.
Slow sinks the orb beyond the hay,
:or t.o, at h..a.t, it wenn to sink—
,A tltioey charger, shall 1 say?
Slow .tooling in the Bea to drink.
And beating shoreward, ses-gray gulls
Come sailing up the Sound in tucks,
Then clean their a ings, and seek their hole_
Aloft amid the rifted rucks
The soft .rinds play round poop nod prom
"Too weak to climb the rocky
Within wliosedei.peniug ehadom now
Lk bulky barge and tiny skill
And over all the scene anon
A denser darkness draws around ;
The village lights shoe• one by one,
And night cornea hushing every sound.
--A crusty old bachelor thinks it is wo
man; and not her wrongs., that u'ught to
be redressed.
—Cairo husbands must be at home at
LO oclock in the evening or skep some
where else.
—A worldly „matrimonial injunction :
`. For better, for worst„—for richer or for
poorer, till Indiana divorce doth you part.
—A Rochester woman considerately
drowned herself because her husband
could not support her.
—Miss Jinglesby says the best way to
get a sweet huSbaud is to marry a confec
A lady in Harrisburg who married a
six-footer, is kalked of by her acquaintan
ces as drau•i"a long beau.
Arstinimaux sav a man nho has
three iwives-in this world is sure of heav
the next lie ought to rind peace
-1i running after the women be a sin,
it is One that is very easily checked. All
that i necx•ssary is to cut the hamstrings
of tilt, runners.
gentle Quaker liad two horses, a
very g. coo Al and a very poor one. When
seen riding the latter it turned ont that
his bOter half had taken the good one.—
" Alint," said a sneering bachelor, " how
come it that you Jet your wife ride the
bettq. horse ?" The only -reply was,
" Frisind, when thee be - married, :heel
—p Herds the bannister.but where the
d—l;s•the stairs," said u drunken f•1low,
who!ivas feeling his way round a bedstead
in , the dark.
Well, miss," said a knight of the
birchen rod, can you decline a kiss?"—
'• Yes. sir, ": said the girl, dropping a per
plexed courtesy, •• I Can—but linte to
most pi:l,oi ly: f.
—A shopkeeper iu recommending a
piece of goods to a lady, remarked, Mad
am, it u ill wear forever and make you a
petticoat afterwards.
gentleman ut table asked his neigh
bor whet* he should cut a luin of mut
ton saddle: wise ? You had bet ter cut it
bridle for then we Eball stand a bet
ter chance to get a bit hi our mouths.
—A consumptive brush maker being
detected in rubbing his master, excused
himself 14 saying that his physician ad
l'ised-liiircto take the hair.
•—•-Prior; having been the dupe of his
own emd,lity, a friend told him, "Never
place any confidence in a person von don't
know." .' Why, at that rate,' replied
Prior, " you wouldn't trust your own fa
- --"Thei`v's a delicate touch," said an
artist, as he was painting: ‘. It is indeed,"
replied an ae9b;amtance 7 "but I always
auspected!yon were light fingered."
—Theo is a place down in ViNinia
where old maids never get to be thirty
five. They live to that age and then be.
gin back at tweets five ; and then finally,
go out of the, world as fresh and fair as a
pumpkin blossom.
Notfo torutv.
