,I',' , iiittftlf.,,-111,int-#ta.t,; TUESDAY• JUNE 80, 1805. Mac•ocil Xxi.telliLsosa.oe3. No Paper Next 'Week. Owing to some needed preparations for. enlarging. the Democrat, we shall. not he I able to issue a regtt'ar . edition,ne t tt ,week ; but.expee,t,to i§su . e in enlarged for* the second week in July. This will qtr. Ird the Printers a little rest,,also, for the gourth. Let those-. who mien a_-paper tor . -one week, please note that we often miss the pay for it, -put only for .a week, but for months or years;' and. accept this as a kind reminder to pay all now dap mi . (if any), so that we can be encouraged 'and strengthened for future labor. In Advance. Pay for your paper in advance, always. If you " take a paper" on long crellit out of good will to the editor or the 'party, you are practically, without intending it, a costly friend. But. square up for the past, pay in advance in future, and you will prove a friend indeed. What We Want. As we are about to enlarge the Demo crat, our friends will naturaleyfeel pleased and inquire whether they can be ofany service to us. ,O yes! Every one can be of vital service—can aid us materially, without cost,to themselves. How• ? • First, let every one see that his own paper is paid for up to January next ; and second, get. a neighbor or friend to sub scribe for the; paper. Along will] such friendly acts, kind words and wishes will do very well ; and both wid be gratefully accepted. Excursion Tickets. We are authorizt•d to announce that Excursion Tickets wi'l be issued by the Erie Railway Company to all who wish to visit New York city on the occasion of the National Democratic Convention.— The tickets may be used going East from July 2.1 to the 6th, .and returning until the 12th. Price, from Binghamton, $6 25; from Great Bond, $5.75; from Su-que banna, $5.50. All who wish to visit, the city will be pleased to note this opportik pity. Convention Tickets. It is estimated that already over 20,- 100 persons have applied for tickets of ad isrion to the Denl.•dratic National Con vention, Jtfy 4th. -The tickets are usually given to the chairman of the State delegations by whom they are distributed pro rota to the delegates who give them to their friends. Of course no tickets will be issued until the day of Convention ; and it is probable that new ones will be used for each session. Cash Wanted, Every man indebted to ne for Subscrip tion, advertE ; incr, or Pi printing, is re quested to pay at once, whether the am't he large or small. We need the funds to pay the cost of enlarging the paper, and no friend will hesitate or delay to settle promptly. New Subscribers. Now is the time for new subscribers.As an incentive to effort, we will present a cnpy, free, to any one who sends ns eight subscribers; and also send , a free copy with each additional six copies paid for. Who will send us the first and lar- gest club? Terms, #32 a year, or 81 for six months. Clothing, Ike, Devlin & Co., of New York, again an nounce their business through our col umns. Satisfied that they are prompt and reliable dealers, we refer our readers to their adv. Brokers. Persons engaged in buying wool, but ter, other farm products aFout the country, are liable to a Special Tax of $lO as Produoe Brokers. Those who negoti ate sale 4 or take orders for mowing ma chines, &c., are liableas Commercial Bro kers at $2O a year. Dreadful Accident. On Thursday last, Mr. Osterhont, of Overton township, on his way home from this place, accompanied by his wife and wife's sister, Wierkie Fraekie, stopped at the watering trough, near Monroeton.- 7 Mr. 0. got out, leaving the two women seated in the wagon, when the horses started, and despite the efforts of the wo men became ,uncontrollable„ and dashed off toWardslionroeton. The women be coming frightened endeavored to save themselves by leaping to the ground.