The Montrose Democrat nriungsrmirWzmneaDaT Mcnonoto; AT "" *Cin tToracnownta, Comm PA, sr S. mr-dismerza at $1 Mama ix Au:mamas—on girt AT gip or raiz fates of kdvertbilnig. Theme&nettle inch of *see, or lets, mate a Square. Ono square, 3 weeks or lam, $l.OO ; 1 mo. $1.25; S mO. $5.60; 6 - Mo. PAD; 1 year. onefteiabtei col., 1 ma. $ 350 ; S mo. $6,60 ; ismo. Mak Year. $20.05. 1 rear °now:tarter Sol„ 1 am. $6.50 ; 3 m 0.513.00 ; a mo. $3O; Halt column., 1 mo. $12.00 ; 3 mo. $23.03 ; 6 mo. $3 3 - 0 0 1 year,. $55.00. One column, 1 mo. $45.00: 3 Lao. $35.00 ; 6 Mo. sfo.oo ; riar, $lOO.OO. Aidttor's Notices, $ 56 0 ; Executers' and Adroinistro. tors' Notices, $3.00. AU commtrolertions el limited or Iltdividdlli interest, lOcts. per Ilne. ObltuarY Notices. 10 eta per line. Marriage and Death Maim free. Job Printing executed acidly and, promptly at fah prices. Deed% Mortgages, Notes, Justices', Constables' Behodl and otherblanka tor (ale. Training Horses to be Safe. It is easy to train a 'horse not to be dangerous. It is easy, but it requires pa tience and good sense in the trainer, and good sense in the colt, too. Some colts are natural fools, and can never have sense trained into them. It is not at all difficult to train a young horse to be gen tle and quiet • under almost any eircum stances ; and if something unusual should happen to terrify him, he would run to Isis master sooner than run away from him. A horse proPerly trained will al ways look to the rider or to the driver, in the timeof fright, for protection ; and instead of kicking and tearing everything to pieces, when scared, he will take cour age, when he sees you standing by him, and feels your hand on his head or on the rein, put his trust in you, and regard you as his only hope in time of danger. This was often ,illustrated during the war. All who served in the cavalry or artillery force have seen bow terribly frightened a horse appeared the moment his rider stumbled from the saddle. It mattered not how loud the thunder of the guns roared in battle, nor how great the confusion in the hour of deadly strife, the horse seemed unconscious of danger until left alone, without a rider or attendant The moment the rider's hold was released andihe steed found himself separated from the one he was trained to regard as his protector, that moment he became fu riously wild, and would begin to neigh and run in every direction, oftentimes press ing into. the group in the front rank, seen&g-to find comfort by rubbing his sides against the legs of the riders of other horses. Every farmer who raises colts, could, with a little care, make them familiar with the saddle and harness on their back or under their belly, and also teach them to hold back a canine on a down hill grade, by bracing their hips against it. A horse taught in that way would not be scared- if the rotten_ breast strap should give way, or the pole break, and let the carriage against him. A CHrtirsE MAP OF 'FIFE WORLD.—It is two feet wide by three and a half high, and is almost covered with China In the left hand corner, at the top, is a sea, three inchessrare, in which are delinea tbd as small islands, Europe, England, France, Holland, Portugal and Africa. Holland is as large as all the rest, and Af rica is not so big as the end of ones little finger! The northern frontier is Russia, very large. The left corner, at the bottom is occupied by the " western ocean," as it is called, containing the ,Belay peninsula prep w ell defined Along the bottom are r mboja, Cochin China, ect, repre sented as moderate sized islands ; and on the right is Formosa, larger than all the rest put 'together. Various other coun tries are shover( as smallislands. I should 'have given an engraving of this curious map, but a true reduction to the size of a page would have left out most of these eountrits altogether ! The ronrrounding ocean is represented in huge waves, with smooth passages, or highways, branching off to the different countries, or islands, &s they represent them. They supp 'se that ships which keep along these highways go safely; but if they; through ignumuce orstress of weather, diverge, they soon got among these awful billows, and are lost I—Maktilm's Travels. • RELIGIOUS BELIEF.—Sir Humphrey Ihvy said—l envy no quality of the mind or intellect in others; be it genius, power, wit, or filmy ; bat if I could chose what would be most delightful, and I believe most useful to me, I should prefer a firm religious belief; for it makes life a disci pline of goodness ; creates new hopes, -when all earthly hopes vanish ; and throws over the decay. the destruction of existence, the most gorgeous of all lights; awakens life even in death, and from de struction and decay calls up beauty and divinity; makes an instrument of torture and shame the ladder of ascent to pars au , far above all combinations of earthly hopes, calls up the most delight. fell visions of palms and aramanths, the gardens of the blest, the security of ever lasting joys where the sensualist and scep tic view only gloom, decay annihilation and despair. Harm - msg.