Al the Sea Side
Luke Barton hugged the idea that he
had completely cheated the whole town,
when he told them that he did not think
after all, that he should give up just yet ;
that Leonard wanted to see a little more
of the world before he settled down ; and
that as the Golden Canisterwas but a dull
place fur a young girl, he had sent Phyllis
off on a visit. the old man plumed him
: selfon the cleverness and tact a hich had
prevented people from asking him awk-
I ward questions. Every night he and his
wife congratulated eacht other on the won
t derful way in which they had escaped be
ing made the talk of the place. surely it
was a merciful kindness that blinded the
good old couple to the fact that the whole
circumstances were in every person's
mouth fur miles round, that half the peo
, ple came to s e how Luke took it and that
no word was thought too bitter for Leon
, ard, who could try to disgrace his family,
and break the heart of a girl whom a duke
might have been proud to marry, and this
too for a horrid, designing creature. all
paint and acting. who openly laughed at
him and his infatuation to his very com
There was one hope for Leonard : If he
beard how Norah was going on at Strad
brook it k must certainly cure him. Some
body ought to tell him ; but, then, where
was that somebody to be found ? Though
all knew the valise of Leonard's altered
looks and moody manner, they only sug
gested to hint that perhaps fie was out of
sorts, ur wanted a change. Leeman], on
the other hand was too much taken up'
%t ab hi s own t• e lin T , i to think cinch about
people's opinion., or to notice the care
worn all \ 1411 U, loOkS.. his amt moth
er—the result of all the heart aches they
had lately endumil for his sake. Lettitte
missed Phyllis a hundred times in an Moir
and bemoaned her deir one's al *filet.;
she pion red her trying in her own brave
way to put on a bright face to deceive the
tnehd she was living with into writing,
that Phyllis was ,mite herself again. Yes
Lettioe knew the misery the girl was en-
during. She understeeeal the agony that
made -her ask in the first outbreak of her'
trouble if people did not die of a broken
heart. Then, Inifeenard was a constant
source of nneasiness. Tloe way he avoid
hying alone w tth her or with his fa-1
Hier, his moiety manner, amt added to all
this, the gloom which seemed to have fall
en over the whole was full of tie
pressing influence. Luke was now often
share and angry with his assistants for ,
things he w.Juld not have noticed before.
and ev,ry thing seemed to R, wron g with
e‘erv: loly at the Golden Canister.
It . was ie.: r s•dtlshness whirls
made Leonard so unmindful his pa
rents. The piser Glow really had sorry
time of it. Straithrook was forty miles
! distant. and a difficult place to get :it, and
he had only seen North twice. Though ,
she had been Yen' kind to him, he had
f found her each time surrounded by ad- ;
miters, and this made him miserable with
i jealousy. Then she evidently did not
want him to come to her often. and. each ,
time that he proposed to pay her another
visit she put a dozen obstacles in the way •
of it- Her letters too were short, and she'
declared that she was so busy studying
her parts she had not time to write often.
Leonard was thus kept in a fever of ex
pectation, suspense, and disappointment.'
At length.after an unusual long interval,
came a letter, saying thaeher engagement
at Stradbrook having come to an end, an
advantageous offer had been made to her !
from a manager at Edinburgh, which she
had accepted. She wits now in that city, !
preparing for a new series of triumphs.
Then followed desperate regret at not see
ing him before she left.--a little melodra
matic fear that he would soon cease to love
her mixed up with a great deal of roman- .
tic tenderness, ending with a covert hint
that she had heard he was in a way engag
ed to another, and therefore no doubt he
w o uld soon forget his own Norah:'
Poor Leonard ! he was nearly beside
himself. Why had she gone n ithout tell
ing him, withont seeing hint ? Oh ! she
was cruel, heartless. Then he read the
letter again, and wondered what she did
mean. Perhaps she was jealous. She had
heard something of Phyllis, and her love j
could not bear it. What could it he ? •
Who could have been talking about him
to her ? Ah, he knew it Must have been
Dick Tarim. lie had said ho was going'
to Strailbrook. He would go and fathom
this, and Dick should he made to confess e
that lie had been saying what was not •
true. So he sat down and scribbled uhf .
pages of reproach and lore, vowing that
whittler( r came, she would all his life be
the same to him, " his (ant North." She
had never written that before ; it almost
I compensated ,for her leaving. Still. he
would- have ite,ont with that fool. Dick
Tatton, and teach him not to meddle in
other,. epic's business : oft' he went
to fi hint. Now, Dick Tattoo had been
from a boy a devoted admirer of Phyllis.'
