dial& to orders to that effect, saddled'the hones' and waited' htfOrelltelloor. (tat the Colonel, who designed.setting mint, he said imniedhitely. Two hours afterward, there; . was still no signs of hitm Then the ser a i vants ifaifier , ttgliik and direetedlte horses j to be led back ; Cdl. Washington would ' I remain to dinner und, then, contitm,..bis The day was far spent when the young r— soldier made his appearance, and vaulted into the saddle: , ?Tall, vigorous, graceful, and with.a certain loftiness of port, even then 'ffitifiugaishlthl4-he was a. gallant It is now some years since I visited a Venerable •edifice intimately -connected looking c4valier—mine whom any woman with thi life of a great man—old St. Pe- might admire. One was gaziti,giftlifta - through the win ter's Church, in New Kent county; Vic- d„,_, + ‘.o t ing lat4 i otatientlns.o7ll .Ih7 , ginia; where Washington was married. with rosy, cheeks, bright eyes, hair earned Let as leave for a moment., the bustle, back froth the forehead and a neck re turirmil and ". rush" of the Iron age, and semblimi snow', above , the Square cut bod go back to the last centurn wit life was 'ce. TA.vouttg colonel ,• rented his high more deliberate, solid and picturesque. i spirited.horse, nearlyibrowing hint upon The old chUrch, of which I speak, takes courteous salute yinteasily back, as yon gaze at it ; and i his haunches, made ' a with his right hand,-(it was nearly the at- Lilco is-the added interest of its associa fiat' with the nuptials of W titude of a ashington. m i wards,) Mid gallopedbotize :Statue of him after- Old away thinking prob- Old St. Peter's was built as far bad: , ably of the bright eyes.apd lips., as 1703, and is a long, low Wilding of ‘; Colonel George Walhiington, of Mt. `sun dried bricks,' brought over from Eng- I Vernon.'' had seen for the first time Mrs. land, as was then the .habit, with 'a steep 1, MaethAtustiA, the beautiful young wid roof, and walls embrowned with age. A 'ow who,a V .- ear after, was to become his square tower rises above the vestibule, .on i 11 .4 . s-_. _ a level with the ground, amid in this tower I " i Tratliii;in related that the ceremony is the vestry room, to which you ascend by i took place in old St' Peter's Church', a lofty flight of ancient and C reakin g' which we have. referred to in the begin steps. Crowning the tower •is a-sort of ; . s " ,., 0 . of this sketch. The scene was a steeple, surmounted by crossed rods; bear- '"7 brilliant one, and may iuterest the reader. ing the letters "N. S.' E. W." and on . t i k e I I was i, 1759. ev. Dr. summit of all is a small portion of the old i t Mossom,n January parson of thepatish The , :atte ß nded in weather cock, which probably veered in I full canonicaLs, and the pair advanced,Tol- the winds of the last century. . • 1 `(owed by a bevy of beauties mid grooms- The surroundings, of the time honored :.aiikiiii; ,, l i L n i. e . n e . a . 4 'N fi Vls i l l ti c ti r t l o h i l i e sr . ais - elad , in a snit of edifice are as antique as the g with red, silk, ; his which stands on its:*Potled - lknall,lth I "'" of ,I w , aiste ,_ oa , t t tas.outhroidered'; hii`kneeznd the sturdy air of a vetenut,. : &.'n - teless • i shoe uattatat: Were of. gold ; his hair W 8 3 .1 " time mid tide." On the bricks are .carv- i wiwthat.d ; mind he wore -a dress sword.l ed names and dates, by hands that have i t i me bride was dressed in'white satin, with long crumbled. One of these dates is • rich pointed lace ruffles; pearl -orna -1739. On a great tombstone beneath the 1 ments in her :hair ; pearl necklace, ear oriel window, walled up, for ;tome reason; 1 rings Mid bracelets.; white satin shoes, is a coat of arms, raised in bass relief—a I upon if; witn 7 high heels and diam Mid buckles; and shield with a "lone star"above was followed, Os has been said, by an ar a knight's vizard, with the coronet-=of a ray of beautiful and richly dressed girls, duke or marquis apparently—encircling i (Vining nPon the t a rmsvof groompnett, in it, and surmounting all, the grinning heat I ! costume as iMposing. There vice 'meal writ wolf. On this stone, ; m k and da- Gov. of Virginia, in a suit of scarlet, em ble, as was the marble of that epoth, is cut I m broidered with• gold, with huge bag wig the date " 1716. Not a tracery hasgrown ! and (brim sword; wits , seen in the 'midst of , dim—not a letter or figure is indistinet'! a number of officers of the 'English army The weirs tongue lolls out fiercely, his and navy.; mut a.igreat crowd of what eyes glare,jiis teeth snarl. The rain and were then called " the gentry"—friends snow and stltishine have fallen for a cen- 1 ' and relations ofthe bride and groom—fill tury and a half on the knightly helmet I ed the chureh,all intent upon the " inter- and the head of the wolf-'—and neither i esila . eerewienT.,,•. One personage has' rain, snow, or sunshine has affected the• been forgotten i Bishop, the old bode ser- iron surface,. • ' Cant. He, too, was present. Witli fol- , • These objects take you back to a to . tied arms, and much emotion on his aged . mole period, very unlike the present, I face, he gazed at the ceremony with the when buildings, tombstones, and 'ft other t. i rest. things, seem constructed of franc i p ma -1 . 