—ln our pursuits of hap piness it is oar avidity which chiefly die appoints our endeavors. It has frequent ly been observed with respect to the ac quisition of riches, that the enterprising Wean by embarking in too many schemes of profit, is often ruined, while the miser plods slowly on towards the attaimmont of his purpose with success. The case is the same with regard to our prosecution offrappints& He whose impetuous tem per urges him to acts of rapacity tied am bition, or plunges him in the excesses of debauchery, fails of his ultimate aim, the attainment of felicity. But the man who is content with the share of happiness which he possesses, who is satisfied to have it gradually increased, who confines his views to his sphere in life, and aspires not at that which is beyond his reach, is amply rewarded, and receives a prize which the moat violent and unremitting efforts cannot obtain. . , —"Doctor, what do yon think is the 11Slittir with my little boy?. 4 , wby, it's only a cotrnatfied engage viti spasmodically tmanating f rom t h e .germ of the animal refrigerator trod uc , rtrga prolific source of irritability to Abe pencranial epidermis of the mental wro. "Ah I that's what I told Betsey, ,bnt, she 'lowed it was warrnme —Tho 10:32f lvfgretni f t takes paper came he eau totrW One thwhis MO' boniest !Ink .tryhag to Invent ft! mach= to cook his Wags by the smoke from hie neighbor's chimney. To HAVE Dios. ill WI-NUL—A Kan sas man says : I let iiiy"bens- huddle to gether in some corner, and not let them roast, arld gel plenty of eggs. I had abed twenty Lens and my. ben house liras a rough shed about eigbty feet ecjtiare and a window and door oh the east I took down the roostingyoles, leqving the nest bote.s' only. 'T made small` board shed about four feet square, on the south side of the large one, and coveted it with straw. I made a hole for the hens to pass from the large house inio the small one. The 'result was my hens continued to lay all through the winter. You will have to drive them in a few times bat they will soon: learn to go in themselves: Put in-- , wood , ashes oticairion ally to keep them free front vermin. There area great many who are notable to build an extensive hennery, but any one can fix up a place like this in au hour or two, with very little expense. Husk Beds. There is nothing equal to corn husks for under beds, yet few families have them even in the country, where the trouble and cost of awn are so small. They are always light and easy, and last for a long time. Our family use no others. For wenty years they have done constant ser vice, and are now as new; so that though costing at first about two or three times as much as straw, they are vastly cheaper in the end, besides being a thousand times better. Now is the time and this is the way to get them : As soon as the husks , are taken from the corn, before any mould or other harm comes to them, take the fairest and best of the leaves, free from all stalks, silk, &c. and spread them out to dry in some large airy room, stirring them well every fair day forit month, or till they are perfectly dry. As theyshrink-fifty per cent. in dry • ing, it will take twice the bulk of straw to make a good bed. For people who raise them, they are easily got and prepared ; for it is a nice little work for children. For people who haven't them, this is the way. --- -- LAWYER TAPPAN'S Doo.—A certain butcher of Steubenville, (call him Mr. 8.,) had been much annoyed by a large dog which had several times stolen meat from his stall. Going to , lawyer Tappan, he presented his case thus: "Mr. Tappan, I have had beef stolen him me at various times by a dog iu the town. What shall 1, do ?" " Sue the owner of the dog and recover the price of the beef," was the answer. " Mr. Tappan, it was your dog," said Air. 13, exultingly. " Ah I it was—well, what was the value of the beef ?" " Three dollars," replied the) butcher. " Very well." saik Mr. Tappan, and, paid the money. With a smilling countenance the butch er was closing the office door, when be was startled by : " Hold (.n, Mr. 8., I change you fire dollars for consultation." DIDN'T SCARE WORTH A CENT.