— Mrs. Osterhout jumped safely from the Wagon, but Valeskie was caught, in the step by her hoop skirt, and dragged near- Ty three-fourths of a mile, her bead and 1)ody, upon -the ground, the borsesynnuing At full speed, until they brought up against a stone post in front of the home 'file4ittortunate girl was terribly mangled; -and eipieed_ annosCas soon assistance tame. lierfabOniehetid was, literally_ torn to pieces. She yes about`24 years of age, had'ftirtnertt:resi ded to this and was much respect ed. Mrs. oAerliout wns. but injured. The remains of the enfortunate girl, but. 4 few hours- before in the full broom of health, wire placed in a cofOn, and, taken 'home by the afflicted and sortowingyela• tives, who - were_ almost bean broken - I;4y this suddereand , ndexpected bereavement. --Towanda Bfporter. —Cotfax-isi first,eleota to cougress IPY the /4°W41,4.7.0414 • Goday , al.oloes ' , Book , for 4uly, has come to'bitid. " As usual it, of in teieitifie i44idiltg` aittl cuts - -of th"eir ; latest 'fashions; Goderknowa hovrtofurnish a Brat class Ala aain~: - - Strawberey Feitival. The Lading' of the Baptist Church and Society in,thiq village will hold a Straw berry ant) Creaip Festival, in the Base ment f tilt! •entirch, on the afternoon and evening ne JnR '3d, 1868,.f0r the benefit of their Organ Fund. A I ttre invited. • -.• By order of Committee. The Fair , The twit annual Fair of the Susquehan D e County', Agricultural Society will be held at the Fair Grounds, in Montrose, on Wydnesdity and Thursday, Sept. 10th and 171 h, 1808, Trid of mowing Zachines. By orthir of+ the Susquehanna County Agricultural. Society, a trial of Mowing and. Reaping Machines will be held on the farm of .1:S. Tarhell, Montrose, on Tuetk day the 14th of July, 1868, at 1 o'clock, I), 1 0. i First Premium, . . $2O 00 Second Pretninm, . . 5 00 Entrathis tee, . • 5 00 The Judges will meet the Ex. Commit tee at J. g. Tarbeh's Hotel at 10 o'clock a. m. to make arrangements for the trial. Thos. Patton, Silver Lake, A. it Smith,,New Milford, Judges. Cha.gprout, Bridgewater, , A. Bahl win, Avery Frink, Ex. Com. 11. H. Skinner, Was. H. Jussup, Pres't. Montrose, Juue 23, 1868. 4 The Fourth in Brooklyn. A Strawberry Festival and Picnic will be held in a grove near Brooklyn Cent re, ow the Fourth of Ju , y uext , commencing at 10 o'clock, m.—the proceeds to b e - used for•purchasing an Organ for the M. E. Church. Good speakers will be pres ent, and no pains spared. The public generally are invited to at tend. By order of Committee. Brooklyn, June 20, 1869. farlf You feel debilitated and worn out, and Want something to tone up the system, take Dr. H. Anders' lodine Wa ter, a:most powerful vitalizing agent and restorative. It. permeates the entire sys tem, and its effect is pt rwaneut. Bar Its good effects are permanent.— In this it differs from all Lair Jycn. By its use lu'kurient growth is guaranteed, natural color and gloss are restored. One trial will Icause you to say this of Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S IMPROVED (new style) HAIR RE-I'ORER. or DRESSING, (in one bottle.) Every Druggist sel,o it. Price One Dol lar. 4 9je4 w —Mr. ConnesS‘,of 'California, Chair. man of the Senate Cornmitte on Mines and Dikitto e ,,lta4; appointed, a. negro as clerk to hint committee. Ihe salary is said to be 02200 Or drinum., with little to do. 0.11 Abbertistmeitts. ( I ,LEREC A.- , A young man may find employment In the Drag and Variety Store of ABEL. TUDRELL, Montrose, Pa. Jane 80, 1863.—ti CADis Intrithe enclosure of the subscriber about the Unii or June 2861„ a v ale red Cos, about li years old. The °viper, is requested to prove property, pay charges, and flake her away. DI mock, Jane MI 11/:&—El ASA CARLIN. c tine I WILL be et Phinney's Hotel. in New Milford. Jaly Bth. at 5 &clock, p. m.„ and will remain until 3 p m. duly 9th, for the purpose of taking proofs of debts in the matter of S. a., Ingalls, a bankropL R. N.-WII,LA RD. Jane 30-14 Register. OUR arkocicop SUMMER CLOTH ing is ibe CILEAPET and-the BEST. DEVLIN & CO. BROADWAY, CORNER OF °BAND B7'. - BROADWAY, CORNER OF WARREN 87'. .EEit YOBS. nIIR BOYS" 8; YOUTHS' SUITS fir V Deems cir School purposes are the most tasteful in the hiarket. DEVLIN *. CO. BROADWAY. CORNER OF GRAND BT. BROA AWAY, CORNER OF_ WARREN BT. NEW YORK. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Is Se filled: with tbetlnest and boat EU "lONIAN sad AMERIPAN 1 , 4131t1C5. DEVLIN & CO. BROADWAY: COSNER OF GRANO ST. BBOADWAA,OORNER OF WARREN ST. • PER FORK. ( IUR STOM CUTVERS ARE MEN N-° of, TASTE , and ABILITY. and unstimnesed in tha r profeision. DEVLINI dc CO. Broactglay, tornee:of &rand Ot. Broacipay, corner of Warren St. Nero York. 4 - 1 -un AMERICAN YOKE SHIRT excels in rittI,CrI,WEJLF.E. RIAU) A,Ir•E and DU. BANLVT.IN- LIZ DEVLIN 44c CO. Broach/my,: eoinet; ;11- Grand St. • Bruatititay,;thrifetilie Worren,Sl. - Noto...Tork. 0" PATCES 'ARE •TWENTY , 'PER cent. boltriv OTHER BUITARa nrnAnHntr th. Milne Meltfietrod,l. - i DEVLIN & CO. '-' ' . Brondioay,'eornei of (hand ,Se. m p g, • Brwid: A :coma of Warren se ,,,,fiii• , ~ . -- Ifra AO. BY virtue of a certain writ Lotted by the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County, and to me directed. I will expose to sale by. -public vendee, at the Court-house, in Montrose. on Saturday, July 15.11368, at o'clock, P. M., the following deScribed piece or parcel of land, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Oak land township. Susquehanna cottnty, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit ; Beginning-im - theOnorth aide of the river leading from the new 'bridge to Levi Westiall's, on rue east by - a four feet alley reserved by Michael Congdon. which ellel johns J. Horan's lot ; on the north by tan& ot said Congdon, rod on the West by Hanegan's lot; said lot is three rode and thirteen and a hal Unite on ..aid riv r road, an' eleven and one. half feet wide on the back end. and six rode and nineteen links from front to rear. containing thirteen and three fourths. rods of land, more or loss, with one daielltng bottom and all Improved. (Taken in execution at the suit of L. P. Hinds ye.• Daniel Hackett. S. F. LANS, Sheri& Sheriff's Office, Montrose, June SO, 1868. THE undersigned. an auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas 01 Suequ, banns County to dl.tri bate the fond Arising from Sheriff's talent the r al es. tate of Norman I Post. will attend to the duties of his appointment' at his °dice In Montrose. on Tuesday the 28th day July, 1868, at one o'clock, p. m., at which lime and place 101 persons are required to present their claims or be do Jarred from coming In on said fund A CII kiniSLIN, Auditor. Montrose. Jane 80, 1868. Horses, Stage Coaches, Buggies, &e. for sale. 0" pair of I lorea a covered Coach. one open Hack, Bucfl7. Siete', Harnesses, &se. &c., fur sate on terms to cult. R. B. SWISHER. Springville, June =, 1368. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. MITE firm of John Hayden & Brother expires this day by mutual consent. JOHN HAYDEN, New Milford. J.rne 8, 18%8. (16)3 MART SAN DEN. N. B.—The business wail be col tinned by the under- Sigued &I heretofore. JOHN HAYDEN. I) RUGS & PATENTIEDICINES A large vapply Jost received Montruee, Jube 16, 1868. ABEL TURRELL. YINTs and OILS, of all kinds, for ' !Bit by ABEL TURRELL. Moutroee, demo In. into. PEBBLE SPECTACLES—ftIqn com mon Syrctaclee, a new supply. for Pale by; Montrose, June 16, 1868. ABEL Tt RE ELL. MIRRORS, JEWELRY, NOTIONS, /TA. ,tc. a new supply. for riule by Montrose, Jane 16, lttlid. ABEL TURRELL. NEARLY EVERYTHING For Sale By ABEL TCRRELL. f;STATE of NANCY MARIA HICK- L. 4 OX.„ deceased, late of Dimock township, Snaque• henna county, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been grai.ted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and those haying claims against tliesame to present them duly authenti cated (or settlement ABEL TURRELL is now rec , ivine are addition to his already extensive assortment of GOODS. a large proportion of which a ill be sold at greatly reduced prices. Montrose, June 9th. 1868. 'l 4 4,Tew Firm. mint new flrm, Whipple, More & Brink, *could tin t flounce to the Citizen.. of New M ilford and vicinity that they hare re-iinet,ed the old A tend formerly (wen pli d by Geo B. McCollum, where thty w,l/ keep pn hand an assortment of FLOUR FEED, MEAL, cte. of their own manofactu•e, which they can recommend to the public as a first claas article, and which they will wholesale and retail at prices to snit the times. Whipple, More d Brink. New Milford, May 26, 1869.