j S o h e was not over fond of Leonard, and
was not like ly to miss an opportunity of`i
oT some of his own wrongs upon
" •*said, "I have bent to Strad
brook. and I have seen Miss Churchill." i
Then it was as lafematal supposed, and
Dick was the culprit; st, acting Neve this I
idea, Leonard gave full rein to his tongue. j
Dick listened silently till Leonard had
finished, and then he gave him the full
benefit of the reports as to, the way in
which Miss Churchill was going on, at
Stradbrook ; how she amused her tuba
: rers there by recounting the speeahes and
gestures of the ardent lover she had„deft,
behind, until be was a by word among '
the officers, one of whom lad asked No-:
rah, in a loud whisper, meant for Dietz's)
ear, whether that was" Fig's friend."
Leonard was speechless with rage, audit
Dick continued :
" Why, while she was here arm body
knew that she was only catning on a
game with you.. When yon weren't there
Lester Blake was, and shwased to write
him the most spooneVetters. shoaled
me one where she said how awfully ydu'd •
, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 26, 1870.
bored her the night before, and how she
wished it had been hitg."
" It's a lie, from beginning to cud I"
roared Leonard. " Some infernal plot
you've hatched amongst you because she
wouldn't"take any notice of you fellows."
" Just as you like," replied Dick, calm
ly. " What you choose to think about
her you may ; only don't you accuse me
of naming your cousin to her. I would
not so far insult either of them."
" Insult them. What do von mean ?"
exclaimed Leonard.
" Why, I meant this," replied Dick,
to leave, " that I should insult
Phyllis Barton by speaking of her to Nff
ruh Churchill, and I should insult Miss
Churchill by making her see the differ
ence which as I consider, lies between her
and Miss Barton."
And before Leonard had time to say
another word, Dick had turned, and was
walking off in the opposite direction, leav
ing. him to go home in a state of frenzy.
Ibis seemed the climax of all his suf
ferings : for though he declared he did
not believe a syllable of what Dick had
said about Lester Blake, nor about the
men at Stmdbrook, he could not help ask
ing himself, what if it should be trne ?
At any rate he must put an end to the
agony he was suffering.
He ended his reflections by walking
suddenly up to his father and asking hint
for a few minutes conversation, In about
a couple of hours after, when they came
out of the room, they both looked pale,
and dejected. Luke had his arm through
his son's. Love for Leonard had gained
the victory over Phyllis; and family pride
and Luke Barton had given his consent
to his son asking Miss Churchill to My
aside her Thespian arts, to retire into pri
vate life, and to sit down quietly and
spend her future days as the wife of the
wealthiest tradesman iu a country town,
and to enjoy all the honor of beittg, mis
tress of the /olden Canister.
It was a hard blow for Luke, hut lie
and Liqtaie agreed that it was of IP, use
to wreck the entire happiness of their
lives. Perhaps they had been too prowl.
and had thought that things were to go
on smoothly with them forever. Now they
mast try and like this—this young lady.
whom Leonard ranked before every one
else in the world.
No without a line to apprise Nora!' of
his t is t, Leonard started for Edinburgh',
with his parents consent to his making
her his waft!, and the promise of an income
cititlieseut to keep them in-ecne and rum
Lettic,., when she bade Leonard good
by. sent 6or love to North and trusted
God %%wild bless them both ; and Luke
wished his boy every happiness, and hop
ed that the wife he 'had chosen would re
pay his love ;by her goodness. Then,
when they were left alone, they took tear
ful c.,nustl host they should tetl all it.
to Phyllis. Thew knww well, though
in every letter she had earne,tly pleaded
for their consent to Leonard's choice,
when the certainty came that all her hope
was thud forever, it must tear 0p...n her
wounds afresh.