1 1 It was soon ended and the brilliant Another memorial of o 1 times terials crowd flowed forth from the old chpreh. I . . is the grove of till oaks round the chtirch. • • Tradition relates that the bride and as i What picturesque scenes these must have many of her fair attendants as could do Witnessed ! Beneath their spreading bran- so entered the great chariot, which rolled i ches, generation, rolled the chariots of old ; off, drawn by its six spirit of horses ; while! little Virginians, drawn by their four her- the- bridegroom, fondered horseback, ses, and containing the squire, his wife, ' mounted the-splendid English changer and maidens nud children attending ' bequeathed to him by Braddock, and can— ehureh, to these boughs were tethers . tered after; the coach, attended by menu tagA the bridles of thorough bred horses, ritks bee of gallant youths. 1 den hr gallant months. Yonder the char'-', Such was tbatpicturesque seem in the tots discharged iii. their burdena -the ii,,,, : • lire ertue— ratter or tag - mant,y." Wc. pons old lord of thoananor the good dame , see so much of the -great soldier, shites- his wife, and the little beauty, their luau, and ruler, that airs pleasant to catch i datighter, in her great hooped dress, A a glimpse of the lover and bridegroom. and square bodice, powdered hair, not ? One phase of the individual i heeled shoes. as she raises her silk dress' re r y the public •and official phase—prey 1 and scarlet ‘• petticoat," as they called it onl the profile ; to obtain the full like-, then. You maV see her still, in imagine- ! weds, the other phase must he delineated, :hot,. as she stailes and nods, slaying with uThe unreasonable theory has been her brightn-ers—t , he youths with embroi o regard George Washington as an ah- dered coats; tong . waistcoats amid ruffles, straetmob of patriotisin and virtue, when who-hasten to assist her, and Tonteital'for lie was A man like other men, with strong the touch of the small band. passions and; hnnuin sympathies and in , All„,"that has passed away ;the youths' , tirmities. The resplt has been that he and maidens are long dead. 'file parson has failed in a measure to impress the' no more sweeps down the vestry staws, or heart. Men admire, but are chilled by thunders,in his high, tub shaped pulpit 'him—by that grand bronze statue under above- the listeners in the lofty pews. ,which a heart never beat. Such an idea Squire and dame, and parson, and gallitut i is a fallacy. Few human being have ever love!, and little beauty to the i 'e e l N t e m a o u r a e rin dci y ej , i ,a ly n , t , han Washington. iHe memory of the great oaks, live whichalorie 1 a if he did not hate bit above them, leave still, and will probably . terlv, it-was-bemuse his moral nature re- rustle their leaves in the winds of another \Aka from hatred, the sister of injustice, century. ; and his imMense self control enabled him Such is and was old St. Peter's church an interesting relic to day of a time! to rule himself: • that is long dr ad ; interesting,- more than all, . But this moral discourse is apart from the aim of the little sketch here presen as I havb said, as having been the scene ' led. If that sketch be without " historic of Washington's wedding. it' may claim perhaps, the The incident which led to that event is im P rilince ' " merit of being characteristic. ' The con edy, I hope, in relating it, I shall not be worth - narrating, and something of a coin- : trust at least LS something. Few. Men are charged with " irreverence" to the mem- ;left of that man's mould, and our wed my of the famous bridegroom • dings to day are Prosaic. Blue and silver . coat; with red 'silk lining are not the fash- He was a man of lofty pride, august i ion. ~ Six horde chariots have disappeared.. diauity—a very ~arand type ; of. ; god,. All that brilliant life of the;past has faded fell m love" at least teficem his life,l a it ' into the uniicturesque nineteenth centn the humblest of his - species. This ; was his n sp rp le s n e dor, and romance second love, and something of romance r i: ' - .9 - a - n a d llt e rred etrY to , was connected. with the origin of the of- , , ""'' fair. But e the; areat oats and old church, lost in the wilds of New Heat, are still there. . It was in the spring of 1759. Mr. Cus- . Beneath the trees - fiashelithat• biilliaut tis, a planter residing et hiS . - Jate - called'. cortege of old days—in that building Geo, the ,' White house," was riding cut one Washington placed the ring on the finger morning, whet, he met, coming from the 0 ,. I his. bride. All has passed away now ; northward, a young gentleman of milita- .the stately and beautiful-figures have song 17 a pP eanance excellentl Y awant6d;tii - . I lain down in their tombs, but the stub! accompanied by a gantthold servant, or ! i tairn trunks, with their ancient inserip sargwat, who rode respectfully a few pa ' tons, remain to call the life of tbepast. ctis behind his master. The new comer i Flom Appleton's journill. was Colonel George Washington,on his i . • ?he pont64--_Menionlit. MEER I`iill . ; "AAWLEY, EDSTOIt. PE NIA WEDNESDAY, YAW. 12, 18T0 *Washington's Wedding. way from Winchester to I% and his attendant, Bishop, forrnorly.Brad dipek's body servant, now his own. Washington was twenty five at that time, and a - young man. of gr eati,sedate nese and dignity. - -11.e. was i n Chief com mand of the frontier, and saiv . Or thong,ht little of the fair sex. 13nt, on thili spring morn of IThB, his time bacreMne.r-- spring, Mr. 