—tf. The Florence Sewing Machine, -1-1 7 AS awarded the First Premiums at the following VY Fairs arid Industrial Explbillous during the part season : New England Agricultural Fair. Providence. New York State Agricuitnral Fair. ButLilo, American Institute. New York. Maryland Institute, Baltimore, filecha ides' Association, Lowell. Besides numerous:Elinor State and County Faire Oro% out the country, thus establishing our claim that the Florence is the Best Family Sewing Machine in the World. YCII been in to see our New Stoeklet t If not, you you should attend u. It at once, Having Puranay. 4 the stock and brood 111 in the A/00K, STATioNENT, lizwit and FANCY Goons Business of Byron Kuon. and removed to the next building above. we propose to for lorn'.!" anythingio this I life whim you may want, and at as low figures as possible and live.. will *hear find a choice eelertinn of Stationery, Perfumery, Pens, Cutlery. Books, No• Gone & Faney Goods at prices not of before for years. All the Daily. Weekly. WWII and Illustrated Pap. rs. inaffitine.. Periodicity and quarter lies r.neived by first Exprees, after issue. If we have not what you want ou hand, leave your order. We have the agency of gr.oßEFirlt. MITER r;ER R Wit,SnN, ELLTPTIfI and BERTIIOLF Sewing' Machines. and will always keeps supply of Sewing Machines and machine fix tures on hand. Trnatiu: this 1111MIIM wili please you. *Ad soliciting a cam, whether we sell I ion anything or not, we ere 711)1111,ELL licmtinuallYrecehring zusapplidsofGFagrise Oft* sad liledicinek 'Mb vial *tau lower as ear QUM BMW ifoMmi SHERIFF'S SALE. Auditor's Notice. NATHANIEL H. :111.131AN, Ex'r Dirnock, June 16, 1868. FLOILENCIS SICINT2SO MACIONE CO., 605 Broadway, N. Y Send for an Illustrated Circular. [je OtPlO , X3Cearcl 'T'he Wows; • Truly. &c.. OEO. O. HILL & 00. Montrose. Ps.. Stiy 23.1 86 8 THE ECONOMY RAKE AND GLEANER. 0 14 I Cmhining the old revel] virtu: rake with the in depPild ent, notion of the teeth.— UN STEELY SELF DISCHARGING. This Machine la manufactured by L. BEAM, one and a half miles North of Alootroeo. near Motra woolen factory, alto la uttered by him to the Farmers of ettanuettanua county as the hen lie) and Grain Rake now In use. I fuilyr euaranteo this 31a. lune to gather the hap easier. and to leave it in better shape fur pitching than any Other 'take in the county, or no sale.• I invite every responsible farmer setebing a hay take to come and get one, take it home and try it for two ur three d tys.uud if nut satisfied to retrain It, and no charge will be m .de, unless the machine la broken. I have a large m whine in operation at the factory. where each farmer can see It tried before baying. I alsu warrant and,aartintett that any buy 12 years old, able to guide a horse , can du all the taking un a large farm Jost as easily and_gulckly as a man. Ey re erring to the above engraving, you will s•e that each mike Is provided with TWO FULL stas (no TEE. (U, which work alternately, changing at each windrow—first. one set then the other. The teeth are so arranged that they cannot break. During the whole of last season, nut a tooth was broken, while the machine was tried and tested in the hardest manner. Farmers, look to your interest. This macbin e will 11-. Se the niffeience between a boy's and man's wages. it wiii gat her your hay and brain tree from dust and dirt. It will turn-the underside of tha hay up to the son at each windrow. thereby enain nig you to commence raking an hour earlier. It ha made in the strongest poesible manner. of hardwood and wroueht true, and has a tip top steel spring seat not surpassed by any in the country. It can be taken apart without removing a bolt or screw. It is made .t home. where any part can be rept .eed small cost. This machine w ee pttented last year, and is nothing like my old rake, as THIS la A itaVoLVEll ON WNEELS• The first premium was awar led this in tchlue at our County Fair last fall. Re member that this Rake is sold for less than-any other noon wheal rite in the. county. Price of rake. complete. with wheels, Wind M =without wheels. tame Who have wheels jaet four feet high, can have thaw fit ted by brattier theta t o that - actors, and save $lO. None but just tour feet wheels will answer, Call and see it and you will have no other. 