11 nv mach Phyllis really sutTered none
ever knew. Tier comfort tcu, that she was
fur away from loving hearts whose sym
pathy she could net have borne, and front
anxious eyes whose scrutiny she could not
have lit-coive , L She bore her grief unaided
by human help, and tried to summon up
all her better nature to convince herself
that she must submit, that a higher will
than hers had decreed it. I,'ttice cried
bitterly over the letter the girl sent to
them with its enclosure to Leonard ; and
Luke was not ashamed that his eyes were
blinded, and his voice too choked to read
the words his brother's child had written
to those from whom she seemed so cruelly
Arrived at Edinburgh, Leonard could
nut feel pleased ut the reception he met
with from Norah. She tried to be the
same to him, but he felt he was boritig
her now. She never would have Ns ritten
that last letter to him, but that she sup
posed they should not meet again, and to
use her own words, she intended " letting
the boy easily down." This coming to
Edinbtirghaler lie was too much of a good
thing. She hated telling people unpleas
, ant truth, but if Leonard was to go on in
this way she should be forced to do so ;
the worst of people like him MIS that they
always thought you meant every thing.
Even Mrs Churchill no longer advoca
ted •'vonng Barton's" cause. A richer
suitor fur her daughter's favor had entire
ly changed the current of that practical
woman's- ideas. She now advised Norah
to put an end to his nonsense by telling
him that it was like his impertinence to
suppose a lady of her talent and family,
and the daughtm of' a colonel (which was
the last rank sly had hit upon for the de
parted Churchil, would. condescend to
such as hint. tort Norah had no idea of
disgusting an witnirer, and she needed no
maternal counkl to get rid of a tiresome
lover Acconlitgly, when in the morning
Leonard came 'at the hour she had ap
pointed, he wzti received very much as
usual. When. however,after a passionate
declaration of his love. he hid his face in
her lap. and told her how, before he had
seen her, he had thought he could please
his father and mother by marrying his
cousin, but that now there was not a wo
man on earth h• would look at but herself
and that he ha 4 told his father so, getting
his com3ent and his promise of an income
sufficient for him to give his bride a com
fortable home. Norah felt she could not
help caressing him for so bountifully ad
ministering to her vanity. So she told
him how dearly she loved him, What hap
piness it would be for her to live in some
sweet secluded cottage where they might
be all the world to one another; but as
fast as Leonard combated one" hut" No
rah begarLsnother charming sentence,
finishing a more incontestable " but," un
til LeorThrkdriven to desperation, seized
her hands, saying, " Norah, don't give me
any mote arguments or reasonings ; kill
me at once, or bid me live, by saying yes
or no to my question." Norah, seeing
that it was useless to beat about the bush
any longer, and knowing that her richer
suitor was due in half an hour, gave a des
pairing look into his face, then cast her
eyes down after her approved manner on
the stage, as if she was resolved upon
breaking her own heart, and answered
" No." Leonard called her heartless and
cruel, and heaped reproaches upon her,
upbraiding her for deceiving him, until,
in order to get rid of him, she had to blaze
up in her turn, and dare him ever to come
into her presence again.
" Yon shall be obeyed," cried poor Leon
ard " I will leave Edinburgh this very
night, praying I may never hear your
name again."
Norab did not believe him, but Leonard
went. He did not go home, however ; lie
could not do that, but he went as far as
Carlisle, because nobody know him there.
He wandered about the walls of the old
place, not battling against the demons
that strove together with him, but rather
giving way to them, until he could stay
away from the cause.of his misery no lon
ger. Perhaps she was suffering as he was
now that they were parted. Had she not
told him a hundred times that she loved
him more than any other man ? Oh !
she would repent, her professioni might be
dear to her, but not as dear aS he was ;
and it' it. was, he would tell her she should
eon time on the stage, only she must mar
r: him.
tiuhack to Edinburgh he went. The
porter at the hotel gave him a couple in of
letters from home. These he put to his
pocket ; he could not read them. What
did he care for home then, or for auybotly
ha he r tt hose Hattie flared before' him on
ga at red and telloir posters.- - Miss No
rah Churchill iu - the love chase." Con
stance—Miss Norah Churchill.