- Some smart young man, the other night, thought it would be cunning to dress up as a ghost and frighten a simple Dutch man, who usually returns from the city at a late hour of the evening. So he donned the traditional white sheet and laid in wait. He didn't have to lay in wait long before the Dutchman appeared and the ghost appeared to the Dutchman. Did the simple Dutchman exclaim, "Mine colt in himmell vot ish dose ?" No he didn't He just got out of his wagon, and gave that ghost what he I afterwards describedAs " to tamtest lick ing vot a tam chost neyer Cott, alltevile, too soon a'retty." The Dutchman chuckles over it thus ly " Don't sehare worth a tarn, ain't it ? Nudder time, vets a chost rants to wrap himself all round a vitc sheet a'retty, unt get der middle'of der tifel, I just shump my vagon out of me, like shoffel out of a shot, by tam, unt lick him of he vosh a whole krave yanit. Dose is de kind of man I be. Don't schare worth a tam. —Tight-laceing is a fashionable accom plishment ; so is consumption. —Sport and eye-glasi while your sight is good ; when your eyes grow dull, carry "specs" in your pocket. —Tale an occasional "nip to brace the nerves; big secure nerves to brace the nips. —lf " took with a cramp," jump np suddenly, stamp hard, and " strain a lead- —Go to bed with unwashed mouth, and wonder why you rise with " such a horrid bad taste.' . —Sleep in a close, unventilated room. If you don't feel mean enough on rising. try it the next night with your head buri ed in the " kivem." —Change your stockings once a week ; you'll be weak " a plenty before ,you're stranger. —Wash the . feet in hot water; it's nice aml . cooling this weather. —Educate yon children for the ceme ten', in ill-ventilated, over-heated and fmil school rooms. If they don't die fast enough, pile more lesson on them. -Draw the blinds to exclude God'e daylight. It helps along the Spectacle trade. —During a cold snap, take a good warming up every time you enters " stove room." If yon have considerable running round to do; you'll be likely to invest in some bottle-stuff. —lf you wear flannel and "don't Change often in cold weather," change it for cotton. —Warm clothing has no warmth in itself:: The blanket which keeps yon warm this winter Will keep ice cool next summer.'' —The stomach is neither a mill nor a furnace. Stuff too, tough for the teeth can yield little nutriment to the system. —An ounce of Meat le more serviceable than a pound of skin or gristle. Boarding boaseS take notice. —grery acquaintance has a" sure cure for vont 'eament. By the time you're tried A few , dozen Each specifics you'll be Well;Eximßh. —Clog up the pores of the " complex ions Ishii powders, chalk, lead and " enum etc." , You eau reap* fair .crop of pim• pies, and can change the ski* into hide. • snk _ctrAtucee coal. ..... sepply,ilsessie • ireatrais. War. SO, teen. 4l.2ln T BRONCHITIS OR T.113C1et.00.06.T 7:)51931£149.43.111. THOSE APFLICTED WILL FIND A REMEDY IN ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, BE CONVINCED BY POSITIVE PROOF AND TEST IT YOURSELF. Zerixavwxx, Ohio, Bob. MM, V 31 7). Motors. J. N. HARRIS & Co., Gentlevuot:—l have been efillotad for ten or twelve year. with Bronehitu In its worst form, and have. tried everything final could buy recommended, but with lit tle or no rend, until I need your •LIAN'S LUNG lIXIAA.M, which grace me relief to a abort time. I be lieve It la the best preparation extant, for all diseases of the throat and lungs, and 1 feel it my dui) to sly this mach fur my own case, 1.1.1 that others may try It sod get relict. Respectfully, MATIIIAS FREEMAN. We know Mr. Freeman well, and his statement above Is cornet. W. A. GUAR& M & CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Zanesree. Dee. 13.-4 BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR STRUGGLES AND TRIUMPHS OF P. T. 13ARNUAI, WILITTRN BY HIMSELF. In One Large Octavo Volume—nearly ROO pages—prin• tad In Engitsb arid German. 33 Elegant Fall Page En gravings. It embraces Forty Years Recollections of his Busy LIM, as • Merchant, Manager. Banker, Lecturer and Showman. No boyit published so acceptable to all classes. Evexy one wants It. Agents avenge from PO to lOU subscribers a week. We offer extra inducements. Illustrated Cataloger and terms to agents scat Ore. J. R. BURR rir. CO. Publishers, Hartford, Conn. DOWN TOWN NEWS MINER AND COA 7'S, Yale Street, 6 doors below Boyd'e Corner. Monlroee FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. . Wear. constantly ree leltor t nd now hare, • fresh stuck of Goods in count e,whieb we *Mull CHEAP! CifFAI ! CHEAP! for cash ,or excha , ge or produce. GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER ti TIMOTHY SEED, be iNfikhave refitted and made additions to oar Stock of Palls. and are now ready to forward Butter to the Dm t cam/31.4 , 10n bongos in kew tort, free of charge, and make I iberaladrancemente on consignments. Call and examinee= Stock before purehaning etas where. andennelnee rocirmelree of r he GOOD QUALITY & LOW PRICES of our Goods C. 0. MTNER Montrome. April 16. 