00 ... Planing and Matching done to order on short notice. 33 eat:Ma. Montrose, June 9, 1868.-4 " THE EUREKA MOWER TEIE ONLY DIRECT DRAFT, AND THE BEST MACHINE NOW IIsT.USE ri - Call and look at one at Goodwin & Fletcher's livery stable, Montrose. '• MOTHERS! WHlleluyouNwo orrrtie t. y tb o y r on n r tg see entering, teethi n g cry all the time; have pity for thy little caterers and ac c e ry DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY. It will pacify and relieve the little ores at once. Warranted perfectly Harmless, but Effec tual. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. • PRICE 33 CTS. PER BOTTLE. may 28, 1863-1 y• 113et,gs. lIRKEY Morocco Rage, of all kinds sizes and opal. T tire. Ladlea' and Gents' TravOing ai.dß, ucnle Bags. from 0,50 $lO. Common, Railroad, and Gothic Bags, from 15 cts. to $2. At A. D. BUTTERFIELDS. 33.Etss3s..ets*.i. AFULL line of beautiful and durable splint and A BASKETS.conb tst ing of Reticule of all siz es. Work and Pocket Work. Clothes, Market and Din ner Baskets. Sold for cash, at reduced prices, by A. D. BUTTERFIELD. 13- I—a CP N:7 - 30 THEplace to get your P k PIS KID GLOVES. best qcutilty, $1.50 per pair, and every pair warranted. Rasa Ger fEi int . SUN UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS. silk and cotton, a great variety, very cheap, for sale by L.AbitS' Ribbed Cotton HOSE for /-4 to cta. per pair. A. D. BUTTERFIEI D. F ANS in great variety, and cheap, at BUTTERFIELD'S MrStare In name banning with poet omco. Montrode, May 19, lESS. J . :k.IIIIMPLIC!.L.TV Anti-Incrustation Co's Office, Ito. 147 South Fourth Strcet, PHILADELPHIA. hes B..xLt Irs.c,rweita , t x- AVILL remove s cales from Steam Boilers and keep them clean, render the Boiler :esti liable to explo sion.and causing a great saving of fuel These Instruments have been in successful use dur ing the last two years in many of the large establish ments of Philadelphia. and other part- of the U. S. from which the most flattering testimonialsof their wonder ful saving of feel and lahnr have bee , received. IVO — Parties having Boilers would do well to call at the °Mee, and examine testimonials. &c. RZRA I.IIKENs. - JVIIN PAREMA. Seer and Treas. President Jane 2.1888.--3 m BOOK AGENTS WANTED To solicit orders for DR. WiLIJAH 8 ;TWO DICTION ARY OF THE BIBLE. The on y edition published in America. condensed by Dr Smith's own hand. In one large Octavo volume, illustrated with over 125 steel and wood engravings. Agents and subscribers see that you get the genuine edition by Dr Smith. The Springfield Republican says, this edition pub lished by Messrs. Burr &, Co-e the genuine thing. The Congregationalist says, whoever wishes to est, In the cheapest form, the best Dictionary of the Bible, should buy this. We also want agents for ELLIOT'S New Work. REMAR KABLE CHARACTERS A's]) MEHORABLE PLACES Op THE 11. LY LAND. By Henry Ward Beech, r. 'I. D. Woolsey, LL.' Pres. of Wesleyan Univ., Rt. Rev. Thos. M. Clark. Bishop of Rhode Island, Ac &c. They are new and original works by these authors, and their subjects are approved by clergymen of all de nominations, Agents are meeting with 'unparalleled success. We employ no General Agents for either book. end offer extra inducements to Canvassers.— Agents tto II see the advantage of dealing directly with the Publishers. For descriptive circulars. with full par ticulars and terms, address the Publishers. J. B. BURR & CU., Hartford, Conn. June 9.1888-2m* Staten2ent of Bounty Matters of Fore s t Lake Township for 1,867. • Amount of'Dopllente. ' $2.251 25 Balsnot. of Dnplicsto in bands of collector, -• 2.219 65 Amonnt of !sands and orders redeemed; . 