'ustiS greeted' him, and'invited ' him to Stop' at.4he )Thite •11.ouse.. would do so with .pleasiirc, built "Would be for,half .only. ..Ilia 'business I Was pressing ; be must hasten on td :sec his escellencv ._art Williamsburg. And conversing. trey , '..rOde -rhack turd reached the. White flonse. Hera liVashington die-1 tuonnted; and delivered his horse to Bish op, with orders to wait him therc; would cmthine leis jOttriiey - in :half an .hoar. 13:shop saluted,gravely, with hand .raised to his hilt . ; his master entered the house, and the half hour passcill—the old servant waiting.patiently. (.. .I.lis master did nor, however; -vittke , ppe.arance. The event, was unheard of.l Washington was the sent punctii-.1 - Lhe wins on .pressing.publiebosi 'less; What Meaning of this strarime and unwonted delay" Ain b6ile paised= . .-two ,:hoitrapassed. . Col: Washington .re appear. tut. .a.sertant came out and I'dillivered anor der.frons hiin to tic :motionless old : body guard - - lie noul conduct the' horses to the stables"; his master-"would , dine, and; possibl.r spertd the night 'With Mr- Custis. Bishop obeyed—the world.' was clearly coming to.an end Washingtoa was .the gneSkof the osyster of-the Vih4e ItOuSe. • On the next morning Bishop in ohe- • 7:--riZFE-;:4-grrv.----'31'7574'. --7tr--15`.7, Mrs. Notable, or Nia.eteen Plotetlnle • • . , . . . ' ' ' 4 3.fy dear," said ;Mrs: Green to her htis -baud one inorniug, the meal. .whiCli we berroweil'from Mr. Pla4 - ,, a few days ago, is almost out, uud We mu El lake to-mor- " Well;" husband,'" send ' and barrow..lialfALl:Mabel at Mr. .White's, 'he sent to mill yesterday." • "And when it conies, shall -we return the peck wo borrowedmore than. a month igo from the Widow Gray ?" " No," 'said' theltuslianci "the can send for it when she wants it. John, Ido you go down to Mr. Brown's and ask I him to lendrne his.ar.e to,ehop some-wood i this forenoon.; ours'is dull and I sair'llifn grinding-his last- - And James, do` I hie tor Mr. Clark's and askiiinfto:lend me a harnmer—and- do you hear? you May as well borrow a few, palls, while you dre about. it." - A littleiboy now mitersaud sgs, "kith ilef'ti,ntln6 to ask if youltara* done With Ihis hoe,- Which you borrowoi. a 'week- ago last Weditesday ilho wants to use it," • i " Wanes his hoe, child ? , ;What can be volit,ll , ,jtiiiit.?lhavenot 'half done 'with it yet.•~btit if hdwiints, it, I suppose he musthaveit. Tell him to send It:back Ilmthvas soofkas be can-spare -They iatl,doirn to. breakfast. ‘.; 44k la ! escltiima -Mrs.. Greeti,"ffthere le :not particle ; edloutter.iw-the =house.. James, -fan mier.tio Mrs,'Notable'S-..r• she::always IliaLeicelleat butter in'heidailt Ssli'her e• . - a.ffew , minutes "Mrs Notable says Ail biaiertt f oil. the butter, buti begs you to remember that ebe..4B6,4l;eady.lept,ra:-Pii!lefe.94 Plat - fnis.mbickarq scored on the dairy- door." irNifiTien7.ldatefuls:nexclaiirted • the eqt.nished Mrs—Green,. olding _up both handay#is - noemah thing- , --I never had half theMianify and if Thad. what: is a Jittlrplatefftl,: o l - should never think of 'ketipinkiiiftiechnut of sach;ll Adel:Tare; I have a great - mind. ne ver tOorrow any thing from that mean creature. again, as long as I live." ..BROXCHITIS - OR TSRbbT 3:"X45133.9.1Er13. TLIOSE4tPFLICT.ED WILL FIND A REMEDY IN - ALLEN'S LUNG BALsAm, BE CONVINCED BY POSITIVE • • PROOF AND TEST IT YOURSELF. Ohlo, Fcb. fflith. ISM !last's. J. N. BARRIS C 00.. Gentlemen:-1 have been afflicted for ten or twelve years with Dronehitts In its worst form, and have tried everything that I conld buy recommended, bat with lit tle or no relief. twill I used your ALL EN'S LUSO BALSAM, which gave me relief in a shorttime. I be lieve It Is the best preyaratien extant, for all diseases of the throat and lunge, and I feel it my duty to eay this math formy own cane, so that other! may try It and get ,Iteapoctfally, FILEDLAN'. WU know Mr. Freeman well, and his etatemeut above is correct. CO., Wholes* and Retail Druggists, Zanesville. Dee.ls.-4 BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR STRUGGLES AHD TRIUMPHS OF P. T. BARNUM, WRITTEN BY HIMSELF In One Lame,., Octavo Volutne—nearly MR pages—prin ted In English and German. 13 Ele.int Full Page 0:1- Cy.l"l7la, It c a m . 