1669 FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT OF WILLIAM W. SMITH. PLIALas Taxi Norms The extensive Furniture Establishment of William W. iimith, having been refitted nod greatly improved, the proprietor respect fully announces to,the citizens of Montrose sod vicini ty, that he Is constantly mating and keeps on hand the largest and best assortment of Fvl7l=L INT I rr TY 11.3 E to be found snycrtirr this side of New York City. Desk., Diraus, Torrelraeks, Lounges, Footstools ie. Center lard, Pier. Totict. Inning. Eltctien and extension tables. CRAMS —Cane and Woodseat Roelters, Cane, Flag and Woodseate of every variety and .tylo. Sofattand Tetevvtetes, furnished on abort notice.— Cane seat chair. reseated. SPRING BEDS• A tare assortment—cheapest and best In the market Cane Seat Chairs. I am now enabled to topple my customers with a new substantial cane seat cheir.or home manufacture, which will he found greatly superior to those formerly le market. and yet are sold at a less price. CANE•SEAT CffAIRS RE-SEATED. r:31" - Tired; mode coffins on band or furnished at abort notice. Hear. always In readiness If desired. I employ sone but careful and experieueed workmen. I blend to do m 3 work well, and sell It as low a. can be afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITH. moutrose,reets, T N INGET % V o t Especiall• designed for the use of the Illedt. cal Profession and the Family. possessing those Intrinsic medicinal properties which belong to as Old and Pure Oin: Indiapenasile to Females. Good for Kidney Com• plaints. A delicious Tonic Pot op In mica. contain ing one dozen , ottles each. and amid hy all druggists, grocers. 6c. A. M. BININGER et CO , mtabllsked 1178. No. IS Braver Street, New York. For Mir tri bloulrore, by July 14-1 y ABEL TVERELL. Avnt. SHRINER'S .0,-11/.;);• Win cure the ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, BLOOD SPITTING, DIFFICULTY OP BREATHING. FAIN and WRAKNESS IN THE CHEST, THOUBLICSONZ COUGHING AT•NIOHT, Sc. It will ellectually re• wove the Cough that trequently follows Mentes, awl any sliceGon of the respiratory argans, no matter of how long &Lading, or whatever the ape' the It acts asaspecide, is purely vegetable, and is to the tuts Its effect is soothing, allaying the li ng theof the cough, facilitating expectoration, quisling the nerves and exhiSrating the eysiesn Mothers, Save Your Children! Ito child need die of CROIIP, tf this Syrup Is used in time: this is a fact dessaiestruted by Se family should be without this Syrup, as e = disesse, MOT, comes Ma • thief In the night, M steal away e=tie ones, when molar medical aid wont bo • ?replied way by DAVID E. FOITTZ, Battiatere, Yi MOURN WINES, We have just received an assortment of Lake and Mound Vineyard Wines, from Messrs. Wilson, Morrow Cbanberlin, New York, which fur riMness and flavor they say are unsurpaseed, and that purcaasers cut rely upon their purity—being free from cantterationi of any kind . The trade mark of the Arm appears upon every WPM. both on label and eeal. Montrose, Feb. .11,. 180.—y 4,4 COSTA R'S,' EXTERMINATORS. For Rats. Roaches, Ants, ht. Vie the Liquid for Bed bugs. the Powder for losebts. Yor sale by all Drogglota. I t Beware of 01l apntions holtatloos. Auk fyr " Costar's," (take Doother.) MILLINERY GOODS. Bilk Bonnet Velvets in black and colon. Patented Velvets. and Mee& Flowers, Feather!, Ribbons, Mike Satins, and nape*, old ladles' dress Caps. ladles' and children's Ululated and untrimmed Bate. names, La. as, Blonde, Chelan. Be. de.. always the head quart Ittimmer. d Coe. SMYED. On or 'bad the Btb Der: 180. from theenclosnro of W. C. Handrldr Ani , JCSSIM township. one pile red rad, itagunrsa. ono giving Ocala wfil be =MALT rewarded. Intonnattins of to when. W. C. lIANDSICE. Jeinp, Dee. 1Q 1869.•4* COTTOIPOOODS. , - ea l e i rlira l zftsisse i tt Ocrrnanse. It §ingndou Matimusts. cow r. T. ILlTitiliT. MAYBURY & EMMONS, Two actors Wed of the Post Office. BINGHAMTON, N. Y NTT. 111, lICL-lt G RAND EMPORItTM FOB HATS, CAPS, PURA BUFFALO, WOLF and COON CARRIAGE ROBES, UMBRELLAS, GLOM, NIT TFNB, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, AT ASISHRY & MORRIS', - 30 Court Street, .13.1tZ,T01.313.41.2uVrCi1V, N. Y. Nov. 11, 19511. —1 y .T. F. MIC:IO2,I2CIPL NO. 82 WASHINGTON STREET, First Dont Nertitot the City National Bank. 1313E2373 Brilliant Display! DIAMONDS, CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. I have atop the beet cad Ilion. complete Stock of MOLID SILVER ♦RD PLATED WARE From Ma hest and stoat popular makers, whose goods hays Omni perfect sattshetton to my patrons for the past to yams. The sleek trlll be found the beet ever opened le Binghamton. atd at all times will be kept fall and eozeplete, eaniiating of SOLID SILVER TABLE WARE, TAIILE AND TEA SPOONS, to ether with all the ea/tette' of lilted Were, inch 11l Tan Seto, Cake Baskets, Napkin Ringo, thistats, Knives, forks, Spoons, te.. of Slagle, Doable, Treble sad Qudreple Plate widb.recrir CiCOCYJDOS was sever more complete, and I am staklas constant daily additions of all the sew Nov elties of the 6/111012. BURNS A NICTIOLB ALL MY COODS AS REPRESENTED O. W BOTEDZISS. LEWIS 'MENDEZ. T. It DORGAN. J. 11. WELLS. D. DENSON