Tired as he was, he wouldn't wait for
dinner. lion• soon he could see his Circe
was the aiNorbi lig idea; and he at once
made for the theatre. The performance
had commenced ; Norah was on the stage
I.eoliard thought, more bewitch
ing than ever, and casting continual glan
ces at a part of the lionae where sat an el
derly gentleman, who seemed utterly re
gardless of the attention his load Appian-
SeR was attracting. lAsmanl screened
h.mself as. well as he could, that 'torah
mi tt l i t not s , e him. lie jealously watched
the two. till at last, between the acts, he
went out and asked the box keeper if he
knew who that gentleman was, indicating
the place he occupied.
Ile:" said the matt. "0, that's Mr.
Ainslie, he's after Miss Churchill ; they
du sav he's going to marry her, but so l've
11,7ard of a good many before."
Leonard did not stop to hear more. He
rushed off sletermined, as the piece was
nearly over to go to her lodgings. and
wait and see her once more, and hear from
her own lips the truth of this report.
Mrs. Churchill was in. the servant said;
and n•lllerriberi - ng, how kind she had al
ways hen to him, he determined to inter
est' perm ms nenalr. tot, tv hl5 great
surprise. Mrs. Churchill's gr(keting was,
" Now, Mr. Barton, I hope you s aint'
come to bother Norah because she's bud
vnon,crh of yonr nonsense."
Leonard trued to stanuner out sotne re
ply to this unlooked for spech.
••• I dare B:tV you menu Well. and we
always treated you us a gentleman, but
you can't think that I ever supposed Mn
expeettal Miss Churchill would marry
Why," replied Leonard aghast, " von
toll me yourself you hoped she would"'
Bless the man, what will ho say next!"
exclaimed Mrs. Churchill, with well feign
ed indignation. Why, Mr. Barton you
mast be mad ti (ay such a thing. With
out wishing to hurt your feelings I must
say I have much higher expectations for
my daughter than anything you could of
fer her. 1 May as we'll be plain with you.
and tell you that she will very shortly be
married to a gentleman who has his thou
sands a year and keeps his carriage, and
who will restore her to the position which
she was h,wn to. °lily her dear papii .
fortmatte death j obliged us for a time to
forego it:.
I don't I won't believe' it !" groaned
poor Leonard. - You Ste forcing her into
von are deceiving me ; it's false, I feel
it is-!"
Well, I'm sum. that's pretty well," re
turned Mrs. Churchill, nettled by the
doubt she considered thrown upon her
assertions. " I could show you a note of
his, in iihich he tells her of his 'always
thinking about her morning, noon, and
night ; and asks her .if she's heard any
thing of young Spooney, meaning you,
" Then, in mercy's name show it to me,
Mrs. Churchill, and I will swear never to
come near her again."
Mrs. Churchill hesitated; suppose Mr.
Ainslie should conic home with Norah,
and should meet this desperate young
man, for she could see he was desperate ;
a pretty fuss timed be; so she asked him,
Well, would you go as soon you'd
read it ?"
" Yes."
" And not come Kick or be hanging
about Norah again ?"
Mrs. Churchill went to albox,took out a
letter, which she watched Leonard read
ing, without a word of comment she mw
hint fold it up and put it into his pocket.
Oh ! but Mr. Barton. von most not
keep it. What should I sn'y to Norah ?"
lint Leonard paid no attention. He did
not. seem to see or hear her as he mechan
ically looked round fur his ha, put it on
a nd nalked out or the num. Vainly did
Mrs. • '6'ittirrhill follow him. call to him,
run to Ili& door after hint. Leonard paid
not tho smallest heed to her or any body
else mall he crossed into the next street
whets• ho ratt almost against Norah, hang
ing upon Mr. Ainslie's artn, and smiling
up into his NCI% Then a great rush ot•
linter hatred t•anie into his heart, and as
he passed her, he hissed out the words
that rose to his lips. Mr. Ainslie said to
Numb, " Did that 1111111 speak to you ?"