17r e e7ria l b .o t, r % l a ' n 'a lb, " :er. fie l t ifigx " r 1 . ° I. Ccotfuhtei; and Showman. No bnyk published so acceptable to all clailms• Kve-ly nue wants It. Aoents overage From au to lit) subscribers a week. We offer extra Inducements. Plastnittetke?talo,,_••uo and terms to asents sent free. BUHR &Vb. Publlebers, •, Hanford, Coen. • • DOWN TOWN NEWS. MINER AND COA Ds, Main Street, 5 doors below Boyd' e Corner. Montrose FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. Weeny constantly rye irlogi ntt now here ontinnel, afresh stock of Goode in on,lh e, which we willsell CHEAP! CHFAI I CHEAP! for ea b ,or ceche - go or p rodnee. GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER d• TIMOTHY SEED, &c. we have refitted and made additions to our Stock of Palls. and are now ready to forward Butter to the be, t eomtnission houses In New York. free of char g e, sod mskellherniadvancements on consi g nments. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing else where. ande.rinvinee vourseires of the GOOD QUALITY & LOW PRICES of our floods. C. 43. - . W. B. COATS Montrose, dprll 10. 1869. FURNITURE RSTARLISTIMENT OF WILLIAM Ir. SMITH. PLEASE TAKE Nonce: The extensive Furniture Ental.lishment of Wiltiaru W. Smith, having been refitted nod greatly improved, the proprietor respect fully announces to the citizens of Montrone and Tient& y. that he is constantly making and keeps on hand the largest and bent asesortment of .771 LT 3Eit. .I.OT 3C r iL 17.3E:t. to be found enyuller this side of New York City. • Desks. Divans. Towelracks. Lounge.. Footstools £c. Lenter Card. Pter. Toilet filuitil;. Kitchen and extenion tables. CRATES —Cabe and Wood•eaL Rocker, Cane, Flag and Woodvent , of every variety and etyle. Sofitenod Tute.n-tetc!, tarn abed on abort notlec.— Cane cent chain , rceeted. bPRING BEDS. A large nottortment—chmymt and beet in the market Cane Seat Chairs. I am now enablud to supple my customers with a new substantial cane seat chair, of home manufacture. which will be found greatly superior to those formerly In market, and 'Mare sold at a less price. CANE•SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATED. at- Ready made coffins on bend or furnished at short notice. Hearse altar), in readiness If desired. I employ none but carefo I and experienced workmen, Intend to do my work well, and sell It as low as can be afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITH. liontrOse,Pcb lii, 18G.S. 0 TFINGERR - WOO'io 4°- ' - 'POM . .4,,, ~,,,,, ci „... ~,,...,. Espycially designed for the 91 , 0 of the Medi cal Profession and the Family. possessing 'thine intrinsic medicinal properties which belong teen Old and Purr tits. Indispensable to Females. Good for Kidney Com. plaints. % delicious Tunic. Pa. np in peer, contain ing one dozen rattles each. end sold by all druggists, grocers. Sc. A. 31. BIN - INGE - ft et CO., established 1718. No. IS Beaver Street. New York. For .1c In Moutrore. by July ABEL TI.IIIIIELL, Agent. SHRINER'S • i/PL't - Will ewe' ASTHMA, - lIRONCHITIS, BLOOD SPITTING, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING. PAIN and WEAKNESS IN THE CHEST, TROUBLESOME COUGHING AT NIGHT, he. It will egistrung te atoretheCough that, frequently follows Nadu, and any Motion of the respiratory organs, no nutter of Inv tang standing, ar whatever the age of the It acts lea specific, is purely vegetable, and Is to the nude. As died Is soothing, allaying the vio lence of the cough, facilitating expe! gelding the nerves and cahillrating the system Mothers, Save Your Children! No child meddle of CROUP, If Me Byron to wed to time: Oki it a feud denaustncted by erpertencs. No fondly should to nitboot this Syrup, aa that hiall Mame, CROUP, comes Rho al thief in. the night, to steal away Teßr_ll . ttla cats; sawn 'molar laeOcal ald cannot boob Ptsyared only dll DAVID E. Form • DallisOrt. /It 'MIRE • IMES, 'I *W. haveJuet TeeetTed nn asvntment of Lake and 'Nand Vineyard Wines. from More:, *. Wilma, Morrow & eh:MN:din, New York; which ferdzhnetie sod fluor they &veto anturpluited. and that maralmere cab rely upon Weir parity—behm free from outmeratlone &any kind. The trade maark of the fine appear* upon every bottle. both on label and .• tunNs a; aaciacm. ontsnie, Feb. 3,1f4D.-7, • - EXTF.R.MINATORS. . ro F .Rats.Roaches, Ants, &c. -trifento,4l.2t a to e r b " y lic a r i tts 4 P9v9ler for Insclits. , . • . 1! Omar° of oil 'Ask fir " Custar'e," (tele no otbo4 • • ..- AfILLINtRY G00D,,, SOk Bonnet l'elvets in hlsi:h and colors. Patented :Velvets and Plashes. Flowers. Biaterettbhons: s il ks lath% antlatepei old lanes' &ass p5.1441te,.504 ehihiren!ettlantattailkoltnatrlotranif Be . Trainee, LIP" nes. Blonde, Mal es, 4c, the.. always the heed gnu taste GIITTEIIISEG, ROSZVBACIII I Czelf. -,--- ~,.. gin*Sta St A t 3 Utli• tn. P. P. 1111flpsP. UZO. W. MAYBlfitt BBIUdSS, NO., yo.vounir-STBEET, Two doors West of the Post Office. BINGHAMTON, N. I'. ;um. 5, Is69.—tr G RAND EMPOIIIIIM FOR HATS, CAPS, FURS, SUFFALO, WOLF and COON CARRIAGE ROBES, UJIRRELLAS, GLOVES, MT TONS, BOOTS, SHOES, et RUBBERS, AT AMWAY & MORRIS', SO Court Street, 331=421-32C.49.111TC0ZW, N. Y. NOT. 3* 130,-33. 3. NI. TC02.333.121.. REMOVED NEW STORE, NO. 82 WASHINGTON STREET, pint Door North of the City National Sulk. SPLENDID STOCK, Brilliant Display! DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, MST CLOCKS IN TIM SASAKI', SILVER 15 ATC II ES, PUENCIL SWISS AND AMERICAN GOLD WATCHES, ' Of all Styles, and sold CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. 