W. LAajtaxas. H. B. usasinran. RILEY BUM. IL DUSENIIIIIIT, WALED ISERSEREAII ?Unit CALL sae erreirDri ODD 000 DB, A? 82 Washington St. t. F. TOSNR. wow. 030. W. 111IXORL DRUGGISTS, O. TO COURT STOEIII', REMOVED NEW STORE, SPLENDID STOCK, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. =OFT CLOCICII CI TIM lIILAREST, SILVER WATCYL&S, I%VMM, SWISS ►ND AMERICAN GOLD WATCHES, Of 111 Styles, and mild NAPKIN 1112408, YORKS, Lc, MT SPLENDID STOCK OT For Artier proof ends trot* to IltNathimlON, N. Y. ROOFING THREE PLY FELT ROOFING. unites the bat Mita pray Ctrs:merinos' with the ket Paterprarrabrie to the Opt manna, and at the lowest price to the consumer. Then, le, Ist, • foundation of Tarred Felt ; 24, a layer of inter-valor Composition; 2d,another Ltyer of Felt; 4th another loyer of Composition; 6th, another aye, of Felt. sir smd for alrasionamcf &mtgs. AS AN INDUCEMNT, We ottti to the Grit paretuumr In each place LOCO toms fat of thaThrtei Ply Felt, with the necessary coathas, for Thirty Dollars. PATENT ROOF PAINT This Paha Is composed of gums, oils, and resinous substances, combined with distilled tar and the best known dryers. It contaiss no mineral or pigment, and is prepared, ready for use, about the consistency or or. dlnary mixed paints. It costs muchl ass, retains Its elasticity longer, and is mom durable. ' County right. for sale. For Circulars and anpartieukrrs,•Address MICA ROOFING COMPANY, 73 Maiden Lane, New York. Sept. at h. 1339. pROCLAMATION' T AUTHORITY In me rested. I awe declare and proclaim that I am or rows with the but Stock 0 F BOOOTB & SHOES, of arm description erns brunets Into thls place 0 r any any other place of Me Etre T hat I will dispose or them for CASH X o low. that none need oo bnrefoot. é I furthermore declare and proclaim that I alio oddest to my stock a dna assortment of • II Walt of lIATS & CAI'S to be fomd In T he market. A tall supply of Leather A Pinang ■ cenatendly on band Fir Give mit ■ cal. MOVlttOie, JIM* V, 1.311.-11 LADIES' FANCY FURS JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arch St., Idle of the mock. be. seat] 7th and tlth •ts. Sonth Std•. PHILADELPHIA, wportcr, manufacturer. & *ler In kinds and att.,' of A VCT FURS Ladles' and Chibarons' Wear. daring enlarzed, remod• red and improved my ~Icl.. Id favorably known Fur uportnm, and having Im •ted a very larg, and ...A have had them mile. • op by the mart skillful workmen, I wenldiespectfully invite my friends or Sosquehann• and adjacent counties to coital:ld examine my very large and he... Wet AP}Ott• ment or Fancy Furs for Ladies and Children. lam de termined to enlist as low prices so any other respect', hie House in this city. All Fare warranted. No mite represents Hens to e*cct vales. JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Areh Street, Philadelphia.' sc.", n -413a PROF. G. E. STEDGF,, Would notify the public of Anborn 4 . Forners and vicinity. that he le now prepared to tame all hors. elf. Inasietito.his care. no matter what or bow bad th •Ir ha bits are If not broke. no charge made. Also, isivirtiction given how to tome your own homes. Auburn 4 Cornets, Sept. 22, 1849.—y G ROVER & BAKER S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY' SEWING MACIII.NES, 459 DROADWAT, NEW TURK. • Sent tinder seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, I postpaid. on creel pt of six cents. or two post stamps. Ako. Dr Culverwell's — Starriuge Guide," price 25 eta. t Address Pnblishers, POLNTS OF EXCELLENCE. Nov 17C11 C.KLINE CO. . _ • 9 •_ • . Betray and elasticity of Stitch. . Perfection and Simplicity of ilachtnery. , Using both thread, directly from the spools. PALL TRADE. No fastening of reams by hand and ;.o mote of ' -s- To ilit:iarrs and Country Storekeepers WHOLESALE: DEPARTMENT CP STAIRS thread. . Wide range of application without change of adjust. Desirable goods received daily from auction and mi> meat., v me sale The seam retain/las beauty and Orroness after wash. , Our stock of Feathers, Flowers, Sattn•, Silks, Tel Mg and Ironing. . vets. Ribbons, Lams. Trimmings, Frill ses, Yankee Beside* all kinds of work done by other Fewmg Ma- ' Notions. Valley Goods, etc . etc . is large nod cheap. chines, these Machines execute the most beautiful: We cut lengths at piece prices. sod permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. • Buy and sell for cash. orTbc Highest Premiums at all the fairs and eght. I EDWARD RIDLEY &.• SON, Milan, of the United Status and Europe, have been , 2.09, all, o 311 M Grand, and OIL its ,C, 70 Mien awarded the Grover te Baker Hewing Machines, and S in g s. the work dono by them, wherever exhibited in romps- , Corner store, fifth block sort from the Bowers. titian. NEW YOltK CITY. Fir The verr highest prize. THE CROSS OF THE ' SepLl3.-3 months.—.l, I. LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred the represent- 'Hives of the Grover & Baker Hawing M a chines, at the Exposition Buiveraelle, Parts, 1661, Thal attesting their great superiority over all other Hewing Machines. For sale b F. D. CHANDLER. Montrose June 1. 1 yr G ENTIN E WIZARD OIL! For We bl BURMA & NICHOLri Montrose, July 31, 18M-4w 1809. PHILADELPHIA 1869. 107 alai Imiskrodarls. HOWELL & BOURICF., ..11anufac.turers of PAPEp HANGINGS & WINDOW SHADES, Sales Room's, nor. Fourth & Market Ste. PHILADELPHIA. Factory, Con Twenty-third and Sansom Sts. New Styled every day, of our own make. Oct. 20—Jw10 CLOTHING! CLOTHING! NEW FALL AND WINTER STOCK. TUE LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITIES COMPETITION DEFIED 1 The uudwilitned would reepeetthlly be n to the Minus of Meshoppm and TlClllity that has opened a store deer the Depot with a splendid ersortauent of Rawly Matto Clothing, Genre' FUrnishing Goods, - Hag, asys, Glow, dation, dh de, an °twilit% m pemoldit limit Biasing. alriblembirtbs.paseav Icirorbdltung, near that*. CMUIVICS-4931E ALL. .101L 6 CCAIMOLL. imAIMPFEN. Fs.. Oct A, 1869:44n• F ALL AND WINTER FASHIONS Mrs. 11. A. BINDER has Jrist arrived from Paris and London with the latest designs, personally 'elect ed foam the greatest novelticw ; also, .the moo eleg ant Trimming s to he encored In Paris. Laces. Ribbons, Velvets, Bridal Vella, Flower,. Finn Jewelry,and.Trlm teed Paper Patterns. taxes and Cloak Making. Exclusive agent for Mrs. St. Work'r celebrated *ram for cattingladlns' dresses, segues, barques, etc. N. W. corner of Eleventh and Cbcatnnt Streets, Brut. 21, 1829.—Gm Philadelphia. A LL RIGHT FOR 1869. =EMI isTß:lir 33.117 R-R. IT 'X' lain conotard. receipt of NEW GOODS., by wblcb bar esedrtment le rendered more and more complete and attractive for all Inn usual 1 / a rteries of trade Cur 1669. ha Woo Dry Goods. New Groceries, Neu. Ilecralicase, cord New Pieces, Icon, Medicine's, A : Uinta, 011,4, Bolds ce Shoes, Wall Paper, Marrow Mader Hats d. Cape, Buffalo Robes, Ladies Furs, Hoop • atria, which will all be told en the most favorable lame. New 31111ord, Jan. ME. STROUD di BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 11/XozaLtx - oess , „ 1="01.. CAPITAL REPRESENTED. over Home insurance Co. of N. Y.. Capital and Sarpin•, Insurance Co. of North America, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, Frani.lin Flee Insurance Co., Phlia, Pa., CApital 000 Surplus, Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Co.of Manny, Pentia. Capital and surplus, Farmer'. Mutual losumnce Co. York, Pa., Capital and &Dias, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. 01 Hartford, Conn.. paying:6o per cent. dividends to the &Neared.. The notes given for half the premium is never to be paid under any circumstances. be policy will always be paid in full, and thenotcagiven op. Capital. American Lila Insurance Co., Philadel phia, Capital. Tmvelers'insurance Co. Hartford, Conn., Ineuring against all kinds of accidents Capital. Hartford Fire insurance Company. Hart turd Conn Capital and Surplus. Putnam Fire Insurance Co., Hartford. Ct., Capital. Hartford Lire Roc% insurance Company. Insurance on all hinds of Live Stock, aeninet theft and death 'Corn any canoe. Capital, $17.000.000 , All husino.s entrusted to our care will he al tend• ad to nn fair term.., and all losses promptly ntljnsted ACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG tir - offie.• tirrt door ea•t from Ranking Dirks of W. ; I _J Railroad. On and after May 10, 1869, palaaitagarr IL Cooper SI Cn.,Turnpite st. Montrose. Pa. train, will roar as follons: STROUD Et BROWN, Agi'nta. fi sOtJTII WAND. tt. C. St - rroa. tag., Friendeville, Solicitor. Ct.. 11. Sierra. 'Montrose, do Leave Scranton, 6:25 .• Kingston, C.:23 1111.1.1stos NTROCD. CnAntra L. BROWN .• Bilport. S:SB Montrose, S p 1. Din 9. •• Danville. 9:04 Arrive at Northumberland, 9:40 NORTH wAnto. Nortbamberirnd, eao 4:41! Danville. 614 . Oda Rupert, G:2O St. „ Kingston, 9636 t. 13 8:40 Arrive at Neroulon. 10:40 a:00 Fri Kingston. May to. DAVID T. BOUND, Supt., C. N. STODDARD BIZOTITERS, SOIZANTON, PA HAILDWARE, IRON, STEEL, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, EINE RA IL. CO UNTERStNES T RA IL SPIKE, RAILROAD S MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES. SKEINS A XI , BOXES. BOLTS. NUTS and WASHERS PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE' IRONS. HUBS. SPOKES. FELLOEs. SEA T SPINDLES. BO ws. ANTILS, VICES. STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS HAMMERS. sLEDOER. FILKS. &c.&c. CIRCULAR AND .MILL SA WS. BELTING. PACKING TACKLE lII.OrKS, PLASTER PARIS CF.NI ENT. HAIR & GRINDSTONES FRENCH WINDOW GLAS NE' S S I.F.A A THLES. & FINDINGS F'TIRA SC Scranton. March 24. 1:41.3. I y different trrniiii - 171 . Farr ATARSIIALL'S ELI XII:. x ti DACII E —DYSPEPSI A —COSTIV ENER. If rou troffer with Headache. try Marehaire Elixir, and he convinced that although other remedice have fallen to core you. [Mk will eive yon Metant and t'terni anent relief If by aver excitement and fat Itfue your nerves have heenme en weskened that headache ad rnoulobee you that n0v1,011112 mom dvnttemiu• may happen, ouch AS Paley, Dimncee of Sight, and nther atatmm nervous affot :inn., then Nl,tr-hull". Elixir, ry Orin! tone and strength to the •yotem. reetorea you to perfect health. Whenever Root ahh h should be 111 ; tes. ted remains In the stomach, canning pain and unenel , nese for the want of that principle wltteh would render " it erte at dlpertion. then by urine Marehaire Elia ir yen will supply this deficiency and p. event Ile recnrrenee. and en be radically cured of Dy•peictia. The ettounch • bring tha• eleattred fr ni an nutteatthy In a hen/thy con dition, cortlvenee and the other attendant disorders of the bowela are of liecetteltr pre, enter! Price of klarehall'e Rltxlr. $1 tray per hottie. Depot, Call Market et. Philadelphia. M. MARSHALL rt CU , Iltotte , •t•. Proprietors. For tole in Montroneby - hp . 7-Iy,tfd BURNS & „NICHOLS. NHOOD 11011" LOST, HOW A. T.l RESTuREII. . . Just poblished_a new edition of Dr. CcalsrerwelPa Cielebrnted I:gamy on the radical cure (withont medictne)ef spermatorthtea. or Seminal wenkness, In voluntary Seminal Lasnes. Impotency. Mental and Physical Inctritotty. Impediments to Mar loge. etc ; Coxstarritott, EmLarsr. and Fits, Indnocd by self indulgence or Ac on! extravagance. r-z Price in sealed envelope (.1y n cents The celebrated anchor, in this admirable r^. ay. clearly 'Vent tin tenterfrom a thirty years' soccessfbl practice. • that the alarming 'con-ctinences of seltabtem may be radically aired a stlinnt the dang. roan n.e of internal , medicine or the unpile:W-4i of the knife 1 pointing out n mode of cone at once simple. certain. and efrectnaL by lOrau• of which every nu ff,rer. no matter ohmt his con ' dition may he, may care himself cheaply, privately, and radically. ori his Lectnre ebonld be In the hard. of every ynoth and every int n in the land. 12 Bowery, NevrY rko, Poet office oßx 4,5,16 IEFOIVARD Amagoclation,Phlladelphio,Pa Diseapee of the Zieraons.Setulnal.Urlnaryandaes nalayatema—nen and rellabletreatment—ln Reportaot the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. :lent toy ma Ilinacaled attar envelopecfree of ells rya. Addrear U 11.1.1111 tiorowron. Howard APOOCIDIinn . e. t Sown Dthetre Philadelphia. Pa. , I - ART) OIL, end n great earl e of 011..' for ACITI AJNER`i. fnr enle by ABEL TURRICLL. HATS' CAPS, & FURS gate and Caps for Men and Boys' wear. Fars of all grade*, at GUTTENBILIIII, ROMMISAC ot Co.'S WOOLEN & KNIT GOGDS • Ladies' Merino rndrr zarments, Hoods, nose. Glovts Le. (kill.' Wrupprre and firsvrers. Scarfs Jacituts, Gloves of nil sorts, in great variety, at OCTTEMILIIO, Roes, c , & CO'S, _, NEW FIRM ! Ot Etneston. N. Y.. having bought en interest bt.tbe More of S. R. SAYRE & BROS.. win be gild to see the = oof the old entl, and ninny new ones. wbene all In oar line will be sold eery cheap for cash. We are recetvfng an onnreally lama stock of the beat Stoves In market, to which we call especial attention. Also, Hardware and Cutlery, ninny articles of wbleh we can Bell at t bargain. T. SPORE & CO.' Montrose, Nov. :1,1E49,-6 • DRESS GOODS. . , . , Black and enlaced Wen Silks, ink warp topllui. Fiend& Merinos. Empress, Alp:lncas and Poplin Alpo. cu. Cfctimea, rarmattas, Bombazines, Daalut sad Motu& goods, fu all colors and qualitlec and In *Ma varlet Tdr icty at Clatteabarg, Rosenbaum & co'. Leer., Waverly June. %lon E. R. W. 8.40 a. M. Athena 862 " Towanda 9.00 " . Lar...11,111e 10.55 " tdontser's fry 1052 " Meshoppen 11.16 " Behoopany 1143 " Tunlenock 11.53 " I...ra.B.Janc. 1256 p.m. $60.000,000 Pit atom Wilke* Barre 145 •• White Barer. 3.49 Web Cheek 4.20 " 81.000,0.0 Allentown' 5.45 •• Bethlehem 6 103 2.000.000 I Eaton 6.20 p 10. Phllodelphla 8.25 • 2,600,000 Ar. of New 1 ort 0,15 " UP TRAINS. 0 00 . 0 00 I.,eare New York 6.55 p. m. 700,0001, Pulladelphla 7.45 " Eavton 11105 ." llethleham 10 30 Allenttwn 10.45 " 51c . h Chunk 12.00 m. White Han 1 p. m. 9.50 " PittAton 3.10 " L. &B. Jan. 3SI " Tunk'noek 4.21 Mrhoopany 4.49 " Mrshoppen 457 " :skinner'. K. 5.13 " Lacryvllle 5 . 18 " Towanda 6.33 " 32,000,000 Athena 740 " Ar. at Waverly 1700,000 i Junction, IL It. W. 7.10 _p3r to change nt ears bet‘leett . B9i . nylra and Now 11,0(10,000 1 1 1.000,000 , Wholesale 6. Ratan Mailers in NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, ; T. SPORE & CO., gailroad tablto. AWARE, LACKAWANNA;and ;STERN RAILROAD. Bummer Arrangefant, 180. DE' WE slay 10, TRAINS LEAVR se" YARD. I EASTWARD. Paannar , man Pampa train. I STA77O:IB. I train. MAID. A. DI. P. N. V. 111. Now York*.... ....... lt New Hampton.-- I 1.03 Munueka Chunk .... 12.40 Delaware —.DMA —.,. 