1.2 1 8 E s Apoant °Maude outotandln.. • . 8,400 00 3. a. 'MUM Jan TURRELT., 11,01toni. . .- JOHN lIRADIULLW, 7431!8: 1 40, 41180 9; 1801-11 w ~; ... . '. TV4OW GEO. HAYDEN & CO . 1%7'1E117V 43- CO Clo 7,a 63 To be, 'lsola. by lstaam. TEAM Is the great propelling power of the age Business by Steam." mea a doing It with the spirit of enterprise—not slow but fast—Rapid sales at small pretlts, opposed to the old foil system of slow sales and large profits. Steam is not tole! Steam trav els on hind and water, but does not Innate balloons I Stesm means power. energy, life, activity, end throws down all opposing übstaci, a. The old fogies don't like Its ry speed, and are run down by its Iron wheels. But the people believe in auam—steionhoate. steam cars. and steam stores, when they c,n fled them. We propnee to chow that. but.lnces can be done on steam principles. without danger of explosion. Our Safety valves are Good Goods at Low Prices fur Cash, and ,re believe our New Stock ran be sold out In "don bie quirk time," and replenished again and again. ff the people Will only commit their true interests and pa troniza desires who are cetermined to win customers by alwaysgiviog the most fur t heir money. But mmae and see our New Stuck of seasonable Goods We have a floe show of DRY GOODS,` . • _• DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, CLOTHS, eAS Sig E RES • - Boots tis Shoes, Bats & Caps, Gruceriiy, Crockery, Flour, FiA, Salt, NolinuB, rte. etc. AGENTS FOR WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES. COME AND COMPARE PRICES AIM DECIDE. GEO LIATDER, GEO. HAYDEN,* CO. J. s. patincrr. New Mil ord, May 5, 1868. IF GRIEF, AGE,' OR SICKNESS Has Blanched your Locks, If bald ; if troubled with dandruff or any humors upon the scalp ; if your hal r falls out ; or if it is dry, airy, or intractable, buy une bottle of 3L.34C10 ELECTRIC ROI RENEWER, And you will and it precisely salted to your case. Sold by all Druggists throughout the United States. May 26,1868—y' A. D. BUTTELWLELD A. D. BUTTERFLELD 1010.13.0. T LYONS rvtnrss his sincere thanks to his friends CP . and gemiruits onhlic fur past favors, and would commend to th. , l r patronage, the new firm of I.YLLN DRAKE & Ctt .w hre he will still he fund, and glad to see all who will favor them with a cull. l• un t rose, slay 211, 186 S. One More New Frim. T the sore formerly occupied by J,Lyons will be found LYONS. DRAKE & CO. who are prepared to furalsb tile claire P of :Montrose and the verreuudina euttntry with almost everything in the lint of First Class Groceries and Provisions, Flour, Fish, Canned and Dried Fruits, Nuts, Candies, etc. etc. Also, Wood and Willow Ware, and Slone T A. LYONS, 0 11. Dasza. 0. 11. LYONS M, ntrose, May 26,1668. pUTNAM WRINGERS A new lot of the celebrated Iron Clothes Wringers; at LY‘ , NS, DRAKE k CO'd. SHALE' 'S SCALES—wanted in every tautly. Ca)! and Bee them at LYONS, DRAKE & Co's. yAgKEE NOTIONS In great abn,dance ; and a lot of I.IIY GOODS which will be cold at nuheat dof low prices. A new wort m.nt. of LADIE - Alec* a great varlet. of WINDOW CURTAINS, Pg. received, and selling cheap. N B.—No trouble td chow Goods. G've us a call ; It we can't snit you, don't bu . y LYONS, DRAKE & CO. igiew TRClOgrfennt.ir gobreeerylntarlTerchzticotbn2inlirriteerietboufst Dm In all Ite branchko. CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR, SUGARS, TEAS, & COFFEES, Will bo kept on band. 121rElpecial attendee will be gi van toibipping Batter. IiETWOOD & PRINS. lltrose, May 12.1368. Tir oNfr a BD Assoollsetton.Pb Iladelpishi iPa iZ nieenreF nettle Nervone. &emir pl.lrrivat, n d sex. nalgtoterno—not And relfshterrepttneitt-Ar Reportred the tioWAßil ApROCIATTON. rent hy wall In nettled et 4er enyelopee:free of ebarre. ddreirlA. , l Einntfultut. licslGUlANlCelation,No 2 pen* 9111= Pbi1544212, re. :Otto `;,khatistintats.. DISCHARGE OF A BANKRUPT. in the District Court of the United Stated for air Western District of Pennsylvania. In Bankruptcy. In' the matter of John Feurot, a bankrupt, OM - John