1 base also the best sod nest complete stock of SOLID enLvElt AND PLATED.WADEL From Do best and most popular makers, whose roods have even perfect satisfaction to my patrons for the past five years. The etoek will be thend the best ever opened In BlviChstritoll, evil et all times will he kept. toll and complete, coneisting et SOLID SILVER TABLE WARE, TABLE AND TEA SPOONS, NAPKIN. LUNGS, 'MUM Ike-. uvr, thew withal the_ varieties of Plated Ware. sorb as Ten Setts. Cake Baskets. Napkin Bings„Gastom Knives, Forks, Spoons, to., of Single, Double, Treble and Quadruple Plate 727 SPLENDID STOCK OF if!x..3walr 0-411;007:113 wan never more complete, and i am making courant daily taldlttons Jr all the new Nor• egos of the Suwon. • ALL My COOPS. AS BEPUESENTED For further prool . of this 1 refef to , 0. w now:acts% tams setudon: T. R MORGAN. A. S. WRLLS, D. NVICSON. r W. LAGRANGE, R. D. munannur, RIM BMW U. DOW/481MT. ' WARD lUMBEZZAII lISASB t'ettandISANIISE Oi(GOOM AT '42-Washington St • / , . -1 1 4•:;1t / • Z-20114115-. " T 3 00FING. , 11, , Tnnics PLitIIELT M a UM. unites the brit Watts proof azorpotilion with the bat Itttisprof Fabric In the at manner, end at the lowest price to the consumer. There 18,1 st, a foundation of Tarred Felt; td, a hirer of water-proof Comprultiou ; Ad,anothar User of Fan: 4th, another loser of Composition; 6th, another layer of Felt. - , • ll3' &mu I for etiruiary and Stange* We ogre to the ern parehasu In each place MOO open feel of the Three Ply Felt, with the necessary coating, for Thtity Dollars. PATENT ROOF PAINT Thi■ Pent is composed of gums, oils, and resinous substances, combined with distilled tar and the best known dryers. It contains no mineral or pigment. and Is prepared, ready for use, about the consistency otos. dlnary mixed paints. It costs much) css, retains its elaiticity longer, and Is more lineable. °minty Mt:blares sale. Int Cl/rakers and aßparibratars,•Addrees MICA ROOFING COMPANY, I 3 Malden Lane, New York. itepL PROCLAMATION : andUTHORITY ln me vested. I sow declare prochtha that I am ix tom' with the best Stoet. 0 F WOOFS lk 8110E8,l aceof every description, ever brought into this p 0 r any any other place of the eke I' hat 1 will dipole of thew for CASH 8 o law, that pone need au barefoot & I furthermore declare and proclaim that I U aye Added to My itOGIC a dile assortment of A El kinft of RATS a CAPS to be found In T he market A ma supply of Leather & Finding II eamtantly am baud. Montrose. Juno 0,1869.-4 f LADIES' FANCY FURS. OHN FAREIRA, I 718 Arch St., lie of the Block. be. ern 7th and nib its. South Side. LA OBLIIIIA. Icier, minuted over, & tr In all kinds and Ity of FACT Funs Ladles' and Children? wear. ruing enlarged. remod and Improved my old favorably known Fur larinin.Ond haring lin ed a very large and lfferent kinds of Fars . hare bad them made np by the:mort skillful workmen, 1 would respectiblly Incite my friend. of Susquehanna aud adjacent counties to call and examine my very large and beautiful assort ment of Fancy Furs for Ladles and Children. lam de ty.rmince te pen 1164 s. I.oo,prifV-• us any other regiment bin House In this cite. All Fars warranted. Ito cabs reprewenta dons to etect sales. JOHN' FABKIR.A, Scp.2ll--41m WS Arch Street, Philadelphia:l SILVER WA= pROF. G. E. STEDGE, Would notify the yobbo of Autumn 1 Comers and vicinity. that he Is now prepared to tame all horses en trusied to his care. no matter what or how bad their ha bit. ere If not broke, no charge made. Also, instruetiod given how to tome your own homes. Auburn 4 Corners, Sept. m, 1969.—y , GROPER 4t BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCR FAMILY Beauty and elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Shothinery. train: both threads directly fromtho spools. No fastening of seaters by hand and no waste of ' thread. Wide range of application without change of aditot meat. The scam retains its beauty and demons after wash ing and ironing. Besides all kinds of work done by mee ts Ma chines. mese Machine' execute the beantifni and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. Or The Highest Premlumsat all the fairs and exhi bitions of the United States p have been awarded the Grover & Bake Sew Sewing Machines, and the work dune by them, whernver b/hlblted in compe tition. n'The very highest price, TEE OBOES OP TILE LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred on the represent- I Mires a the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, at the IfSpOv ov ILion Unite/sae, Paris, 1807, thus attesting tbeirgreat superiorityover all other Sowing Machines. • Parente by F. 13.CIIANDLE11, 31outroso June 1. 1 yr. • G ENIIINE WIZARD OIL! For Bak by. FTILNS & \lellOL9 Mantme. July SI, 1889.—lir 18011PRILADEL~PBIA 1869. 1 5 istrke•rs. HOWELL . : 111/1311KE, Manufacturers of PAPERILI.NGINGS dr;WINDOW SHADES, Sales Roams, Cor. Fourti & Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. • Factory, Cor. Twenty-third and &min Sts. New Styles every day, of our own make. Oct. 20—jw10 CLOTHING 1 CLOTHING 1 The iindersigeed Would rettpactrally announce to the adze= of Meaboppan and aidatty that he has opened a atom Our the Depot with a spleed4 reortmett of , • Ready Made Clothing, Conti PurnisAkg Cake, Bab, Caps; Moses,' fin.; ptetdeb witt be rid at Great DAYSIths; taritaretatw the plue: 4611 N CArnOit. NESTIOPPEN. Pa.. Oct. a. ta6o.