all surprised as she was, had
to steady her voice to answer, " no," ,
And so Leonard Barton's eyes were
opened to the fact that he had been dup
ed, cheated, laughed at,—his devOtion
made the subject of merriment ; and his
love the scoff of Miss Churchill's numer
ous followers. This last thought, more
elfeetilany than anything else, quenched
his paanon,Llor uo man's affection can
continue for a woman who holds him up
to ridicide. „, •
Leonard hated her; loathed himself for
having forgotten every other tie for her;
and felt that he •could not return borne,
and face the pity of hie father arid moth
er, and the lateen • and laughter of hie
friends. He longed to be amongst stran
gers, people who knew nothing of him and
his story. He wrote an incoherent scrib
ble to his father, saying that he was not
going to marry Miss Churchill,—the rea
son why:he could not explain to them.
He should not return 'home, and they
could not wish the return of one who had
proved himself so unmindful of their love.
He intended to get something to do by
which he might earn some money and no
longer be a burden to them. He would
write from time to time, so that they mast
not be anxious on his account. All this
was mixed up with reproaches upon him
self for what had passed, despair for the
future, and: a general tone cf nut earir ,
what ecame of him, which filled Luke
and Lettice with the most distracting
fears. They wrote by return of post, ur
gently entreating him to come back; but
there came no answer, uhtil the poor
mother was nearly beside herself with the
agony of picturing the horrors that might
have happened to her darling.
Phyllis returned home, all pride was
laid aside, and not a single person in the
town but sympathized in the distress at
the Goldon Canister. Every body wrote
to every body at a distance, giving a full
and particular description of Leonard
Barton, and telling of his being absent,
and urging that, if he should be met with
he should be told that the old people were
breaking their hearth on his account, and
that his mother would surely die.
Three months went by and there came
a letter saying that Leonard was in Lon
don. He was quite well now, but he bad
been ill, or he would have written before.
lie was longing to hear from home; if
they had not quite forgotten their un
grateful son would they send a line to
" Leonard B. Charing, Cross post office
Send a line to him! why they would
all have sent themselves to urge him to
return, and to tell him how dearly they
loved him, and how his only fault had
been in staYing away. Luke, without. &ty
g a word. enclosed a check in his letter,
and Lettiee put a five pound note in hers,
fearin that he might be pushed for mon
ey. 'then Luke wondered whether he
had a situation, and Letter wondered
what had been the matter with him, and
their thankful hearts, rejoicing over their
dear. one's safety, forgot the misery his
absence has caused them, and earnestly
hoped that he would listen to their en
treaties, and return home to them again.
And Leonard, not in the spirit of list=
ening to their entreaties, but with great
thankfulness that he had still that dear
spot to go back to, returned,--but return
ed sb altered externally that when his
father and mother saw him they could not
believe that the wan invalid feebly tryitig
to hasten before them could be their Leon
ard; that the shaven head, sunken eves,
and thin limbs, that tottered under Flint
could belong to their once so handsome,
stalwart son. 0, what had caused this
change' A fever, Leonard said, but he
did not tell them then, nor for long after
wards, all the sufferings he had endured;
how, after he left Edinburgh, he had gone
straight to London, proposing to live up
on the money he had with him until he
should obtain sonic situation, a comparn
tively easy task he, in his country igno
rance, thought, but week after week pass
ed by, and had met with nothing but dis
appointment,Pride forbade him writing
home and asking for more money, so he
denied himself everything he possibly
could, until he had starved himself. This
together with his excited state of mind,
and anxiety, reduced his bodily condition
one neglected could upon another ended
at length in feverish symptoms to which ;
he would not yield. But at length Ind
was beyond speaking or moving, or 1
king any resistance to the landlady's ta
king him for want or knowing what bet
ter to do with him to tha nearest hospital.