1223 , n ll.OO Scranton 9.15 1,05 . D 12,13 I Nlcholeon.... ...... " 11.40 " LOA llopbottom 1 7,0 8 6.13 1.401 Montrose 745 _4.13 a 2.10 1 New Milford CM 3.43 ' 3.30 I °rent Bend 1 6,131 310 P. M I *Pool. of Liberty-M.l A.M, 'Oil k E. A. HENRY, 1 General Pass. and Ticket ACME. WES ffiall train. A. IR. 8.00 11.15 12,09 1220 t 9,45 t , 4 , 51 o 5,13 6.31 656 I 6.15 aIPaL T II VALLEY RAILROAD. -A-4 On and after dept. 0, WM trains 'on Valley Railroad will ran as follows: DOWN TRAINS • York. or hetwern Scranton and Philadelphia. ' Nov. 3, INV. ;TUE RAILWAY 14CO 311Ica Under one Danage.ment fa/Niles witlr ma change of conches. Broad gange—donbha true:law Cleveland, Toledo. Detroit, Chicago, ElibraSkeit. St. Pant, Omaha. and all points West end Nottb•Witit. 161,inpfichl. Gallon. Urbana, Dayton, Cinclnnstl. lndlaaf .p.. 1,. I no St. Louie, audlall points .West, aft sootb-meet. New and improved coaches , are ran thronet without change to Buffalo, Rochester, Clros. land anal:lnch - meth On and *er . 1 1Oonday. Nov. 15th:=48119. Trains W h M leave Greet Dend at the following hours *is: 555 A M. NAIL TRAIN, Sundaysexcepted. 11.58 A. n. EMIGRANT. Deily 1.15 r. a. WAY EREIGII T. Sunder, excepted. 4.18 r, a. DAY EXPRESS. Sunday except...l. 8 r. a. EXPRESS MAIL, Sunday. °sceptre!. GOING EAST. 7.53 • x. CINCINNATI EXPRESS,-Mondays exesp. trA 10 45 A. W Al' FREIGHT. Sundays excepted. 22. r x DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted. ll 41 P. x NEW VOICE MAIL. oundays excepted. II 00 r. x. LIGHTNING EXPRESS. t's - ..k New end complete •• Pocket Thee Tads" Of Passenger 'rrains on the Erie Railway and conned Lines 114. recently hero published. and ran beprommed On application to the Ticket Agent at the Company's Offire. Wll R. BARR. L. D. RUCKER, Nor. 24 Geri'l Passemger Arent. Grail Sept. 15 GOLD WITCHES. $2O TIIE ONLY GENUINE DOUBLE-EXTRA IWO= CROIDE. MD WATCHES. Ninnufactured by the OROIDE WATCLI COMPANY. Are all of hest make. Renting ell•eT. eraTelTd4Al:lok tf lArrikh ;look, like nne 601,1..ear0 like Gold. and its qunl to the 'Sept 0..111 %%actin, lu make and finish; with the heel. , nil Jew-led Detached seal Pataat Lac• cera Eel ct Fine (t.cnt's and Ladies' ette)llf each. The Donble £xtr, Refined, Solid Orolde Gold, A Ita. 1, Fon Jeweled Levers, AI each. Sent by Rzpr•. anywhere within the Uni.ed States, at rev - Oar nt'aloes. playable on dellerg. lte money ir matured In adernee, only satisfactory MU. ranee that the order In made In rood faith. Any peck. age may be opened and einriallied before Pahl for, 14 paying the Repress thatwes only. Perv , nno can order by mall 'with asfety,. seat*. money in advance. In a Itcuistercd letter, wad the irseig will be rent as a lteglatered Package, prepaid, at Sas rick. Art Agent 'ending for stx watches- will textile*** ii Int watch free—making 'cyst' $l5 watches ter PO, * raven Mt watches for SIM. Ele••ant Orultle Gold Chains of latest and isteit not!) Ft) le.. for Ladles' and Gentleman's west. MIN 10 to 40 !oche, Imi,, at prim. of $2, $l. eve' with watch. at low ~ft. wholes4e prices. Onr Wniches ere nll mnde of the genuine, sethi3Ori ide uuld, Hedned, are all perfectly emulated ead sefh red. and yuarantemt by [no Company to ktm comet time and pear and not tarnlsh. Slate the kind, thul lai price of n arch required. and order only _of THE OHOIDE WATCH CO.. Ang. 28 —lm. 148 Fulton Street, Now Teolit:,!' i i.MEILICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut: Sts; ALEX. \VHILLIDIN, S. WILSON, Pre.videut. 56C. &Treat.; oßowr it OF THE AMP:RICAN- DATE. NO. OF POLICIES. AMT. DISUSED. I.ook 1141 4 2 15,511.01.1111 114,161),11011.14 IMO. Dee. 31 " " The American Issues pollelea on all amicable Omni at law• rater, and for accurtty and momptnean in meat. 10l losses I. oneorpaased 133 , any company In the URI C led States. ocercl of TrIASSOO I III6 110 N. JAMES POLLOCK. Tta•Gov. of Penn's. DtrictlP ti.S Mint. J EMIA TROMSO3, Pres. Penn. R. n., 1138 10 . 011 Third St. GEMLUE NTOEST, Oeutletnan,, t residents, Illasnan• town. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, President Volt:tit raitiaal • Sank. PHILLIP R. MINGLE. Seed Merchant. 103 NnMt lt LION. ALEX. 0. CATTELL. U. S. Senator, Elerctura• 37 North Water SI. ISAAC lIAZIXIIUM r, Attotorp.M-Lair,,Soi, WOW St. .L. WEI Memtutot. 20and 21843101 HENRY K. SENNETT, Ucrettent,l4S South Insrl2 - 11L. GEORGE W. HILL. Pre.tdeat Seventh Ikatiossl JAM ES •.. CLAGUORX, Preshlent Commar,elM Clonal ink. JOO ANAMAKEIL Oak 1141 Making notse.C.lll: corner Sixth awillarkel Sts., and MS a OS Cisme Btrcct. • STROUD (t. BROWN, Agent& 0ct.13 'At Itoutiesi:iti. PIANOS AND ORGANS , price. greatly rednonidTheash. NewlOoteirio Mum of firehelane makers In andsnwritirg . Catenet Organ, for its and oprard. Snood. struments from ISO to Wt. Monthly tortolloseotolor calved, and hattrninezda tar MU Warenee: falVflit, Broadway. B mrII:I7PIM Ott. 30, IWO. tei a. v. 11.25 " 119 p.m t 2 ' LEIN 1105 Ili • 1.45 p. 5.25 " 4.00" 4.110 " 6.43" 11611 " " " 8.15 " iliiMEI