—Sme AS AN INDUCEMNT, tardire me a call C. N. STODDAIW SEWING MACIIINES, 49 BEOADWAY, NEW YORK. POII;iTS OF EXCELIANCS NEW FALL AND WITMER STOCK. THE LOW STYLES AND DEBT quatirts. CPXPETMON , DERDID t FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. it.. It. A. BINDER his inst - issued from Pans .and London with the latest designs, perammtly select• ed frato the greatest novelties ; also, the Most elegant Trimmings to be secured in Paris. lAce.. Ribbelle, Velvets, Bridal Vella, Flowers. Floo Jewelry. and. Trim. med Paper Patterns. l,reas and Cloak Making, Exclusive agent for Mrs. M. Work's celebrated system for cutting ladhaV dresses, smote*, hamlets, etc. N. W. comer of Eleventh and Chestnut Streeta. Sept. V. 1669.—Gm Philadelphia. • ALL -MG lIT FOR 1869. ' • 3sCurArmilr' 22177 riLVVlC r i si r • hi coninant receipt of :NEW GOODS, by which his assortment Is rendered more and more maniple. and attractive for all his usual varieties of undo fur 16 M., re New DM Groat. New' Nfocerio. • Aeto Hardrease, and Kew Stout, Iron, itertlelora, /Wes, 011 e, Board Shore, Ira Paper, Window Blade Hats d Cam, Buffalo Bono, Ladles Fors, hoop Mete, width will all be sold onfite most favorable terms. New Milford, lan. 180. STROUD BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident. ENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, litiCC:i31t1"011110. Pa. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, over - $60.000,000 Hume Insurance. Cu. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, $3,000,010 Insurance Co. of North America, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, 1,020,000 Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Philo, PA., Capital and Surplus, Lycomlng Comity Mutual Insurance Co.of Manny, Perin‘a, Capital and Surplus, Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplult. Connecticut ?Anton! Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn.. paying 60 per' gent. dirldeqs to thcassured. The notes given for Miff the premium is never to bo paid under any eiretmotances. he policy will always be paid In fall; and thenotes given up. Capital, • 17,000,000 American Life Insurance Co., Philadel phia. Capital. , 1.000,000 Tra loin velrs'lnsuranee Co. Hartford Conn. e :Jog against all kinds o accidentsi Capital. 700.000 Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Hart ford. Coon , Capital and Surplus. $2,000,000 Putnam Fire InsumuceCo., Hartford, Ct., Capital. iroo,oao Hartfotd Live Stock Insurance Company. Insurance on all kinds of Live Stock, against theft and death from any cause. Capital, -$17,000,000 •• • • - VlT'Ailbosiness entrusted to our care alit he attend. ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. ore/Mee first door east from Itaulthsts, , olllce of W . R. Cooper & Co.. Turnpike st. Montrose, Pa. STROUD tis BROWN, Agents, )t. C. SUTTON. tau., Friendscilie, Solicitor Mlle. IL Same. Montrose, do linassos Fornorrn, Montrose, 9 p I. 1969. 11ACKAW ANITA' do BLOOMSBURG Railroad. On and after',lla7.lo, IbGO, Pasalliger craw. will run as follows: • SOUTIIWARD. A. It. Scranton, . 615 Kingston, • . , 633 Itnpert. , . 8:L8 .• Danville, ' 9:04 Arrive at Northumberland. • 9:40 - NcinTustraux . , - - ~ . , Leave Northansberirnd, : 8;30 .' • • . -, . \.• Danville, &W., .., -- : ''' .113 Tt .• nperti- . Vele - —A.m. . , WA •• Kingston; 9:.•5 7:45 • -*II I Arrive at Scranton, 10:40 ' San . . 9:415 H UNT BROTLIEBS, i Kingeton.May tn. DAVID T. BOUND. Supt. SCRANTON. PA. ' . . Wholesale A Retail Dealers in TIRIE RAILWAY. • 1) . HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, 1.., .. .. . I 140 n 5111 es tinder one Management FCC Miles 'siftls- NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, i EtZ,:i b ;;;:r. I°,ll= ch . ginrehitglr, li t " t k n eZt". Paul, Omaha. and all points West and North-West. BUILDER'S HARDWARE, . Man.fleld. Galion, Urbana. Dayton. Clueintrati,lndian. ieine is, 1 ouisville, St. Loots, and all pnints West, ,IIPI 1 South-West. New and Lo ots, twei cescbea ata tiii tso MINE RAIL. COUNTERSUNK & T R.4IL SPIKE.. through without change to nin o. es te. r. a RAILROAD d MINING SUPPLIES. land audanclunatl. CARRIADE SPRINGS. AXLES, mai" A NI. On and eller Monday. Nov. 11th. arm. Tratniiiini Boxxs, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS. PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE leave Great Bend at the following bouts viz: IRONS, RUBS. SPOKES, GOING WW E. • , -- "- '-: TELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS. fie. 5.25 A. x. 3IAILTRAIN, Sundnysexcepted. ANVILS, VICES. STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS MADDERS, SLEDGES. FILES, Ac. &.c.. It .56 A. a. EMIGRANT. Daily. 