There was nothing to show to whom he
belonged.% Before evening he was in a
state of delirium. And so the petted
darling of Luke and Lettice Barton, the
pride of the Golden Canister, and the man
who filled fair Phyllis's heart, with des
pairing love, lay struggling for life in the
bed of a hospital ward, attended by hired
nurses, who wondered if he had any be
longings, and if so how could they thus
leave the poor fellow to strangers.
When he was' recovering, Leonard's
pride rebelled against his asking any one
about the hospital to -write to his parents
fearing that it might in some way get to
the ears of his.nativa town. The day he
wrote his letter home was the day hit was
discharged still miserably weak aed ner
vous, and with only a few .gs in his
Well might the tears which none of
them pretended to notice, steal down his
thin cheeks as he found himself once more
surrounded by the atmosphere of love, and
well might his heart send up a thanksgiv
ing for that love upon which only a short
time before he had set so little store.
Leonard was a lung time in getting .
well, and had he been a hero suffering from
wounds gained in some glorions cause.
Lettice and Phyllis could ilot have made
more fusi over him. Hr had been ill once
before, and the two women often spoke to
gether of the difference that had come over
Hard experienee had taught Leonard
the true value of great, unselfish love. Dai
ly now he thanked God for the blessings
be-had before taken ut his right. 1L
thought how little he had appreciated the
devotion of his father and mother, and
how utterly un worthy he had been of it,
and of dui - tore of Phyllis his dear cousin,
yes, she would never be anything but his
cousin now. He could see the alteration
in her manner. she was kind and forbear
ing to him, bat in hear heart she despised
him. And no wonder for what a blind
idiot he bad been! •He had alums thought
her pretty, but now • he. could watch her
by the hour, and would often pretend to
be asleep that she mightoccupy herself so
fully as not to observe his fixed gaze.
had never noticed how other men adtair
ed her, •but now he firmly believed that all
the friends who came to see him were se=
cretly in love with her. 'Mk cOUl4..hardlv
belp . push pushing her away.when she' woula
at night put her lips to hie forehead, say
ing night, dear' cousin." She nor,
eroffered him such a, 'salutation 'hi,Landluid never called hitt mom
—a Dame she was above eroding upon
him now.
So Leonard was voiced and tormenter.
while Phyllis daily schooled herself by say
g that Leonard was getting stronger,
and that in time he would choose a wife
whom she would love as a sister, and that
when her uncle mid punt were dead, and
she was no more wanted about the old
place, she must try and do some 4.1)0 in
the world, and not, sink into,a63mPlaidng
old maid. The.thought of:ever ramping
any one else never occurred to her
now. She had given Leonard all her love
and she had none left for any other man.
By the time, the first June rose came,
Leonard was strong and well again. But
he was so altered and. sobered,--eo much
more anirious to save his father any eare,
so tenderly watchful over every wont his
mother had, that every body felt the dif•
ferepce. The Bliglitly overbearing tone
was gone. Heino more chafed under the
slightest contradiction, and though This
alteration eudt4tred him to all ho came in
contact with, those who loved him most
would willingly have suffered from his
old manner, rather than see a change
which they feared was the result of disap
pointed ho - pes and a broken spirit.
Phyllis used to think his diffidence and
constraint to her resulted from the fear
lest she might not understand\ that they
could never occupy the old footing towards
each other. So to put him at his ease, and
because a little sore pride Wouldrise up in
her heart, she used to take particular no
tice of Dick Totten, and receive all his
utteutions. thereby carrying Leonard to
further despair, for inconsistentas it seem
ed Leonard was now thoroughly in love
with the girl whom he had sworn he
would never ask to be his wife. Daily be
contrasted her with Norah. Churchill, and
asked himself what demon bad possesseed
him to throw away his life's happiness.
Oh I it was all over forever. Phylluimust,
See what he felt for her,and her pointed
acceptance of Dick Totten's attentions
was intended to rebuke his presumptions
in daring now to think of her.
The siimmer roses bloomed and faded,
and the golden corn ripened and was cut
down, the leaves that were budding when
Leonant Barton returned home beganto
fall and wither, as his hopes seemed to do
day by day until he could endure his stato
no longer. One day when Lettice, with
loving solicitude, had been trying to dis
pel his depression, she summoned up cour
age enough to speak of Norab. Leonard
broke out in u storm of rage at her name,
cursing the day he first saw her, and
big la:itself a dolt and an idiot, until it
dawned upon Lettioe that her prayer !lad
been answered, and that Leonard loved
Phyllis again. But nothing would induce
him to spimk to-her. He was certain she
intended marrying Dick 'Patton. Why,
she loved the man and showed that sho
did,—he saw it : of course she couldn't de
ceive him.
Fora whole week Lettice pondered over
what she had best do. In her heart she
believed that Phyllis loved Leonard. Still,
appearances were in favor of Dick Tattoo,
and at last she resolved to sound her niece
who at once told her that Dick bad had
his answer long ago. Only they had
agreed that as neither of them ever in
tended to marry, they should be great
friends all their lives. This was good
news, indeed ; but when Lettice went on
to speak of Leonard, Phyllis would not
listen. No, whatever he said was not from
love but from pity. She would go away
in order that Leonard might feel himself
free t choose a suitable wife, which , fear
of disappointing them alone prevented' him
from doing.
Lattice was iu despair. flow could he
these two together. At length
PliVlis said, " there is but one way in
which I could be convinced. Let mo over
hear von tell this to Leonard, aunt, and
give me your sacred promise that he shall
not know lam in the room. It seems a
dishonorable plan, but as the happiness of
two lives are at stake it may be forgiven."
So Lettiee promised, and the next eve
ning the scheme was carried out. Phyl
lis hidden from sight
,by the curtains, and
seated upon the olds - fashioned window
seat of her aunt's room, listened with ex
cited fear tot conversation which now
seemed th nruing point in her exist
Lettice told her son of Phyllis's refusal
of Dick Tutton's offer, and that he might
now take courage hlllipeak to her.
Bnt no, Leonard was all despair. He
knew that Phyllis eared for Dick, only
she was so unselfish that, rather than pain
her uncle and aunt, she would sacrifice
T' But she shan't do that, mother," he
broke out. " She shall see lam not the
selfish fellow I was. I will go away for a
time, and then she'll be. different, and
when she is, I shall try and come back
" But, my dear," said Lettice, pettishly,
" you are talking nonsense. Phyllis as
`much as told me that she loved you."
" Yes, mother, and do you think that if
she really did love me she would have told
you Never. No, mother,. I threw the
chance away when I might have had it.
I did not think her anything in compari
son with a woman whose business it was
to cheat,- and now my pnnisbnient is to
value what I have thrown away," and
Leonard in„ his misery, bowed his' head
upon the table, and hid his face. .
Then. Lettice stole quietly out of the
room, and Leonard felt u soft cheek press
ed against his hand, and looking up his
eyes met Phyllis's, who said with tremb
hng voice,. "Then, Leonard, must I ask
you to take me."
Let us leave them themArbile we shake
our heads pityingly over Phyllis's want of
proper pride.
" Faller says some fair girl, who
reigns an reme over her slaves—" after a
man had treated you like that,asking him
to marry you!"
"A mean-spirited creature,and highly
improper!' exclaims the strong-minded
young lady, living in an atmosphere . far r
above love and its
_joys and sorrows. -
" I'd have served him - out!" declaresilui
happy bride, whim word is law to a de ,
voted husband. ,• - •
Perhaps -all these speak -trwily toms
their heorts,—that sever were triedr as
sorely as pew; Pbyllis's had been. ,
A due amount, of proper pride sad
&pail= aid &dee to wear warms
(Concluded on Fourth Page 4