Fenrot having applied to the Court tor a dia• . charge from his debts . By or er of the Court noticels hereby given to all ereditors , whe have proved their dehta and other persons In intereetto apt t ear the day of July ItSS, at to o'clock a. of .1, at ambers of ther -- . sato District Coat before E.N. WILLARD. one of the . Beglitera of twirl Conn. In the city of rcranton. at NO: 833 La , barranala avenue. to chow canoe why a dlacharipit' , should not be granted to the eatdbankrupt. Jane 8(1--2vi S. C. McCA.NDLEBF, ASSIGNEE IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of the United States ,for this Western District of ?massy!yenta In the matter of } Vorbees Catterty, a bankrupt. La BantuOptey. To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereb y glees notice of hisappoLut repines AMYL:Dee , of Vorhtes felicity of Lello* townt•hip. in the county of Snsonettanna. and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has Item ad • judged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the Disit triet Court of said District. I .ated 31sly 4th. 1868. A f3.MeCOLLII.II, Assignee. Montrose, June V), 1888.-8 w ASSIGNEE IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District c'ourt of the United States 101 this Western District of f!ennlylvainla In the matter of 1., M. Baldwin, a bankrupt } Barimptcy. To whom it moy concern : • The undersizned hereby glees notice of ids appoint,. ment as assignee of L. M. Baldwin. of the township or Ei,ocntlyn. la the county of snsquehanna, and stated' Penneyrrania. w thin said Dls , rfct, who bee been sti• jatig.d a bankrupt upon his own prtition, be the Die. trim Court of sold District. Dated May 7, PAS GEO. Y. LITTLE, Assignee. Montrose,June3o,lB6B.-Bw. ANIKRUPT'S ASSIGNEE. In the District Court of the United SWUM flit Western District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of J. W. carrier, a bankrupt. }ln Bankruptcy. ig raffit (011Cfrn The andersiened hereby gives notice of hi. aonotnt• meut ae assiguee of .7. W. Carrier, of Maw& township. county of Susquehanna, and State of Penn• a)ivau ca. within said District. who has been died. ed a hai krupt upon his own petition by the District. Cowl of said District. Dated archb, GEO P. LITTLE, Maly:me- Montrose, Mane 20,1808.—5 w • NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. This is to give notice that on the Wth day of May, A. D., 18f38. a warrant in bankruptcy was isittedagainsf th , estate of Edward Carlisle, of Cereal Bend, Sastinew hanna county, Pennsylvania, who has been adJudr ed a bankrupt. on his own petition; that the payment of any dent and &livery of any property belonging to aura bankrupt. to binfor for his use, and the transfer or auy' - pruperty by him, are forbidden by law. That. meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts. and to choose one or More assign. es of blis estate. will he held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be held at 803 Lackawanna Avenue. Scranton. Penn s ulynnlt. , k 4 baler° Edward N. Willard, Register, On this day at July, 186.3, at if) o'clock. a in. THOS. A, ROWLEY, D. S. Marsbal. Jane 9-4 as Messenger, Western Dist. el Pa. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. This is to give notice. that on tho Itt diy of /iine, A. D. 1868. a warrant in bankriintcy.Wasteseed against How estate of Norman P. Lnomia, of Springville. Sups. banns county. Pennsylvania, who has been adjadged a bank rapt on hip own prtit,ion; that the payment °fatty debt and deli Yery of any property belonging to such bankrupt. to him or for his use, and the transfer of any' property by him. are forbidden by law. Thats meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt. to prove their debts, and to chow -e one or more assignees of his estate, will be h• id at a Court of Bankruptcy. to be held at N 0.803 Lackawanna venue, Scranton. Pa., before Edward N. Willard, Register, on the Bth day of July. 156, at 4 o'clock, a. in. TIIOS. A. ROWLEY, . U. 8. Marshal. as Messenger. Western District of Penna. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. ' TIIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE • June 9-4 u? That on the lst day of, June. 1868, a warrant• hit bankruptcy was Issued against the estate of Jerome. It. Townsend or Brooklyn, susquehanna county. Penn. sylvan's. who has been adjudgid a bankrupt. on 11111 own petition ; that the pa' ment of any debts and dee , livery of any property b' 'him are forbidden by law ; 1 that a meeting of the tredltora o 1 the teankrupt, to ;:mire their debts, and't o choose Ile o re tweittneink °flits estate, will he held at a curt of Bankruptcy. to be held at No. 303 Lackawanna Avetwe, Scranton. Pa., before Edward N. Willard. Itegister, on We 6Uh day of July, 1868, at ten o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A ROWT.rir, • . V. S Marshal, u messenger. Western Distrie4 Or Pennsylvania. IJuno 9-4 w NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. Thle 1• to give notice, that on the sth day of June. A. D. 13fv, a warrant In bankruptcy Wag issued against the estate of.). J flallstead. of Nicholson, Wyomlngee. who hal been adjudged a bankrupt, on hie own vtition ; that the payment of any debt and delivery of _ ny property belonging to such hankropt, to him or tot his use. and the transfer of any prope tv by him are for bidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors °timid. bal.krupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his a-state, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy. to he held nt 'No. 303 LackawannwAvenne , mcrA n t on. Pennsylvania. before Ed war N.'. Register, on the Bth day of July, 1666, at .10 o'clock, a. in, T 170.3. A. ROWLEY. 11. S. Marshal, as Siessenger, Western DIM. Pa.. June 9, 1869.-4 NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. Thi a IP.to gTve. notice that on:the sth day'of.Jane. A. 1868, e warrant In bankruptcy was leaned against the estate of J.tcob A. Thonms, of Nicholson, Wyoming county. l'ennvyhrania, who 'hes heed adjadired a hank. rapt upon hie own petition; that the payment of any. debt and the delivery of any property belongingtottaid - bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer Of. any property by him are forbidden by law.; that a meeting . of creditors of acid bankrupt to prove their debts and. to choose onoor more 'wale:tees of 'his eatate.will held at a Court of lilankruptcv, lobe held at EX Larlm• wanna Avente.. Fier/mum. Pennsylvania, before ED— WARD N. WILLARD. Register, on the 9th day ofanly.. 1868, at 10 o'clock. a. m. TIMM AS A. ROWLEY, 11. B. Marshal. no Messenger, Western District °Mentes. BANKRUPT'S ASSIGNEE: ::;: Jane 9-4 In the District Court of the United Stated forth*. Western District of Pennsylvania : In the matter of B. /3 Ingalls, a bankrupt. } ll l Batikru P tc r` To WHO)! IT MAT CONCEIT:I I The undersigned hereby gives notice of Ms appoint ment as assignee of S. 8. Ingalls. of Wisely. in the County of Susenehanna and State of Pennsylva nia. within said di tract. who has been adjUdged . • hankrgpt anon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated March 18. A. D.. 1868. 0. LATHROP, Assignee.. June 16, 1136q.--87: Tho nooignee will meet creditors at - S. B. Insane h use Friday and Saturday Of each week tmtil JaIJ 18th, for settlement, INTITS DI:AT11 !CT COURT of the: United States for the Western. District of Perin's,. In the matt .•r of C. jr. Bacon, a Bankrupt. ir ln Bariltrap ey. Thu nhdursidnrd gives notice Of big appointm ent ,psienee of C. Al Bacon, of Naehelson, in the county of Wsoinlne. State of Pennsylvania, within said' district, who haa been adjadeed bank•not upon -btu own psrition in the district Court of eald dtatriet. Da ted April 28th. 18r.8. UEO. P. LITTLE, Montrose, Jana 23, 1868.-8 Assignee. DECLINE IN FLOUR... • Mimic.°Ufa 311111 la furnishing first rato Winter Wheat Flour at sls 50. QtiOOS,di TINGaT. , I _ TWELVE YEARS REPUTATION has proved Dr. 4. DW ARDS' Tom. Tnidehei+venik ceseb Syrup!. The moot sovrossfol @!TtElsll- medicine in nee or MAU, Covets. Trogreend.r, Aram* Trideeprogran ' chills, Whooptegcrr, teal tananri. ali tirge a t tOdlL el I