1.15 r. B. WAY FRElGET,Sundaysereepted. '" CIRCULAR AND 'MILL SAWS. DRUFING, PACKING 4.18 r, n. DAY EXPRESS, Sundayexceptrd. TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS 803 r. n. EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays excepted.. CEMENT. HAIR & GRINDSTONES FRENCH SCALES, WINDOW GLA SS . LEATHER & FINDINGS. . GOING EAST. . FA O IRBAN E'S 7.53 ... IL CINCINNATI IMPRESS, Mendays'exoff.. Scranton. March 'lt. ISMI. .., 1y tad. ____: - - to 45 A . si. WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. .. AT ARSTIALUS ELIXIR. I. r.it. DAY EXPREI3S. Sundays exceptetV": s 9 4.1 r. x. NEW YORK MAIL. Sundays excepted. ..l.il. READ ACHE—DYSPEPSIA—COSTIVENESS , 11 CIO r. a. LIGHTNING EXPRESS. . , . tr_yoe _sneer with limularbe. try Norsltall's Elixir, I ;grit. New and complete "Pocket Time Tattls d! and be convinced that alowneth other remedies have p nger Trains on the Erie Railway add coanecting taped to care you, this will nine you mutant and perm- ' Line; has recently been published. and can beprocurid I a n ti c ; s u e t s r a!! I, l e f , l , , , y ,no ov c e , r , excitement ,,c.uei t l ‘ i , V fatigue Sou r. on applicatiOnto the Ticket Agent at the Company's iMellish. you that something more &matrons may off l i f' ' .M .R: D.ißn. • L. D. RUCKER. - z happen, each rua Palsy, Donness cd Sight, and other ' ... ~„ (isn't - . e, .. \Marmite: nervans affections. then Marshall's Elixir, by . 111, • - 1 giving tone and strength to the system. restores you to pert. hmtlth. 'Whenever food voltb.b should he dlges i fed remains In the stomach. causing pain and raneasi. nee* for the went of that principle which would render I , It easy of digestion, then by using Marshall's Elixir yam I will supply this deficiency and prevent its recurrence. and so be radically cured of Dyspepsia. The stomach being thus cleansed fr..m an unhealthy ton healthy eon ! lilt ion. coativen .0 end the other nit oodant disorders of the bowel. are of necessity prevented. Price of Marshall's Elixf r. $1 00 per bottle. i Depot. 1801 Market at. Philadelphia. Ms MARSHALL I it CO., Druggists, Proprietors. For sale in Montrose by 1 Ap . T—tygd BUILIS & NICLIOLS. TANHOOD: HOW LOST, IIOW Just published.a new edition of Dr. Culeerwell l a Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without tactlichte)elSperenntorrhren, or Seminal weakness, In voluntary Seminal LAMM , . Impotency, Mental and physical Incaparoy, impediments to Mar loge. etc. ; also Coast:arms. ELILEee. T. and Fits, itidneed by seit indulgence or sexual extravagance. pelf - Price In Foaled envelope. only 0 cent,. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay. clearly detn.nstrates from a thirty years' snecessibl pmetlge , that the alarming :eausequenees of self-abuse may be radically enrol without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the kultel pointing out a mode of cone at once simple, certain, and effectnal. by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his con dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radicals:.;aril& Leetnre should be ha the hands of every youth and every eon to the land. Seat under seal, in a plata envelope, to any address, postpaid. on cocelpt of nix cents. or two . post stamps. Also. Dr. Cniverwell's ••Marringe -price 83 eta. Addiess Publishers, Pine 17 CMS. J. C, HUNS b CO., 121' Bowery, NewT rko, Post oface oßx 4,586. PALL TIIADE. 1: To ifaivers and Country Slortkepere WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT DP STAIRS. Desirable goods received daily from anetlon and prl v ate rale. Our stock of Feathers. Flowers, Sailor, Silk., Vol vets. Ribbons, Laces. Trimmings, Fringes, Yankee Notions, Flinty Goods, etc , etc., Is largo and cheap. We cat lengths nt piece prices. Boy and sell for web. EDWARD RIDLEY -& SON, 300. 311, eBll% Grand, and. 68, 68, 10 Allen Streets. Corner store, NEW Oflb bYOR Clock K ea stITY. from the Bowery, Sept. 15.-3 months.—J. L. TTO WAUD Assoclatloo,Phlladelphla,P. 11 DiPC/ISCII of the Nervonv,Elemlnal,tirinaryand sex nalsystema—new and rellabletreattnent—in Iteporttor the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Pent by matllnsealed ot,:eranTalopea.frec of charge... Addrepetir.J.Siumui ItonanroP, Howard Aer mint troll. 1 1 / 4 t Soutl Metre Philadelphia. Pa. y Ott % and a great vent of OILS ter 74 ACMLINERS. LINERS. rot sale - ADEL TUIIIIELL. H ATS, CAPS, & PUTS. Bits and Caps Bidden aiid Boys' wear. 'Fon of all graded; at Ovrrmosao, ISosaNnavi, S c 0... WOOLEN &-KNI'D GOGDS. . . . . Ladles' Merino I.Trler gardenia. llooda, flora. Mons &o. Gents' Wrappers and Drawers. Eltarro, Jackets. Gloves of all sorts. In grant variety. at . k GUM:mato, lioassairm, it. Co's. NEW FlItU! • . . . . T. stint &spa, Of Einosien, N. Y.. havlnz'botight an Interest In tb° store of S. H. SAYRE & BROS., will bo glad to th e ere paw:moot tho old Sem, and many new once, where all Goo4a In =Milne will be mold very cheap fir eash.l We are receiving On unusually lame 'tack pt tho best Stoves In market, to whteh especialattd." at t ention. Alm, Hardware anal cutlery, many strtlolos of which we can cell at 4 . bargain. SPORTS &CO. Montrose, Nov. . . •. DRESS GOODS:. I - ' -' .; . ' - - . !flack and 'colored Dmaa Bilks, siliewaip Pirllns, Vrincb Merinos.. Empress; Alpaccaa and Verplln , Ism au. Cretlmes. Tannatlas,.Pombmilne.ll.-Datilill ~ and Mohair goods,.ln all colors and qualities, and In treat varlet variety at Oultenbarg, Rosenbaum a Cco'a gallant 'gime Vablex nELAI* 1, AItE,ACKAWANNA and .I_, WESTERN ItilLlioAD. SummerArniaseasest, Mai 10, 1800. • - ••. ,- • „ TRAINS kii vz • .. -r• WESTWARD; Una I kninagr I Mllll Panzer train. train. STATIONS. .1 Amin: ' tra in. • A.. 81. A.,,DS. New' „ ark ., -_ .P,..6 16,60 .. N. :. 11. lit:Ili - geW _nanipiOri;::::: " l 14$ ; : 11, t , 12,1 r. liSannnks Chunk.... 11445 . ; a 17E1 Dolawaro....Dlne... 12,M. , , A „, 9,45 11,00 Scranton 0.15 ,1.05 . 6;• ei 4,51 12,95 Nicholson ~ 7.55 BA 1 o 5,13 1„ , 00 1 a lionbottorn ' - - 2,29 5.13” 4 5,23 -1,40 lloDttol49 t 7,15 ' 4,15, 0 6,60 Mi1f0rd......;, New M1if0rd....... 0.54 ,11.45 g ais Lao t Great Bend. '.,. 1 • 11 0,75 ,20 a, PAL P. m I *root.' Li be rty a* . I A.. rAL, It ILA. DEN r w - • General Paso. &ASTI LEiIIGII VALLEY ItAILEOAD: . '. On sod alter Sept. 20, UM. train, on the LaWO Valley Railroad will ran as follows : - DOWN TRAINS. • "- Leave Waverly anno lion S. H. W. .. .8.40 a. m, Athena 852 Towanda- 9.30 " Lacayrillalo.ss " Manner's E'..9 10.57 " Meshoppen 31.15 " Alehoopany 11 24 " Tunkcock • 11.58't' L. It B. Jane. - 12.51 p m. Melon' 1.25 Wilkee.flarre 143 White Utrren 0.08 51'e b Chant 4.49 " Allentown 5.45 " Bethlehem 6.1* " Easton 6.30 p.m. Philadelphia 8.23 " Ar. at New lurk ' 9.25 " UP Taarel LearoP Noeiladelpw Yor hia7.43 k " p. Easton 10.00 Bethlehem 10.`X " Allenttwn 10.45 " • m it Chank 12.00 tn. W e 111'01.32 p. m. W tkes-Itee 2.50 Pittston 3.10 " '' • L. &B. Jan. 120 " Tunk'aetk '4.21 Ilettoopany 4.49 " sleshoppen 457 " ekinner's E. F. 13 " Lac. reille 518 " Towanda 6.33 " Athena 220 " Ar. at Waverly Junction, B. It. W. 7.35 " rirN'o change of cars batireirn Scranton iuL Xsw York. or between Scranton mid Philadelphia. Nov. 3.1349. - . Ci!w:=s L. BIIOWN, *l5 GOLD WATCHES TILE ONLY GENUINE DOUBLE-EXTRA ERFODED GROW? GELD WATCHES. Illsoateeturtid by the °ROME WATCH aIiMPAIST. Are ad of held make, Quoting Ca•er, wanantad not to tarnish ; look* like floe Gold, wears Ito:Gold, and an ,rdnal to the' Rest Gokr Wohbis In taste at.d Nvith the ht;t, Jeirrled Detached sad Pateltlitd! rem, hem Vine. can.. ((:ant's and Ladies` alma.= each. Th. , Diahlc Extra Retried. Solid Oral& Gyitt,,AISIL 1, Full Jeweled Levers, at sal each. Sent by Express anywhere While the Vol ed States. at ri-gotar wholesale 'prime, payable dr-livery. Ito money Ir required In advance, only satisfactory east ranee that the order Is made In geed faith. Any pa ck. age may be opened and examined before:old tat. bl paying the Ifxpressehargesonly. Persons Can order by mall with safety. by: money lu advance, in a Registered letter, and tafituallt will be sent.we a Registered Patine, prepaidossApui risk. • An Atone aending for slx watches, will tees Pit an ix to watch [roe—making *oven $l3 watches fm , M An seven $2O watches for $l2O. • Also Itlisnt °raids Gold Chains of Intestanil leen costly style*. for Ladles' and Gentleman's wear, Imo 10 to 40 inches long, at prices of $2, $l, $6 and !WY scat with watch , at lowest wholcsalo priors. - Oar %Catches are all made of the groatne, solli„Ors. Ide bold , Milord, are all perfectly rritelatell and lOW tot, and eaarentred by the Company to keep torten time and penr andmot tarrovh. State the kLa shin wad price of watch reqnlrt•d, and order only Of ^ - TUE OROLDE WAWA CO., 143 Fulton Street, New York. Aoz. AMERICAN - LIFE , INSURANCE: COMPANY OF tIIILADELOWI,. S.-E, Or. Fourth and WahnitSte • . ~ .. .. . , ~, .. , ~ ~ . ALEX.:WHILLIDIN, J.S. -Vl44aor, President. • • -See: it rreile GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN. ;:10. OF POLICIES 1841.. Dec: al 16111. " - .• The American Ines politica on all deldriihie Planar at low rates, and tecurity and plomptoest la Mee*. in; !Dates latanalarpne!cd. culiPaa7 P loll ',N ui • ted Mates. . 33ace:irci. car orr‘aSt boas. "- HON. JAMES POLIO6K, s mint. 4. suar 4 turuomsox, Prez., icua• it• . . Third St.' _ " - • - • - ttEultOll NUGlClT.,4entlenitin.qesidehrti. o2 l 22l2. town.' ALBERTA'. ItOIIEITTS, President Venttlitititteinel 1.1111.1.1 P B. NlNoLE.9cedMcßhant.lBl Market St. HUN. ALEX. 0. CATTELL, IL S. Senator .` aerehant . 27 North Water • noOrainnt ISAAC uar.L.Enune I. A tioanap4s•raw. L. lit. tVitILLIDIN,Iite t,Ocis'd 29 South St. HE IC. BRNNICTT, litennll3 South fourth St. HEOINIEIIr. MIX, President Seventh !salami Think. zit SI es CLAtipORN, President Commercial -Na tional - • JOHN 19 ANANAAHR.OakMaI Making Tidalike• corner Sixth and Market Ste., and 818 at 880 ettpsugt Stmt. • STROUD': ft , BROINT.IT, Agent& oda -• `• • ACHoat oe. Pa. . . pm - Nos 'OD. ORO ANS. • rricft greatly : - reduced , tar audt...4111111 411 7 Mama Itralmbiu mama Yoe Unaadaatrind. CstOrmt Omani Tor 16 and apward.• Second lar• lammed* !malt° to SM. ;if %only tostathawoUv tatted; and dadratatata torrent. WitTeroomaJto,_4ll, Broadway. • • ; BOBACE WAT> Oct. ,21, 8118. 0, 8.62 11.26 -n 2. 2.21p19 ."m, 11.00 " 4.45 " 7.15 • 7.30 11.23 1.53 ttt. 1.55 111.00 it. • 1.26 1.43p..."6 4.00 4.10 " 5.45 , "- _10.16 ," 4:CO 7117 Itt ...I h , • imo o ram -.11011A0X476.93 0D ,18.811. *MOM&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers